IC911’s inaugural ‘David Ray Griffin Annual Lecture’ with Dr Daniele Ganser
Dr Piers Robinson

I’m delighted to announce that the International Center for 9/11 Justice is initiating an annual lecture, dedicated to the late Professor David Ray Griffin. This coming December, on Sunday the 3rd, Dr Daniele Ganser will be delivering the inaugural lecture based on his book USA: Ruthless Empire.
Ganser is best known for his book NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe, published in English in 2004. With opening remarks from Elizabeth Woodworth, long term colleague and friend of Professor Griffin, and Professor Richard Falk, the lecture will be followed by a discussion with Daniele, Professor Falk and Marilyn Langlois. I will be moderating the roundtable which will include discussion of NATO’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and U.S. ally Israel’s brutal war in Gaza.
The two-hour event will be livestreamed by independent news organization UK Column. It will begin at 7:00 PM CET / 1:00 PM EST / 10:00 AM PST on Sunday, December 3, 2023.
Further details here: https://ic911.org/news/save-the-date-the-first-annual-david-ray-griffin-lecture-on-dec-3-2023/
Dr Piers Robinson was Chair/Professor in Politics, Society and Political Journalism (University of Sheffield, 2016-19), Senior Lecturer in International Politics (University of Manchester, 2010-16) and Lecturer in Political Communication (University of Liverpool, 1999-05). He is co-Director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies, convenor of the Working Group on Syria, Media and Propaganda and associated researcher with the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 ‘Global War on Terror.
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It’s long overdue that OffG and all English-speaking media, involve Daniele Ganser,
In any serious discussion of WTC7 and its’ contents. Especially if we are going to re-write
History more accurately… instead of the Laws of Physics ! !
What was that ?
A controlled demolition
After 4 years of computer modelling,
Proving NIST’S Conclusions of
‘Fire’, impossible … !
Ask any Fireman or
Demolitions Expert !
Real Experts exist.
Listen to them…
That is some serious delusion thinking GCHQ & Naval Intelligence with links to the Conservative party is independent.
Will we see OffG/IC4911J, tackle specific areas of 9/11 in detail in the future?
I’m specifically interested in all things around the Pentagon, more specifically the ‘alledged terroirist’ flight training and the flight profile detailed by the ‘recovered’ the black box?
You should be more interested in the contents of WTC7, than the blown up wing of the Pentagon. WTC7 was the main Target of that day and a New Pearl Harbour was the goal.
Easy to evidence, if will exists… but, who cares about $$$ 2.3 Trillion $$$,
Missing in Action. ?
I am so happy to see David Ray Griffin’s memory honored
The desperate need of the moment is research into 10/7. This obvious false flag is the excuse for one of the ugliest and most sickeningly cowardly acts of genocide in history.
Absolutely true. The one crucial thing that should have been done before the Ziocons go all guns blazing would have been to investigate what really happened. That they never conducted a true forensic anylysis is already very suspicious and, of course, a clear indication of evidence tempering (as was the case for 9/11).
The ADL and 8200 didn’t like that comment.
OffG, is there reason why we cant see who actually liked or diskliked a comment?
I’m interested in who diskliked the comment
The Christians cheering the onslaught in Jesus birth land was something that reminds me why religious lot is more batshit crazy than the pro vaccine lot.
The modern nation-state has developed in conjunction with capitalism as a protection racket over population resources of labor power in the interests of ruling class interests hiding behind national interests. The expansionist imperative of capital to grow or die was built upon colonial conquest from its origins, leading to nationalized empires from Spain to Britain, all of which have served to extend the reach of capital with continual (re)colonization according to the ‘vile maxim of the masters of mankind – all for us, none for the rest’ (Adam Smith).
The post-WW2 hegemony of US empire has been instrumental as an unprecedented superpower brokering neocolonial globalization, not only bringing us to the great reset but playing a leading role in setting the agenda. Its globocop role enforcing rules-based international order remains essential at this transitional time, ruling the planet with military occupation from earth to space already approximating the prison planet which the transnational capitalist class has planned for us proles. The traditional go-to means of mass depopulation through war, including weapons of mass destruction this ruthless empire has used in its organized crime against humanity, should neither be ignored.
