Understanding Power Dynamics & Moving Beyond Divisions: Covid19, Ukraine & Israel/Palestine

Dr Piers Robinson & Vanessa Beeley

This piece – originally published by UKColumn – challenges the position of OffG (and others) on the conflicts in Ukraine and Israel.

The position of the authors is that what we might call “traditional” geopolitics remains a vital topic for the alternate media, and that multipolarity continues to represent a positive alternative to Western Imperialism.

In the interest of fairness we will be publishing this and a response by Iain Davis and Catte Black simultaneously.


The last four years has been a significant shakeup for some people. Many of those previously identifying as ‘of the left’ have started to wonder what that actually means. At the same time, we have seen a willingness by those usually associated with ‘the right’ becoming more open to engaging with ‘left wing’ voices.

The high profile ‘lefty’ British comedian Russell Brand interacting with ‘right wing’ Tucker Carlson, and finding common ground, symbolises these ideological shifts.

The Covid–19 event has played a major role here. The draconian response to a purported health emergency involved propaganda operations aimed at maximising fear levels amongst the population and extreme measures including lockdowns and the mandating of experimental gene therapy injections.

As these biosecurity regimes were being trialled across countries, major harm was being done. The resulting ‘collateral damage’ (a euphemism originating during Gulf War 1 designed to obfuscate the fact that civilians were being killed by US bombs) includes significant economic damage to middle- and low-income people and associated small businesses, severe damage to populations in poorer countries, disruption of normal health care routines resulting in missed diagnoses and worsening general physical and mental health, an increase in depression and related suicides, and sharp increases in excess mortality across multiple countries.

Broadly, those identifying as ‘of the left’ have supported official narratives regarding Covid–19. In particular, a perception emerged early on that right wing governments (e.g. the Trump administration in the US and the Johnson Conservative government in the UK) were failing to protect their populations from the alleged Covid–19 threat. As a result, criticism from left-wing politicians frequently demanded even harsher and quicker measures and presented this as a moral imperative based upon concern for community and solidarity.

Relatively few left-wing critics were insightful enough to challenge the devastating impact policies such as lockdown were having on the poorer strata of society and the Global South in countries that adopted these policies. Opposition, what we in this article recognise as the ‘Covid resistance’, more often emerged from the right of the political spectrum and was frequently couched in terms of the protection of individual rights and bodily ‘autonomy’. Within this group there was a good deal of analysis challenging the ‘The Science’.

The escalation in 2022 of the conflict in Ukraine, and now the Israeli military action against Palestinians, introduce new dynamics. In recognition that conflict in Ukraine, Israel/Palestine and West Asia (alias the Middle East) is being driven by Western geo-political ambitions, not least of which concerns attempts to maintain US-led dominance of the global system, dissent from left-wing anti-imperialists has been prominent.

Conversely, at least some of the existing right-dominated Covid resistance has adopted either an ambiguous or otherwise outrightly supportive position toward Western policy regarding Ukraine and Israel/Palestine. Within these cleavages, a key subdivision concerns diverging perspectives within the Covid resistance between those who emphasise the continuing drive toward technocratic global governance and those who focus upon the weakening/declining Western Empire and the rise of a multipolar global system.

Looking across the last four years and the ‘rolling thunder’ of events, as Professor Mark Crispin Miller has described them, from Covid–19 through Ukraine to Israel/Palestine, there are at least two processes in play and which can be linked to two distinct power axes.

The first process concerns the concentration of power enabled by the Covid–19 ‘structural deep event’ (Scott) and which has involved global-level actors variously helping to realise, or otherwise promote, a deceptive impression that an entirely novel and particularly dangerous pathogen started circulating the globe in late 2019 and early 2020.

As well as multiple governments being involved in the construction of this ‘pandemic’—in particular, the US, China, UK and Germany/EU—international organisations such as the UN and WHO, plus influential think tanks like the WEF as well as powerful banking and financial actors, all played central roles.

As such, the power axis involved with the Covid–19 event has a distinctly international, or global, dimension to it. In addition to the draconian responses to the constructed health crisis, we are now witnessing an attempt to consolidate the biosecurity regimes trialled during the early phases of the Covid–19 event.

As many analysts are pointing out, the Pandemic Preparedness Agenda (PPA) and International Health Regulations (IHR) are being used to enable organisations, principally the World Health Organisation (WHO), to exert influence over decisions to control populations during declared health emergencies.

This emerging biosecurity architecture is complemented by a parallel drive toward more organised and enforceable censorship regimes. Here, Taibbi et al. have documented the so-called Censorship Industrial Complex whilst there are multiple drives to pass through bills that will create a legal backing for control of alleged ‘disinformation’; see for example, the EU Digital Services Act (DSA) and the UK Online Safety legislation.

