Let’s talk about…Assange’s Final Extradition Hearing

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange returns to the courtroom this week in a last-ditch effort to avoid extradition to the United States.
Assange himself, we are told, is too unwell to attend court in person (Assange has become the poster boy for legal proceedings in absentia), but his lawyers will be arguing that he faces a “flagrant denial of justice” if he is sent state-side.
A fact so obvious you would think it should be a given.
But then obvious facts – and basic justice – have never been permitted much of a voice in this case.
Assange – who was once nothing but a figure of scorn and hatred in the UK press – is actually getting some mainstream defence this time around. Alan Rusbridger, writing in the Independent, claims its time to set him free.
The Guardian has been the by far most vitriolic anti-Assange paper for over a decade, but their editorial declares:
The Guardian view on Julian Assange: why he should not be extradited
It could be argued that so-called “liberal” papers have to take Assange’s side to protect their “liberal” image…but that wasn’t true before, so why would it be now?
That goes along with big name NGOs like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty fighting Assange’s corner (although, how could these alleged defenders of freedom possibly justify not defending him at this stage? They sort of have to make a show of doing so or risk becoming even more of a sad joke than they already are).
It raises an interesting question: Is it remotely possible Assange will avoid extradition? Maybe get set free?
And, if so, what happens next?
Does he retire from public life? Does he get held up as evidence “the system works”? Does he take up a more active role in the alt media world again?
The reported death of Alexei Navalny in Russia throws an interesting perspective on this case, throwing all sorts of potential narratives into the air.
If he is extradited, the pro-Russia side can say “you can’t talk about Navalny, look at Assange”, but on the other hand letting Assange walk would enable the West to say “look how we treat our political prisoners compared to Russia”.
There’s potential propaganda wins for either side here, and the verdict will likely be an indicator of the planned direction.
Julian’s wife Stella is readily and frequently comparing the two men:
She’s probably right to be concerned.
Is the narrative to have Assange die in prison as well? They’re capable of engineering this no doubt, but would they dare go so far in this instance?
The artworld better hope not, because some nutcase has threated to burn 40 million pounds of classics if Assange dies.
But what do you think?
- Is the Assange case being used to normalise absentee trials?
- Will Assange be extradited?
- If so, what happens next?
- Will Assange become “the West’s Navalny” and die in prison?
- If Assange is set free, what does he do next?
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The first-hand reporting of the case by Craig Murray is a compelling read for anyone not familiar with the Kafkaesque absurdity of the proceedings.
Let’s be clear, it’s now unacceptable to call a genocide in Israel a genocide, nobody can call for Netanyahu to be imprisoned for life, to die in prison.
But if someone leaks a few documents proving that the US Deep State was routinely abusing the US Constitution, then that’s an extradition order, life imprisonment and a justification to plot their murder.
The USA now believes in coercive genocide of anyone that stands up to its global murdering, anyone that says that Jews have no right to murder Gazans etc etc.
There is no longer any basis to look up to the USA, any more than there was any basis in 1980 to look up to the UK any more.
The sooner the world treats the USA the way it deserves to be treated, the sooner the world treats Israel and Zionist Jews the way they deserve to be treated, the better.
I trust that the Chief Rabbi of the UK no longer considers himself a human being nor a religious person. He had the chance to call Israeli genocide genocide and he conspicuously failed to do so. He is a typical weak wastrel, utterly lacking in moral compass. No public official should seek his opinion, no public official should seek his presence for PR either. He is the UK face of murderous evil and it is too late for him to disassociate himself from it.
Now let’s talk about the murderous evil of Hamas – or is that a different kind of murderous evil?
Hamas is a National Liberation Movement and has every right to attack Israel the Occupying Power. The Israeli Army on the other hand, as an illegal military force in Occupied Palestine, has no Legal Right to Defend itself against Freedom Fighters.
Moreover, it is clear from Nuremberg Laws that no country has the right to commit genocide. Israel will have to repay Palestinians against loss of Life and Property. Just like Germany had to recompense Jews.
The USE and persisting focus or mainstream feeding of Assange is a form of terrorism by which to suppress, conform & control journalism.
Just what is really going on – who he really is – whether everything is as ‘reported’ and reacted to, I don’t know. But the USE of the drama of his imprisonment is not in doubt for me.
Charles Manson never had a prison haircut and had mutating tattoos.
There are ways to switch cultural movements on & off.
Lies designated as system protection confer insider status to their stakeholders.
Most of what passes off as thinking is reactive and polarised opinion. No blame for that, but it always predicates on the distribution, projection & evasion of guilt.
It’s a world stage. And they control most of the media. They can propagate any absurd narrative they want. It’s the agenda that counts. Not the actors, props, scenery or details of the simulation psyop.
Assange is the negative of Navalny, but in essence the same story. Remarkable how OffG editors show ultimate praise for wag the dog as the film which shows that all war is show business. And then the next day you get the Assange story presented which is just another ‘American Dream.’
Anyway there has been a time (not that long ago) that you got 50 downvotes here for calling the Assange story a story. That seems to have changed over time. IMO, It’s all because of covid, they really spilled the beans there. Assange is passé. But I am sure there will be more stories to come.
Lol. It’s somewhat ironic.
It’s probably because all the Masonic shills here BTL yesterday and previously have been disseminating the Assange psyop and posting outward links with total hysteria and faux outrage.
British Masons in Germany!
Navalny and Assange – two nicely packaged and complimentary narratives, both served up for us in the same week so we have plenty of comparing and contrasting to do.
It’s like a pet snake in a tank being fed live mice. “Here my pretties, feast on this and don’t try to escape.” Or is that a nuts way to see it?
You are not nuts at all…
Coming from you that’s really not reassuring ha ha
Next, you will be saying because Spring follows Summer it is a conspiracy !
Spring doesn’t follow Summer so what do you mean?
Hmm… maybe the OP means that the following Spring follows Summer. 🤔
It does in the world of some on this site.
No you have just shown yourself yet again to be a brain addled liar who can’t keep his facts straight.
Remember that time you claimed to have lived in Russia? Yet you didn’t know what the GREAT GAME was or why Moscow is called the Third Rome.
Then you claimed to have worked for a think tank, which equals INTEL AGENCY.
Then there’s the “Illuminati psyop” you posted here on numerous occasions. I remember all your lies.
There’s no deep state and there’s no Illuminati.
The psyops you push here stop the public from understanding basic facts like all elections are all fraudulent in every country (corporation) because you can’t delegate to government rights you don’t personally have.
“ Remember that time you claimed to live in Moscow…”
Oh, there is no claim about it I have the entry and exit visa, plus a residence stamp, compulsory under Russian Federation law, from the police.
Moreover, you make another false claim. You seem to have plenty of practice of this ie Assange and Fuellmich.
In addition, you make another insinuation about a University research centre we’re I studied at. So according to your view from the 85th quadrant in the galaxy of Eegititus, anyone who studied or worked for a post graduate degree is an agent of Smersh or Shield .
It appears that you have a screw loose.
Here is some music for you whilst you plot and scheme to sling slime and smear like a cement mixer !
If you think I click a single link from a Masonic operative such as yourself, you are delusional.
You can shove your FSB-CIA-MI6-Mossad BS where the sun doesn’t shine.
While you while away the time trying to smear and undermine people with cited sources from the planet Zog, you can look at the lyrics.
Remember when you ran away
And I got on my knees
And begged you not to leave
Because I’d go beserk
Well you left me anyhow
And then the days got worse and worse
And now you see I’ve gone
Completely out of my mind
And they’re coming to take me away ha-haaa
They’re coming to take me away ho ho hee hee ha haaa
To the funny farm
Where life is beautiful all the time
And I’ll be happy to see those nice young men
In their clean white coats
And they’re coming to take me away ha haaa
You thought it was a joke
And so you laughed
You laughed when I said
That losing you would make me flip my lid
Right? You know you laughed
I heard you laugh. You laughed
You laughed and laughed and then you left
But now you know I’m utterly mad
And they’re coming to take me away ha haaa
They’re coming to take me away ho ho hee hee ha haaa
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds
And basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes
And they’re coming to take me away ha haaa
I cooked your food
I cleaned your house
And this is how you pay me back
For all my kind unselfish, loving deeds
Ha! Well you just wait
They’ll find you yet and when they do
They’ll put you in the A.S.P.C.A.
You mangy mutt
And they’re coming to take me away ha haaa
They’re coming to take me away ha haaa ho ho hee hee
To the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time
And I’ll be happy to see those nice young men
In their clean white coats
And they’re coming to take me away
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds
And basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes
And they’re coming to take me away ha haaa!
An account of a close friend merely trying to witness his extradition proceedings.
Let’s hope Assange doesn’t end up like Gonzalo Lira !
From your Link to Craig Murray:
“At the Assange extradition hearings in Woolwich Crown Court and the Old Bailey, the public gallery was limited to five and sometimes two. But online access was denied to Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and numerous other groups and individuals, including journalists.
“The mainstream media was anyway complicit in leaving the entire hearing virtually unreported – less than one percent of the coverage given to Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard.
“The International Court of Justice recently met at the Hague to consider Israeli genocide, and the entire proceedings were open to anybody in the world with a decent video connection, through an open link and no password. Like the ICJ is a public court. Yet the judges of the London High Court have passed a series of Kafkaesque regulations to limit who can see the trial.
“Here is the Stalinist nonsense in its entirety. I promise your mind is going to boggle:”
Gonzalo Lira is a serial death faker, a liar, a grifter and probably a NATO stooge.
Q. Any concrete evidence to support these allegations.
A. No, just more smear to vilify a brave, courageous and honourable man.
Meanwhile, here is what Gonzalo Lira senoir stated.
“ Gonzalo Lira, Sr. says his son has died at 55 in a Ukrainian prison, where he was being held for the crime of criticizing the Zelensky and Biden governments,”
How all those who have smearing and besmirching Assange, have been shown to be wanting !
Edward Snowdon. His name is not in the text and neither in 200+ comments. Nawalny is mentioned a few times. Even Gonzalo Lira is. But not Snowdon. Anyone else finds this strange?
Tall Poppy:
Noun. Usage: Australian
Someone who becomes a target in an attempt to cut them down to size
for Politicians, who can only stick to already-set talking points, chopping Tall Poppies becomes an important career survival move.
I have read the comments regarding this article with interest. Seems Assange is another great polarizer within alt-media circles. The majority of mainstream media consumers are indifferent to his plight. Whereas, within the mainstream alt-media (MAM) – to use David Icke’s phrase – for the most part there is universal support.
It is good to see a healthy dose of cynicism still exists here on Off-G.
From my perspective the biggest question mark over his authenticity lies in his dismissal of 9/11 and 7/7 as mere ‘distractions’ plus other dubious terms he used. In addition, the comment from Nuttyahoo in 2010 that Wikileaks was good for Israel’s position on Iran further adds to the concern among other good points raised in the comments.
If the last four years have made anything clearer, it is that psy-ops are all around us. Just because JA has a wife and parents clamouring for his release does not mean they too are not in on the act.
