What We Are Not Allowed to Say

Christine Black

Censorship imperils cultures and civilization. When governments and elites prohibit speaking or writing without threats, shaming, or epithets meant to shut down discussion, free thinking dies. People also die.

A censorship industrial complex grew around Covid hysteria, which began as a war on a virus. New full-blown wars, with guns, bombs, tanks, and planes, and thousands dead now explode around us as free speech is lost in wars’ rubble, and propaganda buries truths.

With money and massive influence, private for-profit industries like pharmaceutical companies, capture US agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control, that then bolster industry profits rather than protect public health. Similarly, captured politicians help corporations profit from wars, as Marine Corp Brigadier General Smedley Butler notes in his book, War is a Racket and as Dwight D. Eisenhower warned against in his 1961 Farewell Address. Corporate and government elites get rich from wars based on lies, such as wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – and they sit rich now in retirement.

What truths might we uncover, sifting through wars’ rubble? Children and young people didn’t need Covid shots as they were at little risk from serious illness from Covid, and some countries stopped recommending them. Yet, vaccines are a main source of revenue for pediatricians. A “pandemic of the unvaccinated” never happened though entertainers, highly paid media figures, and politicians viciously maligned those who waited or declined a Covid shot.

Most people contracted Covid anyway, whether they got multiple shots or not. Shots did not prevent transmission. Thousands of Covid vaccine-injured people have been bullied into silence and rendered invisible. These are all statements we have been forbidden from making in the last few years; those who dare utter them faced rancor or ridicule or worse.

Don’t talk about Covid shots, school and business closings, or the many beloved businesses and churches that closed for good because of bureaucratic mandates.

Don’t talk about vaccine injuries or deaths or children’s learning losses or epidemics of addictions; don’t talk about child and teen suicides.

Don’t talk about Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s astute observations that Haiti and Nigeria had the some of the least restrictive Covid policies on earth, had about a one percent Covid vaccine rate, and have had some of the lowest Covid death rates in the world, observations noted in his book, Letter to Liberals.

Don’t talk about how Covid shots may cause Covid, or how Pfizer’s own product literature states that Covid is one of the side effects of the shot. When we talk about these topics, listeners often stiffen and bristle, their eyes may go blank as they dismiss us with pity or contempt before we even complete a spoken paragraph. Now, new disasters and traumas affect the world, and many insist we not talk about them to avoid snarling and insults or worse.

Violence and war exploded in the Middle East recently, and more unutterable statements come to mind. For instance, criticizing the policies of the Israeli government does not equal anti-Semitism. Great Britain, the same colonial power that colonized and divided the African continent and other countries like poker chips among winners, made The Balfour Declaration in 1917 that declared a “home for the Jews” in Palestine, where Palestinians already lived.

Was this presumptuous and elitist for the British to declare?

Is a single, open, and democratic state in Israel with equal rights for all the best solution to the conflicts and violence, as Israeli American writer, activist, and Israeli Defense Force veteran Miko Peled has stated? Peled is the son of an Israeli general and grandson of one of the signers of the Israeli Declaration of Independence. His father was an Israeli war hero turned peace maker. He changed his thinking on Israel; so did Miko Peled. Peled writes his story in his book, The General’s Son and shares his views in talks and interviews, such as this one on the Katie Halper program.

In spite of how propaganda bombards us, we may note as Miko Peled does, that Palestinians are not simply evil barbarians, beheading babies and raping women. Islam is not a religion of fanatics and terrorists, in Palestine, or anywhere else, as the media often portrays it. It is one of the world’s major religions. The word, Islam, means “submission to the will of God.” The Arabic word, “salaam” which means peace, is part of the common greeting among Muslims all over the world.

Spreading peace is a requirement of the faith. Similarly, sharing God’s peace is expected among Christians and Jews.

Christians have been criticized for their views on Israel. An older and much more well-read peace activist friend shared with me that some evangelical Christians who support Israel, stand with Israel, do so because they believe Israel is the final launching pad for the Rapture when Christians will be zapped up to Heaven, and Jewish people will be too if they convert to Christianity. Jewish people who do not will perish.

What do Jewish people think of this scenario? What if they do not want to “accept Jesus,” but simply wish to remain Jewish? It is confusing. Plenty of the world’s worst violence has been committed and continues in the name of or under the cover of religion.

Statements we are not supposed to make call us to make them now. Statements I make above could be wrong. Many may disagree with them. However, censorship kills with its shaming epithets meant to shut down discussion and thought, like the labels “anti-Semitic” or “conspiracy theorist,” “science denier” or “anti-Vaxxer.”

Censorship imperils us when we are forbidden to speak without threats and insults, such as when we were told, “You don’t care if others die of Covid” if we decided not to wear a mask or to move about freely in 2020 and 2021. Similarly, we were told, “You deserve to be excluded from society if you decline a vaccine” even when some of us had natural immunity or didn’t think we needed it. Even worse, some of us were told, “You deserve to die – or lose your job or friends or education — if you don’t comply.”

Many said such horrible things in the last few years.

Slogans and advertising language often replace free speech and obliterate open thought, as they did during the Covid period, as they do during all wars. Should we be wary of sloganeering and pre-packaged language like “wiped off the map,” “Israel’s 9-11,” “rid the world of evil,” “mushroom cloud,” “weapons of mass destruction,” “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” – sloganeering that stops empathy and reflection, closes debate, and whips populations into war frenzies? Should we question slogans and manipulative phrases?

What questions might we ask about slogans like Israel’s “right to exist”? What does that mean? After a suicide bomber killed his niece in Israel years ago, Miko Peled asked questions. He joined dialogue groups of Israelis and Palestinians and changed his thinking.

US military veteran suicides have been at epidemic levels after soldiers returned from multiple deployments in disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, ignited by sloganeering after 9-11 and the launch of the so-called “war on terror,” which was to “rid the world of evil.” How might those veterans react now, hearing this same kind of language about “Israel’s 9-11”? This past week, I learned of another veteran who committed suicide.

Can we keep our minds opened, our hearts softened to alternative perspectives? During Covid lockdowns, rigid thinking and censorship caused the US to harm its own children relentlessly as their suicides, addictions, developmental delays, learning losses, and despair increased. Children around the world starved, were abused, exploited, and enslaved because of lockdown policies we were forbidden to question. Has an entire generation of young people been harmed?

Free societies do not ban statements and opinions. Free societies permit questions and debate. Statements above may be phrased as questions as well. For instance, do Covid shots work? Have they worked to stop transmission and illness and death? Was discussion of early Covid treatment suppressed, as Dr. Peter McCollough noted early in lockdowns? Are Covid vaccine-injured people silenced? Where may we find their stories?

Should western cultures have shut down in 2020 in an attempt to avoid a single pathogen? By what authority did bureaucrats suspend the US Constitution in 2020 and forbid assembly, speech, protest, group worship, and community gatherings? What were the harms? Who benefitted from lockdowns and Covid shots and how? How much money changed hands? Who wrote the checks and who got paid?

Why are Palestinians fighting? How do we end the violence and build peace? Should the US fund violence in Israel the ways it does? What has life been like in Gaza and the West Bank of Palestine for the last few decades? Could lockdowns have made life there worse?

Israel has been criticized as one of the most repressive countries in the world for Covid restrictions and Covid shot mandates. Protesting Covid policies is a privilege Palestinians in Gaza would not have had. They have lacked basic medicines, clean water, and schools free of bombings for years.

Was the Balfour Declaration a good idea? Conservative Jewish Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, speaking at a Let the Quran Speak conference, supports Palestinians and criticizes leaders of the state of Israel on religious grounds.

Documentary films like Occupation 101 and Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land provoked my thinking when I helped organize public showings of them while working with peace groups. We led discussions of these films along with War Made Easy, a film based on Norman Solomon’s book by the same name, and The Ground Truth, a film about the horrific effects on the eight-ten percent of the population, sent on multiple deployments to fights those wars.

