Shall we talk about Navalny…?

I mean “they” obviously would appreciate it if we did right? It’s a nice, polarised divisive topic that can never be resolved, gets people all worked up and ultimately doesn’t really change anything. So, pretty much an ideal talking point for these post-covid days.
And Navalny – the trouper – certainly did his best to be topical with his demise – dropping tragically dead in nice time for the Munich Security Conference, enabling his widow to address this august assembly the very same day – with a speech she must have written very hastily indeed – unless it was pre-written in expectation of Putin’s hit men finally getting their guy.
Navalny’s wife Yulia at the Munich security conference:
“If it’s true, I want Putin, his entourage, Putin’s friends and his government to know they will be held responsible for what they have done to our country, my family, and my husband. And that day will come very soon.”
— max seddon (@maxseddon) February 16, 2024
So, did he fall or was he pushed? Or is he on an island somewhere with Epstein and all the other B-listers whose deaths, engineered or accidental or imagined, were the most memorable thing about them?
Does it matter?
Nope. well, not to anyone but him, his family and friends anyway.
And as long as we remember to remember that – let’s sit upon the ground and tell some sad stories about the man who once claimed the Kremlin put Novichok in his underpants…
For a look at how Navalny’s death is being covered in Russia, hop over to Riley Waggaman’s blog.
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“These remarks concern first of all the question of why the U.K. might have been interested in arranging the murder of Navalny for the sake of fomenting a burst of anti-Russian, anti-Putin passions. As I said to my interviewer, Britain is actively engaged in a not-so-secret war against Russia. It has provided the sea-going surface drones that have damaged or sunk several ships of the RF Black Sea fleet. It has encouraged and assisted the several attacks on the Crimea bridge since the start of the Special Military Operation. It is facilitating what might be called acts of terror against the Russian homeland.”
Judge Napolitano/ Ray mcgovern.
CiA/MI6 ” asset” possibly liquidated by the same. Mcgovern ( ex CIA)seems to know how it is done
Goal : Vilify Russia and Putine after the very successful interview of Tucker Carlson seen by millions worldwide. To manipulate opinion
Yes , I watched that.
How was it that his wife was there at the summit ready to read the speech,
Beautifully photographed like a fashion model. Made me think of zelensky s wife on Vogue” s cover at the beginning of the war.
Many sob sob stories…..are just theater ( as is politics)
Navalny was apparently reading Natan Sharansky in prison, whilst waiting for Moscow Signal Institute representatives to arrive for a second go at disposing of him:
Navalny duping FSB Officer Konstantin Kudryavtsev into a confession [Russian, English subs]
He died of covid and wasn’t boostered as he missed his appointment by letter, if he would of got the email or text service and a vaccine passport he would of most definitely survived as the reminders would of got through.
Lesson learnt.
Putin vaccine mandates are not as good the the West.
Make sure you all get boostered save lives and protect others.
Feb 16, 2024
“Aleksei Navalny is A Man of Conscience”
“Yulia Navalny is A Woman of Conscience”
We Honor you
In Solidarity
With Love ❤️
“Aleksei Navalny was A Man of Hate”.
“Yulia Navalny is A Woman of Hypocrisy and opportunism”.
Navalny was a Russian ultranationalist far to the right even from Dugin sharing principles ideas with Bandera as far as treatment of other ethnicities or races was concerned as they were designated as Ubermensch (sub human).
Navalny aligned himself with those who wanted pure white Russian nation cleansed from Jews and Asiatic races. He also shared with Bandera his disdain for the west except for Nazis who also wanted to cleans German population from racially imperfect and hated western decadence.
Examining history reveals only superficially strange fact that Russian ultranationalists were always backed by western powers from British to American as their obsession with ethnic cleansing and ensuing civil wars guaranteed weakening or likely disintegration of Russian empire as much as Soviet Union.
Navalny fashioned himself as a leader of his ultranationalist Group that worshiped another ultranationalist “hero” General Vlasov who organized up to two million strong Nazis’ armed and bankrolled ethnic Russian army to fight against Soviets in WWII. He specialized in extraordinarily cruel ethic massacres of Jews, Russians or anyone also Ukrainians and Poles. In particular it was Vlasov Army that put down Warsaw Uprising 1944 with support of Nazi Air Force and heavy artillery. Americans in Nuremberg made sure that anti Soviet Russian forces were not hurt too much, the same applied to Banderites.
Like many Ukrainian ultranationalists who toned down rhetoric and put on Armani suits to cover their monstrous ideological credentials as a condition of western financing Navalny in last five years did the same. However none of Ukrainian Nazis like Biletsky bought Navalny’s miraculous transfiguration into a democrat as they feared potential Navalny’s regime even more than Putin’s simply because their genocidal Project of eradication Russians as a race seen as required for Ukrainian state to exist would have been canceled by the west seeking for turn both Russians and Ukrainians as cannon fodder against China.
Navalny himself was a desperate placeholder for someone who really could take on Putin and real anti western Russian Federation nationalists (Chauvinists) who called him a traitor as they demanded nuking Kiev on day one. The Raise of Russian nationalism since 2014 made Navalny politically irrelevant, moreover nobody in Russia except for Soros Foundation backed Fifth Column bought a lie about Navalny’s sudden liberalism funded by calcified near totalitarian American empire desperately seeking to defend its failing hegemony by all means including war.
Zelensky never looked so ridiculous as a defender of democracy when reaction of Kiev elites across of entire political spectrum to Navalny’s death was something like “another Russian orc put down” while Navalny’s wife was prominently featured in Munich Security conference turned into mourning mass for another western puppet.