While JA has got the MAM in a tizz and busy occupying their time, Richard D Hall and his persecution by the State is barely getting a mention. It is he that alleged (with good evidence) that the etablishment uses crisis actors to enact terrorism hoaxes. There seems to be no shortage of willing participants to hone their acting skills – maybe in the hope of an Oscar one day or a TV/film career – by misleading and duping the public. By extension, it is perfectly plausible that we are subjected to other types of hoaxes and psy-ops using ‘actors’ and role-players.
If JA is genuinely in Belmarsh then he should be released, although interestingly he chose not to appear at the High Court, supposedly due to ill health. Personally, if I was in his position I would have appeared at the hearing to show the world the bad treatment I was receiving at the hands of the authorities, even if it meant they had to bring me in on a stretcher with an ambulance. The PR coup would have been worth it.
It’s a psyop so there’s no wife, no child, no imprisonment, there’s no ill health and “the mother” gets paid the big bucks to continue the charade, just like she did with the Anne Hamilton Byrne – The Family – psyop.
More crackpot cited sources pushing crackpot adverts!
Those little kids who look like Julian are the latest deep fake technology ha ha
Assange (not even his real name, but the name of his ACTOR stepfather) fully admits he was part of that faux cult.
It’s the same incestuous players in the Wikileaks psyop: Soros. Rothschilds. Goldsmiths. Rockefeller’s.
You say: “From my perspective the biggest question mark over his authenticity lies in his dismissal of 9/11 and 7/7 as mere ‘distractions’”
I’d like to see these quotes that must be so strong / bizarre that it leads you think there is a “question mark over his authenticity”
Please clarify if you accept that his publishing organization released to the public more information about the war crimes of our governments than any other org in the past 20 years?
Please clarify if you accept we could follow his every publishing decision and massively damaging release live by following his twitter feed right up until we had footage of him being literally dragged out of the Ecuador embassy by the British secret services?
It’s one of the most ridiculous ideas I’ve ever heard that him releasing so much information into the public domain to help us understand the twisted world we live in is somehow a psyop.
James Corbett is normally a very insightful and intelligent commentator, but he too has fed this incredible counter-narrative without providing a shred of decent evidence to back up these ludicrous ideas.
The links from people propagating this idea lack any relationship with reality.
Please provide sone evidence.
Lol, you poor fools really do lack all self-awareness, don’t you? I feel kind of ashamed of myself for ever believing that people like Kit Knightly and Catte Black had anything useful to contribute to the growing struggle against globalism. I’m sure I’m wasting my time writing this because there’s little doubt but that impartial, tolerant, discussion-promoting midwit guard-dog “Sam the Admin” is going to chuck it in the bin for “harshing the mellow” of your little lefty love-hug but seriously, just READ yourselves: It’s EXACTLY the same pattern of wrinkle-browed semi-idiocy as you displayed over the “enigma wrapped in a mystery” of all the media that you have long since recognized and publicly declared to be lie factories suddenly “kind of telling the truth” about Gaza. It was truly nauseating watching you all there scratching your heads and asking yourselves: “hmmmm…why do we and the BBC and The Guardian and so on suddenly sound JUST THE SAME AGAIN when it comes to “genocide in Gaza City” and what an odious shitbag Netanyahu is?…What NEFARIOUS NEO-LIBERAL TRICK is being played on us here?” You pull the same sad, witless, no-self-knowledge, lefty-lib routine here: “hmmm….Interesting that The Guardian and the BBC and all the “non-governmental organizations” whose whole schtick consists in taking what governments are already doing and screaming at them to do more of it and faster are now cheering and clapping for Assange and treating him like he’s Nelson Mandela….What CAN they be up to? Why do they suddenly LIKE our heroic rebel idol Julian now after hating him for so many years?” Optimistic fool that I am, I kept hoping that these lines above maybe HAD been written by someone like Knightly or Black, who’ve shown some capacity for more-than-one-dimensional knee-jerk lefty thinking in the past, and that the article would end by at least vaguely airing the possibility that there really isn’t any complex “three-dimensional chess” problem to be solved in the fact of government-operated “non-governmental organizations” like Amnesty beginning to take some time off from ferrying military-age Africans across the Mediterranean into what remains of European cities to do some cheerleading for Assange because this sort of do-gooder, counter-culture, “fight da powah” hacktivism has always been as organic a part of the globalist agenda as is replacing white populations with mongrel black-brown masses or chopping the breasts off brainwashed 13-year-old girls. But no, that’s a step too far for you all, isn’t it? The powers-that-be embracing a lefty progressive like Assange has to be some sort of CUNNING TRICK, because never shall the twain of lefty progressivism and brutal inhuman oppression really meet, right? Yeah, right….I honestly pity you….
You’ve said all this before.
And use para breaks, pleeease!! I feel like a spouse cornered in a room with your wagging finger in my face as you regurgitate a spittle-flecked monologue in excruciating monotone, after reading that!! Lol
Dial back the intensity. Yeah? Sure, I know you take issue with offg. Got it. We could respond that you’re actually way off the mark in your criticisms, but what’s the point? This isn’t a dialogue, it’s your melt down.
It sounds like you’re getting caught up. A2
>We could respond that you’re actually way off the mark in your criticisms.
Try just once to actually substantively respond to the criticism that this place is not a forum for the articulation of views resistant to globalist tyranny but rather a forum for the articulation of views resistant to globalist tyranny EMANATING SPECIFICALLY FROM THE LEFT OF THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM.
I think the criticism needs responding to because we seem, at this point in history, to be on the point of beginning again to turn in the same sad circle that the anti-globalist movement began to turn in a quarter of a century ago now at the time of the Seattle and Genoa protests. The heroes and gurus of the anti-globalist movement were all lefties back then. Chomsky was full on “anti-globalist” in 1998. But by 2012, 2014, when the term was taken up by the Trump movement and others, his stance was: “Well, you’d have to be crazy to be ‘against globalism’ in an absolute sense….all good people are ‘globalists’…It’s just a question of whether you want globalism from above or globalism from below…” And where was he ten years on from that? We all know: “If the unvaccinated refuse to fulfil their moral obligations toward other members of society, then obviously we need to separate them…I hesitate to use the word ‘camp’ but….”
That’s “anti-globalism from below”, that’s “anti-globalism from the left” for you. And I’m seeing a disturbing preponderance of articles on OffGuardian this last year or so that give it fairly clearly to be understood that THIS – and no other – is the specific “anti-globalist” position that they are written from. I don’t know whether you do it in awareness of what you are doing – that is to say, with malice aforethought – but that matters little in the end. It remains, whatever the reason or motivation, objectively the case that you are leading the anger of slowly awakening people down a path that inevitably leads to a position like Chomsky’s.
The ONLY viable and sustainable anti-globalist critique is a critique from – for want of a better term – “the right”. Voices that mingle to the point of indistinguishability with those of the pullulating masses of the woke international left – be it on the matter of Assange or (and THIS, of course, is the respect in which OffGuardian has gone COMPLETELY off the rails since last October) on the matter of Hamas and Israel – serve to do nothing but confuse, undermine and destroy whatever human movement of resistance may have been getting underway since the historically unprecedented horrors of the 2020-23 “pandemic” psy op. Speak CLEARLY on this or “get off the potty”.
I can’t really address your questions if I disagree with the terms/definitions you’ve use, or if I’m just plain confused. So can you, briefly, just state your position, without all the ranting.
1. How do you define the ‘left/right’ stance regarding Israel/Hamas?
2. In what way do you feel Offg’s position re. Hamas/Israel is ‘left’? Please link/quote an actual example, with brief explanation.
3. Are you aware that Offg has also been heavily criticised for being too ‘right’ on this issue?
4. Do you think discussing in terms of left/right is perhaps a bit archaic? In the simulacrum world of controlled media and politics which covid unveiled to us, many argue the old notions of ‘left/right’ have become largely redundant.
5. How would you sum up the ‘left/right’ stance on Assange?
6. In what way do you feel Offg’s position on Assange is ‘left’? Please link/quote an actual example, with brief explanation.
7. In what way do you feel the Assange issue is quintessentially one of ‘left/right’, rather than one of basic human rights (or, for those who assert here that Assange is an operative in service of the establishment, the public perception of the issue of basic human rights, both of which are extremely important)?
1. How do you define the left/right stance regarding Israel/Hamas?
2. In what way do you feel Offg’s position re. Hamas/Israel is ‘left’?
3. Are you aware that Offg has also been heavily criticised for being too ‘right’ on this issue?
Sorry but….burst of incredulous laughter.
But OK, absurd as these questions are, let me take them one by one:
1.Just look out your goddam window. Doesn’t really matter where your window is situated – London, Paris, Berlin, New York – you’ll see the same long line of purple-haired, morbidly obese, septum-pierced dykes and skinny-jeaned soyboys weaving past it at just about any hour of the day waving Palestinian flags and bellowing incoherently about rivers and seas and so on.
2.You cannot direct me to a single article published in OffG in the past five months whose basic and central argument the septum-pierced dykes and skinny-jeaned soyboys in question would object to. They may take issue with a few details – such as that Netanyahu was more zealous about imposing the pseudo-vaccinations than even Jacinda Ardern and co – but on all the really salient points – that Israel is committing “genocide”, that October the 7th didn’t happen in anything like the way that the Israelis say it did and indeed likely didn’t happen at all – a printed-out copy of the last three months of OffG would likely pass from hand to enthusiastic hand on one of these “ceasefire now” marches as this week’s Socialist Worker.
3 Yes, I can well believe you have. So, as you may have noticed, are the BBC and the New York Times on a regular basis. This is a phenomenon that I’ve alluded to in one of my earlier contributions here: no matter how slavishly close other, more mainstream globalist media come to turning their own productions into being just carbon copies of the sort of strident, world-revolutionary propaganda pumped out by outlets like Novara Media and Democracy Now!, these latter will not be satisfied until the BBC is saying EXACTLY the same thing as Al Jazeera, The Guardian saying EXACTLY the same thing as Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism, Weekly Journal of the Revolutionary Communist Group. This Israeli TV spoof of the BBC’s coverage of the war in Gaza is so right-down-to-the-smallest-fact-and-nuance accurate that it’s barely even a spoof (though it’s side-splittingly funny, unlike anything “satirical” coming from the left):
Watch the latest “news” from the BBC (youtube.com)
And yet, as you’ll remember, the Islamist and “wokies” from the “ceasefire now” marches regularly pelt BBC headquarters with red paint.
You are caught in the same absurd double-bind. You are as “woke” as Owen Jones on Gaza – but that will never be enough for Owen Jones.
Right, more polemic, and an unfalsifiable, circular argument from you. Offg can’t escape your accusations, if we’re called ‘right’ it’s actually ‘left’, if we’re called ‘left’ it’s still actually left, at the whim of your internal logic, the workings of which you’re very hazy about.
Lay out your parameters. Answer Q1 properly – you left out the ‘right’ position totally, and you didn’t define the ‘left’. You simply disguised a non-answer with more stereotyping ranting. (PS. the left has been coopted, weaponised and duped, undoubtedly. No one denies that. We witnessed this during covid, with the twitter-idenifying lefties enslaved to the ‘current thing’, exhibitionistically virtue signalling the latest moral indignation and emblazoning the latest Ukraine flag or anti-vaxxer hate symbol (et al) with no consistency, logic or intelligence. This is extremely different from a political left ideology or position, and if you refuse to make this distinction then you’re being simplistic or obtuse).
