This Week in the New Normal #82

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Taylor Swift everywhere and always on message
Have you noticed how Taylor Swift has been EVERYWHERE for a while now?
Well, this week she totally accidentally wandered into the internet censorship debate, when AI-rendered pornographic images of her totally accidentally “went viral” online.
Within hours fans were forcing the “protect Taylor Swift” hashtag to trend, and then Twitter banned all searches for her on their platform.
Already the incident is prompting headlines like this…
The Taylor Swift deepfakes show why we urgently need AI regulation
Taylor Swift deepfakes spark calls in Congress for new legislation
I’m not going to explain the rhetorical mechanics of this entirely contrived situation. It’s too obvious.
2. Made-up clock tells imaginary time
Big news! The “experts” in charge of the Doomsday Clock – the completely imaginary clock which predicts total global collapse of civilisation – have announced it’s at 90 seconds to midnight:
The Doomsday Clock remains at 90 seconds to midnight, the experts predicting the likelihood of a global catastrophe have said. It comes after a year that saw conflict in Ukraine rage on and war in the Middle East flare up. Scientists say there is a “continuing unprecedented level of risk” from threats including war, the climate crisis and the “dramatic advance” of AI.
Yes, apparently the invisible clock “remains” at 11:58:30, having been originally set at that time by the “experts” in 2023.
It’s a slow news day when “imaginary clock hasn’t changed since last year” makes the headlines.
To be clear: The doomsday clock’s only use is as an indication of just how scared they want people to be.
However, this along with the news coming out of Iran and the bizarre conscription rumours circulating in a few countries might signal a major new narrative. More on this during the week.
3. Cashless and Staffless
UK supermarket chain is leading the charge against using money and having jobs this week, announcing that 82 of their 300 petrol station locations will be fully cashless by the end of the year. Over 150 of their petrol stations are already staffless.
According to an article in the Standard, ASDA is also trialling four-day work weeks.
The future of employment, everybody.
It’s not all bad…
The French farmers’ protest is growing, seemingly set on out-doing their German counterparts they have been dumping manure outside banks and MacDonalds, and are blocking the motorways outside Paris with over 800 tractors. Some are calling it a “siege”.
There also appears to be some push-back against lab-grown meat from France, Italy, Austria and 9 other EU countries.
And, if you missed our article earlier this week, CJ Hopkins was acquitted in his absurd show trial.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention “the hottest January temperature on record” or the UK government’s latest pointless ban.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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In the Old Normal:
Sikh Turbans as good as helmets in a cycle crash, scientists discover
Researchers claim the tightly wrapped headdresses can offer ‘superior’ protection in some scenarios
Sarah Knapton, Science Editor 2 February 2024 • 6:00am
The Aussie Federal Government spent 4 years operating a digital ID data mine without a legal basis and then used the fact as justification for passing digital ID/facial recognition laws.
Four years… And not a single amid or calls about it.
Now the hot topic is the system is ‘underfunded’ so there will be calls amid underfunding concerns…. vomit.
My first thought about the Taylor Swift thing was that it was a publicity stunt by some of her own people. Perhaps the reason she keeps getting so much publicity is that the music isn’t selling enough?
Medicine Has Been Fully Militarized
Israel’s Gaza Genocide — EU$A Reacts to Homeless, Injured and Starving Palestinians by Cutting Aid:
“Israel-Gaza war: aid agencies outraged by reckless decision to cut UNRWA funding
“Agencies including Oxfam and Save the Children note Gaza population already facing famine due to Israeli siege and bombardment
“by Helen Livingstone with agencies, Tue 30 Jan 2024 04.30 CET
“International aid agencies have said they are “deeply concerned and outraged” at the “reckless” decision by major donors to cut funding to a UN Palestinian aid agency after Israel accused some of its workers of taking part in Hamas’ 7 October attack.
“We are shocked by the reckless decision to cut a lifeline for an entire population” 21 agencies, including Oxfam, Save the Children and ActionAid, said in a statement on Monday.”
