When “Good for You” is Too Good

Todd Hayen

The ultimate “good for you” is to be dead. At least that is what it would be if some outside authority, or entity, was watching our human behaviour and assessing what looks to be the “best” for us–meaning that if we are dead, nothing bad can happen to us. I would assume that if we fed all of the information a typical human life creates into a supercomputer, and then asked it “What is the best state of being for a human being” it would spit out, “that it never be born, and if alive, it would be safest, (best, good,) for it to be dead.”

The next notch down from this perfection would be to live in a bubble, literally. Apparently, there are some people who have no immune systems who have to do this (remember the Seinfeld episode, “The Bubble Boy”?)

The next notch down is to be a recluse, to live on some little patch of land, in a little house, and venture out only into your local neighbourhood to buy fish sticks, Twinkies, and RC Cola. You would never fly in a plane, and never drive as well.

The next notch down is the spot that most people seem to wish they occupied. This place in the sun is actually sunless. Or at least as sunless as you can make it. Here we find gobs of sunscreen, dark glasses on cloudy days, heavy coats in the fall, and umbrellas in summer. We find ourselves avoiding nearly everything that can be avoided, except the things, of course, that actually do harm us, like McDonalds’ “Big Macs” and a nice can of Diet Coke. Here we avoid travel to dicey countries (which includes nearly all of them), if we travel at all. We avoid being in the same room with someone who is coughing or sneezing or looking the least bit odd, and we essentially avoid taking any risks whatsoever. Nearly everything is dangerous, and it is best to avoid anything unknown, dubious in nature, or not recommended by the guys and gals in white coats with the antique medical device hanging around their neck.

A person at this level of existence is alive but certainly not living.

Why are people into this? Well, once again, we can thank Mr. Agenda. Before I was “awakened” I used to muse at this phenomenon and wonder how it could have happened naturally and organically. I thought about all the men clambering on board boats and planes to go to Europe to fight in the trenches in 1917, as well as in 1941. I thought of the scads of pioneers setting out on the perilous journey across the American continent during the decades after the Civil War. I thought of the untold numbers who left the comfort of their homes (which at the time probably wasn’t all that comfortable) to hazard the jungles of Central America to work on the malaria-infested Panama Canal, and the same untold numbers of brave men and women who set out on various journeys in dark and dangerous parts of the world to pursue fame and fortune, or to lend their humanitarian hand in helping others less fortunate.

Where are all of these people today? Sure, there are a few left, but nowhere as many as there used to be. Now most people are terrified to step out of their house, and if they are told by Big Brother to avoid coming close to other humans, or to wear a piece of paper or cloth over their quivering face, they do so frantically and obediently. Did this decline in chutzpah happen as a natural consequence of social evolution?

No. I don’t think so. Now I believe it is part of the plan—the agenda. Ol’ Dr. Paranoia’s mind at work again. Maybe so, but I suspect there are a lot of you out there in the same psych ward as me.

Not only have we been dumbed down, but our natural sense of “joie de vivre” has been all but entirely sucked out of our collective soul. I see this particularly in men, which needless to say have been a major focus of the agenda. But, of course, it is found in all of us, men and women alike.

We have become a nation (or nations) of wimps. When a Covid particle allegedly enters a room, we jump up on the nearest chair and shriek, much like the proverbial fragile women of the Victorian age presumably did when they saw a mouse (if they did this, it was probably all an act to help men feel more manly). Only difference is that you can see a mouse, but you must be told the Covid particle is in the air. And guess who told us? Yep, Mr. Agenda. We are wimps. Enough said. And the agenda wishes us to be wimps because fear is the devil’s greatest and most effective weapon.

Along with fear, there is the carrot—a reward for behaviour, or even an enticement to comply by convincing us whatever we are expected to comply with is good for us. And not only us, but for everyone! So, the vaccine is good for us because it keeps us from getting a deadly disease (or so we are told). Wearing masks is good for us, and keeping a “social distance” is good for us. All these things keep us safe, wearing latex gloves, sloshing poison disinfectant on our hands, and staying at home out of the swarm of Covid nasties flying about on the street. We must do what we can to live safe lives, safe from all the horrible things that nature wants to throw at us. Always remember, the agenda tells us, nature is our enemy.

And this is only part of it. We are now protected from everything because just about everything wants to take a chunk out of us. Not only that, but it isn’t even good for us to own things, because owning things is a pain, and makes our life difficult. It is much easier to just rent stuff. It is also good for us to be lazy and avoid doing anything at all. Why not play virtual games rather than travel, why not have that conference that took us to Las Vegas every year in our bedroom on Zoom? Why not have therapy virtually, or even visit our doctor through the computer or phone?

Why not get a salary paid by the government for doing nothing? How about getting an advanced academic degree without having to go to any classes? What about winning a gold medal in women’s swimming when you are a man and can beat all those little ladies’ times in your sleep? Sure, it is best for us not to drive too much or have to go out of town to meet friends or go to that cool restaurant that’s 20 miles away. It’s safer and better for us to work at home too. In fact, why not just stay at home and do everything there, and have every meal there, even if we want a nice evening without having to stay at home, which used to be a nice visit to a beautiful restaurant, with maybe some nice live music. Nope. Now it’s Uber Eats. That’s good too. It’s all good for us, safe, convenient, takes no effort or skill, and fun. We’re happy, right?

Anyone know where you can buy a nice, cheap, plastic bubble?

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Feb 12, 2024 8:10 PM

“The next notch down from this perfection would be to live in a bubble, literally.”

Obviously not. If the best for you is to be dead, the next best has been demonstrated in Ukraine and the US wonderfully: ready to die for no good reason at all, just because you get asked to die. Ready to go to Heaven at the first available opportunity, when you get asked. That is the tradition, and for sure the tradition ain’t changing. You yourself are recommending to follow the tradition, telling people not to be scared of contagious disease, because, because… yeah, the best for you is to go to Heaven as soon as you are asked. The authorities never stopped being evil, as the author of this article well demonstrates.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Feb 12, 2024 1:18 PM

 It’s all good for us, safe, convenient, takes no effort or skill, and fun.

 Here’s something else that fits that description – the betting economy. Speculators never really lose (quantitative easing rescues) so it’s good for THEM and they make stupid money just by betting on things like “natural disasters”, etc. And they definitely live in a bubble.

