Russia’s Fauci says arsenal of genetic vaccines will protect against “Disease X”

Covid showed that “genetically engineered” injections can be safely deployed in six months, according to Gamaleya Center Director Alexander Gintsburg

Riley Waggaman

Gamaleya Center Director Alexander Gintsburg has called on Russia to develop genetic vaccine prototypes in anticipation of future public health crises.

To avoid another Covid-like pandemic, it is necessary to create a “national collection” of vaccine preparations designed to counter the “characteristics of possible pandemic pathogens”, Gintsburg said in an interview with TASS. Vaccine formulas can be “developed and created using certified and tested technology. Currently in our country such technology … is the technology used to make Sputnik V, that is, the technology of genetically engineered adenoviral vectors,” he explained.

The rapid deployment of vaccine preparations will play a crucial role in fighting a “possible pandemic pathogen, or ‘Disease X’ as they call it in Davos”, Gintsburg said, referring to recent discussions at the World Economic Forum about the arrival of a hypothetical “Disease X”.

The lead scientist behind Sputnik V told TASS that the Covid pandemic had demonstrated how safe and effective vaccines could be created not in decades, but in as little as five months. Ideally, vaccines should be administered to the public 1 to 1.5 months in advance to stop future pandemics from ravaging the population and the economy, Gintsburg said.

Despite Gintsburg’s confidence in his genetic vaccine formula, the Russian government has declined to disclose the results of Sputnik V’s “tested technology”. In January 2022, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection Alexei Kurinny filed a complaint to the Prosecutor General’s Office about the Ministry of Health’s unwillingness to release Sputnik V’s clinical trial results.

The ministry defended its decision by explaining that data about Sputnik V’s safety and efficacy was “confidential and contains information constituting a commercial secret.”

In October 2023, the State Duma Committee on Health Protection rejected a proposed bill authored by Kurinny that would have required drug makers to publish the final results of clinical trials.

source: Nakanune.ru

In the same month, Gintsburg revealed that Sputnik V was no longer effective against Covid and that the drug’s formula would have to be updated.

TASS reported last week that close to 300,000 doses of the updated vaccine have been shipped to Russia’s regions.

Gamaleya is also developing an updated Covid vaccine for adolescents. On Tuesday, Gintsburg announced that no adverse reactions had been identified while testing the new drug on children ages 12-17.

source: RIA Novosti

Under new rules adopted last year by the Russian Ministry of Health, modifications to Sputnik V can receive authorization after being tested on “50 healthy volunteers”. The approval process takes between 16-38 days.

Russian authorities have spoken openly about their intention to continue producing and distributing Sputnik V. In October 2022, Kirill Dmitriev, the CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), the main financer of Sputnik V, said RDIF was ready to produce and distribute new versions of the vaccine within two to three months after the appearance of new mutations.

Dmitriev, a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader (Class of 2009), worked for Goldman Sachs and McKinsey & Company before taking the reins at RDIF in 2011.

Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.


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Feb 2, 2024 2:38 PM

Yea and sputnik was such a disaster that the guy resppnsible for it was murdered. Karma. Now if they can only get the rest!

Victor G.
Victor G.
Feb 1, 2024 8:40 PM

What’s so fun about this author is that every time I read him I end up being really grateful that I don’t live in Russia.
It lasts maybe five minutes then I get back to reality and return to savoring the destruction of the “rules-based order”.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 2, 2024 6:41 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

Russia has the same problem as we have in West, the Oligarch billionaires.
The Russian Oligarchs are licking arse on all things Global and Western because here they can play with their billions.
Russia just had a case in their media about a Russian Oligarch of Russian metal and gold mines (Nordgold) with a fortune of $10 billion trying to sell his shares to the London Stock market, saying selling Russian assets to his Western billionaire equals.
Its not easy.

Feb 2, 2024 4:06 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

“ Russia has the same problem as we have in the West, the Oligarch billionaires..”

Yes and no, if a Russian Oligarch undermines the Russian nation he suddenly finds he is persona non grata as Khordorkovsky & co discovered whereas in the West he receives a knighthood or is promoted to the House of Lords !


