What they REALLY mean by “fighting obesity”
Kit Knightly

The “obesity epidemic” has been in the news a lot recently.
That makes me suspicious.
Now before we go any further let’s be clear I’m NOT advocating everyone becomes obese or that there’s anything “body positive” about being 400lbs & unable to see your own feet.
I’m NOT saying obesity is not a problem for a lot of people.
I’m saying that this problem is very likely about to be hijacked – & overstated – and potentially vulnerable people are about to be exploited in order to sell an agenda that has nothing to do with helping people or increasing human wellbeing.
So, let’s take a look.
In December, the UK magazine Politics Home published an article warning that the NHS needed to “Prioritise prevention or prepare for its collapse”, which made special mention of obesity:
Britain is eating itself to death, and it is a recipe for imminent disaster for the NHS.
Last Wednesday, at Davos, there was a panel dedicated to “Fighting the Obesity Epidemic”:
On Friday The Telegraph warned that the “obesity crisis threatens the world’s financial stability”
Then, on Saturday, the Mirror reported on a “bombshell study” that revealed “Obesity’s terrifying impact on your likelihood to get cancer”
Of course there was no mention of the idea that maybe the chemicals in ultra processed food that make people obese might also give them cancer, because that’s not the agenda.
But what is the agenda?
I know nobody here is naïve enough to believe any of these people or institutions genuinely care about the NHS, the economy, cancer or the welfare of the overweight, so what’s really going on?
The answer to that seems to be taxation, medication and – in the long term – probably rationing.
If you think I’m just guessing, well then here’s an opinion piece from this weekend’s Sunday Times arguing “Junk food tax can stop Ireland’s obesity crisis hitting critical mass”.
Taxation – check.
Second, there’s medications. That’s the big topic here.
The propaganda for new weight loss drugs was everywhere in 2023.
The new drugs are called “glucagon-like peptide 1 agonists” (GLP-1s), the most famous of which – Ozempic – had billions spent on marketing.
Everyone from Oprah Winfrey to Elon Musk suddenly started admitting to taking Wegovy – Ozempic’s US brand name.
In December 2023 Science magazine announced that the new GLP-1 weight loss medications had won “Breakthrough of the Year”.
Almost every day there’s a news story telling us that “Ozempic [and] other weight-loss drugs are changing medicine”
Last week’s episode of BBC’s Panorama was titled “Britain’s Obesity Crisis, Are Weight Loss Drugs the Answer?”.
Spoiler alert: They are.
One of the more blatant examples of the “documentary as advertising” you will ever see.
They have even written scarcity into the source code on this one, with several articles claiming “perpetual shortages” of the active ingredient.
The Big Pharma free for all on obesity medications has only just started.
An article published on Monday by Pharmaceutical Technology reports that “Obesity drugs could fuel the next pharma CMO gold rush” with NBC chiming in that “anti-obesity drug stocks could soar”
The cynical marketing is through the roof here.
Consider, one of the “experts” on the Davos panel embedded above is Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen CEO of Novo Nordisk Foundation.
The Novo Nordisk Foundation is the wealthiest charitable foundation in the world. Novo Nordisk is also the Danish pharmaceutical company that that developed Ozempic.
When asked about treating obesity, Mads had this to say:
…we have polygenic risk factors that predispose some people [to obesity] more than others, yet people get stigmatized even though it’s not their fault, they’re genetically predisposed.
Do you see it yet?
They are shilling the myth that obesity is entirely genetic and therefore “not your fault”, so that people will take medications instead of just going on a diet.
It’s all about flattering people into disempowerment while making them dependent on corporate products.
Medication – double check.
Lastly, as I said, long term there’s rationing to consider, something both Guardianistas and Tory types have been drooling to introduce for years.
One particularly over-eager “food systems expert” demanded we start rationing due to Covid in March 2020, when the global cases of “Covid” stood at around 300,000.
Two days later, The Telegraph declared Covid food rationing “inevitable”.
They LOVE rationing, they’ve been waiting to do rationing on us for years and it will probably be seriously mooted in the next year or two. They might not call it “rationing” exactly, but that’s what it will be.
If you think I’m being paranoid, well then check this academic paper from February 2023 [emphasis added]:
In this paper, we argue that rationing has been neglected as a policy option for mitigating climate change. There is a broad scientific consensus that avoiding the most severe impacts of climate change requires a rapid reduction in global emissions. We argue that rationing could help states reduce emissions rapidly and fairly. Our arguments in this paper draw on economic analysis and historical research into rationing in the UK during (and after) the two world wars, highlighting success stories and correcting misconceptions.
If academics have already begun suggesting rationing to “mitigate climate change”, how long before it’s a fix for the obesity epidemic as well?
That’s why we also have an on-going propaganda campaign talking about how great WWII rationing was for people, like this one from Medical News Today:
Many people were better fed during wartime food rationing than before the war years. Infant mortality rates declined, and the average age at which people died from natural causes increased […] The wartime food shortages forced people to adopt new eating patterns. Most people ate less meat, fat, eggs and sugar than they had eaten before.
Rationing – check.
But is there even creepier stuff than that on the horizon?
Let’s go back to the Davos panel and Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen, who dropped this little nugget in passing:
We have pregnant women with even epigenetic imprinting of the foetus that is then later on predisposed to obesity. So there’s so many things we need to think about…even before a woman gets pregnant with a child.
…is it me, or is there an implication of potential pre-birth treatment of babies to prevent “genetic” obesity?
That’s something to keep an eye on.
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“One of the more blatant examples of the “documentary as advertising” you will ever see.”
Nice article, great observations. One thing can be added, the drug insert that comes with the leading alternative Ozempic-like drug says that it “causes cancer in rats” that were tested. My doctor told me that this other drug is actually safer to use than Ozempic. So I assume Ozempic inserts also probably say that it causes cancer. The thing that struck me about the insert for the alternate drug was that it didn’t say “may cause cance” it said it does cause cancer. Perhaps is someone is well over 100 lbs overweight they are going to get all kinds of co-morbidities anyway, but those who are within exercise and diet weight correction range should avoid these drugs like the plague.
Ozempic and Rybelsus are targeted to those that have developed diabetes after getting the Jew Jab.
Just eat meat.Fatty meat from ruminant animals. And plenty of butter.
And watch your aches, pains, brain fog and auto-immune diseases melt away along with any excess fat.
‘They’ want people on plant based diets so they can keep selling them drugs to ‘manage’ their diseases. Not cure, just manage.
So find yourself a Dr of health, not a Dr of medicine.
Check our Dr Chaffee; Dr Fettke; Prof Bart Kay, etc.
I NEVER eat meat, nor butter for that matter, and have no brain fog, aches, pains or whatnot. Perfectly healthy and perfectly fit.
Well done Jacques:))Same here. Last 33 years since I went vegan never been to a ’doctor’. Same with my other half.
