This Week in the New Normal #77
Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. The NHS’s AI health surveillance
The UK’s National Health Service launched three pilot schemes in different parts of England this week, all focused on utilizing artificial intelligence to monitor people and automatically report potential problems to health care workers.
In Somerset, GP practices are trialing an AI system to “highlight registered patients with complex health needs, at risk of hospital admission or who rarely contact their GP and reach out to them for conversations about their health.”
A trial in Birmingham em>”uses an algorithm to predict the top 5% at risk of potential hospital attendances or admissions”, healthcare centers then send out assessment teams to pre-emptively address potential problems.
Finally – and most concerningly – in Buckinghamshire, AI is monitoring electrical devices like kettles and refrigerators to “spot changes in patients’ eating and drinking habits”.
No matter what outlet is covering the story, they repeat the line that waiting lists numbers are reportedly up to 7.7 million, and that increased surveillance will help decrease “preventable” or “unnecessary” hospital visits.
Currently, this is being sold as monitoring the old or otherwise vulnerable, but once the precedent is set it’s not hard to see where it goes. The implications for privacy and healthcare – not to mention potential “social credit” systems – are immense.
2. Turkey’s Green Fund
Turkish Treasury and Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek announced Wednesday the establishment of a new fund called the “Türkiye Green Fund” (TGF).
The Daily Sabah reports:
Speaking to Anadolu Agency (AA), the minister stated that they continue to develop new projects in close collaboration with the World Bank. In this context, Şimşek pointed out that a loan worth $155 million (TL 4.44 billion) would be channeled to the Industrial Development Bank of Türkiye (TSKB) for the Green Finance Project, which the World Bank has approved.
Yet another blow to the multipolar narrative. No matter where you go, “climate change” is the name of the game and the World Bank is handing out the monopoly money.
3. “Grasshoppers Are More Valuable than Caviar”
The regular task of monotonously pushing humans to eat insects fell on the shoulders of Der Spiegel this week, never to be outdone in pushing the agenda, they decided to double-dip.
Firstly in the form of a podcast episode – “The Climate Report” – pushing meal worms instead of steak:
grasshoppers, grain mold beetles or mealworms can make our diet more sustainable and healthier.
Then in framing a story about grasshopper farms in Thailand with the subhead:
Insects could be the climate-friendly solution for providing the global population the protein it needs without destroying the environment. Business is already booming in Thailand. Is it possible it could become a trend in Europe, too?
Before ending with an unintentional warning, or subtle threat…
…a lot will change over the next 10 years, and that consumers will slowly get used to insects. Even in Europe, where the European Food Safety Authority approved mealworms, darkling beetles and the house cricket for consumption a few years ago. It’s quite possible that many more insects will follow.
BONUS: Nonchalant tyranny of the week
It’s a sign of the times that the London police now regularly wheel out facial recognition technology to monitor ordinary people going about their day, and barely anyone seems to notice.
We’ll be using Live Facial Recognition technology at key locations in #Westminster this eve (16 Nov).
This tech helps keep Londoners safe, and will be used to find people who threaten or cause harm, who are wanted, or have outstanding arrest warrants issued by the court.
— Westminster Police | Central West BCU (@MPSWestminster) November 16, 2023
…and, of course – thanks to the “pro-Hamas hate march” furor – dozens of pundits and celebrities who would have lambasted this use of technology for anti-lockdown protests will now predictably rue the fact it’s too late or not effective enough.
A potential silver lining here is that the only reason to warn people you’re going to use technology like that is that it doesn’t actually work. Maybe it’s all a bluff.
It’s not all bad…
We haven’t shared a Bob Moran in a while, but his always-on-target work was especially good this week. First celebrating the birthday of His Royal Majesty…
And then with a sweet reminder of how we win…
You can read an excellent interview with Bob here, and a detailed account of his most recent brush with censorship here.
