The Dark Days of Winter

Sylvia Shawcross

Out there the freezing rain settles crystals on the high snow and in the trees and dens the animals are warm and dreaming. Inside the people in their homes hope to heavens they don’t have to go out in “that” because life is hard enough without sliding and slipping and skating on treacherous grounds.

The western world is navigating treacherous grounds now. Treachery seems a likely word—the breaches of trust from western governments sitting hollow on our hearts. How different it might have been if the ones who orchestrated this new world had simply told the truth. Truth being the cornerstone of trust which they seem to be so intent on rallying around now.

But it is too late now. They earn no trust from the people. Not now. Through hubris, hypocrisy and harassment they have created the monsters that will devour them if they don’t devour each other first. And their gatekeepers, the legacy media, is perhaps more culpable than they. They did not do their job. I’ll repeat that: They did not do their job. They sold their souls for a pay check. They, of all the people who believed the lies, are the ones who should not have. That was their training. That was their duty to the people. They will be the hardest to forgive.

Here in Canada, the Federal Court deemed the calling of the Emergency Act during the trucker’s protest unconstitutional. The damage however was done. Logical and thinking people lost all faith in their government. The ones who were aware of the simplest of things, e.g. in a democracy no government can freeze a bank account on a citizen nor threaten citizens who supported a protest. Nor can they crack down with unreasonable force on a people’s right to protest without violence. Nor are people to be presumed guilty and basically thrown in jail for all this time still awaiting bail hearings.

In our country, our peaceful democracy, these things happened and are happening. And if you are not aware of these things then the legacy media is to blame—to which they can only answer with “we were bought and paid for” or “we were grossly incompetent.” They can have no other answer. They will argue perhaps that they thought they were doing the right thing to save the planet and bring in a bright new world. No. They were not. They were participating in and overseeing a terrible divisiveness which hurt people. Even if the planet is in terrible trouble, this is no way to treat your fellow human beings. There is no justification for that. Not ever. And for those who supported this gross treachery, yes, YOU ARE THE BADDIES now.

In the UK and Australia and elsewhere the powers that be are now outwardly speaking about a possible draft of citizens to go to war. Why would we fight their foreign wars while leaders are busily dismantling all the reasons people might actually go to war for? Why would we fight for democracy in another country when leaders are unraveling our democracy at home? Why would we fight for western values of freedom when leaders are taking it away from us, particularly freedom of speech? Why would we even fight for our homeland when we hardly recognize it anymore with all the governmental shenanigans that have been going on?

Fight your own wars. The trust is broken.

You will be hard-pressed to find people to willingly fight your wars now for your insular vision of the future. The leaders of this world need to leave the people alone. You’ve done nothing but damage. You have given tokens for titanic demands and hardships. And I fear, if anarchy and chaos was what you were ultimately looking for in this divisiveness, no doubt you will get it. Congratulations on that. But you need not think that the mooing herds will acquiesce to your new world. You are becoming more and more inconsequential. The people will turn their backs on you. Just as the far left and the legacy media turned their backs on their fellow citizens like the privileged and mostly uninformed cowards they acted as.

What people “will” fight for is the democracy they are quickly losing and they will fight for one without such government oversight and taxation likely in grassroots communities. Democracy is not at stake in the Ukraine. It is at stake in our own countries.

As to the trucker protest in Canada—to think that all it took was the Prime Minister of this country to leave his ivory tower and walk down to the protestors to talk to them. That is all they were demanding having been denied all other recourse for respectful dialogue repeatedly. Repeatedly. The mark of a true leader is the ability to walk and talk with those who disagree with them. A true leader is a leader for all of his people whether they agree or disagree. Mr. Trudeau was not this kind of leader. And it is too late now.

It seems that the government will appeal this decision by the federal courts probably based on a number of things. They might argue that the declaration was actually moot since it was rescinded before the Senate ratified it. Some of the finest speeches this country will have ever heard were given during those deliberations before they were shut down—there are still some who understand democracy. Those speeches were given very little coverage if any in legacy media.

They might argue that “at the time” it was the right decision based on recommendations from the RCMP and police services except that this was not true. That was proven. They cannot argue that there was widespread violence. They cannot argue that this was a threat to trade given that the border blockades were removed before their Emergency Act declaration. They cannot argue that the truckers were unvaccinated and a threat to public health since the majority of them were vaccinated. They cannot argue the facts that are in front of them. They can only perhaps plead ignorance. They didn’t know.