The combined effect of these health and information control architectures will be the coercion of populations into accepting ‘health measures’ and the stifling of public debate and dissent. All of this represents highly organised propaganda aimed at shaping material and informational realms in order to ‘organise conduct’ and mould beliefs. For a significant number of those in the right-dominated Covid resistance, this process reflects the globalist technocratic agenda and one that is propelling us into a globalised technocratic order.

The second process in play is the continued projection of power by the US and its allies; witness the current wars in Ukraine and West Asia (Middle East). Compared to the Covid–19 event, this process is more easily located within the power axis of the Western Empire, in particular the so-called military-industrial complex (MIC).

Western imperialism obviously pre-dates the Covid–19 event, and the belligerence accompanying it arguably spans centuries. In terms of recent history, the 9/11 structural deep event represents the start of the most recent phase of the West’s attempt to exert influence through military means.

The evidence in support of 9/11 itself being a self-inflicted wound, a manufactured war trigger primarily designed to enable the conditions for a series of regime-change wars under cover of a Western-led global ‘war on terror’, is now overwhelming. Its utilisation as a propaganda narrative designed to underpin multiple regime change wars is also well established.

The initial wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, followed by ‘regime-change’ drives in Libya and Syria, have segued into the Ukraine proxy war against Russia and the current support for Israel as it carries out a publicly declared genocidal military operation in Gaza whilst simultaneously targeting Syrian, Iraqi, Lebanese and Iranian Resistance factions.

For many analysts, this extraordinary level of belligerence demonstrates the increasing isolation of the Western Empire and, indeed, its declining hegemony. In both military and economic terms, the West has been unable to prevail in the Ukraine and is now facing strategic failure.

In terms of ideational power, levels of global support for the Palestinians, as Western-backed and the British incubated Zionist project conducts a military campaign which meets the criteria of genocide, suggest that whatever credibility the West possessed in the past is now being further, perhaps catastrophically, eroded.

Certainly, at this stage in the history of the Western US-led empire, it is very difficult to imagine there being sufficient military, economic or ideational capacity necessary to ‘win’ in the Ukraine or the Middle East, let alone engage any other major powers.

Five points follow from this description of what is going on.

First, both processes are real meaning that, quite simply, both Western global military adventurism and drives toward the creation of global governance structures are empirically demonstrable. We can observe them in the proxy military engagements seen in the Ukraine and Gaza, the dystopian experience during Covid–19, and the formulation of legislative frameworks surrounding pandemic preparedness and control of ‘disinformation’. In addition, these processes are occurring simultaneously.

Second, we cannot be sure, at present, of the relationship between the two processes and the two power axes. One possibility is that both processes have a shared global-level origin and that the power axes are more or less aligned. In this scenario the same elite power networks—broadly a network of global technocratic elite groups—are responsible for fuelling both the wars and the biosecurity regimes.

Another possibility is that whilst there are shared interests across elite power blocks with respect to the development and implementation of biosecurity regimes, there are also divergent material and security interests. In this scenario, we see major powers such as the US, China and Russia pushing forward with the development of global biosecurity regimes whilst resource and security driven conflicts roll on.

Also possible is that, rather than emanating primarily from transnational-level elite power networks, both the wars and the biosecurity regimes are largely a function of Western-centric elite power networks with support from factions within opposing nations that have infiltrated governance and public institutions including media. From this perspective, both processes might be explicable as part of Western Imperialism. Detailed and global level power network analysis is essential in order to further assess the relative cogency of these possibilities as well as other plausible hypotheses.

Third, we can, however, be sure that both processes represent clear and present threats to the lives and well-being of people. The responses to the Covid–19 event—including lockdowns and coerced injections—have had a catastrophic impact on populations across the globe. There are grounds now to argue that many deaths attributed to Covid–19 were, in fact, iatrogenic (induced by the treatments and actions of medical professionals), whilst the impact of lockdowns and other societal-level disruptions have caused immense ‘collateral damage’.

According to some scientists, there is now overwhelming evidence that the injectable products marketed as a ‘cure’ to Covid are killing and maiming significant numbers of people and, indeed, excess mortality has remained very high throughout 2023.

The emerging biosecurity architecture described earlier—the Pandemic Preparedness Agenda and the Censorship Industrial Complex—threaten to enable yet further blows to the health of global populations. Western power projection through military means is also catastrophic. For example, the Watson Institute ‘Cost of War’ project recently estimated indirect deaths in post-9/11 war zones—Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen—at 3.6 to 3.8 million people. Israeli military action in Gaza, since 7 October 2023, has killed over 20,000 people, at least 50% of them children. 

