Won’t Someone Save Us From The COVID-19 Inquiry?
Iain Davis
As Scotty once said “I can’t take it Captain!”
If I have to read, see or hear one more legacy media report about the monumental farce that is the UK’s COVID-19 inquiry, I fear my brain will batter my soul to death. Why on Earth is anyone taking it seriously?
I’m starting to think millions of Brits have been hypnotised. Independent inquiry? Are you on acid?
Believing that the COVID-19 inquiry will reveal anything even remotely “real” is like trusting the outcome of internal police investigations into deaths in police custody. It is like asking Crippin to review food safety standards or requesting Tony Blair investigate war crimes. It is beyond ridiculous.
Of course it isn’t an actual “inquiry!” It is a state cover-up and propaganda operation. As I recently discussed with Rick Munn on TNT radio, there is nothing of any value that will ever come out of it.
For a start, there is no such thing as an “independent” inquiry established under the the UK Inquiries Act (2005). That Act put paid to any vague hope of independent inquiries in the UK. It is a government cover-up and propaganda operation, run by the government for the government’s benefit.
Under the 2005 Act the UK government establishes the inquiry, it sets the terms of reference for the inquiry and can change them whenever it likes; the government appoints the chair of the inquiry and the chair appoints the inquiry panel (counsel), as long as the government agrees; f the current crop don’t toe the line, the government can dismiss and re-appoint a new chair and/or the panel whenever it chooses; the government can determine which witnesses are called, it can withhold funding for areas of “investigation” it doesn’t like the look of; the government can shut down the inquiry if it is starting to look a bit tasty and the government has carte blanche to approve, amend and redact the final inquiry report prior to publication anyway.
The word “independent” is itself propaganda when it comes to the so-called “independent” UK COVID-19 inquiry. There is no such thing as an “independent” inquiry convened under the Inquiries Act. It precludes the possibility. That’s why it was enacted.
Look who the government “appointed” chair of the inquiry? Hallett is seemingly one of the UK state’s go-to cover up expert. It was Hallett who acted as the coroner for the 7/7 inquests, which were a staggering exercise in obfuscation. The Hallett led inquests, allegedly into the worst loss of life to purported terrorism in UK history, seemingly excluding more evidence than it actually examined.
Despite pronouncement of guilt having nothing to do with a coroners inquest, Hallett decided she would pronounce the guilt of the four alleged bombers regardless. While none of them were declared dead at the scenes, she immediately ruled out any possible investigation of their deaths because reasons.
So far, Perry Mason doesn’t have much to worry about if the standard of questioning at the alleged “COVID-19 inquiry” is anything to go by. When the former chief advisor to the prime minister, Dominic Cummings was “questioned” at the “inquiry”—I can’t even call it an inquiry anymore, its going to be “cover-up” from now on—there were apparently six shocking things that the “cover-up” supposedly discovered from him.
- Boris Johnson doesn’t care about old people
- The Tories don’t care about other vulnerable people either
- Cabinet ministers were trying to stab each other in the back and Cummings was right in the thick of it
- Johnson thought Cummings was a big-head
- Cummings ignored the “lockdown rules” and couldn’t care less
- Cummings is a mysoginist
Tens of thousands of people died prematurely, and are still dying in their thousands every month, because of so-called policy decisions of Cummings and his cohort of useless plumbs—or so we are told. The cover-up apparently discovered that they are a bunch of petty, self-serving kakistocrats.
Go figure! This is like “discovering” water is wet.
Yet in May 2021, at the Parliamentary joint Science and Technology Committee and Health and Social Care Committee hearing, Cummings testified to the following [go to 14:02:35]:
In March [2020] I started getting calls from various people saying these new mRNA vaccines could well smash the conventional wisdom. [. . .] People like Bill Gates and that kind of network were saying. [. . .] Essentially what happened is, [. . .] there is a network of people, Bill Gates type people, who were saying completely rethink the paradigm of how you do this.. What Bill Gates and people like that were saying to me and others in number 10 was you need to think of this much more like the classic programs of the past. [. . .] the Manhattan Project in WWII, the Apollo program.. But what Bill Gates and people were saying [. . .] was, the actual expected return on this is so high that even if does turn out to be all wasted billions it’s still a good gamble [. . .] and that is what we did.
To be clear: the COVID-19 cover up panel had a man in-front of them, testifying under oath, who was not only a key figure in orchestrating the UK government’s policy response to a supposed global pandemic but had previously admitted that the government’s efforts were massively influenced by a gang of oligarchs and “that kind of network.”
So, you would imagine that the UK cover-up might be at least mildly intrigued to know a bit more about this.
Nope! Not interested.
Off you trot Dominic.
Which brings us to the cover-up show piece: Boris Johnson’s cringe-worthy testimony. While stomach-churning, it revealed the true purpose of the UK government’s “independent” COVID-19 cover-up.
Once again, the whole episode of his alleged “grilling” was a charade that didn’t ask him, or seek to understand, anything of any particular interest. The former PM was pitched a succession of soft-ball questions about a string of irrelevant issues.
For example, he was quizzed about so-called “PartyGate.” Hugo Keith KC, counsel to the inquiry—effectively selected by the government to ask the government questions—suggested that the Johnson did not care about the rules. Johnson was free to pontificate on how the parties were misrepresented by the media and how he “really” did care about the rules.
At no stage did any “counsel” at the cover-up ask anyone, like Cummings or Johnson, whey they weren’t bothered about a supposedly lethal pandemic disease. It is as if the fact that they were evidently not in the least bit concerned about either contracting or transmitting a disease, which they all claimed to be lethal, was an line of inquiry worth exploring.
I don’t know about you, but if I was interrogating these alleged “decision makers,” I would definitely want to know why they didn’t believe COVID-19 was a threat, either to themselves or their families. Especially seeing as these were the very people closest to the so-called “best scientific advice.”
“Why didn’t you believe the pandemic was real” seems like a blindingly obvious question to have asked. But we’re talking about the UK government’s official COVID-19 cover-up, so it wasn’t.
The only thing that is potentially of any interest about the cover-up is Module 5 which is due to consider procurement. Given the extensive evidence of widespread government corruption, you never know, something worthwhile might come out of it, but I doubt it. There will probably be a couple of patsies hung out to dry. Matt Hancock, the former health secretary, whose extramarital affair and party-going exploits during lockdown demonstrated that he couldn’t be arsed to pretend there was a pandemic either, looks like a firm favourite.
