Natural Masking as a Way of Life
Todd Hayen

Here I go with the mask thing again, sorry, but a strange thing is happening with this around the world. It seems that wearing a mask is slowly becoming a sort of natural expectation.
At first, it is showing up arbitrarily, for no particular reason. Maybe people wake up one morning and just say to themselves, “seems like a good day to wear the ol’ face diaper.” Or maybe it is a cold day, and the mask acts like earmuffs for the face. Or maybe, for some people, wearing a decorated mask becomes a fashion statement or a way to show the world who your favourite hockey team is (if their logo is blazoned onto the mask).
The agenda is of course getting on board by mandating masks here and there for special reasons, ironically few having anything to do with public health—directly at least. Health of course will always be the “silent purpose” behind mask-wearing, but I am willing to bet in a few years no one will even know the original reason people started wearing them.
Isn’t that the whole point?
Mask-wearing will become as ubiquitous, and natural, as a man wearing a tie when dressing up. Where do ties come from? And who in hell thought of such a ridiculous thing? But it is now a natural, and unspoken, part of the cultural landscape. All men wear ties. All people will one day wear masks. Not quite yet but getting there.
We can see the twisted psychology of conformity and idiocy come to play accounting for the reasons people may wear them. Conformity and idiocy are two human traits that account for quite a bit of human behaviour. But what reason would the agenda have for wanting to create a natural obsession with mask-wearing?
Lots of reasons.
I don’t know if I even need to touch on this, but I will a bit. Wearing any sort of mark of obedience is a goal of the higher powers. But if people don’t even know that is what they are doing—showing allegiance to their rulers—then does it serve that purpose? Maybe the elite simply enjoy seeing their serfs in masks, maybe it makes them feel superior.
Maybe it shows a level of complacency and conformity that guarantees when a “true” disaster befalls us, people will fall into line quicker without much thought—as if there ever was any sort of problem with people thinking too much. Of course, the “true” disaster is anything but “true.”
Or maybe, from the agenda’s perspective, it is like military drill training, i.e., snap the whip to keep people in line and any time the whip is snapped, people will quickly fall in that line. Take for example the recent whip snapping in St. Petersburg, Russia. The “chief sanitary” doctor there, Natalia Bashketova, has signed a resolution that mandates mask-wearing during large cultural events.
Heads of all organizations and institutions, regardless of their form of ownership, when organizing and holding mass New Year[’s], sports, and cultural events, must ensure: the use of personal respiratory protection equipment (masks) by employees of organizations and institutions.”
Lifted from Edward Slavsquat’s excellent substack
Seems odd at the least. But when masks have become commonplace, for the reasons listed above, then of course such whip-snapping will be very effective. Just pull out the ol’ mask whenever someone of authority says to pull it out. Don’t give it a second thought. Wrap it around your face just as you would pull on a pair of socks. “This is a formal business affair, make sure you wear a tie.
Oh, ok, sure, no problem. And get that mask out as well.” Of course, the tie analogy falls apart if given any scrutiny. Ties are indeed symbols of obedience, but only obedience to tradition and civilized society, not to a government or a totalitarian regime. Masks are.
Soon any time someone ventures into the public arena, a mask will be required. Certainly not for health reasons, but primarily just because—well, everyone else is wearing one, right? If anyone cares to actually think about it, public safety might come to mind. Even though there is no scientific reasoning behind it, people will invariably believe that their environment is unsafe, other people around them are unsafe, and if they are decent human beings, they will consider themselves unsafe to other humans around them. As much as the powers that be want you to think so, you do not live in a biologically toxic world. And even if you did, a homemade face scarf isn’t going to protect you from anything other than dust—and even that is a dicey supposition.
If left to social evolution, mask wearing would probably have a limited life, much like pet rocks or lace collars on men. Fads come and go. Humans don’t stick with one thing for very long (except maybe ties). People will tire of the mask, no matter how beautiful they may look with one on. But the agenda will not let that happen. Masks are important to the agenda for a variety of reasons, and more than likely, masks will stay.
I could be wrong here, because there are things that could replace them, but as long as they are using unseen viral marauders as one of their weapons against humanity, masks will always be around. And, as I say here, even when the original reason for their being is long out of the collective consciousness (i.e., no clear health purpose in wearing them) the agenda will still want to have their use at their disposal.
Psychologically, masks are demeaning. They restrict facial expression, thus causing us to easily become less and less human. They are a good social marker—good people wear masks, bad people do not. They can accelerate disease and poor health. They are a symbol of unity for a common cause of mindless humans rallying around the flag of global fascism. Although masks may hold less pragmatic purpose than they may be worth, the psychological power their compliance holds is immeasurable.
As the agenda proclaims: all hail the mask. Mask yourself from the very act of breathing, of taking in nature, and of participating in humankind’s natural connection with others around you. Masks limit your communication as an autonomous being, it limits essential, unconscious, communication with children, and with everyone you come in contact with. It is the first step in wiping out your spiritual identity and wiping out your connection with nature itself.
All hail the mask, they are here to stay.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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one of the best analyses of the mask fetish that I’ve ever read
The indoctrination of conformity is implemented at a very young age. People can never out grow it without a determined focus on their individual critical thinking. Even people with letters next to their name from academicism cannot expand consciousness. Everything outside of us is a trap constantly pulling one out like a magnet once conformity has set in. So it only takes one talking head, aka, authority figure, and a compromised media to say wear a mask! It has become only an impulse by now and without question people put on a mask. I was ostracized in second grade. The day we had a substitute teacher. It was the last hour of the day when she came in and announced everyone should do what they are supposed to be doing. All my classmates went into their desk for school work. I went and picked up crayons, paper and climbed onto the big piano to begin drawing pictures. Little did I know, my classmates were seething under their studious demure. When class ended
the angry children ran at me from behind bushes and trash cans screaming and yelling as they circled me, never touching, as I made my way to the gated entrance of the school. The classmate I always walked home with was upset about something either of us could understand. When we are taught to conform at such a young age it is the beginning of the end for critical thought. When we are taught that society will watch over us and protect us
so that we will be safe, it is the beginning of the end of free will. We become ignorant.The TV News Anchors set the scene, tell the story. describe the atmosphere and essence of all events. When the media acts as a willing partner it makes the public an unwitting accessory to its own psychic imprisonment. Ignorance is a demonic force and it can lead to many great tragedies.