And why didn’t they? If not intentionally planned, perhaps that happens when you don’t engage in dialogue either through imagined fear or hubris and the media doesn’t do its job. The meek scuttling of legacy media reporters along the sidelines of the trucker protest with chosen guests in a rush does not constitute journalism.

This is a very difficult piece to write. I have been my entire life either left or liberal. I am independent and not any of those now and do not vote. I am not necessarily okay with conservatives at this point either who are failing to address global issues in their platform such as wars, W.H.O. oversight, global ID among other things.

This is like writing an obituary to my naïveté. I do not recognize the liberal left. They are definitely “the other.” They appear to be kind to each other and those who agree with them. They are kind in their personal life perhaps. But politically they appear monstrous. Things could have been different had there been honesty and dialogue. The best that I could say about them is that they are living in a pretend world and are out of touch with reality and are ultimately then incompetent. They are protecting each other but not Canadians.

Over half this country do not trust the liberal left now. Their greatest hope now is that the 76% of judges in this country are liberal appointees and an appeal might work that way. But was it honest? Their other hope might be that this decision on the Emergency Act disappears into the tedious long bureaucratic world and will be gone for long enough to be forgotten with the next crisis. That is not likely though. And their final hope is that perhaps they will bring in enough naive immigrants to vote for them, until they pack up and leave as many many immigrants have.

Trudeau’s party members will possibly ask for a leadership review. It is too late. Perhaps in treating the public that disagreed with them by sticking to the party line and collectively walking away, denying, not answering questions, lying and denigrating, keeping quiet when they saw wrongdoing—all this, instead of actually engaging in dialogue and honesty it would not have come to this. It might help to admit their profound betrayal of Canadians. We are more likely to forgive them then. If we can.

One thing is for sure, they cannot crawl into their hideaway and pretend it is over and walk away. They must face the consequences we will all face because of their actions and that might mean a swing to the far right politically for the country. There will be no cozy den for you. For any of us anymore. This is what they’ve wrought. If I was to advise the liberal left on anything I would suggest they step out of their bubble and stop creating enemies to be afraid of with their uninformed actions and words. Everybody who disagrees with you is not a nazi. Even as we know that not all leftists are monsters; yet by their silence they betrayed.

You do not “handle” people, you talk to them.

And as for the legacy media, there is nothing a person can say. The betrayal was an act of treason. Certainly with the trucker protest among other serious things. There used to be laws with consequences about that.

I will repeat “Even if the world was coming to an end and we were facing a grave situation, was this any kind of way to treat your fellow humans?”

Given the way that our leadership has brought this country of Canada and others to such a state, the need for an Emergency Act may well become a reality—when there will “actually” be threats of violence to the entire country. And what will happen then? The time may come that our federal government will long for the days of bouncy castles and horn-honking as protest.

I have no earworm for you all this week. I haven’t the heart for music just now. Hope and courage everyone. We will all rebuild, with or without them—until they remember elected officials are servants of the people. Do not comply to anything that makes you less than a free autonomous individual living in a democracy with privacy, dignity and hope. We can rebuild the countries that people from around the world sought citizenship in once. Just because they’ve thrown that out doesn’t mean we have to.

Peace. Here. Now.


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Feb 6, 2024 4:25 PM

An unusually direct piece from our Quebecois neighbour.
In my conversations with the few people I can be open with, I employed the word ‘treason’ with regard to what the government is doing, aware that it may make me look like some extremist lunatic. But I hear and read it more and more, others have been seeing and thinking the same. Those others live in small towns, close to nature and reality and have no time for the pretend world that is being forced on us. I think the word is very appropriate and, without being a lawyer, I hope a qualifier like ‘high treason’ can be employed in this case. Given the amount of death and destruction, at an unprecedented scale in history, I’m not even sure what the consequences should be for those who pushed this disaster on us. In idle moments I remember William Wallace and Guy Fawkes…and the terrible punishment these and countless others were subjected to in the name of the same crime.
I take heart in the fact that men and women are beginning to act and demand accountability from their local governments. It seems to happen all over the land known as Canada: Creston BC, Aurora, Huntsville and Peterborough in Ontario. Probably many other places. A sample:
There is this and there is the sight of the rats leaving the sinking ship. There will be no justice until they are caged and their crimes displayed clearly for the world to see, even for those naive enough to believe that such evil cannot exist.

