Why is the ONS suddenly changing the “excess deaths” numbers?

The UK’s Office of National Statistics (ONS) announced yesterday that they are changing the way they calculate “excess deaths” across the country.
“Deaths above expected” or “excess deaths” is a statistic indicating mortality trends. Roughly speaking, it is calculated by estimating how many people die per year (based on previous years), then subtracting that number from the actual number of registered deaths.
A negative number means fewer people died than expected, a positive number means more. It’s more complicated than that, obviously, there are numerous factors that go into the modelling, but that’s essentially it.
“Excess deaths” came to public prominence during the height of the Covid “pandemic”, becoming one of those scary red statistics everyone was bandying about.
…and now the ONS is changing the way they calculate it.
We’ve led the development of a new method for estimating the number of excess deaths across UK countries.
Julie Stanborough talks us through the data released today and how this new method will give us a better understanding in this complex area ➡️ https://t.co/RnY81qjxtp pic.twitter.com/uJPB3r5G2s
— Office for National Statistics (ONS) (@ONS) February 20, 2024
Why? We don’t know, but there are few hints.
What changed?
Basically, excess deaths used to be based on a five year rolling average of registered deaths, and it’s now a rather more arcane mystery. (If you want to really dig into the method, they go into excruciating detail on their website).
Most importantly, we should note that the “old method” totally removed the “Covid” years from the modelling, while the “new method” only excludes a few months or weeks of 2020:
Individual weeks and months that were substantially affected by the immediate mortality impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic are removed from the data when estimating expected deaths in subsequent periods, whereas the current approach involves removing data for the whole of 2020.
Note that by “current” they confusingly mean the old method prior to the new changes.
What’s the impact?
The newly released data (downloadable here) goes all the way back to 2011, re-defining 100,000s of excess deaths, but we’re just going to focus on 2019-present:

As you can see, the “new method” completely reverses the story of 2019, wiping it from 6000 excess deaths to over 34,000 deaths fewer than expected.
(While we’re looking at these numbers, it’s interesting how much of an outlier 2019 always was in terms of mortality, one wonders if there was some statistical prep-work being done to fudge deaths for the upcoming pandemic year.)
In the post-pandemic years (2021-23), by adding some of 2020 back into the modelling mix they have increased the number of expected deaths, and therefore greatly reduced excess deaths.
The end result is that, from 2020 onwards, excess mortality has been cut by ~15%. Over 30,000 “excess deaths” have been wiped off the records, over 20,000 from 2023 alone, and the vast majority since the vaccine rollout.
What was the point?
That’s a good question, we don’t know enough to form a solid conclusion yet – and I haven’t really dived into the numbers or methods to see if there’s any chicanery going on.
But we do know that statistics are a tool for opinion control and narrative management, and when they adjust official measures like this it can be an early warning sign. And by switching from a simple 5-year average to a highly complex multi-faceted model they have given themselves room to maneuver and manipulate the data in general.
It should be noted that the “new method” massively reduced excess mortality in 2019, but barely touched it in 2020, meaning the “pandemic” looks more dramatic.
It’s also possible that they are attempting to stall the appearance of Covid “vaccine” harms by re-jigging the number of excess deaths downwards. Effectively hiding potential vaccine-related deaths by re-labelling them “expected”.
The third option is that it’s laying groundwork for a future event, “the next pandemic” or something similar. By reducing the excess deaths now they can make room to exaggerate excess deaths in the future.
It could be some combination of any or all of these, it could be something we haven’t thought of yet, or it could be nothing at all.
We’ll just have to wait and see.
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It’s all to do with a particular 3hr debate and probably made so complicated, it’ll keep Mr. Fenton busy until after the debate in my opinion. I just think of that picture of Bill Gates next to a pile of books with “How to lie with statistics” on it’s spine..
Australia did the same thing last year, 2 weeks before Moderna execs were due to testify to a Senate Committee on their covid products.
So are they re-writing the stats in retrospect?
Other examples:
1. The UK gov held the census figures under wraps until they had revised them
2. Unpredicted interest rates – revision in real time
3. Or they just delete the stats altogether – MHRA e.g.
It’s been very clear for a few years now that they will manipulate and mutilate stats. They obliterated the control group in the Pzi zer debacle.
This is probably a response to Bridgen. Or just a way to take the heft out of ‘knowledge is power.’
