Comparing Coverage: Dublin riots vs Black Lives Matter

Gavin O’Reilly

One of these is “mostly peaceful”, the other is not. Can you tell which is which?

Last Thursday afternoon, news would spread throughout Ireland of a horrific knife attack on three young schoolchildren and their teacher outside a Gaelscoil (Irish-language school) in Dublin city centre. At the time of writing, the youngest of the victims, a five year old girl, remains gravely ill in hospital.

With it soon emerging that the suspect was an immigrant who had previously been served a deportation order in 2003, tensions that had been building across the country over the past year in response to the immigration policy of Leinster House, which has seen large amounts of male migrants placed into wildly unsuitable locations such as an inner city office block and a children’s school, would come to a head. Calls for a protest in Dublin later that night would rapidly spread throughout social media.

Such protests have become a mainstay across Ireland over the past year, with the government of WEF ‘Young Global Leader’ Leo Varadkar labelling protesters as ‘’far-right’’ and carrying out surveillance of organisers in response, a strategy that has served only to exacerbate tensions even further.

Last year in Canada, under the rule of fellow WEF ‘Young Global Leader’ Justin Trudeau, a similar response would take place to the Freedom Convoy, a protest movement launched by Canadian truckers following the decision to mandate jab passports for drivers returning from the US, the largest land-border in the world and a key component of the Canadian economy.

Just as open borders policies serve the interests of the global elites that the WEF represents, via the undermining of national sovereignty and the devaluing of labour, jab passports served their interests by acting as conditioning for the introduction of an eventual mandatory digital ID, which in line with the Great Reset initiative would allow the government-corporate alliance to have an unprecedented level of control over its citizens’ finances in a cashless society.

The fraught tensions that had spurred on Thursday’s planned protest however, would seemingly attract an opportunistic element, one that had engaged in looting and the burning of vehicles in Dublin on the night.

Unsavoury scenes, though it cannot be understated that, in terms of magnitude, they are a universe apart from the stabbing of children.

The establishment media however, did not hold the same view; with the unrest that swept Dublin dominating newspaper headlines alongside accusations that it had been “organised by the far-right”, the brutal attack on the children and their teacher being consigned to a mere afterthought.

Security Minister for the southern Irish state, Helen McEntee announced that legislation would be fast tracked to introduce Facial Recognition Technology – another key component of the Great Reset – in response to the riots, and it was announced that MMA star Conor McGregor was being investigated for ‘’inciting hate’’ over a post on X that he had sent the night BEFORE the stabbings.

A lockstep response of condemnation, though one that lies in stark contrast to the response towards the riots that swept the United States following the death of George Floyd in May 2020, for which a minutes silence was held in the southern Irish Parliament, something that has so far not occurred for the victims of last Thursday’s mass-stabbing.

To understand why, one must look at the wider political context at the time of George Floyd’s death.

Four days prior to the footage of Minnesota police officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on Floyd’s neck going viral, Joe Biden, the then-Democrat candidate for that years US Presidential election, infamously declared that whoever voted for the incumbent Donald Trump over him ‘’Ain’t black’’ in an attempt to garner support amongst the black community of the United States for his Presidential campaign. A PR disaster, and one that confirmed he was in need of the black vote in order to guarantee an electoral victory.

Thus, the death of George Floyd was weaponised to guarantee such a result, with violent riots sweeping the United States in the aftermath. In contrast to the one night of looting and arson that took place in Dublin however, the mainstream media would provide cover for the months-long unrest in the US, with corporate outlet CNN notoriously describing it as ‘’fiery but mostly peaceful’’ at one stage.

Key to this was the involvement of George Soros, a significant donor to both the Democrat Party and the Black Lives Matter organisation via his Open Society Foundations, a globalist support-network that has sponsored colour revolutions from as far afield as Ukraine and China.

It is also why last week’s night of unrest in Dublin, carried out amidst a wider political context of opposition to globalist policies in Ireland, came in for far more media condemnation than the months of BLM-led riots that took place in the United States in 2020.

Gavin O’Reilly is an Irish Republican activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism; he was a writer for the American Herald Tribune from January 2018 up until their seizure by the FBI in 2021, with his work also appearing on The Duran, Al-Masdar, MintPress News, Global Research and SouthFront. He can be reached through Twitter and Facebook and supported on Patreon.


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Dec 3, 2023 9:19 PM

Where, and what, is this “Southern Irish Parliament”, Gavin? I’ve been living in Dublin for eighty years and have never heard of it. Is it in Cork, or Waterford, or maybe Wexford?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 4, 2023 2:37 PM
Reply to  Sean

Maybe they need to program the AI a bit better?