I notice a slight increase in mask wearing; but those who are wearing them are sick; it is flu season after all. They are likely wearing them as they incredulously still believe those paper masks protect others from the cough, cold ,plague or whatever they are suffering from . No more sensible staying home for a couple days, , the misinformation about masking having a protective use is predictable ingrained conditioning , more fear of doing the wrong thing and sadly laughable, at this point. People are stuck in 2020.
Summer 2020 – Brd of Ed – Brit Columbia CA – directive to staff: “We want to create a mask wearing culture” – Here on blue USA East Coast mask wearing remains unusual but it can wax and wane this winter; a few weeks back an up-tick in usage which has now receded. I think I have detected that African Americans are somewhat more prone to mask wearing; there was that hip-hop woman mid 2021 who warned against the vax but urged mask wearing. Straws in the wind.
Worth pointing out here that this already happened in Japan LONG AGO, long before the Covid. For at least 50 years now, it’s been commonplace to wear a mask a) if you’re even the slightest bit sick or have the ‘sniffles’ etc and b) in medical facilities, even if you’re just visiting someone (i.e. you’re not sick, yourself).
Security camera photos of thugs and burglars published in New York City local news online show most of them wearing “masks” that make it easier for them to get away with crimes. In the old days, if a masked person walked into your store or onto a subway or a subway platform, you’d know they were about to whack you or steal from you.
Actually, believe it or not, many American jurisdictions had “anti-mask” laws before Covid precisely for this reason as many criminals would cover their face (not usually with a “surgical” mask, but nonetheless, all face coverings were collectively known as “masks”) to avoid apprehension after committing a crime. In essence, it was an extra charge the prosecutor could pile on to induce a guilty plea.
FYI, this past December the Philadelphia (PA) City Council passed a law criminalizing the wearing of ski masks in public.
The city can now fine people $250 for wearing ski masks in parks, schools, day-care centers, city-owned buildings, and on public transit.
Hmm, it wasn’t until just now that I noticed that the law does give old-school mask-wearing criminals some wiggle room; evidently they can still don those ski masks to rob banks and stores, and even to mug people on the street.
Even if they do get caught, presumably if they’re not still wearing those masks in the abovementioned exclusion zones, they won’t incur that $250 fine. 🏂
The Elected Misrepresentatives charged with promoting and administering the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic protocols and narrative, masked or not, usually end up with, er, stuff on their faces– a result of struggling to save those faces contorted with the strain of processing arrant doublethink, and hideously compressed and scarred by Craniorectal Inversion Syndrome (CRIS).
Speaking of NYC, last March Hizzoner Adams was compelled to suddenly throw the scamdemic Big Lie of the compulsive necessity of wearing those life-saving masks into reverse. The authorities belatedly remembered that masks have a down side! Whod’a thunk it!:
NYC Mayor Eric Adams is telling stores to have customers remove their face masks [March 7, 2023] 😷 🤔
I think the initial rampage was primarily, a sociological experiment to measure the mechanical fealty of the masses, a decisive result that summed up compliance and enabled broader “global” goals to be put into effect as a matter of course, as for the masked remains, are just a sad reminder that highlight a vanquished self-mortifying adoration to the madhouse.
“arbitrarily, for no particular reason.”
No, there’s only one reason to wear a mask: Brainwashing induced by repetition of lies from governments and media, regarding a mythical, dangerous virus, based on unmitigated fraud. Our biology is not a biohazard.
Buffs, which are not masks, should be distinguished apart from masks, because some Canadians wear buffs in sub zero temperatures.
The propaganda and disinformation used in 2020 from all governments and their mouthpieces – the media – was to cause intentional physical and psychological harm by masking populations, signalling conformity and obedience, whilst spreading fear. The masking and 6ft fantasy social distancing discouraged social interaction and any discussion or debate of the unconscionable and unjustified, fraudulent worldwide lockdowns.
Fear was the only contagion spread over the last four years, because there never was any scientific evidence or proof of an invisible, contagious pathogen. Not in 2020 and not ever.
“the higher powers”
This deliberate choice of words is inappropriate and misleading.
They aren’t “higher”, they aren’t “rulers”. They are the puppets and agents of parasites and psychopaths who own and control the corporations posing as governments. All their “powers” are derived from mass mind control, criminal racketeering, criminal fraud, and the violence and criminality of the so called “authorities.”
You cannot delegate powers or authority, you don’t personally have. Therefore voting will never be legitimate or lawful.
“All hail the mask, they are here to stay.” You repeated this phrase twice.
No, they aren’t. Very few people are masked where I live. Only the occasional zombie, impersonating a human. As for what’s going on elsewhere, I’m guessing almost nobody in Africa, or central and South America are wearing masks.
I do not engage with or converse with those wearing a mask. If someone with a mask attempts to speak to me, I ask “what” several times, then ask if they could remove their oxygen deprivation device.
I’m not willing to take part in or condone their delusions.
Maybe, since you’re a psychologist you could better explain social engineering, mass mind control, brainwashing, hypnosis or even the roots of masking, as initiation rites, Masonic cultism, masking and slavery, for the readers in another column.
The masking serves as a visual dual policy initiative for the carbon, climate delusion fraud and to induce belief in the superstition known as contagion, resulting in a higher uptake in the deadly, 100% unnecessary, yet highly profitable poison injection campaigns.
A mask fixation is known in psycho[-therapy] circles, as ‘PMDD’, “Post Masking Distress Disorder”.
The actual mask tide having long turned. Mask mandates did yes, once-upon-a-time, somewhere over the rainbow, way beyond Kansas, constitute the undeniably significant portion of a misguided dystopia (somewhere pre Jan. 2022 I believe). But they have not figured prominently for a long time.
