The Manchester Arena False Flag
Iain Davis

Richard D. Hall is an independent investigative journalist and documentary film-maker who has gone further than any other journalist to examine the evidence surrounding the alleged 2017 Manchester Arena bombing.
If we look at the evidence, which is the only way to ascertain the truth, the Manchester Arena bombing was, in my view, a false flag.
The official Manchester Arena Bombing narrative asserts the following as “fact.”
On 22nd of May 2017, 22 people were killed by a 22 year old Islamist terrorist Salman Abedi who committed suicide when he detonated his TATP (triacetone triperoxide) backpack bomb at around 22.30. The bomb detonated just after Ariana Grande ended her set following the conclusion of her 22nd song.
Initially 59 people were reportedly injured, 38 directly by the bomb. By 2018 it was more than 800. The majority must have been injured in the stampede and this significantly increased number includes those psychologically traumatised by the event.
Among those initially injured were Ruth Murrell, Martin Hibbert and his daughter Eve. Martin was reportedly struck by 22 pieces of shrapnel.
The terrorist, Salman Abedi, was known to the intelligence agencies and was considered a to be among a tiny group of individuals, marked as a “subjects of interest” (SOI), who “merited further examination.” Despite being “of interest,” Abedi frequently flew back and forth between the Libya and the UK, passing numerous UK border check without issue.
This appeared to be the continuation of the “open door policy” the UK government had with the terrorist members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) which was linked to al Qaeda. In a subsequent 2018 parliamentary written statement, Alistair Burt MP wrote:
During the Libyan conflict in 2011 the British Government was in communication with a wide range of Libyans involved in the conflict against the Qaddafi regime forces. It is likely that this included former members of Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and 17 February Martyrs’ Brigade, as part of our broad engagement during this time.
Members of the LIFG Islamist terrorist group, including Salman Abedi’s father, Ramadan Abedi—also known as Abu Ismail—and their families were settled in the UK from where they could plan and coordinate attacks in Libya. Salman grew up in Fallowfield, Manchester among the UK-based Islamist terrorist community.
As a teenager, Salman joined terrorist operations in Libya during the school holidays. A very frequent flyer, he arrived back in the UK from Libya, via a stopover in Germany, just four days before the alleged attack. As usual, no one questioned him.
Richard D. Hall has “questioned” the official narrative of the Manchester Arena bombing in its entirety.
Following his extensive and diligent research, Hall subsequently published his book “Manchester: the Night of The Bang” in 2020. He released an accompanying film.
Hall reported, in both the book and the film, a significant body of evidence that strongly suggests the official account of the Manchester Arena bombing is false. He has continued to conduct his research and added further evidence since publication.
For me, that body of evidence is compelling and shows the official State narrative of the Manchester Arena bombing is not true. The evidence indicates it was a false flag operation conducted by the UK state or elements within the UK state. I reserve the right to maintain my opinion until someone can show me some evidence to change my mind.
There is no evidence in the official account that leads me to believe Manchester was not a false flag. The official account is not plausible and I have no reason to accept it.
Hall has clearly demonstrated, to anyone that actually familiarises themselves with his work, that the official narrative is constructed from a partial record of the evidence. Virtually none of the evidence reported by Hall has been discussed or examined in any depth by either the authorities or the legacy media (LM). Any conclusion that does not account for all of the evidence is questionable. A conclusion based upon an investigation that ignores or deliberately evades evidence is meaningless.
The Establishment simply insists you believe whatever it tells you about Manchester without discussing, or even acknowledging, the bulk of the evidence. Hall is the only named journalist to have reported the information otherwise excluded from public discourse. For doing so, he has been attacked by the entire UK legacy media and faces bankruptcy in the courts.
One of the reported victims of the Manchester Arena bang, Martin Hibbert, has lodged a civil claim against Hall alleging that Hall’s investigative journalism amounts to harassment and GDPR breaches. Hall has shown evidence that strongly suggests the BBC were instrumental in instigating the case against him.

Martin Hibbert
In an interview aired on ITV’s Good Morning Britain (GMB), Martin Hibbert spoke about his relationship with Andy Burnham, the mayor of Manchester. Mr Hibbert stated that if he wins the case against Hall, he, Burnham and his legal team are seeking to use the ruling to push for the creation of a new criminal offence.
Hibbert and his supporters want to make it illegal to question any reported victim account of an alleged terrorist attack. If enacted, it will ensure that no investigative journalist can ever question State narratives about terror events. Once on the statute books, it is highly likely that the offence will be extended to prohibit the questioning of other State narratives, wherever it is claimed someone was harmed. Murder, for example.
At no stage did GMB question anything Mr Hibbert said. They noted that the case against Hall was ongoing, but then allowed Martin Hibbert to make a series of unchallenged, false claims about Hall. Thus, further jeopardising Hall’s defence.
The GMB interview appeared to contravene Sections 5 and 7 of the OFCOM Code. Some people have submitted complaints to OFCOM. An example of the kind of complaints raised can be read HERE. If you are satisfied that the interview breached OFCOM regulations, perhaps you might consider submitting something similar yourself.
The UK High Court of Justice has issued a summary judgment in Hall’s case. High Court Master Davison decided that all of the evidence we are about to discuss was “farcical” or “preposterous” and ruled it inadmissible. Hall cannot present key evidence in his own defence.
Journalism and its ability to question power is directly threatened by the civil action brought against Richard D. Hall. Yet virtually no legacy media nor independent media outlet, with a couple of notable exceptions, is seemingly willing to publish anything that broaches this issue or defends either Hall or his work.
A possible injunction could see all of Hall’s research and the evidence he has reported removed from the internet. His books will be burned. It seems obvious that the UK state is determined to silence Hall but, more importantly, to hide and destroy the evidence he has reported.
The UK government, the compliant legacy and many in the so-called independent media have reported a Manchester Arena “story,” primarily based upon witness testimony. The official narrative is largely anecdotal and there is a dearth of physical evidence corroborating any of it.
As Hall showed, the State’s relied upon witness testimonies are contradictory and many are not consistent with the authorities’ yarn.
For example, Hall reported the published witness testimonies of the 21 eyewitnesses who say they saw the explosion. Ten described a bright flash or orange light or fireball when it occurred and five described smoke. TATP, the explosive allegedly used, does not emit either light or smoke when it explodes.
At the subsequent public inquiry into the Manchester Arena bang—the Saunders Inquiry—paramedic Simon Butler testified that he “treated” survivors for more than three hours but added “I didn’t see a patient actively bleeding.”
Hall discovered and reported that the first people to respond to 22 dying and 38 seriously injured people in the City Room were Manchester Arena medical staff. To give you some sort of unpleasant mental image of what they supposedly faced—according to the official account—the blast was so immense that Salman Abedi’s dismembered head and torso were flung more than 160 feet through the air to land near the Victoria Station ticket stall.
Hall has provided photographic evidence—not shown at the inquiry—of the Manchester Arena medical team leaving the Arena, immediately after working in the bloodbath. They didn’t have any blood on them. Perhaps they had time to wash it off and get changed or perhaps they “didn’t see a patient actively bleeding” either.

Manchester Arena Medics leaving the Arena after being the first to respond to a bloodbath where 22 people were slaughtered and 38 seriously injured
Hall has scrutinised every single available image and CCTV frame offered as “official evidence” of what happened that night. He even created an online tool to enable anyone else to peruse the images. Which is highly recommended.
He reports, and I agree:
There are no CCTV images that show any deceased victim or seriously injured victim in the City Room or anywhere else in the Arena.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence but, following a major terrorist bombing that supposedly killed 22 people and directly injured at least 38 more, any reasonable person would expect to see some physical evidence that a bombing had, in fact, occurred. None, nada, zilch, showing anything remotely corroborative of the official account has ever been shown anywhere.
There is no publicly available, physical evidence of a large TATP bomb, packed with metal shrapnel, detonating in the City Room. To ignore this and maintain that the official story is beyond doubt, is utterly ridiculous.
The physical evidence reported by Hall has not been acknowledged by anyone who claims the Manchester Arena bombing happened as described by the authorities. It seems likely that it has been ignored because it completely contradicts and wholly undermines everything we are supposed to believe about the Manchester Arena bombing.
Perhaps the most absurd pieces of evidence analysed by Hall is the Nick Bickerstaff video. Widely reported by the legacy media, the selfie-video shows Bickerstaff, supposedly searching for his daughter, having just seen the devastation in the City Room.
Unlike the legacy media, Hall took the time to analyse and investigate the clip. He provided verifiable evidence that proved the Bickerstaff footage was filmed before the explosion occurred. In the video, Bickerstaff said there were people in the City Room who were “bashed to bits.” This clearly indicated that Bickerstaff was relaying foreknowledge of the alleged Manchester Arena bombing.

Nick Bickerstaff: Filming himself searching for his daughter having just witnessed a bombing that hasn’t happened yet.
Hall interviewed John Barr. Barr was an eyewitness who was in the City Room within four minutes of the explosion. This was 40 minutes before the first paramedic arrived and the only medical first-responders on the scene at that time—according to the official account—were the Manchester Arena medical staff, who, apparently, weren’t bloodstained by their ordeal.
John Barr filmed the scene and posted it on social media. Barr possessed a documentary record of the physical evidence observable in the immediate aftermath of a major terrorist attack. Barr was not invited to testify at the subsequent inquiry and his footage was not entered into evidence or examined.
To be clear: the Barr footage captured the scene inside the Arena Foyer (City Room) less than four minutes after the alleged explosion.
