Getting Away With It

Todd Hayen

Any of us who pay even the least bit of attention has been made aware of the problems of fast food and grocery-store-bought processed food. We are also aware of toxins in general that we ingest on a daily basis—fluoride, air pollutants, other chemicals in the water, EMF, microwaves, even radio waves.

The world is a dangerous place these days, and certainly is more dangerous as each generation passes. It is interesting how we do not look at these dangers the same way we look at walking into a house on fire or eating a box of ground glass. Good lord, we will even stick a needle full of unknown genetic material into our arms if someone of authority tells us it is safe to do so. We take huge risks every day, and these are the known risks I am talking about here, without even batting an eye.

This reminds me of the big masturbation scare that seems to have fizzled out in recent years. How often have we heard the ill consequences of fiddling with oneself down there? —the most ubiquitous possibility cited is that you will go blind if you don’t abstain. That didn’t seem to stop too many of us, and there was even the joke that circulated: “can I do it until I need to wear glasses?” Nowadays it is more like, “can I ignore all of these horrible toxicities until I am in the hospital?” Maybe, just maybe, the angel of death will pass over me and I will be spared. How many smokers have taken that attitude and ended up dying from old age at 95, still puffing away? But then again, how many have succumbed to lung cancer.

It seems that most people simply do not think too much about these things because they honestly believe they won’t get hurt by them, but at the same time they seem to be terrified that some little germ has their name etched on it and will find them through thick and thin and kill them dead.

What gives?

It is a bit of a paradox, isn’t it? These same people can be shaking in their shoes regarding an invisible virus that doesn’t cause symptoms but will clearly kill them if they are not wearing an old pair of panties wrapped around their face but have no fear at all of an alien vaccine pumped into their bodies with no real testing and no idea at all regarding any long-term effects.

When they hear about problems, years later, they just shrug their shoulders and say, “well, it isn’t hurting all that many people, I’m sure it will pass over me.” Yet, at the same time, even though they may know no one who has died of Covid (and maybe not even anyone who was all that sick), they are convinced THAT little bugger is most certainly going to find them. Get out the panties!

Humans are odd. I should know the psychology behind this phenomenon, but I do not. It has definitely perplexed me to no end.

Maybe it is a good thing that people seem to be impervious to malady. To think that things won’t come out of the woodwork and snatch you up is a sign of a healthy person, in my opinion. But this attitude tends to really muck things up when applied to any clear and present danger coming our way. These days the attitude also seems to be rather selective—and almost randomly selective at that. As I said earlier, why is there such fear around the “virus” yet none around taking this strange injectable concoction?

Of course, the common denominator present in the things sheep are unafraid of is the voice of Zotan the White Coat god. “The vaccine is safe and effective!!” booms his or her omnipotent God-like voice. Well then, nothing to worry about there! And I suppose that also answers the question regarding other toxins people (not all of us, of course) don’t seem to be worried about. “Drink the water! It’s safe! Only conspiracy theorist kooks think fluoride is dangerous!” bellows Zotan. “Eat the Cap’n Crunch! Eat the McDonald’s fries! It’s all fine!” We might not hear this voice directly, but he is in our head. We hear it clearly in there because it is a sheep world out there, and everything that hits our senses is made for sheep, and all resonates with the agenda, the sheep agenda. Take a read of Huxley’s “Brave New World” and you’ll get the vibe for this. Everyone in this opus is stupidly just fine. I can’t say they are happy, but few people are happy these days either. But they are not really afraid of anything that Zotan tells them not to be afraid of, and conversely, they are deathly afraid of anything they are told by Dr. Z to fear.

So why is Dr. Z such a liar? I don’t need to tell you that, of course. It is all a plan, a really big plan, part of that plan is to make us “stupidly just fine” distracted by the boob tube, by cheerily dressed game show hosts, smiling news anchors on CNN, brainiac doctors and people pretending to be doctors sitting behind white fake granite counters at WHO, face-men politicians wearing accent makeup telling us “the government is in debt so you don’t have to be.” Or some other nonsense garbage we all bleat at with approval. The whole world given to us by them is “safe and effective,” until it isn’t. Then we are punished with climate warming, or the effects of bigotry since it is clear we are filled with white supremacist racial hatred. The world falls apart in war and violence (which is more than likely fabricated) to show us we have to mind our “p’s” and “q’s” in order to ensure the sun will come up and shine on our pitiful asses the next day.