In the last few years, the same US government that sent military members to fight and die in catastrophic wars forced Covid shots on them until refusers struck down the unlawful mandates.

Stories from outsiders and whistleblowers may teach us, stories from former insiders in the military, in industry, in governments. Soldiers sent to fight disastrous wars may have lost limbs or memory or cognitive function from IEDs. They learned and changed and spoke – what we were not allowed to say.

Describing this latest violence as “Israel’s 9-11” is especially dangerous as we recall the unfathomable destruction and carnage that such language unleashed on the world more than twenty years ago with the launch of the so-called “war on terror”.

What did we learn? Outsiders and independent thinkers — who have said what was forbidden — have often changed history. From the so-called “war on terror,” the war on a virus, the current war in Israel and Palestine, perhaps they will now.

Christine E. Black‘s poetry has been published in Antietam Review, 13th Moon, American Journal of Poetry, New Millennium Writings, Nimrod International, Red Rock Review, The Virginia Journal of Education, Friends Journal, The Veteran, Sojourners Magazine, Iris Magazine, English Journal, Amethyst Review, St. Katherine Review, Dappled Things and other publications.


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Emilia Voltaria Zolita
Emilia Voltaria Zolita
Jan 6, 2024 9:13 PM

Excellent, thank you

Dec 29, 2023 4:43 PM

Dec 29, 2023 4:28 PM

Wolf commented on Israel Palestine at Oxford in this talk. She has also researched and written on Covid period lockdowns and harms. Maybe independent thinkers — and a free and critical-thinking press — will help change history and reduce damage and deaths, especially damage to young young people and children.

Dec 17, 2023 2:44 PM

Israel 911 ah ha just like ours, an inside job! Brilliant peice! Love Christians writing! She brings together so many disparate peices of a world, great research and challenging, next steps ideas, thanks Christine!

Dec 5, 2023 4:24 PM


sharing some history. For the ones interested in Palestine/ israel

Dec 5, 2023 1:40 AM

Here is the video you’ve been waiting to see your whole life… whoops YouTube just removed it…..

Now on Rumble


Dec 4, 2023 7:12 PM

excellent piece. right questions asked – and the fact they are asked, means that lots of people should answer – all those that wished us dead, convicted us of murdering others, banned us, forbid us to shop…. this should not be forgotten.
as to Israel – it is beyond me, that the US can ‘stand’ with this genocide. Every genocide. Usually the US is on the side of the bombers, not the bombed.

Dec 4, 2023 6:03 PM

This article makes a few good points but anyone who refers to COVID as a “virus” is truly lacking discernment and cannot really expect to be taken seriously. COVID is a psy-op, COVID is social engineering, COVID is pharma-government-media sponsored mental illness, etc. I just think at this point anyone promoting the virus storyline is liar or moron.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Dec 4, 2023 5:20 PM

Irish “journalist” defends her belief in “the responsibility not to report.” It’s all for the public good, of course.


Dec 4, 2023 1:10 PM

Looking for words similar to ‘Covid’ in the Hebrew Tanakh (as you do), the closest (phonetically) that I could discover is ‘Coved‘, meaning ‘mass, abundance or heaviness’ (derived from the Hebrew verb ‘cavad’ or ‘caved’, to be heavy).

Caph-Holem-Beth (without the dagesh)-Seghol-Daleth, so likely pronounced ‘Co-ved’

It appears for example, in the ‘ve-co-ved’ (the ‘ve-‘ prefix meaning ‘and’) of Nahum 3:3. Rendered here (NLT) as “heaps of”:

“The dead are lying in the streets – dead bodies, heaps of bodies, everywhere” (NLT)

which is reminiscent of the opening scenes of Wuhan 2020.

‘Coved’ is similarly rendered as “heaps of” in the RSV:

“… hosts of slain, heaps of corpses, dead bodies without end – they stumble over the bodies”

The NIV translating it as “piles of”

“Many casualties, piles of dead, bodies without number, people stumbling over the corpses” (NIV)

The KJV, as “a great number of”:

“… and there is a multitude of slain; and a great number of carcasses…” (KJV)

But, whichever way it’s rendered, that means a lot of dead bodies. The place was likely ‘covid’ with them

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 4, 2023 3:16 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

which is reminiscent of the opening scenes of Wuhan 2020.

As portrayed by the MSM! 😅

Dec 4, 2023 12:13 PM

Covid19 never existed.

Dec 4, 2023 11:58 AM

Some things about Henry Kissinger that definitely shouldn’t be mentioned:

Everyone knows in alt circles what his real name is… his real first name that is. But what about his much more significant real familial surname? Or how about his service in the 1950s on the Psychological Warfare Board under C.D. Jackson?

John Milton
John Milton
Dec 4, 2023 11:31 AM

Islam is not a religion of fanatics and terrorists, in Palestine, or anywhere else, as the media often portrays it.

Yes the old ‘religion of peace and tolerance’ . The one which chops of parts of their boys’ penises. The one that is 100% tolerant as long as you comply 100% with their rules. The one that definitely doesn’t treat women badly. The one that integrates 100% into western societies in which their followers breed and replicate faster than lightning. The one that definitely doesn’t call for death to Jews during their ‘peaceful’ demonstrations in London.

Any religion that tells its followers they should identify as being of that religion above being human is evil in my opinion.

In my time I have met a few muslims who were genuinely kind, polite and caring people. One such guy came here directly from Pakistan. One day he was telling me of his experiences here in the UK. The kindest and most welcoming people he had encountered here were the indigenous UK people. Guess who he told me were the most hateful, racist and nasty? That’s right – the UK born 2nd / 3rd generation muslims. He told me they espoused hatred for blacks, Hindus, whites, him because he was from Pakistan and they viewed him as inferior, and especially Jews.

This ties in exactly with my own experiences growing up in a ‘diverse’ area. In 6th form I was in love with a muslin girl. Her parents forced her to end the relationship because I wasn’t a muslim. Very tolerant of them!

There were also large numbers of Sikhs and Hindus where I grew up. I remember the distinct difference in the integration into society between these and muslims. All the Sikhs and Hindus participated in Christmas. All their houses has Christmas decorations and they gave out Christmas cards. It’s still the same today. Did muslims do the same? Of course not! Not a single one!

With most muslims its their way or the highway.

And it is all justified to them in their instruction manual.

All religions in which their followers view themselves as the ‘ultimate’ or the ‘chosen people’ etc are bad bad bad. All of them.

These Jews and muslims hate each other. Its ridiculous. All because of their stupid fake religions and their fake gods.

They should just scrap all the religious crap and get on with each other,.

Dec 4, 2023 11:29 PM
Reply to  John Milton

In my experience I have seen a Muslim Imam celebrating Christmas with a nominal Christian friend in Australia. This shows that you can’t make blanket statements and put labels on individual people of any given religion or belief system.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Dec 5, 2023 2:55 PM
Reply to  John Milton

they all worship the same god

Dec 5, 2023 3:41 PM
Reply to  dom irritant

But the god of islam says to kill or subjugate all who don’t follow islam. And it instructs it’s followers to hate and kill all jews.

The “same god” would instruct it’s followers in the same fundamental teachings and not contradict them. The bible in no way has blanket statements to kill non-believers or enslave them. Yes, in the old testament god instructed the israelites to displace and subdue other peoples but these weren’t open ended commands for all ages.

Pavel Stanford
Pavel Stanford
Dec 8, 2023 9:27 AM
Reply to  Wango64

That’s exactly what Jesus says in the Bible – follow me or be damned. And no, the God if Islam does not say kill all Jews – in the Qu’ran it’s only those who work on the Sabbath. The Torah & Talmud talks about driving out all nor Jews. All religions are the same. Tolerance is not their strong suit. Same books, different labels – divide and rule.

