10 Questions About Gaza – Part 2
Simon Elmer

This is the second part of a two-part article. Part 1, featuring questions 1-5 was published here yesterday, and we would recommend reading it before continuing with Part 2.
6. What is Collective Punishment?
Those who dare to accuse our soldiers of war crimes are people imbued with hypocrisy and lies, who do not have a single drop of morality. The Israel army is the most moral army in the world.”
Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, 29 October, 2023
The Israel Minister for Defence, Yoav Gallant, a former commando in Israel’s special forces accused of war crimes committed during the 2008 assault on Gaza, has described the Palestinians imprisoned in the Gaza Strip as ‘human animals’, and the UK and other states of the West have raised no objection to this dehumanising rhetoric. Even before the current crisis and the war crimes it has sanctioned, the Government of Israel, led by the former special forces captain, Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been Prime Minister of Israel for 19 of the last 27 years, was the most Right-wing and religious in Israel’s history. But under the cover of the unlikely attack by Hamas, the three-man War Cabinet — which is completed by Benny Gantz, a former General in the Israel Defense Forces who also has a record of war crimes — and which has complete control over the operations of the Israel Defence Forces, is now waging what Adolf Hitler, when describing the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, called ‘Vernichtungskrieg’ — a war of extermination — against the 2,375,000 ‘human animals’ trapped in Gaza.
How did we get here? How did we get to this moment where the Jews setting policy for the State of Israel, many of whom are sons and daughters of survivors and victims of the Shoah, as well as their Zionist apologists in the UK, are now speaking and behaving exactly like the Nazis that killed so many of their own people, while at the same time describing their victims as themselves ‘Nazis’?
Let’s start with what is called ‘collective punishment’, which is, paradoxically, both a policy of war and a war crime. Under both Article 50 of the Hague Convention and Article 33 of the Geneva Convention (IV), collective punishment is a war crime. This hasn’t, however, stopped it being perpetrated by the signatories to both Conventions, which include Germany, the US, the UK and Israel.
To cite only a handful of examples from the Second World War, in October 1941, in retaliation for insurgent attacks in Serbia that killed 10 German soldiers, the German Army killed 2,794 civilians, mostly boys and men, in the city of Kragujevac.
In June 1942, in retaliation for the assassination of Reich-Protector of Bohemia and Moravia Reinhard Heydrich in Prague by Czech and Slovak soldiers, the German Army killed around 5,000 Czech civilians, including 199 in the nearby town of Lidice, which they then burned to the ground.
In August 1943, in retaliation for armed operations by the Bielski Jewish partisans in the forests of Belorussia, the German Army burned down over 60 villages in Poland and Belarus and killed an estimated 4,280 civilians.
In October 1943, in retaliation for the uprising in the Sobibór concentration camp in German-occupied Poland, during which eleven SS guards were killed, the remaining SS, with the help of German soldiers, shot all 159 of the remaining Jewish prisoners.
In December 1943, in retaliation for resistance from Greek guerrilla fighters, the German army killed the entire male population of the town of Kalavryta, comprising 693 men and boys, and looted and burned over 1,000 homes to the ground.
Finally – although this doesn’t begin to exhaust the crimes of collective punishment committed during the Second World War — in August and September 1944, in retaliation for the Warsaw uprising, the German Airforce dropped over 1,580 tons of bombs on the city, which together with assaults by SS soldiers killed 15,200 Polish civilians, including women and children.
The first principle of collective punishment, therefore, is that is committed as an act of retaliation that is not necessarily inflicted against those who, in the perception of the perpetrators of this crime, initiated the cycle of violence; but may and typically does include people innocent of any violence, and in particular civilians, whose death and suffering is perceived, at least by those inflicting the punishment, as just punishment for the ‘initial’ violence. In many respects, therefore, collective punishment shares many of the characteristics of certain forms of religious sacrifice, in which the victim is a substitute or scapegoat whose death is understood to expiate a crime.
If we imagine this is not relevant to Israel’s response to the Hamas attacks, Netanyahu has called on the Israelis to remember the Biblical story of Amalek, a rival nation to Ancient Israel, which the prophet Samuel tells Saul, the first King of Israel, God has ordered him to destroy.
Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants.”
1 Samuel 15:3
We should keep such rhetoric in mind when told by Zionists that Israel represent an outpost of Western humanism and rationality amid the religious fundamentalism and barbarity of the Middle East, a lighthouse of rationality in the dark sea of Islam. But the Jews of Israel and the Arabs of Palestine are both Semitic peoples; and although Benjamin Netanyahu, who spent much of his childhood in the USA, doubtless considers himself at home among the Ministers and arms dealers of the West, he is as ready as Yahya Sinwar, the Qatar-residing leader of Hamas, to appeal to fundamentalist religious dogma to justify his genocidal policies.
The second principle of collective punishment is that the number of deaths inflicted on the victims is many times greater than the deaths the crime was meant to expiate or avenge. This was a formula devised personally by Adolf Hitler, who ordered that, for every German soldier killed, 100 hostages would be killed, and for every soldier wounded 50 hostages killed. Implicit in this calculation is the perception, openly declared by the Third Reich, that the life of a German is worth many times more than the life of a Jew or Slav, and therefore must be — and indeed is justified morally and even legally in being — avenged by the deaths of a far greater number of victims.
And, of course, the crime of collective punishment didn’t stop with the Second World War, just as it isn’t restricted to the ideology of National Socialism. Again, to take only a handful of illustrative examples, between 1952 and 1960, in retaliation for the uprising in Kenya by Mau Mau militants, the British Army killed between 25,000 and 50,000 Kenyans, half of them children, many from being incarcerated in concentration camps.
In November 1956, during the Suez Canal crisis, the Israel Defense Forces occupied the Gaza Strip, where they killed 256 Palestinians in Khan Younis and 111 in Rafah. In total, during the 4-month occupation the IDF killed between 900 and 1,231 people, and an estimated 1 per cent of the Gazan population was either killed, wounded, imprisoned or tortured.
In March 1968, in retaliation for harbouring Viet Cong forces, the US Army killed between 347 and 504 Vietnamese civilians in the village of My Lai, raping women and children and mutilating their corpses.
And in November 2005, in retaliation for the killing of a US soldier in a roadside bomb explosion in Iraq, US marines killed 24 unarmed Iraqi men, women and children in Haditha.
Even before the current attacks on the Gaza Strip and West Bank, since January 2008 alone some 6,621 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, West Bank and in Israel itself have been killed by the Israel Defence Forces, including 1,490 children and 627 women. 156,230 Palestinians have been wounded, including 69,719 by tear-gas inhalation, 23,950 by rubber bullets, 18,573 by live ammunition, 5,417 by physical assault, 4,918 hit by a tear gas cannister, and 4,652 by air-launched explosions. From the total Palestinian population of roughly 5.8 million in Israel and the Occupied Territories, that’s 1 in 880 that have been killed and an astonishing 1 in 37 that have been wounded or injured. As I wrote earlier, in the Gaza Strip the figures are roughly twice as high, with 1 in 382 of the population killed by the IDF and 1 in 19 injured. And as I said, that was before the current attacks, which have killed more Palestinian civilians than at any time since the Nakba. So what does international law on the rules of war say about this history of terror and murder?
Under Article 51 of the Protocol Additional to the Hague Convention it states: ‘The civilian population as such, as well as individual civilians, shall not be the object of attack. Acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited.’
Under Article 40 of the 1977 Additional Protocol to the Hague Convention it states: ‘It is prohibited to order that there shall be no survivors, to threaten an adversary therewith or to conduct hostilities on this basis.’
Under Article 16 of the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Convention it states: ‘It is prohibited to commit any acts of hostility directed against historic monuments, works of art or places of worship which constitute the cultural or spiritual heritage of peoples.’
And under Article 57 of the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Convention it states: ‘Those who plan or decide upon an attack shall: (iii) refrain from deciding to launch any attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.’
According to Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, in the 49 successive days of attacks on the Gaza Strip between 7 October and the temporary ceasefire on 23 November, the Israel Defence Forces, in retaliation for the killing of a reduced estimate of 1,200 people in Israel by Hamas militants, have killed 20,031 Palestinians in Gaza, including 8,176 children and 4,112 women, and injured 36,350. In addition, they have completely destroyed 59,240 homes and partially destroyed a further 165,300; destroyed 1,040 industrial facilities, damaged or destroyed 266 schools, 140 press headquarters, 124 health facilities and 91 mosques; and displaced 1.73 million people, some three quarters of the population of the Gaza Strip.
This devastation cannot be justified or dismissed as the collateral damage of a war on Hamas, but must be seen for what it is, the intended goal of this collective punishment of the Palestinian people by a military organisation pursuing a programme of genocide. On 11 October, Yoav Gallant told reporters:
We will wipe this thing called Hamas, ISIS-Gaza, off the face of the earth. It will cease to exist.”
7. Is Israel Guilty of Genocide?
In another year there will be nothing there,
And we will safely return to our homes.
Within a year we will annihilate everyone,
And then return to plough our fields.
Song broadcast by Israel Public Broadcasting Corporation (November 2023)
The United Nations’ 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which came into effect in 1951, confirms that genocide, under Article I, whether committed in time of peace or war, is a crime under international law which signatory states undertake to prevent and to punish. Under Article II of the Convention, genocide is defined as any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, racial or religious group, as such:
- Killing members of the group;
- Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
- Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
- Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.
The crime of genocide, moreover, isn’t limited to its immediate perpetrators. Under Article III of the Convention, the following acts shall be punishable:
- Genocide;
- Conspiracy to commit genocide;
- Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
- Attempt to commit genocide;
- Complicity in genocide.
Under Article IV of the Convention, persons committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article III shall be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals. And under Article V of the Convention, the Contracting Parties undertake to provide effective penalties for persons guilty of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article III.
As of April 2022, 153 states have ratified the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, including the United Kingdom, the United States of America, the State of Israel and the State of Palestine.
Between 1 January 2008 and 30 November 2023, the Israel Defence Forces have killed 25,396 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, including 9,382 of their children, and injured a further 99,348. That’s 1 in 93 of its population killed in 16 years, an appalling 1 in 126 of Gaza’s children, and a barely credible 1 in 24 that have been wounded or injured by attacks by the Israel Army.
In one of the more contemptuous applications of the so-called Rules-Based International Order dictated to the world by the USA, the Israel Defense Forces have designated each and every one the 1.1 million Palestinian civilians who previously lived in the northern part of the Gaza Strip and who do not leave what’s left of their homes, schools, businesses and hospitals as ‘accomplices in a terrorist organisation’ and therefore as a ‘legitimate target’ for their war crimes.
Eighty years ago, on 4 and 6 October, 1943, in the town of Posen in German-occupied Poland, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, the architect of the Final Solution, delivered two speeches to an audience of SS officers and Third Reich officials. The transcripts to these speeches were later submitted to the Nuremberg Trials as proof of both the intention and commission of what was later designated as the Holocaust. Among his justifications for the crime of genocide, Himmler said:
Most of you here know what it’s like to see 100 corpses lie next to each other, when there are 500 or 1,000 corpses. To have endured this — except for cases of human weakness — and at the same time to have remained decent has made us hard. This is a glorious chapter in our history that has not and never will be written. We know how difficult it would be for us today if — under bombing raids and the hardships and deprivations of war — we still had secret saboteurs, agitators and instigators among us…We had the moral right, we had the duty to our people, to destroy this people that wanted to destroy us.
We, who are the only people in the world with a decent attitude towards animals, will also assume a decent attitude towards these human animals. But it is a crime against our own blood to worry about them and give them ideals, thereby causing our sons and grandsons to have a more difficult time dealing with them.
We were faced with the question: what about the women and children? I decided to find a clear solution to this problem. I did not consider myself justified in exterminating the men — in other words, killing them or having them killed — and then allowing their children to grow up and avenge themselves on our own sons and grandsons. The difficult decision had to be made to have this people disappear from the earth. For the organisation that had to execute this task, it was the most difficult which we had ever had.
Given that Heinrich Himmler was responsible for the death of more Jews than anyone in a long history of pogroms against their people, I would suggest that, far from representing a homeland for Jews founded on the principles of Zionism, the State of Israel, as many Jews around the world have protested, is not only antithetical to the values of Judaism but, by its criminal actions against the Palestinian people, endangers the lives of Jews both inside and outside its borders.
Indeed, one might speculate that this is one of the aims of Zionism, which depends on opposition to its genocidal policies voiced by peoples around the world to draw Jews to Israel, vote its ideologues and soldiers into power and fund its war machine, Tzahal, which like the Wehrmacht before it must be regarded as a criminal and genocidal organisation.
What many in the West don’t realise is that — with the exemption, until 2014, of the Haredim, who on religious grounds refuse to serve — every Israeli Jewish citizen, male and female, must serve between two and three years in the Israel Defence Forces. A little like the UK soldiers who served in Northern Ireland during its occupation, over this period the citizens of Israel learn to humiliate, herd, brutalise, beat, imprison, torture, shoot, attack, injure, wound, kill and dehumanise the Palestinians who live all their lives under their military power. The Israel Defence Forces, therefore, are not only a criminal organisation guilty of crimes against the Palestinian people; they are also a means of indoctrinating the Israeli people into the brutality, cruelty and criminality required to maintain the illegal occupation of Palestine. Even beyond this process of indoctrination, however, compulsory service in the IDF has made the whole of Israeli society, and almost every one of its Jewish members, complicit in a crime they have committed in common, and for which, therefore, it is impossible for their police forces, judiciary or government to arrest, indict and find them guilty.