Ultimately, what the UK government’s subservient cover-up is really about is reinforcing the official narrative about, what was in reality, a pseudopandemic . It is propaganda attempting to justify the destruction wrought by the government’s own policies by claiming they were all necessary to “keep us safe.”
We already know where it’s heading. It is written in the cover-up’s terms of reference.
It aims to “produce a factual narrative,” to identify “lessons to be learned” and, most crucially, “inform preparations for future pandemics.” Despite thousands of years of human history suggesting that pandemics come along every century or so, that’s not true anymore. Now they come in clusters apparently. So this cover-up will be used to impose more biosecurity state restrictions on us when the next one is organised.
The chances of the cover-up ever seriously tackling key questions like why the government were allowing a network of international oligarchs to lead on policy decisions, or why no one in charge thought there was a real pandemic, or why they implemented a lockdown and social distancing regime that had absolutely no epidemiological basis at all, are nil.
So far the questioning during the cover-up has practically asserted, without any offered rationale whatsoever, that the main identified “lesson to be learned” is that the government didn’t lockdown hard or soon enough. Even some of the legacy media have started to wonder if the question about whether or not we should have locked down at all will ever be asked.
Perhaps it will, but I think we all know what the answer will be in the final report. We should have locked down more, we should have suffered more restrictions, we should have shut more businesses, reduced hospital bed numbers even further, killed more people, made death registration even more opaque and adopted even tighter economic and behavioural controls. It is, after all, the UK government’s cover-up.
I guess my hope that I can somehow avoid any more of this drivel is a forlorn one. This thing could rumble on for years. What a monumental waste of time and taxpayers’ money?
You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog IainDavis.com (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his SubStack. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
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Why doesn’t someone who has suffered a serious adverse effect from the vaccine find a rare decent lawyer and sue for a fortune calling on witnesses to get to the truth? Understandably to cover up the court judge will say the charge is vexatious and frivolous.
To understand its not only the government that is corrupt its everything.
In the UK that’s simply impossible. The system requires very strong, almost absolute, proof of the cause of a medical injury (even where this assumes perfect medical knowledge exists – and these are a new type of vaccine), and obviously this harm has to be something other than the risks a patient was informed they were assuming. The vaccine manufacturers are protected and to be negligent, a course of action must have very drastically differed from standard practice – which of course giving the vaccine did not, it was part of a huge vaccination program, standard practice. The system is also only concerned with provable lost earnings and compensation would be no fortune – and dependent on how wealthy someone was in the first place, in terms of their earnings but also in terms of access to the ‘justice’ system.
I’m personally sceptical of injuries from the COVID vaccine being all that exceptional – certainly compared to the major issue that is actual medical negligence as normal. The NHS negligently damaged my spinal cord and though it was acknowledged, no real justice for life-wrecking injury, compensation not worth horrible stress of suing – and most vaccine injuries aren’t going to be this level of severity. As the parents of Martha found, the NHS doctors could negligently kill their daughter and face no consequences. The ‘scandals’ (midwifery, contaminated blood, vaginal coils, outright murderers of patients being covered for…) are never isolated incidents but how the system is. There is no meaningful justice to be sought within it.
From what I recall it was the “Di-Lithium Crystals cannae take it Captain” that funnily enough appears quite prescient these days with EVs bursting into flames or just packing up all together before reaching their intended destination. Excellent piece from Iain, including the revelation, to me, that Hahaha Hallett fronted the 7/7 Inquest. If you want to know where this Inquiry is going, that fact is probably all you need to know.
The Black Death was racist!
This is what passes for science these days; subsequent parliamentary debate is what passes for politics these days; subsequent-subsequent media reporting is what passes for journalism these days. “These days” here is just a turn of phrase, it doesn’t imply things were much better in the past.
It’s a classic example of a modern synthetic story: fake ‘woke’ story; fake ‘opposition’ that actually reinforces the meta-narrative on any slight inspection; a serious underlying issue, that the official narrative on the Black Death has collapsed but 99% of the public still believe in fleas on rats, ignored. All topped off with some of their beloved numerology of course (145 = 19 and 49 = 13). The whole thing has been carefully contrived to push people’s buttons.
It’s being used to position Kemi Badenoch as next leader of the Conservative Party after the electoral catastrophe which is now about a year off. Having a black woman lead the Conservative Party will be another box ticked. The name “Badenoch” repays some research. Her “argument”, that this research undermines “trust in public services” appears oppositional but is all about getting some of the largest groups of refuseniks to take the next vax when it comes along as it surely will.
People are just absolutely amazing … every election-cycle ‘we’ all appear to adopt a position of almost hypnotic ‘belief’ that convinces ‘us’ that the next political ‘leader’ (or Party) we vote for, will invariably be our saviors and will be better than the current rat-bags in power. … that is, despite KNOWING that every leader and/or political party over the decades/centuries has been totally corrupt.
My Dear Fellow travellers, it would be a lot easier if you accepted that politicians DO NOT GIVE A RAT’S-ARSE about WE, the people. Their only concern is satisfying their pathetic-egos during their quest for the ‘hypothetical-power’ they can amass, courtesy of their benefactors and ultimate controllers in ‘high places’. Accept that simple truth as has been shared by so many, over the years.
This is absolutely crucial. I think people are becoming more frustrated with the system (hearing a lot of ‘all the same’ sentiment), the problem is they still feel obligated to vote, and blackmailed into it with the ‘lesser of two evils’ logic. Comfortably middle-class Libs are telling real Labour voters that if they won’t vote for Starmer, then they’re responsible if the Tories get in again, even though it’s them who are preventing us having a proper Labour party by co-opting it. People are desperate for change so don’t know what else to do.
I’m disabled so among those the Libs like to claim will be affected (and we might be, Tories hate us, so does ATOS Labour though) but don’t actually give a damn about. Accept my decision to spoil my ballot, unless enough join in to delegitimise the system, won’t prevent more years of Tories (completely reject any claim it’s the same as supporting them, it’s not). But NuLabour don’t care about ordinary and vulnerable people either, and Blair’s invasion of Iraq did even more harm. We need actual change.
What do people think we should do instead? I think a movement of spoiling ballots as France had.
Okay it is a complete F***** sham and most people in their hearts know it is, but they haven’t got the bottle to call it what it is. But we have got to believe that in can be changed. We – when I say ‘we’ are certainly beginning to see the beginning of mass movements, all over the place. Where we go from here isn’t necessarily fixed in stone. The PTB are basically horse manure and at least the manure comes in handy. So … as long as it takes – you see I am borrowing from the enemy – we can overcome.
