The Greatest Threat to World Peace? A Review of Daniele Ganser’s ‘USA: The Ruthless Empire’
Ganser’s intention through this book is to strengthen the peace movement, which encompasses people all over the world who reject war as well as the lies and propaganda used to initiate and perpetuate wars.
Marilyn Langlois, via the International Center for 9/11 Justice

If you regard the United States as perhaps flawed but overall a force for good in the world…
If you scoff at the notion that the US, a republic founded on principles of freedom and democracy, has morphed into a world empire, perpetrating assassinations, coups d’état, acts of terror and illegal warfare…
If you want to promote peace but haven’t yet explored deceptive events that precipitate US warmongering…
…here is a volume that will clear the air and paint an honest picture of the significant, not-so-rosy impact US foreign policy and actions have had in the world around us.
USA: The Ruthless Empire, by Swiss historian and peace researcher Daniele Ganser, is the newly published English language translation of his book Imperium USA, originally written in German and published in 2020.
Here is a summary of key points — including some lesser-known ones — along with remedies for a more peaceful future, that are covered in the book.
Ganser takes us on a tour of meticulously documented historical events that would be shocking to anyone committed to fairness and basic human decency. His intention is to strengthen the peace movement, which encompasses people all over the world — including in the US — who reject war as well as the lies and propaganda used to initiate and perpetuate wars. Throughout the book, he emphasizes three key pillars to the peace movement: the United Nations ban on any kind of violence or aggression, mindfulness (allowing one to recognize and see through war propaganda and lies), and viewing all people as members of the human family.
Before delving into history, Ganser sets the stage in Chapter 1, “The USA Poses the Greatest Threat to World Peace.” He backs up this assertion with a dizzying array of figures about how many countries the US has bombed since 1945 (at least 23), how many military bases it has in foreign countries (more than 700), the US world record on military spending (now approaching $1 trillion annually), the number of US troops abroad (over 200,000), and the US status as the only country to have deployed nuclear weapons. He shares results of a Gallup poll of 67,000 people in 65 countries that asked, “Which country poses the greatest threat to world peace today?” to which 24% named the US, while between 5% and 9% named one of six other countries and less than 5% named one of twelve other countries.
Chapter 2, “The USA Is an Oligarchy,” spotlights an ominous manifestation of empire: the astronomical disparities in wealth and income (540 billionaires vs. over 100 million living in poverty, not to mention impacts around the world) resulting from an oligarchy of super-rich running the empire and manipulating information flows with little meaningful influence by voters.
Chapters 3 and 4 describe key precursors to empire both before and after the new US republic established its independence from Britain in the late 18th century — namely, the mass murder and displacement of Native Americans and the importation and exploitation of slave labor from Africa in much of the new nation.
Chapter 5 covers the overt launch of imperial actions in the mid and late 19th century, when the US initiated wars based on lies and often false flag incidents to annex half of Mexico and conquer former Spanish colonies either as outright possessions (Puerto Rico and Guam) or with nominal autonomy but under tight US control (Cuba and the Philippines). The Kingdom of Hawaii was captured and annexed under threat of violence.
Chapter 6, devoted to World War I, elaborates on how, even prior to the US entering combat in 1917, US-based war profiteers flourished. J.P. Morgan & Co. was financing England and France, and US corporations sold arms to Europe. Hence, vested US interests in intentionally prolonging the war cost millions of avoidable deaths. War propaganda thrived, with Germans — who had done nothing to the US — being severely vilified. Hamburgers became “Liberty Steak” and sauerkraut “Liberty Cabbage.” (Remember how in 2003, when France hesitated to join in the war on Iraq, the US Senate cafeteria sold “Freedom Fries”?) The Espionage Act was passed to prosecute pacifists (including Eugene Debs) and deny free speech — and is still being used today to persecute Julian Assange for exposing US war crimes in Iraq.
Chapter 7 scrutinizes the US role in World War II, unravelling its carefully cultivated image of fighting honorably on the side of righteousness, and exposes both belligerent proclivities and mixed loyalties. Ganser reminds us that US companies were allowed to sell oil to Nazi Germany both before and well into the war. Without that fuel supply, the Nazi threat may have dissipated prior to some of the worst atrocities being committed. Again, the war was unnecessarily prolonged.
Though officially allies of the Soviet Union, the US and Great Britain were pleased to see Hitler taking action against communist Russia, and they avoided opening a western front until mid-1944, when it looked like the Soviet Union (which lost 27 million citizens in World War II) would be the sole victor over the Nazis. Ganser unearthed this remarkable June 1941 quote by then-US Senator and later President Harry Truman: “If we see that Germany is winning the war we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany. And that way let them kill as many as possible, although I certainly don’t want Hitler to win in the end.” Divide et impera — divide and conquer.
Truman, as US president, ordered the first and only deployment of nuclear weapons in history so far, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and terrorizing many more at a time when Japan was already prepared to surrender. Ganser documents how, in order to gain popular support for the US entering the war, it intentionally goaded the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor, providing the desired casus belli. The infamous December 7, 1941, attack was no surprise to President Franklin Roosevelt, who let it happen, sacrificing thousands of US servicemembers. As will become relevant to Chapter 12 on the September 11 attacks, Ganser notes that a Hollywood movie, “Pearl Harbor,” parroting the surprise attack myth, was released in May 2001, priming the public subliminally for what was to follow a few months later on September 11.