America’s Acts of Economic and Social Warfare Have Killed Millions of People
Interesting insight here on the future of empire:
Expulsion of Gazans would be catastrophic for the region
A good example of memory holing again:
Its been removed by every single MSM outlet, no collusion here……….
From your Link: Osama Bin Laden’s letter to the U$A.
“As for the first question: Why are we fighting and opposing you? The answer is very simple: Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.
a) You attacked us in Palestine, which has sunk under military occupation for more than 80 years. The British handed over Palestine — with your help and your support — to the Jews, who have occupied it for more than 50 years; years overflowing with oppression, tyranny, crimes, killing, expulsion, destruction and devastation. The creation of Israel is a crime which must be erased. There is no need to prove the degree of American support for Israel.”
As if Osama bin Laden was really behind 9/11. 😂
So hilarious and sad how easily manipulated people are
I still believe Osama did it together with 40 Ali Baba moslim thieves from the Afghan mountains and this letter prove what my government said!
Are you really galactically stupid enough to fall for this obvious opportunistic attempt to get morons to accept OBL did 9/11, or are you just here selling globalist propaganda points?
OG on Twitter –
<<People keep talking about #OsamaBinLaden’s letter to America as if it’s real or matters.
Newsflash folks, Bin Laden didn’t do 9/11 and didn’t write that letter.>>
Ganser’s book on NATO’s Operation Gladio describes perhaps the most important “hidden history” of my lifetime. If the people of Western “democracies” finally understood that their own governments have had no problem killing them in false flag operations for political purposes – the sheep-like spell of childish obedience to those governments might finally be dispelled.
Do onto your children as you would have your children do onto the gvt.
Given that Dr. Piers Robinson is co-Director of the “Organization for Propaganda Studies”, the propaganda he himself produces is rather primitive. Two gross, and evil, distortions in just one sentence:
“I will be moderating the roundtable which will include discussion of NATO’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and U.S. ally Israel’s brutal war in Gaza.“
It is not “NATO’s proxy war against Russia”. It is Russia’s war against NATO-proxy Ukraine.
And it is not “U.S. ally Israel’s brutal war in Gaza”. It is Israel protecting its citizens against savage terrorist attacks.
Perhaps it’s more complex than that. Whatever the truth of it is, perhaps that’s a separate question to what purpose these two narrative binaries are serving? A2
If “it’s more complex than that”, than that’s a clear indication that Robinson’s wording is a cheap propaganda slur.
Its clearly a case of ring around the collar meeting dirty laundry.
Methinks it’s time for firm rebukes, not polite rebuttal. Even international laws and human right conventions leave little doubts as to the nature of the abomination commited by the Ziocons.
From a moral and metaphysical standpoint, the fact that such dastardly deeds are being cheered on by so-called democratic ‘first world’ nations would presumably put in question their right to even exist. Drawing from Abrahamic eschatology, if Sodom and Gomorrah deserved destruction for their inhospitability and wickedness, what form of punishment should be metted out to societies engaged in genocide?
Civil war.
Eternal burning in the lake of fire. https://youtu.be/I9j3MtpaFUo
You too, indulge in semantics Manfred.
That’s called propaganda.
Gimme some Truth:
“ Gimme some Truth:”
I did.
Israel has been one continuous lie since it became a state in 1948, indeed since the launching of the European colonial project in the late 19th Century which became Israel. I was born there in 1947, left in 1958, saw it with my own eyes.
That is totally irrelevant to the comment of mine that you are replying to.
“And it is not “U.S. ally Israel’s brutal war in Gaza”. It is Israel protecting its citizens against savage terrorist attacks. ”
Those “savage terrorist attacks” are simply indigenous inhabitants of Palestine resisting genocidal ethnic cleansing. just as did the indigenous inhabitants of the Americas against European colonial settlers.
Those savage terrorist attacks are savage terrorist attacks.
And there is no genocidal ethnic cleansing going on in Gaza.
Just two nights ago I listened to a long interview with someone who was born in Tel Aviv in 1947, left Israel in the mid fifties, and who has a somewhat different view from yours.