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 3, 2024 8:58 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Voltarirenet is always early and ahead of everyone else.

Its a balance. I saw a recent meeting between Putin and the Oligarchs where they insist on access to the global market and Putin try to educate them that there risks for Russia they must take into consideration, as these attacks on the Russian statehood is coming frequently.

Thats why I say they are a problem for Russia, as ours too are for us.
Its chocking to see how close they actually were to close Russia down.

These billionaires and “club” are working for themselves and absolutely nothing else.

Feb 2, 2024 3:42 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

The author didn’t live in Russia when the only beggars where old women, since most men where dead by about their late 50s, because their state pension was worthless due to the carpet beggars from the West’s economic market shock therapy which resulted in the economy contracting by approximately 25%.

Moreover, the author didn’t live in Russia when Moscow and many other cities overrun by gangsters who would have made Al Capone look like an altar boy whilst the nefarious Western alphabet agencies were attempting to dismember Russian via Quislings such as Khordorkovsky etc

Russia is no paradise but compared to what it was 20+ years ago, think of the Ukraine, it is for many Russians a Phoenix arisen !

Feb 1, 2024 8:03 PM

Of course, anyone who’s truly awake knows that “disease x” will be another possibly upcoming fabricated staged criminal psyop event by the ruling mobster gang of psychopaths like the Covid Holocaust was/still is.

“Amazing that these geniuses can’t find any real covid virus yet they can accurately predict when the next fake virus will appear.” — Tom

“Disease X is nothing. It’s a promo for a movie that hasn’t been released. … Naturally, all the virus addicts (both mainstream and alternative) are drooling with anticipation. “Yeah, a majestic killer virus. What lab are they producing it in? Porton Down? Wuhan? NOW we’ll see thousands of people keeling over in the street. I can’t wait.” Here’s a clue. Almost anyone with resources and assets can make people keel over in the street. … THEN they can also say: “It’s a virus.” At that point, every uninformed and ignorant and clueless person will automatically buy the virus story. …. In all these fake pandemics, the toxic vaccines and drugs are the crushing hammers. But the big picture is: eliminate all traces of Nationalism and substituting Global Governance. Under the rubric of “cooperative and uniform medical measures.” Enveloping all nations. That’s what these fake viruses are FOR. That’s what Disease X is FOR.” — Jon Rappoport, investigative journalist, Jan 2024

Feb 1, 2024 6:40 PM

Dr.Fauci’s Frankenstein Virus Research exposed by Senator Rand Paul:


Senator Paul accuses Fauci: “You can no longer deny that you created a virus [Covid-19] not found in Nature. Fortunately it has only 1% kill rate. But you continue experimenting with new viruses with kill rates of 20%; some even killing 1 person out of 2. Putting our civilization at risk”.

Feb 1, 2024 11:58 PM
Reply to  NickM

Stop with this nonsense ‘virus’ porn. Please.

Feb 2, 2024 6:37 AM
Reply to  Tom

Thanks – and an uptick – for reading my post. Next time, just blink a mo as you glance down the column, and the “nonsense” will have passed by.

Or you might write at length to explain why you think a literature search which uncovered Moderna’s U$ Patent GMO spike protein being found on the Covid-19 virus is nonsense.

Feb 2, 2024 2:39 PM
Reply to  Tom

Please keep taking them. 3 dead in my family now. All under 50.

Thom 9
Thom 9
Feb 1, 2024 4:23 PM

In case anybody thought Russia was any different than the West when it comes to poisoning it’s citizens.

Feb 1, 2024 9:32 PM
Reply to  Thom 9

Governments are, and always have been, just ‘gangs’ writ large.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Feb 2, 2024 2:44 AM
Reply to  Thom 9

That seems like a conclusion that really reaches.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 1, 2024 2:56 PM

The smiling vaccine.comment image

By the way, didnt they tell us Russia’s vaxx Sputnik was completely different Adeno traditional vaccine without dna mutation and 666 lipid gel, and therefore the only harmless vaxx on the market??
Just saying that I smell fish here.