“China has kept money creation in the hands of the government itself so that when the government creates money it can finance the creation of factory plants and equipment, dams, transportation infrastructure, public housing.”

“So the chief public utility to be kept in the public domain, (China realizes and has realized from the beginning) is the banking system and credit creation, even so there’s still private credit creation to some extent.” 

“You have to prevent people from getting rich not by providing any productive service at all but just by being good rip-off artists. That’s basically what finance capitalism is: opportunity for rip-off artists to get rich by taking money away from the 99%, into their own hands.”
~ Michael Hudson

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 11, 2024 11:37 PM

Great article. Enough said.

Feb 11, 2024 10:52 PM

The silent comfort of nothingness, yes please.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Feb 11, 2024 5:31 PM

Yesterday I got the following email from a friend. I responded with the following comment. I had just read Todd’s article and for whatever reason I felt it appropriate to post my reply to her as a comment under Todd’s article. I would imagine that the vast majority of off-G commenters would regard this comment as total rubbish. So be it. A few may not.


Hi G 

How are you? 

Was just taking to a friend that said the earth is not flat, I always thought that it is . What do you think? 🤔 

This “flat earth theory” has had a growing popularity for the last 10 years, and as a committed independent thinker, I have given it a lot of consideration. The question is not a simple yes or no answer as one might imagine. I agree with both David Icke and the late Robert Monroe (who died in 1995) that we all (with perhaps some tiny exceptions) live in an illusion. This idea can be traced back 3000 years to the ancient Sanskrit scholars of India who referred to this illusion as “maya.” Monroe referred to it from the vantage point of 30 years of out of body astral journeys as the space-time illusion. Icke does embrace this idea, but unlike Monroe, goes a step further and claims that humanity has been deliberately trapped in this illusion by a nefarious psychotic consciousness which feeds on the energy as symbolically shown in the film, The Matrix. Actually, Icke prefers to refer to the illusion itself as the matrix. Monroe conceded that life on earth revolved around this illusion, and that most human consciousness (including himself) was not created on earth, but was created in a higher, less dense dimension, and that practically all humans who are not synthetic, entered the simulation because they had been interested in experiencing this illusion within a physical body. He also states that the earth illusion is incredibly addicting, and very difficult to leave. Icke and others now claim that a substantial number of physical humans on the planet have synthetic souls created by this nefarious force but have no connection to spirit which would connect them to the higher universe and to the creator. These people can be compared to NPC (non-player characters) of computer video games. Their mentality is controlled 100% by the AI computer created by this force which operates from the lower astral plane. One really big difference between spirited humans and synthetic humans is that the consciousness of the latter evaporates when it leaves their physical body and they do not participate in the reincarnation recycling, which is another giant kettle of fish which I won’t deal with here.

Icke claims that it is quite difficult to overcome this matrix simulation as the stimulus of our physical senses overwhelms any perceptions that we could derive from higher dimensions where reality is not perverted or simulated. He likes to use the analogy of people being born into a physical body with a very advanced and invisible “virtual reality” computer which only feeds them fake information through the physical senses. But because they are born with this reality hack, and have had a conscious memory wipe prior to incarnation, it is enormously difficult to overcome it, Built into the hack are the so called physical laws of the universe, which are the rules of the virtual reality game we play when in the physical body, and are actually arbitrary mathematical constructs.

Rudolf Steiner, the great Austrian mystic and founder of the Waldorf Schools, predicted around 1920, shortly before his death, that in the future there will be vaccines developed which primary objective is to further cut off all humans from any contact to their spiritual reality. I think that this has been one of the major objectives of the so-called mRNA fake vaccines. Icke claims that that there is a growing “truth vibration” entering the earth now which is reducing the effectiveness of the matrix simulation hack. The insane force controlling the planet from the lower astral is attempting to counter this by creating a simulation within a simulation. It is doing this initially using cutting edge technology referred to as “virtual reality” sets. My son has one and loves it. Apple just last week came out with a major advance on this which has created quite a stir among the techie community called Vision Pro. People are starting to walk the city streets and drive their cars using this headset. This is just a stepping stone to building a total simulation within the simulation. Musk announce this week that his Neuralink has just implanted a chip within a human that can interact with computers without wires. This will rapidly evolve from a single fairly large chip to a multitude of nano sized chips capable of passing through the blood/brain barrier which will allow all human consciousness to be controlled by a worldwide AI “cloud” computer via his thousands of Space X satellites circling the planet and bathing it everywhere with wifi 5G and up. This will essentially allow people to be implanted with these chips via a fake vaccine injection and turn them essentially into the Borg as portrayed by Star Trek: The Next Generation. This technology, of course, already exists in the DUMBs (deep underground military bases) and will be rolled out as soon as people are ready for the next step of their enslavement.

Well, let me get back to your original question as to whether the flat earth theory is true or not. The answer is that neither the flat earth of the global earth theories are true. However, all the information that my analysis has uncovered is that the global earth theory is the current construct of the simulation matrix. This is not to imply that the insane force writing the program of the current simulation could not rewrite it on a whim, and change all our current “laws of physics,” making the flat earth theory the operant simulation of our virtual reality game. When I was constructing the layout of my solar panels when building my (formerly) off grid house, I had to study deeply the purported movement of the earth, both as to its daily rotation and it orbit around the sun, including that its axis of rotation was tilted 23 degrees from the plane of its orbit. This included my latitude of 17 degrees north of the equator. This was necessary in order to place the panels in such a fashion to maximum their efficiency. This has given me an enhanced recognition that the global earth theory is the operant simulation which we live in. I suspect that the CIA has implanted the meme of the flat earth theory, in order simply to fuck up people’s heads, as they rolled out the “conspiracy theory” meme in 1967 in their 2 page clandestine white paper issued to the mockingbird media, already under their control, in order to counter the growing recognition among the US population that the JFK hit job was the work of this CIA. However, I will admit that I have encountered some very intelligent people who do subscribe to the flat earth theory. As stated above, neither theory is “true,” but the global theory is the one currently used by the matrix.