What do you offer here in your comments?
Phrases like “one big lie” … “colonial project” … “genocidal ethnic cleansing” …
— Oh! You forgot “apartheid state”.
Ilan Pappe, Israel Shahak, Gideon Levy, Amira Hass,…. Israelis themselves have done the research, uncovered the documents. And i saw with my own eyes the ethnically cleansed ruins of what used to be Yaffo. I have Menachem Begin’s autobiographical account relating with pride how his Irgun militia finished the Arab problem of Yaffo in April 1948, which is how the city became ruins, cleared up to make room for hi rise hotels decades after we left.
Just like you and Israel, there are still Germans who support what Hitler did.
“ Just like you and Israel, there are still Germans who support what Hitler.l
— Wow. What an intelligent retort.
Hi Manfred, welcome to the OG comment section.
Just when did Mossad assign you this website?
Ask Daniel Ganser.
On the 11th September 2001 (after watching Jane Standley announce the collapse of WTC7 a mere 20 odd minutes in advance of the collapse), I recall Daniele Ganser was one of the very first to concur with me in Switzerland & he fully agreed…
especially Regarding The contents of WTC7. !
What was that ?
Just a Fire ?
According to NIST & likely you too, Manfred,
We must re-write the Laws of Physics,
Not our history …
“We must re-write the Laws of Physics.”
— So what? That is the essence of Physics. That is what scientists do. And have always done.
The point of doing research and reasoning in Physics has always been, and rightly is: Re-writing the Laws of Physics.
Let’s keep this real simple, as you wish to play dumb.
Shall we work with the Laws of Physics according to NIST ?
Or, shall we teach the findings of the University of Fairbanks, Alaska, after 4 years of computer modelling
All feasible eventualities ?
There is no “we” here.
You can “work” with whatever you like to work.
And with whom. And I did. And I do. And i always will do so, to remain DataWise… (you complete sucker.)
Carry on prevarication. Kinda’ childish avoidance,
Commands detailed confrontation
CDC you know…
How good were his lyrics?
No wonder he was ‘murdered’:
“I’m sick and tired of hearin’ things
From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded, hypocritics
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
I’ve had enough of readin’ things
By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of Tricky Dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of hope
Money for dope
Money for rope“
The lyrics are pure Kitsch. But he shouldn’t have been murdered for that.
Murder for lyrics is a stretch, day tripping for kicks, now you have a case.
Song lyrics were the memes of their day. When people sing along with them, the words and the meaning behind the words can become embedded in their minds.
That’s why we have national anthems, sports team songs, nursery rhymes etc.
Songs of a revolution are a threat to the PTB.
Imagine owning nothing and being happy
I wonder if you can
You may say I’m a Tavistock asset
But it pays well
Maybe someday you’ll give up and take the mark of the beast
And we’ll all live in UN Smart Cities
Except for the mega-rich, of course!
Right, we know they didn’t write their own lyrics or play on their records, in spits of years of playing in clubs before having a record contract, appearing at the same clubs over and over, in a very competitive club scene, writing a bunch of their early tunes by 1962. The dude took chances standing up for people like John Sinclair.
I regret to report, Herr Dr.Goebbels, but no matter how many times we invert the truth, a lie remains a lie.
The inconvenient fact is, our F16 and F35 bombers are killing one Palestinian child every 10 minutes, and that does not look good to our ally the United States who supplies us with these devices, I regret to say.
You call me Goebbels, we meet in court.
GOEBBELS : Reicht es… Ha’m’es oder Ha’ma’es Nicht, Arschloch…
Arschloch in a Swiss Court, towards wholly worthy policemen & A Judge,
Kostet 1,124 Sfr Swiss Fucking Francs, frankly speaking, I speak from experience in
Bremgarten Kanton Aagau, du billige Arschloch….
“war is the continuation of politics with other means.”
