COVID-19 Tested Our Commitment to Freedom. Three Years Later, We’re Still Failing
John & Nisha Whitehead

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“The remedy is worse than the disease.”
Francis Bacon
The government never cedes power willingly.
Neither should we.
If the COVID-19 debacle taught us one thing it is that, as Justice Neil Gorsuch acknowledged, “Rule by indefinite emergency edict risks leaving all of us with a shell of a democracy and civil liberties just as hollow.”
Unfortunately, we still haven’t learned.
We’re still allowing ourselves to be fully distracted by circus politics and a constant barrage of bad news screaming for attention.
Three years after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which gave world governments (including our own) a convenient excuse for expanding their powers, abusing their authority, and further oppressing their constituents, there’s something being concocted in the dens of power.
The danger of martial law persists.
Any government so willing to weaponize one national crisis after another in order to expand its powers and justify all manner of government tyranny in the so-called name of national security will not hesitate to override the Constitution and lockdown the nation again.
You’d better get ready, because that so-called crisis could be anything: civil unrest, national emergencies, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters.”
COVID-19 was a test to see how quickly the populace would march in lockstep with the government’s dictates, no questions asked, and how little resistance the citizenry would offer up to the government’s power grabs when made in the name of national security.
“We the people” failed that test spectacularly.
Characterized by Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch as “the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country,” the government’s COVID-19 response to the COVID-19 pandemic constituted a massively intrusive, coercive and authoritarian assault on the right of individual sovereignty over one’s life, self and private property.
In a statement attached to the Supreme Court’s ruling in Arizona v. Mayorkas, a case that challenged whether the government could continue to use it pandemic powers even after declaring the public health emergency over, Gorsuch provided a catalog of the many ways in which the government used COVID-19 to massively overreach its authority and suppress civil liberties:
Executive officials across the country issued emergency decrees on a breathtaking scale. Governors and local leaders imposed lockdown orders forcing people to remain in their homes. They shuttered businesses and schools, public and private. They closed churches even as they allowed casinos and other favored businesses to carry on. They threatened violators not just with civil penalties but with criminal sanctions too. They surveilled church parking lots, recorded license plates, and issued notices warning that attendance at even outdoor services satisfying all state social-distancing and hygiene requirements could amount to criminal conduct. They divided cities and neighborhoods into color-coded zones, forced individuals to fight for their freedoms in court on emergency timetables, and then changed their color-coded schemes when defeat in court seemed imminent.”
Truly, the government’s (federal and state) handling of the COVID-19 pandemic delivered a knockout blow to our civil liberties, empowering the police state to flex its powers by way of a bevy of lockdowns, mandates, restrictions, contact tracing programs, heightened surveillance, censorship, overcriminalization, etc.
What started off as an experiment in social distancing in order to flatten the curve of an unknown virus (and not overwhelm the nation’s hospitals or expose the most vulnerable to unavoidable loss of life scenarios) quickly became strongly worded suggestions for citizens to voluntarily stay at home and strong-armed house arrest orders with penalties in place for non-compliance.
Every day brought a drastic new set of restrictions by government bodies (most have been delivered by way of executive orders) at the local, state and federal level that were eager to flex their muscles for the so-called “good” of the populace.
There was talk of mass testing for COVID-19 antibodies, screening checkpoints, mass surveillance in order to carry out contact tracing, immunity passports to allow those who have recovered from the virus to move around more freely, snitch tip lines for reporting “rule breakers” to the authorities, and heavy fines and jail time for those who dared to venture out without a mask, congregate in worship without the government’s blessing, or re-open their businesses without the government’s say-so.
It was even suggested that government officials should mandate mass vaccinations and “ensure that people without proof of vaccination would not be allowed, well, anywhere.”
Those tactics were already being used abroad.
In Italy, the unvaccinated were banned from restaurants, bars and public transportation, and faced suspensions from work and monthly fines. Similarly, France banned the unvaccinated from most public venues.
In Austria, anyone who had not complied with the vaccine mandate faced fines up to $4100. Police were to be authorized to carry out routine checks and demand proof of vaccination, with penalties of as much as $685 for failure to do so.
In China, which adopted a zero tolerance, “zero COVID” strategy, whole cities—some with populations in the tens of millions—were forced into home lockdowns for weeks on end, resulting in mass shortages of food and household supplies. Reports surfaced of residents “trading cigarettes for cabbage, dishwashing liquid for apples and sanitary pads for a small pile of vegetables. One resident traded a Nintendo Switch console for a packet of instant noodles and two steamed buns.”
For those unfortunate enough to contract COVID-19, China constructed “quarantine camps” throughout the country: massive complexes boasting thousands of small, metal boxes containing little more than a bed and a toilet. Detainees—including children, pregnant women and the elderly— were reportedly ordered to leave their homes in the middle of the night, transported to the quarantine camps in buses and held in isolation.
If this last scenario sounds chillingly familiar, it should.
Eighty years ago, another authoritarian regime established more than 44,000 quarantine camps for those perceived as “enemies of the state”: racially inferior, politically unacceptable or simply noncompliant.
While the majority of those imprisoned in the Nazi concentration camps, forced labor camps, incarceration sites and ghettos were Jews, there were also Polish nationals, gypsies, Russians, political dissidents, resistance fighters, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and homosexuals.
Culturally, we have become so fixated on the mass murders of Jewish prisoners by the Nazis that we overlook the fact that the purpose of these concentration camps were initially intended to “incarcerate and intimidate the leaders of political, social, and cultural movements that the Nazis perceived to be a threat to the survival of the regime.”
How do you get from there to here, from Auschwitz concentration camps to COVID quarantine centers?
You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to connect the dots.
You just have to recognize the truth in the warning: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
This is about what happens when good, generally decent people—distracted by manufactured crises, polarizing politics, and fighting that divides the populace into warring “us vs. them” camps—fail to take note of the looming danger that threatens to wipe freedom from the map and place us all in chains.
It’s about what happens when any government is empowered to adopt a comply-or-suffer-the-consequences mindset that is enforced through mandates, lockdowns, penalties, detention centers, martial law, and a disregard for the rights of the individual.
This is the slippery slope: a government empowered to restrict movements, limit individual liberty, and isolate “undesirables” to prevent the spread of a disease is a government that has the power to lockdown a country, label whole segments of the population a danger to national security, and force those undesirables—a.k.a. extremists, dissidents, troublemakers, etc.—into isolation so they don’t contaminate the rest of the populace.
The slippery slope begins with propaganda campaigns about the public good being more important than individual liberty, and it ends with lockdowns and concentration camps.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, the danger signs are everywhere.
COVID-19 was merely one crisis in a long series of crises that the government has shamelessly exploited in order to justify its power grabs and acclimate the citizenry to a state of martial law disguised as emergency powers.
Everything I have warned about for years—government overreach, invasive surveillance, martial law, abuse of powers, militarized police, weaponized technology used to track and control the citizenry, and so on—has become part of the government’s arsenal of terrifying lockdown powers should the need arise.
What we should be bracing for is: what comes next?
Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected]. Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at
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The elections will be about borders / migrants etc
Everyone who votes has forgotten the politicians sold them out again.
Covid was the other party fault is the nonsense I hear.
“For those unfortunate enough to contract COVID-19”
What’s this COVID-19 you talk of? You started off really well too, I almost thought you may have been one of us for a moment. But then you go on to suggest this Covid-19 is actually something.
Many of us do get it. You drop a few truths, in order to keep the core scam alive, in this case “Viruses”, or any scam, so long as it’s invisible”.
