Societal Self-Regulation

Todd Hayen

Any group of human beings who are supposedly in a free society and who have a leader (or a council of people who lead), assigned by that group to make decisions for the common interests of the group, must rely on their own “self-regulation,” above and beyond the leaders’ government, in order to survive.

This is imperative as a “check and balance” criterion for a healthy society.

In most democratic societies this is done through the elective process. People are put into power, and taken out of power if need be, through elections, i.e., the popular vote. The people have to keep a keen eye on what is happening in their communities, at the local level, and in their nations, at a national level. And of course, they must exercise due diligence concerning global happenings as well. Only then will they know who to vote for that best serves their community.

This is how we have control, albeit sometimes not enough, of our government. We have little control over non-government organizations (NGOs) through the elective process. But we do have control, again to some degree, on social norms, moralities, values, and other things that may grate against our own “community standards” as a mass, through protest and other demands for accountability. In this regard, our society is somewhat kept in check through a nation’s constitutional requirements, as well as our personal assertion as to what is “right” and what is “wrong.”

Human beings have traditionally been on the same page with some of these very basic tenets. For example, there are very few cultures, if any, that advocate, as a foundational tenet, murder. Very few, if any, that advocate child sexual abuse, or physical abuse (of course, what determines either one of these things can be rather subjective.)

Regardless of the outliers always present when making sweeping statements (which certainly there are, and a discussion of these outliers would take enormous time and attention), human beings share many fundamental tenets of “good humanness.”

Unless, of course, they are pushed away from these fundamental tenets by some external force—corrupt government, con men, evil…Satan. Some will say we have a natural tendency to turn to amoral ways (think Moses stepping out for a moment to collect the Ten Commandments and what then ensued).

That being said, what happens when a culture at large experiences, within that culture, something that deviates sharply from these tenets? The occurrence of such a deviation could come directly from the government, or come from the collective (or, in our current situation, appear to come from the collective, but in fact is an intentional deviation created by the agenda.)

The answer to the first question, in ideal times, is this: The culture doesn’t stand for it. They make their dissatisfaction clear, and they revolt, or at the very least, do not comply with the agenda. They say, “I’m mad as hell, and I am not going to take this anymore!”

Unfortunately, that time when our society would demonstrate such self-regulation is long past. We saw the last remnants of it during the Vietnam era in the United States—and only from a certain demographic of society—and certainly not that successfully.

Since then, the government, or whoever it is behind this march to oblivion, has made certain that such a “dissatisfaction with the policies” of the ruling faction was not questioned, and if it is, the person or group questioning is severely punished. One very smart move toward this gripping mind control was getting everyone glued to a cell phone screen. How “they” did that, and it not being just a natural evolution of technology, would take a book to address.

Despite the underlying reasons why we do not regulate as a society, the simple fact is we no longer do. There was a time, in a galaxy far, far, away, when the culture set these boundaries (if it were free to do so), and although the ruling class would attempt to cross them, they often failed. Today it is far more likely that boundaries can be crossed without even a glance from the masses. Today, they’ve got us eating out of their hands.

I will cite a few examples: Where is the societal outrage when people are forced to inject into their bodies a relatively unknown substance? Although the agenda gave “good reason” for such a thing, where was the evidence behind that reason? If any evidence came up contrary to the notion of a deadly virus killing the world and a vaccine being developed in eight months being “safe and effective,” it was quickly quelled by the powers that be and ruled to be “misinformation” and “dangerous.”

Where is the societal outrage when thousands of young people are suddenly seeking surgery and drugs to support the myth they have “misidentified” themselves based on what they are told is a lie about their biological identity? Where is the “I’m mad as hell” when “authority” determines that they are the final arbiters of truth over children, and their parents can just go to hell?

Where is the societal outrage when we are suddenly told that we will no longer be allowed to use cash, or that we have to carry a digital ID which will fundamentally wipe out any claim to personal autonomy, not to mention a complete destruction of personal privacy?

Where is the societal outrage when a government spends billions of dollars to support the killing of human beings in a “war” halfway across the world for no reason other than to fuel whatever nefarious, and unilateral, goals that government has?

Where is the societal outrage when large factions of unelected “people” decide to take over the governance of the world from lofty, and well-financed, institutions such as the UN, WHO, WEF, NATO, and locally, the FDA, and CDC?

Where is the societal outrage when a country’s government allows the illegal immigration of hundreds of thousands of people without any vetting whatsoever?

This is to name only a few examples. This article would be a hundred pages long if I named even half of these “outrages.”

What is the reason there is no shouting from the windows, “We are mad as hell!!”? There are many reasons, one comes from the concerted effort of those who have the power to implement such an effort. It is to brainwash the society into compliance.

Read this article to gain a little bit of insight into this effort, or at least one possibility, Ghost Words from the Past. It is like we are all hypnotized, and whenever the agenda activates a part of its plan, the silver pendulum comes out and is swung in front of our eyes, accompanied by a soothing voice that says, “All is well, this is good for you.”

Needless to say, that voice could also be murmuring, “The unvaccinated are evil, hate anyone who spreads misinformation, Putin is the devil incarnate, hate him with all of your heart.”

Due to this sort of conditioning, among many other techniques, we as a society have lost nearly all critical thinking—and as a result, can no longer self-regulate as a culture.

No matter how illogical an action is, if we are told it is fine, or if it is framed in some particular way (such as framing a 10-year-old’s desire to change his or her biological sex as an inalienable “right”), we jump right to the agenda’s plan—typically without a second thought. “2+2=5, 2+2=5,” again and again this is drummed into us, and eventually we believe it, and then it only needs to be said once.

Soon it will be, “2+2=6,” and again, most of us will comply, and never give it another thought.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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nivet christopher
nivet christopher
Apr 14, 2024 1:02 PM

I think the western society overwhelming desire for material pleasure and wealth has weakened our capacity to consider objective reality. ‘We are all relativists now’

Mar 16, 2024 1:18 PM

” Soon it will be, “2+2=6,” and again, most of us will comply, and never give it another thought.”

So true. Thankfully someone thought to ask Chat GPT , if it takes 3 hours for 3 Towels to dry in the Wind, how long does it take to dry 9 ?

A stunning Truth, absurdly equating nine . . .
Says it all. Not all people have
Dumbedown Syndrome …
Write on, Todd.
Balky 😂

Mar 16, 2024 12:51 PM

” Despite the underlying reasons why we do not regulate as a society, the simple fact is we no longer do. There was a time, in a galaxy far, far, away, when the culture set these boundaries … ” but, so to say, it’s


Planned obsolescence: like the death of the 62 year old, (30 odd year experienced whistleblowing employee of Boeing, in Front of the Court House, on day 2 of the Trial,
In the Parking Lot), couldn’t take the stress ffs & topped himself, yeah right 👉 write on Boeing & how they just saved themselves $$$Billlions$$$,
Quite literally bluefirking Murder, who cares ?

Mar 11, 2024 11:46 PM

thus the destruction of the nuclear family and the banning of Christian religion from the commons

Add to that the dumbing down of education and you get this current dumpster fire of a culture.

Mar 11, 2024 9:22 PM

Regarding: Societal Self-Regulation
It all begins with the family and if not societies fail.
I wrote a letter to my children which became a website.
Your money has no value there.
Be ready to think for yourself.
You may not agree with all that is there.
Read the from the home page then at the top of the home page start reading from left to right.