So, when you see conflict, think politics: don’t just think rage or attack and counterattack but what’s the underlying politics. In Ukraine, the underlying politics is made over enlargement. This is a war over NATO’s enlargement, which I think was a reckless thing for the United States to do – and it put Ukraine into the battleground of a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia, which is destroying Ukraine. Now, what is the politics here? The politics here is that the people of Palestine do not have political rights. They live in a condition dominated by Israel. Effectively, as countless organizations have rightly pointed out, an apartheid system imposed by Israel and the whole world, including the United States, has said this has to be remedied by a Palestinian state. And even President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken have repeated this, say, several times, in the last two days. But this is precisely what Netanyahu and his government oppose.
So, this is not a war to end the Hamas threat to move to a state of Palestine. Completely the opposite. This is a war being waged by Israel, ostensibly to crush Hamas, but to dominate the Palestinian lands. This has been made absolutely explicit in the last couple of days, because Blinken kind of murmured, well, the Palestinian Authority should have control over Gaza after this. And Netanyahu said, no way, Israel’s going to have full control over this. “
Jeffery Sacks interviewed by Glen Greenwald
Although I disagree with your analysis, I agree with your general point regarding the framing of the debate. Given the level of awareness of the people involved, the above framing is a “bad faith” position. That is, they are merely creating the appearance of a debate. For instance, they could debate the “responses to a pandemic” without ever questioning whether a pandemic ever actually occurred.
Framing as a Propaganda Technique
Framing (social sciences) (1 C, 10 P)
The main article for this category is Framing (social sciences).
One Subcategory
Framing theorists (11 P)
Ten pages in category “Framing (social sciences)”
Framing (social sciences)Agenda-setting theoryAnti-LGBT rhetoricFrame analysisHallin’s spheresHostile media effectMetaphorical framingPersuasive definitionProspect theoryRacial bias in criminal news in the United States
Bad faith (Latin: mala fides) is a sustained form of deception which consists of entertaining or pretending to entertain one set of feelings while acting as if influenced by another. It is associated with hypocrisy, breach of contract, affectation, and lip service. It may involve intentional deceit of others, or self-deception.
Part 1. – Let’s examine the origin of the savagery you complain about, shall we?
From J. F. C. Fuller’s The Second World War, 1939-45, 1948 [Emphasis in all quotes added]:
“Thus to the thunder of guns the First World War was buried and the Second World War conceived, and though the fundamental causes of the latter—as of the former—may be traced back through steam engines and counting houses to the instincts of tribal man, its immediate cause was the Treaty of Versailles. Not because of its severity, nor because of its lack of wisdom, but because it violated the terms of the Armistice of 11th November, 1918. It is important to remember this, for it was this dishonourable action which enabled Hitler to marshal the whole of Germany behind him and to justify in the eyes of the German people each infringement of the treaty he made.
“Briefly, the story is as follows: On 5th October, 1918, the German Government addressed a note to President Wilson accepting his Fourteen Points and asking for peace negotiations. Three days later the President replied, enquiring whether he was to understand that the object of the German Government in entering into discussion was to be only to agree upon the practical details of the application of the terms laid down in his Fourteen Points, Four Principles and Five Particulars? On receiving an affirmative answer, after further correspondence, on 5th November, the President transmitted to the German Government his final reply, in which he said that the Allied Governments ’declare their willingness to make peace with the Government of Germany on the terms of peace laid down in the President’s Address to Congress of 8th January, 1918 (the Fourteen Points), and the principles of settlement enunciated in his subsequent Addresses. ’
“ ‘The nature of the Contract between Germany and the Allies resulting from this exchange of documents,’ writes John Maynard Keynes (later Lord Keynes), ‘is plain and unequivocal. The terms of the peace are to be in accordance with the Addresses of the President, and the purpose of the Peace Conference is “to discuss the details of their applications.” The circumstances of the Contract were of an unusually solemn and binding character; for one of the conditions of it was that Germany should agree to Armistice Terms which were to be such as would leave her helpless. Germany having rendered herself helpless in reliance on the Contract, the honour of the Allies was peculiarly involved in fulfilling their part and, if there were ambiguities, in not using their position to take advantage of them.’