Dec 3, 2023 2:59 PM

I see this has become a right wing chat room, these days.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 3, 2023 2:14 PM

The “BLM riots” were an attempted colour revolution against Trump (for instance, see the OffG articles by Kit Knightly and Max Parry). Of course, rather than being “hijacked”, the George Floyd event and protests were staged and choreographed. Despite the attempted coup, however, the Trump admin was running a military-intelligence counter operation and there was never any serious danger of there not being a “smooth transition”.

Kit Knightly
Jun 2, 2020
Are we about to see a Colour Revolution in the United States?
The familiar tropes are out in force, Trump may not weather this storm.

Max Parry
Jun 15, 2020
Beware the hijacking of US protests into a ‘Color Revolution’

Gordon Hastie
Gordon Hastie
Dec 3, 2023 11:52 AM

Those were mainly kids, working class kids, no doubt destined for the scrapheap. “Far-right” my arse!

Paul Scally
Paul Scally
Dec 2, 2023 10:10 PM

Does anybody have a name for any of these Far Right Groups that the media and government keep talking about, like is there a “National Socialist Irish Workers” Party out there and if so do they have a flag, or an emblem, or better still a headquarters, like a party office somewhere? I keep hearing about these Far Right groups in the mainstream media, but I don’t know of any formally named far-right groups or associations, or any headquarters, or contact details for such far-right groups, I don’t know a single person in a far-right party, like do they exist or is this pure RTE propaganda bullshit?

Dec 3, 2023 2:45 PM
Reply to  Paul Scally

Yes Paul, they are called ANTIFA a pseudo anti-Nazi group who are really Nazi’s .

War is Peace, Lies is Truth and history will always be constantly rewritten to suit the present.
What did Orwell say, who controls the present, controls the past, and those who controls the past, controls the future

Dec 2, 2023 3:24 PM

So, Dublin riots are somewhat ok, while BLM riots aren’t?
For me, some basic consistency is missing.

“Unsavoury scenes [Dublin riots], though it cannot be understated that, in terms of magnitude, they are a universe apart from the stabbing of children.”

What a sentence…… again, author lacks coherence and goes for emotional impact that is usually ascribed to propagandists (to the dark side).

“…the riots that swept the United States following the death of George Floyd in May 2020, for which a minutes silence was held in the southern Irish Parliament, something that has so far not occurred for the victims of last Thursday’s mass-stabbing.”

Holy shit…in my country a custom of minute of silence is held for dead people and I assume it’s the same in Ireland. No one died at the time the article was scribbled and I certainly hope no one will, but I’m not sure about the author.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 2, 2023 6:03 PM
Reply to  mik

It’s fake!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 2, 2023 1:29 PM

The Anatomy of a Pseudo-Event https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_event A media event, also known as a pseudo-event, is an event, activity, or experience conducted for the purpose of media publicity. It may also be any event that is covered in the mass media or was hosted largely with the media in mind. — https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/prosecutors-drop-charges-against-buffalo-officers-who-shoved-activist-aside Prosecutors drop charges against Buffalo officers who shoved activist aside during 2020 protests Feb 21, 2021 Prosecutors have dropped criminal charges against two Buffalo police officers seen on video [see below] shoving a protester out of the way during last year’s social justice protests. The charges were dropped after a grand jury on Thursday declined to indict Officers Robert McCabe and Aaron Torgalski on felony assault charges, Erie County District Attorney John Flynn told the Associated Press. The June 2020 incident drew national attention as protests across the county, following the May 25, 2020, death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody, resulted in police and demonstrators clashing. The video appears to show Martin Gugino, a long-time activist, walking into the path of a police tactical unit and officers shoving him out of their way, resulting in the 75-year-old male falling backward and hitting his head. — https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8686845/Protester-75-shoved-cops-Buffalo-calls-attack-turning-point.html Sep 1, 2020 [Video via link] New York activist, 75, left with a brain injury after he was shoved by cops during a BLM rally in Buffalo says the attack was ‘a turning point’ in his life and vows to carry on protesting Caption: Footage of the attack went viral on social media and sparked outrage over police brutality at a peaceful protest where demonstrators had gathered to demand an end to police brutality — Two Buffalo police officers shove a man to the ground in front of City Hall (WARNING: GRAPHIC) WBFO 2,168,429 views Jun 5, 2020 Sign in… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 2, 2023 3:43 PM

Why not try to see things from a different angle?