No man, no government, no religion, philosophy, etc. will stop what is occurring around the world. And that goes for our churches which have based their organizations (denominations) after mans organizations, not Gods Pattern for His Church and Families.

What is God’s Church? It’s Jesus Christ and Born Again Believers having the indwelling of the Holy Spirit our True Guide, our True Teacher, our True Comforter along with God’s Word and the Testimony of His Creation.
They are the living breathing Church Of God, adopted Sons and Daughters of God destined to be with Him throughout eternity..

Man’s churches are failing as we enter the end of days of which we have been forewarned. I started to write a letter years ago to my family which turned into a website. Money has no value there, no trips to Alaska, no books to purchase, no – none of that.

Man’s Churches have assumed to themselves priesthoods and authority (as they supposed) thereby dividing believers one against another. They also assumed responsibilities which God ordained and appointed for Men and Women (The Family) – not men’s churches. That is why Christian Families are failing like secular families.

I invite you visit my site. If nothing else read from the home page and at the top of the home page read from: God’s Family – God’s Church – Message of the Temple Veil, and the Women at the well – Rebuild Restore Rebuild.

Be ready to think for yourself, use anything from the site in context and share it far and wide.

Luke 8:17 (AMP) – “For there is nothing hidden that shall not be disclosed, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come out in the open.”

Best to all and your loved ones in Jesus Christ – Daniel



Mar 11, 2024 7:56 PM

This was already well established and well known for millennia of human civilization, and fully recognized and admitted in the founding of our nation:

“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” [John Adams, “Letter from John Adams to Massachusetts Militia,” 11 October 1798]

Mar 11, 2024 7:02 PM

False Equivalence requires some amount of intelligence to revoke. It appears the dumbing down of younger generations has sufficed to let the false equivalencies stand since they added asserting bias for profit to the equation. They are only to happy to self mutilate and forget gender if theres Dollars being offered. Turns out Dollars on tap get alot of people in a squeeze to go along to get along.

Mar 11, 2024 4:52 PM

And that is precisely why it has utterly failed in the USA.

peter mcloughlin
peter mcloughlin
Mar 11, 2024 3:27 PM

People can believe the mathematical fallacy 2 + 2 = 5, defying the logic of simple arithmetic. More dangerously people can deny a truth they don’t want to accept, even when it is plainly obvious. As humanity moves closer to WWIII – which very few see coming – there is widespread self-delusion. The deep illusion can (possibly) be removed by application of a simple syllogism: every empire in history eventually faces the war it is trying to avoid; everyone wants to avoid nuclear Armageddon; therefore, that is the fate that awaits mankind. It is difficult to get this message across, and there may not be much time. Paradoxically, the only way of avoiding that fate might be to accept it. People can support this cause by buying my new e-pamphlet, The Doomsday Syllogism. I have been banned from X, when it was still Twitter, and some other social media outlets. So I am grateful to sites such as OffGuardian in getting this message out.

Mar 11, 2024 1:47 PM

It isn’t that the remaining decent folk aren’t outrsged, it is that our numbers have long been shrinking! In the Western Hemisphere, sometime from 1983 onwards, the numbers of sane, civilized people have been dwindling as more become the innocent victims of more and more roaming murderers not busted by police and federal authorities, a disturbing demographic trend!

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Mar 11, 2024 10:14 AM

What was it about the youth of the ’60’s that made them so effective at getting legislation passed that was designed to improve the quality of life for all? The draft definitely had something to do with it, but they didn’t just achieve an end to that illegal war. They succeeded in winning civil, labor, consumer safety, food safety, etc. rights and gaining environmental protections.

Capitalists blamed middle class privileges as the cause for so much societal concern, so they set out to dismantle the middle class with a dog-eat-dog economic policy (neoliberalism). Making people focused on self-preservation rather than others has had some effect, but it only made people more experientially awake.

They were called the “love generation”. Love is a force to be reckoned with because it truly does conquer all. Fifty years of losing sight of this truth can drain the passion needed to overcome obstacles. Being indoctrinated to hate leads to such atrocities as the Israel-Palestine conflict. Nothing good ever comes from it. It creates an ugly criminocracy world, a wide spectrum of thuggery, increased violence and injustices.

If we want to beautify the world again, we need to preserve our humanity, which is nothing without love.

Worrying About TikTok During An Active Genocide“There’s a motherfucking genocide happening and we’re being told we need to be worried about TikTok and defaced portraits of Lord Balfour.”

Mar 11, 2024 2:17 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

“Capitalists blamed…”???

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 11, 2024 7:13 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

What was it about the youth of the ’60’s that made them so effective at getting legislation passed that was designed to improve the quality of life for all?

The answer is Traditional Ground School, basic gramma, basic math and basic physics, to read, calculate and write….and due song books.

The British Empire conquered all their colonies, India, m.m., by subversion and manipulation of their native language in children’s ground schools.

The British Empire turned Afghanistan from a secular free society into a Salafi society of Islam radicals by teaching Afghan school children to kill “the Russian occupation forces” and kick them out of Afghanistan.
Afghan radical Islam ground school books showing knives and riffles how to kill Russians were printed and delivered from NYC through USAid.

As they could see its rapid success, they used and still use these manipulation tools at home too.

Mar 16, 2024 1:53 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

So damned true, a mental Cancer: not forgetting the D.U.M. dumb bullets,

Comprising of Depleted Uranium Munitions,

For extra armour piercing . . . How utterly sickening ? !
Self regulation 📐 rules on slippery slopes of
Lithium & Uranium mining in
Hell-mund province, ‘The great game’ is the name,
Of a book , said a friend who grew up, witnessing,
Factors & Factions of a Fraction of any True Value…

Mar 11, 2024 12:01 AM

[H]uman beings share many fundamental tenets of “good humanness.”

Unless, of course, they are pushed away from these fundamental tenets by some external force—corrupt government, con men, evil…Satan.

I would argue the most salient circumstance causing this divergence from goodness is not so much “external” as “structurally emergent,” though I suppose it would be called an “externality” in so-called economics, namely the condition of scarcity, real or perceived, i.e. relative to values/desires.

We are told by our economic propaganda that scarcity is somehow an eternal, universal and immutable brute fact of nature, apparently based on the premise that anything less than infinity equals scarcity. This naïve notion conveniently denies any discussion of what we might term “functional scarcity,” which is the circumstance actually relevant to human behavior. Given the definition that freedom is nothing other than “the ability to live as one wishes,” freedom is essentially the relationship between a person’s desires and their ability to acquire the objects of those desires.

Therefore, an economic system which structurally requires the maximum possible delta between human values and opportunities in order to its optimal functioning as an economy cannot rationally be expected to generate actual freedom, as the scheme of life which naturally will exist to support said economic system will necessarily be characterized by maximum acquisitiveness and limited supply of all things desired. It is outright silly to imagine this sort of economy structurally conducing to human fulfillment from any objective perspective.

Just because the traditional economic propaganda, which intelligent people should understand exists directly to support a status quo expressly to the benefit of our economic masters, tells us to regard this state of perpetual dissatisfaction, insatiable desire and limited opportunity as the quintessence of freedom does not mean it is so.

Now contrast an economic system based on meeting all demands, in order of immediacy, as efficiently as possible through universally maximized technical efficiency, thus structurally minimizing labor demand across all production, where access to goods and amenities is structurally equal between all people and, hence, all economic contributions inure to the benefit of every member of society equally and there is no systematic generation of economic hierarchies with their attending invidious comparisons and ubiquitous feelings of inadequacy or deprivation as the default psychological state of society.