“They did not fulfil their part. Instead, having rendered Germany helpless, first they abandoned the procedure followed in former peace conferences—including that of Brest-Litovsk—of engaging in oral negotiations with enemy plenipotentiaries; secondly they maintained the blockade throughout the Conference; and thirdly they scrapped the terms of the Armistice, for as Harold Nicolson points out: ‘Of President Wilson’s twenty-three conditions, only four can with any accuracy be said to have been incorporated in the Treaties of Peace.’ ”
Therefore, Germany signed a Contract which violated most of President Wilson’s twenty-three points previously agreed upon by the Allied Powers and Germany as the foundation for the Peace conference; violation which rendered her at the absolute mercy of the Allied Powers. How was Germany forced to sign? Here is Fuller again citing Winston Churchill:
“We are holding all our means of coercion in full operation, or in immediate readiness for use. We are enforcing the blockade with vigour [Armistice in full effect though]. We have strong armies ready to advance at the shortest notice. Germany is very near starvation. The evidence I have received from the officers sent by the War Office all over Germany shows, first of all, the great privations which the German people are suffering, and, secondly, the great danger of a collapse of the entire structure of the German social and national life under the pressure of hunger and malnutrition. Now is therefore the moment to settle.” – Winston Churchill to the House of Commons on 3rd March; 1919
What is my point? That most of the agreed upon twenty-three principles that should have been the foundation for the World Peace have been infringed, shot down. This infringement produced German National Socialism and WWII on the one hand, and the realisation of the Zionist project on the other. Indeed, here are relevant points agreed upon by Britain, France, the United States and Germany among other powers as quoted in Peacemaking 1919, Harold Nocolson, 1933:
Fifth Point: “A free, open-minded and absolutely impartial adjustment of colonial claims based upon a strict observance of the principle that in determining all such questions of sovereignty the interests of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of the Government whose title is to be determined.”
Second Principle: “Peoples and provinces must not be bartered about from sovereignty to sovereignty as if they were chattels or pawns in a game.”
Third Principle: “Every territorial settlement must be in the interests of the populations concerned; and not as a part of any mere adjustment or compromise of claims among rival states.”
Fourth Principle: “All well-defined national elements shall be accorded the utmost satisfaction that can be accorded them without introducing new, or perpetuating old, elements of discord and antagonism.” – Especially relevant to the Zionist Program.
The Fifth Particular reaffirmed the prohibition against secret Treaties.
Among the many private or secret agreements, treaties that should therefore have been nullified, there was a secret Treaty between Britain and France regarding the partition of the former Ottoman Empire and a private agreement between Britain and the Zionist organisation. On these, “President Wilson (and it was almost the last occasion on which he stood by his principles) said that it was a matter of complete indifference to him what France and Great Britain had decided in the form of Secret Treaty: they had since then accepted the Fourteen Points: they were thus obliged, whatever their previous engagements, to consider only the wishes of the populations concerned.” (Peacemaking 1919).
Part 2. – But there were doubts about what the native populations wanted; was it mandates, autonomies, independences, were they for or against Zionism, or were indifferent to it? To find that out an American commission was set up, to the grudge of the delegates of the Allied and, in July 1919, travelled to the Near-East to make inquiries. It’s called the King-Crane Commission and you may have never heard of it or of its report as it is a suppressed Official document of the United States Government; but you can find it at the HathiTrust website. “Their report, when eventually received, was a highly inconvenient document. But by that date President Wilson had left Paris for his final collapse. And the King-Crane Commission report was buried under the dust of subsequent diplomacy.” (Peacemaking 1919). Indeed, Britain and especially France followed instead their thirst for revenge and imperialist drives in denial of their solemn prior engagements. These are some of the Commission’s conclusions relevant to the savagery you mention:
Regarding Zionist Program: For complete Zionist Program – Jewish State and Immigration: 0.59%; for Modified Zionist Program: 0.4%; against Zionist Program: 72.3% (of a total of 1860 petitions).
In Palestine: Moslem population are about four fifths of the population; Christians, less than ten percent, and “[t]he Jews, who constitute a little more than ten percent of the population were all for Zionism. The Moslem and Christian population was practically unanimous against Zionism, usually expressing themselves with great emphasis.”
