Measles: The First Panic Narrative of 2024?
Are twin measles outbreaks on both sides of the Atlantic laying the groundwork for a new vaccine push?
Kit Knightly

Measles outbreaks hit the headlines in the both the US and UK this week.
The UK is allegedly in the middle of a serious measles outbreak centred on Birmingham. The BBC reports:
Birmingham Children’s Hospital has been inundated with the highest number in decades of youngsters with measles
The West Midlands has reportedly seen as many as 167 measles cases in total, the BBC claiming “low vaccination rate has been attributed to the rise.” (pretty sure they mean “the rise has been attributed to the low vaccination rate” but you never go to the BBC for accuracy.)
167 cases may not seem like a lot, but it towers over Philadelphia’s “outbreak”, where 8 WHOLE ENTIRE PEOPLE have tested positive for measles, according to NBC:
At least eight people have been diagnosed with measles in an outbreak that started last month in the Philadelphia area. The most recent two cases were confirmed on Monday.
Just like the BBC, NBC is quick off the mark when it comes to assigning blame:
“None of the people in Philadelphia who’ve been diagnosed [ever] got a measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine”.
The NB and BBC reports were published just hours apart, about two different “outbreaks” in two different countries, yet both hit the exact same talking points.
To ram the message home, here’s a headline from Sky News:
Measles cases surge in England and Wales fuelled by vaccine hesitancy over MMR jab
…and another one from the Daily Mail:
Measles outbreak in Philly may have spread to Delaware as vaccine hesitancy creates breeding ground for outbreak
…and one from Forbes:
Measles Outbreak In Philadelphia Suggests Growing Problem Of Vaccine Hesitancy
…and the Evening Standard:
London’s vaccination rates are terrible and measles is on the rise — it’s time to act
It’s not hard to see where it’s going, is it?
But the Blame Game isn’t just being played one way. A healthy subset of people are turning fire on illegal immigrants, who have brought measles into the country.
Both the BBC and NBC reports gently add fuel to that fire.
Anything to make sure people don’t ask the important questions, such as “Why should we be scared of a mostly harmless disease?”, “what’s the propaganda angle here?” or even “Is there really a measles outbreak at all?”
The UK’s Health Security Agency (UKHSA) actually sent out letters warning of a measles “resurgence” back in October. The letter predicted as many as 160,000 thousand cases in London alone.
That would be five times as many as recorded across the whole of Europe last year. And that was already a 30-fold increase on the year before.
Headline stories for minuscule “outbreaks”? Massively overstated predictions? The WHO calling for “urgent action”?
Seems the signs are there that the “measles outbreak” story might be destined to hang around for a while yet.
So where’s the story going? What’s the point of the narrative?
Well, there’s always compulsory vaccination. It’s not been officially mooted yet, but there is chatter on social media about it. Chatter it would be rather naïve to think totally organic.
Compulsory measles vaccination is not a new idea, it was briefly pushed in the UK as recently as 2019, when “experts” called for it, but it never went anywhere.
In 2020 Germany passed a new law requiring all children to be fully vaccinated against measles before attending school.
Since then, of course, Covid has changed the conversation on vaccination, normalising words like “compulsory” and “mandate”.
So, it could happen. But there’s also something else.
In October 2023 the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) published a new paper from a team at the medical school of Ohio State University, titled:
A next-generation intranasal trivalent MMS vaccine induces durable and broad protection against SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern
The paper concerns a new trivalent vaccine combining vaccines against measles, mumps AND Covid variants into a single nasal spray.
Will we see a new Covid/Measles joint vaccine rolled out soon? Perhaps due to some emergency?
Watch this space I guess.
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Tying themselves in knots to explain winter ailments to the vaxxed:
The weakening of people’s defenses through the behaviours 2020-22 was eminently predictable – they do sort of acknowledge that but only to imply that perhaps we should go back to those behaviours. It was always part of ‘the case against lockdown’ that the MSM so completely ignored at the time.
BTW I recommend a look at the ‘Related Article’ – they’re an absolute hoot (e.g. why tigers getting covid shouldn’t be surprising!).
It’s not just measles. See this from our local ‘newspaper’:
What fresh madness is this? How can you even pretend to develop a vaccine against something that it’s admitted doesn’t exist?