This form of life, which is clearly technologically feasible at this point in time (as is the necessarily associated egalitarian, direct-democracy form of governance), would finally set human society on a path toward not only the actual achievement of freedom, as close as may be, but also a condition of peaceable and constructive social and political relations, as opposed to the perpetual, systematic state of competition for resources along any conceivable lines of separation which an economic system based on optimizing scarcity logically entails. All it effectively takes is rejecting the blind-consumption dogma that people are indoctrinated to identify with human economy and burying all of its truncated, technically outmoded theoretical justifications in the 18th century where they belong.

But then again, I am sure I am really just a troll and this is actually all just a ruse to lure everyone into a trap so they can be collectively shipped off to Klaus Stavro Blofeld’s secret Siberian gulags and I can finally become Supreme Communist Dictator of the World. Whatever you do, definitely never, under no circumstances, ever dare to actually think honestly about any of this. After all, perpetually fighting each other for resources in an ancient, pre-industrial game logically driven by the imperative of personal economic dominion and mastery is obviously the only possible way to achieve human freedom. Right?

Mar 11, 2024 1:43 PM
Reply to  Tommy

Exactly so! By or before 2027, the American middle class will have completely disappeared according to recent data!

John Manning
John Manning
Mar 10, 2024 7:42 PM

Mr Hayen,

What you need to write is a method by which people can test the “truth” they are be told by authorities.
To give an example when I was a child I remember a lesson at school which was given by a member of our war veterans association. He spoke about WW2 and repeated the propaganda of that war mostly in relation to Japan. He covered two subjects. Dropping nuclear weapons justified by the unquestionable fact that Japanese never surrendered and the killing of Japanese soldiers (who had surrendered) in the prisoner of war camp just to the north of our town.
A very small amount of critical thinking was therefore required to expose the contradiction.
Throughout my life I have seen these unthinking contradictions from authority figures.
Currently we have Ukrainian champions of freedom and democracy fighting Russians for land that Russia invaded. In parallel we have vicious Islamic terrorists fighting Israel for the land Israel has invaded.

What is needed is simple instructions by which people can think about and test the truth of what they are being told.

The Stranger...
The Stranger...
Mar 11, 2024 3:13 PM
Reply to  John Manning

How can Israel possibly “invade” the land God gave to them in a perpetual covenant?
Tell the truth!

Mar 10, 2024 11:57 AM

Maybe we don’t necessarily need outrage.
Maybe we just have to say “no”. And then on with it.
Inconvenient? Yes. And getting more so.
But in the end, after all the outrage, the decisive “no” is what counts.
Even if it’s just a few of us.

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Mar 10, 2024 12:46 PM
Reply to  judith

I agree Judith. We have to say “No!” And keep saying it and keep saying it!! It’s natural to be outraged at these atrocious acts, but committing further ones doesn’t solve anything. I don’t think the author was suggesting doing irrational things with outrage. The emotion can be used to fuel good and helpful actions. The vast majority of people on the whole earth would prefer a sane society where universal human rights are a reality. They way, way, WAY outweigh the bad, crazy guys. We just have to continue to let them know that and their ability to destroy will begin to crumble.

Mar 10, 2024 5:29 PM

Oh, believe me, I am outraged. On top of my usual outrage.

But in the end, when protests don’t work,and petitions don’t work, and they just keep pushing whatever agenda they are pushing – in the end it comes down to me, in my own little life, saying “No”.

I get overwhelmed with the rage, so in order to calm myself down I remember that I am only in control (barely!) of myself. I don’t have to try to convince anyone. I just have to be calm enough to live my own truth.

Mar 10, 2024 11:40 PM
Reply to  judith

So it’s the good ole’ Corporate
War on Drugs solution then…

Just say No:
To drug pushers.

Our bodily Sovereignty,
All Rights Reserved.

Mar 13, 2024 10:21 AM
Reply to  judith

..But what can I do, I’m just one person…Said 7 billion people.

Mar 13, 2024 11:56 AM
Reply to  McMurphy

Well, all 7 billion people don’t think alike. I cannot control 7 billion people.
But if all of the people who DO think alike individually just said “no” I imagine that would have an effect.

Mar 10, 2024 7:43 AM

The only way for society to self regulate is to directly self rule by consensus without creating any elected or not governing elites that likely pursue their own agendas against peoples fundamental wishes and interests.

Only in equal, equitable, egalitarian self governed and economically self sustained society of caring and sharing cultural identity of different communities is safe from external influence and corruption.

Appearance of cultural diversions within communities if irreconcilable with consensus simply leads to split in communities along cultural lines and forming new ones. That’s natural mechanism of differentiation and natural selection of certain cultural models vs the others. If choice of certain cultural tenets leads to unsustainable economy or demography community collapses and rest of people can be absorbed to different communities if they accept and follow host cultures.

That is not just some academic speculation but practice of human cultures for hundreds of thousands of years.

All that works well but only for symbiotic egalitarian societies.

Completely different picture is of elitarian, unequal, inequitable parasitic societies of dominance and exploitation as all such communities pursuit the same objectives of destruction of productive cultures and stealing their economic wealth and that leads to centralization of dominance inherently set on expansionism to take over more productive communities as parasitic ones are not self sustainable.

What too many are wrongly proud of namely so called human civilization is a dead end and is a direct result of development of such parasitic societies that dominated or destroyed ubiquitous in distant past symbiotic communities.

Mar 10, 2024 9:57 AM
Reply to  Kalen

Well stated Kalen.

Mar 10, 2024 10:08 PM
Reply to  Kalen

There is a lot of truth in this, and I too categorically reject the notion that what is going on on this planet could rightly be called “civilized,” but, unfortunately, given the immutable primacy of economy, both from an individual, from a societal, or any other perspective in between, no analysis of politics makes sense without discussing economics.

They say, correctly, that “politics is downstream from culture” but they neglect to mention that culture is downstream from economy: The economic conditions which a population lives under essentially determine the scheme of life of that population since all institutions are invariably shaped over time by force of the habitual thinking attending the habitual behaviors that are directly necessitated by any given sufficiently abiding set of economic conditions and the imperatives logically dictated by these conditions on the part of society and individuals. This general logic was perfectly described in detail by Veblen.

Therefore, if we want to foster a society of personal respect for individual autonomy and pro-social, equitable relations, we must arrange for a set of economic circumstances which structurally encourages and rewards this attitude. This naturally means abrogating the fundamental economic premise of antagonistic interests necessarily fighting for access or control of resources in a continuous competition for differential gain where the measure of success is logically defined by one’s relative command of resources as against other people.

People who have fully absorbed the market-economic propaganda we are all inundated with will reflexively recoil at this very notion. I ask simply that they argue the pro-social potential of market-based economics logically from the first principles of the foundational, self-maximizing and competitive inherent incentive structure and the logical implications of economic goals being, by definition, based on invidious comparisons between people or groups. As far as I have ever experienced, this cannot be done. This paradigm is nothing but a recipe for perpetual economic conflict; not to mention the fact that the market system explicitly requires a state of effective scarcity in supply for its very basic viability as an economic system. In the words of Jacque Fresco: This shit’s gotta go.

