“Growing your own vegetables is bad for the planet”
Another blatant step in the plan to control our food
Kit Knightly

Have you ever made a prediction and wished you’d recorded it?
Last week, in a phone conversation with a family member, they happened to mention growing their own vegetables, and I said in reply “Enjoy it while you can, they’re gonna start claiming it’s causing climate change soon.”
Literally four days later…

Apparently, a new study from the University of Michigan has found that “urban gardening” is 5 (or maybe 6, they’re not sure) times worse for the environment than “conventional crops”.
I don’t know how they calculated it, and it doesn’t really matter. If you read the bodies of the articles they even say it only applies to some vegetables in some places and it all depends on how the “infrastructure” is put together.
The details aren’t the point. The point is yet another weapon in the war on food. More regulation, more commercialization, less freedom, all in the name of “fighting climate change”.
And if you’re doubting that’s the agenda here, check out the sheer number of government research agencies which the “supported” the research project:
Support for the project was provided by the UK Economic and Social Research Council, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, French National Research Agency, U.S. National Science Foundation, Poland’s National Science Centre, and the European Union’s Horizon 202 research and innovation program.
It’s a fairly obvious case of needing a study to support a position, going out and and buying one.
This is one of those stories that exists simply to be a headline, so some pundit can quote it on some political panel on primetime TV and start a conversation about “regulation”.
Since we started with a prediction, let’s end with another one: This is just the first step, and you don’t have to be paying especially close attention to see where it goes from here.
They are never going to make growing your own vegetables illegal, they are just going to make it increasingly difficult.
It will start with licenses, for food safety purposes or something. Maybe an outbreak of a disease will be linked to people sharing food from their allotments.
Licenses will be increasingly expensive, and come with restrictions. You’ll only be allowed to use seeds from specific approved vendors, seeds of GMO plants which “mitigate the impact of climate change”. These seeds will likely be “terminator seeds”, meaning they are sterile in the second generation.
And, in that fashion, growing your own vegetables will no longer be an individual and independent experience, but just another corporate subscription service.
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Freedom seeds are best grown year round. Just saying.
‘5 (or maybe 6, they’re not sure) times worse…”
Totally random Fake Science.
I guess now I HAVE to have a garden. FWEF!
CO2 is the gas of life. Without it, nothing on earth can live.
True: CO2 is tree food, the elixir of life, like oxygen. All this, and right now it is only 0.04% of the Atmosphere (though it has been MUCH higher a % before).The Climate scam is falling apart! 😂
If we say “NO” they lose their power over us.
Regardless of what they are trying to accomplish
CO2 levels have increased by 1.29 parts per 10,000 since 1880. Virtually NOTHING!
Recall how just about a year or so ago there were stories about how all community gardens and private gardens were to ‘register’ and be part of a database …
There are only 2 dots to connect here … dot 1 – register; dot 2 – either be shut down or be arrested
Either way … heads they win, tails we lose …
Picture a dandelion with it’s fuzzy seed head standing there. It needs the wind to propagate. So it is in our world today. All this upside down, ridiculous, and sinister indoctrinating propaganda is dependent on the wind of the media to spread it far and wide so it can multiply and proliferate.
We need to load these monsters on a boat, take them out to sea and feed them to the sharks. Fish need to eat too.
Excellent idea
Where it says CONVENTIONALLY, it should say COMMERCIALLY.
The conventional method of growing food is small gardens and farms. Only since the steam and diesel engine has there been mega farms.
For those with eyes, see, and for those with ears, hear…the Antichrist will be here soon. The global delusion is almost complete when you see stories such as these.
There are now and have been *many* anti Christs. Pick one.
THEY are a joke, living causes climate change. Think about it, it must. These people are not worthy of freedom, they all need a Dictator.
Big Ag has created GMO terminator seeds. Yes they are literally engineering what can be a potential famine. That is PURE EVIL.
These miscreants certainly are relentless, are they not? Imagine planning this world-level destruction for decades and then, in 2020, being able to execute your plans with little opposition. Gotta give them credit for effective planning and execution.
Fux em all
Liars all
They worship the creature more than the creator
I have a small family farm in rural New York. Last summer, we received a questionnaire from the US Census Bureau asking us to list all of our livestock and give the measurements of our garden. The document threatened to send a census-taker to the house if we didn’t respond. We didn’t respond. We’re waiting with manure patties at the ready.