So, here’s Q1 again. Answer it, or shut up.
1. How do you define the left/right stance regarding Israel/Hamas?
I didn’t answer it because I didn’t want to carry the insult to your intelligence so far as to think you were serious in asking it.
How could you not know that hostility to Israel and all that Israel does has been a lefty shibboleth (no irony intended) for almost as long as the state has existed?
And that the great starving suffering “ummah” of Islam has by now taken the place of the dear departed “proletariat” as the hero of the story the left is trying to tell?
In France, which is significantly ahead of Britain in the Muslimization of its population, “gauchisme” and “islamogauchisme” are now pretty much synonymous. But the UK is not far away from this point of a total fusion of leftism and Islamophilism – as the sheer scale of the recent British “ceasefire now” (i.e. “lay down your arms before Hamas”) demos has shown.
I imagine you’ll now try to obfuscate this issue by pointing to “all” the neo-Nazis who are also gleefully joining in the vilifying of the “genocidal” Israelis and the parts of the Alt Right who insist that “Islam is the real red pill” and that we can learn what true conservatism is by observing and imitating Hamas and Al Qaida (i.e, stoning women to death for adultery and throwing homosexuals off roofs). Such people do exist, of course – anyone’s bumped into them who’s ever browsed 4chan – but to cite them as a factor which “makes the question complicated” is as disingenuous as the American Left’s citing of “white supremacy” as a real political factor in the present day. The old-fashioned Jew-haters – and Islam-lovers – on the right are such outliers that they play no role in the actual political situation anywhere in the world. Today, everywhere, Arab-love and Jew-hatred – going under the name of “hatred of Zionism” – is a leftist thing.
It’s an immensely subtle and nuanced question, of course, just what the left hates in Israel and the Jews. Israel is hated by many of those who make up the huge race- and gender-spanning “party of aggrievedness” that is out on the streets of London every weekend because it is perceived by them as “more Western than the West”….you know, the old “colonialist bridgehead” story. The pro-Hamas demos are the last conceivable chance that the generation born around 2000 are going to get to feel that virtuous “free Nelson Mandela” frisson that their parents got to feel in the 1980s and their grandparents, with even more thrilling intensity, in the 1950s during the first wave of decolonization. Much darker forces, though, are certainly also at play here. For all the ostensibly gushing “milk of human kindness”, anyone with a brain and an eye can recognize how there has re-emerged in contemporary “woke-ism” a long-submerged Nietzschean trait in the human personality: a manic and insatiable hatred of all that is cerebral, spiritual, sensitive and “weak”. And although the Israeli Jew is somewhat different, in many of these regards, from the diaspora Jew who was his grandfather or great-grandfather, the diaspora Jew – the eternally despicable “loser” – is still very much there even in the Israeli. Today’s left – which is, as I say, recognizably much more Nietzschean than Marxian at its emotional core – recognizes this and its adulation of the Arab, and vilification of the Jew, is – actual military balance of power notwithstanding – always, at the deepest unconscious level, an adulation of the swaggering, virile Bedouin Uebermensch and vilification of the grovelling, frightened Untermensch from the ghetto.(The Jews themselves, by the way, betrayed this dirty secret first and best. Look at Kafka’s “Jackals and Arabs”, in which his own people are clearly the grovelling, despicable “jackals”).
So yes, there are a lot of hard things – “hard” in the sense both of difficult to render understandable and painful to listen to, once understood – to say about this matter. But at bottom there is simply no question but that “hatred of Israel and love of Palestine” (especially of a brutal, virile, conquering Palestine) is, in Pasolini’s phrase a cosa di sinistra – a “thing of the left” in all the horrible things that this last phrase means today. No actual right-wing commentator, as far as I am aware, is actually for Palestine – at most, US figures like Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens have adopted a stance of “splendid isolationism” – and the huge majority are passionately pro-Israel. I’d go farther and say that October the 7th actually served the salutary purpose of thinning out the rather too broad church that the right has become since the US Democrats, the British Labour Party etc have gone over entirely to globalism. Glenn Greenwald, for example, was becoming a very dangerous “wolf in sheep’s clothing” there for a while: a lifelong crypto-commie and partisan of leftist subversion who suddenly, in the last few years, became a welcome guest of Tucker Carlson and other conservatives. But October 7th rallied him back to the side he really belongs on: the West-hating, brutality-adulating left. This may not wean Carson off him but hopefully it will open other conservatives’ eyes.
And I think, to sum up, that October 7th has done the same for you, OffGuardian, and more importantly for those of us who, for a while, were seduced by you. You are of the left – and October 7th drew you back onto the side of the BBC and of The Guardian and of the mob that intimidated the UK Parliament from outside its walls last night, waiting for the likely imminent day when, as in the days just prior to the Terror in the French Revolution, it will be admitted WITHIN these walls to dictate MPs’ votes to them from even closer and more threatening proximity. It’s good that those of us who are determined to fight this fight to the bitter end have found this out so soon. We wouldn’t have wanted to find it out only once we were side by side on the barricades.
You still talk about the ‘Left’ a lot, but what do the ‘Right’ want? Do they like Israel? Or do they just hate “swaggering, virile Bedouin Uebermensch” even more than Jews?
What position are you defending, you up there on your barricade? A2
this is Zionism
The left = “purple-haired, morbidly obese, septum-pierced dykes and skinny-jeaned soyboys” “waiving Palestinian flags”
The most important thing is these awful people think that “Israel is committing “genocide”, that October the 7th didn’t happen in anything like the way that the Israelis say it did.. “ So Off G would be accepted ‘“ceasefire now” marches’
vile racism / prejudice / and .. Zionism
Oh…. Yeah…. ??
But why doesn’t he just SAY that? Is he ashamed? Why’s he talking around it, cloaking it in bullshit and waffle?
It’s like the missing word game, where all the important words get left out, all the hashtags and SEO have been deleted.
This is not how normal people talk about their honestly-held beliefs btw.
This IS how you sneak extreme opposing views onto the same comment thread without raising too many alarms and without requiring different entities with opposing views to actually interact with one another, thus wasting man hours.
It IS strange that all our resident, aggressively anti-Zionist commenters have gone decidedly milquetoast since the BATON walked into town… 😅
To say nothing of the resident neo-Nazis….. What gives guys!? I’m ’snipped Samual’ aren’t I? I’m a ‘jew lover’, aren’t I? Offg are crypto Jews cuz we don’t call out ‘Jewish influence’… aren’t we?
Don’t you have a thing or two to reply to Mr Baton, ya muppets?
Are we witnessing clumsy work? We might be. A2
Well, I would in principle be glad to help them out with that – and also dispel these completely ungrounded imputations of disingenuousness and cunning, cowardly communication via “dog-whistles” and “secret hand-signals” and such rubbish that you pretend you have grounds to level at me here.
I AM a racist – assuming that that word has any meaning left to it in 2023, since it is applied a million times a day in a million different contexts and with a million different senses and often no sense at all.
What I personally mean by it is that I think black people, for example, are, generally speaking, physically, mentally and emotionally different from white people and in ways that matter and have certainly mattered a lot in my life. Moreover, the ways that they are different – or that they have seemed to me to be different – have led to my preferring not to seek out their company and to do my best, where possible, to actively avoid it. I would prefer to live in a city and a country where I have little or no contact with negroes – and do, in fact, live in one where I can at least get a lot closer to that personally ideal situation than I could, say, in my native city of London.
I have absolutely no wish nor plan to hide any of this, nor to hide my personal dislike, and avoidance where possible, of lesbians with blue hair and septum piercings, Arabs with beards and no moustaches, or any one of several more sections of humanity my antipathy toward which appears to give people like poor “Seba” here conniptions.
The problem is, though, Sam is that you and your leftie chums here WON’T ALLOW me to be frank and open about all these things. That anyone could even THINK them is NOT ALLOWED TO BE TRUE in your world, just as – to refer to something that I have to assume still somehow exercises you – it was “not allowed to be true” between 2020 and 2022 that no one was actually dying any more than they were in any other three-year period (and rather less, in fact, than they are dying now).
So please, drop the “let’s talk about this” charade. You no more believe in free and open discussion than did the people who ran the Comments section in the mainstream media globalist propaganda sheets back when they still had them. I’m afraid I’m too sneaky and pusillanimous and unable to just come out with what I really think to actually NAME the particular globalist propaganda sheet that’s on the tip of my tongue right now. But I’m sure that someone as bold and brave and honest as you can, as you put it, “fill in the blank”
Whatever mate. Look, your lame racist crap is published, just as we have published it multiple times before, as you well know. Now stop attacking me and this site and maybe go and confront the people here who you allegedly have deep ideological differences with, since you are a totally legit person with sincerely-held beliefs, after all. XD
BTW, I’m pinning a varied selection of well-written posts from this piece, to counter your lame attempt to forum slide. A2
Of the 77 different ways a Brigade of Military & Corporate Intelligence Operatives could FukU’up, Sam, between now & next Sunday morning, it is highly likely that you encountered the General himself, who is laughing loudly, having tested an advanced form
of ChatGPT… see?
Legalised in 1997, as was everything-everything, including Geo-engineering Weather, (Aladdin inc.)
as “Force Multiplier”. Inc. Inflation Rates. . .
Everything is Chemical, like blood boiling,
With physical consequences…
Like wasted energy & your time…
Discussing Right/Left or Left/Right,
Anachronistic military modes of false binary.
A false Dichotomy & Coup d’etat
Of Sovereign Rights to uphold Truths,
Like Julian Assange. Presupposing he exists,
Either way it is irrelevant because of the wealth of
Psychological Operative Programming ‘im Spiel’, passing the Baton. Consider oneself ‘Profiled’,
a daily reality,
& rest peacefully,
baton rouge,
indeed. 🌻
You’ve got a tough job here. Good questions to ask to see if he can clear up his claims.
I’m coming from an anti establishment left position. But I don’t exist according to this guy.
There are people on the (radical ant establishment) left who see COVID as an elite power grab and sone seriously scary sh7t
You get attacked from both sides. I’m the minority.
And James Corbett (who is a godlike figure on this Corbett fan-fiction site) suggested Assange is a spook, so it’ll be case closed for most.
The great man couldn’t possibly be wrong about anything . Ha ha
As to 4 – 7:
No, I don’t think that the “left-right” antagonism has been overtaken by history.
It certainly has, of course, if you mean it just in the party-political sense. I don’t think even a skirmish, let alone a battle, will have been won in the currently ongoing war by replacing a “Socialist” government” with a “Conservative” one or whatever.
But as we push down into the deeper – and more difficult-to-embrace – layers of meaning of the terms “conservative” and “right-wing”, however, we DO get to things that matter – and that matter very much and even crucially for the flourishing and even the survival of the human race.