They’ve been doing this kind of statistical manipulation for over 60 years. Here’s how they turned the polio vaccine from a deadly failure into a success:
From Janine Roberts article in The Ecologist (May 2004):
Medical Fraud
The triumph following the launch of the Salk vaccine was short-lived…Within two weeks of the launch the number of cases of polio in vaccinated children had nearly reached 200…
On 8 May 1955 the Surgeon General suspended the entire US production of the vaccine. After hurried meetings between Salk, manufacturers and the surgeon general, distribution of the vaccine was resumed five days later, with new regulations in place to ensure better standards in the vaccine laboratories. The general consensus was that these cases had been caused by viruses in the vaccine that had survived the formaldehyde, despite evidence that repeated injections can cause paralysis.
However, despite these new regulations, four months later more than 2,000 cases of infantile paralysis were recorded in Boston, despite the vaccination of 130,000 children in the city. The previous year it had seen only 273 cases. The number of cases doubled in vaccinated New York State and Connecticut, and tripled in Vermont. They increased by five times in both Rhode Island and Wisconsin. Many were paralysed in the injected arm.
It seemed that the vaccine would soon be totally discredited. So, to protect the President, Salk, the vaccine manufacturers and themselves from the humiliation of an unmitigated failure, the US health authorities had to dramatically slash the incidence of poliomyelitis. They managed this by simply changing the way they recorded the incidents of poliomyelitis. It worked like this:
Prior to 1956, the authorities recorded a patient as having paralytic polio (infantile paralysis) if they suffered from paralytic symptoms for 24 hours. After 1956 patients had to have these paralytic symptoms for at least 60 days to be counted as having polio. As many people recovered within 60 days, this measure alone dramatically cut the official number of cases. This
drop' in polio cases was publicly credited to the vaccine. Furthermore, all cases of polio occurring within 30 days of vaccination (such as the first 200 cases that had so alarmed the White House) were in future not to be blamed on the vaccine but to be recorded as
pre-existing’.But Salk continued to worry. Despite its regulatory and statistical
success', the reputation of his vaccine was plummeting. In June 1955 the British doctors' union the Medical Practitioners' Union wrote:
These misfortunes would be almost endurable if a whole new generation were to be rendered permanently immune to the disease. In fact, there is no evidence that any lasting immunity is achieved.’ (21)The following month Canada suspended its distribution of Salk’s vaccine. By November all European countries had suspended distribution plans, apart from Denmark. By January 1957 17 US states had stopped distributing the vaccine. The same year The New York Times reported that nearly 50 per cent of cases of infantile paralysis in children between the ages of five and 14 had occurred after vaccination.
So, more regulatory and statistical changes were needed in order to give the polio vaccine the appearance of a triumph of modern medicine. What better way to achieve this than to reclassify all the cases of polio into numerous other diseases resulting in a massive reduction in polio cases, and a host of other diseases to attract funding. And this is exactly what they did. Prior to 1958 the definition of infantile paralysis (polio) included cases in which paralysis was minimal: perhaps manifesting itself as a very stiff neck, often accompanied by widespread pain. Polio also included cases of
meningitis', or of inflammation of the membrane that protects the brain and spinal neurons. The CDC describes such cases as
serious but rarely fatal’.(22) Prior to 1958 these cases were scientifically referred to asnon-paralytic poliomyelitis', or polio for short. Henceforward, they would be reclassified. The Los Angeles County health authorities stated:
Most cases reported prior to July 1 1958 of non-paralytic poliomyelitis are now reported as viral or aseptic meningitis.’ The incidence of meningitis soared as official polio cases declined, as the following table (compiled from national surveillance reports)shows.Non-paralytic polio cases.
1951-1960 70,083
1961-1982 589
1983-1992 0
Aseptic meningitis cases.
1951-1960 0
1961-1982 102,999
1983-1992 117,366
Jim West, Images of Poliomyelitis
These classifications are still used today. Last year the US National Center for Infectious Diseases reported no cases of poliomyelitis but 30,000 to 50,000 cases of aseptic meningitis requiring hospitalisation. There are probably several times this number of incidents of aseptic meningitis that did not require hospitalisation, but statistics are no longer kept for such cases.
Then another scam was enacted to massage down the poliomyelitis figures. It took advantage of the 1951 discovery that different viruses could be present in cases of infantile paralysis. Prior to 1958 this did not matter. A doctor diagnosed a person with polio by taking note of their evident symptoms. They did not investigate to see if the poliovirus were present. In 1958 a new regulation was put in place requiring doctors to only register a patient as having polio if the poliovirus were present, something that was very difficult to establish for sure. For a start, it was impossible to tell by looking at symptoms. The Textbook of Child Neurology reported:
Coxsackie virus and echoviruses can cause paralytic syndromes that are clinically indistinguishable from paralytic poliomyelitis.' This new requirement for doctors caused a vast drop in the number of cases registered as poliomyelitis - a drop that ever since has been credited solely to the vaccine.
