What NO ONE is saying about Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview
Kit Knightly

Everyone is talking about Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The two-hour long conversation was live-streamed on twitter. Every major news outlet has had some form of coverage.
You can watch the whole thing here:
Ep. 73 The Vladimir Putin Interview pic.twitter.com/67YuZRkfLL
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) February 8, 2024
After eight years of covering the Ukraine coup/civil War, and more specifically Western propaganda on Russia, I could pretty much tell you everything Putin was going to say before he said it.
Anybody who has covered Russia or Ukraine could tell you that.
He was always going to detail, in cogent and historically literate terms, Russia’s position on Ukraine.
He was always going to cite the (very real) broken promises Western diplomats made about NATO’s Eastward expansion.
He was almost certainly going remake his very worthy point about US foreign policy never seeming to change no matter who is President.
He’s an intelligent and persuasive speaker, and he was always going to do well.
And, if this was 2014, that would be great.
But it’s not 2014 is it?
It’s 2024 & the world is being hurried fast toward the Brave New (“multipolar”) Normal. Russia is on board with Agenda 2030 & very powerful western establishment voices are now promoting Putin & his once-sidelined views.
In the face of these realities we should be asking questions about the relevance and purpose of this kind of geopolitical theatrics.
Let’s remind ourselves again that everyone is talking about the Putin interview.
From Hillary to Elon to Russell Brand.
Every major news outlet covered it, too. Maybe they “fact-checked” it, maybe they ranted about it or insisted it be banned, but they were all talking about it.
Let’s compare and contrast that coverage to the coverage of Oliver Stone’s 4-part interview with Putin in 2017.
Seriously. Look at the difference. It tells you a great deal about how the establishment agenda is changing. There were no big headlines then.
But I don’t want to talk about Putin. Because everyone is talking about Putin.
I want to talk about Carlson.
The Tucker Carlson who has been suddenly positioned as a supposed anti-establishment JFK-doubting, 9/11 truthing threat to the system.
The same Tucker Carlson whose father was director of the Voice of America. The same Tucker Carlson who censored and insulted 9/11 skeptics on his show.
The same Tucker Carlson who applied to (but was allegedly turned down by) the CIA.
How did this re-invention happen?
When did it happen?
Why did it happen?
And no, I’m not claiming everything he says is de facto wrong, a lot of it is in fact very right. His monologues on the state of the economy, the 2020 election, JFK and 9/11 have all been at least partially accurate.
…but that should make us ask more questions, shouldn’t it?
Did he have some great awakening?
Even if you believe he did, do you believe that his bosses at Fox did as well? Or that Elon Musk did? Or that either of these entities would be powerless to stop him dropping supposed truth bombs on their dime if they didn’t want him to?
Tucker Carlson was the most watched current events program on US television before he was apparently fired by Fox News last year.
Since then, and with all the hero-kudos of being exiled by the establishment, he has been live-streaming his shows on X/Twitter instead, and every single one of them gets more views than CNN or MSNBC or his old show on Fox…Combined.
Interesting, no.
The fact is, legacy media is dying. Which is a good thing. But do you think the establishment doesn’t see this? Do you think it hadn’t occurred to them to get out in front of it by seizing control of the new media platforms and planting “leaders” in supposedly independent media movements?
As we keep having to remind our readers lately the people and institutions that run the world are not wed to any single platform, method, nation or flag.
Or media.
They bought up all the newspapers because they were useful, they “syndicated” all the television networks because that’s what people were watching…
so now as legacy media dies – what do you think they’re gonna do?
Like a hermit crab swapping out shells – they will simply slide themselves from their old home to a nice shiny new “indy” one.
Goodbye old fashioned corporate CNN, hello honestly completely organic guerilla news reporting livestreaming on X and getting totally accidentally promoted by the algorithm.
Goodbye long form editorials in newspapers, hello ten-second tiktoks from fake influencers in a government-run opinion factory.
Goodbye Tucker Carlson, paid disinfo promoter, hello Tucker Carlson voice of the new media who somehow still gets promoted by the very forces he’s supposed to be opposing .
We’ve seen other examples of this kind of thing already, for example AOC’s obviously fake “look at me live streaming my random off the cuff thoughts” videos. As if she hasn’t had a focus group decide exactly how little make up she should wear or how “unkempt” her hair should be be, or signed a sponsorship deal for the fried chicken she’s eating.
The selling point of new-media was that everyone had access to it instantly, with that came realness marked by rawness. The establishment quickly seized on these markers of authenticity & tried to make them their own. Now that rawness is being manufactured and realness is being faked on a production line.
And by seeding the rising new-media with establishment voices allegedly “gone rogue” , the establishment take control of it.
On top of that, the transition from old to new media can also be used to co-opt independent outlets and construct agenda-controlling fake binary narratives. With the old media selling one “side”, and new media the other.
That’s how you end up with crazy scenarios where billionaires like Elon Musk are cast as some kind of outsider, no matter how many Great Reset talking points he promotes, or podcasters like Joe Rogan apparently get $250 million from the system to attack the system, or the “intellectual dark web” shilling vaccines and Israel in equal measure.
The old establishment voices (Guardian, CNN, New York Times or whoever) noisily attack these new “anti-establishment” voices (who are always selling the same agenda in a slightly altered form), knowing that the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” mindset will give them cred in genuine alternate media circles.
I mean it’s pretty cool to get a big old “ex”-mainstreamer on your side and agreeing to be on your podcast, right? Instant kudos, excitement. “See, even Big Name X admits we’re right about this”. It’s too easy to be seduced by the lure of “celebrity rebel” narratives. We all want to believe them don’t we.
And thus, by putting “former” establishment insiders in leadership positions of “the alternative”, the ‘elite’ control the direction of their supposed opposition.
Tucker Carlson is the first really big voice to make the swap in a major way, but he won’t be the last. And his interview with Putin is yet another sign of the “approved alternative” messaging.
According to Twitter, the interview has been viewed 140 million times in 24 hours. Tucker and Putin have been trending ever since, promoted by the all powerful algorithm on a site owned by the richest man in the world, whilst simultaneously appearing on the front pages of every paper.
Wow, cool, right. The new media is just so right about this the establishment has no choice but to promote it!
Too easy to fail to notice there’s nothing really “new” about this media at all. It’s just a very old hermit crab in a very new shell.
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I believe a certain Mr Icke has labelled them the ‘here and no further MAM (Mainstream Alternative Media) i.e Brand, carlson, Jones, Rogan et al.
Canadian researcher ‘Amazing Polly’ has also commented on this subject with a gallery of the rogues: (14) Meet The New Establishment Narrative Gatekeepers (substack.com)
I share your viewpoint regarding transformation of old (legacy) media to obtain new forms of expression just to promote the same message as before.
As regards historical relationship Russia – Ukraine – Poland: it’s a topic for separate disscussion, but generally, Putin presented very subjective, Russia-centric position according to which:
– Ukrainians are not separate nation;
– Poles in past were often oppressors/agressors towards Russian people.
