Why France’s New “Anti-Vax Law” is MUCH Worse Than You Think
Kit Knightly
Last week France passed a new law, “to strengthen the fight against sectarian abuses and improve the support of victims.” .
This was widely covered in the alt-media as a “law criminalizing anti-mRNA vaccine speech”, but that is not quite true and was thoroughly “fact-checked” by the usual suspects.
(In fact the original misconception was probably deliberately cultivated so it could be fact-checked, that’s the way these things usually work).
Either way, by accident or design, there was a lot of talk about what the law doesn’t say, and not nearly enough about what it does say.
The law itself makes no specific mention of any health care treatment. The truth is it has almost nothing to do with banning criticism of vaccines.
…It’s potentially more dangerous than that. It’s a vague law, and vague laws are always the worst laws.
What is a “sect”?
The law is not about healthcare, that’s only covered by a couple of the articles, the actual focus of the law is “sectarian abuse” (read in French here).
However – as noted by Robert Kogon in the Daily Sceptic – a “sect” has no formal definition in French law.
Traditionally speaking, a “sect” is group linked by religious views or practices deemed heretical or extreme by the church, and the invocation of this religious language is troubling in and of itself (although this maybe a translation issue, it’s possible the word doesn’t have those connotations in the original French).
The more informal usage of the word sect in English tends to mean a group linked by strongly held philosophical or political ideas.
Therefore it could potentially mean almost anyone or almost anything.
It’s that vagueness which makes the law dangerous.
A Facebook group or email list could be a “sect”. A protest march. A political party. The readership of a website or newsletter. Hell, a family could be.
All it takes is one judge to rule that a “sect” can be defined as, for example, “any group of two or more people sharing political, religious or philosophical ideals and somehow acting in concert”, and the precedent is created.
Then it’s a free-for-all.
The Anti-Sectarian Taskforce
Article 1 sets out the “Implementation of the policy of prevention and fight against the sectarian excesses”, including the creation of an “inter-ministerial mission […] responsible for the implementation of the policy of prevention and fight against sectarian abuses”.
Both sentences positively tingling with dystopian horror vibes.
The responsibilies and powers of this mission follow a familiar playbook and are layed out as follows:
- Surveillance: “observe and analyse the phenomenon of sectarian movements whose actions are an attack on human rights and fundamental freedoms, and, constitute a threat to the public order or are contrary to laws and regulations, as well as new forms these may take”
- Propaganda: “promote […] the coordination of preventive and repressive action by the public authorities against these actions”
- Monitioring financial activity: “develop an exchange between public services of information on administrative practices in the field of the fight against sectarian abuses, in particular with regard to the modalities of financing”
- Propaganda, again: “inform the public about the risks and, where appropriate, the dangers to which sectarian abuses expose them”
Perhaps most concerning should be a focus on “training of public officials, in particular personnel of maternal and child protection and school health services.
Alongside that is the promise to “aid to the victims of these abuses, where appropriate in partnership with associations accompanying and assisting these victims”.
If that “aid” is in fact financial compensation this is suddenly very troubling ground, especially when combined with the fact that the mission will “receive voluntary testimonies of victims of sectarian abuses or third parties wishing to testify such facts […] subject to adequate measures of anonymization.”
“Aid” for “anonymized victims” could quite easily be “paid anonymous testimony”, couldn’t it?
To sum up, here’s one (highly cynical) interpretation of how this “new mission” could function:
Financially compensating anonymous “victims” to testify in secret, then using that testimony to justify surveilling “members of a sect” and monitoring their financial transactions.
But I’m sure that’s just me putting a bad spin on it.
Health Care
Articles 4 and 5 deal with healthcare, or “protecting health” to be precise, but there is nothing here about mRNA vaccines, not specifically.
