The Ancient Agonies of the Unelected OverLords
Rosalie Steward

The Abduction of the Sabine Women, by Poussin
They didn’t have a choice, those infant twins abandoned into the river Tiber. We can only imagine what their Mother went through. What feelings would have washed the womb of the infants, when the Royal Mother knew that her babies would be murdered at birth by her uncle? The Palace servants were ordered to drown the newborns in the Tiber, but the river was in flood that day, so the basket was left to be washed away.
It scars the infant brain – the terror of abandonment, the terror of starvation. Before the conscious mind can make sense of pain, the limbic brain, where emotional memories are stored, records a message – that life is full of fear and empty of love. Fate intervened in that time long ago, 700 years BC. The basket was washed onto the banks of the Tiber where the babies were found alive by a woodsman and raised as his own children.
By the time the twins were young men it was obvious to the common folk that they were of ‘noble’ birth. They were proud, they were bright and imaginative. They were also ambitious to be admired, they used cunning ways or force to seize the wealth of others, and they gathered youths around them to strengthen their power.
As they came of age the twins decided to start their own settlement, but only one of them could be the Chief. In the midst of a contest for supremacy Remus died at the hands of his twin, just as their own father had been killed by his brother. No sense of family, or traces of love or affection, stopped Romulus from striking the death blow in his battle for supremacy.
To give recognition to the Gods that had given him victory over his brother, Romulus ritually sacrificed a beast and dedicated it to the immortal Hercules. The new town by the Tiber was named after him. Rome. All those beneath him became his subjects. He laid down Laws and ordered twelve men to become his personal Attendants, to display his superiority to those around him. He created a Lordly class – the Patricians – with powers and responsibilities to make policies for those beneath them.
The new tribe raised defensive walls around their claimed territory, built dwellings and strengthened their numbers by taking in the runaways and rejected from other tribes. A few women were included in the number, but not enough for the men to have families and the tribe to have a future. Romulus sent representatives to all the tribes around them, assuring their Chiefs that Rome had a great future, inviting them to become allies, and asking them to allow intermarriage.
The approach by the new village of Rome was rejected by all its neighbours, making it clear that they were seen as ‘undesirables’, a threat, and unsuitable husbands for their women. Romulus directed his anger at this rejection into a plan to punish his neighbours, as well as to seize as many women as possible. He mobilised the village to host a celebration for the Consualia Festival in honour of Neptune. This time he sent out general invitations to all his neighbours to join the festivities.
Crowds flocked to Rome on the day. The visitors were shown the buildings, the layout of the town, the fortifications, and were offered refreshments at various dwellings. The moment for ceremony came. Mules and horses decorated with flowers were paraded around the grounds. Food and wine were laid out in celebration for the harvest of grain. At this point a signal was given and the able-bodied men burst into the crowd, seized all the young women and dragged them off. The Festival broke up in panic with the parents of the kidnapped women condemning the treachery of their hosts, and calling on the Gods to punish them.
Romulus addressed the shocked and fearful women, declaring that their parents were to blame for refusing to allow intermarriage. He assured them they would share in the fortunes of Rome, that they should give up any resentment and give their hearts to the men who had captured them. The men in turn added their deception to the outrage, stating that it was passionate love that had driven their offence. Whether the captured women believed this or not, they submitted to their captors and did what was expected of them – to bear children for Rome.
Several years passed and relatives of the kidnapped women rallied to attack Rome. Romulus himself killed their Chief and stripped him of his armour. The Roman fighters easily defeated the attackers, plundered their village and claimed their territories. Romulus carried out a ceremony to the God Jupiter by presenting the ‘spoils of honour’ – armour taken from the dead Chief – at a sacred site. He then shared the plunder amongst the fighters, raising his status as a warrior before his people, and adding to his reputation that the Gods were on his side.
The words and deeds of Romulus set the social foundation for what is still called the ‘greatest Empire in the world’ by its admirers. His last words in 716 BC are recorded as: ‘..tell the Romans that by Heaven’s will my Rome shall be the capital of the world. Let them learn to be soldiers. Let them know, and teach their children, that no power on earth can stand against Roman arms.”
Unconscious terror and the agonising pain of abandonment laid the first social cornerstone of the fledgling Empire – ‘force of arms’. The endless fight for survival drowns out underlying distress and becomes a way of life rather than a necessary defensive effort. The moths to the flame of Empire continue this priority.
