The “they’re all in it together” rebuttal canard
Multipolarity is a crock
Iain Davis

I am among a relatively small group of independent researchers and journalists who question the proposed multipolar world order.
One of the objections often thrown my (and our) way—by those who presumably support a new world order led by the BRICS+ group of nations—is that we critics of multipolarity are claiming, with regard to national governments, that “they’re all in it together.”
Having never once made that argument, constantly refuting it is very annoying. So let me outline why the “they’re all in it together” rebuttal is a canard.
Essentially the “all in it together” response runs something like this:
By only highlighting all the areas of agreement between East and West you are overlooking the very real geopolitical differences and conflicts between the two. You are claiming Putin is a WEF stooge and that Xi is a puppet of the White House. We only need to look at their statements and foreign policy commitments to know this isn’t true. Yours is a ridiculous argument, you stupid “they’re all in it together” proponent. Obviously you couldn’t be more wrong.
While making this riposte suggests the defenders of multipolarity haven’t read anything we’ve written—or have deliberately misinterpreted it—it is a not a cogent argument in any event. It needs to be exposed.
The multipolar world order (MWO) is touted as a potential antidote to the current, claimed, international rules based order or system (IRBO). The IRBO emerged as the Western-led consensus on international relations under the “unipolar world order,” headed by the US / NATO alliance of nations states. The IRBO and unipolarity dominated geopolitics following the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The IRBO—and the unipolar world order—is predatory and serves the economic and geopolitical interests of Western developed nations, at the cost of everyone else. It has allowed the West to instigate, sponsor and engage in conflicts all over the world. The IRBO aligned nation states pillaged resources, installed puppet governments and exploited weaker nations as they liked. The IRBO is little more than a neocolonialist project of a public-private empire. There are no actual rules beyond “might is right.”
On this we can all agree. There’s nothing worth defending with regard to the IRBO.
The problems begin when you start pointing out that the MWO is not, in fact, an antidote to the IRBO. It is the evolution of the IRBO. Multipolarity is virtually an enabling act for a new system of global oppression and the transition to a new global economic model.
The is flatly denied by MWO advocates. The argument between MWO backers and opponents appears to be rooted in a dispute over the nature of oligarchy.
Hitherto, the numerous attempts by a global oligarchy to construct a “new world order” (NWO) were fiercely criticised by almost the entire Western “independent media.” The “global” reach of oligarchs—who care little for nation states—was consistently exposed and reported. Thoroughly researched historical evidence was published, and frequently cited, demonstrating that global power networks, combining both public and private institutions, existed above and beyond national government control.
Now, in the West, some segments of the so-called “independent media” are claiming that oligarchs do not manipulate “all” nation states. Certain countries, such as China, India, Iran and Russia, have allegedly brought their oligarchs to book to reestablish politician-led governmental authority over their respective polities.
Instead, the MWO pushers claim, we are witnessing the “return” of political realism. Apparently, that realism no longer includes analysis of oligarch influence.
The BRICS+ led nation states are opposing the rules of Western oligarchs. This supposedly explains why they want a MWO founded upon adherence to an allegedly real system of international law and multilateral decision making. The governments of these countries are no longer willing to suffer the tyranny of the Western oligarch-led IRBO.
Or so we are told.
It seems like a dwindling number of us in the “independent media” maintain that a “global public-private partnership” (G3P), controlled by a global network of oligarchs, still exists and is still intent upon establishing its NWO. We are Luddites because we keep banging on about the “fact” that certain policy commitments are common to all countries. No matter which side of the IRBO/MWO fence they sit.
All governments, in all major economies, are avid enthusiasts of SDGs, biosecurity, digitalisation, tokenisation, the censorship of “disinformation,” CBDC (digital money), population surveillance and, most crucially, global governance under the auspices of the United Nations (UN). We who criticise multipolarity, suggest these policy commitments can be viewed as the pillars of the modern NWO.
Further, the tiny band of MWO critics point out that agreement on the pillars, insisting they are all necessary, is practically unanimous among UN member states. What remains appears to be horse trading over who leads the MWO and how pillar policies will be implemented in respective nation states. Evidently, what is never up for debate is not implementing the pillars.
This suggests oligarchs exert external influence upon international relations, potentially leading to conflict. There is evidence of supranational sovereignty and political authority being exercised, right now, by a global network that operates beyond the reach of national governments.
“No, no, no” proclaim multipolarity’s advocates. No such evidence exists. Such oligarch control may occur but it only impacts the West.
All we need do is look at Ukraine or the the Middle East to see the very real conflict between East and West. When we look at the statements of people like Vladimir Putin, it is obvious that he is among the global leaders who oppose the Western-led IRBO and global control by “Western” oligarchs. The realpolitik tensions between adversarial nation states couldn’t be clearer. The BRICS+ nations are opposed to oligarchy. The MWO proposed by Putin and his fellow BRICS+ leaders is intended to deliver a better world.
MWO defenders absolutely deny that nearly all governments want to implement the pillars of the NWO and support the same global governance system, regardless of how blatantly obvious it is. And if it is true, they say, it doesn’t matter anyway. The MWO is how we will all defeat the IRBO—which is all that matters—and build a global community of sovereign nations states who will make fairer, multilateral global governance decisions.
The idea that “they’re all in it together” is preposterous, they claim. East and West are fighting each other for heaven’s sake, you fool. Get behind the right political leaders promising peace and stop doubting the good guys.
This rebuttal is like claiming that professional boxers beating each other to a pulp proves the pugilists are determined to resist the international boxing federation. It is tantamount to asserting that boardroom backstabbing is evidence that the corporate executives, enriched by the success of the company, are intent upon undermining the corporation they all profit from.

Not only is this geopolitical analysis predicated upon the idea that some politicians are suddenly trustworthy, and everything they say somehow constitutes evidence, it completely dismisses everything we have learned from historical researchers like Norman Dodd, Antony C. Sutton, Carrol Quigley, G. Edward Griffin, Patrick Wood and many more. It is as if history is no longer relevant.
No one who criticises multipolarity denies the reality of geopolitical competition; none of us think violent conflicts and wars between nation states and their proxies aren’t real; not a single voice, warning against the MWO, thinks people aren’t being killed as governments fight for supremacy and no one is arguing that governments are “all in it together”—assuming “it” refers to the creation of a multipolar world order.
Quite evidently, there is very real and bitter conflict between nations and it is causing immense suffering. In fact, one of our chief concerns is that the transition to a MWO will cause significantly more suffering.
What we are saying is that there is no disagreement on the pillars from any quarter. But this is no claim that national governments are “all in it together.” On the contrary, the fact that there is both conflict and, at the same time, global agreement on the pillars, suggests a “geopolitical reality” that no member of the multipolar fan club seemingly wants to discuss.
Agreement on the pillars does not suggest all national governments are of one, single hive mind. It suggests that governments do not control the global governance system. They are subject to it, just like the rest of us. The best they can achieve is “partner” status. And they are not senior partners.
The pillars did not originate with national governments. The pillars were mapped out by public-private globalist think tanks and international organisations that serve the interests of oligarchs.
As the Chinese government openly declares:
China maintains that for the world, there is only one system, which is the international system with the United Nations at its core, that there is only one order, which is the international order based on international law, and that there is only one set of rules, which is the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. China actively participates in and leads the reform of the global governance system.
This “leadership” is transitioning the world to precisely the global governance system, replete with its SDGs, CBDC (digital money), surveillance, censorship and centralised global control of all nation states, that the oligarchs want. It is a bid to install the latest iteration of the “New World Order.”
This is also the global tyranny that, until very recently, nearly every Western commentator in the “independent media” was warning against.
Now, a growing chorus is suggesting we should accept the MWO because it will allegedly defeat the IRBO. This is a false dichotomy and a propagandist trap.
The IRBO is undoubtedly on its way out, but global oligarch networks haven’t suddenly vanished. Far from it. We only need look at recent events to see who is actually profiting from them. The IRBO’s demise is necessary for the birth of the MWO, and through it, establishment of the oligarch’s NWO global governance technocracy.
The irony is that the Eastern independent media—where it exists—continues to question the oppression of global governance and remains highly critical of it. Yet some in the Western independent media seem pathologically averse to even acknowledging, let alone reporting, criticisms made by Russian independent commentators, for example.
As multipolar advocates claim that none of this is true, then I ask them to provide some evidence of one major economy that is not erecting the pillars. Can the MWO campaigners please explain how it is possible that all leading economies are pursuing the same policy platforms, simultaneously, without centralised, global coordination and policy control?
As multipolar supporters rightly point out, governments from East and West are evidently at loggerheads on numerous issues. They do not agree and they are not “all in it together.”
So why are they all implementing the same pillar policies? Where is the global policy coordination coming from if not from antagonistic “sovereign” nation states?
We who question multipolarity do not believe that any system of global governance can possibly serve the interests of humanity. Such as system is, by default, designed to benefit oligarchs, not the people.
Yes, the conflicts are all too real, but they are clearly battles for position within one, agreed and accepted global governance system. The NWO pillars are already being put in place in nearly every nation state because governments are beholden to their oligarchs. While oligarchs occasionally disagree amongst themselves, the global network of oligarchs want their NWO technocracy above all else.
Criticising the MWO is met with denial, refusal to debate and strawman arguments. It is false to allege that the critics of multipolarity assert that all governments are “in it together.” Governments are subservient to a global governance hierarchy they don’t control.
The oligarch’s NWO is being sold to us as the multipolar world order and, for some reason, it is receiving widespread support from sections of the Western independent media.
You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his SubStack. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
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Nobody needs these stupid dictatorial pricks forming the BRICS!!! Shove your stupid Russian imperialistic Nazi bullshit propaganda (new world order, multipolarity) up your fucking ass, full-tonto, fraudulent asshole!!!!
Perhaps their is some clamor over deck chairs ( whether they are on the Titanic- or the Olympic) but Captain Stubing is calling the shots
Yes, what Iain is saying in a nutshell is that it is the old divide and conquer ruse. Worked for many thousands of years and few are still the wiser. The tip off for the slow of mind was Putin backing the scamdemic, the clotshot, the global warming hoax, and refusing to publish adverse reactions to the Sputnik clotshot. I won’t even start with Xi. As to the West, they are deliberately committing suicide (for their populations and what is left of any valid national culture) through what would traditionally be referred to as treasonous leadership. As the blunt, no nonsense talking financial analyst, Bill Holter, puts it, “it’s too stupid to be stupid.”