Yes, it is all made up. It is all made up in order to keep us in line. We live in Truman’s world, smiling when we are supposed to, and screaming bloody murder when we are told it is time to do that. But we’re getting by, aren’t we? We’ll still get that iPhone for the upcoming birthday, along with a surprise lunch from Burger King. We are living it up, eh? Getting away with it, until we need to wear glasses at least. Then the bars will slam behind us, and the gas will start to pour in.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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A. Nonymous
A. Nonymous
Jan 3, 2024 2:10 PM

So what? Every generation before had its own problems…and if you have a problem with electromagnetic radiation lock yourself in a closed metal box!!

Dec 27, 2023 3:52 PM

you can do 2 things. you can live in constant fear, or you can live. No one knows the future, so I eat whatever I want, because if I don’t and I die today, I won’t be able to eat it anymore. I let all doctors say whatever they want. I won’t be seeing one soon. Unless I break a leg of course.

Dec 27, 2023 11:14 AM

The contradictions are from the false instalment which hides within us all – it does not want to be discovered. That is why the false instalment is so predictable and you can feel a change in someone when the instalment is particularly active and has taken over a persons awareness – they seem unreal, foreign, fake. The instalment does not want to be discovered so it has a protective mechanism which makes the host feel different, special, separate so that the host can’t see that other peoples’ instalment are exactly the same as their own. But at the same time if you don’t behave in accordance with the instalment then you are a threat and you are perceived as dangerous.

Dec 25, 2023 10:51 PM

“I should know the psychology behind this phenomenon, but I do not. It has definitely perplexed me to no end.” It’s simple. Repetitive content. Repetitive words and phrases hijack the subconscious mind, bypassing the conscious mind. The subconscious mind collates repetition. Words. Phrases. Signs. Symbols. Moving imagery. Messages. That controls all human behavior, not the rational conscious mind. The subconscious mind, conformity and mimicry. The individual always copies and mimics the group. This is a learning mechanism and a safety mechanism. But since we don’t have any actual predators besides the cryptocracy trying to cull us, that’s why they constantly (repetition) tell us they are keeping us safe, when the opposite’s true. Because until an individual understands brainwashing and mind control techniques, social engineering and hypnosis, they don’t realize they aren’t really making their decisions, let alone rational decisions. Have you seen the Asch conformity experiments? Most will conform, even going against what they know to be correct, in order to avoid the discomfort of not fitting in with the group. The need to please and conform, (we are social animals) in order to become a brainwashed slave is achieved early: Through the school and education system. Through organized religions and through generations of trauma and dysfunction, and through the process of artificial scarcity. If a fear based control is added to the conformity-group peer pressure, then the control of human behavior becomes even more effective. Governments have all the data. All the models and all the experiments. They control the entirety of humanity through artificial hierarchies, artificial persons (corporations) with artificial laws. Then the cult members enforcers, officers, employees and agents, farm the human capital, that backs all currencies. Governments and the web of corporations, agencies, think tanks and NGOs they collude and racketeer with, can predict and model… Read more »

Not sure no more.
Not sure no more.
Dec 26, 2023 2:05 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Great overall view Researcher…
It is definitely why lots of slogans come in 3 s.
Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives.
Stay alert, control the virus, save lives.
And many more…easy to remember and repeat.

Dec 26, 2023 3:18 PM
Reply to  Researcher

To add to your excellent comment they also actively plant “leaders” (and have this ready to go well ahead of launching such operations) with gravitas into these “oppositional movements” in order to steer those movements in certain pre-ordained directions and more importantly steer them away from discussions, evidence, directions and pathways that will lead to people understanding the foundational misconceptions and frauds that are being perpetrated.

Dec 26, 2023 10:46 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Exactly. The cryptocracy supply ALL the leaders (I should have clarified that in my original comment) of all opposition groups.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

Outsiders and non-cult members aren’t allowed near positions where truths could be exposed. Thus, there likely aren’t any real coups, real rebellions, real terrorists or real revolutions.

“History is a set of lies agreed upon.”