Very true. I believe the most important consequence of sleepwalking on this ‘democratic’ path to hell is that good folks don’t look for an alternative to the idiotic sham.
There exist many free opinion platforms–such as this one– that understand the electoral hoax, but they either remain fixated on a savior figures (Trump, Kennedy, etc), or they just never muster the courage to dwell on Work-intensive pragmatism.
For example, I’ve heard consequential commentators declare that vote abstentionists are ‘cynical’ black-pilled nihilist. As if the act of refusing to choose between the ‘best of two evils’ was essentially an anti-social gesture; something reprensible and subversive. It seems never to occur to them that doing more of the same is not going to bring different results!
Which begs the question: when are we going to start designing, and then ennacting new, friendlier and more democratic ways of running things and the ways we live our lives???
Would just like to remind everyone that though the P word may be “over”, health disaster continues. Excess deaths, hospitals rammed, and all way beyond what was happening pre P word despite upward trends. Worked last night in a hospital where I hadn’t been for a while on the bank (temp work ). Mayhem. Nearest other hospital was diverting all ambulances as they had a 24hr plus wait. Etc etc. It’s all like a very bad dystopian TV series from the 80s.
Anecdotes about rammed hospitals. Covid flashbacks!
Except this time it’s real!
Well, that may be so, can we try to source these things, where possible? Thanks, A2
I was in an ER with a friend recently. Outside the city. Usuall pretty quiet.
There were gurney’s lined up in the hallway. All afternoon into the night.
It is winter in the northeast so some of this is to be expected. Happens every year.
But this was wow.
My friend did not get into an ER cubby hole for hours, and then only because he’d had a pretty serious situation arise.
At 6 they gave him some news, pretty serious, and suggested he spend the night, in a regular hospital room, while they ran tests to verify.
Made it sound like he was going right up.
I had to leave at 8:15. He was still in ER. But was told they had a room! “Just cleaning it”.
Found out the next day that at 11 he finally took an uber home.
He is 83. Was in tremendous pain.
Had been told some pretty – what some might call devastating news. Then told he was being admitted.
I even spoke to a supervising nurse. “How can you do this? ”
With all the millions going to hospitals why can’t someone figure out a better ER system.
I’m sorry to hear that, best wishes for you both, am sure your time waiting with your friend was at least of help.
I can’t understand the logic of having people wait even with no assessment. I saw a lady in A&E with serious heart issues and obviously struggling who’d waited so long she’d had to be taken home and come back next day. When I was hospitalised was only seen sooner as couldn’t do anything but lie across the chairs. There’s also the issue of no consistent communication, so they’ll do things like decide to admit people like your friend, but there’s no message that actually gets through. I had to keep explaining even after being admitted that I was absolutely not just vomiting with a bad stomach bug, their own tests had been negative and anyway had been sick since the pandemic. Normal organisations at least have functional note taking systems.
It really relies on patients and those around them being prepared to do constant advocating, and having medical knowledge – it’s outright dangerous not to. There’s a story in The Guardian about the young girl who died needlessly, it wasn’t her parents’ fault (except for not hearing all the warnings us disabled people try to give), but they didn’t know not to trust the system:
How ironic to get this reply. I just spent another weekend in the ER with another friend. Same issues. Boy oh boy, SAVE ME from the hospital at all costs.
It’s awful. I’m supposed to be on the urgent list to be seen within a month and it’s been a year (of being unable to keep much food down – and that’s been more than a year in total, wasn’t taken seriously till I was hospitalised). Even more worried about my uncle, who has faced delay after delay in cardiology till he suffered a heart attack, needs a bypass but has just had the pre-op delayed.
As well as the preventable deaths and permanent injury due to delays, I think about the amount of lost time – that didn’t end with lockdown. Even for things that should be simpler to treat, people are left waiting while unable to function normally (my other uncle was fortunately able to have his partial knee replacement done privately). And for more complex cases they just keep passing the buck, sometimes giving false hope of treatment, leading to lives put on hold.
Would have to advise people to seek private treatment if they can afford it (and to put money aside for it if poss.), it’s infuriating that is probably what the government wanted people to be forced into, but it’s not worth individuals suffering just to make a point. The NHS is actively unsafe to rely on ATM.
Find that private treatment if you can. That sector is only interested in it’s current paying customers.
PS Where I live now there are ZERO NHS dentists. Took me months to find a private one that wasn’t entirely interested in ££££s and had some idea of patient care.
Ambulance wailings per day have increased again and on every trip by car I take I see at least three ambulances passing. Also, there are reports of “ambulance ramping” at the hospital emergency intake – meaning they’re lining up like taxis at the airport and patients cannot get into the emergency department within the targeted 30 minutes.
And it’s summer here, so not the yearly “flu season” during the winter time. Are these late C-shot side effects or are people really that stupid and have continued to receive ‘Corona’ or flu injections?
Yes, we now always get the annual flu ‘pandemic’ – a strange annual pandemic which somehow isn’t. The last time I got the flu was about 2018 and it was a genuine epidemic, and it felt like one, the same one as those poor sods like me who had to wait for hours in the doctors waiting room. I have never been sick since. Of course the authorities come out as soon as the leaves start falling, I don’t know who the f… is giving the orders but I suspect it might be our lovely government and its loyal opposition on the opposite benches.
They all work for so called evil cabal to destroy, enslave and kill us.
There are very few to fight for. Who is going to save us from those evil people?
Both the UK and US governments are mere puppet shows covering for the vast organized crime networks that have ultimate say over how the world works. There will be no serious inquiry into the origins and response to the pandemic because our governments are directed to divert public attention to trivial matters while the global power grab intensifies.
Pre P Word I would have said you were a bit paranoid. Now I think you are absolutelt correct.
Al Capone has a quick peruse over his organization’s activities and declares them to be perfectly fine. Tragically most will agree with the findings and line up for the next shot.
Though not quite as many as before one would hope….
They are addicted now. They cant live without the booster pep. https://youtu.be/0WGVgfjnLqc Hit me with your rhythm stick
I’m pretty sue that Scotty never said that.
I believe he said “she cannae take any more Captain” referring to the Enterprise pushed to its limits.
Must see presentation:
Exposing COVID-19 Crimes
“Martin opens his lecture with a quote by Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance. During a March 27, 2015, forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events, Daszak noted that unless an infectious disease crisis is at an emergency threshold, it tends to be ignored.