They could have been there already via drone or google map satellite.
The society is organised the way that the municipality’s legal responsibility and job is to pay and make infrastructure in public space up to the single owners/farmers/industry’s borderline, from this borderline into the private lot the owner has the legal, economic, technical responsibility for all further infrastructure.
Therefore any interference on another man’s property is diffusing this responsibility
Here where I am in Europe they are constantly attacking the private area by replacing an existing system of 1 paper sack to a new 3 new big plastic garbage cans system with sorting plight inside the lot claiming the lot is unfit why the owner must change his lot to fit to the new system.
Trying to change analog meters to a 10 x more expensive EMF meter INSIDE the house attempting to charge $1200-2000 for moving it outside the lot.
Changing of a duly single pipe waste water system to an expensive technical wrong double pipe system inside the lot coming.
Imposing 5G small antennas in the streets coming.
All of these “new projects we want to do it all better” are breaching all building regulations, property laws and diffuse legal responsibility, privacy, and lead to conflicts and long time paper fights.
There must be some major agenda behind this stress tactic.
Get a trebuchet.
Longer range.
We have a small family farm in Central PA. We have gotten those questionnaires before. I read and re-read the language where they threaten to come after you if you don’t respond. I realized it never said I have to answer the questions, just respond. So I write, “None ya” across the top and mail it back. Prolly gets me on (another, lol) blacklist but oh, well. It never said I have to answer the questions.
“Award-winning journalist, Alex Newman, sheds light on a 2013 UN report asserting that meat, chicken and traditional agriculture are “not sustainable”, and that a “major propaganda campaign” is needed to persuade people to eat insects instead.”
Let’s repeat the central assertion:
“meat, chicken and traditional agriculture are “not sustainable””
And that must surely be the most concise encapsulation of the most brutally absurd propaganda of all time!
Grouse shooting will be allowed.
Are hundreds and thousands of food miles better? What about all chemical treatment of foods and multistage processing until nothing of substantial value is left? Long transport and storage degrades all fresh food causing massive wastage. What about the costs involved in all of that?
Potatoes are especially dicey. They sprout so easily so they are all treated with ant-germination powder. But what interferes in life (even in a plant) cannot be inconsequential for the eater. Maybe not immediately, but later. The cancer statistics ….. ah no, it’s all inconsequential.
That carbon footprint claim for DIY veg bends the bull crap meter needle around the stop posts. Veggies, like any other plant-life, consume CO₂ as part of the process of photosynthesis. In fact commercial hot houses inject CO₂ as a stimulant to enhanced growth and better yields.
Plants use CO2 then create oxygen so it’s carbon neutral these climate scientists are all liars they cheated the system by picking a timeline showing a drastic rise temps but if you look at a long timeline and study the past history of CO2 levels before use of energy there is no correlation to fuel use increasing CO2. CO2 actually increased in the past with rising temps likely do to warmer climate leading to more animal life which added more CO2 but the temps climbed first before the CO2 increases so the CO2 had no effect on the rising temps.
We’re to be restricted to 15 Minute Cities and totally
surveilled…We wont be able to go for Outings to The
Countryside (all remaining oil will be restricted for
Military Use Only (aka – War)…No Overseas Trips to see
Animals In The Wild…Our only Knowledge / experience
of Nature & Wild Animals will be by watching David
Attenborough’s documentaries, which the cynics &
doubters will undoubtedly claim are Fakes…
All of these dimwitted schemes are manifestations of the same underlying psychosis, and that psychosis is a manifestation of a physical, organic disease in which blood flow to the brain of the global human organism has become impaired. This organism didn’t exist until 1938, when oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia. Its entire evolutionary history, from single-celled amoeba to the currently dying trillion-tentacled beast, has happened in less than a century. Every aspect of this creature’s biology was built around the flow of oil, and was carefully and irrevocably tuned to a delicate balance of volume and price.
The price of oil is analogous to blood pressure. It’s not an arbitrary statistic whose value merely corresponds to the relative fortunes and despairs of a few oil barons. For the beast to continue to exist, the price must remain between two very specific thresholds. If it drops below or rises above that range for any reason — a sharp increase or decrease in demand, or in capacity without a proportional change in volume, sudden shock, infection or disease — the small arteries will close off, the limbs of the beast will become gangrenous, and ultimately the beast itself will die of sepsis.