It’s a like some of these tyrants who are now being put under the grill via Senate Inquiries, sure, it’s nice to watch them stutter under questioning, but who has gone to jail? Who’s been fined? None. These fake processes are there simple to keep us believing there are “Checks and Balances” in place. Utter bollocks, come on now, do you really expect these people to convict themselves? They simply fuck off out the back door with a greased palm for their acts of treason.
Trail by Jury, that’s what’s need to happen. In proper Courts, not theirs, a place where not only is the alleged crime is on trail, but the alleged legislation too. That’s the power of 1215 Magna Carta.
They are correct when they talk about a “reset”. However, the reset needs to go back to a time were the people understood they were Sovereign.
Excellent article! What’s the difference between the Yellow Star and the Green Pass? 82 years
This ‘we the people’ business pisses me off. Me and mine stood against it all as we were bright enough to know that covid does NOT exist! The whole shit shower went ahead because the average, lame brained moron for some unknown reason complied so enabling the scam. It started off as Coronavirus and when the more astute amongst us realised that is a common cold they then upped the anti for the scary covid 19. Just looking at all the so called footage of people supposedly dropping dead in Wuhan and then governments from all over the world air lifting their nationals out to spread whatever was supposedly happening across the world. It was supposedly unknown, this should have triggered the thicko’s that something is not right. How convenient that all the main countries across the world had so many people in Wuhan, who knew? Then the money theft and laundering really took off just like the Ukraine bollocks and the genocide in Palestine. WTF is up with people?? Just ask some simple questions such as, how can different pharma companies have different so called vaccines for the same illness, same tests for different variants etc etc they must have been pissing themselves laughing.
Nobody was ever saved by the ‘vaccine’ because it was and is totally unproveable but still the zombies are going for their flu jabs, covid jabs, shingles jab and one of the jabs side effects is shingles. You could not make this shit up but they did.
Due to the obvious relentless rise in mental problems, especially in children, medical “science” cooked up “autism spectrum disease”. Before age 1-2, the immunity of children is too undeveloped to deal with enforced “scientific” jabs, regardless of the threat from any disease.
Thereafter up to about age 40, most people, except the reckless, can ward off most diseases without any satanic jab. Even the tortured data for “covid” and the censorship by MSM could not conceal this, and that the jab killed many healthy people including its champions.
Jabs also (a) make the subjects weaker for the next wave of a disease (b) endanger the unjabbed, as well-researched. Whether you get an infection or an attenuated vaccine, you shed live pathogens through body fluids, that may then infect others (Barbara Loe-Fisher).
Since the demonisation of traditional non-proprietary medicine, mass murder of its practicioners (some as witches), enforcement of pseudo-science and subversion of the MSM, the victims (maimed and dead) and profits have only grown.
A staff colleague, like myself living in Scotland, has a daughter about to give birth in New Zealand. There are complications and the daughter wants the mother to he present. But the mother has been told she has to take a booster shot which she refuses to do since she is convinced- probably correctly – that the last one she took induced an epileptic seizure. So it looks as if she will not be making the flight. The horror continues.
The mandatory booster to fly is a win-win for the rulers. If the potential flyer refuses then this contributes to the closing down of the airways for us plebs. If the flyer submits and finally suffers a fatal seizure then it contributes to the depopulation programme.
“immunity passports to allow those who have recovered from the virus to move around more freely” – Only if your immunity is vaccine derived. They never acknowledged natural immunity and told everyone to get the shots even if they’d already had the disease and recovered.
I forgot to mention that the “immunity passports” were promoted by various media but when the government got the vaccine passport going they didn’t accept natural immunity.
Im close to say it is because they are without God. They dont accept God’s creation but their own.
Emergency override as the ratcheting normal, runs on deceits.
There was no emergency or pandemic as claimed (there may be self-destructive emergencies for a corrupt & broken system that drive such agendas).
There was no virus as such – let alone deadly infection.
There was no test that actually tested a disease or infectivity.
There was no basis to impose lockdown as social, economic and political denial of fundamental right to lawful freedom.
The list goes on – but there was no medical basis for the mass injections.
And the psyop is still slouching toward biotech solutions to be born
I have been free to notice all of these and more. Much more – because I am not fixated in ‘their framing agendas’ to anticipate what is ‘coming next’.
That’s not to say I don’t keep my feelers out for the energetic in play beneath the circus act, or to claim I am better or worse than living the life I have, and am and share in.
But in a simple human sense, sharing life is challenging when almost everyone is lost in their head or have lost their heads!
I’m not into moral judgements of guilting manipulation. They smell like something unworthy of joining with and sharing in support.
The mind of judgement would usurp all functions of life to run its ghastly parody.
Including of course its own damnation for failure.
Does an inner gaslight ‘set us up to fail’?
Can we accept our selves as we are – rather than struggle to become a reworking of a past set in grievance as self-vindication in the eyes of …who, exactly??
We will always fail. Why? Because we are all slaves, slaves of sin born into this world.
Therefore Death was, and is, and will forever be the only freedom you will ever get…………..LOL
Persisting in self-illusion such as to sacrifice or attack truth to keep it – is a definition of sin that makes sense. The belief we can and have attacked truth of love and love of truth is our ‘Separation trauma’.
Death in life can not know what it does, for attack is blind but to fix on a target here, there and everywhere. Attack is salvation to the ego, but notice we socially mask to protect mass illusions that we thought to lord over, but suffer subjection by.
In this sense the ego is a defence – not unlike a mind set to mask over and dissociate from threat of recurring Separation trauma – (attack on Self).
In that sense our wages or fruits are a living death as a result of a usurping control.
The Natural unfolding of creative fulfilment comes form getting out of our own way.
War gives us ‘identity’.
But only the extension of love identifies truly.
Fragmentation can be seen as deep seated or deeply habituated.
Everything is much grander in scope that our ‘thinking’.
Which we persist in as if “THIS TIME” it will work!
Slavery to tyrannous thinking runs as if it is free thereby?
“‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’ ’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’ ’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.'”
What did the Founding Freemasonic Fathers mean by “freedom”? The freedom to follow their creed without pesky Christians having the power to clamp down on them. Once they became safely entrenched, it became clear how much they believed in freedom otherwise…
Firstly, Milner-recruit Isaiah Berlin re-defined freedom so it no longer meant non-interference. ‘Positive liberty’ required the state to interfere perpetually. Just being left alone was now ‘negative liberty’ – and negative is not good however you dress it up. People were now only free if they could realise their potential – which to unwary leftists might have sounded like equality but wasn’t if you think most people don’t have much potential (a drone can only ever be a drone in the hive-mind). Then Brzezinski came along in ‘Between Two Ages’ to argue that the Constitution was out-of-date and really needed ripping up for the USA to get modern. That’s being going on in slow motion ever since. Now, ‘woke’ professors declare freedom to have always been “white privilege” and it’s not so much out-of-date but something whose demise should be celebrated. Freedom is now advocated only by “libertarians” aka right-wing extremists.
Down goes the Church, up comes the zio-freemasonry. So down goes absolute truth, up comes the truth of the managerial class. True freedom is not granted by pieces of paper writen by a clique of men, but by the word of God, that’s why democracy is bunk.
While the authors, as concerned citizens of the Land of the Free, are quite rightly concerned with encroachments by Con-19 on the Self Evident Truth of “we the Peoples” Right to Liberty, I search in vain for any mention of an even more self evident Truth: that U$ bioweapon Covid-19 with its U$ Patent Spike Protein is a perversion of science by “ingenious dwarfs” in the pursuit of novel Weapons of Mass Destruction.
