The Deception of Today’s Push for Diversity

Todd Hayen

We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the constitution says, but everyone made equal…
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

A recurring theme in movies, television, and literature, is the “big lie.”

We’ve always heard the adage, “if you tell a lie big enough, and keep repeating it, more people will believe it.” I think the original version of that quote is attributed to the Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. Although like with most historical references, Goebbels may never have said this.

Anyway, might as well say he did, eh? Easy enough.

“Diversity” and the efforts toward achieving it, as described by the agenda, is a lie. A Big Lie. So is “inclusion” and “equity”—nice ideas, and in a sane world, nice ideals to work toward. But in our current “Bizarro World,” all lies. In fact, as you well know, most of everything out there instigated and implemented by the “government” are lies. Big ones.

Sad but true.

Why are these things labelled “Big Lies” and not just plain ‘ol little lies? The “woke culture” calls anyone who points out diversity as a bigot or racist. For example, if a person comments on the unique apparel of an ethnic group he runs the risk of being called a racist. A person who comments on an attribute of a particular race (good or bad), he is called a profiling bigot. If someone recognizes diversity and points it out, he is a racist. You don’t honour diversity by cancelling anything that is culturally diverse. That doesn’t make sense. Since these things have worked their way into the culture so deeply, identifying them and labelling them the way the culture does, qualifies as a big lie.

I wrote a previous article about this titled: “Pseudo-diversity”. The points I made then are slightly different than the points I am making now, but all similar. Here is a quote from that article that falls more in alignment with today’s thoughts:

It seems I am stumbling with the term “diversity.” Isn’t that what all the fuss is about these days? Everyone seems to want to be identified and seen as unique, but at the same time they wish to have no uniqueness at all. The culture seems to be wanting to cancel out any thought, thing, idea, concept, skill, culture, biology, gender/sex, that claims uniqueness, a strength or weakness, a difference good or bad, but at the same time wants a unique title for all this as well as a recognized exclusivity. Inclusivity and exclusivity: there seems to be no tolerance for sameness, but also no tolerance for difference. Now THAT’S the formula for a mess.

At the time that I wrote this, I was a bit perplexed as to why such a thing was happening. As with most stuff happening these days, it just didn’t make sense. Why would they say one thing and then do another?

Why would the “woke culture” be so ready to decimate someone for a “non-inclusionary” remark, yet at the same time advocate the blind acceptance of such unique and eclectic views, not understanding that such unique and eclectic people are by their very nature are “not included.”

Am I the only one who sees this paradox? For a culture to truly be accepting of diversity, that culture must first allow diversity and not be so focused on making everyone the same—and thus unnoticeable. There is a fine line between bigoted prejudice and tolerance.

Tolerance is the operative word in a stabilized society. Tolerance, flexibility, and resilience are on the side of the “unique, diverse, individual or group.” As well as with the “majority” group which may be accused of cultural bigotry.

Yes, hateful prejudice is a trait to attempt to eliminate, but not a realization that people are different. We must encourage an awareness of differences, and along with awareness of differences, people should be allowed, within reason, to express their awareness of those differences. “Oh look, that man is black, that person has a penis but is dressed like a woman, these people are different than I am, I notice that, and I accept it, but some of it may make me uncomfortable.”

Maybe some of it I don’t like, and if I feel it encroaches on my own quality of life, I may express that fact without violence or hate. (A clear example of this is the plethora of trans “storytelling” events in elementary schools. Cannot we reject such activities without being labelled hateful toward trans persons?)

To force people (through shaming) to love every lifestyle choice people make, and if they don’t, to then be accused of being bigots, or worse, are arrested for a human rights violation, is not a good thing. People should be allowed to be different. This axiom does not only apply to people who are attempting to be contrary to the “middle of the bell curve majority,” but also to people who are in the “middle of the bell curve majority.” They have just as much right to be accepted for who they are, including their own beliefs about self and worldview, and not be bullied or legally threatened into agreeing with choices they simply do not agree with (such as a requirement to address people by their chosen pronoun.)