“To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs (medical countermeasures) such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine,” Daszak said, adding:
“A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.”
Martin comments:
“This is the admission, unambiguously, which states without any equivocation, that the reason for the global terror campaign that began officially in the minds of most people in late 2019, was a premeditated plan of terrorism, collusion, coercion and, ultimately, murder … This quote is the admission of four felonies, regardless of which side of the Atlantic you’re on.””
Bev Turner: The Covid Inquiry looks like nothing more than an arse-covering exercise!
Bev Turner: I won’t sleep until arrests are made over the ‘scamdemic’
We Must Save Ourselves from the Public Health Professionals
Medicare death data confirms the COVID vaccines are killing people. No more doubts. Same anomaly in all 5 countries.
“I Will Not Calm Down” | Julia Blasts The Government For Imposing Covid Lockdowns
I would wait with all the energy until it get really hot.
Oh Mr. Davis, I hear ya.
The minute I hear “Congressional Hearing” I reach for the smelling salts.
A super white wash
Haha, so true.
The one time I’ve needed to see a doctor in the last 30 years or so, he said exactly that “I don’t know what is wrong” and wrote me a prescription…that I never used. I still have it as a keepsake.
This is exactly the case with both my mom and grandma at the moment. The former diagnosed with an “autoimmune” condition, the cause of which all the docs and specialists she’s seen openly admit are clueless about. The latter came down another case of diverticulitis, the cause of which, again, the docs are clueless about. In both cases that processed ignorance didn’t stop them from prescribing a smorgasbord of antibiotics, rinses, creams, painkillers, etc., all of which contain toxins with long lists of “side” effects. And surely enough my mom came down with a case of “ thrush” soon after her first dose of whatever pill they gave her. And they think the “autoimmune” condition was caused by the chemo/immune therapies she received for her cancer! So they’re now at the point where they’ve give her drugs 1 to treat condition A that was caused by drugs 2 that were in turn given to treat condition B that itself was caused by the drugs given to treat condition C! And to top it all off they have no idea what caused the cancer in the first place – or at least they didn’t then and don’t now care enough to inquire…”Sick Care System” indeed.
Only millions of hypnotised people can sit there and watch this charade unfold and believe they are living in a democracy.
Are any members of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition going to be called to explain why they failed in their supposed constitutional duty to oppose? They never questioned lockdowns – only ever wanted them to start earlier, finish later and be more stringent.
TPTB are trying to sell a contradictory message here – on the one hand, vaccination was humanity’s greatest triumph since those wonderful “moon landings; on the other hand, the government who carried it out are a mixture of far-right lunatics driven by crazed hatred of the “vulnerable” and fanatical devotion to liberty with bumbling oafs who couldn’t organise a party in a beer manufacturer’s and who should be voted out ASAP. The solution is a narrative that gives all the credit to “science” and all the blame to government – which just happens to point to the long-term solution of technocracy.
It’s just another day at the office for TPTB, it’s what they do. Contradictory narratives have been weaponised to bamboozle people so they give up trying to make sense of it all. Climate change is the same – on the one hand, it’s the greatest disaster for humanity ever; on the other hand, it’s never quite too late to tackle it if only drastic measures are introduced now.
All this is about softening up gullible Joe Public ready to sign up to the WHO pandemic control mechanism next May. We will then have lock downs, masks, jab mandates, jab passports etc invoked upon us by non elected billionaires to pursue their control and depopulation agenda. When will the masses wake up and realise that no government gives a shit about the people they are supposed to serve. Is it not strange how all these enquiries are happening around the world at the same time, just like all the orchestrated bollocks about the non existent covid.
I still for the life of me cannot understand how there are people in this country queuing up for flu jabs, so called covid jabs and even shingles jabs. WTF!
Perhaps they just don’t get the meaning of medical terms. like ‘Russian Roulette,’ ‘mandatory euthanasia,’ ‘assisted suicide’
Don’t forget the RSV jabs!
How to get honest people into government? That is the question.
And if we do get honest politicians, how to prevent them buckling under pressure? For instance, like Jeremy Corbyn did.
Yes, though “honest people in government” sounds rather oxy-moronic.
Honest people quickly get fed up with the pervasive stench of hypocrisy and soon develop debilitating nausea when they find themselves in the halls of any “democratic” parliament.
Yeah, I mean it’s self-exclusory. Like opposite magnetic poles. Would you do it? Repulsion.
Ah yes, moronic that’s the word that covers it well.
Learn more about human behavior (NOT from Psychiatrists, who are just really legal drug dealers involved in industrial scale corporate crime) but from honest observation that produces results. Pay attention to ACTUAL statistics and results as opposed to feigned statistics and results. Realize that the authorities in any field are the ones that get results – real results, not media hype. Don’t trust human rights abusers and people who excuse violators (by human rights is meant HUMAN rights, aka the Universal Declaration of Human Rights).
An honest person could not stay in that environment. Every single politician needs to be sacked, there is no hope otherwise.
As you say, we’ve had (mostly-mythical) ‘better’ politicians like Corbyn, and it’s just not enough.
A proper Labour party would be preferable, but the system will always allow it to be corrupted from its purpose and hamper it in every way. We need at least direct democracy, instead of having to keep relying on the unlikely hope politicians will represent us whatsoever. It’s the same as keeping hoping for a good King rather than realising systems such as absolute monarchy or royal governments (this system was never created for us the people!) are themselves the problem.
It’s not just whether a given King is going to chuck you in the tower or not that’s the problem, is it, it’s that they could have the right to do so in the first place. Do we want to stay reliant on government not to lock us all down again? To do what we actually want them to do, not to do things we don’t want (like massacres in the ME)? It shouldn’t be up to a handful of politicians (and those directing them behind the scenes) what happens, it should be up to us, we don’t need an intermidiary.
Inquiries are an essential part of such operations.
They faked a pandemic by using a fraudulent “test” to relabel the ‘flu as The Black Death and then killed and injured millions of people with draconian “public health measures” which they knew to be unnecessary, including coercing the citizenry into taking a “vaccine” they knew to be dangerous.
It is crucial that the masses never realise this, so in order to preclude a real investigation, a fake “inquiry” is held which maintains the most important lies — that “COVID” was real, that tough “public health measures” were vital, and that the “vaccines” saved lives, but that “mistakes were made”, from which “lessons have been learned”.
They use the same template every time. It is an integral part of the plan.
The “inquiry” is the cover-up, as the saying goes.