In the territories under Arab Occupation: At the Syrian Congress at Damascus, one of the points agreed upon was the “fundamental principles laid down by President Wilson in condemnation of secret treaties [which] impel us to protest most emphatically against any treaty that stipulates the partition of our Syrian country and against any private engagement aiming at the establishment of Zionism in the southern part of Syria [Palestine]; therefore we ask the complete annulment of these conventions and agreements.”
Under the heading Zionism: The report, after having confessed the personal sympathy of the commissioners to the cause of Zionism, made among other things the following observations:
“ ‘A National home for the Jewish people’ [as worded in the Balfour Declaration] is not equivalent to making Palestine into a Jewish State; nor can the erection of such a Jewish State be accomplished without the gravest trespass upon the ‘civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine’. The fact came out repeatedly in the Commission’s conference with Jewish representatives, that the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine, by various forms of purchase.”
“If that principle [Wilson’s idea that the wishes of the populations would be the decisive factor in any settlement rather than agreements between powers, and which was agreed upon] is to rule, and the wishes of Palestine’s population are to be decisive as to what is to be done with Palestine, then it is to be remembered that the non-Jewish population of Palestine – nearly nine tenths of the whole – are emphatically against the entire Zionist program. The tables show that there is no one thing upon which the population of Palestine were more agreed than upon this. To subject a people so minded to unlimited Jewish immigration , and to steady financial and social pressure to surrender the land, would be a gross violation of the principle just quoted, and of the people’s rights, though it kept within the forms of law.”
Look up the report, it has a wealth of information collected at the time about the sentiment of the populations of the Middle East on various matters.
So, you understand where savagery comes from? I’d go further: if it wasn’t for the resistance of the Palestinians who refused to leave their land in spite of coercion and violence to do so, and hence had to both face and – how could they help themselves? – commit acts of savagery, there would be no Palestinians, today, to talk about; they would have been absorbed by the nations of the world; and the Zionists would have succeeded in annihilating a whole nation with heavy historical content to affirm a non-existent one. That said, I can understand the Zionist standpoint when they assert that there is a vast land in other Arab or Moslem nations for the Palestinians to go to; but this idea is not as simple as it appears at first glance: to drive a whole nation out of its historical land for another to take its place is not a decision made lightly, and that’s why, although mentioned, the proposal was not elaborated as a serious or feasible one. Why indeed should the salvation of the sacrificed Jewish communities be bought with another sacrifice? Just think what it means for an individual to move from a place to another, even within the same country, just because someone wishes to occupy their place.
The truth is that the Christian States got tired of feeling guilty and took advantage of the war to illegally give their Jewish communities a land already occupied, thus creating another problem. And it is a supreme irony that those who protected and tolerated the Jewish communities while under Islamic banners (for original populations of Middle East are cousins regardless of faith) have today to be the goat to be butchered by the Israeli State itself under the watch of the West. Don’t forget that when the Moslems were defeated in Spain and crossed Gibraltar, the Jewish community followed them hurriedly lest they were left behind to the persecution and greed of the Christian State. I don’t think I have to remind you the pogroms the Jewish populations were victims of and how they made scapegoats of in any crisis. There was a problem there to be examined, but it was easier to just kick the can down the road over to Palestine.
So, the Zionist project was carried out not by right but by might in denial of the obvious objection of the native populations of the whole Middle East and in infringement of the previously agreed upon President Wilson’s principles upon which the Peace Conference was founded. Hence, the State of Israel was and still is an unwelcome, illegitimate State born in violence. Can it reasonably expect lasting peace?
I have a documented reply to you in two parts, the unavoidable conclusion of which is:
“So, the Zionist project was carried out not by right but by might in denial of the obvious objection of the native populations of the whole Middle East and in infringement of the previously agreed upon President Wilson’s conditions upon which the Peace Conference was founded. Hence, the State of Israel was and still is an unwelcome, illegitimate State born in violence. Can it reasonably expect lasting peace?”
Just sent the first part.
