Some People Like This, and Always Will

Todd Hayen

When all this Covid crap started up my primary concern was why most people did not see what we saw. Then I began to realize they did see a lot of it, or at least most of them did, and they just didn’t care.

It is difficult to believe that people would not care about their own health, the health of their children, or the loss of their freedoms. But I believe that this is really the revelation I was looking for; they just didn’t care. And even weirder still, they actually liked what was happening. And they always will like it.

What exactly do I mean by that?

One thing I think we have all noticed right from the beginning is that the folks that scrambled to get the masks, fell in lockstep for the lockdowns, the social distancing, and then jumped to be the first in line for the vaccines, did all of this with a rather large dose of glee. Remember the little round band-aids they put over their vax holes they would show off on social media? Sure, they were scared, but most seemed to be scared in that sort of exhilarating way—excitement, a banding together in the face of adversity. “Together we can beat this thing! Who’s on board!?”

Of course, the rest of us were the ones NOT on board, and the “normie’s” excitement stopped with us. I can imagine how the anti-war dissenters felt during the two Great Wars of the 20th Century—these dissenters were practically unheard of, they were smashed pretty quickly and thoroughly. A bit noisier were the protesters of the Vietnam War in the United States. Were these, mostly young men and women, loved by the stock and barrel populous of America? Not on your life.

Today the dissenters are conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers (which is equivalent to being anti-life to most sheep-types) and science deniers. What joy it gives those who are winning one for the Gipper to hate such people, to push them out of the tribe, and label them despicable and deplorable. To be a sheep folk is like being part of the winning team. They like being the popular kids who are in good with the school principal and school administration and the popular teachers—anything for Uncle Sam or Johnny Canuck (or whatever patriarch or matriarch your country holds dear to its heart).

This is the wartime attitude; during peacetime (which to much of the masses, is right now) their attitude is even more befuddling. Anything that happens to these folks is absolutely fine by them. Digital currency, digital IDs, Pandemic Treaties, Universal Basic Income, intensified surveillance, restriction of freedoms and rights, blasting Gaza and Russia to bits, “Bring it on!” they scream. “Anything for the good of the nation!”

Truthfully, these folks wouldn’t know if a crocodile ate off their right leg as they hobbled along on the remaining left one. They are resilient, and nothing seems to bother them—until it does. Then it is easy enough to blame that annoying thing on something else. Of course, the favourite perpetrators of unpleasantries these days are Climate Change, Long Covid, or Russia (specifically Putin). Soon we may see others such as aliens from Planet Xeon. Whatever distraction works, and nearly anything works on these folks.

Now, I know I am painting a very dismal picture of these people, which may include your loved ones (it does include some of mine). But I don’t know what else to say. It just is the way it is.

In their defence, however, this subterfuge has been going on for quite some time. Most of us have been guilty of missing the evil that lies underneath all of the bright and shiny things the higher powers have dangled in front of us to coerce us to comply. It wasn’t until Covid that a lot of us woke up. Before that, their slowly heated-up pot kept many of us frogs from noticing anything going awry. When Covid struck, many alarms went off. Such alarms have gone off in the past as well, 9-11, WMD, and JFK’s death, among just a few. But Covid I think was their biggest test yet.

These major blips on the otherwise relatively smooth process of brainwashing have a two-fold purpose. First, they give those running the Agenda a chance to see how cooked the frog in the pot is. How far can we be pushed? What does it take before we start to waver? The second advantage is more important. Presenting these bigger-than-life scenarios makes the brainwashing even more effective. Creating a disaster that only the folks who created it can save us from, makes for an even more compliant population. Now when the powers say jump, the people will jump even higher. And they will be happy to, every time.

For the most part, however, it is best to insert the dagger slowly. If it is inserted slowly enough, the victim will not even feel it. Along with being rather unaware of the dagger, they are also happy to comply when the dagger is first offered, “sure, stick it in, I know you won’t hurt me, and I am happy to be part of what is necessary to make this a better world.” Once the dagger is fully inserted, the receiver dies.

If you look at any totalitarian regime in recent history, you will see few of them were taken by force. Long gone are the days when a powerful country or warrior marched into the land of a subordinate country and said, “Now all of you folks shut up, we be the boss.”

The last time I think that happened was during WWII, and it didn’t start that way. It also wasn’t presented that way until toward the end of the war, or until each country was methodically taken by Hitler’s Wehrmacht. Hitler made a deal with Austria, he sort of made a deal with Czechoslovakia (essentially France and England gave Hitler that one) he pressured his way into Poland saying Germany’s occupation would be the best thing that could happen to them. He did the same at nearly every turn until the last remaining countries (USSR, USA, a bloodied UK) said, “Wait a minute, we figured out what you are up to, get the f— back.”

Ukraine? Not the same folks, do some research if you see this as the mainstream is making it out to be. Anyway, the point I am making is that in most cases a totalitarian regime comes about, at least in the country of origin, as a welcomed change to the governmental structure by the very people who are intended to be slaves to the new system. And for the most part, they don’t even notice something not so pleasant has happened to them for quite some time.

So no wonder most people are now bopping along as if all is good in the hood. They have not had to pay $100 for a head of lettuce or a gallon of gas, and even when they do one day, probably sooner than you think, they will keep on that happy face and blame it on whatever poor sucker the government points to as the culprit.

As this gets deeper, we won’t even know what we are supposed to think is good anymore. The carrot will have rotted. On top of that, the news will be even more under the Agenda’s thumb than it is now and what information we receive about the rest of the world will not even hold a dim candle to the actual truth. Already we see this control slowly creeping into the legislature of Canada (see the Online News Act in Johnny Canuck’s lovely “soon-to-be Marxist” country).

Think Huxley’s Brave New World. Recently James Piloto mentioned on “New World Next Week” of the Corbett Report a Huxley interview back when where the insightful author said his view of the future—a “happy,” complacent, drugged out, society—was a more accurate depiction of our future than Orwell’s 1984. Piloto suggested Huxley’s future would be the carrot to precede Orwell’s stick. I believe I have suggested the same thing in several of my articles.

So what do we do? For the folks, us, who for whatever reason did not drink the Kool-Aid, things look dim. But we can always keep fighting, and keep attempting to live life around the totalitarian garbage that is being shoved down our throats. God bless us, every one.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 5, 2024 10:07 AM

One thing I think we have all noticed right from the beginning is that the folks that scrambled to get the masks, fell in lockstep for the lockdowns, the social distancing, and then jumped to be the first in line for the vaccines, did all of this with a rather large dose of glee.

The scamdemic had been in the planning for over a decade. However, it was rolled out in 2020, along with the George Floyd psyop, in order to remove Trump. For a substantial percentage of the population, Trump is the principal, pantomime baddie. They viewed these events as a means to an end and this is why they embraced covid and knee-taking with a seemingly paradoxical mix of gleeful, fear-driven derangement.

These people are stupid!

Michael Moore: Trump Calling Coronavirus ‘Hoax’ Is ‘Dangerous’
Feb 29, 2020
Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker Michael Moore blasts the presidents for attacking Democrats in the wake of fears over the coronavirus. Aired on 02/28/20.

Mar 4, 2024 11:50 PM

Strangely, Gaza and Russia are mentioned in a context which does not add up no matter what ideology is being advanced here. The destruction of Ukraine at the hands of the USSR, now Russia, was and is plain to see. The destruction of Palestine at the hands of Jewish colonists and now Israel has been and is plain to see. We can gather from an argument what the moral or legal basis is from which the argument is put forth, but when there are conflicting/contradictory statements within the argument, such as this, it undermines whatever else is worth looking at in the message.

That this kind of mixed messaging in political and politicised debate is common in the West, in fact so common as to make useful debate impossible (probably what is intended in the first place by those who instruct political operatives), points to a basic problem in democratic functioning.

