This Week in the New Normal #80

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
Also, we have a new banner. “The New Normal” meant vaccines and lockdowns when we designed the old one in 2021, it means a lot more now.
1. Every US state gets a Weather Warning
Winter storms hit North America this week, allegedly resulting in every single one of the fifty states getting a weather warning, for one reason or another.
The warnings ranged from frost to flooding to wind. I don’t know which applies to Hawaii, or how they ended up getting involved at all.
Just in case people shoveling two feet of snow started doubting the world was warming up, the LA Times has an opinion piece from a climate expert that concludes:
a stretch of wild winter weather can feel like evidence that weather patterns really haven’t changed too much after all. But the effects of climate change are often unintuitive…
Does anyone else remember when children were “just not going to know what snow is”?
2. The HOT vaccines of 2024
A January 11th article in Time magazine headlines:
The New Vaccines to Get in 2024
…and it is exactly what it sounds like. A rundown of all the latest vaccines to hit the shelves, like they’re reviewing VR headsets or smartwatches.
The products – there’s no other word to use – being promoted include a brand new meningitis vaccine from Pfizer approved in October and the “mpox” vaccine recommended for “some adults”.
It’s the most blatant Big Pharma propaganda you’ll ever see.
I have no deep analysis here. I just wanted to highlight how bizarre the world has become.
3. “It Just Sort Of Appeared”
The title is Dr Anthony Fauci on the “six feet rule”, according to an aeticle the Wall Street Journal headlined “Fauci comes clean”.
Testifying in front of the congressional sub-committee on the Covid response, the former National Institute of Health chief admitted there was never any scientific basis behind the social distancing rules at all, and that he had no idea where the the rule had come from.
“It just sort of appeared”.
Now, that social distance was anti-scientific nonsense was apparent immediately, especially when they started with the different rules for different businesses and whether you’re standing up or sitting down.
So the question is why Fauci decided to admit it, and indeed why the WSJ covered it in those terms.
Is it about distancing himself from the COVID junk science and trying to preserve his credibility? Is it about learning fake “lessons” to take into the next “pandemic? Is it both? Or something else entirely?
Who knows.
You can read a more detailed report in the Epoch Times.
It’s not all bad…
Thousands upon thousands of German farmers blocked roads with their tractors over the weekend, protesting the end of diesel fuel subsidies…
The German farmers are being manipulatively framed by certain commentators as a “right wing” protest. This is lazy trope smearing. They are fighting for their industry & livelihoods. It’s the sort of protest that genuine left-wingers used to show support and solidarity towards.
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) January 15, 2024
When addressing the crowd, German finance minister Christian Lindner was booed.
Good news…with an asterisk. Because, as with all popular movements, its positivity directly correlates with how organic it is. After all, Just Stop Oil blocks traffic. We’ll have to see how the story develops.
Although there are signs it’s a genuine cause, since the BBC is warning that the protests are being weaponized by Germany’s “far right”.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention how the US Deep State is real and that’s a good thing, or the launch of this year’s Davos summit.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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This is not good news: Janet Ossebaard, the creator and narrator of the Fall of the Cabal series, is dead. She committed suicide.
She had died on November 16, and her partner, Cyntha Koeter, gave an announcement on December 24 after her body was found.
”Deeply sad message about Janet Ossebaard”
Cyntha wrote more details in this post on January 13:
A Short Story By Janet Ossebaard “TEST Of The Creation”:
From the NEW New Normal: Michael Hudson gives a 1hour SitRep of World Economic / Political / Military Sutuation:
EU$A would like to invite RoW to a grand Neo-Colonial War but RoW is ignoring her.
“You won’t need me”
“We don’t need you”
“You don’t need ME??!!” — Wait a Minim (South African Musical).
The michael hudson says “private video”
By the way, here in Brasil they are making COVID “vaccines” mandatory for children. Yes, now, and for children.
And Rumble is off, allegedly while they fight some censorship demands from the government. Unsurprisingly the liberal left media barely mentioned it, and when they did, just parroted the smearing propaganda of the MSM.
Does ‘liberal left media’ really exist? In the West, and UK in particular, all of the news media is either right-wing or extreme centrist in nature, with varying degrees of support for authoritarianism. It’s usually owned by a handful of billionaires or go-opted by security services. If we truly had left-leaning news media it would surely bring about left-leaning governments. In reality it’s usually the opposite that is true.
Although, the left has always been about centralised state power and varying degrees of authoritarianism, with an emphasis on putting the needs of the many before the few. The right has traditionally been more libertarian. I used to assume the other way round because the dangers and obnoxiousness of centralised power have always felt so palpable to me, and I was also brought up on the left. Therefore, right = authoritarian because authoritarian = ‘bad’.
I’m a left leaning libertarian, I guess, meaning I seek a decentralised, liberal, nurturing society. Although some might call that a contradiction in terms? 😅
“Socialist” has become a pejorative term.
Classic example is the US opinion of “socialist” healthcare in Europe and elsewhere fostered by big business when, in reality, their own system is so corrupt it beggars belief.
Is there really a right and left in UK politics at present ?
I used to consider myself one or the other but now I take a position on the individual issue.
What they call the Liberal Left today is more Liberal than Left. It is a product of Billionaire George Soros and his brilliant concept of “Attack the Left from the Left”. Soros used bribery to take over the UK Labour Party (Tony BLiar accumulated a “modest fortune of $100M” and is now Non-voting Director in House of Rothschild; he sold his soul cheap) and the U$ Demacratic Party (Clinton’s “Charitable” Foundation owns $Billions).
The real Left is still around. You can recognize it by it’s attack on the Plutocrat class — something the Liberal Left never does.
Yup, we’re screwed…
Correction: The German Farmers are Ultra Right Wing Conservatives close to someone who did something evil to a certain group not to be mentioned here some 80 years ago in a place not to mentioned here too.
Late to the party. I’ve spent a lot of time on X, lately. I made a comment about PCR testing on X and the general nonsense related to the Covid Hoax and an Off-Guardian administrator came to my rescue when a PCR test “fact checker” attacked me. He or she posted a link to Off-Guardian’s “40 facts” page. Thank you for that. However, I love to fuck with them. They love to take the path of ridicule as I bait them to the Kary Mullis quotes. The fact checkers like to prod. And I warn them that I will embarrass them. And I do. It’s a game. But thanks anyway. I trust Off-Guardian more than others and I appreciate the effort. People are crazy.
According to the newly excepted Michael A Hoffman Revisionist History.
why 6 feet.?