Deep fake porn is decades old. I saw my first example of such about 20 years ago. It was Gillian Anderson of the X Files posing starkers on a beach. I knew right away it was a fake. XF fans will know that Mulder is a porn addict who, by his own admission, subscribes to Celebrity Skin, a mag giving genuine pics of naked celebs. And as you might have predicted, these pics are usually blurred shots from films or taken from a distance a mile away. The Anderson shot was nothing like that.
So maybe this whole incident is a case of synchronicity. Or predictive programming?
That Sharon stone leg scene was something out of nothing.
Another thing I did notice years ago was a new theme of ‘IT girls’ ‘new singers’/ ‘ B list actress’s’ going nude (no knickers and shaved clean bold getting out of cars limos; knowing fall well Paparazzi where there; to get there vag into many of the porn sights.
This actually increased there profiles more.
When I visited London in 2021 there was notice’s on the tubes about Up skirting and it was a criminal offence. (whole thing look manufactured)
RE: Deep fake porn,do you reckon that Pam / Tommy lee video was real.?
or a mountain out of mole hill psyop to get everything to watch the court drama.?
I’ll probably regret admitting to this but I have occasionally perused Internet porn … purely for research purposes. There’s a site called cfake which specialises in deep fakes of celebs – the usual suspects: ABBA, Kylie, Emma Watson (totally huge and clearly the pin up choice for a generation of wankers) etc. You name the celeb and there’s a good chance they’ll be there. Hell they’ve even got Dawn French and Hilary Clinton!
But here’s the odd thing. I once tried Taylor Swift. Nothing. Nothing whatsoever. So ….. the “biggest star in the world” according to the media…. but nothing?
Maybe there’s an up side to this? Maybe porn is the one area where you might get a bit of honesty I.e. where you may get an indication as to what really is popular. And maybe nobody really cares about Swift.
Or maybe the lack of Swift was so we could have this Shock Horror outrage thing?
I play along with the Blob Harris Country Show Radio 2 9pmThursdays, so I can vouch for the fact that there are songs played labelled ‘Taylor Swift,’ but I’m damned if I can remember anything memorable about any of them at all, at all.
It would be fitting if the huge fuss over deep fake porn was most belligerently asserted over a celeb who herself turned out to be nothing more than an AI image.
Typical. We’re not quite in ‘Blade Runner’ yet, are we?
She doesn’t look quite real, it’s the facial planes. And we are fully aware that they DO have the technology.
Truly, i didnt know who or what “Taylor Swift” is/was ’til today…
My fault really as i dont watch teevee noose, or read any daily
noosepapers…But i now see i wasnt missing much;
that whoever/whatever “Taylor Swift” is/was – a consensus
has been agreed it is/was a Psyop…
It seems like we’ve been told for Ages that many, if not most of us,
faced a future of unemployment, having been displaced by
Technology…So some proposed the need for a Universal Basic Income
(UBI) scheme, a UBI set at a livable level, with no strings attached,
for The Displaced, but, as the idea of a UBI became endorsed and
promoted by that Evil Cabal, The WEF, it instinctively had to be rejected…
(The 1% must be laughing ! They wont have to share any of the
collectively produced wealth their Economy transferred to their pockets)…
So it’s life on The Dole, a mere pittance, a barely survivable pittance,
and all its punishing, dehumanising rules (applied by sadistic, petty
bureaucrats (They’ll all get their comeuppance, come The Revolution –
hopefully !!)…
Best Media Memes – Mass Media Layoffs:
Enjoy it while it lasts, for it surely wont last.
In the NEW New Normal: Nato’s Gravey
During NATZO’s unsuccessful attempt to oust President Assad — from which Assad emerged stronger and NATZO emerged weaker — I wrote in Syrian Viewpoint:
“The U$ forces in El Tanf base are sitting on the sands up the creek and without a paddle”.
Ten years later, a propos 3 more dead Yanks in El Tanf and 50 wounded, Scott Ritter says:
“We shouldn’t be there”.
Scott Ritter for President!
Its half our fault just for being there.
Lol, you funny
I think Casey Jones said that, yeah it was funny.
“If you break it you own it”. Therefore we own Syria, because it was us who broke it, not Russia.
America is not a country who run away from troubles with its tail under its back legs. We stay until the broken porcelain has been fixed!