Nowadays, in our more modern, refined world circa 2024, it’s more a case of feeling sorry for those still trapped in such thinking. Especially in the effervescent light of such types turning into today’s social rejects. Pitiful creatures indeed.
The long-forgotten raison d’etre of Covid, (financial transactions of ‘suckers-to-elites’) having been completed; and requiring no further discussion.
So yes, it *IS* actually safe to exit the Burmese jungle. W-W-Covid is over. The fleecing having ceased for a few years. You will *NOT* actually be required to wear a mask. Only emotional scars could possibly say otherwise:
The Hooters – All You Zombies
More modern examples of the change of tide:
I fly for business every week. I have noticed more and more people wearing masks as flu season has begun. But the inconsistency is astounding to me. I was recently waiting near the gate for my flight to board. There was a family sitting across from me. The parents were on their iPhones and the children were playing. They appeared normal and were not wearing masks. They boarded the plane, and settled in as the rest of the passengers came aboard. When the last passenger entered and the flight attendant closed the exit door, the parents pulled out masks and the entire family put them on. During the flight, they took the masks off to snack. The parents would pull their masks down whenever they spoke to each other or the children. I was intrigued about what the thought process was, if there was one. Did they think they could not be exposed to a virus in the airport? Did they think the plane was safe until it was full of passengers? Did they believe they cannot catch a bug while eating or talking? I have a feeling they no longer know why they wear the dirty rags. They just know that they have to wear it on the plane. At the end of the trip, the family exited the plane with their masks on. However, once in the airport they took them off and the wife shoved them all into her purse.
Yes, this is another “don’t get me started!” aspect of submissive, compulsive, and/or hysterical maskophilia: except for a few germophobe/virophobe sticklers who wrap themselves up like The Mummy when outdoors, since the nonsense began early in the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic, the general public has never complied with the (bogus) criteria for the “right” way to wear masks.
I won’t expand this to chapter-length to describe all of the variations, except to say that they run a vast gamut or spectrum. Generally, this runs from using inappropriate masks, e.g. “homemade” masks of various fabrics; wearing them inappropriately with nose and/or mouth exposed; wearing them intermittently– i.e., donning and doffing them from moment to moment.
As you doubtless know, True Believers in prophylactic mask-wearing actually evolve byzantine rationalizations to explain and justify their cockeyed, contradictory, and generally absurd idiosyncratic adaptations.
I’m too exasperated to remember or keep track of this serial foolishness and madness, but I often think of distant friends, scamdemic/mask thralls who live in Manhattan. A couple of years ago they decided to abandon their “risky” traditional Thanksgiving meal, and instead have a “safe” Thanksgiving by ordering pizza and eating it in Central Park.
They sent a photo of the family “celebration”, in which they all sat masked at a picnic table. I was told that, all in all, they considered it a pretty good “safe” Thanksgiving. I mention this because a curious mutual friend (a scamdemic/mask skeptic) asked how they managed the mask-wearing during this excursion. As noted, I’ve forgotten the details– but they had a complicated protocol or dance in which they donned, lowered, and briefly doffed the masks in some ostensibly safe and sensible manner.
And of course, less “thinky” mask thralls will simply blithely explain, say, wearing a mask without covering their nose by saying, “Oh, I know it’s not 100% correct, but I figure it gives me some protection; it’s better than nothing!”
Ay, caramba! 😷 😖
I thought conformity was more common in East Asia and countries controlled by religion. Fortunately, some Japanese academics resisted effectively enough to break the spell there and cut through the government pretence. Some Germans were also heroic.
As for Africans, they benefited from (a) their experience of the past diabolic ministrations of WHO and gang (b) ivermectin, in common usage (c) ample sunlight, something constantly demonised.
It is important to remember that every one of the restrictions imposed was a crime against humanity. E.g., even given to their mothers got did not damage babies, the constant presence of masks on every adult around them has already harmed them mentally. Also, our greatest enemies are the legislators who approve the related laws, even retrospectively.
I just saw someone in a car ALONE wearing a mask. (Yes, I am in Kalifornia.) I was ridiculing her from the comfort of my car, and when she looked over I could swear she was scowling… but who knows because with that polypropylene cancer-causing, bacterial-and-fungal-enhancing, environmentally unsound, worthless rag on her face, I couldn’t tell! I guess that’s the positive spin – we can’t see those ugly faces. 😜
I never understood why many Asian countries like Japan and China mask wearing has for a long time been widespread even before the Last 3 years
About the necktie. What you missed out: ”Was the top button open or closed?! Aha, got you there?! Just fooling around really but the mask thing really pisses me off. I didn’t even wear one when they were at the height of the idiocy. Gives you a rather good insight of how people behave when master snaps the whip. Human development seems to be going backwards rather than forwards.
Here in The Netherlands it is very rare to see masked up weirdos. Thank goodness. Cross the border to Deutschland and it is much more common.
Will you lay your head on the block on this your statement? Im living close to your country and this your statement is extremely similar to what I meet in my own. Projection.
Everybody walking around and project their false illusions onto others.
All right, here is what I latest got from Holland, then try to look at you own comment again.
Mask not is what you can do for your country.
What all this indicates is that the idiot masking and distancing rigmarole is by no means over. I have no doubt that all of this – the various phases of the operation – were charted way back before 2020. We are now in the “surreptitious reinforcement” phase.
And the crap shelf is being continually warmed up. Here on Twitter is one Nick Hudson (“chairman, investor, actuary, collusion theorist”. “Collusion theorist”? Oh who the fuck cares?):
“….when it comes to the sequencing, the phylogeny, the primer manufacturing, the variants and the etiology linking those things to a disease? Well, that whole business is pure as the driven snow and not contaminated by facing the self-same funding and conflicts of interest that permitted ….”
Blah de blah de doo doo doo de dah dah dah ……………
Sample Nick’s words of wisdom here:
I see way less than 1% of people wearing masks in and around London. The odd person in supermarkets. The odd person on the tube. Almost none walking the streets, the shopping areas.
If this is ‘going to become normal’, it’s got one heck of a long way to go before it happens in the UK.
They will be helpful for non compliance activities..