Feb 1, 2024 1:12 PM

Anglo-Saxons is a racist term that should finally be eradicated. British people do not exist, they are descendants of Africans! https://www.amren.com/news/2024/01/the-first-britons-were-black-exhibition-on-diverse-history-claims/

Feb 1, 2024 12:21 PM

Who the f is … Jonny? Jonny is an (unfortunately still) unknown male donkey that Lotta has always wanted (instead of a man). Could this be a case of costumed bestiality? Intimate secrets remain hidden from the well-meaning and understanding viewer and are only known to Jonny himself. Only female love and affection makes an animal’s life comfortable. The channel seems to be a treasure trove of “alternative lifestyles”. And all equipped with subtitles in all world languages. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypdgbV1yKmM Theo is a Bavarian who also has a few words of wisdom. He comes from a farming family. He says that most people long for a different life without admitting to themselves what a good life they actually lead. Many people think that surfing in Hawaii is paradise, although anyone would get bored after two weeks as a surfer in Hawaii. Instead, Theo has reclaimed a small river island on the border between Portugal and Spain and impregnated a Portuguese woman whose son visits him every ten days (at the end of the video). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQwOPtSlqTc He says that for every tree he plants on the rocky bottom of the island, three other trees have to die. He has renounced absolute self-sufficiency after testing it in northern France. The physical wear and tear of this commitment is incalculable. As he now rents to visitors, he has the money to buy the basics of food. He was against it at first, but realized that holidaymakers are less grumpy than expected. At the end, a melody plays in the background, the author of which I researched via “identify” https://tomer.bandcamp.com/. You have to have words of praise for Jews when for once in their lives they do something that doesn’t harm anyone else. However, only these two tracks from the artist’s entire life’s work are… Read more »

Gorl o
Gorl o
Feb 1, 2024 12:12 PM

There was no pandemic. Idiots.

Feb 2, 2024 2:41 PM
Reply to  Gorl o

The shots are the real “pandemic.”

Feb 1, 2024 10:32 AM

Gintsberg, eh! Hmmmm!

Feb 1, 2024 7:12 AM

The poison cocktail mixer Gintsburg (whom Putin awarded “the State Prize of the Russian Federation 2021 for the development and implementation of effective recombinant vaccines into domestic health care practice”) means particularly well with all Russkies. He, like all his “brethren”, has only their healthy and wholesome well-being in mind! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Gintsburg

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 1, 2024 1:57 PM
Reply to  PETER PAN

I cant believe it. Putin is the good guy against the bad bad Oligarchs and bad bad West.

I saw on Youtube myslef how Putin gave the billionaires a kick in their arses and said they should also leave average Joe a little of all the gold.

Since then I have voted for Putin as America’s new President in every single election.
I simply cant believe it. When nur das Führer wüsste what these guys are really up to.

Nicholas Creed
Nicholas Creed
Feb 1, 2024 6:36 AM

Wow. I thought how insanely ambitious it would be for the ‘experts’ to persuade even those deepest in the NPC abyss, that they should take gene juice in advance of a “potential pandemic”. I thought, no fookin way would they do that. Then I thought, actually, with enough media spin, they would absolutely get on board, and even praise the potential pandemic research team for doing all the hard work to whip up new potions and get them into arms…

My main concern over “disease x” is that it could be a cover for mass die-off from the C19 bioweapon EUA countermeasure democide campaign – and that the ensuing hysteria from mass die-off being linked to ‘disease X’, could lay the groundwork for mandatory injections. E.g. “This time it’s different, it has a 100% lethality rate, we need stronger measures, anyone who refuses is a child killer and a granny killer”…Cue quarantine camps, the whole shebang. Hopefully it is all just fear mongering. *I do not believe there exists a 100% lethal virus per the China story. Sasha Latypova covered this well on the manipulation of fear as a tool.

Feb 1, 2024 3:49 AM

The last Russia needs is population decrease. What they won’t mind is other nations shrinking in numbers of people, so tell them what they like to hear….

