AUDIO: Making Sense of Multipolarity with Iain Davis & Rolo Slavskiy

Iain Davis joins Slavland Chronicles host Rolo Slavskiy to discuss the multipolar bait & switch, why the Deep State is promoting “multipolarity”, how communist China needs the capitalist West, the Superclass and the Global Usury-State, the Dork Enlightenment and more.

A full transcript, as well as other sharing options, are available through The Slavland Chronicles SubStack. Iain Davis is an independent journalist and researcher, you can red more of his work through his website – IainDavis.com – or by subscribing to his SubStack


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Categories: audio, latest, multipolar world
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Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 9, 2024 6:35 PM

Are you people catching up now! I was saying this 18 months and there were other people saying it before me !!!


BTW: I haven’t yet listened to the Feb 7 2024 podcast – so I might reverse my opinion about the “catching up”. And the bit about “Orwell is pro-Trotsky propaganda” sounds highly dubious; i.e. that it’s Stalinist propaganda to discredit Orwell.

Analyst @SlavlandStalker discusses the false East-West divide and how the real name of the game is convergence: creating a one-world elite. He also covers #Ukraine, Dugin, #BRICS, Russian 15m cities, and how we are well on our way to dystopia!
[link below and embedded video]

Rurik Skywalker: The Real Game is Convergence…the Creation of a One-World Elite
By Geopolitics & Empire
February 7, 2024
Rurik Skywalker of The Slavland Chronicles discusses the false East-West divide and how the real name of the game is convergence: creating a one-world elite. The oligarchies in Washington, London, Brussels, Moscow, and Beijing are all feudal lords, they’re just competing to see who gets to be the boss. The totalitarian system in the West is more refined. Patriots in the East like Igor Strelkov are also rounded up and jailed. He discusses personalities like Arestovych, where the Ukraine War is headed, Dugin, BRICS, Russian 15-minute cities, how Orwell is pro-Trotsky propaganda, and how we are well on our way to dystopia since there is nothing stopping it.

See also:
REVEALED: The Kremlin’s True “Victory Conditions” For Ending the Not-War Are Finally Clear
This is what the Kremlin wants to achieve in Donbass.
Rurik Skywalker
9 Feb 2024

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 9, 2024 8:34 PM

Approximate timings and paraphrasing. Rurik (3mins): I’m an expert in Soviet history. Well that’s the problem, because you won’t find the answer in Soviet history. Instead, study the history of the City of London empire. Start with the English civil war. Or even earlier with the Knights Templar and the formation of central banking. — Rurik (19mins): Psychiatric incarceration is a standard Soviet tactic. But it’s also standard in western nations. They just do a “wellness check” – “we’ve had a report” etc. And the person may just happen to “accidently” get shot! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wieambilla_shootings Gareth Train was an active participant in Australian conspiracy theory forums and websites: he had espoused strong anti-government, anti-police and anti-vaccine views, and supported the sovereign citizen movement.[6] police were sent to conduct a welfare check as well as to follow up a warrant related to a December 2021 weapons dumping and a state border breach — Rurik (26mins): According to Arestovych, the Ukraine side got everything they wanted from the April 2022 negotiations. But then Zelensky tore up the deal. But you admit that Arestovych is a spook. Therefore, you know he’s spinning a narrative. Re Wikipedia entry: The invasion of Ukraine has been planned for well over decade – and Arestovych was engaging in predictive programming! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleksii_Arestovych After the start of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Arestovych became known for his correct prediction in 2019, that Russia would invade Ukraine between 2022 and 2024.[29][30] — Rurik (28mins): Putin was a Western asset. You say in the blurb that there’s no “East” and “West” (being the point I emphasised 18 months ago); yet you insist on using these terms as if they were meaningful. No, Putin is not an asset of “the West”. Rather, he is an asset of the Kissinger network; aka the… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 9, 2024 8:28 AM

Putin-Carlson interview: Full transcript https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/putin-carlson-interview-full-transcript Discuss! Edward Slavsquat 8 Feb 2024 Hello friends, Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin went live about an hour ago. You can watch the full thing on Tucker’s website. Your correspondent will share his thoughts on this discussion later. Maybe on Saturday. Until then, here is the transcript (the real one, not the fake one that was floating around). Share your impressions in the comments section. Please be nice to each other, though! Okay that’s all for now more later have a nice day. — Riley — Preamble by Carlson The following is an interview with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. Shot February 6th, 2024, at about 7 p.m. in the building behind us, which is, of course, the Kremlin. The interview, as you will see if you watch it, is primarily about the war in progress, the war in Ukraine, how it started, what’s happening, and most pressingly how it might end. One note before you watch. At the beginning of the interview, we asked the most obvious question, which is why did you do this? Did you feel a threat, an imminent physical threat, and that’s your justification. And the answer we got shocked us. Putin went on for a very long time, probably half an hour, about the history of Russia going back to the eighth century. And honestly, we thought this was a filibustering technique and found it annoying and interrupted him several times, and he responded. He was annoyed by the interruption. But we concluded in the end, for what it’s worth, that it was not a filibustering technique. There was no time limit on the interview. We ended it after more than two hours. Instead, what you’re about to see seemed to us sincere whether you agree with… Read more »

Feb 7, 2024 11:30 PM

This is the view that all ideologies are mere divide-and-conquer strategies dished out to ignorant masses for them to squabble over.