Fourth, in order to try to protect people, both processes and power axes need to be resisted and, in doing so, we must avoid falling into the trap of dismissing resistance to Western Imperialism in places such as Gaza or Ukraine as distractions or otherwise unimportant. For Western-based writers and researchers, it is perhaps easier to engage with threats posed to their own lives and well-being and those of fellow Westerners.

This might create a propensity to prioritise critique of the Covid–19 event. But this should not be done at the expense of support for those at the receiving end of the Western Empire’s firepower in places such as Gaza and Syria. To state a simple but important example, in their current predicament the Palestinian people have priorities that need addressing that are more urgent than any emerging global-level political and economic structures. They are fighting for their existence in Palestine.

Indeed, one could argue there is a level of subliminal white supremacism in the argumentation that conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine or the wider West Asia region are little more than distractions that will facilitate the Western-centric dystopian governance regime.

There is a lack of cultural and historical context or understanding and a projection of Western values (or lack of them), which leads to what appears to be a narrow, myopic focus on the problems that will affect the collective West and nominally ‘civilised’ countries while excluding developing countries or those battling Western neocolonialist projects from the analysis. Is their war against oppression and tyranny of less value than the modern war that is being waged against the predator class vision of our future as humanity?

As Jean-Paul Sartre said, “You pretend to forget that you have colonies where massacres are committed in your name.” Those who perceive Ukraine and Gaza as orchestrated distractions from the threat of a biosecurity state in the West live in the countries that have subjugated the Global South for centuries without respite unless those countries comply with US/UK-led demands and agendas. Resistance leads to Western-dominated plundering of resources and the decimation of culture, civilisation and infrastructure to ensure a developing country is reduced to a dark-age failed state.

There also appears to be little analysis of how people in so-called Global South nations actually feel about the global future or how they instinctively pivot towards the East, having suffered untold horrors at the hands of the West’s military-industrial complex for most of their existence.

Thus, the global cohesion to face a global enemy that threatens all our existence is lacking because of the tendency to literally balkanise discussion into sectors which find it almost impossible to identify areas where overlap is viable.

In other words, until we start to take full responsibility for the misery inflicted by historic strategies still supported today Western regimes, we will never address key root causes of world subjugation. While we address what we consider to be a universal dystopian future, we must also simultaneously address the liberation of the nations we have enabled our governments to prey upon, destroy, rape and plunder. We can’t fight dystopia while dismissing, marginalising or ignoring those already living in it.

The more the people understand, the more watchful they become, and the more they come to realise that finally everything depends on them and their salvation lies in their own cohesion, in the true understanding of their interests, and in knowing who their enemies are. The people come to understand that wealth is not the fruit of labor but the result of organised, protected robbery.
Franz Fanon

Fifth, recognising that we are up against multiple processes and power axes provides an opportunity for those who perceive themselves to be as ‘of the left’ or ‘of the right’ to rally around a common principle that is to prioritise protecting people against corrupt elites power networks.

Primarily this requires some of the right-orientated Covid resistance to become more fully conversant with the realities of Western imperialism and, at the same time, some of the left-orientated anti-imperialists to wake up to the threats posed by the emerging biosecurity regimes.

At present, the most bitter pill needing to be swallowed by some of the Covid resistance is acceptance of the fact that, whatever the causes and responsibilities surrounding 7 October, the reality is that Israel has played a central role in terms of Western power projection in the Middle East and, as part of this, a terrible injustice has been committed against Palestinians.

A prime example of the schism between the Covid resistance and endorsement of Israel and US neocolonialist designs on the Middle East can be identified in statements from vaccine-opposed Robert Kennedy Jr. and his pivot to “unconditional” support for what is effectively a US military garrison in the Middle East:

Israel is critical and the reason it’s critical is because it is a bulwark for us in the Middle East. It is almost like having an aircraft carrier in the Middle East. It is our oldest ally, it’s been our ally for 75 years. It has been an incredible ally for us in terms of the technology exchange and building the Iron Dome which we have paid a lot for—has taught us enormously about how to defend ourselves against missile attack. That military expenditure—75% goes to US companies under the agreement, under the MoU.

If you look at what’s happening in the Middle East now, the closest allies to Iran are Russia and China. Iran also controls all of Venezuela’s oil, Hezbollah is in Venezuela, they have propped up the Maduro regime and so they control that oil supply. BRICS, Saudi Arabia is now joining BRICS so those countries will control 90% of the oil in our world. If Israel disappears, the vacuum in the Middle East, Israel is our Ambassador, our beachhead in the ME, it gives us ears and eyes in the ME, it gives us intelligence, the capacity to influence affairs in the ME. If Israel disappeared Russia and China would be controlling the ME and would control 90% of the world’s oil supply and that would be cataclysmic for US national security.