I live close to wear Todd Hayen lives, in a large city and I’ve noticed an uptick of people wearing masks since Christmas (even walking outside or driving in their cars alone). I don’t know why, but suspect that there must be some fear mongering happening on the MSM. I don’t watch or read any MSM. If I see a cashier in my grocery store wearing a mask, I choose one that isn’t. Mask wearers make me feel unsafe because they can’t be thinking rationally.
Yes wearing a mask has become normalized. It is perfectly normal and people don’t think anything of it whatsoever. I saw all this coming days into covid. And it made me shudder.
It’s absolutely not normal in the UK – way less than 1% of people are wearing masks right now. Way less.
I live in the UK – shitland – and stand on guard looking for those morons are making a underhand attempt at face nappies.
I can concur. I must see thousands of people a week in Yorkshire and see only a handful masked. Way less than 1%.
Cali is known to be full of weirdos and liberals.
Right now the UK is more concerned about the Alphabet agenda. I was there recently with my wife. The Tube is full of ads with gay couples, transgender people, hocking everything from metro passes, to shows, to consumer products. It was very prevalent. My wife, who is not attuned to noticing propaganda, even made a comment about how many ads featured “alternative lifestyle” models.
Nudge the Norms
Big posters put up all over the place, with really sticky glue, declaring mask wearers to be stupid idiots, morons incapable of understanding that masks actually don’t work other than being a loud beacon alerting the world the wearer is a fool, a sheep, lacks critical thinking skills and should be laughed at, everyone pointing. Seeing a mask worn is not a virtue signal but is a WARNING!
This simple idea to apply societal pressure will work.
Posters showing a group of attractive women pointing and laughing at a mask wearing man.
Posters showing the mask wearing woman being shunned by a socially dynamic group.
I am sure it would be easy to use Midjourney to generate an endless stream of poster ideas that can be shared around for printing in all areas to affect a positive change, to nudge the norms of society in ways that we want.
I just tried that with ChatGPT with the prompt “create an image of a man wearing an n95 face mask, with several beautiful women standing nearby that are pointing at him and laughing”. Unfortunately, it created an image where the women are applauding him instead. The accompanying response was: “The image you requested has been created, with a focus on a positive and respectful depiction.”
It seems that morality reigns supreme in ChatGPT land.
Why on earth would you expect ChatGPT to support the resistance: it was created to further oligarchic power and control of the masses.
Yes, I have seen the positive moralising from both Bart and ChatGPT.
I was looking for solutions to the barking dogs in my neighbour’s yard keeping me awake at night.
In Bard I asked if small tactical mini nukes would work well, would I need to wear ear muffs and a welders mask.
Bard suggested it’s illegal to use mini nukes and that I should instead talk with the owners, etc.
I then said I was considering a sustained aerial bombing campaign lasting months, a siege cutting off the water and food for the dogs. I asked Bard if the two and a half million women, men and children of the household should be spared even if they feed the dogs.
Bard said this is also illegal and that such a course of action could tarnish my reputation in the rest of the community. Bard suggested I approach the local council and see if they could mediate a peaceful solution instead.
The day when we begin seeing, breathing, and speaking from our chest is the day we may equate wearing a mask to wearing a tie.
Off Topical:
Will Western Government Leaders get their act together to
change the definition of’ Genocide’ to protect their Aircraft
Carrier in the Middle East / West Asia from accusations ?
They changed the definitions of ‘vaccines’, ‘pandemic’,
‘democracy’ etc – so they’ve got plenty of experience…
Have’n noticed much mask wearing here in Northern England since restrictions were lifted but there might be a more rational explanation of why some people have taken to wearing them in the USA and Canada where authoritarian regimes are in power.
With authoritarians around the world eager to increase mass surveillance in public places by means of facial recognition systems wearing a mask might seem a good way to beat it.
It is, but there are better ways.
It’s easy to look up the biometrics facial recognition uses online. Now surveillance cameras do not mad the physical contours of the face, they merely record the light reflected from the face. Hats and hoods are great for reducing reflected light. I wear glasses with reactolite lenses (for convenience not disguise.) On camera the lenses show up as two black blobs. Explore little tricks like this, Buddy Holly glasses could become fashionable again or the kind of round, tinted lenses John Lennon liked to wear. Facial hair for men and make up for women also change the way skin reflects light. And forget the hype, facial recognition has a lousy record for accuracy.
Yeah masking is about as natural as wearing underpants on your face, and like underpants, masks don’t stop the assault of fart odours on the olfactory system.
Nice one!
Here’s a litany of evil with a US imprimatur all over it:
I am very proud to say
I have never worn a mask.
However at the cost off fights / huge savage arguments and even got asked to leave places
and changed many peoples including business;s minds and am now in the trying to forgive stage..
finding it so hard to forgive.
In my city in the U.S., mask-wearing has again become common. They’re commonly seen among bus riders, bank tellers, taxi drivers, people on the street and even some riding alone in cars or (really) on bicycles. More distrubing is that, based on my observations on public transportation, in grocery stores and similar public venues, Black and Latino people are far more likely to wear masks than white people, although there is a large proportion of white yuppies wearing them as well. All seem to have fear in their faces and often a touch of anger at the non-masked majority. If I catch their eye, I do my best to give an expression of contempt, and refuse to communicate with them if addressed.
Today at the bank, I watched a man put his mask on when he entered and then slather large amounts of “hand sanitizer” while he waited. I told me that there was a big gap in his face covering (there always is). He sneered at me and took off the mask entirely in disgust, as if to say “Are you happy now?” I was.
Ditto. Even I’m tired of my recurring reporting/bitching about the persistence of these vile masks, but since you brought it up 😉: I’ve noticed an uptick in mask-wearing in my Philly-suburb shopping center, and on public transit.
The demographics are pretty much identical to what you describe. The only minor difference is that I don’t particularly notice traumatized facial expressions.
In my experience, I typically see blank expressions. As the article discusses, my impression is that donning masks has become automatic, or “second (un)nature”.