James Corbett on Foreign Interference
Corbett again reports Nuland’s statement regarding the $5bn of support given to Ukraine from 1991 to 2013; i.e. $230mn p.a. over a period of 22 years. But does he anywhere report the Kremlin’s support to Kolomoisky of “several billion dollars” which was transferred “two or three years” prior to 2014? This transfer is highly relevant given that Kolomoisky played the lead role in two major aspects of the project; namely, the formation of the “nazi” paramilitaries and the grooming of Zelensky for the presidency.
Moreover, although Corbett states that Putin is working to the Globalist agenda, does he anywhere consider the possibility that Putin and Nuland are working for the same masters? That is, the supposed “leak” from Nuland, together with the “nazis” and her statement about biolabs, is just part of a theatrical production? And the two funding streams were applied to different aspects of the same project?
Alternatively, and as implied by his latest video, does Corbett believe that Nuland is working for a different power centre? The implication from Corbett’s video is that he believes that power centre to be Washington; and that it is effectively independent of foreign interference.
Foreign Intervention and the Ukraine Crisis (2014)
by Corbett
Feb 17, 2024
NULAND (2013): Since Ukraine’s independence in 1991, the United States has supported Ukrainians as they build democratic skills and institutions, as they promote civic participation and good governance, all of which are preconditions for Ukraine to achieve its European aspirations. We’ve invested over $5 billion to assist Ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic Ukraine.
Press conference on the situation in Ukraine
President Vladimir Putin of Russia takes questions from the Russian media on March 3, 2014, following Russian military action in Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula.
Released: March 4, 2014
For example, Mr Kolomoisky was appointed Governor of Dnepropetrovsk. This is a unique crook. He even managed to cheat our oligarch Roman Abramovich two or three years ago. Scammed him, as our intellectuals like to say. They signed some deal, Abramovich transferred several billion dollars, while this guy never delivered and pocketed the money. When I asked him [Abramovich]: “Why did you do it?” he said: “I never thought this was possible.” I do not know, by the way, if he ever got his money back and if the deal was closed. But this really did happen a couple of years ago. And now this crook is appointed Governor of Dnepropetrovsk. No wonder the people are dissatisfied. They were dissatisfied and will remain so if those who refer to themselves the legitimate authorities continue in the same fashion.
In fact, Zelensky’s top financial backer, the Ukrainian Jewish oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, has been a key benefactor of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and other extremists militias.
Igor Kolomoisky, a Ukrainian energy baron of Jewish heritage, has been a top funder of Azov since it was formed in 2014. He has also bankrolled private militias like the Dnipro and Aidar Battalions, and has deployed them as a personal thug squad to protect his financial interests.
In 2019, Kolomoisky emerged as the top backer of Zelensky’s presidential bid. Though Zelensky made anti-corruption the signature issue of his campaign, the Pandora Papers exposed him and members of his inner circle stashing large payments from Kolomoisky in a shadowy web of offshore accounts.
..and notably Kremlin never spilled just a drop of coffee or drop of inconvenience on Kolomoisky’s, Zelensky’s, Abramovich’s fine expensive black suits, all three Bolshevik billionaires, while these three Doos were moving around the Azov Nazis in Ukraine.
I suspect Kremlin was involved in the killing of the heroes in Donbass, because they became a little too popular and a little too successful against the Ukros, but do only have my suspicion.
Fishy smell around these “President killings” and Kremlin’s passivity and “equal partners” bs.
“They’re all in it together”
Yes, without a shadow of a doubt and the Winteroak website has many receipts: the info and sources to show us – not just the what and how but also the who and why:
Agreed. I would add, since they have clearly laid all their cards down on the table clear for everyone who looks, the oligarchs, the elites, the elected or whatever you want to call those who make policy and “rules” that control us, are functioning exactly like an Untouchable’s show Mafia Boardroom. They can play their Great Game monopoly play amongst one another vying occasionally for top dog, but all the blood,pain and suffering only affects the world’s 99% that are their obedient, puppet minions. Everything they do is totally and complete bullshit insanity and brutal crushing cruelty. Like pouring salt on snails. When the world’s 99% realizes this fraud, we can all walk away from participating, obeying or even listening, leaving them income-less, authority-less and washed out into vans down by the river.
Research now confirms what we knew. The global project to jab everyone – whether uni-polar or multi-polar – was mayhem, genocide and money madness on an unprecedented scale. But you don’t say that expressly in scientific writing.
I think it’s time to update the idea about what war is. The idea it’s competing power blocks was old even in Orwell’s time. Could it be more obvious the “wars” are covid by another means? They aren’t even trying to win. They are using the wars to destroy resources and people and to distract us with fear and horror. They agree to kill each other’s proles for mutual benefit. It’s a globalist class war of them against us.
Putin gets interviewed by Tucker Carlson (who was useless) – big opportunity to assess the state of Western opinion towards Putin and see if there’s enough hatred – there isn’t – along comes…. well I never, isn’t that a coincidence?
Tucker works for Russian organized crime.
Looks to me as if Iain is reluctant to take the final few steps and draw the conclusions of his own research and the unquestioned facts he draws together.
That is to say they are all in it together and the wars are fake as fuck.
I’ve been trying to understand the Ukraine madness as an actual war since Day 1 2022, and I can’t and only conclusion I can come to is because it’s not an actual war.
Back in the day I used to post here and on Facebook and couple other places asking people to point me to any actual video of real warfare or combat situations in the Donbas regions. No one ever did. And I have never found any.
Iain – see if you can find any mate.
Meanwhile the unanswered questions and funny stuff just proliferates.
1 – Why the fuck is there zero pictorial evidence of a single actual Russian combat unit operating in Ukraine?
These were my original questions in 2022 but now we know the answer partly – it’s because the Russian MoD was allegedly relying on bloody mercenaries (wtf?) – but even that doesn’t explain anything since Wagner would have been well equipped with modern hardware, so why the fuck did we never get to see any of it in those thousands of “action vids” being put out by dodgy vid outfits?
And here’s another question that now arises
2 – Why has the Russian military apparently deliberately failed to even try to win or to execute even basic normal combat strategies?
Riley Waggaman has revealed a lot of this to western eyes. It’s mindboggling and inexplicable in terms of real warfare.
And a few more
3 – Why are the casualty figures so insanely high (impossibly high) but we get no footage of any battles?
4 – Why does so much of the “devastation” happen in what looks like empty and decrepit old apartment buildings scheduled for demolition?
5 – Why have both sides been accused of faking, and why have they both produced footage that looks fake, including fake corpses?
To me there’s only one answer. The war isn’t happening. Not in terms of real combat or attempts to take territory. I think they just gave some old Soviet hardware to some geezers (Donbas militia men, volunteers, actors, whatever) and told them to have at it in condemned housing estates and places previously bombed in the earlier civil war that was probably real.
I think they did “training maneuvers” and staged little lame combat vids and that was all it took to convince people because no one imagines you’re going to fake a war, But I think it’s what they did. It’s the only way to make sense of the evidence.
For all I know they’re faking Gaza too, but I haven’t investigated that one so far.
Iain, think about it, I reckon it’s an important part of the multipolar BS.
There’s lots of war footage. See for instance:
Yeah there’s tons of it, and all of it looks like the stuff I describe above. Clapped out Soviet era hardware, small handful of unfit untrained ‘soldiers’ tooling round old bomb sites or firing at invisible enemies. Or video game type footage of AVs being blown up from a distance, usually with actual bloody movie music played over it. Yours is just more of the same mate, sorry
And as a result of the destruction of British depleted uranium munitions by Russian long range cruise missiles, the radiation levels increased just they had in Iraq and the former Yugoslavia after spent DU shells were used.
Radiation level increased in Khmelnitsky after projectiles were destroyed with depleted uranium 10:18 – Social Bites
We’ve had this exchange several times before and it comes down to you having a highly restrictive definition of “war”. Moreover, that definition gets more restrictive every time I counter your argument. Now you seem to think that it’s a war only if they fight with modern equipment. If, instead, they use up all the old equipment, that somehow is not a war.
The Ukraine thing stopped Covid.
Literally no news of covid after Feb 20 2022.
Correct. Funny, right.
” Correct. Funny, right. ”
Wrong !
The Numbers Don’t Lie: Excess Deaths—Ed Dowd | UKColumn
There are only idiot numbers in this link, quite revealing yes?
Numbers from Nov. 2022, numbers from 3 quarter of 2021, but no specific area nor relation.
Statistics is a manipulation tool which can only be used as an indication which must be evidenced from real life, and this cannot be said enough times.
So you see the problem with all these fear links and their weak and loose numbers is that they reveal the Author(s) behind them, as controlled opposition.
If you happened to actually read and listen to the discussion, you would have observed the following concerning the areas related to the numbers.
In this interview, four areas of concerning data are highlighted:
1.Actuaries’ tables from US life insurance companies
2. British National Health Service sickness absence rates
3. British excess death rates
4. UK PIP (British disability benefit recipients data)
The 1st table relates to life insurance. What happens to any insurance policy when there is more risk ie : house, car, maritime insurance policies ?
The cost of the policy increases.
2, 3,4 again relate to costs. What happens when costs increase ?
You pay.
The problem is sometimes people lose their way in a wilderness of mirrors instead of, to misquote the ad, it does what says on the tin.
Oh yes, instead of hurling slime and smear , which I normally see on the MSM, produce concrete evidence to substantiate your claims relating to the author !
Ok, it was just because I have seen these links a dozen times and became irritated. But you just confirm what I said.
Why could these statistics be manipulated and not telling the truth?? Because these manipulated fear porn figures makes many prices go up.
Do you got my point now or do you still believe Big Insurance, Big Pharma, Big MIC, Big MSM would never do that???
Hmm, do insurance rates go up or down when more claims are made?
Eg In the U.K. when you take out compulsory car insurance, your costs will increase if you make a claim or have an electric/ high performance car because of increased risk.
If you have pet insurance and you make a claim , your costs increase because their is more risk for the insurance company.
If you are in a war zone, your life / transportation or in a high risk profession such as a steeplejack insurance costs will significantly increase .
Again, because there is more risk for them.
Now, to misquote Churchill there are lies, damned lies and statistics which the power of statistics to bolster weak arguments. Frequently, it is trotted out by politicians to bamboozle the electorate into supporting them.
However in the world of insurance, this is seldom the case as anyone who has made claims for car damage, theft or life/ house/ unemployment/ mortgage insurance will testify. Unless of course, you have been very fortunate.