Buffalo STUNTMAN Succeeds in Fooling the Masses
Videos From Peekay
Date: 2020-06-25

Dec 2, 2023 12:18 PM

like clockwork.
asylum seekers, throw in the fake stabbing.
heated 8 star hotels work shy.benefit lot on 28k a month lording it up.
build up to voting season and the milkshakes have forgotten the covid and the torture and along comes a new political party singing and dancing military industrial complex comedy department alt media rhetoric and all is forgotten.
turn on the snow machine Christmas in Christendom tel a vivi full moon sacrifice all now happy in cease fire world.
kill terry venables El Tel England manager.
to deep.?

go back to 2008 banking bailout. follow the news cycle monthly and your see the exact same play book as now.
amazing how alt media cant see the same theme repeated time and time again.

not rocket science…unless your pushing the agenda and pretending not to see it.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 2, 2023 12:39 AM

Re-post from Feb 2023

All the world’s a stage


Caption: Riot police pictured at the scene on Friday night, which resulted in the arrests of 15 individuals

comment image

Caption: A police van was destroyed during the riot outside the Suites Hotel in Knowsley, February 10 2023

comment image

Did NYC Police torch their own vehicle?
Jun 4, 2020
Raw footage by Lincoln Karim

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 3, 2023 1:20 PM

There were about two dozen police there. The photographer was invited to the event. The police set fire to their own van. The police were arranged in a staged photoshoot – with the burning and burnt-out van behind them. And the crowd appeared to see what was going on.


comment image

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 3, 2023 6:28 PM

The Knowsley event got extensive coverage for a few of days. It then just disappeared, however, and I suspect this was because it was a pile of self-evident crap.

Knowsley: Fifteen arrests over clash outside asylum seeker hotel
11 February

Government stepping up monitoring of far-right groups after Knowsley protest
Tuesday 21 February 2023

Far-right protesters set fire to police van outside Merseyside hotel housing asylum seekers – video
Fri 10 Feb 2023
[Guess the length of the video!]

What the Knowsley riot tells us about Suella Braverman and the Shawcross report
Ella Cockbain , Peter Oborne
14 February 2023
The British home secretary’s talk of ‘invasions’ and ‘grooming gangs’ bears a heavy share of responsibility for rising attacks on migrants

UK government must address Islamophobia, violence against asylum seekers
February 21, 2023

Some locals wondering what’s going on!

comment image

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 4, 2023 2:29 PM

There seems to be very little video of this event. But here’s the actor reciting his prepared script:

Knowsley protest tonight !!
February 17, 2023

Knowsley protest tonight !! (odysee.com)

Dec 4, 2023 4:47 PM

He wasn’t acting

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 4, 2023 6:22 PM

They stand out a mile (see examples), but if you’ve got some evidence that this one is real, please post it below.

Everything Wrong with The Capitol Shooting in 21 Minutes or Less (Act 1)
February 8, 2021

Catboy Kami: How an internet troll went from an Ipswich bedroom to the heart of the US far-right movement
Fri 23, Jul 2021

A group of men towered over 17-year-old Daisy and they were shouting. “Go back to Mexico!” one spat. “Trump 2020!” another yelled. Daisy and her sisters had come to a Trump rally in Phoenix, Arizona, to celebrate Joe Biden’s election win, a kind of victory lap after four years of fear and anxiety for them.

“The Australian guy,” she says. “I remember hearing him.”

Video of the day captured the young man, who appeared to be in his early 20s, introducing himself: “Hi I’m Catboy Kami and I hate n*****s”.

Dec 2, 2023 12:04 AM

The apparent difference in the media’s treatment of BLM and the Irish crowd is exactly what reveals there fundamental identity. Forged by the same traditional right, both fake fetishized far right and fake left(BLM being the most “Pop”) are nothing but tools. In creating an event, in responding to it, always in a way to direct the debate. Among the tools are also the whistleblowers and leakers of limited hangouts or pure fabrications.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 1, 2023 6:25 PM

Off topic for which I beg your pardon:

I just watched the latest Dr Who episode with the Big Transgender theme. This stars one Yasmin Finney, a “trans woman” who has a wiki page that, true to form, treats “her” entirely as a woman and doesn’t mention the trans bit till half way down. Thus we get no info at all about who “she” was at birth.

The role “she” plays in Dr Who is of a trans woman where “her” non-binary status is a big part of the story – and, needless to say, a source of triumph over adversity.

But note the contradictions. Nothing is more binary than sex. If we take this trans blather at face value then it indicates people who have no sex. And the very propagandists shovelling this stuff out inadvertently admit its absurdity by falling back on the old sexual designations e.g. trans woman.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 1, 2023 7:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Working my way through the fetid swamps of the internet, I failed to find much about Yasmin Finney apart from “her” being some kind of Tik Tok icon as “she” charted “her” journey towards becoming a “black trans woman” idol. This depressing journey took me through the slimy channels of such predatory magazines as Teen Vogue. And I was introduced to a new word: stan, which “originated from a combination of the words “stalker” and “fan”, but has since evolved to become a positive term for fans who are highly engaged and supportive of their favorite celebrities”. (Later.com definition)

A whole new terminology for adolescent mind molding.