Given the unconditional support the State of Israel receives from the West, one can only hope that, when the racist and genocidal ideology of Zionism has been defeated as the ideology of National Socialism was before it, and the Rules-Based International Order that supports, funds and arms it is dismantled as thoroughly as was the military-industrial complex of the Third Reich, equivalent statements to these that have been made by Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, former Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked and others justifying the war crimes in Gaza — including those Zionists in the Government and Parliament of the UK — will be submitted to a similar legal process, undertaken by the signatory states to the Geneva Convention and the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, to establish whether they, too, are guilty of committing, conspiring, attempting, inciting or complicity in the crime of genocide against the people of Gaza.
8. What is the October Declaration?
If you see images of people chanting “Jihad”, flying flags, chanting “From the river to the sea”, which is a call to arms used by terrorists, celebrating the largest single loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust, glorifying acts of terrorism, I don’t think there’s any other way but to call them hate marches.”
Suella Braverman, former UK Home Secretary (5 November, 2023)
On 23 October, a group calling itself the British Friends of Israel published The October Declaration. It was organised by the journalists Laura Dodsworth, Allison Pearson and Toby Young; Ian Ron and Emma Webb, the President and Director, respectively, of the ludicrously named ‘Free Speech Union’ and ‘Common Sense Society’; Toby Guise, a PR consultant, and the barrister Francis Hoar. The declaration has since been signed by over 81,000 people, including many members of Parliament, UK academia and the British establishment, both Jewish and Gentile. I am not one of them. Instead, I wrote a line-by-line response to the declaration’s deliberately inaccurate and manipulative description of the situation and circumstances in the Gaza Strip and its attempt to suborn the UK Parliament and media to its Zionist agenda. With some additions, I reproduce this response here.
We are a group of concerned British citizens and residents from a wide range of backgrounds and professions who stand in solidarity with British Jews and condemn all forms of antisemitism, whether in Britain or elsewhere.
The ongoing events in Gaza and Israel that have occasioned this declaration cannot and should not be reduced to the accusation of ‘anti-Semitism’ by which the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and its signatories have attempted to criminalise any criticism of the criminal acts of the State of Israel.
We unequivocally condemn all acts of terrorism against civilians in Israel, especially the massacre on 7 October 2023.
Although the attacks by Hamas militants on 7 October were acts of terrorism, given the 75 years of the occupation of Palestine and the brutal conditions imposed on the people of Gaza since the 2005 blockade, condemnation of them cannot be ‘unequivocal’ and must, to the contrary, be contextual.
On 7 October 2023 the State of Israel and her citizens, both Jews and non-Jews, were subjected to a brutal terrorist attack, which resulted in the murder, torture, rape and kidnapping of over 1,500 people.
Apart from the unlikely circumstances under which this attack was launched through the most secure border barrier in the world, until these accusations have been verified they must be treated as a product of Israel propaganda, which in the past has been shown to be unreliable. As an example of which, the accusation that Hamas beheaded Israeli babies has been exposed as such, and the cause of the deaths in the Re’im music festival has been partially attributed to the response of the heavily-armed Israel Defense Forces which left the trail of devastation the lightly-armed Hamas militants couldn’t possibly have caused.
More Jews were killed on that day than on any other day since the Holocaust.
Since its founding in 1947, the State of Israel has been justified as compensation for what the West calls the ‘Holocaust’. Even if it were the burden of the Palestinian people to pay the price for the crimes of Europe — which it is not — the attempt to relate these events to the genocide of the Jewish people of Europe is historically inaccurate, emotive and manipulative.
We are aware that Jews are not the only victims of this tragedy. Hamas knew that there would be consequences to 7 October, but the consequences did not weigh with Hamas.
Indeed they must have known, which raises the question of why this attack was launched, to what ends, and with whose collaboration. But equally, the State of Israel also knew there would be consequences for imprisoning 2,375,000 Palestinians in a concentration camp in which 80 per cent are dependent on international assistance for survival, 97 per cent of the drinking water is contaminated, 39 per cent of pregnant women and 50 per cent of children are anaemic, and 17.5 per cent of children suffer from chronic malnutrition.
Its ongoing terrorist operation is calculated to cause maximum fear and distress. The people of Israel have been subjected to a near constant bombardment of rockets from Gaza and Lebanon. Civilians of all kinds — including the elderly, disabled, women, children and babies — have been targeted in a direct breach of the rules of war.
Even before the current crisis, since 2008 alone, 1 in 382 of the population of Gaza have been killed and 1 in 19 injured in less than 16 years. The siege of Gaza is an ongoing terrorist operation calculated to cause maximum fear and distress in a direct breach of the rules of war laid out in the Hague and Geneva Conventions. Since 7 October, in commission of the war crime of collective punishment, the people of Gaza have been subjected to near constant bombardment for 49 days and nights.
We share the shock and distress of Israelis, British Jews and compassionate people around the world at the unfolding horror and its consequences.
On the contrary, the vast majority of the world, even in Western nations, have come out in vast numbers to protest against the ongoing horror of the genocide being perpetrated by the Israel Defense Forces in the Gaza Strip, and have called for an immediate stop to their war crimes.
We call for all the hostages taken on 7 October to be released immediately. It is an essential step on the path to peace and the cessation of hostilities.
The Emergency Israel Unity Government has not made the return of the hostages taken by Hamas a condition of stopping its attack on the Gaza Strip. On the contrary, the Israel Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, in violation of Article 40 of the Geneva Convention, has vowed to ‘wipe Gaza off the face of the earth.’
We stand in support of British Jews and condemn acts of antisemitism.
The war crimes of the Israel Defence Forces are not those of a religion or ethnic identity but the direct consequence of the policies of the Government of Israel. Opposition to those policies is, therefore, not a form of anti-Semitism, and condemning it as such is indicative of how the State of Israel, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and other Zionist organisation cynically employ the accusation of ‘anti-Semitism’ to silence, censor and criminalise criticism and opposition to the ongoing crimes of the Israel Defence Forces. Such language does not belong in any serious statement about the situation in Gaza.
Following the terrorist attack on Israel, antisemitism is surging in the UK. The Community Security Trust (CST) recorded at least 533 antisemitic incidents across the UK between 7-20 October 2023, representing an increase of 651% compared to the same period in 2022.
Under the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism adopted by the UK, the categorisation of incidents as ‘anti- Semitic’ has, as consequence, been politicised and rendered almost legally meaningless. It is not anti-Semitic to denounce the perpetrators of war crimes against a people who — if the term is inaccurately extended to a race — are themselves ‘Semitic’, or to be critical of the apartheid State that permits and orders these crimes to be perpetrated against them.
Children have not been spared. Four Jewish schools in Britain felt compelled to close. One school was vandalised. It is abominable that British children should now live in fear just because they are Jews. All children should be able to attend school without fear.
Given the cynicism with which the Government and State of Israel continues to manipulate perception of what Amnesty International calls its ‘cruel system of domination and crimes against humanity’, the claim that four Jewish schools in the UK have been closed because the schoolchildren ‘live in fear’ must be questioned as much as the UK Government’s declared reasons for closing UK schools under lockdown in order to protect schoolchildren from a disease to which they are statistically immune.
Moreover, to cite the closure of UK schools as some sort of justification for the 266 schools that have been destroyed in the Gaza Strip by IDF air strikes conforms, in its estimation of the relevant worth of the disrupted lives of Jewish children in the UK to the destroyed lives of thousands of Gazan children, to the racist principles of ‘collective punishment’.
British Jews should not live in fear because of actions taken by the state of Israel to defend itself. The British state must do everything in its power to protect them. While we respect the right of all groups to engage in peaceful protest, we urge the police to enforce the law without fear or favour.
Under new legislation, including the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 and the Public Order Act 2023, of which the lawyers who have signed this Declaration will be aware, it is now possible for the police to ban any protest in the UK. Behind its appeal to uphold the law, this is a cynical and undemocratic call to politicise the policing of protest in the UK.
We ask the media, members of all political parties and everyone in public life to call out Hamas for what it is: a terrorist organisation.
Although long forgotten in the UK, the function of the media in a democracy is to report the news, not to propagate the views of well-connected pressure groups like British Friends of Israel. Equally, Members of Parliament are voted to represent the constituents who voted for them, not to mouth the words of Zionist organisations attempting to influence public opinion in favour of their agenda.
Hamas, whose actions have led directly and indirectly to the tragic deaths of many Palestinian civilians as well as Israelis, is a proscribed terrorist organisation in the UK as well as in many other states. The Home Secretary and the Prime Minister have identified Hamas as a terrorist organisation. Failure to use the correct language — describing Hamas as ‘militants’ or ‘fighters’, for instance — creates the false impression that Hamas and Israel’s armed forces are morally equivalent and is an affront to the group’s victims — the dead, their families, and those currently being held hostage.
When it comes to the dead and their families, there can be no question of equality between the actions of Hamas and the Israel Defense Forces. Since 7 October, IDF strikes on the Gaza Strip have killed 20,031 Palestinians in Gaza, including 8,176 children and 4,112 women, and injured 36,350. And the vast inequality between the suffering, imprisonment, brutalisation, torture, injury and killing of the Palestinian people and their Israeli occupiers goes back 75 years to the genocide referred to as the Nakba, during which Israeli forces destroyed 531 Palestinian towns and villages and took possession of 774, occupied 77 per cent of Palestine, killed around 15,000 Palestinians in more than 70 separate massacres, and drove 800,000 Palestinians out of a population of 1.4 million from their homeland and into what is now the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
So no, there is no lack of moral equivalence between the actions of Hamas militants on 7 October and those of the Israel Defence Forces since 1948; but there is a yawning gap between the numbers of their victims, the killed and injured, the imprisoned and tortured, their systematically impoverished, humiliated and brutalised families, and the imprisoned — including hundreds of Palestinian children — held in Israeli jails. Since 1967 alone, 800,000 Palestinians, a fifth of the population, have been arrested and imprisoned by the apartheid State of Israel, which systematically destroys Palestinian homes, agriculture, livestock, olive groves, woodlands and wells.
No one thought this would be necessary in the 21st Century but, sadly, it is.
On the contrary, any observer of the West’s unconditional support for the apartheid State of Israel and its genocidal treatment of the Palestinian people would expect a declaration such as this, which in the context in which it has been made is an apologia for the ongoing ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people and the illegal annexation of the Gaza Strip, both of which are in violation of the international laws the West purports to uphold.
For all these reasons, I did not sign the October Declaration. It isn’t Jews in London that have been given unlimited and overwhelmingly favourable coverage by the UK media that need protecting, but rather and obviously the tens of thousands of Palestinians being injured and killed in the Gaza Strip. Instead, on the grounds I have laid out here, I appeal to the organisers and signatories of the October Declaration to withdraw its support for the war crimes of the Israel Defense Forces and to replace this deliberately inaccurate account of the situation with one calling for their immediate cessation and for the arrest and trial of its perpetrators under the international laws and conventions to which this country is a legally-bound signatory.
On Tuesday, 24 October, the day after the October Declaration was published, 400 airstrikes launched by the Israel Defence Forces killed a further 756 people in the Gaza Strip, making it — until then — the deadliest 24-hour period since 7 October. This brought the death toll in Gaza to 6,546, including 2,360 children, with 17,439 injured. Terrible as they are, these figures and the crimes they only barely document have long since been surpassed.
9. Whatever Happened to the Freedom Movement?
The word “terrorism” doesn’t come as easily to my mouth as it does to others. It seems to me that the bombing of civilians with helicopter gunships and missiles is a far worse kind of terrorism than the acts of desperate, miserably destitute people with no horizon of hope, which is what Palestinians in the Occupied Territories have been reduced to by the deliberate policy of collective punishment.”
Edward Said, in conversation with Christopher Hitchens (May 2001)
One of the consequences of the militarily impossible attack on the State of Israel and the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip is that the growing solidarity between those opposed to the Great Reset of Western capitalism has been shattered down the same old Left/Right fault line. It’s as if we’ve returned to January 2020, reeling from the largest Conservative Government majority since 1987; the Corbyn experiment ruined by the accusation of ‘anti-Semitism’ from both the UK media establishment and his own Party; Left-wing governments in Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia and across South America overthrown or threatened with military coups by the US Empire; Right-wing governments elected to power in Europe, the Middle East, India and the Americas; protests and uprisings in Hong Kong, Catalonia, Venezuela and Iran reported by the UK media, which rigorously ignored those in France, Algeria, Chile and Palestine; and the UK electorate still moaning about Brexit, promoting a ‘Green’ new deal for capitalism, and completely unaware of the globalist coup that was on the horizon. Four years of lies later and there’s been no advancement in either political consciousness or awareness of the mechanisms of power by which we are governed. We’re back with the same terrorist states triggering the same knee-jerk responses to the same ends; except this time the dividing lines are the old illusory ones: Left = pro-Palestine/Right = pro-Israel.