So, when patients diagnosed as having polio in a 1958 epidemic in Detroit were re-tested as required by this new rule, 49 per cent were found to have no poliovirus. They had to be reclassified as having
non-poliomyelitis acute flaccid paralysis’ even though they were suffering from symptoms identical to poliomyelitis with the same paralysis and the same pain. Other polio cases were reclassified asGuillian-Barré syndrome', which some researchers now think is what crippled Roosevelt. Yet more cases are now referred to as
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease’, which can also cause paralysis. And last year the Coxsackie virus was found in cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), which sometimes shows polio-like symptoms of muscle damage; in the past CFS might have been classified as a form of polio.If this process of reclassification had not occurred, it would have been impossible to hide the fact that infantile paralysis cases had sharply increased after the introduction of Salk’s vaccine. Without the Coxsackie and aseptic meningitis reclassifications, for example, the number of reported cases of paralytic polio would have doubled from 2,500 in 1957 to 5,000 in 1959. (23)
This deliberate fraud did not go entirely unnoticed, however. Dr Bernard Greenberg, the then head of the Department of Biostatistics at the University of North Carolina, testified at a 1962 Congressional hearing that infantile paralysis cases had increased after the introduction of the vaccine by 50 per cent from 1957 to 1958, and by 80 per cent from 1958 to 1959. He concluded that US health officials had manipulated the statistics to give entirely the opposite impression. (24)
Also remember:
-. multiple types of microbe classified as harmful are likely to be present in a healthy person.
-. the “covid” jab has the amazing ability to revive many rare and forgotten diseases.
A very interesting response! Can I ask you to please provide a link to Janine Roberts’ article? Thanks in advance.
I had to search hard for it but finally found two:
When it comes to statistics
There is a block that happens.
My theory is due to the bombardment of Propaganda many minds cant take it.
example. Covid – thousands of channels screaming death death death,.
life time of films of contagions and zombie apocalypse.
My colleagues screaming FFS Terry, Chris witty says it deadly.
I show them this…..
Downing Street Corona Briefing on May 11th, Chris Whitty – the UK’s Chief Medical Officer
For me, the novel spin was: Save the medical service by staying away from hospital or clinic until critically ill.
Do they have the all cause mortality numbers? Because “excess” deaths seems like a meaningless, manipulable stat.
It’s likely vaxx induced deaths in the younger demographic of the populace, is what the faux authorities are attempting to hide:
“A report from Phinance Technologies of late last year which analysed in detail data from the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) which showed that disability and deaths in 2021 and 2022 had increased dramatically in all age groups, but especially in the 15-44 age group.”
“The Lancet also published an article before Christmas reporting excess deaths post covid pandemic to be up by 11-15 per cent over than expected for under-25s and for between 25-49 year olds. This is in fact the pattern found in many countries that have looked at the data.”
Anyone notice if these changes impect life expectancy calculations or how that stat is being gamed?
I suppose we’ll just have to forget about score-keeping by “excess deaths” and use direct annual, monthly or seasonal numbers. In fact, comparing these non-fudgeable numbers with their “excess deaths” will give us the opportunity to highlight their dishonesty.
statisticians and accountants are from the same breed.
Need a conclusion…..work backwards.
The US CDC Covid death charts prior to July 2020 had a category column of deaths titled “covid”, asserting that people died from covid alone. As of July 2020 and later, there was no column for deaths by covid only. The column titles became and since are:
All deaths involving covid-19
Deaths from all causes
Deaths involving pneumonia
Deaths involving covid-19 and pneumonia
All deaths involving influenza
Deaths involving pneumonia, influenza, or covid-19
As i say to anyone who will listen without going instantly bonkers, no one died of covid. The flu, or pneumonia or covid, another flu brand, plus other illnesses can cause death. As of Aug 2020 this was a CDC covid fact, no media nor journalist i heard ever mentioned. Elderly have gone from 5% of society in the 60’s to 13% of society and rising as attrition and lowered birth rates in every continent except Africa slow population growth. Leveraging the aged, all of which will die, with statistical bumbo jumbo worked until July2020. Did the CDC see the writing on the wall that covid was just another flu and covered their asses with “involving” for anyone checking out what they actually data reported? Looks like it to me.
If i could post images directly here, i would.
Go to https://postimages.org/ , upload your image, then copy & paste the second line of links “direct link” to OG.
Thank you so much! I will use this in the future.