Apart from historical circumstances- that can be interpreted in different ways, dependently on propaganda purposes, Putin conducted act of agression towards independent, internationally recognized state. It should not be pictured in the other way. If we accepted such behaviour- as a just policy tool- well, we should approve any similar act in the present world. Which would be highly dangerous for all of us.
Adam (from Poland)
Why does tucker always wear a red thread bracelet?
Someone sent me this, and I have to respond, because this self promotor is just another one of the people, that he is warning against. Not because he is a deep state agent, but because this is an easily recognizable projection. He is projecting his own ignorance all over the place, seeing the ignorance, and then projecting the ignorance on to everyone else! Typical projection!
Once again, this is more about this guy, that it is about Putin. “I knew this. I knew that. Oh boy, anyone can see this…. These people are all stupid and I am smart!”
He totally doesn’t get Putin. There are numerous times in the interview where he revealed what makes him tick. For instance, at one point Putin says: everyone had the illusion that there was a starting point (Ukraine war). “Because of parables, because of a pure heart, and to because of a great mind”. WOW, that is beautiful!
This is the Putin I knew in St Petersburg. A mystical Orthodox Christian.
Saying that powerful voices are promoting Putin… and he on board with the 2030 just reveals he’s lazy and hasn’t a clue about, nor can he see Putin (again, a projection) he ignores the powerful trends that define the Collective Unconscious of Europe, and Russia for 800 yeas of history. “Oh I knew he would say this!” Anyone with PSYOPS skills can see through ths.
And then his stunning inability to recognize Tucker’s profound spiritual foundation… If he studied Tucker he would se over and over and with fail, where Tucker comes from. Tucker is a pure heart. He doesn’t see him, again. Why, because he lacks the same spiritual knowing as Tucker and Putin … One cannot see what is another, if they don’t know it within themselves.
He goes on to attack Musk, Rogan, et all.
He is more of the problem than the problem he is projection on others! He could easily be blamed for being the very thing his distorted projection describes.
This is a brilliant analysis. SPOT ON. Our little group of ‘thinkers’ have been putting this together now for a little while. It’s becoming quite blatant. GB News is another tricky dicky. Even the moaning people reporters are doing nothing other than ‘containing’ the complaints so they can be kept nicely boxed up and ‘off the streets’. Fascinating and, at the same time, devastating. Keep up your great work. Thank you.
” some of the field value is invalid ”
Wtf does that mean ?
Tom Luongo has a better take on the subject.
“Because this war is in our hands now. That’s who Putin was speaking to through Tucker Carlson.
The architects of this war have led us to a perilous moment. Putin doesn’t have to invade Poland or Germany to defeat the West. All he and Russia have to do is survive our collective rage. Our leaders are bankrupting us, as he pointed out, trying to defeat Russia.
If you want peace, deal with the facts of this war by acknowledging the feelings of the people on the other side of it while truly examining your own.
Either way, history will not judge any of us kindly.”
Although it’s refreshing to listen to Putin compared to our politicians, he is at the end just a politician, he bluffs too. I would like to call him out on a bluff.
He said Russia retreat from Kiev as a sign of good will. Bullshit.
Russia at the beginning of the war tried a strategy of Shock&Awe. Didn’t work out. They didn’t have enough manpower to hold the conquered territory so they had to withdraw from Kiev. Proof is in the pudding, few months later they’ve been beaten in Kharkov and Lugansk region. They had to pull back from the west bank in Kherson region too, but that was primarily because of logistics reasons. Only after these setbacks they announced mobilization and started the war for real.
So you’re saying that you DIDN’T know Tucker was a Limited Hangout, right?
The “World Governments Summit”, referred to by Wiki as the “World Government Summit” (dropped the plural tense), invited TC as an official speaker at one of their events in Dubai..
“It’s not enough to be against globalism or the WEF, we have to also be for something better.” — Tom Luongo, Gold, Goats ‘n Guns
Kunstler has something to say about it.
I’m on board with most but he doesn’t go far enough:
“Expect Americans to return to churches as an organizing mechanism for community relations.”
Yeah, Tradition….I’m not on good terms with this loose woman.
You have to be selective with the churches as well, far too many have gone woke.
There Is No Russian Invasion Threat To Ukraine
– Moon of Alabama, Mike Whitney, Brian Gerrish, etc
January 24, 2022
A War In Ukraine Is Tactics – Putin Does Strategy
The ‘western’ media buildup for war in Ukraine was launched 63 days ago on November 22 . . . Nothing has happened since but there has been no letup . . . Most of the propaganda is just crap. . . . There is only one thing missing and that is a Russian interest in invading the Ukraine. . . . Still, former ambassador M.K. Bhadrakumar thinks it will happen for strategic reasons . . .
Well, maybe. There are several threads on how such an invasion could plausibly proceed. No one doubts that Russia would win militarily. Russia has good reasons to invade the Ukraine but there are also good reasons not to invade it. It could become a millstone around Russia’s neck. Russia’s aim is to change the aggressive position the U.S. and its NATO proxy are taking towards it. Invading Ukraine would do the opposite. It would increase the number of troops in east European NATO countries and would have negative impacts on Russia’s strategic position. Only the western military industrial media complex would profit from it.
January 25, 2022
A ‘Parthogenetic’ Conflict – There Is No Russian Invasion Threat To Ukraine
With regards to the completely made up story of the ‘imminent Russian invasion’ [link above] of the Ukraine a commentator remarked to me:
There is no threat of a Russian invasion of the Ukraine now or in the foreseeable future. Despite that today’s New York Times has put no less than four ‘invasion’ stories at the top of its homepage.
Moscow to Washington: “Remove the Nukes on Our Doorstep and Stop the Eastward Push”
Mike Whitney
Jan 25, 2022
Here’s a simple way to test your understanding of the current US-Russia standoff. All you need to do is answer one very-basic question about the nature of the conflict, and that answer will determine whether you understand what is actually going on or not. Here’s the question:
What is the source of the confrontation between the US and Russia in the Ukraine:
1. Russia has amassed over 100,000 combat troops near Ukraine’s eastern border and is threatening to invade.
2. Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet Empire by expanding Russia’s territory beyond its borders.
3. The western media has concocted a fake storyline about a “Russian invasion” to divert attention from Moscow’s reasonable demands for legally-binding security guarantees that address the pressing issue of hostile foreign armies (NATO) and nuclear missiles on Russia’s doorstep.
4. None of the above.
If you picked Number 3, then pat yourself on the back, that is the right answer. (Please, see: “There Is No Russian Invasion Threat To Ukraine”, Moon of Alabama; Quote: “The story of Russian preparations for an invasion of the Ukraine is made up from whole cloth.”)
Just watch from the beginning!
Monday, 21st February 2022
Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, David Scott and Kety Jo Murfin
there are also excellent analysis of this conflict by Scott Ritter and general Mcgregor on Youtube. Easy to find.
Further also ” the Duran” ( youtube, rumble odysee etc).. Plenty of info from educated and informed people. That is for english speakings.
For French speakings, Jacques Baud ( also english) ex intelligence col swiss army and Caroline Galacteros also with military and geopolitic background
i read an online press review from new zealand.