It doesn’t matter if the oil runs out or not. It doesn’t matter if we discover economical fusion next year, or if we all install solar panels and grow our own food. The beast is a petroleum-based organism, and it dies with absolute certainty when the pressure or the volume exceeds the biological tolerances in either direction. This is not under human control. Finding more oil kills the beast as quickly as finding too little. Fiddling with demand — such as by banning home gardens or mandating electric vehicles — kills more quickly than doing nothing… which kills very quickly.
There is simply no saving the petroleum-based creature of which we are merely the cells. When it dies, we also die, as we depend on its circulatory system to deliver our sustenance and to clean up our waste. But why would we even want to save it? A century ago, we lived better lives as cells in a coal-based creature with far fewer tentacles. A millennia ago, we lived better yet in wood and wicker. And an eon ago, we didn’t need to be a part of any creature larger than ourselves.
This thing has choked on oil. The core is dead already, but the limbs are still flailing, trying to shock the corpse back to life with batteries and lightning. This is Frankenstein stuff — the sci-fi fantasies of an ebbing consciousness. Eventually, the limbs will stop flailing, flies will drink the bubbling ooze, and frogs will eat the flies, and storks the frogs, and then we’ll all be free again.
It means humans are some kind of mosquitoes sucking the oil (blood) out of the beast because oil is the blood of the beast?
And everytime we use the beast’s oil (blood), the beast require revenge and equal sacrifice of our blood down in the soil in form of endless wars, dead bodies and torture.
Thats why we bury human bodies in the soil with the butt 30 cm above ground. The beast can suck it dry and we can use the butt for practical purpose as bicycle stand.
I have seen the light. Its the way it is, its how the world is screwed together and why we fock everything up. THIS is the real stuff!! Reality!!
They want to make libing, eating, breathing illegal on this planet.
My food miles are measured in feet, my soil carbon content increases every year, all my organic inputs are made on site.
My produce would pass the Pepsi taste/nutrition test challenge every time anything Vs anything conventionally farmed.
The research is bunk, that they think were that dumb is actually quite offensive.
I save all my annual seeds, I guess it’s time to start saving biannuals too, thanks for the heads up.
There’s another version, check out 1 min 14 secs:
Quiet ironic that you was Talking on the phone then an MSM article appears telling and confirming your ‘private’ conversation you had.
Back in the day in the very very fringe woo woo section of the truth movement.
Theses poor people who had been tortured with gangstalking and a.i & algorithms
doing exactly that and a little bit more..
it is also called synthetic synchronicity.
Many where sectioned and put on serious meds,
You was considered batshit crazy conspiracy even some of the real older alt media channels wouldn’t go there (just like now).
Years ago, I was talking about a hotel to a friend in a ‘work environment’ and later on that day at home. she received an 25% code discount on her facebook for that small BB hotel chain.
The very important part, we did not have our phones on us.
work environment = sensor, led lights card activation doors, key code pads, work id card/badge. 1000 laptopsPC / computers. smart sensors electricity and lighting. credit cards, nector cards etc. routers, bluetooth, etc etc etc
That was years ago and in today world you – YOU is the software.
I think you might find the stuff this woman goes into interesting: https://odysee.com/@WakeUpMirror:3/swewbb:8?r=C1qrZyYmQSei6VRsGXWk31h3ro9B3ja8
She’s a network engineer explaining how you are the network.
Or a lunatic.
Thanks for the link and discussion.
One of the most revealing I have seen. Its a MUST SEE link.
Just for info, the last part of the link inclusive and after the ? is a tracking part.
I take only the link until before the ? to avoid the tracking.
Maybe its childish considering the theme, but its what average Joe can do and if he can do that he is still on the plane.
“In 1937, The Technocrat magazine defined Technocracy as the “Science of Social Engineering” and then proceeded to define the outcome as a resource-based economic system with all decisions made by Technocrats. Rejected and ridiculed, they turned to deception and psychological warfare.
In Goudsmit’s book, Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is, chapter two is titled “The Art of Psychological Warfare.” Fast forward 100 years since the birth of Technocracy, their strategy hasn’t changed. No thinking person would give these crackpot Technocrats a second thought unless they were brainwashed into going along.