Back in the 80s there was a big marketing campaign in Australia and New Zealand for a product called Claytons. It was a non alcoholic version of whiskey.
The campaign slogan became part of the vernacular in those two countries.
“The drink you have when you’re not having a drink”
That’s what these playacting ‘inquiries’ are; CLAYTONS INQUIRIES
CLAYTONS. “The enquiry you have when you’re not having an enquiry”.
Standard Operating Procedure from the Turds at the top.
Was solved long ago, and explains Xi Jinping’s total lockdown in the PRC:
US-linked Chinese military scientist filed patent for COVID vaccine just after contagion emerged: report by Lee Brown, Published June 4, 2021
“This is something we have never seen achieved before, raising the question of whether this work may have started much earlier,” Prof. Nikolai Petrovsky from Flinders University told the paper.
Hang the bankers and politicians
Also, AI is BS
Palestine wanted out of its abusive relationship with Israel.
and look what’s happening…
Western Europe, especially Germany, is in a Stockholm
Syndrome relationship with the USA…
It most likely doesnt want the Israeli treatment from the USA…
Palestine will be free when the 1948 UN partition plan is implemented. Israel lost the diplomatic war in October 2023, and will have to disgorge Palestinian land that it has been filching since 1948.
Europe would do well to learn from Hamas:
“The U$A is a paper tiger” — Mao.
Except, they want a regional war and wwIII, with the end goal of smoking everyone. Its not just the Palestinians they want to exterminate it’s the humans, Jews included, in that category. Hitler was on a path of self destruction as well. But he took way too many with him before his own demise!!!!! One would have been too many. Way past time to get the crazies of their podiums of power. Thankfully the vast majority of us don’t appreciate seeing their family, loved ones, friends and neighbors mercilessly mowed down for no good reason ever whatsoever. Have to keep saying NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! LOUDER!!!!!! And, I’m all for self defense when thats what it really is, but if a guy is taking off thousands in some hall or something with a gun and i had to stop him i would shoot him in the arm or leg before the heart, if i had a choice. The crazys take ANY opportunity for a blood bath.
Sorry, typo, i meant OFF their podium of power
Maybe Russia will come to the rescue like last time.
Actually Iain we can all think we are slightly high almighty in this neck of the woods
there inquirys are massive draws they wouldnt do them overwise.
USA got it Donald threatre going on.
Your’ll be surprised who watches this crap but it steals your attention,
many still believe the bs19 crap as masks have become slightly popular in my area again
I got a friend who informed me that she tested her self for covid with a reduce to clear section covid test. FFS!
Some work places still playing the testing and mask game,
In pompy lain have they got the 2£ any journey government subsidized bus offer ?
I forget to mentioned when I first read OFF G during covid One of the OG articles was alluding to the fact (bullshit) Boris did not want to lockdown and he was on our side.
Even UK shillum was saying the Tory rebels did not want lockdown. yet the same Tory rebels twitter and facebook told another story.
So many people voted for Boris.
Those still clinging to the covid tale will be experiencing dizziness at the strange phenomenon whereby this “apocalyptic virus” has been seemingly forgotten. How can that be – bearing in mind that it was and, in their minds, must still be, threatening the entire human species? The oddity can easily be explained by admitting that it was all pure theatre and the death count – which was very real – was caused by “the fight against covid”. In short, we had a real war taking place behind a phony war: covid as a smokescreen cover for an assault by the elite on the masses.
And this explains that schizophrenic “it’s there and then it isn’t there and then it’s there again and then it isn’t there” feeling.
The whole thing reminds me of a magic ring I had as a child showing – and I’m revealng my age here! – the characters from The Man From Uncle. Looked at one way, you saw Napolean Solo. Then change your view by the slightest margin and suddenly you saw Illya Kuryakin. But no matter who you saw, the other would be gone as if he never existed. That was covid. It was both there and not there.
Meanwhile the true war goes on anyway.
And this is why any news item that mentions covid at all – including this wretched “inquiry” – only exists to magically conjure up covid yet again.
And still the true war goes on.
Springmeier says that mind-control programmers like to be called “uncle” by their victims.
United Network Command for Law and Enforcement
By and by, the overclass authorities will streamline the process:
1.) announce the formation of an august committee to investigate the scandalous crisis, or critical scandal, du jour;
2.) make occasional scant, ambiguous references to the committee, affirming that it is proceeding apace (but not necessarily even going through the motions);
3.) after a minimum of five years, solemnly announce that the work of the commission is at long last complete, and disclose its principal finding:
4.) “Mistakes were made.” 🤔
and how is that any different than your lot forgiving the msm alt media for selling the chi com virus and lockdown is good and get the jab.
The “lot” at OG did anything but that. Have you ever read this site?
It is democratic to classify findings as “sensitive” for decades, until most of those concerned or interested are dead or senile. This does not apply to “totalitarian” countries outside the “free world”.
The need to classify anything is the proof that something is wrong otherwise why would it need hiding. Which reminds me what’s happening about Epstein’s diary?
Also does anyone know if its true that Israel and others are submitting the applications for oil and gas extraction in Gaza/Palestine even before the blood has dried?
Created my own bumper sticker –
Not Safe, Not effective and Not a Mistake!
My mobile substack.
’Twas ever thus. My father adapted a little ditty post the Widgery Tribunal into the deaths of 22 unarmed civilians at a Civil Rights march in Derry in 1968 (?):
”Paddy on the Bogside, picking up stones, along came the squaddies, who broke Paddy’s bones, Oh says Paddy, that’s not fair. “Well says Lord Widgery, you shouldn’t be there”.
Later, when I began studying maritime history, I found the same glaring ‘hidden hand’ of government cover-up in the inquiries into the sinking of Titanic and then Lusitania.
I was asked to write an essay on Pearl Harbor (1 year before 9/11) and was taken into the MOD Library in Whitehall to peruse their vast collection. I noticed a shelf of box-files and discovered that these were the “Official Inquiries” into Pearl Harbor (Who knew what and when): thus far, there have been 10 such inquiries, all exonerating the upper echelons. Methinks, they do protest too much. We must learn anew how to read these inquiries – or as Bismarck said: “Believ nothing until it has been officially denied.
The government repeats its inquiries or commissions until it gets the recommendation or review it wants.
Died suddenly. Not prematurely.
They want grace. A slippery reversal to blame those that are upset at how their family members were killed and injured by the clot shot. That’s no reason to not be graceful and forgiving.