Not censured/ info from RT ( not available in europe/ many reactions or links given by readers and not censured.
It is info and up to you to make up your mind.
Also Firstpost ( india: english)
And aljeezira ( english and different languages)
A week is a long time . . .
February 20, 2022
The MoA Week In Review – OT 2022-015
Feb 14 – The ‘Frozen Ground Theory’ And Other Ukraine War Nonsense
Feb 15 – The Big White House Plans Behind Its ‘Russian Invasion’ Scam
– News from Natoland – New Left Review
– An Unwinnable War in Ukraine has No Upside for Putin, But Threats have the West Lining up to Listen – Patrick Cockburn / Counterpunch
– War in Europe and the Rise of Raw Propaganda – John Pilger / Counterpunch
Feb 16 – Happy ‘Russian Invasion’ Day
Feb 17 – Media Studies – (‘Russian Invasion’ Scam)
– The CIA and the New Dialect of Power – American Affairs Journal
– Why we refused to comply with the D-Notice committee – Declassified UK
– PETER HITCHENS: When Nato has its own Office of the Gender Advisor, you know wokery has won – Daily Mail
Feb 19 – Russia Is Pressing For More Concessions While Donbas Heats Up
– Ukrainian President Makes Historic Speech in Munich (English Translation) – (I find it quite lame -b.) – Kiev Post
– Blackwater is in Donbas with the Azov Battalion – Orinoco Tribune
– The Burden Of Proof Is Always On The Ones Making The Claim (Even If It’s About Russia) – Caitlin Johnstone
Feb 20 – Ukraine – Who Is Firing At Whom And Who Is Lying About It?
– The Evidence for Invasion the US Could Produce – Scott Ritter / Consortium News
> What Biden and Blinken fail to understand is that Russia is in total control of the narrative and timeline of the current crisis. <
February 27, 2022
The MoA Week In Review – OT 2022-018 (NOT Ukraine)
Last week’s posts at Moon of Alabama:
Feb 21 – Russia’s Security Council Recommends To Recognize The Donbas Republics
Feb 22 – Some Additional Bits On Ukraine
Feb 23 – There Is Still No ‘Russian Invasion’ But The Sanctions Proceeded Anyway
Feb 24 – Russia Is Back! (Repost from Feb 12, 2007)
Feb 24 – Disarming Ukraine
Feb 24 – Disarming Ukraine – Day 1
Feb 25 – Disarming Ukraine – Day 2
Feb 26 – Disarming Ukraine – Day 3
– Opinion | Why China Sees Opportunity in Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine – Politico
– Coming to terms with the nuclear risks of the Ukraine war – Responsible Statecraft
– Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer (video) (2015)
March 06, 2022
The MoA Week In Review – OT 2022-21 (NOT Ukraine)
Last week’s posts at Moon of Alabama:
(Another week of all out Ukraine. I’d love to write on other stuff, but it is the world moving story of these day.)
Feb 27 – Disarming Ukraine – Day 4
Feb 28 – Disarming Ukraine – Day 5 | Money War On Russia – Day 1
Mar 1 – Disarming Ukraine – Day 6
Mar 2 – Disarming Ukraine – Day 7
Mar 4 – Disarming Ukraine – Day 9 – Europe Increases Its Own Losses
Mar 5 – Zelensky And The Fascists: “He will hang on some tree on Khreshchatyk”
Ukraine’s Got a Real Problem with Far-Right Violence (And No, RT Didn’t Write This Headline) – Atlantic Council(!) (2018!)
Security Service of Ukraine shoots Ukrainian negotiator suspected of treason in Gomel – Pravda.ua
Geo_monitor @colonelhomsi – 19:30 UTC · Mar 4, 2022
Ukrainian media publish footage showing MP Verkhovna Rada Nestor Shufrych being intimidated. He had previously been detained by the Department of Territorial Defense and handed over to the SBU.
Must reads:
War, Conflict & Enemies of Truth – Michael Brenner / Consortium News
Bunny Rabbits and the Big Bad Wolf: Ukraine and Russia through the lens of Western reporting – Gilbert Doctorow
India’s moment to shine – Gilbert Doctorow
If Russia is, as we are told, losing the war, why this?
US and allies quietly prepare for a Ukrainian government-in-exile and a long insurgency – Washington Post / Stars & Stripes
On the Cusp of an Economic Singularity – Doomberg
Russia hits back on “sanctions from hell” – Indian Punchline
Ukrainian stories are of ‘questionable veracity’ i.e lies:
Fact and Mythmaking Blend in Ukraine’s Information War – New York Times
Scrambling for oil …
U.S. Officials Travel to Venezuela, a Russia Ally, as the West Isolates Putin – New York Times
US getting closer to reviving Iran nuclear deal but officials warn efforts could still fail – CNN / MSN
Russia ties possible Iran nuclear deal revival to Ukraine sanctions – Foxnews
Tucker literally admits in his most recent interview as well as several other times his views are changing rapidly as he discovers more and more incidents with Government lying, intimidating whistle blowers, supporting Ukraine, Israel, but not Americans.
Never Meet Your Heroes!
the answer we got shocked us
To those of us who had some background awareness, it was no surprise that Putin would launch into a monologue about ancient history. Indeed, it was expected. Carlson, however, had been treating Putin as an inkblot; that is an ambiguous image on which one projects one’s own beliefs, interpretations, biases.
Tucker Carlson leads rightwing charge to blame everyone but Putin
Feb 25, 2022
Preamble by Carlson
The following is an interview with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. Shot February 6th, 2024, at about 7 p.m. in the building behind us, which is, of course, the Kremlin. The interview, as you will see if you watch it, is primarily about the war in progress, the war in Ukraine, how it started, what’s happening, and most pressingly how it might end. One note before you watch. At the beginning of the interview, we asked the most obvious question, which is why did you do this? Did you feel a threat, an imminent physical threat, and that’s your justification. And the answer we got shocked us. Putin went on for a very long time, probably half an hour, about the history of Russia going back to the eighth century. And honestly, we thought this was a filibustering technique and found it annoying and interrupted him several times, and he responded. He was annoyed by the interruption. But we concluded in the end, for what it’s worth, that it was not a filibustering technique. There was no time limit on the interview. We ended it after more than two hours. Instead, what you’re about to see seemed to us sincere whether you agree with it or not. Vladimir Putin believes that Russia has a historic claim to parts of western Ukraine. So our opinion would be to view it in that light as a sincere expression of what he thinks. And with that, here it is.
Exclusive: Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin
Tucker Carlson
Feb 8, 2024
Tucker interviews Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Russia. February 6th, 2024.
Tucker may have just saved America by exposing the truth that’s been hidden from the American tax payer for the past 30 years. American’s should be demanding the constitution is followed and for the return to a country where everyone must abide by the same rule of law. Unlike the US, Russia is a country that respects its laws including the majority of the politicians. Of course there are some bad apples but no where’s near the amount of corruption found in DC. Moreover, Russian leadership actually cares about its country and the people vs their bank accounts. Putin laughs because he knows he has nothing to worry about. America and the West are doing a fine job destroying themselves, Nato is a paper tiger and has been for a long time.