Think about it:
These crises are the shoved at you non-stop as “compelling” reasons to give them total control over everything, to micromanage you in a scientific dictatorship. Americans in the 1940’s saw through this craziness and thoroughly rejected Technocracy. You must see through it now, or suffer the consequences.”
⁃ Patrick Woods, Technocracy News Editor
Splendid overview and clear conclusions.
Unfortunately Im quite sure people will prefer to face the consequences. Otherwise it had never got so far.
Next: breathing out (CO2) is bad for the planet….
Already did that one two weeks ago.
Breathing your last on the other hand is good according to all Davos acolytes like Brussels, Washington, Beijing but also the ayatollah or jihadi death cults.
It just doesn’t pay to die anymore, I suggest you don’t do it.
Too expensive, Hospitals, Lawyers, the Court house, Priest, Family lunch, Funeral, Your lazy sons and daughters fighting for your belongings, and immediate sell of your house and motorcycle. Nope.
Don’t laugh. NACs are monetising the very air we breath.
Lack of oxygen resources, and the oxygen left is polluted. Oxygen tax proposed.
By this point even the most gullible must be waking up to the utterly absurd drivel now passing for mainstream “news”. The media long ago gave up on “being direct” i.e. simply lying I.e. presenting their rubbish as if they wanted people to believe it.
Now they work through cruel taunts (“Look at what we can get away with!”) and provocations aimed at sparking pointless feuds.
When the assumption of a trustworthy central media disappears, what’s left is a constant stirring up of confusion. The main aim is that, with the collapse of the centre, no rival centre should emerge.
And twitter/X is totally controlled. I get “likes” from accounts that turn out to be porn advert sites. Talk about taunts!
I have nothing better to do than follow up on my likes, keeps me busy all day.
The media is just reinforcing what the gullible have been brainwashed to believe in school. Modern education is the problem.
If we are resigned to the belief that the parasite class have everything in place and cannot be stopped, then we will, absolutely, will that reality into existence. Every passing pessimistic remark we make, leads to apathetic and defeatist behaviour, followed by our actions manifesting in everyday life. The future is ours to seize. As long as our capacity to dream and to will that dream remains, choice defies fate; and thus does freedom defy slavery.
Fighting Defeatism...
With you Nicholas.
That’s why I’m an agnostic spiritual anarchist, vegan, protest songwriter/busker.
Gotta have fun before we croak.
Very good point there…The vision of a better world lives in our imagination, which is the source of much of what we are currently doing. I think this is the message in the John Lennon song..peace and justice need to be nurtured in our imagination – pessimism and negativity will destroy it at source. The real battle is for the mind, once that is conquered one may say “ there’s always been wars and there always will be”.
Lennon’s song is the NWO order anthem and “willing” things into existence is New Age garbage with its roots in Luciferianism which is what’s creating all this insanity in the first place. It shifts the blame on to you for when bad things happen because you obviously didn’t “will” it hard enough.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Thoughts affect physical reality. Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work with water molecules is one example.
“Quantum mechanics is the study of how particles at the atomic and subatomic level interact with each other and their environment. The observer effect is the phenomenon in which the act of observation alters the behavior of the particles being observed.”
Im done with laboratory reality.
It’s true that Lennon and the new age movement is Tavistock et al, but the psychopaths in charge believe in energy harvesting through human sacrifice to gain more power and control.
They believe all energy in our universe is finite and doesn’t dissipate, only changes form.
Energy is just different types of wave functions. Carried on and through water molecules and through ions (charged particles) in matter, plasma and air.
The dark occultists carry out millennia old pagan rituals. They’re always renaming their astrological and astronomical deities, to keep the plebs confused.
So Lucifer represents Venus, the morning star, or light bringer who rises before sunrise from Jan-Sept and then falls from the sky in Sept-Dec, rising before sunset. Everything in their Buy-Bull is astrotheology, allegory and Gematria.
I recently spoke to a UK MP and I challenged him on net zero, my point being that it was impossible and impractical.
His answer was interesting and one that obviously came from the top.
“If we aim to work towards a reduction, nothing will happen. If we use carrot and stick to a stated goal, we will move toward a reduction”
So, all of these edicts are not written in stone, they’re goals to work towards.