Mar 11, 2024 5:05 AM
Reply to  Tommy

Tommy, culture is not downstream of economics. If that *was* the case then hunter-gatherer and pastoral subsistence cultures that had no economies couldn’t have existed, yet they did. Kalen is making a sound, if not overt, anti-civilization argument.

Mar 11, 2024 1:37 PM
Reply to  reante

I did not say culture is downstream from ‘economics’, but from ‘economy’. Those are different things. ‘Economics’ is theory; ‘economy’ is reality. Economy refers simply to the management of resources available within a given system in order to facilitate survival or enhance the conditions of a group or individual. Any such scheme, by definition, is an economy. Hence, any condition which determines what you can or cannot do in this effort, by definition, is an ‘economic condition’. Such applied long before David Ricardo and Adam Smith came around to edify us with their marvelous theories of markets.

A claim that some identifiable society has “no economy” is just a colloquialism which has no actual relevance to the point I am making. It is rather like the commonly mis-used phrase “no evidence,” which is normally used simply to convey someone’s contempt for the state of the evidence which does in fact exist. Just because evidence exists does not mean it proves the point in question. Just because an economy exists does not mean it adequately serves the purpose of an economy by current standards; That is no basis to deny that it exists. I really wish people would start respecting the meanings of words.

Regardless of all this, even if, in some remote period, there was nothing which could be called an economy and you could properly say that ‘culture’ existed before ‘economy’, this still would have absolutely no bearing on the causal factors of culture in any society where a recognized economy does in fact exist, given, as I mentioned, the “immutable primacy of economy,” which one must acknowledge as an abiding principle of human existence, just by the fact that survival is always the number one priority. Your argument makes no sense even on its own terms. I am not saying it is wrong, just that it in fact does not even touch the point in question.

Mar 10, 2024 5:39 AM

Male Is Female; among other manufactured identity from the gender industrial complex, certified by the Ministry of Science and enforced as public health by the biosecurity state. Target the next generation above all to ensure the new abnormal eventually becomes the way things are.

comment image

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Mar 10, 2024 7:52 AM
Reply to  niko

Poor children.
Special place in hell reserved for people harming innocent children..

Mar 10, 2024 10:13 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Better to be tied to a millstone and thrown into the sea than to harm one of these little ones. (Luke 17:2)

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 10, 2024 12:53 PM
Reply to  niko

Which is why the Zionist Entity is doomed … doomed … doomed.
Who will forgive them the murder of thousands and thousands of children?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 11, 2024 2:13 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

Most of our “elected officials” for starters.

Mar 10, 2024 5:28 AM

Look to our indigenous origins for self-governing societies. When rooted in community of equals, these are human-scale societies which foster direct democracy and inclusive consensus decision-making, allowing for more integral balance between individual selves and group practices and traditions. These origins account for most of human evolution. What basic tenets we still live by today may amount to memory of primal values learned over hundreds of thousands of years.

“The struggle of (humanity) against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting” (Kundera) when so-called civilization based on class rule arises, in biblical mythology coinciding with a fall into forgetfulness of our original goodness. This is when the many become regulated by remote gods and masters to make us adapt to systems of slave labor and collective abuse to serve the few. Original sin is such false idolatry.

The elective process proceeds as part of the noble lies we learn in subjugation, magical thinking to create illusion of control and accountability over superiors pursuing self-interests under various pretexts of welfare for us all. Voting derives from aristocratic practice of decision-making rooted in might-makes-right majority rule. Those leaders and led in chains of command controlling bigger bands of armed men, based on control of wealth and privilege to keep mercenaries obedient, make their will the law of the land. They have their priestly and educated castes to wield weapons of ideology for mass misdirection.  

Modern progress of industrial civilization consists of advancing scientific-technological means to serve class rule, undermining any potentially liberating benefit for more egalitarian social relations. The classic colonial project remains the destruction of human community and autonomy for the sake of empire. Only now that has been socially engineered in the most intricate and intimate of ways, as with a media matrix to colonize consciousness as no more than an atomized, hypnotized consumer of spectacle, alienated and lost in limbo from our own agency. We are relentlessly programmed to be uprooted from ourselves.  

“I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore” ironically exhibits how the revolution will not be televised. And the digital (c)age confines us ever more to private, personalized cells in the panopticon that has replaced human community and autonomy with electrical impulse building separate reality, a metaverse, to which we have been exiled (“Wake up, Neo”). The mad dream of our masters with biodigital convergence and the new eugenics is finally to merge us at the most basic level of our being to the machine where we disappear altogether.

More than antiwar movement or anti-anything, maybe the 60s’ represented, above all in advanced industrial nation-states, the last gasps of revolutionary traditions recovering the communal, egalitarian roots of self-governance to build wider conciliar confederation in the body politic beyond centralized powers that (shouldn’t) be, since swallowed by the techno-totalitarianism now in full motion to make ‘ours’ a prison planet. I hope against hope that’s not the case.

Mar 11, 2024 4:24 AM
Reply to  niko

The elderly, local innovations and traditions (including care and respect for the elderly)all represent resistance to the money-bags, their marketing and their effort to own everything.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 10, 2024 3:15 AM

Thanks for many fine and educating thoughts.
I wonder if you have anything against being a link and reference in letters to Authorities, as the issue is psychological and concept confusion in peoples minds, and that you are the only one within this profession I know of who have professional knowledge to the prevailing situation.
Working in Engineering construction, the psychological profession is complex and far away from our factual disciplines on a construction site.
Our analysing tools only reach where we can diagnose that something or somebody are away from normal functioning in relation to physical reality and due praxis. The rest is for other academic professions within “the soft area”. Yours sincerely.

Mar 10, 2024 1:09 AM

How do you do that with a paintbrush in 1834

Mar 9, 2024 11:27 PM

As Peter Kropotkin explained, after years of the studious observation of nature, self regulation, or ‘Mutual Aid’, as he called it, is a natural phenomena.

Nature has been self regulating for tens of millions of years. The only outside influences have been the climate and the tectonic plates.

Since ‘civilisation’ began ‘tectonic plates’ have taken the form of despots, emperors, priests, kings, queens, governments and corporations.

The tectonic plates of lust, greed and corruption have destroyed almost all traces of self regulation or Mutual Aid among the human species, except in the presence of war and natural disasters.

It’s a case of everyone for themselves and the devil take the hindmost.

Mar 10, 2024 3:50 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Joe Bageant on the contemptible middle class and why there will never be social justice in a hierarchical society.

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
Mar 15, 2024 7:04 AM
Reply to  Johnny

It’s the upper middle class or upper class he’s talking about. The middle class has been a repeated target of governments.

Mar 9, 2024 11:08 PM

Todd Hayen, eg- …

“Where is the societal outrage when thousands of young people are suddenly seeking surgery and drugs to support the myth they have “misidentified” themselves based on what they are told is a lie about their biological identity? Where is the “I’m mad as hell” – Amazing Film for 1976 RIP Peter Finch – Network

But what do I say to this bloke, if I meet him down the pub in South London…Its easy to think he is full of sh1t – maybe writing computer games when younger for Eidos – remember Lara Croft… but he is now writing for Forbes. He not only seems to be really into war games and drones, but now wanting more war and more drones… I respect the fact that he is so up front about it – but did he actually build his own drone from bits and pieces mainly from China with a few bits from the USA – like my kid and I did, before almost anyone had heard of a quadcopter – which mainly at the time p1ssed me off cos they were so noisy and heavy and might land on my head….