Absolute tosh regarding on board with the new world order davros crowd,
As for covering this war, OFF-G have deliberately AVOIDED it, plenty of scandals but all ignored, maybe the odd offering, most educated folk now know why Vaskia left,was forced out.
Off-G has become a joke, americanised to high heavens with the most idioitc articles ever known, I came across this whilst reading comments elsewhere and stopped about a 3rd of the way in due to the obvious slant bias coming into play.
I guess the folk at Off-G don’t have to worry about the boys from Mi6/5 CIA paying them a visit to take the sledgehammers to their hard drives as they are on board with the discredit Putin any which way they can, Putin regardless what this article says would NEVER get away with the things being laid at his feet in this rag, far too many Russians who know a thing or two about overthrowing despots.
Still nice to see if this gets published in a place where comment is allegedly free. we will see oh and cue the sycophants that think this satirical echo chamber is relevant. Too funny!
“As for covering this war, OFF-G have deliberately AVOIDED it…”
Agree and that is bad.
But you’re way too harsh.
I was disappointed to see no serious analysis or comment on this very important interview with Putin.
I’ve read two excellent commentaries on what Putin actually said – the links are below.
Also worth noting that Putin used no notes, no teleprompter, had no staff to supply info, that it was all off the cuff. He may, of course, have viewed the questions before the interview.
Can you imagine a similar interview with stumbling, bumbling Biden, with no staff or teleprompter? His handlers would never allow this as it would be so very embarrassing for the U.S., and highlight the difference in the intelligence and caliber of the two men.
No prompt through the ear piece in his Right ear?
No re-shooting/breaking between questions (the camera alternates between Tucker (who didn’t even ask about his 1800 exiled media colleagues!) and Putin.
Didn’t think of that. Thanks Paul.
paul is wrong. The earpiece is for the interpretor. If you watch and listen carefully, it is obvious. I suggest you watch again
Did Tucker mention how in 1990s US elites descended on fledgling, newly independent Russia and its defenseless population under the guise of “helping” them? Soros sat at the table with Yeltsin to “help,” Soros later admitted members of his local Russia “foundation” were buying sports cars, etc. with the money. US committed economic genocide of the new country and left it for dead. US cheered Yeltsin when he bombed Russian parliament in 1993. Yeltsin begged Bill Clinton to let Russia into NATO (sorry, Boris). Putin rescued the Russian people from death’s door. This pissed off US elites who thought Russia was its personal property, “ours to lose.”
Tucker didn’t mention anything. He’s the one doing the interviewing don’t forget!!!
You’ve made a lot of loose connections there.
What you describe just sounds like the ebb and flow of any countries fortunes and fighting for better conditions for their country……. US/Russia or anyone.
With all due respect just lot a lot of your own confirmation bias.
excellent answer
Most people have forgot 90ties and the role played by economic hit-man Jeffery Sachs in eastern Europe.
Interesting, Jeffery is now in the opposite camp. He has been so bad then that I have hard times to believe he repented and hence forgive him.
earpiece is for the translation given by the interpretor.
Excellent by the way, certainly russian as they excell in languages
For those interested, Putin gave a well-received speech at 2007 Munich Security Conference…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg_75wla-nE…He’s known for giving long speeches and allowing a lot of time for audience questions such as at his yearly Valdai speech. It’s just that Americans generally have been prevented from hearing him. Elites/most politicians merely say he’s a “war criminal,” and move on. Having a “bad guy” is war industry’s only excuse for bleeding US taxpayers dry. This is why US must be broken up.
Broke up in to what exactly? And how will it improve the world for future generations?
It’s a MUST Read ! Good on you for the link.
There are many speaches of putine on Youtube for the ones who want to know about him.
Yes he saved Russia and Russians from anarchy or worse when he came into power. And the russian population of different ethnic background and religions acknowledge it and are gratefull for what he has done.
Putin is perhaps the greatest politician of this century.
History will tell
For the ones interested read ;
Putin vs Putin by Alexander Dugin
isbn 978-1-910524-11-4
Also see https://therealslog.com/2024/02/12/digitalisation-cause-blame-symptomology-dodgy-deals-the-perverted-art-of-hiding-reality/
Yes, a : very insightful, well structured and documented piece of work. Putin explained in depth, something that many in alternative media skimp over, the social and political history of the symbiotic relationship between Russia and the Ukraine. It is like a body with 2 arms.
Moreover, it explains why, which is consistently overlooked by both the MSM and also some in the alternative media, Russia has not applied the same level of force to Ukraine as they would to an external threat.
Furthermore, the persistent accusations by some in the alternative media of the RF is in league with the City of London/ Wall Street/ controlled Globalists fails on a number of levels. Ie Putin refuses to implement the sordid perverted ideology of LGBT, the piecemeal destruction of the religious spiritual foundations of the RF, as over 50 years ago Solzhenitsyn had poignantly stated of the West and the weakening of the pillars of the nation state.
Here is quote from Chungs article.
Is Carlson not aware that President Putin in a recent speech had referred to those Russian oligarchs who betrayed Russia, those that were connected to Moscow on the Thames within the City of London – President Putin referred to these traitors as “Those who would sell their grandmothers to be given the opportunity to sit in the halls of their masters.” Paraphrasing here, but that was essentially what he said. Does that sound like a guy that wants to be courted by the West?
Its designed only as a kind of ‘footy match’. Everything is designed to cause division among the people. To keep us fighting each other down in the pits of the plebs sort of thing. Thats is the main way they keep focus off themselves (the puppet masters), and on things they control (politics, wars, medicine, education, gender crap etc etc).
This article affected me in the most profound way. I have been teaching on this very idea for the last 10 years or so, calling it “controlled opposition” and have come close to losing my job several times at a very woke california college (as well as my becoming disillusioned over the rampant “handling” of students, i.e., inculcation vs. education).
The article is not confirmation bias for me, it is the relief that informed and articulate writers are starting the conversation, and it gives me hope.
Jason Baker
So what does all this mean, where is it going, can anyone answer that ?
What it means is that this is the first time most Americans have heard Mr. Putin speak. US war industry needs to invent a permanent “bad guy” or “war criminal,” otherwise they’ll have no excuse to bleed US taxpayers dry.
Are you suggesting that if the world was at peace the US (or any other country) wouldn’t reduce their debt and make their citizens life better? Just US or every Western country?
Are you trolling ? Sounds like it. If so hope the pay’s enough for your soul.
You’re over thinking this one big time.
So, what was the actual purpose of this interview? To rehabilitate Putin in the eyes of western audiences so as to pivot to the new show, namely the war with China?
No. It was simply to reveal the truth behind the war. Beyond that is just paranoia and conjecture.
It wasn’t a good interview then. Putin conveniently rewrote history and wasn’t challenged on anything, E.g. War crimes, ‘Nazification’ etc.