Jan 31, 2024 10:43 PM

Vultures of a feather obfuscate together.

Jan 31, 2024 10:16 PM

The west have gone one better and want a 90 day vaccine roll out the minute a new variant appears.
Beat that you commi;’s

Jan 31, 2024 10:49 PM
Reply to  Jin_Tonic

The USSR was dissolved in 1991. Do keep up!

Jan 31, 2024 11:37 PM
Reply to  alecto

yes, remember to retain humour, fool.

Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
Feb 1, 2024 12:25 PM
Reply to  alecto

USSR was not dissolved in 1991, it was a long-range deception exercise designed to fool the West into letting their guard down. We are now experiencing the results of a covert Russian invasion that goes to the innermost parts of our psyche and the governing structures of the Western World.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 1, 2024 1:42 PM
Reply to  Lone Wolf

It was the most clever trick KGB ever did.
Opening up the borders and letting West swimming directly into the arms of reinforced concrete Stalin communism.
After filling up Sovjet with a hell trillion dollares and euro from horny western investors, KGB closed the door again, trapped.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Feb 1, 2024 8:33 PM
Reply to  Lone Wolf

Definitely sad, but sadder still is the fact that Communism in the USSR died in the early 1920s.

les online
les online
Jan 31, 2024 10:00 PM

Some political Experts believe that it was the generally
shared and deeply entrenched “I Dont Give A D**K !”
attitude of the Soviet masses wot led to the undoing of
the Soviet Union…
True ? Maybe…
Consider Australia, where they speak ‘D**kspeak’ (aka –
Australianese). Down Under very second word uttered
is a variant of “d**k”…It conveys the impression they’re
laconic, defiant, even rebellious, but strip out the “d**ks” –
and they’re really a pretty tame, obedient mob (The
opposite of their “d**king” cricket teams !!)…
(They also “Dont Give A Brass Razoo” – though they cant
explain what a ‘razoo’ is !! (Probably because they dont
give a duck’s arse ?)….
Maybe what the world needs is more people who “dont
give a d**k !” Not the Aussie version, more like the
radical indifference attributed to the former Soviet masses ?
The NWO, The UN, The WHO, The EU, The WEF wont
like that, will they…


**Trigger Warning: not for the easily offended etc…

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 1, 2024 12:19 AM
Reply to  les online

Very well captured Aussie spirit.

Jan 31, 2024 9:59 PM

looks like they are planning for bio war

John Ervin
John Ervin
Feb 1, 2024 2:22 AM
Reply to  ju5

Surely that is suggested by such a strange proposal, as possibly antidotes to bio-weapons.

Jan 31, 2024 7:35 PM

An investigative long term Moscow based journalist take on the oligarchs behind the drugs !


Feb 1, 2024 9:46 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

From your Link, just above the mugshots of chief culprits, with my italics:

“Including MedGlamal (of Ginzberg’s Gamalei Centre which was this RNA Vaxx developer) seven commercial companies were issued government licences for production of Sputnik:  Binnopharm, Generium, R-Pharm, Biocad, LECCO and Pharmstandard.

Controlling Binnopharm is the Sistema group is owned by Yevtushenkov; follow his assets here. Generium, LECCO and Pharmstandard belong to Kharitonin, the leading pharmaceutical oligarch in the country; for the backfile on him, click to read.  Kharitonin had consolidated his group by buying 50% of Biocad, as well as assets connected with the family of Tatiana Golikova, the deputy prime minister in charge of the Con-19 pandemic.”