We are told that a terrorist had just detonated a massive TATP suicide bomb that sprayed deadly shrapnel over a wide area, scything through a densely packed crowd. It killed 22 people and severely injured at least 38 more. Nearly all of those 60 people would still have been in the City Room when Barr shot the footage.
So let’s consider what we can see on the John Barr video, as reported by Richard D. Hall.
Of course, what we think we see and what we imagine we see is entirely subjective. But let me briefly describe what I don’t see.
I don’t see 22 people killed by a bomb. I don’t see 38 people seriously injured by a bomb. I do not see dismembered tissue nor anywhere near enough blood to corroborate the story we are given.
I don’t see any notable panic nor, indeed, any frenetic activity at all. I don’t see anyone attempting any kind of emergency medical procedure.
I don’t see “any” structural damage.

Plate glass doors to the City Room: What sort of massive explosion is incapable of cracking even a single pane of glass?
Now please allow me to say what I do see.
I see people stood around amiably chatting. I see entirely intact paper posters and flimsy merchandise stalls—supposedly located close to the epicenter of the blast—that have not sustained any damage at all. I see completely undamaged and fully operational lighting. I see intact glass panel doors. I see unmarked walls.
I see a Ruth Murrell, who supposedly just had a bolt blown through her right leg, walking with ease in high heels, without even a limping, bringing her full weight to bear on her right leg. I see Ruth’s jeans, without any damage, despite a shrapnel supposedly passing through them. I see what looks like some minor “bleeding” that I suspect is fake.
I see too few people lying on the ground and what appears to be some limited moulage. I see an event that looks practically identical to the fake mass shooting and suicide bombing that occurred in Manchester’s Old Trafford Shopping Center one year prior, almost precisely, to the alleged Manchester Arena bombing.
I see a simulation of a terrorist attack. I see a training exercise. I see crisis actors. I see a hoaxed false flag.

Scene inside the City Room? No, this is the Old Trafford Center on the 16/05/2016.
Were this the only evidence that Hall had reported it would be enough, in my view, to cast significant doubt on the official narrative. But this is just one tiny slither of the evidence he has tried to draw to public attention.
Taken from his latest video covering the court case, the claimant’s media statements and the alleged Manchester Arena bombing, let’s just consider a few more examples of the evidence Hall has unearthed.
Richard D. Hall reported:
Evidence in witness testimony [given to the Saunders Inquiry] from the emergency services suggests emergency services did not act in a normal fashion and were deliberately inhibited by their chains of command. British Transport Police were kept out of the City Room until after the blast [emergency response was concluded] despite it being standard practice for them to be there to help manage egress from the concert. Greater Manchester Police, who arrived 15 minutes after the blast, did not establish any chain of command with the senior officer at the scene throughout the emergency response period and did not declare a major incident. [. . .] [The whole police response] was isolated from any control outside [of the City Room].
As has been widely reported elsewhere, Hall also highlights the “bizarre” decision to direct Fire Service crews from their station located near the Arena to a rendezvous point two miles further away. Thus moving them three miles away from the building, where a bomb had supposedly exploded, and keeping them there for two hours. Apparently, they weren’t needed.
If that makes no sense, the ambulance response is mind-bending. Consider what we are told about the horrific scale of this alleged terrorist attack.
Hall reported:
North West Ambulance Service was only allowed to send three paramedics to attend a scene with 60+ alleged casualties, two of the paramedics arriving 44 minutes after the blast despite there being four more hazardous trained area paramedic on-site. Eight of the first trained people to respond at the scene—the Arena medical staff—were not interviewed by the public inquiry.
Hall reported the statements of key paramedics and doctors who attended the scene. Paddy Ennis, Dan Smith, Christopher Hargreaves, Joanne Hedges, Dr Edward Tunn and Helen Motram. All of them stated that it was not their role to treat any dying or injured people and they testified that they did not treat “any.”
Hall reported that Greater Manchester Police (GMP) inspector Mike Smith and British Transport Police (BTP) Constable Dale Allcock, testified that a member of the public reported seeing an Asian male—matching Abedi’s officially reported appearance on the night—place a rucksack in the City Room before running out of the Arena. This reported sighting was confirmed by Operational Firearms Commander Edward Richardson.
Hall has presented evidence that the Saunders inquiry entered incorrectly time-stamped still images into the public inquiry. The inquiry stated they were taken 1 second before the “blast” but Hall has convincingly shown it is highly likely they were taken 30 seconds prior to detonation. This apparent 30 second gap possibly indicates an attempt to hide what happened in the City Room in the immediate moments before the bang. Did the missing CCTV images show Abedi fleeing?
In short, there is no solid evidence supporting the official narrative of the alleged Manchester Arena Bombing. It is notable only for its absence. Richard D. Hall has investigated, collated and reported the hard, verifiable evidence that casts immense doubt on the official Manchester Arena “story.”
This brings us to the most contentious aspect of Hall’s findings. People allegedly died and many were injured. Clearly, Ruth Murrell’s account of the injuries she sustained is extremely dubious.
The evidence presented by Hall indicates that the Manchester Arena bombing was a false flag. Evidence, such as the John Barr video, also suggests the possibility that it was a simulated or “hoaxed” false flag. Thus, the potential seemingly exists that no one died and no one was injured in the City Room on 22nd May 2017.
Therefore, with the information he had already uncovered in hand, Hall set about investigating the claimed deaths and injuries. He did so knowing what an immense risk he was taking. Few journalists have the guts to even contemplate undertaking such an investigation.
I will not explore the perfectly plausible theories that Hall presented in his book potentially accounting for many of the deaths and the injuries. Suffice to say, in my view, the Manchester Arena terrorist attack was a hoax and the claimed deaths and injuries cannot simply be accepted as proven facts without further investigation.
But no one, and I mean no one, wants to hear that.
The notion that the state could fake such an attack is hard enough for most people to swallow. Although some awareness of the State’s long history of using false flag terror might help overcome this strain of cognitive dissonance. As would some knowledge of the crisis actor industry.
What people blankly refuse to consider is that the State would ever claim deaths and injuries happened when they either didn’t or transpired as a result of unrelated events. The State habitually lies to us about pretty much everything, so why people find this impossible to even contemplate is hard to say, though we can speculate.
Lives lost to terrorist attacks, especially children’s, have a significant emotional impact upon us. When the entire legacy media constantly reinforces the emotions elicited by those reported deaths, if convinced by this, we run the risk of basing our comprehension of politically significant terrorist attacks on nothing but emotion, rather than on the evidence.
It is the alleged deaths and injuries that renders questioning the event unthinkable for the vast majority. Reported deaths and injuries are essential if you are going to convince an entire nation that a large-scale terrorist attack struck a city like Manchester. Especially if you haven’t got any other evidence to substantiate your claim.
We know that the UK state has been actively involved in terrorism that killed civilians. It doesn’t care about our lives. Begging the question why bother with a hoaxed false flag? Why not use a real bomb?
Again, we can only speculate.
The hoaxed false flag inevitably draws researchers to conclude that the reported deaths didn’t happen. We have seen a slew of court cases, on both sides of the Atlantic, focus upon the highly emotive and controversial claim that no one died. As the public is wholeheartedly convinced that this is an egregious and despicable slur on the memories of those who perished, juries and benches are predisposed to find these researchers guilty of defamation or harassment. Based on their emotions, few would question such rulings.
This, in turn, supports the State’s assertion that measures need to be taken to stop the so-called “conspiracy theorists” making such outrageous claims and spreading supposed disinformation and “hatred.”
The United Nations is using this claim as justification for its proposed global Cybercrimes Treaty. Once signed, every signatory nation will pass laws to stop the sharing of any information that “may have an adverse impact on States, enterprises and the well-being of individuals and society.”
Is the hoaxed false flag an effective honey trap? Is the intention to lure independent journalists and researchers into exposing apparently fake deaths and then capitalise on the resultant outrage, using the media, public opinion and the courts to seemingly legitimise laws to end free speech?
If people are genuinely killed that leaves grieving families who will never let go of seeking the truth. If they aren’t, if the participants have signed some sort of enforceable contract or have been coerced in some way, this is less likely.
For example, the families of the 9/11 victims are still pursuing the US government, not to examine alleged “failures” of intelligence, as is often the case, but to ascertain what actually happened.
It should be noted that some of the families of the Manchester Arena attack are also seeking answers. While there is no questioning of the event itself, many want to know more about the apparent intelligence failures.
In truth we don’t know why a hoax was evidently favoured for the Manchester Arena false flag. Investigating State crimes without being censored or prosecuted or worse, is extremely difficult and high risk. By its nature, the evidence is not easy to gather. Often, we are left with questions and not many answers.
But questions can be well informed and rooted in the evidence. In the case of Manchester, certainly the questions posed by Hall’s work are founded firmly upon the solid evidence he has reported.
Hall would be the first to admit he doesn’t have all the answers. His work is not beyond dispute and it should be critically evaluated. The only way to start doing that is to appraise yourself of it.
“Appeal to emotion” is both a logical fallacy and a propaganda technique. Our emotions are subjective feelings and do not constitute evidence. If we care about the truth we must pursue the evidence and nothing but the evidence. That is what Richard D. Hall has done.
We may not like his conclusions and they may not be entirely correct, but the evidence he has reported is more than enough to determine that the official account of the Manchester Arena bombing is false. A reported victim of the bombing is now pursuing Hall through the courts—supported by politicians, the legacy media and a very expensive legal team—with a view to establishing a law that could end any possibility of questioning State fabricated terror events or any State narrative relating to harm supposedly caused.