In your opinion he re-wrote history. If you wanted to criticize something about the interview, why not start with the fact he didn’t go deep enough? No mention of Victoria Nuland’s “fuck the EU”, no mention of Joe, Hunter, Obama, etc. No mention of bioweapons labs, or vice related businesses. I can add more if you like…
you just show that you either don t understand or did not listen to the interview because of your own prejudices
The interview must be listened to as a source of information and without any prejudice.
You may like Putin or not. But you should really listen to what was said
I can assure you I did. Talking about stuff hundreds of years ago to justify things. Most borders have changed over hundreds of years. Get over it mate! Just deflection. Carlson even said so himself in so many words.
If you listened carefully Putin contradicted himself over the ‘Nazism’ stuff too.
Sounds like you didn’t listen.🤷♂️
Putin is placing Russia into a rooted historical context. Rich history the the USA does not have and perhaps Carlson does/ did not understand being the cultural produkt of a country without roots. From memory, i recall that Putin underscored that Carlson ” had studied history, right”? Irony ? may be . It underscore that the USA erased the culture, erased the people living there previous to colonisation . A rootless country without history. Perhaps it is too subtle for you.
Puting the present into historical context is totally different from a justification.
Justification of the war was given by Putine. First the Maidan agreements that were not respected. Neither by Ukraine nor by co signagories France and Germany. And last, we are coming to it, is that Putin started peace talks wit Ukraine in Turkey and that Boris Johnson, an US puppet travelled to Kiev to disapproved of it and told zelensky to continue the war. The ” west” would provide weapons and monnies. That was said during the interview.
I will add : monnies and arms provided without the citizens/ taxpayers consents .
Oh come on Nina. The heart of the matter is Russia illegally invaded Ukraine. You’ve been listening to Putin far too much and believing his (mostly) tosh. His excuses for invading were scant.
He purposely aggravated those agreements for them to fail. No idea what Bojo has to do with anything. Yet more deflection. Zelensky has said publicly many times his country does not want to give up land. It is there’s. Russia only intends to negotiate whilst still on Ukraines land. Stalemate.
” no idea what Bojo has to do with anything”
Really ????
Well i am not going to lose my time further.
“No idea what Bojo has to do with anything ”
You are definitely a troll !!! i hope it pays well
The Mark of Bojo
Tucker: Do you think Zelensky has the freedom to negotiate a settlement to this conflict? . . . do you think at this point, as of February 2024, he has the latitude, the freedom, to speak with you or your government directly about putting an end to this, which clearly isn’t helping his country or the world. Can he do that, do you think?
Vladimir Putin: Why not? He considers himself a head of state. He won the elections. Although we believe in Russia that the coup d’etat is the primary source of power for everything that happened after 2014. And in this sense, even today, government is flawed. But he considers himself the president and he is recognized by the United States, all of Europe, and practically the rest of the world in such a capacity. Why not? He can.
We negotiated with Ukraine in Istanbul. We agreed. He was aware of this. Moreover, the negotiation group leader, Mr. Arakhamia, his last name I believe, still heads the faction of the ruling party, the party of the president in the Rada. He still heads the presidential faction in the Rada, the country’s parliament. He still sits there. He even put his preliminary signature on the document. I am telling you. But then he publicly stated to the whole world, we were ready to sign this document but Mr. Johnson, then the Prime Minister, came and dissuaded us from doing this, saying it was better to fight Russia. They would give everything needed for us to return what was lost during the clashes with Russia. And we agreed with this proposal. Look, his statement has been published. He said it publicly.
Can they return to this or not? The question is, do they want it or not? Further on, president of Ukraine issued a decree prohibiting negotiations with us. Let him cancel that decree. And that’s it. We have never refused negotiations indeed. We hear all the time, is Russia ready? Yes. We have not refused. It was them who publicly refused. Well, let him cancel his decree and enter into negotiations. We have never refused. And the fact that they obey the demand or persuasion of Mr. Johnson, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, seems ridiculous. And it’s very sad to me because, as Mr. Arakhamia put it, we could have stopped those hostilities with war a year and a half ago already. But the British persuaded us and we refused this. Where is Mr. Johnson now? And the war continues.
Tucker: So I just want to make sure I’m not misunderstanding what you’re saying. I don’t think that I am. I think you’re saying you want a negotiated settlement to what’s happening in Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin: Right. And we made it. We prepared the huge document in Istanbul that was initialed by the head of the Ukrainian delegation. He had fixed his signature to some of the provisions, not to all of it. He put his signature and then he himself said, we were ready to sign it, and the war would have been over long ago. 18 months ago. However, Prime Minister Johnson came, talk to us out of it and we missed that chance. . . .
May 5, 2022
From Zelenskyy’s “surrender” to Putin’s surrender: how the negotiations with Russia are going
By Roman Romaniuk
“Istanbul Peace”
The first phase of Putin’s plan failed, and the blitzkrieg by the “world’s second greatest army” failed. But Russia’s president still believed he had enough strength to force Ukraine to surrender during the talks.
As Davyd Arakhamia, the leader of the Ukrainian negotiating team, said in an interview, Zelenskyy’s first task was to give the Russians the impression that Ukraine was ready to negotiate.
“The task was set so that a successful outcome would be the feeling that the Russian delegation would return home and report to their president that it is possible to talk to these people (members of the Ukrainian delegation – UP) and they could consider something,” said Arakhamia.
But the Russians came to the first round of talks not to talk, but to formalise Ukraine’s surrender.
“To cut a long story short, the essence of that agreement, David [Arakhamia] has it somewhere, is that we [Ukraine] are just giving up. And denazification and the rest [of the Russian side’s demands] are on top of all that”, said one member of the delegation.
It is clear that the delegation had neither the power nor the authority to comply with such demands. Especially since the instructions they had been given by the president were totally different.
“Our delegation went to the first meeting on 28 February with instructions that clearly stated that Russia must return to the borders as of 23 February, that is, no new occupation, withdrawal of troops and so on”, says one of the leading members of Zelenskyy’s team who was involved in preparing for the negotiations.
However, Arakhamia and Co. [the delegation] fulfilled the President’s main task: contact was established with Vladimir Medinsky [Putin’s chief negotiator] and, it must be said, is ongoing. . . .
As soon as the Ukrainian negotiators and Abramovich/Medinsky, following the outcome of Istanbul, had agreed on the structure of a future possible agreement in general terms, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson appeared in Kyiv almost without warning.
“Johnson brought two simple messages to Kyiv. The first is that Putin is a war criminal; he should be pressured, not negotiated with. And the second is that even if Ukraine is ready to sign some agreements on guarantees with Putin, they are not. We can sign [an agreement] with you [Ukraine], but not with him. Anyway, he will screw everyone over”, is how one of Zelenskyy’s close associates summed up the essence of Johnson’s visit.
Behind this visit and Johnson’s words, there is much more than a simple reluctance to get involved in agreements with Russia.
Johnson’s position was that the collective West, which back in February had suggested Zelenskyy should surrender and flee, now felt that Putin was not really as powerful as they had previously imagined.
thank you. Even i, an uneducafed woman knew this about bl** dy clown johnson, US puppet !!.