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Dec 25, 2023 4:38 PM

Perhaps the most damaging is this whole sick mentality of “Well, if we don’t commit the atrocities, someone else will” is an ignorant way of exonerating one’s actions. It’s like saying, “Well, if we don’t act like animals, someone else will.”
Way to not evolve. Grow up.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Dec 25, 2023 6:00 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

When push comes to shove, as in Israel, that is exactly what happens. No one can be the “bigger man (woman)” and just say “enough is enough.”

Dec 25, 2023 4:13 AM

“…psychology behind this phenomenon…”…mass formation psychosis.

Brenda Fisher
Brenda Fisher
Dec 25, 2023 1:13 AM

“I should know the psychology behind this phenomenon, but I do not.” Perhaps blind trust. Maybe this is the perilous blindness brought on by “too much fiddling around down there!” 😉

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Dec 25, 2023 6:00 PM
Reply to  Brenda Fisher

Ahh…great connection!!! I did not think of that!!

Dec 24, 2023 11:27 PM

Getting Away With It
is easy when you got fooled this by clown back in 2016/17.

Dec 24, 2023 9:01 PM

I think it has to do with unlearning. Remember once when you thought you knew something, you were so sure of yourself and then you realised you were wrong. It’s like an epiphany, your world becomes wider and deeper and far more complex.

I don’t think they have done that, instead, their heads are full and nothing more will fit, they are all knowing and so our words fall on deaf ears.

I’m not sure when the unlearning began with me? JFK, 911, Red team blue team democracy? Once you start, it gets easier to spot the ‘knowing’ and unlearn it till your head is empty and life pours in.

When you know nothing you are hard to control because it is your intuition that guides you, you feel your way. I think that is why the propaganda is so important, for the tyrant to stay in control he needs lots of little helper tyrants, so he fills their heads with nonsense, not any old nonsense though, the type of nonsense that leads to particular ‘solutions’. So rather than look for real solutions to human health or environmental degradation, they plead with the tyrant to reduce a gas or for a magic potion but also, very importantly, demand those around them to be the same. The little tyrants put on their green washed jack boots and happily stomp on the face of humanity knowing they are doing the right thing.

Dec 24, 2023 5:49 PM
Dec 24, 2023 7:28 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Can’t watch it unless you subscribe to his Substack. He is also very active on X.

Not sure no more.
Not sure no more.
Dec 24, 2023 2:24 PM

Everybody is just doing the best they can with what they have. No one has all the answers, no one walks a perfect path. If we can have a bit of spice in our lives , no matter the flavour, we will try to get away with it. After all what would life be without a bit of spice..
Nice article Todd.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Dec 25, 2023 4:50 PM

We need to rehabilitate the people who believe that conflict is the spice of life. It’s not. It’s ADVENTURE! I hope someday that humanity gets there.

Dec 24, 2023 11:32 AM

Yeah, instead of nailing a pair of panties to the door lintel so that the angel of death will pass on by, sheeple figure that wearing the panties over their face will achieve the same result.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 24, 2023 1:15 PM

You think thats funny? You are talking to me?? I mean there is nobody else here than you and me. So you are talking to me? You are saying that shit to me?? You think you are funny yes. WHO the fuck do you think you are talking to?

Dec 24, 2023 10:15 AM

The Archons Secret Pact https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/alien_archons_pacto.htm seems to be the case

Dec 24, 2023 9:02 AM

It’s probably just the feeling that it is safe to do as everybody else does and it’s getting dangerous as soon as you are beginning to stick out.

les online
les online
Dec 24, 2023 1:57 AM

“History shows that the impetus for circumcision
began in the US when a few hypocritical doctors of
the Victorian era decided to punish boys for
masturbation b y circumcision to block pleasure.
Circumcision not only disables the penis but
initiates anxiety and hate. It is commonly known –
and a great public secret – that masturbation is
developmentally pleasurable enroute to mature
James DeMeo: Heretic’s Notebook (2011. p271)…

James W Prescott: Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence:

Dec 24, 2023 4:24 AM
Reply to  les online

Cute. It all began in the USA, did it? Funny, that will be why searching on ISLAM or MUSLIM or JUDAISM or JEW in Prescott’s article yields no hits. .