So powerful are our emotions that even so-called independent media journalists either can’t see beyond them or use “appeal to emotion” as if it were a rational argument.

Richie Allen
In a recent podcast [go to 28:36] about Hall’s case and his Manchester work, independent radio host, Richie Allen, focused almost exclusively on the emotions surrounding the Manchester Bombing to largely discredit Hall’s work. Listening to the podcast is recommended because Allen neatly packaged the “appeal to emotion” propaganda, used by the legacy media to dissuade anyone from looking at the evidence Hall reported, in his podcast.
Saying that he hadn’t read Hall’s book and that he wasn’t overly familiar with his work, Allen nonetheless felt he was sufficiently well informed to pontificate on the evidence he presumably knew nothing about. He said Hall wasn’t a “real” journalist and stated that Hall didn’t have any evidence to back up his claims. Apparently, according to Allen, none of the evidence reported by Hall—discussed in this article—exists.
Richie Allen acknowledged many of the anomalies in the official narrative. He conceded that hoaxed false flags have happened before, he even mentioned the Nick Bickerstaff video. Allen said he was “at a loss” to understand it and that it was “one of the most bizarre” things he had ever reported. Had Allen read Hall’s analysis he might have been able to understand that the Bickerstaff video demonstrates foreknowledge of an alleged terrorist attack.
Allen offered an anecdote—told to him by a friend—about injured people being treated on the night as “evidence” that proved everything Hall has investigated and reported is baseless. He called Hall’s work “bollocks.”
When the bangs were heard, as shown in numerous TV reports, the crowd panicked and a stampede ensued. Thanks to Hall’s investigative journalism, this is is one of the reasons we can deduce that the Bickerstaff video was shot before the bang. The absence of the warning sirens heard in the Barr footage being another.
Thirty eight people were reportedly treated for injuries caused by a bomb. Many hundreds were reportedly treated for injuries that were not caused by a bomb.
Evidently, this hasn’t crossed Allen’s mind. He apparently assumes that all treated injuries were incurred as the direct result of bomb blast shrapnel.
Allen insisted that the victims were killed by a bomb because funerals were held which mourners attended. Of course, a funeral is not evidence demonstrating how, when or where a person died. Although Allen found it substantive.
Allen noted that many of the funerals had been covered extensively by the legacy media. He said that the people who attended the funerals believed they were saying their last goodbye to someone they cared about. While Hall has questioned some funeral attendees, he has never suggested that the majority of the mourners weren’t genuine, despite Allen telling his listeners that he did.
When his guest, Nick Kollestrom, highlighted the John Barr video (above), Allen speculated that it might show some sort of “hybrid event.” He proffered that there could have been both a real terrorist attack and a fake one which were, coincidentally, identical. Presumably, Ruth Murrell, a prominent “injured” survivor of the Manchester Arena bombing, just happened to attend both simultaneously—if Allen’s off the cuff hybrid theory is to be believed.
Ultimately, by focusing upon nothing but the emotions evoked by Hall’s claims, Allen effectively, indeed overtly, endorsed the High Court claim made against Hall. He stated, without offering any evidence, that Hall had, in some way, harassed the claimants, primarily it seems by questioning their personal accounts and seeking evidence to verify how, where and when they sustained their injuries.
Allen asked what was in it for the claimants in Hall’s case. What could they possibly gain from challenging Hall?
Richard D. Hall is being sued for £50K plus costs. Richie Allen is very well known “journalist” in the “independent media” which he frequently castigates as the “truther industrial complex.”
Richard D. Hall has uncovered the evidence that clearly indicates Manchester was a hoaxed false flag. If I am honest with myself, and if you also find his evidence compelling, then this leaves us with no choice but to agree with Hall that the reported deaths and injuries were not caused by a bomb that exploded in the Manchester Arena City Room at approximately 22.30 on the 22nd May 2017.
This is Hall’s specific allegation. He does not assert that no one died or that none of the claimed injuries are real. He suspects that some of the alleged deceased didn’t die and that some people’s injuries are fake. His only assertion, in this regard, is that no one died or sustained injuries as a direct result of Salman Abedi detonating a bomb in the Manchester Arena.
Like Hall, I don’t know what happened to those people. Hall has looked at the evidence and suggested some possible explanations. He has also presented more than enough high quality, verifiable evidence to question the State’s narrative and that includes questioning the stories we have been told about the alleged deaths and injuries. We have every right to ask those questions and to seek the answers.
Any personal offence caused is an unfortunate consequence of asking perfectly legitimate questions. Being offended is no reason to silence those questions.
Hall has requested that the claimants in his case provide the medical records that show where and when they sustained their injuries. He has asked the High Court to provide the moving CCTV footage that places the claimants in the Arena. The claimants say they have seen these images, as have their solicitor and an unnamed family liaison officer apparently. So all we have to “prove” these images exist is hearsay.
Reviewing this alleged medical and CCTV evidence in the High Court would categorically demonstrate that Hall’s theories about the claimants are wrong. You would imagine that the claimants would be eager to submit it themselves. Instead, the claimants have successfully obtained a summary judgement enabling them to avoid providing that evidence. It is not unreasonable to ask why they would do this?
Richard D. Hall’s Manchester book and all his films are freely available to the public from his Richplanet website. If you want to support Richard D. Hall’s work you can also buy a hard copy of his book from Amazon—or Richplanet. You can go to the Richplanet store and purchase more of his books and merchandise there. These sales enable Richard to earn a modest income from his work.
Richard D. Hall is one man fighting the entire UK State. Hall is appealing against the summary judgment and needs your financial help to press ahead with his ongoing legal battle. It is argumentation that Hall neither sought nor started. He is defending himself against attack.
Richard D. Hall deserves support from all who care about the truth.
You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his SubStack. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
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I wanted to say first that what is happening to Richard Hall is a travesty of justice and just another step down the long dark path toward the end of free speech or any semblance of it in the west. It’s probably safe to say that in western Europe, it’s already dead and buried.
But I think you and he miss the forest for the trees here; or is it the other way around, with the “no bomb” theory. We all know there was a big flash. We know that the authorities and court have redacted video or denied access to the video from the moment of the alleged explosion. We KNOW it wasn’t TATP. So please entertain this (I tried at your Substack but I cannot afford the cost of entry to comment there):
1) I accept that the young man fingered as the “suicide bomber” actually dropped the device and fled.
2) In line with a long history of this crap, including GLADIO, why is it so far far from the pale to acknowledge that there was, in fact, a real bomb? Albeit a military grade explosive device, much lighter and easier to carry, and with some other much smaller ‘mechanism’ for dispersing *some* shrapnel, but nowhere near however many KG of nuts, bolts and screws are alleged? Even BBs could explain both the ‘pock’ or penetration marks in the stainless steel, the walls and the injuries (more on that in a bit).
3) We know (or have been led to believe so by multiple (often competing) narratives) that this person was known to MIx (whatever the Brits call their MI agencies) and that his relatives were known operatives going way back. So who’s to say that, like the American FBI, the MIx didn’t provide him with a military grade explosive after sending him to buy all the ingredients for an incredibly dangerous experiment to build a really heavy and volatile TATP explosive, but that he never built it and at the ‘last minute’ he was provided with the backpack/rucksack containing the military grade bomb with fewer shrapnel projectiles somehow incorporated? That would explain the flash and smell conveyed by numerous ostensibly credible witnesses and victims. It would explain the heat, the pressure wave and also the relative lack of shrapnel damage to surrounding structures and displays. It might also explain the relative directivity of the explosion – thus sparing some of the more fragile objects like the t-shirt/merch stand and the injuries.
4) It could also explain the injury and post-op surgery photos of the one woman who was wearing heels and seemingly able to walk with no noticeable limp or effort if what penetrated her thigh was merely a few small BBs. The surgery to extract that kind of thing deep within the leg muscle tissue could very well leave scars such as those presented into ‘official’ evidence but also explain why she didn’t have a severed artery or lack of mobility while in shock after the explosion.
5) It would also explain the authorities refusal to provide actual CCTV footage of the moment of explosion because they know that there WAS in fact a large flash of fire and a typical explosive signature.
6) All of which might *also* explain the extreme secrecy/coverup surrounding the traffic stop and armed arrest of the Audi driver and fake story about the “terrorist’s” body blown in half as well as the lack of body parts of other victims and lack of apparent shrapnel injuries visible in the video aftermath of the explosion.
I watched your interview with the “journalist” woman who posited that the very fact there are 22 dead as enough reason to believe there was a bomb. What if there WAS a bomb, but not TATP and not laden with many KG of hardware store shrapnel? What the perp was in fact a patsy ala the previous Operation GLADIO type operations – i.e., a real explosion with real military grade explosives passed off as a TATP device since that is the only “rational” explanation for why a guy who the MIx people know cannot be fully scrutinized could realistically have had without extensive patsy handling?
TLDR: I believe there was a deadly explosion. I believe it was the “intelligence” services handing the patsy they coerced to plant them. I am also fully willing to believe that Zionist affiliated motives were at play – a ploy to demonize “Islamists” for many, many reasons, just as GLADIO was targeted to do the same with communists and socialists during the Cold War.
Any response much appreciated.
I don’t know when this happened but, is down.
What has happened since October 23.?
Was he charged..?
There are some very articulate and well considered comments here which reassuring. RDH has been poking the liars and frauds with his sharp investigative logic for a long time now, they will use this case to make the brainwashed programmed masses except greater restrictions on anyone who questions the controls government are about to unleash on us.