Here y’all go. Sorry this took so long, but my plate is full right now, actually on overflow. These screenshots are very important proof of a complete switch in CDC data categorization. From direct cause in May 2020 to associated cause in Aug 2020. The resulting fact, in the CDC’s own publications: no deaths by kl0vid. The “involved” modifier exists to this day. I do not know one journalistic entity that has discussed this change. But was plain to see by anyone looking at the monthly charts. 🙁
Thank you Kit. It is very interesting indeed. Coincidentally, I have just been mining the entries at the world’s largest online obituary database (legacy.com) to see trends for the last several years. I did notice that 2019 and 2020 were strange in comparison to previous years. Anyway, I made a substack post about it. I think much good understanding is to be had looking into that public account.
The link to my substack got lost above. Here it is:
Fascinating stuff. Its a large sample and an inconvenient Canary in the lies damned lies and statistics coal mine.
For me Event 201, the plandemic response to the 2019 New York repo spike, was and remains part of the same Monetary Event.
A paradigm shift to a Carbon Currency end game. The end game is designed to usher in a Techno fascist feudal surveillance world state.
“Aadhaar doesn’t harm Privacy”. Bill Gates Chequered paint salesman strikes again
#CarbonCurrencyEndGame #ConquestofBread #Youaretheunwantedcarbon
All brought to you by the tri lateral committee of the inner party, by Chairman Bill and the rogues gallery of the public private partnership mafia.
Bill Gates Special
The son of the The Rockefeller fella
100% Correct Roger.
OK, sorry, I understand now you do not allow willy-nilly personal blog links. I totally get that. In that post I have shared some findings using the advanced(not very) search at legacy.com. It will let you search date ranges historically as fine as month to month. Comparing the last months of 2020 to the same period in 2021 is very interesting. One example: (total obits) 07/2020 = (141, 470) 07/2021 = (240,656). There is a lot more you can play with there, even search for terms in the obit, but I think the raw numbers are more relevant to what you were talking about in this story Kit. I was not trying to advertise myself here, I just think that legacy.com may be hidden repository of some good information. thanks
It’s there! No worries. A2
“One example: (total obits):
07/2020 = (141,470)
07/2021 = (240,656) !!!”
Doubled in a year !!!
~ 70%
100% = 281,000
Csofand, as with the tv a link does not have to be clicked on.
“The world wants to be deceived, so let it be”.
The general motto of the elite (at least since they denied everyone else a classical education so we won’t know the reference) – and does it sound like any music album might have been named from this adage (with just enough plausible deniability)?
How many patients have suddenly succumbed to an illness immediately after receiving their diagnosis? The mind is powerful, at both inducing illness and wellness because the brain manufactures and releases “emotional chemicals” throughout the body.
Excellent reminder:
An Important Lesson from So-Called “Voodoo Death”
Interesting thanks.
Yeah, straight up. You can panic yourself into all kinds of Dire Straights, but never so bad as U2. (God willing)
First rule ‘Don’t Panic.’
But the mind should have worked in the vaxxed’s favour health-wise, since most were believers in the benefit of these shots…..
I thought it was Moderna’s dna changing injections who cured my cancer, but my doctor said there was only saltwater in the tube. 😅
Obscurantism, obviously. In my experience this is usually the case with “sophisticated” modelling.
A basic but robust analysis of ONS data using 2015-2019 as a fixed baseline raises two questions which should have been asked on Day 1 of the Covid so-called enquiry:
1) Why was the “unprecedented health emergency” declared at a time when excess deaths were negative?
2) Why have the years 2021-2023 shown excess mortality well above any effect of population increase?
Clear questions demanding clear answers. Fat chance.
Giant Mistake to Mass Vaccinate the World
The Wellness Company“Altruistic alternative healthcare empire, or intelligence operation?”
It was not someone who vaccinated the world, the world vaccinated itself by desire.
No matter how many excuses people can come up with. “The bad guys vaccinated me”. 😫
Lies, damned lies and statistics. What’s new?
If you want to see the real numbers, check the mortality tables that life insurers use. They don’t care about politics as much, they just need a basis to calculate premiums.
I totally agree and in the USA those numbers are also being covered up like a duvet on a bed. Ask the embalmers too on blood clots etc. and undertakers
Criminal behaviour.
Because there’s something to obfuscate or cover up, obviously.
Something like why another ex-elite athlete dies suddenly and unexpectedly perhaps:
Elsewhere, how to react to the German former protests:
“Meticulously-planned” solutions… like throwing a bit more money at farmers and more climate propaganda one might suspect. Definitely not a retreat given that it’s from the Rhodes-Milner-Fabian source of Chatham House!
With CoIntel you have a process called ‘chickenshit’ pushing lies with truth to confuse, I see the freemason nurse Campbell doing this with his latest chow mein vein stories. ‘Amazing Polly’ is calling the vaccine injuries a Psyop, they’re all at it folks.