The idiot west loved him because he hated Putin, not for anything he actually did
Scott Ritter confirms Kalen’s assessment of Navalny: A child of the 90s longing for the good old days of Gorbachev and Yeltsin when Russian youth yearned to “Go West, Young Man” and join the Liberal Affluent Freedom Loving Society on its merry way to Hell in a handcart.
He wasn’t ultra-nationalist himself. Though he could associate and form tentative alliances with such people (perhaps misguidedly).
The ability to talk with and even work with those we disagree with; a rare skill nowadays
I am absolutely sickened by all of your twisted, contorted, bitter views on the death of this poor, brave man …….. All making 5 from 2+2 with ridiculous insinuations and sick imaginations.
None of you can prove any of what you’ve stated, so how do you know what is generally perceived on MSM isn’t the truth?
Shame on you all.
“how do you know what is generally perceived on MSM isn’t the truth?”
Irony alert!
Yeah, very funny. Now answer the question. Or if you can’t ask yourself why not…….
All the best.
You look like a bored adolescent with nothing to do than contradict every body. How old are you ??
Nothing better to do of your life. Or are you a paid troll ??
Isn’t it adolescent to deflect/criticise/abuse people rather than partaking in what was supposed to be a normal discussion about something really important?
Can you categorically say the MSM stance on this is wrong?
People takin Putin’s side and saying the West have broken agreements etc. Yet ignore the fact that Putin has. What about the Rome declaration people conveniently forget about around here?
I’ve taken the time to read the article and everyone’s ‘comments’, but nothing at all of substance that’s beyond reasonable doubt that what they say is correct? Just fallacy and twisted BS mostly.
Check Wikileaks documents that revealed that organizations Navalny created and ran in Russia were directly funded by NED meaning CIA in similar way as such pseudo democratic organizations in Ukraine were created by CIA and funded by NED and slew of related Washington think tanks conspiring to overthrow Yanukovitch.
Navalny’s role was not to introduce westerns style democracy as it has zero political tracking in Russia except for western connected Russian petty bourgeoisie and some western trained intelligentsia but to get rid of Putin. And that showed in polls except of one year when his alleged poisoning was used by western propaganda against Putin already condemned for Donbas.
Nuland admitted funding of such groups and Ukraine and RussIa on video.
Navalny was expelled even from another NED funded pseudo democratic organization Yabloko because of his hateful anti Muslim statements. He wanted Muslims, he meant Central Asiatic people, expelled from Moscow and Russia proper. It is like demanding to expel Italians or Jews from NYC where they’ve been for centuries. Muslims lived in Russia for at least 500 years. Navalny demand was an expression of his White Russian supremacy ideology that he expanded by co-creating ultranationalist organization before and after being expelled from Yabloko. That was why Amnesty International dropped their prisoner of conscience designation of Navalny.
At odds with his western masters he funded his ultranationalist activities by running fraudulent import-export business relying on his political friends in the west and in a sweep of financial scrutiny all western funded NGOs in Russia per newly established laws had to go through to prove that they are not funded by that Western governments he was arrested and accused of fraud as his business activities amounted to money laundering of unknown western sources.
it was only then he was fully embraced by neocons who saw his chances to overthrow Putin despite low single digit polling on recent years. Now with death of Navalny who likely died of harsh weather elements and several of his comorbidities but final toxicology tests will decide precise cause of death.
One must know Russia ( I lived there for two years) to understand that western tradition of democracy is dead in the Russian water as their political tradition is Byzantine not Greek or Roman republic. They want strong leadership with strong conviction and ultranationalist conservative worldview to enter social contract with. And that exactly what suits very harsh and unforgiving land of Russia and her multinational and multiethnic people.
What’s interesting is that
“The CIA has been working with Hollywood since the Agency’s inception in 1947, offering advice and access to Langley HQ for those who portray the Agency favorably – Homeland, Zero Dark Thirty, and Black Hawk Down productions are among the collaborator…”
So obviously, a segment of the national security state wanted “Wag The Dog” released probably to humiliate the shameless Clinton crime family. In any event, the saxophone playing bum won a second term and if it wasn’t for Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress Social Security would be privatized today.,The%20CIA%20has%20been%20working%
juge napolitano/ ray mcgovern
From your Link:
“In our engaging conversation with Ray McGovern, we not only delved into the question of Navalny’s alleged MI6 ties but also explored the looming specter of Julian Assange’s upcoming High Court hearing. McGovern’s expertise sheds light on the broader implications of Assange’s legal battle, touching on issues of press freedom, government accountability, and the challenges faced by whistleblowers in today’s [increasingl authoritarian Western] world. Join us as we navigate the complex terrain of international justice and examine the critical importance of defending individuals like Assange who dare to expose the truth.”
judge napolitano has always interesting guests about actuality.
As well as col. mcgregor on other subjects
You use a Masonic Temple CROWN agent and ex Murdoch employee, interviewing an intel asset about a completely fake story that was always a psyop. Unbelievable.
could you explain ? I am not a US citizen. Might ignore something
To become a judge, you must pass the BAR and become a member of the BAR ASSOCIATION: A private association called the Temple Crown or Crown Temple, or Inns of Court at Crown Temple. They control all bar associations and are headquartered in the City of London, a square mile region also known as the financial district.
This area, has special immunity and its own laws, separate to the rest of the UK. These special areas have absolute immunity from any kind of prosecution or litigation, international law, regulations or legal consequences.
Anyone who becomes a prosecutor, judge, magistrate or attorney are members of the Temple Crown. Hence, their livelihoods, allegiance and oath rest with the Temple Crown so they can’t be impartial. You will never get any truth from them on any subject, particularly pertaining to “the law”.