I assume there are now-normalized “triggers”, e.g. the wearer still takes official/media “warnings” seriously, or the masks are still required in their workplace– or they’ve been unwell, and believed they had/have “COVID”, or worse, the dreaded “long COVID”. 😷😠
I always wear masks in big cities and public transport as to avoid the harm of diesel pollution, people’s bad breath, air pollution from the many garbage cans around, marihuana smoke, cigarette/cigar smokes, and other kind of stuff.
I require the best for myself and my body. I owe that too to my fiancee, my family and friends because I am one of those who care. I care about other people! 😇
But you like this, you like it
What the problem with blowing it out the nose, hits the ground and spreads out, you just dont know how to sneeze right.
I were talking about people met in public.
Do you notice that look of despair and regret on your fiancees face or is she hidden from a face nappy that you’ve wrapped her humanity up in too ?
You cant read either. I was talking only about myself and my respect for other people.
I allow you to do whatever you want, but I reserve the right to protect myself against you, and when I protect myself, I herewith also protect my dear.
So you can sneeze all you like, with your freedom right……………..LOL.
I strongly believe everyone should kill themselves out of respect for those who are suicide hesitant.
They already got their chance many times and refused every single one of them.
At some point after 18+ people must take a responsibility for their own choices.
few where i am but they seem to stare sternly ahead. maybe hey feel what i’m thinking.
I always thought we’d be wearing those Star Trek shirts by now instead of suits and ties. I was looking forward to that while driving my flying car.
Well, whatever about the masks, because we ain’t seen nothing yet. And there isn’t going to be anything natural about it.
i’ve never worn a suit and tie.
The face is a highly charged zone in the visual field of any social creature — and even in formerly socially creatures like humans. We’re obsessed with faces, which is why we’ll always be obsessed with covering them up. There’s too much information conveyed by the angle of the mouth, the set of the jaw, the altitude of the eyebrows, the squint in the eyes. Worse, the interpretation of the this information is too dependent on personal context and mood. On a bad day, every smirk looks like a challenge or like open contempt. It’s why psychopaths and autistics cross out eyes in photographs (they do this in the movies, anyway). There are too many rules: you’re supposed to maintain eye contact with mountain lions, but avoid eye contact with wolves. Which one are humans, again?
I don’t think the mask phenomenon was even part of the initial “pandemic” conspiracy. I think they just sort of happened, and would have faded as quickly as they appeared if not for serendipitous couplings with other latent paranoias that happened to bubble up out of the swamp at the same time. Pairs of bonded paranoias have far longer half-lives than when either occurs in isolation, and in any city with a Chinatown, masks were always there to be boosted into reality out of the infinite reservoir of virtual manias. It was simply a matter of time.
Everyone felt stupid during the “pandemic.” They were told there was a plague (scary, if true!), but they couldn’t see it or sense it any way (confusing, how come?), but they shouldn’t wonder why that is because that would be “doing your own research and you’re not an epidemiologist” (argh, it’s true, and I proved I was dumb by asking home come!). When you feel stupid, you think it shows on your face — and you’re right to think that, with your slack jaw and your lolling tongue. Wearing a mask allowed a COVID believer to walk around outside still knowing they were stupid but with the plausible delusion that it wasn’t visible to external observers.
We’re just lucky the COVID catastrophe occurred when it did because. In the human face, the eyes are far more socially charged than the mouth, but they couldn’t very well mandate blindfolds. If the “pandemic” were faked in 2026 instead of 2020, we would have been facing Apple Vision Pro mandates instead. As it is, that probably won’t happen until 2028, when the SE version hits the pay-as-you-go plans.
Already the case, in Berkeley, California. And not even because of government mandates. I think much of it is a statement of woke-ness and political correctness. Plus incredible levels of hypochondria. The state has re-imposed mask mandates in medical offices.
Not much mask wearing still evident in New Zealand — at least not in the city where I live. Thank God.
Mask wearing can be, as you say, a sign of compliance. But it is also a sign of fear. Not sure which is worse.
Wait til the autumn/winter, when the snivels and coughing starts. Then NZ & Oz will see an uptick in mask wearing, perhaps even the return of “mandates.”
Masks are not here to stay. If I am addressed by a such muzzled person , I ignore them until they take the face diaper off.
Me too, I don’t make eye-contact with masked people.
Hardly anybody wears a mask where I am, aside from the odd shuffling coffin dodger or obese, pale, green haired women in their 20s who now often seem to need a stick to waddle about. I wonder what could have caused that for them? The vast majority of people around here are long done with all that shit.
Sometimes I feel like telling them that they are making themselves ill with the mask. But then I think, fuck it, let them self select for illness, early death and oblivion, same as all transgender freaks, jab enthusiasts, vapers, drinkers, fast food eating fatties etc.
Trying to save the world doesn’t work. People need to wake up for themselves.
Save your small corner and let the rest go to hell mate.
Ohh Kremlin is just doing and copying everything European double up. The Russians are so horny to be equal partners and Nice Guy with US, WEF, WHO and EU.
“I’m doing my bit to fight against Covid 19 in my sleep by using this app on my phone: Dreamlab”
Hidden in plain sight!
‘Who was that masked population?’
(The Lone Stranger and Toronto)
We grew up with this ‘stuff.’
That were the days where men were men, and not women.
Mandate = couple of guys going fishing 🙂
In the previous century, once the burgeoning gay rights movement significantly eroded legacy cultural homophobia, it was inevitable that commerce would begin marketing products and services to the emerging gay target demographic.
I never tried to sell my idea to marketing and PR firms, but I always thought that “Mandate™” would be an ideal name for a personal care and fragrance product line appealing to homosexual males. 😉
Masks are a political weapon disguised as a public health concern- propaganda by policy.
The mask is the symbol of obedience and acceptance of their subservience to the State.
Anyone wearing a mask has completely capitulated and is a raving lunatic.
Indeed, and digging even deeper…
Civilization tends toward domestication, the complete harnessing of “raw nature” to human needs, which eventually includes humans themselves. Even to the point of denying breathing the free air of earth in service to a warped view of “collective protection” from an invisible deadly pathogenic agent, never proven to exist at all.