Since he shilled the vaxx and masks in 2021 on his youtoob channel, I’ve never trusted that mothertrucker. For the past two years he’s pretended to be the good guy. Fcuk him.
What struck me as odd in the old method is that there have been excess deaths every year since 2012. You’d expect, in years with ‘nothing’ going on, the numbers would hover either side of zero. The high values in the 4 years prior to covid will be included in the 5-year rolling average, making the covid years look better than they really were.
Those 4/3 years previous to 2020 was the period when the new trivalent and quadrivalent flu shots were rolled out. There’s a marked difference (sudden spike) worldwide, in the all cause deaths starting 2016-2017.
They weren’t getting the flu shot uptake they desired, which many of their papers and conferences discuss. So they rolled out the Covid hoax.
Here is a Youtube channel dedicated to pure data “massaging” the last decade, in this case of thermometer reading numbers in the US over a century’s worth, by Tony Heller
Today’s scientists have this choice: cooperate with The Scam and get funded & promoted, or hang on to your truth and be side tracked or shunted out, even at prestigious NASA or NOAA.
How the might have fallen!
No, two plus two is five. No, it’s four. No, we’ve changed that. Ok. Why? Because four was a problem. We’re gonna have to go to five. That’s it.
Great work on this topic is done by John Ioannidis of Stanford Univ.
Calculating excess deaths is not a clear-cut science because there are different ways of determining *estimates*.
The most accurate way to evaluate excess deaths is by making different estimates through various methods, then comparing averages and extremes.
The ONS will NOT do this.
They simply would select the method whose results best suit whatever message they want to promote.
Ioannidis seems to be an academic of total integrity. We don’t have many.
He is. He’s literally the guy who proved (long before 2020) that >50% of all scientific articles published in journals are bunk.
Utter lying by omission crap from today’s Asahi Shinbun:
As it is written: Figures don’t lie, but liars can figure.
Why is there any modelling at all?
Good question. Ask Prof. Neil Ferguson, go-too modeller for the Westminster regime.
A scientist who really wanted to know the cause of XS Deaths post Vaxx would not tinker with a model: she would simply compare the number of deaths in 2 matched groups of young people: those with Vaxx and those without Vaxx. Vaxx being an RNA gene therapy containing the “message” sequence for Covid-19 spike protein.
I would expect a greater number of XS deaths and XS cardiovascular injuries among younger people who had been Vaxxed. A simple count would prove me wrong.
The rigmarole of excess all-cause deaths only serves to avoid or censor this simple issue: the danger of the jab as seen from (a) deaths (b) other serious harm. You would think open societies and governments would want to get to the bottom of alarming stats, not adjust them. So far, almost all governments have been on board. The few leaders who resisted almost all suffered mysterious exits.
All ‘conspiracy theories’ can easily be disproved by the truth of the issue – honest statistical analysis / undoctored evidence. The fact that they never give us that speaks for itself. Obfuscation and distraction is all they have at this point.
So they can get away with it.
‘Lies, damned lies, and statistics.’
Of course. I am only pointing out that it makes no sense to model people that have died. You compare those that died in the past year to those who died in previous years, that’s all there is too it. There are no estimates or projections needed for all-cause mortality. All cause mortality proves that there was no pandemic and that the jabs didn’t save any lives rather they have a 1 to 1 correlation with a dramatic increase in mortality post roll-out of the “vaccines.”
I notice something similar with respect the Covid timeline and smearing the popular memory and ability to recall the event in sharp relief.
The dates of the Covid era are being pushed forward and limited to the second half of 2020 in to end of 22 and early 23 (with respect full legislative wrap up).
Important !This date adjustment is not fixed but will regularly be shifting just as the excess deaths numbers and everything else associated with the era to blur it into evaporation
Tbh the managed forgetting has already successfully occurred for the believers
ROW still uses a simple rolling average so one practical consequence of this is that UK data is no longer comparable to ROW.
Perhaps what has changed is that in the early days of the Covid operation, “excess deaths” were “desirable” in that they helped to sell the operation and the need for “vaccines”. Now that the “vaccines” are under the spotlight, “excess deaths” are no longer so “desirable”.
That said, the number of excess deaths in the “vaccine years” is still significant if lower than previously. What would be really helpful is if ONS would release ALL the data at the record level so that researchers can analyse it independently. But like most Governments, the data, which should be in the public domain, is treated as a national security secret and only selectively released after FOIA requests and follow-on legal actions.
