The OffG Store is Open for Business.

Yes, after years and years of being urged to open a little shop we’re actually doing it.
If you want to show support or spread awareness by purchasing an OffG mug or t-shirt then venture forth into our virtual emporium.
Obviously this is new, so if there are any problems – or indeed anything you’d like to see added to the store – you can let us know via our dedicated store email.
That said, welcome to our…

If you enjoy OffG's content, please help us make our monthly fund-raising goal and keep the site alive.
For other ways to donate, including direct-transfer bank details click HERE.
hey good one
I really wanted to buy a t-shirt. They are good value for one thing and have the right message.
Unfortunately, they way you’ve set up PayPal is such that you cannot use it without creating an account (as far as I could tell). I refuse to do that, since I closed my PayPal account when they started closing the PP accounts of Covid dissidents back during the shit-show.
Other companies (like eBay when you purchase a postage label direct via the eBay site) do allow you to make your card purchase via PayPal without opening an account, so it must be possible.
I currently make my monthly donations to OffG via Standing Order directly from my bank to yours. I simply refuse to have a PayPal account and would rather go without a purchase than give in to their financial tyranny (remember when they threatened to take your money if you wrote something which they didn’t agree with?)
Which is a shame as you could clearly do with the small amount of profit from the sale and also from the free advertising when I wear it.
But I guess, as you said below, it’s early days for the OffG shop and using ‘PayPal only’ was probably the quickest and easiest way to get started. I look forward to being able to support you with the wearing of an OffG t-shirt at sometime in the future when you’ve expanded the means of acceptable payment somehow. I know it’s sad, and perhaps hypocritical of me as they are equally globalist in their M.O., but I’d even go for GooglePay, which must be equally as easy as PayPal for you to set up? Yes, I know they are shit too, but they didn’t trigger me personally, the same way PayPal did a few years back.
I found your message in our spam folder. I’ll see if I can get Google pay introduced, and ask about alternative payment methods. Thanks for your suggestions, A2
I don´t know if I´d suggested this before but wouldn´t an “Eff-Guardian” T-shirt work as a variety ?
There is missing in the shop a T-shirt with the inscription „Are you vaccinated? Keep the distance! I’m allergic to stupid people”.
I wear such a T-shirt in my hometown in Romania, with this message on it, in Romanian language.
I wasn’t looking for it…but I was bored this morning and found your results…You actually got on the leader board…Send them some money. OffG is a lot better than that. Even MOA got more hits. Are you all musicians too – doing 3 jobs???
If you don’t know who Dr. Mike Yeadon , Sasha Latypova and John O’Looney are then you should try and find them on the internet.
In Covid-Jab Terms
Sasha is The Drummer, Artist and Singer – Very Strong Words – I was Reading Them last night (I thought f’ck me) – and then I saw her art…and now her cv (er wow)
John – is The Undertaker – he sings too (Milton Keynes)- a bit like The bass player in the Who (original one)
Mike is The Scientist, ( KENT BSA Tripple – in Your Shed?) who worked on all this drug shit before they did (likes risking his life by telling the truth)
The Fourth Person – I forget his name – some Top 1922 Tory…reportedly nodded – made appropriate facial responses and the impression of empathy – “Way above my League” – but he probably agrees with John Ward as do I
Depopulation Event…
I also came across NZ Database analyst doing a video of his analysis – complete with numbers and explanations – and name and face I thought you are brave doing that … he was arrested the next day…so everything he said must have been true. ““The individual has worked in the health system for a number of years. He was authorised to access data as part of his work “”
These whistleblowers, especially the first few in England and the USA, were so Brave, knowing they were almost certain to lose their jobs for telling the truth – mostly NURSES
I am much better thanks,
good idea OG, i really like the fake binary t.
but may i suggest making your next order of t’s without man-made fibres and no-sweat ie non sweat shop and also organic cotton would be stellar
At first glance I thought the Orwell 3/4 Sleeve T-Shirt was for people who have one or two extra arms.
Maybe Off G surgical Masks.?
That’s awesome! Maybe include a baseball cap w/ the Off-G and Orwell logos!
Any chance of OffG brand wheel barrow or oven gloves, just to satisfy my need for harmony of form and function?
Half Man Half Biscuit have captured the oven gloves market…
Ha, well spotted.
No one knows or has ever heard of Half Man Half Biscuit, except Michael – My Brother-in-Law
All I Want For Christmas Is A Dukla Prague Away Kit…
Happy Opening!
Why the one eye on the Orwell shirt?
It’s because we’re part of a secret Masonic order……Oh shiiiiit. Well now I’m in trouble. 😅
But really (forget I said that would you?), I think it represents the digital panopticon! 😅 A2
Do you ship to the US?
I believe the answer is ‘Yes!’. You can select different countries at check out. Let me know if you have any other questions. A2
So that’s what you blokes look like.
Is Catte in the storeroom or out the back having a cuppa?