Poor old mohalim and brit milah, airbrushed out of existence.

But at least Prescott was not islamophobic and anti-semitic, irony:off. On the other hand, Islam was not a thing in the mid-70s, Arafat was all the rage.

Note the last 3 lines of the article, aimed sanctimoniously, as if by an International Crisis Group libtard, at preventing nuclear proliferation so that presumably only US Security Council countries can have A-bombs.

Did not turn out well for Gaddafi, now did it, after he relinquished his?

John Milton
John Milton
Dec 24, 2023 11:06 AM
Reply to  les online

Exactly. Evil fucking religions.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Dec 25, 2023 4:53 PM
Reply to  John Milton

… or the people who use religion as a human shield for committing atrocities. the Bible was even evoked to justify African slavery. Watch Stamped from the Beginning on Netflix.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 24, 2023 4:54 PM
Reply to  les online

It sounds about right. Most of the pleasure nerves are behind the foreskin. If we take that off a few are left. Us who still have foreskin intact knows about that 😍 .

underground poet
underground poet
Dec 24, 2023 8:35 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Over active imagination, there is no truth to the information though, this much we know.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 24, 2023 9:17 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

I also believe some gentlemen tie back their foreskin to desensitise themselves, because they tend to climax a bit prematurely. 😉 Still others, cut or uncut, pay good money to be wacked with a meat tenderiser until climax, or have a ball point pen inserted into their pee-pee hole. 😅 It takes all sorts. Some people seek to highten pleasure through overstimulation, and some through understimulation. Some women are vastly over-sensitive in the clitoral area, while others don’t get much sensation from clitoral stimulation at all. Some men, both cut and uncut, can orgasm multiple times in quick succession, while others struggle to maintain an erection long enough to manage it once. There are many sexual challenges that humans face, often unkindly labelled ‘dysfunctions’. There are lots of perfectly vanilla sexualities out there, and many sexual kinks to make us blush! Some of us are excessive prudes, while others are excessively prurient. There are penises and vaginas and other human orifices and organs (both male and female) which are considered too big and too small, or too sensitive or not sensitive enough. There are libidos both tiny and huge. There’s a lot of self hatred mixed in there, and a tendency for humans to be dissatisfied with their lot. There are even some who transfer such negative emotions onto others, eg. by saying mean-spirited things on internet forums. 😅

Everyone is different! Often we have to make peace with our lot and do our best with what we’ve got!

Ultimately, let’s try not to shame one another.

It’s Christmas time! Yo ho ho. A2

PS. Also, let’s remember, the biggest erogenous zone is the mind. 😃

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 25, 2023 5:42 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

All is conquered with love. If man and woman love each other the rest doesnt matter too much, but as I once said:
“If you want it quickly in the right side and I want it slowly in the left side we can never be friends!” All the best.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Dec 24, 2023 12:51 AM

Nothing has changed for the majority of humans since the belief that the devil was lurking just around the corner …. unless they did what authority told them to do or not to do.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Dec 24, 2023 7:51 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Satanic influence has manifested from generation to generation.
It’s why man is capable of such atrocities.
Current agenda is dressed up under a good motive using deceptive working like equity, diversity and social justice but the end result will be the same.
Division, war, starvation and death…

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Dec 23, 2023 11:09 PM

Dec 23, 2023 10:32 PM

The ubiquity of soft and hard porn on all of our screens confirms it is the World Wide Wank.

Bonobo a go-go.

Dec 23, 2023 3:32 PM

Getting away with it.

Every unit of currency is ultimately owed back to the issuing central bank, plus interest.
It’s this world-wide Ponzi scheme that fuels everything.