Do you ever consider that U.K. Column are actually telling the truth or do you subscribe to James Jesus Angelton’s view ?
I have the same observation. It doesn’t actually look like a large scale war. It’s either some 3-4 People shooting at some People we cannot see, or lone old soviet tanks bring blown up by a drone or something. This must be the most low-intensity war ever conducted, because there are literally no footage of big battles or offensives, just skirmishes here and there. I call BS on this «war».
well take Bojo’s shilling and check the front out yourself, given its “low intensity”, you should be fine.
BTW: the up and down voting is not organic. I know of nowhere else on the internet where this “it’s all fake” view is espoused. And I know of no named person who supports it. If it had the level of support as indicated by the voting, that support would also be more widespread. Also, fixing the vote is somewhat easier than faking a war!
Spot on !
agree with both of you,
OG’s tolerance of “everything is fake” is farcical, frankly.
Are you suggesting we should ban people who claim something might be fake? Like the UK establishment is currently trying to do with Richard D. Hall?
yawn, answer our reality of why smarting, pointed posts are removed, but Tony conquers all? you of all people Sophie, at the end of the day you acussed this crittur of stalking you did you not? yet he still gets to post his soft porn lover boy articles on women?
come on admin, must do better.
; )
I haven’t removed any smart, pointed posts. You’re just being the troll you usually are, and I find that far duller than Tony’s posts (which are regularly held back, btw, if they are long and off topic). A2
I don’t know that you’re correct about that, but say you are, isn’t that the great thing about the internet?
I dont’t know the number of po-faced criticisms appealing to authority/establishment/consensus Offg received during 2020|22, but you can hardly expect this argument to work now lol
Covid revealed how stage-managed our media and politics is. Where did that infrastructure go? Should we assume it only applied to Covid, and doesn’t apply now? Many think that’s a silly thing to do.
and I am ekologistika, lol
your accusations (troll) are as acute as you environmental nonce, so suck that up. Sick of you pukes.
you’re admin crew have probably deleted several thousand pointed posts, fact, why don’t we ask the “cleintele”. Yet tony endears you? are you a perv that condones stalking your co-workers? Let me draw all spoofie’s posts about opmoc from the record SAM. It’ll show you up badly, you opmoc lover.
site has become joke,
look at views, pathetic.
Fuck you sim, spoofie and that other patronising entity, and george mc that content creator and all the rest, probably just a handful of “creative writing class” types.
Admins hypocracy and lies have RUINED OFFGUARDIAN. FACT.
refute that admins! you lie and manipulate and your thumbing system is an apparent influencing tool.
(on ye go, tell me i’m a boring ad hominen troll, lol)
ps i don’t troll, I trawl.
fuck OG, called.
My point above concerns the voting, which clearly is fake, rather than the position. I think it’s reasonable to have “it’s fake” as a default position. And there’s certainly a lot of fakery going on with the Russia-Ukraine conflict. However, the absolutist position of “it’s all fake” is just as retarded as the opposite one which dismisses anything labelled as “conspiracy”.
With regard to other people espousing the “it’s all fake” position, I’m sure it exists. It’s just that I haven’t come across it.
I usually put no store in the voting since it’s often gamed by trolls – most prominently on neo-Nazi posts, which get insane voting traffic. Since you’ve identified the problem, you could certainly help this website and this community by pointing it out on some other topics. Would you be up for that?
Well, take anything to extremes and it gets silly, sure. Most of the time that goes without saying, BTL, don’t you find? You and Red Pill are both longtime commenters, do we need to teach granny to suck eggs here? 😅
Red Pill made some interesting observations, but most importantly, he/she invited challenge by appealing for additional evidence. This doesn’t look like the sort of ‘absolutist’ mindset you refer to.
I just think these sorts of discussions, whether we agree or not, are incredibly important and we shouldn’t shut them down with appeals to consensus, ya know?
Hopefully you get my point. A2
I have previously pointed out the ideational collective, but I won’t be policing the site.
As stated above, every time I provide evidence, the definition of “war” becomes more restrictive so as to exclude that evidence. See Games People Play.
Agreed. That’s why I’ve posted above and elsewhere on the “Nazis” and “Nuland” fakery. But there’s been very little take up.
I’m not aware of making an appeal to consensus or of shutting down any debate. If you think I have, please be specific.
And then you make an appeal to consensus; or Daddy; or Big Sis!
oh I thought that’s what you were doing.
Oh I thought you’d done exactly that.
What? Perhaps the confusion is stemming from you not knowing what an appeal to consensus is?
Exactly what I have pointed out. If these thumbs were truth thumbs I would get 33 thumbs up every time I comment here, which I do not get. Proved!
And I thought that wanting to poison infants was enough proof………..
Good point.
Wanting to test and inject a new experimental gene therapy vaxx on infants and “the entire global population” after the swine flue scandal and the ebola and zika fakes, should be enough proof for even a 100% born mental disabled.
But if we if we should be polite to these people, they must have been exposed to some kind of hypnosis, mass psychosis, or spell.
All the so-called governments are privately owned and controlled CORPORATIONS, not public institutions. The public own no shares, no stock. The public have no control of the corporate entities masquerading as governments. They cannot be disbanded by the public, the public cannot audit any government, nor can the public dispose of assets allegedly (but not factually) being held in trust for the public.
Ergo, until you know who and what owns these corporations, who holds the original stocks and shares, who sits on the boards of these corporations and orgs (legal fictions) masquerading as federal, state or local governments, courts and supranational NGOs, then you and the rest of the media (alt or mainstream) are only ever either repeating or evaluating false statements made by an international cabal of liars, frauds, criminals and Freemasonic actors who simply release false statements to dupe the populations inhabiting the land masses claimed to be “countries”.
All governmental and supranational (NATO, BRICS, UN etc) statements that are disseminated by the complicit press (who are also nothing more than another arms length corporate subsidiary network of the privately owned corporate governments) are simply based on fraud and repetition of lies, as a propaganda tool for mass brainwashing of the nescient slaves.
The public are being lied to, defrauded, farmed, coerced and stolen from without their consent or authority, for the benefit of a select few million who are in on the worldwide scam of these faux governments, and who profit from the criminal fraud of these criminal enterprises masquerading as governments.
Succinct, salient and spot on.
They’ve created a monster and I suppose when that happens they initiate monster destruction operations before rolling in the new monster con system. New monster, of course, same as the old monster.
corporate contrivance to control the markets, is an ancient game, and would be uncommon, derelict even, if the peremptory “powers” were playing an inferior system of exchange.
If you were looking for a planet at a hunter-gatherer stage of evolution in these space coordinates, I’m sorry that we don’t refund one-way tickets. We could perhaps recommend you try the Orion Nebula for a fresh start the next time around?
When Trump gets in, he will drain the swamp.... 😂
The MSM alt media still believe that when the rightman or lady takes office things will change.
Lol. Yeah.
“I’m the father of the vaccine”.
…dont forget Trump cleaned out all the pedos ….ehh bee or at least he would have done it if not the lgbt team have stolen the election
Romley Stewart, Justinian Deception youtube channel?
No, he’s misinformed. There’s no remedy under common law. None. The masons involved in the common law psyop, falsely conflate common law with natural law.
The two have nothing to do with each other.
Common law is derived from Roman Law (we are still under worldwide control of the Holy Roman Empire) and its history and use is in the UK and the 80 or so other countries that were under British rule. It’s based on case law, precedents and judgements. It’s a man made, positive law.
NATURAL LAW is a set of immutable, intrinsic and innate principles based on objective morality and the right and wrong behavior of humans. They are considered negative laws.
It could be argued it is by consent, that’s what all the propaganda is for. The slavery system have levels and at every level they enslave the one below. Half my country feeds off the other half.
No, consent means informed, free from fraud, coercion, deception, racketeering, threat or violence.
And what about the billions who don’t consent, who never consented?
Voting will always be fraudulent, because you can’t transfer rights you don’t have to another.
This is the apex of the fraud, creating false authority systems of enslavement and ownership of life and property through the cestui que vie trusts all governments possess on their citizenry, that aren’t lawful.
Agree totally. It is not thunder or earthquake, it is battle formations from Xerxes Army.
President Xi: “China maintains that for the world, there is only one system, which is the international system with the United Nations at its core, that there is only one order, which is the international order based on international law”.
Remember “the International Rules Based Order with free navigation in free waterways”?
President Putin to Tucker Carlson: “We are no more Commies, we are Bourgeois like you, we are like you, we wanted to be equal partners with Moderna and Pfizer, and we want so badly badly badly to be like you”.
Europe cant keep up with these two wagging poodles. “Sit”.
So the only hero left on a major scale is Erdogan. May Erdogan lead us the 300 to the final victory 😖 .
The oligarchs whether in the West or the East all have a history of megalomania, greed and psychopathy. Perhaps that goes with being an oligarch. Psychopaths are serial/habitual liars so the public pronouncements from both sides aren’t necessarily what they really believe, think or want! Actions are the litmus test not words.
Time will determine which side, the NWO or MPO, wins out and what this really means for humanity’s survival and wellbeing. For now the disagreements, and conflicts amongst the plutocrats pose existential threats to all humanity and we need to keep our eyes and our minds open to discern which way things are going to go.
Yup. And don’t forget that ‘good folks’ have the best ‘leaders’ their money can buy.
The masses actually don’t buy the leaders, the plutocrats already own them.
If the all the countries are ‘in this together,’ who is coordinating it?
Don’t answer, yet.
The policy of a “Third British Empire” was promoted by the Cecils, financed by Roth and finessed by Milner.
An idea which originated with the Liberal aristocracy, given as a job of work to the middle class graduates of LSE and Oxford, and disciplined through clubs like the Fabians, was above all to bring the United States back into the British fold.
Initially Cecil/Roth/Milner wanted a federation. When that proved impossible, they sought to make the U.S. a dominion like Canada. And when that failed they settled on a Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth concept took off after WW2 but it was always fuzzy. A club, league or union of nations was the solution – not new as Tennyson had written of it almost a century before.
Professors Carroll Quigley, Antony Sutton and Revilo Oliver have described not only the project – but unlike 99% of historians they have compiled list after list of the individuals involved, their connections, their colleges and their employment histories in the British colonial service and Foreign Office.
After more than a century of planning the evidence played out within the lives of our immediate ancestors. What we have seen is the implementation of these plans; whether they succeeded we must leave to our descendants to judge.