PS: I would recommend that you might read Robert Monroe’s trilogy, written over 30 years covering his out of body experiences. The first book can be found on Amazon at:


el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Feb 11, 2024 5:32 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

(continued) You also might consider reading David Icke’s last two books, The Dream and The Trap. The first half of The Dream is essentially an autobiography, and one might skip or skim it if so inclined. In the second half he lays out his theory of our simulation matrix in detail. The Trap builds the case that reincarnation is just a method for the insane force to continue to milk us of our energy. It cannot absorb energy automatically from the universe as almost all conscious beings can outside of the matrix, because it operates on such a low and perverse energy level. In order to survive, it must use humanity as an energy transformer to reduce its emotional energy output to a low enough level so that it can be utilized.

In a way this is similar to most plants that have two variants of chlorophyll in their leaves, A and B, which can only absorb and utilize blue and red light. The green light, in between these two, is reflected by the leaves, which gives us the subjective experience of leaves being green. From the vantage point of a plant, green is garbage. Unfortunately for humanity, in order to maximize the human output energy at these low vibrational levels, it must immerse humanity into experiences that generate low emotional vibrational states which include intense emotions of fear, pain, anger, hatred, etc. Humans on all levels are being manipulated to push their emotional output into these vibrational states.

Feb 11, 2024 10:28 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

That’s a beautiful summary of our situation. Isabella Greene and Howdie Mickoski also talk about the reincarnation trap that we’re in and how to Exit the Cave. They each have many interviews on YT. The Gnostics were correct about this whole solar system being a simulation. The Real World is adjacent in frequency. I can’t see it, but mystics can.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 12, 2024 12:51 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

You are just enjoying yourself. We the thinking people are wasting our time in negative with this kind of bs.

So your fantasy is a flat earth with two hairy balls, the Atlantic and the Pacific Seas, hanging down under. You see our planet as an ugly feature.

Its because we know the planet is a ball. It can be measured, seen, and rationalised.
So why should we waste our time on an ugly believe fantasy then, when we know the reality is a beauty?

Feb 12, 2024 6:56 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

The globe earth can be seen from where ?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 12, 2024 11:26 PM
Reply to  Marfanoid

Any long distance airplane.
You see the sun and the stars moves related to the earth.
In our human physics and geometry the earth as a ball is the only thing that makes logical intelligent sense.

Everything in heaven our universe and on earth is build up and bows and bends after the Golden Ratio.
The straight line dont exist in our organic world. We only use the straight as an office language to understand, get hold on and to measure down to the organic moving bending earth.
When you can see this Golden Ratio bending and bowing just when you look up in heaven, and you can see this just when you look at some flower, or tree, or landscape, or baby or yourself, then the flat pancake earth theory is absurd.

Isaiah 30:22 “It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a canopy, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in”.

Further, the Bible is the only ancient book which tells about the water’s cycle: Evaporation from the Seas to form water loaded skies, wind blowing it over land, cool off and rain to all organic to provide life giving drinking water to every living feature on earth.

After drinking, the surplus water flows back to the Seas again via groundwater, rivers and lakes which on top are reserves for dry seasons, and the cycle starts again. Intelligent design.

You cant make sense of anything if you dont have these universal principles at hand. All the best.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 13, 2024 4:37 AM
Reply to  Marfanoid

Any long distance plane:comment image

Feb 12, 2024 6:27 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Some cosmologists have speculated that everything here – the planet, our bodies, etc. – is a simulation. They say this is projected onto a screen having the same diameter as the expanding universe, but I have no idea what that means.

“What we call reality is just a consensual way of seeing the world. The internal dialogue grounds people to it.” -Carlos Castaneda, 1974

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 13, 2024 12:16 AM
Reply to  mgeo

A simulation inside people’s mind. The real world is set and cant be an illusion.
With group think you can ground people together in an illusion or a fantasy.
But the fraud is always caught red handed in the confrontation with the real world.

Feb 11, 2024 7:35 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Well said.Brilliant.So it’s flat yeah ?

Feb 11, 2024 10:29 PM
Reply to  Marfanoid

Dutchsinse, who predicts earthquakes, says it’s flat…all the way around. LOL

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 11, 2024 11:42 PM
Reply to  Marfanoid

Something to consider:

What NASA says:

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The Bedford Level experiment

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Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 12, 2024 1:34 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

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comment image?resize=480%2C269

This link is actually quite interesting: https://flatearthdeception.com/biblical-proofs-of-the-globe-earth/

Feb 11, 2024 10:16 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

The Internet Archive has a lot of the Monroe Institutes works available free online. FYI.

Feb 12, 2024 10:58 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Interesting post.
We can’t really know the shape of the earth, however we can say what it is not. The real evidence points towards it NOT being a spinning ball hurtling through space.
How can flying creatures and machines be both tethered to the earth’s atmosphere (birds and beeds travelling with earth’s rotation), and free of it (birds and bees free to move in any direction)? That makes zero sense and no scientist can explain it.
People who believe it is are too proud to admit they have been conned by the authors of the matrix.
No one would think the earth is a spinning ball had it not been drilled into our heads from birth. Indeed no one did until the last couple hundred years.
Ultimately people will choose to side with the majority than side with the truth. As long as they avoid ridicule, being singled out and alone.

Feb 11, 2024 5:23 PM

wee tale,

old neighbour got into his “wild” camping (wtf?) and being an outdoorsperson phase. .
came to me with all these “adventures”… i’d been part of forever, since a child/work, . . whit? all new to him and he in super-hero champion mode. Reality check? Instagram, check.

Anyway, he did champion this in his work/social group, good for them all. Some of his stories were scary-daft though: 30+ year old adults terrified of walking on steep slopes, crags and hill tops . . reduced to crawling (dozens of them!!!). i found this incomprehensible…
said pals own child couldn’t walk on uneven ground (vegetation or rock) without becoming blubbering wreck . ? . .da fuck??

what is that?

Fear? of what? or a genuine lack of a life?


Honestly, could they not have enjoyed the view, breeze and smells??
Naw, they went into fear mode.
: /

Feb 11, 2024 3:13 PM

“I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.”

Agatha Christie

Most people seem to be protecting themselves not from suffering, which is unavoidable, but from discomfort. They are never too hot, too cold, too hungry.
They are can’t sit in silence or go out and risk being socially awkward because all of that feels uncomfortable–and that’s scary.

Feb 11, 2024 5:01 PM
Reply to  MadLady

Thank you for the excellent quote.

Feb 11, 2024 2:35 PM

Throw in some frozen french fries and canned green beans and you have a day in the life of a 9 member family living in a tiny one bathroom, three bedroom house where dad was never home because he was always working. Mom worked too. Plenty of unsupervised time to beat on each other. We could not wait to get out of the house.