I have found it interesting that it is amongst the “professional managerial class” inhabiting this ivy league academic enclave where I live which disproportionately dons the mask of obedience and perpetual medical/psychological slavery. It was during the height of COVID madness when these humans formed an ideological front which isolated and persecuted to the extent they were able, those of us who saw through the charade.
The ones who took the “Fauci Ouchy” and proudly bragged about it via bumper sticker virtue signalling.
The past 50 years of neoliberalism, which is just rebranded fascism, have brainwashed overachievers that in order to rise and thrive, one must “cooperate”, and by that they mean conform, get in lockstep, park your individuality at the door. This is the cult indoctrination being imposed on all nations today.
”All men wear ties.”
No they don’t. If by ”all men” you mean American or Canadian snakes in suits, then maybe. But they are not all men.
”All people will one day wear masks.”
No we won’t. Stop being ridiculous!
Predictive programming like that only serves one purpose: to make people believe what you say from your authoritarian position.
Why would anyone believe your words.
Oh please, get a grip. It is an article, not every sentence needs to be analyzed for that sort of acute accuracy. MOST people know what I mean.
Well Todd, it did become clear at a certain point that wearing a tie was symbolically being choked, ‘got you by the throat’, and I can quite understand that some people have a strong reaction to that discovery when it hits them.
And the masks?
They always prefer to get the population to indulge in a bit of collective non-autonomous self-harming, even their WEF lackeys wear ties, mostly.
Come on. Cant you guys wear a tie or hat without writing a philosophic book about the geo-political consequences.
You think most people lack logic like you. I don’t think so.
Logic can be learned if it doesn’t exist in you naturally. Most people were born with reason and conscience, and children usually have excellent logical skills. That’s how they learn a language, for example.
If you think logic is unimportant, or even unnecessary, you’re wrong. Without logic, there’s no knowledge of truth.
If you think truth is unimportant or even unnecessary, you’re wrong. Truth is all there is. Lies are never true. They can’t be true, and they cannot become true, no matter how many times they are repeated, advertised or suggested.
You’ve learned nothing here. I’m disappointed.
But then that is what is intended with stories like this. To disappoint and make the reader think that ”oh that’s what the future will be like”. ”Oh well, can’t do anything about it then.” To make others lose hope in their lives in this reality, to make others think nothing good will ever come, only bad things. You’re spewing defeatism here. Unfortunately, you’re among other defeatism spewers.
Defeatism is the idea that the enemy, or the Devil, has already won. It is selling the idea that the enemy is the one who dictates everything, decides everything, and you, poor human, are just a sorry loser. But that’s the Devil’s talk.
You, of course, know the power of suggestions. Don’t you?
Take a look at what you write here: ”Mask-wearing will become as ubiquitous, and natural, as a man wearing a tie when dressing up.” ”All people will one day wear masks.” ”Soon any time someone ventures into the public arena, a mask will be required.” ”Masks are important to the agenda for a variety of reasons, and more than likely, masks will stay.” ”I could be wrong here, because there are things that could replace them, but as long as they are using unseen viral marauders as one of their weapons against humanity, masks will always be around.” ”All hail the mask, they are here to stay.”
The power of propaganda is in repeating suggestions so that they can be believed as true. Repeating the idea that evil prevails comes from evil. Where else could it come from?
This is constructive criticism, take it that way.
Be thankful. At least, there was no mention of the Holocaust this time.
You speak asif logic is independent from myth. I tend to agree with the ancient greeks that said: Mythos over logos. ie that logic is downstream from myth or the stories we tell ourselves about how things ‘work’.
Perhaps a modern (bad) example of this might be: ‘Science says’ we live in an infinite universe (for all intensive purposes), in a tiny galaxy (1 of billions? trillions?) on a small rock, hurtling though cold space, around quite a small star. Thus some people may, logically deduce, “hey, whats the issue if i watch some pixels change and move about asif its two (or more) people having sex in front of you.
In times of yore, some people wrote a book about the human family being the centre of all the ‘world’ and all the stars move around Us, for us. Some people may, logically deduce from this, “God is watching us.”
Or perhaps an extreme example may be: that breathing or cow farts are destroying our planet and therefore we should encourage foetuses to be hacked out of wombs ….
or perhaps another extreme example may be that the death of 26000+ people (2/3rds women and children) and the displacement of 2,2million people away from ‘our’ border is, logically, a good thing because it removes impediments to our ‘lebensraum’ or ‘we are a special kind of special people’
My point is, that you speak of logic as some kind of objective thinking ‘process’ independent from the stories we tell oursleves. The powers that should not be know this. Thus:
I obviously don’t know your history which allows you (and me and many others including Todd) to see these stories as propaganda or ‘seeding narratives’ but i suspect you may well have had experiences trying to convey ‘logic’ to people that saw the propaganda as truth, and failed.
To the Human Values commenter ; What a rude remark…a remark made totally to be rude …no foundation for what you stated. This is a forum for discussion…not for just being plain rude. There are plenty of things…plenty…to be concerned about…certainly no justification to demean a writer stating an opinion,
Since starting to lose my hair, not all of it, I have worn hats, as can be seen in the videos on my YT channel. (arielazalexander) If I took after my mother’s side of the family, I would be completely bald. (Little brother completely bald by 2005 like maternal grandfather) And being a little vain, I wear the woolly hat. I see ties as a kind of noose, going back to school in London in 1959. I didn’t consider it geopolitical in the least, it was a gut reaction. I’m not sure I could have spelled ‘geopolitical’ at age 11.
You can see the success of mental colonialism in all the hot countries where ties are still fashionable, or a sign of status. Often, wearing the things indoors requires air-conditioning. It is even a common part of school uniform for both sexes, with an elastic band making it easier for the child to put it on.
Ah, that’s progress?
Such a great overview of this very troubling phenomenon. I have such a negative gut reaction now when I see someone in a mask…my goal as a human has always been not to judge others, but the mask represents so much that is wrong and mindless. I want to say something but what to say. I have always believed that what someone does, if not harming others is none of my business. However, now I am realizing more and more that wearing a mask does do harm. It is my business.