It about time this gets mentioned without
the fear of being called anti Semitic or the pending stopping the seriousness of the conversation which has not been had.
Seems there is a deliberate attempt to stop the most important conversation.
The spiritual reasons.
Without that, the covid thing wouldn’t of happened.
In the Tal**d, you will find reference to 2 meters Concept of “social distancing” is in the T@lmud, the Tricknology. In tractate Bava Metzia 59b it states “the distance that one must maintain from an ostracized individual” is “four cubits.” A cubit is 18 in., 4 cubits is 72 in., exactly 6 feet.
6 feet under is also a reference to burying a coffin with a all caps name, a birth certification – you are considered dead.
Brilliant. It very important that thinking people know the Cabal still are operating with occult forces, while thinking people in general dont have a similar spiritual shield, and thus are weak and defenceless.
What can we do? I know you dont like to hear it, but there is no other way: Pray to your God if you want a chance in the game!
In the UK, the method used to ascertain the 6 feet distance was to ‘imagine a dead body between you and the next person’. I kid you not.
The weather has been quite benign, if a bit cool, for the last week or so in Southern California. At this time of year when we enjoy this bright, calm, weather it means that the rest of the US is copping it because the Jet Stream is pushing polar air down as far as the Gulf Coast. (….and that air mixing with warm, moist, air from the Gulf leads to ‘interesting’ storms) I suppose that some parts of CA have got bad weather at the moment but you’d expect that given the size of the state. Expect weather patterns to change next week.
I read about the German farmers and its really is a bit of a screwup. The German federal government had an emergency funding facility left over from Covid so they thought they could use this for various purposes. Like Ukraine. Their Constitutional Court said “Nein” and insisted that they repay what they’d used, leaving the budget some 19 billion Euro short. So they need to get the money from someone’s hide, including the farmers’ fuel subsidies. At the same time farmers and truckers were reeling from unfair competition caused by unrestricted imports from Ukraine (meant to bolster their economy). So essentially everyone’s being squeezed to pay for the UA war machine, and its not just in Germany. Obviously everyone who complains or protests is then told their a fascist, racist or something but its not, its just a lot of annoyed people (although if they keep this up they’re likely to turn AfD or whatever in protest). Its a bit of an impasse but seen from a historical perspective you can understand why the German establishment is unwilling to relinquish its grasp on UA — a depopulated UA is the cornerstone of the whole “Lebenstraum” policy. (So — meet “The New Normal — same as the Old Normal”!)
Dr. John Campbell on Excess Deaths Debate, 16 January
Is there any correlation between The Vaxx and XS Deaths in young people?
Under the Old Normal that would have been the question.
Just ask Prof Denis Rancourt. His data on all-cause mortality suggests the jabs ARE the likely cause. If I ever mention his name in the comments section of YouTube, or even make a reference to all-cause mortality data, the comment is deleted. I wonder why? Hmm.
Thanks for that info. Keep on posting the Truth; the more we do it, the greater the chance of its getting past the censor.
Huh! Although my YT channel is still up and running, I haven’t been allowed to comment on YT for YEARS.
This shill Campbell made 1 million on ad revenue shilling covid and the lockodwn boosters and jabs which resulted in many taking it and deaths
He never once had any one on his show during covid to give another explanations of views.
He then did a switcha roo when it was fashionable to do a switcharoo
3 million followers
bots and idiots.
I take your point, and previously noted Dr.Campbell’s pussy-footing. But also note that his cautious approach now allows him to slip past the censor on important issues such as Resurgent cancers and Excess deaths among the young.
* Nurse Campbell. He is not a medical doctor
Thanks, Nick. The idiots who downvoted it obviously didn’t listen to it.
It’s Not All Bad:
China throws $5Billion Lifeline to Uganda
China to construct the Oil Pipeline that Uncle $cam reneged..
BREAKING: As the first country in the world Uganda in cooperation with China will return to 98 lead gasoline again.
This has caused an enormous outrage among Western leftists who are talking about pulling out the B52 to get back to zero and to make world peace.
“outrage among Western Leftists”
Leaded petrol is a health hazard.
Doesn’t matter whether you are Leftist or Rightis, West or East; it’s a health hazard and should be banned.
Come on, leaded patrol protect us from a lot of things. 5G for example.
Does Western News media really have ‘leftists’? I doubt it. I think you mean extreme centrists.
“Does Western News media really have ‘leftists’?”
In abundance. What Western News Media doesn’t have is journalists.
Professional liars and paid propagandists, almost the entire lot of them.
Also the Florida Republican Assy & the Nat’l Federation of Republican Assys & the Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida have all passed resolutions to ban it. Also the Idaho Republican party.
A bit of the Maricopa language: “strong and credible evidence shows Covid-19 and Covid-19 injections are biological and technological weapons; ”
“calls upon the Arizona Governor and State Legislature to prohibit the sale and distribution of Covid-19 injections and all mRNA injections in Arizona; and urges the Arizona Attorney General to immediately seize all Covid-19 injections and mRNA injections in Arizona to perform a forensic analysis on these so-called “vaccines.”
Florida grand jury continues to investigate vaccine crimes.
–from McCulough’s site
Where is McCain when he is most needed to send out the military to force the jab down the throat on Arizona?
Some time ago, you may have posted a link to the graph at the WHO site showing the magical disappearance of flu globally over 2020-2021. If you still have it, please post it. I think it is a conversation-stopper.
That statistic should never be forgotten: the WHO health authorities who tried the impossible: tried to eliminate annual flu by renaming it Con-19 and issuing a Con-RNA Vaxx that did not work.
mgeo & NickM, I think I’ve never posted anything from the WHO. However, notwithstanding the extreme attractiveness of the idea that covid is just flu renamed, there’s a bit of medical science against it:
–We’ve always had light & heavy years of flu
–CDC says 2022 was the heaviest flu year in a decade– 800,000 lab-verified cases. Of course it cd be a lie.\
–However even if covid replaced the flu nothing can be inferred from that as it’s a well-known phenomenon that one virus can replace another at the epidemiological level. If you search “epidemiological replacement of one virus by another” you’ll find lots of data.
Sorry, I know these simplistic ways to destroy the very existence of covid are incredibly attractive.
“Lab-verified”: US CDC claimed 80,000 flu deaths for the 2017-2018 flu season. It conflated pneumonia deaths. In contrast, US NCHS reported the average annual number at just over 1,000. In 2001, flu caused only ~0.5% of the deaths it was blamed for. Even for the smaller figure, the industry used lab tests to verify flu for 7% or 18 cases., 2020-05-09
mgeo, CDC may of course be lying, but they claim 800,000 lab-verified flu cases in 2022– a vaxx year. Your figures verify that in a previous year flu cases were indeed low. The 800,000 isn’t deaths, just cases, btw.