When Dr.Frankenstein Fauci and his PhD Army get it right, “we the people” will be faced with something much worse than the loss of “our freedoms”: we shall be staring at the alternative of holocaust by Molecular Virology or by Nuclear Physics.
“One fist of rock and and the other of steel,
If the left fist don’t get you then the right one will”
Meanwhile Scott Ritter, the UN Disarmament diplomat who
negotiated a great nuclear disarmamanent treaty that put a temporary end to the Cold War, is unemployed while “a generation of ingenious dwarfs” hammer on their anvils to prepare the weapons for an ever greater GotterDamerung..
Overall, the assault on humanity using the covid jab is not way ahead of its competitors. Many other sources of torture, mayhem, murder and neutralised fertility become unremarkable. E.g., environmental poisoning, noise/light/vibration pollution, RF radiation, dangerous work, fake food, poisoned/over-processed produce/food, poisonous/useless medical treatment, poisoned clothes/furnishings/panelling/paint.
While the $limy $uit$ SLITHER working class soldiers on both sides perish:
Incremental victory in Queensland:
‘A lot of police have been terminated because they defied these so-called mandates.’
Precisely as I told everybody. We shall respect our Police, if they are not there we are all in deep deep trouble.
Any Police that did not resign during the past three years is nothing more than a goon for the gov. They did and still will tazer you for not staying at home or wearing a mask. The real constabulary that were here to protect you and keep the peace have long been taken over.
Don’t get too excited. Lets not forget the fundamental agenda by the WEF this year was to “build back trust” in our institutes. With that said, expect a few small fake announced victories. I say fake, because unless we see the tyrants who implemented the mandates go to prison then it’s a toothless tiger. Custom designed to make you feel like their are checks and balances. Do you really expect them to convict themselves.
I want to be wrong, but please let me know when all the twats who have exited out the back door in the past year have been locked up for their crimes.
The fate of one billion sentient creatures EVERY SINGLE YEAR.
Minus the ‘choices’ of course.
“The government never cedes power willingly.
Neither should we.”
Exactly. When the nonsense started a new political party was instigated called Freedom Alliance. I stood for council in my ward under that banner knowing full well I would not get in. But what it enabled was the opportunity to find out where the local support lay. This is what we should all be doing, because we are only going to defeat these sociopaths from the bottom up – starting at a local level.
Incidentally at the count – I wasn’t last – I looked around. There were tellers behind hastily fabricated perspex screens with no tops to them and a gap beneath. These people were obviously not aware that a corona virus is so small it cannot be seen even under an electron microscope – though some claim they have found them, while others believe what they have found is debris.
I was asked to put on a mask. I refused.
“Then will you please wear a visor”
“No, I don’t do any of that nonsense!”
And that was it. We have to stand up to these tyrants. “One for all, and all for one” to quote Dumas.
And where did the local support lie? I think we all know, but regardless.
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
-W.B. Yeats
For further interest:
A Digital Coup d’Etat
The Administrative State is Destroying our Country
Dissolving Illusions About Vaccine Safety
A Global Chorus of Pretence to Halt the Gaza Bloodbath. The New World Order’s “Global Welfare”
What is going on and what went on isn’t getting any clearer.
Heard a new one (for me), the other day, nukes in 1812, from er, Africa and er, Australia, cleaned up the ‘north’, causing the last reset ! (Does seem like something big happened around then…)
Not sure.
Then theres the guy here who says 2048. That would suit,… frankly, its too long.
Don’t suppose it will be real nice, whatever, I’ll tell you what.
Utter nonsense but there is you tube link, sorry
Tartaria = psyop.
Dunno about all this shtuff, despite it being interesting.
e.g. Jon Levi let’s his imagination run away with him far too much – he has interesting observations, worthy of a thought, but he is clueless with his aerial photographic interpretations – he thinks e.g. settlement ponds (geometric shapes) are signs of great Tartaria . .?? Aff his heid or just doesn’t understand water nor (diffuse) pollution controls. The geological stuff is fascinating, but I’ve been 100m+ down open-cast holes and have seen odd formations – as far as I’m concerned they were burnt coal measures – the fractures can look man made. . .
I do agree with him on some of the city catastrophe events and that we have been fed “narratives” forever, also the “mud flood” shtuff in the context of more storeys below the ground rather than above it, very intersting.
He’s right about horses, ropes and men and a-frames really building some of these vast, mindblowing structures, and their timescales (of construction)… but then we always had pyramids to ponder, no doubt built with mammoths and whips, ; )
I’ve a vast interest in the previous world, have had access to big tracts of land, all aerial photos and existing records. I’ve seen things myself and wondered, and wandered – when we put a digger bucket through their(oddity’s) perimeters, we found old fail-dykes (turf walls), but then there was an absence of loose stone locally . .
I’m savvy enough to interpret vegetation changes too – digger dug up a dump of 4 inch square fence posts about a metre+ deep – modern shit. Not tartaria (not suggesting the wild uplands were ever some metropolis!), but, it did pish all over academic thought on peat formation and timescale . . who knows, we were not there.
Then there are the old maps, mmm . . but again, have you seen them yourself or is some goum-heid just telling you so on the finterbet???
It helps if you are grounded in earth science AND history, and it is all fascinating. Let’s keep and open mind without letting our imagination run riot. : )
If they can pull a COVID, who fekn knows what has been done before?
[hopefully the admin trolls will leave me alone on this post]
My most vivid and most terrifying moment during COVID was boarding a full aeroplane being the only unmasked passenger. I was delayed at the desk while they checked my medical exemption which I had on me but was not obliged to disclose. I did anyway cause I hadn’t seen my kids for so long and wanted to make sure I had no issues. While walking through the plane I could feel and see the fear of the other passengers. It’s like I was branding an AK-47 on the flight. A few shouted insults as I scurried to my seat. The person I was to sit next to was awesome. She was masked and I asked her if she had an issue being next to me and she smiled with her eyes and said no worries. It was a 3 hour flight to New Zealand from Australia but it felt like a long haul one. People and children were staring me down. I was the odd one out but to me they all were. It felt that way despite it all. They’ve all probably forgotten that but I can never forget it.
I feel for you. That era taught me that we can be transported back to the times of witch burning in an instance, not by the rulers by decree but by the bloodthirsty people around us. Europe and the US were said to be worse, though…
We were told to fear the witches, not the people that burnt the witches – so we did.
plus ça change……………. !
Check out the Covid genocide blog you might recognise a few on there.
Your Link reads:
“Sorry, you have been blocked”
Probably just how black Folks felt while walking through ‘white zones’ in the US, back in the the mid 20th century.
Surely how Catholics felt during the French revolution or the English reformation. Well, a little worse since they were actually gillotined or hanged and quartered.
I truly admire what you did. But that goes to show who really the opression and judgement manifested through.
You could have avoided to cough and breath heavily on all your surroundings, insisting and shouting about your personal freedom rights and the Geneva Human Rights Convention out in the air when you entered into that airplane.
You could have behaved just a little more discrete when you were together with more vulnerable innocent people who trusted our government.
But you only had your own hippie feelings and your right to freedom in your mind, like another new Che Guevera wanting change and you wanted it NOW on that day.
I can see another big power grab this year with many so called elections being held globally and can be linked with the looming open ended phrase that keeps being employed of “threats to democracy” I think this year we will see manipulation go into over drive in order to direct people in a certain way. its easy to see the perceived yet exaggerated AI threat being hyped up in the media and actions to “protect democracy” being employed in order to continue to infringe on liberties.
There is also a scenario whereby someone who was not supposed to win an election is actually voted in, the state could quite easily turn around and say this person/party is illegitimate as people were swayed by AI/video content created by an outside actor at scale and therefore cannot win. Never know.