Is it the intention of protagonists to continue to muddy the waters, to sabotage public debate? Possibly not always, though as computers are programmed to function for certain outcomes, so are people indoctrinated to perform certain tasks. Both humans and computers must be suited to the task, to execute it in a certain way. However, to muddy the waters in political matters, which includes everything nowadays, may be the path to the chaos necessary to effect inexorable evolutionary change. A short-cut may be agree on basic moral parameters when advancing a political, or any, argument. Then, right is an equal in the face of might- and may the best argument win. Conclusion: Democracy depends on the demo to maintain a moral basis from which to formulate and advance the arguments in any debate.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 4, 2024 12:27 PM


In the 5th paragraph of your essay, the correct spelling of the word is populace…

Just thought I’d mention it, no offence intended, of course!

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 4, 2024 2:54 PM

I never claimed to be the sharpest tool in the shed…thank you…

Mar 3, 2024 3:49 PM

What is our way out of this mess?

the left has become useful idiots for billionaire and corporate oligarchy
or extreme right wing fascists

and the right think the left are supporting communism/ socialism and the right just want to go back to pre Covid 19 crony capitalism – get rich by selling out the public – and accept no responsibility for the corporate behemoths they helped create

The right though does seem to be against the mutilation and grooming of children, so as a former leftist, that is the one issue I focus on as destroying the future generation must be stopped.

First get rid of the groomers, then fight the crony capitalists.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Mar 3, 2024 8:16 PM
Reply to  Ricvo

“Right” and “left” ?

What is this nonsense of which you speak ?

Mar 4, 2024 2:56 PM

Exactly as i pointed out the left and right – those who identify as such have no idea what they are.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Mar 3, 2024 3:05 PM

Things are getting worse, yet the sheeple still go along with the program oblivious to how they/we are being sheared and slaughtered. I was with a good friend at a funeral the other day, he had been healthy all his life, he was an avid cyclist but then he took the jab. Shortly afterwards he had an afib/stroke like incident, he has collapsed in public several times now he has a pacemaker and has had several operations. He and the rest of our crew said I was crazy for not taking the jab and I was shunned during the COVID Psyop. He walks with a slight limp, he is happy he can drive again and he sees his injuries as minor inconveniences. He’s depressed because his younger sister is developing dementia and the brother younger than her has full blown Alzheimer’s.
Politically he gleefully drinks the Kool-Aid. He is like many of the guys we grew up with who are in our mid to late 70’s; we are seeing our peers getting sick and dropping like flies. The rationale is, ” Oh well this is our season.”
I’m just not buying into that; yes death is inevitable and we are getting older but this is an anomaly.

Robert Koch
Robert Koch
Mar 3, 2024 2:04 PM

How many will refuse their UBI though? I feel that will be the final litmus test.

Mar 3, 2024 1:53 PM

Dr. Todd–you capture the sadness of this whole mess.
I feel it too.
It seems to me that the sheep I know are unaware or unable to accept that there is evil in the world, that it is a deadly force, and that it works through human beings.
The very evil the sheep are blind to is sadistic and ..”doth mock the meat it feeds on.”
The scorn is an extra bonus reserved for those who cooperate with their own destruction.
I don’t think they will wake up any time soon.

Mar 3, 2024 1:41 PM

Mr. Hayen is saying a lot of what most folks here have heard a thousand times already. I know, and I understand that people are still incensed by the PWTB’s callous disregard of their rights and human dignity during COVID. However, this outrage over anti-COVID measures is getting repetitious. What’s less publicised is the absolutely atrocious behaviours of these governments and private interests long before the ‘virus’ farago and up until now, and the fact that there’s zero accountability for it!

I think it’s fair to say that the ruling elites have always acted in total impunity, not only during COVID, but going back decades! One only needs to think of the harrowing immunization schedules that have been forced onto the population for so many years–especially targeting infants and toddlers; also consider the poisoning of food, and water; look at the spraying of chemtrails and the ubiquitous electromagnetic pollution all around! All of this has been mostly ignored and has provoked no or very little indignation from not only mainstream media, but also alternative ‘truth’ media.

Currently, these elites are so unconcerned that they’re overtly aiding and abetting the commission of genocide in Palestine and terrorist acts by Banderist fanatics against civilians in Russia! Many within the ‘truth community’ are still whining about COVID, but how about our rush to societal collapse and MAD, do we have any strategy to address that? What do you mean exactly when you suggest that “we can always keep fighting”? The more I look, the more this ressembles a resignation, not a fight.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 3, 2024 4:56 PM
Reply to  Raoullo

RE: I think it’s fair to say that the ruling elites have always acted in total impunity, not only during COVID, but going back decades!

Yes, from WWII on the USA has had many totalitarian characteristics: wars of choice, the CIA, mass propaganda, mind control, state religions of various kinds (free-markets, anti-communism, DEI, climate change, etc) all before the state religions of The Pandemic TM, Covid and Covid “vaccines.”

Jonas Carling
Jonas Carling
Mar 3, 2024 12:24 PM


Let’s get the names correct. It’s James Evan Pilato (and not Piloto). Mind a quick correction to your article?

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 3, 2024 11:32 PM
Reply to  Jonas Carling

Oh crap…you know, I even tried to look it up to be sure it was correct but couldn’t find it anywhere! Even on his website. I hate it when I do something that stupid. Thanks for finding that and letting me know. Nothing I can do about it here, but on my substack I will fix it. No excuse.

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Mar 3, 2024 10:57 AM

“So what do we do? For the folks, us, who for whatever reason did not drink the Kool-Aid, things look dim. But we can always keep fighting, and keep attempting to live life around the totalitarian garbage that is being shoved down our throats. God bless us, every one.”

Q: What to do?


The holistic researcher will not only eventually discover the ultimate motives behind 9/11 and Covid, but will also find out what ‘God’ is.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 3, 2024 10:30 PM

Those of us who have been researching the “news” behind the scenes for years would have all the names and links to websites by now where we can easily do this – I have a veritable treasure trove of alt news sites on hand.

However, have you ever tried in recent years to ‘google’ certain key words in an attempt to find anything at all that’s not mainstream garbage? You will come up empty-handed!

So, unless we, the initiated so to speak, disseminate those websites/links to those still unawares they will remain blind and deaf to the truth of what’s happening. … Until they will no longer be able to travel overseas on a holiday, I’m afraid they won’t notice much of a difference to their lives or even care.

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Mar 4, 2024 8:45 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

9/11 was the wake-up call (the tolling of the first bell).
Some people wake up later than others. One cannot help the still slumbering, but one might give a few pointers to those few who have finally realised something strange is afoot – or that the world doesn’t appear to make sense.
Hence, as Todd Hayen asked “So what do we do?”, I thought I’d give him what is probably the best answer.
Although what’s available on the Internet may well have changed over the years, it’s still possible to find out what’s really going on.
TPTB aren’t in the business of trying to awaken the masses – only the wakeful – the sufficiently perspicacious few. Hence, Rik Mayall crossed the line with ‘One by One’. Thou shalt not frighten the horses!

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 4, 2024 10:01 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40-45 years, and have been trying to ‘wake up’ my family members for decades… and never more so than over the past four years… but do they ‘wake up’? No way… as you have said in your post above, they ‘remain blind and deaf to the truth of what’s happening’…

One example (of many I could cite…) of just how much they have no desire to acquire the actual facts re. what’s going on… just a few weeks ago, my eldest niece (35) sent me a text (in response to my having again sent several family members an email in which I’d tried to make them see the reality of what’s really going on…) in which she said “This kind of communication is unacceptable! I’m your family! Families don’t talk about this sort of thing!”.
Are you speechless, on reading that? I know that I was, on reading it!!
When people are that ‘deaf and blind’ to the realities, when they demonstrate, to that degree, that they have absolutely no desire to know the truths, then there’s no hope for them, is there…

Well, they can go on ‘believing’ the lies. I tried my utmost to awaken them, long before the injections were ‘rolled out’, in an attempt to prevent them from submitting to them. But they all ridiculed me, and have each rolled up their sleeves at least four times… (some of them have had, and still have, health issues as a result…). And they still ridicule me when I try to make them see that what they’re being ‘told’ on their beloved TVs is a pack of lies, a pack of untruths.

“You can lead a horse to water….” and all that…

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Mar 3, 2024 10:54 AM

There is something going on in healthcare in UK.

I know in Merka it’s always been a thing because of the money but in UK recently we are told at every turn to check our poo, our hearts, our lungs and all sorts of peripherals.