So much fun this apocalypse!
I’ve not heard about Hall for a long time prior to this article, so I updated myself. Indeed, he’s in legal trouble for allegedly misprepresenting, and allegedly even stalking, the victims of the bombing.
That aside, what is more puzzling to me, the official narrative places massive culpability upon MI5 and MI6. By Hall / Davis claiming that the bombing was a false-flag, by default, they are actually exonerating the UK secret services from the dastardl deed!
Why would Hall / Davis want to do that? Perhaps it’s accidental, perhaps they haven’t thought it through properly, or perhaps they don’t care as long as they get plenty of clicks?
Let’s compare with another false-flag or two: for sure, there’s more than enough evidence of 911 being a false flag, and 7/7 highly likely too. However, the claim that the Manchester bombing is a false-flag achieves the total opposite of the 911 claim, they are letting-off the Establishment and security services from messing up with Libya rather than apportioning blame upon them. It’s all very odd in my opinion.
I do not understand the point of this commentary. The article you are commenting on is explicitly related to the factual evidence underlying a particular assessment of facts in question. You are demonstratively unconcerned with literally all this evidence and act as if the potential political implications of said assessment are the issue at hand, never mind your half-assed speculation about the same. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, it seems you have, at the very least, utterly missed the point.
The point is quite clear, in fact I made several:
the source of the so-called research is in trouble for allegedly hounding the victims.The claim of a false-flag perversely lets MI5/6 off the hook for their failures, how convenient!The 911 false-flag evidence was very robust, supported by architects and engineers, whereas this is one guy in his ‘bedroom’, apparently not a qualified engineer nor expert, looking at some partial video clips and making a judgement. Totally different ends of credibility between the two.
MI5/MI6 got a small amount of blame for there involvement with the Libyan Fighting Group who were based in Manchester.
But If this event was a false flag event MI5/MI6 would have been involved . If this was exposed there would be a lot more blame coming there way. So It does not let them off the hook as you claim.
The case against Richard D Hall is the most hypocritical you could imagine. During Richards investigation he tried to interview some involved. But the main stream media use much more aggressive interview and door step methods.
Brenda Leyland was door stepped by a SKY reporter and shamed in the media. She committed suicide as a direct result
This is the statement from sky news
Jonathan Levy, senior manager at Sky News, said the approach was in line with the broadcaster’s guidelines on doorstepping: deemed to be warranted when public good outweighed intrusion, and as long as the method was proportionate.
“The team at Sky News followed its editorial guidelines and pursued a story in a responsible manner that we believed was firmly in the public interest.”
So if you are the mainstream it is OK to door step but if you are alternate media it is harassment to try to contact any one.
Richard is a qualified engineer.
He has presented his evidence so you can judge it yourself.
It is photographic and police audio as well as police and other witness statements. As well as his own opinion.
His evidence is only partial as the state has decided to hide most of the evidence.
What is an expert I spent some 38 years writing computer code.
But I taught myself so I am not an expert.
The conclusions are supposed to follow from the evidence, not vice versa as you have proceeded.
Secondly,claiming the event was a non-event does not really exonerate the security state, it simply accuses them of a different,albeit lesser crime.
Remember that the purpose here is the truth, not making the most severe allegations against those agencies regardless of evidence.
But you hit on something interesting there.
Part of the way these concoctions are sold is by seeding the incident with a story of outrageous incompetence on the part of the state that is then seized upon by conspiracy fools who respond to what is essentially chaff and in doing so support the core tenets of the government story-that the threat is real and the event was real and the security state is very important but must do a better job.
I encourage you to examine evidence first and then move towards a conclusion based on that evidence. You are currently considering which version of the story you find most emotionally appealing . It is not sound at all.
Iain not responding on this one….
Still, bury
I didn’t check this out much at the time, so thanks for the info.
7 years later though.
What about the famous Scottish victim ?, as someone else below said, where is she, whats the family say about this.
In Little America ?
Good job these threads move so fast, sometimes,
Good job limited hangouts exist, else where would we be !
What doesn’t Iain and OffG have articles about, ‘space’.
Thank you Iain but this event eclipses Richard D Hall’s efforts;
Research trashed by Leg Med and buried.
Seeing the photographs of the bomb blasts pushing upwards the peripheral metal floor of the carriage proved that the explosives were beneath the train, either on the underside of it or the track.
I saw they documentary when a supposed UK army expert claimed that the explosion first pushed down the metal, then it was reflected back upwards, bending the metal as it went, as absolute nonsense.
Why? Because the trains were moving and any rebound of the blast would have skewed or missed the metal due to the time and distance travelled between detonation and rebound.
Hibbert was interviewed by Mariana Spring at the end of her hit piece against Richard. Hibbert began by thanking all the emergency services…..including the fire brigade. They weren’t let into the arena until everyone else had fucked off home.
In the world of crisis actors, it’s quite simple to play a bogus cop, paramedic, etc, but nigh on impossible to do the same with the fire brigade and air ambulance.
If you’re suspecting there might be more devices planted, you wouldn’t exaclty let in everyone would you?
The quote from Matthew springs to mind ‘You can tell who the false prophets are by their deeds.’ OR ‘Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.’
Good people can see the people who are ‘lost‘ souls, by their acts of selfishness, greed and ultimately psychopathy. We can use scripture, common sense and the Hermetic sciences to understand how they are disconnected from themselves and ‘God’. Selfishness and immoral acts cause a minor fracture of the EGO causing ‘ALTERS’. This is a trauma, so the higher self disassociates to protect itself. This is how MK ULTRA and SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE works. Read on to see what ‘God’ is in terms of the subtle electro-magnetic forces…
In Pagan terms we have ‘with nature’ creative spin and we have ‘Widdershin’ spin (the destructive Chaotic forces). Studying Crowley’s ‘Do What Thou Wilt’ law, we can see where self-interests and a knowledge which the Magi and Djed protected from lunatics – is being abused and has been abused by lucatics since the Nazis tortured the gate keepers (like Franz Bardon). The signs are everywhere – 22, 33, 666, 18, 5/9-11 – numerology. Gematria. The codes of the Matrix we ‘live’ in. Pythagorean secret knowledge. Not so secret any more.
Once one comes to realise that the ‘obsessing’ or ‘possessing’ ‘spirits’ are the Qlippothic, Inverted, Enochian, Saturnian, Ketabolic destructive forces (anti-clockwise toroidal spin with Phi/Pi prime number Fibonnaci sequencing) – energies which have a consciousness intelligence like us – and like everything does in this realm.They are the Daemons/demons we see in computer programming and in myth.They obey commands. And as bizarre as this may seem, we can get to the point of understanding where this makes complete sense and why ‘programs’ have been initiated that are being powered by energies or groups called ‘legions’ (activated through ritual and ceremony, numerology and WILL / intention of the ruling establishment), that are (deliberately and uncontrollably) bringing the world into a state of chaos.
We can also see the checkerboard ‘Order out of chaos’ and see where the Sabatenean-Frankist ‘redemption through sin’ inversions/perversions are used to power the energies that go against nature. It’s called Satanism – but there are ways to understand this, like running a computer program can be understood – as they have the same properties in many ways.
When we ‘cast out’ demons, we are using our own electro-magnetic bio-photon ‘light’ positive-spin energies from the sun (research Popp’s Biophotons and Béchamp’s Mycrozymas), to convert this energy through the bringing together of M/F poles AKA Love – to transmute the demonic/Satanic ‘dark’ energies of the Saturn or ‘black sun’. Think Yoda, Luke and Anakin Skywalker. Hollywood (look at the name) is based off the same Mystic Pre-Judean Magick principles. They know this stuff – and clearly there are many in Hollywood deeply corrupted by the lure of the dark side….
Know how the forces can be communicated with – both in ourselves and in others.
Research Dolores Cannon and the ‘higher self’.
We can expose the corrupted through simply asking!
Try this. Ask someone working for the government agencies, councils, judiciary and police to state their name – ‘reveal themselves‘. They hide behind emails and bogus call centres front of house for a reason. Get their contact details and ask them to state their name and their intentions to be the light (of Jesus if you really want to go there). Jesus, like other words which have been ‘powered’ through prayer (intention WILL charge), works much like energy healing Reiki does. The words, the letters are ‘energy containers – and the connected group minds works as an attraction force. Align yourself with Cristos-Sophia, Yeshua or Christ – feel it in your heart centre as love/gratitude, bliss AND WITNESS HOW POWERFUL THAT IS! Believe in it however you choose to believe in it.
Then demand that agents supposedly working for society be removed from their position (cast out) if they no not work for the public/people (or ‘light’) and greater good. Bizarrely, you will see these individuals either stand up to be an ally for resonant cooperation or they will retreat our of fear from exposure to the light.
In some cases, these damaged souls will reveal themselves to be compromised and controlled by the dark forces. You may even see the demon in their eyes or they will turn in to demented raving angry lunatics (many of rainbow people or ANTIFA are this). This can be their redemption. It also has relevance to the ‘dark night of the soul’.
It’s literally Sar Wars of which the late great Joseph Campbell and the Hero’s Path reveal the two sides. The dark energy is powerful and the quickest way to get fame and riches – because in faraday’s law explaination – ‘compress’ the energy against the natural spin. In electrical terms, this is an ampage stored in battery capacitors – our cells. Qi or Prana energy. The satanic rituals siphon lifeforce energy from the anus of children – in vedic terms this energy released from birth canal and rectum is called ‘APANA‘. Look it up.