I find the degree of ignorance on this subject really shocking.
You can find everything on internet.
Not as exciting as ” gaming” ???
“Who is Caesar?
A core part of Caesar’s strategy is that you can never clearly identify him. When his name is first mentioned we recall a guy from two thousand years ago – Gaius Julius Caesar – the general who seized power in the last days of the Roman Republic and became its first dictator. But his name, Caesar, transformed into a title for all the many Emperors that followed him, eventually becoming Kaiser and Tsar, with such titles still in active use today.
In all these cases, the person of any individual Caesar is irrelevant, for Caesar lives on symbolically wherever earthly power is exercised. The truth is therefore unavoidable; there is not just one but millions of Caesars, all servants to the One Caesar, all exercising POWER in the OUTER WORLD over SPACE-TIME-EVENTS. This is the definition we must constantly bear in mind for Caesar is present wherever there is ownership, trade, currency, hierarchy, and law. And he (but sometimes she) always demands tribute.
Caesar rules the capitalist system. But he also rules the communist system. He is a socialist, marxist, libertarian, and conservative, all at the same time. He is a registered Republican and a campaigning Democrat, and will encourage you to support any side of an election or referendum that suits his ends. In truth then all political parties belong to him, but because Caesar is no fool he covers his bases by also being the ruler of all revolutionary movements as well as all the authorities and bureaucracies which prop up his status quo. He is the system, and the anti-system.”
This is the best analysis of the Putin interview I’ve seen so far. I read Off-Guardian because Kit’s stuff is always spot-on.
This is classic. All you ‘alternative’/’Truth’ people turning on yourselves as you see your slice of the pie getting smaller and smaller ……. (E.g. Owens vs Shapiro etc.).
I will continue to enjoy watching this.
With respect, though, I think Knightly is leaning a little too heavily into the “look out, he’s just another infiltrator” narrative that has been fracturing the Freedom movement heavily the past couple of years. What bothers me about that is twofold: 1) it plays into intelligence agency fifth generation warfare, i.e. psyops, which promotes the threat of infiltrators to cause division within the movement; and 2) it allows zero possibility that even a major media figure is capable of having an epiphany, an awakening that puts them on the path to truth. Surely scientists do this all the time—if they have integrity—change their opinions based on new data. In a sense this is part of the meta-narrative in Western culture right now emanating from the “woke” psyop: there is NO possibility of redemption, something that at least the Christianity they’re trying to destroy allowed as a potential for everyone.
I agree.
if a public figure had a genuine epiphany and started spouting a truth that was inconvenient to the people who own and want to run everything for their own benefit, he would not be broadcast anywhere within this controlled media space, and you would likely not hear of his truths nor his epiphany.
A perfect example of a scientist taking a journey to the truth would be Michael Yeadon, former head of Pfizer research, now being labeled by MSM as an anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist. He was called out too quickly by the anti-jab crowd as “controlled opposition” (which is a serious problem I believe), but in fact, he was still on his truth trauma journey. He has now landed in the no virus camp and has signed the challenge to other scientists to prove virus exists. He just needed time to come around.
Good article.
The most indicative part of the interview was the things that weren’t discussed. No mention of Gaza / Israel, 911, JFK, Jewish domination / ZOG, Chabad Lubavitch, MRNA / the covid scam, CBDC’s, 4IR etc. etc.
Interesting that both Carlson and Putin have been pictured wearing the red Kabbalist wrist band. Perhaps they have more in common they we realise?
Also Putin implying that Carlson was CIA. Very interesting response from Carlson who didn’t even register which perhaps implies some sort of training. The natural thing would be to either make a joke or offer a denial not stonewall. Putin also implying ‘you’ i.e. CIA were behind NordStream explosion.
What did we learn – not a lot it appears. A heavily scripted non event but as the article suggests has everyone discussing it.
Which is also what we are doing here 😁
Like him or loath him, Icke has been saying this for a long time. The new alternative media is captured. This far and no further
Doesn’t take genus to figure that out..
then the David icke website should lead by example instead of constantly promoting Tucker Carson and & Alex jones and co on the Icke website.
simple really, if there promoting politics and religion there shill;s !!
where did you learn to spell ?
It would have been even more interesting and spicy if Tucker had interviewed Medvedev. Then the oligarchy really would have sh*t their pants.
He ain’t a club member.
Tucker and his Kabbalah red string worn around his left wrist. Shows where his loyalties really lay.
“It’s 2024 & the world is being hurried fast toward the Brave New (“multipolar”) Normal. Russia is on board with Agenda 2030 & very powerful western establishment voices are now promoting Putin & his once-sidelined views.” Even the West isn’t on board for Agenda 2030 so I don’t think Russia would be. Agenda 2030 died at Cop 28 as it was rejected by the Global south. Did you read the Russian submission? The West plays lip-service to 2030 but it’s insane plan for war with Russia is incompatible with Green goals.It’s only a question of lip service now! Germany has just announced 4 new gas-powered electricity plants. Off -Guardian labours the claim that governments everywhere are in tow to the WEF but the BRICS are now creating their own independent institutions. the West is divided between hard power, which it patently doesn’t have, as illustrated in Ukraine and soft power which has already failed and is now disintegrating. If I were you I’d concentrate on how to deal with this problem rather than throwing mud against everyone who tries to and against the global south
oh God, for the umpteenth time – there are no countries, mr.beale, the world is one giant business!
Thank you for encapsulating the Neo-marxist view!
And the Corparasites monopoly/oligopoly view.
Thank You.
X is great for running AI on public opinion, collecting data, better control, simulation. Cybernetics. Of course it is the “new media”.
Did you ever consider that thinking “everything is controlled” might damage individual freedom more than taking our wins when we have them ? Talk about blackpilling and controlled opposition. Breaking news: all mass media is propaganda. Some is helpful for us, those who like to decide how to live their lives, and are not forgoing the responsibility that comes with it.
it’s not a win. go back to sheep. tucker calrson, russell brand, joe rogan, alex jones are not your friend.
Stop over thinking and over analyzing. Millions of idiots just got exposed to the truth behind the war. This assessment is paranoid and silly.
It was clear from the interweb of TBL @ CERN, Geneva – I had a friend who worked alongside him who said to me… “it’s all about to go cataclysimic, mate” – when emails became the new tech-thingy and people started asking – “why is this person shouting at me”? upon receiving a message in CAPITALS… it was clear how easily would the minds become malleable, predictable and fully adjustable.
So this latest strategy, as with so many in the past 15 years or so, was always predictable, persuasive & poisonously problematic – for the ‘consumer that is.
Decades of broadsheet msm regularity and acceptance – still wasting paper in forest loads – veered, careered and careened with malevolent purpose to corral many a weak-minded, malleable, inert, apathetic, idle and plain stupid f*ck-wit with spells, gossip and titillating wicked skull-f*ckery…. marching relentlessly toward the smart-device and easy win to breed the digitally lobotomised.