“When we do something you criticise us, and when we not do anything you also criticise us. You always criticise America and blame America for your own shortcomings”. I call bs.
Erik, once again you don’t give sufficient clues for your irony/satire/sarcasm … it’s within your reach. C’mon, hone it. Make it razor sharp. Relentless satire brings power to its knees.
ur talkin to somebody standing at the cliffs edge, about to fall and wake from his sleep just before he hits the ground. Nah just kiddin, his view is wonderful.
“America is not a country who run away from troubles with its tail under its back legs.”
Firstly, America is not a country: America is a continent; in fact two continents: North and South. I suppose you mean the U$A.
In the second place: North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Bananastan and Ukraine.
What a coincident. A bunch of lefties and hippies wants to resolve the “Clima Crisis” by Financial means.
Extinction Rebels together with Big Finance……..LOL.
On Taylor Swift, no apologies for linking this in again:
I should apologise for linking Mon-bot’s latest though:
Sigmund Monbiot puts Trump followers on the couch? What’s obvious is not just that he has (or affects to have) no grasp of what Trump signifies but how much – for someone professing love, compassion and community – he hates (or affects to hate) Trump followers. It is (whether knowingly or not) typical ‘strategy of tension’ tactics and it’s typical Fraudian to paint all divisiveness as if it comes entirely from the other side.
He doesn’t state what his solution is but it would seem to point, at the very least, to Hillary-style “re-education” camps.
Word salad gob shite from the guardian.
Who’d have guessed/gassed?
I’m disappointed that Monbiot didn’t extend his pychobabble essay into the matter of “conspiracism”, this being an old favourite of mainstream hacks to disparage “tin foil hats” for being immature and incapable of facing up to reality which apparently means embracing sheer chaos and admitting that you can’t ever make sense of anything really!
Today they signed the decree to start WW 3, at their discretion naturally.
“Psychologists may have the answer”
Why? They’ve never had the answer yet!
So your bait was Taylor Swift, and your links contained no photos of fake nude Taylor Swift as everybody says has been leaked on Internet. Instead we get some smoggy smoggy talk no one knows what is.
This is what I call a clear Deep State gas-lighter. But you cant cheat papa here.
Off topic.
Stumbled across this but it’s weird as it gets.
They are a group of 20-40 year old
US rationalists (???) who call themselves ‘Less Wrong’
You’ve gotta read it to believe it.
No critiques, as far as I can see, of Big PHarmer, the WHO, vaccines, lockdowns, the PCR test or vaccine injuries.
Got some time to kill ?
Like a good laugh ?
More here:
This comes from the same people who want to reinvent the wheel b/c they forgot how to repair the old one.
The foto of the imaginary clock announcement had two masked-up people in it…fitting in with the FEAR nonsense we are being fed.
so what Mona Lisa is having for dinner tonight?
joking aside, it is hard to find details about the farmers protests in france and other places in europe.
the activists are demanding:
and frequently cited online with no details, the activists are saying:
which doesn’t sound like the usual (CO2) climate protest. celebrity photos are getting 100 times more coverage in government media.
I doubt that the BBC are going to even report ‘the end of the world.’ You’d think that nothing was going on in France, Belgium, Holland, and Germany. I can tell you that the French CRS are no fun at all. (Compagnie de Securite Republicaine) Flung on to the car bonnnet/hood face down with both arms spread and a sub machine gun in each ear.
‘And we weren’t even the droids they were looking for.’
From Old to New Normal — This Israeli family owns Trump:
From Old to New Normal — What These families own:
Those coincidences just keep on coming, eh?
I almost forgot this old scandal story about hacking especially celebrities and Merkel.
Off course this still happen. Fok you Tech!
The Taylor Swift PYSOP apparently wants to normalize endless breakups and perpetual adolescence. I doubt she writes her songs- not sure she really even sings them. She might be a MK-Ultra victim, though, in which case she deserves our pity.
The US ‘music’ business manufactures and churns out pop stars like Chinese factories churn out gadgets, widgets and dust collectors.
One only has to listen or read the lyrics of most of today’s songs to become aware that they are repetitive, cloying and phoney.