As Gandhi said: ’He, who does not respect life, does not deserve one’.
As Isaac Bashavis Singer, survivor of concentration camp said: ’To animals all people are nazis. And their lives is an eternal Treblinka’.
As Socrates said: ’Whatever they will do to animals first, sooner or later they will do the same to people too’.
Have you taken a glance at what people buy at the supermarket, Starbucks, street food trucks, restaurants, etc? I don’t know but to me they don’t look like poor little lambs being deceived/coherced into gobbling and gulping down insane amounts of junk down their sink pipes.
meanwhile, this is relevant. https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/calorie?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=355417&post_id=140048152&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1ff3y
I have alot more comments to post but I need a snack first.
I will give you all something to keep an eye in. The insert in the drug Ozempic or perhaps the other leading alternative says, that the drug causes cancer, it doesn’t say that it MAY cause cancer, it says that it does cause cancer. I would rather take my chances of cancer that may occur from obesity than take a drug that I am toLd will cause cancer. I guess if one is truly grossly obese then life will be short anyway, so maybe then , one would take the drug just to have whatever years one has in this life to be better quality by being not obese, but still checking out early due to the drug.
After the lack of any insert for the covid jab, and jab subjects being forced to sign the opaque release form, anything is possible in Scientific Medicine.
Reading the comments reveals engaging with the pretext “obesity” rather than the gain of function being served up.
Masking over conflicts is a learned and acquired behaviour.
Relational conflicts have both inner meanings of conditioning and outer conditions or triggers, but seeking to mask over and distance from perceived or believed threat will find expression as workable ‘solutions’ or strategies for survival or persistence of the self, and the development or growth of such a self in terms of its own themes or priorities of becoming.
We are in a pivotal moment where many are aware that fake solutions not only mask the underlying problems of conflicted debts and denials, but compound and protect their underlying narrative or ‘masking’ assertions as dictate-framed necessity.
The psychic archetypes of such driven behaviour will then seek and use any kind of panacea of magical or manipulative remedy, medication or solution to ‘escape in’ and to ‘scape’ others from – or at least mitigate fear of pain of loss in their own terms.
Implicit in what I just wrote is an individual range of expression within a collective appearance of reality. There is no basis on which to stand in judgement over another life but to use the measure and framing of your own currently active choices as the determiner of good in terms of ‘outcasting’ or cancelling ‘evils’ to the othered.
So in addition to personal stuffing down of guilted fear set in shame, powerlessness, grief, and rage to a ‘solution’ of unconsciousness, is a collective or socially driven ‘order’ set on judgement as rules of contract to control, limit and manage ‘risk’ as a systemic and pre-emptive ‘protection’ racket that is more deeply recognised as an addictive dispossession operating as the victimiser of its own condition as a dissociating diversionary displacement to the ‘othered’, to externally framed terms and conditions.
Eating for ‘comfort’ is a framing mask for stuffing down on a discomfort – and thus a form of ‘self-medicating’ adjustment of unwanted & disowned fear, pain or conflict.
Yet for another, self-denial or misery can offer the same reward by imposing controls over deeper self-conflict.
So the form & the packaging of our presented appearances are not a reliable guide in a world or mind-think that uses and sets appearances as masking defence against exposure to feared reality by assigning moral right or worth as social credit of inclusion by sacrifice or suppression of our felt expression to a mask & prison of subjection.
Yet the phenomena are revealing of the underlying patterns of thought.
Empty ‘calories’ run as false profits.
True communioned being cannot abide self-betrayal – hence an addictive mindset frames that to disallow and deny any incoming message or messenger of truth that would ‘take away the freedoms or powers’ associated with status and security within a prison of protections running as my own ‘thinking’.
Briefly put, natural law in toto: The survivor survives, because he/she is mentally fit for survival.
I question the basis of thescience ‘genetics’ in principle and in practice.
Inheritances can be ‘mis-taken’ as by a prodigal ‘son’.
True Inherence gives reality.
But self-contra-diction runs as doublethink that – once masked in – sets the basis for a covert ID – by which to be ‘externally framed’ for an inner or subjected experience.
Yet isn’t ALL experience in the mind of our meaning or making ‘sense’?
The mind-wish as a genie is a magical association or symbolic representation given power to represent reality. Mutually agreed framing definitions set the narratives of social and thus official acceptance.
“Be careful what you wish for!”
True willing is an active participance, but a wish-based self can delay of defer the will to a future or consign it to a past – not here or now, so as to generate frameworks for exploration and experience as a journey or movement of becoming -set within shifting themes such that dreams turn to nightmares as a result of attention being phished by image and form of a tempt to make illusion real thus deferring acceptance of reality by vested and defended self-illusion.
Is this our basis for defining or diagnosing life itself as predictive control set in risk modelling?
The modelling of science is a mythic activity. This is not to deny a Natural Order – without which thought could not arise or a thing behold. But to reveal the idol by which we mis-take self-imaged experience for the truth, the nature and the purpose of our being.
Believing is ‘seeing’. The mask ‘proves’ the virus while fears infects the mind.
…..potential pre-birth treatment of babies to prevent “genetic” obesity?
Novo makes insulin to diabetics. At the same time products like white sucker m.m. which cause diabetic are manufactured and promoted.
Its the same “make the problem produce the solution” profit scheme everywhere in Western societies with a try to export it to the third world.
So it is obvious not to “prevent” but to secure a market for a solution to a self invented-created problem.
Look at any films or photos pre WW2 or even to the 70s. The vast majority of Humanity are thin. Connect the dots. Look at the “food pyramids” that have changed every decade from balanced servings of: meat, saturated fats, veggies, fruit and limited carb sides. into eliminating animal protein and magnified carbs and fruit, now super-hybridized into deadly abnormal source of infinite hunger, turning humans into massive carb fat bags. Look at what people buy in the market. Bread (now into 45 hard to digest chromosomes from less than 20) and wheat, grain highly processed corporate products, sugar water, sweet tainted, cheap corporate crap. Rather than food from farms and ranches as Humanity all ate pre WW2. Meanwhile corporations controlling public health authorities have fed us their cheap ass substitute FAKE food crap:seed oils, margarine, vegetarian and veganism, lab fakes, GMOs, GEs, pesticides, and poisonous chemical additives.
Alzhiemers, obesity, diabetes,gastric problems, autism, psychological problems, malaise of all kinds have steadily accelerated since the 70’s and the corporate campaign to sell us their hyper-profitable corporate food. And a purge of animal protein and fats that is our evolutionary dietary staple. This is another manifestation of corporate deconstruction of the social solidarity and functionality of Humanity. The next step we’ve been seeing since 2000 is BigPharma’s making money drug bombs,selling us chemical poisons claiming to fix the problems that their corporate food created. Creating the next layer of dysfunction to sell another “cure”.