No… No surprises here… but then when We [some of us spoke] questioning official narratives as did I 12+ years ago… the low-hanging tags of conspiracy theorist!! were easily reached like some bread-fruit to the deranged coagulation of the scrumping masses.
tucker carlson…? who he? the painted platinum-primped pantomime of us news purveyors daily indigestible slurry… murdochs stew from the slough of despond.
Switching off – avoid being ‘offended’ – changing channel or detuning to reconnect to some form of natures wonders or Humans Humanity, compassion and care that is burgeoning… cohesive and inclusive… EXACTLY what this news sh*t show does not want Humanity to be… survive & thrive.
Let us be under no illusion that long past on the journey a fork in the road for humanity where one direction was uncertain, unknown and required courage, heart & belief to follow… the other yellow-brick, neon signposted to relentless rabid consumerism, materialist satisfaction and adherence to an establishment illusion… on the one road a kind of elevation, ascension, liberation and sense of adventure from once upon a time kindled progress and positivity… on the other a kind devolution or stasis of lifeforms – by comparison – resembling a putrid, transparent slug-like thing, desperately thrashing to pull its own barely formed anus free from a cloying meniscus atop a festering primordial slurry… good luck with that one.
tucker carlson and the rest of the fox idiocy possessing stupefying delusions of adequacy, adorned with smirks, furrowed brows, perfect teeth and a sh*t ton of maybelline made-up muck… no wonder so many of them have a profile on muck rack – where else would they be found with yet another self-promoting profile…
for what it’s worth… my 2 centavos
YES! Also; Tucker would never had been allowed anywhere near Putin, if he in any way could pose a real “threat” to the agenda of the hidden hand, not least in being allowed to ask questions freely. It’s all theatrical, and nauseating. CHEERs! 🙂
In the very late 1980s I wrote a love song to Russia, probably inspired by the break-up of the USSR. I had already lived in New York City, LA, Denver, didn’t particularly like the US, too many extremes and conflicts.
I never made it to Russia. The largest country in the ‘known’ world, 60 nationalities, 6 time zones. From the Bering Straits to the Baltic. Of course it’s important. The HISTORY. And of course it’s different from the Angloverse that we still just about live in.
‘Deep within my Slavic heart
I hate the conflict that keeps us apart
We got off to a difficult start
I want to take you to a Soviet reunion
Let me take you to the Soviet Reunion.
Dirty tricks and politics
the rule of the gun.
We went to the Party,
but we didn’t have fun.
Won’t you meet me by the Mausoleum
I wanna take to the Soviet reunion.
Let me take you to the Soviet reunion.
We can wander in the dark
through the trees in Gorky Park.
I want to take you to a missile base.
hold your hands and kiss your face.
We can walk the endless miles
on the way from our exile
And talk about the fun we had
when we fought in Stalingrad.
We went to the Party but we couldn’t get in.
I really think we ought to try again.
Don’t want to run the race
that no one can win.
I want to take you to the Soviet Reunion.
Please let me take you to the
Soviet Reunion.
We can wander in the dark
through the trees in Gorky Park.
I wanna take you to a missile base
hold your hands and kiss your face.
We can walk all the endless miles
on the way from our exile.
And talk about all the fun we had
when we starved in Leningrad.
In between the ideals of Judges and Kings,
the Military-Industrial scheme of things.
I have a vision of a Heart with Wings.
I want to take you to the Soviet Reunion
Please let me take you to the Soviet Reunion.
We can wander in the dark
through the trees in Gorky Park.
I wanna take you to a missile base,
hold your hands and kiss your face.
We can walk the endless miles
on the way from our exile,
and talk about all the fun we had
when we starved in Leningrad.
We went to the Party but we couldn’t get in.
I really think we ought to try again.
Don’t want to run the race that NO-ONE can win.
I want to take you to the Soviet Reunion.
Please let me take you to the Soviet Reunion.
Thank you! I was born in the USSR, left it for Europe 30 years ago. I share my Slavic heart with you. My husband also shares his heart with our Slavic heart. We are also musicians, also guitar players. Great appreciation for your art. Beautiful piece of music.
hmmm, can’t see CNN or any of the others interviewing Putiin no matter what new clothes they wear.
Not sure if it is obvious to any one ?
But Tucker Carlson even with his good intentions, seems bewildered by all of his guests !
it is clear that he will go anywhere without doing an inch of home work !
As we just seen an totally gob smacked Carlson returning to his hotel room wandering what on earth jus happened !
If he had done some home work he would have understood why Putin went into the history of Russia, that throughout history has been divided many times by the Zionist Bolshevik movement on all fronts and after spread to many other country’s like Germany where Hitler picked up this very movement under another name.
But the whole point in this was that Putin was telling us all that no matter what, his country all way’s found a way to re unite till this day.
Tucker kept asking to get answers to who Putin thought was responsible for the breakdown in agreements and the war in Ukraine for good reason, you see Putin knows if he would have named the sources, it would leave all open to speculation and his motives for stating or giving the answers.
Putin knowing this he merely responded to ask the American people, thereby if one hears it from it’s own countryman there would NOT be any question or speculation
What better way to hear TRUTH than from the one who deceived you ?
Further you may want to know that Mr Putin is a black belt in Taekwondo !
when one learns the art of martial arts one learns self discipline and to respect one’s opponent no matter what and never to act in anger
He has shown these traits, he never at any point did smear, put down or belittle anyone, yes not even his no 1 enemy Zelenskyy
But in the west we are accustomed to see anyone right out of the gate to look for one’s skeletons in the closed amongst other smear tactics
you see Mr Putin har learned self composure and self respect, never to attack his opponents in anger no matter what
Yes we all have a past, some darker than others, but we are here to learn and to better our selfs, so instead of condoning Mr Putin for his past, we should be applauding him for having changed for the better, don’t you think ?
Many are speculating as to why he removed his watch at the very beginning ?
Well it was a polite gesture to let Tucker know : I will give you all the time you need !!!
All this is mere view as an observer !
thank you for reading
‘Not sure if it is obvious to any one ?
But Tucker Carlson even with his good intentions, seems bewildered by all of his guests !
it is clear that he will go anywhere without doing an inch of home work’
Tucker ain’t the sharpest tool in the drawer, but then that’s the first qualification for Foxaphants.
“With a modem, anyone can follow the world and report on the world – no middle man, no big brother. I guess this changes everything.” – Matt Drudge
sure they can, but it doesn’t mean anyone will hear you, find you, or notice what you say without promotion by search engines, other websites, platforms, etc. and those are already controlled.
why anyone expects a product of DARPA that was co-opted from the earliest days by capitalists to do anything than what it is doing is a mystery to me.
The reason that all the MSM have covered this was becaue they knew as it was Tucker his audience would be huge. However the MSM have merely done hit pieces on it with the intention that their readers will not bother to listen to the actual interview as they are lazy and will think they ‘know’ what the interview was about as they read the ‘review.’. This is how the MSM operate and it works.
Not everyone is on board with the globalists. Of course there are globalists in Russia as well as the West but Putin is a moderate. Wait until a real Russian neocon becomes President and then we’ll really see.
“with the intention that their readers will not bother to listen to the actual interview as they are lazy”
This is so true.