No one can be relied on to stick with this struggle to that bitter end that we know it HAS to come to who isn’t already “right-wing” – and even “extreme right-wing” – in all the crudest and most common senses of these terms…In other words, we can’t trust people who aren’t already realistic about race, that is to say, RACIST. The next mass imprisonment is bound to come some time in the next few years and on the “fool me once….” principle I don’t think they’ll be relying on Jack the Friendly Bobby to keep the population locked down and isolated this second time. Next time round the teams that will be wrestling us to the ground in station forecourts and supermarket car parks will be made up of young military-age men from Eritrea and Mauritania – why do you think hundreds of thousands of them are being ushered in and put up in hotels? – and the war for our rights will be pretty much indistinguishable, in practical and palpable terms, from a race war. So yeah, I’d much rather have Tommy Robinson by my side on this soon-to-come day – that is to say, a good old British boot boy that you can still clearly and unequivocally situate on a political map even if it’s one from 1920 or even 1820 – than one of your Julian Assange types that you have to invent a whole new sociological and politological apparatus to write a coherent sentence about.
this is extreme stuff, pretty scary racist genocidal rhetoric. Call me a soy boy but this crossed the line of acceptability for me. Are there not laws about that his stuff?
There’s no left or right, only privately owned corporations posing as governments, courts etc.
Also Alan Rusbridger wrote this screed. You can see what he is for yourself on his Wikipedia (CIA) profile.
Here is a quote from Edward Curtin’s recent article published also on this
‘ Julian Assange will have his final appeal in a British court to prevent his extradition to the United States. Biden wants this journalist prosecuted for doing the job that the MSM have failed to do: Exposing the facts about the ruthless U.S. killing machine. But the bruhaha about Navalny has rendered the absolute hypocrisy over the torture and imprisonment of the innocent and brave Assange secondary and “inconsequential.” ‘
No doubt, according to your previous efforts as the “ Researcher “, you will uncover some link to some site in some unknown corner of the Cosmos that he is also in cahoots with a Free Mason/ City of London Rothschilds/ Rockefeller’s/ Mc Donald’s/ Kentucky Fried chicken cabal !
Logorhea. Like diarhea but the flow is words.
Wow. Thanks for explaining that to us. Now go back to the dictionary and see if you can copy out the spelling as well as you copied out the definition.
Assange is still in jail. He is also the person responsible for releasing the most information about the horrible crimes committed by our governments in the past 40 years.
The support he’s gotten recently by all the liberal elite/ US Empire PR organizations like Amnesty is just to save face, and to try cover their asses. The guardian betrayed him, and spent years trashing his reputation. Now he’s nearly dead, and looks like he’ll spend the rest of his life in prison they offer their luke warm support.
I’m almost as disappointed in the management of this publication as you are, but I feel that showing mild support for Assange is one of the best things they’ve done.
All the silly conspiracies about him working for the spy agencies and his wife and kids being holograms*(im joking here) paid for by the Rothschilds in the comments of this site demonstrate the lack of grounding in any type of reality some of their readership have.
He is a political prisoner, who is still in jail for publishing the truth about war crimes. Well done Off G for highlighting this.
Whatever fight we are in against the power elites of this world is not helped by brave journalists being jailed.
Half of the comments on here are great, the other half borderline insane.
And just to clarify. Assange did leaks of government cables, military stuff, etc.. there was never gonna be a a document exposing what really happened on 9 11. Anyone expecting that or thinking Assange is sat on such docs, has lost touch with reality
Thanks for reminding us that the U$ regime has not yet released a document exposing what really happened on 911. I suppose Bush ordered a holocaust (Greek, whole burn) of paper and electronic data before leaving office; like TB.Liar did at Downing Street.
You seem like a decent, well-meaning person but clearly you and I are worlds apart. You approve of OffG with regard to the things I revile it for and are “disappointed” in it with regard to the things that make me see a spark of hope for them.
Clearly, you’re an “old-fashioned” sort of rebel whose “rebellion narrative” is pre-2020 vintage. That must be so if you think that Assange is
“the person responsible for releasing the most information about the horrible crimes committed by our governments in the past 40 years”.
As far as I’m aware, Assange and Wikileaks released exactly zero information about what was far and away the most horrible crime committed by “our governments” these last 40 years, or for that matter 400 years.
Wikileaks didn’t seem to be too interested in the 2020-22 pandemic psy op. In fact, I seem to remember Assange went along with it, claiming “he’d got it” in prison and “could die of it” if he wasn’t let out.
Assange is a “remembrance of things past”, a “drag on the industry” – on our industrious construction of an ACTUAL resistance to oppose to an ACTUAL enemy – with all these tired old visions of “Guantanomo Bay” being the worst that they can possibly do to us.
We’re far beyond that, faaaar beyond it, believe me.
It’s not your fault, of course. It’s probably a generational thing. I was fortunate in being barely 60 years old when the globalists launched the “pandemic” psy op, so I was a political “clean slate”, so to speak, who could acquire and grasp the new rules of the game from scratch, unencumbered, as an old geezer like you seems to be, by all this Vietnam Era “Yankee Go Home” stuff.
You’re a self-confessed racist and sound like a Zionist (not just from being a massive racist) but it’s almost funny you blame Assange who was thrown in prison years before the COVID event for his org not releasing anything about it.
I think the Iraqis think “Yankees go home every day still” and I’d think more Germans than ever now think that too.. it’s still as fresh a demand as it ever was. You just need to hope that they never “go home” and leave your beloved Israel to the same fate as the last apartheid state.
Assange was never in jail and it’s called prison, not jail. If you are going to lie at least use the correct terminology. He’s not a political prisoner but a stooge. An actor. A useless one at that.
Wikileaks is the creation of Cass Sunstein and the “power elite” forces you claim to resist, but in reality support and work for by disseminating complete and utter garbage.
Assange is a second rate actor who has participated in government run hoaxes and psyops since he was a child.
Anyone who doesn’t know East vs West is a psyop, the Cold War was a racketeering fraud and every so called nation state is a privately owned corporation, centrally controlled through supranational orgs is a professional liar, or a profoundly ignorant fool, worthy of the Dunning-Kruger effect label.
With you, my cold hard cash is on a combination of both.
Dear oh dear, from your cited source
More Cosmological connections !
The original source is Webster Tarpley, PhD.
Tarpley was born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, in 1946.
After receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Languages from Princeton University in 1966, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, he became a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Turin, Italy.
Later, he earned a Master of Arts in humanities from Skidmore College and a Ph.D. in early modern history from the Catholic University of America.[5]
More impressive than your non existent education, pathological lies and days spent trolling as a disinformation agent and paid shill.
Ha ha. Wow. That’s a wild reply.
First the most boring. In the UK there is not the same distinction between jail and prison as I think there is in the USA. I think for people in the US jail is when you’ve first been arrested, and prison is later when you’ve been sentenced.
Did you see the video of him being dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy? Was that video not real? They told us they took him to Belmarsh prison, where people have been to visit him. Did they all just make it all up? There was a photo taken of him there by another inmate – again all this was part of the stagecraft??
Is he really sat on a beach somewhere sipping a cocktail??
I’m gonna click on your links and ask you a few more questions?
All news is fake. All the time.
Oh in the “ Researcher’s ” alternative universe, facts such as you presented don’t count. For example, if she had bothered to actually research the video, she would have discovered that the only TV company recording it was RT because all the Western TV companies had been warned off.
I have and found many are either bizarre wacky sites or the credentials of some controlling them are very dubious to say the least.
Wow. Those are sone pretty incredible links. My only question is are you okay?
I thought this site had some wild ideas, but this stuff takes the same ideas to whole new levels of bonkers !!! You actually cheered me up and gave me some good laughs. Thanks for that
The links aren’t for you, it’s a counter to your mainstream disinformation.
Don’t forget your flu shot and boosters. Stay safe to build back better.
Researcher has made some good points. For instance he corrected me about Sputnik Vaxx — it is an experimental and risky RNA vector like every other Vaxx except Sinovac which is a traditional killed-virus “flu shot”.
She. I’m a woman, Nick. All shots in all vaccines are highly toxic and designed to cause maximum damage and harm, long term.
Read this book, What Really Makes You Ill.
It could potentially save your life.
“ .., the other half are borderline insane” You are not being fair to the borderline insane!
“He [Assange] is a political prisoner, who is still in jail for publishing the truth about war crimes. Well done Off G for highlighting this.”
Well done, Seba, for reminding us of the main fact.
We Know they are lying, They Know they are lying, They Know we know they are lying. They know we know they know they are lying
Lights Camera Bullshit. The Conquest of Bread and Mutual Aid.
Unaccustomed as I am to barking at the moon, twatting on Twitter, or indeed suffering fools gladly I have come to a full circle yet again on these present discontents.
Burkes’s Speech, On these present discontents, is as fresh and alive today as it was when he wrote it.
“The people have no interest in disorder. When they do wrong, it is their error, and not their crime. But with the governing part of the State it is far otherwise. They certainly may act ill by design, as well as by mistake. “Les révolutions qui arrivent dans les grands états ne sont point un effect du hasard, ni du caprice des peuples. Rien ne révolte les grands d’un royaume comme un Gouvernoment foible et dérangé. Pour la populace, ce n’est jamais par envie d’attaquer qu’elle se soulève, mais par impatience de souffrir.” These are the words of a great man, of a Minister of State, and a zealous assertor of Monarchy. They are applied to the system of favouritism which was adopted by Henry the Third of France, and to the dreadful consequences it produced. What he says of revolutions is equally true of all great disturbances. If this presumption in favour of the subjects against the trustees of power be not the more probable, I am sure it is the more comfortable speculation, because it is more easy to change an Administration than to reform a people.”
I then come to two other quotes from Zinoviev in the Yawning Heights
“The experiment was dreamt up by the Institute for the
Prophylaxis of Stupid Intentions, and carried out under the
supervision of the Brainwashing Laboratory, written up in the
Fundamental Journal and was supported by an initiative from
below. The experiment was approved by the Leader, his
Deputies, his Assistants and by everybody else—except for a
few holding mistaken opinions. The aim of the experiment was to
detect those who did not approve of its being carried out and to
take appropriate steps.”
“The Position was well put indeed in a famous speech by Jbzl to the graduates of the Central Saturnian University when he said that it was a source of great pride to him that although hardly anybody knew anything any longer, everybody now knew how to find out everything.”
Hal Draper
There really is no fixing stupid, ignorant is a different ball game.
“A beastly ambition, which the gods grant thee t’
attain to! If thou wert the lion, the fox would
beguile thee; if thou wert the lamb, the fox would
eat three: if thou wert the fox, the lion would
suspect thee, when peradventure thou wert accused by
the ass: if thou wert the ass, thy dulness would
torment thee, and still thou livedst but as a
breakfast to the wolf: if thou wert the wolf, thy
greediness would afflict thee, and oft thou shouldst
hazard thy life for thy dinner: wert thou the
unicorn, pride and wrath would confound thee and
make thine own self the conquest of thy fury: wert
thou a bear, thou wouldst be killed by the horse:
wert thou a horse, thou wouldst be seized by the
leopard: wert thou a leopard, thou wert german to
the lion and the spots of thy kindred were jurors on
thy life: all thy safety were remotion and thy
defence absence. What beast couldst thou be, that
were not subject to a beast? and what a beast art
thou already, that seest not thy loss in
—William Shakespeare
And a list of titles not links.