The evidence of Sir William Wiseman instructing Edward House, whose letters show he was manipulating president Woodrow Wilson to do Britain’s bidding, to use the League of Nations as a ploy to reintegrate the U.S. into the British orbit… Plain as day. It leaves few soiled napkins to be sniffed.
It strikes me that talk about Russia and China being part of a one-world government… must raise the inescapable question of who runs this purported one world government.
And if answer there is none, the dog that does not bark points silently at the project of the Third British Empire, the title of a book by Cecil/Roth/Milner acolyte Alfred Zimmern in 1926.
Stuff yer Third Reich or fourth. Klaus Schwab is not a reborn leather polisher but a servant of the British Crown, which, if you investigate his relationship with King Charles, proves to be the case.
I always wondered why the newsrooms in which I worked swallowed the Russiagate hoax created by MI6/CIA.
As many as 98 per cent of the journalists fell in line for at least three years from 2016. Some cannot free themselves to this day. Who controls the news? It’s a rhetorical question.
James Corbett has done a few videos on this subject. The Secret Round Table. Fascinating.
All roads lead to the City of London and Vlad the Impaler Putin showed them door after discharging the Rothschilds chief emissary in Russia.
The Real Crime of M. Khodorkovsky, by F. William Engdahl (
The Royal family has for the last couple of centuries been indebted to the Rothschilds in one form or another.
Hidden history : the secret origins of the First World War : Docherty, Gerry, 1948- author : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Kit is appearing on Gareth icke show this evening.
Will it appear on this site.>?
I not in a position to pay & subscribe to ickonic monthly to view it.
I dunno, I’ll inquire!
Thank you, Iain. “Multipolarity” is such a lie– not at all the goal of those who are leading it. But even if there are to be 3 or 4 regional dictatorships in the short-run, this obviously doesn’t help us.
Globalism vs Multipolarity doesn’t begin to describe the essential characteristics of a govt or society.
We’re all obviously Globalists because we all have to live on, and share, the same globe. The argument is really about how we share the globe. Obviously oligarchs are going to oligarch, its what they do, and they will do whatever they can to achieve their goals, up to and including capturing major governments and quasi-governmental organizations. The goal for ‘us’ — the ordinary people — is to find ways to keep them in check. We have to do this because history tells us that vast acquisition of private wealth leads to waste, despoilation and degradation of the standard of life for the majority of the world’s population.
These truths are, as the saying goes, ‘self evident’. They face a massive, ongoing and uphill struggle, though, because money can afford the best of everything. Economists have talked about countries where a significant part of the population is engaged in ‘defending’ the interests of the handful of people that constitute the oligarchy (its a setup that’s in essence no different from a feudal system headed by an aristocracy). So naturally any talk about — or action towards — an alternative is going to attract a lot of opposition and naysayers, including the usual “they’re all the same” crowd (its a common defense tactic employed by the indefensible).
The situation is a bit tricky because our unipolar neo-feudal system is fundamentally inefficient. You can’t have huge amounts of value extracted from society to feed parasitism and yet still be competitive with societies that manage to keep parasitism under control. The short term fix has been to exploit the other societies for cheap labor but this just won’t work — societies might tolerate it for a bit but unless you’ve got their government firmly in your pocket they’re going to develop and eventually find working for you uneconomic, almost redundant. This leaves you at a disadvantage; you might then try to keep the other society as a vassal by using economic or actual warfare but this is also a losing proposition. The risk is that the losers may end up destroying us all as their empire disintegrates. (BTW — Its been known for hundreds of years that an ’empire’ is primarily an economic construct; the imperial trappings are just window dressing, theater to provide cultural consistency.)
Martin, you’re close, but you’re still seeing rival societies or nations as the actors. At the top levels they aren’t. It’s a shame that so many people call the real actors “globalists;” Better to call them tyrants.
Be careful with terminology. If globalism and globalisation are the same, the beginning is the same as the end.
Globalists pursue globalism as centralization (one world government, kumbaya, cybernetic technocracy or however you define it) in contrast to the organic process of globalisation, which is the world becoming more integrated as a result of trade, exchange, migration etc.
This is why globalists have a schizophrenic relationship with nation states. They need national authorities to corral the people — to lock them down and vaccinate them, for example.
That obsession with debunking Multipolarity is an exercise in futility. It’s like counting how many angels can stand on the head of a pin! Davis is someone who has thrown his lot in with the premise that any current alternative to the unipolar world order–in particular, the idea of Multipolarity–is as problematic as the former and not to be trusted. He falls for the ‘futures fallacies,’ the prediction fallacy and The fallacy of overinflated agency. He’s in fact implying that it’s actually possible to predict the future and that the present and global future can be manipulated by a small group of oligarchs around the world. In doing so, he’s excluding the myriad of factors, conditions, relationships, and random events that can and do impact the future (such as the genocide in Palestine and massive anti-government protests around the world).
The truth is, no small group of individuals can fully control humanity’s future, regardless of how secretive or powerful they may be. These type of conspiracies never turn out in the way they were intended, With regard to Multipolarity, it’s far from certain things will evolve as intended by the BRICS, or any other organization. We certainly haven’t yet shaken off the shackles or the curent rules based Anglo-American order of chaos. God only knows whether humanity will even survive the passing of this hegemon!
Wetiko is the dynamic which needs to be understood and dealt with. All of the games on the worldly stage are playing out as a result of us being individually and collectively possessed and driven by it’s influence.. It’s a Hydra spirit which lurks in the deep, collective unconscious and it feeds off the vibrational energies of fear, violence, greed, trauma, sadness etc
Exorcising it’s influence and awakening to the coherent and benevolent intelligence and power within the heart and soul is the only way the game changes. Many people need to accomplish this, so as to weaken it’s grip.. Try and fight the main heads on the Hydra and it only gets stronger.. It must be defeated within first of all.
Have you noticed.. No matter how many great articles you read or video presentations you watch.. It continues..
Thanks for introducing me to the notion of Wetiko. There is indeed an evil spirit, demonic possession, psychic virus metastasizing throughout this world. Indigenous people have similar concepts because they tend to be more spiritual and connected with the Cosmos than the West. The West is more focused on the material and pokes fun of the non-material spiritual realm.
In the modern world the plutocrats use their technology to amplify fear and other negative values such as greed, disconnectedness and xenophobia to allow Wetiko to spread in our psyches so we can be more easily manipulated, duped and driven to engage in more maladaptive and self-destructive behaviors. This mind virus becomes the norm and as a result collectively we see the devastating effects of it all around us.
We are liable to frame in terms of presumed agency in polarised conflict rather than self-interest running under social/cultural dictates manifesting as ‘technological convergence’.
The degree to which we are framed in and draw identity from our ‘tools’ – which includes systems of tooling, is the degree to which the drive of ‘progress’ is not only inevitable, but inescapable in terms of progressive compounding of debt-conflicts as the driving force against system failure, which to its adaptive personality, means extinction or total breakdown.
By destructive and cannibalistic plunder, our world becomes the dictate and demand for sacrifice set against breakdown of the social masking order – which is a usurping of communication & exchange in shared worth or value. IE: A rigged, corrupt or false ‘order’ masking in manipulation of appeals for sympathy – such as ‘Caring’ MUST comply or be cancelled.
Questioning our social identity-masking as cultural foundation does not come easy to us as we all have more of a stake in the established order that is in fact active, regardless our various presentations or takes on it in terms that invariably reflect our own particular and collective fears & defences.
Questioning what social order is and does is generally framed by the intent to define in order to predict and control. Such as to rationalise and justify core assumptions.
The ‘insider’ establishment aligned in seeking to shape social change by sowing cultural narratives (the mass mind) to drive philosophical, economic and regulatory structures of control that effectively train and condition a social mindset of a largely covert dependency within externalised system of arbitrarily adjustable life support. Ostensibly the means to protect against risk, operate the toolset by which to pre-emptively ‘create’ order by incentivised (coercive) controls.
We are all in it together insofar as we align in the roles of a self-reinforcing conflict-driven pain-giving futility (regardless how fervent our hope or belief that THIS time will be different – or THIS issue is different).
Recognising a futility, meaninglessness or self defeating pattern of thought & behaviour is where FREEDOM to release it for a more truly aligned expression of integral being can extend as with-ness and worth-ship to Life rather than claim and counterclaims to the rights of title to judge or define what Life is or ‘should be’.
We are also all in and of Life – whatever Life is the being or unfolding of, can be experienced in infinitely different ways, but in judgement set over and apart from Life we generate or invoke an alien will – unlike and contra to a nature we frame unworthy. fallen, broken, lacking ‘immunity’ to risk, challenge and adaptive growth and in need of machinery or technology of external ‘support, control, upgrade and replacement.
I simply sketch out a view from where I live.
We think we know we live IN a body IN a physical world.
But look at the dissociating disembodiment of a mind-set that thinks to know.
Active ignorance is given power to run as guide and protector.
Thinking that operates without a truly grounded reference point can seek and find circular reinforcements by which to bring forth strange fruit (evils framed and projected as autonomous or irrevocably & necessarily defining life in its terms).
The winding up of false or limited/limiting thinking runs out of time and space. Both of which can be used to mask and distance, as to reveal the Extension of an embrace we do not and can not manufact.
This article was more than a little embarrassing to read, full of the most juvenile kind of self-important hobby club gate-keeping and self-destructive faction-forming.
Who are these “tiny bands” who self-identify as proponents and antagonists of these utterly inconsequential bits of discussion group dogma? And why do they hate each other so much? What difference does any of it make? Who cares whether it’s the reverse vampires, the saucer people, the RAND corporation, or all of them in concert? None of them are listening to this very serious discussion you’re having in your tree house. Is it really worth alienating the closest thing you have to friends and allies just to gain a few points in an invisible and inaudible debate about trivia?
It all depends upon whether or not you care about anything.
If you aren’t in the least bit concerned about a digital panopticon being erected around humanity by self serving oligarchs then, no, it doesn’t matter at all. We can simply leave narratives evidently designed to promote that outcome alone. No need to bother challenging any of it, if you don’t care.
You can simply carry on, pretending that you have a partisan obligation to defend some happy-clappy fraternity of “alt” warriors where everyone is equally committed to exposing tyranny, even those who are seemingly, for whatever reason, spewing narratives to bring it about.
However, if you do care and do not want to live under the yoke of essentially fascist technocracy, and do want to do what you can to resist it, however ineffectual it might be, you have to draw a line and stand on it.