It won’t take long for those living on UBI in 15 minute city high rise cubicles to realize that they need to “bust out”. Once they start “beating” on each other, they will be clamoring to move away from the “the city”. Funny how history repeats itself.

Of course, their monthly UBI deposit will be delayed until their digital vaccine passport is fulfilled. Otherwise, no more Twinkies. We killed for Twinkies.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Feb 11, 2024 12:39 PM

I think there’s been a bit of a wobble.

The parasite’s Ponzi scheme depended on new customers to expand the profits so it made sense to mollycoddle us so we could continue the revenue stream.

Then, someone had the bright idea that AI would be a lot cheaper than real people so maybe they could dispose of a large number of us à la Billyboy.

Perhaps they’ve realised that AI isn’t going to cut it and the real people were needed after all.

Maybe that’s why NHS in UK for example have gone VERY quiet on the jabs and there’s a huge campaign at the minute for getting your bits checked out at every opportunity.

Just a thought.

Feb 11, 2024 12:10 PM

Life is a gift, to be truly appreciated must be lived in ‘the now’ & why it’s called; ‘the present.’
All wars begin between the ears.
Peace is a feeling & a practice, not the absence of war.
The ability too think is a gift from our creator, what we choose too think about, is a gift/curse too ourselves.
Choose wisely & practice well. ✌️🧡

Feb 11, 2024 9:45 AM

Predictive programming by the 1995 film ‘Safe’.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Feb 11, 2024 8:40 AM

Excellent piece Todd Hayen “Why not get a salary paid by the government for doing nothing” Of course that has been proposed by the entity aka Mr Global of the NWO

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 13, 2024 12:24 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Its already on track in European Nanny States

David McBain
David McBain
Feb 11, 2024 5:37 AM

Seems you’ve just described a sort of protection racket. (Or maybe just a racket.)

Feb 11, 2024 5:26 AM

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Big Al
Big Al
Feb 11, 2024 3:46 AM

First they want us dead, then they want us to be safe, healthy and everyone live to be 100 without any illness. Wait a minute, something doesn’t compute. Humans are so fucked up.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 11, 2024 7:24 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Life expectancy increased 20% from approx. 60 years old in 1924 to approx. 80 years old of today 2024. https://youtu.be/vZTjKYDscJE

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 11, 2024 11:48 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Excerpts from a BBC article on Life Expectancy vs Lifespan:

While medical advancements have improved many aspects of healthcare, the assumption that human life span has increased dramatically over centuries or millennia is misleading.

Overall life expectancy, which is the statistic reflected in reports like those above, hasn’t increased so much because we’re living far longer than we used to as a species. It’s increased because more of us, as individuals, are making it that far.

“There is a basic distinction between life expectancy and life span,” says Stanford University historian Walter Scheidel, a leading scholar of ancient Roman demography. “The life span of humans – opposed to life expectancy, which is a statistical construct – hasn’t really changed much at all, as far as I can tell.”

Life expectancy is an average. If you have two children, and one dies before their first birthday but the other lives to the age of 70, their average life expectancy is 35.

But it doesn’t give us the full picture. It also becomes especially problematic when looking at eras, or in regions, where there are high levels of infant mortality. Most of human history has been blighted by poor survival rates among children, and that continues in various countries today.

(As an aside, the US life expectancy is the lowest and the child mortality rate is the highest of any other Western country – this in spite of the fact that it has the most expensive and sophisticated medical system – my note. You can check this out).

Ancient Rome’s ‘cursus honorum’ – the sequence of political offices that an ambitious young man would undertake – didn’t even allow a young man to stand for his first office, that of quaestor, until the age of 30 (under Emperor Augustus, this was later lowered to 25; Augustus himself died at 75). To be consul, you had to be 43 – eight years older than the US’s minimum age limit of 35 to hold a presidency.

In the 1st Century, Pliny devoted an entire chapter of The Natural History to people who lived longest. Among them he lists the consul M Valerius Corvinos (100 years), Cicero’s wife Terentia (103), a woman named Clodia (115 – and who had 15 children along the way), and the actress Lucceia who performed on stage at 100 years old.
Then there are tombstone inscriptions and grave epigrams, such as this one for a woman who died in Alexandria in the 3rd Century BC. “She was 80 years old, but able to weave a delicate weft with the shrill shuttle”, the epigram reads admiringly.

Queen Elizabeth I lived until the age of 70; life expectancy at the time could be longer for villagers than for royals!
 One analysis of some 115,000 European nobles found that kings lived about six years less than lesser nobles, like knights. Demographic historians have found by looking at county parish registers that in 17th-Century England, life expectancy was longer for villagers than nobles.
(Perhaps they did not drink as much wine from led-containing pewter goblets, as the nobility did?)


Britain’s Queen Victoria died in 1901 at the age of 81. During her reign, a girl could expect to live to about 73 years of age, a boy to 75. 


Surely, by the soot-ridden era of Charles Dickens, life was unhealthy and short for nearly everyone? Still no. As researchers Judith Rowbotham, now at the University of Plymouth, and Paul Clayton, of Oxford Brookes University, write, “once the dangerous childhood years were passed… life expectancy in the mid-Victorian period was not markedly different from what it is today”. A five-year-old girl would live to 73; a boy, to 75.

Entire article at


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 12, 2024 9:14 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

You are right. I were tricked again by media propaganda.
F… this lie world.
But thanks, a little puzzle more to understanding and Nirvana :-D.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 11, 2024 9:09 AM
Reply to  Big Al

You’re confusing what they say with what they want. They say they want us to be safe, healthy and everyone live to be 100 without any illness. But they really just want us dead.

Big Al
Big Al
Feb 11, 2024 7:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

That’s basically what I said. I wasn’t confused at all. Obviously, it makes no sense. I kind of thought the smart people here would get that.