“well-known phenomenon that one virus can replace another at the epidemiological level.”
Not B””dy Likely. Annual flu is caused by a host of different viruses. Corona viruses form only 1/5th of our annual flu virus load.
“Prefer the probable and likely to the possible and unlikely” — Sherlock Holmes.
The likely and probably explanation is that WHO and the majority of National Health Autthorities lied to us in Lockstep Lockdown.
Nick, of course they lied to us. Anyone willing to put forth murderous policies is willing to lie. Nevertheless your argument that “Flu vanished when covid occurred” even if true doesn’t prove covid’s nonexistence.– for the reasons I cite above.
In order to disprove the existence of covid you must show the unreliability of the evidence that supports it. There’s no shortcut. Same thing for disproving the existence of viruses in general.
I wondered why they renamed Twitter X. Are we seeing the drip, drip, drip of conditioning, or is it just me?
It’s just a scam to get you to say/write “X previously known as Twitter”. Am I the only one tired of that phrase?
I don’t follow Elon Musk’s doings, but my impression is that “X” is his personal “brand” or “signature”, or whatever marketers call it.
“X” is to Musk as “Z” is to “Zorro”, although at least “Z” is an initial, which is more logical and straightforward than “X”.
I was never attracted to social media, so I even thought “Twitter” was inane.
“X” is horribly clumsy; too clever by half. So far, the change hasn’t been clean and consistent– lots of people now call it “Twitter X”, or à la the late, great Prince, use variations amounting to “X, the social media platform formerly known as ‘Twitter’.” 🤨
How about ‘TWIx’ although it was previously a notorious chocolate bar.
Ah, that’s logical, and it beats the hell out of “X”! 👍
And here is Thelonious Monk getting off the piano and dancing to his sax player’s solo.
Im tired of this Chinese water torture.
If someone are saying drip, drip, drip, just one more time………..
Knowing how the DS operates, I would be a little more circumspect of the actual ‘sale’ of Twatter. Is there an actual concrete contractual evidence of the ‘sale’ deeds? Why would anyone believe what the DS has promoted in their propagandized MSM? To whit, it is common knowledge that the cabal hijack all prospectively promising patent ideas because they own and control the ‘Patent Licencing Process’, and carefully select the next J-cult’ wonderkind’ to spearhead their pre-determined goals. So, the question should be … did Elon Musk actually buy ‘twatterer’ and with whose ‘helicopter’ dosh? Assuming he did, why the name change which would involve enormous unnecessary expense? Therefore, I would contend that there was NO actual sale, only an elaborate change of managerial staff amidst a great-bit manufactured kaffuffle, not too dissimilar to the Fox-networks alleged phantom $BB$ payment to the Dominion kabuki show which served as a pivotal distraction from something needing to be masked at the time.
Musk is a frontman, a media influencer, an actor, whatever his bosses need him to be. He’s there to simulate there are divergents in the culture mincing machine, just like Rogan and Peterson, shills.
Did you notice, in small type: public private partnership?
Can’t claim you were’nt warned.
Just about everything is public-private: privatising the profits and transferring the losses to the public.
aka Socialism for the rich and Austerity for the poor.
Oh sure – the US should fund a countermeasures program. Hey, if you want one, fund it yourself.
Who created that document?
The virus known as ‘X’ (formerly Covid-1984).
Orwell’s ghost really needs to write a sequel to 1984.
Call it 2024.
Drill, Baby, Drill !!!
Given that I don’t have a Twitter sign-on, the following is a somewhat random search via DDG.
h/t eliger
The Coronavirus Crisis: Hit it Hard. Hit it Early. New Zealand‘s Response to COVID-19 Puts the UK Government to Shame
James Melville on the fast response of Jacinda Ardern’s Administration which puts the UK Government to Shame
James Melville
7 April 2020
UK ‘faces five or six waves’ of lockdown until a vaccine is found / 40,000 deaths estimated. And that’s because unlike many other countries, the UK failed to act fast. After the first case, 7 weeks were wasted with no social distancing and no mass testing.
2:23 PM · Apr 17, 2020
Hit hard and hit early. New Zealand adopted a programme of mass testing and one month lockdown right at the start of the #Coronavirus spread. There has only been 12 fatalities. They nipped the virus in the bud.
My @bylinetimes article
7:37 AM · Apr 20, 2020
The first criteria of any government is to protect its own citizens. On this criteria, the UK government have failed. Almost 70,000 British people have died because of government negligence. This entire horror show is on them. We must never ever lose sight of this fact.
11:21 PM · Jun 20, 2020
The government have achieved nothing throughout this crisis. For 7 months, they have floundered around without a coherent strategy. They have created the worst of all worlds. A Covid health crisis with an economic crisis, non Covid treatment crisis and a mental health crisis.
7:50 AM · Oct 30, 2020
I am a liberal Remainer who is sceptical of lockdowns. I’m not in the slightest bit a Covid denier or anti-vaxx, but I think the collateral damages of lockdowns will end up worse than the cause. The draconian authoritarian measures are the antithesis of liberalism.
8:09 AM · Dec 15, 2020
It’s not Covid denial. Not in the slightest. Covid victims are a tragedy. But so are the victims of Covid lockdowns. Both deserve equal priority.
10:59 PM · Jan 3, 2021
Melville was a regular writer at Byline from October 2019 to July 2020, but there’s been nothing since. So maybe he had some sort of epiphany!
Two must read/watch articles:
Dissecting A Modern Vaccine Propaganda Piece“I read Peter Hotez’s book, [The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science] so you don’t have to.”
Unvaccinated Children Are “The Healthiest I’ve Ever Seen”
“Dr Larry Palevsky, MD -Feb 2020 Testimony -Unvaccinated Children Are “The Healthiest I’ve Ever Seen”
“Unvaccinated children are less likely to be diagnosed with developmental delays, asthma, and ear infections…” Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, a NY licensed pediatrician, speaks at a forum on vaccines in Connecticut, discussing the repeal of the religious exemption for childhood vaccines.”
Just watched this. Excellent!
We Are No Longer Replacing Ourselves
“Unvaccinated children are less likely to be diagnosed with developmental delays, asthma, and ear infections…”
That sounds right for equivocation, when children are dropping dead, or being crippled physically or mentally. This doctor deserves an award from WEF or WHO.
Neither WEF nor Alas! WHO nor National Health Authorities will award a medic who says children are healthier without vaccination.