The ‘music’ and I use that term loosely, is based more on rhythm than melody, on sexuality rather than sense.
That probably explains why a lot of young people know and enjoy some of the older styles, when songwriting was a respectable and evolving art form.
The number crunchers rule the plastic, premeditated pulp that we hear today.
There’s a long-standing internet rumour she’s a descendant of Anton LaVey. She’s certainly in a banking bloodline.
In the long (or even medium) term she’s as significant as Justin Bieber. He had a large following of fanatical fans but the whole thing evaporated into nothingness very quickly. At least his fans calling themselves “Beliebers” was vaguely amusing whereas “Swifties” isn’t even a pun.
More than likely, those at the top of the tree didn’t get there organically through talent and hard work. They have been chosen, and thus granted the best of the songwriters.
Personally the whole Taylor and Travis drama seems like an attempt to create more fans for football and whatever her “music” is. Publicity stunt. And we just knew they’d have to get the MAGA bullshit into that idiotic mess as well. And hey, I read today that the parking lot for private jets for the super bowl is sold out. Imagine….
For as far as talent goes, Miss Taylor is actually a popstar that lives up to the hype. To make the point herself she wrote songs for other artists under a made up pen-name, which became hits as well.
There’s some (involuntary?) psyopping going on for sure here, but to claim she’s not actually an artist & singer is misplaced.
New Zealand may yet turn the tide (pardon the pun) in the Red Sea.
Their lickspittle government has sent six, yes 6!, of their defence personnel there.
The ‘enemy’ is no doubt quivering.
Im tired of these eternal freemason messages in simple online conversations: six, 6, 2024/1 = 9 saying 666. You cant fool papa!
Probably going to suggest to Gazans that wearing a mask might help.
For those who understand what is going on, there needs to be a means for TPTB to communicate with them, just how much time they have left.
If you understand that the atomic chain reaction was invented by HG Wells 10 years before it was discovered (courtesy of his best buddy, Winston Churchill), then you know that the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists isn’t concerned about nuclear annihilation, but with the annihilation that occurs every 12,000 years.
The 24 hour clock, with its two periods of 12 hours, comes directly from the 24 millennia Great Year, and Earth’s two lifecycles of 12 millennia per Great Year. Therefore, you should notice that the Doomsday clock is simply 12 dots, i.e. Zodiacal.
Midnight on the Zodiac is the Pisces/Aquarius boundary, and we are at the dawning of the age of Aquarius (the coming of the sign of the Son of Man).
If you map seconds of the 24 hour clock to the 24 millennia of the Zodiac, then you’ll find that 1 second corresponds to about 101 days. Thus 90 seconds to midnight is about 25 years (from Jan 2023), i.e. 2048.
And yes, all previous announcements of how close to midnight we are, have been gradually converging to 2048.
There will thus be ever more interesting things happening as we get closer to 2048.
Sorry to be a stickler but it’s kind of important: The Great Year is 25920, not 24,000 years long.
It is important, and you have to do a lot more research to find out it’s 24k.
The 25,920 figure is based on an extrapolation of the current angular rate of precession (1 degree per 72 years), whereas the rate of precession varies throughout the Great Year (beyond the scope of this comment), and, on average, is a degree per 66.7 years – giving 24k.
I dont know about the math, but the numbers come close enough for gvt work, that is if one gets beyond 38, the dream has to have a chance, in order to have a chance.
That’s from Castaneda ‘the chance to have a chance.’
No that’s from the evolution of real woman, an ongoing universal struggle that has yet to be completed.
2048 is just another thinly-veiled 33 (4+8=12 etc).
Yeah, the doesn’t fit in, thin.
2048. is that Jason appeared everywhere all of a sudden Archaix
doom days apocalyptic that the chrisdoom lot and trump lot have swallowed hard.
Jason rap co partner Matt was arrested for what recently….>?
and now there editing team have edited him out a lot of the older videos.
What happen to your other predictions ? Xavier.
is the deep state still trying to kill orange man.?
‘orange man’? Trump? He’s a puppet.
As to ‘other predictions’, it is not me that predicts 2048, but TPTB.