Many in positions of power have opted for the left hand path (anti-clockwise spin or inverted pentagram mirrored from above as in Crowley’s ‘great work’) which uses perverted means for obtaining, for the immediate gains they receive in this lifetime. It takes multiple lifetimes to achieve the status for ‘entering heaven’ – or for ascension to another octave/dimension. Look up Ra, Ashtar, Seth and other channelled entities – it’s too bizzare for most, but agaion, think of Ob Wan’s character – this is starry revealing a greater truth. Many choose the dark path for fast wins but it corrupts them, to the point they destroy themselves and destroy all around them. The Soros characters are the Sith lords embodied in human form. Evil wipes itself out. This is the FAUSTIAN PACT.
Simply – all we need do is convert the powers as ‘Yeshua’ did and continues through connection to earh bound souls that entrain with this vibration. Transmute the negative through LOVE and recycle the destructive forces, back to creative forces. This is the natural cycle of life – which is unbalanced at this time through too many and too much focus on the ‘quick-fix’ LOOSH grabbing force that is insatiable, hence eats itself. Get them to reveal themselves and then cast them out.
To note – I am not religious, I am a logical-brained person that has understood our own nature in scientific terms that connects to biblical and pre-Judean Kaballah mysticsm.
Contact me for more info and I’ll share all the books that show how this all works 🙂
Interesting. How can I contact you?
They wouldn’t let the Fireman in for over 30 minutes,,They complained.
Why won’t you let us in?
The Security Services Have Taken Over – and haven’t quite finished the bangs and painted the foyer with fake blood
Have you let any Nurses in Yet?
Who The Fuck are You?
Fuck Off – We have not finished The Photography Yet
I saw the photography before John Ward…who believed it and thankfully is posting again.
Bataclan in Paris was much the same. I am not suggesting that the audience or musicians were there except for the music and are totally innocent
Question. Whats Richard Done to the old truth movement Newish alt media lot like Icke and co.?
Why haven’t they mentioned this..?
There is a thread on it there under ‘Today’s News’ with around 250 posts!
Wow. Another injustice happening under British law.
There are unfortunately corrupted. It’s an energetic force. Dangerous to align with as those who do get their fingers burnt. Perhaps read my post above if you are interested – and see if it makes you 🙂
I was working in central Manchester, early in the morning, on the day after this event. One might expect that, in the aftermath of such a major incident there would be a heavy police presence; maybe even large areas cordoned off or locked down. That was certainly the case after the ’96 bomb. In this case? Nada. Back to work everyone, nothing to see here! Perhaps there wasn’t…
That’s because the secret services knew exactly who’d done it, they screwed up totally in preventing it. Claiming it was a false-flag totally lets MI5/6 off the hook, how convenient.
These people appeared on several different news/hate propaganda channels within two days after the event.
Nice Philip K Dick reference.
You know he was into all kinds of alternative realities……
She keeps referring to him as ‘my husband’. He’s sat f*cking net to you FFS! Use his effing name. It’s Phil. Phil. PHIL! It’s just bizarre. Like her husband isn’t actually there.
Paul Cudenec:
One thing that may come out of this is the increased awareness of Hall’s brilliant investigations into so many areas of government-led deceit and the complicity of the msm and the legal system in discrediting it. Which makes me wonder – is the whole point of the last seven years or so of world events an attempt to expose the truth of what has been done to us? All the weird number coincidences and the obvious indicators of a falsified narrative are almost too obvious for anyone still retaining a functioning brain. So it could be a falsifying of a false flag for the many unsuspecting and naively-compliant people who want to believe tptb want only what’s best for them – to attempt to wake them up to the duplicity of the ruling scum. The scamdemic was another such event – beyond ridiculous: a voucher for a brothel in return for rolling up your sleeve (in Germany I believe). Matt Hancock pretending to cry but actually quite obviously laughing when he heard that William Shakespeare had been given the first jab in the UK. It was all a movie / a farce / a fake fake-narrative and the Manchester event was a precursor to this. Someone somewhere wants us to know what’s really going on and to become aware of it in the way Richard D Hall has, to expose all of it by ceaseless untiring evidence-gathering building a case and exposing the truth behind the lies. The truth will out one of these decades and may he live to see it.
One thing I particularly like about RDH is he accepts when he’s wrong, or thinks he might need to look at things again. But these are rare occasions and if anything enhance his trustworthiness.
There are a number of things he has investigated that the majority of people would never really think of digging in to – me included. Jill Dando / Jo Cox / Madelaine McCann etc. His McCann doc is fantastic.
Q: How did you know Shakespeare was actually the first? Did you have a comm link to all the jab centres?
A: We did not. We are just rubbing it in.
Richie sick-note Allen uses the ‘I got a friend who was a nurse In Manchester hospital and they was there and saw the injured’.!!
Whenever they use that I got a friend who worked in hospital.
All you got to do is just remember Covid with hospitals being overwhelmed!!!!) or NHS is full – Media nonsense each year!!!
Remember a hospital ward has an average of 24 beds, minus the 2 meter rules makes the ward- 12 people minus the Comorbiditys most people in hospital have,
then remember the testings for covid,
(remember the Nightingale hospitals they put up that had 12 visitors! that was supposedly full)
Marketing and promotion = Propaganda, yes the ward was busy, due to half the beds taken out.
Yes people may have been there, BUT not for covid.
Exactly the same with ‘I got a friend who was a nurse or security guard and they saw etc etc…
…so it couldn’t of been faked’.
SAW what…?
What was the real reason they were there?
NEVER FORGET THE MEDIA ONSLAUGHT OF MILLIONS DYING of covid and then the covid cases switcharoo.
Inside NHS Nightingale – the world’s biggest critical care facility
Uploaded: Apr 1, 2020
“Sky News visits Nightingale Hospital in London – the world’s largest critical care facility built in record time to cope with the surge of COVID-19 cases.”
Whatever happened to the purpose built “Nightingale Hospital”? And to that end, what about the concentration quarantine camps in Australia?
My opinion, I thought the concentration camps for the unvaccinated where scare tactics to get people to toe the line and take the jab and also to make the awake lot look even more crazier to doubters who where on the fence..
There was an multitude of psyops going on.
That video above could easily be amended with the tek they have, to say it is concentration camps for the unvaccinated and given to the lovers of fear in alt media and truth movement and none would be the wiser.
BTW the Sunderland’s Nightingale hospital stayed open as a vaccination centre and then closed
“Nightingale Hospital”
The converse propaganda was: All those injured or dead after the jab, or infected by forgotten diseases, as well as their families were all liars or delusional.
Never forget.
Quite apt that the video was uploaded on April 1st !
tried to amended the comment, sorry
I fixed the errors, plus added you a nice video link. Thanks for your comment 😃
Brilliant video Sam. Thanks
I’m sort of glad that OffG has managed to support the excellent Richard D Hall and his attempt at great potential personal risk to put the facts of the ‘not-bombing’ before the public. When I brought up having seen at least a couple of immediate phone videos on YouTube a few weeks ago, which showed the Manchester Arena foyer event clearly and the alleged ‘assassin/terrorist’ with backpack letting off a thunderflash near the right hand doors, and everybody there immediately lying down. my comment was disappeared, although it was evident from the beginning that this was a false flag the British equivalent of the Brussels Airport bombing, or Sandy Hook.
More power to Richard’s elbow.
I don’t know the first thing about what happened in Manchester. What I do know, however, is that the official story of the London bombings is that FOUR guys with backpacks full of the same ingredients (shrapnel plus TATP) supposedly drove together in a Nissan Micro to the station (forgot the name) where they then rode different trains into London.
Ever seen a Micro? No way four guys with full backpacks could fit in there. And if they did, it’d be an incredibly tight squeeze. And to be packed in like sardines into a car full of explosives? It truly beggars belief.
But Sam…
You can, in a Nissan
(it’s a “Micra” BTW)
Sam, iirc the poor patsies travelled separately to Luton, then allegedly boarded a London bound train, that actually turned out to have been cancelled making it impossible for them to arrive at the time stated. Of course we’ll never know because the cctv network, curiously run by an Israeli firm, wasn’t working that morning.
Richard D Hall,
Hoping against hoping,
Banging on doors,
That will never be opened.
evidence doesn’t matter anymore – look at the ‘Rust’ tragedy – the killer remains free whilst someone who may have been ‘negligent’ but did not pull the trigger is in gaol
And then in NZ a 21 year old male who viciously assaulted a 70 year old woman at a woman’s rights event gets let off with diversion. You either gotta be well connected, or on the right side of the politics.
Nice to see the support of Richard D. Hall and attention drawn to his fastidious work. He’s one of the few people in the world who has covered such events so methodically, and always couching his conclusions in the form of personal opinion, while showing a tone of good evidence to back it up.
Death Certificates are on the public record. Why not check them?
The Office for National Statistics is a matter of public record.
What will they do next?
Downgrade George Orwell’s novel 1984 to 198.4…?
You’re missing the point. Death certificates are issued – and recorded – locally, then consolidates at the National level. If indeed so many had died on the day, there are publicly-accessible records LOCALLY available to confirm or deny. At least that should be an obvious avenue of research, even if the records are made “unavailable”?
do some basic research philipat- there are many records missing for the alleged victims’ death certificates…. so why are you bleating on as if they are all intact?
Also if you have any wits about you you will realise a pattern of birthplaces/connections shows , that RD.HALL even missed.