What is “self-destructive” is sticking your head in the sand and imagining that by not bothering to critically analyse anything you are somehow protecting “friends and allies” who, regardless of their motivation or beliefs, are going to suffer under the same dictatorial jackboot as everyone else.
So it most certainly is worth pointing this out and, if this is all irrelevant, why are you bothering to comment on an independent media site to express your views?
If you think the PTSB don’t care about the independent media space and, therefore, nothing makes any difference, may I suggest you read this, if you haven’t:
I agree with everything you’ve written in this response, and even with your specific viewpoint in the original article. I just don’t think it makes any difference who, precisely, is behind the dreadful schemes that every side is pursuing. It doesn’t change the set of possible solutions. Effective resistance looks exactly the same whether there are multiple poles or a single world government.
I didn’t mean to imply that what you call the “pillars” are inconsequential developments or not worth worrying about; they’re very consequential and very dreadful. But arguing about the shadows and shapes in the rain clouds doesn’t hold back the storm. Time is running out and there appears to be no genuinely active resistance movement — the freezing of the truckers’ bank accounts turned out to be an almost perfectly efficient tactic, diverting all usable energy from physical resistance into discussion and in-fighting.
Personally, I think it’s all been discussed enough and it’s pointless to discuss further until a few election cycles have been boycotted. Votes count even less than discussion, but abstention seems to sting, or else Russia wouldn’t have armed their door-to-door vote-counters in Donbas and Luhansk.
There will never be a consensus about the finer points of the mysteries, or maybe even the coarse points, but there has long been a consensus about the grand vista — and that’s the best we’re ever gonna do. All of the hand-wringing about the slaughter in Gaza didn’t change Gaza’s fate or save a single life. Israel drove them all straight to Rafah using American weapons, exactly as they said they would on day one, and America is now sending them more weapons.
You’re completely missing the point. It’s not an esoteric discussion. There is a real danger because due to the “multipolar” nonsense the vast majority of so-called ‘independent’ media are being conned into supporting Agenda 2030 without realizing it. The opposition has been reduced by about 90%. Right now there’s such confusion there is basically no opposition to the real dangers, and the agenda is rolling out at breakneck speed while the independent media talk about mostly irrelevant BS about how great Putin is.
I’m sure I have missed several points, but I still think the very fact that this is still merely a discussion, after all this time, makes it esoteric. Off-Guardian itself is esoteric. The evidence for a shared global agenda has been sitting in plain sight since March 2020. Anybody who cares has long since integrated this insight into their worldview. Anybody who hasn’t is never going to. So why waste so much time and fury trying to convince them, or to slander them if they remain unconvinced? Mr. Davis’ hated “MWO pushers” are, in his own admission, just as opposed to Agenda 2030 as his Happy Few Who Question Multipolarity; it’s just that the former are a little more confused about Putin’s motives than the latter. So what? The real enemy is the agenda itself, not sectarian confusion about the hidden relationships between the actors.
Nothing can be done to stop rich people from conspiring together to stay rich in a changing world. The agenda has been described to death, and yet it’s still alive — unharmed, even. At some point it must be acknowledged that further description will not be fatal to the beast, and another tactic should be tried.
The problem, ultimately, is that media (such as Off-Guardian) is a business, and businesses are hopelessly constrained by financial and legal realities only ever to describe; they are simply not permitted to suggest courses of action which are significantly more dissident than “why not build a community?” or “you could do worse than to grow your own vegetables.” If they did, they’d be demonetized at best, and criminalized at worst. Mr. Davis is a good writer and a good thinker. He does see more clearly than most, but I would rather hear his ideas about what to do than about what or how his enemies should think.
Hmmm…I think you might be objecting simply for the sake of making a noise and giving the vague impression you have a contrary opinion when actually by your own admission you agree with what Davis is saying, you just apparently feel the need to object – at length – to him saying it.
Your criticism is identical to my criticism of the original post. Mr. Davis is attacking — at length, and with spitting rage — a group of people who agree with him on all essential points. Both sides oppose Agenda 2030. What purpose did his article serve? How does it further his cause to point at “MWO pushers” and laugh when they all want the same thing?
Premature faction-forming prevents the coalescence of coherent movements. If the party must be purged, do it after the revolution, not instead of it.
I do not agree on the “essential point” that global governance is necessary or warranted. I never have and I can’t conceive of a time when I will.
I am not “spitting with rage” at anyone. I am making as strong an argument as I possibly can to dispute the claims made by some, precisely because I consider what they are doing, whether intentional or not, counterproductive to opposing tyrannical policy initiatives like Agenda 2030.
My key point is that those who support multipolarity are NOT opposing globalist initiatives like Agenda 2030. They are, in fact, promoting them. It is not a trivial nor inconsequential matter.
I am also responding to a strawman argument frequently used to marginalise critics of multipolarity by some of its proponents.
There won’t be any “revolution” if we blindly accept multipolarity in the misplaced hope it will save us all from the globalist predators. Their ultimate victory is a fait accompli if we do.
The Multipolar world order is the tyranny.
Fair enough. I overreacted to a tone that only I perceived, and which was not intended, and probably not even present.
By “essential points” I only meant “Agenda 2030 = bad.” I’ve never met or read the thoughts of anybody who seemed genuinely to think otherwise. Even the WEF doesn’t truly believe that global governance is necessary — it’s just an idea for persisting their treasuries across the kinds of unknowable crisis boundaries that historically redistribute treasuries.
Does a person naive enough to think that Putin is coming to save him act differently from someone who knows Putin is coming to get him? He writes different things on the internet, yes, but does the shape of resistance to CBDCs or digital identity look significantly different from the outside?
Based on the evidence of the “pandemic” years, it doesn’t appear to me that the human race has any potential whatsoever for meaningful resistance at scales higher than the personal. Individual delusions about the nature of global power relations are more-or-less unobservable in the physical world. What counts is philosophy: do people have a sense of personal honor? Do they live by some code, stated or unstated? Are there lines they simply won’t cross?
During the “pandemic,” most people had no such lines, they laid down like dogs; but some people did, and the WEF’s dream of quarterly mandated injections fell apart (if only temporarily) because of them. A lot of those “heroes” were quite unsophisticated and deluded about the nature of political reality and the achievable technological limits of bio-tech conspiracies, but their personal resistance contributed just the same.
Conned? Don’t you know WHY they’re doing that? Do you think it’s an error? Lol. It’s not.
It’s to stop you and the rest of the semi-awake readers from figuring out that no governments are sovereign nor are they even legitimate. They’re privately owned corporations. They have original stock/share holders, and a board, like all corporate entities. They’re all centrally controlled through a private association.
Who’s on the board of your local and federal government? Who owns all the stock? Where’s the money going? The taxes, rates and fees? Where’s the money being funnelled to and what bank accounts? Who’s really making the decisions in these private corporations and how are the instructions or agendas being disseminated, after the faux elections take place?
If you don’t know the answers, maybe you should figure it out. I know no author on this site or anywhere else I’ve looked is anywhere near knowing. Or if they do know, they are supplying the wrong and deliberately false answers. Nor do they apparently WANT TO KNOW.
The only logical conclusion is they are either A) all colluding with the faux authorities because leading the opposition is controlling it or B) too ignorant, stupid or lazy to be bothered with the actual research. Or C) both, simultaneously.
Hey researcher, who/ what do you read? I guess you’ve looked into the operating system of the colonization of America yeah? King simply claiming land, filling it with slaves and or indentured servants etc and conducting business, collecting tax, writing laws out of thin air etc…
Yes indeed. That’s very close. All the colonizing nations had the same modus Operandi and they all declared ownership on behalf (secretly) of the Holy Roman Empire.
The most clever and audacious part, was the faux revolution, the orchestrated wars, the invalid Declaration of Independence and an entirely illegitimate Constitution.
I read anything and everything. Particularly esoteric texts, legal and historical texts. I also research signs, symbols, heraldry, masonry and astrotheology.
All roads lead back to Rome, (even Russia) in all “nations”, historically, religiously, legally, fiscally, structurally, culturally and governmentally.
Yes I think so. But the con predates Rome/ Catholicism and that era of religion/ religious control. I am sure you know that. Apparently Sumer, just for example, sprang up fully functional with built in management and control systems running. So this system of corporation or of herd management…the pyramid scheme or business model is ancient. The Rome threads running back a couple of thousand years trace and outline operations to this day. But it’s just one of many models that have existed down through the ages. That’s what I’m trying to say.
Yes, but it’s difficult to assess the timelines for each civilization pre Holy Roman Empire since the faux historians have pooled the timelines together in an attempt to mislead us about world history and technological
advancementrecycling.Ancient Egyptians. Ancient Greeks. The Ptolemaic religions. Cult of Moloch. Cult of Baal. The Assyrians and their MEDIA. The Babylonians. The Phoenicians. The Sumerians. Pagan and Druid Cults. The Atlantean’s. It’s always the same faux authority scam.
The parasites go underground every cataclysm, then reemerge with their tech, seeming foreknowledge and repetition of lies to spread their faux authority models, faux religions, repopulate and control by positioning their descendants as gods, priests or kings, every new astrological age.
“ The Alantean’s” before or after the Younger Dryas ?
Have you considered writing your own Substack? Your comments are always interesting and would make intriguing and insightful articles IMHO.
Of course there are liars, and people who are paid to lie. But there are also people who are honestly misled by the lies, or who convince themselves the lies are true because they want to believe in certain people. Some of them are stupid and lazy, but some are striving hard but simply confused or duped.
Would you say Mr Davis that if you hold a passport, birth certificate, bank account, driver’s license, if you vote and pay tax etc that you’re part of the system?
Off course. We are all part of the system, especially if we vote.
Voting is a social contract where you say I am not able to take care of myself but need a politician to be my nanny and act on my behalf.
Only if you dont vote, you can claim you are an adult who can take care of yourself, but as you live in a civilisation with other people who cant, you do contribute by your taxes to get along with your fellow men and those who create the public infrastructure.
The digital panopticon is already erected. It was in place long ago. The Masonic technocracy movement was ready for launch in 1930. The NWO isn’t in the future, it’s been operational for centuries.
The only relevant question is what we do now about the criminal corporations masquerading as the faux governments, pretending they’re legitimate when they aren’t, nor have they ever been.
These kinds of criminal organizations/ corporations masquerading as gov or religion have existed since before the earliest records of civilization or as far back as anyone can tell, haven’t they? So the con is…very old. It appears to be like that and that’s the way it is on this planet. It can’t be stopped, reasoned with, bargained with or changed from without. Astronomical or terrestrial calamity on a massive scale may, from time to time, tap dance in and smack the whole show down for a while. But it always reforms and runs cons the same old way. Probably because human nature or the human condition stays consistent forever.