As Jack La Lane used to say: “If man made it, don’t eat it!”
I’ll add my own saying, “If the “man” is selling it, don’t buy it!”
The one single thing that would fight obesity most effectively for the average person is to totally eliminate all polyunsaturated seed oils (they are literally poisonous), and switch to either lard, tallow, or organic coconut oil. Before 1950, people cooked with lard and we had a lot fewer lard asses.
There are more factors to obesity:
-. destruction of small farms and nutritious food through oligarchy
-. over-processed and fake foods fine-tuned for taste, providing excess calories, mainly carbs and transfat
-. marketing, and suppression of relevant info. in education and mass media
-. unregulated additives; some undermine metabolism and satiety
-. less cooking at home due to exploitation (need to work longer, by more people in the family)
-. fraudulent claims to treat related diseases
-. harm from medical industry, additives, etc. – see link.
-. unwillingness to sweat or exercise.
It’s rarely the vegans who are fat! The quantities of meat eaten today are vastly beyond historical norms.
If they eat carbs they are. If you note the obesity epidemic has incrementally increased since the 80’s and this has nothing to do with meat, eggs, fish, cheese and whole dairy consumption which is lower than ever per capita, in times that they were readily available. Look at the food pyramid evolution from balance to now an absurd joke, stuffed with carb and junk consumption recommendations. The corporate food industry is killing off Humanity, one meal at a time. Investigate and try paleo, keto and even carnivore for serious illnesses that seem incurable. My vegan family and friends that encountered spinal and other orthopedic failures are back to eating a balanced diet has has been eaten from hunter-gatherer times to now. The Industrial Revolution and corporations controlled how societies see food and nutrition. But that era of propaganda is failing and people are returning to Earth norms where animal protein and fats are absolute necessity for healthy humans.
Oh, but they do care about the economy. In fact, it’s the only thing they care about. They are trying to save their economic system, ”the global economy” or ”the world economy”. That’s why the covid-scam, that’s why all this shit. They know their systems are collapsing, and so they have this ”short window of opportunity” in trying to save the system and sacrifice everything else. They only care about money, and money is their economic system.
Taxation, medication and rationing is all about money. And doing harm to people.
They declared themselves leaders, masters and owners of this planet and its resources, including humanity. They think our bodies and ourselves are their business. They think everything is their business. Business they love. It’s a way to make money.
Money is their god because in this system money can kill you or feed you, money can make you happy or miserable.
Lack of money kills more than 30 000 people of starvation every day according to their statistics. They just love this system and want to save it.
But it won’t be saved. The end of the world means just that.
Another one more bites the dust https://www.humanevents.com/2024/01/20/journalist-who-tried-to-cancel-novak-djokovic-over-not-taking-covid-vaccine-collapses-and-dies-while-covering-australian-open .
‘The mills of God grind exceedingly slow, but they grind exceedingly fine‘.
Many attributions.
“The revenge is mine”. ;-).
Do you think it is fair..???
I think it is very very unfair to buy a small size top / jeans etc (clothing) and the larger people who buy the exact same items which has 3/5 X times more material used for them due to there size get it for the same price.
Do you want to live in a Sovjet communist society? Yes or no. There is no fence nor any escape to in between.
It takes the same production time to make the small, medium or a large. There is more waste in the small ones.
The whole bunch of global vaccinated TV stations are looking here and are waiting for your answer just now:
As they know your final opinion can have devastating consequences for the future of our planet.
I suppose ‘big bone’ or ‘its my meds’ is your excuse.
na, erik just rants with the wind.
It’s the gin_and_tonic!
an interesting point, but it is just more divide and conquer.
however, frankly, i am sick of morons, let them eat more GMO cake, and take boosters, let them believe in the shite they adhere to. do us all a favour . .
too many useless eaters indeed. these fuckers would eat you when it ever comes to rationing, as long as they could flavour you chocolate salted caramel sugar. as long as they got their faces stappit. morons. seems to be dominated by women, this cohort of “humanity” , lol, lol : )
I’m not generally quite as anti-social per this comment, but time draws short and clarity counts.
I haven’t seen any member of the ‘authorities’ force feeding cheetos or pumping extra caramel lattes with whipping cream on top down the throats of anyone. As I didn’t see them force injecting the covid nectars into anyone. Fact is people just love it.
More men are obese:
‘The survey, published in December 2022, found that men are more likely than women to be overweight or obese (68.6% of men, 59.0% of women).’
I don’t know where you shop but that’s my experience as a woman who has been buying size 2x-3x clothes for years.
Easy peasy: less eating, more moving.
No money to Big Pharma.
Genius! 🙂
…is it me, or is there an implication of potential pre-birth treatment of babies to prevent “genetic” obesity?
Or will the be the excuse to pre-select people who can have children. Why allow people to pass on genetic flaws? Schwab will finally achieve his Master Race plan.
It gets more and more complicated, Metaverse, 5G, Pandemics which are not pandemics, Transhumanism, EMF waves, m.m. https://conspiracyrevelation.com/2024/01/03/project-salus-ai-dod-wban-biosensors-since-2005-aka-morgellons-since-2005/
I were once on a 55 feet yacht in the Amazon delta, a labyrinth of brown rivers with very heavy tides and stream. Most of the people onboard were on malaria pills and other medical precautions.
I read a book about the 100 different tropical deceases and fevers we could get on our trip in the Amazon jungle and rivers.
We got bites every day from the million of insects and mosquitoes in the humid environment.
After reading half the book I gave up. Fuck it all. Live or die so be it. I were the only one on the yacht not taking any medicine on this trip.
Not that I survived better, I went home with 30 red bites on the body, but without anything bad happened to none of us, medical precaution or not.
Lesson learned. When it get too complicated it is usually much exaggerated. With little care, soap and water, a sound immune system is capable of heavy loads.
Reminds me of a story down the same vein about Humphrey Bogart and John Huston during the filming of the movie The Afican Queen. The whole cast and crew got sick except for Bogie & Huston who opted for drinking whiskey rather then the dubious water that was available.
Bogart was quoted as saying:
Good one, Bogart was the real thing.
The correlation between the rise of GMOs and obesity are obvious, just as the rise of vaccines and the increase of autism, allergies, asthma, chronic bowel issues, etc., align with the same trajectory.
If we better understood our bodies beyond the dogmatic teachings of Rockefeller medicine, we would be better equipped to deal with the hysteria accompanying “pandemics”.
Second Thoughts on the Germ Theory
“While the germ “theory” should have never had made it to its current status as the prominent paradigm explaining disease, there were powerful and vested interests who worked to keep the disproven and falsified hypothesis alive, fraudulently elevating it to the status of a scientific theory based upon nothing but pseudoscientific evidence.