Death records did not help much in the case of the “9/11 horrific terrorist attack”. The emergency responders and employees in the neighbourhood were the true victims, during and long after the event.
My point is that if so many people did actually die on the day, there must be public records – obituaries, local media stories, death certificates – to confirm such events. You would, therefore expect the author to at least go through the process of checking such dat, which he appears not to have done. Has he tried to do so and been denied access, then reported same, that would be an entirely different matter. But to ignore such an obvious avenue doesn’t give one much confidence.
Exactly this. It’s the most obvious thing to have done at the outset of his investigation.
If the guy is alleging that the entire bomb story was a government hoax…what credible evidence would a state issued death certificate be ?
Hmmm! This article, is brilliant in so many different ways. Ian exposes the parlous state of the court-process and the general legal mind-phuckery … aided and abetted by the ‘legacy-media’ and politicians in general. OMG, why on earth would ANYONE ever have any sort of faith in government, any tier of government, per se? It certainly lends some credence to the words of Tom Clancy, “What government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people, it’s not good for much else’ … or words to the effect.
All the 22s are immediate tell tale signs. Also sounds exactly like the Boston marathon bomb false flag with the fake blood and crisis actors and a bit like 911 with the diversion of officers.
Careful, a large number of people here believe in a global conspiracy to enslave us all, but don’t believe the perpetrators use numerology to mock us.
I guess its a leap of faith too far for the average mind.
Yes the three 22s are the primary signal. Skull and Bones, AKA The Order AKA Order 322 — i.e. three 22s. The three 22s are by design, not chance.
Here is the only response you’ll ever need, from Prof. of Chemistry (Cornell Univ.) Dave Collum:
” I am a ‘conspiracy theorist. I believe men and women of wealth conspire. If you don’t think so, then you are what is called ‘an idiot’. If you believe stuff but fear the label, you are what is called ‘a coward’. ”
“Be scared, be VERY scared.
Our multi billion pound defence forces, security services, police forces, government officials and honourable politicians will protect and serve you”
“So shut the fuck up, work hard, pay your taxes, believe every word we say and keep voting for us. There IS no alternative”
nothing new under the sun
this kind of “justice” reminds me of the kangaroo courts in Germany before and during the 2nd WW!
Folks that get caught up in these kind of procedures won’t be excecuted but loose jobs and lively hood, and if we are honest and look ahead : total excusion from society will be next
Why can this happen ? guess one reason is the comfy lives we lives with false narratives paid for by those that have a hidden agenda
Stick to the truth at any cost You don’t always have to shout it from the roof tops but keep it in your heart
Best wishes and prayers for Richard D hall you still are the hero and that they can’t take a way
“this kind of “justice” reminds me of … ” lynch mobs in the USofAs that innumerable times murdered the “others” they so correctly feared.
It was a completely fake event. Hall made a mistake by going to one of the fake victims residences. There were several similar incidents in the UK around that time. Chris Spivey has proven that the London bridge incident was a complete fraud too.
The state expects to be able to pass off these concocted events as authentic acts of terror and Hall and any other obstinate people who refuse to accept their childish lies at face valueare not to be tolerated..
Richie and Marianne are birds of a feather. I’d actually forgotten that Richie exists and I hope to forget that he exists because he is a worthless journalist and complete phony and I don’t want to waste my time thinking about worthless people.
Brave piece Iain, thanks.
Whatever happened to Chris Spivey, he was all over these type of events. The dark forces tried to take him out over the fake Woolwich event I seem to remember and his huge exposure of the bejewelled parasites living in OUR palaces was epic.
Elton John’s tastes in ‘art’ put an end to Spivey’s investigations didn’t it?
what i find interesting is the court is not allowing any of halls evidence to be debated, if, as the state, MSM etc say the evidence with which hall has provided is wrong, then shouldn’t it be debated? if its not wrong then a convenient way to dismiss it is to exclude it from being submitted as evidence. I do expect new laws to be created as is always the case, just goes to show that harms law is going to balloon even more
And the most ludicrous thing of all is that he asked to see the CCTV footage and they won’t show him. I don’t need to say anymore.
22nd of May 2017, 22 people were killed by a 22 year old Islamist terrorist Salman Abedi who committed suicide when he detonated his TATP (triacetone triperoxide) backpack bomb at around 22.30. The bomb detonated just after Ariana Grande ended her set following the conclusion of her 22nd song.
Unlike many, I called bullshit on the get go. the clues to easy to follow.
It certainly looks suspicious. These bastards.
Yes, and this makes Abedi the 23rd dead person, in other words, the masonic martyr.
Masonic morons and their f*#king numerology, man.
I find Richard Hall’s videos convincing: Something dodgy was evidently going on at the Manchester Arena; However, a friend knows someone who was close to the family of Eilidh MacLeod, the 14-year old girl from the island of Barra who was killed: Eilidh’s friend, standing beside her was seriously injured: Eilidh’s mother dropped both girls off at the arena before the concert started: If there wasn’t a bomb, what actually happened to these two girls?
A Good question, however a friend of a friend who knows someone is still far removed and amounts to fairly unreliable testimonial. Chinese, or Australian whispers.
Surely enough local people who were actually there should be available to tell their story directly
Here’s a million pounds, you’ll go to the US where we’ve provided you with a new identity, a home and anything else you want. Just keep schtum & never come back.
I think Richard was onto one particular Manchester bombing “victim” but can’t recall her name.
Bummed to death by some celeb or politician
NY governor Hochul has ordered deployment of 1,000 National Guard (750) and state police (250) to patrol NYC subways. The ostensible reason from officialdom is crackdown on out-of-control crime, once more to keep people safe under surveillance and security of the state’s institutionalized violence and organized crime.
The never-ending war on crime has already militarized local police forces, but NYC cops apparently aren’t enough to contain threats real or imaginary. So it’s posse comitatus be damned again, as martial law continues to be normalized as another temporary emergency measure made permanent from repetition.
Like a well-rehearsed script, there’s also narrative elements of crisis from migrants and terrorists tied to Iran and Middle East war, the latter associated with recent intelligence reports from the Federal Bureau of Intimidation, with its reputation of only being able to solve crimes it’s committed.
Go ask Alice to make sense of this looking glass world.
“I didn’t see a patient actively bleeding.”
The above has been our initial reaction to the footage we see upon most of these events. No mass chaos, blood, carnage or anything indicating what one should see. The first video i saw of 911 was instantly recognizable as a demolition. The NBC anchorman initially remarks to this comparison on air, same time. After seeing numerous bloodless, carnageless, bizarrely human-activity-empty footage repeated over and over, in multiple circumstances that after the fact do not seem reasonable, what can ordinary civilians be expected to understand? Fraud. Crisis actors. “Exercises” staged within connect-the-dot time frames. Always by “terrorists”, “extremists” or “gangs”. And all after 911 (“call 911”). the spectacle of all spectacles. Indeed, connect the dots.
I wonder what the Situationists of the 60’s would make of the Spectacle that is the 21st Century? Apparently, an indescribable ether-gassed and unconscious wraparound image-alienation reality of capitalist consumer culture, like mirrored in the film The Matrix, was not enough. Quiet, ideologically programmed consumer behavior control, was being questioned. WW2 was supposed to be the war that ended all wars. So the soothing myth, programmed. But why all the WARs fomented by CIA gremlins to front-run a neo-imperialist financialized war machine that now is funded by 80% of US Income Tax Revenues, to the exclusion of funding a vibrant Public Commons? Why so much classism, racism and impoverished hyper wealth disparity at home, when high tech, supposed high “progress” “civilization” has taketh more than it giveth? 50’s beatniks, 60’s protesters rolling out of unleashed college intellectual challenges to perpetual ruling elite neocolonialist empire, was the beginning of systemic rebellion signalling end of Empire. How to stop the rebelling peons toppling their capitalist conqueror empire?
Stage perpetual enemies (CIA) to justify permanent state of conflict and war empire abroad. Make sure to cover domestic poverty and exploitation of the US public by provocateuring protest (FBI), promising reform while legislating more exploitation, and creating more impoverished, desperate and dysfunctional people, exploitable as homeland “enemies” to justify police state. Reagan-Thatcher greedism staged the emotionalism used to support capitalist empire’s “better stories” replacing truth and fact-based decision making. Whatever remaining financial regulation frustration that existed was nuked in the Clinton 90’s, turning the US into a rigged casino for the top 5%. Never-enough had to be escalated on steroids, so the bottom 90% would accept Great Reset style serf-poverty, and stay out of their hair. Communism, wars, poverty, drugs, crime were now accompanied or superseded by foreign and domestic “terror”. Terror that needs to be staged so that emotionalism and “better stories” replace fact, reason and a free society.
And here we are. But as this article points out, how can anyone believe anything the system generates and manages in our faces, in repeating, looping, shock therapies? We can’t. I can’t. This disbelief merely establishes criteria for withdrawing from believing in, or consenting to, everything the ruling order, the SYSTEM pumps out on us. It establishes criteria for a disenfranchised public roll back to fact-based reality and policy making. If it doesn’t provide for the social needs of Humanity, it’s bullshit. And right now, it’s all bullshit.
“I didn’t see a patient actively bleeding.”
I’ve been trained in first aid, but also my best man is a trauma doctor who says that very often a blast will cauterise the wound instantly, so blood loss can be relatively minimal.
I’m not qualified, but I just throw this into the pot.
So the blast cauterised the wounds of all 38 still living victims… and of the 22 who died…
I don’t believe that at all. Not one bit. And no one else should either. Flying shrapnel does brutal damage, cutting and slashing and ripping open flesh.