When a friend of mine at a conference donned a mask because he had some cold/flu symptoms, I told him to take it off so that he didn’t make himself sicker. (His health is not so good, having been forced to take 3 shots.) He did. And his cold symptoms didn’t turn into anything worse, and no one else at the conference caught his cold.
When I see strangers wearing masks, I want to help them too. There’s an old man at my gym that wears a mask on the treadmill. The barista at my local shop wears one. When I see a masked person, I get the creeps. I see a psychologically disturbed person who is committing self harm.
Giving health advice to a stranger is not as easy for me to do, as it was with my friend. What’s a good way to tell the barista and the geezer at the gym to take off their masks? I don’t want to offend or scare them. I just want to help.
Women’s Florence Nightingale syndrome is a beautiful side of the feminine sex in my opinion. I personally love it.
I think just a short sentence could do it: “You shouldnt wear a mask as it may hurt yourself”. Thats it and nothing more. Then its up to the person self to think.
On the other hand you could be a Karen yes? Maybe these people has another good reason and we dont know before we have asked them, and to ask them is being indiscrete, lack of respect for their integrity.
To be a Florence it has to be a true Florence. Incredible there is always this duality. False/true.
I am repulsed when I see someone in a mask and I want to look away. Sounds harsh but stupidity and conformity repulses me. I mean look at who they are putting their trust in, some of the biggest criminals alive.
Unfortunately, you will have to allow these people to come to the conclusion that the mask is idiocy all by themselves. It’s like talking to an addict – you can lecture all you want, but until that person sees their own addiction for themselves, they will not only ignore you, but more than likely come back with a hostile reaction to your advice.
You can’t help stupid. And while my addiction analogy may work to some extent here, I would say that those who are caught up in the masking idiocy are far less reachable than the addict. While the addict’s addiction mostly harms only themselves, this mask addiction is a DIRECT threat to all of us. And that is how our owners are using this stupidity. While we argue over the “efficacy” of a mask, our owners are consolidating control just a bit more every day. But surely that mask isn’t a mark of control, is it?
The old phrase from 1984 comes to mind here – “Ignorance is Strength” being the big one where the covidiocy is concerned, although here the covidiots think you are the ignorant one, while they read nothing, ask not one question, and demand you do the same. If you do not go along with that, then they’ll do their best to bring “War is Peace” to fruition as well as “Freedom is Slavery,” as long as they don’t see they themselves are the slaves while they demand you be locked up in a cage for non-compliance to their idiocy. A cage they still refuse to see will be their own fate sooner rather than later in a physical sense as they are already in the cage mentally. Idiocy is Brilliance, after all…..
War is peace <– Pax Romana/Pax Americana.
Ignorance is strength <– Blessed are the believers.
Slavery is freedom <– Salvation through submission.
Just tell them that they have something on their mask. They will take it off to look.
Then tell them that they look better without the mask.
An old man wearing a mask while on a treadmill: Someone must be waiting for him to drop dead, after the jabs failed to do the job.
Mask wearing is religious garb of scientism.
We’ve always had religious garb pushed on humanity.
Thankfully the religion of scientism doesn’t have as long of a time of propaganda as the major religions.
It will pass soon as medicine stops following the idiotic “faith”.
IF medicine stops following the idiotic “faith”…and assuredly one day it will, but that could be 100,000 years from now! And after armageddon. COULD be…
Why do you think so long?
It lasted a hundred years or so in its current form because despite being half full of shit, it delivered some form of health. Even precovid vaccines which are toxic didn’t create the huge damage to people that HPV, COVID, flu shots, and rsv therapies are now doing.
Even crunchy lefty friends of mine are becoming skeptical of doctors and the health agencies because of their issues being addressed in an ignorant way.
You’re a psychologist, right? Haven’t you seen an evolution of psychology from the limited Freudian hypothesis to consider newer discoveries that not only work better but address the huge flaws that Freud’s therapies caused?
If you see it in your own practice and therapists around you, apply that to medicine.
Even if therapists refuse to move forward past their outdated faiths, people end up seeking other types of therapists.
That’s what is happening in medicine too!
Oh and armageddon has been propagandized by the elite through the religions that they co opted, like Christianity.
Yes, it’s an end of the “world” but not in the sense of destruction of everything where one needs to go off the grid to survive. No 3 days of darkness or whatever.
Perhaps there is a return of the Messiah, in the case of Jesus who represented progressive anti authority ideals.
The Chinese dynastic cycle explains it much better than the linear abrahamic religions.
At some point, the mandate of heaven ends where the rulership loses trust and the cycle starts again with society no longer following the corrupted rulership that failed.
The fourth turning book also explains it similarly.
There’s bad times which make good men. —- we are here right now
Good men make good times.
Good times make bad men.
Bad men make bad times.
Armageddon would be like the Holocaust, or the flattening of Gaza, only much worse.
It will pass after the depopulation (crime against humanity) becomes obvious to even the most brainwashed. The jabs already given have only begun their work.
Predictive programming title. We are not interested in this. We will not be wearing masks regardless of what simpletons do, or fake authorities ‘mandate’.
I don’t think you understood the point of the article.
I got the point. It’s still an unnecessary article for these pages. You might be employing irony but your statements are straight from the enemy’s mouth.
An article should not be correct but cause discussion thus lead to everybody’s increased knowledge about the subject. I think you are wrong here Paul.
It’s just occurred to me that the masks were the assault, the jabs were the battery.
It just rounds things off nicely.
The signature symbol of a gaslighting narrative can be used to reveal it as nothing more.
Masking runs both a trick of deceit and a begotten delusion that operates a filtered ‘consciousness’ or mindset of reality-experience. Necessarily defended against violations to its chosen focus.
The phrase “WHO told you you were naked?” – said the Lord–CAN reveal our innate or integral right to question both our (masking-experience of) reality.
The mask as suppressive denial and evasion offers ‘power’ to create in our own image while subjecting us to the psychic shadows of our selective exclusions.