It Don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that Swing . Tides of the Petrodollar Moon. DECEMBER 12, 2021Innovating to Zero Debt. A Model Answer.DECEMBER 9, 2021“Here’s what I came up with: P * SEC = CO2,” Gates wrote. “That might look complicated. It’s not.
“On the right side, you have the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) we put in the atmosphere. This is what we need to get to zero. It’s based on the four factors on the left side of the equation: The world’s population (P) multiplied by the services (S) used by each person; the energy (E) needed to provide each of those services; and, finally, the carbon dioxide (C) produced by that energy.”
The equation that Bill Gates “discovered,” according to a letter he recently published.Bill Gates.#GulagDigihellico #Addictedtodistraction #DigitalGulag #WagesofSpin
@JohnRalstonSaul On Twitter, A vocal Critic of Neo Liberalism on the #CovidTrain? #CognitiveDissonance #BetweenTheLines #Austerity . Covid 19 is it the new End of History?
UTOPIA OF USURERS, 3 Acres and Cow #Moduloft #ConquestofDough #GKChesterton #Belloc #Distributism
Darius Guppy, could this article extract Boris from the “bouillabaisse”
The principles of tax policy by Dr. Adrian Wrigley (RIP)
Cash Boxes in The Skys, Spanish Castle Magic. The 3 Tier Planning System and Promotion of a Chinese Social Points System. @paulcragg100 @financialeyes @Lloyd__Evans @RobertJenrick @BorisJohnson @MayorJohnBiggs @MayorofLondon @IsleofDogsForum @emptyhomes #LoftMiles #PlaceMakingBasics #RealRLD #VoteNo6May2021 #IsleofDogsNeighbourhoodPlan #CommunityInfrastructureLevy #CILisNotaWealthTax
#Agenda2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals, #Stalinism and the Isle of Dogs Neighbourhood Plan? #5G3DMarxism @SteveReedMP @MayorJohnBiggs @MayorofLondon @BorisJohnson @financialeyes @emptyhomes @RobertJenrick @devilskitchen @RichardDesmond @Andrewwood17 #WrongKindofGreen
Wheres the Beef, Meat and Two veg or boiled beef and carrots. Tyranny of the Vegans. Brick in the wall. Hole in the wall.A WARNING FROM TOMORROW . Solarium from Ike to Trump. #CovidPurpose #FollowtheDebt #DebtServitude #Goodwillhunting #Wheresthebeef #KarlRove
Continued at end of Link above.
#CarbonCurrencyEndGame #ConquestofDough
“An end to the National debt and a larger loaf of bread”.
Hi Admin,
Thanks for posting this, I changed my handle to my full name and hacking tag.
I am quite capable of doing the web anonymously but I choose not to when engaging in what should be public debate on a public forum.
I have read Off Guardian for many years and have enjoyed the comments section as well as the article, it was the Below the Line, commenting on the Guardian where Comment was no longer free that inspired the whole Off Guardian thing in the first place.
Slowly other comment sections have become extinct or made unreadable by a sea of adverts.
The Enshittification of all things web both above the line and below the line is at an advanced stage and seeing familiar commenters here like Rhys and Tony opomac for different reasons and in a different way is comforting.
Wet behind the ears keyboard warriors yelling the odds infect here as much as anywhere else sadly but the OG admin is a light touch and I have always felt that the best way to deal with the tantrums of idiots online is to give them enough rope or pixels to defeat their own tortured logic.
Anyway just wanted to say thanks and put in a word for habeas corpus whether it be Julian Assange or Tommy Robinson ( not his real name) we must defend everyone’s right to due process and equality before the law. The principal at its root is sound and any distraction from the Jurisprudential soundness of common law should be resisted.
“Wet behind the ears keyboard warriors yelling the odds infect here as much as anywhere else sadly but the OG admin is a light touch and I have always felt that the best way to deal with the tantrums of idiots online is to give them enough pixels to defeat their own tortured logic.”
Agreed; a tribute to Admin.
Introducing the Most Revolutionary Shill Bot of the Century: The Julian Assange Shapeshifting Shill Bot!
for “Researchers” and forum sliders everywhere.
I have no idea why , but it felt appropriate to crunch some of the “Research” into chat gpt for a jailer bot reaction to its own stoolies.
Anyone else wonder at the strange narrative shift that happened with Assange a few years back with the sudden introduction of the wife and kids.
Bit odd don’t ye think? I distinctly recall the story being he was in solitary confinement in that embassy and even doctors and lawyers found it hard to get access. The only “girlfriend” reported was the lovely Pamela Anderson.
Then suddenly – bam. He has a wife and two kids born in last couple years!
Which means ole Stella musta been going in and out the embassy for conjugals, then going in and out while visibly pregnant and then going in and out with little kids – and all this while we were being told he was totally isolated and no one could see him and the media allegedly parked outside his door filming every single noteworthy occurrence.
Why didn’t any of them or anyone else ever mention this woman in all that time? Why were we being told a dramatic story of his isolation that just wasn’t really true?
I thought the media hated him so why would they print sad stories of his isolation when they knew he was growing a family for himself on the quiet?
And if they didn’t know that for sure why didn’t they at least photograph the wife and kids entering and leaving and ask “who’s this then?”
Plenty of pictures of Pamela but not a one of ole Stella or the kids right up until the big reveal.
I’m gonna have to use the ‘f’ word here and say, as a longterm Assange supporter, honest to God that felt really fake and weird. It made me think of a TV series retrospectively changing the script and bringing in a totally new character who’s allegedly been around for years but never mentioned before to kick up their ratings or because the showrunners got some notes from the suits.
Ye know how suddenly your favorite sitcom character has a feckin brother we’ve never seen before, and who’s never previously been mentioned in 72 episodes.
It really felt like that to me. And I haven’t felt the same about the Assange story since.
Just me saying how I feel, lads. Don’t take my head off
Interesting perspective …
Either way, Deep-throaters are always a worry due to the ‘story-web’ becoming so tangled that one never knows who is entangled.
If Julian Assange is a real Cyber-wizz, as I suspect he might well be, why not drop a few real name-dropping grenades to make it easier to expose the real tyrants making his life a misery. G’wan Julian drop some names and list their filthy deeds … I have no doubt at all that he knows so much more than he is letting on. Who is he protecting?
You’ve just demonstrated a total lack of knowledge about this case and the relationship he had with his lawyer (now wife) for years in the embassy. See my above comment to explain the media side
Wikileaks is a CIA operation. A perfect magnet for whistleblowers to be entrapped and never published. What has Wikileaks ever revealed of significance? How come it still even exists if it is so dangerous? Why does Assange totally ignore 9/11 in his ‘biography’ (probably written by someone else with barely any substance to hold onto). Why has he deliberately side-stepped 9/11 questions in interviews? Assange is at best a useful idiot and at worst a conscious participant in an elaborate psyop. Created as a warning to all potential genuine whistleblowers.
“What has Wikileaks ever revealed of significance?”
Are there moderators to screen comments like this that bring down the high calibre of this site?
Alas, they have not engaged their brain before booting up their computer !
Yes, Jake, don’t worry, you’re safe here, my little one. They have some 50 IQ ex-Socialist Workers Party (who knows? maybe STILL Socialist Workers Party) shitstain called Sam who pretty much makes sure that anyone who takes Julian Assange’s cock more than an inch or two out of his mouth never gets a word in edgeways here. That’s what “talking about” Assange means to them, I suppose. Since no one except Trotsky’s Little Guard-Puppy will ever get to read this I won’t belabour the irony of a bunch of people who bonded, several years ago, over the way the Comments section of a once “liberal” newspaper have now arrived at a point where they’ve handed their own site’s Comments section over to the same sort of narrow-minded condescending bully who’ll put on airs of reasonableness and civility while sitting over his computer screen farting and guffawing with all his clique-y little like-minded personae gratae while ruthlessly deleting anything that looks like it might be dissensual enough to provoke something that would actually deserve the name of “discussion”.
Every single one of your comments has got through, you silly person 😅
You can criticise Assange all you like here! What are you ON about?
You’re free to dislike me, but you’re just discrediting yourself talking all this smack, it’s so silly.
7 people (so far) liked this comment. Wow.
You’re either working for these same agencies spreading deranged lies, as some kind of projection, or you’re completely insane.
We live in a cynical world. With corruption on hands of our governments . He’s just a scapegoat. We all know who’s right …who’s wrong . But what to do ???
Given that the press is supposed to be our bulwark against tyrannical government, how can the masses possibly ignore this event? It is unbelievable how successful government propaganda has been in the past 200 years.
it also seems as if the average person is oblivious to certain situations, its not that they particularly toe the state/media line but rather are either vague or plainly dont know about certain issues.
Australian federal MPs – including the prime minister and cabinet members – have voted overwhelmingly to urge the US and the UK to allow Assange to return to Australia; 86 votes in favour and 42 against. The opposition leader, Peter Dutton, joined Coalition colleagues in opposing the motion.
Completely predictable, Dutton is an ex cop.
“Lock em up and throw the key away” is his/their mantra.
If he became PM Gaza would be a better option.
Wiki Leaks Reveals that CIA owned Navalny
Bread and circuses. We all need to get down to brass tacks. Without being too reductionist. What is affecting people day to day? So much! People not being able to put a roof over their head or food on the table with the elite laughing at us all. Focus needs to be on getting rid of those who govern us! Or finding surreptitious ways of circumnavigating their laws. So sick of it all. The Spanish police tried to stop my 89 year old mum from entering Spain, who was born in Spain in 1935! I had a screaming match with them and they finally let us through because I was causing such a scene. People need to stand up and stop being so compliant. Does my head in. Yeah yeah assange, injustice. Injustices are happening every f’ing day! I loved that documentary of the immigration detention break out in Australia. It is not about single individuals, there needs to be a mass non compliance across the board! Borders, council tax, Tax, Freedom of speech, bodily autonomy! Mass non compliance is the only way!
Sorry rant over but seriously people need to stop bending over
Unless your name is Ben Dover.
You’re 100% correct. I am sick of feeling like everything is getting more and more fake. We’re surrounded by bloody narratives we can’t ever verify. Some of them so dumb they just have to be fake. And people devote their lives to them and get worked up if you don’t believe them and meanwhile our real lives are being broken in pieces and people don’t seem to notice.
I also agree and nicely put. You’ve summed up something with such frankness it’s visceral. You describe a feeling which I think gnaws at the hearts of almost everyone nowadays, whether we’re aware of it or not. I feel it in my bones. Thanks for a great comment. A2
You’ve broken me. I wanted to try talk some sense into people on this thread, but I’m done already. See previous posts for why this is such a bad take. All the best everyone
Pending is not automatic. My last three posts went through. But were later “pended” when the hall monitor woke up and decided to check. The town beadle, the university porter.
Awf-G, all we people who keep you alive are asking, is for you to be honest about your policy – whom and what it serves. It seems you have a problem with that.
So very, very tiresome.
You keep coming here trashing the site and then posting links to your own site! I’m surprised they let you post here at all
So asking questions is trashing the site. The NWO eh !
He’s not just asking questions though, is he.
He also knows the answer, because I’ve explained it to him before very clearly.