Chapter 8, “Covert Warfare,” tells us how the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Council were born in the post-war years. It includes a laundry list of how the US used them to perpetrate multiple coups d’état (Iran, Guatemala, Chile), assassinations (Lumumba in Congo, Trujillo of the Dominican Republic, Diem in Vietnam, Che Guevarra in Bolivia), assassination attempts against Fidel Castro, and the failed invasion of Cuba in 1961. President Kennedy ultimately became so outraged by these illegal operations that he fired CIA director Allan Dulles.
Note that Ganser devoted an entire previous book, NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe, to numerous additional covert operations involving the US, via NATO and the CIA, that are not covered in the present volume. These include false flag assassinations, bombing of civilians (blamed on communists), and fixing elections in much of Western Europe throughout the Cold War.
Chapter 9 focuses on the Kennedy assassination, summarizing evidence exonerating Lee Harvey Oswald and implicating Allan Dulles in a conspiracy to commit this heinous murder. After District Attorney Jim Garrison of New Orleans brought much of the evidence to light in 1967, questioning the validity of the Warren Commission Report (authored by Dulles), the CIA created and widely publicized the notion of “conspiracy theorist” as a derogatory term for anyone who challenged the official narrative. Interestingly, Ganser notes that in 1979 the US House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations “saw a high probability that two men had shot Kennedy. . . . The Committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The Committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy.” This report was conveniently obscured by the media, and few are aware of it today.
Chapter 10, on the Vietnam War — which rapidly escalated after Kennedy’s murder — is a painful reminder to those readers who lived through it of the needless suffering inflicted on millions of Vietnamese and on tens of thousands of US soldiers and the peripheral damage to neighboring countries of Laos and Cambodia. The latter two countries were bombed by the US without provocation, inciting the brutality of Khmer Rouge communists, whom the US could demonize to deflect from its own role in the bloodshed. Ganser reminds us of the false flag Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 that was used to provoke a dramatic escalation of the war in Vietnam. While we were repeatedly warned of the propagandistic “domino theory,” there was in fact no chain reaction of neighboring countries turning communist after Vietnam prevailed and defeated the US in 1975 — hence all that death and destruction was in vain, other than benefitting war profiteers.
In Chapter 11 on the Iran-Contra Affair, Ganser elucidates another example of the US pitting two of its adversaries against each other when it supported Saddam Hussein in Iraq’s war against Iran while simultaneously and covertly selling weapons to Iran and secretly using the proceeds to fund the Nicaraguan Contras, who supported the dictatorial Somoza regime. Ganser further shows how the CIA hypocritically engaged secretly in the cocaine trade to finance its covert operations. How many people’s lives have been upended by those operations abroad and in drug-infested US cities?
In Chapters 12 and 13 on 9/11 and the War on Terror, respectively, the US empire ushers in the 21st century with an overwhelming display of shock and awe. The first sub-heading is prescient: “A New Pearl Harbor” refers to a prophetic statement in the year 2000 by the neocon Project for a New American Century, noting that it would be difficult to get the US population to accept massive military spending and upgrades for fighting multiple wars simultaneously “absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor.”
Ganser offers three ways of evaluating the events of September 11, 2001: (1) Surprise attack catching everyone in the US, including top leadership and intelligence services, completely off guard; (2) LIHOP (let it happen on purpose), implying foreknowledge by key players of what was going to happen but intentionally failing to stop it; and (3) MIHOP (made it happen on purpose), involving direct complicity of certain players within the US military-intelligence apparatus and their agents. He disproves (1) and points to (2) and (3) as much more plausible, leaning toward (3).
Abundant research has been conducted debunking the official 9/11 story that 19 Muslim hijackers and a few men in a cave in Afghanistan were solely responsible for the death and destruction that day, and Ganser includes references to much of it in his footnotes. Bringing us to the present day, the author of this review refers readers to the International Center for 9/11 Justice for an up-to-date collection of relevant 9/11 research.
In this volume, Ganser touches on a handful of key anomalies: obvious fallacies of the official 9/11 Commission report authored by Philip Zelikow, a Bush administration insider; the utter failure of the multi-billion dollar US defense system to prevent an attack, including on its own heavily fortified headquarters; the millions in profits made by unnamed individuals who invested heavily in put options in the days before September 11, 2001 (betting that United and American airlines stocks would soon plummet), indicating specific foreknowledge; the clear evidence that World Trade Center Building 7 was destroyed later that day by controlled demolition and the refusal of US authorities or media to even entertain that possibility; and the evidence for the use of explosives in the destruction of the Twin Towers.
With the fall of the Soviet Union ten years before, the US empire had been searching for a new major enemy, and the crimes of 9/11 offered an “ideal” replacement: the never-ending and amorphous “War on Terror,” which could be and has been used to justify numerous military incursions and the proliferation of US bases anywhere “terrorists” are deemed to be lurking. Ganser details the US role in illegal wars in Afghanistan, Iraq (initiated by spreading lies about alleged weapons of mass destruction), and Syria, all of which left millions dead in their wake, not to mention the horrendous abuses of Iraqi prisoners by US soldiers at Abu Ghraib.
On a note of optimism, Ganser points out how the blatant injustice of the wars in the Middle East — like the injustice of the Vietnam War before them — energized the peace movement in the US, prompting massive demonstrations and civil disobedience in opposition, indicating vast numbers who denounce war and empire and seek peaceful coexistence with all peoples. Beyond famous peace movement leaders like Jeannette Rankin, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mahatma Gandhi, he highlights the role of everyday citizens affirming their commitment to all people as members of the human family and rejecting attempts by the elites to divide and conquer.