That perceived differences of belief are just mere facades; there being no absolute truth in the world. That there’s nothing worth actually fighting for. Nothing sacred. Nothing true or false. Just ‘elites’ with overly fertile imaginations. A view which is false.

Such a view was once propagated by ‘higher critic’ Paul Tillich; he of taking pigs’ teeth to obscure locations fame to drop them through convenient holes in his trouser pockets to help ‘prove’ evolution. Fraudster extraordinaire. Propagating the expedient lie in both theory and practice.

Some have too much Orwell and not enough reality to be able to spot the difference between the two.

Feb 7, 2024 8:05 AM

The undisputed historical fact is that US global hegemony has been seriously challenged in last two decades. Call it what you wish: US imperial decline, raise of provinces following capital outflows from metropolis or multi centered planet or multipolar world. It is all about a trend toward emancipation of a faction of global oligarchy from unequivocal domination of western devised and dictated global order. It is all about New Global Deal among ruling oligarchs who are at present time in a state of aggressive competition if not outright conflict. Those who don’t see it don’t understand what total globalization achieved at a turn of millennium was really all about. The earth has been conquered by global capital. The total control over natural resources and Human Resources of the Planet has been established. Dominance of US controlled global financial system became unchallenged, It was also clear that any further growth of western oligarchy could only be paid by concessions among oligarchic elites of global south that arose on a wave of globalization and near monopolization of global markets. It was Xi and his oligarchs who first in 2015 set a redline for western banking oligarchs expansion by scrapping Chinese banking reforms that would have given western capital direct access to Chinese consumer banking. (individual loans and Credit cards in western currencies, foreign accounts). Putin redline was Western control over critical Russian natural resources while Modi’s redline was encroachment of western retail giants and western MIC attempts of imposition of monopoly among other controls of Western investments. All of those and many other deeds infuriated US hegemon that lashed out trying to oust Putin in 2012 elections and oust Kremlin friends in Venezuela, Libya, Syria and Egypt and Ukraine consequently via coup d’etat in Kiev aimed at expansion of NATO. Western oligarchs… Read more »

Feb 7, 2024 2:01 PM
Reply to  Kalen

The change came not only out of economic resilience (China, Iran, Russia, Korea) but also “out of the barrel of a gun” (China, Iran, Russia, Korea, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and Palestine — collectively known as The Axis of Resistance).

“There was a stone in the middle of the road.” That stone was Syria, 2010. Syria (with help from Lebanon and Russia) halted the NATZO juggernaut. Now Russia’s Special Military Op in Ukraine (with help from Iran and China) is sending NATZO into reverse.

Your cartoon is perceptive:

Firstly, this cartoon acknowledges that the “Collective Western World” is led by Uncle $cam’s favourite nephew, little Izzie — ie, by the symbolic representative of Anglo Zionazi Capitalism.

Secondly, MariaAnne is lagging behind “the Collective West”. She is worried that the Arab money is slipping off to join BRICS+. Added to her money worries, the forced withrdrawal of her army from Niger means she now has to buy uranium at $80 market price instead of ‘friendly’ $2.

“You can do more with a friendly word and a gun than with a friendly word alone” — Al Capone, Chicago School of Economics.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 6, 2024 10:13 PM

Another Putinista Sock-Puppet Goes to Moscow! If he claims to be a journalist, isn’t it time he asked some questions about 9/11 – or maybe the 2020 election theft? From the isolationist perspective, being the one promoted by Carlson, both of these issues intervened directly and massively in US affairs and have therefore had a far bigger impact than the spending on Ukraine. And with regard to Putin’s message, it’s been all over the faux-alt-media. For instance, there’s been Oliver Stone’s adulatory shite. Of course, it could all just be the ongoing troll from the trust-fund baby! — https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/may/01/oliver-stone-documentary-nuclear-power-putin-biden May 1, 2023 Oliver Stone: ‘Putin is a great leader for his country’ Lauren Mechling in New York The firebrand director talks about his new documentary on nuclear power, his distaste for Joe Biden and his continued support of the Russian president The last time the Guardian US profiled Stone, he had just completed a strangely sympathetic 4 hour-long documentary about Vladimir Putin (at the time he said “the Russian people have never been better off”). Have his feelings about the Russian leader changed in the especially troubling years since? “I think Russia is doing a great job with nuclear energy,” he says after a moment’s thought. “China is also a leader in that field, although I never was able to penetrate into China, which was a shame for the movie I wish we had. But Putin is a great leader for his country and the people love him.” And that is as far as he is willing to go. He’s gone far enough already. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Putin_Interviews The Putin Interviews is a four-part, four-hour television series by American filmmaker Oliver Stone, first broadcast in 2017. The series was created from several interviews of Russian president Vladimir Putin conducted by Stone between 2015… Read more »

Feb 7, 2024 6:03 AM

There are many reasons to dislike Carlson and his blatant opportunism but interview with Putin is not one of them as Putin views were erased in western MSM as he was labeled “evil”.

It used to be that too often changing opinions and political positions was a negative trait. However in today’s dogmatic and monolithic mainstream media of strict oligarchic command and control coming to realization of one’s delusions have risen to a level of rare virtue.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 7, 2024 2:22 PM
Reply to  Kalen

I don’t have a problem with Carlson doing the interview. Rather, my issue is with Carlson claiming to be a “journalist”. If Carlson’s concern is with the failure of the MSM to report reality or a particular perspective, there are far more significant omissions than the views of Putin. For instance:

Who are the people making up “Goliath” – being the label used by Bret Weinstein? The people whom we can’t talk about directly? Can you name the key people who are actively seeking to destroy the West? Are they the “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” referred to by JFK; or the people Blake was referring to when he stated:

believe Christ & his Apostles that there is a Class of Men whose whole delight is in Destroying.