One vaccine a day will keep the doctor away. 😷
It’s rare to see any comments on articles like that in these dark times. Too many living in fear and not speaking up.
In the measles narrative you mentioned the USA and the UK. Please include Romania, part of the EU. In December, 2000 cases were reported. Same story, overcrowded hospitals etc. The Ministry of Health (led by the former Romanian representative to the WHO) declared a “national epidemic”. It invokes reluctance to vaccinate, as in the Covid era.
On another matter, it is interesting the silence of the EU media on the farmers and transporters protest. Now the port of Constanta is blocked, as well as the Siret customs. Protests are all over the country. People want to come to Bucharest, but many have been blocked by police on the way. Others are stuck at the gates of Bucharest. The reason, government policies designed to destroy agriculture, plus the big problems caused by Ukrainian grain and other commodities. The Europol police union says orders to harass and block protesters are illegal. People have become nervous, it’s likely to escalate.
The ‘mask wearing’ seems more recently.
If several media outlets are coincidentally pushing the same narrative the obvious first place to look is a press release. This took <2 minutes to find.
I’m not saying it _is_ the source but how interesting that the top two results from CDC search on “measles” are almost exactly one year apart. It’s almost as though there are seasonal peaks of certain illnesses and a press campaign diary in place all lined up to capitalise on them. Y’know like stories about oppressive transphobes during Pride Month, and adverts from Creme Eggs around Easter time.
Dismal story OffG
As long as virus mania and virology, which masquerades as a science, have not been demonstrated to be assertions which have never proven scientifically, frauds, we will remain vulnerable to more virus propaganda used to further the powers of the capital/state twin headed monster.
Bullsh*t propaganda.
Yes, it’s time to act: Vitamins, not vaccines or drugs, are the answer.
“Severe measles is more likely among poorly nourished young children, especially those with insufficient vitamin A, or whose immune systems have been weakened by HIV/AIDS or other diseases.”
“All children in developing countries diagnosed with measles should receive two doses of vitamin A supplements, given 24 hours apart. This treatment restores low vitamin A levels during measles that occur even in well-nourished children and can help prevent eye damage and blindness. Vitamin A supplements have been shown to reduce the number of deaths from measles by 50%.”
– World Health Organization (when it still had some honest researchers)
And that’s just ONE vitamin.
Cellular immunity requires specific nutrients in adequate amounts; people are not vaccine-deficient.
D. N. McMurray, “Cell-Mediated Immunity in Nutritional Deficiency,” Progress in Food & Nutrition Science, 1984, p. 193.
Mrna vitamines with lipid nano particles to children is at the front of modern science today.
Because we care for children of the future.
In January 2020 I was expecting measles cases to make the news (because the pharma-written articles always appear in January). But no, there was a bait-and-switch and I found COVID instead. Frankly, I wish we had had measles.
Since then I have learned that the existence of the so-called measles virus has never been proven. Now that’s a story which pharma will crush.
“Since then I have learned that the existence of the so-called measles virus has never been proven.”
Nevertheless, people continue to get measles.
The Message is:
The Unvaxxed cause The Spread…
This Time ‘measles’ was used to convey
The Message…
Next Time another ‘disease’ will be used to convey
The Massage…
There will be many more such Messages
Like hypnopedia’s ‘drip. drip. drip’..
Even solid rock cant resist water’s ‘drip. drip. drip’…
(aka – Chinese Water Torture)…
I am sick and tired of Putin’s Judo, fifth dimensional warfare and Chinese water torture.
We Want The World and We Want It……………….NOW!
Gee whiz, when I saw the headline, I thought: “Ah, now I can report that this new ‘measles’ proto-pandemic (or ‘incipient micro-pandemic’) is really being flogged hard in the Philadelphia, aka ‘tri-state’ (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware) area.”
I thought I’d clip screen prints of scare headlines and ominous blurbs from local news outlets, e.g. the Philadelphia Inquirer, to reinforce the message.
Then, damn! I discovered that I’ve been preempted by the Off-G graphics heading this article; my home town of Philly is prominently featured.
Anyway, it’s true. Apparently all alleged Phantom Menace microscopic pathogens rise on a sea of public-health related manufactured hysteria. 😷💉🤔
“All alleged Phantom Menace microscopic pathogens rise on a sea of public-health related manufactured hysteria.”
Great line Ort. I’m stealing that one.