Pavel Stanford
Pavel Stanford
Dec 8, 2023 9:23 AM
Reply to  John Milton

Replace Muslims with Jews in your argument – exactly the same.

peter mcloughlin
peter mcloughlin
Dec 4, 2023 11:27 AM

“Corporate and government elites get rich from wars based on lies…”
They deny the truth to themselves and will try and silence those who try and speak out. I have been banned from a number of sites myself, so spread the word where I can.

Dec 4, 2023 9:21 AM

Here ex-financial dark-wizzard Ronald Bernard’s experiences with the ~8500 member Cabal a la Epstein: https://rumble.com/c/c-3194718

Dec 4, 2023 8:30 AM

“What did we learn?”

Milk fed liberals of the Western World learned what one of the Seven Sages of Greece taught two or three thousand years ago:

“It is a crime to conceal your opinion” — Solon of Athens, called “The Father of Democracy”.

Dec 4, 2023 6:52 AM

What we are not allowed to say is what we sheeple do not wish to be told.

China Leaps to the Top of the AI tree. 5,000 years of inventiveness, a huge pool of young talent and the largest middle class in the world.


Dec 4, 2023 1:46 PM
Reply to  NickM

Sheeple do not have definite opinions or even beliefs. The manipulators have made some things unthinkable or unmentionable for them.

Sal P
Sal P
Dec 4, 2023 5:02 AM

As far as the general future and development of humanity is concerned, and apart from any mere consideration of current politics, Fascism above all does not believe either in the possibility or utility of universal peace. It therefore rejects the pacifism which masks surrender and cowardice. War alone brings all human energies to their highest tension and sets a seal of nobility on the peoples who have the virtue to face it. All other tests are but substitutes which never make a man face himself in the alternative of life or death. A doctrine which has its starting-point at the prejudicial postulate of peace is therefore extraneous to Fascism.


Dec 4, 2023 8:38 AM
Reply to  Sal P

Thanks for reminding us why the Italian Army was the first to surrender, and why Italian Partisans butchered Musso and his Mistress. They’d had enough of his Nietzschean posturing.

Big Al
Big Al
Dec 4, 2023 3:37 AM

Censorship imperils blogs too.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Dec 4, 2023 1:15 AM

Are the Palestinians really stupid ? I mean, how many bombs have to be dropped on them before they realize they are not wanted ? Surely by now they should have learned how to duck the US-Israeli carpet bombing ?

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Dec 4, 2023 12:49 AM

The secular West is Christian – secularism being a mask of convenience – that’s why US-Israeli bombs rain down on the Muslim Palestinians…It’s a religious war, a Crusade.

Dec 4, 2023 12:35 AM

I have an old avatar like that, I nicked from an American Band – Tool? – it was a really good song..probably wouldn’t be allowed now…So like you do, or I did at the time, I took my 3 year old daughter to the ballet class..we could have easily walked, but you know little girls prettying themselves up..we were a bit late…she says I want to be first on stage..so I got her there on time…drove home less than 1 minute, and parked my car outside our house…

So I walked round to pick her up…everything is fine..

Daddy – where is your car???

So I phoned the police – someone has stolen my car… The Police phoned me back the next day…

The good news, we have found your car…

The bad news…you will not want to see it

Burnt Out Wreck

It annoyed me a bit

I had to get the bus to work the next day.

It did not advesely affect our Daughter – on Stage in her Ballet Show at Epsom Playhouse – even her older brother was impressed.

Now we have grandchildren..much the same…

Why would anyone want to steal my car????

“Tool – Hush”


Dec 3, 2023 11:04 PM

It seems alarm over censorship is most often raised when someone’s toes get stepped on in a society systemically organized by thought control. Even before we can think, most of us are socialized, colonized, by industrial schooling, a long established censorship industrial complex. That’s to prepare us for lifelong servitude, wage slavery, in all those jobs from petite to corporate tyrannies where our supposed freedom of speech extends only so far as allowed by bizzness (in the dictionary of doublethink, the private property of the free market).

Control of the many by the few has defined the course of so-called civilization, and far from contradicting, or imperiling, its barbarous grip upon the masses, censorship is a corollary of class dominated society, generally enforced by cultural hegemony and monopolization of knowledge, but always ready to have ruling ideas beaten into us by more outright institutionalized violence. The plandemic coordinated and advanced the psywar necessary to class war in terms of a radical paradigm shift into the new abnormal of the GR/4IR.  

We’re living through not only an historical but evolutionary struggle to transform human resources traditionally counting for ruling classes as little to no more than labor power, or else useless eaters, completely into the machinery of (re)production, where biodigital convergence will eventually dispense with thought control and simply replace personal consciousness with the hive mind of AI, the singularity where we leap into species annihilation for the sake of a psychopathy of power* that has long been the most deadly plague among us.  

How best do we settle our differences but by more egalitarian relations which check if not fundamentally alter the dynamics of power that threatens to subordinate all life to its death march? If ever it was, it’s not now much if any avail to keep striking at branches rather than roots of a social system connecting the complexities of censorship, where an injury to one is an injury to all, within a logic of control leading to the crisis of consciousness and being now confronting us.  

*Perversely personified in the late, great Henry Kissinger for whom power was the “ultimate aphrodisiac” in controlling food controlling people, controlling energy controlling whole continents, controlling money controlling the world…control, control, control. A Nobel laureate of peace for his crimes against humanity. If hell doesn’t exist, we have to invent it for Henry. His legacy now passes to such Luciferian figures as Yuval Harari, for whom we are no longer mysterious souls but hackable animals.

Dec 3, 2023 11:02 PM

And here’s something we weren’t allowed to SEE:

Here’s a documentary complete w body camera footage. A set-up by TPTB.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 5, 2023 1:01 AM
Reply to  Penelope

An obvious hoax, particularly considering all the other attendant “events” around it, coordinated subplots all showing it.

Dec 3, 2023 10:48 PM

The Balfour Declaration in 1917. Sykes Picot agreement May 1916. Slightly predates 1917 agreement

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Dec 3, 2023 9:45 PM


Starting an article with an illustration of taped mouths on this forum is sheer chutzpah.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 4, 2023 9:46 AM

Your implication that you are not allowed to say what you want “on this forum”, even while you’re saying it, is true Chutzpah!

Dec 4, 2023 11:13 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I declared the percentage of my posts that didn’t make it early on this thread. Can you see that post ?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 4, 2023 11:51 AM

Wow, then it’s proven. You’ve exposed our nefarious agenda. 😅

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 4, 2023 12:23 PM

Btw if you’re talking about this comment…


80% of my posts are censored. Presumably this one will be too.

Yes I binned that one, since it is wholly and ridiculously a lie, presumably designed to raise levels of distrust below the line. 😅 It had zero content, it was trolling, plain and simple. And that gets binned,

You do understand, don’t you, that freedom of speech is not the same as a Trolling Licence, and that ‘censorship’ means ideologically promoting certain views by suppressing others, NOT removing silly lies from silly trolls.

Your opinions get a good airing here, and you know it. Now kindly move on. A2

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 4, 2023 5:29 PM
Reply to  George Mc

His is chutzpah, really? I had already tagged all of it as Putzpah.

But maybe that’s just me.

Dec 3, 2023 9:13 PM

I just must first say something unrelated to my further comment: what about complete blackout of Russian media in Natostan? Does close to million of white-negroe casualties mean anything?

This will be about censure, just give me some time to develop the though.Much bigger threat to humanity than censorship at this time are Epistemic Bubbles and Echo-chambers. Philosopher C. Thi Nguyen (no worry, totally accessible) wrote about this and professor Victor Gijsbers neatly presents his work in video below.

Shortly, epistemic bubble occurs when a person (group) because of various circumstances doesn’t have some knowledge or gets something wrong. Echo-chamber is epistemic bubble on steroids, a person inside the echo-chamber actively rejects any knowledge, any person, from the outside and that might go to outright hate. Nguyen proposes rebuilding trust as a remedy.