Also, of note to anyone interested, November 23rd is the premiere of independent film Gods of Their Own Religion, brilliantly reviewed for us by Joanna Sharp. You can still get tickets online.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention Canada’s bizarrely racist art exhibition or California papering over its crackheads for the cameras before the APEC summit.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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“It’s all over with the EU$A $anctions Racket”.
China steps in, both as Alternative Supplier of goods the Free World want to buy and/or Alternative Buyer for goods the Free World want to sell.
This week’s fear porn: heat deaths! Better pull out the refrigerated trucks again to cool down the corpses!
Dr.Cambell approves High Court Case against The Vaxx
Russel Brand cheers Lawsuit against The Vaxx
And thus, you can be sure, its a psyop
Dr Can of Campbells who for two years straight enthusiastically endorsed and pretty much ordered everyone to get the triple arm spear – and Russell my OTO 33 tattoo Brand who has a visage not unlike something out of one of Bosch’s paintings of hell…great choices…thanks for that
Here in Thailand insects are a delicacy. People eat pork chicken fish like every one else in the world.
I’ve eaten fried scorpion in China but only in a banquet setting. No one here is goimg to change as farming of meat is big business and livelihood for many Thais.
Helpfully recommended by those people at Microsoft:
Firstly, they’be doing this on the sly for decades through inflation. Secondly, and more importantly, this is exactly one of the things that CBDCs would allow them to do. Want to save? Forget it. Want to leave the children something? No way. Want yourself and your off-spring to face the power of the state and corporations with zero assets to fall back on? Want to be on a treadmill forever with no prospect of getting off? Now you’re talking!
Just a harmless thought experiment and a rediscovery of some forgotten history? I think not.
All Western children are sold to legal debt slavery for the nest many decades under IoT, 5G, vaxx and digital ID in return for “safety” for their welfare fatty leftist multi divorced mother and skin-fathers.
Update on the wondrous Israel/Palestine … “war” (AHEM!). This is no doubt a matter of shooting fish in a barrel but meet Bella Wallerstein (AKA “Nazi Barbie”):
Is an antisemitism surge worse than a covid surge? Did antisemitism surge at all before covid surged? Is “surge” the most sinister word in the English language? And when can we expect an “antisemitism tsunami”?
Also note how this talk about “Jews wanting to feel safe” echoes the talk of “transgender people wanting to feel safe”. How do we make these groups “feel safe”? Do we need to sign something? Do we need to pass some kind of “harmlessness test”?
But enough of such trivia! Bella has more ominous stuff to worry about:
Hold the front page! Israel is being attacked by map pins!
What I note about “Jews wanting to feel safe” and “transgender people wanting to feel safe” is that those expressions are the same propoganda that has designed to alienate, divide and conquer.
Keep us hating and fighting each other.
And certainly, keep us from focusing on the destruction going on at the hands of our government, and for the past three years, our healthcare industry.
What I note is that the Jewish people I know, and I know a lot, are not killing Palestinians.
What I note is that the transgender people that I know, I don’t know a lot but a number, are not “grooming” or parading.
What I note is the propoganda vs the reality.
What I try to do is note who the real culprits are and direct my anger toward them.
You missed the launch of the “secret” J6 videos by the new Speaker of the House. The thing is, Parler launched a collection of videos posted by their subscribers years ago. Sorted by location and time. Congress is acting as though this release is a new revelation of what really happened at the “insurrection”.
This is some of what was on the Parler posts:
ANTIFA busting out the windows of the Capitol.
ANTIFA being escorted by Capitol police around the back entrance to the Capitol.
ANTIFA scaling walls even though a stairway was nearby.
ANTIFA members with giant squirt guns filled with caustic chemicals which they sprayed at the police.
Capitol Police were lobbing a constant barrage of teargas at bystanders who were just socializing on the Capitol grounds.
Seemed to be a theme.