Rather than being a journalist, it’s far more likely that Carlson is instead working for this “Goliath” and is fulfilling his role in pushing the predictive programming. And likewise for Weinstein.

William Blake – Preface to Milton

Has the West Already Fallen? Bret Weinstein Weighs In.
Tucker Carlson
Jan 7, 2024 #BretWeinstein #TuckerCarlson #JoeRogan
Has the West already fallen? Tucker Carlson and Bret Weinstein discuss.

Feb 8, 2024 7:13 PM

have you checked out who Tucker Carson’s dad is/was?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 10, 2024 6:26 AM

I still think Carlson is controlled opposition, but I’ll provisionally give Weinstein the benefit of the doubt. I think the vagueness is just his style for floating hypotheses. The following is worth watching.

The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Bret Weinstein at the Darien Gap
Feb 1, 2024
73 mins [see link for timestamps]
Bret Weinstein traveled to the Darien Gap to understand who’s behind the invasion of our country. His conclusion: “it’s not a friendly migration.”

See also:

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 7, 2024 10:49 AM

Tucker doesnt understand it.
We, the American people, pay our tax dollares eagerly and willingly for NOT hearing about the bs in Ukraine and all the other bs outside America.

We want to be left alone and live our lives inside America as WE wannit.  😎 .

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 8, 2024 7:53 PM

Peskov said Carlson is “wrong” by suggesting that Western journalists haven’t attempted to interview Putin—an assertion the former Fox News host made in a lengthy video announcing his interview with the Russian leader. “He, in fact, cannot know this. We receive many requests for interviews with the president,” Peskov said.

Actually, Carlson could have known – had he done basic, journalistic research. He just had to ask the major US news outlets and they would have told him. Moreover, this is indicative of the mess Carlson’s got himself in – and the MSM are going to exploit it to the full!

Putin Spokesman Disputes Tucker Carlson’s Interviews Claim
Feb 07, 2024
The Kremlin confirmed on Wednesday that former Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit to Moscow, but disputed a claim he made that Western journalists hadn’t attempted to interview the leader throughout the war. After initially declining to comment on the matter, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov addressed the mounting speculation during a press briefing, Russian state-run media reported.

Amanpour pushes back on Tucker Carlson’s claim about Putin interview
Feb 8, 2024
CNN’s Christiane Amanpour says former Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s claim that no western journalist has tried to interview Vladimir Putin is ridiculous

Feb 6, 2024 3:37 PM

Substack with Summary

up to minute 4.45 of this upload to Bitchute is the original introduction recorded by Kevin. In the introduction Kevid has a neutral almost apologetic tone regarding what he is about to set out, he says something about it being for everyone’s benefit. On the principle of not shooting the messenger whether the messenger is advocating for or neutral upon the message being conveyed I think this video is so heavily banned for a reason I think it is largely accurate and at the time it was published I found it shocking and it has taken the Pandemic and The Extensive Taboo around 5G to convince me that this information is largely accurate and true.
Monica’s Summary of the Subtitle File.

The international system is a complex structure that encompasses various methods and goals aimed at controlling population growth. It operates through a combination of chemical, biological, economic, and psychosocial means, all of which are orchestrated to achieve specific demographic targets. The system is designed to influence fertility rates, manage death rates, and ultimately stabilize the global population at a predetermined level.

Al Leger
Al Leger
Feb 6, 2024 2:30 PM

I really tried to listen to the end, but after hearing so much speculative prattle, things like—I’m paraphrasing—the world used to be a global order but is now moving to be a multipolar order with multiple blocks controlling things. However, that’s all a sham as they’re really putting in place a new globalized order—which is the same as the ‘New World Order’ they used to proclaim was around the corner! Then we learn that the reason China was able to expand its economy so fast is thanks to all the money Western elites poured in [of course, the Chinese industrious disposition, love of learning and work ethic couldn’t have anything to do with it], implying that these financial elites still exercise dominion over the poor fools. Furthermore, the same processes would have also been at play in Russia, as Putin was basically ushered in by Kissinger, [it’s unimaginable that these Russians could develop genuine patriotic fervour and a scientific mindset on their own] etc.

It may be that at some point we’ll get some evidence to support this fantastic theory of world domination, but I’m not sure I’ll have the patience to try make sense of it all. In the meantime, perhaps there will be an uncertainty principle, a singularity event or a wildcard that turns up, resulting in cascading chaotic effects—as this appears to historically be the norm in human affairs.