Yes, there is a grey area with all of this, and I do not mean to be bulldozing through this grey area with my sweeping comments. Although in my own personal worldview, I believe people even have the right to be racist, as long as they do not hurt anyone through their bigotry. I also believe a “better society” is created if these bigotries are eliminated. I believe the core of bigotry is a natural suspicion of differences. More integrated humans are less threatened by other people’s differences. Although we may have a “right” to be threatened, it generally makes for a better society if we are not.

“Live and let live” is the fundamental model for peaceful co-existence here. And we have, throughout our human history, tried to make a go of it. It is only recently that we seem to be making some serious inroads in this regard—until the agenda came along and mucked it all up. In other words, I do not believe that what we are experiencing regarding this insane “woke” crap is a natural organic phenomenon. The devil is making us do it, maybe quite literally.

Once again, the carrot-to-stick tactic is being used. The carrot is the noble ideal of diversity, equity, and inclusion to all people of all cultures and ethnicities. Yeah, that’s nice, we can go along with that! But then tell us all that we are despicable human beings for thinking men with penises and testicles should not be competing in women’s sports, or that a person of colour should not get the top brain surgeon position when they are not the most competent.

Tell us we are bigots and transphobic if we don’t believe we should be required to guess someone’s fantasy pronouns and wind up in jail or with a hefty fine if we fail. Tell us we are wrong to think of certain cultures as having certain identifiable traits, particularly from different periods in history (such as a person born and raised in the Chinese tradition having particular dress attributes) without being accused of extreme insensitivity and a disgusting violator of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Then we are punished for actually recognizing that people are different. And we are being punished for believing that not everyone is entitled to every prize out there, but indeed some people who have worked hard, or shown a particular skill are “included” in a special group exploiting those gifts, and others are indeed excluded.

That is equity. Where is the equity in making everyone the same, everyone, regardless of their specialness or uniqueness or skill or talent or hard work, being herded into a singular “sameness” with everyone else?

Don’t fall for this DEI carrot. It is a big lie and a nasty one at that. It creates resentment, anger, frustration, confusion, and sadness. And above all, it creates the opposite of what it claims to create.

Just what the doctor ordered, and we all know where orders from the doctor lead us.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Jan 17, 2024 12:33 AM

RE: “Diversity” and the efforts toward achieving it, as described by the agenda, is a lie. A Big Lie.
Dare I suggest there could be a spiritual element to this? Jesus, addressing the Pharisees, said; “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires… When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

Jonah Kyle
Jonah Kyle
Jan 15, 2024 7:07 PM

Let’s cut to the chase. The ultimate goal of diversity is to conquer and divide, then destroy EVERYONE but a very small percentage. In this case, 90% of the planet, enslaving the 99% that remain to serve the top 1%. Without breaking up individual initiative and self-governance and self-morality, that goal becomes impossible.

Jan 15, 2024 2:59 PM

Diversity was not common during covid.Conformity was.

Jan 15, 2024 2:05 PM

Thank you for helping clarify to me an area that I knew did not make sense but I did not quite understand why it did not make sense!

Jan 14, 2024 3:50 PM

“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth”.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Many are still unable to understand how the problem is quite different : the misconceptions of society, exactly as it happens today, for example, such as the aberrant concept of “equality” promoted by the so-called “modern” culture (WEF and similar), when instead we should be talking about equal opportunities for all human beings, who are ALL different from each other, exactly as it happens in Nature, which loves diversity.
But, unfortunately, it seems that one part, so-called Humanity, hates it.

We are living in a world that, unfortunately, after the advent of the virus farce has quickly engaged reverse gear and is fastly achieving the goal of the globalists : the return to a feudal society, steeped in that bigotry and ignorance that is unfortunately spreading again like wildfire around the world.

It is necessary not to look at who a person is, what religion he/she professes, what ethnicity he/she comes from, what he/she does in his/her private life, who he/she votes for, but at what concretely he/she can do, what contribution he/she could give in a certain situation.

Not only that, but in the past a lot of environments grew exponentially precisely because there was a great appreciation for diversity among the people in it, because only from different points of view and experiences come the most valuable contributions.