And Nancy, of course, refused to present a “show of force” to assist the Capitol Police in keeping people behind the barriers. (The setback seemed a bit extreme.) She was worried about the “bad optics”.
Clearly. They were looking for an excuse to strengthen the police state.
No doubt, a few of the people (mostly ANTIFA) did some really stupid things. But the conclusions drawn by the J6 committee were just plain insulting. Pure and simple. Liz Cheney, a supposed Republican, should be tarred and feathered.
And no one has referenced the 2,000 Mules documentary. Why is that? It proves that the election was, most likely stolen. The same technology was used by the Feds to locate the so-called insurrectionists.
This protest wasn’t about overturning the election. This was a protest about stopping the blatant cheating in future elections.
Get rid of the machines. Clean up the state voter databases. Limit early and absentee voting to members of the military and handicapped voters. Severely punish those caught stuffing ballot boxes with the assistance of Zuckerbuck funded not for profits. Only allow secretaries of state to mail absentee voter applications when requested by voters.
Seems to be a simple fix. That’s all we want. Make it more difficult to cheat.
Fuck you NSA. Anti American dweebs living in their mother’s basement eating popscicles and masturbating to porn while violating the constitution.
This is the link to Parler’s videos:
New Spikevax advert:
(“Ping and pong that body”…. Remember Comet Ping-Pong? Remember what game they’re playing in Kubrick’s ‘Lolita’?)
Vax adverts’ compilation:
U.S. sees rise in infant mortality:
(First thing Google throws up when looking for this is a Reuters’ fact check that it’s not caused by the vaccine-that’s-not-a-vaccine).
Canada leading the way in how to respond to vaccine refusers:
(Multiple fact checks hammer away that the psychiatric drugs are not mandated, merely “encouraged” – so that’s okay)
I fear the “Be Everything They Don’t Want Us To Be” paints an utterly unrealistic, misleading, picture of the reality of self-sufficiency. Its the sort of fantasy that works well only with an income stream like a trust fund to back it up; without it the family will descend rapidly into abject poverty, running a 24/7/365 battle with starvation and disease.
People tend to forget that it wasn’t that long ago that most of us lived in poor, even squalid, conditions, often working long hours under conditions that make those Amazon warehouse jobs that people complain about seem almost benign. Conditions changed because working people got together and fought for them, the things we take for granted weren’t handed to them on a plate. Unfortunately their descendants just assume that this is their God Given Right, taken them for granted and are encouraged to give them up, reverting the role of peasant or serf under the illusion that this is fostering independence, freedom and whatever.
Like all lotteries, the credibility of the lottery relies on there being a handful of winners. Its human nature to gamble, to always assume that you’re going to be The One, so you risk everything, including your birthright, for a turn of the dice. The odds, like ‘the system’, are stacked against you. The world works best by cooperation but exploitation likes individualism, the illusion of independence, because everyone for themself allows for easier social control.
You can work for yourself using practical skills and earn a good living doing so. You can follow traditional gender roles in the household, have a family that works as a unit, not have a TV, not have a smartphone, not give your kids technology, eat wholesome locally produced food cooked by you or your wife or your kids. Minimise your own use of technology, read books, encourage your kids to read books. Have kids, have a wife. I know, I do all of these things.
Self sufficiency comes in many ways. Choose what works for you.
Peter Koenig ‘Global Research’ on the 5-6G transition and the likelihood that they are going to shut down the whole digital complex when we are fully enmeshed in it. Complete with Tucker Carlsson and Theo interview/ chat about what they are going to do when this happens.
OT. But I have been reading about it today. I’m not sure where I stand.
Did anyone die at Sandy Hook?
Alex Jones wants you to know that you’d better keep those conspiratorial questions to yourself. Don’t even ask that here, amongst friends.
More important now is how many died on 10/7 and how.
There is no point in dissecting old psyops and false flags if we cannot recognise new ones
and alert everyone to them and prevent (or at least try to) the massacres that ensue as in this case.