Rather there’s an invention of two brand new (again, very vague) criminal offenses:
provocation, by means of repeated pressures or maneuvers, of any person suffering from a pathology to abandon or refrain from following therapeutic or prophylactic medical treatment, or, when this abandonment or abstention is presented as beneficial for the health of the person concerned whereas it is, in the state of medical knowledge, obviously likely to entail […] particularly serious consequences for their physical or mental health.
provocation to adopt practices presented as having a therapeutic or prophylactic purpose while it is manifest, in the state of medical knowledge, that these practices expose to an immediate risk of death or injury likely to result in permanent mutilation or infirmity.
Or, in brief, in France it is now potentially illegal to:
- Discourage people from taking medicines that work (according to “The ScienceTM“)
- Encourage people to take medicines that don’t work (again, according to “The ScienceTM“)
Both of those are potentially far more wide-ranging than just mRNA vaccines.
Think chemotherapy or radiation. Think statins or SSRIs or AZT.
Think brand-new treatment X for unknown disease Y.
So, does the law specifically outlaw criticism of mRNA vaccines?
Not at all.
Could it be interpreted that way?
Yes…but it could also be interpreted a thousand other ways, and it will be as needed.
This isn’t about mRNA vaccines, it’s about stifling dissent over anything they plan to do in the future.
Did The French Government Just Outlaw Itself?
The supreme irony here is, if you take the law at its word, the people most in danger of prosecution are Emmanuel Macron, his administration, the mainstream media and big pharma.
After all, clause states that it’s a criminal offense to…
[place or maintain] a person in a state of psychological or physical subjection resulting from the direct exercise of serious pressure’ or repeated or techniques capable of impairing his judgment and having the effect of causing a serious impairment of his physical or mental health or of leading this person to an act or abstention which is seriously prejudicial to him.
Which is just about the most thorough and accurate description of the Covid propaganda you will ever see.
And, of course, the “health care” section creates another crime:
provocation to adopt practices presented as having a therapeutic or prophylactic purpose while it is manifest, in the state of medical knowledge, that these practices expose to an immediate risk of death or injury likely to result in permanent mutilation or infirmity.
…which covers the Covid “vaccines” to a T.
The French government just a wrote a law which literally criminalizes their own behavior for the last three years.
But, of course, like all these laws, the abuses that fit the word of the law ill be ignored, but language will be tortured into pretzels going after dissenters and free-thinkers.
As I said, it’s a vague law, and vague laws are always the worst laws.
Unless you’re a cabal of psychopathic anti-humans bent on absolute global domination, then vague laws are the best laws.
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Freedom of speech but watch what you say.
“Why is Marie le Pen now so popular in France?”
The natives are restless.
“The hungry sheep look up and are not fed” — Dante, Paradiso.
“Alternative” media are FAKE NEWS in every single regard, only spreading (antivaxxer) propaganda bullshit that has ZERO truth in it!! Do as all stupid fuckheads and shove this bullshit up your fucking ass!!!
Tell us about the truth, Ken. The real truth about vaccines. And tell us why you are getting angry about this subject. Is it somehow affecting your bottom line? Or do you know someone who has actually died from not getting a vaccine. Are you concerned that children are not getting enough vaccines as they grow up and are not as healthy as they could be had they not received the full 77 yearly injections, which amounts to about two litres of vaccines, or something approaching that amount?
We also would have accepted, “Hey, Jeff! How’s it goin’?” 😉
Absolutely. Because we are all stocked in South Park. https://youtu.be/qzEoBrr9gRA
Ambiguities in laws do not arrive by accident. consider how long and how many people get involved to make a law.
Ambiguities serve a Big Purpose. They allow the powerful, the law-savvy and the Elites to guarantee the upper hand in litigations.
the knowledge poor and less law-savvy parties get hammered, get Stripped Of Rights and Dignity As Designed.
this should be made an actonym: SORDAD
laws in australia are rife with Ambiguities, and no amount of knowledge and education could shake the medieval rocks in the Elites’ Heads.
Just follow The Science. It may change as our Stake-Holder Masters decide. But so what?
They must be getting very tired holding on to that stake. Is it the one that kills vampires, or is it the one where you “stake your claim”? Or is it beefsteak for the non-insect eaters?