The most productive and innovative companies and research centers were precisely those in which there were very diverse mindsets and people who were able by confronting each other to provide creative and innovative ideas.

I am afraid that none of this exists today.
And the results are there for everyone to see.

Jan 14, 2024 3:07 PM

Another great observation Dr. Todd.

Reminds me of a Dante quote: ” Consider well the seed from which ye sprang; Ye were not made to love like unto brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge.”
We have forgotten who we are, in whose image we are made and now the world gets to confer our identity on us.

Jan 14, 2024 1:53 PM

Goebbels said that if a lie is big enough, people will come to believe it. He’s often misrepresented as having said it about German National Socialism, he was in fact talking about Western democracies (which he saw as degenerate).

Jan 16, 2024 9:39 PM
Reply to  Simon

Attributed to Goebbels but nothing in his speeches or writings to support that.
Germans consider the phrase originates in an English language source, a brighter than Goebbels «unknown» is being likely.

Jan 14, 2024 10:04 AM

I never heard of any of these terminology’s, until I visited this alternative to the normal news.
Then I figured out early on, that this alternative to the normal news was not alternative it sold agenda like ‘terminology’s’.

Geo martin
Geo martin
Jan 14, 2024 3:20 PM
Reply to  eliger

Jordan Peterson = shill gatekeeper. And vaccine pusher.

Jan 14, 2024 7:46 AM

The contradictions author rightly criticizes in fact are symptoms of ideological crisis stemming from disintegration of western liberalism under attack from twisted postmodernist agendas. Hedges a decade ago declared death of Liberal class. The major confusion about issues of individual identity and diversity stems directly from a fact that crown feature of western liberalism like individualism and individual moral autonomy are being abandoned in the west . If people are defined only by their common characteristics or attributes then there is no place for individual identity and individual human identity becomes irrelevant. Diversity in that context is not exhibited by existence of different individuals with different ideas, beliefs or attitudes but existence of different postmodernist groups called multitudes or assemblages which overlapping attributes create so called Intersectional identity.  Such identity is not individual but quasi-collective in very narrow sense tied with dynamically formed intersectional groups defined by multitude of common attributes including self determined attributes like likes, skills, gender or life style etc., To add complexity all those intersectional assemblages or multitudes are dynamic often created intermittently and ad hoc only to disintegrate.  But that in itself would be of marginal importance for liberal society if not for those in power implementing false social theories assuming that such intersectional identity creates unique social consciousness that dynamically defines common social struggles to defend or expand their interests as a group within society at large .  Such identity or special causes group formed specifically to execute certain tasks to defend their interest presses for strong collectivism, internal solidarity, unity coordinated collective acts and group discipline and that includes succumbing to idiosyncratic theories that support their objectives within the group .  Such Woke culture setup is unfortunately referred to as stemming from Cultural Marxism by those who are ignorant of postmodernist not Marxian roots of this… Read more »

Geo martin
Geo martin
Jan 14, 2024 3:25 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Liberalism will always end up in the soft communism we have to day worldwide. They both put man at the top and the source of all truth, hence truth is subjective, an opinion, and the opinion of the influencial is what rules.

Jan 14, 2024 2:01 AM

It’s been difficult to see some fellow liberals turned into socially entitled dogmatic fascists in the name of “tolerance” while others have been disabled by weaponized guilt. Both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are now very divided and likely that’s the point. We are all too distracted by the fuel that the globalists have thrown on the fire to see who really are the ones hurting us, stealing from us, and holding us down. And certainly, we are far too divided to now unite against their oppression of all of us. Divide and conquer is as old as human warfare.

les online
les online
Jan 13, 2024 11:28 PM

After leaving the coerced Compliance-Conforming-Disciplining
Institutions, alternatively known as Anger-Management Training
Institutions (aka – schools), some youngsters attend ‘universities’
where they re-discover, or learn of Diversity…
Not all equalities are Equal…
Take the lollies aisle in the local supermarket: lollies all made
from egg whites, water &sugar (Equality), with a dash of ‘natural’
colouring & flavour (Diversity)…And then there’s those little
chocolate babies (a little bit more ‘Diversity”} that Doctor Who, in his
4th incarnation (Tom Baker) used to hand around…
‘Diversity’ becomes desirable when there’s only Monoculture on
The Menu…