Perhaps perpetuating this drama gets his subscription content a few more clicks at Offg’s expense? Nothing new here if so.
Or perhaps hell knows no fury like a frustrated writer scorned.
Who the blazes knows? 🤷♂️ A2
A flubadub or a looking-glass.
The subject of disinformation is, itself, bounced off a hall of mirrors.
Julian Assange would not be allowed as a one-dimensional, simple character even if he was. Because, the game.
I do piss myself laughing when I hear MSM alt media personality’s with direct links to MIC all say journalism died when Julian got arrested.
It will never ever happen to them. They do a sterling job in shilling.
Who revealed more to the general public about our war crimes than Assange?
Out of interest, who are you talking about, I’m thinking that former msm guy, Chris hedges.. but they do still have a point about strong national security journalism
Assange’s final appeal before he is buried alive in the US equivalent of The Gulag Archipelago.
I suggest, before the usual suspects start to hit their game show buttons, they actually read the article and to quote the other journalist who was imprisoned and died for reporting the truth, Gonzalo Lira, “ understand what is going on “
Sourced from an ex diplomat. The same diplomat (Intel operative) who along with Assange pushed the Seth Rich murder hoax.
Oh dear, you are inter galacting it again.
From your cited source website !
Why Julian Assange is being tortured in prison ?
Assange is a modern John Lennon/Jesus Christ media figure and I think this is his usefulness for the system. He has connections to the deep state as Lennon had with characters such as the MI6 agent and satanist Aleister Crowley. Wilileaks was a Soros – Rockefeller funded organization.Somebody they said, killed Lennon, a lone nut and the whole world mourned the loss of Lennon. I don’t expect Assange to be set free, but if it happens, probably a lone nut will kill him or something, I think he has some occult significance as a martyr. Now he doesn’t really exist, he is only media image, a saint and a hippie-techno libertarian freedom hero.
Lennon was born in 1940. Crowley died in 1947. A ‘deep state connection Lennon had with characters such as the MI6 agent and satanist Aleister Crowley’ is therefore not very plausible. 😉
Yes, you are correct – not directly associated. Crowley is on the cover of 1967 album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. The internet is not such a bad thing if you know how to use it. Other figures included H.G. Wells (fabian society), Aldous Huxley (MI6, MK-ULTRA and Tavistock, LSD and New age), William S. Burroughs (CIA), Hermann Hesse (Theosophical society), Alan Watts and Carlos Castaneda supported and popularized by the Rockefeller Esalen institute, Timothy Leary (associated with cybernetics pioneer Grey Walter, LSD), Madame Blavatsky (MI6, Theosopical society, Okhrana), Carl Jung.
You are intent on exposing the bad guys as a basis for being a good guy.
Life is not locked down and lockstepped into fixed meanings.
The abuse of insight becomes the Luciferian gaslight.
Curiously you have no problem is assigning power to all these persons or organisations. But the nature of control is to support creativity for what can be weaponised and marketised. That this become the anti-Christ is simply a revelation of the nature of control-thinking. Living thought contains the freedom to give power to a ‘control identity, as a way to run incognitio – knowing not what it does – so as to give focus to its pet projections.
I think you are correct about how Assange has been sold as a faux martyr. Are you aware the Lennon killing was a hoax?
Mathis thinks everything is a fake murder. 🙂 I don’t think this way, but probably a lot is in fact fake and there are a lot of fake murders, and Mathis is somewhat a genius and I am not. I just think Assange is a media figure. He already just exists as an image, a symbol, he is not even in the court now. He was created by the mainstream and the CIA and now he is destroyed by the mainstream probably to set a precedent or to crush hope, an icon and I don’t know why really, some occult meaning.
The Beatles were a Tavistock creation.
1.Why would they kill their own?
2.Would you want to be a member of a club where the leaders or actors end up dead?
3.The faux authorities know they can cause the same trauma to the subconscious using hoaxes.
4.Hoaxes are a lot cheaper.
5.There’s no chance of accidentally killing or injuring others in a hoax or drill.
The Order out of Chaos Club recreate rituals and faux sacrifices where they alchemically traumatize and mind control the audience.
Because it’s impossible to reason, or think critically, in a heightened emotional state. That’s why so many readers here seem unable to process that Assange and Wikileaks were always government assets, selling the separate nation states at war psyop, among other cons.
That fraud, the sovereign nation state lie, is the most important and valuable hoax for maintaining complete control of humanity.
The problem for me is this is just more people saying stuff. They don’t quote any documentation so far as I can see. I don’t see how this is more solid than anything in the mainstream. I don’t have a clue if the Beatles were put together by a secret society, none of us do. Maybe they were or equally maybe this is just another fake reality to lure in skeptics. It’s just about choosing what to believe. I don’t want to choose what to believe. I’d rather believe nothing and just let facts speak for themselves.
Facts are presented. What you understand about them is nil if you’re a solipsist and can’t engage in deductive reasoning.
Imagine: no John Lennon, or Don 🍋 . . .
Mathis has honed his skills as a provocateur and headline hound but there is a limit to his credibility.
What’s next? Jesus runs a deli round the corner from his house?
well ye have to admit there’s good evidence the lad faked his own death
If you investigate every alleged assassination you’ll find the same evidence of hoaxing and fakery, contradictory facts, and see that there’s always an occult message and plausible motive for the hoaxers, certainly there’s never any valid motive for the claimed assassinations. You can see the patterns for yourself. You don’t need to believe Mathis or anyone.
Just as I have seen myself, by investigating two people the press claimed to be dead who never even lived in separate articles one about a covid “denier”, and another about a young girl having a heart attack. Both stories and the alleged deaths were constructs, not even real people.
So what’s the purpose of the press disseminating faux deaths of people who never even existed?
The same reason they create a faux bombing in Manchester at an Ariana Grande concert, or pull down evacuated buildings in 9-11, with CGI planes, and claim every mass shooting and serial killer is real when none that I can find, seem to be real at all. They all have the hallmarks of fraud.
The faux crime and the faux violence and horror influence the public’s perception and create false ideas and beliefs within the public, for the purposes of mind control, continued government control, more laws against liberties and freedoms, more police, and more militarized police.
Then there’s all the ways the controllers can collate data, gain knowledge and influence behavior (nudge) when they run these psyops, such as more alcohol consumption, more pills prescribed, more gambling, more divorces, more spending of households on particular items or brands, etc.
It’s all laid out in Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. If the controllers know what people are going to purchase, or how they will behave, they make more $$$. And anyone who pretends there’s no profit motive of the psychopaths in charge is simply delusional or a liar. The more profit they have, the greater control they gain. Both are equally important.
They’ve been running psyops and hoaxes on populations FOREVER. There’s nothing new under the sun.
There is a sound reason as why TPTB are doing what they’re doing.
Moreover, if you expand your timescale in terms of Great Years, then you’ll find that now & and then, there’s something new under The Sun.
I’ve looked at so many different timescales and theories attempting to figure out if we are anywhere near a cataclysm or pole reversal. There’s nothing due to occur this century. CERN, I really don’t take seriously.
Doomsday clock (24hr=24k) indicates 2048.
Accelerating deflection of poles (& field weakening) concurs.
12k punctuated aggradational cycles.
YDE 10,000BC.
Monumental testimony – see Fl0ating C0ffer The0ry.
I agree with the floating coffers, the punctuated aggradational cycles, the pole movement, magnetic field changes.
But not the Doomsday Clock.
“Founded in 1945 by Albert Einstein, J. Robert Oppenheimer, and University of Chicago scientists ….”
The DC has all the hallmarks of nuclear propaganda.
Check out Simon Shack’s Tychos model. He gets a more accurate date for the Great Year, then divide that number into four. Then cross reference that with the Anno Lucis.
Your clue is that HG Wells invented the atomic chain reaction a few years before it was discovered.
You also have to recognise that TPTB are cultivating you, with a view to bringing you into the barn. Matthew 3:12
The DC is their way of letting you know how much sand remains in the hour glass, i.e. so you can remain calm during the winnowing.
1) Preserve h sapiens
2) Preserve technological advancement
Swear by my sword
Never to speak of this that you have heard. Ghost:
[Beneath] Swear by his sword. Hamlet:
Well said, old mole, canst work i’ th’ earth so fast?
A worthy pioner! Once more remove, good friends. Horatio:
O day and night, but this is wondrous strange! Hamlet:
And therefore as a stranger give it welcomThere are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Hamlet is fundamentally eschatalogical, as explained by the book Hamlet’s Mill. So, the latter should be on your reading list if you are intent on exploring ever lower levels of the rabbit warren.
Graham Hancock, Randolph Carlson, Michael Cremo plus many others have investigated the Labyrinth. However as with the Gordian knot , how to unravel it without cutting it.
This guy Mr. Math, looks to be a self created gvt mole to be used by the gvt proxy fighters as they wish to use him, sort of like how I play Trump like the fiddle he is.
But can he tell me why an alternating current wire gets hot and a dc doesn’t
Maybe you can email him and ask him.
If he was a government agent, he’d be front and center like Assange, or Alex Jones, promoted by the media instead of his articles, site and name being suppressed in all search engines. He’s not the only Jesuit Freemason, demonstrating Revelation of the Method.
I don’t have to email anyone, I can tell by their actions, and reactions to cold hard facts over interpretations.
Mathis comes across as a Jesuit Master Mason revealing HOW the hoaxes are carried out, then muddies the water, with deliberate disinfo.
EG: He proves the JFK assassination was a hoax, then writes a follow up garbage paper about how JFK ruled from the shadows.
JFK never even ruled (which is also why he was never an assassination target) because the faux leaders are all actors.
“Well here’s another clue for you all… The walrus was Paul” Which Beatles song am I quoting from? Just to test your vast knowledge. Based on, oh yes, ‘hidden clues’ on the cover of Sgt. Pepper. I’m guessing (…) you believe that Paul is dead and was replaced et cetera. I see that another person thinks Lennon is still alive, wow! I checked out that older Lennon guy some time ago and found out he’s an impersonator. A very good one at that. Kudos. So… You shouldn’t believe everything/anything you see and hear, isn’t that the truth. Like suggesting Lennon was connected to Crowley and then retracting it, because well… it didn’t make sense in the first place.
You are trying to ridicule me, but you make a really poor job. See, first of all decent people don’t make up things to frame others. Never crossed my mind that Paul is dead and replaced or that Lennon is still alive and in fact I don’t care at all. Straw man arguments are much worse than my sloppy and inaccurate comment which I admitted to be inaccurate. But your flat earth accusations will be answered. First of all why do you care so much about how exactly Lennon is connected to the new age satanist movement, when this doesn’t change the main point, the meaning and when he IS connected. The new age/hippie movement, although I am a fan of it to a degree, was controlled and largely created by the Theosophical Society of the Okhrana/MI6 agent Blawatsky, MI6 agent Aleister Crowley, MI6 agent Aldous Huxley pushing LSD and “sex, drugs and brainwashing” on the young (he worked to transfer Tavistock experiments to MK-ULTRA in the US, a proof of this was in fact leaked by Wikileaks – see https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/1978STATE302484_d.html ) and the Esalen institute of the Rockefellers. Now more specifically about the Beatles. John Lennon in particular was a friend of CIA agent Timothy ( https://www.isgp-studies.com/psychedelics-and-elitism#timothy-leary-elite-ties ). Timothy Leary was a member of a secret society Illuminates of Thanateros (IOT) influenced by Crowley’s OTO. According to David Livingston: “Revealing the source of his association with Satanism, Leary admitted: “we had run up against the Judeo-Christian commitment to one God, one religion, one reality, that has cursed Europe for centuries and America since our founding days. Drugs that open the mind to multiple realities inevitably lead to a polytheistic view of the universe. We sensed that the time for a new humanist religion based on intelligence, good-natured pluralism and scientific paganism had arrived.”