Nameless sorrow from the absence of love laid the next cornerstone – ‘supreme power’. The insatiable pursuit of ever greater power occupies the chasm of vulnerability left by the absence of love. Even if sincere love approaches, it cannot be recognised or received by the disabled empathic capacity.
The combined undercurrents of terror and sorrow impact upon the ability to make sense of the world within and the world without. The whims of the Gods were already well developed when Romulus made his sacrifices to Hercules and Jupiter in the first years of Rome. He seized upon the victory over his brother as proof that he had won ‘Divine Favour’ and this became the third cornerstone of the Empire.
The final cornerstone was ‘human sacrifice’. The functioning human empathy naturally restrains lethal action once any direct threat has been contained. The disabling of empathy allows all cruelties to be conceived and condoned: to placate or appeal to the Gods, to achieve military goals, to exact revenge, to punish the non-compliant, to ‘send a message’ to those who might consider resisting imperial power, or simply for entertainment. The crumbling ruins of the Colosseum remain a silent witness to the enthusiasm of Ancient Rome for the sacrifice of animal or human life as entertainment.
The tragic fruits of ancient agonies have cultivated the belief, that remains popular to this day, that ‘war is inevitable’, that human nature is naturally violent and self-serving, and that domination and abuse of power is imprinted into human DNA. The military accounts of Empire and grand battles are well recorded. However, the frontline combatants are commanded and employed to carry out mass murder for the political, territorial or philosophical objectives of the Overlords, rather than having a personal motivation. They are human sacrifices as well.
The examples of extended peaceful relations between tribes, societies, cultures and nations don’t generally get held up as natural human orientations. In 2023 the Agonised Overlords continue to invest in advancing methods for human sacrifice, from more refined nuclear weapons to the emerging fields of bio-weaponry and a ‘space force’.
Human empathy still flourishes in populations where infants are born into the ‘bonds of love’. They experience the presence of trust, of connection and understanding, are allowed the freedom to grow into their unique identity and have a sense of meaning that goes beyond a daily struggle for survival. The connection to their own feelings, and those around them, remain intact.
The tragedy for the Overlords is that they are more likely to be born into the atmosphere of a Strategic Relationship Alliance. Within the Relationship Alliance there is minimal trust, loveless transactions, the expectation of compliance to Rules, and the aspiration to achieve recognition and reward from their tribe. These conditions of upbringing and socialisation require an ‘empathy bypass’, and shape the perceptions of the Overlords. They refer to the ‘Theatre of War’, while the empathic refer to war as a ‘senseless killing-field’.
The Overlords have no experience of Trust between peoples, so the endless competition for the most powerful weapons is seen as a logical necessity for survival. The empathic are bewildered by what they see as the senseless pursuit of weaponry. They imagine how the diversion of those social resources could unleash a modern ‘renaissance’ of co-operation and creativity that would address our mutual issues and generate shared abundance.
Re-activating the capacity for human empathy is not impossible, but it requires a preparedness for allowing all suffering – that which is stored within the individual person, as well as the suffering they may have inflicted upon others – to be experienced. Understandably, this is a ‘road less travelled’.
Empathy, creativity and genius do not emerge from instruction or Artificial Intelligence. They are innate to humanity and either flourish or are crushed, depending on the conditions. All it would take to initiate an ‘empathy evolution’ would be for our ‘human family’ to become aware of the practices that serve to shut them down, and adopt instead the practices that allow them to strengthen.
Rosalie Steward is a 67 year old community activist, historical storyteller, musician and gardener. She has been employed in Government Agencies, on Industrial sites, in Political offices, and for 15 years carried out Family Violence intervention programmes for men and women. She is committed to working for world peace using the skills of empathy.
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Wealth is a poor surrogate for love. Those who are able to fill that abyss with endless material acquisition soon learn that it is never enough. Take for instance the Malaysian dictator’s wife, who had 200 boxes of shoes, among many other belongings, removed from their State house when he was ousted from office.
But they are told that expressing love is a sign of weakness, but it is the wealth that weakens the mind, reducing one to the equivalency of a lab rat junkie that cannot stop hitting the button for the next fix. The weakened loveless mind grows increasingly paranoid, even of their own siblings, no one is to be trusted. There must be more weapons, more walls, more acquisitions, more emptiness to add to the emptiness. It’s gone on for centuries because the chase is down the same meaningless path.