That’s an old trick. The “reasoning” behind wording aimed at prophylactic or other health care practice as being “danderous” has been abused through inversion, as is the evil-doers’ way: They have said in the past that the use of non-drug-based / vaccine products is dangerous because it eliminates the use of such drug-based / vaccine products.
In France it is now potentially illegal to:
Discourage people from taking medicines that work such as Ivermectin
Encourage people to take medicines that don’t work such as mRNA jabs
So the police can now arrest the President of France and most members of the French Government
Very interesting. It reminds me of a new law, giving the Committee of Public Safety, the power to issue arrest warrants to its own members. This lead to the arrest and execution of Robespierre.
Anything reasoning can be inverted.
“Ignorance is strength”. -from 1984
Totalitarian paranoia grows so intense, it turns back on itself, a looping circle. And they who prosecute it are blind, unconscious and in denial. Imagine what human being could sign a law of this content? They must be isolated away from normal social interaction, living in a bubble world protected by policing violence.
They are the one percent. We are the ninety nine percent. It is our world, not theirs. We need to stand up and start ruling and liberating Humanity from any and all tyrants.
How can we do this Sandy?
What i advocate here is to not only demand, but assume authority to decide our future via policy that does not thwart the rights of others, except the excess discretionary wealth and authority of the 1% eviscerating the social needs of Humanity. You can check out 48 policy directives here… https://sandys.art/peoples_policy+budget_directives_ballot_2018.html In brief, we need to place limits on poverty and wealth. Temporary safety nets at the bottom, limits to accumulated capital at the top. Flatten the US War machine to 10% and pull all foreign bases. Publicly own and run the FED and half of all the big banks as a public service utility with fixed nominal rates like 3% savings and 5% borrowing, accessible by all humans. If private banks can compete, great. If not, quit whining and work for a living instead steamrollering Humanity. Eliminate corporate personhood and all corporate subsidy, and loopholes to the rich whose excess gets recirculated to our Public Commons of needed services. Terminate Spy and State Dept budgets and eliminate all secrecy in the Public Sector. Eliminate taxation of earned income, labor. Tax unearned income. To make these happen, the existing system decision making must transfer from the non-authorized rule-based leader system to the People. We decide policy and oversee implementation through total transparency and already hired staff of employees. Politicians are replaced by obedient legislative technicians/staff, executing policy directives, or they are fired. A lot of work for everyone, but there’s no choice. In 2024, every decision these “leader” idiots make is destructive to us commoners, profitable for the 1%. To make the above demand happen, we can stop participating in this corrupt and incarcerating system. Stop buying anything except food and gasoline, or ride a bike. with a Consumer General Strike for however long it takes. A General Tax Moratorium… Read more »
That’s the largest number of positive suggestions that I have yet seen on a political discussion column. More than enough to form the platform of a radical common-sense Party (or one of the current parties with a radical commen-sense leadership, like the Democrats under FDR) or Labour under Attlee..
First, thank you for even listening to what policies would disempower and defund the ruling elite out of authority. But second, i need to disabuse you of your suggested application. “Parties” and their claim to “represent” “voters”, is a complete fraud that front runs the 1%’s hold on the authority-to-decide Humanity’s future. The solution i suggest, is ultimately, the People replacing electeds in authority, creation of policy directives and oversight of implementation. it is Direct Democracy that exists in small groups of people and must be designed by the People to work at large scales. Politics is the art of prosecuting hidden agendas. I want none of that. I want all scales of Public Commons from block neighborhoods to States to national, providing needed public services with good jobs (earned income) and without elite overseer profiteering (unearned income).
This all doable, if Humanity decides it’s had enough of authoritarianism as a society governing paradigm. We can evolve from a Bad Parent – Bad Child world, to a Good Adult – Good Adult world where we share everything by consent and end the war empire of the Bad Parent tyrants. We gotta long way, but no where else to go, imho.
Direct Democracy (as in Ancient Athens) would be easy to apply via www, the modern World Wide Web. But the parliamentary execution of Socrates shows there is a long road ahead before “we the people” are fit to govern.
“Fit to Govern? No, not fit to Live!” — Shakespeare, “Macbeth”.