He also points out how the rise of alternative media has played a role in allowing for dissemination of information that counters the mainstream lies and war propaganda. The explosion of the internet and social media can be a two-edged sword, however, as Ganser points out in Chapter 14, “The Digital Empire,” with consolidation and monopolization of technology and information flows by such digital giants as Google, Facebook, and Wikipedia.
The 15th and final chapter, called “The Fight for Eurasia,” details the US role in the 2014 coup d’état in Ukraine — which was a catalyst for ensuing violence that has now escalated exponentially — as well as the relentless eastward expansion of NATO, contrary to US assurances in 1991 that this would not happen, which is another key causative factor in the havoc being wreaked there today.
The original German edition was written two years prior to Russia’s 2022 “special military operation” in Ukraine. This new English edition does add a few paragraphs condemning Russia’s invasion as a violation of the UN Charter, while noting the provocations by NATO and Ukraine that fueled this proxy war between the US and Russia.
The book likewise does not include the up-to-the-minute status of the US relationship with China, but does note in the last chapter that China’s humiliation by the British Empire during the 19th century Opium Wars has prompted caution in its current relations with the West. We learn about China’s 2013 announcement of the “New Silk Road” in the form of a massive transcontinental infrastructure project also known as the Belt and Road Initiative, now well underway, designed not as an imperial land and resource grab but rather to mutually benefit all participating nations, allowing them to respect each other’s sovereignty and reducing tensions among them.
In his conclusion, Ganser notes that “the peace movement must trust that a world without war is possible.” He is “convinced that a fundamental exit from the spiral of violence is possible. The decisive factor is whether we really want inner and outer peace. If this will is strong enough, we can orient ourselves according to the following three principles: the human family, the UN ban on violence, and mindfulness.”
These three principles, he notes, can be applied to overcome polarization, profiteering, and propaganda. A key tool of empire is dividing people into those who are favored and those who are demonized, pitting them against each other while enabling elites to generate profits for the few from the fighting of the many.
Mindfulness can help people “wake up and quicky realize that war and lies always go hand in hand.” Those who practice mindfulness can no longer be so easily deceived by psychological operations.
In the words of President John F. Kennedy, invoked by Ganser in the introduction to the book, “Our problems are man-made. Therefore, they can be solved by men.”

USA: The Ruthless Empire, by Daniele Ganser
Skyhorse Publishing, 2023
ISBN: 97815107768
Note: Daniele Ganser will be the featured speaker at the First Annual David Ray Griffin Lecture on Sunday, December 3, where he will discuss this book and related current topics. The lecture is hosted by the International Center for 9/11 Justice and UK Column. More information is available here.
Marilyn Langlois is a volunteer community organizer and peace activist based in Richmond, California. She is a guest editorialist for TRANSCEND Media Service and a member of Daniele Ganser’s online peacemaker community. She serves on the board of the International Center for 9/11 Justice.
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I’ve watched some podcasts of Ganser and I think he seems like a nice wellmeaning person. However I found him a bit simplistic. He talks about ‘ countries’ in the world without explaining that what is a ‘ country/state’ is often a vexed question. He talks about the UN as if it is a force for the good …and yet he expressly ackowledges that the USA have a veto which they use and he thinks that when they use it it is not to achieve what he think is fair….It seemed a bit contradictory to me .I think I may well get the book anyway. At lesta it is a very good presentation of evidence that the USA act in the best interests of the USA ( Again he could explore more what he means by the USA s I don’t think that he thinks that the political representatives of the USA truly represent the people. I don’t think that the USA has ever been a true democracy. It has always been controlled by money. I am not sure about the UK; I think there were times when the problme was less bad in the UK.
“Those who practice mindfulness can no longer be so easily deceived by psychological operations.”
The claim is just patently wrong.
I know that from my experience. Ex-friend of mine is “black belt” mindfulness teacher. I had long discussions with him on lots of topics, contentious ones included. He is a guardian-reader and believes any shit propaganda machine is spewing out. No way to actually open his mind.
Funny, ones, just ones I managed to get him being emotional. It was about my very benign claim that “insurrectionist” entrance to Capitol hill was allowed to happen.
Mindfulness itself is just a technique. It can also be used as tranquilizer to cope with the increasingly unbearable circumstances we are living in and, unfortunately, that mostly is the case.
Sadly, you don’t understand the subversion of your own country or why else would you promote this book? What empire would you care to live in? Russia and China are imperialists. Where is the condemnation of their atrocities – 100 million dead is a good start. Think about this – when a country declares war and attacks another country it takes out its energy sector and its manufacturing. We took out our manufacturing in the 90s and we are shutting down our energy production as we speak. All the while, Russia and China swim in fossil fuels. Why? Because we have been subverted by communists. Yes, communists. We grow weak while our enemy thrives. If you will pick up a book and read “New Lies for Old” and “The Perestroika Deception” or books written by Nevin Gussack, Diana West, Cliff Kincaid, J.R, Nyquist or Trevor Loudon you might understand the mess we are in. ‘ and
The American people and their economy have been used like an engine to power the elite’s militaristic part of their trinity of power. Washington, DC is the parasite and the USA its host. Team America bringing death and destruction everywhere it goes all in the name of “Democracy”.
All empires are ruthless, insofar as they pursue their own interests and the expense of others’ interests. But they are also mortal – every empire has its day. Yet none of them want to see their own flaw: their own collapse. History comes down to a simple syllogism: every empire eventually faces the war it is trying to avoid; everyone wants to avoid WW III; therefore that is the fate that awaits. Paradoxically, the only way to avoid it might be to accept it.
Since the Crown Corporation control and own every single country (corporation), including the USA, this type of propaganda is misleading.