The voices against the germ hypothesis were adamant that it was the terrain (internal environment) of the individual that was the most important factor in determining whether or not one would experience disease. The more toxins and stressors that we are exposed to over a period of time, the greater the chance there will be that the body will initiate a detoxification process from within due to experiencing a toxic overload. Today, we can see that our terrain is directly influenced by many different factors, including:
This became known as the terrain theory. It states that it is not strictly a single cause that brings about disease, as it can be many factors acting in combination with each other that toxifies the internal environment of an individual, eventually tipping the scale leading to a state of disease. Essentially, the dis-ease is the body working to cleanse itself in order to restore homeostasis.”
But you need willpower and won’t power and steady nerves, and all are a bit in short supply presently, Except for climate change and covid/vaxx deniers
who have overflowing oodles.
Here’s how it goes:
Fat people are bad because they eat “too much”.
“Too much” has been proven (by “The Science” of course) to have a much lower threshold than “we” previously thought.
Indeed this “too much” happens to chime in with reductions to the food supply ABSOLUTELY DEMANDED by “the planet’s ecosystem”.
(This is an odd coincidence so let’s move on quickly!)
Meme planted: Food is bad!
Stop eating food!
And if you think that is so fucking insane that nobody will buy it – well, they were working to banish the very concept of sex too! And the concept of natural immunity!
If American fatties eat half the food they eat, all poor families on the planet would have sufficient food and not go hungry to bed every day.
Millions of children could be saved if American fatties eat less and this is a scientific fact!
My litmus test for the honesty of any MSM article about “obesity” is if it mentions any of the ailments or illnesses that are worse in the “underweight”. It’s a long list and omitting to mention this signifies something is just propaganda. Ultimately the goal is to get people demanding their own immiseration (“hey, my children may have no future but at least I’ll be slim and therefore sexually irresistible… I imagine!”).
Fashion is currently designed to make people feel they’re overweight. Obtaining loose or casual fitting trousers is virtually impossible in the UK and regular fit needs some searching out. Everyone under thirty wears trousers that must need scraping off – and as everyone knows by now, they are always the main demographic in the social engineering crosshairs.
In other news, a US state has gassed a prisoner with nitrogen. The campaign against nitrogen is just as dangerous as the campaign against carbon. Nitrogen-based fertilisers were the largest single reason for population increase in the Twentieth century – but hardly anyone could name the scientist responsible let alone is there any lauding of him. The goal here is transparent – to associate nitrogen with death in the public mind. Anyone who knows the history of the death penalty in the USA knows they’ve done this before with the origins of the electric chair.
first women’s body positivity/ fight against relentless fat shaming was hijacked, now the turn around.
which will make fat shamers happy.
no matter how awake people are to ”the agenda” there’s always space/time for fat shaming.
or misogyny.
You should be ashamed of being fat though. I would be. That’s why I’m not a fat bastard, I look after myself. And why I’d never let my kids turn into fat bastards, because I have let them down and failed as a parent if they end up like that.
I was ashamed of being an alcoholic drug addict and a smoker so I quit those things. I see obesity as just another addiction. Never a good thing and certainly nothihg to be positive about or proud of. I feel somewhat sorry for people who are genuinely trying and struggling to overcome their addiction to bad food and laziness, I know how difficult it is to be stuck in addiction, but it’s really their resonsibility and their responsibility only to get out of it. Good luck to anybody who tries and I hope they succeed and never give up on improving themselves after that.
So now you’re addicted to shaming and therefore trying to control other people’s bodies.
“shut it fatty” channeling “In Bruges” ; )
You really can’t shame people out of their bad habits though, can you? Have you ever had much luck with that? Whatever vice people are caught up in, they’ve encountered your form of superficial judgement so regularly in their life, they’re immune to it – you really aren’t saying anything original or new to them in that form.
And I also take @Human Values’ point, are you under the impression that being an internet edgelord and offloading on here isn’t indulging yourself in a similar sort of way?? Lol I always picture it as an energy vampire stuffing attention and good vibes into their bloated cheeks lol. Many people crave their internet trolling fix nowadays, just like they crave all the easy modern fixes.
We could always try being… nice and understanding and patient, couldn’t we? That’s really the only way to get through to people you don’t know very well, in my experience. Once you know them better, perhaps then you can give them a tactful boot up the arse when appropriate, but that relationship has to be earned with trust, not lobbed into a crowd of strangers like a soft abuse molotov cocktail lol.
That’s my opinion anyway. I guess you could assume I’m just some over-sensitive ‘fatty’ for chiming in like this lol. I actually lost a stone this month, but I won’t tell you my starting point! I’ll leave you to draw whatever conclusion you want, if any. 😅 A2
Acht chill, that was me laughing in my head at a scene from said film.
My other comments here have more teeth, if that’s what you’re getting at.
Being kind – yes we all have our vices, fair comment. Self medicating through a bleak world as one poster above says. All a bit sad is it not. Unfulfilled, fake lives on a treadmill? Eating less twinkies won’t change the world, certainly.
Are fatties more of a social issue than junkies, alkies or who? In reality . . what . .Actually you have talked me into your point.
Guess my friday-night vice with them teeths and vitriol ? lol
i got fat for a few years, a few years ago – work changes, lifestyle excess – too many calories and not enough sweat. i chose to go back to sweating and the weight did reduce.
(then, I managed to shed almost 3 stone in eleven days, another story).
i am positively underweight these days, maybe I’m just jealous ; )
Go eat a sarnie and chill out yerself 😉 lol
Haha, the fatties are easy to spot in this thread. If someone wants to eat themselves to death, fine, I’ve no problem with that. If someone wants to vaccinate themselves to death, fine, good riddance, I don’t care. Just don’t expect any sympathy from me when you are ill as fuck while you are still alive. If you’re dumb enough to eat the processed sugary shite that corporate clown world is selling you then more fool you. I’ll stick to the actual good stuff and be all the better for it
well said – most fatties are lazy bastards, FACT – they overeat and under exercise, IT REALLY IS THAT SIMPLE!!! and then try to blame food ingredients or the weather or their sedentary job . . NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
get off yer fat arse and do something active, if yer that fat, go swimming.
Yes we all know all the shite they put in food and how they steer lifestyles, but at the end of the day overeating lazy basterts GET FAT. simple.
i have been ashamed, for most of my life, feeling like i was worse than a mass murder.
sadly shame does not help at all.
i did feel a bit better about myself when i was anorexic, though that was a more ” obvious” response to being molested as child/raped as a teen.
not that i knew this att the time, i wanted to be thing and sexy, i thought.
in reality i wanted to punish myself/escape my body.
also, unlike drugs, and drink one can never quit food altogether, something many don’t get.
for women especially ” fat is a feminist issue” is still relevant.
most people know as much about food as hey know about medical treatments.