As a result of this rappel à l’ordre of the old and apparently unshakeable allegiances, many of those who for three years denounced Government lies about COVID-19, opposed censorship and were called ‘anti-Semitic’ for doing so, now believe everything the Government says about what happened on 7 October, want to criminalise protests against the genocide in Gaza as ‘hate crimes’, and denounce anyone calling for a free Palestine as ‘anti-Semitic’. The stupidity with which the Left unthinkingly aligned itself with lockdown restrictions, gene-therapy mandates and environmental fundamentalism has been matched by the stupidity with which the Right has unthinkingly aligned itself with collective punishment, genocide and Zionism. Both sides have reconfirmed that, when our politics and our ethics are determined by what we are shown and what we choose to look at, we are not rational citizens of a democracy but emotionally-manipulated subjects of the spectacle, which reaches its technological apotheosis in war. Just as the so-called ‘war on COVID’ was manufactured to justify the regulations, programmes and now technologies of the Great Reset, so too is the ‘war on anti-Semitism’, that is already being used to justify further restrictions on our freedoms of speech, movement, access, conscience.
As the signatories to the October Declaration have demonstrated, the weakness of those who opposed the illegal lockdown of the UK, the masking of children for two years and experimental gene therapy mandates for care workers on medical or legal grounds, or in defence of their personal freedoms, or merely out of a sense of moral outrage, is that, when confronted with the same tactics and accusations being deployed most immediately to further the geopolitical aspirations of Israel and the USA, they can respond with nothing more than compliance and, in the case of the signatories to the October Declaration, collaboration, whether willingly or unwittingly. All of which raises the question, which many members of what became known as the ‘Freedom Movement’ are asking: in reducing opposition to the war crimes of the State of Israel to ‘anti-Semitism’, in its call to ban protests against those crimes as ‘hate marches’, and in its description of those who resist as ‘terrorists’, is Gaza the new COVID?
To try and answer this, I want to offer some initial thoughts on why the Freedom Movement, in response to the genocide being committed in Gaza, has been betrayed by some of its most prominent spokesmen, and what this tells us about future forms of resistance to the Great Reset.
Firstly, there is no such thing as ‘Freedom’, only the freedoms we defend and try to protect with laws; and the idea that the last 40 years of neoliberalism under which we lived in the UK were ‘free’ shows the political naivety of those who have only recently become aware of the conditions of our freedoms. That’s okay and, indeed, to be welcomed, as never in my lifetime have so many people in the West become aware of how they are governed and by whom. What freedoms we have enjoyed were purchased at the cost of the lack of freedom of a far larger number of people across the world, and in almost every form extended no further than the freedom to believe the lies we were told, to buy what we were sold, and to obey what we were compelled by law to do. In this respect, the inequality in freedoms between Jewish Israelis and Palestinians in Israel and the Occupied Territories is a microcosm of that between the West and much of the rest of the world.
Nonetheless, lockdown and the mandates on masking and gene therapy represented a quantitative leap in the erasure of our freedoms that was genuinely unprecedented, and caused many public figures that were otherwise quite content in their neoliberal paradise to rebel. But this rebellion, first and foremost, was against the restrictions on their freedom to continue to enjoy their status within Western capitalism. And since the unfailingly stupid Left was too busy complying and denouncing any who didn’t as ‘anti-Science’ (etc.), these unlikely figures from the libertarian Right emerged to fill the vacuum in leadership of what became the Freedom Movement, or at least elected themselves to be its spokesmen.
Having no interest in UK society and its media gossip, I myself hadn’t heard of most of these individuals before 2020, but you probably know who I’m referring to: founder of the Academy of Ideas think-tank Claire Fox, formally known as the Baroness of Buckley; the founder of the Free Speech Union Toby Young; the journalists Allison Pearson and Laura Dodsworth; the GB News presenter Mark Dolan; the former actor and founder of the Reclaim political party Laurence Fox; the Spiked editor Tom Slater; the comedian and podcaster Konstantin Kisin; and the radio presenter Julia Hartley-Brewer. Despite themselves being vilified by the UK media for two years and more as ‘anti-vaxxers’ and ‘conspiracy theorists’, none of these rather unlikely spokesmen for freedom hesitated to add their names to the signatories of the October Declaration.
This has caused some surprise and no little despair among members of the Freedom Movement, many of whom have been subjected to renewed accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ from their former comrades. I haven’t been among them., however. I’m speaking from my own experience of both UK politics and the media when I say that, as politicians and journalists, all these reluctant heroes — as is required by their trade — are liars, careerists and opportunists. I, for one, therefore — and I imagine I’m not alone — wasn’t in the least surprised that, when Gaza offered them the opportunity to return to the embrace of the Establishment that had bred and raised them to their formerly exalted positions in British Society, they did so like so many prodigal sons and daughters.
However, among those denouncing any and all criticism of Israel as ‘anti-Semitic’, accepting everything the media says as gospel, calling for a police crackdown on protests against the genocide, and demanding new laws to silence dissent — and in every respect, therefore, behaving as the COVID-faithful, environmental fundamentalists, Zelenskyy worshippers and trans ideologues have behaved towards them over the past four years — are some good people.
Among these I include the barrister, Francis Hoar, who has represented many people, including myself, threatened by their opposition to lockdown, and the pathologist, Dr. Clare Craig, author of Expired: Covid the untold story. I know these two to be intelligent and moral people, and yet the former helped draft and organise the October Declaration, and the latter is one of its signatories. This has disturbed, confused and upset me, and for the past two months I’ve been trying to understand how people who, for the past four years, risked their reputations, careers and even their liberty to defend our freedoms, have so readily added their voices to the hatred, barbarity and stupidity of a racist and genocidal ideology. Zionism is an ideology, and as such it is founded not on rational argument or historical facts, some of which I have presented in this article, but on sentimentality towards oneself and hatred of others. Very much, in other words, the way the British were divided by lockdown into the virtuous compliant who obeyed and the diseased non-compliant who were ostracised.
My first question, therefore, is how intelligent people can put their names to such a document, which draws on every racist stereotype, every deep-seated hatred of Arabs and Islam bred into the British psyche and our institutions, and which would not look out of place among the lies and hate published by the UK Government, media, SAGE, MHRA, NHS and other public institutions in order to justify lockdown, mask mandates and the gene therapy programme. Perhaps the most concerning aspect of the October Declaration is not that its signatories are using it to justify the genocide in Gaza; it’s most concerning aspect is that its contents are so utterly stupid, are so obviously lies, and that public figures who present themselves as intellectuals can be so easily manipulated by an ideology made for idiots.
My second question is how, in the face of the documented genocide being committed by Israel in Gaza, moral people can both condone and deny its full extent (quibbling, for instance, over the source and accuracy of the reported death toll, as if 6,000 dead Palestinian children would be acceptable but 8,000 is Hamas propaganda) with the same justifications with which the COVID-compliant both justify and deny the number of ‘vaccine’ deaths.
With the ubiquity of smartphones, even in Gaza, never before, perhaps, have we seen in such detail what genocide means: not in Rwanda, not in Bosnia, not in Cambodia, not in Kenya or in World War Two. Its perpetrators, as I have said, have been dehumanised by 75 years of an increasingly brutal, apartheid and genocidal regime; but what is most confusing and appalling is that its apologists in the UK are so entirely without feeling or compassion for its victims and their suffering.
The short answer to my first question is that, when intelligent people are ‘triggered’ by ideology, they respond just as stupidly, obediently and viciously as the mass of the British population did in the first months of lockdown, when the gene therapy programme was rolled out, or the proxy war in the Ukraine was declared. Where formerly the British declared their ‘vaxxed’ status on their Twitter account and put a Ukrainian flag after their name, those who mocked such servile declarations of obedience haven’t hesitated to swap the once ubiquitous yellow-and-blue flag of the Ukraine for the white-and-blue of the flag of Israel; to declare to some imaginary audience that they ‘stand’ with Israel as dutifully as they did with Ukraine; and to denounce those who don’t as ‘terrorist-apologists’ as unthinkingly as they denounced ‘Putin-apologists’.
Different people, perhaps, but it’s the same slavish obedience to the technologies of their control. The bigger question, therefore, is what is it about this particular ‘crisis’ that has brought so many people, who for the past four years denounced everything the UK Government and media told us as a lie, into sudden and complete compliance with everything the same institutions are telling us now.
There’s a longer answer to this question, which includes the hatred of Islam inculcated by two decades of the so-called ‘War on Terror’, fear of the rising levels of immigration into the UK, and the equation of Muslims with terrorists that has returned with a familiar vengeance and hatred after the latter’s recent equation with ‘anti-vaxxers’.
But I think also that, among Christians — many of whom were repelled by the hatred and fear with which compliance with lockdown was manufactured — there is a sense of guilt and culpability for the Church’s complicity in what it has designated as the ‘Holocaust’. This is a Biblical term that turned the genocide of the Jews perpetrated during the Second World War into a sacrifice, a crime which, unconsciously or not, the Christian Church and most of the West have decided must be expiated by the suffering of Muslims in general and Palestinians in particular. In other words, the emotions being triggered to create allegiance to the UK’s criminal and indefensible support for the apartheid State of Israel and its genocidal attacks on the people of Gaza are a product of decades of indoctrination preparing us for just such a moment.
Part of that indoctrination, and more immediate to our current compliance, is the strategy of identity politics. Many Zionists have pointed to the fact that Israel shares Western policies on LGBT rights, as opposed to the policies of Hamas, which as a fundamentalist Islamic movement opposes those rights and the identities and sexual practices of those demanding them. Perhaps the most obscene demonstration of this apologia for genocide is the photograph of an Israeli soldier in Gaza posing with an LGBT flag in front of a landscape destroyed by 7 weeks of continuous air strikes. ‘Rainbow-washing’, one of my gay, Jewish friends called it. This is part of the facade that Israel presents to the world that it is a shining light of liberal democracy amid the creeping darkness of the Islamic Caliphate, just as Ukraine presents itself as a bastion of democracy defending Europe against Russian aggression. Both claims are lies.
In reality, both Israel and the Ukraine are testing grounds, to which the West has given its approval, funding and military support, for the transformation of the space of the biosecurity state into a digital camp monitored and controlled by Digital Identity, Central Bank Digital Currency and a panopticon of surveillance technology. It’s a testimony to how fully identity politics has substituted itself for the politics of both emancipation and conservation that even those who continue to oppose the technologies, programmes and ideologies of the Global Biosecurity State have been suborned into supporting the wars through which the digital camp is being implemented and trialled.
What does this mean for the ongoing resistance to the Great Reset and the possibility of a future Freedom Movement, whose death, foreshadowed by the proxy-war in the Ukraine, can be precisely dated to 7 October, 2023? I can’t answer this here; but any hopes we have of resistance to the Great Reset must be formed in the context of the failure of the Freedom Movement to form itself into a social force capable of bringing about mass resistance and political change, and of the ease with which the dilettantes by which it was led and allowed to be its spokesmen have been brought to heel.
10. What Can History Teach Us?
Citizens of Israel, we are at war. Not in an operation or in rounds, but at war. I have ordered an extensive mobilization of reserves and that we return fire of a magnitude that the enemy has not known. The enemy will pay an unprecedented price. We are at war and we will win it.”
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel Prime Minister (7 October, 2023)
A much-needed voice of reason, historical recollection and moral clarity amid the violent and noisy condemnation of Palestinian ‘terrorists’ by UK politicians and political commentators is that of the late Labour MP, Gerald Kaufman, who was raised as an orthodox Jew and Zionist, and who from 1987-1992 was the Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.
This didn’t stop him, in a speech delivered to the House of Commons in January 2009, three years after Hamas had been elected to power in Gaza, from saying what today, nearly 15 years later, would be condemned not only by his Party but also by his people as ‘anti-Semitism’:
The present Israeli Government ruthlessly and cynically exploit the continuing guilt among gentiles over the slaughter of Jews in the Holocaust as justification for their murder of Palestinians. The implication is that Jewish lives are precious, but the lives of Palestinians do not count.
On Sky News a few days ago, the spokeswomen for the Israeli army, Major Leibovich, was asked about the Israeli killing of — at that time — eight-hundred Palestinians. The total is now one thousand. She replied instantly: ‘Five hundred of them were militants’. That was the reply of a Nazi. I suppose that Jews fighting for their lives in the Warsaw ghetto could have been dismissed as militants.
The Israeli Foreign Minister, Tzipi Livni, asserts that her Government will have no dealings with Hamas because they’re terrorists. Tzipi Livni’s father was Eitan Livni, chief operations officer of the terrorist Irgun Zvai Leumi who organised the blowing up of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, in which 91 victims were killed, including 4 Jews. Israel was born out of Jewish terrorism. Jewish terrorists hanged two British sergeants and booby-trapped their corpses. Irgun, together with the terrorist Stern Gang, massacred 254 Palestinians in 1948 in the village of Deir Yassin.
Today, the present Israeli Government indicate that they would be willing, in circumstances acceptable to them, to negotiate with Palestinian President Abbas of Fatah. It’s too late for that. They could have negotiated with Fatah’s previous leader, Yasser Arafat, who was a friend of mine. Instead, they besieged him in a bunker in Ramallah, where I visited him. It’s because of the failings of Fatah since Arafat’s death that Hamas won the Palestinian election in 2006. Hamas is a deeply nasty organisation, but it was democratically elected, and it is the only game in town.
The boycotting of Hamas, including by our own Government, has been a culpable error from which dreadful consequences have followed. The great Israeli Foreign Minister, Abba Eban, with whom I campaigned for peace on many platforms, said you make peace by talking to your enemies. However many Palestinians the Israelis murder in Gaza, they cannot solve this existential problem by military means.