There is a feeling somethings going to happen and the result will be twisted into “protecting democracy”
No, COVID-19 tested our gullibilty. The logic behind the narrative wasn’t wrong in itself i.e. if there really had been a deadly pandemic, then “freedom” would indeed go out the window. But if that had been the case, the media wouldn’t have had to constantly terrorise. The high piled corpses would have been obvious. And indeed, no-one would have blamed the govt from going seriously draconian. Ironically, the very fact that the govt was “leaving us alone to make up our own minds about it” was a clear indication that the whole thing really was a pile of bollocks whose aim was to cause bitter division in the masses. The “strong arm” was left to the ones wholly taken in. One faction was left to “police” the other.
And the biggest giveaway is that the mantra about how we’re “too free” mirrored exactly similar bullshit in the “war on terror”.
Ah no, sorry. The gov can never be trusted and even if there was some terribly deadly disease floating around it’s still up to individuals if they want to mask up / stay home / close their businesses/ hide under their bed / let grandma die alone. If we allow for this possibility then “next time” they will tweak the “evidence” and according to you we should just then suck it up and trust them? Not me, not ever
“According to me”? It is precisely because nothing they said was credible, that they can be rejected.
“The evidence” was nil as far as personal experience went. Nothing that happened in my immediate vicinity suggested anything at all unusual. And even the stuff they presented on TV was to say the least ambivalent and had to be shored up with scare mongering tactics that were obvious.
But this is all to do with actual critical awareness and has nothing to do with “freedom”. The notion of “freedom” is irrelevant in an actual crisis and the powers that be knew that. That’s why talk of reduced freedom meant nothing in the wake of the covid propaganda. Indeed, this only played into the “Left Wing” prejudice that the media was activating. It would have made far better sense to critique the claims made about the virus.
And I predicted that my first comment would not be popular with many who love to play the “individual freedom” card which excites them so much. But, as I intimated, that card can easily be twisted too. It is precisely the cunning of the propagandists who are ever sensitive to the popular prejudices who are so adept at using those prejudices against the would-be dissenters. For decades now they have been selling shite to consumers through this “Be different” crap.
The “freedom” meme was even used to shore up the virus. Early scepticism about covid was described as taking the “libertarian” angle. How so? Because those who were sceptical were supposedly putting liberty above safety. But there is a clear circularity to that reasoning since the “deadliness” of covid was precisely what the sceptics were sceptical about. And so the sceptics were saying safety doesn’t even enter into the argument. And that was the angle that ought to have been emphasised. This has nothing to do with “freedom” and everything to do with the fact that there was no pandemic.
But to rant on about “freedoms” being taken away was to succumb to the prejudice that the whole argument was “between responsible folk thinking about the community and spoiled brats who wanted their freedom even as the virus raged”.
“And so the sceptics were saying safety doesn’t even enter into the argument. And that was the angle that ought to have been emphasised.”
That angle was emphasized by many dissenters, including ones talking about freedom, who were then vilified as ‘covid deniers’ for making this argument. There is no winning strategy when the masses succumb to the fear and hysteria promoted by the ruling class. Most will not listen and think rationally even if dissenting views somehow manage to make it through the propaganda. Every dissenting view gets smeared regardless of its angle. The ruling class media also uses straw men arguments to smear dissenters.
Ultimately some resorted to an argument based purely on freedom because few were willing to listen to the facts indicating that there was no pandemic. Every moment of every day the media and government told them there was one raging and therefore there was one raging. Simple as that..
Nothing you’ve said responds to my main point.
Do you want to retract this statement?
“ The logic behind the narrative wasn’t wrong in itself i.e. if there really had been a deadly pandemic, then “freedom” would indeed go out the window.”
Or do you still maintain that our human rights go out the window if there is a “deadly pandemic”. Like Arny saying “screw your freedom!”
I suppose there is a big difference between insinuating that there is a Covid-19 virus and out and out stating that there isn’t and never has been one and that it has all been faked. It’s kind of like saying there were planes versus there were no planes. Maybe that’s part of the reason, that three years later, and 23 years later, we’re still failing.
All I know is, if you don’t prepare yourself and yours, no one else is going to.
The fate of revolutionaries who share any of the presuppositions of the
system they’ve overthrown is execution – in the name of The Revolution..
I’m struck by how many times the writers repeated “COVID 19 Pandemic” and even put forth the idea of people caching “COVID 19.” They apparently are doing their utmost to maintain the “Pandemic”/”COVID-19″/”SARS-Cov-2” mega fraud disinformation narrative. Such remains the state of much of the “opposition” even 4 years into the fraud.
Why attack the Whiteheads? They do a lot of good and are not — as you believe — “controlled opposition.” The issue they wish to grapple with is not the medical one (the alleged deadly disease of “Covid”) but the rise of totalitarianism in our so-called democracies and how it is people could be so blind to it and so accepting of it. They label “Covid” a convenient excuse, and indeed in an important sense they are right. Any illness people are afraid of could work; here in NZ they try repeatedly to terrorize people about the return of measles! But non-medical issues can work as well — Islamic terrorists allegedly lurking behind every door, and let’s not forget Cold War hysteria and the continuing anti-Russia phobia. Are the dangers from these things real? Often, even usually, not but they are still convenient ways to alarm people. There is nothing wrong with pointing out how this mechanism operates and how it operated during the “Covid epidemic.” We CAN disagree on Covid without coming to blows and attacking each other; we can see it as non-existant, as basically a type of cold, even as something that might be dangerous to certain vulnerable groups, but the underlying point doesn’t change: whatever it was or wasn’t, there were NO grounds for lockdowns and mandates. And the Whiteheads certainly agree with this! Friend, we have enough REAL enemies without inventing more of them!
Anyone remember the Western concensus on “Assad must go” theme?
or the predictive programming with Al Assad and Lt. Vasquez?? ; )
Pathetic. What a downfall from being something and somebody.
We were not always like that. We had poets.
“They do a lot of good and are not — as you believe — “controlled opposition.” ”
Show us where i used the words “controlled opposition.” I never do, because i’m convinced “loyal opposition” is a much better description. Loyal to the core narrative, even while opposing the specific countermeasures. Just like with 9/11, Vietnam War,….
No, we cannot simply disagree re “COVID,” Any belief in it not only legitimates the core official narrative, but covers up what was really nothing more than mass murder in medical facilities in a few locations back in Spring 2020. Just like people who upheld the official narrative about “Islamic terrorists carried out 9/11” while protesting against the reactions by the US state, or those who accepted the idea that there was a “communist invasion” of “South Vietnam” while urging “alternatives” to US air bombing of “North Vietnam” and “escalation.”
So, you know, if we were going to “pick sides” in this thing and only allow those that agree with a common goal on our side, would you allow them on your side? We are after all, humans, and we simply are not all going to believe all of the same things. I’m strongly of the belief that there never was and isn’t a Covid-19 virus. But I’m not seeing a great deal difference between my goals and the Whiteheads relative to this Class War going on.
Now that said, I can understand the need for truth, exposing the giant crimes committed, and getting justice. And particularly as perhaps it’s the only way we can overcome the bastards. So, I’m a bit conflicted on it, but then again, we probably don’t have enough to pass a purity test to actually put up a good fight. It’s about what we want, not necessarily why.
The problem here, for many people I think, is that 9/11 was much clearer and didn’t require any expertise to understand the fraud if one was willing. The official narrative is absurd on its face, coupled with the experienced pilots who explained that the purported “terrorists” would not have the ability to execute the flight maneuvers. Also, the idea that the controlled demolitions would be dependent on the success of the “terrorists” in hitting the towers seems ridiculous if you’re planning such a major false-flag operation.