Why hierarchy creates a destructive force within the human psyche (by dr. Robert Sapolsky)
Why Peace Is Impossible in Western Society Part II
Good points. One minor quibble: Imelda Marcos was the wife of Philippine President (CIA Puppet) Ferdinand Marcos.
I used to like Sapolsky but I went right off him for some reason I cannot now recall…
Love is Wealth
This is a creation myth – not unlike Cain & Able.
The process in consciousness of a self-division or split mind of self-separation birthed in trauma – masking over an ‘unknowing’ – as the only existence we (can) have – that is – framed and bounded by existential threat, fear or terror. That both lockdown in body-as-mask-and-weapon while dissociating from a direct conscious awareness. So curiously, a consciousness of becoming experiences Self through the lens of distortion. Through a lens darkly.
The archetypes of our experience are patterns of broken constellations.
Shadows projected to the screen of our cave wall.
Music of life unseen – yet we dance…
The nature of a love in a mist or a love lies bleeding is of a limitation on loss seeking itself externally. Such that a true movement of connection and communication expresses as a conditional love, a love set in terms and conditions – judgements!
Surely love is Self! – for what is recognition of truth but release to joy and freedom of Self.
But within the focus of self-judgemental terms and conditions, projected out and defended against return, the tenant landlords lord it over the body of image and form by which to vindicate and validate a self set by ancient hate, absent the peace of a true embrace.
Wokeness claims empathy as a means to exclude a willingness to abide life without socially masking under virtue signalling.
Everything brought into the world from the realm or light of true insight works a Promethean double bind. How blind are we in what we take to know as if to make the Gift by which to set wrongs right! In the name of love – taken in vain – are evils let loose to wind a weary world of broken dreams toward ‘bottoming out’ or ‘tipping point’ of a turnabout within a mind that thought it thought alone.
It is not our task to seek for love, but only to seek and release (in ourselves) all the barriers we have erected against love’s awareness now (paraphrasing ACIM). But as with ’empathy’ so with ‘love’.
The ‘devil’ can quote Scripture or spout wisdom, but the nature of the deceit is always an accuser – whether masking in appeal for sympathy or claiming justifiction as open attack.
The nature of self-hate is hell – or intolerable. So it is a form of self-love to seek protection in masked projections by which to deny and cast out the pain from direct awareness. But such a ‘self’ is then doubly bound to that which denies joy & wholeness of being – now – or rather within the ‘now’ of a creation myth running backstory to Self-evasions as covert identifications that know not what they do BY vested self-illusions.
Note that the Prodigal of a mis-taken inheritance was not expelled by the Father, but be-lived the experience of a falsely assumed authority as a development of a separative consciousness or self.
But the willingness to look within ‘remembers the Father- whose ‘rushing in’ is really the rising of an awareness that never really left. To be as a servant in my Father’s House – opens the recognition of the Gift of ‘Sonship’ – in place of a mindset of struggle in division.
That is to say all we made of self, life and world is given to serve the inherent or integral purpose or movement of Creation. Love extends through giving and receiving. But a world of the mind set for getting, takes even the little that ye hath.
The Great Projection is a thought reversal. Thought generates filters and rules for unfolding experience – including of denial, division, conflict, sickness, pain and loss.
If freedom is, then our thought extends it to share in, or takes it in vain as the grasp of conflicted self-contradictions – given mythic support in the signs & symbols (evocative resonances) of love and power.
Brilliant essay! Some confirmation of the new Roam attitude may be found in the Fascist symbol which was originally an Etruscan concept showing strength in unity i.e. you can easily break one rod, it is much harder to break a bound bundle of rods. The meaning changed under the Romans can came to represent the states power to inflict both corporal and capital punishment i.e. the rods were for beating and the axe bound onto the bundle was for decapitation.
This might be called fascial recognition?
Apologies for the AI generated typos above. The arc of inversion of the meaning of symbols continued with the adoption of the Swastika by Hitler’s Nazis (National Socialists). Said symbol had become quite popular in 19th Century Europe after German grocer (turned archaeologist) Heinrich Schliemann in 1870 uncovered shards of decorated pottery in his excavation of Troy. The original symbol was quite ancient and had a quite pacifist message as I recall (though I ought to have checked that before writing this half-boiled comment). The power of this symbol inversion is that a swastika on the cover of the CJ Hopkins’ book invoked the totalitarian wrath of the German government for his causing a “hate crime”.