Whenever, and however, the fighting ends, there will still be one-and-a-half million Palestinians in Gaza, and two-an-a-half million more Palestinians in the West Bank, who are treated like dirt by the Israelis, with hundreds of road blocks, and with the ghastly denizens of the illegal Jewish settlements harassing them as well. The time will come, not so long from now, when they will outnumber the Jewish population in Israel.
It’s time for our Government to make clear to the Israeli Government that its conduct and policies are unacceptable, and to impose a total arms ban on Israel. It is time for peace, but real peace, not the solution by conquest which is the Israeli’s real goal, but which is impossible for them to achieve. They’re not simply war criminals, they’re fools.
Israel’s current National Unity Government are fools too; but fools whose war crimes are reverberating around the world, with potentially catastrophic consequences. The First World War, from which the State of Israel was conceived, is a history lesson in how marginal conflicts can draw in the rest of the world.
On 28 June 1914, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist. On 23 July, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia, which included stamping out all forms of Serbian nationalism across the Empire. These were rejected the following day. On 25 July, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, triggering the series of military alliances designed to keep peace in Europe. On 1 August, Germany declared war on Russia and France; and on 4 August, Britain declared war on Germany. By the time, four years later, the First World War was over, few remembered how it had started, only that around 20 million people had lost their lives. It is this that we should have been remembering on Armistice Day, instead of fanning the flames of a war which has no boundaries.
On 26 November 2023, seven weeks since the current crisis unfolded, it was reported that the US aircraft carrier strike group led by USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, which had been sent to the Eastern Mediterranean on the justification of responding to the Hamas attack on 7 October, had passed through the Suez Canal into the Red Sea and was now in the Persian Gulf that borders Iran. Today is 1 December, 2023, and after observing a week-long ceasefire, Israel has renewed its attack on the Gaza Strip.
Simon Elmer is the author of The Great Reset: Biopolitics for Stakeholder Capitalism. His recent books include The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State (2022), as well as two volumes of articles on the UK biosecurity state, Virtue and Terror and The New Normal, both published in 2023.
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I posted this on part 1 but feel the need to put it here also, if one must be removed, may it be the previous, not this?
Someone says “It’s quite clear we in the UK are on the wrong side of history”.
I agree 100%. It is in fact UNDENIABLE that Israel, US and UK are on the wrong side of history.
How can we deny it when they show us every day?
They are glorying in it. Rolling in and smearing themselves with the blood of the innocents they destroy.
And the controlled media are broadcasting them doing it. Every day now we see BBC, France 24, CNN, MSNBC and many others tell us in heartrending detail of the suffering of the people in Gaza.
No matter how horrified we are at the terrible unprecedented slaughter I think we need to be aware of this very strange development which I continue to try to draw attention toward.
In simple terms, the ruling powers desire us to be repulsed by some of its members. They are inviting us to see them as the vile and heartless murderers they are.
Why is this?
I have told you my hypothesis which I believe has gained in credibility since I first put it here. But you do not have to agree with it in order to see the necessity of asking the question.
Asking why are they wanting us shocked and repulsed by our own leaders is a very important thing to do as it must have some agenda behind it.
What is that agenda?
I believe they intend for a drama to unfold that will be presented to us as “the empire” collapsing and a new age of enlightenment dawning.
I believe we will be told the people of the world have come together and won a great victory over imperial tyranny and this view will be endorsed by much of the independent media as well as the “Left” controlled media.
I believe we will be told we need new supranational bodies (a new “improved” UN perhaps, or perhaps something completely new) to make sure no nations of the future can do the evil things the empire and Israel have done.
And I believe the majority of people will agree because they will be carried along on a great wave of hope and will be bludgeoned on all sides by propaganda telling them THEY are making these choices.
I believe these unelected and unaccountable bodies will be given vast powers to “oversee” the conduct of nations” “on behalf of the people”.
And I think only after these things become reality will the real truth gradually become clear.
We will find these bodies answer not to us but to the same unaccountable powers that previously controlled the empire and that control all governing bodies – the extremely wealthy and banking institutions.
We will find these bodies are in fact less concerned with preventing war and death than with controlling our freedoms to eat, drink, go where we please and live independent of the state.
We will find in fact that we have been confidence-tricked into “demanding” the very 4IR globalism none of us ever wanted.
But I fear by then it will be too late as the institutions will be too embedded.
Indeed they are embedding as we speak. Every day a little more, as James Corbett’s recent article makes so clear.
They are already bringing us global, unaccountable, tyranny, but I fear the slaughter in Gaza is intended as a fast track to “finishing the job”.
Also note how Gaza and its zones and surveillance is a pilot scheme for the globalist cities planned for our future.
More needs saying on that
The hypothesis has many poignant points to it, however, there is another dimension to it. Namely, as Blair stated a number of years ago the Internet is a great danger to the “ elites” controlling the narrative, therefore, the strategy is of a damage limitation exercise. Witness, the “ revelations” coming out of Gaza.
Moreover far to much credence is given to the “ elites” in their omnipotent powers. It’s a myth like much of history. For example how many people were aware of the intervention by the City of London/ Wall Street in creating : The Bolshevik Revolution, Wall Street and FW Roosevelt and The Rise of Hitler, until their development in the tax funded Intranet ran out of control.
Furthermore, yes it is about food and physical needs but it is also a spiritual battle as many researchers into the Scamdemic discovered. “ It is written: ‘ Man shall not live on bread, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’ “ Matthew 4:4
Why would the City of London/Wall Street want to disrupt their ally in WW 1?
Yes, that puzzles me too. I can understand the Germans’ brilliant success in knocking out their enemy on the Eastern Front by sending Lenin to Russia. But why should the English grandson of Queen Victoria wish to knock out her Russian son-in-Law?
King Edward was bought and paid for by the Rothschilds. Not only did they cover all his gambling plus brothel debts but supplied very large interest free loans to buy properties. He lived well beyond his means.
He flannelled and prevaricated, and didn’t send the cruiser to pick/the Romanovs up from a Black Sea port, probably Sevastopol. He probably got his orders from ‘above.’
He was under the Milner group / Rothschilds cosh.
“The dynasties of wealth have made of the Throne their hired hand” — Hilaire Belloc
The City of London/ Wall Street attack on the Russian Empire began fundamentally in 1904 when Jacob Schaffer, cousin to the Rothschilds who control the City of London, financed the Japanese through international bonds to buy British Empire ships in order to attack and defeat Czarist Russia.
Moreover, they financed many of the Bolsheviks, ie Lev Bronstein aka Leon Trotsky, to undermine and attack Russia. This was carried out with the full knowledge of the British Empire since they allowed him plus his fellow Bolsheviks safe passage to travel from New York via Halifax to Russia.
The purpose was a long term strategy to destroy the Empire and export the Marxist ideology around the world to ferment revolution. Until the rise of Stalin, this was the plan with Trotsky proposing exporting the Revolution to other countries.
Professor Antony C Sutton’s ground breaking book, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, provides in very great detail, with indisputable proof, that the international bankers, City of London + Wall Street, did indeed assist in creating the Bolshevik Revolution.
Jacob Schiff.
Thank you for the correct spelling.
They’re already planning to create 15 minute smart cities with hotels and casinos like in Dubai in Gaza with the profits from the stolen gas from off the coast of Gaza and the oil underneath the West Bank. They’ll probably build pricey condos along the planned Ben Gurion Canal too.
It’s all about the Benjamin$ after all … Netanyahu that is 😉
And of course Man of the People Elon Musk will be doing his best to ensure they “Build Back Better”.
Right now, he’s a bit tied up on another humanitarian project which commenced to day – experimentally radiating the populations of 13 American states to see if they fare better than a bunch of lab rats which died of cancer and other ailments
in a lab study.
The way the world is shaping up, I’m beginning to wish we really WERE living in a computer simution!
Many thanks for the links Dennis!
I can’t for the life of me understand why people don’t see through him?? His motives, and moves, are so transparent. Honestly, I can’t decide who is worse between him and Bill Gates? Smh Both are Bond villains! lol
It’s already happening, via the globalist great reset, endorsed in the UK not only by our elected government but also by our unelected, traitorous monarch.
milesmathis lot pointed out…. why does the website pin theses comments on Gaza issues to ruin the other comments,.??
it seems really dodgy,
lets pin a random comment or authors comment to derail the comment section or push a narrative.
Two credible U$ military experts warn Israel: Stop bombing Defenseless Civilians in Gaza or else Hezb will attack Galilee with formidable Armed Force.
Col.Douglas Macgregor and Col.Scott Ritter have high level insights into the relative military cabilities of various players.
My own guesstimate, in decreasing order of strategic importance to the ME, would be: Russia Iran KSA China EU$A Hezb’Allah Hamas and Israel (the last named being a forward guard of the EU$A: “Uncle $cam’s unsinkable aircraft carrier” against “Israel’s existential enemies” — all those inconsiderate nations who buried our hydrocarbon reserves under their territory).
U$ Veto Kills UN Peace Plan for the Third Time
Carpet Bombing of Civilians: U$ Bombers over Gaza Attain 20,000 / 20.000 Equality with U$ Bombers over Dresden
It took Israel only a month with F*** U$ modern bombers to achieve a target that the Yanks took a year to achieve with B*** U$ WW2 bombers.
“In bombers named for girls we burned
The cities we had learned about at school” — Randall Jarell, definitive poet of WW2
We are witnessing evil at it’s most intense. Creepy Genocide Joe deserves a place in the nastiest corner in hell.
This article is almost perfect, and could be used as almost perfect response to any “Israeli supporter”, except for one point: point 9, about the “Freedom Movement”.
I’m not from UK, I don’t know the political scene in UK, but I doubt that the matter can be reduced to a simple “left-right” distinction – as the author is trying to convince us – and everything can be put in a “single bag”: “COVID-compliance” (what exactly does it mean? believing that COVID actually exists – which is a fact not subject to beliefs – or anything else?), lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccinations, support for Ukraine and Israel, digital identity, CBDC and surveillance, all under the big umbrella of “Great Reset”, and you are either for or against all these things together, as a package (and if you are against, you are a part of “freedom movement”). I doubt the political scene is laid out that way. There are people – also in my country, Poland – that want to present it that way (some of them very active on Twitter), but it’s not the reality.
BTW. the “vaccines” were NOT “gene therapy” as gene therapy is aimed to modify genes in your DNA, which absolutely didn’t happen in this case. The “vaccines” (not all of them; Astra Zeneca for example was not) were based on genetic material (mRNA), but they had absolutely nothing to do with “gene therapy”.
Of course, there is a huge amount (maybe the majority?) of stupid people who always “support the current thing”, be it vaccinations, Ukraine or Israel, and put something related into their Twitter or Facebook avatar. Even earlier, before COVID, the “currently supported things” – at least in Poland – were eg. opposition against shooting boars by hunters (people put a picture of boar into their profile), support for LGBT, “womens’ strike” (protests against abortion ban in Poland), or a call (repeating every year) to not use fireworks on New Years Eve because of the stress it apparently causes to dogs. It’s also a fact that most of these people support liberal parties (and I would never call liberals “left”, as they by no means are political left; they are pro-business, not pro-workers, pro-individualism and not pro-society, pro-lower taxes and not pro-social welfare, so how is this “left”?), but again, the polical stupidity and being subject to propaganda is not a matter of left-right distinction.
The author is referring to people who opposed COVID-related restrictions and now are supporting Israel (so I understand that those who were pro COVID restrictions now support Palestine?), but in my country I see a lot of people who were against COVID restrictions and now support Palestine, but there is also a lot of those who were also against COVID restrictions but support Israel; and the same on the other side of “COVID line”.
That’s the only objection I have to this text – but I think it’s an important one, as those who support Israel will definitely use it to question the whole text as non-credible. So may I suggest just removing that part?
The so-called “freedom movement” was mostly fake. Analysing and understanding that fakery is important. It’s possible, however, that Elmer believes it was largely real and is lamenting its apparent demise.
Am in the UK. You’re spot-on that (Neo) Liberals aren’t the left. Our traditional left has been critical of lockdown and had always been pro-Palestinian – but sympathies for the Palestinian people are really widespread here. Only US-lackey politicians and the rest of the (also heavily US-influenced) far right would be gung-ho in supporting Israel, it’s completely abnormal as a view here. The average British person sympathises with the underdog, most wanted a ceasefire.
I think the complete package reduces to either you support human rights (or whatever you prefer to call it), or you don’t. The far right doesn’t, and right Libertarians failed to hide that even when lockdown was still ongoing and they were claiming to be critical of it. While our trad. left was objecting to the removal of access to healthcare, right Libertarians were making use of it to attack the very existence of the NHS. The left supports genuine collective action for the benefit of others as well as ourselves, the problem with lockdown policies was where it was harmful, and not beneficial as claimed. Right Libertarians, whatever they may claim about charity, loathe any policy or institution designed for collective benefit: they weren’t just fuming calling lockdown Communist because they’d be fine with such action as long as it did actually benefit the people.