In any case, the media, with its characteristic arrogance, are proclaiming Yasmin (and I’m sure there will be others) as part of “A Movement That Will Change The World”.

Yasmin has already appeared in a teen “coming of age” series called Heartstoppers focusing on – what else? – the “LGBT” experience relayed through the young ones i.e. these ones who are presumed to be preternaturally aware of their (increasingly nebulously defined) sexuality even from before pubescence.  

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 1, 2023 8:03 PM
Reply to  George Mc

As a repellent example of such ghoulish exploitation:


See excruciating purple prose (“her long slim limbs flying …. Finney ebulliently glows, all childlike delight”) whilst Finney delivers unlikely lines for a 19 year old: “You know how some babies learn to swim as soon as their parents throw them in the water? ….I was that baby, honey.”

It’s hard to avoid the impression that Yasmin him/her/itself plays little part in this hackery and that the whole charade has been scripted according to the demands of the underlying generational steering programme.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 1, 2023 10:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Part of the comprehensive hybrid war against “overpopulation”.
1’st world women “my telephone number is 00sex”, lolita dulls, plastic dildos, trans people, gays,.

Dec 1, 2023 4:55 PM

I don’t see any anomaly between the Irish rioters, the negative reaction by Ireland’s “WEF Young Leader” PM and the downplaying of their seriousness by the Press.

Riots are a sign of bad government, and the government of Ireland has been increasingly unfair to its populace. They allowed the country to be flooded with hot money (under WEF guise of “prosperity”) and with cheap foreign labour (under WEF guise of “compassion”). I read that hot money has made Dublin too expensive for the Irish to live there. And, in my opinion, many of those imported able-bodied young male “refugees” are ex-NATO ISIS mercenaries driven out from Syria.

The Irish PM is a typical WEF “compassionate” (Fake Left) product of Herr Schwab’s school, in the Tony B.Liar (Fake Christian) mode of blatant hypocrisy — mouthing God but worshiping Mammon. No surprise that a “WEF Young Leader” accuses ordinary people — worried about the cost of living and their job security and blaming it on the immigrants — of being “far right”. Far Right is a typical accusation from the Fake Left.

Dec 2, 2023 6:15 AM
Reply to  NickM

Riots are a sign of bad government
Maybe the CIA is on the move again.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 1, 2023 3:44 PM

Ghouls to the left of me, spectres to the right, here I am.

Why Conor McGregor Is Now Under Investigation
The Ben Shapiro Show
Nov 27, 2023

Irish police investigate MMA legend Conor McGregor for tweeting about open immigration; right-wing nationalist Geert Wilders triumphs in the Netherlands; and as some Israeli hostages come home, the legacy media do their damndest to throw Hamas a lifeline.

Dec 2, 2023 12:24 PM

always trust, Ben to give an honest break down,

moslom grooming gangs wearing Palestine tshirts unvaccinated holding the hitler manual not wearing burka or masks and spreading covid anti semetic variants in Ireland living in 33 star hotels paid for by the tax payer whilst ben get subsided by the tax payer himself…

Lost in a dark wood question.? does connor even look like connor from 10 minutes ago.

trigger pending. how scary

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 3, 2023 1:25 PM

To the downvoters

Are you downvoting:
– Shapiro
– my calling Shapiro a ghoul
– something else?

Dec 1, 2023 12:34 PM

So we’re ok with riots against foreigners now eh? There is plenty of knife crime in Ireland, where were the riots? Or we just riot when it’s a foreigner? Lol.

Dec 1, 2023 2:59 PM
Reply to  Matt

The Global Compact on Refugees – UNHCR is a 100 million person resettlement contrtact
with the new comer strong unvaccinated men providing a more traditional bone crushing security structure.
for the 3 city states who claim they own much of the planet

long ago the khazar bankers friend twat bono sang how long will we sing this song
how long how long
for what. a needle in the arm death followed by displacement and a bbc simon sham scharma new history of eire or as it will be called containment colony 16
how many is to too much

matt clearly thinks these united nations population movement legal contracts is random and the protocols are modern rather than from the elders of zion yes no.

we have curated video events by tim bell rita katz site intel group types and 10s of thousands enablers just like barbera lerner you have been spectored

Fear puts a spell on us
Spectre, how he laughs .

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 1, 2023 8:47 PM
Reply to  gordan

Ireland Ireland, when will you be free? Marianne Faithful https://youtu.be/Ku7cdorMa78

Death Is Coming For Them
Death Is Coming For Them
Dec 1, 2023 12:31 PM

This is really comparing apples to oranges.