For the global operation, the great concern in 2020 was boosting deaths. Some methods used were falsified classification of patients already severely ill, withholding treatment for most diseases (including pneumonia) and accidents, harmful treatment of “covid” (remdesivir, intubation), prohibiting doctors’ discretion (e.g., use of vitamins, HCQ, IVM), enforced isolation of patients and residents of care homes, unilateral DNR, and drugs to suppress breathing. This clouded the bankruptcy of some pension and welfare funds, facilitated diversion of public wealth to cronies in “covid” or war, and raised public gullibility towards the coming jab.
Despite all this effort, deaths in 2020 disappointed the manipulators, assuming they could deflect from embarrassments such as Africa (most of the continent), Albania, Belarus and Haiti. So, they have tried to suppress AJ (after jab) deaths for 2021 to 2023, generally mixing it up with 2020 deaths.
My apologies for the important typo. In the final paragraph, I meant, of course, to say that the number of excess deaths in the “vaccine years” was still significantly HIGHER, not lower, than previously. I think my morning coffee (here on asian time) had not yet kicked in and this, sadly, spoiled the entire post which I was unable to edit when I returned to it later.
Logic alone suggests that who poisons
your mind does the same to your body.
pardon 4 da missing m, Nakam of course.
Your 2nd Link (kla) reads: U$ Regime Conducted Poison Experiments on Own Population.
As you say, if a regime poisons the Peoples minds why should they not also poison the People’s bodies?
911 Inside Job. Poisoned New Yorkers bodies with asbestos as well as poisoning Western minds against Islam.
Swiftmania, coming to a town near you.
Meanwhile, the world burns.
11.24- 24.30
I wonder into what section in hell goes Dr. Bill Gates PhD?
Its a hard place to escape, any section.
Benjamin Disraeli will be turning in his grave.
‘Lies, damn lies and statistics’ has been officially amended.
Vaclav Havel quotes:
Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future. It falsifies statistics. It pretends not to possess an omnipotent and unprincipled police apparatus. It pretends to respect human rights. It pretends to prosecute no one. It pretends to fear nothing. It pretends to pretend nothing.
I am not an optimist, because I am not sure that everything ends well. Nor am I a pessimist, because I am not sure that everything ends badly. I just carry hope in my heart. Hope is the feeling that life and work have a meaning. You either have it or you don’t, regardless of the state of the world that surrounds you. Life without hope is an empty, boring, and useless life. I cannot imagine that I could strive for something if I did not carry hope in me. I am thankful to God for this gift. It is as big as life itself.
Human rights are universal and indivisible. Human freedom is also indivisible: if it is denied to anyone in the world, it is therefore denied, indirectly, to all people. This is why we cannot remain silent in the face of evil or violence; silence merely encourages them.
When a truth is not given complete freedom, freedom is not complete.
Our social and economic statistics are telling us what we already know in our hearts: we have created a world that works for only a few. To change this, we must learn to act toward each other and our environment in profoundly different ways.
There is no hope as we cant do a shit about nothing. We can only sit on the fence on our thumb and wait until something shows up. We cant do anything else, and you know it!
Deep inside your heart you know this is THE truth, with reason and also logo!
Thanks Straight.
Vaclav Havel was an exceptional human being.
Whether the ‘glass’ is half full or half empty doesn’t matter. As long as it has something (hope) in it, we’ll be okay,
“the regime is captive to its own lies” and this is how they must fail. Do you remember this old saying ….
“you can fool some of the people some of the time; you can fool most of the people most of the time; but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”
Well, any half with should be able to surmise the reason for this new round is statistical obfuscation. There is a very simple solution, however. Just ignore their ‘excess deaths’ stats and go right to the much more difficult to fudge annual data on all cause mortality.
Yes. One needs to plot the trend in age-adjusted all-cause mortality, usually measured I think in deaths per 100,000. I expect Ioannidis has discussed refinements to this.
If anyone has the time it might be fruitful to look at trends in death rates in other European countries, especially those where people live a full 2-3 years longer than the UK and lifespan isn’t falling
It’s possible that healthier diet and lower obesity rates are protective against the ‘treatment’.
We simply cannot have unregistered or unqualified people deciding on matters of health. If a healthier diet and lower obesity help, then we will have to (a) ensure less nutritious produce through farming (b) poison the food through agro-chemicals and processing (c) reduce fibre, increase calories and add specific compounds (obesogens) to promote obesity (d) normalise junk food through marketing (e) expand the ranges in medical tests that determine ill health…
if we look at deagal.com numbers we see massive depopulation
globally by 2025, tic toc
So many people have blood on their hands its getting harder to decide who should be hung first…
Yeah, if we hung them all it would solve their depopulation problem.
Curiouser, and curiouser !! Who’d a-guessed ‘vitamins’ are smaller than ‘viruses’ ?