We weren’t trying to kill anyone – my kid is far more into saving lives…Sailing and stuff….kids on surfboards getting swept out to sea..when the wind changes…

I would like to think most of David_Hambling’s views are Science Fiction..but some of it is true.

Writer: Technology, especially military, especially drones; plus Lovecraftian fiction and cats. Occasional wildlife photography.
South London Joined December 2009

“Future Warfare and Swarm Drones | Bullaki Science Podcast with David Hambling”

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Mar 9, 2024 10:44 PM

I was proud to be one of the first 5 deniers.

I am now proud to be one of the first 6 deniers.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 9, 2024 10:27 PM

Well analysed! Humankind has become so debauched and undisciplined to the degree that this is enabling the path to our own destruction and total enslavement.

I go with Mark Passio’s view on what evil constitutes and how this mirrors the evil that is put upon us. It’s the same for all societies that collapsed throughout time.

Mar 9, 2024 10:22 PM

You make me think of Paul Simon’s ‘A simple desultory Philppic, or ‘How I was Lyndon Johnsoned into Submission.’ That’s how I heard it/saw him at Les Cousines folk club Greek Street in1960 whatever.


The pendulum trick doesn’t work on me. I was trained by a Master Mason in the 70s. He gave me a carnelian pendulum, showed me the ‘directions,’ and said. ‘Now you’re on your own.’ So I became an expert, and used to make what I called ‘the finest racing pendulums’ you ever did see. And in turn trained others. I gave everyone who worked closely with me a ‘racing pendulum.’ Herkimer Diamond with 925 silver fittings. One piece of silver wire. Silver belcher with bolt ring and about 45 minutes wire twisting. Plays havoc with your fingernails.
I still make pendulums because they are proven more accurate than my brain and intuition alone, and I’m always losing them, as I carry them all the time I’m not at home. Very useful for shopping. ‘Buy this, don’t buy that.’

Mar 9, 2024 10:57 PM
Reply to  ariel

Why not just use your fingers? You’ll never lose them. Put your thumb against the same hand’s index finger at the top knuckle. Say “yes, yes, yes” and feel them rub smoothly against each other. Say “no, no, no” and they’ll grip tightly. Works beautifully for any yes/no question. Even works with gloves on. Either hand is fine.

Mar 10, 2024 12:01 PM
Reply to  Martha

I know and use various methods if necessary. But I like crystals, they amplify, especially quartz, and they’re way older than me. I had a wonderful collection until they suggested/and I gave them all away. I’d had some for 30 years.
Flat palm and push to the right for ‘No.’ Doesn’t move for ‘Yes,’ for instance.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Mar 9, 2024 11:25 PM
Reply to  ariel

Thought you might be sane with your earlier comments, clickbait.

Mar 10, 2024 11:54 AM

It’s all true. I’m not selling anything, and ‘sane?’ By whose standards? I don’t even know what your standards are.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 10, 2024 1:22 PM
Reply to  ariel

I use shoehorn and throw garlic over my shoulder.

Mar 10, 2024 4:15 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Some of us are just born a bit mystical. There’s nothing we can do about it. Trying to stifle it just makes matters worse. Enough people have tried.
As Terry Pratchett used to frequently rhetorically ask ‘Can the leopard change his shorts?’

Mar 9, 2024 9:54 PM

“Billions of sheep”.

In Whitley Streiber’s book, The Key, the enigmatic character, Michael, states that, “Do you understand the cruelty of the world as it is now, with five billion people enslaved to a billion? Each of you owns five slaves…”

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 9, 2024 9:28 PM

Never fear, we are moving from the Age of Pisces (I believe) to the Age of Aquarius (I know). From being asleep to suddenly waking up. Bring it on!

Louis Gatto
Louis Gatto
Mar 9, 2024 9:00 PM

When thinking about all this, and more importantly the “people” involved, I have come to the conclusion that: 2+2= 0.0

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 10, 2024 1:26 PM
Reply to  Louis Gatto

Stop thinking, this will improve your conclusion considerably, and I mean it seriously.

Human values
Human values
Mar 9, 2024 8:30 PM

The state is not the same as the culture.
The state is not the same as society.
The state is not the same as the people.
The state is not the same as a nation or nations.

The state is a criminal organization that governs a certain territory. It governs the land. But the state is not the same as land. The state is not the same as country. The state is not anyone’s fatherland or mother tongue, although it governs or tries to govern them both. The state uses language improperly: it likes to represent itself as society or a nation or a country, but clearly, as we understand these concepts, the state is a violent organization to govern land, people and society.

The state has invaded society, it has invaded the country and land, in order to govern it.

In a state, there must be a government of sorts: a small group of people representing the state.

Only a con-man would ever want to govern other people, or use violence as a method to achieve evil goals.

“To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.”
― Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century

The state is an organization that has the monopoly of violence. The state says it’s legal and even morally good to imprison, kill, torture, murder, mass murder and make war. The United States of America is a perfect example of this. It’s been at war since it was established by a group of slaveholders.

People who own other people and make them their slaves always use violence. People who steal other people’s homes, villages, towns, land, always use violence.

Of course the state always lies about its true nature. And of course it lies about its enemies, too.

Mar 10, 2024 2:40 AM
Reply to  Human values

Justinian Deception, youtube channel. You will enjoy Romley’s works greatly.

les online
les online
Mar 9, 2024 6:59 PM

“Maybe They put Something in the water !”…(anon)…

Mar 9, 2024 6:21 PM

They’ve always had control over Humanity. Too many assumptions that do not match history here. Washington and the “founders” were the land’s rich and while the much of the base language of the Constitution was/is virtuous, there was much plotting on how to advantage liberation from the monarchy across the pond. We fought and died for the property owners who were the ruling class. Slavery, serfdom, farming and some professional work for the rest. Those elected were the property owning class or became such by being elected. Republics simulated “democracy” for the working class and as long as they could make a living largely off the land they worked, out of the political loop, they were content to suffer the assholes in charge. Issues drove political selections as impacts were immediate in small communities. After the Civil War, railroads, steel and Robber Barons corporatized republics into a privatized societal management class, the wars for empire began in earnest. Punishing every-few-year recessions, foreign Great Gaming schemes were profitable as society’s “waste people”, as Brit royals called them, slaved for peanuts or died for the cause. Check out the Manor House PBS documentary for the European version of a republic’s prowess. https://www.pbs.org/show/secrets-manor-house/ They didn’t need slaves. The People were so brow beaten and hopeless, they just played their roles. Recessions, depressions, war game drafts, an unregulated industry Gilded Age tyranny produced a private central bank, the FED, which locked in an economic plutocratic apparatus exploiting the bottom 95% just like any royals/mercantile’s previous empires.

After WW2, the uncontrollable liberation of peace, US industrial employment boom, reconstruction and socialist programs in Europe, gave many freedom from punishing subsistence living. And freedom to think, imagine and try to make an egalitarian world from capitalist empire. Welll educated college students and professors, leading to mass protest of poverty, racism, inequality and imperialist wars, was the enemy. Slam. The rich and “powerful” (authorityful) had enough ‘o dat sh*t. The 50+ year campaign of TV brainwashing, media mindwashing, bait ‘n switch false binary two party eviscerating policy fraud, wars, paycheck-to-paycheck subsistence poverty, and then technology “progress” boiling-the-frog Humanity into dire stupification and incremental diminishing public services to zero (2024), has created their Great Reset Banana Republic in progress. (Sorry for the run on sentence!)