Deep truth combined with poetry and your usual style.
Don’t worry, they’ll be spraying it from the sky soon!
The measles myth, Sam Bailey
Measles virus? What did they actually prove?
This is how “they” test the aggregate response of a population. The social-emotional reaction to the ‘stimulus’ is fed-back into military grade public-private modeling software systems that then use the response-data to modify the strategy. SWS and Conducttr are just two examples.
At this point, there is a Darwinian aspect to the issue. If you are so brainwashed, so completely ravaged by mass formation, that after all that has transpired, you think that you and yours need to take more vaccines — well, you will go the way of all gullible fools.
‘Measles virus’ has never been isolated – it does not exist, so why is it being reported by OffG like it does?
It’s just a reporting on how it’s being reported. And if you really need it to be, just think of measles as a collection of symptoms, as most people did before the advent of case-demics.
Did you read the same article I did? Reading comprehension doesn’t seem to be your strong point. The point is to warn us about a very transparent push to spread fear in an effort to encourage “vaccination.”
Measles is measles and a “natural” child decease with high fever and red marks all over.
hpv also used to be popular, never even proven to cause c cancer.
I wish the intent of the HPV jab was relatively benign, like selling a dud jab. It could be to render the adolescent girls sterile. The “tetanus vaccine” rendered 150 million women and girls in the developing countries sterile, besides harming babies who had been breast-feeding; this was after WHO and its donors spent a lot of money on the project. The mechanism is the same as in the covid jab. “Evil” does not begin to describe all this.
I’ve got a serious case of blame hesitancy.
A good rule of thumb is to never admit guilt in a car wreck, let the other side prove you were at fault.
The liars solution.
If it is my fault I always admit it as I want to be a man and responsible for my actions. This way I constant get wiser and more intelligent.
You’ll get taken advantage of eventually, the only way to beat a con, is w/a con.
You are right. But on the other hand it gives me also a backhand.
I am in a better position, stronger than the guy who is fiddling his way through.
But you have a point. We have on top to be a little sneaky to get around a con.
I just dont want to become a con too. Waste of time and good energy.
I’m sure this is commonplace, but a while back by coincidence two people I know were involved in (unrelated) car accidents. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries. But in both cases, the drivers I knew were innocent victims– one was hit by a driver flagrantly running a red light, and the other was hit by a car taking a turn way too fast and swinging into the lane for oncoming traffic.
In both cases, the perpetrators were abjectly apologetic, admitted blame (“I was late for work!”) aka “took full responsibility”; they effusively inquired into the health of the occupants of the struck vehicles, promised to promptly cooperate with insurance companies and/or pay for any damages they’d admittedly caused, etc.
Nobody recorded the post-wreck discussions– and, needless to say, subsequently both guilty as hell drivers reneged on their initial “confessions”. They proved difficult to reach, and either disclaimed or outright denied their initial admissions against interest.
And of course, insurance companies infamously and routinely impose a cost-saving false equivalence: their “investigations” invariably conclude that the blameless party actually did something wrong, or failed to do something right, to justify reducing the insurance payout. 😠 🚗
i’ve been missing the measles!
Can’t you spot them over there?
i mean discussions, they used to be the main topic in vaccine discussions pre 20.
Well, what do you know? A new safe and effective MMR vaccine is on the market!
News & Views: What Should I Know About the New MMR Vaccine, PRIORIX? | Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (
Fear porn..It’ll only work on the vaccinated and those that can’t be reached. It’ll keep in people’s minds , that there are, supposedly ,air borne viruses, to promote fear and distract from other major developments. As per…
And round and round it goes.
Why are you informing us of this?
“To be forewarned is to be forearmed. “
People who get the flu jab emit 6.3 times more flu virus particles compared to others.
Positive association between flu jab rates and “covid” deaths in elderly people worldwide.
For every 10% increase in uptake of the flu jab, “covid” deaths increase by ~83 per million.
In all the 1,500 cases of positive results for the PCR test studied, Prof. Dolores Cahill found only influenza A or B, and none for “SARS-Cov-2”.
-Nick Kollerstrom, 2021-01-25
The purported outbreak in Wuhan, China, began after the populace underwent a compulsory flu jab and the 5G network started up.