Or that many vitamin ‘supplements’ are petroleum derivatives – same as Aspirin (which had a
starringsinister role in the *1918 Spanish ‘Flu Pandemic*)…I’ve been wary about the claims of artificial ‘vitamins’ since an article by Sally Fallon Morell was published in New Dawn magazine some years ago, so dont need much nudging to give up for Lent and Beyond the few i still take (C, D, Mag)…
It’s good to see this new front opening against Fraudulence and The Fake in ‘medicine & health’….It’s all ‘covid’s’ fault – for few would have given much attention to such if ‘covid’ hadnt butted into their lives !!
Supplements, “Medicines” and Food – The Long List of Poisons That Come With Them:
This is typical of an important approach to subverting competition: (a) take over the competitor (b) degrade its products.
I saw that. I think I need a sun/UV lamp. D3 tablets seem sub-optimal vs. solar radiation itself, complete with UVA and UVB.
But if you tan easily, as I do, you may not synthesise any significant vit.D from about late August to late April. A hotel owner I knew closed his tanning facility ~20 years ago because of liability fears yet people who get more sun exposure now seem to be healthier and get less cancer.
Dr. David Grimes graduated as a medic. in the 1960s when many doctors were still honest and believed in careful experiments and observation, not ‘modelling’ and pharma-funded ‘trials’. His blog is full of information which differs from the official story: http://www.drdavidgrimes.com
Somewhere in it is a pic. of schoolchildren in 1961 getting their regular winter sun lamp treatment.
I think the official advice is now often the opposite of the truth.
Hard to know if there is any truth to sun lamps being dangerous. How do the people of the far North and far South survive winter? Could it be because they eat “unhealthy” meat, blubber, etc.?
Winter sun lamps are not the same as tanning lamps, are they?
The whole world is going to shit but changing the way they now calculate and, importantly, present the excess death data is a priority.
We all know why. There’s a new and improved vaxx in the pipeline.
I don’t know what all this number crunching is supposed to achieve …. but here’s one you’ll like!
I take pills for blood pressure and I just accidentally took two at the wrong time. Curious about what this meant I thought I’d do a google and this is what came up:
“If you don’t take your medication as prescribed by your doctor or pharmacist, you won’t have the right amount of medicine in your body at the right time to manage your condition. It could lead to your condition getting worse, hospitalization or yes, even death.”
Well so much for trying to calm the public! Oh NO AAAAARGH!
Check out Nattokinase.. As should anybody who was conned into being injected with the juice..
Really effective at dissolving clots and cleansing the arteries.
A natural supplement derived from a Japanese fermented soya bean food.
I make Natto from commercial spore culture (Ebay) in my yogurt maker (same temperature) using chick peas or other beans instead of classic soya. A large spoonful with a dash of kethchup (instead of classic oriental sauce) on my plate goes well with most food: salad, stewed veg, egg, rice etc.
It tastes and smells like ripe camembert (ripe and aged cheeses likewise contain Vitamin K2 which is the main health ingredient in Natto)..
Vitamin K? It help with blood CLOTTING, not thinning. Green leafy vegies are a key source of vitamin K which is why people of Warfarin (Coumarin) are told to watch their greens intake.
see themedicalrebel.com for detox with chlorine dioxide and
dosing protocols, this treatment and its adherents are all
demonised by all the right people, which lets you know it
It’s called Maintenance Level and is quite important for some of the few medicines that actually work.
Profit Maintenance Level is even more important for the many medicines that don’t work. Hence the dire warnings against discontinuing.
“Keep taking the tablets” — Holy Moses.
Never taking any medicine other than pills for headache after a bottle of whiskey.
My impression is 99% of the Western population are on drugs for some or another de-generational decease, “check out nattokinase”…………………… 😅 .
An infusion of hawthorn leaves, berries or flowers may be all you need
Food as medicine. Turmeric and ground black pepper with everything. (Well, almost)
By an amazing coincidence this is an election year and both of the (currently) largest parties were deeply involved in promoting the Gates / Fauci scam. So massaging the numbers takes both parties away from the criticism.
What is actually on display is the degree of corruption that runs throughout the so called Public Sector.
The case for a brutal Purge of the entire Establishment grows stronger every day.
Hear hear! Which is why fringe parties and other “deplorables” are mushrooming.
if the data is being altered then it probably won’t be to the benefit of the citizenry but rather those in power. people have either died or they haven’t, fudging the numbers wont hide the fact to the deceased relatives, neighbors etc etc.
2019 was lower than expected cause they moved those deaths into 2020… At least in the USSA
it’s actually very simple, they explain in the very first paragraph on their website:
“Trends in population size, ageing and mortality rates are accounted for
by the new method for estimating the expected number of deaths used in
the calculation of excess mortality (the difference between the actual
and expected number of deaths); this is not the case for the current
method, which uses a simple five-year average to estimate the number of
expected deaths.”