Feb 6, 2024 11:55 AM

Whilst this is a long conversation I found it worthwhile spending the time listening to it and Riffing off its themes. For me, this process has resulted in this Blog Post All Quadrants All Levels the 5g Internet of Things, Dystopia or Utopia? Six Billion liberated people shook their heads and shouted NO! Enough. All Quadrants All Levels the 5g Internet of Things, Dystopia or Utopia? I. Integral Framework Analysis A. Upper-Right Quadrant (UR) – Individual-Exterior 1. Behaviors and actions of individuals in the external world 2. Discussions on governance, geopolitical power dynamics, and influence of major powers B. Upper-Left Quadrant (UL) – Individual-Interior 1. Internal experiences and interpretations of individuals 2. Discussions on ideologies, beliefs, and personal perspectives regarding global power dynamics C. Lower-Right Quadrant (LR) – Collective-Exterior 1. External collective systems such as global governance regimes, economic systems, and geopolitical power structures D. Lower-Left Quadrant (LL) – Collective-Interior 1. Collective internal experiences and interpretations of groups or societies 2. Perspectives on cultural history, collective psychology, and impact of global power dynamics on societies II. Hermeneutic Framework Analysis A. Multipolarity and Global Governance 1. Shift towards a more multilateral form of global governance 2. Breaking regions into more autonomous supply chains 3. Advocating for more nations to have a say in global decision-making B. Hidden Motivations and Influences 1. Powerful forces driving the promotion of multipolarity 2. Use of behavioral psychology and manipulation in shaping public perceptions 3. Potential implications of sustainable development goals and creation of human settlements C. Occultic and Transhumanist Influences 1. Exploration of occultic influences and rise of transhumanism 2. Intricate web of agendas beyond conventional narratives 3. Convergence of occultic influences, transhumanist ambitions, and geopolitical power dynamics D. Global Financial System and Capitalism 1. Interconnected nature of banking, government, and regulations 2. Critique of… Read more »

Feb 6, 2024 3:43 PM
Reply to  roger

Substack with Summary

up to minute 4.45 of this upload to Bitchute is the original introduction recorded by Kevin. In the introduction Kevid has a neutral almost apologetic tone regarding what he is about to set out, he says something about it being for everyone’s benefit. On the principle of not shooting the messenger whether the messenger is advocating for or neutral upon the message being conveyed I think this video is so heavily banned for a reason I think it is largely accurate and at the time it was published I found it shocking and it has taken the Pandemic and The Extensive Taboo around 5G to convince me that this information is largely accurate and true.
Monica’s Summary of the Subtitle File.

The international system is a complex structure that encompasses various methods and goals aimed at controlling population growth. It operates through a combination of chemical, biological, economic, and psychosocial means, all of which are orchestrated to achieve specific demographic targets. The system is designed to influence fertility rates, manage death rates, and ultimately stabilize the global population at a predetermined level.

Feb 6, 2024 11:23 AM

Report on this year’s Davos (with links to even more interesting reports):

I like the way thet create the impression that debauchery at Davos is only something those Russian oligarchs got up to… we have the “good” oligarchs!

Feb 6, 2024 9:01 AM

The USA seems to be managing multipolarity all by itself:

Abbott is another stooge – see his position on Israel – and what a surprise that the supposedly ultra-conservative Supreme Court upheld the federal government and open borders (they could strike down Roe vs. Wade because it wouldn’t make any difference to actual abortions performed – if anything, the number has increased. This is another largely symbolic issue – razor wire is playing the role of Trump’s “wall” – but they want to rile up the other side of the fake binary and, above all, uphold central power).

Feb 6, 2024 4:18 AM

This is why I love Richard Vobes and his “wonderful interviews”. Because a lot of the people he interviews are actually focused on practical, local solutions and resistance. At the end of the day no one’s coming to save us. Least of all other “elites”.

Big Al
Big Al
Feb 6, 2024 3:38 AM

“Power which is distributed within an international system”.

Ya, we already have, and have long had, a multipolar system – the rich, distributed throughout the international system, have the power and we don’t. Simple. Everything else is just bullshit at this point.
We could have the power, because there are way more of us than them, but somehow it just doesn’t work out that way. Maybe it’s because there are too many of us, helping them.

les online
les online
Feb 6, 2024 12:02 AM

I have a Polarity Therapy manual, polarity therapy being an energy healing
modality, healing with your hands, a ‘laying on of hands’ like Jesus did…
I suppose multi-polarity would be many together laying on of hands, a
sort of “many hands make light work.”

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Feb 5, 2024 9:56 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-02-05. UK excess deaths 1 to 14yo up 22%. Number “suddenly”, “unexpectedly” obituaries doubled 2021-2023 (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 5, 2024 9:24 PM

The Royals are wreck, but who gives a heck?

Its just another day, in the land of the lay.

Call up the ranks, even the yanks,

before we see the kid, who would be king.

Feb 5, 2024 7:53 PM

Don’t’ Be Fooled by the Globalists The major topics at the UN General Assembly in September 2023 were as follows: Climate Action – Apart from what was discussed, UN globalist “climate action” is all about global controls over all industrial and agricultural production, consumption and development and it is built on the fake pretext of manmade CO2 climate warming, a.k.a “climate change. Their centralized “solutions” are designed to solve the very problems they have deliberately exaggerated and crated. Global Health – The UN still lauds their Covid 19 PLADEMIC and the lethal Covid forced- vax programs. They commend instead of condemning the WHO, the pharmaceutical corporations and our governments for their genocidal directions and actions working to achieving SDG 3” – Sustainable Development Goal 3 – “Good Health & Wellbeing”. What they give us is sickness and death. Digital Public Infrastructure – The NWO bankster takeover of finances and currencies based on the alleged “digital necessity” of doing so, is the lynchpin of the entire top-down globalist surveillance and technocratic control system devised to control every aspect of our lives. The pretexts and humanitarian carrots they are using to impose their controls are to make us “safe” from cyber crimes, and to increase “consumer reach, public services, education, and healthcare”. They never discuss all of their own crimes and abuses against us which they are perpetuating by removing all our barriers and safeguards. Food Security –What the globalists are now doing on a global scale is to interfere with food production in order to create another fake crisis, such that big-agri and the “Few” can take over more and more farmland allegedly to make us “safe” from hunger. The same pattern of crime was used by the international banksters in disrupting local banking and economies in order to offer the… Read more »

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 5, 2024 8:57 PM
Reply to  ShireWatch

Enough crying wolf. Solutions mister.