Chinese dropping dead in the street in 2000
Some of these clips were what woke me up.
The worrying thing is that these same clips convinced the majority that this stuff was real.
As one of the commenters points out the irony is that three years later people really are collapsing all over the place.
It’s a funny old world !
This is a good read, and if you read between the lines and know some bare clad facts, you’ll find the western gvts trying to balance their trade books with gold clad tungstun at the Chinese shangi gold exchange, and as a result recording an actual deficit.
You build up enough of these deficits and refuse to openly talk about it, and you will find you can actually start a war without evidence of a crime.
Looks real bad in public for the aggressor and real good in private for the offender, as long you win the war, for if not, written history fills in the details of the crime and its finally game over.
A Scamdemic Hero Speaks
Doctor Vernon Coleman (
(Though I think it is ethnic cleansing above all).
Ethnic cleansing is now part of the new normal.
It was part of the Old Normal too.
Sure was. When we reached what would be the final site for the 2001 International Rainbow Gathering in the Lika mountains in what would have been a SSSI in the UK, we discovered that the 3 ‘Ethnic Serb’ villages along the track next to the river had been completely ‘ethnically cleansed.’ Everything had been left, kids’ toys, food on the table. The Croat militia had made a deal with the Bosnian Serbs over the border and sent a fleet of buses, The heavily armed Croats ordered the villagers to pack a bag and go down to the Bihac road and get on the buses, Many objected and had their throats cut in front of the others. The rest went at gunpoint and got on the buses. Nobody had returned. The Croats had tried to torch some of the houses but not very successfully. The old Serbs told us that before the war 5000 people had lived in the Gracac (Grash-atz) valley. When we got there there were 24,all old folks.
We personally experienced the hostility and animosity of the ‘ethnic Croats’ towards the ‘Serbs’ in negotiations (bribery) with the Fully-Ethnically Croat Gracac Town Council
According to the Bosnians who came to the gathering 12% of the Bosnian population died in the war. So it goes.
Sounds grim. I’m pretty ignorant of that entire conflict.
Top 11 Companies Supporting Israel’s Crimes | America Inc. w/ Lee Camp – YouTube
Lesser-known history pt1:,_June_1916_to_October_1918
Needless to say, the Wikipedia version tries to massage the extent of the British elite’s perfidy here, for example: “the Sharif and other Arab leaders considered the agreements made in the McMahon–Hussein Correspondence violated”. They “considered” it because they obviously and manifestly were – and had never been made in good faith as the revelation of the Balfour Declaration showed.
Lesser-known history pt2:
Funny how it was just after this that Russia was re-demonised but I guess that’s just one of those coincidences. The number 33 puts in its customary appearance too.
Alternatively, Palestinians and Russian with their “unprovoked” aggressions are just evil….
grain mold beetles
Let’s feed our grain to the beetles – if it is not going to be turned into “green fuel” for road vehicles.
This week in the NEW New Normal:
“Electric Viking reports High Efficiency Solar Voltaics from China and Saudi Arabia”
China set to build Largest Battery Factory in Europe
”Delayed but not stopped, the U.S. government is planning a rule that allows for America’s protected lands, including parks and wildlife refuges, to be listed on the N.Y. Stock Exchange Natural Asset Companies (NACs) will be owned, managed, and traded by companies like BlackRock, Vanguard, and even China.
On October 4th, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed a proposed rule to create Natural Asset Companies (NACs).
NACs will allow BlackRock, Bill Gates, and possibly even China to hold the ecosystem rights to the land, water, air, and natural processes of the properties enrolled in NACs. Each NAC will hold “management authority” over the land. When we are issued carbon allowances, owners of said lands will be able to claim tax deductions and will be able to sell carbon allowances to businesses, families and townships. In the simplest of terms, that’s where the money will be made. WE peons will be renting air from the richest people on earth.