As soon as I saw the title to this article, I predicted the usual strong showing in the comments from the Proudly Lean, thumping their bony chests and flinging thunderbolts of sneers, jeers, and general obnoxious derision at the non-gaunt.
I expect as they vomit their militant streams of self-righteous putdowns, they glance over at the mirror to preen, flex, and generally admire their streamlined physiques.
Don’t let the fat-shaming bastards get you down. 🤨
I’m sorry to hear you had a rough time when you were younger. I did too, hence ending up as a suicidal, alcoholic drug addict. But losing my shameful and self defeating lifestyle habits really helped me to move beyond the irrational shame and guilt of the abused which I felt acutely.
My attitude now is that I can’t undo the past but I sure as hell won’t let those bastards from the past define who I am now. I hope that you find the strength that you need in the present to move forward to a better future because you shouldn’t feel ashamed for things that you had no choice over.
This comment was meant for Sabelmouse, by the way.
thank you. i’m working on it. i’m glad you’re doing well.
🙂 thank you ort.
show me all the fat mothers, sisters, cousins, grannies and aunties I grew up with please? Other than the odd case, YOU CANNOT. even my girl cousins today, all middle aged frumps we are, nobody is obese.
misogyny? NO, lifestyle. Obesity is for 90% a lifestyle choice.
give the sexist guff a bye.
i suppose you need to put someone down to make you feel better 🙁
i was fat most of my live, except when i was anorexic. both due to abuse, and rape.
someone else might have chosen heroin instead.
ranting aside, I’m not wrong.
But aye, I gloss over the wider issues that push folk into their vices.
food did used to be different, ditto life/work styles generally. vice, such a counterproductive word.
It’s more comfortable to stay as a perpetual victim instead of comfronting one’s demons, but it’s not a long term solution.
shaming self, and others IS staying a victim/iser, the iser a sign of fear.
so don’t ! work on your issues.
Idea as belief that runs the minds of vested stakeholders are mutating or shapeshifting psychic shadows, for one man’s meat is another man’s poison.
WHO seeks to profit by gain of fiction must pay to maintain the props, yet assign the payment & sacrifice of a true and just ‘reward’ to the Othered or in externally framed ritual worship of the core belief – around which the worldview of a distorted and fragmented constellation forms.
The Emperor’s robes are the masking presentations by which a fear of illegitimacy aligns in assumption of an authoritative right to frame itself wronged or insulted by exposure.
This is rarely recognises as a collective or mass-formation of ‘official reality’ – but that no-one wants to lose!
Invested identity in fear of pain of loss is staked in and led by ‘what others think, see or say’ such as to give power to the belief they are or will act as fear projects and imagines as ‘pre-emptive knowledge’.
By way of synchronistic resonance, I read this summary last night (I find it relevant to our current predicament – in terns of context).
So if I have got this correct if I am obese I fart more and this is bad for the planet.
Or is it bad for life on the planet as climate change will reach a tipping point and we will all die.
But If obesity shortens your life then if you die early you will breath less and this is good for the planet. You can save all life on the planet by stopping the climate change reaching a tipping point and killing everything.
So just keep eating and getting obese to save the planet.
Also you will get ill more if obese so more medicine can be sold to you and this is good for big pharma’s bottom line , all though the bottom line of your fat arse might not look so good.
But with all that extra money big pharma can spend more coming up with wonderful drugs to keep us all alive and let us eat even more. Hurray big pharma I new you cared about us .NOT.
off topic
This rather confirms my suspicion that there were a lot of placebo vaccines.
Kind of good news as it lessens the kill and harm rate unless your boosters was not placebos also. But makes it harder to prove harm from vaccines as the ratio of harm to injection is also a lot less.
PEG is like antifreeze, one of the many unexplained poisons no medical authority wants to explain:
– 70% of people develop antibodies to PEG, and severe allergy. -Dr. Michael Yeadon, 2020-12-03
– PEG causes (a) inflammation (edema) in all membranes (b) blood clots (c) autoimmune reactions (d) lipodystrophy (change of subcutaneous fat) (e) PEG deposition in some organs. -Stefano Scoglio (microbiologist), 2022-11-07
– PEG can enter and damage the brain by causing misfolding of proteins. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2538-8
I find it safer to assume nocebo as the active principle for all of the ‘spiked agenda’.
Why take the baited hook of thescience set by philanthro-pathic corporo-gove lockjaw?
Fear-in-hiding seeks ‘immunity’ while a love subjected to abusive ‘relationship’ seeks a solution or escape.
Unless they contain self-replicating and self-assembling nanoparticles poss. graphene dioxide.
“The answer to that seems to be taxation, medication and – in the long term – probably rationing.”
Problem Reaction Solution – the usual way the psychopaths always take after lying lying lying…
GLP-1s are antidiabetic drugs. Stops you from getting sugar in the blood. Trials have been conducted in people with diabetes and the drug is seen as unfavorable towards other diabetic drugs (like sglt-2 inhibitors) in patients with diabetes.
So what to do with an antidiabetic drug that can’t be sold to diabetics? – rhetorical question…
The trials that were conducted with GLP-1s don’t take longer than a few months (as with all antidiabetic drugs), which is waaayyy too short for a drug that you have to take for the rest of your life. Also this is nothing new for Pharma that wants to hide long term side effects (like cancer, dependency, severe depression or sudden death) from their products.
What, unfortunately, is also non-surprising is that doctors won’t see the harm they induce by prescribing such drugs to ‘their’ patients (patients are their product) as ‘it is difficult to understand something when someone’s salary depends on not understanding it.’
Stay away from doctors as much as possible. They are your ultimate enemy.
Dependency is important to the industry, while curing is bad. As the book Animal Farm expressed it, “Four legs good, two legs better”.
Off topic:
Celeb Zionists don’t come dumber than Maureen Lipman who frets about Holocaust memorial day being “used politically” (?!) And crowns that with,
“The actress previously said Jeremy Corbyn had made her a Tory, but acknowledged that Sir Keir had won her back round.”
Which only underlines the superficial theatricality of the political scene.
One peculiarity about the Lipman article (which is on Sky News) is this:
“The 77-year-old actress, who was born Jewish, ….”
Why “born” Jewish? Why not just say that she IS Jewish? Is she no longer Jewish? Or is this a rhetorical way of emphasising that she “can’t help” being Jewish (which sounds close to antisemitism)?
Have a look at some of those “helpful” recipe books published by the British govt during WW2 – they’re disgusting. And British people HATED the rationing, especially when it went on for another NINE YEARS after the war ended.
Yeah, I remember the ration books quite well.
I remember WW I as if it was yesterday. Those days were bad man, really bad and really dirty.
Rats running everywhere, and sometimes we had to eat grass just to get something. But we never criticised the British Government for anything. Why?
Because we had each other! We cared for one another, also our government. We had real values, real friendships and we were not like today where everything is artificial!