Whatever people thinks of religion, the bible gives some answers to this question:
We didnt followed the first rule, and was therefore kicked out of paradise.
We danced around the gold calf and got the Ten Commandment rules down in our heads.
We pissed and shitted all over the Ten Commandments, got Noahs Arch and drowned.
Noah’s sons and daughters childrens children made swinger clubs, gay parades, stole, robbed, killed, and got the Sodoma and Gomorrah treatment.
We made a f…finger up in heaven, gathered around the Babel Tower, burned new born babies to stone gods, we got the language confusion and spreading of people all over the globe.
From there we killed, enslaved, robbed, raped our neighbour countries, and got Jesus Christ sent down to save mankind and make peace between us and God.
We started, what pesses God most off, making dna experiments, continued our love for money, changed real intelligence into artificial intelligence, and got…………the End.
YOU guys did this! 😇
This Week’s Fakes
*We will start with the alleged arrest of Reiner Fuellmich, the German lawyer allegedly pursuing new “Nuremberg” style trials for Covid genocide. The story makes no legal or logical sense, so I assume it is fake. I have said before I thought he was controlling the opposition, slow-walking these lawsuits by filing them in the wrong jurisdictions against the wrong parties on the wrong legal points, but he needed some final exit from this manufactured story, one that would do as much harm to his cause as possible. So they are painting him as a petty and comically inept embezzler, one who can’t figure out how to pay off a loan or to avoid getting double-crossed by his J8wiSh comrades. Despite being a top international attorney, we are supposed to believe he is just that stupid when it comes to finances. His fellow Corona Committee members Hoffman, Fischer, and Templin are accusing him not only of embezzlement, but also. . . wait for it . . . “violent anti-S_mi_ism”. Yeah, we should have seen that coming. I guess he is also anti-Trans, pro-life, pro-Amish, pro-Palestinian, and a Swift-hater. You have to laugh at how transparent this whole thing is.
*by Miles Mathis
The Illegal Kidnapping and Persecution of Reiner FuëllmichGreg Reese |
Obviously a case of blaming the victim.
Lol. He’s such a fraud. I figured out the way these cabal owned corporations like Deutsche Bank, VW etc., avoid paying the actual fines and damages to the faux governments in the faux countries is by having certain “lawyers” falsely litigate these cases, then the judges or juries award monetary fines that never get paid.
Fuellmich and his ilk; other high up, richly rewarded Masonic lawyers and judges assist in these legal scams or “proceedings” that are acted out in court and even become part of the public record, to keep up the appearance of legitimacy of courts and governments, then the publicly listed corps like PhRMA or polluters like Exxon continue to break the so-called laws.
When the judgements and monetary fines or awards are made to the government agencies, like the SEC or the DOJ, there’s absolutely no reason to enforce the fines and so they never actually take place!
The alleged fines are simply press announcements as part of the fraudulent process for the criminal orgs masquerading as courts, corporations and governments. It’s one giant, fraudulent, collusive con. There’s no way for the public to follow up on whether any money changes hands or is paid by any of these corporations that Fuellmich apparently litigated against.
Ergo, it appears Fuellmich is only involved in psyops.
And that odious Sylvia Shawcrass was lauding that total fraud on this site last year.
Smearing people such as Fuellmich, without substantive evidence, is part and parcel of the Modus Operandi of the Pressitutes. Do you concrete proof to support your claims.
Still waiting for your concrete proof. While you search for, let me show you Fuellmich and his colleagues work to fight against tyranny.
A pity. He was a splendid speaker, rational, analysing, concluding.
But off course it looked a little strange there was only 1 of his type resistance lawyer in the media, and next he get the usual controlled opposition scapegoat role when he has finished the analysis just before “The International Tribunal”.
I wonder whether all these “crisis actors” are appointed from “secret societies” and doing their service for Free Masonry to get a higher degree.
Im thinking of the Anders Breivik case in Norway, Navalny in Russia recently “dead”, m.m.
Foreign policy is now really no different than domestic policy, where we have all these parties supposedly fighting each other, but in reality controlled by the same people and leading us all to the same end. The main difference is that these ‘independent media’ types can easily see how fake the Democrat-vs-Republican show is, but they insist that, despite appearances, the BRICS-vs-NATO show is real. Sad, really …
💯- 👏👏👏
Essentially the Marxist/Trotskyist argument that all nations that aren’t socialist are run by a “bourgeoisie” who despite rivalry will always pull together against the international working class and will always ultimately submit to imperialism. The only remedy is therefore the “international working class”, whatever that is. This is a particularly dismal outlook but fortunately one with no foundation in reality. Intense cultural differences in family structure, history, tradition,way of life, nature the financial system, political organisation etc. renders the imposition monolithic New World Order impossible. This brings the sovereign state to the fore as the antithesis of that NWO. It’s highest expression historically was the Non-aligned Movement and the Bandung accords now manifested outside the Cold War context as the BRICS movement. The content of this movement in terms of prevailing paradigm is to be determined but there is already plenty to indicate that it will not mimic Davos. In fact, even the West is abandoning Davos and the Green and Woke agendas because they are incompatible with remilitarisation and an attempt to return to the Cold War as has manifested itself so dramatically is a series of statements by NATO aligned countries. Fossil fuels are back as in renewed North Sea exploration and the opening of new gas-fuelled power plants in Germany. Without this preparations for a war with Russian in 5 to 10 years, as is now being being discussed, is not possible. Nor is conscription on the basis Wokeness. This is being pushed ad nauseam by , for example, the Telegraph- haven’t you noticed? Sweden now firmly in the NATO orbit has abandoned UN Agenda 2030 completely! Blackrock and Vanguard and, recently, Bank of America have now abandoned ESG investment criteria.As for the BRICS countries they, quite simply, couldn’t give a damn about the Green agenda as they are developing economically at great pace. India is the prime example: they have just announced that gas-fueled power will increase threefold by 2050. The Rules Based Order is collapsing as a result of military defeat. The West then faces the prospect of isolation and collapse or engagement with the BRICS. The proliferation of articles of this type from the opposition in the West suggest to me that, unfortunately, it will be the former.
Energy is a touchstone issue vital to survival w.r.t. essential industries, in the world over-urbanised and over-complicated by capitalism. You don’t need to mix it up with imperialism and politics.
We have enough experience with alternative/new sources of energy. They just don’t add up in output, EROI, maintenance, net destruction and pollution, debt trap, etc.
The great sell-off about 5 years ago by the oil majors, and their current change of direction, is another example of the “greater fool” principle that Karl Marx wrote on.
Oil, gas, nuclear is the cheapest and most flexible energy forms, and there is unlimited resources.
They must have brain damage. every time there is a selection they pull out the migrants and George soros.
and just like that the COVID torture they got was forgotten..They must have brain damage!!
Outlets that print your work U.k shillum sell dogshit like this to there hypnotized fanbase who scream UN and migrants George soros.
They discuss ‘digital currency’ whilst excepting all it forms as donation and never mentioning the privately owned federal reserve or privately owned bank of England.! ()just to deep a rabbit hole for some of there brain damage! fanbase)
Your elks have brought this IQ level down to migrants, UN and hero worship Russia fighting the deep state & Just like hero worship Trump and hero worship Leave e<>u referendum was pompously going to make the world a better place. 💤
YOUR apart of theses M.I.C outlets that keep people in light code lockdown with the likes of the above in this fake MIC MSM alt media outlets with this fake hip hop biffing.
What’s in that Jin, Jin?
It ain’t just Tonic.
Did you run this comment of yours through Google Translate, or what?
My Latest which ends in a simple call to action to do something about it.
Echoing the spirit of this video from Occupy Days.
Whatyagonna gonna do. Indian Indiana, cant find link
The Pulling up of the Affordable Housing Ladder.Pulling Up The Ladder.
Kit and Off Guardian crew I think that this post is worthy of an airing on the main web site.
For discussions regarding doing something please get in touch.
“All we need do is look at Ukraine or the the Middle East to see the very real conflict between East and West.”
Correct. Today the UK and U$A support Israel’s genocidal policy against Palestinians with arms, money and diplomatic cover. Likewise they support the Ukronazis. Before WW2 the UK and U$A supported Nazi Germany’s genocidal policy against “inferior races” with arms, money and diplomatic cover. Likewise they supported anti-Russian policy in Poland and Galicia (today’s West Ukraine).
I guess many of the people in EU$A who carry water today for Zionazis and Ukronazis are belong to the same Leading Families who carried water for Franco, Musso and Hitler (“our bulwark against Communism”) before WW2 blew up in their faces.
WW2 was precisely what the globalist élites wanted. Without it, there would be no UN, no NATO, no EU, no World Bank, no IMF and no Israel.
The Globalists wanted it but the USSR tried in vain to prevent it.
Not “precisely”: the WW2 that your “globalist elites” (U$A UK and Anglo Zio Capitalism) wanted was: Hitler in CzechoSlovakia leading Poland as our attack dogs against Russia. But the treacherous hound turned against us; and the WW2 we got was: Stalin against Hitler to liberate Eastrern Europe. A war in which our Anglo Zio Capitalist countries bit the bullet and allied ourselves with Communist Russia: frightfully embarassing.
Nothing daunted, the AZC are playing the same game today: Ukronazis against Russia. Same game, same epic fail.
Remember to look under your bed tonight you might find a euronazi or a zionazi lurking there ready to pounce on you.
😂 😂 😂
No need to look under your bed when you can find EU$A-nazi President Biden and UK-nazi Prime Minister Sunak openly supplying weapons to Zionazi PM Netanyahoo so that Israel can continue its public Genocide in Gaza.
The same sort of people in the EU$A who supported Hitler now support Netanyahoo and fly a Ukronazi flag. They are all in bed together — In bed at Noon.
”If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.”
Yep. As usual, l Voltaire nails it again.
But the problem is where do you go form there! No answers apparently forthcoming which has always been the problem for the (armchair) critics.
It seems war would be an accurate possibility.
Where to go from here Graham? Just keep communicating. Keep looking under the covers for the crimes of those one is “not allowed to criticize”. Keep doing everything possible to hold them accountable. Grow awareness to the fact that they are not just trying to own you and everything you own; they are trying to kill you. Support your true friends. Realize there are far more of them (friends) than the enemy, despite some differences and individualitys. Flourish and Prosper!!!!!!