There are no judges that are not Freemasons. So Napolitano is a judge, an intelligence operative, (former Fox News and Murdoch employee) and a Freemason.
Napolitano’s interviewing someone equally as untrustworthy. Ray McGovern was a CIA officer, and founder of VIPS. He’s not a whistleblower but set up an organization – VIPS – that provides a controlled opposition viewpoint, to contradict the mainstream media narratives.
Controlled opposition agents like McGovern or Assange only exist to provide an alternative narrative equally as false as those narratives disseminated in the mainstream media.
Wikileaks was created by Cass Sunstein and US Intel agencies to provide false or worthless info disseminated to the public. So the public doesn’t find out that all countries (privately owned corporations) are centrally controlled and owned.
Mainstream media narrative : Government good, Wikileaks bad. America good, Russia bad.
Controlled opposition narrative: Wikileaks good, Government bad.
Russia good, America bad.
The good cop – bad cop scams (divide and conquer) run on the world’s population through the alt and msm prevents almost everyone really understanding how the world works.
Navalny is in an underground bunker on Antarctica in the same block as Hitler and Elvis.
They are all ready to come out to serve the International community when needed.
A high level VIP source inside the global Intelligence community told me that. Off course in full anonymity.
ray mcgovern in above video YT confirms MI6 “asset”
McGovern props up the fake Assange. McGovern is worthless. They are all constructs, Navalny, Putin, Assange, McGovern himself and all of his members. VIPS are faux whistleblowers placed to guide you towards more nonsense and psyops. The East vs West lie. More divide and conquer.
Navalny is no more dead than Assange is or ever was in prison. Nor was he stuck in an embassy with a back door, side doors into the adjoining premises and tunnels underneath for his escape route. All embassies have hidden entrances and exits. Assange and the Cass Sunstein created Wikileaks bowed out of the public scene when Assange was exposed as a shill by many sources.
then, i can better stop reading all this non sense.
I will go and have some nice time on the beach . Thank you
Let’s Talk about Julian Assange
Prisoner of Conscience of the 21st Century
Nope. Wikileaks was created by Cass Sunstein, was linked to the Rothschilds from its beginnings, releasing only government disinformation, was updated by the NSA-CIA and was only ever a tool of the faux governments to bolster the East vs West lie on the world population.
Assange is not a prisoner and never was. He’s participated in these masonic psyops since he was a child.
The stark fist of truth
Bravo researcher…..
It’s worth getting pounced on by all these paid personas for one person who appreciates truth.
So, thank you.
On an idea that Russians are just too incompetent (born incompetent), they’ve been unable to protect Navalny…..
Russian prisons are certainly full of various mafia members who are ready to do anything for a good buck. Anything. You can do the math by yourself.
“The entire western political-media class are currently rending their garments about the prison death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, and are being joined by the propaganda-addled citizenry of the western empire. Meanwhile Julian Assange’s last-ditch effort to appeal against extradition to the United States is coming up in a few days with a tiny fraction of the attention.
I really could not have a lower opinion of people who would rather talk about Navalny’s persecution in a far away country that has nothing to do with them than Julian Assange being persecuted at the hands of their own government. It’s the most pathetic, bootlicking behavior imaginable.”
Yes, that’s right! Who gives a fuck?
It’s amazing, the prime minister of Australia says the death of this nobody is an appalling atrocity. Really? Dying of a blood clot is an atrocity? But says of what is going on in Gaza is Isreal defending itself and needs as much military hardware that Australia can send as fast as possible.
Thanks for Caitlin…..this time she went full-out on a terrible disease of our time that gets way to little attention: Spiritualism.
Caitlin: “I used to follow a lot of teachers who talked about enlightenment and spiritual practice, and it’s insane how many of them now have nothing to say about Gaza, or are outright siding with Israel.
It’s like, what the hell was the point of all that inner work if it leads you to tacitly or explicitly endorse an active genocide? What good are all your insights and realizations if all they do is make you feel nice inside and don’t translate to any positive effects on the world outside your own skull? Who gives a fuck if you’ve had some shift in consciousness and some kundalini fireworks if you’re still a dogshit human being contributing to the disease and dysfunction of your species?
If your spirituality doesn’t lead to positive changes in yourself and your surroundings, it’s just glorified masturbation. If you’ve thrown yourself into self-realization and nondual awakening for decades at this point and you can’t even stand up against genocide and ethnic cleansing, then you’ve wasted your life on worthless endeavors. You’d have been better off throwing yourself into internet porn escapism or a nice wholesome opiate habit this entire time.”
What sort of wanker would down vote this astute observation?
Are you too cowardly to reveal your objections? Too stupid?
Caitlin is a powerful voice and tells it how it is. Anyone who supports the Isreali genocide in Gaza is a piece of shit human. And that is a fact that can’t be disputed.
David Ho,
did you noticed I got more minuses.
I poked some new-agers…gooood.
I hope they will meditate on this and realize there IS Good and there IS Bad.
None of the down voters have read her writing. She must be on some list that pro isreal genocide supporters send to each other.
I did. And?
Crickets. Lol
They’ve got nothing. They come here daily to promote hoaxes from the faux alt media. Probably some ASIS subcontractor entity, with half a dozen fake names.
First Galloway, now Johnstone getting rehabilitated in the comments. No wonder we make no progress and are serially let down and betrayed when we have such ridiculously short memories. Just a reminder that in 2020 Caitlin Johnstone outed herself as at best a gross coward and at worst a paid gatekeeper. She’s front and center in the phony “alt media”. and when the chips are down she’ll tell you just what the bosses want her to tell you, just like Galloway, if you want to waste your time on her, go ahead, but caveat emptor.