Although there are signs it’s a genuine cause, since the BBC is warning that the protests are being weaponized by Germa ny’s “far right”.
I would differ and do the oppsite and believe 10000000-000% it is orchestrated as James and co have been shilling it big time.
You got to be an numpty to fool for the same scam 3/4/5 times but it worked in Canada and in Netherland with BBB so why not in the selection year in that country do the same MO isnt that how psyop work…?? then give it to the appeared during covid rebels in alt media $£ who conveniently never report back when for like that so called populist nonsense is like sponsored by lets say Monsanto i..e BBB farmers party was.
Lets all believe in politics again by organizing an Trackers/ Truckers / Farmers or JFK jr politic’s party’s !!
Lets trust there plan honestly this time. There so so so so so different this time honestly as they’ve mentioned farms or tractors or trannies or needing nitrogen to farm WTF or or will have a inquiry in to covid vaccine and they’ve mentioned ‘bill gates’ like the fake rebel lady Italy PM did pre selection and what has she done since… NOTHING,! she got in and blamed the poor and migrants and thoses who dont work. what an original script… and just like that, covid was forgotten.
BTW the photo of Tractors looked about as real as people actors in China/Italy fainting during covid.. #
Fainting in Italy? Incredible amounts of criminal bullshit in Italia but I can’t recall fainting during the scamdemic.
I do remember that millions of workers who refused to participate in the experiment were suspended without pay. How’s that for incentive?
A Partial Explanation of Zoomer Girl Derangement
lol, we get weather warnings for rain now, in ireland!
Yes, when we went to visit friends outside Mullingar, we were about 400 yards from the house, when Colm pointed at the ridge on the opposite side of the valley, and said ‘See that black line of cloud over the ridge? When you see that, run for shelter.’ And he started running for the house.
i mean catastrophe warnings, over RAIN! from Met Éireann
like snow “warnings” in Scotland in winter, gasp,
i get it. next we’ll have hurricaine warnings as the wind strengthens on the atlantic breeze.
a fukn joke, suitably presented for the masses. Another joke.
it’s a way to dumb down.
It’s a way to create and sustain fear and anxiety, a social control mechanism.
Acid rain. Sulphuric acid rain, and it was God who did it.
Neil Oliver has featured here a few times in the past:
Amusingly, their two links to the “wide criticism” of Oliver connect to the same article by themselves. Otherwise, their evidence consists of a handful of comments on X. Not so amusing are the article’s repeated demands for censorship of Oliver.
The Metro = propaganda so bad they have to give it away.
P.S. I’ve no opinion whether “turbo-cancer” exists or, if it does, what might be the cause(s). What deserves highlighting are reports stating it does exist which raise any and every potential cause except vaccines.
“What deserves highlighting are reports stating it does exist [BUT] which raise any and every potential cause except vaccines.”
Your instincts correctly detect a rodentiferous odour.
Dr.John Campbell (on his Youtube channel) has interviewed the eminent oncologist who reported that The Vaxx was re-awakening cancers among his patients which had been treated and “lain dormant” for years.
(I posted this recently on OffG but forget on which thread. However, there is a second video on Dr.Campbell’s YouTube channel where the same cancer specialist discusses, The Death of [real ie, objective] Science).
Sorry but please don’t fuel the “Dr Campbell” charade. Nurse John Campbell please. He is not a medical doctor. He has a PhD in Nursing from The “University of Bolton” ie a polytechnic. Calls himself “Doctor” whilst talking about medical issues….. so make of that what you will . . .
Socialist distanance just appeared?
It wasn’t and isn’t splattered all over the worlds governments health websites and then rabidly enforced “Please follow the recommended advice from us and our federal counterparts in regards to social distancing, public gatherings and general wellbeing.”
Also the best thing about the Farmers protest is how little buy in there is as a spectacle for popular resistance…the understanding that there is no political solution and everything is a question of strategy/tactics may be taking hold?
Have fewer children for their mental health:
There’s no depopulation agenda, it’s just a crazy conspiracy theory.
BTW they were wetting temselves yesterday about a Labour landslide victory. I’m seeing a lot more political activity here locally suggesting that the UK parties are on the alert about a possible spring election.
The world want a new psycho in Westminster. Blair and Truss were too soft, and the prevailing rice and curry nobody remember.
The third Boer War — Nigel Farage comments on German Farmers revolt against Green Girlishness in Government
Naturally. because the Bauer (farmer) grows vegetables and feeds cattle (instead of skimming off the cream at the supermarket cash register) the MSN naturally calls him Far Right.
No, the Boere and the Bauern are not Far Right, just right.
“since the BBC is warning that the protests are being weaponized by Germany’s “far right”.”
Which means it’s 100% orchestrated and not organic. All so the faux authorities can claim anyone protesting the end of diesel or gasoline is really a right wing, domestic terrorist.
And Manhattan would be under water already if any of Al Gore’s climate scaremongering had come true.
I am in a polar vortex right now, with -12 top daily temps. And no surprise considering that we entered a Maunder Minimum in 2020. The fake “authorities” keep pretending it’s getting hotter when the opposite is true.
The psychopaths in charge are going to falsely claim their carbon taxes, electric vehicles and other “sustainable” policies caused the cooling over the next three decades.
such a trusted source James is
“A study from Southampton University claims that 20,000 lives could have been saved if Lockdown had been imposed just one week earlier”.
Childish. Seems that other kiddies want to play Mathematical Models just like Neill Ferguson at Imperial College.
No more studies from any university pls. All professors and scientists back to the cotton fields!
Just what Mao ordered; and it did the professors a lot of good. That dose of reality administered to the “educated classes” played a major part in propelling China’s Great Leap Forward toward its current prosperity..
Yes, more tax always makes things ‘cooler,’ n’est-ce pas?
Not surprising. It’s a total scam.
The vehicles can of course, be controlled and monitored remotely, and when the batteries die, the cost to replace them is outrageous.
what’s not being reported on that front is the raging war against working on your own vehicle and specially those ultra-reliable gems from the 80s-90s. (ie pre-mass deployment of computer Controled parts)
I’ve been warned by multiple auto parts store managers “they’ve never seen anything like it” its not on backorder, there’s not a delay, entire classes and categories or aftermarket auto parts are being permanently eliminated from their ordering systems.
Indeed, I know several people who have recently bought wrecks to have parts readily available for their “aging” automobiles.
Totally. So many guys used to fix their own cars, and now everything is made of plastic bits and pieces, with electronics that fail, using sub par parts. Making cars obsolete and unfixable. Many items are designed to fail so they have to be replaced regularly.