Feb 5, 2024 3:22 PM

They cannot argue that the truckers were unvaccinated and a threat to public health since the majority of them were vaccinated”.
Whether the truckers were vaccinated or not — How can they be a threat to anyone who has been vaccinated? If the vaccines really work that is. And, if they don’t, why would anybody (in their right mind) risk the numerous and onerous side-effects?

Feb 5, 2024 3:06 PM

Fight your own wars. The trust is broken”.
Exactly. For too long the power elite have started wars with those who are outcompeting them in the marketplace. They prosecute those wars with other people’s money and limbs and lives, and profit from the weapons they sell. It’s quite a gig — if you’re a psychopath.

Feb 4, 2024 4:59 PM

Unusually dark. You need to have a sit-down with Todd. Breathe in. Breath out.

Meanwhile, in my mind, the easiest solution would be to encourage lefties to keep getting boosted.

Just joking!

Louis Gatto
Louis Gatto
Feb 4, 2024 3:07 AM

Well Said… Thank you.

Feb 3, 2024 8:41 AM

In this world of our reality, our only right, the only law, is to fight for our lives and our livelihood. And we have to fight when required, when other tell us different. No one has the right to stop you from doing the right thing for us to live and prosper.

Everything else is fictional social construct, lies and propaganda to fool you and me, make us docile, while they usurp their powers through meaningless laws, and those who are able to organise and able to gather others to their cause are the winners who will survive and possibly rule.

This beautiful Gaia is a reality of survival within a pride, a pack, a flock, a school, a group and I hope, us, will be able to organise against the ancestors of the ancient corrupt families, who managed to draw others to their dirty game of power, cronyism with useful idiots and yes men.

People don’t need leaders, we are autonomous beings.
Peace, is possible, but greed is a human thing, a thing that causes wars, by insecure and weak sociopathic beings, unable to fend for themselves…

May you organise and thrive 😊

Feb 3, 2024 3:50 AM

In Oldham where I was born, almost all of us were English born in Oldham…It was 1953. Many people from Poland and Hungary moved to Oldham Their Children were born in Oldham…they were just like us, I can still remember their surnames too….so I kind of still had a thing….and I was totally furious and angry, when I learnt that the RAF was bombing Yugoslavia. We nearly got married 45 years ago. Her Parents came from Serbia. I think she is still alive kids and grandkids like us. We occasionally meet at Hawkwind concerts and the occasional Festival.

Feb 3, 2024 9:25 PM
Reply to  tony_opmoc

‘so I kind of still had a thing’

Just curious, were you transgendering?

Feb 3, 2024 11:47 PM
Reply to  Monti

Just kidding you Tony

les online
les online
Feb 3, 2024 3:29 AM

‘The left’ is a concocted strawman argument.’…(anon)…
‘The left ‘is what i say it is !’…(Humpty Dumpty)…
‘If you dont like an opinion or stance, label it leftwing –
most will know what you mean.’…(another anon)…
“How can the Law be weaponised when The Law is already a weapon ?”…(anon),,,

Feb 3, 2024 2:53 AM

Syl, whilst I love what you write, wtf did you expect living in Canada…you are actually quite close to the North Pole… My girl and me from Lancashire, England – cotton mills and smoky chimneys moved south to London within 9 months of meeting each other… I said its really nice and warm..and I have got a nice flat in Saint Margarets – mostly part of the relocation expenses…cos I knew she would go wow. Seduced her with London when she arrived at Riverdale Walk…you having a laugh???? no this is our new home for the next few months if you move to London with me…We walked over the bridge and up to Richmond Park where they had deer rabbits,squirrels and stuff. She says OK….You are moving to London with me, when you are so close to your family and friends in Skelmersdale????? So we didn’t know anyone, but we did travel a lot…We met a lot of Russians from Siberia in the Maldives and a lot of Canadians in Cuba. The Russians in The Maldives we understood – but we were a bit puzzled by all these Canadians in Cuba – cos to me they sounded exactly like Americans….but they insisted that is why we are here No Americans To travel from the USA to Cuba is not that easy due to visa restrictions but we know one American Girl who got there – as mad as my wife… Yes we can jump out of an old World War 2 Russian Aeroplane from 10,000 feet over Cuba and land safely on the beach. Our kids were total amazed and so was I So we kept on doing it…There is one world here to explore so explore it…Passports, visas and stuff and your girlfriend to tell you where we are… Read more »

Kenneth Thorberg
Kenneth Thorberg
Feb 3, 2024 6:55 PM
Reply to  tony_opmoc

Dazed and Confused.