The war, whether Western-centric or transnational, is against the vulnerable and the disenfranchised of this world—it is impossible to fight a successful campaign against the threat that confronts humanity without collaboration with all oppressed peoples of the world. For the Global South to be liberated from the chains of Western oppression must be a priority to achieve a world united against an oligarchical tyranny, wherever it emanates from.

Moving Beyond Left-Right and the partitioning of analysis sectors

All that is required here is a willingness to acknowledge and engage with the overwhelming evidence we now have that both Western imperial belligerence and nefarious biosecurity regimes are bad for health, autonomy and freedom. Both need to be resisted, and resisted in a way that does not eclipse one or the other.

Common ground can be found through recognition of the power axes in play and the ways in which they exploit, suppress and harm people albeit in different ways and places. Recognition that the problem common to both is the existence of demonstrably corrupt and unrepresentative power elites should be enough to alert people who perceive themselves as ‘left’ or ‘right’ that we all share a common enemy.

It is also probably time for people to abandon the left-right paradigm. As suggested in this article, the divisions and blind spots which the left-right paradigm, respectively, enables and reveals mean that it has probably outlived its usefulness. This evolution will require further concerted thinking with respect to new ways of comprehending and analysing our political universe.

This article is just a start. For now it is enough to recognise that, given the nefarious power axes with which we are having to do battle, our existing political structures are profoundly broken. As noted by Dr Julie Ponesse, fired for refusing the Covid injection:

…our institutions are broken beyond repair. It’s time to build anew: a new economy, a new way of governing, and a new health care system.

Another way of putting this is that if we had anything approaching a functioning democracy or system that genuinely represented the popular consensus, we would not have to endure a state of perpetual war undeniably facilitated by state-managed lies and deception on an epic scale. We would not be on the abyss of a biosecurity world coup that threatens us all with a future of colonisation under the control of forces that effectively occupy our governments.

If anyone doubts the crossover between the genocide that Israel is inflicting upon the seventy-five-year-occupied and persecuted Palestinian people and the incoming biosecurity/surveillance agenda, please take a look at the 2030 Roadmap for UK-Israel Bilateral Relations.

This document lays out the involvement that Israel will have in the future of British healthcare, defence and security, climate issues, trade and investment, cyber, culture, education and higher education, science, innovation and technology. In other words, what originated as a British settler-colonialist project in Palestine after the Balfour Treaty of 1917 will now apparently occupy and influence the essential decision-making processes of British society. From the document:

The vision for our 2 nations also includes health cooperation. We will explore the development of a dialogue between the UK and Israel to address the challenges faced by our healthcare systems, and building on the launch of the pan-Northern UK-Israel health-tech gateway earlier this year. We will also collaborate in order to materialise a pilot program in the north-east of England, which will focus on digital health, telemedicine and expanding health cooperation focus on those areas and other tailor made Israeli technological solutions. Our ambition for closer, mutually beneficial ties is limitless.

In the final analysis, it is important to recognise the scale of the struggle we face. We are living through unusually dangerous and tumultuous times. For some, this means being on the receiving end of hard military power. The threat of regional escalation in the Middle East is very real as we enter 2024.

For many others, lives and livelihoods are being destroyed by the predator classes as populations reel from the deleterious consequences of lockdowns, experimental gene therapy ‘vaccines’ and being terrorised by a pathogen, one that borders on being mythical. Solidarity is of utmost importance in this struggle and we need it now more than ever.

As the (sadly) late legendary journalist John Pilger so aptly said:

Rapacious great power is ruthless and vindictive; many of us can’t imagine because we’re not like that in our lives.

In order to face that great power and to dismantle the projects with which it intends to destroy the world as we know it, we must form a cohesive and united Resistance front, one which is inclusive of East and West and everything in between. We must move beyond the left-right paradigms and understand that the rapacious predator class has no such limits or partitioning restrictions on its strategy. Neither should we.

Dr Piers Robinson was Chair/Professor in Politics, Society and Political Journalism (University of Sheffield, 2016-19), Senior Lecturer in International Politics (University of Manchester, 2010-16) and Lecturer in Political Communication (University of Liverpool, 1999-05). He is co-Director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies, convenor of the Working Group on Syria, Media and Propaganda and associated researcher with the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 ‘Global War on Terror.
Vanessa Beeley is an independent journalist and photographer who has worked extensively in the Middle East – on the ground in Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Palestine, while also covering the conflict in Yemen since 2015. Follow her on Twitter @VanessaBeeley, or read her blog at The Wall Will Fall.