I’ve made no dated predictions, except that the successor to Covid (‘Disease X’) will arrive at some point soon (this year or next), and will actually cause high mortality.
Another piece of the 2048 puzzle is that the magnetic field of the Earth is collapsing, the magnetic poles are moving fast towards a shift that will culminate around that time. Ben Davidson expects the crust to unlock and shift 90*, as well as the sun to go micronova. You can find out about the Earth’s 6000 yr and 12,000 yr disaster cycle on his Suspicious Observers YouTube channel.
Bed Davidson is a limited hangout (or charlatan). He’s simply regurgitating Charles Hapgood, even at the same time as he admits that Hapgood is a Ltd Hangout.
Although there is plenty of evidence that The Earth undergoes cataclysm every dozen millennia (sedimentary strata, cf punctuated aggradational cycles), there is no mechanism that would cause the crust to shift 90° quickly enough that oceanic slop would occur, even if you involve the fantasy of micronova. And despite Davidson’s claims otherwise, there is no way Antarctica would retain any ice if it was at the equator for 12,000 years. There is however evidence of alternative prior equators (within 30°), which thus maintains Vostok sufficiently close to polar that its ice cores go back hundreds of thousands of years.
So, ‘Suspicious Observers’ is bunk, but an introduction to catastrophism. The more discerning researcher will eventually realise micronova and 90° crustal shift are red herrings, and move on to better understandings.
Believe what you will; I believe Ben Davidson. The only thing “limited” about Ben and other Electric Universe theorists is that it’s theoretical. But kudos to them for positing a view of how the universe works that the mainstream doesn’t see. I have a soft spot for heretics. We’ll know for sure in about 20 years. Galactic current sheet, pole shift and micronova? Or not. I live on the coast, so I’ll be going out with the first big slosh of the ocean. shrug
It’s not a matter of belief, but of discernment: figuring out the difference between hogwash and what can actually work according to natural laws, along with supporting evidence.
Anyway, the mechanics of cataclysm are fairly academic, in light of the evidence that one happens every dozen millennia – and will next happen circa 2048.
Makes for good click bait.
Look at a few of his videos. He’s no more click bait than the Thunderbolts Project. If you believe in the Electric Universe theories of cosmology, and I do, then the science and the historical record backs up his words.
Doomsday stopwatch is more like it. Are we all going to get a text when doomsday has arrived? “This is a doomsday alert. It is not a drill. Pack food and drink. Don your asbestos PPE. Extreme heat is expected. Good luck to you all”.
9/11 was the tolling of the first bell.
That was the ‘red pill’ opportunity, though of course, most preferred the ‘blue pill’.
You never know the day of his arrival.
“2: for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.”
My you tube handle
It should be pretty obvious as the magnetic field continues to collapse and more solar/cosmic radiation reaches the surface and the core of the Earth that things are getting doomsday-ish. When the sun goes red from the dust, before it goes micronova, you’ll have your next warning that the end is upon us.
What should be pretty obvious is that The Earth cannot anticipate a magical ‘micronova’. So the accelerating deflection of the magnetic poles and weakening of magnetic field is nothing to do with a forthcoming micronova, nor even anything to do with The Sun at all. You must look further afield. The 12,000 year cycle is a big clue.
Even if you aren’t interested, if others reading the comments want to hear from Ben about micronova:
Time to double down on lottery tickets.
So-called AI is no danger to humanity or the planet. It’s stupid people that make use of so-called AI that are.
It’s not like fake nudes aren’t anything new, people are just using the latest technology to create them, it’s always been like that.
Now what is a real evil piece of programming is the other ai. I’m talking of course of that most devious of all applications, adobe illustrator. 😝
That should really be banned!
I am all for banning AI (artificial imitation) as Frank Herbert did in his Dune series. I am all for banning tobacco vaping. Both are mere tools of corporate profiteering thru the test tube exploitation of Humanity, with less-than-zero benefit to the 99%.
To want to ban things that we don’t approve of is a slippery and dangerous slope.
That’s preposterous. You don’t allow bonfires inside your home do you? That’s called banning it. The applications are endless for choosing right from wrong. The elite’s one word mantra, “progress”, has been used to justify the capitalists to dump onto us all manner of useless crap whose sole purpose is to make them profit. They care not one whit for Humanity. And their wordsmithing bullshit, is meant to make us all watch-the-bouncing-ball into Hell.