Feb 2, 2024 9:14 PM

Anyone who writes a few descriptive words + less than 5 minutes to generate and download a visually sophisticated AI image for commercial or non-profit publication use, must realize this act is end-running commercial illustrators/photographers out of paying work. Unsplash was bad enough, giving visibility to creatives work in the hopes the publisher will include the artist’s name and someone, anyone, will contract them for paying work, but rarely happens. I understand the temptation to grassroots, breakeven organizations to use the quickest, easiest, source with apparent sophistication, that awes the customer, now same as “creator”. This situation has been driven by the capitalist’s incremental defunding of society, starting at the bottom and moving up rapidly to consume all disposable income in the Public Commons. Essentially the bottom 50% has no choice and the next 40% up to 90% has no choices except what the top 5% dole out at their whim-authority. In the last few months the amount of AI illustration used by publishers has exploded, everywhere. It easy to spot. generally at least a week of work by a professional illustrator. AI has the absolute advantage of the entirety of human visual production over the last 10,000 years, pumped into a lightspeed algorithm thru corporate capital largess. Of course it is all stolen and directly accessed at the atomic (pixel) level, and recomposed under infinite style algos at the atomic level. While non-artists, non-musicians and other amateur or non creatives may find this empowering, a superpower, the consequences need to be managed so this empowerment is beneficial to Humanity. The invention of money made instant have-nots, peaking in 2024 with just a few at the top with all the money and power. Because this “invention” is not managed to serve the needs of Humanity, it serves the needs of… Read more »

Feb 3, 2024 5:28 AM
Reply to  sandy

It is worse than just the haves and the rest. Oligarchy facilitates (a) extended and vague (broad) patents and copyright (b) proprietary products, interfaces or standards enforced on us through law, government usage, subverted academia, oligopoly, etc. (c) increasing hindrances to related dissent.

Feb 2, 2024 8:42 PM

Let’s not forget who’s keeping Canada’s most unpopular government ever in power:
The Non-Democratic Party and their fake Sikh leader. A complete betrayal of Canada’s working class. Tommy Douglas is spinning in his grave.

Feb 2, 2024 8:25 PM

The truckers who did happen to be unvaccinated were never a threat either. I know you realize that, but any “vaccine” that does not make one immune nor unable to transmit said disease ain’t really a vaccine. The sooner that fact is discussed the better. It NEVER mattered whether anyone took that damned shot or not, period. That is the criminal part of the entire idiocy. None of it was necessary, ever.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Feb 3, 2024 6:33 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

What was necessary in the eyes of the PTB was OBEDIENCE. They needed to show their power over the masses, get millions of them to do what they were told, without thinking about it.

Those that didn’t, who thought for themselves, were unacceptable. In the eyes of the PTB.

Thinking for yourself is a crime in the eyes of the PTB, as most non-leaders simply take orders from those more powerful than themselves. They schmooze upward and bully downwards, the most pure form of anti-leadership known.

Feb 2, 2024 5:51 PM

It doesn’t take a genius for the so called awake to have alooksee at the alt media to see what that latest psyop is at play them look at legacy media (alt media counter online partner to see what psyop is at play). In the media TV series at the moment, we have post office sandal in The U.K we have baddies government knew of it. we have Trump and his 666 courts cases, There is the covid inquiry’s all over Irsahel fake International court. Even Cj court case. MY biggest observation is people have become brain dead more so if they watch alt media, The Canadian truckers con very appeared on the scene in every alt media shill channel going virtually all at once. it appeared 2 years after covid started. Covid had ended in most European counties and they was starting to open. along came The Canadian truckers con very. Its aimed at the internet numpys who have not a f*cking clue, psyop for numpty’s 101. Government and it lackies have never needed excuses or laws to block donations or your bank accounts and this fake as fuck manufactured) court case is no different than the intergalactic high council of the Family of Taygeta who endorsed Donald trump 2024 presidency campaign. You got the be brain-dead to need a fake as fuck theatre for the brain-dead alt media believer that a supreme high council intergalactic court case says alt media favorite Trudeo government  💤  was a little wrong and baddies slightly naughty towards the demonstration of carnival con very 6 years late to the party during covid. Once again it achieved its objectives and got you in the down syndrome logic of thinking THAT courts and governments will help you in your hour of need. go back… Read more »