The racist element in the “truther” redneck scene is palpable. In this scene black people are mostly seen as criminals who cannot possibly have a political conscience or genuinely revolt, because they have the slave mentality, right? All those riots were just crisis actors and masses of crackheads looting expensive trainers, right?

This is how some here think. They want the police there to protect them from the black gangsters and a riot to them is a crime worse than the occasional murder of some black waster, right ?

Dec 1, 2023 7:36 PM

Folks here, unfortunately, have, it seems, a very weak knowledge of US history regarding treatment of POC, people of color. There is a misperception of black protest and rioting. Attached to the BLM “organization”, which is truly a setup by the PTB, is valid. However, justified rioting by black folks and supporters goes back to before the revolution and as long as slavery was an institution. While BLM and it’s self-serving, climber elite are worthy of condemnation, the objective of riots and the rioters has been the same for 400 years. Elimination of racism, establishment of equality, justice for all, and protection from psychopathic police and vigilantes attacking black people, are totally justified objectives. To cast protests against murdering cops as PTB setups, and even insinuation that Chauvin, a multiple offender, was somehow not-guilty, is the worst kind of knee jerk reaction. Cops killing, falsely arresting, beating and terrorizing black people in the US has never stopped since the origin of police in the US: runaway slave hunters. The invention of PoLice, was founded upon this operation. Did ya’ll know that in the US, hiring of Police is commonly limited to people below 125 IQ? There’s a reason for that, that is self evident. Racism in America is a fact of life. Structural racism and colonial settler mindsets is the underlying root disease that makes a polite appearing society, commit institutionalized horrors, at home and abroad. Racism at home, wars on POC’s abroad, all pushed under the moral rug of Americans. From what I can tell some of this attitude exists in Europe as well, c/o centuries of colonial conquer and pillage. That France is still getting reparations in billion$ from Haiti for that black population RIOTING to get their country back… is just one tiny example of Western institutionalized… Read more »

Dec 2, 2023 6:28 AM
Reply to  sandy

some of this attitude exists in Europe as well
Without the propaganda that non-Wtites are sub-human, the plague of colonialism would have been a success. The subversion, perfidy, plunder, devastation, slavery, terrorism, brutality and genocide also required the aid of intellectuals such as orientalists, anthropologists, geneticists, artistes, religious authorities and legislators.

Dec 3, 2023 5:08 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Error: “Would not have been a success”

Dec 1, 2023 10:48 AM

no potato famine needed just a ticking time bomb jab database named selected picked then pickled

a flood of millions in for the crack on easy street
as a paddy i say leo varad what is that
ohh yes same old play another blackmailed sodomite fiddler on the roof

i told them but they said you cannot say that use those words.
now it is to late.

the oirish are done the scotch 2 the welsch donte make me laugh
and what of englander
done soon to be dusted.

welcome to the new normal satan new
you have been
barbera lerner spectored

Dec 1, 2023 9:16 AM

Luckily “science” exists as a realm of epistemology above mere politics to save us from deception:

Can’t we please have a global technocracy to tell us which protests are “good” and which aren’t?

BTW several comments below still seem to think Ireland’s population is like it was in the 1970s. It isn’t – and of course the change isn’t accidental:

Dec 1, 2023 6:29 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Yeah, when I was in Eire in 2014 and 2015, the best (cheapest) gas stations were entirely run by Serbians. Galway was beginning to look as it had been lifted straight out of the Czech Republic, it had all been ‘euro-ised.’

Dec 1, 2023 7:40 PM
Reply to  ariel

Eire? Where’s that exactly?

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Dec 1, 2023 9:18 PM
Reply to  Neacht

Me: “Who the fooks Henry K ?”

Dec 1, 2023 9:35 PM
Reply to  Neacht

Ireland, Éire or the Republic? Official files show debate over name of the State – The Irish Times
eirene’ is the Greek for ‘peace.’ ‘Airlann’ is supposed to be ‘Ulster-Scots’ version of ‘Eire,’ and is the name of my eldest son.
I don’t mind being corrected. I’m only a quarter Irish. Paternal grandfather from Cork.

Dec 1, 2023 7:24 AM

…would seemingly attract an opportunistic element, one that had engaged in looting and the burning of vehicles in Dublin on the night.

Another ‘Reichstag Fire” to confuse the issue to the detriment of populist sentiment whilst gaining credibility for Marxist-Capitalist- Bankster WEF-ists.