Anybody who has ever cared for or worried about an elderly relative — or even for an anorexic but otherwise healthy young person — knows that appetite is the most precious resource in the world. When impaired or absent, it is the source of all hopeless misery, the most insidious cause of wasting, weakness and despair. If and when restored, appetite is the most glorious indicator of health and recovery. Nothing is more important to well-being, nothing should be more furiously protected than the basic animal instinct to eat — to want to eat, to enjoy the experience of nutrition.
Wegovy replaces appetite with nausea and pain, rapidly and indelibly conditioning the mind to shun food, to perceive it as poison. Wegovy is the worst and most unforgivable sin of modern “medicine” — the deliberate induction in healthy young people of the foulest manifestations of age and illness.
Something is truly, irreparably broken. It should be the highest priority of any health practitioner to sound the alarm bells over an ethical breach of this cosmic magnitude, but the system was ripped apart in 2020 and rebuilt backwards — such a warning would now be censored as far-right extremism. It’s hard to fathom how soulless and corrupt this world has become. The job of modern medicine is now to induce kidney failure in healthy young people by appealing to their vanity, to trick them into racing each other into the grave by attaching a competitive sheen of luxury and status to the gaunt, sickly rictus that Madison Avenue has decided to brand as “Ozempic face.” (That means it’s working!)
The factories that produce this filth should be nuked repeatedly until there are holes in the ground deep enough to contain the healthy, bloated bodies of the monsters who invented, pushed, advertised and sold it.
One cause of obesity is that machines are doing much of the work that was previously done by human effort. Because of the lack of physical effort required in life, many people now use a machine (at the gym or at home) to use up the energy that they have not been required to expend at work. Even in construction and agriculture the machines have taken over and few actually do any sustained labouring. Industrialization has also removed skills and job satisfaction for many leading to widespread mental health issues. And no, I’m not saying everything was great in the old days. However, the promise of the machine age, that “we” would have more leisure time and a better life altogether has proved to be misleading.
I have a general question which has bothered me for years. Why cant I thumb up my own comment?
If I think my own comment was an excellent contribution for the entire global vaccinated population, who read this comment section, to get wiser, I should have the right to thumb my excellent comment UP.
Some fishy under cover reason for this is going on under the table!
Is it group think, applied psychology, mind fuck, social engineering, or what is it?
Because it is obvious as day is day and night is night that this is neither legal according to universal law nor true fairness at all. On the contrary this is a breach of everybody’s human rights.
I assume that every comment you write should be (in your own eyes) a thumb up comment. If not, why bother to comment?
Anyway, in the past one could upvote one’s own comment here and, forgive me father for I have sinned, I have upvoted some of my own comments. Which was silly…
What I want to say is that, even though I am not much in favor of rules, some rules are useful.
Not all our comments are equal. Some comments are better comments than others.
I know when I have stepped in the ball some times when the is time out for correction, and I know when I write a really genius.
When I see your lousy comments and some good, I see the same pattern.
Perhaps you only see whether your comment is popular and then it is a good comment. But this is perception yes?
Many really good genius comments get low votes because they are not popular.
I find that to be extremely unfair why the Author should have the opportunity to at least praise his own genius.
All right, but this is just my opinion. 😧
A breach of your human right to endorse your own expression of your own submitted opinion?
You could always press your cap-lock when originally compiling it. It’d certainly stand out.
cap-lock is forbidden. The moderator always advises against it.
Probably, we just need to have a war against these people trying to control our lives and be done with it. Other than that, they’re just gonna keep going on. Or ignore all this shit and keep on living. But be ready, man. Be ready.
Nothing technically wrong with obesity, other than it may not be very aesthetically pleasant to see at times.
Obesity does not equate to chronic illness. There are plenty of societies that are not obese yet have a high degree of chronic illness such as the Japanese. They eat crap fro the most part. They may have some of the worlds finest cuisines yet the average person in Japan eats crap day in day out. Smoking even does not kill them as much as chronic illnesses as a result of their poor diets.
What I find interesting is looking back at the 1950’s and seeing all these chronic skinny people.
Not to worry, the pharmaceutical industry will soon make all these obese people chronic and that will take care of the underlying problem.
The tourist-documentary references to Japanese food have been consistently favourable. But all that sake cannot be good for them. And underneath the image of a developed country is the struggling underclass, just as elsewhere.
Research from decades ago held that being slightly overweight was healthier, overall, in the long run.
I don’t agree with there being “nothing technically wrong” with obesity. If you’re a bear preparing your hibernation it’s ok to carry around lots of extra fat. It’s essential for survival.
But humans don’t hibernate.
If you are obese, you are systemically inflamed. And chronic systemic inflammation is the root cause for basically ALL modern dissease. No atherosclerosis without systemic inflammation, no auto-immune issues without inflammation. cancer, Alzeimers – all causally linked to chronic systemic inflammation.
Why, you ask?
It comes down to our cell metabolism. How our cells handle the two differnet energy sources our bodies can run on: fats and carbohydrates.
How our bodiy does it, is explaied by the Randle Cycle
If you are not used to reading metabolic pathway charts, here is a video explaining the Randle Cycle:
And here my amateurish way of explaining the problem:
Humans evolved eating mainly animals. For about 300.000 there was hardly any carbohydrates in our diet, Mostly honey, seasonal fruit, or some starchy tubers in some areas of the world.
Our bodies adapted to being fuelled by fat.
While able to use sugar, most of our cells run best on ketone bodies (that is fat, broken down to its smallest form)
Only some parts of our brain can ONLY use sugar for their metabolic work, as sysnapses are too small to accomodate ketone bodies.
Fortunately our liver can produce all the sugar our brain needs. After the process of “burning” fat (the fat is oxidzed, not burned) two glycerine backbones of used up triglycerides are packed together to form one molecule of sugar.
Our body needs (small amounts of) sugar, but it doen’t like too much sugar in its bloodstream. Sugar will form Advanced Glycation Endproducts by sticking to some random little part of your body, rendering it useless.
So if there is a sudden dietary influx of carbohydrates our body tries to use it up as quickly as possible. It does so by letting sugar in all your cells (insulin being the carrier). If the cells sense a big load of sugar, they will shut down the “burning” of fatty acids – so that the toxic sugar is used up quickly. the unused fatty acids are being reassambled to triglycerides for later use.
The normal state of affairs of our cell metabolism is a mirror-image of the above process:
If you don’t have any carbohydrates in your diet, the cells sense only fatty acids entering them. They will then shut down the “burning” of sugar by blocking it’s entry to the cell, in order to save the precious sugar for the brain. Fatty acids are used for energy and no triglycerides are formed.