Well come on then, lay out your critique in detail. You haven’t said much. In fact you haven’t said anything at all aside from a baseless smear. Read the article and tell us all exactly what you find wrong with it, or is that beside the point? Who are you working for?
Everyone reading your smear understands you are a paid troll and can’t be trusted. Have you just started your job and haven’t realised that your technique stands out like dogs balls?
I think Johnstone’s appalling cowardice over covid is too well documented to require further proof. Even before that she never struck me as very intelligent and her specialty seemed to be recycling other people’s ideas with an adolescent pop culture vibe, and since 2020 I simply find her to be a rather well paid voice of middle of the road safe and acceptable dissent
Give it rest FREEMASON.
Plenty of us know all about the NSA’s rat trap, WIKI-LIES and all about Assange and his participation in psyops from the time he was a child in a fake friggin’ cult.
He’s not imprisoned, never was and neither was MANNing, the trans actor.
Are you so ignorant that you still don’t know the Palestinian authorities and Israel goverment are coordinating evacuating the Palestinians so they can finish their gas deal and grab the land? And the numbers of dead, just like in every orchestrated war, are completely FICTIONAL?
You think that some Left wing cow called Caitlin, that nobody even KNOWS has any idea what the fuck is going on anywhere in the world if she can’t even figure out there are no FUCKING VIRUSES AND COVID WAS A COMPLETE HOAX just like Wikileaks and their non leaks, leaked by the federal government itself?
Stop disseminating utter bs on this site.
And Rabies is a hoax.
Yes indeed. All viruses are hoaxes. Ebola. HIV. Rabies. Herpes. Coronaviruses. Polio. Measles. Smallpox.
Have you ever read a peer reviewed, published virus research paper? Lol. They are hilarious: Messing around with cancerous monkey kidney cells, adding toxic chemicals, like trypsin, amphotericin, calf blood, heavy metals for staining, then calling that toxic cancerous soup, a virus AND a vaccine. Because that’s what’s in your child’s vaccines, David. Cancer cells, heavy metals and toxins.
By the way, Pasteur who fabricated rabies, was a total fraud.
So tell me about Rabies then, what causes it and why do people die when bitten by a dog with Rabies? Don’t mention that hilarious terrain theory! How silly is that!? In the terrain of India are dogs with Rabies. A tourist flys into India and on their first day in India and getts bitten a dog that most definitely has Rabies because it is exhibiting every sign and symptom of Rabies. All the locals who live in that terrain declare the dog has Rabies because they have seen dogs with Rabies in their terrain very often and exercise extreme caution because they have seen many people die not long after being bitten by dogs with Rabies.
The tourist dies after displaying all the signs of an infection of Rabies.
She has died of Rabies.
So, researcher, how do you explain that? Is it because in the terrain of India it is possible to die of Rabies and in the terrain of Tasmania people don’t die of Rabies?
See how stupid that is?
When you see someone with a coldsore be sure to claim their herpes infection is a hoax.
The virus is the hoax because it’s never been found. There’s perfectly good explanations for every single disease claimed to be viral or bacterial. It’s called TOXICOLOGY. Poisoning, in other words.
Nobody died from a dog bite. It’s never happened to anyone anywhere. Stop with the disinfo.
You are. of course, right. As far as we know, no virus has ever been properly isolated.
Virus means poison in Latin. Poisons are administered to us/the general population every which way.
Louis Pasteur allegedly confessed that he had been a scientific fraud and faked the results to his son-in-law on his deathbed, extracting a promise that the truth would not be revealed, which the son-in-law broke.
If you can believe in the Covid Hoax, you can believe ANYTHING, and probably already DO.
Ah yes, the hoax about any virus existing, except Rabies.
You’re are the one making up and disseminating all sorts of bulshit because you have completely failed to critique the article at all. It seems to be beyond your abilities. I am wondering, are you 12?
They are ALL hoaxes. Every single one. You can’t even READ.
Rabies is a hoax. I provided a link and proof. You’ve got nothing.
Why would anyone bother to read an article on a psyop? I provided proof that Assange and Wikileaks is a psyop on the link I left.
You are a PATHOLOGICAL liar.
You are sounding a little bit unhinged, researcher. Maybe you should call up through the stairway, passed the door with the sign that says ” The Impenetrable Bunker of Research And Illumination” to your mum and get her to send down a cup of tea and some biscuits.
All the completely whacko nut job conspiracy theories from Q and the deeper depths of the Dark Web seems to be bringing on a bout of paranoia and a bad case of pathological projection.
This is how everyone sees you here when they read your comments:
Toxicology vs Virology: Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud
By F. William Engdahl
12 July 2022
One of the outcomes of the alleged new SARS Covid virus that publicly emerged in 2019 is that the medical specialization of virology has been raised to a stature almost Godlike in the media. Few understand the origins of virology and its elevation into a leading role in today’s medicine practice. For this we need to look at the origins and politics of America’s first medical research institute, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, today Rockefeller University, and their work on what they claimed was a polio virus.
In 1907 an outbreak of a sickness in New York City gave the director of the Rockefeller Institute, Simon Flexner, MD, a golden opportunity to lay claim to discovery of an invisible “virus” caused by what was arbitrarily called poliomyelitis. The word poliomyelitis simply means inflammation of the spinal cord’s grey matter. There were some 2,500 New Yorkers, mostly children, designated with some form of poliomyelitis, including paralysis and even death, that year.
Flexner’s Fraud
The most striking aspect of the entire polio saga in the USA during the first half of the 20th Century was the fact that every key phase of the business was controlled by people tied to what became the Rockefeller medical cabal. This fraud started with claims by the Director of the Rockefeller Institute, Simon Flexner, that he and his colleague, Paul A. Lewis, had “isolated” a pathogen, invisible to the eye, smaller even than bacteria, which they claimed caused the paralyzing sickness in a series of outbreaks in the US. How did they come to this idea?