Of course, conspiracy-realists are living in echo-chamber according to Nguyen, no surprise. But I was definitely surprised how Gijsbers, who usually comments and engages with the stuff he presents, this time completely failed to do so. For anyone on a quest for truth the fundamental question here is: How can one be sure he isn’t in an echo-chamber?
By the way, Victor Gijsbers is excellent presenter and I recommend his series on Karl Popper, author of falsifiability, an argument that is frequently used against todays deranged science and its abusers in particular. Although the notion of falsifiability in itself has solidity, Popper’s arguments are way from sound and could put in question possibility of any epistemology.
Nguyen certainly thinks he is not in an echo-chamber and if asked I wouldn’t be surprised with a reply that majority cannot be in an echo-chamber. Well, there is ample evidence in history this is possible.
His proposal of rebuilding trust as a remedy is impotent at best because of the question How. Also, how to reconcile things that in present seems to be irreconcilable has not even been evoked.

He also didn’t notice that the world is full of various echo-chambers and some also overlap. If I borrow from defunct politics, in our community we have right-leaning truthers and left-leaning truthers. And probably even more subdivisions, colloquially the phenomena is called divisiveness. Communication is possible on overlapping areas, but don’t go towards some core beliefs. If you want to go well along with people, you have to auto-censure yourself. I would claim that auto-censure is worse than censure, you are doing it to yourself.

As a remedy to echo-cambers and auto-censure I would propose communication in Good Faith. There is not much of that today and I guess it sounds utopic.
Of course, there are areas of life today, or better, compartments of life, where this might be bad, even perilous, like for example in compartment of semi-god Economy, where Buyer Beware reigns.
Many are used to think of life as being compartmentalized. Actually, life is about unified experiences, we are built this way.

Dec 4, 2023 2:29 AM
Reply to  mik

without viewing embedded video, but reading comment, I would surmise that the idea of, ‘epistemic bubble,’ is piggybacking on Sloterdijk’s idea of spheres (see his trilogy, Spheres: Bubbles; Globes; and Foams). That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!!

Dec 4, 2023 1:22 PM

Where do you found Sloterdijk?????

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 3, 2023 8:22 PM

We should not be naive to think those who declare “you should be excluded or die from society” do not mean it. They mean it.
If they say it, its because they are fully able to carry it out.

But we can remember Christ’s or Mohammed’s word, “forgive them because they dont know what they are doing”.
Us who know have an obligation to give our knowledge to those who only believe and dont know.
Christ also said, “as you ave got the knowledge and ability for free, you shall give it to others who dont have it for free”.

But when we have given our knowledge several times to people, we should also realize that other people have a free will, and some of those people deliberately choose the devil because it is here they feel most comfortable and can “gain more”.
They choose by free will to be a Judas or be together with the Liar.

UKColum has a very important piece today about COP28 where Prince Charles talked about the next global campaign directing all global finance to the Clima bs.

In Prince Charles speech it becomes obvious that the whole Nature Gaia Environmentalist Clima ideology roots are build on Babylonian pagan witchcraft with child sacrifice to Baal and human blood on the earth to satisfy the “God’s” to manage the weather in the pagan Tribe’s favour. https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-1st-december-2023 COP28 – Prince Charles speech.

Dec 3, 2023 7:33 PM

Western consumer-Fetishism is founded on the metaphysical principle that there is a permanently static world (prime mover unmoving) behind phenomenal appearance that is essentially more real than life itself. Knowledge-about (scientific or otherwise) is founded on the metaphysical principle that some rational white males can have restricted access insight into this imaginary-symbolic world as a rational theology of causes. Accordingly, the made-up make-believe world ‘causes’ the inferior world to move and to become in a certain way as a rational determinism and “Principle of Sufficient Reason” of cause and effect or reason and consequent that can be known (by the rational) as taxonomies of analytical logic – the architectonic ratio superior subordinating the ratio inferior.

Similarly, morality and axiology (theory of values) are grounded in the mimetological imitation of the made-up make-believe world and importation of the ‘form of the good’ – as discovered in the rationally superior world – into this world as an applied architectural technology of superiority and inferiority. Whichever is expressed in its highest form of knowledge-building and rational action as market-fundamentalism and an economic rationality of exponential shopping that permanently oppresses the inferiorised Third World as a slow-death extermination facility for the sole benefit of artificially superiorised white introspection.

So are we going to talk about how this semiotic shitsoup as a syncretic dogma of dualism and hallucinated lies has come to dominate the world and shaped humanity as an exceptional ‘rational animal’ in both logic and law? “Contra principia negantem disputari non potest”. There is no argument against the introspected principles of nihilism and nescience – not whilst they still have the economic power to progress the superior and oppress the inferior. Thereafter: there is no explanatory power to be gained from imaginary inner sources – only dominative overpower and viciously discriminatory hierarchies based on highly-developed racialised prejudices enforced by an avaricious consumer rationality; as a dominant hierarchisation geographically determined largely by the perceived colour of a persons skin (as well as their gender, age, ability to do useful work and so on) as an ongoing globalised rational “market-economic eugenics”.

Those who hold the dominant rational economic worldview cannot see the suffering caused by the dominant rational economic worldview all the time they remained psychologically superior. The world is dominated by arbitrary and abstract economic principles nobody wants to talk about and so they remain uncritically internalised in an absolutely destructive and all-consuming power structure as a totalised economic management of the earth contra the earth and its economically excluded Unpeople – Fanon’s “wretched of the earth” – who are critically silenced as subaltern undergoing highly racialised censorship (epidermalised epistemic injustice as a silencing principle). If we want to talk about the world-alienation in terms of censors; we have to agree whichever world-alienation we are talking about – ours or theirs?

Whenever we make lists of symptoms without the implicit acknowledgement that the power-hungry rationale of white consumer-Fetishism is the sole and principle cause – the condicio sine qua non but-for determinism – of racial injustice, ecological and market-fundamental destruction, accelerant loss of habitats, habitability and liveability, exponent gradients of exhaustion and pollutant ecotoxicity and so on. We made-up a completely implausible ‘rational’ knowledge-structure for the world and imposed it by the worst technologies of violence we could get enslaved othered people to make for us; enforcing the entire world to “believe the unbelievable” (allodoxia) determined in imitation of our pleonectic prejudices (excessively demanding of excess); a fact that is totally self-censored and not even open for discussion privately or publicly.

Consumer culture and western civilisation is the consummated censorship of critical consciousness. It is a “nauseating nescience” of absolute thoughtlessness taken to its logical extreme. Whenever the imitation of the rational is an ongoing coloniality of superiority for white consumers and inferiority for black producers; you got no knowledge-building, you got no wisdom, you got no justice – you just got racialised censorship and ‘civilised’ cult of ‘rational’ silencing power us whitefolk just made-up exactly for that purpose. Therefore: white supremacism was confabulated by white supremacists specifically for the purpose of white supremacism is definitively what we are not allowed to say. Challenging the principles and precepts of white supremacism as applied nihilism and nescience is taboo. Whenever people are forced to believe life-affirmation is inferiority and life-negation is superiority; that’s the perfection of power for you.  

les online
les online
Dec 3, 2023 8:34 PM
Reply to  Bryan

I get you:
It’s all about The Stupidity of The Intelligent…
(Intellectuals never cease to a-maze.)…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 4, 2023 6:09 PM
Reply to  Bryan

As I have said:
After I pointed out all the failures and errors Putin and Xi plus what all the other duffers have been doing, I done my homework and now its up to YOU to do something.

To wake up! To ACT. Not tomorrow but even TODAY! DO something.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Dec 3, 2023 7:24 PM

Children and young people didn’t need Covid shots as they were at little risk from serious illness from Covid…

No one needed a “covid” shot, not one single person.

Dec 4, 2023 2:39 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

…and nobody was at risk from Covid cause it didn’t/doesn’t exist.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Dec 3, 2023 7:07 PM

“Don’t talk about Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s astute observations that Haiti and Nigeria had the some of the least restrictive Covid policies on earth, had about a one percent Covid vaccine rate, and have had some of the lowest Covid death rates in the world…”

One has to wonder how RFK Jr. can be so intelligent about vaccines, but so ignorant when discussing Palestine/Israel.