Jan 13, 2024 10:43 PM
Jan 13, 2024 10:37 PM

The pendulum of tolerance/intolerance has swung too far in the other direction.
Overcompensating is a human trait.
Who knows, it may self correct.
Meanwhile we squirm.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 13, 2024 10:31 PM

Slowly but surely society is absorbing this new fascio-communist diktat where the majority are being turned into an olive-brownish-green mash of equalness, all the while we can see that some animals are clearly more equal than others. 

Even those of us still poking our heads out above the mash have absorbed the rulers’ obfuscating language where ‘sex-slash-gender’ become synonymous, and have accepted their quasi rule over us as shown when lamenting that ‘people should be allowed’ to … whatever.

If we are to stand a chance at throwing off this wet blanket over us we must assert ourselves by living our lives with the full brunt of our spirit.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 13, 2024 8:18 PM

The latest Dr Who episodes are so woke that my wife reckons Russell Davies is taking the piss. What she doesn’t get is that

  1. this supposed piss taking is an excuse to submit to woke.
  2. the powers that be couldn’t care less if you’re “being ironic”. As long as you’re giving them what they want.
Jan 13, 2024 10:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We met a Finnish family in a bar in Spain last week who when they found out we were English started gushing about our telly.Oh monty python oh the goons spike Milligan oh Mrs bouquet ? What ? I thought.Then Dad reveals his passionate love for Dr Who.Asks me who is my doctor.I say Tom Baker.He says oh.I love Matt Smith he says.
So it goes.Finland loves it.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 13, 2024 11:00 PM
Reply to  Marfanoid

Well I suppose you can tell someone’s age by which doc he likes. For me that’s Patrick Troughton. Yes, that far back. And not a trans tosser in sight!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jan 14, 2024 4:44 AM
Reply to  Marfanoid

So one Finnish family is equal to Finland loves it……………….LOL.

The most comical of it is, that this attitude is common among all sheeple. I have seen similar cases in other countries.

“The guy on TV is from Syria, therefore his opinion is Syria’s opinion.”

Geo martin
Geo martin
Jan 14, 2024 3:31 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Finland is pretty commie though.

Jan 14, 2024 10:00 AM
Reply to  Marfanoid

Do you no the queen,.?
have you meet her

Jan 14, 2024 2:58 PM
Reply to  eliger

LOL. Oh you’re from Birmingham. Is that anywhere near Newcastle. You _must_ know the Schmidts, they’re from Newcastle (well, okay, Ashington), we met them at Club Med thirty years ago etc etc

Jan 13, 2024 7:57 PM

According to anthropology and religion we are all birthed from the same ancestors, so we are each a little of each other anyway without having to do a thing about it.

Diversity needs no donations.

… woke is a pseudo-philosophical grammatical burp in the past tense.

Most wars are racist.

Money don’t care.

The quality of the question is the guide to the answer.


george bernard shaw
george bernard shaw
Jan 13, 2024 6:59 PM

It has been cited before. But it bears repeating. Alexander Cockburn said: “Hate is good. As long as it is pure.” So go ahead and hate. It’s good for you.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 13, 2024 8:14 PM

One thing the mewlers complaining about hate never understand – and don’t want to understand – is that there are some things that deserve to be hated.

Human values
Human values
Jan 13, 2024 8:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Only Satan deserves to be hated. It is truly the only hateful thing, being the opposite of truth and everything good.  

Jan 16, 2024 2:33 AM
Reply to  Human values

What of Satan’s minions?