A five-year average never made sense in an ageing population.
Made sense to me. Five times five is twenty five which is a new generation. Four generations is one Lifetime in an aging population. So simple even I could understand those stats.
What really showed up the barefaced mendacity of the Con-19 artists was when they renamed annual flu “Covid-19” — and flu vanished from Public Existence.
“Voila l’Anglais avec son sang froid habituel” (Here comes that Englishman with his usual bloody cold).
Wiped out. Unbelievable!
They are just culling the herd of the sick & old, its just good husbandry and good economics.
And sick as hell.
Unfortunately, RNA Vaxx with its patent GMO Spike Protein is doing the opposite: Culling the herd of the young and healthy!
Bad husbandry. We are governed by psychopathic incompetents.
Well I think we all know the answer to that!
One more from Russia:
“From 2022, from January, we will begin the implementation of the Sanitary Shield federal project, under which 99 checkpoints across the state border will be equipped with an automatic system for passing passengers, as well as mobile devices for reading data about people arriving on the territory of the Russian Federation,” Golikova said.
You see he same as I do? 2022= 6, 99=66. Total 666.
Conclude what you want, but I conclude the global vaxx, with the lipid luciferase patent 666, this above message 666, and many other similar bricks around it, is cut and clear satanic.
The tangled web they wave in order … to not compare vaxx vs unvaxx with outcome total mortality
From Russia with love, I fly vaxxes to you above. https://youtu.be/beJ-H6t5j08
The only Global SAFE corona vaxx Sputnik V from the good cop, the controlled opposition in Moscow.
Sputnik V show up to be same gen modified bs as “our dear equal partners” in West.
Its a disease, people have died from it — or rather, they die from side effects from it (as with most viral diseases what we think of the effects of the disease is actually the body’s immune system reacting to the infection).
Covid got politicized and despite the politicization now being known to be irrefutably bogus the fallout from it continues. Instead of trying to pick apart whether Covid was real or not why not look at the longer term studies on the side effects of mRNA vaccines? Much more interesting…..and relevant.
Uh, actually those two things together would get to the bottom of the story, would they not? Covid as psyop to get people to demand a “vaccine” that was NEVER a vaccine, a concoction that comes with too many “side effects” to even name here – something like 1200 or so according to Pfizer’s own “research” I believe? And what might have been the purpose of that? Not only genocide, but all those nice side effects that require long term “treatments” of which many will be as deadly as that damned shot. But rest assured, those treatments will more than likely bankrupt you before they save your life, and that IS the point for a medical industry that openly admits a cured patient is a lost customer…
One cannot truly expose the lies and the purpose of those lies without addressing the fact that Covid was never, ever, proven to even exist. And while trying to pick that gigantic flaw apart, one then gets to what was the true purpose of unleashing mRNA on a public programmed to believe it was a cure for something that never existed. You can’t get to that root without examining just how fake the entire Covid scenario was. If all you concentrate on is the mRNA, you lose the purpose of mandating it in the first place.
And really, how in hell people can blindly miss just how many “unexpected” deaths there now are in young people is mind blowing, but it goes on every day, with some lame explanations for it that people swallow whole. You can’t expose that idiocy without picking apart both the fake covid and the fake “vaccine.” But then exposing that kind of idiocy just might upset things a bit too much, so now let’s just worry about the mRNA and forget the fake plague that made it necessary.
Yes I believe the same, you must see the whole scam from the start.The scam deadly virus is the starting point for all the rest fake measures(lockdown,masks,”vaccines”)
Ummm What fake plague?
Dearie dearie me 💤
“Lasst mich schlaaaaaafen” — Fafner the Sleepy Dragon.
“why not look at the longer term studies on the side effects of mRNA vaccines? Much more interesting…..and relevant.”
Right. Those studies should have been done BEFORE RNA Vaxx was unleashed on the public. And would have been done in any sane health system. It used to take 10 years to test a new vaccine before unleashing it on a large population.
The WHO has been captured by mad pseudo scientists in the pay of greedy pharma companies.
Same now applies to most governments.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-02-19. Not ‘In Vaccines We Trust’, or even ‘In Government We Trust.’ Free speech must include alleged disinfo (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
From your Link:
“‘Judge Terry A. Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana issued the ruling on Feb. 14, stating that Mr. Kennedy Jr. has demonstrated a strong likelihood of success in proving government infringement on his free speech rights’.
“Freedom of speech must include alleged disinformation.”
And it must include freedom to refute a refutation. Truth is like gold: it emerges shining at the bottom of a fiery crucible of argument.