Dec 3, 2023 8:08 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Because there’s much out there, both speculative and evidence based that Israel had a hand in wasting his uncle. Other dots to connect are the Lavon Affair and the USS Liberty. Robert Jr. doesn’t want to test those waters. America is Israel’s bitch. The three worse government entities for the American people is England, Israel and America. Change my mind.

Dec 3, 2023 9:18 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

I had the same thought. I see it as almost a Jekyll/Hyde “split personality”.

It induces a kind of doublethink response in me– not cognitive dissonance, but the dilemma of how to think about a public figure who displays this kind of Jekyll/Hyde duality or disconnect.

I was blindsided by RFK Jr.’s ziocaine-boosted perspective on Israel/Palestine. Ever since the events in Gaza prompted him to publicize his stance, whenever I see or hear a reference to RFK Jr. I check to see if the reference involves health/vax issues, or further comments/actions related to his abominable position on Israel/Palestine.

If the former, I relax and say (in effect), “Oh, good– he’s Jekyll today!” If the latter, I shudder and gasp “Hyde!” I can’t think of an enlightened and tidy way to resolve this dilemma, because although the topics are unrelated it does seem as if he’s two different people. 🤔

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Dec 3, 2023 9:49 PM
Reply to  Ort

Who knows? Maybe drugs and women?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Dec 3, 2023 9:50 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

He’s not so intelligent about vaccines either. He just wants “better vaccines.” Nough said.

If he gets in, he’ll say THESE vaccines are better.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 3, 2023 10:41 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Politics is the art of the feasible.
You are in the middle of extreme forces and have to compromise to get somewhere.

The moment RFK takes a rigid and fixed stand as you and the US sheeple wants him to do, he is out. Because the majority of the American people are in favour of Israel.

Remember Trump had to throw bombs in the desert, a MOB Mother Of all Bombs on a mountain in Afghanistan, and on empty houses in Syria and Iraq, to not loose 10% in the polls.

So the reason RFK is so ignorant about Israel is simply because he knows how reckless, ignorant and casual you and the US sheeple are in their armchairs.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Dec 4, 2023 12:54 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

He has gone out of his way to espouse the Israel cause, call Israel “the US aircraft carrier in the Middle East” which is “fighting for us in the region,” and lauded billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman who has attacked Harvard U for allowing pro-Palestine protests and other activities.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 4, 2023 6:57 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

I guess its because he is seeing it as “in US interest”.
If I were him, I would point out this Gaza war is not only hurting the Israeli and Palestinian population, but also US interest in the long term.

But Im not him, just trying to get hold on this shifting hats all the time.

Dec 3, 2023 11:09 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Charlotte, he’s just as ignorant about the “climate change” hoax.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Dec 4, 2023 12:51 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Covid death rates? That’s “intelligent”? That’s accepting the very idea that there is such a thing as Convid, and Convid-caused deaths. That’s ruling narrative deluxe.

Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine
Dec 3, 2023 6:52 PM

Way too “even-handed.” Being even-handed means you’re on the side of the devils.

Dec 3, 2023 5:13 PM

Everything you have mentioned can be talked about, in fact. And is so by the various talking heads. The one thing you can’t talk about, you have not mentioned.

Dec 3, 2023 6:57 PM
Reply to  Paul

What hasn’t been mentioned?

petunia petherington
petunia petherington
Dec 3, 2023 9:24 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

Ahem…’the six million’ dollar question!🤥

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 4, 2023 12:06 AM

Off course a self hating doo appears on the scene to mention what cant be mentioned.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Dec 3, 2023 9:51 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

It can’t be mentioned.

Dec 4, 2023 3:14 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

The Holocaust?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 5, 2023 11:45 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

If they told us they’d probably have to kill us, so count us lucky stiffs.

Mob mercy? Meh.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 3, 2023 10:46 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

The thing you cant talk about.

Dec 4, 2023 7:34 AM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

The fall of “the West” and the rise of “the Rest”.

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Dec 4, 2023 12:30 PM
Reply to  Paul

Well put Paul.
Relatedly, the article opens with mention of the ‘Censorship Industrial Complex’ – a phrase coined (I think) by Shellenberger and Taibbi in their work on the Twitter Files. Their work – good though it is, neglects to mention the role of the ADL as a leading NGO in the process of censoring social media content. Even though a huge furore has blown up about Musk taking on the ADL in a legal challenge, they seem to be pretty much quiet on it.
It seems that, for the most part “the Left-Right paradigm is a false binary” meme at a certain point runs up against a hard wall : that of the central defining narrative of the past 60 years, and people just return to their tribal position.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 4, 2023 12:49 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

May I ask, can you provide any links/sources to verify the Twitter Files/IDL statement? Not because I doubt you, not at all, but rather it’s important to get these sources on record in our little forum. Otherwise, due to nothing more malign than Chinese whispers of a faulty memory, rumours and mythos can so easily blend into reality. Thanks, A2

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Dec 4, 2023 8:36 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I cannot say that I have read everything that Taibbi and Shellenberger have written on censorship this year, but a decent link would be this : Matt Taibbi: Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex: The Top 50 Organizations to Know [link
For a summary interview, covering the history of the ADL in American Society and its role in training the FBI, the policing of Facebook and Twitter, and the Musk thing (whatever that is) there is this :

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 3, 2023 4:06 PM

Slight correction, correct me if I’m wrong, but MG Smedley Darlington Butler retired as a Major General, the highest ranking in peacetime, and an MG was he in our wars, to most of which he took strong exception, due to their being, as he called one, “rotten to the core.” [Hence his book & maxim, “War is a Racket.”]

MG generally (pardon pun, very unmilitary, I’ll allow, but not insubordinate) is a grade below Lieutenant General.

Charles de Gaulle never was higher rank than brigadier general, yet also President of France, and during his wartime in England before the Liberation of France was in command of the Free French v. Vichy.

The details merit some attention, for their relative importance. I received the sacraments from a Catholic chaplain two years ago during a brief stay at Mission Hospital, Mission Viejo in “the OC.” I was startled to find after some searches in the directories that he was listed as “Brigadier General Jack Sewell” and I was jaw-dropped as to his deployment there, not understanding many details. Turns out he was retired, having last been on active duty in charge of chaplains for the USAF.

I know it was not my imagination to discern that he, and apparently other staff, had gone to great lengths to avoid me, since it took three of the four days of my stay to finally be seen by him. This was clear when he was seen waiting near my room as I was wheeled back from tests, and while I ranted to my nurse about the absurdities of the Coronapalooza fiascos, all of which she agreed with. (Not really received at other hospitals, but all five nurses confided their agreement with me.).

He left before asking me, or any, who I was, though it was marked on the door, and he was still waiting several minutes later, before leaving? He was in street clothes, and not seeing the priest’s roman collar, I didn’t get it either.

Finally, after my persistent calls to reception until the next day, he came back. But I had already seen his photo in a directory, so the shock had subsided.

But one can see in all that some of the distinctions between brigadier genl and major genl. Apparently my ill fame had preceded me, as one of the faithful who greatly venerated MG Smedley Butler, for his nickname “The Maverick Marine,” a rare distinction in this still very conservative county. [Let alone, now, the country, or the 4th Reich.]

Smedley D. Butler has always been a PR “major” thorn in the side of the Marines, as well as the Pentagon and the entire MIC, since his record was most distinguished militarily, and he remains the most highly decorated Marine in USMC history, the only to receive the rare Brevet and two (2) Congressional Medal(s) of Honor, all for separate actions. (And a lifelong pen pal of Lejeune, illustrious, after whom is named a major base.) Obviously, a national embarrassment, and paradox, one rather muted, and hard to reconcile with our hawks.