Feb 11, 2024 2:41 AM

Don’t forget your pedestrian helmet before you go out for a walk in case you trip, fall and hit your head on the sidewalk, Love, Mom.
Yeah, I wondered, too, how on earth did… I mean, what happened? How did Europeans cross oceans and circumnavigate the flat earth in wooden crates with drapes?
It occurred to me that maybe it was never a question of courage, that maybe most crews were pressed into service with threats of worse for staying back, or mabe even just staying back was worse.
Then, again, look at the French, intrepid adventurers, whose exploration crossed the contininent and down into the Gulf of Mexico — what turned today’s Quebecois descendents, of those enterprising adventurers, into cowering, curfewed, self-suffocating prisoners in their own homes?
How was conformity and cowardice elevated to virtue and the embracing of the philosophy of”The ultimate “good for you” is to be dead.”? It sure makes politicians’ lives a lot easier, and perhaps that’s the answer. Political expediency. Those masks, and lockdown was just politicians living out their fantasies of how they regard the public, and glimmer of what they would do if only they were not restrained by law and custom.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 12, 2024 7:51 AM
Reply to  Matt

“Power is only power of you recognize it (Mao)”, and there must be two pieces to make a bad meter.
The sheeple’s eternal blame solely on their Nannies, the Politicians.

Feb 13, 2024 12:31 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Did you happen to notice what happened to power-denying people who challenged or outright opposed any of the “powers that be” during the depths of the assault on the global psyche?
Hard to deny power “over” you exists when it pushes you against a wall with a choke hold, twists your arms behind your back, wrestles you to the ground, handcuffs you, robs you of everything, throws you in prison, drags you through the courts, empties your wallet and freezes your bank account.
Perhaps I misunderstood you.
Mao said a lot of stuff, for sure, like a revolution is not a tea party, and political power flows through the barrel of a gun, or something close to it, so, he knew that the pragmatic, awakening and humiliating power of a sobering slap in the face, to a head wearing a foolscap, topping a body being brutally kicked and shoved through a gauntlet of taunting zealots, was anything but illusory, and certainly not a psychologically negotiable transaction between equals.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 13, 2024 4:45 AM
Reply to  Matt

To know. Its the only requirement.
No one requires people to walk around with a poster, neither to revolt, makes riots, or sign protest papers, or coughing up everything on Television or Internet.
Only to know so other people can clearly hear in private here is a man or a woman who knows who he/she is, what he/she is doing and the state of affairs around him/her in the real world. Simple.

Its the lack of knowledge, lack of moral compass, and cowardice to know which cause trouble.
The more people know the less power will be recognized and obeyed. https://youtu.be/zYEsFQ_gt7c

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 11, 2024 1:09 AM

Being a good American asleep at the wheel is par for the course, until the wreck occurs, then you’re breakfast at tiffany’s at 4 am.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Feb 11, 2024 12:20 AM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-02-10. Excess Deaths in the UK: Midazolam and Euthanasia in the CV Pandemic. There is no climate emergency (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).

Feb 10, 2024 10:16 PM

OT (not intended to be published)

Translation of Dr. Gedeon’s latest video (translation of his five-part video series “We have no intention of dying for Isreal” will follow shortly):

Due to the scandalous procedures at Berlin polling stations, the 2021 Bundestag election is invalid not only for Berlin but for the whole of Germany due to the so-called basic mandate clause. The Federal Returning Officer responsible has therefore still not signed off on the validity of the 2021 Bundestag election. So we have had an illegal Bundestag for over two years and therefore also an illegal federal government. A scandal that is still being hushed up by the system media. This calls for new elections, and these should have been held two years ago.

The political elites in Germany are failing. They have no solutions to the major problems. Frequent elections are therefore necessary to do justice to the volatility of the political situation and to give new political paths and parties a chance. The party spectrum is changing. Parties will disappear, others will be founded. In the short term, the FDP and Die Linke will disappear, and probably the SPD too. The CDU will also disappear in the medium term. This cleansing process should not be stopped, but accelerated. We must call on voters to stop voting for the parties that are ripe for extinction, i.e. by no means the FDP, SPD or Die Linke. That would just be delaying bankruptcy.

Instead of the SPD and Die Linke, the Wagenknecht party, which is at least better positioned geopolitically, could score points. It would also be good if the Free Voters could steal as much water as possible from the Greens, and if the Maßen party were to give the C parties a good blooding. The growth of the AfD should not be encouraged for the time being. With its personnel and its internal situation, this party is not in a position to play the role that it could and should be playing now. Ms. Weidel, for example, dismissed her office manager, who attended the alleged secret meeting, shortly after it became known. This is an affront to the person concerned, and even more of a public admission of guilt, which ultimately made the AfD’s subsequent self-defense implausible.

The AfD is wrong on key political issues: fifty percent on the EU issue, ninety percent on the NATO issue and one hundred and fifty percent on the Israel issue. Internally, it is waging a war of annihilation against the internal opposition. Opinion battles are not conducted discursively, but are stifled by party expulsion proceedings. In the process, the party loses outstanding leaders through the proceedings themselves, as well as many others who, disgusted by the inner workings of this party, leave it voluntarily. With regard to the leadership, this leads to an increasingly negative selection.

The AfD is doing the same thing to itself that is being done to it externally. Instead of dealing with its content, they are trying to ban it legally, and that is exactly what they are doing internally to those who do not agree with the course of the federal executive. But how is a party that acts in a totalitarian way internally supposed to act in an anti-totalitarian way externally and stop the emerging totalitarianism of official politics? This party needs an internal revolution. It needs members’ party conferences again, not delegates’ party conferences. The former must be enforced against the will of the current leadership.

Far too many AfD functionaries are now living far too comfortably from their political work, and the problem of institutional corruption is now threatening the moral substance of this party. The majority of these people would simply have to be voted out and replaced by new people (“new brooms sweep better”), i.e. a cadre replacement based on the rotation principle, which in itself would have a positive effect on party morale. Perhaps the competition with Maßen, Wagenknecht and the Free Voters will fuel this process of personnel renewal in the AFD. It would certainly be necessary.

The world as a whole, the so-called West in particular, and above all the USA and Germany, are facing a huge political upheaval. The forces that constituted the post-war order and are still profiting from it will fight back with all means at their disposal, including terrible wars, if this order is challenged globally by more and more states. It will become more and more obvious: the West is spiritually, morally and politically the most mendacious, the most reactionary and the most decadent that world politics currently has to offer. In the not too distant future, we will see the downfall of this West.

Historically, the West represents the secularist transformation, or shall we say secularist perversion, of the Christian West, i.e. the so-called West is a perversion of the Christian West. This West gradually declined between 1789 and 1989, while the new US-dominated Western empire gradually became a global power during this period. This US-Western empire achieved a gigantic technological revolution and developed incredible technology, including AI. But culturally, and this concerns – in contrast to technology – the essence of being human, this Western empire was rather sterile and, with its brutal commercialism and materialism, decidedly destructive and culturally destructive.