Slightly OT, this same German government built (and donated) 7 Dolphin-class submarines (capable of firing nukes) for the IDF as reparation for the Holocaust…I doubt there is a word in any language which can encompass such perverse logic…
On that note, there are ways in which empathy-lacking warriors are created, cultivated.
One of them is to create narcissists through lack of love during those crucial early years.
Another is with certain drugs (paracetamol/tylenol) that have been shown to foster an inability to develop empathy.
Yet another is the practice of radical circumcision, the trauma of which and the long-term inability to feel, literally, creates hardened men good for soldiering.
“All it would take to initiate an ‘empathy evolution’ would be for our ‘human family’ to become aware of the practices that serve to shut them down, and adopt instead the practices that allow them to strengthen.”
It’s in our faces everyday, in every way, and our job is to work together, sans top 5%, to create the archetype of a thriving Public Commons society where excess wealth and authority never exist in private hands.
Recently I read Robert Harris’s trilogy on Cicero based on Tom Holland’s “Rubicon”. I never knew much about Cicero before reading the series, and have since wanted to learn more about ancient history so this article is much appreciated for it’s historical value in addition to its insights regarding the roots of abuse. Very interesting!
A good MSM article on how the NWO is being implemented by the masonic Kabal:
Only those willing to let go of their beliefs and start from scratch will see it.. If you’re clinging to a religion to provide you answers, then you’re looking in the wrong place.
Rome, Romulus Okey
then advancing methods for human sacrifice, from more refined nuclear weapons 😱 to the emerging fields of bio-weaponry and a ‘space force’ 😂
If there were more Rosalies in the world the world would be a better place.
If there were more Rosalies in the world the world would a better place.
Scott Ritter for President #3
Ritter explains the psychology behind Nutty Yahoo’s genocidal propensity: it is not Lack of Love but Abundance of Fear.
In 2006 the Yahoo regime invaded Lebanon “to clear out Hezb’Allah” but Israeli ground troops “got their butts kicked” by Hezb. So, for fear of a repeat failure on the ground, Israel resorted to the systematic destruction of civilian targets from thousands of feet up on high. Using F** fighter bombers generously provided by Uncle $cam. Beirut has no air defenses. Quite safe. They call it “Mowing the Lawn”.
In 2023 the Yahoo regime invaded Gaza “to clear out Hamas”. Again Israeli infantry and tank corps “got their arses handed to them”, according to Scott. Again, the Yahoo regime resorted to systematic levelling of civilian buildings by F** bombers. Quite safe. Gaza has no air defense.
According to Scott Ritter, the Yahoo regime reasons thus: the more civilians we kill, the less sympathy those civilians will have for the Resistance.
According to me, Yahoos don’t know human psychology.
I hope I livelong enough to see the rope tightening around Bibi’s neck and many IDF murderers and their cheerleaders.
The founders of Rome are said to be from Troje, but are in reality from Tyre (see Gerry of ancient spooks). These Phoenician merchant kings are our rulers ever since.
They refer to the theatre of war, because from their point of view it is just that, theatre. Easy to fake a war for profit, while the enemies are fake enemies (one big intermarried family).
We know the Askenazim entered Europe trough Italy, DNA research confirms this. Besides ancestry from the Levant, there is some matrilineal southern European blood in the Ashkenazim. So the story of the stolen wifes might be true.
Flooding the West with fighting age males whilst brain washing many with anti white propoganda will not result in a happy ending.
Obama’s new venture into Hollywood and his anti White dystopian flick, a glimpse into what’s planned for us all.
Whites need to wake up as to what’s being planned for them.
They said all of this tripe on the build up of Trump and the many other populism leaders using this fighting age males coming to the west myth !! before this we had UN flooding the west with fighting age males hiding in closets awaiting the the nod nod wink wink.
Before that, we had fighting age Commi males and commi ladys getting into different department head positions to get the nod to take over.
Why did theses fighting age males not come up in lockdown when the west was at it weakest to take over the West with the Ilamb isisl commi trannie terrorists who hated the Wests freedom.
Your buying into Christian consertative right wing propaganda which has been used so many times.
Works most on the built up to a selection year and after a bailout / recession or war or like covid to take the blame out of thoses who where selected.
@Your buying into Christian consertative right wing propaganda which has been used so many times.
Which obviously is still working or would not have gotten your goat.