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 2, 2024 5:21 PM

One of the tactics used to demolish opposition to the neoliberal “There Is No Alternative” is to degrade the alternatives, in effect shifting the baseline to the point that ‘left’ implies what I used to know as ‘conservative’ in the UK. This process was well executed and with the changing of the generations we’re now at a point where only relatively old people have experienced “life before”. The problem that this was combating was “the 1970s”. It really started well before that in a wave of idealism that started around WW2. Part of that idealism was an emphasis on education with a level of investment that could only seem mythical to present day young people. This had any unfortunate side effect, though. When the US got deeply involved in a colonial war — Vietnam — a lot of people started asking dumb questions like “Why have we got to travel half way around the world to kill people who live there?”. This led to other destabilizing questions around civil rights, equality, justice, ecology and so on. Many of these concerns were reflected in popular culture and represented a serious threat to the status quo. So starting in the early 1970s steps were taken to remedy this, a process that didn’t happen overnight but effectively took the entire decade to come to fruition. With the rise of neoliberal values in the 1980s the final nail in the political coffin was the destruction of political opposition. The keyword here was ‘moderate’ and the toolset used was media consolidation. This gave rise to what I’ve heard called “the lifestyle left” — people who use the word forms of traditional socialism but primarily designed to divide any movement into a bunch of warring factions. There’s much more to this but I just wanted to… Read more »

Feb 3, 2024 7:25 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher


The Left left long ago and they were right.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Feb 2, 2024 3:08 PM

Excellent, heartfelt article Syl. What occurred in Canada could have only been expected with a country run by former WEF Young Global Psychopaths, with “Freeland” (typical Orwellian satanic inversion) being even more insidious than Trudeau, who in truth is rather stupid. Be sure to take your 10,000 iu vitamin D3 to get you through a Canadian winter intact.

Premier Danielle Smith defies the Trudeau regime by invoking the province’s recently drafted Sovereignty Act.


Feb 2, 2024 3:03 PM

Hi Sylvia,

First time commenter here. Love your quirky off-beat view of the world. This one is kind of serious, and I have a little information to share.

Your government is not a democracy. In a democracy an election is won when a candidate takes 50% + 1 of the total vote count. So how could Trudeau be declared Prime Minister of Canada when he only won 20% of the vote? They are scamming you guys up there in Canada just like they are scamming us down here in the states.

Under your constitution, you are guaranteed a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. But just like us, you are not getting either one. What you have is a corporation masquerading as a sovereign government. Trudeau is the CEO of a governmental services provider corporation. Canada, Inc., maybe. And it is not even a Canadian owned corporation. It is ultimately owned by the Vatican, and the Papacy in Rome.

For a better explanation you can go here: http://annavonreitz.com/trudeaunotprimier.pdf

Feb 3, 2024 9:12 AM
Reply to  Mitch

Canada Goose.inc goosebumps goose-ing the greater population: funny birds,
C.G.i. Goose March, February’s too cold.

“It is ultimately owned by the Vatican, and the Papacy in Rome…” paying homage to
Jerusalem & Gods:- like King David, who had a Hotel for Military intelligence, to feed more Corporate objectives, in the region: before Irgun blew it up, along with the personnel inside: all of whom were expendables, having worked with Begin all war long in N.Africa, helping Irgun: Five long years. Vat-i-can operate & vouch for, having never been Audited by any of the Big Four Accounting Houses, like the Vatican Bank can, proves just how fine the financial infiltration of fascist finance houses & institutions like the B.i.S. Truly is: with Diplomatic Immunity, on Swiss territory, another Square Milestone… If in doubt, Goose the population, no matter the cost: in the “History of Oil”, it’s imperative to convey scarcity… see ? Robert Newman should revise his excellent narration & objectivity, to include Peak Oil !

Because, we are now producing more barrels per day, historically speaking, than
E V E R ! Now that is what I call a Peak, peaking the achievements of P.R. even.

Feb 3, 2024 7:28 PM
Reply to  Mitch

Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy the head of which is King Charles III.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Feb 2, 2024 2:44 PM

Your words dance around the virtual rubble of languishing egos who are slowly realizing the decades-long agenda just isn’t going to take flight.
Great article below, though I take issue with including Chavez’s Venezuela in the list of dictatorships. Watch The Revolution Will Not Be Televised for an exhilarating injection of democratic spirit. The theatre crowd actually rose to their feet clapping at the Film Forum in NYC.