Ignoring the irony that to get an appointment with a healthcare bod on the NHS is virtually impossible, what is the purpose of these campaigns ?

A couple of things spring to mind. It may be that they are trying to put pressure on the NHS to speed it’s demise and create a “stakeholder” health system, very possible.

But also there is the possibility that this is another nudge operation to accept any “health advice” that they give us in preparation for another go on the jab roundabout after the disappointing turn-out last time.

Certainly, the ground is being prepared . The the recent online harms bill, the vague French legislation that can be moulded to any dissident activity and Sunak seems set to bring in legislation against “malicious” demonstrations i.e. ANY demo that they want cancelled..

Maybe, unfortunately, lessons really have been learnt like they are always telling us they will be.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Mar 3, 2024 11:07 AM

The frogs are enjoying the rising water temperature, oblivious to it nearing boiling point…

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 3, 2024 11:47 AM

Tech bubble, they also borrowed a lot of money to make all those useless gadgets and now they need you to pay for them and be not only the guinna pig, but the financer of last resort.

Gotta love gvt.

Mar 3, 2024 12:52 PM

The amount of texts / letters the medical lot is sending out and the advertising campaign about Cancer at Xmas and The new year and then King Charles gets Cancer (yer right!!).

RE: Home testing kit….

Diabetes, Colon Cancer, Cholesterol, etc etc Underactive Thyroid, Sperm checking.

The testing kits industry after covid is huge.

Make sure you get tested or else!!!!

comment image

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 3, 2024 3:38 PM
Reply to  davetherave

That thing on the right with the letters C,T and S looks more or less identical to the piece of plastic that masqueraded as a Convid lateral flow test.

Are they repurposing unwanted excess stock Convid test kits made in China?

Costing 50 cents maximum a pop to produce, those were a scam, so this colon cancer test is most likely bollocks too.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 3, 2024 7:33 PM
Reply to  davetherave

Precisely. You get rectum cancer from the vaxxes, and got to test it every month.

Mar 4, 2024 4:27 AM
Reply to  davetherave

The home tests for “covid” were potentially dangerous if you touched the liquid reagent provided.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 3, 2024 10:13 AM

Why are celebs such craven cringing hacks?


Someone’s got the dirt on them. Or is eager to manufacture dirt.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 3, 2024 9:51 AM

In reply to Eliger and Big Al,

Most of the MAGA people didn’t get jabbed. Many will have got the message in February 2020 that covid is a hoax. Others, that it’s no worse than the flu. And they all will have known that Trump favoured therapeutics; e.g. HCQ.

If Trump had pushed the “covid is a hoax” line, he would have been slaughtered in the media and most likely impeached. So instead, he declared himself a “war-time president” and used the phantom emergency to set up and finance the operation to counter the attempted coup; i.e. “Warp Speed”.

Trump (Feb 28, 2020): It’s the flu, bro!


Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. You know that, right? Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, ‘How’s President Trump doing?’ They go, ‘Oh, not good, not good.’ They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa, they can’t even count. No they can’t. They can’t count their votes.

One of my people came up to me and said, ‘Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they’ve been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning, they lost, it’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax. But you know, we did something that’s been pretty amazing. We’re 15 people [cases of coronavirus infection] in this massive country. And because of the fact that we went early, we went early, we could have had a lot more than that. We are doing great . . .

So a number that nobody heard of that I heard of recently and I was shocked to hear it, 35,000 people on average die each year from the flu. Did anyone know that? 35,000. That’s a lot of people. It could go to 100,000, it could be 27,000, they say usually a minimum of 27, it goes up to 100,000 people a year who die, and so far we have lost nobody to coronavirus in the United States. Nobody. And it doesn’t mean we won’t, and we are totally prepared, it doesn’t mean we won’t. But think of it. You hear 35 and 40,000 people, and we’ve lost nobody, and you wonder, the press is in hysteria mode.

@10:50: We are totally ready!

Oct 8, 2020
Ask PolitiFact: Are you sure Donald Trump didn’t call the coronavirus a hoax?

Other fact-checkers have agreed with our reading of Trump’s comments. Here’s what they have to say.

Factcheck.org: “Trump did use the word ‘hoax’ but his full comments, and subsequent explanation, make clear he was talking about Democratic attacks on his administration’s handling of the outbreak, not the virus itself.”
The Washington Post Fact Checker: “The context of the full quote shows Trump criticized Democratic talking points and media’s coverage of his response to the coronavirus, but does not call the virus itself a hoax.”
Snopes: “Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus a hoax.”
AP Fact Check: “The accusation is misleading. So is the selective video editing that made it appear Trump was calling the coronavirus a ‘new hoax.”

Donald Trump holds “Keep America Great” rally in Charleston, S.C.
Global News
Streamed live on Feb 28, 2020
U.S. President Donald Trump attended a “Keep America Great” campaign rally in Charleston, S.C., on Friday, ahead of the Democratic primary happening on Saturday.
Trump delivered his remarks amid the COVID-19 outbreak, and has previously downplayed the virus and its potential impact to the United States.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 3, 2024 10:37 PM

Who cares which puppet on a string gets to be the president? (As long as the next one can still string a whole sentence together it’ll all be same old, same old).

Mar 4, 2024 1:30 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I care. This game of putting garbage on a throne in the hope that it’ll produce light is profoundly stupid. Until folks recognize the disease, there can’t be a remedy.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 4, 2024 10:16 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

In an ideal world, there would be some organic form of awakening and uprising – and this would result in the strings being repurposed so as to “hang the bastards” (figuratively speaking, of course!) However, given that most of the 99% are irredeemable, herd-thinking retards, we have little option but to settle for the lesser evil (not that we have any say in the matter!).

In this case, the choice of string pullers is between Pax Americana and the New World Order (a.k.a. Multipolar World Order, Belt & Road, Great Reset, etc). I will label these alternatives using the names of two leading proponents; i.e. Pompeo and Kissinger (assuming he’s actually dead, his ghost will continue to haunt from the grave for some time yet!) The most important statement by Pompeo is his “Lighthouses of Liberty” address at the Hudson Institute in June 2022. For Kissinger, it’s his acknowledgement in May 2023 that Pax Americana won the war in Ukraine.

In many respects, these string pullers are all in the same “big club”. There may be a few exceptions, but as a consequence of this fraternalism, there will be no arrests, no executions, and no swamp draining. Any statements to the contrary are merely part of the pantomime and are easily identified by the accompanying reactions among the herd; i.e. cheering, booing, hissing, chants of “lock her up”, etc.

May 26, 2023
Henry Kissinger Surveys the World as He Turns 100
The great strategist sees a globe riven by U.S.-China competition and threatened by fearsome new weapons and explains why he now thinks Ukraine should be in NATO.
Mr. Kissinger leaves no doubt that he believes in a Pax Americana and in the need “to defend the areas of the world essential for American and democratic survival.”

Michael Pompeo: War, Ukraine, and a Global Alliance for Freedom
Jun 24, 2022
Hudson Institute
Putin’s war on Ukraine is a pivotal event in post-Cold War politics; this unjust war seeks to annihilate the existence of a free and independent country. What does this portend for world democracies? How does it impact America’s ongoing top strategic priority that centers on the existential threat from China? Why should a machinist in Wichita or a schoolteacher in Des Moines care about what happens in the Donbas?
Hudson’s Distinguished Fellow, the 70th U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, will deliver a major speech to answer all these questions followed by a conversation with Distinguished Fellow Walter Russell Mead.
[transcript at link]

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 4, 2024 11:17 AM

They took the bait!

Coronavirus Is A Global Threat. Mike Pompeo Won’t Say Whether He Thinks It’s A Hoax.
28/02/2020 [Fri] 04:52pm GMT
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo refused to say that the coronavirus is not a hoax . . . Rep. Ted Lieu’s (D) question centered around comments made by acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney at a gathering of conservative activists on Friday morning.