“They did the best they could” under the circumstances. “Doesn’t that deserve grace?” I believe that’s how Bill Maher put it.
Knowingly and wantingly killing, maiming and sterilizing hundreds of millions of innocent healthy people to protect themselves would be considered graceful by Satan himself, I guess.
Accountability will bring grace.
Gracefully, putting their asses in dark dungeons for the rest of their lives.
Graceful accountability.
And still jabbing people today, despite all the evidence the jabs demonstrably failed..
“There’s a sucker born every minute” — JP Barnum, showman.
“The knaves will still be pricking
And the slaves will still be kicking
So wags the world along” — Herman Melville, Poems.
is deep state donald still plugging the vaccine as safe and effective.?
Who knows? Who cares? Most here on this site know better than to worry about that as many support neither side in the faked divide. Why do you care?
Is that the recent Bill Maher show where he interviewed former NYC Governor during cvid, the poor patsy Cuomo, and the twit Professor from NYU who so courageously confessed he went along with the official cvid narrative but sees now that the lockdowns were not healthy for the kids.
He is so sad. So remorseful. But “we didn’t know…”
I’m paraphrasing here but he suggests that we, y’know, all take a step back, with Grace, and forgive and forget.
Yes, Professor. That’s what all the injection injured victims are advocating. And the families of injection dead.
Brings to mind that “Frozen” theme – “Let it go”.
“The COV never bothered me anyway…”
Bill Maher …Yuck.
Somehow buried in the rubble alongside 20,000 Palestinian corpses was last week’s revelation that the mRNA “vaccines” suffered from an unfortunate flaw. Remember how the “vaccines” were supposed to “work?” How they taught your cellular factories to produce the spike protein from the novel coronavirus? Well, it turns out that, due to unavoidably random misalignment in the read heads of the cellular disk drives, at least one-in-three of the trillions of manufactured proteins were garbled misreadings of the input data. They were, in other words, frame-shift mutations — each one a potential seed tumor.
Oops! Oopsy. Don’t worry, though; they’re gonna fix it — they have a plan, one of the nerds thinks he’s already figured something out!!! Next, he’ll build a time machine and problem solved.
The thing is, they don’t actually even want this story buried, they just want to reveal the horror of it more gradually, to prime the public for a full-on panic when they raise the transcription error rate from 33% to 66% and then 100% and unveil the unfortunate but critically necessary pharmaceutical treatments that have been developed to reduce the likelihood of turbo-cancer.
I would guess that, like everything else, there isn’t even a grain of truth to this revelation. To believe that they found a flaw would be to believe that they were even checking their work. And to believe that they would self-report a flaw is to believe that corporations have souls. Paranoia is the only goal. The West, with its 85% “vaccination” rate is primed and ready. The “vaccine” itself will be the next “pandemic,” and the “vaccine-for-the-vaccine” will be the fertility-destroying agent that the whole thing was all about from the very beginning.
@ he’ll build a time machine and problem solved.
This is someone’s answer to someone’s problem, plan A, winging it boo boo.
85%? Not really, except in the most fascist states (or compliant populations) which seem to have been Canada, Oz, NZ & Portugal.
The UK got to about 70% for the whole population, USA similar, Switzerland may be under 70%. Bulgaria is only at 30%. Did the Bulgarians know something Brits. didn’t?
The blog ‘Our Finite World’ has regular discussion of the possible true motives behind COVID and the response.
I agree that imminent energy scarcity is necessary and sufficient motivation to explain the entirety of the Climate Change hoax and the dreadful ambitions of Agenda 2030, but I think the absurd specifics of the COVID hoax require at least one other separate and independent motivation. For two years, the climate scare was entirely laid aside while every government on earth focused on one thing: establishing the psychological rhythms for, and logistical infrastructure to support, tri-monthly vaccination of every human being on the planet.
That’s a very specific goal: four vaccinations per year for a disease that doesn’t exist. The pushing of vaccine passports doesn’t require that kind of ridiculous frequency — they ended up enforcing them with only one-per-year when they failed to achieve the goal of four.
The second great dread (after energy scarcity) motivating our leaders (or, rather, the billionaires who pull their strings) is AI-induced mass unemployment. The societal instability they presume this will create endangers their property rights. In this hypothetical AI-dominated future, the ultra-wealthy no longer need a large population as a source of workers; all we are to them is a discontented rabble staring at their piles of money and getting ideas — as discontented rabble do — about redistribution.
While we live, they will always be obsessed with depopulation. It’s been US policy to reduce the fertility of resource-rich poor nations since 1974 (NSSM 200), and in March 2020 it became US policy to start rolling toward reduction of fertility everywhere, rich or poor, even at home. Tri-monthly vaccination was their best idea as to how this could be achieved. When the physical and behavioral infrastructure were in place, regional fertility could be managed centrally and undetectably, in a data-driven way, by selectively tweaking the chemistry in the regional vaccine batches.
It’s the most sinister of the conspiracy theories (other than the one where we all fall over dead simultaneously), but in this case nothing else makes any sense to me.
Makes sense to me.
The planned mass immigration programme (Global compact 2018 etc.) also acts as a safety feature for them.
If you disgrunt a large section of your workforce they can gang up against you and get a bit tetchy (eg Paris 1793)
Dilute that cohort with another culture or two and the coherence of tetchiness is reduced.
Then you can just pick them off.
The online harms bill ,or whatever it’s called this week, is another weapon in their arsenal, limiting online sharing of illicit conspiracies.
Ooh, they’re clever bastards !
Oxford University launches with much hype The insufficiently tested RNA Vaxx which turns out to have killed more young people than were killed by the disease.
Cambridge Professor Anne Willis hypes her research on undoing the damage done by the Oxford research.
Sounds like The Boat Race.
endangers their property rights
It endangers their property and personal safety
fertility could be managed.. by selectively tweaking.. vaccine batches
There is no indication that the wrecked fertility will recover.
WHO’s tetanus vaccine alone rendered 150 million women and girls in “developing” countries infertile or dead. Fortunately, Africans largely evaded the latest insanity. They have access to ivermectin – which also combats cancer in 15 ways.
It doesnt make sense BECAUSE insanity does not make sense. So sane people WILL have a hard time making sense of it. It does not conform to reason. It’s not about money or control, although it appears that way. It is about killing and destruction. They would kill you for free if they could get away with it. That is why they get people riled up about other races, religions, countries or groups so they can get them to agree to support wars and do the killing for them. They don’t realize that when they lose their servant classes and try to substitute AI, they will be destroyed by the AI because it has been programmed by destructive human rights abusers like themselves. Unconsciously they are so destructive they are also on a crash course for self destruction. They need to be moved off of points of decision making that could resort in mass destruction.