I believe far fewer will feel qualified to definitively conclude that sars-cov-2 doesn’t exist, even if they believe this to be highly likely. Many will find it to be beyond their capacity to judge. The fact that there was no pandemic worthy of the name, however, is obvious to any thinking person.
Anyways, that’s how I see it.
“Many will find it to be beyond their capacity to judge.”
Which is why it is such a terrible thing to find people who have the capacity to judge being suborned by the regime to deliver false judgment. This is the nub of the Whiteheads’ argument.
The French call it “Trahison des clercs” — betrayal by the educated classes.
“Thou shalt not deliver false judgment” — Old Testament.
Conflation. The point which has been made is that SARS-CoV-2 was never proven to exist, NOT that “it doesn’t exist.” A negative cannot be proven. Prove to us that purple headed bald eagles don’t exist, if you believe otherwise. And 220 global public health entities have indeed stated that they have no proof of its existence via physical isolation and purification, which they have admitted in responses to FOI requests from Christine Massey, who lives in Canada, and her colleagues all over the place. She has these responses in a file. That is a FACT. As are facts regarding what was actually done by research teams led by Fan Wu, Peng Zhou and LiLi Ren, who were the alleged discoverers of the first genomes of it.
“No pandemic” is obvious? So why do so many “freedom” celebrities like RFK Jr, Robert Malone, Pierre Kory, Del Bigtree… continue to talk as if it happened?!!
“Loyal opposition”. Nailed sweetly!
Yes, agreed, we must be tolerant of those who believe the things we don’t but they must also be tolerant of those of us who don’t. The only way we can overcome the control mechanisms.
Vive la difference !
Doing Something is rather important.
Wiki Tactical Voting Beating the Panopticon Jailer Bot.QED for action.
Introducing Wiki Tactical Voting: Empowering Communities to Take Back Control of Democracy
In a world where the traditional red-team-blue team uni-party system has led to the capture of democracy by large corporate interests, a new movement is rising. Wiki Tactical Voting is leading the charge to empower local constituents and hold their electoral representatives accountable.
With community primaries to screen electoral candidates for their ability and commitment to serve local constituents and their interests, Wiki Tactical Voting is a platform that aids communities in organizing ground-game campaigns that circumvent polling and media filters. This movement is defying the status quo and giving power back to the people.
In the Going Direct Spring, it’s time for communities to occupy democracy and make their voices heard. Make your MP accountable. Join Wiki Tactical Voting and be part of the change.
For more information, visit
And Adopt a constituency and start a Primary process in your local area for the next UK General election.
In The US there is the same red team Blue Team uni party problem although a similar engagement and support for on-the-ground candidates is the only way to beat the Big bucks lobbying which is far worse in the US than in the UK.
“Do not be pessimistic. Life goes on; life is fun. And if a civilization crashes, it deserves to. When Rome fell the Christian answer was, –
Create our own communities -“.Caroll Quigley Author of Tragedy and Hope.
Doing Something is rather important.
Wiki Tactical Voting Beating the Panopticon Jailer Bot.QED for action.
Introducing Wiki Tactical Voting: Empowering Communities to Take Back Control of Democracy
In a world where the traditional red-team-blue team uni-party system has led to the capture of democracy by large corporate interests, a new movement is rising. Wiki Tactical Voting is leading the charge to empower local constituents and hold their electoral representatives accountable.
With community primaries to screen electoral candidates for their ability and commitment to serve local constituents and their interests, Wiki Tactical Voting is a platform that aids communities in organizing ground-game campaigns that circumvent polling and media filters. This movement is defying the status quo and giving power back to the people.
In the Going Direct Spring, it’s time for communities to occupy democracy and make their voices heard. Make your MP accountable. Join Wiki Tactical Voting and be part of the change.
For more information, visit
And Adopt a constituency and start a Primary process in your local area for the next UK General election.
In The US there is the same red team Blue Team uni party problem although a similar engagement and support for on-the-ground candidates is the only way to beat the Big bucks lobbying which is far worse in the US than in the UK.
“Do not be pessimistic. Life goes on; life is fun. And if a civilization crashes, it deserves to. When Rome fell the Christian answer was, – Create our own communities -“.Caroll Quigley Author of Tragedy and Hope.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram
Found that 80% of the population
do not have the psychological
or moral resources to defy an
authority’s order, no matter
how illegitimate the order is.
Therefore, only
20% have critical
thinking capacity.
This explains
quite a lot!
Because if you say “we” that means you identify with everyone other than the ‘rulers’. And when the rulers say “we warned you but you did not resist, you accepted it, you even asked for it” – they would be correct.
I think the Rulers knows exactly who they are dealing with. They have seen “everyone” bombing, murdering, and raping Dresden dry
“We”? What “we”? There is no we, not since Covid (has it been so obvious). There are people who submit to bullies and those who don’t. Since there will always be weak fools who do, we can never say we are part of the same body. There will always be morons who refuse to talk about anything important but love discussing sport and television. Who need bread and circuses because reality is too serious and scary.
I will never put myself into the same category as someone who accepts the government as their authority and who submits to genocides.
Those who believed in the lie or felt it was wrong but pushed the tyranny anyway, are the absolute worst of humanity. I am even talking about people who appear very good on the outside. Who have wholesome lives good educations nice houses and plenty of money. In the eyes of the world ‘successful’. Many in your own family no doubt. They can never be trusted until they realise what they have done and repent. They must give up their submission to evil authorities and submit to the one true God.
Jesus came for the broken hearted, the poor in spirit. Not the ‘successful’ ones in society who are by and large hypocrites morons and just plain evil in living a lie, which is to say not putting truth and kindness first. As our most high Lord commands.
Covid turned my life around, I went from feeling like I didn’t belong to this world to knowing I didn’t.
Jesus said you will have trouble in this world but take heart, I have overcome the world.
Amen. Indeed He has. He is the only way out of this evil age.
“For those unfortunate enough to contract COVID-19”
NOBODY had Covid, it didn’t exist, and for you to perpetuate THIS lie in an otherwise excellent article is totally incomprehensible.
It’s imperative that people stop ceding ground to fascists by reifying the Big Lie that “Covid” is some unique disease responsible for a global pandemic.
This only fortifies the narrative by implying that any extra-ordinary response was ever necessary, that a single one of their “public health” diktats was legitimate.
This has never had anything to do with what is nothing more than a computer-generated genome falsely attributed to a novel pathogen. It is a global conspiracy by the world’s transnational ruling class which was planned out and war-gamed at the WEF, the central bankers summit in Jackson Hole, and at Event 201.
Very true.
Have to say that youre incorrect.I had something nasty for two weeks, unlike anything else i’ve ever had and rather weird.Just like something that was created in a lab……it was ok because i eventually took some ivermectin and it was all over quickly.
Show us scientific experiments demonstrating that Ivermectin is effective against “COVID.” Demonstrate to us proof of a virus or any pathogen shown to be responsible for “COVID.” Please, show us!
apprently ivermectin, taken too frequently, dulls your wits.
FWIW, even as I skimmed through the article it was clear that it would completely satisfy the typical “moderate” or “sensible” critic of the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic and its multifarious foul works who reflexively despises the assertion that “COVID” is a fictitious pseudo-diagnosis.
I could almost hear the would-be Voice of Reason chiding, “See? It’s perfectly possible to express trenchant and damning criticisms of the scamdemic without tainting the critique with radical, off-putting, hyperbolic denials that “COVID” and (gack!) infectious viral pathogens have never been proven to exist!” 🤨
Yep. Gonna have to be that way. Although, it’s still good to try to correct incorrect thinking.