If you want to read more about
– Esalen: https://www.isgp-studies.com/liberal-cia-ngo-network#esalen-institute
– Chaos Magic: https://ordoabchao.ca/volume-four/chaos-magick
– MK-ULTRA: https://ordoabchao.ca/volume-four/mk-ultra
-Who created and promoted Wikileaks: https://www.globalresearch.ca/wiki-gate-julian-assange-was-framed-by-the-people-who-supported-him and https://corbettreport.com/whats-your-take-on-assange-questions-for-corbett/
I was teasing, maybe a bit bluntly. Thanks for the links, I appreciate that.
Not directly connected, you are correct. Just pushing the same agenda as the Esalen/Tavistock/Theosophical society/Crowley/Huxley LSD new age cults. Aleister Crowley, Huxley, Blavatsky, Castaneda and a lot more on their Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album.
Or just trying hard to be catchy and intellectually relevant. Anyway who came up with the idea? Might not even have been a Beatle. You can read too much into symbols, as well as not enough. And the subjects of the first album (cover) I ever bought were ALL SYMBOLS.
No. We know the symbols have occult meanings.
“When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men.” Manly P Hall
“ ..We know the symbols have ..meanings” Symbols have multiple meanings ie
Don’t worry the true believers will find a tortured plausibility!
And you know this because _ _ _
He heard it on the internet.
Yes, I can see why there is a concerted effort in some quarters to discredit Assange.
Crowley was top row, 2nd from the right, next to Crowley in number 3 position was Mae West. In 1969 I used play that album somewhat wrecked on acid. Yeah, the internet and Wikipedia are full of all kinds of trivia, so are TV ads.
Some of Wikileaks exposures.
From your Link:
“Wikileaks has had some high profile material leaked on their website throughout the years, some examples include:
With what significant consequences?
Well, the Iraqis, Afghanis will be able to provide an abundance of consequences!
More complete and utter garbage.
What consequences have any alleged country (CORPORATIONS) provided? And to whom?
It’s notable you only ever respond like a paid troll, to those questioning the purpose and non consequences of all the WikiLIES government disseminated disinformation.
“ What consequences..”
It is observable that whenever anyone questions your cited sources you react in a very puerile manner.
A true researcher would provide rock solid, well documented evidence not cite sources for example, which catalog Alien races from A-T
You really are a silly billy.
The source is the AUTHOR not an aggregator.
I wouldn’t for instance compare the pablum of Rusbridger, Curtin, Hopkins, Shawcrass and their Masonic drivel, hoax peddling and Gematria to someone with the integrity and honesty of Torsten Engelbrecht or the range of Corbett.
Off-Guardian too, is an aggregator.
The alien psyop comes straight from the CIA who also created Wikileaks, Wikipedia and Wikspooks.
So you deny the consequences of the actions of the coalition of the willing in Iraq which resulted in millions of deaths ?
You deny that because of the consequences of Wiki leaks exposure to the wanton murder of Iraq people, they wanted to extract their pound of flesh?
You falsely and dishonestly implied there’s been consequences from Wikilies’ government disinfo fake leaks campaign.
There’s been no consequences. The alleged dead you refer to, resulted from the staged psyop of the 9-11 terrorism hoax.
I deny YOU OR ANY SOURCE IN THE PRESS or any government sourced “announcement” gives accurate figures on how many died (or from what cause) in the planned orchestrated military maneuvers of any alleged war.
It’s obvious in all these planned wars by the centrally controlled fake countries, that civilians, their businesses, homes and land are the targets.
Regarding numbers of alleged dead, that’s 100% unverifiable.
During the faux pandemic the faux authorities purposely piled bodies into morgues, delayed burials, stopped autopsies, changed death certificates and used photo ops of mass grave burials or coffins in military trucks to imply millions had died worldwide from an imaginary pathogen that never even existed. There were no excess deaths until after the vaccine rollout. This is verifiable on the all cause mortality stats, country to country and worldwide.
I deny Wikileaks is anything other than a CIA-NSA-Mossad-MI6-FSB creation pushing the faux nation state hoax.
So according to your opinion, for approximately 7 years Assange sought sanctuary in the Ecuadorean Embassy just to pass the time.
Vilified by the Presstitutes because they had nothing else to do, dragged out by force from the embassy and thrown into a Belmarsh high security jail for extremely dangerous people because they had nothing else to do.
Meanwhile, his physical and mental health deteriorated as recorded first hand by a number of witnesses. Furthermore, the bringing to light by Wikileaks of the numerous murders, coup plots and other nefarious activities by the US/ U.K./ 5 eyes etc was just a bye the bye and there was love in the cottage between them and Assange.
Let’s look at one snippet from the aftermath of the Iraq war.
Lol. More hoaxes and frauds.
Any concrete evidence, besides your cited sources which are part of the Galactic Federation!
You don’t know who Galen Winsor was? Lol.
Was he in the baddie in Battle Star Galactica ?
Effects of spent Uranium on human cells !
Iraq Death rates remained in steady decline throughout the last two decades and before.
From your cited source !
NOTE: All death rate data after 2019 are United Nations projections….
It’s all fake news all the time.
“ It’s all fake ..”
Yes, Quite.
Miles Mathis !
Miles Mathis (born 1964) is an American artist, poet, writer, pseudoscientist, and conspiracy theorist. Mathis is best known for his outlandish and often
ridiculous theories. For instance, that π (pi) is actually equal to 4, with the caveat that motion be involved; however, not one single reputable scientist agrees with this far-fetched nonsense.
Now, if you can prove that pi = 4 Even with motion involved, please shows us your superior “ research “ abilities.
It’s time for the sane nations, or what’s left of them, to declare war on the USian hierarchy.
They’ve invaded, interfered, undermined and taken control of more countries, governments and media outlets that you could poke a bayonet at.
Grab your pitchfork and let’s go.
All nations are controlled by the same cabal. It’s always been this way. There’s nothing new under the sun.
Spiritual pitchfork yes. Physical pitchfork, no. Unless you are keen to die.
Here are the backgrounds and connections the U.K. judges/ barristers have in presiding over his extradition case. As usual Declassified does sterling work in investigative journalism!
“Reports have come in today, tying Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, directly to Israeli intelligence and “Israel friendly” media outlets. We are told Assange, while at a Geneva meeting, agreed to allow Israel to select or censor all Wikileak output.”
So helpful to Israel. In bed with Rupert (Greenbaum) Murdoch. Even ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI outed Wikileaks as planting seeded information and also confused Wikipedia with Wikileaks.
A government operative, faux hacker, starring in a multi-government alphabet agency psyop from its inception.
Your cited source is Vimeo or is it Vimto !
Another dud !
Pilfer was a paid shill, government operative and fraud just like you and Assange.
Still slinging slime and smear without any concrete evidence.
To misquote the great Baird , the lady doeth protest to much !
Pilfer promoted the hoax of covid, pretended countries aren’t corporations, pushed the left vs right psyop, the East vs West lie, and peddled the wars as real rather than orchestrated events between leaders of the fake nations, pushed the 9-11 and 7-7 psyops as if they are actual terrorism, was all in on the Russiagate ruse, and pretended voting matters. All the same crap Assange pushed, also on RT.
The real question is why you follow me and only me around like a chihuahua DARPA-bot, attempting to dry hump all my comments. Nobody would bother unless they are a paid shill.
Go lick the boot of your worshipful master. There’s a good doggy.
You seem to forget, you have been trying to besmirsh and smear very brave people who tried to shed light on the relentless tyrannical actions of the ogres.
Moreover, your flimsy attempts to attack anyone who supports those brave souls undermines your credibiity as a ” Researcher ,”
Professor Antony C Sutton once remarked how very important solid reasearch was needed. However more importantly, he said ” never go beyond the evidence otherwise you look foolish”. You should pay heed to those very wise words !
Totally agree
Incredible: Jewish “pro-Russian conspiracy theorist”
From your 2nd Link:
“Ukraine, What is the End-Game? The Privatization of An Entire Country
Michel Chossudovsky
14 Feb 2024
Read Article in Browser
Access Michel Chossudovsky’s Substack
“The US has conducted numerous wars since the end of what is euphemistically called the post war era:
Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen… and now Palestine and Ukraine.
The unspoken objective is not to “win the war” but to engineer the destruction of entire countries, create political and social chaos, with a view to ultimately “picking up the pieces” and taking control of the national economies of sovereign nation states.
“It is a profit-driven agenda: Destruction leads to Reconstruction”
“What is at stake is the engineered economic and social destruction of sovereign nation states.The creditors are there to pick up the pieces and appropriate real wealth.”
[This is what would have happened to Ukraine if Mother Russia had not stepped in to reclaim her own.]
Feb 21, 2024
“Julian Assange is A Man of Conscience”
He is protected by the Shield Laws as an Investigative Journalist and he is protected by First Amendment!
We Honor you
In Solidarity
With Love ❤️
Cannot compare Navalny to Assange.
It was on Armstrong Economics where I saw that Alexei Navalny was actually an Undercover CIA Asset
Have a look https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/russia/navalny-you-do-not-know-the-truth/
Anybody on the cia radar, is a cia asset, almost.
There is a video of Navalny’s assistant speaking to a MI6 agent about providing opposition to Putin. Who benefit from Navalny’s death? Not Putin. MI6 and the British elite / US Neocons who are desperate for war with Russia. Navalny was a Western creation and Western pawn. Assange is a truth seeking journalist who threatens the elites’ interest by exposing their nefarious activities.
By an odd coincidence, someone has posted this on Youtube: Wiki Leaks reveals Navalny is a CIA asset.
It’s all so FAKE, no wonder he’s not going to appear in court.
They’ll likely faux kill off this annoying non-hero ACTOR since he’s been exposed as fake, over and over again by his own words and actions, his support by Masonic celebrities such as Lady Gaga, Pamela (PETA) Anderson and DAME Vivian Westwood. And then there’s his millionaire backers, Jemima Goldsmith Khan and movie directors Ken Loach and Michael Moore.
Assange promoted the Seth Rich murder hoax, supported all the fake (S)elections, the Russiagate Hoax, worked closely with the legacy mainstream media, Russia Today, the trans Bradley MANN-ing psyop, and had very close associations with Temple CROWN agent Glenn Greenwald, CIA agent Eddie SNOWden, and ex-diplomat Craig Murray.
He pretended he had COVID just like all the faux leaders did, then pretended to get married. Check out the Masonic, purple monarch MKUltra butterfly symbols at the end of this video on his “wedding cake”. In plain sight.