The following are eligible for NACs: National Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, Wilderness Areas, Areas of Critical Environmental Concern, Conservation Areas on Private and Federal Lands, Endangered Species Critical Habitat, and the Conservation Reserve Program. Lest you think that any conserved land is conserved in your name, the largest Conservation organization in the U.S., is called The Nature Conservancy, or TNC, which, while being a 501(c)3, also holds six billion dollars of land on its books. Those lands have been taken using your money via donations and government grants, and transferred to the Nature Conservancy, which can do with those lands what it wills.”
Now that is scary stuff.
“DISASTROUS WEEK: U.S. Debt GONE BAD As Moody’s Downgrades U.S”
Moody’s dont have a clue about the outlook for US and our tools to manage the enemies who wish to do US harm.
If nobody wants to buy our US debt we will find a way to make them do it…………LOL. .
Palestinians as human guinea pigs.
It doesn’t get more brutal than this:
We are all Palestinians now. 😥
We are all victim-Muslims now.
Soon some here could be victims of Islamic intolerance…
“And if there were only one righteous man therein, would Ye spare Babylon?”
Israeli comedian pleads like a Portia come to judgment:
“Gaza has Gas and Guess who wants Hamas to sign it away”
This is the third time the Yahoo regime has ordered its army to make Gaza “an offer you can’t refuse”.
“Joe Bassem Egyptian Satirist Wins English Friends”
With comment by an ordinary English mum.
“Scott Ritter says Israel was Suckered into this war by Hamas”
Resorting to typical Yahoo behaviour has undone years of PR by AIPAC and Politician Friends of Israel. It jolted people’s memory of the Palestine State that Israel is surreptitiously trying to swallow whole.
Scott Ritter is one of the endless row of previous retired Military Intelligence Officers, Saker, Martyanov, m.m. who decided enough was enough and opened their own Internet sites telling the public they now were on the little man’s side and among the resistance, fighting for truth and….freedom…….to save America, Russia, China……..and Israel.
Funny how the establishment and the military never bothered to turn down nor obstruct their “truth seeking” activities.
Not true. Even mild-mannered truth-seeking OffG has been subjected to electronic warfare — happily unsuccessful.
Keep the Internet Open and Neutral!
“This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.”
So, what you’re saying today, correct me if I’m wrong, is that this last week there was progress “of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.”Is there a graph chart anywhere with lines and arrows that shows a visual trajectory? But we can make fun of their fat asses anyway, I guess that’s all we’ve got. Is this kind of like, “and they laughed all the way to the (World) bank”?
It’s hard to keep track of the party line of late. Let’s see. First the leftists were all leftist about workers and had nothing to say about identity. Then they became all identity-driven and anti-workers, because workers don’t like identities. Then, even the leftists who were still worker-driven (not to mention the identity leftists) went nuts against anti-vaxxers. But now, even the anti-vaxxer leftists (as well as the anti-vaxxer rightists, and even the pro-vaxxer leftists and rightists, too) are all extreme prejudiced against pro-Gazaites.
Whew! Have I missed something? I’m sure I have. This is getting beyond my ability to absorb.
That’s what comes of being “A Dedicated Follower of Fashion”.
Ignore the ephemera and stick to the perennial: Bosses versus Workers, and Chosen People versus Rest of World.
Easy. Just turn your head with the wind. Always be where the majority is heading, you are heading too, and stay cool.
I lived all my life this way, and it works!
The WB has also gone woke green, but developing nations only want those greenback$, they discard the ideology asap. How to part a fool- WB- from his money: smoke and mirrors.
Yes its a prof they are all in it, and what are they all integrated in what?
International conditional usury loans; IMF, ECB, IBRD, Blackstone, CitiBank, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, WEF.
Go on take the money and run .
A comprehensive piece on the toxic vaccines cover up:
‘Even in a nation of The Chosen there are those who are more Chosen than the rest.’…(anon)…
Insects as food is a distraction and just another divisive ploy.