Feb 6, 2024 5:57 AM
Reply to  ShireWatch

The location of the UNGA building, and the business it brings, is relevant. The red light district will also benefit, even through payments form CIA spies. Remember, this is a country with few competitive products for the world. Its biggest exports, as supported by its budgets, are genocide, terror, starvation, poisoning and the theft of natural resources.

Richard Pinder
Richard Pinder
Feb 5, 2024 5:23 PM

WWIII starts and ends on the same day with two massive nuclear bombs destroying the UN, Blackrock and Soros in New York and the WHO and the WEF in Geneva.

Feb 6, 2024 12:35 PM
Reply to  Richard Pinder

Well, it’s obvious you don’t live in New York or Geneva! But what about the “collatoral damage”? Millions of others would die along with the Blackrockers, WHOs and WEFs. I understand it’s only a fantasy, but think for a moment: the Russians or Chinese would be blamed, get massively nuked and nuke in their turn, and POOF! Game Over. WWIII would end the same day, it’s true, along with the entire World. With YOU in it! And along with those itchy trigger fingers who gave this half-cocked comment the thumbs-up.

Feb 5, 2024 4:55 PM

Why is it so hard for people to grasp the idea that multipolarity is fake? The idea that it is not fake is ridiculous. At minimum without ever touching on fringe conspiracy theories it means that people have no idea how money works. Sorry for the marxist expression, but it is a class war, not a culture war, not values war, not east vs west war, they hate you, they want to exterminate you and Putin doesn’t give a sh@t about you. Putin is gonna make you a serf, you will eat ze bugz and have a chip in your brain, Russians were serfs most of their history, 90% of russians are poor now. People who think Putin or Xi are gonna fight for their freedom are out of their mind.

Feb 5, 2024 3:58 PM

Interesting conversation, I would have liked Iain and Rolo to touch on the Israel 2.0/New Jeruselem project (assuming they’re aware of it) maybe it’s a bit 3rd rail tho?

Igor Berkut : Ukraine : Israel 2.0. : New Jerusalem (interview done in 2019, i.e. before the not-a-war)

According to Igor Berkut (funded by Soros) the author of the idea and the executive director of the project : the next five years is destruction and fragmentation after 2019, and the next five years, after 2024, is reformatting. 2029 is the first step for New Israel”. So, by the end of 2029, about 5 million Jews are expected to arrive in the New Motherland for the construction of New Jerusalem … in Ukraine.

Zelensky has mentioned it, Netanyahu has talked about it, and it’s been all over the Israeli mainstream media, but nobody seems to connect the dots.

There’s also the water issue in Israel to consider, a UN report stated they would need an additional 25 desalination plants by 2050, which would need a 25% increase in electricity supply just for desalination. Alternatively they could just adopt Igor’s plan to allow for expansion!

Feb 6, 2024 8:57 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

“Zelensky has mentioned it, Netanyahu has talked about it, and it’s been all over the Israeli mainstream media, but nobody seems to connect the dots.”

Not quite nobody. There have been several posts on OffG about the obvious connection between ancient Khazaria and New Jerusalem in Ukraine. Biden’s Jewish point woman, “Cookie” Nudelman-Cohen and her choice of Jewish-only presidents for Ukraine make their intentions unashamedly patent. Remember, Biden was vice-presidential candidate with Chicago’s Obama who was known among Afro-American voters as “the Jewish candidate” because of Obama’s support by Chicago’s wealthy Jewish community.

Feb 5, 2024 3:05 PM

The more powerful the parasite (banksters) becomes, the sicker/crazier society gets.

Feb 5, 2024 10:07 AM

I don’t know what these two guys have to say about multipolarity, and I will never know. However sharp their acumen might be, I’m not spending two fucking hours listening to their drivel, and I’m not gonna try to make sense of the transcript thereof either.

Whatever happened to the art of drafting a coherent article, not too fucking long, that makes the point in a succinct manner? These days, everybody makes videos and runs at the mouth forever in them. What has time watch all this shit? You can’t skim it like text.

People don’t know how to read and write anymore?

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 5, 2024 12:00 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

I found them too busy thinking to able to correctly, ……..wait for it……….correctly think.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Feb 5, 2024 12:17 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

I have written extensively on the multipolar world order. That’s why Rolo/Rurik wanted to talk to me about it. Just sayin’

Feb 5, 2024 4:42 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Well, if your point is that no such thing as multipolarity exists or rather that multipolarity has always existed, only the makeup thereof is continuously shifting, good.

If you’re attacking the multipolar world order in the sense of the red herring everybody and their brother are flapping their mouth about, I’d think that it’s a futile exercise, kinda like arguing that there is no climate change or no average Earth temperature. Or the fucking virus for that matter.