WEF Totalitarians Seek to Euthanize the WestThe fear-inducing power of such malevolent lies does not tend to last.

“Because Klaus Schwab’s evil club has effectively disenfranchised the people, there is now a growing popular revolt throughout the West that could easily combust into an anti-Establishment “Reign of Terror.”  The WEF desires the West’s suicide.  Let us band together and choose life instead.”

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Feb 2, 2024 3:20 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

WHOse time is running out?—James Roguski

Why is the World Health Organisation concerned? Have we, the people, upset the vaccine cart and power grab?

Feb 2, 2024 2:39 PM

Trudeau is also neck deep invested into this scam: The Climate Data Corruption Business.
Always good to hear a scientist interested in facts over money.

Like Canadians Patrick Moore co-founder of Greenpeace, or Stephen McIntyre of ClimateAudit.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Feb 2, 2024 2:17 PM

to pair anarchy with chaos implying no rules is a misnomer should be interpreted as no rulers and harmony amongst beings
left right fascist commie are all different masks on the same face

Sal P
Sal P
Feb 2, 2024 4:01 PM
Reply to  dom irritant

I totally agree. Other than that a great piece of writing.

R Anand
R Anand
Feb 2, 2024 2:17 PM

Excellent writing. Thank you very much.

Its not just the western governments that need to stop “handling” their people but also governments of countries like India (where I live).

And its not just the legacy media that needs to get their act together but also a vast majority of the alternative media in every country. They too kept quiet when governments imposed harsh lockdowns, made students cooped up in their homes, and worst of all pushed hard the highly toxic and dangerious vaccines.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 2, 2024 2:15 PM

I love hard freezing winters. They are like rain. You cant fight or quarrel when it freeze or when it rain. You are just in symbiosis with Mother nature.

Inside, a little wood in your wood stove. A bottle of whiskey and your mistress sitting on the floor beside you, and ………then a little music …https://youtu.be/qbgyN0mLfkc .
You live, you are still alive!

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 2, 2024 1:41 PM

The Liberal Left remind me of that famous Zappa quote:

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

This momentous change took place in 2020. Admittedly the brick wall turned out to have garish shiny primary colours but only a fool would think…..

And here they come: The Liberal Left, totally mesmerised by those kiddie colours despite the rising sewage around them.

But it gets worse! If you point out the true situation, they hand you a paint pot and a brush!

derek williams
derek williams
Feb 2, 2024 1:39 PM

Hi Syl – love your writing and the photographic images you use.
Thank you for being evocative, interesting and thought provoking……
Bellissimo !

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 2, 2024 12:56 PM

In 2019 and prior, I would describe Liberals and the Democratic Party (US) to be right wing. Why? Because, like the GOP, they support the interests of Big Business. Now that they have become for all intents and purposes a contemporary expression of fascism (the seamless union of state and Big Business, along with its concomitant censorship, propaganda and scapegoating), they are called “left.” And the former left? They all became Democrats.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Feb 2, 2024 12:51 PM

Shubenacadie Sam, Fred la Marmotte, General Beauregard Lee and Punksatawney Phil have not seen their shadows, and thus predict an Early Spring, and Winter’s end.

Other Groundhog weather prognosticators yet to make their predictions.

comment image

Feb 2, 2024 12:42 PM

Every journey begins with the first step.

Feb 2, 2024 12:28 PM

That was one of the most powerful articles I have seen in my eighty years. I am going to copy it, print it out, and send it as a insertion in every letter I send to public offices.

Thank you Sylvia.

Feb 2, 2024 12:22 PM

This is one of the most powerful articles I have ever read in all my nearly eighty years. I am going to copy it and frame it and send it to as many people as I can find. It will be attached to every letter I send to any governmental body.

Thank you, Sylvia.

Feb 2, 2024 11:59 AM

Well written and heartfelt article, thank you.

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 2, 2024 11:58 AM

This one seems appropriate, if you need someone to blame.

Feb 2, 2024 1:45 PM

Ah, back in the days when no one lip synced, even if it ended up sounding like dog shit.

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 2, 2024 1:50 PM
Reply to  ChairmanDrusha

Its was expensive to avoid the chit, but it could be done.