“It seems like a dwindling number of us in the “independent media” maintain that a “global public-private partnership” (G3P), controlled by a global network of oligarchs, still exists and is still intent upon establishing its NWO. We are Luddites…”
Which is why your number is dwindling. Luddism — like Oxford — is the home of lost causes. You are smashing the useful weaving machine (or its even more useful Digital offspring “weaving with thought”) instead of fighting the capitalists who are trying to own you body and soul by owning the machinery.
When the inhumane elitists publicly declare; “we’re all in this together” they’re talking to each other, not The Public.
Integrity is sacrificed on the alter of ambition by elitists & media influencers alike. Most have a price. ‘Independent’ media pundits are no exception.
Integrity – priceless!
“The oligarch’s NWO is being sold to us as the multipolar world order and, for some reason, it is receiving widespread support from sections of the Western independent media.”
At this stage of the game, I think everyone knows who’s in charge, Iain, BRICS is a regionalization step to usurp sovereignty from national governments and create another artificial globalist ‘supranational’ governing body that on the surface masquerades as opposition to the Western led World Order but in reality serves as the ages-old Messianic dream of International governance.
Informed consent is the one thing they fail to point out.
Informed consent was always a cynical joke. In medical treatment. It is now over over 3 years from the imposition of the covid jab, for which the guinea pig acknowledged the risk, indemnified the manufacturer and certified that he was not “allergic” to any of the (secret) contents. We are into about a century of many other “miraculous” developments.
Many hoped Putin is a good guy standing against west and it’s totalitarean grip. But he is the same guy among them, if we look his actions i.e. CBDC, WEF policy, how he treats his own people, vaxxinations, sending young people to war, silencing and killing journalists, stepping forward to Great Reset. All the little actions.
“sending young people to war”.
Putin’s war aim of the “de-nazification” of Ukraine is exactly the same playbook as Western war aims of defeating “terror”, “drugs” or whatever and for exactly the same reason.
Wars were once fought for a definable and tangible goal, like capturing this castle or that tract of land. The war then had to end. Wars are now fought for ill-defined and unachievable goals so they can go on indefinitely.
The probably well-intentioned focus on the Azov Batallion served this strategy. What does “de-nazification” mean? The war goes on while there’s one nazi in Ukraine?
Putin defined a nazi as someone who wants to control you with your own money.
Confusing no doubt, and the reaction to confusion is normally more confusion until an understanding is reached.
So it seems to me, that at some time in the past, Russia trusted (or set up), the states with a mechanism so they could do just that, control someone with someone’s own money, so in the future they had someone to fight about the merits of controlling someone with someone’s own money. My guess is that the future is now, hope this clears it up for you all.
Socialism. Western welfare states. Taxation 70%. Biggest public sector with millions of controllers.
But isnt this exactly what CBDC is about?
I would argue that at the level of head of state, there are no “good guys.”
Global subversion and treachery went through these stages:
-. from 1945, UN set up with rigged forms of financing, trade, technical coordination and “peace-keeping”
-. from late 1970s, privatisation (kleptocracy), and reduction of government responsibility, legitimised.
-. from 2001, acceptance of the very largest businesses and “investors” as direct participants: UN Global Compact
-. from at least 2012, these businesses able to stymie initiatives
-. from 2019, “cooperation” of UN with WEF; trans-national capital deal with UN or governments as an equal.
The UN is being “privatized” by Global Corporations; “Western” style. This needs to be reversed. South Africa’s successful case against Israel’s genocidal policy against Palestine is the first step toward reclamation of the UN for its original purpose.
In other breaking news. Your Country is being taken over with immigrants and it’s not accidental. I know, it sounds racist, but it’s not in my case, because I’m an immigrant in the Country I live in, so it’s ok to talk about this stuff when your are the victim too. A bit like Black Rappers being able to use the “N” word, but nobody else can. Anyway…
Now. Personally, I don’t mind immigrants so long as one adheres to a few principles.
“They” (The same guys that brought you Covid) are looking to dilute your culture, they have been doing for decades, but are now accelerating it. They want to delete your Sovereignty, your values, Christianity, the family unit and replace you with people who don’t know any better. Those who will work you $10 an hour without bathroom breaks and will take the jabs on demand…
Get picture?
Sort of. But during my own lifetime I remember there was a significant number of immigrants who come to Britain from the West Indies. The tended to work in the government sector – transport, post office, immigration, heavy industry, health and hospital services, mainly in the big cities. As time went by they became essentially British, second and even third generation. They became part of the working class, and kept the love of cricket if I recall.
The same process is now taking place with the Indian/Pakistani immigrants. Oh, and I forgot they spoke English as their adopted language. Even the West Indians spoke English as their natural not learnt English.
It must be voting selection season.
the formalized coordinated scripts on the ready, exact same comments on tick tok, you tube comments.
The only thing missing was vote reform. 💤
Vote? You believe you are going to vote your way out of this shit show? I just got more votes for my comment than sunak did to get the prime ministers job.
We vote every day when we make our choices. Do you work for a corporation? a gov department? do you have a mortgage?
Work for a small business, shop only from small business, don’t vote for a corporation to run you life, don’t get health advice from GP’s, don’t take injections. Finally, what the fuck are you doing on Tick Tok?
We’re all immigrants if you believe the archeologists and evolutionists.
(Out of Africa?).
It is the WEF oligarch’s program to delete nationalism in the West. A homogeneous soup is easier to boil slowly.
Iain, have a sniff at this, it may help.
It is from the BRICS August summit 2023:
We recognise the importance of implementing the SDGs in an integrated and holistic manner, inter alia through poverty eradication as well as combating climate change whilst promoting sustainable land use and water management, conservation of biological diversity, and the sustainable use of its components and the biodiversity and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources, including by appropriate access to genetic resources…”
We reemphasize the importance of implementing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Paris Agreement –
Not sure if this will get through either. But worth a try.
The central banks of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa are all forging ahead with plans to roll out their programmable CBDCs as soon as possible. Among those five central banks, the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) are considering putting expiration dates on their CBDCs.
Hi Iain,
Who watches the ephors, schumpeter describes the ephors of debt.
I think the stagnation in all spheres of the polity has ripened beyond any pretence. The wall at the back of the theatre is being revealed as Zappa predicted.
Dons a Chris Eubank lithsp.
“Yew thee itsth all abowr levels in geo politics”
we are not merely sleepwalking into a 1930’s 1930s-style debt deflation, it would seem we are tel-porting back into a politics of totalitarian fascism, Stalinism, Nazism or Mussolini-style state monopoly capitalism it matters not borrow the best of all three and throw in a bit of nongender binary casting to keep it refreshingly gaslighting on message.
A central lack of fiber. Either moral or physical around which myths of debt are spun. As spiders spin webs and weavers warp clothe. Spartan Ephors of prudence pass judgment on all and stand above and astride the law. Dispensing injustice and taking clothes off the backs of The freezing and food out of the mouths of the hungry. Passing judgement on those who perform real work, asking always for more and demanding to pay less.
Seek out the irreducible posits, the epistemological gods of homer. If there be one free miracle let the ephors explain the rest. What is this power of usury? Where did this power come from ? Who is it exercised for and to whom do you ephors of usury answer to? And now let me ask. How do we take this power away? Only then we shall see good faith and brotherhood restored to the commons.
“I examined the language of forms This is a heroic monument that has been imposed from above The question is how you relate to it I want to ask the visitors to the museum;”
How do you relate to this monument?
“It is clearly a structure that has been imposed from above, But can I be a part of this remembering”?
Falsifiability is in the nature of reality
Subjects of defined limits create reality
One can create or falsify ones own reality
Reality; as objective, subjective or abstract,
Is all an abstract construct relative to subjective limits placed on the infinite continuum.
There are many realities, but Only one infinity
Infinity encompasses all realities
Realities are faceted With infinite perspectives
Prescribed reality is not necessarily evident
Roger G Lewis.
to see the original rendering of this article look at the Linkedin link above.
The Britain of my youth, of the culture from which I come, and in which I grew up is transforming the change agent handbook can be found in the:
You see I shook hands with the new world order now under the Billing of “The rules-based International Order” and to my initial surprise when I counted my fingers I thought I could hold up four but found that some of them were missing.
O’Brien demands of Winston How many fingers?
It is an odd thing, I got to wondering if was I being Gasslit.
The term “oligarchical collectivism” refers not only to the ideology of the Party Ingsoc (English Socialism) but also to the ideologies of the other two states (Neo-Bolshevism in Eurasia; in Eastasia, “Death Worship” or “Obliteration of the Self”). Winston reads two long excerpts establishing[2] how the three totalitarian super-states – Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia – emerged from a global war, thus connecting the past and the present, and explains the basic political philosophy of the totalitarianism that derived from the authoritarian political tendencies manifested in the twentieth century. That the three “opposing” ideologies are functionally identical is central to the revelations of The Book.
“private capital (usurious, commercial and industrial). These functions of money, however, bound up as they are with exploitation, are not liquidated at the beginning of a proletarian revolution, but in a modified form are transferred to the state, the universal merchant, creditor and industrialist”. Trotsky
“But by the fourth decade of the twentieth century, all the main currents of political thought were authoritarian. The earthly paradise had been discredited at exactly the moment when it became realizable. Every new political theory, by whatever name it called itself, led back to hierarchy and regimentation. And in the general hardening of outlook that set in around about 1930, practices which had been long abandoned, in some cases for hundreds of years — imprisonment without trial, the use of war prisoners as slaves, public executions, torture to extract confessions, the use of hostages, and the deportation of whole populations-not only became common again, but were tolerated and even defended by people who considered themselves enlightened and progressive.”
The new aristocracy was made up for the most part of bureaucrats, scientists, technicians, trade union organizers, publicity experts, sociologists, teachers, journalists, and professional politicians. These people, whose origins lay in the salaried middle class and the upper grades of the working class, had been shaped and brought together by the barren world of monopoly industry and centralized government. As compared with their opposite numbers in past ages, they were less avaricious, less tempted by luxury, hungrier for pure power, and, above all, more conscious of what they were doing and more intent on crushing opposition. This last difference was cardinal. By comparison with that existing today, all the tyrannies of the past were half-hearted and inefficient. The ruling groups were always infected to some extent by liberal ideas and were content to leave loose ends everywhere, to regard only the overt act, and to be uninterested in what their subjects were thinking. Even the Catholic Church of the Middle Ages was tolerant by modern standards.