What an utter, utter nonsense:
Quote from the book you have read:
“Not because of its severity, nor because of its lack of wisdom, but because it violated the terms of the Armistice of 11th November, 1918. It is important to remember this, for it was this dishonourable action which enabled Hitler to marshal the whole of Germany behind him and to justify in the eyes of the German people each infringement of the treaty he made.”
No. Hitler never marshaled the whole of Germany behind him; he intimidated, persecuted, tortured, murdered those who did not stand behind him.There was a considerable part of the population that despised Hitler, even long before he came to power. There were many who supported and admired Hitler, but there were also many who did not; some of them resisted openly, some in small and hidden ways, some did not resist at all, but still did not “stand behind” Hitler, and his actions were not “justified in their eyes”.
And the mature reader would throw a history book of an author who makes such a silly, outrageous, and clearly false claim into the dustbin right away.
Thomas Aquinas:
Beware of the man who has read one book.
Your critique is of a detail in the introduction that doesn’t change the conclusion. Could you please refute the main thesis, that is the conclusion and the line of reasoning used to arrive at it?
Just to make one more thing correct. Hitler was socialist, Leftist, Liberal, not Right.
Piers Robinson alleges above that Ganser’s 2004 book “NATO’s Secret Armies” was published in English.
That is a stretch.
I read it at the time, with great difficulty.
The text was that of one written by a German native speaker with multiple errors in English based on that.
There were different types or errors, some were obvious and so did not confuse because the reader could mentally fix them, others were lethal to understanding because the author had written correct English in the belief that he was putting his meaning across but had clearly meant something else.
Page after page, after page,. from start to finish.
Presumably someone at the publisher, Routledge, had decided to save money on editors or accepted the typescript from Ganser, sight unseen.
Maybe Ganser had to save money at the time by not paying for his own editor, who knows. Or thought his written English was good enough not to need an editor.
Either way, it is a great shame, given the importance of the subject.
There has never been a 2nd, let alone a revised, edition. Very sad.
Expedience: The first commandment of modern economics.
I’ve found the cost of the book more off-putting. I’m not against “truthers” earning a living (establishment hacks do) but one would think they’d want their information available at a reasonable price.
Everyone can form their own opinion
about your oh-so-serious accusation.
Should we continue to repeat the same story over and over again: “US is a ruthless Empire”?
Next year US will be de-dollarised. US will go up in smoke. US is bankrupt. US will collapse. US is on the borderline to a new civil war.
Great Satan and the City of sin will finally meet its downfall. America will fall to China. Russia will bomb Yellowstone with 1 judo nuke and erase America from the surface of the earth.
I have heard this wishful thinking for 50 years, and still America is stronger than ever.
I wanna see you guys walking the walk now. No more bs.
That’s an inconvenient truth. It’s always easy the perorate endlessly on philosophical questions, but much harder to ennact solutions that implicate one’s own life, let alone delineating revolutionary pathways.
Never let a good collapse go to waste.
Doesn’t that fact that the downfall of the USofAs is “wishful thinking” make you ask yourself a question or ten?
Precisely what I have done here so often. But.. the world wants to be deceived.
As in why do all good people of Planet Earth “wish” for the downfall of the USofAs.
It would be great if USAmerican elites were eliminated, but if not, maybe we can take some tips from the ZioNazis on how to implement this “wishful thinking”.
Pray with heart.
Daniele Ganser explaining ‘The Ruthless Empire’:
From twenty years ago.
Nothing changes but the faces:
A summary :
The Empire of Ignorance, Hyposcrisy and Obedience is an immensely persuasive indictment of the most powerful country on earth. This comprehensive, highly original overview of the American ‘disease’ examines its unchecked corporations, media bias, urban poverty, gun violence, voter apathy, carefree consumerism and burgeoning empire. It discovers the syndrome linking all these ills, and it offers a plan of action that everyone (American or not) can undertake to cure America.
“the most powerful country on earth.”
In which respect most powerful? Please specify: if Militarily, Russia: if Economically, China.
The ability to take the most prisoners.
Listened to this and Ganser sounds suspiciously close to a globalist to me.