There’s no political compatibility with them whatsoever and never was. Those on the trad. left, even the far left, can find far more common ground with the average genuinely ‘small c’ British Conservative voter – and whether they were frightened by COVID and bamboozled by lockdown really has little bearing on that. They typically support institutions like the NHS and are just as unhappy with loss of access and it being undermined. Certain leftwing ideas have become mainstream here, accepted by the majority (as they usually are over time, because the left is the correct position).
Right Libertarians should really have no place in our politics (and don’t, in any meaningful sense), they’re totally foreign to them. In promoting them ‘centrists’ (far right sympathisers or disingenuous far right themselves) wilfully damaged the lockdown critical movement to attempt to spread their own views. Lockdown-critical Libs who did so revealed their true priorities were just as self-centred, not about the broad harms of lockdown – otherwise how could anyone promote the views of those who want to cause these kinds of harm? They just have different means in mind, and intend the jackboot to be on their own feet.
UN Head Gutierrez Addresses Security Council Under Article 99: “The Biggest Concentrated Loss of Life in the History of this organization” (and that’s only counting Israel’s “collateral damage” to UN staff on the ground in Gaza).
He’s anti-semitic.
Most Jews are not semites, many Palestinians are semites.
Of course, LOL.
What’s it called? Chutzpah?
Prominently featured in the Guardian (not so much in WaPo, Telegraph nor Indie):
“UN Security Council to vote on Gaza ceasefire; Israel border crossing may open for aid”
“The stupidity with which the Left unthinkingly aligned itself with lockdown restrictions, gene-therapy mandates and environmental fundamentalism has been matched by the stupidity with which the Right has unthinkingly aligned itself with collective punishment, genocide and Zionism.” —- spot on the money.
The Right. As in Keith Stormer’s party, New Liebore, founded by Tony B.Liar, director in Rothschild Carlyle (along with New Liebore PM Gordon Brownstuff) and non-voting director in House of Rothschild with “only a modest fortune” of 100Million.
Simon, that was a long read, worthy read.
It bothered me that you use a term IDF. Hasbara couldn’t came out with a better construction. I always say Israeli Army.
It is likely the Hamas attack was allowed to happen. Still, I don’t like the underestimation of Hamas (plus allies) and overestimation of Israel tyrannical apparatus. There cannot be a perfect system, the more complex it is the higher probability is it will fail nonetheless. We should not forget Lebanon 2006 and how Hezbollah effectively beat Israeli army badly.
Israeli army and Israeli society foremost can’t withstand the number of casualties that would be needed to destroy Hamas.
Two state solution, today, seems to me a pipe dream. Where to put Palestinian state? West bank is totally fragmented by Jewish settlements, to move them like they did in Gaza is not feasible, too many people. Then one state, but how after one century of horror after tragedy and backwards??
I don’t know how and thanks god it’s not up to me. If Israelis will somehow realize that they don’t want to live in a garrison state any more and Palestinians reduce their demands, no matter how justified they are, then…..maybe then there is a chance for peace.
Although regarding the Israelis….some time ago I watched a panel discussion and a guy (journalist, ….I don’t know, wise guy) said that Israel is beyond of being capable to repair from the inside. He urged the world to help Israel, to make repair of Israel inevitable. Yeah, last time states astrayed that badly, war was “needed”, this time this is no no…they have nukes.
I too want a one-state solution: The Holy Land — Palestine, Israel and Jordan — for the Three Peoples of the Book.
However, two-state was the blueprint drawn by UN 1947, and high time it was implemented. Jewish “settlers” who filched land from the “Arab” state will have to disgorge.
Israel’s nukes are irrelevant. Rest of World has far more, and RoW has been roused by Hamas to acknowledge the increasingly rapid genocide which Zionazi Israel is inflicting on the gentile population of Palestine..
“Israel’s nukes are irrelevant. Rest of World has far more…..”
Man, it’s not about a video game, this shit is for real!
I’ve heared Pakistan offered his nukes if need be.
Russian Mig-31 equipped with Kinzhals are on high alert.
Turkie is sending flotilla with humanitarian help to Gaza.
Kustler, in his style aptly summed it up:
“So, we’re in something that smells like uncharted territory this autumn, and events are galloping faster than anyone can process. The scene looks a little bit like World War Three. At least any child of twelve could game it out that way in three easy steps. Say, the chief mullah in Teheran issues some crude remark about how Israel had it coming, yadda yadda … and the IDF forthwith fires a cruise missile up his qabaa… and next thing you know, so many mushroom clouds rise over the Levant that it looks like a shitake farm.”
Israeli army many many times proved it is ready to put into practice a doctrine of Madman (foremostly speak, but also act insanely).
Be also aware of Jewish saying: Never Again.
The banksters have worked for a century for this moment. Iran was supported solidly by Israel and the West during the long war with Iraq. They are not credible opposition. Modern Turkey was shaped by Attaturk who was a crypto Jew. Erdogan diligently maintains a pipeline that provides Israel with 40% of it’s oil. Saudi Arabia is a long time ally of the West. Pakistan’s nukes are probably fake (some say all nukes are fake). Israel has the unwavering support of Creepy Genocide Joe. It is free to pursue it’s genocide to the last Gazan.
and I almost forgot
Another Kunster’s article about a Jewish thing itself that was an eye-opener to me and is highly likely it will be for many, too :
I’ll just leave this right here for those like this misinformed writer who do not understand that there was no terrorist attack on 10/07.
Critical recordings from Oct. 7 had been removed from the central database the IDF’s official statement on this issue is that the videos were restricted to authorized personnel
Critical IDF surveillance videos from Hamas’s attack on Oct. 7 missing
Israeli Paper DEBUNKS Israel’s Lies About Oct. 7 Attacks!
Video of Israeli Military Failure on Oct. 7 MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARS!
And remember, it’s always all about the Benjamin$ … Netanyahu that is 😉
What does UK PM Rishi Sunak & Israeli PM BiBi Netanyahu have in common?
UK Prime Minister’s Family Raking In Billions From Gaza Oil
Guess What The Israel-Palestine War Is REALLY About
PROOF: Israel to steal Gaza’s Gas – Worth $500 Billion!
Nazism. Fascism. Zionism.
Same shyt. Different day.
Meet the new bosses. Same as the old bosses.
“It’s 9/11 all over again” — Yogi Berra
The writer talks about this in Part 1. Read before you comment further, please!
Why did you assume that I didn’t read part 1 by comment that I made that the writer should stop parroting the Hamas fighters trying to liberate their people from an illegal occupation as is their right to do under international law, as a “terrorist attack”? Surely you know that it was the IOF — IDF is a misnomer — that massacred their own Israeli civilians via American supplied Apache attack helicopters. I have a right to express my views. Now if you don’t want that, just say it. But don’t accuse me of not reading.
Then you’ll know the writer questions the ‘terrorist attack’ narrative.
From part 1:
“Although the attacks by Hamas militants on 7 October were acts of terrorism” — The Author
Now I would not consider such a successfully coordinated military operation against the Zionist operators of the largest open air concentration camp IN THE WORLD! an act of terrorism, would you?
Terrorism is the war of the poor, and war is the terrorism of the rich. — Peter Ustinov
The next para:
Should have never written the first paragraph.
Dr Edward Said:
Every single empire in its official discourse has said that it is not like all the others, that its circumstances are special, that it has a mission to enlighten, civilise, bring order and democracy, and that it uses force only as a last resort. And, sadder still, there always is a chorus of willing intellectuals to say calming words about benign or altruistic empires, as if one shouldn’t trust the evidence of one’s eyes watching the destruction and the misery and death brought by the latest mission civilisatrice. You cannot continue to victimize someone else just because you yourself were a victim once—there has to be a limit.
Dr Frantz Fanon:
And it is clear that in the colonial countries the peasants alone are revolutionary, for they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The starving peasant, outside the class system is the first among the exploited to discover that only violence pays. For him there is no compromise, no possible coming to terms; colonization and decolonization is simply a question of relative strength. They realize at last that change does not mean reform, that change does not mean improvement. When we revolt it’s not for a particular culture. We revolt simply because, for many reasons, we can no longer breathe. Violence is man recreating himself.
Gillo Pontecorvo’s The Battle of Algiers (1966) — Full Movie English Subtitles
Well it looks like the Zionists F’d around and found out!
Remember this was Elmer’s official response to the October Declaration. He’d be venturing out on a very slender limb if he categorically stated Hamas didn’t participate in any fashion. Basically setting himself up for a needless fall if it turned out they were in some way (even in only a vague way). I think he probably went as far as he could, in that setting. Which was far enough and further than most. Sometimes we just have to ancknowledge there are limits to what we know for certain. There’s also strength in acknowledging a worst case scenario and still arguing a convincing defence. Elmer has also gone much further in this article, openly questioning the nature of 10/7.
So what you’re saying is that he’s playing polite.
Well when it comes to any struggle of liberation from oppression, I can’t go for that, no can do. And neither should you, nor anyone else for that matter.
When you have to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk. — Tuco, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Assata Shakur:
Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them. In the long run, the people are our only appeal. The only ones who can free us are ourselves.
Kwame Ture:
We cannot have the oppressors telling the oppressed how to rid themselves of the oppressor. In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent has to have a conscience. The United States has no conscience.
I know it’s not ideal. But I reckon that we’ll just have to agree to disagree. Because 75 years is a long time for a man to have another man’s boot on his neck. So I give him his props when he shoves his boot up the other man’s arse!
Thats entirely not what I said, but whatever. 😅
turesankara, being it seems a contrarian by nature, I do appreciate the heft you bring to your perspective. I only point this out because I have found Simon Elmer’s perspective to be among the most convincing voices I have come across in some time. That said, I will follow your pointer, and see where it leads.
So anyone who disagrees with the author calling a successful military operation by the oppressed against their foreign occupier oppressors, an “act of terrorism” is a “contrarian” now? Ok. Got it. Well since you find his voice so “convincing”, I can only imagine what you would’ve thought of the offensive measures taken by the FLN in Algeria, or the ANC in Apartheid South Africa, against their foreign colonial occupying oppressors.
Nice job of attempting to punch down though. Pity it fell flat.
What I meant with this statement in Section 8, in which I respond to the October Declaration, and which perhaps I should have clarified, is that under international law, which I’ve quoted quite extensively in my article, the Hamas attacks were ‘terrorism’. But that doesn’t mean I define them as such.
Throughout the article I quote many comments by UK politicians describing Hamas as ‘terrorists’, which I then contrast with my account of the circumstances in which Palestinians live in Gaza and the occupied territories, within which any description of these acts, I suggest. must be situated.
In Section 1, I warned against adding our voices to the Zionist discourse that demands ‘condemnation of the violent acts of desperate people . . . as terrorism.’
In Section 9, I quoted Edward Said’s refusal to describe such acts as ‘terrorism’.
And in Section 10, I quote Gerald Kaufman’s description of the State of Israel being ‘born out of terrorism’.
However, given the consequences of the Hamas attack, which has only benefitted Netanyahu’s government and the forces it represents, I would not describe it as a ‘successful military operation’.
Although he refused to describe the attacks of ‘desperate people’ as terrorism, neither did Said condone them. This is from the same conversation I quote from in my article:
‘I don’t condone such acts at all, because it does seem to bring down more rage and suffering upon all Palestinians as a result. It’s not just a matter of tactics. I don’t believe in them because I believe that, in our circumstances, what we need is a movement of mass protest to impede the Israel project in the West Bank and Gaza, which is to buid more settlements and take land away. That has to be dealt with collectively. It can’t be dealt with by individual actions. So it’s a moral objection, and a tactical and strategic objection. But above all, it seems to me not to advance the cause, which is to liberate occupied territory.’
Said lived in New York, working at one of the wealthiest universities in the world. I live in London. I don’t think it’s for any of us to tell people living in a concentration camp how they should respond to the people who keep them imprisoned there. I can’t imagine they give a second thought to how you or I or anyone else in the West describes them, and would look with bewildered contempt on the sound and fury expended on this comments page.
So you do not consider Hamas’s military operation a terrorist attack. Awesome. Thanks for clearing that up.
Now, as for whether Hamas’s military strategy was successful, it depends on where you get your information. Because whilst the western Lame Stream Media has been employing their weapons of mass distraction tactics and censoring the “news” aka fake news that you westerners see and hear. On the other hand, we unwashed masses in the rest of the world, have seen and heard news of how the Hamas Freedom Fighters have been routing the untrained Zionist Israeli IOF “soldiers” if you can call those grunts that. Hint: why do you think that Netanyahu & his lap dogs Genocide G.I. Joe Biden & UK PM Rishi Sunak don’t want western viewers to see the truth of how the Hamas “terrorists” terrorised the crap out of the IOF “officers” aka drone gamers. It was a blood bath.
And as for living/working in New York & London? Been there. Done that. The EU too. For over 40 years. Skipped outta the UK & US during the Thatcher & Reagan regimes’s Reign of Terror that they unleashed on the world, as well as their own citizens, too.
Nah, I reckon that I’ve earned the right to tell the Palestinians that what they’re doing by sticking it to the Zionists any which way they can, is the right thing to do. Why? Because as a member of the Global South that has been constantly buggered by the Global North for the past 600 years, I want to get this damn western imperialist monkey off of all our backs too!
Just consider me the Spook Who Sat By The Door. For aren’t we all on this site?