I’d love to say it was a little cottage industry, and we had a little t-shirt printing machine in a cosy little office. Sadly, that’s not how the shop works currently. It’s drop shipping, so it’s printed by a third party. However, if the demand is there, perhaps we’ll invest in a T-shirt printer! Maybe we’ll even go off-grid and get some hand-cranked antique jobby. Hehe. Btw I think Catte would be having a cuppa 😉 😅 A2
Stefan Lanka is offering €100k for an any scientific paper that proves the existence of any virus. Seeing as it seems the editorial stance of this site supports the virus ‘theory’, why don’t you just identify such a paper and send it to Stefan, claim your €100k and ditch the need for selling merchandise in one fell swoop. Surely just a little bit of surfing the net will produce such a paper, eh, Admin?…lol…😂…
No one here claimed such a paper existed. I (Admin Sam) have suggested that proving a hypothesis can be done in myriad ways other than by direct isolation of a particle (ie. by making repeatable predictions) and I’ve talked about hypothesis-driven science and how it often deals in proxies and isn’t required to supply every facet of evidence, merely to supply enough evidence to be considered a reliable, repeatable hypothesis. Therefore, I’ve pointed out, zeroing in on ‘isolates’ alone won’t budge a virological orthodoxy, rather you have to dismantle the whole body of (proxy/indirect) evidence which constitutes ‘virology’, which current virologists base their work on.
Even then, one would be falling foul of an ‘absence of evidence’ fallacy, which is not good science. Therefore, if one really wants to make progress, and if the goal is to replace existing poor science with new good science (and not simply substitute bad science with different bad science), one should really be looking for alternative scientific explanations for observable illness and/or contagion.
I suggest Lanka invest his 100k in a scientific study attempting to establish the existence of the Terrain (or similar alt. mechanism). That would be the fastest, most assured, most time-tested way to ‘disprove’ virology, I’d wager.
In essence, my argument goes: “Please name one historical example of a prevailing scientific orthodoxy that was unseated by citing a lack of evidence alone (without any competing hypothesis)”.
I don’t have 100k, but I challenge you to find one such example nonetheless 😅
I really am not speaking on behalf of Offg when I ask this, I’m just trying to be a realist and be fair-minded.
If a serious challenge to virology came along I’d be perfectly happy with that! A2
There is something you are missing. It’s called the scientific method. It also involves a control experiment.
You may want to have a discussion with Dr. Stefan Lanka before you embarrass yourself any further, said with total respect to you of course
ViroLIEgy ignores this requirement admin.
Just an observation.
You may notice a bit of subliminal messaging in my reply, just ignore it.
All your points are valid (buy a T-shirt), but they are irrelevant to my central point. You’re talking past me. I said I’d welcome a challenge to virology. I’d also happily talk with Lanka and put my point to him.
My point stands. Demonstrating that some virology is bad science will not break the orthodoxy, I assert. The isolation question feels like a central tenant only when it’s presented that way. In fact, virology has indirect corroborating evidence in a million studies to fall back on (a state of affairs not unusual in science, whether you agree or not). Virology can hide in the weeds forever.
It is a question of being a realist, for me. There isn’t one precedent of an orthodoxy being overturned due to lack of evidence alone, ever. At least, no one has been able to point out an example yet.
What is needed is competing science.
(Buy a t-shirt) Please try to trust me when I say, I am not in support of virology. I’m trying to speed along this discussion, in fact, the best way I know how! A2
Burdon of proof fallacy.
Talking past each other fallacy. 😉
Surely, b/c if its that easy why doesn’t Stefan do the surfing and keep the 100k for himself?
I hope that suggestion is in jest otherwise…Woooossshhh…
I’d be interested in an Off G hoodie Truth is Sacred. Please
I’ll pass this on!
Yes boys!!!
Could you make Catte’s ‘make tea not war’ mug (or a replica) for sale?
Fantastic! Congratulations for taking this step. As a monthly contributor to one of the very best sites on the internet since the summer of 2020, the more content and product that you put out and the more reach you get, the better everyone will be.
I remember March of 2020 like it was yesterday. The only dissenting voices out there were you, Children’s Health Defense (RFK Jr’s outfit) and the Mises Institute. Everyone else either shut up or towed the Party line. That’s when I knew we were in big, big, BIG trouble.
Again, thank you. Make Orwell Fiction Again!™
Thank you for your generous words and generous contribution. 🙂 Yes, I remember that sinking feeling from March 2020 all too well. “Is everyone going to just go along with…. Oh they are, no questions asked….Okey dokey then.”
If it wasn’t for Offg I don’t know what I’d have done! It was an anchor for me, and I know for many others by the messages we’ve received. I”m so glad we’re still alive and kicking. At one point I doubted we would be! A2
Its a shame you are using paypal!
This is Offg’s first foray into merchandise, and it’s still early days. If the demand is there, we’d love to offer other payment methods. Please let us know which options you’d like to see and I’ll pass this onto the team! A2
Cash only after a twelve month free trial. Returns accepted up to two years from date of purchase , no questions asked with a full money back guarantee . Free holiday of your choice as a thankyou for considering a purchase of our merch. 😎
I think we’ll implement that straight away! It’s just good business sense 😅
Its not the paypal, like gvt, it was the people running it at the time of its bad reputation, it looks secure enough if you know anything about electronic banking.