But what happens if you live on a diet containg roughly equal amounts of carbohydrates and fats (buttered bread, chips, crisps, cake, pasta with a fatty sauce = our modern food)
The cells will do both processes at the same time! With both sugar and fatty acids in the cell, the cells will hinder the burning up of sugar AND of fatty acids. This is the reason for fealing so tired and weak after a fatty meal (which in our times always includes lots of carbohydrates as well)
And finally I come to my initial claim of obesity always being a sign of being systemically inflamed:
All the celluar work is done by harnessing the energy ATP offers if it sheds a phosphate Our body uses the energy (from either fats or sugars) to form Adenosine Tri Phosphate by attaching a phosphate to an Adenosine Di Phosphate in the electron transport chain.
But if your mitochondria don’t do their phosphate-attaching work, because sugar and fat (at the same time in the cells) are blocking everything, there is a huge amout of free phosphates swiimming in your body.
And inflammatory cytocines need a phosphate to be activated. And if there are too many phosphates around, the inflammatory cytocines will be active all the time for no good reason: chronic systemic inflammation.
If you wanna be healthy, stop eating BOTH sugars and fats. Leave out one or the other.
Better leave out sugar (that is ALL carbohydrates)
Kalle, what a fantastically clear and well written explanation of the metabolic system.
Thank you.
To everyone else, you fatten livestock with grains i.e. carbohydrates.
There are 3 macro nutrients and we would would become very unhealthy and eventually die without protein or fats. But carbs can be completely excluded and, for most modern, western people, our health would improve.
Yes, if you stop it with sugar you find that root vegetables are naturally sweet.
There was a British TV series about typical eating habits through different decades in which the presenters had to live off a food budget from that era for a week. They were evaluated medically before and after the experience.
The most telling decade was the 1950s. It started when wartime food rationing was still in effect and finished when all controls were off and cheap foods, including manufactured foods, became widely available. The difference on a person was quite obvious.
People are guilt-tripped into thinking that obesity is caused by eating too much food when in reality its caused by eating too much of the wrong type of food. A visit to a typical supermarket where I live in the US sees an inordinate abundance of pre-packaged meals, pizzas, sugary drinks and so on. Real food is available but people are so stressed out that they often don’t have the time to eat properly. (Its cultural, though. I used to work in a facility where half the workforce was Hispanic. The contrast between what they ate and our miserable Caucasian sandwiches was stark.)
Anyway, if you’re eating the wrong crap no amount of wonder drug is going to help you. I suspect the future will be Soylent Green (the movie version, not the Soylent product that you can buy.). Very far sighted movie, that.
The ‘Okinawan diet’ (mainly fish, rice and vegetables) used to be something to aspire to.
No more:
‘In the 1972 Japan National Nutrition Survey, it was determined that Okinawan adults consumed 83% of what Japanese adults did and that Okinawan children consumed 62% of what Japanese children consumed.
Since the early 2000s, the difference in life expectancy between Okinawan and mainland Japanese decreased, possibly due to Westernization and erosion of the traditional diet.
The spread of primarily American fast-food chains was linked with an increase in cardiovascular diseases, much like the ones noted in Japanese migrants to the United States.‘
The US military bases there also contribute by way of pollution (poisons).
Thanks for your interesting comment. I loved that show! (The Supersizers eat…) I remember their one about Marie Antoinette/Versailles and how shocked they were to see their results improve even after all the cream and champagne etc.
Fancy some pole dancing?
Anyone who look at this photo more than 1 second is a gay. Just saying.
Don’t go to Florence Erik.
You’ll be aghast.
It took longer than a second to see whether Klaus Schwab was cut, uncut or a transmogrifying transsexual. Tony Blair did get a moment of inspection tho’ – those WMD HAVE to be somewhere. Have to be!
Their body shapes are ridiculously flattering, but you get the drift.
Creepy Joe must have slipped off the pole before the photo was taken.
Lesbo here.
Totally uninteresting.
But, ok, it’s funny.
Precisely as I said.
A pill for this
A pill for that
Gimme more pills
I feel like crap
A shot for this
A shot for that
What’s goin on ?
They are using all the UN-SDG’s to line-up future public-private-partnerships for “social impact investing” along with massive amounts of data acquisition. These “troubled” assets will end up being bundled together and traded as securities on global markets.
GIIN is one such example, there are many more.. https://thegiin.org/
Agree to disagree. Bamm… It’s over.
Care less what they say.
Care lot’s about who you are.
Live well.
‘Our brave soldiers have liberated Zanzibar. An extra ration of Ozempic for the proles!’ intoned the wallscreen.
And Fatso and Large Marge truly loved Big Brother.
Speaking of fighting, tentatively some good news from Canada:
‘The trucker protests were neither a national emergency, Mosley concluded, nor a threat to the security of Canada.’
More here:
Time will tell.
I’ve written a piece on this. It was a wonderful day… but then… as you say Time will tell…
Obesity in the Western world, and increasingly in the East, is a complex problem, but in the end obesity is mainly a problem for the individual.
We all enjoy sugar, fat and salt so the market supplies our cravings.
In a chaotic world food is a comfort, a social escape for many. Moderation is the key and sometimes the key gets lost.
Alcohol and other recreational and prescription drugs on the other hand, destroy entire families, bystanders and societies, especially indigenous ones.
Any mention of that at Davos?
Into recreational drugs? Big Pharma’s got you cover there, too. ‘Ask your doctor whether Fentanyl’s right for you.’
You dare to mock Scientific Medicne©? Minus 3 Social Credits for you!
Marketing has infantalised most people. Sugar, salt and fats lead in addictive foods – that come with free poisons.
Too much of this crap
Off Topic:
Over 66 Million People Have Watched This Video (3:36):
I thought to repost the video as “If Only Palestinians Were Dogs !” – but
that would be to politicalise what is meant to be Entertainment…
0ne could also suggest it’s an example of propaganda for communism –
communism being the impulses that haunt hoomanity, the impulses kept
under control by the repressive character structure called capitalism…
Farber, like Kary Mullis, also raised questions over the cause and treatments of AIDS, particularly AZT.
The plots thicken.
I refuse to open a link with 33 6 and 66. No matter what you do, You cant cheat me!
So you’re afraid of numbers then. Why?
You know in numerology, the value of 666 is 9 (6 + 6 + 6 = 18; 1 + 8 = 9), which is the number of endings. The Beast is about to end; there is an end to sin. That’s actually a good thing!
As I said, you cant cheat me Satan:
17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666.”
So you think you can’t be cheated by Satan into looking into something. The numbers tell you so.
Let me tell you something. Satan can fool you anyway.
It is very simple.
Knowing what you avoid and what not is enough to control you. Such easy triggers as numbers! They can be generated in any way. By anyone.
If it’s numbers that are controlling your action, then basically anyone can control you.
If numbers are your guidance, then the world is your guidance, instead of the Spirit of the Lord.
You can then easily be fooled. You looking at signs doesn’t give you proper knowledge of the matters of the Spirit.