The thing that makes the difference is us saying NO !
This is exactly how Stalin’s Five-Year Plans worked – the point wasn’t the numbers in the plans (every plan was declared a success and replaced with a new one despite the original target never having been met), it was about creating a siege, barn-storming mentality.
Its a normal but stupid management tool. You set the targets too high to make the workers or sales men work like hell to reach it.
But you can only do it once, the efficiency effect falls already after the first cheat of people and after times your system is rotten.
Old theme: Truth always win in the end, lies loose.
Havent you noticed we are not fighting against the Elite and Big Deep shit and that, but we are wasting all our energy in trying to wake our own neighbours and family up?
This is but the first stage of the process. What war can be fought without warriors?
The new enclosures are very real we’ll need to get a pass soon to visit the countryside, lest we harm the environment with our filthy, dirty human ways.
Definitely, people I know are all for rewilding, totally unaware that they will be forbidden to visit and enjoy the new utopia.
Rewilding includes the re-introduction of animals like wolves and bison so people will hardly need to be “forbidden” from going to the countryside (although they will be anyway – it’s what 15-minute cities are intended to slide into).
Close The Farms, What Happens Next?
(video courtesy of Spy My Studio)
Why don’t they just come out and say that breathing is bad for the planet.
Keep up matey, they already did come out and say exactly that!
Australia is gonna get it’s own CDC.
Yep, the Australian Centre for Disease Control.
Just like our US masters _ _ _ I mean mates.
The AC/DC !!
There’s a message in there somewhere:
University of Michigan has form in using ‘research’ to promote idea rural life is obsolete and people should all live in cities.
Cities made up of stack-and-pack housing with no gardens.
We don’t grow vegetables. Plants grow by themselves provided enough sunlight, heat and CO2 in the atmosphere. More of these three better the plants grow. We only have to assist with water, when needed, and some food, although a well taken care soil should be more than enough. Where is the carbon footprint here?
There is no shipping (from farm to store), cold storage (at the store) or shopping transportation (from home to store and return) involved.
It doesnt matter.
The government is taking care of your wife and children and eventually other family members INSIDE your home and parcel area, as it is well known YOU as a violent white ultra conservative man has suppressed and exploited brutally as slaves for a thousand years. Fixed.
But are they going blind was the question, somebody get me outta here before i go both blind and insane.
There will be no place in 15 Minute Cities where you
can Grow Your Own…
Dutch farmers are being forced to give up their farms
so 15 Minute Cities – fed by BigAg – can be built…
HUGE, GIGANTIC, SUPERSIZED tax cuts being announced for low income Aussies.
Yep, between $100-200 a year!!!
Now, how much Beluga caviar or organic produce could one buy with that?
Fuck all.
Meanwhile, most transnational corporations pay zero or minimal tax in Australia.
Governments attract trans-nationals and big investment (FDI) by offering exemptions (taxes, labour laws, pollution, etc.), give-aways (land, infrastructure, limited competition), etc. Globalism exists to serve transnational capital.
And when the Suiturds retire on multi million dollar benefits they get offered ‘consultancy’ positions in the Corparasite sector.
The kings of arse kissin.
Off topic but good news:
Acquittal for the US-American author CJ Hopkins
The US-American author CJ Hopkins was acquitted today by the Tiergarten District Court. Why the case is bigger than Hopkins – and unfortunately not an isolated case.
The case of the internationally renowned American author and satirist Christopher Jaynes Hopkins was heard today at 12 noon in the Berlin-Tiergarten District Court. Hopkins was acquitted of the charge of “disseminating unconstitutional symbols”.
Source: Aya Velázquez
Awesome!!!! So good to hear!
Do you think they’re just looking for a fight?
The astute observer may note none of the plans of this sort are intended to satisfy just one or two goals, but are rather multi-pronged in the intended outcomes. Much of the implementation occurs on more local levels, thus further complicating the intended outcomes as additional stakeholders often insert their own agendas. In this case, collaboration with private producers of “bugs” and “fake grown lab meat” will result in massive profits. This is, of course, how the system works.
have done a few call out on these pages before for anyone in the Liverpool Wirral area I have a plot of land growing my own food and trying to build a community around healthy food. If any like minded folk are in here get in touch
I can’t grow marijuana where I’m at, but if I moved 15 minutes across the river, I could. No one complains because that’s just the way it is. That’s the law, man.