Dec 23, 2023 9:48 PM
Reply to  Freecus

on the radio classic fm they play the violin refrain from the movie schindlers list 3 times a day..

so the goyim will never forget and governments will compensate is ra heil hell forever

one life saves the world the film poster says
advertising the new anthony hopkins fictional movie
just one life
one chosen special life says the voice spoken by jonathan price the twisted actor from the terry gilliam documentary movie brazil.

the kinder transport hoax the advert on the radio said based on a true story like anne franks diary written in ball point pen and later court case.
everything is kosher fraud a khazar crime inc shoah.

hollywood wants us to weep for movie plato cave ww2 image while the children of gaza are idf soul food sacrifice offerings to moloch and baal

it may all be truman but the innocents are slaughtered

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Dec 25, 2023 5:18 PM
Reply to  Freecus

Fifty years ago, EVERYTHING was subject to getting privatized, including money, which turned into credit. I remember the credit card frenzy in the 80’s, pushing everyone to live lives like Dynasty, a favorite TV show then. Wall St artificially constrained public money to replace it with private credit (neoliberalism). CBDCs would lock in the privatization of money/credit. Money is a public utility, but the eradication of everything public has been policy for decades now.

“In a libertarian society, there is no commons or public space. There are property lines, not borders. When it comes to real property and physical movement across such real property, there are owners, guests, licensees, business invitees, and trespassers — not legal and illegal immigrants.”
~ Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute

So, end nation-states, borders, Constitutions, environmental protections, citizenship itself. They want a world of Big Owners and Others…. who will own nothing.

Dec 23, 2023 3:12 PM

Dark. Unusually dark ending. The concept of wearing panties on the face stuck with me and distracted me throughout this essay. It took me for a tangent. What a great way to mock future scares. Clean ones of course. Otherwise, the pheromones will get people “worked up” and they won’t know why. Men will arrive home from the hardware store, drop the bag and search out the wife for some afternoon delight. Or, self delight.

Dec 23, 2023 2:52 PM

“We are also aware of toxins in general that we ingest on a daily basis—fluoride, air pollutants, other chemicals in the water, EMF, microwaves, even radio waves.”

Significant pause at that full stop, for people to guess the missing toxins (hint, pictured in title): Far too few are aware of the harmful and sometimes addictive drugs peddled Legally by the medical profession.

Dec 23, 2023 1:36 PM

‘Then the doors will slam behind us, and the gas will start to pour in’ I take it you are referring to Zyklon (Blausaure) Prussic Acid…eh Todd…

petunia petherington
petunia petherington
Dec 23, 2023 2:01 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

Oh yeah…the old Zyklon B(ollox)!

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Dec 23, 2023 4:54 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

Whatever brand you are comfortable with.

Dec 23, 2023 5:52 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Other poison gases and death shots are available.

Dec 23, 2023 5:56 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Dear admin, the BBC are obliged to say that other products are available if they mention a brand on air. But you probably know that.

Dec 23, 2023 12:54 PM

I find it ironic, unbelievable and downright infuriating. In the past week, and currently, 5 of my family/friends have “tested positive” for “Covid”.
They have the symptoms of a mild cold but STILL insist on doing a “test”. That alone fucks me off.
But what seemingly fucks THEM off is when I remind THEM that they’ve all be jabbed with the “safe & effective” monkey-gunk and yet are STILL succumbing to the thing they call Covid !!
They just can’t see past the mind-fuckery.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Dec 23, 2023 4:55 PM
Reply to  DavidF

This testing obsession is actually an interesting topic for an article.

Dec 24, 2023 6:06 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

The fraudulent use of PCR testing and the other fake tests are part of the techno-deceit and deification (maybe should read defaecation), and depopulation, the glorification of the white-coated ‘expert,’ whether ‘doctor’ or scientist, whose testimony and opinion should be sought after, prized, and obeyed over the evidence of your own eyes and experience. Let alone Nobel Prizewinners.
‘We shall be your only source of truth.’ Jacinda Ardern
I am the Science.’ T.Fauci
And the sheep can go back to sleep, sure in the knowledge, security and safety that their fates and futures are in the best of all possible hands.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 23, 2023 6:28 PM
Reply to  DavidF

I told you guys. The sheeple will suck it all up again again again, and you will hope and hope and hope they wake up………………………………LOL..

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 23, 2023 12:33 PM

I like Todd’s pieces.

I imagine it would be quite a thing to have a session or two on his couch.

However, after his revelation, I wouldn’t be able to concentrate, imagining him getting off on my angst.

Filthy beast !