This was part of a long range strategy (starting with Nixon’s visit to China and manufacturing sectors in the 1st world being offshored to Asia) that uses a subscription, licensing or rental agreement in the new circular (rentier) economy.
That’s why we’ll “own nothing and be happy”. Designed to cost much more, but get much less.
With the circular, “stakeholder” economy, our access to mobility, to communications, to food, products or technology is tightly regulated and controlled so our ability to earn a living, run a business or be independent from their technocratic system will be prohibited. It also runs on AI.
Usury economy. A scheme since the old Rockefeller was born.
Usury dates from antiquity:
“Regulation of interest-based loans is at the very heart of the earliest legal texts dating from antiquity.”
And here’s a link to a free book on 5,000 years of debt, for anyone who’s interested.
Junior: “Dad, the TV’s not working”.
Dagwood: “We’ll call the repairman”.
Junior: “Why not just buy a new one?”
Dagwood: “Sorry, I forgot which era I’m living in”.
i’ve now got a 20 year old diesel, quite pleased with its function if not aesthetics, but what is a car really for?
all the mechanics love it as is pre-computer and easily fixed . .
I expect the cops/dvla/scumfuckers to get it off the road first chance they get, as they did with a pals car (better nick than mine and petrol, but 13 years old). Got stolen, recovered, confiscated by pig-scum for DNA testing, then written off by insurance whilst in pig-scum custody . . it was a perfectly working old style vehicle.
They are champing at the bit to confiscate them all.
I’ve got a tooth sharpener in the absence of justice or rifles . . ; )
cold dead hands, on a steering wheel.
I have no car in this race; however, I guess that Battery and electricity prices will decrease sooner than internal combustion engines will improve. Just saying.
You always push the bs Nick. If you can’t charge the battery, because you ate too much meat that week in your carbon allowance, and you aren’t allowed out of your 15 minute city, you are 100% screwed.
apart from the fact that you will waste hours and hours over the lifetime off sed battery charging the damn thing……truly moronic the whole shebang
I value your criticism, ever since you corrected my piece of “bs” about Russia’s Sputnik Vaxx being safer than any other RNA Vaxx. So do other OffG readers because you got +8 points and I got -8.
But kintly note that I am discussing likely advances in Energy Efficiency and Cost, while most OffG readers are discussing Distopian Restrictions in use, and Sweated Labour in manufacture.
Sorry Nick, but I disagree. What will occur is the cost for replacement batteries will remain so high, that licensing-rental agreements will be brought in to replace outright purchases: Hence, the circular economy.
Additionally, the raw energy cost to make and charge these batteries negates any benefits. It’s all a boondoggle based on carbon credits and carbon taxes.
My point was even *if* it becomes cheap it’s still a bait and switch scam within a technocratic prison grid, that’s designed to prevent people from traveling, being independent or mobile.
denied. look them up. Ask the Congo child what they cost… ?cost?
4 or 5 k is it not? I do know muppets that are so chuffed with themselves, until something goes wrong with that green band . .
fuk the lotta them, morons.
They are $20k+ on the article I saw. Near where I live.
my figure is 2 years old, from when i quizzed their happy new owners . . ?
the entire thing is a fucking nonsense, anyone who cannot see that is a muppetfuckheid. About as Green as thieves eyes. Maybe they give charitable donations to the kids in Congo, maybe even the Donbass ; )
Maybe we should ask the OG admins, as they seem expertly grifted on ecological and environmental matters, to all our exclusion, or mere proven fools of their own delusion? ha ha ha
; )
I’m confused about what you mean. 😅 I don’t think anyone in admin advocates for electric vehicles or claims to be an authority on them, if that’s helpful. A2
Even more good news about Electric Vehicles
I always avoid anything the leftists are involved in. You never go wrong on that premise. Everything is a fake.
“freezing weather cuts battery range in HALF. In Chicago, the cold is leaving EV owners with flat cars and an inability to charge. At charging stations across the city, owners have had to abandon their cars”.
Not to mention ‘Exploding Chinese Bus’
Explodes at 1min.16
They would claim the protests are being weaponized by the far right whether the protests were authentic or not. They would make the very same claim even if these protests are organic.
There are no organic protests or revolutions. Or even wars for that matter. All the world’s a stage.
The protestors don’t know, because they are being manipulated by the organizers – the “authorities”, faux politicians and their undercover agents and orgs. They always control the opposition because they lead them.
That’s quite an all-encompassing statement to claim that 100% of protests are . controlled by ruling class operatives. I have no doubt that many, perhaps most, are controlled, but it’s very easy to say things without providing any evidence.
Where is the evidence that this protest by German farmers is orchestrated? The media’s response in itself doesn’t prove anything either way.
Don’t be naive. Nothing is organic except produce. Human behavior is highly controlled and all of it’s based on brainwashing and mind control.
Do you think the authorities don’t know there’s going to be a negative reaction and anger to a tax increase? They dissipate anger and action through useless protests.
These were all fake and organized by the authorities; yellowvests, Occupy, BLM, Conploy in Canada, Jan 6th Insurrection, Freedumb Marches. Arab Spring. The Iraq war protests. I’m supposed to believe something with the same MO is “organic”?
Even the Keystone protests were organized as part of the climate action nonsense. 350 and Sierra are both run by climate shills.
Protests can’t achieve anything, except bring about what the authorities want.
Everything is war gamed. Psychological operations like ConVid are controlled by militaries. They use AI, think tanks, social engineering, modelling and incremental planning to achieve their aims. Complete idiots walking round in self suffocation devices when there aren’t even any real pathogens. Not one. Not ever.
Nobody wins against unlawful, illegitimate tyrannical authorities.
Everything is a divide and conquer mechanism. They’ll split the support for farmers into two groups: Left vs right.
Why does this need to be explained? It’s so damn obvious. It’s the same scam, over and over throughout history.
Somewhere out there decent people exist. Some are not controlled and manipulated actors. Me to take as an example.
The problem is I have problems finding similar decent no manipulated no actor people.
But there must be some out there there there somewhere where where where……in the dark hole deep deep in there there there.
nah reclaim the streets in the 90’s managed to keep the infiltrators out by having a public outer circle as bait while the nitty gritty was organised by a mutually trusted old mates inner circle that did the real planning, and it worked for quite a few years
“Reclaim The Streets was originally formed by Earth First!.”
It’s part of the “environmental” movement, and a subset of Earth First who use the Masonic X symbol in their logo and you should know where that comes from: The Egyptian book of the dead.