Btw, the Zionists played themselves when they took the old ‘repeat the same line till it sticks’ schtick from Goebbels playbook. They thought that by blasting the airwaves with their “10/07 is Israel’s 9/11” comparison, it would gin up support from westerners to send more monetary aid — Grifters gonna grift. It’s just what they do. Alas, it was a tragic misstep. Because what they weren’t prepared for, was the fact that this ain’t their 9/11. Rather, it’s their Afghanistan! And hopefully their undoing.
Lastly, if they looked on this page, they’d see that some of us are with them 💯 from the River to the Sea. For isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be?
Che Guevara:
What we affirm is that we must proceed along the path of liberation even if this costs millions of atomic victims.
Patria o muerte! — Che Guevara
Statement by Mr. Che Guevara (Cuba) before the United Nations General Assembly on 11 December 1964
¡Hasta la victoria siempre y viva la revolución!
Now I’d by that for a petrodollar!
Elmer has clarified for you by quoting his above article, which was kind of him. Although, given the obvious tone and thrust of his piece, I think this has been an unnecessary point of pedantry on your part.
I tend to agree with Elmer’s response to you. Perhaps we should first acknowledge that we lack a frame of reference – and chanting slogans can’t hide that fact, unfortunately – and proceed cautiously from there.
I tend to agree with Simon’s last statement. Any purist can isolate paragraphs or phrases in a very detailed piece and gnaw at them in precisely the way that “Fact Checkers” (Flak Chuckers) do. It’s a dishonourable tactic in my opinion.
In the first part of Iain Davis’s two-part piece, link below, he takes great pains to outline some definitions at the outset and explains his choices. He refers to the Hamas members who crossed from Gaza as “fighters”.
No doubt purists will condemn this choice as well, but it’s the thrust of the argument that matters. So too the case made by Simon who as A2 said has gone out on a limb with this piece, consistent with all his other valuable articles and books.
Thank you Simon.
Here’s the link I forgot to include a moment ago
What do you think of Elena Langes’ recent stuff about Israel-Palestine ?
She’s another one of those ‘post leftists’ so a grifter.
Again off topic but in light of the slightly accelerating drumbeats over covid (remember that?),
Look here:
Watch out for that “nasty obvious covid cough”!
But this delicate individual keenly keeps up on all the latest developments:
Have a close look at her photo. Is she having a laugh? Or seriously disturbed?
Is there a whole hypochondriac subculture here?
Hi George, I think she is just the village idiot.
The word ‘genocide’ (or variants) appears 38 times in the article; a total of 50 times in the combined 2 parts.
Similarly, ‘Zionist’ (or variants) appears a total of 20 times; ‘brutal’ and ‘apartheid’ each appearing 12 times.
Repeating the words ‘genocide’,’apartheid’, ‘brutal’ or ‘Zionist’ doesn’t actually make them any more applicable. Either the words apply to the situation, or they don’t.
When something has a ring of truth about it, then there’s no generally no need for it to be continuously repeated. It simply strikes a chord. Excessive repetition can be suggestive of attempted brainwashing and psychological manipulation. Or it could simply be a sign of an unhealthy obsession.
Part 1:
‘genocide’ (or variants) = 12 times
‘brutal’ = 5 times
‘apartheid’ = 7 times
‘Zionism/Zionist’ = 7
Part 2:
‘genocide’ (or variants) = 38 times
‘brutal’ = 7 times
‘apartheid’ = 5 times
‘Zionism/Zionist’ = 13
The use of words that are accurate and wholly applicable multiple times within a comprehensive account is what is required to get the message through to those who own an unheathly obsession….
So who determines what “has a ring of truth about it”? I concede that the excessive repetition of the term “right wing” obsessively repeated throughout the media after 2020 was intended to demonise dissent. But “right wing” is a highly disputable word with a clear propagandist aim. “Genocide” on the other hand can be established by reference to the number of dead which is considerable and where the figures are given in the above article.
Actually it can’t. Genocide, by definition, is the wiping out (or attempted wiping out) of a whole group.
Number in Gaza: 2,375,000 (according to article).
Couldn’t find the total number of casualties in the article (conspicuous by its absence?)
But assuming roughly 20,000 casualties for the 2 month conflict
20000 / 2375000 gives less than 1% mortality.
1% more than desirable. Nevertheless, if it were actually attempted genocide then the percentage would be much higher
From Elmer’s piece, above:
I do not know if there are reliable figures for recent deaths/casualties as yet.
I think people interpret certain recent statements made by Israel as intent to commit genocide.
In terms of definition, Elmer quotes this UN document, which describes genocide as “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, racial or religious group”.
The final toll will be much higher, perhaps 200,000 to 500,000. There is no medical care or food supply or clean drinking water. Half the population are now homeless refugees with no shelter. There is no prospect of rebuilding. And the genocidal apartheid state is still bombing.
You’re a lot milder in your response here than I would have expected! Vagabard’s attitude here is far more callous than anything Allie and Tilley have been saying, for example.
If my request for you to tone it down has been heeded, thanks.
I’ve seen the successive maps of the shrinking Gaza along with the photos of devastation and don’t see how Gaza can possibly survive this latest episode – which seems the whole aim of what has been a hugely suspicious “Hamas attack” from the start.
On revisiting your original post it looks to me that you are trying to dismiss the article above by pretty dubious means I.e. that counting up of expressions. If “genocide” is arguable, why do you pick on “brutal”? Is that word indecorous? Would you suggest something more “tasteful”. Such as “robust”, “enthusiastic”, or “spirited”?
As you have written: a genocide is also an ATTEMPT to wipe out some population. It doesn’t matter if the attempt succeeded or not. The attempt iself is sufficient to call it genocide.
And Israeli officials clearly declared that attempt.
Came across this comment on MoB and I believe it’s applicable to your Hasbara whitewashing trash spew:
Well, after losing in Ukraine and the whole world laughing about the collective West’s impotence and incompetence against a real army like the Russian one, after losing against shepherders in Afghanistan and being unable to wage effective economic warfare – what else can they do to prove their superiority? They think killing children from a safe distance and calling them Hamas will do it and projects the power they have been losing. While being afraid to fight the Qassam-Brigades and when the tictoc-soldiers try something more than posting childish videos do, they lose badly.
The revulsion and contempt the whole world feels at this display of weakness is well earned. Grown adults with guns beating up toddlers… And with every child they kill, with every hospital they destroy, with every bomb they throw this image of helplessness of the o-so-mighty proxy-IDF and the merchants of death in Washington will be cemented in the brains of the people worldwide.
Quite a feat.
And they don’t even realise this. Instead they cry and lament about antisomething.
Posted by: Darkness
Israel didn’t lose in Ukraine. Nor is it synonymous with “The West”. And even a cursory review of Western media would reveal that it’s not all pro-Israel tictoc videos.
The Russian army is doing exactly the same in Ukraine, as the IDF are doing in Gaza. So that comparison falls flat.
‘Darkness’ could do with turning the light on
No surprise that the forces of US-backed Imperialism should be cowardly as usual, but wouldn’t equate it with weakness necessarily. The ‘logic’ of the relative value of lives holds: better to drone a hundred children and claim they meant to hit HAMAS, than risk their own soldiers being killed on the ground, where as well as being able to target better, they’d also be subject to be held more accountable for still choosing to target children.
Army commanders aren’t all that inclined just in general to risk their own troops if they don’t have to, regardless of the morality of it. They’d even open themselves up to blame from politicians and citizens for troop casualties if they did. Modern warfare can look like this not just from ideology but simply the almost inevitable resource management (own soldiers being such) combined with the power and technology of weapons that make killing en masse at a distance possible and all too easy – it drives the Othering itself, I think, rather than only being a result of it.
It does point to one of the most profound realities of the current zionist genocide: israel is doing way more to promote real antisemitism than all the neonazi groups in the world combined.
Is it not in its interest that coreligionists across the world feel insecure in their homes and move, to change the demographic reality?
Scott Ritter Declares Diplomatic Victory for Hamas in World Opinion.
Ritter anticipates similar diplomatic victory against AIPAC in his country because support for the Apart-Hate State runs counter to the U$ Constitution.
I agree with Scott Ritter. In fact I am increasingly and sadly certain that such a shift in world opinion has been intended from the beginning. It’s hard to see any other reason why so many controlled media are broadcasting the horrors inflicted on Gaza.
We can be sure this shift is not being promoted in the media through concern for the people of Gaza. They are expendable as we all are. Rather their suffering is being driven to achieve something the ruling elites desire.
They want us to come together in a great outpouring of sympathy – which of course any decent person must have.
And then I believe they will try to use this outpouring of decency to achieve something evil and dastardly.
So at least I deeply fear.
Ritter didn’t factor in the Scofield Bible that has captured so many ‘Christians’ in the US who believe that Jewish people are superior to them even in “God’s” eyes.
I estimate about 500 million zombies or more.
Thank you for exposing the Scofield Bible. I was wondering about the source of that blasphemous teaching which has infiltrated the minds of backwoods Christians in the U$A and spread to the Methodists in England.
“Dispensationalism is a theological framework of interpreting the Bible which maintains that history is divided into multiple ages or “dispensations” in which God acts with his chosen people in different ways, and is often distinguished from Covenant theology. The term “dispensationalism” is attributed to Philip Mauro, a critic of the system’s teachings in his 1928 book The Gospel of the Kingdom”.
“The Scofield Reference Bible is edited and annotated by the American Bible student Cyrus I Scofield, which popularized dispensationalism at the beginning of the 20th century.”
“Dr. Alexander has gone full blown retard.”
That’s the second comment to the Dec 2023 article posted in part below. Alexander was once a respected member of the so-called “freedom movement” – even calling out Robert Malone for suing Peter Breggin. He then started posting on the Russia-Ukraine war – taking a pro-Russia stance. Most of the comments to the July 2023 article support Alexander’s pro-Russia position (even though it’s bizarre), but I assume he’d lost a lot of readership by this point.
Most of the vocal elements of the so-called “freedom movement” went pro-Russian – even if it was merely to push pro-Russian narratives (“Nazis” etc). However, a significant percentage have now split off and gone pro-Israel. And, of course, much of the so-called “freedom movement” was really just a “vaccine safety movement” (e.g. see Steve Kirsch clip). When you remove all these people, there’s no “movement” left!
Steve Kirsch: Me and my family took the jab!
‘Zelensky Declares it Is ‘Absolutely Fair’ For Ukraine to Attack Targets Inside Russia’; what you are watching folks is a real war criminal, a sick twisted malfeasant who steals US tax payer money . . .
Dr. Paul Alexander
31 Jul 2023
We need leaders with MORAL clarity now, POTUS Biden (& POTUS Trump), Trudeau etc. must be unequivocal in standing up AGAINST the anti-semetism across America, Canada etc. in soceity, campuses etc. it was Israel that was attacked on October 7th, it was HAMAS (Iran) that attacked Israel, Israel is not being MEAN or crazy responding, it is Israeli people held hostage, raped, girls pelvises pulverized
Dr. Paul Alexander
6 Dec 2023
Pulverized by the 6th century medieval beast in gang rape, the beelzebub feral animal that we should have left in the 6th century, never to have taken him into the 21st century, he needed 1000 more years in the desert wandering around, to get to some level of domestication . . .
Steve Kirsch took the jab, but I believe at this point he would be considered anti jab.
He was one of the top 12 Misinformation people according to the Biden Admin.
Do you read his substack? Did you watch his recent talk at his alma mater MIT?
He has written recently that autism is 100 per cent caused by vaccines.
Just sayin’.
Kirsch is listed as a founder of the “Vaccine Safety Research Foundation” – and he features prominently along with some other jab promoters.
I question how somebody who is supposedly aware of the technological development process could be fooled firstly by the covid psyop; and secondly into participating in a highly risky medical experiment. There’s something here that doesn’t add up!
In October 2021, Kirsch founded the anti-vaccine group Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF),[17] which created ads depicting deaths the group attributed to vaccines.[18][19] Foundation advisors include Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, and Stephanie Seneff. Before this, in June 2021, Kirsch had appeared with Malone on the Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying podcast, which according to MIT Technical Review “introduced Kirsch to followers of the ‘intellectual dark web'” and allowed him to access a “large and receptive audience to his claims about a fluvoxamine conspiracy”.[11][14]
Vaccine Safety Research Foundation
The VSRF’s mission is to support scientific research & public education about vaccines, to provide resources and guidance to the vaccine injured, and to advance health freedom principles. VacSafety.org/donate
We are grateful for your support which is vital to our work. Donations are tax-deductible: VacSafety.org/donate. Or, to text-to-donate, text LIBERTY to 53555
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Joined Aug 13, 2021
413 videos
Off topic again but,
One of the most disappointing experiences of the past three years has been the gullibility of old heroes of mine. I was – and largely still am – a fan of Liverpudlian horror writer Ramsey Campbell. Also – with reservations – a fan of the literary critic, Lovecraft specialist, and “professional atheist”, S T Joshi. So it was painful to have to read Joshi’s review of the latest Campbell novel:
“Covid Horrors
No one can say that Ramsey Campbell, at the venerable age of seventy-seven, isn’t up-to-date. In this new novel he takes on one of the most traumatic and divisive events of our time—the Covid pandemic….”
We later read,
“Joe …..couldn’t reach Olivia because a mob of aggressive anti-Covid protesters had barred his way. ….. Joe watches helplessly as his wife succumbs to Covid and dies.”