“the UN ban on violence”
What ban would that be? They don’t stop violence, in fact, they promote it with Agenda 21 and “forced migration”.
Countries are all privately owned corporations where the populace hold no power. The inhabitants have no way of abolishing regulations or laws, dissolving the corporate structures masquerading as governments, scaling down militaries, inhibiting corruption, or even auditing the thousands of shell corporations that constitute “countries”, managing cities, towns, courts, police, “government” agencies, counties and states.
All countries use the same models of hierarchal and corporate structures with only slight variations according to cultural differences. But all are centrally controlled through the banking system, trade system, stock markets and exchanges, business system and Supra national orgs such as the UN, BIS, IMF, WEF etc.
Originally, religions and faux monarchies were created to mind control and divide their populaces into taxable, controllable sects.
Now nation states and fake political systems, brainwashing (through media and education) and orchestrated wars (military, economic and psychological) are used to conceal central world control, while simultaneously moving large populations in forced migration land grabs.
In every war, you’ll see these land grabs. But if one bothers to research, it’s simple to find out what drug, oil, gas, tech or mineral projects are really behind every war: Including Ukraine and Palestine. The power, control and wealth always shifts away from the populace to the “governments” or “factions”. All wars are orchestrated, not organic.
Political parties (and nation states or empires) are only used to create and fabricate divisions and wedges within the mind controlled, enslaved and taxed populaces. They manufacture consent through division and fear. These fabricated countries and blocs have fictional borders, fictional alliances and fictional enemies.
Nobody has any legal or moral authority over another human. No individual or group. No matter if you vote or not. And that’s something you’ll never hear in the media, church or government school.
you never liked me, and I think you got your friends to gang up on me…to chase me away..
Just to say, I thought what you just wrote was Brilliant ++++
+100… Too much truth – not enough blame. The populace embraces the myriad systems it provides, in order to benefit from it’s own enslavement. Seems to be intrinsic and global…
“Sometimes I think war is God’s way of teaching us geography.” – Paul Rodriguez, Sr –
Books like this used to be extremely difficult to find or even know about. But all the desperation of their schemes in the 21st C, coupled with digital, virtual, media mass distribution, has them a no-clothes empire. While they scramble to try and make virtual reality (smart phones ARE virtual reality) a surveillance Panopticon and prison, the impossible to control, escapes their puny brains. Thank Universe! Indeed, mindfulness will be their undoing. We can and will use it ourselves to inform ourselves, while they persist in thinking we will knowingly allow ourselves to be their RF serfs. Just stop using it to serve their intents. The art of mindfully not-doing, will do it. No consent.
Russian artist jailed for seven years over Ukraine war price tag protest
Nov 16, 2023
Aleksandra “Sasha” Skochilenko, an artist, musician and activist, was found guilty on Thursday of “knowingly spreading false information about the Russian army” in March 2022. The artist replaced five price tags in a local supermarket with pieces of paper urging shoppers to stop the war and resist propaganda on television.
“Putin has been lying to us from television screens for 20 years: the result of these lies is our readiness to justify the war and the senseless deaths,” read one of the altered price tags, which prosecutors declared dangerous to Russian society and the state. “The Russian army bombed an art school in Mariupol. Around 400 people were hiding inside,” read another.
Skochilenko is one of hundreds of Russians to face criminal charges for their opposition to the war. Many have been charged under the law against spreading “fake” information about the military, which was hastily adopted after Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. The law carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison. Others charged have included opposition politicians, activists and journalists.
The laws have had a chilling effect on protest in Russia, where public displays of opposition to the war have virtually disappeared.
“How fragile must the prosecutor’s belief in our state and society be, if he thinks that our statehood and public safety can be brought down by five small pieces of paper?” said Skochilenko, 33, in a final statement in court on Thursday.
Daily Sceptic: “The BBC is under fire for blatant hypocrisy, with Panorama journalist Richard Bilton racking up a staggering 20,000 air miles to cover climate change.”
Which lends weight to the notion that these manufactured issues are invented at least partly to supply “jobs for the boys” and keep everyone pleasurably and lucratively occupied.
Great summation. Thanks.
I saw Mr. Ganser talk about this book on Corbett.
‘Lest we forget’ our enemies are not men and women on foreign shores, they are here among us pretending to be our saviours and friends. We watch old men at the CENOTAPH cry for their fallen comrades whilst ex-prime ministers and royalty pretend they give a damn. These psychopaths like Blair know exactly what the truth is. Words cannot describe the evil of the man, yet while others are in jail trying to tell the truth, that murdering bstrd is allowed pride of place among the ghosts who laid their lives on the line for peace and freedom that never came to pass. FK Remembrance Day its all a pantomime to promote a lie. If we want to remember the dead we bring the warmongering culprits to justice and bring the truth to light.
The Greatest Threat to World Peace? A Review of Daniele Ganser’s ‘USA: The Ruthless Empire’ Ganser’s intention through this book is to strengthen the peace movement, which encompasses people all over the world who reject war as well as the lies and propaganda used to initiate and perpetuate wars.
A couple of interesting tweets from OffG:
“Notice how increasingly trendy it is among the well-funded “alt” crowd to acknowledge & deplore US imperial crimes? Interesting development. Like the BBC “fact-checking” Israel & CNN giving prime time to the horrors of Gaza.”
“Please let’s not get naive and say “even the mainstream are forced to tell the truth sometimes…” No. They are NEVER “forced” to tell the truth. They tell the truth only when it’s useful to them. So WHY are these longstanding truths now useful to them?”