As Brit royalty likes to say “And there you are.” Contrary to common belief, the rebellion is underway. It’s just not being broadcast on their “progress” screens, nor known by the superior class idiots. Remember “turn on, tune in, drop out”? Well now it’s “tune in, drop out and turn on”! Meaning, turn on your personal creativity, as we pull our asses out of their black [ass]hole (no racial reference implied) to the nowhere they’re herding us to. They’re massively over extended, propped up by a magical thinking TechNo Totalitarianism that’s less competent than the Banana Republic they’ve created. They think Artificial Imitation will be able to corral, discipline and police us while they fritter their obese ego luxury at sea or in their “cloud” of capitalist angel dust their brains live in. https://aboardtheworld.com/

In my mind, we are experiencing an inevitable evolution of consciousness, that will result in Humanity becoming adult. We are going to abandon, or rather exile, the Rat Class to a penniless oblivion somewhere to be determined, never to return. Meanwhile, we’ll figure out how to bring Humanity to self-rule, rather than continue to serve their self-regulation, self-policing schemes. Which they are lost without.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Mar 9, 2024 9:18 PM
Reply to  sandy

Still going with bot here….

Mar 10, 2024 4:03 AM

I’m a bot? Your birdheart needs to get some beefheart clarity of mind, if that’s possible and you yourself a brain.to boot. No bot would ever be able to write what i did. They have no skin in the game and never will. Like you who self-regulate policing society? Call me a bot, but do you have anything to say other than a diss. If so, please express yourself. Let people hear what you have to say so we can assess whether YOU are a bot, or knot. No? Please expose your ideas to the light of day.

Mar 10, 2024 3:46 PM
Reply to  sandy

I fully believe you found all the images that contained traffic lights. Or was is motorcycles or maybe busses. Could have been meowing cats….. I vote not a bot.

Mar 9, 2024 10:28 PM
Reply to  sandy

Working on the magical side of it.

Mar 10, 2024 12:54 AM
Reply to  sandy

Outstanding comment, Sandy – especially love your conclusion!

Mar 9, 2024 6:06 PM

What a nonsense! All these questions “Where is…” concerning “The Network 1976” and “I’m mad as hell!”

It was possible in that movie, that outrage appear, because, someone in tv broadcaster allowed such issue to appear on the screen. That’s all.

Mar 10, 2024 6:35 PM
Reply to  Zbyszek

Yes, that is indeed possible. Probable as well. But as a reference point and maybe a call to some kind of action, it sums up perfectly where most of us are right now. Mad as hell, don’t want to take it anymore, and trying to figure out how to get others to be as pissed off as we are. It’ll have to do, for now. And really, the enemy loves to use our own sentiments against us, why can we not take their own words and attempt to use those against them? What else have we got?

Mar 9, 2024 6:00 PM

Hi Todd, thanks again!
Is it possible that a huge part of feeling helpless, powerless and impotent as a citizen has something to do with being conditioned and encouraged to be outraged over things over which we have no personal power to alter, and feel guilty about things that we can do nothing about and which really aren’t our problems?
When I think about it, the only people or things I have much of any power, control or even, at the best of times, some slight hoped-for influence over, are myself and those things closest to me within my immediate environment.
Perhaps regaining a sense of, and actual wider control over, or even slight influence upon larger issues and concerns — bureaucracy run amok, etc., you name it — starts with addressing and confronting whatever issues are within one’s own immediate reach and grasp, then gradually working and navigating one’s own way out, into and throughout the wider world.
It almost doesn’t even matter where you start.
In the past, I worked on exploded-view type technical illustrations involving thousands of parts.
The hardest part of the job was always trying to determine and decide where to start.
It always seemed overwhelming, and, that was the biggest challenge.
But, even if I chose a random nut or bolt, an easy, comfortable, familiar start, that’s all it took because every part revolved around and required every other one and all were absolutely neccessary for the whole to function, and so, it really didn’t matter where I started, only that I got started, and the rest looked after itself.

Mar 9, 2024 5:52 PM

“What is the reason there is no shouting from the windows, “We are mad as hell!!”?
Good question. But the author takes the easy way out and does not answer it. I am not brainwashed. Todd Hayen is not brainwashed. You who are reading this are not brainwashed… There is no “we” here. Try harder, Todd.

Mar 9, 2024 5:44 PM


Mar 9, 2024 5:09 PM

Couple things on your numbers.

Before Biden’s administration invaded the sanctity of the White House, there were already an estimated 20 million (the official estimate was 11 but most felt that the number was more like 20) undocumented aliens in the U.S. The senate, at that time, was already pushing to make them voters through an amnesty program. Another 7 million have been released into the interior of the U.S. under Biden. Millions more got-aways scurried into the country and disappeared in the cracks. Only good thing about the got-aways is that we are not providing housing and paying them monthly stipends. That makes, roughly 30 million potential voters. Democrats want to make all of them voters while, at the same time, doing away with the electoral college. If that happens, they won’t need to cheat ever again. By the time these new voters wake up to the tyranny they helped install, it will be too late. Full blown socialism will be in force. Many will, most likely, be clamoring to go back to their home countries.

As for the gender dysphoric minors, Governor Newsom graciously pointed out last year that only 1% of the minor population would be affected by transitioning surgeries. “What’s the big deal”, he said. The big deal is big dollars. It’s a trillion dollar experimental industry countrywide. Be interesting to see the lobbying records and reelection donation records. Not only for California but for the U.S. Congress. Follow the money trail, carefully. Undoubtedly, the trail is loaded with land minds.

Mar 9, 2024 5:45 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

How after COVID can you still not get it.??

Mar 9, 2024 6:43 PM
Reply to  mastershock

Don’t know what the hell you are talking about.

Hayen’s numbers are light. That’s it. What does that have to do with Covid? Thirty million illegals roaming the country and hundreds of thousands of minors suffering from gender dysphoria (according to the governor of California). Tens of millions killed by the clot shots and hundreds of millions maimed and sterilized. What am I missing?

All faith in humanity has all but been lost. Doctors can’t be trusted. Government leaders around the world have become all out tyrants The United Nations want 95% of us dead. John Kerry and Al Gore are convinced the world is ending while the WEF is poised to install the Great Reset while world leaders are moving toward signing health and climate treaties. And don’t forget programmable digital currency and digital vaccine passports.

Help me. What is it I don’t get?

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 9, 2024 10:45 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

It is the end times, the time upon which they said you do not want to be, old, handicapped, poor, in bad health, and a who’s who of a list of things you didn’t want be.

After reading it, it was easier to find the few who could avoid the list than count the numbers on it.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 10, 2024 6:40 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

It is still below 1/1000 so what the problem?
We are 999 who are in good shape.
Note this number very carefully 999, because this is the number of the bea… ehhh people who are safe and under protection, and NOT entering into a gender surgery.

I and McCarthy tried to save the American people and our Constitution against the Commies lying under our beds at that time, but the American people didnt care.
Our fellowmen are all Liberals! Fact!

Face it. Live your life man, we cant save the world anyway.

Big Al
Big Al
Mar 9, 2024 4:31 PM

I’m confused Todd, seems to me there’s so much outrage, we’re at the tip of something outrageous. Maybe it’s just that all the outrages are cancelling each other out so those that rule over us can prevent us from self-regulating their asses to prison. Kind of like, “let the masses fight amongst themselves so they don’t notice we just put them all in a cage”. Or, “turn the heat up until the water boils and watch their eyes when they finally realize what’s up”.