Jan 13, 2024 6:05 PM

I was recently scolded that all my achievements throughout my life had nothing to do with the fact I busted my a** the entire time, but instead was because of White Privilege. Instead of upsetting me, this comment started weeks of hilarity with my white privileged friends pointing out everything that we get for just being white. Of course now we’ve extended it to our poor dogs with Chihuahua Privilege. Gotta love the WOKE crowd. Comedy genius!!!!

george bernard shaw
george bernard shaw
Jan 13, 2024 7:03 PM
Reply to  NikkiBop

More apropos to the argument, I think, would be the legion of White Privileged people who busted their asses, created and thought up and built and fashioned many great ideas and things, lifelong–and were not allowed to achieve anything at all. Apparently because they were White Privileged.

Organic Intelligence
Organic Intelligence
Jan 13, 2024 5:18 PM

It’s pretty clear to those with eyes open that this pseudo-diversity is about globalism, destroying what’s left of indigenous cutlures and erasing anti-Israel and anti-abrahamic (*anti-christian, anti-islamic and anti-judaic) discourse, already rarely allowed on this very site…..

If you still have doubts as to the reality of the abrahamic legacy, let’s remember the advice of NathanYahoo to his US-armed pawns as he sent them off on their latest genocidal spree: “Remember Amalek, kill them all”…

You are not allowed to criticise any of this doctrine because Hitler. The conflation of acquired/enforced religious dogma (culture) with supposedly unique and inalterable genetics (nature) is deliberate and designed to further dumb down the western mind.

it is about making everyone the same, the same lobotomised, rootless, lanldless peasant NPCs globally, human capital for the “diverse” overlords whose idea of pleasure is measuring the “impact ” of their parasitical and predatory actions..

Of course this comment will forever “pend” so it stays short…

Jan 14, 2024 11:09 AM

Exactly the premise behind the Kalergi Plan.

Jan 14, 2024 2:55 PM

Bang on the money Org Int. c.f. Wilk on Structures of Common Difference and ‘Glocalism’. This is particularly directed to age-stratified market sectors. Kids being raised on EDI/men-can-become-women etc will end up class-blind, gender-blind, conscious only of their identification with certain brands/rock stars/TV shows . . . in the US as in Britain as in Uruguay and as in Zambia. Therefore any locally dominant products are doomed to be overtaken by the world-leading handful of brands, with your difference asserted by wearing/consuming that brand. Blue Team, Red Team… it’s Election Time! Make your choice! (But choose wisely, we all know Blue is Boo, Red is Cred. [This year.])

Regardless of your ethnicity, gender etc. And with due contempt for the generations ahead of you, and those that proceeded. This is why, for example, there’s a UN-sanctioned day, week, or month for celebrating e.g. Black History, Gay Pride, Disability, etc, and uniting around that flag for a day, week, or month, before kneeling before the next brave and stunning cause, and then the next, etc. The only diversity not celebrated is diversity of opinion, as Gonzalo Lira discovered, as Julian Assange has known for a long time, and [insert dissident here] . . .

Witness too how Admin2 has increasingly intervened in the BTL right here these last few years to scold the wrong-thinkers.

Sal P
Sal P
Jan 13, 2024 5:07 PM
Reply to  Freddy

Very sad news.

Organic Intelligence
Organic Intelligence
Jan 13, 2024 5:21 PM
Reply to  Freddy

An entirely predicable scenario that seems a bit too predictable to be believable. The guy was a target for years, why would he stay there?

Jan 13, 2024 9:03 PM

He can no longer answer this, possibly quite justified, question. I am not aware of his motives. But he seemed to be aware of the seriousness of the situation. Sadly too late.


Jan 14, 2024 10:27 AM
Reply to  Freddy


“Don’t question the narrative, you’ll end up dead like gonzalo”

Is he really dead? difficult to say.

Geo martin
Geo martin
Jan 14, 2024 3:46 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Agreed. Characters like Musk and Carlson chipping in pretty much confirms it in my mind. Especially considering the whole ‘war’ was/is a stage, a demolition and people relocation programme and of course fodder to keep us all engaged in the lies, like covid and everything else in the ‘news’.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jan 14, 2024 12:44 PM
Reply to  Freddy

I cant believe it.

Jan 13, 2024 3:18 PM

I’ve been wondering when and where this diversity craze originated.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 13, 2024 4:35 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

It’s to ensure we are all conditioned to accept the dilution of “western” culture.