In a paper published in 1909 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Flexner claimed he and Lewis had isolated the poliomyelitis virus responsible. He reported they had successfully “passaged” poliomyelitis through several monkeys, from monkey to monkey. They began by injecting diseased human spinal cord tissue of a young boy who had died, presumably from the virus, into the brains of monkeys. After a monkey fell ill, a suspension of its diseased spinal cord tissue was injected into the brains of other monkeys who also fell ill.
They proclaimed that the Rockefeller Institute doctors had thus proven poliomyelitis virus causality for the mysterious disease. They hadn’t done anything of the sort.
When Putin says exactly who blew up the gas pipelines, you know he speaks the truth, as he most definitely does here. And you will believe him…
It is a shocking, appalling atrocity that someone who was about to have be been declared The President of Russia in a Triumph of Democracy by the American Authorities, the CIA upholding his human right, be genocided, slaughtered and mass murdered by blood clots brought on by the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, strangling, and poisoning him in his cell, every night for the last two years.
Nothing in human history compares to this monstrous act of abject barbarity.
Thousands of high yield Neutron Bombs need to be dropped on all Russian cities to liberate the the people who are yearning to be free, to have American style Democracy and migrate to Europe.
And then, finally, BlackRock and Vanguard can steal all the resources, the treasure, which has been the plan all along. It’s just a nuisance to have to go through all this theatrics, blowing up passenger planes, sanctions, Ukraine fighting for their freedom, etc, and now this.
We thought it was going to be a cake walk.
Especially if navalny received a modRNA or pfizer shot while staying in Germany in 2020. Side effects are known by now.
The US vultures have been circling Ukraine for a very long time. More or less since its birth.
And circling Russia. This whole adventure by the West to destroy Russia is all about stealing their resources. That’s it. Nothing else. Modern day piracy. Plunder.
Colonialism has always been about exploitation. Wars to conquer foreign lands have always been about acquiring free treasure. It is often paid for by the public, fought by members of the public all for the benefit of the wealthy who bare no risk or expense.
All talk of ideology, nationalism, right and wrong, freedom and democracy, religion is all smokescreen bullshit to coerce the money and soldiers to line up and march off to war.
The whole Ukraine thing from before 2014 has been about smashing Russia to steal their stuff. But it has not gone to plan, so now the show has moved onto smashing Iran to steal their stuff and break into Russia via the back-door. Gaza is all about starting that burglary, but along the way grab the gas and oil under Gaza. Kill two birds with one stone. And maybe get to finish the job of destroying Syria eventhough they are there busy stealing their oil.
Those vultures have a long history of thieving. Already in 1913 they landed in haïti and stole all the gold of its central bank with the help of their navy.
Everywhere they go, they thieve. Syria is no exception. Being there illegally, they steal oil with the help of the kurds.
But attacking Iran or Russia will be their demise, if ever . Pakistan has nuclear weapons and offered it to Iran if i remember correctly ( my memory fails me sometime).
As for Russia, Putine veiled promesse was to bring the war back to US home if ever..
We Americans want to bring back freedom and democracy in dictatorship countries, and we use their gold and oil to do it yes.
Because their violent men have been suppressing women and children for a 1000 year, destroyed our nature, plus they refuse to go green, plus they fart and shit all over the place, jeopardizing the future of our planet..
Stop spreading the East vs West psyop. There’s no wars that aren’t orchestrated and there’s no “countries”.
All governments from federal to local are private corporations owned by one cabal and centrally controlled through supranational orgs and the faux justice systems.
Russia is as much centrally controlled by one cabal as the other BRICS, US, Europe and NATO and whoever signs your paycheck to disseminate literal nonsense.
Your good guy versus bad guy shtick is only for the morons who can’t see that red vs blue has always been a scam, it doesn’t matter if it’s on a local or international scale. We see through that bs and your fake persona.
Does Novichok in underpants cause dermatitis? 🤔
Ask Theresa May. Novijoke was her prime ministerial Trade Mark.
All I can think of is, “Died suddenly…..”
Yes, but all those millions who dropped dead faced a risk that out benevolent medical authorities deemed acceptable. That does not apply to a useful Quisling.
What I suspected, the vaxx. Navalny was forced to take the vaxx and all the Moderna boosters, and now everybody refuse to talk about it.
Why does everyone just assume he’s dead because the news media say so? They lie to everyone about everything but we still default believe them until their next lie gets revealed. We’re like that friend whose spouse keeps cheating on them and is always fucking surprised every time it happens.
To me believing the media is like thinking tv soaps are real life. It’s demented. They have a long form story they’re rolling out for us to keep us glued to our TVs and when their ratings go down they start a war or kill off a character.
I don’t know if this bloke is dead. I don’t know if he was ever even real. I don’t care. I’ve stopped investing in and believing in any of this stupid TV melodrama. I focus on what I know is real and on doing what I can to wake people up to the evil coming our way so we can help ourselves out of the mess.
I’m so with you. So frustrated trying to explain this to normies or bite my tongue cos I know doing so is mostly pointless.
You’ve got to be insane to believe whatever they tell us. That doesn’t mean they will always be lying to us, but it does mean you don’t assume that whatever they tell us is true.
You regard their words are less trustworthy than some crackhead on the street corner.
Anything more is retarded.
You are right. The wells of Truth have been poisoned and the world is sick.
“We shall have done our job when everything everybody believes is false” — Central Intelligence Agency slogan.