Died pretty young, too, at 58, though that much is not so unexpected on his dissident CV:

At the time of his death, Butler was the most decorated Marine in U.S. history. By the end of his career, Butler had received sixteen medals, including five for heroism; he is the only Marine to be awarded the Brevet Medal as well as two Medals of Honor, all for separate actions.”

Dec 3, 2023 1:58 PM

I still do not belive in Covid and I hate these articles where the assumption is made that Covid is something real and tangible. It was just the flu–whatever the flu is.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 3, 2023 5:10 PM
Reply to  Quickdraw

“Just the flu – whatever that is.”

That’s exactly what John Ioannides said, preeminent authority on these things at Stanford U.

And only a few weeks into these worldwide indignities, May 2020? If memory serves, something much like, “Not much more than a seasonal flu.”

“Whatever that is”. The boundaries are always conveniently blurred, aren’t they.

That memo of his was lost by MSM, too.

But beyond that, the thing that sticks out, that unruly hair that won’t lie flat, no matter what: with such a Himalayan mountain (range) of evidence that accumulated during the whole shutdown fiasco, there is really NOTHING in it ever to suggest that the litany of recorded illness was a unique thing.

Such a huge preponderance of evidence to suggest it was just varieties of the Usual Suspects, as bugs masker-raiding as, well, whatever the masker/raiders chose to shape it as their nomenclature for their criminalist rich scam.

And it also felt that way, absent any of their aggressive shaming.

Dec 3, 2023 6:11 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

I spent a lot of time asking various medical people (who have open mind about the fiasco in general) but who hew to the covid narrative because they were out there caring for hospitalized folks. What actually, in clinical practice, distinguishes covid from other illnesses of the cold/flu spectrum? I never got an answer. There isn’t one.

And even if it were true that the “covid infection” did have more of a pronounced effect on smell/taste, how do we know that it was not simply due to the nature of recent flu/cold mutations?

Such a pile of dung.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 4, 2023 2:26 AM
Reply to  vera

Yep. All, too true. The real dung component enters in when they decide they have to apply such force and extreme measures to enforce compliance. As if to say, Welcome to the 4th Reich. Or 7th.

First, they’ve been “freeing the world to death” (Wm. Blum) for a past century. And now they heal it to death.

Pretty revolting. As one euphemism.

Dec 4, 2023 3:32 PM
Reply to  vera

A common cold can affect smell and taste but then EVERYTHING became a symptom of the covid lie such as having no symptoms could mean you had covid and the sheeple lapped it up Do people not remember that it started off as Coronavirus until the wide awakes pointed out that Coronavirus is the common cold which was even listed on various disinfectants from donkey’s years ago. Only then did it become Covid19 which still has never been proven to exist.
I still have a screen shot off the GOV.UK site from the 19th March 2020 which stated that Coronavirus was no longer considered a Highly Contagious Infectious Disease, 3 days later the first lock down. I told many people about this but they refused to even look. All these things happen because we comply hence giving our acceptance of their control. Non compliance is always the answer.

Dec 3, 2023 5:15 PM
Reply to  Quickdraw

Correct. ‘Cold’ and ‘flu’ is routine bodily detoxing. An essential process in the environments we inhabit.

Dec 3, 2023 11:16 PM
Reply to  Paul

Absolutely true, There are 2 paths here. One, if you change your diet positively and eliminate certain things which are giving your body problems in its continuous attempt to assimilate them, then your body adjusts to the new lower pollution/poison level. In so doing you may feel quite sick, and pour mucus from every orifice. The ‘mucous membranes’ are there to lubricate and to excrete.
the necessary detritus.
The other is the periodic normal detoxing without altering your poisonous intake.
The liver for example has about 500 functions, One is storage of poisons with which your body cannot deal. The spleen and bone marrow also store toxins. The problem comes when your liver etcetera cannot contain the amount of toxins any longer. Then they get excreted into the bloodstream, and the elimination organs, skin, lymph, kidneys cannot cope. Then everything goes wrong at once.
You can only put so much into a finite container.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Dec 4, 2023 2:57 PM
Reply to  ariel

There are many natural blood purifiers to include in the daily diet.

Dec 4, 2023 4:59 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Naturlich. Nature-ally. Of the first 10 blood purifiers listed in the link we regularly use/consume 9 of them.
Half of the time we eat raw wild salad, This time of year the wild plants have slowed down, so it’s dandelion, plantain. pennywort, sorrel, mainly. backed up with grated carrot, sliced beetroot, red onion, sliced and diced radish. Finely chopped garlic. When I lived in Spain we could get up to 30 (or more) wild edible plants. The red clover is over, this year. Finished about 3 weeks ago.
I buy turmeric 3k at a time and put it in just about everything. I can eat it with a spoon. Salad dressing: Xtra Virgin Olive Oil, balsamic vinegar, turmeric, freshly self-ground black pepper, heavy on the garlic. Brown Rice main staple.
Rest of the time it’s seasonal steamed veg with brown rice, our own grown and/or shopped. All root veg, broccoli, spinach
I can deal with breakfast if you like, only 2 varieties. We have free range chickens (2 lots) and geese. I buy a lot of avocados though,,,,,spoiled by Spain. piece de resistence: make a sort of guacamole with 2 avocados, garlic, turmeric, black pepper cayenne pepper. Mash well. Toast 4 slices decent wholewheat sandwich bread, one side only. Cover with grated welsh cheddar strength 4. Melt the cheese onto 2 of the toasted sides. Thinly slice chestnut mushrooms, enough to cover the melted cheese completely after shrinkage. Spread avocado mash 1cm thick over the mushrooms, carefully. Place other toasted slices onto avocado, toasted side down. Toast.
This is my development of the American (California and Florida mainly) Grilled cheese with Avocado Sandwich, but much better.
Otherwise it’s fried absolutely free-range eggs, with beans and sliced mushrooms, on toast. Sunny side up. When on the toast, squirt ketchup onto the egg, mash into the yolk, add turmeric and fresh ground black pepper. Mix well. But mostly while supply chains hold up, it’s the avocado.
Bon appetit.

Dec 4, 2023 9:51 PM
Reply to  ariel

Yes and I believe toxemia is the only real cause of disease. All else is lies and ignorance. I eat nowhere near as varied and healthy a diet as you (your comment below) but I have eliminated all the low hanging fruit (toxins). As such I tend to have a routine detoxing (which everyone wrongly thinks is due to a contagious virus resulting in ‘cold’ or ‘flu’) once a year.

Dec 5, 2023 11:59 AM
Reply to  Paul

If you lower your toxicity levels across all the body’s storage sites, you will detoxify across the whole year. You have a new ‘collective’ baseline, and the body will get rid of anything above that average. Of course more of a tendency to be a bit more intense in the winter, but not by much. Generally I don’t get ‘ill’ to speak of. A main problem is the now normal environmental pollution.
Have you tried sungazing? It’s a bit the wrong time of year in the northern hemisphere, but I can stare nonstop at the sun for half an hour plus without any damage whatsoever, although everything turns bright orange and purple for a bit, which is quite interesting in itself.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 5, 2023 12:44 PM
Reply to  ariel

Please don’t gaze at the sun, you are severely damaging your retinas. Your body may heal short term, but scarring over time will lead to vision loss and even blindness. A2

Dec 5, 2023 2:52 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I know what the popular meme is, and I thank you for your care and consideration, which you frequently show in your role as a moderator.
However, some of us have had a wide variety of experiences which defy conventional wisdom and ‘the supposed laws of physics.’
Otherwise I definitely would not be communicating with you in the here and now.’
I have been sungazing for nearly a decade with no ill and some positive effects. And the woman who turned me on to it much longer,

They do not want us to know what the sun IS.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 5, 2023 6:04 PM
Reply to  ariel

Thank you for your kind words. Offg has a wide variety of users, some younger and more impressionable than others, and we do take our community responsibility seriously 😅. For instance, you didn’t mention that ‘off-peak’ (ie.dawn/dusk), is generally the time people sun gaze. It should also be noted that opinions differ as to whether it’s harmful or not. Context is important.