Chris Gwynne
Chris Gwynne
Dec 1, 2023 6:41 AM

Lets get things straight here. An adult that stabs children has a serious brain malefunction, regardless of where they come from. Perhaps some might say that some immigrants will be criminal so keep all of them out. The same truth applies to Britains that might emmigrate, some could be criminals. So lets lock up everyone in their own nation state and for good measure stop tourism abroad. This is one of the many factors that indicates the concept of the Nation state is a fetter regarding human peace, and like so many social orgnisations it requires modernising. . (Socialist federation of the World).
And what the hell does this O’Reilly reactionary mean by immigrants being… “unsuitable for inner city office blocks and schools. If they can speak the local lingo and do a reasonable days work, then they are fine.
The far-right did use social media to communicate with each other in order to emphatically ‘protest’, using the stabbing as an excuse to have some fun and make an irrelevent political point.
The weight given to any particular topic by the MSM is governed by many factors, so by comparing riots in the US with the Dublin riot, the above O’Reilly is implicitly condoning those actions in Dublin, by taking things out of context, and hence indirectly supporting the anti-immigrant, policy of static minded dinosaurs.
He, (O’Reilly), is probably correct that corporate interests played a role in media condemnation of the riot, but nevertheles omits mention of the increasing squalor within Dulin and Ireland as a whole, which has nothing at all to do with immigration. The real cause of poverty is the social-economic system known as Capitalism.

Dec 1, 2023 11:20 AM
Reply to  Chris Gwynne

Mass-immigration is always disastrous for the natives

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Dec 1, 2023 9:40 PM


“The events of the [1921 Arab] riots [in Palestine] nipped this hope [of constituting a combined Jewish-Arab defence force] in the bud. The project was abandoned, and in its place a British Gendarmerie of five hundred men, most of whom had been in the celebrated Black and Tan Brigade in Ireland, formed to crush the Irish rebels 1920-2, were brought to Palestine. Their commander, Major-General Tudor, commented sourly that they had to leave Ireland because of the [Wilsonian] principle of Irish self-determination, and were sent to Palestine to resist the Arab attempt at self-determination.”

Mandate Memories 1918-1948, Norman and Helen Bentwich, 1965

Chris Gwynne
Chris Gwynne
Dec 1, 2023 11:47 PM

Don’t know what you mean by mass-immigration. Clearly 1million people landing on the Isle Shepey next Tuesday would cause problems, so yes protocols are needed, but no criteria should be based on racism.

Dec 2, 2023 4:59 AM

Especially for the Palestinians.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Dec 1, 2023 6:37 AM

All State sponsored, the race replacement plan of the globalists is progressing nicely….for the globalists.
The liberals and sheep still think anyone highlighting this is a far right conspiracy theorist.
Perhaps when the invading hordes are smashing their windows and breaking down their front door, reality will finally bite them.

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Dec 1, 2023 2:10 AM

Perhaps the MOST interesting thing about this is that because it was such a hamfisted security op, that ‘select’ elements of the online dissident right have only done a VERY perfunctory review and swiftly moved on
Hopefully not too far away from the discovery of the alternative media as a longstanding security state operation.

Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine
Dec 1, 2023 2:09 AM

Good for them. Hope they riot some more and get some mass deportations going.

I mean, can you imagine a veteran of the Irish Revolution slapping his forehead in bewilderment, while watching his country stuffed to the gills with foreigners, his government handed over to them lock, stock, and barrel, and his country’s beloved traditions and customs spat on, saying to himself, “We fought and died for this? . . . Should have stayed home and played the fiddle.”

Dec 1, 2023 6:51 PM
Reply to  Thomas Paine

I went on the Independence Day march in Dublin in January 2015. Visits the famous sights like certain street corners, the General Post Office. Fellow marchers told me that Ireland still has a ‘provisional government.’

Dec 1, 2023 1:47 AM

… in response to the riots, and it was announced that MMA star Conor McGregor was being investigated for ‘inciting hate’ over a post on X that he had sent the night BEFORE the stabbings.

Oh! I had no idea that Conor had posted that tweet before the stabbings. That makes what Varadkar is doing especially unjust.

One way or the other, I hope Conor sticks to his guns and becomes a rallying-figure for the long-suffering Irish public.

Jonathan K X
Jonathan K X
Dec 1, 2023 3:17 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Or, perhaps better yet, they might rally behind someone who isn’t a serial rapist.

Dec 1, 2023 12:14 AM

George Floyd is a fictional character, played by NBA player Steven Jackson

all the worlds a stage

Dec 1, 2023 1:48 AM
Reply to  Jax

You probably think they all look the same. Racist! 😂

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Dec 1, 2023 9:25 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

They all do look the same, and saying so aint racist.
All oranges look like oranges (though some look
more orangey than some others).

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Dec 2, 2023 5:45 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Once, while at work, I had a Chinese girl come looking for a blonde American girl whom she’d only met once. When I asked her to describe the girl, she replied that “I don’t know, those blonde girls all look the same.”

Nov 30, 2023 11:01 PM

While English nationalism was the one nationalism it was ok to demonise people will find it hard now to understand how the ethnocentric nationalism of Irish republicanism has become so cucked the forces of globalism?