By what mechanism does this cauterising occur? To claim it is the heat is simply implausible. There is no proof this can happen anywhere.
How do you know that there was shrapnel? Could be just the powder in a plastic bag.
We don’t know there was shrapnel, but the supposed victims say they were hit by it and the ‘official enquiry’ says there was. So they were hit by metal pieces which caused wounds that wouldn’t have been cauterised (as there was is no heat or cold from the TATP blast) so there would have been a lot of blood.
Maybe your best man/trauma doctor can confirm that to you. Ask him.
Cauterising a would requires extreme temperatures, hot or cold. A TATP blast doesn’t do this.
Funny but none of the tens of 1000s dead in Gaza seem to have cauterised wounds. Just unlucky I guess.
Fuck off cunt
I remember commenting on this on Twitter at the time. It just didn’t look right. The photos, videos and interviews on the MSM were too similar to others I’d seen at staged events.It might sound odd but the photos were just too ‘good’. I kind of forgot about it for a while but then I remember finding UK Critical Thinker’s videos on You Tube (Ha!) which were really eye-opening and then I think Richard picked up from there. I bought his book when it came out and have re-read it again recently. The Manchester Arena bombing was 100% staged. You only need look at the Nick Bickerstaff video to see that but there’s SO much more. How do they get away with it? (I know the answer to this by the way) I commend UKCT for his early investigation and certainly Richard D Hall for standing up and doing what he has done. I take my hat off to the man I really do. I also would like to thank Iain for doing his bit to support Richard with his own work. Funnily enough I bought Iain’s excellent ‘Pseudopandemic’ via Richard’s website. 👌🏻
> How do they get away with it? (I know the answer to this by the way)
How? Or any links that can explain how?
The ruling class’s timeless and highly effective tactic of divide-and-rule serves as insurance against proletariat revolution. As long as we’re fighting each other the ruling class are safe.
80% of fines imposed on UK businesses caught using illegal immigrant labour have never been collected, yet climb into any taxi or engage in banter in any pub and the blame for the current state of the world inevitably falls on immigrants. No wonder the ruling class have such an easy time of it when people are unable or unwilling to investigate. Your water bill is higher this year – not because of shareholders – but because of [insert group].
Standard naive Regressive atheist Left (post- but neverthless vitally Christian, although they deny it on their statist, Covid-jabbed myocarditis deathbeds) internationalism: “all my brown brothers in Jesus”, etc.
Example: Decades ago a Federal German MP of the Left party (Ulla Jelpke) peddled the need for migrants and the ethnic German working class to work together against capitalism.
Result in 2024: an Islamic party has been founded in Germany, and is a tool of Erdogan of Turkey. It will contest the EU parlt. elections on June 9,
Other examples: Telford. Rotherham.
Diversity plus Proximity equals War.
I don’t see who would gain from staging this event as a false flag
Very good question Alpine Observer.
Think about the context of when the ‘Manchester arena bombing’ happened.
It was near the end of a general election campaign, Theresa May was going down like a Led Zeppelin and Hemorrhaging votes (because of her own peculiar brand of anti-charisma…) whilst tens of thousands of people were turning out to see Jeremy Corbyn and were listening to what he actually said rather than being ‘told’ by the media..
The establishment were noticeably worried (as also evidenced by the BBC becoming more and more unhinged in their bias, Corbyn photoshopped onto a picture of Red Square wearing a big Russian hat as the backdrop to an episode of panorama or points of view I remember as the most grievous but it was constant and overwhelming generally. There are some good University studies into the overwhelming media bias during this period.
Manchester and then the truly weird London bridge ‘event’ a few days later, remember, guy allegedly fights off terrorist with Narwhal Tusk ……) allowed the Media (in lockstep as anybody paying attention might expect) and the Tory party to change the narrative to ‘terrorism’ and ‘security’ which they regarded as Corbyn’s weak points.
Actually Corbyn was far more agile I think than they expected here, he said that ‘blowback’ is the inevitable consequence of disastrous foreign interventionism like Libya, Syria or Iraq.
So it didn’t really have the effect intended (at least not on those that are paying attention… but sadly elections are not about those that are paying attention.).
If you film people saying ‘ I could not vote for that Jeremy Corbyn….’ and then show that as news constantly (as the BBC did)….it may not effect you or I…but it effects many people or they would not do it.
Any notion of Democracy went out of the window in 2017, probably a lot earlier, when you use military grade psychological warfare techniques on a deliberately misinformed population to the extent that they did in 2017…..we are in increasingly hot water. (but I am assuming everybody here already knows that.)
Excellent summary Charles.👍🏻
Very good points, several reminders there, thanks.
Excellent comment !
I think the narwhal tusk was one of those WTC7 “Look what we can get away with” moments
All of Hall’s ‘research’ and ‘documents’ should be saved onto digital sticks, multiple copies maintained and they should be distributed and stored securely in very secret, very remote locations in a variety of countries.
It should be done before the UK State has a chance to do anything.
See is as a bit of ‘muling’ of valuable information….
They got tek that can change videos of old.
The ‘official’ reaction does smack of “Me thinks she doth protest too much”. That’s not to say that something didn’t happen there or that people were hurt or killed but I’d be very wary of tidy narratives when they’re obviously serving an agenda. I’ve had some indirect experience of this, coincidentally in Manchester.
At the time we were living in a house in Whalley Range and one morning about breakfast time there was what would be best described as a “bloody great bang”. It was a bomb detonating a couple of streets away. Details about this were sketchy — the immediate area was cordoned off, the police were saying nothing etc. so the only truly authoritative source of information was the milkman (who was unable to continue with his round because of the cordon). Despite the explosion being sizable it didn’t cause a great deal of damage to the house and the reasons were never satisfactorily explained, there was some rumor of it being some kind of internecine feud among Libyans. (This being the early 1980s all bombs were supposed to be the work of the Provisional IRA….that was the “narrative du jour”, as it were.)
This practice of weaving convincing narratives around incidents is as old as the hills but because this one didn’t fit any readily available pattern it got discounted. Life has moved on since then, of course, so these days it seems that not only is it important to secure the official narrative but also to suppress anything that might contradict it. In Hall’s case using criminal law is far too imprecise and obvious a weapon and, anyway, civil law is potentially far more devastating. He might be right, he may be wrong he’s entitled to his opinion and he should be able to express it.
What does this have to do with this article?
RT used to be called new alt media.
Like Tucker Carlson and co is now.
No matter what it is, Abby Martin is one of MY stars!
You didn’t answer my question though. What does your video have to do with this article and the subject of the Manchester Arena bombing ?
Do you actually believe this shit? Really? Are you that gullible to be taken in by this and then put it here?
My wife and I first got familiar with Richard Hall’s investigations right after the start of the “Great Non-existing Virus Bonanza” of 2020. The latter sparking so much distrust in government narratives that we decided to dive deeper in a wide range of disasters and terrorist attacks. Hall’s work is, as far as I’m concerned, above scrutiny. Simply because the evidence he presents is irrefutable.
Thanks Iain for presenting this in an easy to digest manner, I will be forwarding your piece to as many people as I possibly can.
“Appeal to emotion”
Dick Allen,producing and presenting television and radio programs for the best part of sixteen years Mr listener funded independent journalist Dick Allen, who brought a new mixing desk that did not work, took 3 months of work to try and make it work,without updating his listener funders (mugs), then trigger happy censor shill Haden Hnepwit deleted all the comments and banned people (Listener funders for asking where the hell Dick was or when the show would be back on air.)
In end the freespeech screamers, locked comments deleted and closed down the comment section On Richie Allen website.
How dare any of you weak mental midgets that donate your hard earn money to fight truth ask where us Independent journalists are.
hey Richie, what did happen to all the listener funded money and equipment from the The Peoples Voice that you set up with Icke and Max Igan & co.?
I have no way of knowing if this was a false flag or not.
In comparison, I have no doubts that 911 was a false flag, there’s an immense amount of highest quality, irreffutable evidence against the official narrative.
Generally speaking, someone stating that “I don’t believe what happened at event xxxx on date yyyy isn’t enough to assert that a false flag occured.
In this case, you’d have to look at all of the CCTV footage, not just some of it, and even then it may not show everything. They may have expected another bomb, perhaps that’s why they didn’t let all of the fire crews in. I really don’t know, but I’d like to see much more evidence before making my own mind up either way.
But there’s one key point that’s bothering me, I don’t see who would gain from staging this event as a false flag. As the official version stands, it’s been extremely embarassing to MI5 and MI6 that they failed, on multiple fronts, both in Libya and in the UK, and essentially were extremely culpable in this bombing. By claiming this version of events is a false flag would actually be counter-productive, letting off MI5 and MI6 completely!!!
By the way, as a footnote, I noticed a small typo / error. The text under the photograph refers to the ‘Old Trafford Centre’, but there’s no such place, it’s just the ‘Trafford Centre’.
Old Trafford is the Manchester United football stadium which is 3.6 miles away.
For those who downvoted me, what specifically do you disagree with?
Or do some of you disagree with my views on another subject, therefore automatically disagree with me on this, and potentially everything else which I post?
It really doesn’t bother me, but the psychology of Orwellian Groupthink fascinates me; Orwell was right on so many things.
‘But there’s one key point that’s bothering me, I don’t see who would gain from staging this event as a false flag.’
Staged/faked events are used to stir up hate,fear,mistrust,unrest and divisions amongst us all, and in the Manchester event (and many others) used to bolster the fake Islamic terrorist bullshit agenda.