Oh I just realised, your link doesn’t actually mention sun gazing at all. Perhaps you linked to the wrong page by mistake?

By all means link to a guide for safe practice. I don’t think I’d ever try it, tbh, I’m too scared of harming my eyes 😅 but at least we can help inform people using responsible sources. A2

Dec 5, 2023 6:34 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I’m not trying to force anyone to do anything. Personally, I sungaze at peak. or near sunset when there are spectacular effects visible. But there isn’t enough sun currently hardly at all, and as it is so low now, it is below our farm sheds in the South from about midday on. I tried raw-wild vegan 2004-2006, but I’m allegedly Blood Group O pos, which requires a little animal food, and gave it up. I quit flesh meat in 1969.
We can be manipulated by our fears. ‘Responsible sources.’
That’s a tricky one. Personal experience is our best guide in the long run. Someone you trust with plenty of experience next best. In the end we have to get into the cold or hot water or whatever it is ourselves.

Dec 3, 2023 5:26 PM
Reply to  Quickdraw

The flu rebranded. There is no such thing as a virus, No virus has ever been isolated. Virus is Latin for poison. We live in an oceanic environment of environmental POLLUTION. Chemicals, pesticides, EMF mobile phones, and smart devices 4 and 5G, poisons in food, chemtrails, air pollution, poisonsRus masquerading as foodstuffs. I COULD GO ON.
A lot of lies are told incessantly. But you do understand, if the writers of certain articles admit to the truth of this, or the DEW on 9/11, or that certain events are exactly what they look like, feel like, smell like, taste like, and not what we are told they are, a large part of their world view/weltanschauung will necessarily collapse, and they will have to face their naivete and gullibility. And the fact that they are trying to lure readers into conforming with this view, whether it is genuinely theirs or they are faking it.

Dec 3, 2023 5:55 PM
Reply to  ariel
Dec 3, 2023 9:07 PM
Reply to  Quickdraw

…..got to say that it was unlike flu i’ve ever had, because everything tasted awful and my brain would not function at all normally.Without my instinct is that it was made in a lab.

Dec 4, 2023 2:02 PM
Reply to  Quickdraw

And the withholding of treatment for pneumonia and brochitis, and the damage of remdesivir and ventilators, and the euthanasia, and the destruction of livelihoods..

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 3, 2023 1:53 PM

What about what we ARE allowed to say ?

Link to WHO’s Facebook page


The replies and comments are almost universally slating WHO, although some are invisible.

They’re not doing this out of a sense of fair play.

Dec 3, 2023 1:49 PM

comment image

Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine
Dec 3, 2023 6:58 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

What if you said that, only you switched the proper nouns?

You wouldn’t be allowed.

petunia petherington
petunia petherington
Dec 3, 2023 7:40 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

Spoken like a true Bolshevik!

les online
les online
Dec 3, 2023 8:58 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

The COP 28 VIP gathering, according to local teevee, is about Public Health being the central issue of Climate Change, so it looks like real meat is gonna be taken off the menu…

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Dec 3, 2023 10:05 PM
Reply to  les online

If they manage to actually take red meat off the menu, you know what’s going to end up on the menu?

Long pig.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 3, 2023 11:00 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

I agree. Now it is MY LIFE which is at stack and no one on this planet is going to ask me for peace! Today from now on it is Hate!  😡 
Hate like no one has ever hated before. This is WAR and a Global WAR on everybody who stand in the way of MY life.  👺 
Every single bullet, chemicals, bio-weapon, corona vaxxes, nukes, will be used to protect my little daughter, my dream, and my light-blue mountain bike, and my pink tennis. MY fokking life is in danger!  👹  And you stay out of the way.  👻 

j d
j d
Dec 3, 2023 12:53 PM

Censorship is a form of mind control.

“Information Control Is Mind Control

True understanding of the present requires true records of the past. The disappearance of certain books, of certain information, impacts the collective mind of society the same way hypnotic forget-commands act on individuals.

The essence of mind-control is information control. You are most free when you have the most complete access to information. “Secret, don’t tell” is the beginning of enslavement, individual or social. “Classified” information makes an entire society amnesic. A lie in the “news” deceives an entire society. For either an individual or a large democratic society to best function, there must be complete and accurate information.”

Extract from “Secret, Don’t Tell – The Encyclopaedia of Hypnotism” by Carla Emery DeLong: https://www.secretdonttell.com/

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 4, 2023 2:37 AM
Reply to  j d

Its been a continuum of mass mind control since the advent of modern media, and less so before that, perhaps.

But they build redundancy into all that, incrementally.

Strong minds can build redundancy into their own strengths thru simplicity.

That is, approaching God hats off early & often.

Dec 4, 2023 2:11 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Before modern media, there was religion.

Dec 4, 2023 3:39 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Now media is religion but only certain channels, god forbid the truth be told.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 6, 2023 12:06 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Yes, but religion at its truest is the architect of portals of Grace. Portals that sometimes stand the test of Time & Truth.

[Quite unlike MSM and so many alternatives. Capice?]

Don’t really be bitter about it, you’re better than that, just because so many manage to get it all bassackwards.

Or, as John Lennon said in his last interview, “…don’t blame us just because a whole pile of dummies* got it wrong.”

He has a point, about that aspect anyway.

[All quotes subject to review for verbatim accuracy.]


* O, AND: a whole army of American disinfo agents, as in “The U.S. v. John Lennon.” That didn’t help his contrarian cause, especially their bullets.

underground poet
underground poet
Dec 3, 2023 12:45 PM

The system is slowly waking to realization of the impossible, cure.

They have admitted in the case of say cancers, that they are difficult to find in the beginning, but easy to treat and reach a cure. But, as it gets easier to find the cancer, it also gets more difficult to treat and cure.

They were allowed to say this in the past, they just refused to admit it.

Tip of the day: Take care of yourself, for that is all there is of you.

Dec 4, 2023 2:15 PM

Tip of the day: They want you to accept pervasive poisoning in food, medicine, products, workplace, environment, etc. for capitalist profit. Cancer too would be negligible without that mania. Remember Rachel Carson?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 4, 2023 7:58 PM
Reply to  mgeo

“Rachel Carson initiated the contemporary environmental movement”.

“Climate change, rising sea-levels, melting Arctic glaciers, collapsing bird and animal populations, crumbling geological faults — all are part of Carson’s work.”

“Carson’s passion for the environment and her relentless pursuit of the truth in the microscope, stethoscope and telescope, which ultimately led to a worldwide environmental movement.”

Ohh that Rachel Carson.

She and her followers just forgot universal law that nature itself provide a daily shift and constant destruction of the biological world by tectonic plate movements, volcanoes, temperature shift, constant movements of sediments from one place to another in a non linear non predictable self regulating chaotic system.

Matt Black
Matt Black
Dec 3, 2023 12:26 PM

Look at what is happening in Spain, ‘Their’ power has been based on deception. Their two great powers of deception, money and media, have been extremely energy-efficient means of control. But these powers are now in rampant collapse. This is why they have moved urgently to institute physical control measures. However, physical control is difficult, dangerous and energy-intensive. And so, they are risking all. They are risking being seen. This is a sign of complete desperation.

Dec 3, 2023 4:26 PM
Reply to  Matt Black

What is happening in Spain?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 4, 2023 8:58 PM
Reply to  Matt Black

Thanks. “But this time the Spanish people know who the enemy are, and are prepared to fight”. Parabens!
I couldnt find out who the enemy were in the article other than we always see the red under the bed in many descriptions. Orwell’s EngSoc.

The Red had Gulag camps, The Brown had Concentration camps, The Blue now have FEMA camps. The Yellow have Big City camps, and we are now heading forward to a Global Digital Prison camp for the vaccinated entire global population.  😷 .