I think that there are more important issues than that. It would probably suffice to say, ‘People, multipolarity is bullshit, don’t fall for everything they try to shove down your throat. Tell them to stick it up their ass’. As much as I’m not too crazy about this guy Corbett (from Japan), he made an excellent point once, saying that it’s important not to follow the fuckers’ narratives, even if you oppose them, because even if your stance vis-a-vis, say, multipolarity is negative, your thinking still revolves around this crap. Or virus. Or whatever. Instead, you need to formulate your own ideas, views, visions. I mean, you don’t want to spend your life refuting one bullshit after another.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 5, 2024 9:02 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Precisely, we must refuse to work and waste our time and energy in negation.

les online
les online
Feb 6, 2024 12:18 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

When i play chess i dont bother to figure out my
opponents plans. My strategy is “Take No Prisoners!”
“Piece for Piece !” When i (often) win i usually have
only my king and a castle or two left on the board…
In Real Life, i wouldnt put my trust in a general who
doesnt try to understand what the opposing general
is up to. I want him to consider the others moves
so he doesnt get blindsided…

Feb 6, 2024 9:01 AM
Reply to  les online

This is not a case of a general intent on understanding the enemy’s plans. It’s a case of a general falling for one lure and decoy after another, forever occupied by these red herrings, not seeing the frontal attack thereagainst, or rather, in people’s case, the big dick jammed up their ass, as per George Carlin.

Myself, in real life, I wouldn’t put my trust in no general, no matter how cunning. I would, and have and will, run for the hills and wait up there until the fucking idiots kill each other, and would come back when the dust has settled.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 5, 2024 5:23 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

I have written extensively on the multipolar world order.

Have you come to a settled view regarding:

This, then, is the context within which we can explore the alleged advantages of a “multipolar world order” led by China, Russia and increasingly India. Is it an attempt, as claimed by some, to reinvigorate the United Nations and create a more just and equitable system of global governance? Or is it merely the next phase in the construction of what many refer to as the “New World Order”?


My position is effectively that of the last sentence – except that I see the Multipolar World Order as merely a temporary rebranding of the New World Order. As such, it is the name of a project and should therefore be capitalised – like the Great Reset, Belt & Road, and Sustainable Development. The latter is only partly recognised as a project by Wikipedia.


Feb 6, 2024 2:18 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Iain, this one rings very much like a troll that’s been lurking for some time here in different guises.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Feb 5, 2024 10:03 AM

This farmer’s thing is worse than we first thought.

If they control agriculture they will control –


Feb 5, 2024 3:29 PM

Are you an alcoholic by any chance? 😂

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 5, 2024 9:04 PM

I agree. This time they have their big bad hairy iron hands around our balls.

Feb 5, 2024 8:17 AM

What we have is dual polarity: Them and us.

Fred B
Fred B
Feb 5, 2024 2:09 AM

After Covid no one who is honest and who is awake can really afford to think that the arch criminals who run the world in their multipolar scheming are not using things such as the plandemics, fake climate peril, border-crashing migrations, cultural strife, bank failures, liquidity freezes, galloping inflation, the debt bomb and the threat of a WWIII in one giant fear-porn, con job to enslave the entire world in their technocratic and totalitarian control grids, and to fleece the sheeple of the world in perpetuity.

Feb 5, 2024 5:04 AM
Reply to  Fred B

Nobody runs the world. It’s all heavily competing corporations engaging in endless espionage, propaganda and destabilisation to leverage this market or that, these resources or those. You’re a peasant caught up in the middle.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Feb 5, 2024 9:43 AM
Reply to  Fred B

Please read your rant again just to realise how ridiculous you sound.

If only it wasn’t all true !

Shire Watch
Shire Watch
Feb 5, 2024 2:05 AM

The unipolar-multipolar fake dichotomy was penned repeatedly in comments over a year ago on tuthseeker.co.uk. However, it is very reassuring to see that the very competent, independent journalists in this broadcast have done the actual research to prove the theory absolutely correct. Russia and China are big players in the UN-WEF New World Order rollout. The superpowers have already divided the planet up into speres of interest, which despite the carnage in the Ukraine you have to seriously wonder if the was was not “arranged” to dismantle the Ukraine and cede the four mainly Russian-speaking oblasts in the east to Russia, perhaps in exchange for some Russian protectorate in the Middle East. At least that was a theory advanced at the opening of the war in February 2022. We have to remember that the Ukraine was subjected to the Soros nation-busting groups along with help from the international banksters, the CIA and MI6 in operations which began over 12 years ago. We have also to remember that Russia, China, and India were Covid accomplices but they in fact played their roles independently with separate control centers from the West. Also, in the present war in the Ukraine there are giant NG pipelines running through the war zone in the Ukraine from Russia to Europe which have gone untouched. My personal view is that we are being conned into the UN-WEF New World Order matrix with a series of well planned and manufactured “perils”, with the mother of all perils being that of a WWIII. To get into geopolitics it is necessary also to look at the long-range plans of the major globalist players. They have maps with pipelines and trade routes drawn all over Asia to Europe, the ME, and Africa. The WEF and entire globalist movement is led and… Read more »

Feb 6, 2024 6:07 AM
Reply to  Shire Watch

The West is not going anywhere. 3 US-based investors have already bought 43% of all agricultural land in Ukraine.