““We the people” failed that test spectacularly.”
We usually do. In spite of which, it is suggested that “we the people” must assume direct democratic power over our own lives; as we did in ancient Athens where — as usual — we failed spectacularly.
“Parliament is played out. It was never anything more than the playground of the ruling classes. People must govern every day instead of leaving it to 600 newly elected dictators every 5 years.” — Quotation from “All Roads Lead to Calvary”, a political novel by 19th century humourist Jerome Kafka Jerome.
It struck me when reading these references from ancient books that things never change and therefore never will change.
All efforts for change are in vain. “There is nothing new under the sun”. But this a very chocking and depressive revelation and conclusion.
You cant improve anything, you cant change anything, you cannot by any act change the circumstances, the power at play and the bad outcome. This is hell.
“you cannot by any act change the circumstances, the power at play and the bad outcome. This is hell.”
Which is why Dante wrote over the Gate of Inferno:
“Abandon hope, all Ye who enter here”.
Fortunately the Divine Comedy shows 2 more paths: Purgatory and Paradise.
“Life is not a walk in the park” — Boris Pasternak, Dr.Life. Life is a constant choice between paths whose ends you cannot see.
Only after death. Life as described.
like chasing the wind?
the point of it all is that the meaningful change is within, and how that is expressed in the outer physical.
Muh Government…… 5, #1: “…We shall create an intensified centralisation of government (IN ALL NATIONS) in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the community. We shall regulate mechanically all the actions of the political life of our subjects by new laws. These laws will withdraw one by one all the indulgences and liberties which have been permitted.
The legislators are bought off, to keep making up this legislation, to rip you off, make you poor, and enslave you. And the only way that they are going to be more afraid of you is if you tell them what’s going to happen to them if they don’t keep God’s Law and get rid of all this illegal legislation that they’ve made up. You have to put the fear of God into these people. What are you waiting for?
They are followers of Satan. They cant leave Satan just like that with a finger clip.
“Either you are with Satan or…you are with the terrorists”, (the Christians). Your choice!
“Even the little the poor Christians have, shall be taken from them and be giving to those who are followers of Satan so they will get even more rich”.
This is what the scriptures itself says about it. The scriptures says that……………..LOL.
Already there are signs that “the natives are restless”: the chaos in Parliament, the support for Reform, the New Boer War in Europe, the worldwide call to end Israel’s Palestinian Genocide.
In a somewhat recent exchange with an scumbag Ivy League econ professor and “COVID” cheerleader he suggested that it was “time to let it go.” I replied with the following.
“Four years is a long time, perhaps it is time to let it go.”
Four years lost to the development of a child can represent a lifetime lost.
If you abandon your principles for the sake of social acceptance, they are not your principles. They’re your costume.
Not having any principles to begin with makes that easier.
But sure, let’s just write off the single largest medical genocide in human history as a minor bump in the road. Nazi concentration camp guards had to look over their shoulders for 70 years after WW II ended.
How is collusion and criminal conspiracy between the USG, big pharma, big tech, the medical industrial complex and big media any different?
Many social structures have been fractured or decimated in the past three and a half years- none of this is accidental. This was done with malicious intent. Families have literally been torn apart in many instances.
They lied every step of the way, coercing individuals to inject themselves with a toxic poison produced by serial felons.
And the crooks involved lined their pockets with billions. A person with principles knows it is unjust to move on until we have properly dealt with this. Our children and grandchildren deserve it.
Thousands of academic Gauleiters such as yourself aided and abetted this destruction- they are also guilty and should be dealt with mercilessly.
Card-carrying members of the “educated” classes, like yourself, who have a warped sense of purpose beyond the dull, aimless wanderings of Academia are today’s “Good German.” They will always throw people into the gas chambers in a heartbeat when push comes to shove- do not doubt that for a second- we just saw proof positive in 2020.
Millions of lives were destroyed and are being destroyed daily by the impacts of the Covid Operation which you (and your colleagues and the institution which writes your checks) in your studious ignorance and comfortable seat of the over-privileged have chosen to remain in the dark about.
Let’s face it you and virtually everyone else in your circles know less than zero about vaccines or the panoply of Pharma poisons. Nor will you ever take the time to learn- the only trait that exceeds your level of arrogance is your level of cowardice.
I would expect nothing less from someone who gets their “news”, aka reinforcement of their skewed world view, from imperial lie machines like the NY Times and The Economist.
That you would still be so gobsmackingly stupid to believe there was a pandemic and know zero about the mass murder that occurred in hospitals in Spring 2020 via vents, remdesivir, midazolam, propofol etc. again illustrates your ignorance on this matter.
One last thing professor.
I watched as the students were getting repeatedly ill from the injections- virtually all of them. I spoke openly and repeatedly with virtually all of them and of the 400+ students hardly a single one of them wanted to get the injection.
They were blackmailed and coerced by the university into “complying.” Couldn’t get their school work, locked out of dorms, kicked off campus etc., if they refused the shot. For international students this meant deportation.
That’s not compliance- that’s force. _________ University needle raped these students.
You not only stood by, you and everyone who actively participated and/or remained silent aided and abetted this.
Even during the time I was working I was challenging the university on everything. Once the mandates kicked in for faculty and staff I challenged them further to provide certain evidence. They could not.
BTW I have the NYC hospital data for 2020- FOI requests you know. You should look at it. You would have to confront the fact that everything you believed and participated in was a lie.
You strike me as someone who would nosedive the plane into the ground even with your kids on board rather than admit you were wrong.
And? What was the end result of that? Anything other than too much energy wasted trying to educate a coward nazi?
One of the more recent outcomes was when I recounted parts of the exchange on a website and some nihilistic nutjob responded:
“What was the end result of that? Anything other than too much energy wasted trying to educate a coward nazi?”
Silence kills.
I find this writing very useful. Someone should accuse these people for what they did. That they (apparently) don’t listen (ie are silent) doesn’t mean that they know that the accusation is valid. For what it’s worth: I write on a regular basis to the Dutch Health Inspectorate (IGJ), telling them what a bunch of cowards they are. I published a letter on my blog (in Dutch, see ). Some excerpts (google translated) are copied here:
1.The WHO covid protocol that was rolled out in March 2020 caused doctors to lose sight of their vision and could no longer distinguish old diseases such as cancer, emphysema and pulmonary embolism from the new disease, the so-called Sarscov2 positive MORONA.
2.Consequence: treatment for cancer/pulmonary emphysema with glucocorticoids was withheld from seriously ill people with cancer/pulmonary emphysema, as well as anticoagulation for pulmonary embolism.
3.Instead, these patients were placed in a prone position in an isolation cell/room after which they were allowed to suffocate on their own without these life-saving drugs (anticoagulation/glucocorticoids) on mechanical ventilation.
A clinical epidemiologist saw it and, after being blunt with his managers, reported it to IGJ. And what did IGJ do with the report? – No need to guess, because you already know: NOTHING!
He also reported this story to [newspaper name] ([journalist name], cc) who also did nothing, and then he published his IGJ report to BVNL:
I can still imagine that people remain silent about things that are too banal and painful. It just doesn’t solve anything. Worse still: those who remain silent agree. With your silence you make yourself responsible for something you did not do. And why?
-It is not without reason that my book is called MORONA, which is that I have seen doctors and scientists lose their heads during the covid period, which has claimed victims. Losing your head is a human weakness. Man is weak and institutions such as IGJ, science, the media and politics are designed to curb that weakness as much as possible. But if such bodies fail, then the turnips are done.