How many Christians are there here in England and who puts out the propaganda? The BBC between pushing climate change, clot shots, multiculturalism etbloodycetera? The church itself? Pushing gay vicars and same sex marriage? I can’t say I’ve ever encountered a far right Brit in real life. Where are they? In fact the only mention I ever hear of them is in the media, and the local forum where they think I’m a far right extremist conspiracy theorist for not getting vaxed and not believing in man made climate change. Is that what you mean?
Buying into reality. I see the migrants/ refugees in local hotels and and aware due to travelling to meetings, many other hotels all full to the brim with fighting age males. No woman or children.
Keep your head in the sand…I am sure the keyboard warrior regiment will get its chance.
The danger of those “fighting age males” is not that they are not “white” but that many of them are ex-NATZO mercenaries (ISIS, AlQaida) set up by NATZO as “refugees” after being defeated and driven out of the MENA (Middle East and North Africa).
There will soon be another wave of “fighting age males”: this time they will be “white”. NATZO’s Ukronazi mercenaries: are facing defeat and will need a new home in “the West”. After WW2 many of these Banderistas found refuge in North-West America, where one of their female descendants now serves as Canada’s Foreign Minister.
Whites are always working. They have no time for bs.
Empathy is exploited by many. It may be a virtue but use it with caution. Trust before empathy.
If men/women were angels…..
“Beware of Pity”; 1939 novel by Stefan Zweig. I never read it but am haunted by the title.
There’s a thing called “pathological altruism.”
Abandoned !!
Taken from a warm body, slapped on the arse, wrapped in
cloth to prevent skin-on-skin with its mother…(and dont
forget – jabbed like a pin cushion)…
Trust is a Quality in a relationship…
Dis-trust is learned by the new-born infant – very early…
It is Felt as “Something Vital Is Missing” – as an Absence…
As Dr Alexander Lowen explains in his “Depression And
The Body”, the feeling of having been abandoned is at the
core of Depression …
(V.I.Lenin, that great Russian revolutionary suffered recurrent
bouts of severe Depression)…
I’m sure the treatment of the new born in hospitals is deliberately abusive for exactly this reason.
Video Review of Obama-produced Film Depicting Power Grid Shutdown
Predictive programming?
The always excellent Truthstream Media just dropped a video about this film:
Leave the Predictive Programming Behind
straight Talk– actually I think it’s pretty likely that TPTB will stage a power grid destruction and blame the Russians or Iranians or whoever. The effect on the water supply in many places would alone be catastrophic to human life.
Hope I’m wrong.
WHAT CAN WE DO? These People Did It:
Beginning last February 10 Florida county Republican parties passed Ban the Jab resolutions which declare C19injections to be biological and technological weapons. They also call on Attorney General Ashley Moody to seize the vials and for Governor DeSantis to prohibit their distribution.
And Look What Happened:
“Empathy, creativity and genius do not emerge from instruction or Artificial Intelligence. They are innate to humanity and either flourish or are crushed, depending on the conditions. All it would take to initiate an ‘empathy evolution’ would be for our ‘human family’ to become aware of the practices that serve to shut them down, and adopt instead the practices that allow them to strengthen.”
The challenge before us is to recognize the socialization acculturation and indoctrination mechanisms and processes that promote war, violence and obedience to the ruling authorities then educate and train ourselves to reject the values and mores these elites desire us to internalize. In this society when you examine most entertainment and media, we see that violence, incivility and apathy are the values and models presented for us to accept emulate and replicate. Small wonder Western society is in collapse and in the embrace of depravity and immorality on all levels of society.
Meanwhile Bangladesh had its national elections yesterday, and the incumbent PM Sheikh Hasina wins record fifth term amid opposition boycott.
“The tragic fruits of ancient agonies have cultivated the belief, that remains popular to this day, that ‘war is inevitable’, that human nature is naturally violent and self-serving, and that domination and abuse of power is imprinted into human DNA. ”
Can I see evidence for the will tp power coming from a lack of love received as an infant?
Which are these populations where she says empathy flourishes? Does she think that humans are really just bonobos that went temporarily wrong due to lack of love?
For Rosalie Steward. there is no biology.let alone sociobiology (boo, hiss). She appears to be a Blank Slatist (Steven Pinker)
For her, there is no body of research on the subject of psychopathy.
Newsflash: psychopaths are born, not made.
She can look forward to the transhumanism of Schwab/Harari fixing with CRISPR etc. what she complains about.
As bonobos are primates too, the gene tweaks ought not to be too difficult to perform, irony:off.