Mulvaney played down the disease that is spreading around the world, saying, “It’s not a death sentence, it’s not the same as the Ebola crisis.” He also accused the press of ignoring the crisis because it was too focused on covering the impeachment “hoax.” “The press was covering their hoax of the day because they thought it would bring down the president,” Mulvaney said. “The reason you’re seeing so much attention to [coronavirus] today is that they think this is going to be the thing that brings down the president,” he added. “That’s what this is all about it.” Mulvaney didn’t actually call the coronavirus a “hoax,” despite Lieu’s question, but Pompeo still wouldn’t simply assert that it wasn’t one.

Rep. Lieu questions Pompeo on uranium levels in Iran and coronavirus “hoax” in HFAC hearing
Rep. Ted Lieu
Feb 28, 2020

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 3, 2024 9:24 AM
George Mc
George Mc
Mar 3, 2024 8:22 AM

This may seem off topic but please bear with me.

Here is a quote from a review of “Anti-Freud: Karl Kraus’s Criticism of Psychoanalysis & Psychiatry” by Thomas Szasz. It’s a long quote but I think it’s important:

“Kraus saw one’s language as a deep reflection of who they were as a human being, and how problems in one’s use of language reflected actual problems. Moreover, he saw the visceral and organic power of language that could penetrate across time and space. Like Kraus, Freud was deeply attuned to the power of language and its relation to the psyche. Freud saw one’s language archeologically to uncover sickness. Freud’s remedy included cataloging behaviour under cold pseudoscientific language, and a psychotherapeutic prescription. The pseudoscientific language was – and is – dehumanizing, and the interpretation of the “patient’s” language was – and remains – (often enough) arbitrarily determined against a framework that was constructed by a man who was also deeply flawed. Kraus saw it differently – the people weren’t reducible to this fragile problematic framework, and moreso were not reducible to brutally dehumanizing pseudoscientific neologisms. Kraus didn’t pretend to have a universal framework that would net the woes of humanity and the tragedies of language; and he certainly did not want “Krausianism.” He saw dignity and humanity.”

The reason I’m quoting this is because I think that since 2020 we have been subjected to nothing less than the most ambitious rewriting of our view of humanity since Freud. Only this time it’s a three pronged attack: the post covid model of vaccine dependency, the oxymoronuc assault of transgenderism, and Harawi’s starry eyed worship of transhumanism. The main vehicle of this programme is the use of those brutally dehumanizing pseudoscientific neologisms.

Mar 3, 2024 8:41 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Neologisms are also weapons wielded frequently in law, economics and of course, politics. Cesspools of ‘expertise’ infested with sociopaths, psychopaths, control freaks and narcissists.
Yep, the higher you go, the deeper the bullshit, and the more populous the parasites.

Mar 4, 2024 1:24 AM
Reply to  Johnny

‘Cesspools of ‘expertise’ infested with sociopaths, psychopaths, control freaks and narcissists.’


Purple haze
Purple haze
Mar 3, 2024 8:09 AM

When I realised what the truth was regarding the pandemic and what happened subsequently everything changed for me, that realisation has come at a massive cost, once the glasses are on you cannot take them off (watch the movie They Live). Now I feel that in the dad to day world if I even mention what I think is really going on right now I would be ostracised it’s ok though I would rather be me than them

Mar 3, 2024 7:55 AM

Some people stand on their own two feet, and always will.


“Sit we ever so high, we sit only on our own rear end” — Montaigne.

Most mortal creatures find safety in the Law of Large Numbers. But at the End of Days we poor humans shall be judged each one for what we were, and not for where we aggregated. (Latin gregis, a sheep).

Mar 3, 2024 2:55 PM
Reply to  NickM

Correction: Latin gregis, a flock (eg, of sheeple)

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 3, 2024 6:10 PM
Reply to  NickM

There is still men left.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Mar 3, 2024 7:53 AM
Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 3, 2024 1:56 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

50-100 death out of 100 000. This is a factual difference between 0,05% and 0,1%. Everything below 0,1% is uncertain anomalies. Fact!

So you want people arrested, burned on a stack, hanged, because of a statistic media manipulation with reality?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 3, 2024 10:44 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Dr William Makis reporting from his own clinical findings and from studies around the globe:

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Mar 3, 2024 6:58 AM

How ? I cannot say, But the system will and is currently organising that the group of people the author describes are that group which will prosper and reproduce(in some form). Whereas the opposition will simply be replaced over time.
It seems that this series of ‘great’ resets/replacements have been a stock in trade for the regime as it pushes the human race ever closer to the final planned destination (if there is on).

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 3, 2024 11:54 AM

The destination is unknown, the human race indeed does not currently know its destination, so try to prep for all 3, the two unknowns, plus the current living one, a known, but not so well liked, living hell.

Mar 3, 2024 5:40 AM

Pending at 11:46.
Just sayin.

Mar 3, 2024 1:00 AM

Psychology 101 when you go to school – and they beat the shit out of you when you are not yet 5 years old…and you are lying on the school playground and you look around and they are all screaming and shouting…is to tense your muscles..and stand up….come on do it again…

Then there is a real fight on and all the school yard goes crazy..

As the youngest to fight back you engender a little respect not from the teachers, nor the boys but from the 5 year old girls, when you don’t know how to do your shoelaces up for the gym.

Mar 3, 2024 12:06 AM


Yes. X.

X canceled me.


Paid 168 bucks for X+.

Cruising along.

Writing the usual about the how the United Nations is wanting to make us dead.

You know.

The usual.


Out of the blue.

I am cancelled.

My account is dead.



Dead X.

X is not what we thought they were.

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 3, 2024 12:23 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

The internet insane asylum is growing.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Mar 3, 2024 1:36 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

X is not what we thought they were.

X is exactly what I thought they were. A crock of PC data collecting shit.

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 3, 2024 11:55 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

data collecting site.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Mar 3, 2024 4:36 PM

The Defenition of Crock of PC data collecting Shit is False Information.
I suggest you are sent for retraining.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 4, 2024 12:35 PM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

Digital syndrome is a new diagnosis.

Mar 5, 2024 8:05 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Maybe Hayen can shed some light on digital syndrome. An extension of Mass Formation Psychosis?

Mar 3, 2024 2:36 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

An X is what you make when you want to cross something out.

Mar 3, 2024 8:37 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Try Nostr, it’s a decentralised version of twitter.

Mar 3, 2024 10:19 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

So now you’re ex X.
You’ve been X communicated.
X doesn’t mark the spot.
You’ve been X oh no rated.

Could be worse, you could be Xpired.

Mar 3, 2024 1:49 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Sorry, but… you didn’t know?

Mar 3, 2024 12:06 AM

I got Sepsis, really bad, last summer, and I know I was close to death…when I got home, I could barely walk a step. My wife looked after me, and I was soon walking again, and could make the loo, but was so weak, I couldn’t crawl – it hurt my knees too much, and then my grand daughter turned up…and she could crawl, and then we got a kitten…and we raced each other….They both can run fine now, with me trying to catch up..

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 2, 2024 11:25 PM

Doesnt it fit into the 500 mio at the Georgia Guide Stones? 94% sheeple failing the Milgram test and only 6% able to THINK.

Mar 2, 2024 11:19 PM

I gave up Religion when I was 15. My decision did not go down well, with my Dad, nor my older brothers and sisters….It was just that I was spending too much time visiting them in mental hospitals, when all I wanted to do was to go and see Oldham Athletic….

My Mum understood…

Almost all their fears and neuroses was not because they were lonely (I note we now have a Minister for Loneliness – oh dear…who caused that??)

It was because they had been brainwashed by the Roman Catholic Church, and were convinced they were going to hell for all eternity… cos they they thought they had committed a sin, but couldn’t quite express it…

What Did I do?

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 3, 2024 6:33 AM
Reply to  tony_opmoc

Jumpin’ in Gomorrah I’m religion free.