As the victor writes history so the powerful pass laws to satisfy their own ends. Power only represents the powerful.
Moyenne Bourgeoise and Grande
Haute Bourgeoise. A Class cuisine, Escoffier
Classical Aspiration. One acquires,
A bourgeoise aesthetic, Petit Bourgeoise Sycophancy.
Will the Chef of the constitution,
Taste his own cooking.
Does he as a class walk the walk and talk the talk
Or is it ; do as I say and not as I do.
An appeal always made, at once
to Authority.Follow faithfully, blindly.
Ask they who would your bidding do. Listen to your life’s story, History, His History will not be yours? Be heard.
Hi Roger, please avoid copy/pasting entire substack articles. Your second comment even included the menu icon text! (I’ve removed this comment). We ask commenters to post links and quote sparingly and selectively.
Also, if you make a mistake you can edit comments for up to 15 mins after posting. There’s no need to reply to yourself or multi post near-identical comments (presumably with the expectation others will clean up after you 😅). Click the little cog by the comment to make an edit.
No biggie, but please be mindful of commenting etiquette, and continue to enjoy posting!! 😀 A2
Functionality on my phone is pretty awful, I have endeavored to get edits using the cog, etc but frankly
At 3 this morning or whenever it was after about five attempts I went with what I had.
My Latest which ends in a simple call to action to do something about it.
Echoing the spirit of this video from Occupy Days.
Whatyagonna gonna do. Indian Indiana, cant find link
The Pulling up of the Affordable Housing Ladder.Pulling Up The Ladder.
Kit and Off Guardian crew I think that this post is worthy of an airing on the main web site.
For discussions regarding doing something please get in touch.
Added using cog which is easier to use on my desk top.
I see it was 4.45 am I posted that comment it took about an hour on my phone.
Anyhow as you say no biggie, I do try to maintain old fashioned internet bulletin board etiquette.
The article linked discusses these very aspects Ian highlights, the knitting together of a big chunk of the world that, till now a loose collection of counties that were subject to ad hoc predation by economic colonists. Times are achanging, the old way needs to be re-imagined, updated to apeal to (hoodwink) the more aware critical thinker. And what better way to do that than pulling a brand new rabbit out of the hat. BRICS is a cementing together a more formal structured mechanism of control, and exploitation, with a veneer of collective sovereignty, of countries that seem like they are determining their own future, together, within this new framework. Once all countries are a member of BRICS will the metamorphosis to a World Government, all sharing the main pillars of control Ian highlights, become apparent. The concealing curtain will simply have been moved onto a new, more tightly controlled stage. And their show goes on. Get your tickets here.
From the article
“Considered as the largest single continental market, the AfCFTA spanning 54 states over the next years has the huge potential to unite more than 1.4 billion people in a $2.5 trillion economic bloc. It is expected to boost intra-African trade by 52.3 per cent by 2025, increase Africa’s income by up to $450 billion by 2035, according to the assessment report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF supports expansion of BRICS to make use of the advantage of global integration, IMF Spokesperson Julie Kozack noted at a regular briefing for reporters. “We do welcome countries working together, finding ways to trade, to become integrated, so that more people can benefit from the gains of global integration.,” Kozack said. (See IMF briefings – Jan. 11, 2024)”
Correction: Iain
Exposing The Emperor’s New Clothes:
The Emperor is in the altogether…
Who are these “MWO” advocates and what the fuck do they want with us?
Man, no offense, but anyway you cut it, the water is boiling. You know what? WE, are all in this together, and I’m talking about all of our freedom supporting compatriots in every country on the planet. I don’t know who these MWO advocates are, but they’re seriously missing the fucking point. So fuck em.
Superb. This belief/retort of “overlooking the very real geopolitical differences” is laughable.
The very real difference amount to that of the difference between Coke and Pepsi, Coles and Woolworths (Australian). It’s a business scam of apparent choice in a managed closed system.
COVID put an end to the (geo) politics bros it remains the greatest revelation of our times if not ever.
Alledgedly? Ask Jack Ma and others. Nationalism is back, outside the Anglo territory for now.
What we need is the benign cultural variety, not the egoistic military side and we will be good.
Ask the Princelings.
They have all been check mated by Xi or they recently “died”.
Xi is a Princeling, as are people like Li Xiaolin and Wen Yunsong who I suspect may challenge your claim that the Princelings have become powerless. I am not saying they are the only oligarch clique in China, far from it. Seeing as the National Congress has possibly the highest proportion of billionairs in any legislature on Earth, I don’t think your point on Xi defeating the oligarchs is very well made. Btw, Jack Ma “disappeared” after he questioned “the old men of banking” by which he meant the BIS and their globalist cartel. It seems it was this criticism that was unacceptable in China.
You dont criticize the hen with the biggest gold eggs. Naughty Jack Ma, how dare you.
General Liu Yuan is the only powerful red princeling leftover by Xi Jinping.
For both CCP ideological power trumps oligarch money power.
Sure, let’s ignore all the others shall we? China’s ideological commitment to defeating oligarch influence probably explains why Xi’s administration licensed BlackRock to operated China’s first entirely foreign owned onshore investment brokerage, enabling billionaire Chinese oligarchs to invest globally in suitable ESG rated assets and securities.
Very well articulated. All governments are following agenda 2030, but still compete for either power to lead or acquire economic market share, or if not a large economy or without a powerful military, those governments make more concessions to their UN / oligarch overlords, than other countries. E.g. Piloting CBDC in developing countries before developed countries. Where to push digital ID earlier and harder, where populations are more compliant and likely to adhere to freedoms being curtailed for banning ‘fossil fuels’, having low emission zones, pushing EV cars etc.
China forexample is reducing carbon emission to net zero? Not at all.
Exactly – they make concessions by pushing the social credit score system (the piloters), along with surveillance state technology. Perhaps they get a pass on the carbon emission policies, for now
China intends to achieve net zero by 2060. China is stepping up use of fossil fuels but it is also constructing significant renewable energy capacity. This is how the scam works. You “offset” carbon emission not actually reduce them.
You fall for CCP propaganda? Chinese EV production was ramped up to get the subsidies and dazzle foreigners only. In 2060 China will be 80% carbon based, 15% nuclear and 5 % unreliable.
Parts of the West might have reduced themselves to net zero economy under WEF woke influence.
Some of its offset is/will be by way of reclaiming deserts and arid land. The core problem is the need to make and sell ever more goods.
Not to worry: ‘global warming’ is fake anyway.
Yeah Bill Gates, Goldman Sachs, Pfizer, Raytheon, Bezos, etc.. Are not going ‘oh no, the MWO!!!! Nooooo! lol
“… historical researchers like…and many more . It is as if history is no longer relevant.”
G. Edward Griffin in his epic book, Jekyll island described the events over the 1913 Federal Reserve Act as did Eustace Mullins, in informative Secrets of the Federal Reserve.
The Secrets of the Federal Reserve : Eustace Mullins : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Both of these authors examined, amongst other points, who controlled the Federal Reserve and the power behind them. Well many roads led to Europe, predominately the City of London. The chief high priest of this grouping is the Rothschilds. F.W. Engdahl published an article a number of years which detailed a very sophisticated operation to destroy and dismember the Russian Federation ( an centuries long Western obssesion) when it was on its knees after it being economically raped by the Western central bankers. Putin, along with his supporters thwarted this diabolical scheme by arresting the City of London*s Rothschild emissary in the R.F one Mikhail Khordorkovsky.
The Real Crime of M. Khodorkovsky, by F. William Engdahl (
Moreover, Putin as made strident efforts to curb the power of Russian oligarchs such as in the example above. Furthermore, lets remind ourselves the origins of these nefarious quislings.
Putin’s Rise to Power and His Fight Against The Russian Oligarchs. – Investment Watch (
In addition , unlike the West, the R.F has refused to allow the LGBT perverted ideology indoctrinating and brainwashing so many in the West. Over 50 years ago Solzhenitsyn poignantly observed the West had lost its spirituality.
In contrast, the RF has seen a huge spiritual revival since the times of an enforced Marxist atheistic dogma pushed in schools and other state institutions. The West appears to have adopted much of this ideology.
Prayer ban row headteacher is ‘fantastic’ says education secretary (
As to Putin being another iteration of the Globalists, controlled by the City of London et al, here is another fable to read
NWO New World Order comes from New Order of the Ages (novus ordo seclorum), which refers to the half a dozen ages commencing with Aquarius (just after The Great Reset). The NWO is thus mankind ‘building back better’.
Coincidentally, I was reading that (novus ordo seclorum) the other day. From Virgil. Or more correctly translated; throw into disorder. In other words, Ordo ab Chao.
The NWO referred to in various speeches by political stooges, refers to the last reset not the upcoming one.
The increasing rates of poverty, homelessness, malnutrition, drug addiction, depression, family violence and suicide in the Western world is proof enough that the oligarchs, and wannabe oligarchs, don’t give a damn.
Anything that impedes their obsessive trajectory of immeasurable wealth will be eliminated or crushed.
Nation states, NWOs, multipolarity, the UN, revolutionaries, non compliant governments, media agitators, protestors, recalcitrant academics and writers will be chewed up and excreted by the Avatars of avarice.
The pillars [of oppression / total control ] did not originate with national governments. The pillars were mapped out by public-private globalist think tanks and international organisations that serve the interests of oligarchs (the “hidden hand”).
Governments do not control the global governance system. They are subject to it, just like the rest of us. The best they can achieve is “partner” status. And they are not senior partners.
That’s been my gut-felt understanding for a long time, too, even without the insight of this author.
Great, very clear-cut article for us non-geopolitical researchers.
The very BRICS acronym itself was — get this! — coined by a Wall Street analyst at Goldman Sachs!
Identifying which nations on Earth qualify for membership in the “They’re all in it together” Club is a straightforward exercise: Share the following devastating, evidence-packed 82-page legal document – demanding Grand Jury investigation(s) into COVID-19/mRNA “vaccines” (bioweapons) global mass murder and crimes against humanity – with prosecutors in each nation on Earth.
Those nations whose prosecutors recognize the unprecedented danger and bring on immediate, deadly serious investigations do not qualify for membership in the “They’re all in it together” Club. Those nations whose prosecutors ignore the overwhelming evidence and do nothing most certainly belong to “The Club”.
Covid-19 Grand Jury Petition – National ARM
Problem is the the legal system is part of the corruption as well as the police force.
Pitch forks are the justice the tyrants fear the most, hence their little hideaways they are all building.