Yep. It’s called sin. Romans 5:12 says:
Another great piece by artist Hiroyuki Hamada:
Brilliant, truthful and human. Your words, your story depict a race that does exist. We are human, we will prevail. Bravo.
‘The insatiable pursuit of ever greater power occupies the chasm of vulnerability left by the absence of love.’
Replacing the word ‘power’ with authority, in my view, would be more accurate Rosalie, because power has no motive, intention or plan. It is what it is.
The absence of Love is undoubtedly the cause of most human suffering.
Johnny, what about The Love of Money ? There’s no shortage of that,
now, is there !!
And remember what that French mob in France ’68 wrote:
‘(These days) give people a choice between a new washing
machine, and Enduring Love –
they’ll opt for the washing machine…
That’s not Love les, it’s wanting, as opposed to needing.
Washing machines, as opposed to dishwashers, are a practical necessity.
And I reckon dishwashers were invented so people could waste more time in front of the idiot box.
I’m pretty much with you as far as dishwashers go … I’ve never had one and I’m getting up there …
However … we were lucky enough to have waves of guests the past few weeks. Apart from excellent conversation, we had good food and abundant wine. The glasses and dishes were stacked high more often than not. Guests are exonerated from clean up even if they offer. I can see that every now and then a dishwasher has its use.
Dishwashers are a handy cupboard to store your dirty dishes and free up kitchen counter space. Inside, food doesn’t dry hard on dirty plates because it’s damp, so washing up an individual item becomes a doddle. At the touch of a button, the cupboard cleans your dishes for you. I mean, come on!
A good quality dishwasher can be more energy and water efficient than washing by hand. They do a more thorough and hygienic job of cleaning, in many ways, especially for things with nooks and crannies.
I was raised and have lived my adult life without a dishwasher. I have always had a snobby aversion to getting one, I viewed them as crass and nouveau riche.
I bought one recently and realised I’d been an utter fool. I cry inside when I think of all those wasted hours of my life, washing up by hand. Why didn’t I wash my clothes by hand by the same token logic?!
I love dishwashers and I am prepared to defend them till the death!! 🤩
C’mon Sam, those dramatic ads telling us dishwashers are more water and energy efficient are all hyperbole.
•Who fills a sink to wash dishes?
•Dishwashers reheat the hot water.
•How much energy and how many resources does it take to build, transport and deliver millions of dishwashers?
•And what about the nasty stain removing chemicals people pour into the machines.
No thanks. I’ve got two hands and the telly is only spewing out shit anyway.
While you were doing dishes by hand, I built an ark.
While you were building your ark I was listening to Bach, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, Led Zeppelin, Bright Eyes, Tony Bennett, poetry readings, practical podcasts, and washing the dishes.
Easy as.
To each his own, dishpan hands and all.
Im using coffee filters to clean the dish water for green reuse again again.
How many people who live off grid and generate their own electricity have dishwashers, do you think?
Or washing machines. Or “air fryers”?
I wonder why….. .
If they had enough money they did, if not, do not try to retire off grid I suggest, getting tired all the time is no way to retire.
My own flagrant biases aside, we’re all entitled to our views, of course! I happen to see no real difference between washing machines, fridges and dishwashers. All white goods are frightfully decadent, when you think about it. We only need a washing machine because we have too many cheaply-manufactured clothes to wash by hand. We only need a fridge because we don’t live off our own produce, but bulk-buy imported food from supermarkets instead. If you’re living on-grid, commit, I say! Fannying about in the middle with a smug attitude, pruned fingers and a martyr complex achieves very little 😅
But as I say, I’m terribly, terribly biased. Hehe
And think of all the good you can give back to the world while your dishwasher is running!
Fridge is a must, washing machine not far behind.
Dish washer is a real luxury and could never justify one.
“And think of all the good you can give back to the world while your dishwasher is running!”
Washing the dishes
Wash the dishes relaxingly, as though each bowl is an object of contemplation. Consider each bowl as sacred. Follow your breath to prevent your mind from straying. Do not try to hurry to get the job over with. Consider washing the dishes the most important thing in life. Washing the dishes is meditation. If you cannot wash the dishes in mindfulness, neither can you meditate while sitting in silence.
– Thich Nhat Hanh, in ”The Miracle of Mindfulness”.
Wise words.
The worst war is always the current one, b/c the weapons are worse than before, as are the individuals who insist on using them.
The ‘worst war’ is the war you can feel but you just cannot find.