It is very easy to hinder you from looking or observing something. It is therefore easy to keep you in blindness. But that blindness you choose yourself.
It’s rather silly that you don’t have the courage to see what’s in the link because of some odd numbers. You think Satan is hiding there. No it ain’t. You could see that easily for yourself, if you had the courage to see.
Also, not having the courage to see Satan doesn’t make Satan go away. Or did you think that Satan is defeated by closing your eyes?
I don’t think you understand the meaning of those words in the Bible. The meaning or purpose is not to make you afraid of numbers. The purpose is not to make you resort to magical thinking.
Why sub to group-think?
The symbol has all the meaning you give it for your own unique reasons. And that meaning can shift to serve the purpose you decide to hold or align in.
So if you want fearful and manipulative symbols to frame & determine your ‘reality’ experience you can have them as your Advocate or Adversary.
Why give attention to links that hold no resonance or relevance for “who I am” – in terms of a currently conscious acceptance and alignment of thought & feeling in act.
Does Farber hold ‘anti-Semitism’ as The Great Evil – by which all else must be judged?
Growing up in the fear that despite any appearances or lived experience – ‘Others’ can all turn in hate against you, is a deep-set sense of life as betrayal, rejection, and treachery – caste in terms of a collectivised identity.
Self-specialness castes a shadow.
The verb and role of casting can be extending the creative, or projecting the mis-taken inheritance of a covert agenda as a private self-imaged identity.
What is your co-relation between “group think”and “your own unique reasons”?
Your wool speak does not make any sense.
I am only following the scriptures. “Beware of “organisation” (group think). It is wholly unnecessary. The Bible rules will be the only rules you need”.
23 Jesus turned and said to Binra, “Get behind me, Satan! You are standing in my way. You do not have in mind the things of God. Instead, you are thinking about man, human things.”
You know the whole danish economy is getting a positive balance because of this medicine. Diabetes and fat people is pure business and control of slavery. The danish economy is mainly big pharma, weapon industry and mærsk.
How Rockefeller Created the Business of Western Medicine
There is semingly no end to the lies being perpetrated on us, and the horrors that the liars have planned for us. Perhaps we can benefit from some rules of thumb, like “just say no” to their demands and laugh at/ridicule their justifications. We certainly need to maintain our balance.
Agreed, just say no. Couldn’t have said it better. Disregard what they have planned for us and plan for yourself.
Lies share the same ‘father’,
Aligning in true source and nature will soon recognise or discern the signature patterns of ‘gaslighting’ as its operating system of guilted fear set in blame as a negative currency of inclusion.
Covid could offer a pattern for awakening IF all of it is recognised false.
For once we take the bait by reaction, we have become a stakeholder of identity set in conflict-framed ‘solutions. (There are none but the buying of more time in which to delay & defer a revealing self-disclosure – for how can we escape our ‘starting place’? And why would we need to if already free to start anew?)
What a choice ! Weight-loss pills, gene-manipulating
weight-reducing injections, or, the extreme rationing
imposed on the Gazan Palestinians…
(And then there’s Fat-Shaming Jokes)…
Remember The Jesse Gelsinger Gene Therapy Experiment ?
“Genetic Predisposition” – aka “We dont Know !”
“Genetic Predisposition” – aka HUBRIS & IGNORANCE, a
very dangerous combination…
And you thought Virolieology was A Fraud !!
“You Aint Seen Nothing Yet !” (YASNY)…
Genetic Determinism in Health & Disease
The Great DNA Data Deficit: Are Genes for Disease a Mirage?The accumulating inability of a new whole-genome scanning technique (called Genome-Wide Association studies; GWAs) to find important genes for disease in human populations1. In study after study, applying GWAs to every common (non-infectious) physical disease and mental disorder, the results have been remarkably consistent: only genes with very minor effects have been uncovered (summarised in Manolio et al 2009; Dermitzakis and Clark 2009). In other words, the genetic variation confidently expected by medical geneticists to explain common diseases, cannot be found.
Still Chasing Ghosts: A New Genetic Methodology Will Not Find the “Missing Heritability”One of the hopes and promises of the Human Genome Sequencing Project was that it would revolutionize the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of most human disorders. It would do this by uncovering the supposed “genetic bases” of human behavior. With a few exceptions, however, the search for common gene variants -“polymorphisms” – associated with common diseases has borne little fruit. And when such associations have been found the polymorphisms seem to have little predictive value and do little to advance our understanding of the causes of disease.
Said one commenter:
“Failed paradigms have a way of slouching on from beyond the grave after they’ve been declared dead, especially if they have become lucrative, prestigious, and elaborate industries supporting many livelihoods and paying the mortgages on many yachts.”
Or as Upton Sinclair once said: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
Agree. How long now has neoliberalism been declared a failed economic policy that continues to zombie-walk across the world…
Fine description. But isnt it just the old dream of alchemy: How do we find the riddle on how to get eternal life?
11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart;
14 I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it.
The Injustice of Life
16 And I saw something else under the sun: In the place of judgment – wickedness was there, in the place of justice – wickedness was there.
19 Surely the fate of human beings is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath[3] ; humans have no advantage over animals. Everything is meaningless.
20 All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return.
The Ozempic plot is far more sinister than mere rationing or corporate addiction. The symptoms of Ozempic use — nausea, abdominal pain and a learned psychological aversion to nutrition — are the symptoms of kidney failure. This isn’t a coincidence or an as-yet-unstudied potential side effect. Kidney failure is the express purpose of Ozempic, the “voluntary” weekly injection which appeared at the very instant that our leaders abandoned their plans for involuntary tri-monthly injections.
And this: Ozempic carries an FDA boxed warning for the risk of thyroid C-cell tumors.
Same problem as with Covid. Its incredible you can make sheeple needle addicts for a medical treatment you could have solved naturally.
Remdesivir did a good job destroying kidneys.
… just as statin drugs, i.e. cholesterol pills, have been linked with memory loss.
But, but… everybody in those Ozempic ads looks so happy and healthy!
They wouldn’t allow Big Pharma to publish such ads if they weren’t true, correct, and accurate– would they?
I’m so beguiled that I’m fattening up to return to my former state of obesity, because I want my share of losing-weight bliss. 🤗
There is no truth in advertising law so, yes they would.
A needle a day will keep the doctor away, and you are then a healthy smiling person everybody gives likes and thumb’s up. You are a popular person.
Just like most drugs made in the last 2 decades, ozempic is absolute shit.
If you want pancreatic issues, go ahead.
These jagoffs know what really causes obesity. The crap they put in the food and stupid useless shit like glysophate.
can’t stand how dumb these assholes are!
Why do we allow petrochemicals in synthetic drugs anyway, besides making a windfall for the oil industry? Hopefully, we will look back on this era of pills ‘n jabs as medieval as bloodletting with leeches!