To the “longstanding” truths you can add the recent revelations that discredit the up-till-now almost universal “Oct 7 Hamas Atrocity” tale i.e. Israel is now being blamed for some of the carnage. And in some of the threads now coming out, this even works towards a total reversal of the sanctioned spiel i.e. that it was almost entirely “Israel’s fault”.
This casts a new light on the furious and hyperventilating Zionist propaganda of the last weeks. It is indeed reminiscent of the frothing anti-Russian invective after Ukraine started. I suspect you could even take that anti-Russian stuff, replace “Russian” with “Hamas” and it would be identical.
And this “new turn” of media rhetoric stands ready to topple vast reams of nauseating mostly celeb fuelled rants. Which would be wonderfully cheering to see. But that is where we ought to be suspicious.
I have noted that these celeb accounts – Patricia Heaton (Debra Barone from Everybody Loves Raymond), Rachel Riley. Lee Kern, the ubiquitous David Baddiel etc. – hardly ever seem to produce any actual dialogues with anyone attempting to engage them. This may be due to celebs not having a fucking clue about anything and just blustering their bullshit. But it may also be that they are “doing their job” i.e. responding to advice from their agents and publicists to keep up a barrage of pro-Israel stuff going which they may not even agree with!
In short, twitter is a vast mobile graffiti wall constantly being stirred. Israel is itself expendable.
And the true battle isn’t the one being presented. It never is.
Operation Gaza soon over. Final Solution to the Palestinian problem near completion. But this time there will be no “never forget”. Instead – memory hole at the ready. Move along now. Nothing to see here.
Jon Cook is correct, there’s been a steep decline in
MSM interest. They seem to be waiting (hoping?)
for another ‘massacre’ by Hamas. If Israel uses the
Samson Option to end the hostage situation – it’ll
blame Hamas for not letting the hostages go…Works
every time…
Local MSM now focuses mainly on “The Hostages”
(The Israeli ones, not the Palestinians being held in
Israeli prisons)…In fact, more footage of Rallies &
Marches in Israel, for the release of the Israelis
being held hostage by Hamas, is being shown on
local teevee than footage of well attended local
pro-Palestinian rallies is being shown…Nothing
unusual there…
Compared to the book as described, Edward Curtin’s article was succinct:
Faced with the overall trend of failures on all fronts, the monster grows increasingly desperate and gruesome. -Enkidu Gilgamesh 2019
At a time when the uni-polar world order centered on the US is transitioning into a multi-polar world order involving the cooperation of the US Empire and BRICS in implementing the 4IR/SDGs/Agenda 2030, with the US imperial elite fully participating in enabling this transition. indeed encouraging it, focusing on the US empire exclusively is being stuck in the past.
It’s a limited hangout really. Time to go on and on and on about US atrocities, those in the past of course, but totally and completely ignore the OWG staring us in the face. The part that kills me, still, is that most who hear of such things are shocked, shocked I tell ya, that “they really would do all that.” While many will claim that OWG is a US operation, focusing solely on the Great Satan, the real devils are moving right along with the big agenda. Works every time, doesn’t it? Does not matter who the scapegoat is, as long as the bankers truly in charge are never mentioned.
A regular dose of poverty would be of great benefit to many commenters on this article. Clearly they feel guilty because they have been living comfortably in their materialistic bubble. They hate themselves because of it but turn that hate and loathing against the western countries which in which they were brought up. As a consequence, they feel that they have to assuage their guilt by supporting those oppressed peoples whom TikTok and other Marxist subversives have brainwashed them into virtue signalling a bleeding heart emotionalism over the percieved colonialist oppression by the west. Furthermore these self loathers hate success, especially of the Jews who, historically, have had the enviable habit of turning the hatred of others into national survival enhanced with industrial and academic prowess. To whom it applies: Wake up to your self loathing. The Germans have a name for this dangerous phenomenon it is called leidensneid.
The Star of David reminds me of a panopticon: six
surveillance towers overlooking the incarcerated
inmates (Great idea for a 15 Minute City ?)…
A better idea is the screw driver star of David, its the difference between achievers believers, and believers achievers.
You want peace – you’ll have to close down the arms industry…
Israel, for one, will resist, as it earns billions from the weapons
of war and social control that it exports…
Israel Has Turned The Occupied Territories Into A Laboratory For State Terror:
or for as long as the People are prepared to destroy each other, at the behest of the maniacal influence that manages them.
Israel Is Shutting Down Its Human Laboratory In Gaza…
Who cares about the “war” industry. Can we see yet? The things that are real. Just love each other. Wake up.
Honestly, do we still believe democracy exists?
People who believe in Covid, 9/11, the moon landing etc, do.
US elites use the weapons industry to enslave US taxpayers for life, to impoverish us and prevent us from enjoying our own country. The US weapons industry has guaranteed income, why would it ever agree to peace? Nothing will improve unless US is broken up into at least 3 parts. It’s the only way to separate US taxpayers from the Pentagon. For example, Southwest states could join Mexico. As someone said, the Deep State’s only business is endless war. It has no other excuse for stealing from US taxpayers. US political class considers making weapons “good for jobs.”
Americans are the most propagandised people on the planet, and they wilfully lap up the Lame Stream Media’s Weapons of Mass Distraction without hesitation. Whether it be CIA NEWS NETWORK, MSDNC, or FAUX NEWS, et al.
The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent. If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing. — Malcolm X
Furthermore, they refuse to accept that they’re living in a dying empire; which they do so at their own peril, as they will go down with the sinking ship too.
Dr Frantz Fanon:
Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn’t fit in with the core belief.