‘Dune also glorifies in ritual cannibalism and has a weird obsession with blue eyes.
Like twins, a blue eye obsesson turns out to be not merely a Nazi thing.
The ubiquity of advertising and the incessant drone of the MSM are the most damaging forms of pornography on our planet.
They have polluted the minds of billions of people and caused immeasurable misery.
The war recruitment drive (draft) was pretty heavy last week in the e.u and U.K news.
I was baffled why you have not touch this.
pointless ban: fits in perfectly with the mail agenda as in needing ID and photos off you or your property to confirm / received delivered items. Also when out needing more ID to prove things and normalizing it even for the older folks,
Id verfication which Altmedia swallowed hard to prove there certificated/verification on twitter with a blue tick for 160£ (mugs).
This Truckers / Trackers or dumping manure thing is so contrived.
Alt media lick this psy op up, that appears only in the fake alt media politically sphere
and this lot havent even worked out Taylor swift is a trannie.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-01-27. £372 pandemic spending unaccounted for. Oct 7, 2020 charged quarantine act, ff Jan 25, 2024 case dropped (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
“It’s a slow news day when “imaginary clock hasn’t changed since last year” makes the headlines.”
Love it!
Hopefully AI can infiltrate the interwebs so much so that we don’t believe anything that’s on it. Best to assume it’s all fake and we can go back to living in the real world. At best it can be used as a tool and nothing else. What it’s become since I first experienced it to what it is now is frightening.
AI eventually will get out of control but the comatose masses will not grasp the horrific implications of this technology until it is too late. What we have seen is that by the third generation anything programmed into the AI self-perpetuates.
As far as the doomsday clock is concerned, this is more fearporn/scare tactics to further exacerbate the mental illness and hysteria we are experiencing as a result of the ongoing COVID Psyop. This is not new it has been going on since during WWII the so called “cold war”.
Notice the corporate media is not reporting anyone organizing direct action to stop the wars like we did during the 1960’s- 70’s. The miscreants want to make/keep us afraid, they know most people are not going to do anything to derail their agenda.
The constant fearporn is weighing heavily on our psyches as the elites attempt to program us to obey, acquiesce and comply with their agendas.
The fearporn isn’t weighing heavily – it isn’t working. That’s why there’s more and more of it and it’s becoming increasingly desperate and ridiculous.
I was already convinced that Taylor Swift was an AI generated image anyway. She looks and sounds totally synthetic. As for deep faked porno images, they have been ubiquitous ever since Kylie showed (supposedly) her bare arse on the cover of a GQ magazine. The little Aussie fox of course denied that she did this and insisted they were deep faked, though curiously she didn’t kick up too much of a fuss, knowing full well that the uncertainty would only further boost sales of the mag, half of the buyers salivating over those cheeks whilst the other half would be trying to spot the faked join.
I seem to recall Scary Spice being involved in a similar farrago, this time wearing nothing but a swarm of bees.
In any case, the upshot is that these shenanigans may be deemed disturbing for anyone still under the impression that the media has any kind of integrity to defend. But this is hardly a “horrific” matter as the Independent’s resident token feminist froths.
Taylor Swift being kind of AI-generated is not so far off as it may seem.
It’s been a tendency long before the whole “AI”-fad that everything has been becoming more and more generic: music, movies, computer games, popular taste &tc.
S1mone is an AI Generated popstar
Many themes in Nicolls filmography are earily prescient, I see his work as a continuation of Kubrick.
AUGUST 19, 2019
Life Imitating Art, Ego v Self, Foucault’s Pendulum and Andrew Niccol is the new Stanley Kubrick. #GrubStreetJournal #ConquestofDough #CuratingNarrativesSince2019
March 8, 2019
Article 13 takes an unprecedented step towards the transformation of the Internet, from an open platform for sharing and innovation, into a tool for the automated surveillance and control of its users.
– 70 internet luminaries including World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee and Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales
This [law] will lead to excessive filtering and deletion of content and limit the freedom to impart information on the one hand, and the freedom to receive information on the other.