To the extent that despite Irish lives being threatened by knife attacks, the people posting ‘Irish Lives Matter’ in West Belfast in response have now come under attack from so called ‘nationalist’ leaders in that community.

Their central concern seems to be about denigrating any Irish people who have responded to these attacks with the police attacking those raising concern i.e. Conor MacGregor.

I haven’t seen Mr O’Reilly engage here but it would be nice if someone from the republican background can explain just what has happened to Irish nationalism that it is now complicit in the destruction of the Irish demographic and happy to demonise those who once it courted.

The only people I see now defending Irishness has a culture and people are the National Party but I don’t know much of their history.

Dec 1, 2023 8:33 AM
Reply to  Seansaighdeoir

Yes indeed; Sinn Fein are the most pro globalist of all! It is truly bizarre, although I think there was always a Marxist element within Irish republicanism.

Dec 1, 2023 1:26 PM
Reply to  MiloT

There were hardline Marxist republicans I agree, Brian Keenan springs to mind, but the policy was removing the more nationalist element to allow the political element to gain control. That was the shoot to kill policy of the 80’s.

But PSF and PIRA originally formed because of the failure of the Officials to defend catholic areas and we now have the modern day equivalent blaming locals being upset at Irish people being attacked from a new more modern threat.

Interesting how this plays out because the Irish rebel tradition is a strong one and I can’t see them standing for that for too long.

Varadkar seems determine to make things worse though.

Anthony Murphy
Anthony Murphy
Dec 1, 2023 9:19 AM
Reply to  Seansaighdeoir

Key to understanding Sinn Fein is the role of Adams and Mcguinness – who shaped Sinn Fein politically into what it is today. They did a great job in achieving their aims and mobilizing the nationalist population. What they jettisoned in the process was Catholicalism = previously the fundamentalist ideology of Irish republicanism. They became a ‘progressive’ force and left Padraic Pearse behind.

Dec 1, 2023 1:10 PM
Reply to  Anthony Murphy

I’m not sure anyone really understood Pearse’ nationalism but regardless what you appear to be saying is that SF have supplanted the nationalist part of republicanism with a Marxist outlook? McGuinness was a Catholic IIRC so not sure that really adds up.

But regardless to take your point at face value, isn’t that where SF came in, in the first place?

The Official IRA had by 69 become a marxist talking shop under Cathal Goulding and when the crisis in the 6 counties kicked off they were unable to respond leading to people to label them as I Ran Away.

Some 50 years later and SF have now trodden a similar path. Globalist forces now in place of the ‘brits’ are seemingly bent on replacing the Irish demographic with people with no ties or no rights to be there.

That has no escalated into attacks on the Irish themselves and SF are telling everyone not to be racist?

I can’t remember who coined the phrase about history repeating itself but I’m sure you get the point.

Dec 1, 2023 6:59 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeoir

comment image

Dec 1, 2023 10:48 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

Off-topic, but as he’s off to the great little boozer in the sky


Ar dheist Dé go raibh a anam dílis

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Nov 30, 2023 10:01 PM

Distraction ?

This seems a distraction. Ireland has been a staunch defender of the victims of genocidal apartheid in GAZA.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 30, 2023 9:05 PM

Sexual Assault Allegations – And Dropped Investigations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conor_McGregor Dublin sexual assault allegations In March 2019, The New York Times reported that McGregor was under investigation by the Irish police, following allegations of a sexual assault on a woman in a Dublin hotel in December 2018.[218] A second allegation of sexual assault was reported on in October 2019, regarding an assault on a woman in a car alleged to have taken place earlier that month.[219] In January 2021, after prosecutors declined to prosecute McGregor for the 2018 alleged sexual assault, a civil claim for damages was launched in the High Court. A spokeswoman for McGregor said in a statement that the allegations against McGregor were “categorically rejected” and that McGregor is “confident that justice will prevail” in the civil case.[220][221] In March 2022, the High Court made a pre-trial discovery order against McGregor in the case. The order requires the Gardaí to disclose certain information and documents gathered by them.[222] Corsica arrest On 10 September 2020, McGregor was arrested on the French island of Corsica on suspicion of attempted sexual assault and indecent exposure for an incident alleged to have taken place in a bar. After being held in custody for two days while being interviewed by police, he was released without charge.[231][232][233] Eight months later, French authorities dropped the investigation due to insufficient evidence.[234][235] Alleged sexual assault On 11 June 2023, Miami police received a report that McGregor had sexually assaulted a woman the previous night in a restroom at the Miami Heat arena after Game Four of the NBA Finals.[259] McGregor released a statement via the Kessler PR Group, a public relations and crisis management group, denying the allegation.[260] On 18 October, the case was dropped.[261] — Conor McGregor urges Irish leaders to act now and lockdown the country… Read more »

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Nov 30, 2023 9:58 PM

Well, there you go! It pays to serve the Powers that Be.