You have to digest news articles like one last week in our paper that dealt with the triumphant rescue of a couple of Israeli hostages with “about 100 Palestinians” killed in the process. Says it all, really.
It also suggests that the death of an individual, no matter who he or she is, is entirely irrelevant if it serves ‘the greater good’. When this OffG article was published I had no idea that Adviika was on the verge of collapse. All I’d heard was that our (proxy) boys were fighting off the Russian hordes etc etc. The reality appears to be that the place was not just about to collapse, but collapse in a rout. Our media has put a bit of a brave spin on this, after all nobody can resist the onslaught of waves of Russian savages and all that, but it really needs a distraction. A man sized distraction….. preferably someone who’s outlived their usefulness.
From the picture it looks as if he had a fatal case of dandruff. Perhaps that’s the pandemic the WEF WHO WOO are predicting.
For all the outrage, hoo-ha and lauding of bravery, courage, heart and the truth, I, for one, would like to hear/know…and what of Julian Assange?
The rancid, fetid and putrid hypocrisy of ‘the west’ is something to behold, is it not?
For revealing the truth of war crimes and the inhumane war criminals responsible Julian Assange is being mentally tortured and dehumanised.
You always know something is ‘up’ with any given story when the entire media immediately jump to the same conclusions and blame the same person. Death in real life is usually in some way unexpected and the exact factors uncertain for while.
Murdered by British more likely.
no, let’s talk about Avdeevka Riley ; )
make the last letter ‘w’ – should do it.
Your Link reads:
“This video is not available any more. Go home.”
video has been removed
Poor dude, he only had about 18 years to go ….
Has anybody in our community ever heard of Leonard Peltier? You can bet the leaders of freedom/democracy loving USofAs hope you have not. Shhhhhh ….
No, I never heard of him. From Wikipedia;
“Leonard PeltierNative American activistLeonard Peltier
Leonard Peltier is a Native American activist and a member of the American Indian Movement who, following a controversial trial, was convicted of two counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of two Federal Bureau of Investigation agents in a June 26, 1975, shooting on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakot… Read more
He became famous and a victim for freedom. A man cant expect a more honourable death.
George Floyd was also one of America’s biggest.
…ehhh. So they say.
FWIW, RT is pushing the story that Navalny died suddenly of a “blood clot.”
Maybe, in a roundabout way, Putin is responsible for his death. Or maybe Navalny was given the clot-shot at that hospital in Germany. We’ll probably never know for sure …
The corrupted MSM and its moral outrage is a sight to behold…
To me, krawallnix always was and still is an KGB asset
I choose door number “island somewhere with Epstein and the rest”.
And the widow speaking. Good touch.
Are we not confusing “being in prison” with being held in an Arctic hell hole where most of us would struggle to survive for a week?
They have free russian gas for heating in Siberia.
Not like us in europe with freezing winter and usury price of gas from our ” friend and ally” uncle sam…..
Not just him, British Gas trebled their billions of profit last year.
It seems likely that due to climate change he may well have died of heatstroke…
In our country the headlines read as
‘Putin must pay’
‘Putin is crazy’, murderer!!. etc etc
‘Something must be done’.
The fact this fabrication never heard off person appeared out of nowhere and is around the anniversary of the so called Ukraine invasion (Feb 20 2022) and a week after Cia Carlson’s manufactured interview.
The Threat Of war and the ease of more funding help$ £ell the narrative that Ukraine need help£$$$$£ aid or el$e.!!
also helps politically some of the front man maybe get re selected.
The voters are not the sharpest tool in the tool box nor is anyone believing this crap.
The Vauxhall Cross ziggurat’s bulletin board have their usual standard of “reporting” on this one:
1) Almost immediate headline had Zelenskiy begging for more money (just taken down).
2) Tisdall can’t decide if Putin is Hitler or Lenin (this is encouraging – the fact that he didn’t just go straight for Hitler perhaps shows that card doesn’t work so much anymore… like any card that is ridiculously over-played).
3) Profile of Navalny praises his “enormous courage” and “irrepressible hope” (it’s martyr-hero time again!).
A prominent banner advert is for a watch called… The Huxley! (This use of ads goes back at least half a century – US TV showed coffee ads in their JFK assassination coverage that were full of hypnotism symbolism).
If he had croaked it 4 years ago he would have been classified a COVID death. They still would have blamed Putin for it though.
Might be related though. “Vaxed” while in germany in 2020 ?
Given that we’ve been told for the past three years it is perfectly normal for people in their mid 40s to die unexpectedly (but peacefully!) with no further explanation given, the world does seem to have jumped to the conclusion ‘it woz the Rushhins wot did it’ very quickly.
Perhaps he shook his duvet too vigorously that morning? Or climate change finally got him?
Regardless, I feel sorry for his children and mother, who probably didn’t choose this life.
The fact that Russian’s tend to get stuck into Vodka quite early and frequently in their lives could have some bearing on his death. A bit like pop stars or Jazz musicians. Whether he was guilty of anything was never established, and probably never will be. He was apparently 47 when he died. But life in Russian prisons can’t be that comfortable. Moreover Assange is still waiting for his coup de grace, courtesy of the PTB.
Well, if Navalny truly were the MLK of Russia, then surely all US Deep Staters would agree that he had to be bumped off???
He’s alive and well then, since MLK was never assassinated either.
Never mind.
When the aliens arrive or any natural disasters occur, Putin will be blamed.
He is the USians Go Too man for all the evil in the world.
Most of my friends and acquaintances despise Putin, but then they do watch a lot of TV.
Whatever happened to that little round bloke in North Korea?
Still making bombs. He wont go like kadhafi…
Circus for the slaves
Is he real? Or a real AI creation?