Feb 7, 2024 3:20 AM
Reply to  Shire Watch

Putin and XI Jinping are totally different in their intentions: only the stupid Neocon Ukraine war drove them into each others arms. They are big neighbors with border issues and watch each others every move.
Putin’s Russia was kicked out of the Western financial grid mostly and now can function as a BIS alternative, another unexpected bounce of AS (Artificial Stupidity). The CCP is still very much in because they need Western capitalist liquidity to keep their act up.

Feb 5, 2024 12:25 AM

I bought Iain Davis book on paper. Its like an encylopedia of what’s going on – and yeh I’ve seen him on the telly (youtube?) He comes over (well a bit like a biker from Blackpool it wasn’t rehearsed) an incredibly intelligent man, much better than the bloke on stage in the 39 steps – Whilst I realise The Saker has resigned…I would love to see a live debate between

Iain Davis, The Saker and Dmitry Orlov with a local girl Laura Dodsworth “A State of Fear: How the UK Government Weaponised Fear During the COVID-19 Pandemic” asking the Questions…with Bernhard Hoftsman too

Feb 6, 2024 2:45 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Your “local girl” twitted she hoped Bob Moran was investigated by the UK Crown Prosecution Office and Metropolitan Police for his cartoon of a kosher Netanyahu eating Gaza’s children:


Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Feb 4, 2024 11:58 PM

I like that Iain – the parasite class. A more accurate description than “elites” because they don’t produce anything but destruction. I’m tired of them hijacking our language. Poisons arent “health measures”, mental sickness is not mental health, offense is not defense, etc. But maybe we should hone in on the label a little closer and call them like it is – psycho killers. They can be rich or poor, smart or dumb, and worm their way into any family, group or country, good or bad, and make things even more disastrous. Obviously they could create a good deal more destruction with billions of dollars than 5 bucks. The idea of that type ganged up with multi billions having global control is pretty terrifying. Just a few can cause a lot of trouble. They are out numbered by sane people but that doesn’t mean we can let the guard down. Or, go after actual friends when they make a mistake. Thanks for moving up awareness.

Feb 4, 2024 11:44 PM

We are living in a historical interregnum, as Antonio Gramsci famously described it, where the old order of global capitalism and American global hegemony is dying, but the new cannot be born.

That’s the key premise of The State of Capitalism, an important new text of Marxist political economy by Costas Lapavistas and the EReNSEP Writing Collective. Ben Wray and Ranjan Balakumaran discuss the book in this Left Book Review.


A good foil to this multipolarity discussion. What do you think? Ben and Ranjan cover a lot of ground .

Feb 5, 2024 12:30 AM
Reply to  Roger

Neoclassical Political Economy: Skating on Thin Ice

@37 mins segment on UK column Vanessa Bealy critisism of doubts re Russia Chinese bone fides.
Patrik henningsen seems to be less in evidence at uk column too.
The carbon currency end game unfolds as a confluence of economic Myths Directed by a no longer invisible hand seeks to bring in a techno Feudal surveillance state.
Creorder out of Chaos

A house divided against itself can not stand.
Matthew 12 25

Feb 5, 2024 12:48 AM
Reply to  Roger

Esg sdg’s etc carbon trading . Access to the necessaries of life as Robert Tressel called them in his Great money trick.


I am a businessman , I was raised on the principal of leaving something in any deal for the next man.
I posted this on Linkedin today
Frameworks and Contractor Pipeline, a Critical Look at the “Shovel ready” end!

The section on ASH links to Simon Elmers article on the truth about Grenfell.
PEACH is a residents action group in Newham.

Be the change people .

Feb 5, 2024 1:31 AM
Reply to  Roger

@1.14 reminiscent of the four yorkshiremen or whats have the Romans ever done for us.
They”ll have us living in ‘uman settlements”
Well i never ?
“All activism, insofar as it aims to alter the existing social order, is a re-action to the actions of others. Every re-action, insofar as it is consciously provoked, mediates and fulfils the provocative action. Contemporary rulers aim to provoke everyone who can be provoked in order to elicit deterministic behaviour.”

Paulo Frierre
Critical reflection on practice is a requirement of the relationship between theory and practice. Otherwise theory becomes simply “blah, blah, blah, ” and practice, pure activism.”
https://quotefancy.com › quote › Pa…
Paulo Freire Quote: “Critical reflection on practice is a requirement of the

Feb 5, 2024 12:31 AM
Reply to  Roger

Feck Marx and his failed ideology.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Feb 5, 2024 2:13 AM
Reply to  Sebastian

Karl or Richard?

Danny O'Thebes
Danny O'Thebes
Feb 5, 2024 8:12 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

Harpo. 🙃

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Feb 6, 2024 2:26 AM
Reply to  Danny O'Thebes

Groucho. 😀
Richard BTW wants you to give up meat.

Feb 5, 2024 8:29 AM
Reply to  Sebastian

Marxism is a critique of capitalism. Cultural Marxism is a whole diffent animal. Know the difference!
Just so you know, anything put forward by the ruling, global corporatocracy; woke, communism/Socialism & Marxism is inverted & totalitarian. Corporate fascism is extreme RW antisocial-ism therefore, no friend of humanity.

Feb 5, 2024 5:08 AM
Reply to  Roger

Multipolar, unipolar are raging buzzwords of the day. People use them to sound intelligent.

les online
les online
Feb 6, 2024 12:24 AM
Reply to  Yep

I’ve noticed the same with “biosecurity state”…It has obtained
a lot of popularity during the past couple of years…

Feb 6, 2024 7:02 AM
Reply to  Yep

I have been reading Frances Leader ( Boodica) for several years certainly since well before Event 101.