I think we are fit to live, but there is enough superstition, ambition and murder in the human breast to ensure that government will continue to be a difficult erring task.
bitcoin fixes this
While there is understandable concern about all the new laws designed to restrict freedom
in various ways.
It should always be remembered that the vast majority of laws are never used.
Those few laws that are used are done so in and ad hock and very selective way.
The purpose of most laws are to frighten you so that you police yourself and restrict your own actions and take away your own freedom. As happened with Covid but I ignored the scare stories and restrictions .
The Main stream media are used to help you think there is a danger of these laws being applied to you. By highlighting and exaggerating cases where a few people have been charged with breaking these laws. Often not mentioning when they are found not guilty.
The reality is that these laws can not be applied on a mass scale.
It is against the law to travel above 70mph on a motorway in the UK.
Yet every day many thousands of people break this law.
They tried to bring in the poll tax but people rejected this.
The ULEZ laws are being subverted by direct action.
Any law if it is widely unpopular and widely resisted will fail.
A major aim of digital ID, digital commerce and automated surveillance (using our money) is to make enforcement pervasive and ceaseless. As John Whitehead said, most of us break a few laws every day, especially innocuous ones. After arrest, some can be persuaded to become the “eyes and ears” of the rulers.
“In this interview, Dr. Suzanne Humphries discusses the recent update to her classic book, “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History,” published in 2013.
The vaccine industry intentionally deceives us about the risks and benefits of vaccines in order to make a profit, with complete disregard for human suffering and the destruction of public health over time.
One of the reasons the polio vaccine doesn’t work is because polio isn’t caused by an infectious virus. It’s caused by toxins. Poliovirus is a commensal virus that is completely harmless in the absence of toxic onslaught.
The changing of definitions is part of the vaccine industry’s playbook. The definition of a “vaccine” was radically altered to allow for the use of experimental modified RNA gene therapy.
According to Dr. Suzanne Humphries, there are no worthwhile vaccines, not even smallpox or tetanus. Tetanus can be successfully treated using high-dose intravenous vitamin C and magnesium.
Vitamin C works because tetanus is a bacterial disease caused by an obligate anaerobe that cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. Other oxidative therapies that could be used if the infection is related to a wound include hydrogen peroxide and ozone therapy.”
Ozone therapy cures infections and diseases. It should be used as a primary treatment worldwide.
http://www.williamengdahl.com/englishNEO12July2022.php Toxicology vs Virology: Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud By F. William Engdahl 12 July 2022 One of the outcomes of the alleged new SARS Covid virus that publicly emerged in 2019 is that the medical specialization of virology has been raised to a stature almost Godlike in the media. Few understand the origins of virology and its elevation into a leading role in today’s medicine practice. For this we need to look at the origins and politics of America’s first medical research institute, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, today Rockefeller University, and their work on what they claimed was a polio virus. In 1907 an outbreak of a sickness in New York City gave the director of the Rockefeller Institute, Simon Flexner, MD, a golden opportunity to lay claim to discovery of an invisible “virus” caused by what was arbitrarily called poliomyelitis. The word poliomyelitis simply means inflammation of the spinal cord’s grey matter. There were some 2,500 New Yorkers, mostly children, designated with some form of poliomyelitis, including paralysis and even death, that year. Flexner’s Fraud The most striking aspect of the entire polio saga in the USA during the first half of the 20th Century was the fact that every key phase of the business was controlled by people tied to what became the Rockefeller medical cabal. This fraud started with claims by the Director of the Rockefeller Institute, Simon Flexner, that he and his colleague, Paul A. Lewis, had “isolated” a pathogen, invisible to the eye, smaller even than bacteria, which they claimed caused the paralyzing sickness in a series of outbreaks in the US. How did they come to this idea? In a paper published in 1909 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Flexner claimed he and Lewis had isolated… Read more »
The oligarchy consists of plutocrats and subverted government. It is the government – executive, legislature and courts – that bear primary responsibility for every outrage driven by capital.