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Dec 23, 2023 4:57 PM

HA…funny. I am actually a decent therapist, and it is only here and on my substack you will see “me”…therapists are trained to limit the amount of “me” that seeps out in a session. I do very well with sheep as well, they are quite interesting and are currently going through a lot of difficulty as well. In fact, more, I would say. I empathize with them in sessions, and on my substack and here, I have no mercy.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 24, 2023 10:07 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

“therapists are trained to limit the amount of “me” that seeps out in a session”

You just can’t stop yourself, can you !

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Dec 28, 2023 3:42 PM

You’ve never had a session with me, have you? I DO stop myself in sessions, I don’t here or in my articles.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 29, 2023 2:35 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Todd, I was playing with you. The “seeps out” bit.

Dec 23, 2023 11:55 AM

Good essay. Covid19 never existed btw.

Dec 23, 2023 11:42 AM

comment image

Dec 23, 2023 11:34 AM

Oh shocker another holocaust reference.
Just remember to never forget.

“We live in Truman’s world, smiling when we are supposed to, and screaming bloody murder when we are told it is time to do that”
thats what conformists did thinking themselves civilised. Those that took to the programming and displayed the correct Pavlovian responses were/ are considered the good slaves. But really they’re just thee most malleable and many times the most callous.

Best apocalypse ever. Enjoy the absurdity we all helped create it.

Dec 23, 2023 9:54 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

Willingly malleable because at a certain point it does become a choice.

“You” can either choose to ignore that which is plainly/patently obvious or go with encouraged & steered group think.

Now that doesn’t make anyone “better” or ” cleverer” they perhaps just possess a, by accident of birth, keeness for self preservation.

The jury is out but here “we” are..

Dec 23, 2023 10:47 AM

Note to my show director:

comment image

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Dec 23, 2023 1:08 PM
Reply to  niko

That’s what I used to do for a living…compose music to film and TV.

Dec 23, 2023 8:05 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

I have a soundtrack to this article, Todd. Have YT open in another tab & Bach’s Christmas Oratorio playing in ear buds. Season’s Greetings!!

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Dec 24, 2023 12:16 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

It would be nice to hear something from you for 2024. 🙂

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Dec 28, 2023 3:43 PM
Reply to  Thom Crewz


Dec 23, 2023 3:34 PM
Reply to  niko

The grocery store where I worked third shift during college. 24 hour store. Petty thieves everywhere after the college bars closed. Drunk and hungry with no money left. They always went for the cookies. Occasionally, the local Jerry Lewis impersonator would grab onto the live mike at the register and do a brief comedy show. Like gypsies, everybody went to the cookies while the employees were distracted. Afterward, the monotony of the “Muzak” tape would set in as we stocked and cleaned to ready for the daytime rush. Weird mixtures of notes interspersed with short segments of Christmas music. So annoying. It’s always Christmas is all you need to know.

Dec 23, 2023 10:25 AM

“I have a THEORY!”
Oh, no. Here we go…
“Just a tangent.”
Okay, go ahead…
“Goes with the masturbation business.”
Alright, let’s hear it already!
“Okay, like George Mc says, “How would the rulers maintain control if everyone was forced to abstain from self-fiddling and thereby forced to get up off their arses and actually do something?”
“Masturbation is an evolutionary compromise. Before us humans masturbated, we used to be able to perform auto-felatio and auto-cunilingus, but, because we could never “get up off our asses to do anything else,” we lost a couple of vertebrae, or maybe it was the fusing of the sacrum and coccyx, not exactly sure, so that we could proceed toward the creation of atomic weapons and our own self-annihilation as a species.”

Dec 23, 2023 11:27 AM
Reply to  Matt

Allegedly there were masturbation machines at treblinka that w-nked the inmates to death…or so the legend goes. 🤔

Dec 23, 2023 6:27 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

As kids in the 60s, we walked arm in arm around the block chanting a “whistle while work, Hitler was a jerk” thing. No idea where it came from. “Pull your weener 1/2 a mile, now it does not squirt”, is how it ended. Kids. Must have been something that the soldiers brought home from the war which trickled down to us. Where and how would a chant like that come about?

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 23, 2023 9:07 AM

“the voice of Zotan the White Coat god”

Reminds me of Lovecraft’s Shub Niggurath – The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young. I think Lovecraft is becoming ever more relevant with his hideous monstrosities bubbling up. The entire media were revealed to be tentacles of Mighty Cthulhu in 2020. Or there’s Yog Sothoth, a congeries of iridescent globes (TV sets?) that shatter revealing little pools of ooze that slide together to create the full ghastly creature.