Slightly off-topic: Remember those silly fake beheading videos from a few years ago.
And those ridiculous terrorist-in-a-van attacks.
The horror! The horror!
It’s disappointing and sometimes depressing that people believe all that shit so easily.
Yes, false flags have occured in history, 911 is the best example.
The problem is that just about EVERYTHING is now called out by one or another YouTube “analyst”, researcher, blogger, etc. Good for clicks and revenue, nice way to make a living…until your name is Alex Jones and you get fined a $ billion.
Looks like Hall is in trouble too with a defamation case raised against him by the survivors of this Libyan bomb which MI5/6 failed to detect and prevent.
Why Hall would want to take the heat off the MI5/6 catastrophic failures, I can only guess his motives.
> Old Trafford Centre
Hi Alpine, thanks for pointing this out. Credible critique of establishment BS means getting basic facts right.
Mods – any chance of changing this in the article please? For a casual reader happening upon it, this could easily undermine the broader points.
To go beyond Alpine’s point, in the article it is actually “Old Trafford Center” with Centre spelled in the US style, which is even less accurate!
“Center” well spotted!
That’s the American spelling. I thought Iain is British.
Appreciate Iain & Off-G sticking their necks out on this, it is the litmust test those in the ‘alternative media’ for the most part fail completely. I never warmed to Richie Allen, he has clearly demonstrated his complete lack of personal integrity, and lost any smidgen of credibility he may have had.
Just as most also failed Christopher Spivey when he was also persued by Greater Manchester Police for exposing, and roundly demolishing, the official story of the drummerboy controversy, he was forced to remove the evidence from his website. I believe that whole episode was also designed to frighten would be researchers into silence. Although he subsiquently made a mockery of the London Bridge staged event, evidence for which is still available on his site, the overall pressure seems to have effected his motivation to keep writing.
He was a bit of a twat though later, saying Di didn’t exist.
Now deceased, American Dave McGowan dedicated his life to following events such as these. His website is curated by his surviving daughter and, though unrelated to this British false flag, worth a look to understand the means through which these lies are perpetrated.
Love David McGowan’s Wagging the Moon Doggie which totally destroys the moon landings and his work on 911 was also inspired. He sadly died under suspicious circumstances just like Robin Cook MP, Dr David Kelly etc etc.
Well done to Iain for having the courage to explore this and to OffG for publishing the article.
There is mainly radio silence from the alternative media. Gemma O’Doherty is one of the few other journalists to have written about the case of Richarrd D Hall.
Interesting, that Richie Allen – most listened to alternative media in the whole universe as he would have us believe – is sticking closely to official line. I don’t listen to his shows but was aware of his comments regarding other alt-media names, calling them out as shills and grifters.
It seems to me that chubby boy Alex Jones’s gazillion dollar fine has scared a lot of people, as it was designed to do. Meawhile, AJ keeps raking in the bucks with an even bigger audience. Who would have thunk it?
It bothered me back in the day when Alex Jones started considering Sandy Hook as a hoax. Not that I disagreed of course but it was totally out of character . He had always ridiculed the legitimate hoax/crisis actor perspective and then all of a sudden, he’s all over it on Sandy Hook, an epiphany , a complete 180. I couldn’t work it out but it seemed so contrived. It finally made sense when years later, the ridiculous trillion dollar fine narrative played out.
A pure psyop, as opposed to a hybrid or real event, can be controlled more tightly and with less unintended consequences for the perpetrators.
Militarized simulations such as SWS, a continuously running model of the real world, state this in their August 22, 2006 white-paper’s introduction:
“Modeling and simulation quickly becomes out of sync with new events, the emergence of new forces, and newly proposed theories. The goal of the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) is to build a synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information, such as major events, opinion polls, demographic statistics, economic reports, and shifts in trends. The ability of a synthetic model of the real world to sense, adapt, and react to real events distinguishes SWS from the traditional approach of constructing a simulation to illustrate a phenomena. Behaviors emerge in the SWS mirror world and are observed much as they are observed in the real world. Basing the synthetic world in theory in a manner that is unbiased to specific outcomes offers a unique environment in which to develop, test, and prove new perspectives.
SWS consists of components capable of capturing new events as they occur anywhere in the world, focus on any local area of the synthetic world offers sufficient detail. In other words, the set of models that make up the synthetic environment encompass the behavior of individuals, organizations, institutions, infrastructures and geographies while simultaneously capturing the trends emerging from the interaction among entities as well as between entities and the environment. The multi-granularity detail provides a means for inserting new models of any temporal and spatial scales, or for incorporating user-supplied data at any level of granularity. Therefore, SWS can be continuously enriched and refined as new information becomes available.”
Under the heading ‘Use Cases’ this is stated in the same SWS white-paper:
“SWS provides an environment for testing Psychological Operations (PSYOP) and Civil Affairs activities, capable of illustrating the impact of these activities on populations.”
There are some mad billionaires out there, and some mad scientists willing to promise whatever the former want.
would you be so kind to provide a link to this whitepaper? Thanks in advance!
The collaboration was between the DOD and Purdue, all links to the original pdf have recently been ‘scrubbed’ from the internet.
This link worked just a month ago:
Here is a little background information on the technical lead & funding:
Hall has been royally stitched up. The legal system is a vertical playing field and the only direction you can travel is down, down, down.
The defendant was barred from presenting his case. That nullifies the judgement. The rest of the analysis is unnecessary.
What a stirringly inspirational chap this Hibbert seems to be:
“Martin Hibbert – paralysed in the Manchester Arena bomb – to climb Mount Kilimanjaro using a specially-adapted wheelchair”
From the Spinal Injuries Association link.
Well perhaps I haven’t yet been properly assimilated to the new news gullibility model but seriously! Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in a wheelchair? Does the chair come with a rocket pack?
Never mind! Our Martin is ready for his close up!:
“I want to turn an appalling act of terror into a force for greater good”
I’m sure a movie is already in the pipeline!
It’s such crass bullshit pep-talk propaganda. It doesn’t even try to be credible. This is surely the sign of a system so arrogant in its smug assurance of its potency that it will collapse…
Unless it no longer even needs anyone to believe it? All it needs to do is go through the motions and everyone, despite their lack of belief, will just go along with it anyway?
The sufficiently perspicacious long ago realised that the entire point of the psyops was precisely to be a spur to them.
For the blissfully blue-pilled masses, the wicked world continues ad nauseum.
So, the point is not to fool the masses (that’s easy), the point is to wake up the sapient few.
Unfortunately, you get plenty of semi-sapient, stuck in limbo, recognising the psyops as staged, but failing to take heed of the spur, to do the research and figure out the big picture. Why are the sapient to be awakened?
Some of the semi-sapient, the Don Quixotes of this world, instead dedicate themselves in a foolhardy attempt to proving the event staged, or waking up the masses, or taking down the state.
You can’t enlighten the world, but you can enlighten yourself.
And as TPTB would agree, that’s all you need to do.
There have been some truly bizarre claims of terrorist attacks on the public in recent years. You’ll remember Paris Charlie Hebdo and Paris Bataclan.Perhaps you’ll remember Berlin Breitscheitplatz (truck went trough a Christmas Market) or Munich Olympia Shopping Mall (lone shooter). More than 10 years ago there was also a lone shooter allegedly going on a rampage on the outskirts of the city I live in.
But the most bizarre event I can think of happened in Cologne. A woman, campaigning for City Mayor was attacked by a knife wielding madman. The head of the medical team that treated her in University hospital went on tv to inform the public that she was stabbed with a ‘Bowie knife’, her ‘windpipe slit open’ and her ‘cervical vertrebra split’. The politician recovered pretty quickly. Sat in a tv studio. Repeated the talking points Bowie knife, windpipe slit, vertebra split. And – for millions of viewers plain to see – didn’t even have a scar.
Notice how the Terrorists hating all our freedoms disappeared during covid only to appear when covid finished.
Covid was really really scary, even for The Terrorists. That just shows you how bad it was.
Actually there are some morons out there who would probably make this ‘argument,’
Don’t forget Nice too , a week before Munich and the German journalist, Richard Gutjahr casually sitting on his Promenade des anglais hotel balcony in the dark , just happened to think it was a good idea to film a truck driving down the road and who also just happened to be on the scene in Munich a week later and just so happened to be married to Einat Wilf, an Israeli politician and ex Israeli intelligence officer. Oh and his daughter just happened to be one of the first witnesses to the Munich mall shooting and was interviewed internationally. Such a traumatic week for them all.
Good examples there Sid, lest we forget, there’s also the case of the British Army’s Chief Nursing Officer out doing a spot of shopping in Salisbury, and her daughter comes across Mr & Ms Skripal, sparked out on a bench, having just recently been poisoned with the deadliest poison known to man, but before having had a light lunch in a pub, and going to feed some ducks in the Park and sharing the bread with some local kids, whose parents were told wet wipes were a sufficient de-toxicant. Funny old world innit ?
Thank you for mentioning Breitscheidplatz and other such events, reeking of (deep) state involvement. RIP Elias Davidsson. Shame on Gutjahr and similar insiders. Je suis Fredou!
I’ll add these two to Europe’s sickening list of false flags, since they were used to justify war and more war: “MH17” and “Butcha” (what a convenient town name for a false flag aimed at western audiences, eh?)
It wasn’t a ‘false flag’, it was a HOAX.
That’s right. All the repetition of the number “22” is just them clearly taking the piss.