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Jan 24, 2024 2:49 PM

Is the Brexiteers vs Remoaners still a division, a broken ‘something’ in the fabric of a European exceptionalism?

I’d have to say, if I wasn’t a Brexiteer before, watching the EU perform as expected, I surely would be now.

So my question for Remoaners………did you not take notice of the EU over the past 3yrs+

Jan 22, 2024 12:16 PM

Patreon Video 40 – Interview…Trump Train Arizona! Ambushing Steve Bannon On Israeli Espionage Against The United States https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-video-40-95758446 I scanned the standard Letter QR code on the flyer featured in this patreon post. Where I have added ( Uni Polar / Multipolar Matrix). I invite readers on either side of the binary to consider who is in control? For those undecided or plain skeptical or cynical there may be new information regarding The Corporate World which most definitely is not bounded by National Politics is there a National Bias or is it all not personal or national just doing business? The issue of foreign infiltration into critical national security infrastructure is a matter of utmost concern. The open-source materials and personal communications gathered by individuals with high-level professional qualifications have shed light on the alarming extent of this infiltration. It is deeply troubling that foreign-owned and manned companies have gained access to sensitive national security posts and critical infrastructure within the ( Uni Polar / Multipolar Matrix). The fact that this penetration is ongoing is a cause for grave concern. Of particular worry is the revelation that certain US companies have allowed foreign military intelligence-trained IT professionals into the country. Moreover, the relocation of sensitive research and development arms of ostensibly US companies outside the United States poses a significant threat to national security. The critical infrastructure at risk includes state and federal policing databases, Department of Homeland Security databases, CIA database, Defense Intelligence Agency database, NSA database, Pentagon database, as well as key players in technology and energy sectors.(( Uni Polar / Multipolar Matrix). The subversion and technology theft being carried out by these foreign entities far surpasses what is publicly known. The involvement of private corporations in designing Interactive Internet Activities (I.I.A.) operations, including dark social media influence… Read more »

Jan 22, 2024 9:41 AM

“Moving Beyond Left-Right all that is required here is a willingness to acknowledge and engage with the overwhelming evidence we now have that both Western imperial belligerence and nefarious biosecurity regimes are bad for health, autonomy and freedom. Both need to be resisted, and resisted in a way that does not eclipse one or the other.”

My italics. The Good Fight at the moment is against both “Western imperial belligerence” / and against “nefarious biosecurity regimes”. But things can change: Empires can become cooperative instead of “belligerent”, and Biosecurity Regimes can become beneficial instead of


Jan 21, 2024 9:24 AM

“[At the same time] While we address what we consider to be a universal dystopian future, we must also simultaneously address the liberation of the [oppressed] nations that we have [either actively or passively] enabled our governments to rape and plunder.”

This is the crucial difference between what I call “the OffG line” and my own experience of the similar forces at work during WW2. Like today, 1930s European regimes were cheering Fascism; capitalists in Britain, France and the U$A were actively arming Fascist Spain, Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. These Western Allies realized too late what a Frankenstein monster they had created. It was not the Western Allies who crushed the Nazi Wehrmacht and Liberated Auschwitz; it was Stalin’s tanks. I shudder to think of the consequences if Soviet Russia had not prevailed. And the “Spectre of Communism hanging over Europe” frightened Western capitalists into relative decent behaviour during the Postwar “30 glorious years” of socialism, social democracy and Liberation of the colonies.

Today as then, we find Western capitalist countries lining up to arm Neo-nazis in Ukraine and support Zio-nazi genocide in Palestine.

Today, as then, we find Russia in the forefront of Resistance to Anglo Zio Nazi Capitalist hegemony.

“Things change but one thing does not change,
The battle between good and evil does not change” — TS.Eliot

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 20, 2024 12:41 PM

Conversely, at least some of the existing right-dominated Covid resistance has adopted either an ambiguous or otherwise outrightly supportive position toward Western policy regarding Ukraine and Israel/Palestine.

With regard to Ukraine, could you give some examples?

Jan 20, 2024 10:43 AM

Great article as always from Britain’s very own Vanessa Beeley and her associates.

I would like to point out that there is no “Left / Right divide” in Christianity. The Gospel is both Leftwing in enjoining us to heal the sick, give to the poor and work for the common weal; and Rightwing in observance of religious tradition and political authority.

The current takeover of the UK Labour Party and the U$ Democratic party by Corporate Fascism is a recent phenomenon (temporary, I hope) based on bribery of political leaders (Blair, Clinton et al) who accumulated fortunes and joined Rothschild finance corporations. “Attack the Left from the Left” was a brilliant strategy developed and executed by George Soros through his “charitable” Foundations with high sounding names.