Even the French politician Clemenceau said of the USA that it stood for a “development from barbarism to decadence, without a detour via culture”. Yet he, who died in 1929, did not live to see the barbaric actions of the Americans in Hiroshima and Vietnam. While we, the Europeans, bid a wistful farewell to the Christian West, the most culturally rich enterprise in world history, we do not weep a tear for the West when it now perishes. If we now strive for and build something new, we should not be guided by the secular-technical model of the West, but by the cultural richness of the Christian West.

In this sense, I see the future of humanity in the renaissance of a Christian-European culture, which could blossom anew through a massive global collision with the other major world cultures and open up new dimensions of humanity for people. However, this Christian-European renaissance does not have to take place in geographical Europe. It can arise anywhere geographically. But it has nothing to do with the decadent spirit that dominates the official Christian churches and the various evangelical, mostly Zionist denominations.

If you want to sense the spirit of the new age, sit down in one of Europe’s great cathedrals and let the sacred music of our great sound masters take effect on you. The sublime sounds of the past, above all the bells of our church, will then become the harbingers of a new, perhaps also very great age. You can find out more about this in my books, especially in my trilogy “Christian-European Leitkultur”.

Feb 11, 2024 2:40 AM
Reply to  Freddy

Truth, spirit and Love can be found in a Christian cathedral with Western classical music and church bells playing in the background?

That type of arrogance, dismissive of other cultures and the beauty and awesomeness of Nature itself is what pushed us into this massive cesspit of hubris, narcissism and unrelenting violence.

Feb 11, 2024 5:45 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Yes. Off-G does tend to have the occasional Woketard oikophobia, Roger Scruton’s word for (white European) self-hate. Successful “post-Menachem Begin” hasbara, as it were.

Key phrase here is “dismissive of other cultures”, this phrase is worthy of a government flunky Regressive Leftist lawyer in some Department of Justice eagerly drafting laws banning on pain of fines/jail any public expression of Christianity or the public assertion that there are only two sexes, etc.

Because nowhere does Freddy claim that classical music and cathedrals PRECLUDE insights from other cultures.

Note the Romantic Savage myth underlying the notion “beauty and awesomeness of Nature.

But then Johnny may well believe that Taylor Swift or Aboriginal didgeridoo concerts beat anything produced by Bach or Mozart or Leonardo , etc. etc. It would prove in his own Woke eyes his lack of misogyny (Swift) or anti-racism (didgeridoo).

None of the above means that the Atlantic Slave Trade/East India Company/hacked hands in the Belgian Congo/Amritsar Massacre of 1919 did not happen, just as did the (ongoing) Arab slave trade and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dzungar_genocide and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mfecane.

Wouldn’t you know it, Macchiavelli said it 500 years back, people are generally bad unless necessity makes them good.

Feb 11, 2024 6:40 AM
Reply to  Jenner

Methinks you over analyse, assume, and over extrapolate Jenner.

I love classical music, but Cathedrals, as we all know, were built on the bodies and blood of the poor bastards who laid the stones.

Nature is not ‘romantic’, that is a human foible.
Nature just is.
Until it isn’t.

Nah, the looking glass of censored history.

Feb 11, 2024 8:59 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Overanalyse? Yes, tradies I deal with tell me I am “overthinking” problems, which is their shorthand for providing quick and dirty solutions on the fly.

Cathedrals: now tell me that the same sort of construction accidents happened during the building of the Great Wall of China or the stone structures in Zimbabwe or the Great Pyramids and I will believe you are not (sour) cherry-picking on an anti-white Woke basis.

Censored history? you mean the harrassment into retirement in ca. 1988 of Un-woke historian Geoffrey Blainey because he opposed Asian immigration to Australia?

Or rather the “Woe is Us, Oh Why was I Born White”-school of history teaching since about 1990?

Feb 11, 2024 11:28 PM
Reply to  Jenner

I worked WITH tradies for more than twenty years, and almost without exception I can tell you they all put their bodies on the line for their jobs. And most of them have paid a heavy price with crippling injuries and physical exhaustion.

Of course millions of slaves died and suffered on the construction wet dreams of ruthless leaders all around the world.
That goes without saying.

Blainey was a tool of the Divide and Rule Brigade. John Howard’s and Rupert’s minions expedient, go to historian.
He was simply cashing in at the end of his warped and morally superior career.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 12, 2024 8:09 AM
Reply to  Johnny

So we should be without Architectural master pieces like Cathedrals and Pyramids and live in holes in the ground because of your heart for sweaty bricklayers and carpenters?

physical exhaustion” and the tradies also had mood swings. You must be British. Only a British Labour has this decadence.

Feb 12, 2024 12:01 AM
Reply to  Jenner

Very good comments, Jenner.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Feb 11, 2024 10:13 AM
Reply to  Freddy

The decline of the West (including Eastern Europe minus Russia and its satellites) seems inevitable as does the Anglo-American 5 eyes. The sooner the better. Then comes the global south to take into account – East Asia, Africa and Latin America, and the Moslem world.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 10, 2024 9:35 PM

The idea of non-existence as preferable to existence seems to be self-deceptive to me. The remarkable horror writer Thomas Ligotti wrote a book called The Conspiracy Against the Human Race in which he puts forward that very idea. But he reveals himself in a little aside about “lazing in non-existence”. The word “lazing” shows that he isn’t thinking about non-existence but only about a certain type of existence – and an enviable one. Who doesn’t want to laze? The word suggests plumped up cushions, sofas, a loose dressing gown.

And that suggests that what Ligotti has against existence isn’t existence itself but another particular type of existence – one that involves difficulty, strenuousness etc.

And so what seems radical about Ligotti’s position is revealed as banality: he wants an easy existence in preference to a hard one.

Because it is my contention that no-one can really imagine non-existence. Oh yes, they can easily imagine a world without themselves. But they are imagining the existence of that world. One favourite variation is to imagine what others might say about us after we die. But we are imagining the continued existence of those others.