Fact is, we don’t need animal or insect protein to thrive.
Many on this list are world class athletes:
Veganism is being promoted by the globalists because it can be easily catered for by Big Ag and industrial food production.
Or you can just plant a veggie garden and some fruit trees and buy organic produce:
Veganism was around long before globalists were a glint in $atan’$ eyes:
Whatever Johnny, I’m having a New York steak tonight, medium rare. And they’ll have to pry that from my cold dead mouth.
Your choice Big Al, not mine.
Big Al ? Mmm.
Doesn’t change the fact it’s now being promoted as trendy by the globalists. Because vegan = processed factory-food for most people these days. If you think most vegans grow their own organic food you’re living in a dream.
All the vegans my age I know are woke and eat like crap but think they’re healthy. They obediently buy vegan “cheese” (cellulose, water, artificial flavours and coloring) and soy protein and processed ready meals. All mass-produced and full of shit. They’ve been conned into thinking saturated fat and natural food like milk and eggs are “bad for you”. They’re totally conditioned to eat toxic gmo processed sludge and believe it’s healthy because it’s “low fat” or “high in polyunsaturates”. They are fucked in the head and plugged into the Borg and don’t know it.
You must live in a Hipster town Allie.
As for milk and eggs being ‘natural’, you should look a bit deeper. They’re no more ‘natural’ than a slaughtered, sliced and diced bovine on your bun.
I live in Perth. Most younger people are vegan because they’re brainwashed by the media and celebs promoting it. They also get jabbed on cue and believe in carbon offset and “green” bollocks. It’s sold as a complete lifestyle package all over the globe . They are clueless about reality.
Milk and eggs are natural food for carnivores and omnivores. We are omnivores. I respect people choosing to be vegan if they want but facts are facts. Humans can perfectly digest muscle protein and animal fat but only partially digest plant proteins. The gut don’t lie.
Well, on the other side of Australia (presuming you mean Perth in WA) there is a little town called Mullumbimby.
Mullumbimby has the highest rate of unvaxxed in Australia, and probably more vegans than you could poke a pork chop at.
More here:
I like this article because it shows that vegans, that you hate, are also anti-vax, which you love. And that being anti-vax kills their children.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m anti-vax and vegan. Because both are good for me.
But it’s funny to see that maybe being totally anti-vax might be wrong. Big on whooping cough?
Meaning we have still people around us who are spreading Corona variants around to the entire global vaccinated population.
How dare you!
When people eat beef, they are actually eating plants that have already passed through four stomachs. What could be easier to digest than that!
Gut love beans, brown beans, black beans. Fresh spinach too.
Just saying.
Perhaps if you googled the word “natural”, you might save yourself a little embarrassment.
Not interfered with, distorted or exploited.
By this definition of yours, how are eggs laid by happy, free-roaming organically-fed chickens not natural?
My chickens lay eggs every day if they are happy, seems pretty natural to me. Butter is good for you, fake spreads, 1 molecule away from plastic, are not. We need certain fats and the cholesterol bollocks is as fake as your credit rating. Don’t start me on artificial sweeteners etc.
I have a rule that if it says low fat, zero sugar or diet avoid it and avoid all so called vaccines, they ain’t! Vegan vaccines my arse, people are as thick as 2 fridge doors.
BTW, globalists also promote wars, weapons manufacturing, and corporatised sport, but they ain’t compulsory, yet.
Put some butter and margarine outside on the floor.
Ants will eat the butter and ignore the Marg.
Nature knows what’s good and bad..
Likewise, I’m sure: my cat hangs around at breakfast for her pat of butter from my toast but disdains to take even a sniff at marge.
Ants also eat Ant Rid.
Funny, that.
Probably smells & tastes like butter
I know someone who keeps their cats inside 24/7 in case they kill anything while they’re out. She had them de-clawed and feeds them veg and soy protein. They are fat and one has arthritis and probably insane with their torturous confinement.