I simply call it American Acceptionalism…
a·mer·i·can ac·cep·tion·al·ism
/əˈmerəkən/ \ ak-ˈsep-shnə-ˌli-zəm\
1. people that believe in the myth of american exceptionalism that are living in delusion and denial. So once confronted with the fact that THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION is in fact an empire, not unlike the Roman or British empires before it, they vehemently deny the truth, and defend the American empire anyway.
Fortunately, all bad things must come to an end too. So to those Ugly Americans who refuse to wake up, we bid them a not so fond adieu et au revoir les enfants terribles…
Don’t vote. It only encourages the bastards. — PJ O’Rourke
Don’t vote. Revolt.
Vaya con dios y hasta la vista, crybabies!
Fuck you from all of the US citizens who grew up fighting the establishment. To no avail. From all of us who have fought against the violence and genocide of childhood vaccinations. From all of us who grew up on military bases protesting war. Just fuck right off.
Well it’s obvious that you dumb dumbs have not been trying hard enough. oh btw, thanks for proving me right 😉
Hasta la vista, crybaby! lol
Well, I have to agree with Cathy on this one. Those who generalize that ALL citizens in a country are the same are as dense as a morning fog in the Cascades.
Those who engage in scapegoating one group or another are doing the bidding of those who are working tirelessly to enslave us all, period. Assisting those who they claim are their own enemy, but too blinded by the manufactured hate to see it. It works and it has always worked to divide and conquer and the willfully ignorant do it every godamned time. Like those who blame all the Israeli’s for what their government is doing, as if they truly have any choice in the matter, or those who lump all Palestinians as Hamas (which is actually an Israeli and American creation, but never mind all that). And then the same idiot will tell you to just leave then if you don’t agree, too stupid to see there’s no place to run, and if there were there’d be another scapegoating asshole wherever that is, bleating along about how “those people” are the problem, and if we could just get rid of them, all would be fine. Dense as the morning fog indeed.
Funny how many of those that complain about it and even warn others about it, i.e, the divide thing, still fall for it. Generalizing is an easy thing to do and takes a bit of thinking to avoid it.
No mention of bin-lah-dee-dah-dins’s seminal epistle to damerica.
Finally, one thing everybody can hate!
Love to Hate!
Loving Hating America brings us so together in love and peace, bro.
They are plotting our annihilation.
I liked the knees, not the book.
There is another project afoot that offers
Everlasting Peace, its motto:
“(You’ll) Own Nothing and Be Happy.”
Has a good chance of succeeding..
(ie., It has the guns to back it up).
Foolish as I was, I used to believe that the UK was, if not a force for good in the world, at least it had good intentions. This was how we were brought up by our parents and schoolteachers. Heavy emphasis on nobly standing alone against fascism in 1940 and all that.
Well, all that has been in the bin for a long time, and I only regret that I had not seen sense earlier.
The West in general, and more specifically the drivers of Western policy, the US, UK and to some extent France, although the French have their own view of the world which does not always align with that of Washington and London, are easily the most malignant and destructive force in the modern world. It is, of course, a US Empire, and all of its subjects do what they are told. The UK tries to be its own barking dog, like a young tough in a gang that wants to prove itself. That’s why it was the British Navy’s SBS that blew up Nord Stream. That’s why Truss breathlessly wrote to Blinken at 4am saying “It’s done”.
But every Western country, including a bunch of them in the Pacific, are imperial subjects, and they will do whatever Washington tells them to.
I just read an article pointing at Tony’s Blair frequent meetings with Rothschilds and Prince Charles, plus main figures from the Labour party and their many “soft value foundations”.
Naive youngsters are being high jacked and used as front soldiers for their new global state/corp=fascist paradise.
We, the peoples of these British Isles are no less under the thumb of the Sabbatean Frankist- Masonic entity centred in the City of London – our peoples used to be the cannon fodder sent to die in foreign fields, killing brown people. Now that entity uses silent weapons in the quiet war and we are all being killed at home now.
all movements are captured if not in the process of infiltration.
a world of fictions bad actors.
mock and deny satan and his khazar chums gold smith land pirates for they have all sides covered
Chapter 9 focuses on the Kennedy assassination, summarizing evidence exonerating Lee Harvey Oswald and implicating Allan Dulles in a conspiracy to commit this heinous murder.
For a fairly detailed argument against the CIA-theory of the JFK killing I recommend this recent article :
The CIA story only holds up if you ignore the fact that it apparently failed as a plot. You have to ignore Johnson’s role, his ambition and his policy reversals, Jack Ruby’s background, the Dimona dispute, Abraham Feinberg, Clay Shaw’s connections abroad, the stated opinions of Garrison and many others…..
No matter what you say I will continue to believe Lee Harvey Oswald did it, because I believe in my government!
Pepe Escobar
April 30, 2023
The Beijing leadership is fully aware the NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is the un-dissociable double of an American direct war against the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
Pepe Escobar
August 26, 2022
So when we examine what the “restoration of the Taurian lands” implies, we see not only the contours of Novorossiya but most of all that there won’t be any security for Crimea – and thus Russia – in the Black Sea without Odessa becoming Russian again. And that, on top of it, will solve the Transnistria dilemma.
Novorossiya is a historical name, used during the era of the Russian Empire for an administrative area that would later become the southern mainland of Ukraine: the region immediately north of the Black Sea and Crimea. The province fell largely within a slightly wider area known in Ukrainian as the Stepovyna “Steppe Land”, or Nyz “Lower Land”. The name Novorossiya, which means New Russia, entered official usage in 1764, after the Russian Empire conquered the Crimean Khanate, and annexed its territories, when Novorossiya Governorate (or Province) was founded. Official usage of the name ceased after 1917, when the entire area was incorporated in the Ukrainian People’s Republic (precursor of the Ukrainian SSR).