Dec 5, 2023 8:18 PM
Reply to  Matt Black

Thanks. So Spain is in the same state as most of the world- drowning in fake debt to International Fake Finance and deafened with propaganda from International Fake Socialism. Oh yes, and suffering from the fake cure for a fake disease I expect.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 3, 2023 11:51 PM
Reply to  Matt Black

Where should we look at?

Dec 5, 2023 8:06 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen


Dec 3, 2023 12:22 PM

United by, Mass Non Compliance through our shared humanity, expressing our inailiable right to exist, in peace with dignity & helping to build parallel, more benevolent systems will render malevolent institutions & it’s misanthropic ideologues, obsolete. Humanity without humanity will destroy itself. Humanity v inhumanity – we all pick a side its just a question of perception & matter of practice. Choose wisely & practice well. ✌️💞

Dec 3, 2023 12:11 PM

Most people contacted convid anyway? You’ve got to be an imbecile to believe that crap! 😩💤

petunia petherington
petunia petherington
Dec 3, 2023 12:06 PM

No such thing as Covid!

Production Unit 8052
Production Unit 8052
Dec 4, 2023 12:45 AM

People contracted ailments related to natural detox, tested positive and from that assumed they “got COVID”. I see this all around me. I also see vaxxed people dropping from vax effects — aka “dying suddenly” — and otherwise getting sick over and over.

Dec 3, 2023 11:59 AM

Hello Mr HAMAS it’s Benjamin here. Im in a bit of bother and its not going to plan. You see my people are up in arms and want the hostages returned or I could be deposed. What can you suggest?

Well we can return most of the hostages, but this plan was your idea you know. We will need a few prisoners released as well not to make it obvious.

OK How much?

Ten million dollars.

Thats fine, the money will be paid over today along with a few rocket fireworks you can set off to give us the excuse to restart our genocide bombing campaign.

Dec 3, 2023 11:59 AM

Black writes:
“Islam is not a religion of fanatics and terrorists, in Palestine, or anywhere else, as the media often portrays it. It is one of the world’s major religions. The word, Islam, means “submission to the will of God.” The Arabic word, “salaam” which means peace, is part of the common greeting among Muslims all over the world.Spreading peace is a requirement of the faith. Similarly, sharing God’s peace is expected among Christians and Jews.”

Major? This merely means that many people believe in it, I do not appreciate a sleight of hand insinuating that it is good or superior on account of numerical strength.

Else I can call the Vaxx-ism of the Church of FDA and CDC “major” as well, because there are so many normie sheeple.

Is Muslim peace as stated by Black to be spread among all incl. infidels, or merely other believers, according to Koran and hadith? I think we should be told…..

Torah ie Old Testament Books 1-5 has Exodus and Deuteronomy etc, in it which is why Netanyahu can talk of Palestinians being Amalekites needing death, because Book of Joshua describes it.

In the same way, Koran falls into two parts, one much nicer and more moderate than the other, but they are all the Word of God. So it contains an ample number of suras justifying fanatics and terrorists.

Nowithstanding that mainstream Christian churches do not actually disown the Old Testament, I would be hard put to find any verse in New Testament upon which to base slaughter of my enemies. I am not talking here about Christian Zionists who rely on a Scofieldian Old Testament, because only in the USA are they mainstream.

Proponents of that fragile seedling Reform Islam get justifiably angry at people who excuse away what Koran contains. Remember, there is no Koran exegesis in Islam, and Bible exegesis was dangerous to life and limb until fairly recently in Europe, in historical terms.

Check out what has happened at the hands of her Turkish compatriots to the Reform Muslim and lawyer Seyran Ates, in Berlin, who tried to set up a liberal mosque.

Dec 3, 2023 11:50 AM

There may (perhaps) be some level of censorship over Israel-Palestine (finding some documentaries can be tricky for example), but the level of censorship bears very little comparison to the overbearing worldwide censorship witnessed during Covid.

It’s fairly easy to find the ‘alternative’ pro-Palestine perspective. Al Jazeera broadcasts freely in the UK alongside the BBC (unlike Russia’s RT I hasten to add) .So I don’t believe that censorship is the main issue here. Saying something worthwhile is, of course, another matter.

The main problem (at least as I see it) is that people choose to listen to only one side of the debate. You can accumulate as much knowledge as you wish, watch as many documentary series as time permits, read as many books as is humanly possible, but if it’s all on one side of the equation, then your perspective remains unchanged. The mental scales remain permanently tilted.

Which isn’t to say that all debates actually have 2 sides. Sometimes one side is completely correct and the other side completely false, which complicates matters further.

I recall Vladimir Solovyev who once tried to reconcile Eastern and Western Christianity after their historic 11th century split (primarily trying to reconcile Orthodoxy with Catholicism). He genuinely tried to understand and appreciate both sides. But ultimately, both sides would only accept him if he were a fully signed up member of their club (ie wholly on their side). Which he refused, since they’d completely missed the point of his endeavours.

Likewise, the true peacemaker will be rejected by both sides of the pro-Palestine, pro-Israel debate. Destined to suffer the fate of Anwar al-Sadat (for breaking the taboo in talking to Israelis), or that of Yitzhak Rabin (for being pro peace process in a world of hawks).

Such is the lot of the true peacemaker. In many ways, it’s an attribute that transcends particular religious affiliations (compare Lennon, Gandhi, JFK, Martin Luther King for example)  🤔 

Dec 3, 2023 11:50 AM

“We” are however allowed to engage in “thought experiments” which are, you know, just a bit of harmless fun and not at all about making the unthinkable thinkable and the slightly less dire version that’s the true goal all along somehow supposedly more acceptable. Today’s example (as recommended by MSN inevitably):

The crucial paragraph:
“Many researchers agree that phasing out meat entirely, let alone immediately, isn’t an ideal solution to the climate crisis. It would be plenty, they say, to reduce consumption methodically and to focus on the countries that eat the most, particularly wealthy ones like the United States that have no shortage of alternatives.”

That’s the cover for meat in the West becoming suddenly and drastically more expensive while it doesn’t anywhere else.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Dec 3, 2023 1:13 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Why don’t all these people so worried about the climate crisis, do the honourable thing and end their own lives?

Dec 3, 2023 2:01 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Because they’re too busy trying to end our lives. 😡

Dec 3, 2023 11:20 AM

Lest we forget, when discussing things we cannot mention, the elephant in the sky: Geoengineering; the grandaddy of all ‘conspiracy theories’.
I was ridiculed, and then banned from Twitter in 2015 for trying to raise awareness on the issue (no, censorship did not start with a ‘virus’ that to this day has yet to be proven to exist).
The tweet that saw my prompt exit from the platform was a response I made to being told to go put on my ‘Tin Foil Hat’ after raising the issue. I informed the person (or bot) that we are ALL wearing tin foil now, unfortunately, due to the nanoparticulate aluminium, barium, strontium, coal fly ash, and copolymers, being sprayed into the upper atmosphere via Stratospheric Aerial Injections (chemtrails), and adding the hashtags #ClimateChangers and #StopSprayingOurSkies.
Sadly, to this day, even in ‘alternative media’ spaces, Geoengineering is regarded as taboo, and ‘Flat Earth’ is more readily considered and discussed.
The levels of censorship and diversion alone, on the topic of climate engineering, is surely a sign that they (the hierarchy enslaving you) do not want us lifting this rock to take a look at what’s really underneath it.

Dec 3, 2023 2:43 PM

my first youtube channel called thisisyourwake up was started in 2011 and closed by Google in May 2012 by Zionists , it was mostly dealing with Israel and their role in 9/11 , i got verey heavily attacked and when Youtube closed my account they also removed my linked gmail account. the company paid to attack me was London based Cambridge Analytica

Dec 3, 2023 10:45 AM

Getting Stale.
Free speech?
Maybe we should be charged for it.
That way people might think before pulling the trigger on their tongues.
I know I could use a little restraint.
I just killed two 20+ year friendships.