Jan 20, 2024 2:36 PM
Reply to  NickM

“to protect their populations from the alleged Covid–19 threat … criticism [of right-wing governments] from left-wing politicians frequently demanded even harsher and quicker measures”

That’s just a normal humdrum retort from the opposition benches: “Whatever you do we can do it cheaper / quicker / better.”

Boris and the Trumpeter are Fake Right sofar as both are divorced from their national tradition, as described by Orwell: There are no more Tories, only corporate fascists. So are the Fake Left corporate fascists; political thugs payed by the same financial corporations.

This does not mean that there are no real Conservatives who admire tradition and love freedom; nor does it mean there are no real Socialists who admire planning and love equality of income. They are the real Left/Right divide.

Jan 30, 2024 6:09 AM
Reply to  NickM

Building on your point ….. there are humane, feedom seeking forces and then there are those that wish to destroy humanity and freedom.
Revelations is a map of the unfurling of the Christ impulse which must ultimately lead to the conflict where part of humanity wakes up and another part doesn’t. The tragedy would be overwhelming if we didn’t have that map

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Jan 19, 2024 6:29 PM

“In order to face that great power and to dismantle the projects with which it intends to destroy the world as we know it, we must form a cohesive and united Resistance front, one which is inclusive of East and West and everything in between. We must move beyond the left-right paradigms and understand that the rapacious predator class has no such limits or partitioning restrictions on its strategy. Neither should we.”
Well said, the challenge for each of us is unlearning our deeply held biases and learning to think holistically in ways that benefit us by focusing on the greatest good for the greatest number of people rather than the narrowly self-centered, selfish and cruel ways we have been conditioned to function.
As we speak the ruling class miscreants and psychopaths are using their media and technology to exacerbate the Left-Right dichotomy and intensify existing gender, ethnic, class, color and ideological differences and schisms. We have the agency and ability to change; the question is are so so far gone we cannot act in ways that save ourselves and the planet?

Jan 19, 2024 4:12 PM

9/11 wasn’t merely a war trigger. It was also used to initiate the totalitarian process in the West.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 19, 2024 12:47 PM

At the same time, we have seen a willingness by those usually associated with ‘the right’ becoming more open to engaging with ‘left wing’ voices. The high profile ‘lefty’ British comedian Russell Brand interacting with ‘right wing’ Tucker Carlson, and finding common ground, symbolises these ideological shifts.

No, they are both fake. It’s live-action role play and they’re actors who get given scripts to follow. However, although there is often unity of interest and purpose among the producers, this isn’t always the case. What we are witnessing now in the geopolitical environment consists mostly of splits and reorganisations among the producers.

j d
j d
Jan 19, 2024 11:43 AM

Democracy is a cult, it is theatre. You, cannot effect meaningful change at the ballot box, it is not allowed. That is not how the system works. It is all a game. The system, ‘Caesar’ – institutionalised man, and womankind, power, covers all ‘sides’, no matter who you, vote for ‘Caesar’ always wins. None of those that you, vote in have any ‘power’, whether a President Trump or Biden, a Prime Mister Sunak or Starmer, they do not make decisions. They are puppets doing as they are told by the shadow government/deep state/whatever you, want to call it that continues on, and is why nothing changes no matter who you, vote for. You did not vote for it, and cannot vote it out. Caesar seeks to perpetuate itself, for which it requires your participation. The problem is spiritual, which cannot be solved by political, economical or any other action in the world or things of the world, so it requires spiritual solutions. The external manifestations of this, state of the ‘world’, is due to the internal state of many of man, and womankind. Most wish to remain ‘children’ and to avoid self-responsibility, which cannot be done in reality, as ultimately each man, or woman, is responsible for themselves. Life got good, those of man, and womankind, fell asleep, they did forget that freedom has to be fought for every generation as there are always those willing to take it from you. They did even forget that they are man, and woman, creations of all creation, and diminished themselves by taking titles such as mother, father, parents (pair-rents – pair that rents), teacher, doctor, farmer, and so on. Titles do diminish the status from that of a man, or woman, and come with duties and obligations. *“The fundamental realities of man… Read more »

Jonas Carling
Jonas Carling
Jan 19, 2024 9:38 AM

Hello admin,
Please update the “tbd” link to Davis & Catte’s article at the first paragraph of this article.
Just to let you know