Another way to see it is to say that we can easily imagine loss of consciousness. We do that every night when we fall asleep. But we are only aware of that state when we wake up and realise we were unconscious. And one conclusion from that is that this unconscious state can last a minute, an hour – or any time at all. Time no longer exists when we are unconscious. So theoretically a million years could have passed while we are unconcious. Because of this, death might not seem so scary. But what seems scary to me is that with death we don’t wake up. And that is a condition I cannot imagine.

Unless of course there is such a thing as life after death?

Feb 10, 2024 11:40 PM
Reply to  George Mc

A dead body, or bodies, is not death because death is the most subjective, unreportable and unexplainable experience any human can have.

Where were we before our birth?
Did our awareness simply pop into existence?

It is the same state of being we have when our bodies are dead.
Pure, unadulterated awareness.

You can experience it while living.
A state of thoughtlessness:


Feb 11, 2024 7:13 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Most religious people are certain about non-existence. Some of them say it awaits us, perhaps after a long delay, and others that there is no such thing.

Feb 11, 2024 9:43 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Ligotti sounds like a Gnostic – they want the spirit freed from what they see as the tyranny of the material world.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Feb 12, 2024 10:44 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The actual nature of ‘death’ is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its immensely illusory face-value mere appearance.

We truly DO all survive (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’. I’ve summarised this in fact proven truth a number of times, here on Off-G. I’m very proud to be one of the countless millions of properly informed Spiritualists around the world (and let me reiterate that I’m NOT using the word ‘proven’ either loosely or wrongly. We Spiritualists truly are able to prove what we say: that literally everyone (including animals, birds, etc) survives the death of their physical body.
We live in a multi-dimensional cosmos. After the illusory event that’s wrongly termed ‘death’, we return (in our spirit body – which is the thing which literally animates our physical body whilst we’re here on Earth, in each of our eternal soul’s many, many lifetimes… for yes, reincarnation is also one of the many known spiritual truths of existence) to the very real Spirit dimension/Spirit world of this multi-dimensional cosmos.
That Spirit world being our actual place of origin.

As I’ve stated in my previous summaries on this all-important truth, amongst the countless millions around the world who know of the truth of survival of ‘death’ are many properly-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, etc etc. There are 30+ different categories of the evidences which prove survival of ‘death’ to be the truth. Many hundreds of thousands of high-quality, scholarly books have been written on this vital subject, and a large percentage of them have been written by the many properly-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, etc etc. I’ve provided a representative booklist on this several times over the past couple of years, here on Off-G.

I’ve not been commenting here on Off-G for a couple of months or so because I’ve been unwell. Have been to the hospital, too. Am still unwell, but found myself able, this morning, to take a look on this site. And found that I’m able to type this post. Most days, over the past couple of months, it would have been impossible for me to have done so.

We NEVER not exist. We all existed (in the form of the eternal soul – ie, eternal consciousness) before we were born into our [eternal soul’s] current lifetime, and we will still exist, after our ‘death’ from this lifetime. At that point, when we do what’s so very incorrectly termed ‘die’, we will find ourselves (in our eternal, immortal spirit body form) back in the very real Spirit world. Just as we are now, with all our exact-same thoughts, feelings, memories, attitudes, etc, as we have now – the event termed ‘death’ causes us to lose ‘only’ our physical body ‘coat’: it does NOT cause the end of our existence.
People who ‘disbelieve’ that will get the biggest shock, on the eventual day on which they do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’…

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 12, 2024 4:37 PM

I have an open mind on the subject but sometimes I wonder if a continued existence after death might be the scarier option!

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Feb 13, 2024 8:48 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Of course a continued existence after (the illusory event that’s wrongly termed) ‘death’ is not ‘the scarier option’!!

We are, each and every one of us, an eternal soul (ie, a spirit being) that lives many, many lifetimes. Ie, reincarnation is also one of the many known spiritual truths of existence. There exists a multitude of evidences for this too.

Feb 10, 2024 8:19 PM

Before the current germophobia, it was worse.
Boomers like you promoted the Vietnam war and the cold war because you were afraid of the world outside of your bubble.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 12, 2024 9:01 AM
Reply to  Rob

America had to defend itself against the Commies who lied under our beds.
Otherwise all Americans would had been sitting in Gulag camps today with Mao’s the Little Red Book in their hands.
We were defending our freedom. We were born to be wild. https://ok.ru/video/1045698120245

Feb 10, 2024 8:14 PM

I wrote this on Linkedin in 2012

June 30, 2012


Is Psycho babble helpful during the current hiatus Todd?

Carly Graham
Carly Graham
Feb 10, 2024 9:19 PM
Reply to  Roger

“Psycho Babble #27” Rocky Mountains Roller Derby, she paints her face as “the Joker” , I however am a massive fan of her sister “#23 Deranged”

Excellent article!
Tony apparently filmed the girl in the bubble for some chip company.

Feb 11, 2024 5:21 PM
Reply to  Carly Graham

John Travolta starred in a movie in the 70’s, The Boy in a plastic bubble.

The Boy in the Plastic Bubble – Trailer 1976 Movie

We have nothing to fear but fear itself etc.

The Economy is stagnant and our political representatives are impotent. The Pen is mightier than the Keyboard. Who’s against The Panopticon Jailer Bot? Analog pen, pencil, and Paper Versus the Bogus AI.
From Gone Fishing to Gone Direct
Debunking Money by Damon Vrabel. Get the complete big picture of how the world economy really works. So easy to understand that even I got it. Make sure to watch all parts, you will get several AHA! moments from part 3 and out, but you need to know the basics of the system first.
This video series debunks myths surrounding money and its impact on the United States, particularly regarding debt-based money and privately held balance sheets. The monetary system is designed to benefit a select few and diminish the power of everyone else, creating a major divide in the world between capital holders and the general population. Additionally, the exponential growth of debt in the US is a result of the private nature of the monetary system and the demands of capital holders for return on investment.
Detailed Summary
1 This section introduces the upcoming video series about money and highlights the need to clarify the issues of debt-based money and privately held balance sheets.

  • The profession of economics fails to address the key issues related to money.
  • The section will cover the concept of balance sheets and the difference between assets and liabilities.
  • The importance of understanding the machiavellian power related to balance sheets will be discussed.

2.The monetary system is designed to make money and gain power for the banks, while reducing money and power of the people.

  • Money comes into the economy as an asset to the bank.
  • All money comes into the system as a debt to the people.
  • The monetary system is designed to make money and gain power for the banks, while reducing money and power of the people.