Do you approve? Is this natural?
Are you sure you don’t mean vegetarianism? I never even heard the word ‘vegan‘ until the 1980s.
Veganism is practiced by people who don’t want to die young.
Why did the vegan cross the road?
To tell someone they were a vegan.
Virtue signaling is the reason 99% are vegans..
Q. Why did the omnivore cross the road?
A. To eat the road kill.
And anything else with fur, feathers or fins (As long as someone else did the slaughtering and slicing of course).
You don’t ‘tell’ someone you’re a vegan, they ask you. Usually in a haughty way: “Why don’t you eat meat?”
When you answer honestly, you are immediately pigeonholed as a weirdo. Go figure.
Sure is, but the real joke is – the govt has been lying about that for sixty years.
They know vegetable oils are what clog your arteries but they paid for “the science” to promote them anyhow because they needed a new market for veg oil after petroleum came along.
Before that veg oil was used to lubricate machines and engines and was never considered fit for human consumption, but when petroleum came along they rebranded veg oil as not only safe but “healthier” so the masses would start consuming it in place of traditional healthy fats like lard and butter. And that’s how the heart disease epidemic started.
If you wanna stay healthy eat ORGANIC meat and veg. real organic not supermarket organic. Cook with lard.
Our family cat is a farm cat. He won’t eat cat food which is 90% soy and grain, he won’t drink tap water and he won’t eat factory eggs. But he will drink well water and he will eat organic free range eggs. Loves them. Animals just know.
Animals just know?
But that’s not an argument against keeping hens and eating eggs. The hens are highly unnatural, social, relaxed, and do not want their unfertilised eggs.
A bit like Gaza. I wonder how they dispose of the dead in that unfortunate concentration camp. I recall the heaps of corpses on cremation pyres in Dresden.
I have water catchers for gardening and I often see neighbouring cats drinking it. Trouble is: they leave calling cards in the garden.
Meat-eaters trot out all these “facts” when they don’t care about facts at all, they just want to eat their meat. It’s all a smokescreen. They resent anybody so much as suggesting that the daily buckets of beef they gobble down are maybe, just a little, uh, counterindicated. And so they prove by pure science (you know, like the pure covid science), that vegans are creepy and yucky.
As a vegan can you participate in oral sex? Just asking! No one can be truly vegan because somewhere along the line we are eating and drinking our ancestors that have ever lived in one form or another.
Insects such as prawns and The Baptist’s meal of “locusts and wild honey” have alway been a nutritious natural addition to human diet. The disadvantage of Big Prawns is that they will become as highly processed as Big Macs. Remember:
“If it walks, hops, runs, creeps swims or flies the chances are you can eat it; and the French will have a sauce to go with it” — Survival Guide for Ditched Aircrew.
I think you could be right, Johnny. I just read a paper explaining what animal hormones can do to people. Maybe many world problems coincide with a disturbed hormone balance.
It also reminds me of the Bible when it says you should not to eat animals or vegetables. Later, after some sin (was it sex?) man eats greens. And later mead. I don’t think it is there for nothing.
Occasionally there are some good news:
Bill Gates’s “Fake Meat” Banned by Italy Citing “Serious Health Concerns”
Lab-grown synthetic meat promoted by billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is triggering the formation of turbo cancers in humans
‘Triggering the formation of turbo cancers in humans”-like the covid vaccine.
Man ..that pie in the face in the 90’s sure set his misanthrope tendencies in motion.
Any day now the legacy media will be running a story assuring the world that the emergence of turbo cancers that are now appearing after consumption of so many of the products that Billy Boy has or had an interest in – why that’s just a coincidence.
The MSM are already suggesting that with their “died suddenly” and “doctors are baffled” reports. Too many people are dying from coincidences since the roll-out of the C-shots.
I sure could use a plate of deep-fried larvae!
With some cheese curd and gravy — woke poutine! minus environmentally negative taters.