Mar 3, 2024 6:36 AM
Reply to  tony_opmoc

Interesting comment Tony – and one that I can deeply relate to. After a childhood of strict Roman Catholic indoctrination in the 1960’s I finally broke free of that brain-washing cult my first year at college. I considered that to be my own sort of “born again” moment. “Born” as it were into the ability to actually “think” for myself. The one thing that in retrospect I appreciate about having experienced that quite horrific guilt induced psychological torment and misery as a child and adolescent is that it gave me the resolve to vow that I would – “never again” allow anyone/anything to tell me what to think. From that point on I’ve always seen the “official narrative” – (JFK, 9/11, Russiagate, covid, etc.) – as simply the “official lies” – essentially – “the church doctrine” – of the power system – always assuming them to be fabrications unless and until I myself could validate them myself with my own research. Needless to say once one has tasted the elixir of “thinking for oneself” one has no fear of being labelled a “heretic” – in fact one embraces the charge as the badge of honor it is. Once one has escaped a “cult” – seeing similar cult behavior becomes easy. I must say I’m left quite incredulous watching an entire generation of “woke” young people embrace what amounts to simply a new form or variation of Catholicism’s doctrine of “transubstantiation” – in this case where biological males can quite magically simply “identify” as a female – and magically in that very moment – become one. Yet again we live in a world where “science” has become heresy.

Louis Gatto
Louis Gatto
Mar 2, 2024 11:01 PM

The way out is realizing you were never in it.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 3, 2024 1:15 PM
Reply to  Louis Gatto

So you postulate you can call in for out and therefore you were never in it because in was out, and therefore you didnt need to to seek to get out because inside was to be out.

The problem is reality. Maybe a shrink would help. Relax you are quite safe here. Swing.
https://vk.com/video58938482_456239253 Swing.

Mar 2, 2024 10:36 PM

The Greeks wrote the books egPlato (/ˈpleɪtoʊ/PLAY-toe;[1] born Aristocles; c. 427 – 348 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher

Then the Italians had a go….

Rome had expanded its rule to most of the Mediterranean and beyond. However, it was severely destabilized in civil wars and political conflicts which culminated in the victory of Octavian over Mark Antony, Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC, and the subsequent conquest of the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt. In 27 BC

Almost of all this probably true cos they wrote it in books – manuscripts anc chipped it in stone

This was Before Christ – Then Belief drastically changed
at Constantinople

We need a new Religion to control the Plebs…

Any ideas for a name??? We can’t do Horus – already been done

Horus, also known as Heru, Har, Her, or Hor[5] in Ancient Egyptian, is one of the most significant ancient Egyptian deities who served many functions, most notably as the god of kingship, healing, protection, the sun, and the sky.”

AI ?

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 3, 2024 12:25 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc


Mar 2, 2024 9:59 PM

I think most people think of themselves as decent and this quality gets extended to the government. This prevents them to see the ill intentions and allow them even to forgive.
On the other hand, when you look at any electronic device you can not but think there are experts out there who are a lot smarter than you. This view of the authority give the people trust that the rulers know better.

Put these two contradicting views together and you got cognitive dissonance. You freeze incapable neither to run nor to fight.

Mar 3, 2024 9:20 PM
Reply to  Max

Your comment resonates strongly with my experience. My highly-educated, mature (we’re all around 70) New York Times devotee relatives, nominally among the “intelligenstia”, bought into the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic narrative hook, line, and syringe.

I admit that we soon retreated to an “agree to disagree” workaround, although it wasn’t really a workaround because it was more of a drifting-apart; as the lone domestic dissenter (the other dissenting sibling is an expatriate), my refusal to buy into the bogus “pandemic” claim and my consequent abhorrence of the jabs effectively made me persona non grata for the usual get-togethers.

Anyway, before we clammed up, my scamdemic-thrall relatives simply refused to believe that the authorities would stage a fake pandemic, and/or that medical authorities and even Big Pharma would act from nefarious, self-serving motives. 

They evinced the classic Normal, and safe, fallback position that perhaps a few “bad apple” types might heinously abuse their authority to purposely deceive and manipulate the public– but surely in general, the government, business, and healthcare professionals would never perpetrate or willingly go along with a monstrous crime against humanity. 🤨

Mar 4, 2024 1:40 AM
Reply to  Ort

Professional health care business is a collosal crime against humanity. It has been so for a very long time, at least since it became a tool for enrichment.

V. Dominique
V. Dominique
Mar 2, 2024 9:02 PM

Now wait until the author learns the truth about World War II.

Mar 2, 2024 9:18 PM
Reply to  V. Dominique

The truth about WWII ( I happen to live close to what was Croydon Airport), if I had been 17 then, I would have been first in the queue, to learn to fly, and shoot The German Bombers down…They were making a lot of holes in the road where I live, and totally Destroying Several Homes and killing people in the street where I live.

What would you do?

I would climb into a Spitfire and shoot them down from above. It is not that hard to learn to fly.

Basic Self Defence against people trying to kill you

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 3, 2024 7:23 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You started. Interfering in another country’s affairs by financing Hitler from Bank of England to destabilise Germany.
Basic self defence against people trying to destabilise your whole country into a disaster.

Mar 3, 2024 2:24 AM
Reply to  V. Dominique

Could it have been to get rid of the working class so as to bring in the new machines?

Mar 3, 2024 8:08 AM
Reply to  V. Dominique

Even if he does, he will never be able to write about it.

Mar 2, 2024 8:34 PM

“Now, I know I am painting a very dismal picture of these people, which may include your loved ones (it does include some of mine). But I don’t know what else to say. It just is the way it is.”

Yeh, I pleaded with my sister not to get jabbed. She promised me she wouldn’t. I sent her some nice photos of when we were kids and a really nice Easter Card,

Three weeks later she was dead.

Over 75% of the population believed the propaganda and got jabbed.

I used every psychological trick in the book, I could think of..mainly very low key – not trying to force my views down their throats – cos that doesn’t work..and neither my wife nor my son got jabbed. – Massive success.
So I had bought new clothes for my sisters funeral…her daughter who now lives in the USA was organising it in England – Flew Over for it.

She told me Everyone has got to wear a Mask.

I told her bluntly. I am not wearing a mask.

We didn’t go.

It was probably the mask and the jabs that killed her

Big Al
Big Al
Mar 2, 2024 8:20 PM

Pending for 3 hours and counting? Really? Why is that necessary? I’ve never seen that anywhere else, even in the mainstream. What’s the purpose?

Mar 3, 2024 5:43 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Keeping the riff-raff out ?

Mar 3, 2024 7:30 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Comment delayed: impact and relevance diminished. This does feel like soft censorship. My comments always seem to go to ‘Long Pending’ or ‘Spam’, and there does appear to be discrimination when some others seem to get multiple posts (as many as 25 on one article) through without delay. When I’ve asked for an explanation of ‘The Rules’, I get no answer or my post doesn’t appear. This makes me suspicious about the purpose or administration of this forum.

Mar 2, 2024 8:14 PM

Acts of non-compliance, asserting “i do not consent”, and withdrawal from ruling class wall-to-wall SYSTEM abomination, which now offers nothing of value to the bottom 90% of society. Their products and services take more than they give, in an environment that now leaves the majority negative disposable income. Housing, utilities, transportation, subsidized electronics, corporate crap food and medical systems, surveil, control, eviscerate, harm and even kill we, their useless eater commoners. Abandon it all. Use smart phones only for business use. Walk out of all convenience devices that track like: social media, sites asking for log-ins like Gargle, credit cards and digital transactions, any vehicle not metal analog keyed, all RF device use. Become invisible in their eWorld. Return to a public presence, abandoning screen presence. Assert autonomy and right of self-rule with your public. Participate in Consumer General Strikes from all their systemic totalitarianist systems until we have policy and budget decision making authority, under our directives, oversight and management.

It’s inconvenient and will take a long time. But if we are not eventually masters of ourselves and Humanity master of our collective and individual autonomous futures, we will continue down the 1%’s road to oblivion.

Mar 4, 2024 4:37 AM
Reply to  sandy

Convenience and pleasure are the cheese, drawing you deeper into the labyrinth.

John Manning
John Manning
Mar 2, 2024 7:36 PM

The principle behind the general public supporting these actions is that a large proportion of the human population firstly prefer others to think and act and secondly they confuse actions with solutions.

In the case of covid19 there were a series of blunders that surprised me. They came from the medical profession and exposed them as having little or no understanding of infectious organisms. I am a biochemist with experience handling and growing viruses. I thought masks were one of the few good ideas applied to covid19. But they got it back to front. A mask does not protect the wearer, it goes some way to protecting everyone around the wearer.