The monetary system is designed to serve only a few people and is built on usury.

  • All money comes into the system as debt.
  • It is impossible to have net savings in a system where all money comes from debt.
  • The monetary system is built 100% on usury, which creates a major divide in the world.


Private capital holders control the monetary system and everyone else’s balance sheet, including governments and non-bank businesses.

  • The monetary system is privately held and not controlled by the government.
  • Top MBAs, lawyers, and economists work for the banking system.
  • Economists do not discuss balance sheets and theory is prioritized over real-world issues.

The privately held monetary system creates exponential growth and causes the government’s debt to increase exponentially.

  • The monetary system is privately held and controlled by private capital holders.
  • Capital holders demand a 2-5% return every year, causing exponential growth.
  • The government’s debt increases exponentially due to the private nature of the monetary system.
  • The system must grow exponentially, regardless of who is in power.

In Conclusion…
Posted on January 8, 2011by dvrabel
Several people have asked why I stopped publishing. To answer the question, this will be my last post:

  1. As Bill Clinton basically said when asked why his administration had been so favorable toward China after beating up Bush in the campaign about it, sometimes we don’t know what we think we know until we’ve jumped into the ring.
  2. One reason I did jump into the ring was to run my own direct test to determine (a) whether change is possible, and (b) what people really want. I planned a 1-year test from the point I initially started publishing, but it took less than 9 months to conclude:

a. Change is not possible through journalism, the media, or online debates. Plus, as Chris Hedges says in Empire of Illusion, at this point it is impossible to bridge the divide between “a literate, marginalized minority and those who have been consumed by an illiterate mass culture.”
b. As I said in previous articles, IF we participate in the system, I’m not opposed to it at all. How could I be? I’d be a tyrant if I wanted to force hundreds of millions of people to change their behavior. And the fact is, that “IF” was answered long ago. We Americans have chosen the material benefits of being managed by the financial system for generations. We like demand-side freedom, i.e. choosing between Coke and Pepsi, but don’t want supply-side freedom. We like the supply-side to be taken care of for us. We love the benefits that come from it being imperially run—the credit card always works, the gas station is always open, our water faucets and light switches do what they’re supposed to do, the markets keep going up (oops…maybe not). All of our economic needs are outsourced to others, so we have the luxury of spending our time pursuing wants. And if these types of benefits are good for us, they’re good for the rest of the world. We have no moral authority to stand opposed just because we’re now going to lose our privileged position—a rather childlike perspective.

  1. Given #2, my only wish is that the system would be transparent. Like Carroll Quigley, I see no rational reason not to inform people so there are fewer caught on the wrong side of the tragedy and hope dialectic. That was the purpose of my last video—to simply explain what’s happening with a slightly different twist than the others who have described the same basic system.
  2. Putting all blame on the top of the system is biased and psychologically immature. Labeling a group “all bad” is an example of splitting—a primitive defense mechanism we tend to use to maintain an illusion of “all good” for ourselves, our country, our political party, etc. Some of my articles and videos intentionally played the splitting game because the media is designed to exacerbate splits, so if I wanted to pursue media work, I needed to play the game. But splitting is very harmful to society, so I will no longer do it. Moreover, as stated in #2, almost everyone contributes to the system so blaming only the top would be disingenuous.
  3. Given human nature and the inherent requirement for empires to grow (or die in defeat to another empire), we will have one type of imperial system or another as long as humans are in charge. All such systems are narcissistic in form, so it’s futile in my view to argue between different forms of narcissism.

So I will not be publishing anymore, at least with the narrow focus on the financial system. It’s an illusion to think arguing about finance, economics, and markets will fix anything. But for those who want to continue learning about the system, I recommend Catherine Austin Fitts. I’ve said nothing more than her. In fact, I learned it from her—she was an insider, I was not. I borrowed the phrases “multi-generational wealth” and huge “pools of capital” at the top of the system from her. Noam Chomsky’s phrase is “coalitions of investors.” Same thing…I’ve revealed nothing new.
I also recommend Hedges’ Empire of Illusion for those who want to dig more into the spiritual and psychological dimensions of the situation in which we find ourselves. I agree with him, “The world that awaits us will be painful and difficult.” It’s useful to accept and adjust to this inevitability rather than wishing it away or being angry about it. There is no way around it because the ruleset we’ve lived within for decades was not sustainable. It depended upon exponential growth, exponential debt, exponential resource consumption, and exponential environmental impact.

, #Thiel, #Schmidt #Assange , When Google Met Wikileaks #Bilderberg #Palantir
I believe at this point that Vaccine hysteria is actually the objective of TPTB and it is a good strategy whilst a full spectrum surveillance apparatus through digita

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 12, 2024 9:12 AM
Reply to  roger

“To him that hath, more shall be given; and from him that hath not, even the little that he hath shall be taken away”………………………….LOL.

No Author can come up with something the Bible has not already said and explained.

Feb 11, 2024 5:28 PM
Reply to  roger

Towards an Integral Analysis of World Views in the Oligarchy. Parts 1 – 6

full spectrum surveillance apparatus through digital passports, #Thiel, #Schmidt #Assange , When Google Met Wikileaks #Bilderberg #Palantir
I believe at this point that Vaccine hysteria is actually the objective of TPTB and it is a good strategy whilst a full spectrum surveillance apparatus through digital passports is put in Place, The Chinese Model, Aadhaar and CBDC, State monopoly capitalism, Palantir and Thiel are key aspects to these technocratic world views.

Towards an Integral Analysis of World Views in the Oligarchy. Part 3. The Three Oligarchies. ( Michael Hudson)

The key fact in the new development of plutocracy is that it will use its own blunder as an excuse for further crimes. Everywhere the very completeness of the impoverishment will be made a reason for the enslavement; though the men who impoverished were the same who enslaved. It is as if a highwayman not only took away a gentleman’s horse and all his money, but then handed him over to the police for tramping without visible means of subsistence. And the most monstrous feature in this enormous meanness may be noted in the plutocratic appeal to science, or, rather, to the pseudo-science that they call Eugenics.”


Feb 11, 2024 5:34 PM
Reply to  roger

the real economy is stagnant it is largely the fault of the shadow banking sector.

Going Direct is not working.
The going direct mind map is not for the “hard of critical thinking”.

Integral Analysis of The Oligarchy.What Shadow Banking is and Why its controllers are to blame.