Jan 19, 2024 8:46 AM

A lot of words to say not very much. One thing it shows is the difference between saying left-right is useless and really having grappled with what that means. Maybe the head of the author is saying this but the article is full of modern leftist tropes. The OG editors picked up on one, the “white supremacist” line. quoting the likes of Sartre and Fanon with apparent approval is another. Why is ‘autonomy’ in inverted commas – is it somehow still not real to the author? Left-right is useless because: 1) The elite are largely instrumental in their use of ideologies – they’ll use anything, including the furthest fringes, if it furthers the needs of the moment and advances the ultimate agenda of technocracy, transhumanism and neo-feudalism. This includes any versions of communism and anarchism. 2) The elite have positioned part of their agenda in the ‘right’ and part in the ‘left’. Whoever’s in power, part of their agenda is pushed forward. For most of my life, to put it crudely, the economic agenda was advanced by the right (eg deregulation, free trade) and the social agenda by the left. The other side of the left or right ideologies somehow never got enacted (eg Reagan never enacted the conservative social agenda) and when they get back into power they never reverse what the other lot has done (despite having pretended to oppose it at the time). This is now changing with the economic agenda becoming a lot more what-had-been-traditionally-leftist (eg UBI) and one has to grapple with the elite espousing what sounds like communism. Both Quigley’s insights into the economic cycle used by the elite and Sutton’s insights into the cojoined nature of monopoly capitalism and state-monopoly communism offer paths out of this. The one oppositional movement that seems like… Read more »

Jan 20, 2024 5:56 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Great point about ‘autonomy’ being put inside inverted commas. I noticed that as well. Is that some slight insult to those who still think bodily autonomy is a real thing and should be part of any “discussion” about their great new multipolar world order? Perhaps autonomy is merely an outdated Western concept and should be ditched along with all that fake democracy which the authors do seem to hold in contempt, albeit rightly so in its current iterations.

Why, the great new multipolar world will be peaceful and wonderful, it will usher in a new world order bent on the needs of all humanity, and it will be fully inclusive, whatever that word really means today. And it will be fully democratic, not like these false democracies in the West and all those other countries who’ve up until now emulated that model. In order for that to come about, perhaps we need to relinquish what little individual autonomy we may still have as that seems such an archaic concept in today’s brave new world….

Jan 19, 2024 6:06 AM

Haha, I do like the right hand image at the top which shows the two sheilas climbing through the rubble. That’s some mound of twisted steel and formwork, not to mention the concrete rocks and boulders. It appears these two champions have just walked over the top of a mountain of rubble carrying a child. An amazing feat. Especially when you zoom in to see they did it in flip flops. Thank fuck for photoshop eh… Fuck me, the sheila in front did not even drop her iphone. Apparently these two chicks are now running a business as Sherpa’s leading expeditions up Everest as a side hustle from their day job as crisis actors.

Finally shame on the twat taking the picture. One would have thought they would have at least offered to help her carry the poor kid rather than take a shot for social media.

Jan 19, 2024 5:22 AM

Overly convoluted. The root cause is exponentially large accumulation of wealth. As someone said, there should be no billionaires. Most people do what they are paid to. The bigger the pay-off, the more inhumane or short-sighted they are willing to be.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 19, 2024 2:56 AM

I had a pecuilarly perceptive mother for someone who on the surface was just another homemaker. I think it came from being active in the anti-fascist movement in the 1930s. One thing she taught us children is that ‘the electorate have short memories’, a notion that is worth bearing in mind when you read a lot of punditry, especially from politicians. Its like people seem to remember the last one or two things said to them and lose track of what came before. This is important. For example, I’ve come across a lot written about Covid but much of it is synthetic distortion first introduced for purely political reasons. If we duck under this superstructure we recall things like a very early public information piece put out by Vietnam’s Health Ministry, a piece that doesn’t talk about vaccines (because they didn’t exist) but rather contained some very well organized public health information about the origins of this particular coronavirus and the kind of precautions needed to keep it from spreading. Simple, everyday, stuff, now lost under a complex and largely meaningless superstructure of argument and counter-argument. The same kind of simple, knowledgeable, analysis can be applied to just about anything. Economics — nothing much has changed since Karl Marx’s day, we’re still wondering what to do about labor and capital and reining in of rampant exploitation of both human and natural resources. Politics, both local and global — again, nothing new, we’ve yet to fully understand Orwell’s essays on language manipulation and the message implied in “four legs good, two legs bad”. (Here I must disagree with my dear old mum — she used to describe Orwell as a ‘turncoat, a traitor’ but I suspect I was the scion of Old School Communists so all that proved is that observations… Read more »

Jan 20, 2024 2:48 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“how, despite all the best efforts of [Uncle $cam’s] propagandists [and big Beef52 bombers] it all fell apart.”

“A moderate house of cards, the greatest wit,
Though he may start it cannot finish it” — Goethe, Faust.

“Justice comes from the barrel of a Kalashnikov” — Mao Zedong.

Jan 18, 2024 8:44 PM

Understanding Power Dynamics & Moving Beyond Divisions..
I have a rule – which has served me well and I had it in place for 10 years strong..