On the WHO website, its official tracking graph showed flu almost disappearing globally c. 2020-04, and resurging c. 2021-11
Damage by the jab to DNA can produce ANY disease or injury. It even produced CJD (mad cow disease).
Isnt there just a tiny little thing good about these vaxxes?
Christ gave his life to make peace between God and Man, and Man is doing everything he can to make this sacrifice in vain.
Measles have always been there always will be. The only difference with then vs now is that before the BMR vaccine was there, there was just one disease with red bumps, sometimes combined with a little fever and maybe a runny nose aka measles. Now you have the sixth, seventh, nth disease that look like measles, yet are called different names, et voilà, no more measles.
This also happens with a lot of other diseases: they change the definition, which makes the disease either less or more prevalent. Whatever they want.
Think about covid and flu or the PCR test epidemic, preventive cures for diseases that did not exist before the cure was made (adhd, hypercholesterolemia), or cancer wonder drugs where people are treated with all sorts of poison that used to kill them, but now less likely as also healthy people are diagnosed with ‘cancer’, think about breastcancer screening programs, colonoscopy, HPV, AIDS. And what happens next…
Well, what happens next is that ‘the drugs don’t work, they just make it worse’, as the verve sang.
What I find most tragic in all of this is that people are diagnosed with all sorts of diseases that they may not have, yet are coerced into all sorts of treatments by doctors who should know better, but prefer to stay ignorant. Better for their EGO. Pays well too.
Somehow this madness should be stopped. As long as it isn’t, stay away from ‘health care’ as much as possible. Think for yourself.
The world is on fire. The industrialist-cum-technological-cum-capitalist historical epoch is in the final stages of its existence, having exhausted available resources thanks to the discovery of fossils and the consequent developments of the past circa 300 years. From here on, it is decline as regards the way of life as generations have known it. That is the underlying predicament.
At higher levels, we’re observing a variety of developments. The West has grown weak and is losing its hegemony. Efforts are being made to retain or recover it; witness the wars in Ukraine, West Asia, possibly Taiwan. Simultaneously, the East has had enough of being enslaved and is pushing back. South Africa’s initiative in suing Israel for genocide is a good example, as is Russia’s slam of the fist on the table in Ukraine in response to America’s provocations through the Ukrainian proxy.
The populace sees the contradictions in the various narratives people are being fed, and all sorts of fifth and sixth columns are being formed, i.e. internal opposition to the hegemonic political class that has hijacked pretty much the whole Atlantic Civilization. Tons and tons of factors are at play, but suffice to say, people in the West, and perhaps elsewhere too, are by no means prepared to engage in the eschatological battle that seems to be brewing, a veritable clash of civilizations.
Enter the virus, the pandemic, the lockdown, the vaccine. It worked like a charm the first time around, with zillions of gullible idiots falling for the absurdity of an asymptomatic mortal disease most people don’t even notice they’ve contracted.
It can be expected that they’ll try to pull the same thing again, perhaps with some variations. If people get rambunctious and protest too much the various genocidal actions, when the United States starts breaking up in earnest, when they refuse to go to war, etc., expect another pandemic.
few people are. vaccines have been around for 200 years.
After Illuminati and all the other Secret Societies groups was invented 222 years ago. THEY invented the fake vaccines to control average Joe and his wallet.
Thanks for the recognition, but it was really a doddle. Most of us are used to being the outsiders and have significant history and experience to fall back on.
Bob for PM. Forever.
Everybody should do it because it should be equal for everybody.
Hypocrites unanimous.
Where’s Obama’s other arm?
Did I miss something?
He is placing his…..thing. For men only. Its something men do from time to time.
Evolution is moving backwards.
What the hell were people thinking!!
They weren’t.
The human race is doomed.
Nah, just USAmericans …
Their parents and teachers must be highly educated MORONS.