The problem is when you see it written down like that, it looks paranoid and ” white supremacist” so we end up censoring ourselves because nobody wants to be a bigot or racist.

Boy, they’re clever bastards !

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 14, 2024 5:59 AM

Boy, they’re clever evil bastards !

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 13, 2024 7:02 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Vivek Ramaswammy (in his book) says it originated with the 2008 Crash. Or, more precisely, after the Occupy Wall Street movement (which was a reaction to the 2008 crash). The 1% vs the 99% was as clear a class slogan as anything from the 1930’s. Business elites were uneasy about OWS, for obvious reasons. What they did was to approach a section of the left, that did not venture into the area of class, the ever increasing divide between rich and poor (and the disintegrating middle class) and the the reality that our political system serves the interests of the rich), aka, economic inequality.
So they approached those of the left enthralled by identity politics. Business elites then lavishly funded “left” groups having this ideology, especially on campus.

So, DEI activists represent an “activism” that doesn’t effect power or economic interests. It represents a fake radicalism. (It’s doesn’t ‘go to the root’, it stays clear of actually making a meaningful difference.)

I recall a MSM article 5 or 6 years ago, that crowed (for women’s ‘progress’) that among the top military contractors in the US, 5 of them had CEO’s that were women.

I recall thinking to myself, I don’t think this is what Second Wave feminists were fighting for – the ability to profit from war, to make engines of destruction that kill masses of people just like the boys? It represents a surface-level difference that supports a status quo conformism. That is DEI in a nutshell.

george bernard shaw
george bernard shaw
Jan 13, 2024 7:05 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

In the late 60s, our owners suddenly realized (pop! goes the lightbulb in the balloon above their heads) that Identity politics was the perfect stick to beat labor agitators with, and so backed it with all their might and main.

Big Al
Big Al
Jan 13, 2024 8:04 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Affirmative action – Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the United States.

Jan 13, 2024 2:47 PM

The point of instituting diversity requirements appears to be to engender discord and division. Average Caucasians will feel that choice and opportunity is now restricted. Persons other than average Caucasians will be faced with rancor if given unqualified preference, and will ultimately either be made to feel defensive or flaunt their enhanced opportunity, depending upon personality type. In the long run, such requirements are guaranteed to foster a general ill will among the Plebes. A well-worn tactic.

Jan 13, 2024 2:19 PM

Something else for the ants to keep fighting over.

Jan 13, 2024 3:57 PM
Reply to  TFS

Strategy of tension.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jan 13, 2024 2:12 PM

They are all for diversity, just so long as its not diversity of opinion.
Happy to be an unvaccinated conspiracy theorist…

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 13, 2024 4:36 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

5 denier !

Jan 13, 2024 8:14 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson


Tim Allen (from Home Improvements) has some views on the matter…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jan 14, 2024 4:51 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Diversity simply means the entire global vaccinated population stand together against the unwashed. Thats diversity!

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Jan 13, 2024 1:27 PM

“within reason” right there the start of the problem. We may have been born as equals and that was first and the last time, we were equal. We are not equal and will never be and trying to force and enforce this equality belief is and has always been problematic.

No one’s personal beliefs can be forced to change and if you do that by legislating it is stupidity. Progressives are always trying to do this as are the modern moralist do-gooders.

Jan 13, 2024 3:34 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

How can two things or people ever be said to be equal unless they are also identical? Then again, even twins may develop slight differences eventually, during the course of their lives. Does ‘equality’ really mean anything in nature at all? (Apart from some special context, such as mathematics or certain courts of law, of course.)

Human values
Human values
Jan 13, 2024 5:36 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Equality means having the same value, but it doesn’t mean that things are the same or identical.

Two plus two has the same value as four (or 1 + 3 or 64 – 60), but it doesn’t make them the same or identical. As every human being has exactly the same value as another, that doesn’t mean that they should be the same as someone else.

So equality means equal rights. It means that every human being has an equal right to exist here and has equal rights to everything here.