Assange’s denials there was nothing amiss about the faux terrorism of 9-11 and 7-7 is enough evidence he’s never been genuine.
Wikileaks was a rat-trap and an NSA-CIA front just like QAnon, Anonymous, BLM, VIPS, ProudBoys, OccupyWS, Oathkeepers etc.
Wikileaks = Cass Sunstein’s Program for Cognitive Infiltration In Action.
Not one single person promoted in the msm isn’t a Freemasonic shill. The media doesn’t exist to inform you but to fill your head with lies, distractions, fear programs and obvious hoaxes.
Let’s take a peek at Assange’s past, shall we…
The mathematical odds of Assange being involved in two high profile psyops, just like Mikki Willis was (with 9-11 and the film Plandemic) has to be in the billions.
Operatives such as Assange are not persecuted or imprisoned. When the psyop loses traction, they are “retired” and move to sunny tax havens, probably with the millions of dollars donated to them by the dupes who were conned by their acting abilities.
Wikileaks is closely associated with the Rothschilds.
Further reading on Assange and Wikileaks: How to Identify a CIA Limited Hangout Operation.
Thing is I don’t know either way and I don’t think any of us do. It sure could be fake from my pov, like everything in the media. For all I know Julian isn’t in prison at all. For all I know every bloody thing in the news is just paid actors frolicking for our amusement. Sure feels like it sometimes.
But I don’t know it, you know what I mean? On a case by case basis I’m just guessing.
But what gets me is the automatic assumption by people that they know where the line is. Like, covid was fake and 9/11 was a lie, and October 7 was LIHOP or whatever, but THIS is totally 100% take it to the bank real.
How can anyone say that about anything unless they or someone they can totally trust with their lives were literally there when it happened? It’s just an act of faith based on what people already believe. I don’t get why people want to put that kind of faith in anything but maybe God or something. Why would anyone put that much faith in anything coming out of the establishment reality-creating machine?
From your Link to TS Eliot’s poem Gerontion:
“And the jew squats on the window sill, the owner,”
Robert Graves pointed out that Eliot had the decency to correct the belittling lower-case “j” in Jew when he grew older and wiser.
It is this line that James Jesus Angelton used which is applicable to a few desperadoes here which I find of interest !
In a wilderness of mirrors.
“Why would anyone put that much faith in anything coming out of the establishment reality-creating machine?”
Because they’re mind controlled.
That’s the entire purpose of the indoctrination system called education: Read scripted government and establishment approved texts, then memorize and regurgitate the info back to your professor or teacher. Humans are mimetic. And we are controlled by our subconscious. The media’s purpose is to repeat disinfo and lies, that our subconscious collates beyond our conscious awareness.
Children are not taught to use deductive reasoning or to think for themselves, so they don’t know how to use logic, or come to conclusions based on critical thinking, mathematical probability and pattern recognition.
Are you claiming that we can’t know anything? Because that’s SOLIPSISM.
It’s easy to figure out the truth from a lie. The truth is simply what did happen. The truth needs no adornment.
The lies always come with a narrative, a $$$ profit motive, Gematria, Masonic signs and symbols, and statements from artificial authorities.
yes and http://wikileaks.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/02/15/alan_dershowitz_joins_assange_legal_team_wikileaks_is_21st_century_pentagon_papers
Your Link reads: 404 Not Found.
Could you give another Link? I am interested because Prof. Dershowitz represented Assange previously, but I doubt whether an ardent Zionist and supporter of Israel’s genocidal policies against Israel’ Gentile neighbours is a proper person to defend Assange against the U$/UK in view of tight political and financial connections between the U$, the UK and Israel.
“ It’s all so fake”
Really !
Wikispooks, Wikileaks and Wikipedia are the same WIKI-CIA network disinfo front.
Wiki = A collaborative website whose content can be edited by anyone who has access to it.
The only people who have access to those WIKI sites are CIA-NSA employees and subcontractors.
You’ve been given evidence that your precious Rothschild “Illuminati” is connected to Wikileaks and Assange in multiple ways. Deal, Mason.
” You*ve been given evidence…”
Exposed: How the Rothschilds Groomed Assange as a “Bankster Hitman” | VT Foreign Policy (veteranstoday.com)
At the end of this article, I searched for the source of these stupendous revelations about Assange. Alas, all that could be uncovered was a defunct
” Source: http: //puppet99.com/p/1
About as much validity as Did Freddie Starr really eat a hamster? Late comedian’s photographer on THAT infamous headline – Manchester Evening News
Moreover, you use this site Wikileaks Is The “Cognitive Infiltration” Operation Demanded by Cass Sunstein (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Well, this site also does a fine description in aliens from A- T such . Nagas, also referred to as…” Large Nosed Greys ”
Alien Races (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Reminds me of the xkmmXGYyTDQQJSgrKV1Ptihi4if.jpg (2000×3000) (tmdb.org),
The truth is out there but not with your sources. I would think of a another moniker
It’s a Webster Tarpley article, you Freemasonic shill. The link I left is just an aggregator.
As for the Rothschild info, It’s actually common knowledge, all verifiable. You could look every point up yourself if you cared to know the truth but you won’t. Because you only push the East vs West lie.
The original link was removed because the internet has been wiped clean of material exposing these psyops.
Webster G. Tarpley PhD.
From his WIKI bio:
Tarpley was born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, in 1946. After receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Languages from Princeton University in 1966, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, he became a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Turin, Italy. Later, he earned a Master of Arts in humanities from Skidmore College and a Ph.D. in early modern history from the Catholic University of America.[5]
Tarpley’s article in VT (which I take to be Veterans Today) refers favourably to the 2013 “Liberation of Qseyr” by Hezb’Allah and the Syrian Army; and it is headed Press TV, which is Iran’s English Language medium. So it comes with good labels by my book. The gist of Tarpley’s criticism is that revelations by Snowden and Greenwald were — to quote an old spy novel — “flashy but not substantial”; or in modern jargon, “Limited Hangout”.
Yes. Limited Hangout.
What are they hiding (or pushing) with an operation so obvious (Bradly MANNing transitioning?) so lengthy, propping up hoaxes like the Seth Rich murder and the Russiagate ruse, as if elections are real, all while releasing so much disinfo? What’s the purpose of thousands of fabricated cables and other alleged war-related docs?
We all know governments lie. All the time. But what are they pushing so HARD with this Wikileaks scam?
The controllers in this multi-agency, multi-country psyop are obfuscating that all governments (including Iran, NK, Russia, China) are centrally controlled. We saw it with covid. They don’t even hide it. Putin in a hazmat suit for a non existent virus.
It’s why we heard the same scripts being read on television by multiple faux leaders in multiple countries. Build Back Better.
There’s no independent nations, no sovereign nations. None. That’s the ruse. That’s what Wikileaks is really for. To hide this fact.
The faux countries and blocs, orchestrate all their wars, at the highest levels, even Israel vs Palestine. Hamas itself, is a creation of Is-Ra-El.
Governments are privately owned corporations posing as nation states at war. And the only victims are ever the public. Moved off their lands, destitute and penniless.
Cass Sunstein, the Harvard trained lawyer (private BAR ASSOCIATION MEMBER) nudge author, “conspiracy” theory quasher, and former Obama admin employee introduced WIKILEAKS in a New York Times piece as headed up by Chinese dissidents. Then they changed that story and stuck Assange in the lead role.
Besides the obvious seeding of government disinfo for the consumption of the populace who still believe in “voting” for the faux governments (corporations), is the mathematical probability of someone being involved in two high profile psychological operations.
It’s less likely than being struck by lightening twice.
‘“ ..he became a Fullbright Scholar..”
Here is another Fullbright Scholar.
I looked at the source at the end of the article from your citation. It appears “ your common knowledge “ is more like the “ X- files” a flying saucer under every teacup. Talking of which I would sit down and have a nice cup of tea rather than using sources such as the Galactic Confederation of Alien races site.
Now, rather than slinging slime and smear like a whirling Dervish. Put the kettle on !
I don’t think he was that good, you are giving him to much credit.
From your Link to VT;
“Wikileaks Is A Rothschild Operation: Rothschilds Use Wikileaks To Wound Rival Bank, Julian Assange’s Bail Posted By Rothschilds’ Sister-in-law,”
Spot on buddy. But so many of even the most awake analysts buy the official Assange story. If they don’t get you on the swings, they get you on the round-abouts.
It should appear obvious to blind-Freddy, that it matters not:
What one thinks of Julian Assange, i.e. whether he is working for ‘them’ … or
Working for ‘us’ …
… whether he is In-bed with the J-Cults, or not as he hasn’t exposed any Israeli, under-the-radar shenanigans .. etc.etc.
What appears to be abundantly clear about the Assange-case is that it has exposed that there is NO such thing as INTERNATIONAL LAW. British, Australian and American pretence at jurisprudence has been exposed and shredded to the point of being non-existent, and it should be clear to any observer that it means ‘sweet-F A’, as in nothing. From go-to-whoa of this dog’s-breakfast of a ‘case’ the law has been made-up-on-the-run to protect the obviously guilty in high places. And, in this particular sorry-saga, it certainly is NOT Julian Assange.
Silly me, I was always under the assumption that American-Law applied to Americans … only. In the decade plus of traumatising Assange, I wonder if anyone has bothered double-checking his nationality?
As for the Brits and Aussie Governments, what a bunch of piss-weak arseholes they have proven themselves to be. Every effing one of the govt. spivs are not worth pissing-on even if they were on fire …
It seems any party from anywhere and prosecute any other in a US court. Of course, the verdict depends on what serves whose interest. This purportedly makes the US “State” and “Justice” Departments arbiters of global justice. E.g., US legally seized an Iranian building worth ~$1 billion in NYC, and at least one Iranian tanker of petroleum on the high seas.
It’s not prosecution. It’s civil litigation. The two are completely different. And don’t use a psyop disseminated in the msm as an example of anything.
By the way, the faux justice system in all former (and current) British colonies (about 80 countries) is based on the private BAR associations, and incorporated privately owned courts, propping up all the privately owned faux governments, administered by the TEMPLE CROWN in the city of London, and overseen by the Holy See in the Vatican.
Never understood all the fuss about WikiLeaks in the alt-media. What exactly were the supposedly earth-shattering revelations?
WikiLeaks exposed war crimes by the MIC, but I don’t believe that’s the reason he was locked up.
WikiLeaks was about to reveal the extent of many corporate crimes.
That’s when the agencies stepped, or should I say, STOMPED IN.
Boots, blood and brutality.
Hang em high!
Mike Benz says that the CIA and State are in the lead….
Aaron Shwartz gave the world RSS feeds and Julian as an early cypher punk had a hand in many things end to end encrypted.
Wiki Leaks as a publication of info is a small part of the potential of wiki leaks as a secure distributed communications platform.
As with Schwartz,Julian is inconvenient to the owners of the panopticon jailer bot borg.
Musk is sort of a psuedo Assange stealing the clothes of people like Julian who went before or Stallman before him Ted Nelson.
I pray for Julians release, he has been double crossed some where along the by one of the 3 letter agency factions.
When google met wikileaks on the going direct mind map