It works both ways though. I’ve caught this and many other ‘alternative’ websites doing the same thing relying on readers not checking on what their being told! Look through previous articles and find me and you’ll see (the posts that aren’t removed anyway!
For the main part they should be removed .
Excellent article. This ‘gamification’ of the world-wide social-mind was written about by Oliver L. Reiser as a desired emergent behavior in his book The World Sensorium – The Social Embryology of World Federation (1946).
Alison McDowell, a researcher from Philadelphia, has done a deep-dive into this subject on her channel.
The Oliver Stone interview lacked the Carlson level of high-profile coverage because the Western world wasn’t fighting a proxy war against Russia at the time.
If the Ukranian war had never happened but Tucker Carlson got an exclusive Putin interview, it too probably would not have gained much interest outside of his immediate fanbase and “political nerd” circles. It certainly would not have taken over the global media narrative for days on end.
Context,you see? It’s all about context.
The Oliver Stone interviews were exceptional – Stone asked all the hard question & Putin answered them. The Oliver Stone Interviews with Putin were the best ever. No contest.
Cynical much? Isn’t journalism about the relentless pursuit of truth? What is truth you say? It has no agenda to confirm, to control, to persuade or to force. It is self evident and exposes false narratives, deceptions and lies. Truth is liberty and freedom and light. So when someone, anyone “goes into the light”, if you are a truth seeker and especially a journalist you will encourage him, even applaud him. Otherwise it is you who sound like disinformation.
The finer details really don’t matter to me, deep analysis etc, it’s the fact that loads of people fall for this shit.
I won’t be watching this anytime soon. But I sit stunned that when something is so obviously fake and manipulative so many people just go along with it.
What is wrong with the people who don’t ask questions.
– David Irving, David Icke, Ye, and Dr John Campbell all spring to mind.
Follow the red string Tucker’s wearing round his left wrist….
Unlike some, I stopped watching alt media several years ago (the nearest to it I get is the comment section of blog like this.)
If your reading OFFG or BBC of alt media like UK shillum or Jones
and its millions of copy cats channels feeding you surface level dis formation, so you can scream at the migrants or Bill Gates, this is surface level disinformation to keep you ‘entrained’ and in ‘mind control’.
less than 3 years ago, you was locked up in your homes(remember????) by your own government/s sold to you as patriots / nationalists wanting to put the country first, populist leaders fighting for the people you was told (by alt media). Trump, Boris, Giuseppe Conte, Orban, Bolsonaro and Tucker Carson man of the people had double jabbed logo on there profiles. They happily lock you up sold you and your country out then had a fake half a change of mind when it was fashionable to do so.
Less than 3 year ago, you and your families were forced vaccinated. (remember????) do you remember..??
in 2024, your still working out, if Carson or Putin is one of the good guys. Your lives so uneventful that you need to watch something as low vibe as Tucker and Putin.
That is what is meant by mind-control..
..and life goes on: https://youtu.be/BtY3rclXdBY
try to edit the comment and it got pended.
Happens sometimes. Sorry about that. A2
Well, I’ve been reading Off-Guardian for some time, being suspended myself years ago but never got in to any discussions/comments before….
I say one thing, Kit has a very valid point on possibility, or rather reality of 5th column coming on the other side to seed descend and corrupt the message, that is REALL, and it WILL happened.
I’m not sure though if Taker is a good example of that, at least not yet. He was/is a variant voice against Covid vaccinations, illegal emigration, HWO treaties, Digital central bank currency and war in Ukraine to point just a few examples. Maybe he did wake up, I’ve seen people in my live who I thought will never wake up but they did….
Once more I agree with Kit we need to be vigilant but for now I will give Tucker a credit and when I see that he is not what I thought he was I will stop listening to him that day.
Why? Why people would stop listening to a CIA agent pretending to be a journalist. No, serious. What does it change? And do you believe him now? I think it means that you believe him and after that not believe. Even the mainstream can say things that are true or things that are lies, but betray information.
It’s not really a question of believing or not, it’s more question about what he is saying. I watch his interviews when he was still on FOX and I have to say he was the ONLY reasonable voice in MSA media that normally thinking person could listen too. I’m not saying that I know for 100% that he is on the level, but I don’t see evidence that he is trying to deceived me, us.
SO until I see these evidence I will give him a benefit of doubt and I would listen top what he has to say.
As for the interview itself, I think he made a deal with Putin that he will give him a platform to stat his case and that is how/why he got it….is that wrong?….I don’t think so, after all nobody on the West is willing to do that 😉
the swiss have come to a similar conclusion: https://swprs.org/fox-news-tucker-carlson-and-the-american-empire/
Vladimir Putin himself drew the analogy with the Roman Empire. That was the ancient world’s equivalent of the WEF’s dream: one power center and quietude all around.
We know the result centuries later: a lifeless uniform giant succumbing to “outside barbarians”. Present Homo sapiens is out of inspiration because of the natural limits of its mental-vital consciousness. A dead end, just like the great Apes met before us.
In Ancient Greece when a messenger brought good news he was praised and handsomely rewarded but if he brought bad news he was beaten or killed.
MSM so called journalists know that well as it bought them good living. So they sing a song and praise those whose hand feeds them as Schopenhauer wrote. .
That is exactly reaction of western MSM to Carson’s interview with Putin.
Carson brought bad news to Official America and her mental vassals namely that Putin is calm, confident and rational grounded in history, filled with no reciprocal hatred, able to envision change to some day continue globalist project beyond BRICS+ world.
Putin conveyed to western audiences his commitment to globalist project but on BRICS+ terms of complete cultural independence. No wonder that today Putin is considered in Russia as most pro western politician of significant statue. Just read Medvedev posts in last two years to compare what moderate nationalistic views in Russia look like.
I am sure that such message solicited anger also among political independents but only among those who naively attached their anti globalization hope to Putin nationalist agenda. Putin himself implied in the interview that with western isolationist agenda we all will lose as globalization project will be disrupted.
In my understanding what a journalist must do is to bring a message to public, contextualize it and expose it in a readable, understandable for given cultural form so public can comprehend message and make up their own informed minds.
Carlson in my opinion mostly failed to achieved that maximalistic goal while solicited “blaming the messenger” accusations. Perhaps it was Carlson who pushed or supported US globalist agenda but I am pretty sure that Putin did.
There is as I see it really no place for journalistic biasing the message with personal opinions and agendas. Public must be the ultimate judge of content. I think that’s the way Carson interview should be judged.
While all journalists have their own interests and agendas they want to pursue I am always more interested in agendas of interviewee rather than interviewer. in contrast to most Americans I mostly don’t “like” those whose opinions I share as I detach man from message same way like I detach artist from his art.
What was Carson agenda however is clear he wanted publicity to attract more investors for his big media project and hence he wanted something spectacular, an event shocking by its daring (he interviewed supposedly “devil” himself) not really interested or capable to extract any new content. Instead he did become simply a conduit for standard Putin message unable or more precisely incapable of engaging Putin into any sort of polemic that could have been quite enlightening.