The opposite of equality is inequality. The main reason for inequality is privatized properties: that some people say they own this land, this nature, this planet and its resources, these things that were made either by God or previous generations. Those who invented private property invented money to be a symbol of the inequalities that they created.

Equality has nothing to do with people’s physical bodies.

People are not their bodies. People are not their occupation, their talents, their abilities, but people are people.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 13, 2024 7:34 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Equality is not Equity. DEI activists do not want equality. Equity is having women or people of color on the board of a big company, that makes the same decisions and policies they would have made when all the members were white men. It is a fake form of social progress and activism.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 13, 2024 7:53 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Equity is equal results for everyone, regardless of skill, aptitude, etc. The idea is predicated on the idea that someone has something that really should belong to someone else, and the person who has the valued thing got it due to some perceived unfair advantage or privilege, so really, the person who has the item of value, shouldn’t be allowed to have it at all, and nothing could be fairer than to take it away from the one who has it and give it to the oppressed ones who have effectively been cheated out of it.

The whole belief is a product of envy, bitterness and resentment. It’s the childish philosophy of “life’s not fair” made global. You know what? Life isn’t fair. We are not, neither as individuals, nor, more broadly as groups, made identically. We find, as we travel through life, that there are those who are smarter, stronger, luckier, better looking, cleverer, more energetic and so on than we are. Most of us learn to accept that, try to better ourselves as we can and learn to content ourselves with what we have to work with. The DIET people, having learned that it isn’t so easy to make a silk purse from a sow’s ear, instead proceed to dispense with silk purses altogether. In other words, it’s easier to bring people down to a common level, than it is to raise them up to one.

Jan 14, 2024 7:30 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

I agree with the basic theme of your comment; we are not all identical in our abilities and thus we cannot expect equal results. But I do disagree with some of what you say. Your write: “The whole belief is a product of envy, bitterness and resentment. It’s the childish philosophy of “life’s not fair” made global. You know what? Life isn’t fair.” No, there is more to it than envy, bitterness and resentment; there is real physical suffering. Saying “life isn’t fair” isn’t good enough. What follows from it? Do we just say “Oh well people in [name your poorer nation here] just have an average life expectancy of 40? Too bad for them. Not my problem.” Or do we say, closer to home, that a child from a large, poor family living in our city should just get used to having very little? We do have a moral obligation to set limits to what is acceptable. How do we do it? Good question. Where to set those limits? Another good question. I don’t have the answers to them. But I do know that just saying “it’s a dog eat dog world” isn’t good enough.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 16, 2024 1:33 AM
Reply to  mjh

A quote I’ve always liked is “be kind to everyone you meet, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

As per Buddhism, suffering is the first noble truth of life. This is a base level experience for all of us as humans. There are different types of suffering. I believe there is an escape from that, but until one accepts it as the starting point, one will go nowhere. At this point in human evolution, I don’t believe that we are capable of collectively transcending it; only as individuals.

I don’t believe an end to suffering can ever be legislated.

Human values
Human values
Jan 13, 2024 8:48 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

I’ve been reading and translating English texts and books to my language for many decades. The first time I encountered the word ‘equity’ was in 2020, when that word was constantly used to replace the word ‘equality’. So I looked up the meaning of ‘equity’ and I found out it was a concept of economics.

It’s all about money for them. 

Jan 13, 2024 10:46 PM
Reply to  Human values

Correct, a new word added to the lexicon by thoses who fund alternative media.
In the real fringe section of the truth movement this type of nonsense wouldn’t even touch the comment section.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 14, 2024 5:52 AM
Reply to  Human values

It’s interesting to see how the word is being manipulated and changed, but power is more valuable than money. Money is simply a tool to accrue more power. The older definition no longer applies in most cases.

Just out of curiosity, HV, what is your native language?

Jan 13, 2024 8:02 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

“Of course, the various “equality” laws that tell hoteliers they must make facilities available for homosexual guests, and so forth, must be repealed. No one should be forced to enable or participate in what he thinks is wrong. No one should be forced to associate against his conscience. No one has the right to be loved. No one has any right to approval not freely given.” –Sean Gabb from Culturewars