Frances posted this Rense episode from 2019 today,
Newzealand Shootings
Sibel Edmonds


Frances appeared on the Tony Gosling radio show in 2020


5g and Corporatism state monopoly capitalism

Paulo Frierre
Critical reflection on practice is a requirement of the relationship between theory and practice. Otherwise theory becomes simply “blah, blah, blah, ” and practice, pure activism.”

“The more radical the person is, the more fully he or she enters into reality so that, knowing it better, he or she can transform it. This individual is not afraid to confront, to listen, to see the world unveiled. This person is not afraid to meet the people or to enter into a dialogue with them. This person does not consider himself or herself the proprietor of history or of all people, or the liberator of the oppressed; but he or she does commit himself or herself, within history, to fight at their side.”
― Paulo Freire, 

Feb 6, 2024 7:03 AM
Reply to  Yep

I have been reading Frances Leader ( Boodica) for several years certainly since well before Event 101.

Frances posted this Rense episode from 2019 today,
Newzealand Shootings
Sibel Edmonds


Frances appeared on the Tony Gosling radio show in 2020


5g and Corporatism state monopoly capitalism

Paulo Frierre
Critical reflection on practice is a requirement of the relationship between theory and practice. Otherwise, theory becomes simply “blah, blah, blah, ” and practice, pure activism.”

“The more radical the person is, the more fully he or she enters into reality so that, knowing it better, he or she can transform it. This individual is not afraid to confront, to listen, to see the world unveiled. This person is not afraid to meet the people or to enter into a dialogue with them. This person does not consider himself or herself the proprietor of history or of all people, or the liberator of the oppressed; but he or she does commit himself or herself, within history, to fight at their side.”
― Paulo Freire, 

Feb 6, 2024 7:14 AM
Reply to  roger

 December 30th, 2020.
Mirrored from You Tube due to censorship by Facebook
I do not believe that Ms Fitts does not know who “Mr Global” is!
She knows…… maybe she dare not say but I will.
The international Black Nobility, at the top of which is the British Crown.
It is obvious.
We HAVE a slavery system NOW.
The future system is NOT another slave system.
Maybe Ms Fitts is too scared to lay these facts on the line?

regarding the Depopulation Hypothesis, Theory, Evidence, Analysis.
Kevin Galalae Mandala diagram analysis is I think the most extensive out there still


October 27, 2017

SUMMARY OF DEPOPULATION/GLOBALISATION SYSTEM . KEVIN GALALAE.EXPOSURE OF COVERT SURVEILLANCE AND CENSORSHIP PROGRAMWhile studying political science at Oxford and Leicester universities, Galalae found the academic environment in the UK unsettling. He describes it as being “covertly controlled”. His experience at Oxford led him to create “Freedom in Education”, a fledgling organization concerned with safeguarding freedom of expression and thought in education and with the de-politicization of intellectual discourse. He has so far unsuccessfully tried to establish an admission by the UK authorities of the surveillance and censorship program which he claims was in force in UK.

Feb 6, 2024 7:24 AM
Reply to  roger

May 17th, 2018. FIXING MONEY BETTER SOUND Sustainable Human Subscribe 19,420 47,296 Views Published on Jun 25, 2012 Comedian Louis C.K., Activist Peter Joseph, and Euro Co-Architect Bernard Lietaer break down and expose the big bad joke that is The Federal Reserve, with help from the self-incriminating former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and former Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Donald Kohn. “Our potential as humans is infinite– let us not limit ourselves through the medium of exchange. It’s time to wake up.” – Bernard Lietaer For more information about Mutual Credit Systems, we recommend strongly the book “The End of Money and The Future of Civilization” by Thomas H. Greco Jr. Also, there is some good information at his website: http://www.reinventingmoney.com/ FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law. “We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.” ~ Albert Einstein Changing the way we think is the most difficult and necessary challenge for our species right now. It’s like the old adage that says that “fish don’t know they’re in water.” They’re so surrounded by it that it’s impossible for them to see. The water is like our ways of thinking. The assumptions we make about life have been so reinforced throughout our lives that we have difficulty seeing them. Yet our survival as a species depends us making the choice to understand, develop, and live from a new manner of thinking. This channel is dedicated to exploring and sharing these new ways of thinking. AUGUST 6, 2017 The Paper Aristocracy, From William 111 to the Present Day. William Cobbett against… Read more »

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 4, 2024 11:19 PM

“Everybody has a plan until they get a punch in their face”. (Mike Tyson).

Feb 4, 2024 11:18 PM

Jesus – f’kin hell..I always write – fire and forget – being banned from almost every where – hardly ever anything I write appears and is published, on topic and totally cutting..So being well aware of what has being going on – re covid and jabs (I used every idea I could think of to convince my family and friends not to get jabbed (with some success)…Its nice to have my conspiracy theories – don’t get jabbed – confirmed by an extremely eloquent, educated and really talented man….

Saint Georges Hospital in South London – is like Imperial College used to be…The Best of the very best.

The Top Cancer Specialist in the World – recently wrote this

The covid booster cancer time bomb
By Professor Angus Dalgleish | TCW Defending Freedom | January 30, 2024

Feb 5, 2024 8:23 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

“Top Cancer Specialist in the World”.

According to who? Measured how?

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Feb 4, 2024 10:21 PM

Talking about things makes you money.