Emphasis on the responsibility of industry/business implies that one must struggle for justice in court, trying to outspend the business behemoths under laws they have rigged.
Thanks for the Link to an article by one of my Truther heroes, William F.Engdahl, author of “A Century of War’.
Prof.Engdahl’s cranky dismissal of empirical evidence for the existence of viruses (simply because they were invisible under the optical microscope — there were no electron microscopes in Flexner’s days) in no way diminishes my respect for him as a penetrating analyst of modern geo-political economic history.
Nobody’s Perfect
https://www.globalresearch.ca/once-healthy-teen-destroyed-hpv-vaccine-now-lives-daily-hell/5850505 “For the first three years, Chloe struggled on through worsening symptoms: muscle weakness, tingling and shooting pains, blurred and double vision, a rapid heart rate and chest pains, poor circulation leading to cold muscles and bones, and light and noise sensitivity. Chloe says medical professionals were insensitive and dismissive and they often told her, “It’s all in your head,” or “Your pain’s not real: you need psychological help,” and “You don’t look sick.” “For me, and thousands of others, the hardest thing of all, ironically, wasn’t and still isn’t the poor situation of our health: it’s fighting, repeatedly for some family, friends, doctors, the public, the media and society in general, to understand and be educated about invisible illnesses.” However, Chloe’s invisible symptoms didn’t stay invisible for long. Eventually, “I was wheelchair dependent for over a year before I became completely bed-bound.” By 2015, “I could not sit, stand or walk and spent months bedbound and living life lying down in severe pain and paralysis, with no control over my body. “After months of just getting worse, with a resting heart rate of 130 beats per minute, palpations, dizziness, blood pooling, poor temperature control, fainting, limited oxygen and blood flow to the brain, bladder retention and gastrointestinal dysfunction, I met a doctor who diagnosed me with POTS, which I knew I had, but no medical professional had believed me.” In early 2016, “due to [medical] neglect, malnutrition and deterioration of my situation,” Chloe’s heart rate reached 200 bpm and she was raced to hospital by ambulance with arrhythmia and poor vital signs. Chloe says her cardiologist stated she would have died within 24 hours if she stayed home and he was amazed she did not have a heart attack or stroke because Chloe’s sodium, potassium and magnesium levels were… Read more »
Ovarian Cancers in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated Women: Huge Tumors, Extremely Aggressive.
Scroll through these examples and be astonished at the huge size of the tumour removed in an operation. Amazing! At first, her doctor told her it was all in her head.
I spoke recently to a womans health doctor visiting Nepal. I asked her if she had encountered issues surrounding the Vax in her field. she told me the most common concern was that many women had simply stopped ovulating.
I have subsequently read that the incidence of healthy live births around the world has plummeted, and it is not being reported on.
Here are some graphic images of giant blood clots. Doctors mentioned them from early 2021.
Amazing how little public attention all this is receiving. It seems like they are all in on it is some way or another and understand that they would be seen as culpable. It’s denial all the way.
I’ve read about the history of polio. It first appeared in people in the immediate vicinity of an apple orchard which had been treated with a new herbicide. This was in the U.S.
That same herbicide was used in Australia for years after it was banned in the US. Hence, Australia had a ‘polio epidemic’, and all we youngsters were given polio injections to keep us safe. Same old con.
Yes. Have a read of the polio story I posted above.
Correction: Polio was described in ancient Egypt more than 3,000 years before it was described in modern British colonies.
https://www.britannica.com › science › polio › Polio-through-history
Polio – Vaccine, Eradication, Epidemics | Britannica
“evidence indicates that polio is an ancient disease. A well-known stele from the 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt (1570–1342 bce) clearly depicts a priest with a telltale paralysis and withering of his lower right leg and foot. The mummy of the pharaoh Siptah …”
Nick, those symptoms could be many things. Have a read of the Polio story I posted. Scroll up.
Polio – just one of many cons.