But I do it anyway, and there’s not a thing they can or will do about it as long as it’s for me and mine. So, screw that, disobey whatever they say, and don’t worry about it. The more that disobey, the less that can be done to stop us.
Precisely. What you do for your own consumption and to sustain your family within your parcel and home is basically your universal legal right.
The Police and Courts in many countries are in for that universal law. Only when you go outside and sell it to third party in public area, the law says the government become responsible for what happens within their area, and you must pay taxes for this control work in public area.
Fair enough yes?
Watch out for that reef-er man.
Your ship might sink.
‘Private jet statistics show a global fleet of 21,929 registered aircraft.
Industry predictions estimate 6,362 new jets sales worth $217.5 billion between 2020 and 2029.
Even more optimistic predictions estimate 7,300 new private aircraft sales worth $235 billion between 2021 to 2030’
‘The Superyacht Directory is the world’s largest database of private luxury yachts, with over 12,000 megayachts listed’
Not to mention mega mansions, private islands, palaces and castles.
And private collections of luxury cars.
Who the fuck are they kidding?
Probably kidding themselves, they have already built more than they can afford to maintain today, hate to see what 2030 looks like.
Wait ’til you get a bellyful of what 2040 is gonna be like 😱 #SFITR
Yeah, If that miracle arrives, it will be a whole new day.
More “official stats” that are just covers for their numerology – for example 217.5 is just another 33.
Geoengineering is the main driver of so-called Climate Change.
Rescinding our membership to the following three entities based on a lack of full disclosure & informed consent would be a good start to regaining control of our puppet “governments”; the BIS, UN & Unidroit.
“We” aren’t members. Our governments are. We need to acknowledge our governments’ illegitimacy. Stop voting for them at the very least.
Your leaderperson Dale Wiggington recently alleged in a vid that the great differences in US temps. over short distances were due to a chemical man-made intervention.
Whereas the Trudeau-loving Paul Beckwith or climate academic Jennifer Francis talk in terms of the polar vortex and the breakdown of Rossby waves caused by global heating.
I do not care if the lamestream WEF Harari media also talk of polar vortex and Rossby waves, which they do: it behoves Wiggington to try to talk on the same scientific level as those whose work has been kidnapped by the Cabal.
IMHO, he has to show why Francis and Beckwith, or any other climate scientist is talking BS. So far, I am not convinced.
For a start, any independent government can simply jail central bank staff who takes orders from BIS and not from itself.
Off course, and face the same treatment like Russia:
Appropriation of all their International $300 billion foreign assets, freezing of International financial payments, and sanctions on all International trades.
Arrest order for Kremlin key officials from the International Court i Haag, until the BIS man in Moscow Elvira Nabiullina is back in the seat again.
They can’t !!! BIS employees are immune to prosecution by anyone. When you create the world’s money you can buy all the law makers, enforcers ,mercenaries and weapons you need. The first step to freedom is ending private, unaccountable money creation. It’s that simple.
Oh so get rid of God and now its all good.
Now we know why they left being in plain site.
I wish it was only that. The privately owned corporations masquerading as governments in every country on earth who control all the military and police, are owned and controlled by the very same cartel who own and control all the central and retail banks and the COURTS. And the churches. And the charities. And the stock and commodity exchanges. And the education systems. And the publicly listed corporations.
See, it’s the same hierarchy model all over the world, and in every sector and that’s not a coincidence.
It’s full spectrum dominance.
We have the numbers on our side. And the truth. What I think we need is a better way to disseminate the truth to counter their propaganda and lies.
That’s right, but take away the ability to create money and they won’t be able to pay their stooges in any department.
How? Aren’t the faux authorities already planning to crash the $$$ to push through CBDC?
There’s no climate change. It’s called weather. A modern Maunder Minimum started in 2020, will carry through to 2050.
Was there data produced on the quality of the food? Soil fertility is the key. Bad farming practices has turned farm soil to crap. Crap soils produce weak, less healthy crops and less carbon. A well managed compost heap with regular additions of manure can make all the difference in a backyard garden. Frequent watering and turning of the compost creates a gold mine of fertility and lots of carbon in the process. Increased carbon = healthier food. Weird, how that works. Maybe there is a connection. Maybe they want us weak and frail so that we succumb more easily to the next population cull.