Jan 31, 2024 6:42 PM

What they’re actually fighting against is human super-immunity. Once upon a time, there actually were plagues and pandemics with significant mortality rates. All evolutionary systems are adapted for the entire terrain on which they live and have lived; every aspect serves a purpose, even the aspects that look like failures and vulnerabilities to a naive observer. As with longleaf pines, which won’t reproduce without periodic forest fires, plagues serve an important purpose in animal collectives. We can only guess what that purpose is, but we know with certainty that it exists simply because plagues have always been with us. Our entire genome expects them still to be with us. Only they aren’t. Globalism essentially killed the potential for deadly epidemics in the entire human species. Every major city is exposed to thousands of travelers per day from every corner of the globe, and every town to travelers from every city. The human immune system is kept current on every innovative pathogen nature can dream up. The periodic die-offs that our collective health depends upon are now effectively extinct. As individuals, we think we’re healthier, but at all social scales higher than the individual, we’re literally sick — dying from pathological collective super-immunity. I suspect that this the secret motivation of all of earth’s Orwellian Ministries of Health. We know they want us in the ground. We know they’ve been trying for a centuries to create lab-born infectious pathogens as weapons of war. Ukraine was riddled with American biolabs. China still is. But where are the plagues? If they existed, they would have been used by now. They don’t exist. They can’t exist because we’re super-immune, and this is intensely frustrating to the MoH. It’s an impossible job: designing a deadly pathogen for a global species. A nerd in a white… Read more »

Jan 31, 2024 7:07 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

[Sorry for the duplicate post, the first one was stuck in pending so long I thought it was lost.]

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 1, 2024 1:13 AM
Reply to  Bloobock

Former plagues and pandemics?

Once upon a time, not so long ago, there was abject poverty, primitive, dirty, airless and overcrowded housing with no sanitation; inadequate nutrition and often contaminated food (people ate sick animals and there were no fridges). 

There was child labour and chemical exposure to early Industrial Revolution factories and coal mines in which children and adults worked long hours, with no reprieve in the form of holidays or sick leave.

Later, when vaccination was introduced, disease pandemics actually got worse in heavily vaxxed regions. An example of where this did not occur was Leicester where, in stead of vaccination, sanitation was improved and people were spared the dreadful diseases of other heavily vaxxed regions.

Our immune systems did not evolve in the short period of a couple of hundred years. If you believe in evolution (instead of adaptation), then evolution happens much, much slower than over a span of a few hundred years. 

What changed with regard to our immunity is more and better food, less poverty (which is why developing countries still suffer from so-called infectious diseases with often dire outcomes but not so here in the relatively wealthy West); and we have better housing and sanitation, work fewer hours and in safer conditions.

This book explains it all and is fully referenced. There is ample photo material and charts showing the correlation between vaccination and disease uptick, etc. Worth reading.

Dissolving Illusions – Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History
by Suzanne Humphries, MD & Roman Bystrianyk

comment image

comment image

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 1, 2024 7:10 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Thats exactly why we today have overpopulation…and clima change!

Too much soap and water, minimum wages and sewage systems are about to destroy this planet, our civilisation, and my life as we know it.

Back to scratch, Build Back Better, before we drown in useless eaters!

Feb 1, 2024 1:33 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Sanitation and contagious disease are separate topics, I would say. The diseases spread by inadequate sanitation are artifacts of civilization, and are — as you say — outside the scope of evolution, which hasn’t yet had time to adapt. The primary scourge of squalor is dysentery, which is not a significant issue in the kind of hunter-gatherer village our species is still adapted for. I would argue that the solution to the problem of dysentery is built into our genome; a human living a natural life would never be subject to it, as the tribal village would never stay in one place long enough for the water supply to become contaminated with fecal matter. The local environment would be exhausted of game and edible plants before that issue became a problem, or the tribe would move to its winter camp. So squalor is a side-effect of an unnaturally settled life — of enforced paralysis, borders and jobs and identities and police. None of these are natural things, and none are covered by evolutionary strategies. I was referring to contagious diseases: smallpox, the Black Plague, even the common cold. In the world we’re adapted for, geographical features like mountain ranges, seas, and wide rivers kept human populations effectively isolated for each other for significant periods of time, allowing fast-moving diseases to evolve rapidly and distinctly. Then, the relatively rare traveler outside of the tribe’s geographical containment zone could transmit this disease to the tribe beyond the river, whose immune system is still naive. This is the world we evolved for but not the world we live in, which means our immune systems are maladapted, out-of-equilibrium and necessarily dysfunctional. Sporadic die-offs from suddenly introduced contagious pathogens are part of the equation for which we are the solution, but they don’t happen anymore.… Read more »

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 1, 2024 9:33 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

I’m sorry, but I did try to put it to you that Germ Theory is wrong; “infectious” diseases do not exist. My explanation was not good enough, then.
Perhaps this video will help to explain my point of view?