Uunfortunately, the book does not explore as Antony C Sutton did in his trilogy of books concerning Hitler, The Bolshevik Revolution and Roosevelt, who the are main controlers in the US and in turn their overlords.
Namely, the City of London plus other financial centres in Europe who are pulling all their strings as in part outlined by Carol Quigley, in Tragedy and Hope plus other authors.
Ganser did good work on the NATO secret armies story, but this looks like a rehash of a lot of 20th century American history that has been extensively covered before by many authors.
It presents globalism solely as an American imperialist project , something that is highly questionable post Covid I would say.
Ganser needs to read more about JFK and 911 to consider the role of Israel in those crimes and thereby better understand this ‘Ruthless Empire’ and what forces it best serves. There is no mention of the Israel – US relationship in any of this review, and I wonder if there is any mention of it in the whole book. Seeing as how current that issue is, its a rather startling omission.
It feels as if you have a significant level of familiarity with the profoundly powerful documentary film by Laurent Guyenot: “Israel and the Assassinations of the Kennedy Brothers.”
As the 60th anniversary comes round it will be interesting to see who is (and who isn’t) prepared to explore the theory that Israel might have been involved in JFK’s killing. The JFK Truth movement as a whole has basically deemed the theory off limits from the start. Why is it OK to host major conferences detailing theories around Dulles and the CIA, but not to look at the connections to Israel at all? The CIA theory has pretty much reached much mainstream acceptance, yet the Israel evidence is still taboo.
“There is no mention of the Israel – US relationship in any of this review, and I wonder if there is any mention of it in the whole book.”
I agree,but I will call it by another name,that is more accurate,namely the JQ.
“Seeing as how current that issue is, its a rather startling omission.”
I couldn’t have wrote it better.
Excellent review of what looks to be an excellent (very rare) book of non-sanitized history…
With the fall of the Soviet Union ten years before, the US empire had been searching for a new major enemy, and the crimes of 9/11 offered an “ideal” replacement: the never-ending and amorphous “War on Terror,” which could be and has been used to justify numerous military incursions and the proliferation of US bases anywhere “terrorists” are deemed to be lurking. Ganser details the US role in illegal wars in Afghanistan, Iraq (initiated by spreading lies about alleged weapons of mass destruction), and Syria, all of which left millions dead in their wake, not to mention the horrendous abuses of Iraqi prisoners by US soldiers at Abu Ghraib.
Not to unnecessarily pick bones, but it is important to point out the correct, accurate term:
“War OF Terror”…
see Gansers Wikipedia where he is described as a ‘conspiracy theorist’
Badge of Honour.
Private Central Banking.
So true. The world really started its downward spiral when they privatized money in the 1980’s, along with everything else. There is something called a society and a public sector. When a civilized society requires unanimous necessities like education, healthcare, affordable housing/land ownership, enjoyment of public parks, beaches, etc., then it must be protected from private owners who seek to exploit and/or remove them.
Our problems are made by God, and the gods are trying to solve them.
Your name corresponds to your comment:
Heaven and Hell: Heaven is up and Hell is down, underground, and you are thus the Devil’s poet.
Actually your comment couldnt be spoken more out of the devil’s mouth that this: “Our problems are made by God”…………………….LOL.
Believe what you want to believe, no one can convince you otherwise, not even me.
It’s Impossible To Bomb A Population Into Submission And Obedience
“Did you know that since the United States brought its “war on terror” to Africa, terrorist attacks on that continent have increased by 75,000 percent? That’s right: 75, then three zeros, percent. I learned this neat little stat from a new article by journalist Nick Turse, who also notes that “according to the Pentagon, terrorist attacks in the Sahel region alone have resulted in 9,818 deaths — a 42,500% increase.”
People have been documenting the way attempts to bomb terrorism out of existence actually creates more terrorism for many years. In 2010 Professor Robert A Pape wrote an article for Foreign Policy titled “It’s the Occupation, Stupid” about his study with University of Chicago which found that suicide bombings are the result not of Islamic fundamentalism but of foreign military occupations.”
Yes but it sells more bombs and more weapons. It’s good for the American Weapons Industry.
Dur to increasing military failures, more and more of the $1 trillion/year or so “defense” budget goes to covert operations (Special Forces), covert projects (DARPA) and slush funds for potential wars. Africa is like a new imperial frontier, the diabolic opposite of China’s efforts. The military bases alone are strung from West to East across Africa at its broadest. Boko Haram continues to appear, kidnap children and disappear, perhaps as part of the body parts trade.
The NATZO war against Syria brought in ISIS (Islamic State In Syria) a 500,000 strong CIA army. Today the only place one can still find defeated remnants of ISIS sheltering where the U$ Army of Occupation is clinging to its last toehold in Syria.
An old playbook, begun with Zbigniew Brzezinski’s creation of the Mujahideen under the Carter administration, possibly earlier.
“the US, a republic founded on principles of freedom and democracy, has morphed into a world empire, perpetrating assassinations, coups d’état”.
The USA wasn’t founded as a democracy. As for assassinations and coups the USA has seen plenty of these at home. On top of the four admitted assassinations (all of which have highly dubious elements – not just JFK), the two Presidents who died in office look like probable poisonings and there have been numerous attempts (some that look like fakes but others seem real enough). Nixon’s removal was effectively a coup.
In short, there never was some US golden age of internal/external peace and fluffy bunnies. It’s always been a madhouse with a lunatic inner cabal.