Not just soil. The sickness and greed involve the entire environment in which the farm is located: erosion, hedges and trees at the edge, pollinators, pests, mono-culture, deadly agro-chemicals. This was all known early in the Green Revolution.
Plus no packaging or transport required.
“Bad farming practices”.
I’ve been wondering if Norfolk four course rotation wasn’t another op. It persuaded people that growing 75% of what they could was a great idea. Reasons for doubting it in addition to the above: 1) The man behind it, Townshend, was a Whig aristocrat and that’s where much of the evil seems to have its roots 2) It was a staple of UK educaton for decades – someone really wanted all children to know about it 3) Funny how the claim that “soil gets exhausted by too much plant growth doesn’t seem to apply to weeds.
In context I think they just didn’t know any better back then. They didn’t understand ploughing was destroying the soil food web, putting legume in rotation was just making the best of a bad lot, fallowing allowed time for the soil food web to recover slightly. Weeds are natures pioneer plants, each has a niche where they thrive best, usually in poor soils, e.g. dandilions thrive in low calcium compacted ground, they are calcium accumilators, their long taproot will eventually decompact the soil and improve calcium levels, allowing other niche plant in.
I used to have a 7 acre field that had two perfect lines of dandilions across it, they didn’t grow anywhere else, guess where I drove the tractor time after time.
Elaine Ingham has shown that increasing the soil microbiome diversity, removing compaction, going no til, stopping chemical imputs, applying compost extracts/teas to reintroduce microbiology can remove weed pressure almost completely, by removing the poor soil condition niche pioneer species thrive in, allowing conventional crops to outperform the pioneers and shade them out. She has multipe side by side pictures in her presentations of regenerativly farmed fields next to conventional farm field with the same crops, RegenAg side has <10% of the weeds in the nighbours field.
They made the law, now lets see them enforce it.
There are always paid thugs willing to enforce the law.
Willing to try, they did not succeed around here and got a bad reputation trying too, now they cant find enough thugs ready to join the force even w/ a pay raise, and guess what? I don’t care.
ISIS is still around burning people alive cutting off heads for money bad reputation or not.
But you are right we have an obligation to not make that happen easily.
One media story based on one study.
Yet hundreds of stories, studies and iniatives lauding and supporting home grown food.
Storm in a tea cup.
In hindsight this food fascism can now be traced all the way back to the EEC/EU’s 1970s restrictions on crop varieties. Only seed of approved varieties could be bought, sold and grown commercially. Bodies like the Henry Doubleday Research Association (aka Garden Organic) got around it by setting up a ‘heritage seed library’. Lawrence Hills (HDRA founder) must be turning in his grave.
I mostly grow fruit and nut trees. They’d be there anyway, once Ive planted them; the fruit and nuts are just a byproduct and in fact take very little effort.
So what is the WEF’s position on gardens consisting mostly of shrubs and trees; are those killers too? The organisation should clearly change its initials from WEF to WTF.
Haha, I like a bit of humour injected into damn serious articles and comments! WTF is what I’ll call that bunch of psychos from now on. Thanks!
Dig for victory, folks! Dig for empowerment, for health, for fun and for freedom.
While you’re at it, turn your spare bedroom or basement into a CEA (Controlled Environment Agriculture) production facility (inside, hidden Victory Garden/Victorian Kitchen Garden), using cheap and efficient LEDs.
Yes, you can.
It’s not just leafy greens and sprouts now, ladies and gents, nope.
I don’t care whether you believe me or not, I have the evidence in front of my own eyes.
Get out there and experiment and see for yourself.
Don’t accept conventional wisdom, or trust the experts — it’s moving faster than them.
It won’t show up on your electric bill either, it’s so efficient now.
Invisible gardens can’t be confiscated.
I wonder if readers know the World war 2 context of your comment. UK and US used it. Today, many Russians lease land for such gardening.
Well, one thing I recently learned, in the process of experimentation, is that “CEA” has advanced to the level that Kimbal Musk, Elon’s brother, started a company, called Square Roots, that produces entire closed storage unit grow systems.