In all fairness, teachers, i.e. the majority are glorified trained parrots. They essentially become accomplished at regurgitating texts that have been prescribed by bureaucrats ‘working for the man’. Conditioning becomes the ‘holy-grail’ of educational-dogma. Moreover, it is a very brave individual who strays from the format …
To digress, to this day, to the best of my knowledge … I have not been too successful with convincing, my science and math colleagues that it is [nigh on] IMPOSSIBLE for 47 storey, steel reinforced high-rise structures to collapse in free-fall time, through office-fires. IMPOSSIBLE. So, good-luck with the ‘ol flu-hobgoblin. The peeps have been so traumatised, by the Murdoch’s-Daily gutter-rags, and Hollywood cultivated manure, that they would believe anything. Take for example the proliferation of electric-powered vehicles, people are still purchasing these future white-elephants despite ‘uncle Klaus Schwab’ informing the world that there will be ongoing power-outages in most countries. Now if anyone knows what is planned, it’s ‘uncle Klaus’ because the bugger appears to be a director in the planning-committee, the MF WEFfers, who take their instructions directly from Switzerland, So …
This is one of my favorite pics of the times…the flutists with the open masks. But get this, which most don’t see, the little cloth “flute mask” on the end of the instrument?? YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!!!???? First of all, most air comes out of the mouth across the embouchure hole, and any other air that may escape (very little) comes out of the holes along the length of the flute (actually, I don’t think any “air” comes “out” of the flute at all except at the mouthpiece) but out of the END of the flute?? Nothing. This is the most ludicrous thing I have ever seen…
Well spotted Todd.🎶🤪
You’ve excelled yourself Niko.
Bloody marvellous 😂😖🤪
That monster bears an uncanny resemblance to New Zealand’s ex PM.
Smaller cock.
Same question asked: How can people be so stupid? Some kind of hypnosis, spell, mass psychosis.
Wait…got it, mass hysteria
Video of House of Representative hearing investigating the vaxx was quite encouraging.
Getting measles as a child is a big nothing; I had it, was acutely ill a few days, had an itchy rash a bit longer– and there’s a little hypersensitivity of the eyes to light, so you stay in a dim room. it’s quite contagious within families and classrooms. It can last about 10 days total.
A side benefit of permitting measles is that now-immune adults have their immunity to the related sciatica renewed.
Plus, when I was a child doctors believed that measles helped to BUILD the immune system cuz the body experiences it SYSTEMICALLY — thru skin, digestive tract, fever, and respiratory system.
Early in the epidemic, getting a routine blood test that had nothing to do with the covid, in the waiting room, I met a woman who, when I let some anti-vax sentiments slip from my mouth, vociferously agreed with me, and we spent five minutes just going, “I know . . . I know . . . . I knowwww.”
But I couldn’t figure out how to make friends with her in that short time, and then my number was called.
I know millions of anti-vaxxers, but they’re all on the internet. I bet a lot of them are just like me. All the anti-vaxxers they know are on the internet. Has anybody figured out a way for anti-vaxxers to meet? Maybe kind of like Mensa or Eharmony? Or something less stupid?
Yes, I know. The question has been broached before.
But I was just wondering–has there been any headway made?
gbs, I went back to riding the bus recently. The three new drivers I encountered all agreed the vaxx was harmful, filled my ears w how the media & govt are liars, etc. Met a janitor outside the library. After a few minutes conversation (she’s interested in archaeology) I asked, “You think they lied to us about covid?”
“Yeah, my husband thinks so too. He didn’t take the shot, didn’t get sick. I took it, got covid 2x, had a seizure, never felt quite well since.”
I’ve always thought that social media probably lies to you: Hard for me to believe so many people remained duped for so long cuz I don’t encounter more than the occasional mask-wearer in real life. I talk to people everywhere and they can’t wait to trash “mainstream” views.
No. There is only controlled oppositions. I have not met one single real non-vaxx in my surroundings and way.
My dentists, doctor, my pals at the swimming hall, neighbours, family, colleagues, all vaxxed but I am lucky they at least tolerate my stand.
At the moment they are all happy dancing around a gigantic central to be erected 5G cell tower with 160 small towers distributed around. Pagan culture.
May I suggest participating in the next mass protest against Israel’s unique “approach” to their Palestinian problem? You’re sure to meet folks that are either unvaccinated or regret their unfortunate decision.
Oh ya, this is to regain the vaccine foothold that has been damaged due to their getting caught staging a fake Covid-19 pandemic. Too many people who previously never gave vaccines a thought and believed those that refused all vaccines for their kids were just nut cases, have learned a thing or two about Big Pharma. They don’t need any pushback on why the public schools require all these vaccines to attend, why we need them from birth, etc., or the whole thing will fall apart. This looks like damage control.
well, yes!
Yawn- another fake pandemic. Whatever happened to the fake alien invasion? I was looking forward to that one.
Patience, patience …