You raise Ukraine in this and there the same mistake is made. President Putin said he had to act but his action is not a solution to the problem he identified. NATO will remain and will remain the war crazed organisation which seeks the destruction of Russia. Yet the majority of Russians support Putin. President Biden said he must stop Russia but he is simply prolonging the crisis for Ukraine and actively supporting the destruction of Ukraine. We see this, no-one tries to hide it, but still most Americans support Biden.

We confuse actions with solutions.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 3, 2024 1:33 AM
Reply to  John Manning

Masks were stupid as a medical tool, and flat out sadistic otherwise, especially when forced on children.

Mar 3, 2024 3:31 AM
Reply to  John Manning

action was a reaction to the problem, solution being a preference that offered the greatest benefit, the difference, a consequence of rational and irrational reasoning.

Mar 3, 2024 8:10 AM
Reply to  John Manning

“President Biden said he must stop Russia but he is simply prolonging the crisis for Ukraine and actively supporting the destruction of Ukraine.”

Correct. Scott Ritter says the Obama/Biden/Khazarian coup of 2014 knew that Ukraine could never win a war against Russia. Nevertheless they whipped up a Neo-Nazi army which turned Ukranians into kamikazeh cannon-fodder for NATZO.

Mar 2, 2024 6:36 PM

The Rape of the Mind..Joost Merloo

Purple haze
Purple haze
Mar 3, 2024 10:56 AM
Reply to  Pip

It really is a must read,

Mar 2, 2024 6:27 PM

God help us, every one, Todd, thanks again. There are unconventional ways and means. We must be open to them. There is more than one way to slay and skin a dragon!

Big Al
Big Al
Mar 2, 2024 6:06 PM

Unfortunately, it looks like more than “we” think. I’ve been having a running battle with the MAGA crowd on a few websites about Trump’s role with Operation Warpspeed, i.e., he still claims he was responsible for it and that it, and the resultant fake vaccines, saved millions of lives. I had thought that would be his downfall among his cult, and it did have an impact at first with many, like Alex Jones for example. Jeff Rense was another. But it was soon forgotten with the advancing of the democratic/Biden agenda and is now not a factor at all. They, the MAGA cultists, will refuse to blame Trump at all and will proclaim that he didn’t force a mandate, that he was lied to, even that he was duped, and point out that Biden forced the mandates. Never mind the fact, of which I point out to them, that if he’s such a fucking dupe, i.e., most of us here didn’t fall for it, then he has no business being president. These MAGA folks started out calling themselves “Patriots”, which was originally along the lines of how the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence defined this country. You, freedom and liberty and all that. Now, they are anti-patriot in my book, kowtowing to a wannabe dictator, wanting that one (lunatic) person to unilaterally make decisions to hell with everyone else, and have become, or maybe it’s just true colors coming out, as bad as those on the left relative to “liking it”. They will follow their leader and accept the same shit as those on the left. A true “clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right” situation.
What do “we” do? I just bought a new Preppers Handbook and I’m building more shelves for my pantry. After that, I’m going to work on a water collection system.

Mar 2, 2024 11:46 PM
Reply to  Big Al

With approximately 377 million guns in circulation in the US you may need more than shelves and water Big Al.


Big Al
Big Al
Mar 3, 2024 3:44 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Got those too Johnny.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 3, 2024 6:35 PM
Reply to  Johnny

But my government says all these handguns are nothing against a few F16 fighter jets, and I believe in my government because they know what they are doing!

Mar 3, 2024 8:23 AM
Reply to  Big Al

“What do “we” do?”

I suggest we look for the Lamp of Diogenes; the lamp that lights up when we find an honest person; preferably one who is competent as well as honest. Collect all these Children of the Lamp and put them up as candidates for public office.

“No one leaves this [Oval] Office with the same fair reputation as he entered” — Thomas Jefferson, one of the best U$ presidents.

Human values
Human values
Mar 4, 2024 2:04 AM
Reply to  NickM

Thomas Jefferson vaccinated his private property: slaves.


Human values
Human values
Mar 4, 2024 2:20 AM
Reply to  NickM

One of the best? How was he even good, considering his greed and cruelty?


”The critical turning point in Jefferson’s thinking may well have come in 1792. As Jefferson was counting up the agricultural profits and losses of his plantation in a letter to President Washington that year, it occurred to him that there was a phenomenon he had perceived at Monticello but never actually measured. He proceeded to calculate it in a barely legible, scribbled note in the middle of a page, enclosed in brackets. What Jefferson set out clearly for the first time was that he was making a 4 percent profit every year on the birth of black children. The enslaved were yielding him a bonanza, a perpetual human dividend at compound interest. Jefferson wrote, “I allow nothing for losses by death, but, on the contrary, shall presently take credit four per cent. per annum, for their increase over and above keeping up their own numbers.” His plantation was producing inexhaustible human assets. The percentage was predictable.

In another communication from the early 1790s, Jefferson takes the 4 percent formula further and quite bluntly advances the notion that slavery presented an investment strategy for the future. He writes that an acquaintance who had suffered financial reverses “should have been invested in negroes.” He advises that if the friend’s family had any cash left, “every farthing of it [should be] laid out in land and negroes, which besides a present support bring a silent profit of from 5. to 10. per cent in this country by the increase in their value.”

The irony is that Jefferson sent his 4 percent formula to George Washington, who freed his slaves, precisely because slavery had made human beings into money, like “Cattle in the market,” and this disgusted him. Yet Jefferson was right, prescient, about the investment value of slaves. A startling statistic emerged in the 1970s, when economists taking a hardheaded look at slavery found that on the eve of the Civil War, enslaved black people, in the aggregate, formed the second most valuable capital asset in the United States. David Brion Davis sums up their findings: “In 1860, the value of Southern slaves was about three times the amount invested in manufacturing or railroads nationwide.” The only asset more valuable than the black people was the land itself. The formula Jefferson had stumbled upon became the engine not only of Monticello but of the entire slaveholding South and the Northern industries, shippers, banks, insurers and investors who weighed risk against returns and bet on slavery. The words Jefferson used—“their increase”—became magic words.”

Mar 5, 2024 4:59 PM
Reply to  Human values

Thanks for that information. It does not change my opinion of Jefferson as one of the best of the POTU$As; but it does raise my opinion of the moral qualities of Washington.

Human values
Human values
Mar 6, 2024 1:34 AM
Reply to  NickM

Thomas Jefferson was also a serial rapist.


These kind of men established the United States government, its laws and ideas of liberty and freedom.

A group of 56 white men said they were the new rulers of the New World and its New Order. Most of them, 41, were slave owners, profiting greatly from slavery.

They were also Christians.

They spoke of God and Freedom, but their god is money, and their freedom means private ownership of land and everything in it.

So, as you’re a fan of Thomas Jefferson, what good did he do as a president? What effect has he had on your life?  

Mar 4, 2024 6:37 AM
Reply to  NickM

And then, all the lamp children learn how to do pirouette on one toe to get those coveted envelopes from the ‘Lobby!’ Magnificent public office!

Mar 2, 2024 5:29 PM

Species of people in danger of extinction (courtesy of Nicki Cole):

You often find yourself asking why things are the way they are, or why traditions or “common sense” thinking persist when they don’t seem rational or practical.

People look at you like you’re nuts when you ask questions about the things that we typically take for granted as if you’re asking a very stupid question, but to you, it seems like a question that really needs to be asked.

People often tell you that you are “too critical” when you share your perspective on things like news stories, popular culture, or even the dynamics within your family. Maybe they sometimes tell you that you take things “too seriously” and need to “lighten up.”

You are fascinated by popular trends, and you wonder what makes them so appealing.
You frequently find yourself thinking about the consequences of trends.

You like talking to people about what is going on in their lives, what they think about the world and the issues that course through it.

You like digging into data to identify patterns.

You find yourself concerned or angry about society-wide problems like racism, sexism, and wealth inequality, and you wonder why these things persist, and what can be done to stop them.

It upsets you when people blame individual victims of crimes, discrimination, or those who suffer the burdens of inequality rather than seeing and blaming the forces that do the damage.

You believe that humans have the capacity to make meaningful, positive changes to our existing world.