Here in the U.S., the Trump/republican party kult is so outraged that 90 or so million of them are getting ready to vote for a crazy man, again. And the Biden/democratic party kult is so outraged that they’re getting set to vote for another crazy man, again. Now, that’s outrageous. You’ve got to be filled with blind rage to do that shit. 180 million people filled with blind rage and unable to think clearly.

Hell, I bought a couple burgers and shakes for my grandkids yesterday and it was 30 bucks. I’m still outraged about that.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 9, 2024 5:53 PM
Reply to  Big Al

I’m not talking about “us”…I’m talking about the billions of sheep.

Human values
Human values
Mar 9, 2024 8:47 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

But you don’t know those billions of people. In fact, you know nothing about them. And it’s dehumanizing to call people sheep.  

Mar 10, 2024 11:53 AM
Reply to  Human values

I agree.

Big Al
Big Al
Mar 9, 2024 9:28 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Me too, man. You think the MAGA kult isn’t outraged? You think the liberal left isn’t outraged? You might want to look around. Lots of outrage, misplaced as it might be. My point was, they are so outraged, they’re willing to stoop as low as it gets to express that outrage.

Mar 10, 2024 3:33 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Not that I disagree with your position but how do you keep a straight face when you are attempting to counsel these people? Aren’t most of them sheep?

Ann in Oregon
Ann in Oregon
Mar 9, 2024 6:15 PM
Reply to  Big Al

Hope it wasn’t “food” from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDQofCXuYik

Big Al
Big Al
Mar 9, 2024 9:32 PM
Reply to  Ann in Oregon

Nope, that is a place I no longer will patronize. But I guess, whatever, they’re all the same now.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Mar 9, 2024 9:35 PM
Reply to  Big Al

What would Hank Hill do, Big Al ?
Guess he wouldn’t talk about the tens of millions of dead natives, not that long ago.
Shadows, personal and inherited.
Yep. Not our fault born into falling system (west), our fault that we believed and perpetuate lies, why I don’t bother with this guy.

Mar 11, 2024 1:44 PM
Reply to  Big Al

Took the kids and their families for dinner last summer. Three hundred bucks later everyone was happy. It was another hundred to buy them ice cream. On the bright side, I was able to pay in cash.

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 9, 2024 4:16 PM

If I recall correctly, the statistics that resulted from Stanley Milgram’s famous psychological experiments which sought to understand how the Holocaust could have happened, were 60% blind obedience and only 30% resistance. This is the sad truth about our species unfortunately. We saw how ordinary citizens became tinpot fascists during corona-fascism and we see it now as hundreds of thousands of defenceless innocents are being slaughtered in Gaza. Most people are not good. Most people follow the crowd. As for myself, I have my own mind – I went against the prevailing Covid narrative which cost me my mental health and most of my friendships, and now I’m going against the wall-to-wall dehumanisation of LGBT people. It’s a very lonely road.

Human values
Human values
Mar 9, 2024 10:25 PM

You are not alone.

Milgram did many tests, and the most famous of them is where approximately 80 % complied with the insane commands to kill another human being, simply because someone in a lab coat told them so. It’s for science! It’s for the greater good! It’s to educate people!

When the test was changed, to include those with criticism, the numbers changed. The more support the people thought they had to refuse to electrocute a fellow stranger, the more they chose not to do so.

Basically, all people want to be good and do good.

The problem is, when someone lies to them. Leads them astray.

If the masses really are so stupid and ignorant, and so not-thinking, they follow anyone who commands them. Really: anyone in authority. So, who’s the authority of a human being? Who’s commands or recommendations matter? Is it the majority? Is it the man in a lab coat? Is it a tv-personality? Is it anyone else but the wise human being herself!

Whenever a human being has fallen from Grace and fell into the arms of the Enemy, evil shit happened.

It happened to me, too. I was deceived. I made an error and I believed the Devil. But you know what, I no longer do. I learned.  

Mar 10, 2024 7:21 AM
Reply to  Human values

The article touched on this. Culture – the local operating system – was guided by experience, elders and traditions. The ever-present minority of psychopaths subverted, formalised and standardised this guidance.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 10, 2024 8:01 PM
Reply to  Human values

As long as you continue to sincerely repent, there is forgiveness because you show ability to progress in your human development towards the divine.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 9, 2024 3:51 PM

First, in order to have “societal rage”, it requires a society with good societal values, not just on paper but seen by the actions of its people.

Not worrying about the problems of other people, especially those who are strangers is becoming the norm in many developed countries. For example, walking by and ignoring an incident in a public place is par for the course.

There is also a cultural element to this. Some societies are better at self regulating, ironically, it is the so-called less civilzed ones. For example, in Africa, Asia and South America those who break the accepted societal rules are more likely to be punished at the hands of the general public. The police are not involved or simply turn a blind eye to summary justice.

A shoplifter or a mugger, if caught, may be beaten up by a group of neighbours or locals. Leaving the doors unlocked and the windows open to one’s house, it is less likely be burgled, because communities are more neighbourly and look out for each other and also because of the potential repercussions of getting caught.

Societal rage in the West especially, has now become little more than the subject of conversations down the pub or at a dinner party and a perhaps by attending a protest march.

Yet, though I have come to realize that there will most likely be no real societal rage until enough people are very hungry, cold and poor, I have been surprised by the lack of individual rage. I had expected that on discovering people had been killed by the cull juice, that their family and friends would express such rage or that a jab injured person would do so when diagnosed with a life altering or terminal illness as a result of it.

The lack of rage is a telling indictment of our times. Whether, this is just a phase and there is a pressure cooker of rage that is about to explode, only time will tell. If so, when it does explode, it could very quickly deteriorate into a ‘Mad Max’ scenario with the right catalyst, whether organic or manufactured. That would be where enough people feel they have nothing to lose but we do seem a long way from that and even then – especially if manufactured – it could be used to bring in ‘Ordo ab chao’.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 9, 2024 6:14 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

First, in order to have “societal rage”, it requires a society with good societal values, not just on paper but seen by the actions of its people.

First of all, it requires a society to be spiritually and materially in sync, that is to say, unified, of shared heritage, values, moral sense; no multi-cultures need apply. As you point out:

There is also a cultural element to this. Some societies are better at self regulating, ironically, it is the so-called less civilzed ones. For example, in Africa, Asia and South America those who break the accepted societal rules are more likely to be punished at the hands of the general public. The police are not involved or simply turn a blind eye to summary justice.

These “less civilized” societies tend to be more homogeneous. The rules of behavior are understood by all, and aberrant behaviors, or behaviors that are seen as dangerous to the society are swiftly, and often brutally, dealt with. In our modern, highly “civilized” Western societies, described by James Howard Kunstler as places where “anything goes, and nothing matters,” the inhabitants have been divided, atomized, exsanguinated…they have become effete and sterile, and all that is left to them is to die. They go out of their way to excuse and tolerate the most outrageous behaviors and transgressions, and law breakers of all stripes. But Nature’s law is the oldest, and the “less civilized” societies perhaps understand it better than the more tolerant, progressive, idealistic ones.

In short, we have little or no social regulation, because we no longer have coherent societies.

Mar 10, 2024 7:25 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

The enforced urbanisation (through rigged economics), mass immigration and rising exploitation (“inequality”) all promote the alienation you mention.