– 57 signatories representing fundamental rights organisations, including Human Rights Watch and Reporters without Borders
States and intergovernmental organizations should refrain from establishing laws or arrangements that would require the “proactive” monitoring or filtering of content, which is both inconsistent with the right to privacy and likely to amount to pre-publication censorship.
– United Nations Human Rights Council report
Trump Netenyahu Greater Israel and the Rove Train, Actors in History “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality”.
APRIL 11, 2017
´The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. “That’s not the way the world really works anymore.” He continued “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
Suskind, Ron (2004-10-17). Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush. The New York Times Magazine.
On Themes of Sophistry, False Claims, Post-Truth and Created reality. Trump and Netanyahu masters of the Rovian artifice, Actors in history All.
A bit of a scrapbook this post, but I am in a hurry and however pretty one’s prose becomes War is never Pretty, Colonialism and Imperialism likewise are always mendacious rapacious and Cruel.
Syria Trump and Greater Israel Zionism.
Swift’s PR team would thrive on this shit.
They make Colonel Tom Parker (Presley’s manager) seem like an amateur.
Taylor who? Sorry I’m in my 60’s, most of the time I don’t even know what day of the week it is, even so should this be ‘News’? What year is it 😜 ?
Thanks for giving dishonorable mention to the offensively preposterous and hyped “Doomsday Clock”.
It’s gratifying to be validated; from the first time I saw it mentioned I saw right through it; it was obviously a controller-class stunt, a cheap trick to inflict still more overclass-generated FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) upon the useful-idiot masses.
Oooh, the Scientists have spoken! And if there’s one principle of Western Civilization that endures, it’s that Scientists are a superior race apart, dispassionately and disinterestedly dedicated to the pursuit of Scientific Truth, who would simply never, ever lend their prestige and expertise to some contrived pseudo-scientific demagoguery!
Now pull the other hand! 😵 ⏰
How appropriate for SKY NEWS to be the predictor of when the sky is going to actually fall.
Sky news owned by Murdoch…….says it all. Yet so many people watch and believe the crap.
As George Orwell wrote, just because it is printed in the Daily Express does not mean it is wrong.
Although Sky News Australia and The Australian newspaper have been pro-Israel (kosher conservative) and vaxx-tard as well, there are more glimmers of Off-G-type truth in it now and again than in the Woke lamestream media such as The Age, the ABC, etc.
The problem in Aust. at least is that all the free to air TV channels are genderist, multiculturalist, feminist tending to transphilic, negrolatrous; Sky News is not, or only sometimes.
I agree Jenner – Sky news occasionally gives a hint of the truth which makes it all the more dangerous as I find various friends/contacts who are ‘on the same page’ think it is broadcasting enlightened, genuine alternative news.
It is not. I believe Sky is what is called ‘managed opposition’ – fooling many with its style of propaganda.
Sky news!
Of course! Now I realise why wrinkled Rupert called it Sky.
He actually thinks he IS GOD making pronouncements from on high.
Silly old fucker.
And until it falls, sky is the limit when it comes to system wide control mechanisms.
While always paying in cash, I tell the checkout people, ‘It’ll be YOUR jobs on the line next. Resist any way you can. ‘
In any case, I have been in the same supermarkets on three separate occasions when the card readers went down, and angry and disappointed people had to take back their trolleys. I ddn’t.
asda in the U.K is owned by walmart and to be honest is the worse of the supermarket chains.
There new petrol thing called asda local seem to be picking up pace since it brought some of the needing face to enter-recognition coop petrol outlets.
I always pay on a card in a supermarket. You want to have your bank debited as much as possible, if the jig is up. I have plenty cash for when the banks are dead. I doubt if the shops will show common sense then.
I agree to a certain extent. You should only have as much in a bank account(s) as you are prepared to lose, if they take it down. But this doesn’t change the fact that a) they know what you’re buying, and b) they can shut down card readers and ATMs whenever and blame it on whatever they like. Our local small town had 5 banks ten years ago and now has zilch.
Cash maybe prohibited or the shops automated. Only robots are left and they only accept e-money or machine grease under the table.