Mar 2, 2024 5:18 PM

Isn’t this a repeat of a previous article by Dr. Hayen?

Anyway, since I’ve been on hiatus since my shadow banning from this forum several months ago, I haven’t bored Admin with any links to global research articles. May I offer one now? My only comment is that there must be a movement afoot to put poor Winston Smith out of business (maybe Big Brother too).


Mar 5, 2024 5:04 PM
Reply to  Howard

From your Link:

“a fantasy vision of a diversified world, creating bizarro images that make 1980s Benetton catalogues look like white power leaflets. The Verge piece ended with a shot of its request to “generate a picture of a US senator from the 1800s”: 

comment image

petunia petherington
petunia petherington
Mar 2, 2024 3:32 PM

Why did Germany go into Poland Mr Hayen???

Mar 2, 2024 7:42 PM

He shouldn’t give up his day job as he (Hayen) wouldn’t make a very good historian.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Mar 2, 2024 8:10 PM

It was part of a longer term plan. The German economy required “Living Space” in order to thrive and this was to be found in the East. For a truly detailed look at how this worked I suggest reading Adam Tooze’s “Wages of Destruction”, its an economic history of Nazi Germany. (The title’s a bit tabloid but the content is rigorously academic with plenty of citations and footnotes.) If you want an eye-witness view of this period I suggest William Shirer’s “Berlin Diary”. Everything you need to know is out there…..

V. Dominique
V. Dominique
Mar 2, 2024 9:06 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

It may be a little more complicated. Ron Unz seems to have done some credible research on the subject.


Mar 2, 2024 1:30 PM

Is there a happy ending…?

Mar 2, 2024 6:42 PM
Reply to  Approximately

Awhile ago, the thought occurred to me, something like “Can you imagine maybe things might just all work out fine?” Never. I still find it hard to do even as a mere exercise. However, what I have noticed is that turning my attention to things that have nothing to do with all the negative preoccupations, to things that interest me, then, especially to things I never knew or expected myself to be interested in, has opened what seem like new possibilities with different, less predictably negative, and a few more positive or at least more consistently neutral, leaning to positive, results. For me, at least. For you, I can’t say. I don’t know, but, I certainly hope so. Not the best Rx, but at least it isn’t toxic or likely to kill you.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 2, 2024 9:49 PM
Reply to  Approximately

If you are willing to wait 50 years.

But think about it. Our parents and grandparents went through a WW. Others went through Mao, Pol Pot, Hiroshima, Pinochet, Ku Klux Klan, Gulag, Guantanamo, Gaza, Italy went through spaghetti.

Everybody walk through something nasty in their lives. Now its just your turn to go through a little torture, wars, genocide, and other nasty unpleasant things……………….LOL

Its part of nature, its part of history, its part of life. Take it as a man and stop whining and howling. You cant talk yourself out of it.
Now, get your mask on because I think they are heading in this direction  😷 

Mar 2, 2024 11:56 AM

Todd, there is many videos on brightoen and banned where alex jones and deranged ranger and co were screaming ‘stay in’,’ wear the mask’. the chi coms lefties and homeless will come and get you. ammo up, (buy supplements apocalyptic payriots packs from them) etc Team Trumps got this.

This sheeple your talking about includes your luminaries in MSM alt media.
Because they absolutely shit them selves.

Videos are still on there as evidence. March 2020 – August 2020

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Mar 2, 2024 11:37 AM

Tell a lie enough and it will become truth

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 2, 2024 11:06 AM

Mr Hayen

I think you are failing to perceive another explanation: namely that people simply don’t understand that certain people are pathological liars, will say things to cause harm to lots of people and that such people often get into positions of power.

I have a sister who behaves like that to her brother. I grew up thinking that family was family and the sole purpose of a family was to be one for all, all for one. It didn’t cross my mind that psychopaths give not a jot for the happiness of other family members, they use the family as a proving ground for their psychopathy, their malignant manipulativeness and their self-serving thuggery.

I never had any problem seeing the dodgy truth about politicians, about journalists, about estate agents, about financial fraudsters. They weren’t people I necessarily knew personally and I had no delusions that people behaved as well in the big bad world as they were supposed to with their family.

It took me until I was 25 to see my sister’s behaviour clearly. Even then, I didn’t confront it, as I didn’t know how to. That took another decade or so. Many, many people no doubt couldn’t understand why I could not see her for what she was, but no-one in the UK ever spoke frankly about it.

Once I did, it became simple to see doctors as nazis; to see billionaires as eugenicist sociopaths; to see politicians as lying machiavellian charlatans on the make and on the take. It became possible to see ‘Commanders In Chief’ as being prepared to murder their own citizens, to send 500,000 young men to the meat grinder for the major purpose of billion-dollar money laundering etc etc.

It takes a very secure mindset to accept the absolute evil of certain humans without losing faith in the potential for good to prevail.

So I think that most who can’t see the truth simply don’t have the emotional fortitude to face up to evil whilst retaining sanity, so they block out the possibility that powerful people are murdering psychopaths and do what they can within their controlled mind-sets to keep their children safe…..or to dream about actually having children whilst they still hold some delusions about human goodness in their psyches.

Mar 2, 2024 4:03 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

They simply don’t want it to be true, as to so do will undermine their whole life/reality model, and worse, shatter it. And then they will have to deal with the consequences of what to them up til now, seems to be. appears to be madness.
So Cognitive Dissonance is still the order of the day.
But people are waking up. The Western support for the demolition of Gaza is doing a lot of people’s heads in, and they are now beyond being capable of rationalising it all away.
They are now beginning to be able to imagine it happening to them
Themselves, their children and grandchildren.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 2, 2024 4:42 PM
Reply to  ariel

Bingo! I too believe that cognitive dissonance is the thread that holds so many back from accepting reality. Sticking ones head in the sand is so much easier than to confront the evil intentions of those who control us and those who do their bidding. Clinging onto a false world view and hoping it will go away is not going to cut it this time.

Once that can be overcome, humanity as a whole (not the globalist idea of a whole) acting as individuals but for our betterment collectively can overcome the totalitarians.

Each and everyone of us has a personal responsibility to act accordingly, as we see fit, to prevent the oncoming dystopian future.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Mar 2, 2024 10:34 PM
Reply to  ariel

Food On – Food Off…. Let us see how long the sheep can survive without it.
I’m not sure about the newly awakened but it does take engagment to drag their thoughts from them. Gulag here I come!

Mar 2, 2024 6:56 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

“I think you are failing to perceive another explanation: namely that people simply don’t understand that certain people are pathological liars […]” That there is a hard and bitter truth best swallowed and learned early in life. Whomsoever hasn’t experienced and grasped that is at a permanent, gullible disadvantage, vulnerable to such apex predators, as well as every other peddler and practitioner of lesser forms and shades of exploitation, corruption and deception.

Mar 3, 2024 12:29 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Without people like Rhys Jagger, the internet wouldn’t be worth reading..

I am pretty much banned everywhere maybe 1 in 10 get published – usually my worst..

I hope John Ward The Slog is O.K. For some reason he f#cked off from Manchester to London and Then to France, and then to Gambia…I hope he is O.K. He writes well, but has gone AWOL..He does occasionally get a flight to Goa to find another Girl…


Mar 3, 2024 2:03 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Your sister sounds like a narcissist. They are the serial killers of the soul.

Mar 4, 2024 2:34 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Best comment on here. You are an excellent writer.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 2, 2024 10:29 AM

The Scamdemic brought some excitement to many people’s lives. Bored with the daily drudge of life – Groundhog Day everyday. Despite the fear some actually seemed to enjoy it, as Todd said in the article.

For those who got sit on their arses at home, in their pyjamas while pretending to work, it was bliss.

It gave some meaning and purpose to their lives, a feeling of being ‘in it together’. A major topic to chat about and virtue signal on anti-social media.

It also provided an opportunity to deride the detractors and anti-vaxxers. A means to show the world their holier than thou know it all credentials.

In their eyes, now we are back to ‘normal more or less, they probably long for the ‘next big thing’.

These people need to get informed. They also need to understand their lives will be miserable beyond comprehension once the digital gulag is completed. The clock is ticking…..