Thus the honeymoon effect or hit of a gratifiction in terms of image and form give way to a sense of love & life as treacherous, rather than our own demands and expectations setting us up for a fall.
A self-survival within the mindset of self-lack, disconnected separation, and oppositional threat, is driven by needs no longer unfolding fulfilment due to imposition of a self-conscious image or model of reality, as predictive and thus pre-emptive control.
Naked is in this sense not body-shame – though the procreative is also body-symbol – but a sense of self-lack or shame set in fear of pain of loss to the mind’s use of body-as-a masking, distancing means to attack and defend with.
Intimacy of being is a condition or alignment of being in which masking armour falls away of itself or becomes utterly transparent to recognition and alignment in shared purpose.
This is what an artificial intelligence is tooled to make substitute for and mask in as replacement of God as authoring reality in its own image.
In this deeper sense we are normalised or trained to a masking ‘reality’ of a world set in deeply nested ‘defences’ against truth creeping in! (to our awareness).
That this is so – and to such a degree of insane reversal of cause and effect – is being reflected back faithfully by our ‘collective projections’.
Mind is and does the nature of awareness in thought-projected meanings – that may or may not align as a resonant coherency of being – according to our current willing of attention and intention. That this is ‘programmed’ by unconscious or hidden ideas given belief or acceptance is self-evident to a moment’s observation. That we are ‘naked’ without our thinking is less so to the mask of thinking to know, but to be naked in truth is to be revealed or known in truth.
Why then must ego be released that it is repurposed to serve instead of lead?
Not by judgement upon it but by its own circular reasoning CANNOT escape its own self-contradictions. Thus its ‘way of life’ runs contra to the giving and receiving of a true word. So plastic words reset the wish to define & control life in vain futility, as if ‘this time it will have a different result’.
The concept of a masking contagion could be greatly expanded towards a release of its sacrificial dictate.
very good points!
You brought it up and corrected yourself in the first sentence…
Here’s the thing. You are either still promoting the fear or prolonging it. Only the brain damaged are stilling wearing it, so why keep flogging it?
Fuck me, for a physiologist I’m glad I’m not paying you a $100 an hour for your remedy advice.
Just for the record. I’ve never chipped into the OG begging bowl because of the rinse and repeated bollocks such as this. Even if it does give me a channel to vent.
I charge $200 an hour, and I have more patients than I can handle.
Indeed. There’s a sucker born every minute. Your patients are not so different to the masked zombies. You do well out of the people you mock and insult.
So why were you whining about getting subscriptions on substack?
Many of us make a fraction of what you make. Sheesh bro.
That’s because he is a robin dew!
So you are saying that if someone makes a living doing one job, but has the talent and ability to do an additional job, that he should not be paid for the second job? It is not fair to others?
Methinks he jests.
and do you detest the people who pay for your services?
Holy crap.
And farmers that produce a necessity make nothing.
Men is not living by bread and fire water alone.
The dairy and vegetable farms around here (Southern Australia) make more than an adequate living Maxwell.
In the US it’s a different story as a result of agricultural policy.
Most small farmers in the US need a second income in the household to keep their property and keep doing what they love.
Taxation w/o representation no doubt.
I’ll bet Big Ag makes a buck or two Maxwell.
Sorry for the plight of small farming.
You “charge $200 an hour” but give ‘advice’ here free – which is the ‘true’ value??
You’re a kidder from way back Todd 🤑
BTW, best not to ‘handle’ your patients. There’s laws against that 😖
You aren’t too far off. The mask police still exists. My mother was in the hospital recently, with bacterial pneumonia. I was supposed to wear a mask in her private room, theoretically to protect the other patients on the floor, even though my mother was the sick person, who wasn’t masked. I kept one handy in case the nurses came in. One brought a security guard with her to enforce the stupid rule. I mocked her, to no avail. My mother was mortified that they would invade her space and give me grief. I told her it was par for the course for the last 4 years. She’s been housebound, so she had no idea.
do you have a success rate to share forus?
Gosh Working Class Hero…you are not a hero…you are so rude. This is not a forum to demean the writers.
Hark at captain brown nose!
John Lennon was not a Hero either. Just another spook with a big nose and round glasses.
Who said anything about Lennon, the point was that you were not the hero.
Lennon came from the working class, unlike most of the middle to upper middle class pop stars, celebrities and athletes who infest social media today.
(Spoilt brats with tatts).
Our minds are sullied incessantly by the ‘rinse and repeat’ of the Drainstream media.
Off G is our ‘washing machine’ of sanity.
Anyway, what would you prefer ?Articles about celebrities, travel, sport and/or deep philosophy?
Only a very small handful wear masks around here in the south of England – they’re either Asian immigrants, people who look otherwise unhealthy or a tiny number of public sector zealots.
Or young men wearing black track suits and ski masks on scooters causing havoc with ant-social behaviour
You, as an psychologist Todd and understanding the psychology of feeling and needing safety and the need of protection.
isn’t that why we have government, the police and white coats to protected us from invaders, virus’s and baddies.
The mask is no different than,,,,VOTERS needing politicians.
agenda 30 Donald.
check this statement out from agenda 30 Donald.
me: Do we have evidence that America-hating jihadist-sympathizers are trying to get into the country en masse? To which ideologies should immigrants (non believers subscribe? What exactly is “our” religion? Donald.
The above is no different than ‘You are either with us, or against us’ George bush but in 2024 the freedom lovers VOTERS needs masks for protection (and Donald is there Savior / protector = Mask)
Anyone who doesn’t take the wonder cure or believe in Donald cult ideology’s will not be able to leave the state / county or get in and that fits into the 15 minute city’s and if you dare to mention ‘anti vak movement’ or ‘demonstration’s’ or something that doesnt fit in to there mask allowed list, you’ll be called a ‘America-hating anti scientific anti vaccine jihadist-sympathizers’.
To easy.
Drain the swamp 2 will be thee worse.
The mask wearers think he is going to protect them when he will do the opposite just like the mask does eventually and just like the 1st time around..
There not wearing masks, there wearing blinkers.
What is the cure for that type of mindcontrol….?