“In his conclusion, Ganser notes that “the peace movement must trust that a world without war is possible.” He is “convinced that a fundamental exit from the spiral of violence is possible. The decisive factor is whether we really want inner and outer peace. If this will is strong enough, we can orient ourselves according to the following three principles: the human family, the UN ban on violence, and mindfulness.”
In his interview with Corbett, Ganser stated that war could become as unthinkable as slavery. Does he really not know how much slavery still exists? As for inner and outer peace, that very much sounds like the esoteric tradition of microcosm/macrocosm or “as above, so below”. His emphasis on will is also straight out of the same tradition. Good luck with that as the path to peace.
He seems to love the UN – is he really so naive about that body as well?
Perhaps he could look at more immediate goals like securing an additional print run of his book on Gladio so that book became more affordable and his information could spread more widely.
You mean founded on principles of Freedumb and Dumbmockery! lol
False Flags and Psyops
False flags have been happening for a long time. The most striking of them were JFK, 9/11, Pearl Harbor, 7/7 and Convid. We have just experienced another big one – 10/7.
Convid was the biggest and the strangest. It created the first global trans Orwellian dystopia. It was overshadowed by the neocon attack on Russia and the apparent attempt to create a new Khazaria. This event has been in turn overshadowed by 10/7 and the ongoing brutal genocide in Gaza.
I was a little shocked when I visited the venerable JFK reseach site “The Education Forum” during convid and encountering researchers suggesting one of their comrades with a cold “test” himself. It is obvious that conspiracy theorists don’t neccessarily apply their knowledge when the next one comes along or yet another. The false flags and psyops are inevitable and incessant. The banksters need an unending stream of these events to justify their dastardly actions.One would expect those that caught on to one would identify subsequent FF’s, spread the knowledge and oppose the “reaction” that inevitably follows. Unfortunately this doesn’t neccessarily happen. Substantial chunks of the scamdemic aware community crossed over to the dark side when 10/7 was perpetrated. This tragic development is an indication that the banksters and their propagandists and their covert agencies and their political lackeys and their religious establishments have completely mastered the art of dividing and corrupting and bamboozling the populace. It was obvious that the limited hangout 9/11 truth movement had no intention of going to the root of the matter and were controlled opposition. And so it is with the plandemic aware. Many of those who feared being victims of the clot shot genocide are quite happy to see genocide inflicted on a defenceless population. A genocide that lacks any trace of decency or chivalry or humanity.It is enough to make one despair.
Seeing propaganda for what it is while it’s actually happening is much more difficult than looking at it historically. If I remember correctly, that’s one of the points made by Mark Crispin Miller in his class on propaganda – the class he was essentially fired for attempting to teach using the covidiocy. So much of alternative media will focus relentlessly on past propaganda and lies, but will refuse to see it in real time. Chris Hedges, at least so far, is one of those. Naomi Klein is another stellar example, along with many others. Most of the alt media “comedians” who bleat on and on about “right wing” extremism and willful ignorance, while ignoring the mandates put forth by their “side.” There are many more examples I’m sure, but you make that point in your post.
And now the current slaughter in Gaza. As we well know, the American people do not give one shit about foreign wars unless they have a family member in the military. Most don’t even know those wars are going on, and most would not care if they did. Those who now pile on babbling about “just war theory” or some such other bullshit are just as bad, if not worse. But our owners are very well aware of that and have used that tool for eons to fight their wars and make their money. For ordinary people to get that thought through their heads is a step too far, they’d have to admit there are many, many more lies and that most of what they currently believe is not at all true. They’d rather put that head back in that phone and just live their lives in blissful ignorance than admit none of what they believe is true. Of course, this trait isn’t only found in the US. That legacy comes from a lot farther back than the US’ existence, and facing that truth is painful as well. Scapegoats always come in handy, no matter what flavor they are.
It’s quite possible that “anti-semitism” could have evaporated after WWII by encouraging brotherly assimilation of those lost souls who practice a religion.
TPTB knew/know this.
They also new what a uniquely powerful tool “anti-semitism” was/is/will be. A world based on peaceful, coexistence is absolute anathema to the power elites. Hence, the absolute necessity of creating and arming the zionist entity.
I agree. Even the few folk with whom I can broach the truth with claim “I’m sorry, J, it’s just too much”.
Ya, it is.
But like a close personal aquaintance says “Believe it. ‘Cause it’s true”.
See? As I said above, not generalizing is a hard thing to do. I do it myself sometimes. We all need to be more careful about that.
“the American people do not give one shit about foreign wars unless they have a family member in the military.”
You did say “most” in the next sentence, but the first sentence should have some kind of qualifier as well because as you know I’m an American, and I do give a shit. And there are a lot of us who do give a shit. Not that that those of us who give a shit can do anything about it.
Your description of this book makes it look like a rehash of Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States.”
Ganser’s book is not news to anyone who reads and researches eclectically. Anyone who thinks for him/herself.
Hopefully, it might reach a new, younger audience.
Christ knows we need some sort of revolution to oust the Turds at the top.
Multipolarism is so pre 2020. Where have people who believe that sh*t been? Can’t they remember covid?
Even though many people, indeed, can’t or don’t want to remember what happened between 2020-2022, after which Putin ended the most deadly disease ever (televised), by starting his act of aggression (televised), I don’t put much faith in the mental capabilities of people who seem to suffer from short memory loss.
Putin stole my internet.
Putin voted for Trump and stole our election, and thats not the only thing.
He should have changed his title to USA & UK The Ruthless Empire’s. They still today act hand in hand. He has only exposed one side of the issue.