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Mar 2, 2024 11:13 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

That’s a good point.

I wonder if it was just an appetiser for the main course. And then the next………and then the next.

All increasingly unbelievably lapped up by the masses.

Just enough room left for a waffer-thin mint ?

Mar 2, 2024 7:05 PM

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Mar 2, 2024 11:23 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Maybe all the corporate ‘team building’ shit/we’ve had to suffer through for the last thirty to forty years has hypnotised the career obsessed and turned them into compliant drones.

Pardon the PUTRIDLY FOUL Corparasite language, but as you no doubt know RR:
There’s no ‘l’ in team.

Mar 2, 2024 7:04 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

For those who got sit on their arses at home, in their pyjamas while pretending to work, it was bliss.

It gave some meaning and purpose to their lives, a feeling of being ‘in it together’. A major topic to chat about and virtue signal on anti-social media.


You clearly either earn above a certain pay grade or repeat MSM alt media bullshit.

In the U>k for example, you was given 80% of your wages to be FORCED to stay at home as business;s where told to close. (1st lockdown)

In the real world, 80% of your wages does not cover the monthly outgoings. so many real people had to apply for universal credit or welfare which was also a data grab to top up and pay make payments.

Another issue, which is important, many where told they may never have a job again.
so this sitting at home enjoying yourself is Msm Altmedia bullshit.

Like my friends business’s they closed half way through for ever and another closed after covid, Covid and before that Brexit f*cked them big time.

Real people, I know where scared shitless about job security and more importantly being lockdown and not allowed out or to see family or friends and the fear of dying as the media was full scale. full scale assault as in helicopters from 5/6/7am in the morning. to police sirens till 12 midnight and the media campaign by the MSM alt media and MSM scaring the shit out of people.

Sitting at home watching net-flicks is MSM alt media shilling at it finest as the same people you talk about believed the Bs19 or wutah lab wet market story and them people where scared shitless.

Covid broke alot of people. The scared the living hell of them.

The children damage from covid lockdown and school testing and the queuing quarantine set up at schools is hardly ever mentioned

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Mar 2, 2024 7:06 PM
Reply to  mastershock

For those who got sit on their arses at home, in their pyjamas while pretending to work, it was bliss.

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Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 2, 2024 10:00 PM
Reply to  mastershock

Children, while getting the mark of the beast lipo nano 666.

Mar 3, 2024 1:08 AM
Reply to  mastershock

I refused to let anyone point a thermometer gun at my head. I insisted that they point it at my wrist. I wonder why anyone complied with that mock assassination ritual?! I never would have done that to a child, nor allowed it to be done to my children.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Mar 3, 2024 1:21 AM
Reply to  mastershock

5 a day propoganda test. Are you getting your 5 a day?

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 2, 2024 8:34 PM
Reply to  mastershock

Did I say anything about business owners in the comment?

My opinion is based on my real world experience too. Not MSM or alt-media BS.

If you had read my previous comment in another article, I pointed out that small business owners were bribed with furlough or loans to stay shut. I know people who have small businesses and they suffered terribly.

I was referring to the work from home brigade consisting largely of public sector employees; those who are paid from our taxes. An army of civil sevants, council staff, bureaucrats and educational staff who were on full pay during lockdown.

Are you telling me you don’t know any of those? It would be surprising, since they comprise a large percentage of the UK workforce and it is similar in all Western countries.

Also, many office staff who work for the service sector comprising banks, financial institutions and legal firms worked from home on full pay. The medical profession and NHS staff in UK didn’t stand up to object to the lies and propaganda. In actual fact they actively murdered the elderly and jabbed people with the cull juice.

Regardless of the level of propaganda, we all have a brain to think and act. There is no excuse not to use it. We are in the mess today because there are too many cowards and gullible useful idiots.

If there had been a critical mass of us who had stood up to say “no” to the restrictions and fear mongering, perhaps your friends businesses would not have failed. Also, parents could have rebelled to prevent their children being abused at school from masks and testing.

Instead, those of us who did tell our friends, families and anyone else at every opportunity, using our own informed judgement to assess the perceived risks were shunned or viewed as lunatics.

Like I have said previously, we all have a personal responsibility to inform ourselves and to act accordingly.

Mar 3, 2024 6:16 AM
Reply to  mastershock

Columns 2 and 3 are the same thing, intended to be less overtly dictatorial.

Mar 3, 2024 6:30 AM
Reply to  mastershock

The new Ten Commandments?
We had the same SHIT here in Australia.

What was that one about bearing false witness?
They must have forgotten it.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 3, 2024 6:46 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Nothing has changed in 3000 years. They trampled on the tablets and brought only the calf.comment image

Mar 4, 2024 7:13 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

They did that on purpose.

Mar 3, 2024 8:14 AM
Reply to  mastershock

Funny how there’s a complete MSM silence about how utterly draconian these measures were and not a squeak about a global infection fatality rate of a mere ZERO point 23% (0.23) and that the vast majority of the deceased were above the median age of death. The UK Government knew all this from the outset.

Still we can rest assured that Dame H’s Inquiry will flush all this into the open – right?

Only a one way trip to the gallows for all the perpetrators will solve this problem.

Mar 3, 2024 12:48 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

They certainly do get “informed”, by all the wrong people – BBC, Sky, CNN, Fox, Daily Mail, MSN, etc.,etc.

Mar 2, 2024 10:13 AM

I don’t think that ‘like’ is the word. People who liked covid have been ‘conditioned’ or ‘groomed to like’ it. The question for those who did- and do not like it is what made them so different, ie why they weren’t groomed or conditioned to like it.

Maybe it is genetic. But then, since families were torn up because of MORONA, a genetic trait is likely not the dominant trait.

So if it’s not (solely) genetic (nature), then what about nurture? – Well, every non-complier/anti-vaxxer, etc, can search his own history and see where he differs from others who (due to covid) have revealed themselves as mindless compliers.

For me:
-Having the guts to question yourself
-Having the guts to admit that you were wrong
-Being bored by consensus, willingness to look beyond horizons
-Not giving a f*ck about status (but knowing that one cannot reach divine status for as long one has to make ends meet)
-Not wanting too much (be happy with what you have)
-A curious mind
-To be disgusted by lies, half-truths, mindless gobbledygook.
-a love for truth/honesty/truthfulness
-And, most importantly, not giving an f what other people think of what you think.

Mar 3, 2024 1:38 AM
Reply to  Willem

Almost everybody I know took advantage of it in their own way. The work from homers, the hypochondriacs (all have long covid now), the control freaks, the human haters, climate changes, welfarers, the virtue signalers and even the wannabe freedom fighters. Gave everybody something to fight about.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Mar 2, 2024 10:10 AM

Mum when I was 16: “Why don’t you wear jeans? All the other boys wear jeans”.

Me at 16: “That’s why I don’t wear jeans”.

Mar 2, 2024 11:28 AM

Child: “But mum, everyone wears (Insert brand name here)!”
Mum: “But Dear, we cant afford them”
Child: “My life will be ruined!”

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Mar 2, 2024 1:09 PM
Reply to  Johnny


Mar 2, 2024 4:07 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Yes Johnny, I watched the whole trainer status thing with amazement.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Mar 2, 2024 9:47 AM

Peeps just can’t resist an opportunity to virtue signal online, be it a Covid “we can do this” or a Ukraine/Rainbow flag.
The criminals cleverly hide their insidious agenda under a good motive, and the sheep unquestionably suck it up everytime.
Check the Covid genocide blog on Gab/Gettr and all the deceased posted previously online about receiving their jabs. Some went so far as to attack the unvaccinted.
“Disinformation is deadly”- yep they were at least right about that…

Mar 2, 2024 9:42 AM

…and may God bless the Sheep, too.Much needed light in these dark times.

Mar 2, 2024 9:32 AM

‘Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.’

‘We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there “is” such a thing as being too late. This is no time for apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and postive action.
(Martin Luther King).

‘One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.’

(Abraham Maslow).

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 2, 2024 11:08 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Deixa A Vida Me Levar, Vida Levar Eu. https://youtu.be/oTREAvZbmME
Zeca Pegadinho