Dec 1, 2023 10:57 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

he is a trans man like his beloved baphomet
like russell brand tattooed twatter follower of oto
as in alistair crowleigh do as thou wilt
sick twisted scripted pustule

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 1, 2023 4:45 PM
Reply to  gordan

I doubt he’s trans, but he’s probably controlled from a long way back. The fighting may be fixed in order to build him up as a celebrity, but he’s still a good fighter.

Nov 30, 2023 8:15 PM

Whilst there is a real concern against mass immigration, and it is definetly used as a problem-reaction-solution kind of tool, pitting weak groups against eachother, these “riots” like the blm riots seemed to get extreme amounts of press, which leads me to believe that they are as “organic” as the blm ones, someone sets a fire(metaphoricly speaking), on purpose or by chance(the assailant might even have been a government groomed putz, like the man behind the so called “Oslo gay hatecrime terror” of last year) useful idiots or state actors come in and egg on the situation and present the solution with “tougher hate rime laws or more surveilance “, You have to understand that both sides of the political spectrum are lead on by larping pied pipers that are often on the systems leash. And I have to say that “rightwing dissidents”(consumed by idpol like their cousins on the so called left) aren’t usualy the brightest lot. All the world is a stage as they say, and what gets the most press is usualy what they want you to look at.

Dec 1, 2023 1:53 AM
Reply to  UncleWalrus

So, was the stabbing in Dublin fake, just like the George Floyd ‘murder’ (Fentanyl overdose)? Because that’s where your equation of the two incidents begins to break down.

Dec 1, 2023 3:13 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

I don’t think it was fake, but you have to understand that security services have a bunch of mentally ill or vulnerable people on “retainer” if you will, they are groomed online by honeypot movements and fake online friends that happen to be intelligence agents or feds, this was pretty much the case of the aforementioned “Oslo gay pride terrorist”, and has been proven to be the case in MANY cases in the US, like this “famous” case where the FBI was caught out grooming a mentally disabled kid to become an “Islamic terrorist” https://archive.is/2kElc or this case where they gave a supposedly Schizophrenic man a vehicle and a fake bomb after grooming him into “right wing terror” online, https://archive.is/cnauQ even if this was not the case, these Dublin “riots” received plenty of attention and WHOOPS now there is new yer “hatecrime” and Surveillance laws, you don’t find this at least a little bit suspicious, Seamus?

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Dec 1, 2023 3:31 AM
Reply to  UncleWalrus

These riots should get alot of press, just not the kind they’re getting. This isn’t any pitting weak groups against each other, this is about national sovereignty and the fight against the New World Order/Great Reset. Face it, a lot of people are pissed, evidently you aren’t.

Dec 1, 2023 6:23 AM

So you are saying you believe the press to be independent harbingers of truth? You do realize what the mainstream press reports is what the powers that be want you to see, you haven’t learned that yet? Especially not the three last years. way to miss every point I made about fraudulent ass political movements and fed agitation. What I’m angry about you have no clue, But I’ll tell you one thing I’m not going to let someone manipulate my anger into ushering in the police state that they so desperately want by burning down a bunch of shit and smashing stuff that changes nothing,while the impact of what I think I’m changing is exactly the opposite. I don’t understand why you can’t grasp this kind of manipulation and think “things are like what you see in the paper or on tv”.

Big Al
Big Al
Dec 1, 2023 9:23 PM
Reply to  UncleWalrus

I think we’re missing each other’s points.

“So you are saying you believe the press to be independent harbingers of truth?”

I mean, come on, man.

My point was plenty of those protesting, and you’re falling in line with the MSM when you label them “riots”, are rightfully disgusted with the state of their countries. People are pissed and they are fighting back.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Dec 2, 2023 5:53 AM
Reply to  UncleWalrus

And I have to say that “rightwing dissidents”(consumed by idpol like their cousins on the so called left) aren’t usualy the brightest lot.

They’re bright enough to know that the “Algerian” and “Congolese” etc. “Immigrants” aren’t Irish, not racially, not ethnically, not culturally, and they don’t belong in Ireland in any appreciable numbers, period. They’re bright enough to know that they’re being fucked over.

Dec 2, 2023 11:41 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

If the Irish diaspora were to be returned to it’s country of origin it would probably have a higher population density than Gaza.

Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine
Dec 3, 2023 7:57 PM
Reply to  UncleWalrus

Nice point. It’s like this organ seems to have temporarilyo forgot it’s primary thesis: everything is a false flag.