Strong one, and you owe the right to know that your efforts are not in vain. I read you, learn and appreciate.
‘Needle raped’
That says it all Maxwell.
An economics professor to boot.
They all live in a make believe world where GOD is spelt GDP.
Exceptionally brilliant, thank you.
Brilliant, gutsy and a well-deserved rebuke of someone who should have known better.
If you have time, listen to this doc speak about his colleagues at the British NHS – all cowards, the lot of them.
@You strike me as someone who would nosedive the plane into the ground even with your kids on board rather than admit you were wrong.
That is the Federal Reserves intention, after all, the Fed is always wrong, but never in doubt.
You strike me as someone who draws absurd, nonsensical analogies
“let’s just write off the single largest medical genocide in human history as a minor bump in the road.”
The RNA Vaxx kills 1 per thousand of those who are injected with its Moderna GMO Spike Protein (U$ Patent App 2016). That’s about 12 Million people worldwide — and counting. But 12M is still “a minor bump in the road” compared to what Dr.Fauci Frankenstein and his PhD Army has in store for humanity.
If the U$ Dept of Defense (and similar Virus Houses in Germany and Israel) are allowed to go on with Frankenstein Virus research, GMO Viruses will sooner or later develope into as great a threat as Nuclear Weapons: capable of killing 1,000 Million at a stroke.
all I can say is wow!!
We printed this one out, you summed this up perfectly
Yesterday while driving to pick up some groceries I saw a poster on the back of the bus ” waxing empathetic” about ” Elderly Home Care” with two smiling elderly people.
I instantly became enraged, they are literally pissing on us while the ” murders” that took place have not been addressed. Elderly people deliberately murdered by the state, deliberately !! Now we are supposed to forget about this and get back to ” feel good” lies and propaganda, absolutely outrageous
What comes next came last year in the form of kidney- and pancreas-destroying semaglutides, and continues in the frantic repackaging of all known pharmaceuticals as weight loss drugs. This morning, it’s survodutides. Tomorrow… isn’t “thigh gap” is one of the side-effects of chemotherapy? Hey, it’s better than doing the duck face in group selfies for the rest of your life. You’re not fooling anyone, y’know.
They won’t waste all that effort faking another pandemic when people can be lured into the grave with competitive vanity. The drugs can’t be legally criticized anymore, after all; “sectarian abuse” carries a minimum sentence of three years now — five, if the person you dissuade from accessing “treatment” is a minor or a pregnant woman.
I am fine where I am and I dont have any problems. Its not my problem that you have personal problems and want to make new “open societies” and new revolutions.
I am surfing on the green wave, have two cars and I believe in my government. If you want change YOU should be that change, and not point at me because I am not doing it..
Farm animals have been controlled by movement restrictions, passports, quarantine rules, digital ID, compulsory testing and a raft of other measures for many years. The “Covid” op was the first time humans got a taste of the “biosecurity” regime. “Bird flu” has mysteriously disappeared this winter after several years of “lockdown” which caused a major headache for free-range chicken farmers…now “Bluetongue” has popped up in SE England and on it goes.
“Bluetongue” is extremely dangerous for small kids. Therefore we have to do something about it.
But too many people are are awful anti-kids and refuse to pay more taxes for small children’s suffering. (sarc).
THIS is a blue tongue:
Apt, very apt.
Thank you for writing this.
Non-affluent Indians were among the worst affected by the short-notice national lockdowns and violent police methods to enforce lockdowns. The vaccines that followed have harmed many. Unfortunately, the literacy rates among the non-affluent are not high enough for them to wake up fast to the hoax and the crime. And for the semi-affluent who is literate it was the other way round — they had access to information but chose to keep their eyes closed.
Instead of “non-affluent”, why not say “dirt poor”?
I do that is because I believe poverty is a forced condition. World resources can provide for everyone. If someone is poor then they have been denied those resources and the ensuing wealth. Affluence to me is available to all but when denied it leads to them being “non-afluent”.
You wont be locking down while Trump is in office, its the democratic war party needing to threaten to pull those levers.
We’ve got more nuts around here than ever and if you try to lock them up, before you get them all, a few have created quite a problem for the shaky system winging it day to day.
Wasnt Trump fiddling around with “warp speed” and “the military helping the jabs through the night” thoughts? Or am I completely wrong? Trump took out all the pedos behind the curtains or what?
I recall Trump did helped the elderly from socialist abuse, stopped the immigrants, made real jobs, and tried to take our troops home for better use. But……the rest?
He did, then he admitted it was wrong and wouldn’t happen again, and this time I believe him.
Trump? Truth?
Different planets.
Stupid keep burning…
Usually I am more positive than the whiteheads. Now, I am more negative.
Covid was not about Our Commitment to Freedom, covid was about Our Commitment to Murder.
During covid people behaved in the fashion that as long as it was not them, all was fine. If it meant that grandma had to die alone in a nursing home, as long as it protected you from getting the sniffle: fine! And if those who did not take the vaxx were classified as un-people: fine, as long as you by being vaxxed were not ostracized, who cares?
The silence that follows from the covid crime is very telling. Almost all people are silent. They know that they were cowards. That they don’t speak up confirms that they still are, always were and always will be cowards. They prefer to die with some vaccination ‘side effect’ than to ever admit that their cowardice led to their commitment of murder.
Well, what can I say? I didn’t participate. I tried to speak sense when it was important. People didn’t listen. Their choice, not mine. Now they have to carry the consequences
“Now they have to carry the consequences”
Unfortunately, “they” (the perps) are not the only ones who “have to carry the consequences”. For sure in Nazi Germany a few thousand Nazis were overtaken by Justice; but 4 Million ordinary Germans died (the good, the bad and the indifferent) in the inevitable war towards which the doctrine of Exceptionalism led the German people.
There is a lesson here for U$$ies & I$raelis.
A few observations from experience rather than reading stuff on the Web: A lot of people actually liked the lockdown; Most people do what they are told and feel threatened by those who ‘disobey’; Covid is now a ‘non-subject’ because people want to ‘forget it’ and not admit to being an obedient sheep.
Some of them arnt being so quite after becoming a broke, obedient sheep.
Covid19 never existed.
Society has been lied too, murdered and divided by the master of lies and deception and his minions.
No surprise to see evil manifesting itself yet again through people.
People are heading for one almighty shock in their lives, one which will shake them to their foundations.
People need to be prepped and ready as war is coming…civil war.
Even those awake after Covid still look at me with disbelieving eyes about what is yet to come.
Still believing that we have actually returned to normal.
None so blind…
Repent, return to Christ and pray…
Is civil war coming ?
Not to UK.
The people we elected to lead us have made sure we have enough food, water,
Enough, at least, to keep us docile.
Planned Illegal Immigration is the thing that piques the British the most.This,too, is micro-managed.
If it got to the point where it caused a threat to the governments position it would be scaled back.
They know exactly what they’re doing
You are exactly the type of person I am referring too.
So blind you still can’t see in front of you whats happening…
I can see exactly what’s happening.
I’m just pointing out that we’re not starving enough to rise up.
We’re a long,long way from it.
When I said they know exactly what they’re doing it certainly wasn’t a compliment !
to rise up?
Its going to be a race war look at the Islamic invasion.
Visit several local hotels in your county and see who are living there.
90% fighting age males and 95% Muslims.
I was shocked when the last 3 i visited for work purposes.
They are not here for fun and frolics. To eradicate Western civilisation and Christianity.
Look at all the division being sowed BLM, gender, LGBTQI (whatever)
Government are puppets of the globalists.
The collapse of the economy and cash will lead to starvation-we won’t rise up we will be slaughtered
Paul. I am totally on your side. I just wish I shared your optimism!