EU committee passes migration pact dubbed the “Soros Plan” – will result in massive wave of migrants storming the EU borders.
The issue being evaded: serious fall in domestic labour force, and opportunity to pay the immigrants less.
Let’s not talk about “the joker who once claimed the Kremlin put Novioke (Trade Mark TM Teresa May) Novichok in his underpants…”
Let’s talk about Gorgeous George Galloway, the man who has remained true to Labour principles, who is now New Liebour’s worst nightmare, and the only British politician to ask:
“Why are both Stormer’s Party and Sunak’s Party supporting Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians in Gaza? What is the connection?”
Oh is Galloway rehabilitated as a hero again now? Enough time gone by we can forget his ignorant treachery over covid and all start pretending he’s the real deal until he betrays us all again. Ok, got the memo – thanks.
You’re welcome. More memos about Gorgeous George on the way.
Poor Nick. He still hasn’t figured out that Wikileaks was always an NSA rat trap, Assange has been participating in psyops since he was a child, and nobody promoted in the press, ever gets assassinated or imprisoned. It’s all just fear programs and pulp fiction using recycled scripts.
Hoorah for the Blackshorts! Hoorah for the Brownshirts! Our Bulwarks against Communism.
George Galloway is too young to remember when the British Ruling Classes (eg, Churchill & Chamberlain) and the British Free Press were all being so fearfully polite and protective to “Signor” Mussolini and “Herr” Hitler; but Galloway is obviously aware of modern history.
The same sort of toads-in-their-holes (now known as Sunak and Stormer) currently cheer Israel’s Palestinian Genocide.
Follow the money!
Follow the money. TB.Liar earned “a modest fortune” as employee in House of Rothschild. His successors in New Liebour recently raked in a quarter of a million from the Israel Lobby.
“Much ado about Navalny…”
You got that right, he could have just as easily been slipped a fentenal mickey with his meds, as any other conceivable method.
Were people to imagine he/she were one of the Nazi 4th Reich mRNA bioweapons mass murderers of millions, – becoming more and more desperate/cornered as legal efforts to arrest, prosecute and punish you worldwide build and intensify – it becomes easier to understand why the mass murderers have concluded World War III has become their sole remaining escape-from-prosecution (Nuremberg 2.0)…
Share this far and wide: Covid-19 Grand Jury Petition – National ARM
Navalny is about as worthy of discussion as the Skripals. In a manner of speaking … they lay with dogs and they got fleas. The MI6/Mssd fleas appear not to have bothered killing the Skripals, just yet. I suspect that these poor morons, or ‘assets’ all have their use-by dates highlighted on their files.
The next kabuki distraction might be how mind-bogglingly important it is that Erik Prince [of X, the uber-dogs of war] feels it necessary to re-colonise Africa, etc. etc.
The men and women in Switzerlanf are showing their desperation.
Foggy Albion in action.
The Brits did it ? You mean Boris who egged the Ukies on ?
small dogs always bark the loudest
Correction – ‘Small dogs always yap the loudest’.
thank you !!!
Bojo the bumbling Buffon couldn’t do up his bow tie.
From your link to Gilbert Doctorow:
“In short, what happened in the West this afternoon was a new campaign to vilify Vladimir Putin on the world stage based on a death which was, if I may quote former British PM Theresa May, ‘highly likely’ to have been perpetrated by British Intelligence for this very purpose.
In all of the false flag operations that have been directed by the West against Russia over the past decade or more, I have argued that the old Roman investigative principle of cui bono militated against the Kremlin having been involved in any way. So it is today: why would Putin want to murder Navalny, when the man is now largely forgotten within Russia.”
It’s the same reason the City of London controlled puppets attacked an old military landing ship. To avoid any analysis by the Western masses over their military and economical incompetence. Ie The 50 year deindustrialisation of the West, the naive notion that Western armies could be reduced to rapid reaction forces to fight inferior forces, educational dumbing down and their hubris !
MI6 is absolutely first in line as suspect. If it looks like, walks like, acts like……..
I do find the case and reported subsequent death of navalny interesting, considering Navalny was reportedly in prison he would not have been much of a threat to Russia and they could have quite easily waited Navalny out as the UK and US have done with assange. The Russian state sanctioning his death would be akin to launching flairs up and proclaiming “look over here” and is certainly giving ammo to the west and their anti Russian stance.
I found the US VP statement extremely telling with her words of “Lets be clear Russia is responsible” remark, Considering at this time of writing no one is certain what has happened to Navalny and his potential cause of death, it does strike as a pre determined judgement based on very little.
its also quite laughable and the general hypocrisy when the west talks about freedoms and then ignores the increased excess death mortality that has been happening over the last 2 or 3 yrs etc.
Howzabout Executive Clemency for JULIAN ASSANGE, hypocrites?
The VP is grateful for her quota of statements to issue and flights abroad to take.
Clemency for what? A psyop? Oh yeah, I forgot you are to push NSA-MI6 hoaxes.
Have you seen the ‘Crazy Horse 6 video?’ When the chopper crew hose down the Iraqis with a .50 calibre chain gun? It’s life-changing. Not only that, but then they come back for the van which attempts to pick up the dead, with the children in it. Torn to shreds.
Aka ‘not a psyop.’
Firstly, you have no idea whether that’s AI generated or not. The quality is so low, the entire thing could be assembled by actors on a green screen, spliced with real helicopter film, then the injuries and deaths and shots (complete with dust and fake puffs) added with CGI.
*If* IT IS REAL, which you still cannot possibly know, who do you think gave Wikileaks – the NSA Rat Trap – THAT video as their highly promoted press foray into the worldwide, mass media? It definitely wasn’t the trans actor, MANN-ing. He/she wasn’t tortured or imprisoned. It’s A HOAX.