Feb 1, 2024 11:43 AM
Reply to  Bloobock

There has never been a ‘plague’ or a ‘pandemic’, not in the sense that most people think of them (infectious, contagious pathogens causing disease).
What there has been is poor conditions and manipulation of the environment, leading to toxemia and subsequent illness en masse.

Feb 1, 2024 7:33 PM
Reply to  Paul

I agree that most of what has been categorized as plagues and pandemics by modern “medicine” and history, including the 1918 flu, have been misunderstandings at best and propaganda at worst. That said, I’ve seen the effects of chestnut blight with my own eyes, and I don’t exempt human beings from the common curse of all life. Transmissible disease does happen… it just didn’t happen in March 2020.

Feb 1, 2024 8:00 PM
Reply to  Paul

The chestnut blight, by the way, is an example of the mechanism by which modern humans acquired their wretched super-immunity. The fungus was endemic in Asia, where the native Asian chestnuts had tolerance and lived in balance with the fungus. The spores had no access to the western hemisphere until humans imported them in the last century. The fungus extincted the native North American chestnut in a few decades — it was universally and almost instantly fatal, giving evolution no time to adapt. Only Asian chestnuts can survive (outside of a hermetically sealer bubble) in North America now.

This is what modern humans are: the things left over after the almost universally fatal virus of globalism has killed off everything else. We are disastrously super-immune creatures — thriving, killing and dying, all at the same time.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jan 31, 2024 6:26 PM

What a mug on this man, “Gintsburg”. I wouldn’t buy a used car from this face, let alone rafts of vaxx. Mask of duplicity?

Jan 31, 2024 11:42 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

you should cheka out Kuntsberg, sorry Kuensberg, that bbc heroine with a scotch (sic) accent. Gadz, what an obvious fucking horror gimp gub-piece . . . b but bbc viewers seem to love her. There it is.

Feb 1, 2024 10:11 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

The people with ancestry from little Guenzburg on the Danube have made their way in the world. There is a Guenzburg in the Gamaleya, in the BBC, there is Ruth Bader in the US, there used to be Serge in France, etc. Comparable maybe to the Shapiros from Speyer on the Rhine or to the Helprins from Heilbronn.
None of them, however, a rival to the Rothschilds from Frankfurt.

Feb 5, 2024 2:48 PM
Reply to  rechenmacher

Just saw that one of the Helprins was promoted to US Ambassador to Moscow. Got summoned almost immediately. Good luck.

Jan 31, 2024 5:40 PM

When “a commercial secret” supersedes a government’s job to provide for the society that created it, we know who actually owns the “government”.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jan 31, 2024 7:14 PM
Reply to  sandy

Usurpers. The 1971 film “Macbeth” by Polanski shows us an excellent anatomy of the types. [The screenplay co-written mainly by the redoubtable Shakespeare scholar and poet Ken Tynan only enhances the original by the Bard, remarkably.]

Originally muted by critics for all the very worst reasons (such as the Californian ODESSA Nazi reasoning that led to the outlandish witchy murder of RP’s wife Sharon Tate) it has grown steadily in stature ever since, John Sayles extolled it. Ten years ago the late Martin Amis opined “…it is a film without any apparent weaknesses.”

The theatrical release poster shows a dagger clutched on high, waiting to be plunged, with the caption, “The Dagger of the Mind” [Very noteworthy that Tate had suggested a Shakespeare film to RP during their brief marriage, and that he began work on Macbeth “The Scottish Play” only mere weeks after her funeral.]

All of the witches’ brew and the secret recipe adumbrated therein has remained intact since first bubbling its troubles 1,000 years ago in Scotland [the historical King of Alba.]