Synthetic cheese curd, of course, and laboratory gravy, naturally!
You just need some ‘magination!
Interesting read from reddit /aliens: wife’s cousin lives outta state, so I only get to see him once or twice a year but I’ve got to know him a little better the last few times he comes around. Always struck me as a no nonsense, but friendly guy. Very warm and approachable but you can tell if shit were to hit the fan he’d turn into John Wick real quick, if that makes sense. The background: guy became an officer in the Air Force after college, was there for roughly 2 decades and all I know now is he is somehow affiliated with the DOD but he won’t disclose much. This year he wasn’t going to be able to make Thanksgiving so he came up for a weekend to see family in October. We’re out by the fire, and everyone slowly goes in for the night. Me, a few beers deep, casual conversation, I mention how I think AARO is a BS org. He knew I had an interest in this stuff but he’d never said anything, at all, until this point. It’s now us 2 out in the backyard at close to midnight, everyone else has gone in for the eve. Then he says, “want to know the truth?” I laughed. I’ve got a good buzz going and I assume he’s joking, messing around, gonna hit me with a one liner or something. But he doesn’t. He just stares at me. I can only imagine how dumb I looked in the moment, like a deer in the headlights, and I’m still not 100% sure he’s fcking with me. I respond kind of hesitantly, yeah that’d be awesome. (In the moment that’s all I could come up with) So he answers, “alright, I’ll give it to ya straight” I respond…”s-seriously? You mean you know? Are you messing with me?” He laughs and just says “I’ve missed this. Cornfields. Clear skies, it brings me back. You know what else is cool about the middle of nowhere?” ….”I know you’re harmless. There’s nobody else out here. No phones. No worries. It’s rare I get to unwind like this.” At this point I’m just kind of quiet waiting for him to continue. He then says here’s the short version because I know you’re passionate about this, there’s nobody around, just us and cornfields. He then gets a serious look and starts. (I’ll try to sum it up and keep it as close to word for word) He begins, “So are you religious? Have you ever thought which one had it right?” (I answer) “To lay it all out there, we know there is a Supreme Source or creator. Some call it God. Some call it intelligent design. The name doesn’t matter. It’s real. To understand what I’m saying you have to accept this. This isn’t a simulation, it’s real. The modern version of science is corrupted and went astray the moment they overcorrected and completely eliminated spirituality with the scientific method. You can’t have the physical material world without the spiritual world. Every planet is alive. They are gods. The sun is a god that resides over the celestial gods. To think of Jupiter or Saturn as a “planet” is wrong. Every star in the sky, to the paths the planets orbit, what we understand as gravity, was finely tuned for life to flourish on this planet or god. The ancients, they understood this. There is an older civilization from that time that never fully died out. I finally replied…”like Egyptians? Or Jews?” He continues “close but no. Those civilizations came from… Read more »
The truth? You’re crazy.
All over the place. Full of contradictions intertwined with atrocious punctuation and grammar.
Imagination is the greatest nation of them all.
I will eat insects when they appear on the menu at Davos..
Or even better – release the insects onto the dead bodies of those attending Davos.
David Dees
I prefer the art of the late David Dees to Bob Moran who I have never heard of before.
If he was alive he would have had masterpieces that would have highlighted the monstrous war crimes now in progress in Gaza.
As for computerised health:
29 million gets thrown at the Canadian “anti-white” show. See – that’s the basic movement here. It’s exactly the same as when Elon trumpets about spaceships going off to the Zebedee Galaxy or whatever.
“Look at all this money we’ve suckered off the plebs. What are we going to do with it? What’s that? They need REAL medical attention? REAL community projects for housing the homeless? Oh fuck that! LOOK – let’s start up a new scientific discipline called “Fartology” and throw billions at attaching microphones to arseholes……” etc.
Unbearable bores.Torturous that we paid 29 million.
Birmingham emu ?