“anti-Covid protesters”? The sloppy designation is typical though it obviously refers to those protesting against the covid restrictions. And of course the “horrific reality” of Covid is automatically presupposed.
So my conclusion is this: Celebrities (like Campbell) have a sense of “indebtedness” to the establishment in which they have made their mark. And they don’t want to risk their reputation. Hence their obsequiousness to the prevailing propaganda.
It is not necessary to assign base motives to friends, relatives or members of the public who Believe. Most Believers of my acquaintance are intelligent, liberal minded and compassionate people, some even in the Caring Professions.
“These collective movements pass like storms” — From “The Born-Einstein Correspondence”. German Jewish physicist Max Born to Swiss Jewish physicist Albert Einstein prior to both of them emigrating to escape the Brown Plague.
Granted. But I was talking about celebrities.
Apologies for my ignorance of Celebs. I was confusing them with the people of the real world.
It’s also that the wealthy are complacently confident of continuing to materially benefit from whatever the system is pushing. A privileged minority made money from the measures, got a nice little holiday from work, and a moral figleaf for kicking the poor (which means more future financial benefit to themselves, at least till their greed collapses the economy well and truly. Social class benefit, too – eg. a less educated worse-off population, one that offers less competition and is less able to challenge the system. One that is politically disenfranchised – in significant part through wealthy Liberals co-opting worker’s parties through means like stigmatising and disallowing actual leftist views such as criticism of lockdown harms and pro-Palestinian sentiment).
If fascism becomes even more open, it’s possible it’ll turn on some of them, but so far they seem entirely willing to go along, even just for the promise of somewhat lower taxes for themselves.
Getting the global population worked-up & divided over a particular nation’s so-called “governmental” decision to do x, y or z is how this global strategy inexorably moves forward.
Those who control the UN & BIS systems, through their “member_ship” lists, now control all the debt-riddled “governments”, agencies and militaries of our world.
I feel that the stick will be replaced by the carrot once all the ducks are in-line and the new digital system is ready for prime-time.
The Sept ’19 repo-shock came a bit early for them and they have been very heavy-handed ever since.
Soon the carrot will appear but don’t be fooled by that either, we the People have enormous creative power when we work together with clarity.
Thank you. This comment gives me some hope. I agree with you and welcome the idea we can work together to avoid the awful trap I fear us waiting for us.
Thank you for this very detailed piece of writing, Mr.Elmer.
Off topic but I missed this marvellous headline from the Graud:
“Cold weather expected to continue in UK with ‘potential snow event’”
No more “Winter Wonderland” for us!
I could not recover the original version from Youtube but Elvis gets nearest to its innocence:
The original was by someone called Richard Himber in 1934. Here it is though you have to wait half the record before he shows up:
Now let me blaspheme: I could never understand the appeal of Elvis. The original pub singer as far as I’m concerned. And awful arrangements too.
He was more acceptable to the American public taste censors. The black players who invented the style were labelled as ‘race music,’ and ‘unsuitable’ especially for ‘white women.’ There was a deep cultural /political divide. It was still there in the 70s in the South. So I always styed in black-run motels on the ‘wrong side of the tracks.’
‘stayed’ Actually the black motels were usually very clean. My proofreading bad.
Elvis still had huge talent , Teddy Bear was a great track for example
‘Jailhouse Rock’. ‘Love me Tender.’ Some people can’t handle schmaltz.
Totally off-topic: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12836963/Benjamin-Zephaniah-dies-aged-65-brain-tumour-diagnosis.html
Eight weeks from diagnosis to death. But you can’t say turbo cancer, that’s a conspiracy theory.
I liked his early work in the 1980s when he was featured on John Peel.
A revelation out of Handsworth, home of Steel Pulse!
Inevitably he became a Guardianista feature, served up alongside a dish of Yotam Ottonenghi – the only chef in the world if you read the Guaridian.
Today, another revolution! Haaretz said Israeli cuisine may be cultural appropriation… so maybe British reggae is, too.
Yotam Ottonenghi! Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
The goat with a thousand young! Ia! Ia!
it is a conspiracy theory to attribute all galloping cancer cases to The Vaxx. But the phenomenon is genuine, and Dr.Campbell on Youtube has interviewed the oncologist who discovered it: Patients whose cancers had been suppressed by the body’s immune system suddenly flared up after Vaxx.
You might have also seen this:
Isn’t turbo what Alasdair Darling died of? He wasn’t unwell three months ago.
Final paragraph by Simon Elmer:
“On 26 November 2023 aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, [allegedly] responding to the Hamas attack on 7 October, passed [entered] the Persian Gulf that borders Iran. Today is 1 December, 2023, and after observing a week-long ceasefire, Israel has renewed its attack on the Gaza Strip.”
My update, 12 Dec:
Rest of World has beaten EU$A. The Yahoo regime said it would not obey a cease fire and would not exchange hostages; but it has been forced to do both; and will be forced to do more. The Yahoo regime saidy it would eliminate Hamas; instead, it has been fought to a standstill with many tanks destroyed and Israeli soldiers afraid of man-to-man combat: result, increased bombing of defenseless civilians from the safety of U$ F** bombers.
The U$$ Eisenhower has retreated for fear of being sunk by high precision Iranian missiles.
POTU$A Joe Biden, who used to be known as “the Chicago Jewish candidate” in his VP days and now known as Genocide Joe, is haemorraging votes and likely to modify his Israel-first policy.
The UN has called a rare Article 99 meeting of the Security Council to discuss the imposition of a cease fire as prelude to the declaration of a Palestinian State as envisaged in the original UN partition plan of 1947.
collective punishment shares many of the characteristics of certain forms of religious sacrifice
In September 2001, Evelyn de Rothschild hired the entire top 2 floors of a 5-star hotel in Manhattan. At 9 am. on “9/11”, he and his wife stepped out to their balcony for breakfast. They had a good view of the WTC destruction.
– Lasha Darkmoon, darkmoon.me, 2014
questions about gaza
1) is it all fake as f’ck?
Too late Dwight.
The Chinese arrived long before you & your thugs . . .
With electronic superiority,
Easy to monitor. No USS Liberty,
This time Bibi, accountability is
Reckoned… with just Wisdom.
Whitney Webb’s insights on current agendas:
This is a great interview. Whitney and Ryan Christian are a great team.
How the Zionists control the narrative!
I think it’s wrong to be open-minded and see both sides. Because then you end up saying monsters have a point, after all.
Have you ever considered diplomacy, hostage negotiation, marriage counselling or talking jumpers off ledges as a career? I think you’re made for it.
false analogy red herring
Would you want to tried before a judge who only wanted to hear one side of the story?
The “business of Mankind is Man,” and that means everything human. To explain and understand is not to excuse.
Thank you so much for that.
The ‘anti-semitic’ slur is to this conflict what ‘conspiracy theorist’ was to Covid or ‘Putin apologists’ to the Ukraine war.
Thanks again, this makes so much more sense.
Blood Brothers?
Not only that, if you follow the first link you’ll discover Trump’s crowning actually means he’s the Christian Antichrist.
Who knew. A2
Link asks an interesting question concerning your Blood Brothers of the Book;
“Will the temple in Jerusalem – as part of the Abraham Accords – be rebuilt alongside the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock?”
Historically there is plenty of evidence that Christian and Muslim temples were built on the mighty foundation of Herod’s temple. There is also much controversial evidence that the Dome of the Rock has inscriptions to Jesus Christ; it is certainly modelled on a Byzantine Christian design — dome and all.
Stop me if you’ve heard this one: Dr.Alexander Fleming was asked how he felt about winning the Nobel Prize for penicillin, the greatest medical discovery since Pasteur. He replied:
“It’s alright. Except I have to share it with those other two buggers”.
That’s the Rock of the Peoples of the Book for you.
Israel justifies its murderous slaughter of Palestinians with its
claimed “7 0ctober Massacre” (TM) of ‘1400 innocent, unarmed
Israeli civilians by Palestinian Terrorists.’
The claim is widely believed because, after all, everyone knows
the Palestinians are savage, sub-human animals hell-bent on
raping, and murdering innocent Israelis…
Thus, everyone willingly believes the Palestinians broke out of
their Gazan prison with the sole intent of indulging in a frenzied
orgy of rape and slaughter of Israelis – not to take Israeli prisoners
to use to obtain the release of Palestinians in Israeli prisons…
Israel needed a massacre to occur to justify its massive revenge…
But what if the Palestinians didnt do the required slaughter ?
Would Israel slaughter some of its own and claim it was the
Palestinians wot done it ?
There are reports the IDF took part in ‘The 7 0ctober Massacre”(TM).
Is it likely most of the “1400 unarmed, innocent Israeli civilians'(TM)
werent killed by those sub-human Palestinian animals ?
Isreal has always exploited the created image of the Palestinians
being murderous animals, why should it not do so yet again ?
Hamas fighters wearing flak jackets over white shirts – sounds like
they were wearing dress uniforms – for the cameras ? 0r, going on a
picnic…Photos usually show them wearing full battle camo…
There was a short article on global research last week that Isreal admitted the IDF killed roughly 200 Israelis at that festival. Ooopsie.
Israel has a history of conducting 100s of previous false flag operations.
If it quacks like a duck…
Israel was one of the highest vaccinated countries on the planet.
Says all I need to know about the love of its own people.
Left the door open for the terrorists on October 7th and opened their human cells to a gene altering bio weapon in 2020/21.
But according to some people here we can’t say that because it benefits the perps to talk about their deeper motives!
Your second snarkiness on this topic, see above.
Like I implied. why the statesmanlike avoidance of naming names and groups?
How do we know they were given the convid jabs?
This site anti Israel good anti Palestinian bad. Goodbye
You got covid right but your antisemitc rhetoric is disappointing
Get on over to the Daily (un) Skeptic.. Full of folks like you who call anyone questioning the narrative and the slaughter of civilians on an industrial scale (ie Genocide) “terrorist supporter” and “fanatics”… The irony is astonishing…
Goodbye, I’m sure you’ll fit in nicely…
The parasite destroys it’s host.
The populace has been primed,
the media manipulated and the flames of fear fed.
The Digitised Corporate Stratocracy is almost upon us.
Bow or be beaten.
it is strange but characteristic of the power of hasbara that Elmer does quote Gerald Kaufman but not, as I have said here before, him being pulled into line by “anti semitic” Corbyn.
Corby called Kaufman’s words below “completely unacceptable”, said The Grauniad on 3.11.2015, https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/nov/03/gerald-kaufmans-jewish-money-condemned-jeremy-corbyn
“It’s Jewish money, Jewish donations to the Conservative Party – as in the general election in May – support from the Jewish Chronicle, all of those things, bias the Conservatives.”
That is to say, the factual mentioning let alone discussion of ethnic politics (power, influence-peddling, bribery) within Western countries is taboo, also for Elmer. It is why Phillip Giraldi had to leave The American Conservative, it is why Grant F Smith or Alison Weir are off-limits in polite society.
It is why the mere mention of the texts of US law in regard of foreign aid to Israel is out of bounds, let alone analysis of their implications, and Newsweek journo Burleigh’s job seems to have survived this on 16.01.2019: https://forward.com/fast-forward/417628/newsweek-reporter-nina-burleigh-calls-israel-mossad-chabad-american/.
Once the can of worms were allowed to be opened, the question would arise therefore of whether anti-semitism were not a rational response, in the sense of Gentile objection to what used to be called “clannish” behaviour (is this word also banned in 2023? or is to be used only for Arab gangs in Berlin?) )
Uri Avnery used to say something to the effect of, “An anti-semite used to be somebody who hated Jews, these days it is somebody whom the Jews hate”
Perhaps there are also efforts to harness this ill-feeling, to divide and distract people by playing them off each other?
Now why am I not surprised by this Samuelesque intervention on this topic.
Pray tell, who might be doing the harnessing and in what way are people divided and distracted and hence played off each other?
That is, are we saying that digging into the harnessing efforts to see who are making them and speculating on their motives is much more important than digging into how the ill-feeling thus harnessed actually happens?
That would benefit those causing the ill-feeling no end, methinks.
Your attitude is nuts.
How does exposing the deeper agenda of murderers benefit them?
9/11 was a false flag done to create ill-feeling toward “terrorists” and justify the WoT. The perps murdered people on a pretext to get something they wanted.
According to you though we can’t say that any more because it “benefits those causing the ill-feeling”?
I just don’t get it.
Does your nick show you are one of those Canadian superhogs now running wild in Texas? Cunning creatures, but they run straight into the guns at night sometimes.
Note that I asked “who might be doing the harnessing”. You were likely so anxious to lecture me on 9/11 that you read over the top of that in mind-reading mode.
So ask your friend the Mod what he meant exactly. because he named no names of persons or groups at all.
sammie will not answer because sammie is doing his/her/they/it job
Why’d you come back hating on me so much, ducky?
Without a shred of doubt.
That and a shed load of oil and gas off the coast at Gaza.
I dunno. I’ve been accused of being ‘hasbara,’ and even CIA40, based on some of my song lyrics. And it’s clear on OffG that some commenters just don’t get irony, so I try to avoid misunderstandings, when possible.
“Corby called Kaufman’s words below “completely unacceptable”,”
That’s why I have no sympathy for JC; he was a good man who lacked courage: instead of fighting Stormer and the BLiarite bullies in New Liebore he surrendered Labour’s staunchest defenders to pacify a pack of slavering hyena. And was duly torn to pieces.