You can smell its fell & foul rankness in the assassinations, the ’69 murders, 9/11, endless variations on themes of so many now SOP psyops, and on and on, into all the Coronapalooza ™ euthanasia today.

All originating in the same “original” witch’s recipe.

Believe it!

Feb 1, 2024 7:08 AM
Reply to  sandy

The explanation from the Russian government (commercial secret) is irrelevant to safety and public interest. Every complicit government bought the jabs under such contracts, and may have issued similar statements. Even the prices were withheld: very convenient for bribes. None of this – including no liability for manufacturer or government – makes any democratic sense.

Feb 2, 2024 2:47 PM
Reply to  mgeo

DOD contractors are the manufacturers. The rx companies were just kicked back $ for their “brand.” See Sasha Latypova foia information. The whole thing is a bio op.

Jan 31, 2024 5:13 PM

What they’re actually fighting against is human super-immunity. Once upon a time, there actually were plagues and pandemics with significant mortality rates. All evolutionary systems are adapted for the entire terrain on which they live and have lived; every aspect serves a purpose, even the aspects that look like failures and vulnerabilities to a naive observer. As with longleaf pines, which won’t reproduce without periodic forest fires, plagues serve an important purpose in animal collectives. We can only guess what that purpose is, but we know with certainty that it exists simply because plagues have always been with us. Our entire genome expects them still to be with us. But they aren’t. Globalism essentially killed the potential for deadly epidemics in the entire human species. Every major city is exposed to thousands of travelers per day from every corner of the globe, and every town to travelers from every city. The human immune system is kept current on every innovative pathogen nature can dream up. The periodic die-offs that our collective health depends upon are now effectively extinct. As individuals, we think we’re healthier, but at all social scales than the individual, we’re literally sick — dying from pathological collective super-immunity. I suspect that this the secret motivation of all of earth’s Orwellian Ministries of Health. We know they want us in the ground. We know they’ve been trying for a centuries to create lab-born plagues as weapons of war… but where are they? If they existed, they would have been used. They don’t exist. They can’t exist, because we’re super-immune, and this is intensely frustrating to the MoH. It’s an impossible job: designing a deadly pathogen for a global species. A nerd in a white coat can’t out-think a billion years of evolution. Plagues are historical fiction; it simply… Read more »

Jan 31, 2024 5:10 PM

Is Riley steering clear of the Middle East? Sticking to safe ground with genetic vaccines and CBDCs?

There would seem to be little, if anything, on his substack related to the Middle East. Conspicuous by its absence. The Great Russia Critic, he of once having asked Obama a question fame, fearing to broach the subject?! Surely not.

Silence may, I suppose, tacitly suggest agreement with Russia’s anti-Israel stance (like much of alternative media I’m sorry to add). Russia finally doing something right in siding with the Israel-haters. Siding with those who wish for Israel to be wiped off the map.

Either way, Russia’s policy of “your enemy’s enemy must be your friend” (BRICS) combined with the policy of “your enemy’s friend must also be your enemy” (anti-Israel) should surely also be subject to scrutiny.

Nothing should escape the withering eye of alternative-thinking. For fear of going completely mainstream. Whether Russia mainstream or otherwise

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 31, 2024 5:25 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

I don’t think Russia has ever sided with Israel-haters, its just that unlike in our world in the west they don’t put the kind of spin on things that you get here.

Illustrations of this spin are everywhere these days. Gaza, for example, is quite obviously being razed and its people ‘encouraged’ to go away by a combination of destruction, starvation and just plain killing them. If the ICJ mentions the word ‘genocide’ then there’s immediately argument and counter-argument about whether what’s happening there is strictly genocide according to some legalese. However, an Israeli ‘dossier’ identifying militants in the UNRWA ranks is taken as Gospel Truth. Its now a ‘scandal’, funding was immediately cut off by western governments and so on.Then there’s the incident in Jenin in the West Bank where Israeli security forces disguised as women and medics ‘eliminated’ three Hamas militants. A less charitable description would be “The Israelis invaded a West Bank hospital and murdered three patients”, opening up all sorts of questions about sovereignty and criminal activity, due process and so on.