It appears to me, from at least one video I watched, as degrading as assembly-line work for any proprietor of vertical, leafy green walls.
A man, you have to wonder why, is still required to sow the seed and harvest the greens, while everything else in the modular system process is entirely automated, monitorable and accessible by remote control.
What’s more important, I think, is to forget about what others are doing, and engage yourself, think for yourself, experiment for yourself.
You may be disappoinred, at first, maybe, maybe not, try again.
It so happened that I stumbled upon a good combination of plant and lights that provoked the most astonishing reaction of an explosive profusion of growth of any plant I’d ever seen in captivity.
Astonishing and miraculous capabilities that have to be better and more thoroughly and wide-spread explored in an unconventional fashion.
Trust yourselves to investigate, experiment and learn — your efforts will be rewarded, fruitfully, if not at first or immedistely, just keep trying, and trust me, YOU will discover things no one else yet has.
The technological advance has been exponential, in terms of output to consumption ratios.
Simple example: you can now run 4 x 24W LED, full spectrum (minus UV & Infrared), grow lights (actual, total energy consumption, equals 96W — less than a 100W bulb), outputting the equivalent 300W each, or 1.2KW (equivalent).
They can be 18-inches from your plants or growing medium, instead of 3-inches, as it was just a couple of years ago.
Anyhow, enough of that.
yeah man, dig for victory, good practice for when conscription kicks in?? ; )
My dear old long departed Dad once said that if they could charge you for the air you breathe, they would. I used to roll my eyes at that. But he was right. The basic parasitical manoeuvre is for them to impose themselves into every production process whereby they deprive you of something that you could otherwise access very easily so they can then charge you for an inferior version of it.
Your dad was prescient George:
‘While breathing in fresh air is one’s birthright, thanks to rampant industrialisation and over-consumption, the Air Quality Index (AQI) in many of the Indian cities, especially in the Delhi NCR region reads in red. Several companies in India and even worldwide have started to cash in on the demand for fresh bottled air.’
New study reveals that carbon footprints are generated entirely by poverty. The richer you are, the less your carbon footprint. The poorer you are, the more of a threat you are to the future existence of the planet! This is because there is a clear causal link between dosh and minimisation of carbon. And the more shit you can pump out on the media, the more it decreases those wondrous greenhouse gases whose existence can be proven both by our CGI models and by the hand waving of Al Gore and Yuval Harari.
Yes, because spraying roundup on GMO lawns is safe and effective.
Why grow vegetables when you can grow useless grass and eat cancer inducing, big AG produce?
And don’t eat GMOs, choose organic wherever possible. If you don’t live in a country where all GMOs are labeled, chances are, any type of baked goods or processed food, even most oils will contain GMOs. They were designed and created specifically to harm. Nothing is an accident when it comes to your health.
And don’t eat hybrid crops which are developed to increase yield. Few realize that crop yield is related to the carbohydrate/protein ratio in the crop. As crop yields go up the carbohydrate/protein ratio goes up. The benefit for the farmer is that this increased yield will grow in poorer soil fertility as the crop’s requirement for protein is lower. Organic agriculture prohibits GMO species but permits hybrid species. Anyone who thinks organically grown hybrids are nutritious is suffering from self delusion.
Yeah, I don’t know anything about hybrids, I just assumed if it’s not organic it’s likely altered. I found this series on 6 figure organic farming, using permanent raised beds informative. The French-Canadian farmer giving the presentation also has a best selling book, demonstrating his techniques and tools.
A hybrid is like a GMO in that both are genetically modified to suit a purpose. The difference is that the GMO is genetically modified cross species while the hybrid is genetically modified by crossing within the same species.
The problem with the hybrid, from a nutritional point of view, is the purpose for which the hybrid is created. The usual purpose is to increase yield.
In 1929 Willcox worked out the mathematical inverse relationship between the crop yield and the nitrogen content of the crop. As the yield of the crop increases, the nitrogen content decreases. This is true within a species as it is between different crop species.
If you choose to eat hybrid crops, you are increasing the percentage of carbohydrates in your while decreasing the percentage of proteins in your diet. What do you think that might lead to?
Metabolic dysfunction. Weight gain. Diabetes. Etc.
No matter what you say I will continue to buy $2 cheeseburgers, as this is my equal right and my decision about my life!