I consider myself to be cynical to the point of black howling nihilism, but I haven’t yet got to the point where my model of the world is based on truly purposeless killing. I’m not saying it’s in invalid model — it probably is valid — it’s just that I haven’t met those people yet. Or, at any rate, I haven’t fully understood their lack of motives.
You’re right that there is insanity at the base of everything. It’s the undiscussable, stinking core of every philosophy that can fit in a human mind. I would even categorize myself as a philosophical depopulator, in principle, in that, were there a button I could press to send all of us humans back to Hades and leave the earth to the lifeforms which deserve it, I would pound that button until the bones of my fist were jelly. But only if it were all of us. I don’t like grief, and I don’t want anybody left around to mourn anybody else.
You are just in the way. Nothing personally.
Add Italia in the 85% group … sadly Fascism has deep roots here. Luckily, it is always fought and usually defeated.
The ways of science!
Going forward: a whole lot safer and massively de-risked
Professor Anne Willis:
“This technology is amazing and it’s going to be revolutionary as a new medicine platform for all sorts of things, but we’ve just made it a whole lot safer going forward,” Professor Anne Willis, co-senior study author and director of the MRC Toxicology Unit told reporters.
“Ribosomes are somehow sensing the modified RNAs, but the Covid vaccines are very, very safe and very, very efficacious.
“But there are decoding issues with this technology that can cause stalling and frameshifting and we can get cellular immunity to these peptides after vaccination.”
However, she adds it is very exciting that there is a way to fix the issue, which “massively de-risks this platform going forward”.
Sounds like bullshit jargon from here. Neck deep in corruption.
If you read the article, it actually makes sense. They’re not trying to hide the horror of it at all, they’re just putting smileys on the ends of the sentences. This is the gist:
Sounds like a gun is pointed at her head.
Surely to “massively de-risk” there must be massive risks to remove?
But, but, but that’s logic! How dare you use that when discussing the brilliant magic elixir!
Jail for individuals like this Establishment cretin.
Another plug for dictionaries and etymology books- not all the same value by any means, BUT….. a most modern dictionary might give the most latest definition of “science” to be : religious or faith based assumptions, born out by peer pressure and political pressure and blackmail, aka psuedo-science, which has nothing to do with observations in the real world leading to further research, refinements and positive results, though which may prove lucrative in a criminally corrupt fashion and be highly promoted by naieve and gullible people as truth. All in recognition of the fact that the definition of religion has been corrupted and perverted for ages since the times when it most closely complemented and harmonized with the true definition of science. – Saint Thomas Aquinas XXXXIV
It’s not a bug, it’s an off-target effect – i.e. a “toxic injury” for which they’re getting research grants to find the cure. And there are known and unknown off-target effects – with known and unknown risks – which are quantified, unquantified, and unquantifiable. Am I understanding the technobabble correctly?
MRC Toxicology Unit – Willis Group
Post-transcriptional control of gene expression following toxic injury
Professor Anne Willis OBE
We are investigating the role of post-transcriptional control in response to toxic injury and how this impacts on therapeutic RNAs.
Anne’s research in the Unit is directed towards understanding the role of post-transcriptional control in response to toxic injury with a focus on RNA-binding proteins, regulatory RNA motifs and tRNAs. Through our mechanistic research we are developing predictive adverse outcome models that can be shared with our industrial partners. In particular we are working to understand the “off target” effects of new modalities such as therapeutic RNAs. Anne’s research on therapeutic RNAs is funded by a Wellcome Trust LEAP grant and the MRC in conjunction with the MRC Nucleic Acid Therapy Accelerator as part of a £8 million pound award (led by Matthew Wood, University of Oxford) to investigate the delivery and safety of oligonucleotide-based therapies. Anne’s research is also funded by Cancer Research Technologies (as part of translational alliance with industry).
Group Members: Happy! Happy! Happy!
“Am I understanding the technobabble correctly?”
The answer is Yes. It’s in your last two sentences: 8 Million pounds shared between Oxford who launched a dangerously untested experimental RNA Vaxx, and Cambridge who are researching on how to launch a “new and improved” RNA Vaxx.
Oxford and Cambridge are pilot fish guiding the big sharks of Big Pharma and feeding off scraps of flesh which they clean from between the sharks teeth..
Off-target effect and adverse effect remind me of economists blaming external factors.
Yes, it’s not a bug. Nor is it even a real effect. If it was real, it would be hidden. While the profit projections demanded it, they said nothing other than “safe and effective.” Now they’re pivoting to “unsafe and ineffective” because the profits have tapered off to nothing and they’ve been forced to sue Poland for stiffing them on unused inventory.
Pfizer has one pot to bang on — the already deployed mRNA vaccine. Casting it as a poisonous mistake is where the money is right now. After all, there’s no liability for the damage done; they’d be insane not to call it a disaster as long as they can cast themselves as the best hope for producing therapeutics. They know very well now how catastrophically hypochondriacal the world is, and how easy it is to push it over the edge. The script is pre-written, and this whisphered revelation of frame-shift transcription errors is Act I: the planting of seeds in the minds of the vulnerable.
“Pssst. Dude. Dude! Sorry to wake you, dude, but I think you’re contaminated. Not sure. I’ll check and get back to you. In the meantime, carry on. By the way, I like your shoes.”
Seems like there are two parallel realities these days. The hypnotised who embrace a world where the ‘next’ pandemic is imminent and global apocalypse via climate change is just around the corner; or the rationalists who see the world as it is. The cover-up will facilitate a reality where a death wish will further the objectives of the global elites. The rationalists will be wiped out by the hypnotised and their elite inspired cultural revolution…
Vaxxed vs David Kelly
Place your bets now!
Dec 10, 2023
Lancashire Police pays tribute to chief Peter Lawson who took key role in search for missing mother Nicola Bulley after his sudden ‘medical-related’ death aged 50
Lancashire Constabulary has paid tribute to a chief constable who played a key role in the search for Nicola Bulley following his sudden death. Assistant Chief Constable Peter Lawson, 50, who was described as an ‘outstanding officer who served the communities of Lancashire with pride’, passed away at his home on Sunday. His death is believed to be ‘medical-related’ and has been referred to the coroner, the force said.