“1892 marks a watershed year for polio in the United States. Researcher Janine Roberts writes that lead-arsenate was deployed as a pesticide in New England. The same year, Ivanovsky in Russia made the first transfer of virus to healthy plants and in New York City and the owner of R.H. Macy’s department store, millionaire philanthropist Nathan Straus, launched the campaign to pasteurize milk –a campaign that was carried worldwide by this devotedly zealous Zionist who bought the science and support he needed in an alliance with other influential Zionists of his day– Dr. Milton Rosenau, Dr. Abraham Jacobi, Simon Flexner and the Rockefeller Institute. The collaborations for medical research in New York City set a model for establishing the US Public Health Service (1902), developed from its predecessor, the Marine Hospital Service. At the time, few of the ‘enlightened’ leadership in US politics could have foreseen the large outcomes of ‘health’ trends initiated at the beginning of the 20th century, but in the community of researchers, they knew…they always knew.”
And the astonishing book by Janine Roberts –
David, yes, a withered limb could be a symptom of many things: one of them being polio. In ancient times medics went by symptoms alone; nowadays we isolate and characterize the virus by serotype, gene sequence and morphology (EM). But when it comes to a cure the modern medic is as helpless against viruses as Ancient Egyption medics were.
“To cure sometimes, to comfort always” — Hippocratic Oath.
I recall the Criminal Justice Bill Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 U.K then the Patriot act and the Terrorism act after 911 and 7/7.
of course how can we forget most Western countries literally over night had the corona virus act (CV act) ready to go and written up.
Since then we have had ‘Police Crackdown Bill’ : ANTI-TRESPASS LAW.
Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill,
each western countries and individual states have had all sorts of anti s*(*(**tic laws brought in.
which brings me to this new French “Anti-Vax Law”.with all the other laws they have in place all forgotten about.
Isn’t this another form of fear??? given to there friends in alt media to scare us even more as they already have laws in place from the last generation they can use pretty easily if they choose..
Just in case we have forgotten…..WHEN has the government or secret security state ever needed laws….?
Thankfully, there is a rapidly growing “sect” of “criminals” worldwide demanding the arrests, prosecutions and imprisonments of the mRNA bioweapons mass murderers, whose unprecedented crimes against humanity (ongoing) include: 1) The premeditated mass murder of an estimated 17-25 million innocent men, women and children, and 2) The permanent, physically destructive maiming of multiple millions more.
(110% darkest sarcasm) French law enforcement officials should know that my wish is to be paid in cash – after hereby publicly claiming the rewards for leading them to the identities and captures of the “criminal sect leaders”:
How to End the Ongoing Global Crime Spree Nightmare. – THE ONENESS of HUMANITY (wordpress.com)
“mass murder of an estimated 17-25 million”
Can you supply a Link to this latest — and highest — estimate of global death from Con-19 Vaxx?
I would not call it “murder”; more like “culpable homicide” or “criminal negligence”.
Something big is coming that’s why these rules and laws are being implemented. Those who THINK they rule the world are not building there underground safe houses for nothing.
“The event” as they refer to it.
Collapse of the financial system and anarchy out of which will come a one world government.
A few billion slaughtered and starved first though and then corralled into 15 minute cities with mandatory vaccination’s, a CBDC and digital IDs, social credit score and 100% censorship.
1984 will arrive sometime before 2030.
Sheep will suddenly realize their pronouns’ and fat lips are not a priority anymore..
A sick Bishop of Varmia (northern Poland) in 1509 wrote to his nephew: “Please come home as soon as possible because those medics are trying to kill me.”
The man whom Bishop of Varmia was referring to was Nicklaus Copernicus who himself finished Jagielonian University (f.1364) in Cracow, Poland meaning he graduated from all University Schools with PhD in Astronomy, Mathematics, Canonical and common Law, Theology philosophy and medicine.
He criticized contemporary state of most of those scientific disciplines, thought at that time as permanently settled, and numerous times proven them empirically wrong to be subject to threats to life career and intimidation. Medicine was one of them. Copernicus brought his uncle back to health his way of non-doctrinary common sense.