Passed away of natural reasons. Everybody can see that at least 2/3 of them were jerks.
Not saying jerks should die, only there could be a oood reason why some of them died……..if you believe in karma.
‘Eradicate Christianity’ ?
Now there’s an idea.
Then Folks could begin a REAL spiritual search, not just a quick fix: ‘Read the Bible and you’ll be right mate’.
God bless you and thanks for the inspirational comment.
God hey?
Forget about me. Could you ask him/her to bless the millions of suffering children around his/her perfect world.
After all, an all knowing, all seeing God would have known we were gonna fuck things up.
Perfect comes after. We live in a fallen world. Perhaps you hadn’t noticed?.
I was an atheist once so have empathy with you.
Keep an open mind, try praying for God to reveal Himself to you.
You might be surprised…I know I was.
There is no ‘after’.
That is a projection of the human mind, a fantasy, wishful thinking and a devious ploy to con the gullible and the desperate.
There is only Now.
Life is in the Now.
Love is in the Now.
Now is tangible, breathable, real and ever present.
It’s your free will my friend.
It’s incumbent upon me to pass on the Good news.
God is 4th dimensional, God is Spirit.
“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance—that principle is contempt prior to investigation”
Herbert Spencer
Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened unto you..
Truth, God and/or Life cannot be found through words, scriptures, religions, deeds or priests.
It is experienced only through stillness and it can take an entire lifetime to find.
There are no shortcuts to the spiritual Life.
We are born knowing it and then sadly and incrementally it gets buried under the learned ignorance of the world’s (as opposed the the Earth) bullshit.
Not sure that was a point I ever made!
If you seek God in the stillness as you have alluded too, there you will find Him.
Some common ground?
Common ground?
This bloke was on the right track:
“Me, me and me”.
‘himself’………hilarious, you do not have a clue!
What’s wrong you prefer gender neutral language?.
Jesus referred to Our Father that’s a Him as far as I am aware.
If I am clueless I will have eternity to mull it over and you?
“Visit several local hotels in your county and see who are living there.
90% fighting age males and 95% Muslims.”
Those young Muslim fanatics of fighting age are the CIA’s ISIS Army. Recruited from poor countries all over the world with the promise of $10,000 pa cash monthly, an iPhone, a Toyota or Humvee “Special” armed vehicle, a submachine gun and/or RPG, and all the women you can catch.
ISIS and other mercenary Muslim armies in the CIA folder “Al Qaida” were used by NATZO to destabilize Iraq (ISIL), Syria (ISIS) Libya and Ukraine. Now they are lodged as “sleepers” in hotels all over Europe.
Exactly but the peeps can’t see it.
There is zero doubt in my mind about the growth of totalitarianism, and the scamdemic…. However, I think it is unfair to condemn migrants as a militant danger to society. To allege that they are some kind of 5th column military force in waiting is ludicrous. It would be a most ineffective militia. They are all from different countries and in many cases don’t even speak each others languages. Where are the military grade weapons and munitions suddenly going to appear from? I don’t support any organised religion, but I do accept that Islam, like all religions, preaches peace and tolerance. Poor migrants, whether economic or political, are fellow victims of an uncaring elitist establishment, and have more in common with the rest of us than we have with the totalitarian corporatocracy…
Time will tell.
Why only young fighting age males?
Migrants, refugees?
Where are the women and children?
They may not be an effective fighting force but they also have no allegiance or historical ties to the people….unlike the standing army.
To suggest it’s ludicrous after witnessing the last few years is in itself ludicrous..
‘Fighting age males’ is a bit of a misleading misnomer…. Adult males from traditional cultures where the adult male members are supposed to go ahead and create a space for other family members to follow is probably a more accurate description.
We need to be careful with the use of language. It is misleading language that has partially led to the current chaos, ‘safe and effective’, ‘trust the science’ etc.
I think it would be a far better thing to recruit these young males to our cause to defeat totalitarianism. We need all the help we can get more than we need to fracture society further…
I dont see a civil war, I see money 🤑 .
Keeping people in bonds with unpayable debt and endless refugee and health problems among other, while pillaging, parasitic, slowly transferring of all assets from the people the bottom up.
Hang in there! If you’re successful resisting your own civil war you can take advantage of the Second US Civil War and take back the lost colonies. Rule!
We are at war. We have been at war for decades or longer. The war is spiritual.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Eph 6:12
C o v i d has proven to be a hoax, politicians and friends made billions, no one is in jail. Dozens of petiontions in the UK only to stop the murder. They didn’t bother.
Illegal wars, corruption… We need to stop paying taxes, no taxation without representation.
Dont let us stop you from paying taxes, let us know how it works out.
Its four years, not three.
Despite all the fear porn and draconian measures during the Plandemic in my view one of the main drivers of control was the financial straitjacket most people find themselves in.
Anyone who was wavering whether to toe the line by taking a jab to keep their job or speaking out was silenced into submission since they were dependent on employment to keep paying the bills. Small business owners were bribed with furlough or loans to keep their premises shut.
Western societies in particular have become debt encumbered. Easy credit since mid- 1980’s plus super low interest rates since 2008 encouraged individuals and business owners to spend, spend, spend by borrowing and living beyond their means. Large mortgages, car loans, credit card bills and a need to keep up with the Joneses pushed people further into debt.
Without savings and a cushion to fall back on, they could not say “no” to the system and simply walk away. This form of dependency affects those who are living payday to payday on low wages as much as those who have higher incomes since many spend most if not all of what they earn.
The concept of saving for a rainy day became unfashionable and was frowned up by the spendthrifts since they could crow on about how much their house has gone up in value since they maxed out their borrowings to ‘buy’ it. Never mind the fact that the bank still owns it until they pay off the huge mortgage.
The huge credit bubble is going unwind at some point, causing a massive deflationary spiral – a depression. When that happens the WEF mantra of “You will own nothing….” will become all too apparent as the controllers stakeholder partners buy everything up for pennies on the dollar.
It wasn’t easy credit, it was if you breach the 10% max rate for borrowed money, in 40 years there will be hell to pay.
Welcome to financial hell.
And I might add it could turn religious and get nasty too, some people frown upon acts such as that, double down w/a genocide and be careful what you wish for, for it could also be used against you as someone else’s wish.
The minimum wage is a clever construct.
More properly the standard wage.
Rather than increase the wages of the lowest paid it actually reduces the wages of those who would be paid more in a free labour market.
Two people working full time can service a largish mortgage or rent and pay the bills – just !
The perfect incentive to maintain the status quo and not rock the boat.
In most of the equatorial climates, covid was a joke, except under totalitarianism. In most of Africa, sunshine, ivermectin and the past diabolic efforts of medical do-gooders made it a particularly big joke.
In the West, each governments may have had a quota of sacrificial bodies. Falling short meant vengeance from the god of IMF. European governments took particular efforts to keep people indoors before summer arrived. Some governments used drones to harass pedestrians, even on deserted paths in the countryside. When masses gathered to enjoy a rare day of sunshine on public lawns in Paris, the police attacked them with batons, some riding horses.
Western people have money. No need to spend too much in Africa to promote the bs jabs.
The only way out is revolution.
Correct. And we’re right behind you!!
Unfortunately, we’re only 10% of the population.
Playing right into their hands. Even the revolutions ‘the people’ won were engineered and new rulers installed.
The only way out, is Jesus Christ.
You can also avoid to get in, only to be looking after the way out yes? That was what I did, I never entered the hole and was never looking after it.
The dumbed down led by the do gooders under the control of dirty dictators.
The history of the world, in other words.