And now the guardian is publicizing RTS ops currently, and the environmental “Org” is holding useless candle (Masonic) vigils, for a hoax, promoting the women against men project. Unfortunately, I don’t think it was ever legitimate, despite your “belief”.
it’s not a belief having attended most uk rts and knowing a few of the organisers who were mostly from the traveller/underground squat party doers………i think you are confusing the guardian rts with the latest hijacking of reclaim the streets. as for earth first that’s the first iv heard of this……interesting but sounds like bs to me and 90’s rts have nothing to do with masons or extinction of rebellion or the guardian
I found three separate references linking RTS in the 1990’s to the Earth First! Org.
“Reclaim the Streets (RTS) was created in London in 1992, linked to Earth First!”
“The Global Street Party took place in all corners of the world from California, Sydney, Amsterdam, Edinburgh, Berlin, and Israel.”
Worldwide coordination in 1998.
“When the Earth First! movement came to the UK, the focus was initially centered around occupying timber yards but soon, the protests shifted to occupying roads to halt construction. This distinct Earth First! action would eventually become Reclaim the Streets. But how exactly could the dance-floor-ethos of ‘PLUR’ merge with militant street protests and no-compromise eco-activism?”
The first RTS occurred on May 14, 1995, in Camden with around 500 participants.
RTS in the 90’s was about reclaiming the streets for pedestrians, community and bikes.
The organizers used rave and squat culture as a hook. RTS was just one of many faux opposition platforms, seemingly protesting capitalism and globalization. To popularize and expand the environmental movement which came from the Club Of Rome, founded in 1968.
The “authorities” are once again promoting bikes, pedestrians and community use in their 15 minute cities.
Connect the dots.
None of these movements and orgs are really grass roots. Even punk in the UK was highly managed, controlled and promoted as an extension of Tavistock’s rock and roll psyop.
Brilliant discussion. Let me add the solution:
People can cut through all this smog and Luciferian theater by believing directly in God through Christ.
Here’s your proof, shill:
“Farmers with tractors take part in a protest rally organized by the German Farmers’ Association in Berlin..”
Want to know who the German Farmers Association are? They aren’t grass roots, that’s for damn sure.
“The DBV has offices in Berlin and Brussels, making it the central point of contact for all political parties, associations, governmental and non-governmental organisations at national and European level. As a member of the European farmers’ association COPA and the World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO), the DBV is part of an extensive global network of farmers’ associations.”
“sustainable agriculture”
“The DBV is involved in discussions in Brussels, not only on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) but also on international trade, food security, food supply chain issues as well as on topics such as climate change, environmental policies, research and innovation, new technologies and renewable energies.”
“The DBV represents German agriculture in the World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO), which has its seat in Rome. The WFO is the voice of the global farming community and is in dialogue with international organisations including the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations, the World Bank and The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
The WFO represents the interests of agriculture in negotiations on international agreements and conventions.”
DVB is part of WFO, with a seat in Rome? Next to the Vatican? Integrated with the UN and World Bank?
The president of this “Org” Joachim Rückwied has a classic Intel background; not only a former farmer, but a lawyer and a politician.
You could have done two minutes research before you spewed out your straw man manure.
agricultural subsidies – red diesel in this instance – the farmers don’t give a fuck about the peasants or food production or the state of the wider world, only their govt paycheck.
Most farmers (here) are anti-social statist gimpen, they care less about their trade/product equally as people or livestock, they just want their lifestyle maintained, with a big fat EU cheque. Cunts to their rotten core, they are in fact the direct activist, enforcing clearers of the clearances. Footmen of the Crown, the crown put them where they are over a 1000 peasants in the first place. that’s how they got where they are.
“farmers” of subsidies, never land.
Sharp stakes and short ropes for yer average “farmer”, they deserve no sympathy whatsoever.
Anyone remember the miners strikes? farmers? overnight scab millionaires?
fuck farmers as a political lobby, they serve themselves, NOBODY OTHER.
I would like a tractor though ; )
Yes, any person disagreeing with you, even in a minor way, is obviously a shill.
You must realize I could easily argue that your comments serve to demoralize any opposition to the global oligarchy by insisting that every protest under the sun is controlled opposition. In that case, I guess we should just submit to the totalitarian order and accept our slavery. After all, what is the alternative if ALL opposition is controlled by the ruling class? Resistance is futile.
I have no idea what straw man manure you’re talking about. You have clearly stated that “nothing is organic except produce.” I’m not exaggerating your comments or putting words in your mouth.
However, the information you provided now is useful. Too bad you couldn’t have left it at that.
Where was your proof it’s organic? You never had any proof or evidence you just repeated the lie.
If there’s a giant protest involving thousands of participants it has to be organized. It’s not organic, because all protests require organization and coordination. Logic 101. Exhibit A.
Just like I recognize the patterns of fraud, I also recognize the patterns of shilling. You fit the bill 100%. Exhibit B.
I gave you an answer based on years and years of research into how controlled opposition works, who runs the world and exactly how they maintain complete control. However you couldn’t accept my answer and pressed me rudely using a straw man. Exhibit C.
Why do I owe you a thing? Why do I have to waste my time supplying YOU with info when I have much better things to do with my time than educate a rude, incurious, ignoramus, or a shill? What are you even doing here if you don’t understand what’s being presented IN THE MEDIA (alt or msm) must always be questioned? Exhibit D.
The first step to understanding the world and how it functions is to know what people are really up against. I expose that, unlike you who offer nothing to anyone. Another indicator you are here to shill. Moreover, none of my answers are to influence anyone’s state of mind, in any negative way, rather free them from lies and fraud of the controlled opposition whether that’s alt media or mainstream. Exhibit E.
I don’t mind those who are truly curious, but I do mind liars and shills, who even after you give them an explanation, continue to claim it’s not good enough, and I need to do it in a manner that you approve of, also! Exhibit F.
That’s dishonest. It’s classic shilling.
If you aren’t aware of the multiple ways that people can fight the system that’s on you. Exhibit G.
It’s not my job to explain anything to you, but shills like you always put the onus on others, because that’s part of shilling whether you are doing it out of boundless ignorance or venality and mendacity, it’s irrelevant. My money is on the latter.
“I have no deep analysis here. I just wanted to highlight how bizarre the world has become.”
Ha! Yes, when everything becomes a lie, like CIA director Casey’s wet dream, it’s all very surreal, in a sleazy sort of way. So this is what totalitarianism looks like: stranger than Kafka, with shitloads of Arendt’s banality of evil. In that respect, mask protocols (because science) and more of Fauci’s follies inevitably reminded me of Bozo Boris’ Rule of Six, a classic, if you ask me: I can’t help but laugh deliriously when watching it, a performance Monty Python couldn’t imagine, without any irony.