….and, of course, the biggie. Everything is “Iran-backed” when its not “Russian-backed” (or even the Chinese, they must be in there somewhere). If any good at all has come out of the situation in Gaza its that the chrome’s peeling on our media coverage. We’re doing a great job at repairing damage but this place called ‘the rest of the world’ (which probably includes Russia) isn’t falling for it.

Jan 31, 2024 5:37 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Well there’s spin and counter-spin and extra toppings of spin, as always in war. Plus those in the background, hoping to use the conflict for their own leapfrogging purposes (US, Iran et al).

All the more reason to bring such matters out into the open for proper alternative discussion

Jan 31, 2024 5:50 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Western imperialism and colonialism, operating unchecked for over 500 years, is the provocateur here. Anything that happens from the other side of the provocation, is the victims attempt to stop the aggressors from their non-stop prosecution of colonial exploitation.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jan 31, 2024 5:00 PM

Hysteria, hysteria.

The Hysterical Style in Western PoliticsWhy the political rhetoric of Western nations is growing ever more insane and unhinged.

Feb 1, 2024 10:31 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

The conclusion of your Link:

“All narratives in the hysterical style have an acute phase, when they bursts onto the scene and command the most attention; and a longer post-acute phase, after they have other things to panic about. Ominously, post-acute hysterias never quite go away, for years or even decades. …. The Covidians have likewise become a chronic political affliction, who will strive for decades to realise the next pandemic and reimpose random mask mandates wherever they have any power. You have to wonder what it betokens, as ever more pushing politics towards irrational ends.”

Corona Hotspot
Corona Hotspot
Jan 31, 2024 4:38 PM

They are all together in this – AGAINST US!

No virus, no pandemic, so what are these injections all about? To kill most of us and transform the survivors into Cyborgs. It’s that simple.

https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/nanotechnology-and-transhumanism at -38:00:

Agenda 21 / 2030: 500 vaccinations per person per lifetime


Jan 31, 2024 5:00 PM
Reply to  Corona Hotspot

Not good: Not Good at ALL.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jan 31, 2024 4:11 PM

All working together.

Medicine Has Been Fully Militarized

Must read article:

The veil is being torn: the Hidden Truths of Jabotinsky and Netanyahu
 by Thierry Meyssan

“This brief historical summary shows us that there is no Arab-Israeli problem any more than there is a Ukrainian-Russian problem, but a huge problem of all of us with an ideology which, in different places and times, has done nothing but sow suffering and death. We must open our eyes and no longer accept to mobilize with false-flag actions and other lies.”

Ukraine sells its soul to the WEF’ers: Launches program to fully digitize citizenry in partnership with globalist World Economic ForumThe road to the New World Order runs through Ukraine
Dictionary:  Black’s Law Dictionary: 2nd Edition
The receiving or harboring an outlawed person. 
Cowell. — Reset of theft. 
In Scotch law. The receiving and keeping stolen goods, knowing them to be stolen, with a design of feloniously retaining them from the owner.

Feb 1, 2024 10:38 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Your Links is to Thierry Meyssan, a good commentator from the opening days of NATZO’s incursions into Syria and Ukraine:

“there is no Arab-Israeli problem any more than there is a Ukrainian-Russian problem, but a huge problem of all of us with an ideology which, in different places and times, has done nothing but sow suffering and death”.

The ideology that Thierry refers to is Anglo Zionazi Capitalism, which is the global financial power behind the UK Balfour Declaration of “a national home for the Jews in Palestine” and the Obama/Biden/Nuland declaration of a Jewish presidency commanding a Neo-Nazi army in Ukraine.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Feb 1, 2024 1:37 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Schwab’s use of the term “trust” is also associated with legal law:

Truthstream Media is always so spot on!
What Trusting WEF Really Means

Jan 31, 2024 3:33 PM

Gintsburg looks like a mobster or someone from finance… Same thing 😂