The anti-climate change wing of the 9/11 truth movement wants to make sure that you’re not subjected to invasive searches– as long as stay within your 15 minute city.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-11-13. All-cause mortality skyrocketing #Vaccinated nations. OxyContin, Lipobay, Thalidomide, Vit D, IVM- they lied (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
From your Link:
“Former Judge and member of European Parliament @mislavkolakusic presents shocking statistics coming from Europe after #Covid #Vaccine intake – All cause mortality is skyrocketing in highly #Vaccinated countries 😳 : Croatia 🇭🇷 14.6%. Italy 🇮🇹 24.9%. Portugal 🇵🇹 28.8%. Greece 🇬🇷 31.2%. Spain 🇪🇸 36.9%. Iceland 🇮🇸 55.8%. On the other hand, the least #Vaccinated countries barely have ANY deaths at all🤔. Romania 🇷🇴 2.4%. Bulgaria 🇧🇬 1.4%. In other words, the higher the #Vaccine intake, the higher the deaths!! Are we just going to ignore this? (tweet).”
At Last! Someone has done the obvious: compared XS Deaths between vaxxed and non-vaxxed countries.
Amazon blurb for Ganser’s book – USA: The Ruthless Empire
The “world power #1” is not the US and it’s not a nation. Instead, it’s what JFK described as the “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” – and I would have thought that the last few years had demonstrated that reality rather clearly!
Experience is a wonderful teacher and fools will learn from no one.
JFK was talking about international communism
Both International Communism and Fascism were created by the Monolithic Conspiracy – and they were used as a pincer operation to crush genuine, people-led, political organisation. Operation Gladio was a continuation of that policy, but one of the clearest demonstrations was in the Spanish Civil War. See:
Christopher Hitchens, in the introduction to that book, writes that Orwell didn’t have the benefit of the Soviet archive – which was released following the collapse of the Union. However, Hitchens didn’t know (or could plead ignorance) that Mussolini had been an asset of British Intelligence (see below). Moreover, the Bolsheviks had been funded by western bankers and Stalin had been supplied with large volumes of US resources – including armaments. I don’t know if Hitchens ever acknowledged that the “Cold War” was a pseudo creation of the Monolithic Conspiracy, let alone the First and Second World Wars, but JFK would certainly have known! See: “From Major Jordan’s Diaries.”
Mussolini Was an Asset of British Intelligence
Aged 34 at the time, Hoare joined the Army soon after the outbreak of the First World War. He was commissioned into the Norfolk Yeomanry as a temporary lieutenant on 17 October 1914.[17] To his disappointment, he was initially only a recruiting officer[12] and illness prevented him from serving at the front. He was promoted to temporary captain on 24 April 1915.[18]
While acting as a recruiting officer, he learnt Russian. In 1916, he was recruited by Mansfield Cumming to be the future MI6’s liaison officer with the Russian Intelligence service in Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg). He soon became head of the British Intelligence Mission to the Russian General Staff with the temporary rank of lieutenant-colonel.[12][19] In that post, he reported to the British government the death of Rasputin and apologised, because of the sensational nature of the event, for having written it in the style of the Daily Mail.[20]
In March 1917 he was posted to Rome, where he remained until the end of the war. His duties included helping to dissuade Italy from dropping out of the war.[12] In Italy, he met and recruited the former socialist leader Benito Mussolini on behalf of the British overseas intelligence service, which was then known as MI1(c). Britain’s intelligence service helped Mussolini to finance his first forays into Italian politics as a pro-war spokesman, giving the 34-year-old newspaper editor £100 a week to keep his propaganda flowing.[21]
For his services in the war, Hoare was twice mentioned in despatches, appointed Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG) in 1917, and awarded the Orders of St Anne and St Stanislas of Russia, and of St Maurice and St Lazarus of Italy.[8]
From Major Jordan’s Diaries
May 29, 2011
Speech from the 1960s. Major George Racey Jordan was responsible for fascilitating the transfer of American Arms and Technology to the USSR during WWII under the Lend Lease Program. He kept a detailed diary including Primary Source documentation.
The banksters who created both capitalism and Marxism.
An impartial investigative journalist- a very rare breed these days, perhaps almost extinct.
From the time of Operation Mockingbird at least, journalists have been investigated personally, but not impartially.