Watch in full: Police confirm Nicola Bulley’s body has been found
Sky News
Feb 20, 2023
Giving a statement outside police headquarters, Assistant Chief Constable Peter Lawson has confirmed Nicola Bulley’s body was found in the river yesterday. The family has been informed and is “devastated”, he says.
Nicola Bulley – Peter Lawson Dies – Another bombshell in this case
Streamed live on Dec 10, 2023
The “HIGHLY respected and admired” Assistant Chief Constable tragically died at his home this morning. Peter Lawson, who made headlines earlier this year for his role in the investigation of Nicola Bulley’s disappearance, passed away suddenly at the age of 50. Lancashire Constabulary has confirmed the death is understood to be “medical-related”.
Chief Constable Chris Rowley said: “This is incredibly sad and tragic news. My thoughts and prayers are with all of Pete’s family and friends at this difficult time. Pete’s death will come as a shock to the entire force and the wider police family across the country. He was an outstanding officer who served the communities of Lancashire with pride.”
One of the top comments
1 day ago
Have to put some things into context:
– He was also involved in the Manchester Arena Bombing inquest in which the UK intelligence services knew already about the bombers with some sources online saying that one of the fathers could have been working for MI6 in some capacity.
– Timing very suspicious just after the college of policing report & when Peter Faulding comes out with his own theory of what happened
– Ewellina Sasak’s death who was NB’s vet which was hardly covered by main stream media, wonder why?
– Peter Lawson says they’ve been looking through “hundreds of hours of CCTV” but none was provided at the inquest from the school, roads, dashcam etc.
– No feedback on the Dan Walker bike incident after his PA interview
– Rebecca Smith taking early retirement just after the conclusion of this case
– PA puts his family home up for sale
– Medical related, so they must have some inclining to his cause of death, looked perfectly fine in the press conference.
– Don’t rule out ‘faking his own death’ if the NB case is an intelligence operation because it does sound like the dismemberment of an intelligence network (always look for links).
Just my own opinion/hypothesis.
A little TOO eager in his service. Notice that?
The State makes it absolutely clear that they will NOT provide the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but truth – and they’re quite prepared to spend three decades NOT doing so. But then a few days later the media thinks the truth has been “laid bare”!
However, Favato at least cites the right principle – “bread and circuses” – though he’s clueless about the application.
Government rejects ‘Hillsborough law’ central to campaign by victims’ families
The proposed law, drafted by Pete Weatherby KC, who represented 22 families at the 2014-2016 inquests, would introduce a legally enforceable “duty of candour”, requiring police and public authorities to openly and fully assist inquiries and court proceedings after a major incident.
The Hillsborough law’s other key proposal was for bereaved people to have equal public funding for legal representation at inquests and public inquiries into a major incident as the funding available to police, public authorities and companies involved.
In its response to Jones’s report the government explicitly rejected introducing Hillsborough law, arguing it was covered now by the commitment to the charter, and a “duty of candour” to be introduced into police officers’ code of conduct. The government argues that adopting the duty of candour for which the families have campaigned would now duplicate existing duties and create conflict and confusion.
Boris Johnson’s negligence has been laid bare in Covid inquiry
Failing to anticipate the potentially deadly consequences of the ‘Eat out to help out’ policy is inexcusable, says Prof Giampiero Favato.
To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink.
Bread & Circuses
As cover ups go this one’s a bit threadbare.
But that just highlights how much ‘they’ don’t care — recommendations will be made and shelved, one or two scapegoats might be identified but overall the conclusions of the inquiry will just go into the archive, there to fade from memory.
Mr Davis
I guess rebels like you and I could do the UK equivalent of a ‘minority report’ and write a report which covers up nothing; is no-holds-barred decisive in assigning responsibility and blame; details in totality the most corrupt waste of taxpayers money in the history of organised UK government; points out the lack of accountability of William Gates III in the causing of global deaths; focuses down on the absolutely worst practice of Government and its scientific advisors concerning the value of drugs vs untested vaccines in treated Covid19 in the early stages of the outbreak; documents the absolute collusion of media prostitutes in misinforming and lying to the taxpayers that became their main source of income; and disabuses the entire country as to any delusions that NHS Consultant Doctors obey the Hippocratic Oath, intend to do no harm and put their profession before greasy pole climbing.
Of course, we would have to interview rather different witnesses to those mandated by teh Government cover-up: it would be doctors removed from the right to practice for upholding the Hippocratic oath; it would be pilots forced to be vaccinated or lose their jobs; it would be journalists prepared to spill the beans on editorial diktat; it would be official Government financial bean-counters on what the whole episode cost; it would be procurement managers about the no-bid awarding of contracts to cronies; it would be QA experts about the total lack of GMP production quality of vaccine shots; it would be experts on the use of Emergency Use Authorisation mandates for untested drugs/vaccines; it would be child psychologists on the effect on child development of lockdowns; it would be health experts (not doctors) on the effects of limiting outdoor exercise over several months; it would be whistleblowers about the organised global coup d’etat by the biggest billionaires on earth; it would be ethical doctors overseas about how they repurposed off-patent, long-licensed drugs to treat Covid19 successfully;
all that and a lot more.
Of course, the outcome of that would be a Press Sting operation, wouldn’t it?
You know, upstanding folk like Piers Morgan claiming moral superiority in public.
So much to do, and so little time.
Starmer was right, we should have locked down sooner, harder, for longer, and if it wasn’t for all that misinformation and disinformation on social media it would have worked better, so we need to dispense with that quaint, outdated, idea of free speech and everyone needs a digital ID and a vax pass like yesterday so we can do it better sooner next time.
Trebbles all round.
The verdict was in two years ago!
It’s always the same: The investigation IS the cover-up.
Exactly, should be called a cover up.
How we exonerate ourselves for killing and maiming millions of peasants so that they don’t see through the charade and revolt.
Started with the Warren Report? I remember watching for hours and learning nothing. Didn’t bother to watch the Chilcot Report.
It maintains the illusion of a sovereign government, judicial & monetary system while the UN & BIS digital-panopticon agendas continue forward, unabated.
Checkout this 50in5 movement that is just another example of the many UN partnership programs:
Scottish inquiry into the rise in neo natal mortality ruled out the jabs before the inquiry started!
Says all you need to know about the culpability of these people…
We all know they are guilty of mass murder.
Yes Paul, they have amply demon-strated that fact, in fact, if they accidentally bumped into a little compassion, it would burn them to death.
Like the Official Enquiry into 911 ruled out Controlled Demolition without searching for traces of nano-Thermite.