It were medieval times, reformation wars and suppression of free thought. His seminal work was initially written in 1512 and revised later but publication was delayed until his death in 1543 to avoid Church trial for heresy. His book entitled De revolutionibus orbium coelestium was banned by church in 1545 two years after his death.
Medieval scholasticism and Holy inquisition is where contemporary elites are going.
Macron booed by French boers at Paris Agricultural Fair:
If you want to sell — to everybody and at high prices — vaccines and tests that don’t work against a virus that hasn’t been proved to exist, vote an employee of Baron Rothschild for president.
If you want to wreck the fairest farming country in Europe and turn it into an AgriBiz industrial wasteland, vote an employee of Baron Rothschild for president.
Some of those green dudes look familiar
One of them is Mario Draghi …
The French government, like other Western governments, is micro-managing its citizenry with petty laws and regulations whilst ceding the country to the forces of Islam.
Islam is not too bad. Its the Western training and funding of ISIS to give Islam a bad reputation which is bad.
What’s the french word for guillotine?
tête coupée. Anything else we can serve you with Sir?
You have the right to refuse the good medication, prescribed by the good doctor, without having to give a reason for your refusal.
In natural law, surely, and probably according to The Nuremberg Code, but like all ‘rights’ now, and probably ever, they are conditional, often and increasingly unavailable when actually needed, and unenforceable within the system thought to be guaranteeing them.
The U.S. Bill of Rights guarantees citizens a right to redress of grievances (against the government), for one. I’ve never heard of it successfully happening.
Rights are now almost meaningless. We are protected from full and overt totalitarianism only by custom at the moment.
It is something I would live by, and hope others would as well, rather than legal assurance of any kind. Perhaps ‘natural law’ as you say. I have no faith in those that create and enforce laws. Your anecdote about the right of redress guaranteed by the Bill of Rights is spot on.
The original idea of the 2nd amendment is laudable but, in reality, the odds of it happening are vanishingly small.
When it was drafted it would have been musket against musket.
Today, it’s a SWAT team against a patriot with a shotgun.
Then why are they shitting their pants?
What is this right good for if you cant speak Mr.Anderson?
That’s the whole point of Geriatric Joe’s junta.
To dismantle that whole pesky “Bill of rights” nonsense.
The good doctor, the doctor who wont take his own medication.
Don’t have anything to do with allopathic so-called ‘Medicine’ except for surgery if it unfortunately becomes necessary. They have exposed their true colours.
Otherwise just say NO!
Maybe. But your insurance company will probably say different.
Australia first out of the gates;
“A teenage girl who believed she had been cured of cancer because of a ‘healing miracle from God’ has been ordered by a New South Wales supreme court judge to continue chemotherapy treatment.”
It will be interesting to see how this goes as the French people can be very volatile and are known for protesting to the point of sometimes burning things down. It also shows that the state is willing to clamp down even further which could be seen as a good thing as the more they do so the more people could starting resenting this more and more.
The French people have a long, courageous and proud history of dissent, protest and revolution.
Is this just a case of the ruling psychos slamming, securing and sealing the stable door BEFORE the horse has bolted?
The psychopathic addiction to authoritarianism has no bounds and they serve only two masters:
Their sick twisted minds and their god of Mammon.
I lived in France for 18 years and understand the French psyche a bit.
Contrary to popular opinion, the French are one of the most obedient people in the world.
This is from an education system that instills Frenchness and loyalty to the state. Rote learning is still used. Also, parents still form an important part of education
Push them too far though and colllectively they will rebel – Rarely individually.
Once an idea is proposed, seconded and voted on , THEN you will see action.
It does make France a good litmus paper..
On vera !!
Sad to read that.
The Yellow Vests are wasting their time then?
No. Not at all.
I’m just saying that, contrary to popular opinion, demos in France aren’t spontaneous.
They have been discussed and argued over until a consensus is reached.
That’s why I said they are a good litmus paper.
They are the result of a true democratic process.
Thank you.
Hypothesises. We have been under and still have smokey laws presenting the same dilemma:
JW and their blood transfusion, the vaccine issue has been up since the 1960’es, m.m.