The government gave itself the video to publicize and promote the faux Wikileaks. Wikileaks is a fake government org, just like the NSA’s Anonymous, the NSA’s QAnon, the NSA’s oathkeepers, the NSA’s ProudBoys, the NSA’s BLM etc etc.
If you don’t know THAT is the very definition of a psychological operation, to make idiots believe that an obviously faux org like Wikileaks and their ACTOR Assange are faux heroes battling the evil empire then you are literally brain dead and mind controlled.
Of course we don’t know anything with absolute certainty unless we are actually on the spot, and even then we may be deceived.
It doesn’t matter which side is which, the medium is the massage. Torture is not somehow ‘good’ or ‘better’ if it is being done by the ‘right side.’ Being chopped up by 50 calibre shells ruins your whole life. You probably wouldn’t want to survive. You are essentially saying there are NO whistleblowers. And the deceivers have a perfect score.
We just do our best with the info.
‘Take cover at the corner
There’s tanks down the street
More mines than stop signs
Be careful with your feet
Burning in a funeral pyre
Keep back from the razor wire
You’re just as dead from ‘friendly fire.’
It could easily have been Gaza, but it was actually Sarajevo.
‘S-S-Sarajevo in the sinking sun.’
12% of Bosnians died. Last week’s genocide.
One of the problems is that many of the false flags are so amateurish. And so many so angrily believe in them.
This week’s false flag to confuse and fool even the slightly smarter observer?’
Anyone with a grain of common sense and not much of a political ax to grind would reckon that killing Nalvany causes more of a problem to ‘the Kremlin’ than just leaving to molder quietly in whatever remote facility he was sent to. Ultimately its all about painting a picture and telling a tale — when you’ve got someone like Kamela Harris, a person who’s supposed to know which way ‘up’ was (at least we desperately hope so) coming out with statements like “No previous President has bowed down to a Russian dictator before”, a statement that is both factually true and utter BS, you wonder what kind of leadership we’re getting for out country. (“Not inspiring” is about the kindest description I can come up with.)
I reckon it was all Tucker Carlson’s fault. He went and spoke with Putin and Putin came across as both knowledgeable and articulate. Dangerous stuff, difficult to spin and counter so we’ve been treated to a number of distractions — space weapons and invading Poland, for example — to try and blunt the message. (Note that “being knowledgeable and articulate” doesn’t necessarily mean “agree wholeheartedly with” but in our world its impossible to have a dialog with someone we disagree with; we have to dominate them in a zero sum game.) Anyway, these old “Red Menace” tropes are really well past their sell by date — I doubt that there’s anyone in Europe outside the political classes that thinks that the Red Army’s about to sweep across to the Atlantic — so desperate times call for desperate measures. Like Epstein, though, I guess we’ll never really know.
It would be interesting to know just how far the MH17 plane crash occurred – or was brought down – just over the Donbass in March 2014, smack in the middle of the fighting going on. But there would be plenty of informed guesses. Why was the flight routed over the battlefield!? Moreover, It would have been easy to keep a safe distance since the fighting going on were with the Don Bass militia, who were hardly equipped to bring down modern jet planes. But there you go.
there seem to be censure about MH17 and ” who-did-it”.
I probably hit the Jackpot!!!
Oh, you mean Kabala Harris …
A very long term Moscow based journalist who does his homework instead of copy and paste!
From your Link to Dances with Bears:
“Russian regime change isn’t cricket.
The US and UK have been playing regime-changing games with Russia for more than a century now. Thirty years ago Boris Yeltsin was their big hit. They have been bad losers since then. That’s not cricket.
In cricketing terms, the Kremlin regime-changing plan of Alexei Navalny was a googly. The Yevgeny Prigozhin plan was a bouncer. Both have ended as ducks on the scoreboard.
If MI6 was planning and paying for this latest match failures, they need to pull stumps and leave the field.
Thank you. It confirms what French citizen living in Russia already said( Xavier Moreau and Alexander Fresdian on YT)
Dissent will NOT be tolerated.
Just ask Assange, Snowden, Manning or any of the many who questioned the Jabs.
Nice ‘Richard II’ allusion there.
That Christopher Marlowe could write a decent line – perhaps he was the first on that island for the un-dead dead when it was less crowded than it is now.
‘Richard II’ was the play performed as part of the Essex Rebellion and which Elizabeth I knew was a thinly-coded call for her removal – yet its author wasn’t held for questioning, let alone tortured as happened to other Elizabethan writers who displeased the authorities like Thomas Kyd. Almost like they knew that Stratford geezer wasn’t the true author….
Thanks for that bit of info about Shakespeare’s charmed escape from being crushed in between “the fell and mighty opposites” of Elizabeth and Essex.
In the Tudor Reign of Terror I have always thought of Elizabeth as playing the role of Stalin — the intellectual who promoted art as propaganda for the regime. Stalin was a known fan of pianist Maria Yudina who famously gave his prize money to the Church for prayers for Stalin’s sins. Probably the best longterm investment Stalin ever made.
No paid propagandist ever wrote such memorably good things as Shakespeare did for free: about Elizabeth’s ancestors (Henry 4&5) nor so many bad things about their opponents (Richard 3).
“this august assembly”? What’s August about it?
I mean, jeeze, how dumb do you have to be? Even I know the difference between February and August.
Seriously, two names leaped to mind before anything else
Darya Dugina
Gonzalo Lira
“The Kremlin put novichok in his underpants”.
And Germany probably got him vaxed with another poison while ” recovering” from novichok”.
The universe has a weird sense of humour….