Dec 23, 2023 6:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

According to R,A.Wilson, they had Yog Sothoth imprisoned in the inner court of the Pentagon, DC.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Dec 23, 2023 9:06 AM

My favourite was the obese lard monsters wearing a mask and sneering at others that chose not too.
Something about their health apparently!
The irony was clearly wasted on them..

Dec 23, 2023 10:55 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

are fat people who wear masks worse than thin people who wear masks? are thin people healthy, and fat people not?
se how easy it is to get stuck in something?!

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Dec 23, 2023 11:49 AM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Yes, you clearly have!!

Dec 23, 2023 11:52 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

have what?

underground poet
underground poet
Dec 23, 2023 9:43 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Got your junk stuck in the trunk?

Dec 24, 2023 12:20 PM

idk what that’s supposed to mean.

Dec 23, 2023 3:15 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

“are thin people healthy, and fat people not?”

Good question. With varying answers. For instance, who would last longer in a famine?

Two answers which have haunted me for years:

a. A diet experiment: Lab Rats on restricted diet lived longer and had fewer cancers than rats who were allowed to snack their fill.

b. A statistic from India, presented at a meeting on Health in the Third World circa 1970. Indian women were moving up into the middle classes, and more women were getting breast cancer.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Dec 24, 2023 1:02 AM
Reply to  NickM

And when they lose all that excess fat while others who are thin are starving to death, the fat ones get poisoned to death by the release into their bloodstreams of the accumulated fat-soluble toxins – which is what the petrochemical shite is that they’ve ingested, have been injected with or washed their bodies with. In a famine we all die.

Dec 24, 2023 12:22 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

they?! most people ingest this. but less fat /less poison to get into the system, but there’s other issues as well

Dec 24, 2023 12:20 PM
Reply to  NickM

and cholesterol is bad for us, and low fat /high carb diets are healthy, and vaccines are safe 😉

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 23, 2023 8:58 AM

“This reminds me of the big masturbation scare that seems to have fizzled out in recent years.”

Jesus! Can you imagine the world without wanking? How would the rulers maintain control if everyone was forced to abstain from self-fiddling and thereby forced to get up off their arses and actually do something? To actually form relationships and solidarity.

Furthermore, the ceaselessly pushed titillation is a cornerstone of consumer capitalism. Folk have to be in a constant state of helpless drifting towards self-abuse rendering them amenable to endless buying of crap to be replaced by more crap.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Dec 24, 2023 12:09 AM
Reply to  George Mc

How would the rulers maintain control if everyone was forced to abstain from self-fiddling

It’s called ‘Solo Sex’, George. Please keep up with the times.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 24, 2023 12:21 PM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

It’s just sex with someone you love.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 24, 2023 5:13 PM

What is “someone you love”?

Dec 23, 2023 8:39 AM

And what is the primary cause of all these problems – those people who already have too much money but still want even more because they have an insatiable appetite for wealth.
This will continue until the peasants revolt and permanently remove the greedy lunatics from this world.

It is utterly pointless hoping that a politician will solve the problem because they are part of the problem.

Stephen of Dorstone
Stephen of Dorstone
Dec 23, 2023 9:04 AM
Reply to  MattC

Maybe not a Peasants Revolt but certainly a reasserting Magna Carta’s clause 61 (as we are compelled to by law) could pay huge, long lasting dividends.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Dec 24, 2023 12:11 AM

Unless the Peasants who know this, Revolt. The Corporate dead entity laws will continue to fleece the masses.

Dec 24, 2023 3:08 AM


“King John died in 1216 and the rebel barons and King John’s son, Henry III (through his regents) came to a new arrangement: the Magna Carta of 1216. That document eliminated Article 61, such that the Article 61 lawful rebellion process essentially died with King John.
Subsequent iterations of the Magna Carta did not include Article 61 or anything like it. Thus, MCLR adherents are relying on a clause that had meaning and legal effect for less than a year,more than 800 years ago”.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Dec 23, 2023 9:07 AM
Reply to  MattC