The histrionics about weather (pseudo)events have all the plot lines of a cheap novel, with visual agitprop worth a thousand words of BS, thanks to climactic end-of-the-world narrative, for sure. But one piece of tabloid trash that caught my eye in passing was a blend of the winter of our discontent with impending doom and gloom for the future of U$, Inc. at the Iowa caucus. Looking back over the nation’s shoulder at the J6 ‘insurrection’ and forward in apprehension of ‘civil war’ it was replete with predictive programming none too subtle – be afraid, be very afraid. Now that Trump has been announced the landslide winner, will the electoral circus 2024, and all its clowns, slide precipitously into slimy, nonstop psyop exceeding all precedent of already formidable absurdity (recalling how much that can make for atrocity, as Voltaire said)?
Whatever. Just add that to the endless list of end-of-the-world works in progress. Chaos theory. Doom-scrolling made easy as celebrity gossip, continually shoved in faces stuck on screens. To drive proles and peasants into upside-down dystopia, they must first be made madder than a hatter. Nothing deep about their planned demise for us, Just shit, and more shit, until we hit the fan. Farmers leaving huge piles of it in the streets are onto the right symbol of protest, if only the dumping grounds were moved to the stinking high halls of rule.
“stranger than Kafka, with shitloads of Arendt’s banality of evil.”
Back to the Future: 1925-1945. Kafka foresaw Austro-Hungarian “schwarmerei” (despotism tempered by bureaucratic incompetence) metamorphosing into rigid totalitarianism. Arendt saw its tragico-farcical and surreal ending.
We shall likewise, unless the Truther movement succeeds.
Feels like we are living through the film “Brazil”.
Yes, that 1985 film was both funny and prophetic. A masterpiece by Terry Gilliam and Tom Stoppard, fully equal to ” A Nous la Liberte’ ” by Rene Claire (1931) which influenced Chaplin’s “Modern Times” (1936).
What makes ‘Brazil’ more relevant to our own Modern Times is its increasingly sinister tone as the film progresses, with a showdown in the last scene between members of a grimy and/or puny underclass and the smoothly powerful agents of a pathic upper class.
A guy where I work just got fired… and no one knows why; not even the management. Something weird happened at the head office, and his ID badge was just mysteriously deactivated.
It TOTALLY reminded me of the Tuttle/Buttle mistake in “Brazil”!
These Head Offices make that deliberately. To confuse, to saw fear.
Casual firings of someone are detailed planned and targeted and as you say, no one knows why he/she should be fired, not even himself know it other than he feel the deep injustice and anger long time after.
I call them perverts. Power only for the sake of power is a perversity.
But confess, isn’t grand watching the USofAs collapse into the ennui they have assiduously earned in centuries of depraved exploitation of 95% of humanity?
I must admit to an occasional thrill of schadenfreude in the early days of Uncle $cam’s come-uppance; but nowadays I feel sorry for the myriads of decent Yankee sheeple who were misled by their Leaders.
“The hungry sheep look up and are not fed” — Dante, Paradiso.
After Biden released all the pedos Trump and Qanon jailed, the pedos will finally be arrested again and receive their much deserved judgement when Trump and Qanon + Anonymous gets into office again.
You can bite yourself in the nose on that!
Heavy snow disproves global warming. So, is heavy snow less likely at -5 deg C (23 deg F) or at -10 deg C (14 deg F)? How about at -15 deg C (5 deg F)?
The point is more about how th so-called MSM cover it than about the weather itself.
Do you understand that great oaks from little acorns grow? Did you read the 1-page Open Letter to the American People signed by 200 military officers? This is an attempt to make accountable–by court martial– the military hierarchy responsible for the covid op.
Dear Lord. Why aren’t you supporting them by making it go viral?
Thanks, Penelope. I had not heard of this document but I hope OffG will take it on board. Bio Warfare is every bit as dangerous as Nuclear Warfare.
(By the way, are you the same Penelope as in Penny for Your Thoughts, who used to despair of ever getting the Turks and the Yanks out of Syria and Iraq? If so, what do you think of latest developments such as the Axis of Resistance?)
No, not the same person.
Thank you. Message received
In the first 10 months of 2021, US military staff suffered these increases after the jab, compared to the preceding 5 years:
-Miscarriages 279%
-Female infertility 471%
-Male infertility 344%
-Birth defects 156%.
-Dr Michael Yeadon 2022-02-02
The jab disabled 5-10% of US military staff. -Steve Kirsch 2022-12-21
Meaning 90-95% of the US military is going fine = no problem!
Fauci’s testimony is yet more evidence that the eventual Great Reveal about the vax is part of the plan all along. The PTB are behind the pro-vaxxers, of course. But one of my biggest shocks was when I finally realized the PTB also lead the anti-vaxxers as well (e.g. RFK Jr) and it’s their modus operandi to always lead both sides.
No need for a big revelation. Fertility and births is already in crisis, and no one can hide that for too long.
Most of the anti-vaxxers were Truthers — and suffered the consequences by being “cancelled” (censorship, exclusion, expulsion, dismissal, incarceration, even death threats).
Bobby Jr was right to challenge Con-19, wrong to approve the Gaza Holocaust. That’s par for the Kennedy clan: Uncle Jack was right to oppose racism, wrong to support imperialism.
Agree with your overall point (they lead both sides) – but RFK jr never was an anti-vaxxer.
Not much of a realization/revelation 3 years later,
Masks wearing wont buckle nor will the vaccine takers / believers.
Busy bodies:
This applies to every type of international conference: trade, technical, etc.
Screwing while $crewing.
Party time at Davos, where only the wait staff are masked:
Proving they knew there was no danger (or at the very least that measures like masks were no use against what danger there was).
It also shows graphically what the real purpose of mask mandates were about.
Slaves wear muzzles.
Special treatment. VIP are pre-jabbed with expensive secret vaxxes. Therefore they dont need masks not distance.
Off course the public cant get the same $1 mio injection, and off course this info is classified info. Fixed.
Spawn of Satan
heid on a pike in due course, hopefully.
Pls Blair, get down in a garbage container, pls.
Usually, it’s a stake through the heart.
We can only hope that the latest sign outside that boozer says “Closed due to bankruptcy”.
i’d like to profusely apologize for that headline.
It’s very embarassing for all of us here at Time. Appropriate heads will roll.
All journalists at Time value science facts and transparent writing.We hope you get the correct message and do the right thing!