My regrets Kit, I see this one as a non-burger. One more smokey law added to the other smokey laws. So what? Stirring up more fear??
I dont understand why people are taking laws so seriously when you know most of them dont work in real life, and that all laws must be exposed to quality control and compared to real life.
What exactly in this new law couldn’t be enforced under some old law? It looks more intimidation and theatre than anything else.
There’s a lot of nonsense about France’s history. France’s “revolutions” are nothing to be “proud” about – they were engineered by a combination of the British elite and their own secret societies and all resulted in failure and bloodbaths (until one realises that a bloodbath was always the real aim along with keeping Britain’s enemy down and destroying a Catholic monarchy). France’s history also includes mass genocides like the Napoleonic Wars and an imperialism every bit as cruel as any.
The last French election left the people with a choice between a Rothschilds’ banker and a far-right extremist. It’s a model of how these things are done now.
The raft of new ‘laws’ such as the UK ‘Online Safety Bill’ and the already approved EU ‘Digital Services Act’ have been sold to the public as about protecting children – “It’s for the children, don’t you know?” – and tackling ‘hate speech’ but there are already laws in place that cover these adequately.
The reality is it is about quashing dissent using ever vaguer and wider terms. A dragnet being imposed to intimidate with most likely a few show trials to follow -of dissidents whether real or psy-ops – to further press home the message to the masses.
The French regime and its corporate partners are immune from prosecution when the judicary and the law enforcers (the police) have been co-opted, so there is no risk of Macron et al standing trial under this new law. This law is for the ‘little people’ only.
The fact that the regime has fronted this new law especially when the EU has the Digital Services Act in place suggests they are be worried about something in the future.
Is it that the regime is worried that the French populace who are renowned for not taking shit are getting nostalgic about the good ol’days of the revolution?
Has the French establishment been reading the tea leaves and are seeing barricades and guillotines in the not too distant future?
Sick of listening to these tyrants rant on about protecting people and human rights,
they are liars, thieves and murderers and should be treated accordingly…
Science-speak, Lawyer-speak, News-speak. It’s the same obfuscation. I’m reminded of Schopenhauer’s brilliant metaphor of the cuttle fish who squirts pools of ink around it to disguise its whereabouts. Strictly speaking, the waffle-de-doo of The Science I have seen has been characters on a computer screen but, considered as if they were printed out, then we do indeed have vast pools of ink.
I have also noted how often statements are couched in multiple negatives of a form such as “We must never ban the avoidance of non-compliant anti-whatever” etc.
All twists and turns to arrive at a conclusion which, phrased clearly, no-one would ever agree to. But by the time they’ve twigged, the shit factory has already moved on to the next bowel movement.
One theological view is that the Devil is the Lord of Illusion and the Prince of Lies. Indeed.
They have forced vague-isms into the language by drip, drip, repetition. My current hate target is ‘I would say.’ They’re all at it now, not just the potilicians.
If you don’t mean it, don’t say it.
Extremely vague …. e.g. “medicines that work”, and “medicines that don’t work”. What on earth does that mean?
As you rightly say Kit, “it’s about stifling dissent over anything they plan to do in the future.”
medicines that work?
must be those ones that generate billions of dollars in profits.
they work Perfectly Well when they cause chronic conditions that make people dependent on further medications for the rest of their life.
I have come to believe that most Psychotropic drugs come into that category. The Tavistock Mecca of Mental Health has recently given its imprimatur to a book on the subject of addiction to psychotropic drugs — by a medic who took 10 years to break his habit of addiction to the drugs that he was prescribing to unwary patients.
““medicines that work”, and “medicines that don’t work”. What on earth does that mean?”
For example, penicillin was a medicine that worked: 70% cure rate against many strains of bacteria, if I remember correctly.
The Vaxx is a medicine that doesn’t work — cannot prevent infection and re-infection, not even against a virus that most medics havn’t even proved to exist.
Sorry to tell you this NickM, but penicillin is also a scam.
I wonder if it’ll come over the channel in a small boat one day soon.
Or on the back of a lorry.