Jeremy’s parents defended Jews in the Battle of Cable Street.
Jeremy surrendered to Zionazis at the Battle of Westminster.
“I wanted to promote a spirit of democratic compromise in the Party” — J.Corbyn.
He was a doormat, but he’s right here: talking about lobbying to promote pro-Israeli government views might still have attracted criticism, but should be generally acceptable, while ‘Jewish money’ is absolutely not. Plenty of Jewish people are pro-Palestinian protestors! (Also as lacking in access to this supposed Jewish wealth of the anti-Semitic trope, as most of us are to the wealth of the 1%, regardless of ethnicity)
The ideology is what should be criticised.
It’s less about him being cowardly, and more about him always being loyal to the Labour Party. He knows his place, and was never supposed to be the leader. Labour is of course an irredeemable dead end, and Sir Starmers the continuity candidate.
Seems to me that the Israeli fanatics in government are dishing out “punishment” in accordance with the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi that was fittingly instituted during a time of great decline in civilisation, like today, and which focused on barbaric retribution, unlike the more ancient legal code from Sumerian culture that enshrined codes of social justice.
The Israeli fanatics in government have outperformed the German government under Hitler. The latter once applied a 1 to 10 retaliation ratio after the Partisan attack of Via Rasella in occupied Rome, but Netanyahu isn’t yet satisfied with more than 15,000 Palestinian lives for 1,200 Israeli ones.
Perhaps he’s blinded by the realisation Zionism is living its last years.
Why do I keep getting pended?
It’s either luck of the draw or you’re too provocative George.
Don’t underestimate the ability of the J-Club minions, bots and assorted suck-holes to infiltrate most platforms to co-op and/or over-ride the protocols of the host-platform. We have been warned, repeatedly about the deceit-to-wage-war … on ALL fronts, apparently.
When you’re printing the dosh, you are able to ‘buy’ legions of assorted bots and destructive ‘pac-men’ to do the spade-work, protecting an acceptable version of xyz-narrative. There might not be much that OffG can do to prevent subtle-hacking from the promis, pegasus, et al sophisticated soft-ware marauders.
“The Israel Minister for Defence, Yoav Gallant, a former commando in Israel’s special forces accused of war crimes committed during the 2008 assault on Gaza, has described the Palestinians imprisoned in the Gaza Strip as ‘human animals’, and the UK and other states of the West have raised no objection to this dehumanising rhetoric.”
Isn’t that astonishing. And it implies two things:
First, it makes an obnoxious nonsense of that ceaselessly repeated bleating about victimhood from those who so stridently assert their “Jewishness”.
Second, it shows who has the influence in the media and in politics. The Zionists are indeed a brutal and vicious mafia.
And yet this ‘controlled’ media are full of images of Palestinian suffering. It seems strange that this isn’t being controlled, just as the press have been steered away from other Western-interest conflicts. We didnt see Iraqi civilians looking sad, or Libyan. We only saw the victims of Assad’s alleged atrocities, often cradled in the arms of white helmets. Why is the media, which many allege is controlled by Israel, doing such a poor job here? It puzzles me.
Nevertheless this particular dehumanising prejudice that those self identifying as Jews never stop complaining about as something directed at them is something they can dish out to others and get away with it.
The author is not sure that Israel ie, the Jewish umah, will “get away with it”:
“the State of Israel, as many Jews around the world have protested, is not only antithetical to the [higher] values of Judaism but, by its criminal actions against the Palestinian people, endangers the lives of Jews both inside and outside its borders.”
Yes let’s just move on and ignore what I said. Gosh, how blatant you’re being.
“How blatant” being another way of burying what is “blatant”.
What I’m saying is that the “antisemitism” tag isn’t merely a way to divide but also a way to mask a particular group – who couldn’t care less about “Jewishness”.
So it’s very important we step outside of that exchange of fire, rather than being caught in it, I’d have thought?
Controlled Demolition
Gaza looks like controlled Demolition with explosives in my opinion.
Russia and or Ukraine would love some of those bunker busting precision Israel missiles that can hit targets at any angle, left or right. It usually takes them a whole Division of artillery to destroy a unit complex in 30 Dats. Israel can do with one strike.
Why don’t we see the victims in Gaza, Donbass.
This is becoming a circular argument.
A suggestion from a very minor conspiracy theorist [sic], from a post here I made November 25:
Think in the UK, despite very early images of Iraqis happily pulling down statues to present them as liberated, the cost to Iraqi civilians was soon apparent, we got the casualty figures. I remember being incandescent with rage at the suffering our government had caused. The hope the invasion had gone better than feared evaporated fast enough, leftists and Liberals weren’t pro-Hussein and would otherwise have re-evaluated their anti-war position to at least nuance it more.
Here it’s not our government directly doing the killing, less need to try to hide it, showing it distracts from what they are doing, in fact. Little likelihood of covering it up successfully without generating way more public outrage than it’s worth to the PTB. They may also not really want to have to deal with the huge Gazan refugee crisis that’s inevitable unless Israel can be obliged to tone down the active attempts to drive them all out.
The UK isn’t full of religious nutters but is extremely secular, if nothing else being lumbered by the US with the expectation to support all their nuttery, knowing full well the majority of the UK population opposes it, is very embarrassing for our government. I’m hearing it hurting their electioneering as well, people are finally awakening to the idea of not supporting the system. Doesn’t hurt the government to simply not interfere with the Beeb when it’s helping with putting UK public pressure on Israel, while retaining face with the US themselves and plausible deniability about the criticism not being their responsibility.
Don’t even think those American politicians who aren’t completely insane really wanted this one on their hands, in the specific way it’s going. It is also taking up media space that might have gone to Ukraine, though – helpful to reach the point where the Ukrainian pawns can be ‘safely’ abandoned.
As much as the BBC deserves to be called state media, that can perhaps be misleading in terms of how it functions. It’s essentially weaker systems of government that try to actively run state media all the time (with results often subject to ridicule), ours is still solid enough not to need to. Rather than directly Establishment-run, it can simply be pulled into line by the Establishment if required (as on covid. That was very obvious, it’s not normally so extreme). The institution is otherwise booj enough to be safely relied upon not to cause the Establishment too many real headaches, but to promote shared interests, while all involved can feel more morally justified as they’re surely only acting autonomously…
How does one factor in the full orchestration we witnessed in 2020, to your above scenario? It wasn’t just media, was it? It wasn’t in any country’s ‘interest’ to lend credence to covid fears and shut down their economies if not actually necessary, was it? Yet this happened, in conjunction with the single largest coordinated global media campaign witnessed in history. A worldwide fascist alliance between state and business was unveiled, complete with scripted speeches and slogans in the mouths of public servants, and scripted applied psychology campaigns to effectively silence and neuter populations.
2020 wasn’t simply dialing up ‘media control’, many say. A2
Gaza and Muslim immigration to Europe.
From your Link to Unz Review:
“[Plutocratic] Jews understand better than anyone that their “fellow Semites” from the Middle East have not accepted the yoke of Holocaust Guilt. Jews are more aware than anyone that Muslims still chafe over the fact that their Palestinian brothers have been kept in an “open air concentration camp” for the last 50 years. So how can we explain the apparent tactical error when the ADL and other Jewish [Plutocrat] organizations twisted the arms of European and American Leaders to accept hordes of young Muslims just before an Israeli incursion into Gaza?”
I read no further (it is very long) but it is an interesting point because the Zionazi Plutocrats who created Muslim refugees in Con-WMD, Con-Viagra etc made a tactical error. Those immigrant Muslims — many of them second generation and students — vocalised sympathy with Palestinians, voiced a call for the long-promised Palestinian State, and revealed unsuspected disgust with the Apart-Hate State by a new generation of ordinary people around world.
Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is an imperialistic, blood-and-soil, land-grabbing genocide – the irony being that, in addition to Ukrainians, Russians and Mongols (etc) are dying for the intended benefit of the name-stealers who are now bombing Gaza. Consequently, choosing the right side of morality and history couldn’t be more straightforward. And it’s a strawman to suggest that it requires seeing Ukraine as a “bastion of democracy” – or that one must be a “Zelensky worshipper”.
This is an imperialistic, blood-and-soil, land-grabbing genocide!
Russia Needs Novorossiya
Nicholas Nicholaides
Russia needs Novorossiya and Malorossiya – at least the part of Malorossiya that is east of the Dnepr river. These parts are not “ukrainian”, they never were and they never will be! These parts are as genuinely russian as Moscow or St Peterburg but because of a historical mistake – the break-up of the Soviet Union in stead of the modernisation of it – these parts are now outside of mother Russia.
. . . the “border” between Russia and former “Ukraine” has not been ratified by Russia after the break-up of the CCCP so in reality “Ukraine” does not have real established and ratified borders with Russia! This is a fact that should be used to either depose the Kiev nazi regime and make all of former “Ukraine” democratic, federated and pro-russian or to liberate the parts that are still not nazi-infected, that means Novorossiya and all lands east of the Dnepr river. When these lands are free from the nazis then there will be no american missiles there aiming at Moscow and no american navyships in Odessa harbor.
The future of Russia as an independent state and world leader in a multipolar world will be determined in Novorossiya.
The battle for Novorossiya (and eastern Malorossiya) will be determined in the Kreml. As soon as the russian leaders decide to liberate Novorossiya it will be so . . .
Novorossiya[nb 1] is a historical name, used during the era of the Russian Empire for an administrative area that would later become the southern mainland of Ukraine: the region immediately north of the Black Sea and Crimea. The province fell largely within a slightly wider area known in Ukrainian as the Stepovyna “Steppe Land”, or Nyz “Lower Land”.[1] The name Novorossiya, which means New Russia, entered official usage in 1764, after the Russian Empire conquered the Crimean Khanate, and annexed its territories,[2] when Novorossiya Governorate (or Province) was founded. Official usage of the name ceased after 1917, when the entire area was incorporated in the Ukrainian People’s Republic (precursor of the Ukrainian SSR).
The following was extracted from the English version of the article before the page was removed. There’s no archive copy.
Glory To The Khazaria!
Davor Slobodanovich Vuyachich
Sou Wan
“Glory to Ukraine!” – this infamous cry of Ukrainian neo-Nazis and other national chauvinists, extremists, and terrorists from Ukraine, a country that has been practically under NATO occupation since 2014, is a curse that from the hell itself, invoked the torrents of the most primitive and irrational hatred that humanity has ever had the opportunity to witness.
At the same time, this notorious Ukrainian-Nazi slogan is a part of one of the biggest, most cunning, and most perfidious deceptions and scams in the history of modern civilization. What this slogan expresses – that megalomaniac idea of a Greater Ukraine, ethnically cleansed of Russians in the first place, but also of the Russian language and culture and all other non-Ukrainians – is diametrically opposed to the real goals of powerful individuals and organizations standing behind the Ukrainian neo-Nazis. According to their sinister plans, Ukrainians are needed only to be used as cannon fodder and disposable tools, in creating a completely new state, not only from the territories of Russia, which is expected to lose the war at any cost but also on the ruins of Ukraine itself, which should cease to exist.
It is an insolent and ruthless project of the Western centers of power and Israel, which are all controlled by the Zionist International, which unites all subordinated organizations and their branches and coordinates them according to its not at all transparent interests. New Khazaria, Heavenly Jerusalem, Greater Israel – this project is being developed and implemented under several different names that equally reveal the insatiable Zionist ambitions, providing also a perfect explanation for the seemingly unnatural alliance of Zionists and neo-Nazis. The only question is to what extent ordinary Ukrainian Nazi storm troopers and footmen, as well as manipulated folk masses of the Ukrainian people, are aware that the cry “Glory to Khazaria!” is much, much more appropriate to what they are really fighting, bleeding and dying for.
‘ when intelligent people are ‘triggered’ by ideology, they respond just as stupidly, obediently and viciously as the mass of the British population did [during] the lockdown. ’
Which doesn’t make them very intelligent.
On a side note: try to talk honestly with the people who were at first taken into the covid conn but never held any responsibility and only obediently followed the rules (without judging others). Lots of them mock the experts now and see them as completely untrustworthy.
This is progress.
We will see how true that is when they try to pull the next one, which may be shaping up as we speak. The farce that is the ‘Covid Inquiry’ makes that look very likely. They have more or less dodged most of the truly important questions, and facts are not playing a part in the self-congratulatory process.
I have a vain hope. Many young people whose COVID obedience and wokeness (sold as transgressive – no pun intended) were instilled in them through manipulation are now having their “adult” moment. In seeing the Palestinian point of view – ironically, partly through being schooled in being victims – the scales are falling from the eyes of the best of them. Can it be that we can gain a powerful ally we never imagined we would have?
You’re correct, I believe, to attribute many young peoples’ current sympathy for the Palestinian cause as owing to them being schooled by Woke to identify with the victim. But it suggests to me that even were the scales falling from the eyes of the the best, mass formation, corrected accordingly by the manipulators, can be relied on to ensure the majority are properly “educated” in their next lesson of behavioral control.
Some of them, probably, but how many and how powerfully is another matter entirely. ‘We’ are a very broad church and full of internal contradictions. That’s part of the fun of OffG, having a forum which both empowers and yet demon-strates, illustrates the divisions without too much harm and damage.
I have oft quoted Groucho Marx,
‘These are my principles.
But if you don’t like them,
I have others.