There were some problems at the printer. It should have read:
I’m certain that clears it all up.
Again, I apologize for everyone at Time (and the printer) and hope you have a great 2024.
Ms. Informed, Laison Time to Printers
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-01-15. CV Shots Linked To Autism. Arena, Pfizer causing heart failure, cancer now looking to profit from those (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
From your Link (search Pfizer):
“Wow. Scientists [even bought-and-paid-for mongers of “The Science”] are now warning that the latest COVID variant could trigger a “heart failure pandemic.”
“And get this: Pfizer, the same company that sold you the so-called vaccines, is making a big bet on that “heart failure pandemic.” This includes $6.7 billion cash acquisition of Arena firm specializing in innovative treatments for heart inflammation conditions like myocarditis.” (tweet)
I cant believe it. If this is true this is unprecedented. This comes as a complete surprise.
I really cant believe what my ears hear. I cant believe this is the truth.
Irony alert?
This is like promoting a fashion accessory to bad health. Companies like Pfitzer promote this crud in the knowledge that there are plenty of dumb followers who will think that getting the latest ‘new’ boostie is a desirable item to accessorize their immune system.
‘accessorize their immune system’
That’s a nifty way of describing it St John.
Desensitise would be more accurate, but pHarmer-logically ‘incorrect’.
There are some cats amongst the pigeons:
It would be more honest to say the German farmers are protesting a fuel tax increase. Their “subsidy” was not paying part of the road maintenance component of the fuel tax; as farm vehicles don’t use the roads much; now they are being told they have to pay the tax to fund the roads they don’t use.
If I am tax paying for their drinking espresso the whole day long, they must pay for my ride too.
Is it the same everywhere?
Sandwich boards outside every pHarm-acy promoting the latest shots. Paid for by the taxpayers of course.
The chemists must be making a killing 😖☠️
I live in a suburb just outside Philadelphia, PA. Local pharmacies, urgent care centers, and public transit signage all advertise and promote vaccines.
And, in case we miss all that, Pfizer occasionally sends big glossy postcards “reminding” recipients of the imperative to keep up with the jabs– they feature links to websites that facilitate the jab-seeking process. 😠 💉
I’m somewhat encouraged that most of our fellow citizens seem to be turning it out/throwing it out with the trash!
Oh, I appreciate those oversized Pfizer postcards!
They fit nicely in the bottom of my trashbags, and serve as liners to block any leakes and oozes from the other contents. 😉
In America, it’s posters on the windows of all the supermarkets; in Chicago, where I was for Christmas this year, the local large market chain was offering 10% off of groceries if you got boosted while there. In Massachussetts, the Stop & Shops have pre recorded messages encouraging shoppers that “Covid 19 is serious and if you haven’t already, stop by our pharmacy to get vaccinated”…these messages are still being played. It’s everywhere.
Meanwhile, in the most ‘fire prone part of the world’, South Eastern Australia, it just keeps raining.
Fields and gardens of green as far as the eye can see.
And I’ve gotta mow the bloody lawn every 8-10 days!!
Just sayin _ _ _
How about this?
Keep shoving out the global warming show – and then say that if it feels cold to you, then you must be suffering from the latest covid variant!
See? Two birds with one stone!
And you must keep taking the new vaccines until the cold weather seems hot!
Which should keep them going till spring!
Or maybe Pfizer could come up with an mRNA shot to ‘vaccinate’ people against cold weather? Just thinking out loud. That’s all.
I think the sheeple are prepared and ready to enter into trans-humanism and cyborg mode;
Plastic tits, lipo lips, pumping iron, 100m run without feet, penis injections, artificial arms.
A lot of human material to experiment on from Ukraine, Iraq, Gaza and more. Surplus of women to feed artificial dna manipulated creatures.
When you go back and read some of the early documentation it’s amazing just how blatant the entire Covid Con job was.
…and the deployment of the rRT-PCR test kit to detect the virus.
Data collected through detailed epidemiological investigation and through the deployment of the new test kit nationally suggests that human-to-human transmission is taking place in Wuhan. More analysis of the epidemiological data is needed to understand the full extent of human-to-human transmission. WHO stands ready to provide support to China to conduct further detailed analysis.
The delegation discussed China’s plan to expand the 2019-nCOV case definition. This will allow China and the international community to build a clearer picture of the spectrum of severity of the novel coronavirus. The new case definition and the provision of test kits to all provinces, are expected to lead to further increases in the number of cases identified and confirmed in Hubei Province and other provinces. Increases in confirmed cases are to be expected as testing is increased.
The delegation discussed with the local authorities their on-going efforts to communicate to the general public to expect more cases of 2019-nCOV to be confirmed, and to follow public health advice regarding infection control procedures. This is especially important at a time when seasonal influenza is at its highest.
Ten thousand years of wars brought to us by our bloodlusting leaders and they still keep coming.
Blatant or otherwise Maxwell, we must be the most dense creatures in the universe.
‘we must be the most dense creatures in the universe.’
On the contrary, we are the first creatures on Earth that became intelligent enough to say: we have met the enemy and he is us.
All the other creatures must be MORE intelligent because they don’t wage wars.
Ant colonies have been waging internecine wars for at least a billion years; the wars usually do not lead to total annihilation of either colony.
Our cousins the chimps wage very human raids on neighbouring tribes. War seems to be as old as life.
“All things come from strife” — Heraclitus.
Rats wage wars crawling in stealing raping. Birds are waging wars, shitting all over the place eating all the strawberries.
Killing whales are waging war against sailing yachts in the Biscaya Bay at the moment. Termites wage wars. Cockroaches wage wars. Mosquitoes attack people the most vulnerable places.
Conclusion: Wars and torture are simply natural. We cant do a shit about it..
And yet, as Christians we are commanded to be peaceable:
“Oh wearisome condition of Humanity,
Born to one Law, to another bound” — Fulke Greville.
Easy. You infect people by putting the virus on the test pin. Voila, you have increases in cases and the money is rolling in………………LOL.
‘So the question is why Fauci decided to admit it, ’
I learned the answer to that question back in high school (when one still learned a thing or two in high school).
The answer:
‘The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.’
George Orwell, 1984
A more likely answer:
“A moderate house of cards, the greatest wit
Though he can start it, cannot finish it” — Goethe, Faust (tr. Louis MacNeice).
Con-19 was a house of cards, just like Con-911 and Con-WMD.
There will be an inquest and those truths which could not be suppressed will be acknowledged as “mistakes”.
The verdict of the inquest will be, Lessons were Learnt.
Is that a quote?