Anything or Anyone associated with UK shill um an naval intelligence GCHQ outfit faking it as independent media LOL that had to admitted it was naval intelligence GCHQ outfit, due to amazing on the ball truthers back in the day who did real deep journalism (take note off G) and exposed them and many others for who they was, funded by Sheila Butler, the daughter of Earl and the niece to Lord Kitchener that funded this fake alternative media outfit..

I will not touch U.K shillum (U.k Column (Uk collide with the government) or anything anyone who has been published by them.
and guess what ?? I have not missed anything or been lead down any shill DEAD ends.

10 years later they still shilling nonsense and worse still your publishing it as alternative or is it ultra naive media.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 18, 2024 9:00 PM
Reply to  futurist

Are you able to link to anything about this? That’s always helpful! A2

Jan 18, 2024 8:41 PM

I’m not sure what the straw man argument is here (those who say that the wars and the end of empire are “just a distraction”), but I want to point out the obvious that none of the leaders give a shit about any of the citizens of the nations they lead, not the Palestinian leaders, the Israeli, the US, the EU, not Russia and so on. They use their own people like pawns.

Yes, we have nations struggling against each other and we see a multi-polar world on the horizon as the Western/US Empire takes itself apart (while killing others and raking in cash), but this is in no way contradictory to the Globalist agenda. It’s not Multipolar world versus Globalism. Technocratic Globalism doesn’t care about the state of nations and may be indifferent to war. War always makes the leaders rich, on the losing as well as on the winning side. War is the excuse for more emergency measures.

Who says we don’t care about Palestinians if we also see what’s happening to them as a larger war of the elites on all people. When the Israeli government vaccinated the hell out its population and yet the vaccine was denied to the Palestinians, I guessed that an even more brutal kind of genocide would befall them pretty quick.

It’s a mistake to be divided against each other. It’s the people against the leaders. That’s all this is.

I’m on my way over to read Catte and Iain’s response.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Jan 19, 2024 6:38 PM
Reply to  Posthumous

Yes Israel was one of the most highly COVID vaccinated countries in the world and let’s be real, we know the Israeli’s government allowed and facilitated the October 7 attack by doing nothing.

Jan 18, 2024 7:53 PM

A very well written article but it misses some very critical points because there seems to be a lack of deep analysis by many on which group is pulling the strings of the Globalists .

Ie the Central Bankers who have funded both WW1 and 2 plus the Bolshevik Revolution plus many other wars and coups as detailed by researchers such as Professors Sutton, Guido partially Quigley.

Moreover, the control they have over the economies which researchers such as Eustace Mullins plus Edward Griffin have written about.

Let’s not forget the famous boast from a very well known Central Banking family

“ I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls the Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply. “

underground poet
underground poet
Jan 18, 2024 8:37 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Yes, but is a fool separated from his nuclear energy pellets his own fool, or one to fool the whole of the west and its citizens too?

Long forgot about was 2016 with Hillary and the uranium 1 debacle, one where we had 8 years of fuel stock left or we were going to have to dilute the bomb supply to keep the lights on. At the time 8 years was going to be plenty of time to resolve the issue.

But here we are, and you can’t have both a strong nuclear deterrent position and be diluting that same said supply to keep the lights on, the Russians are well aware of the situation as they control most of the uranium supply.

Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive.

Meanwhile it was quietly announced that a licenced facility was going to begin in August to mine the dilute material, and then refine the material into nuclear energy rods to be used at nuclear reactors, but will it be enough for everyone as 2025 approaches the end of the wests nuclear fuel stock pile.

Looks like money cant buy you love or energy pellets these days.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jan 19, 2024 2:55 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

From my ancient Grandpa’s Grandpa: “I dont care a shit about whoever sits in Washington as long as I sits on the cotton fields”. My ancient Grandpa said that.

Jan 19, 2024 8:31 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jan 19, 2024 3:43 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

I really like Carlin but on this detail he is just playing games with you.

My Grandpa was a very well known cotton field farmer and he has the right to be famous for his boast too.
My Grandpa and your Rothschild is the same because they have equal rights and it should be equal.

Jan 19, 2024 5:24 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Oh the contrary, many a true thing is said in jest and Carlin had plenty of things to say including ma daddy !

Jan 18, 2024 7:43 PM

When total retards write articles.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 18, 2024 7:36 PM

Still believing four years later that there was a pathogen involved in “COVID-19,,” are we? LOL. And still believing that Russia and BRICS overall stand outside the empire? More LOL Yep, set yourself and everyone else up for the next op. and the next stages of the 4IR.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 19, 2024 3:02 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

“Near mythical” is hardly “believing.”