Mar 9, 2024 3:32 PM

there are very few cultures, if any, that advocate, as a foundational tenet, murder

Nonsense. All cultures practise warfare in some form and mostly in the form of using deadly force against opponents. I believe anthropologists might have found some exceptions (see Erich Fromm, The Foundations Of Human Violence, I seem to recall he named some).

It’s just word-play: the other is a threat, society must defend itself, kill the other is good for society.

Even if you restrict the definition of murder to killing ‘insiders’ there are plenty of records of hunter-gatherer societies where a quasi-leader who tries to dominate, instead of seeking consensus and social cohesion, is sadly killed in a hunting accident. A quasi-leader who brings home lots of meat, and shares it fairly, while being self-effacing and non-directive, will perhaps be remembered as a Chief one day. That his daddy was a Chief is sometimes the case, but not invariably.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 9, 2024 5:55 PM
Reply to  KarenEliot

I’m trying very hard to continue believing that humans are worth saving.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 9, 2024 6:38 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

It’s a test. Humans run the gamut of behaviors, and the seeds of each of those behaviors are in each of us as humans. Very few, if any, of us are purely evil or purely good; we exist along a continuum, perhaps with in-born preferences and/or tendencies, but forever having to make choices as our lives play out. Dorian Grey, or the Selfish Giant.

Mar 9, 2024 9:41 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

That was harsh. I am laughing.

Mar 11, 2024 5:28 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Humans, like any other species, will save themselves whenever they can regardless of what anyone believes about anything. 🙂

Human values
Human values
Mar 9, 2024 9:08 PM
Reply to  KarenEliot

What you are talking about is the state – not culture or society.

The state makes war. It makes war because of money. It protects the money system because it works for those who benefit from it: war-makers.

All states have their beginning in time and in war.

They are not ”always”, as eternally!

Culture and society are eternal, at least as long as people exist. People always form society and they have culture.

Few Americans realize that there really was a time before their beloved slaveholders took command.

But really, most human history was lived in peace before those with money used state violence to oppress those they couldn’t kill.

Money, state and capitalism are very recent inventions in human history. They are all forces of evil.


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 10, 2024 8:15 PM
Reply to  Human values

Violence seems to have been here from the beginning. The innocent being killed by his own brother in jealousy:comment image Cain and Abel.

C'est moi Maurice
C'est moi Maurice
Mar 10, 2024 12:15 AM
Reply to  KarenEliot

May I suggest a fantastic movie made
produced/ directed by Zacharias Kunuk and many excellent Inuit folk
The movie is called Atanarjuat
It is based on a well known Inuit ( Epic story) that actually happened some time ago
The entire crew and staff are locals, it is spoken in fluent Inuktitat with subtitles
So be patient, the idea is to submerse you into the story and give it the shine of realism. to make it convincing.

The whole movie is precisely a study in this and ” how” is Evil dealt with in a small tight community
The Inuit themselves felt it ” timely” to release this story to the general public, considering the great tribulations that were just coming into view on the horizon(2002)

Mar 11, 2024 5:26 AM
Reply to  KarenEliot

KarenEliot, good comment but this is not quite consistent with cultural anthropological findings. The self-effacing natural leader of an egalitarian H-G culture, to which you refer, would be regarded as the eponymous Big Man which is not a structural title but merely an informal acknowledgement of the large stature of his achievements. A Chief, on the other hand, is a political leadership position held in a Chiefdom, which is the earliest/first form of a hierarchical society living above Dunbar’s Number. Though it was indeed the Big Man’s morphing into a Chief that ran concurrent with an egalitarian society’s morphing into a hierarchical one, the two are unrelated in and of themselves.

Mar 9, 2024 3:19 PM

With all due respect, Dr. Hayen, I disagree with your supposition that our society no longer “self-regulates.” It does what it and every other society in history have always done: it CHOOSES what to “self-regulate.” And, of course, as a corollary, as you infer, this “self-regulation” is often a subjective occasion.

There is, however, one thing – one absolute of any and all societal “self-regulation”: What’s in it for me?

For example: Palestinians are being slaughtered. Bad, very bad – and well protested. But let’s look a little deeper – let’s locate the “What’s in it for me” aspect. There’s oil and gas in them thar waters off Gaza. Do we want the Arabs to have it? or do we want our ally, Israel, to have it? Shhh, keep it quiet. As Gogo in Samuel Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot” so eloquently put it: “Let’s do nothing – it’s safer!” Just pretend genocide Joe’s doing “the right thing.”

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 9, 2024 5:54 PM
Reply to  Howard

Good points.

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Mar 10, 2024 12:49 AM
Reply to  Howard

It sure does take a lot of pretending to think that people who are okay with indiscriminately murdering 100,000 innocents could actually BE allies. It can be observed in life that people do have difficulty confronting evil. But although it may FEEL safe, it is actually very dangerous to not do so.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Mar 9, 2024 2:54 PM

I see ex UK Prime minister Theresa May is standing down as a MP and will work at a anti modern slavery charity.
Lucky they have been recipients of £200 million of UK tax payers money whilst she was PM or she may have to had work for free.
Rotten from top to bottom…

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 9, 2024 5:06 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

The grift that keeps on giving.

Mar 9, 2024 5:56 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

anti modern slavery charity. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

at this rate,.
Nobel peace prize etc ISL humanitarian record will go to Netanyahu and IDF (you watch).

Elongated Muskrat
Elongated Muskrat
Mar 10, 2024 11:31 AM
Reply to  mastershock

Yes, the Nobel War is Peace Prize…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 10, 2024 8:22 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

I believe Theresa May is against slavery and do-good because I believe in my government.

Mar 9, 2024 1:53 PM

Where was the social outrage when the US government interned the Japanese in quarantine camps?
Where was the social outrage when stupid fuckers like McCarthy were a part of the red scare?
Where was the social outrage when native Americans were slaughtered?
Where was the social outrage when women were burned at the stake cause of idiots that were religious extremists who followed an old ass book and used it to blame women?

It always happens bro… You were a part of it too, where was your outrage about the Vietnam war?

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 9, 2024 1:58 PM
Reply to  Rob

Exactly. The dehumanisation of trans people that is being whipped up by Off-Guardian is cowardly and disgusting. No different from antisemitism in 1930s Germany. Humans are a lost cause.

Mar 9, 2024 11:19 PM

I can only speak for myself, but my problem with the trans movement is only with the medical professionals who are experimenting on human beings with chemicals and surgeries that can’t possibly provide what the transitioners are hoping for, and that will have life long side effects that will likely shorten their lives. There’s no way they (especially the kids) can give informed consent and there’s plenty of evidence of coercion. LGBT is fine, so long as the butchers don’t try to reassign them.

Mar 14, 2024 8:09 AM

Whipped up by OffG, huh?
I guess you haven’t been paying much attention to us GCs over on Twixt.
I don’t see dehumanisation aimed at trans but I see plenty of outright misogyny from TRAs.
Many of the trans agenda positions are pushing dehumanisation on us all by denying biological reality and expecting us all to just go along with it.
There’s xx and there’s xy and that’s it. End of biology story.
I will never call a man “she.”

Mar 14, 2024 8:14 AM
Reply to  Lupa

PS I think it might be actual anti-semitism for you to dare compare trans pushback to antisemitism in Germany in ’30s.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Mar 9, 2024 2:25 PM
Reply to  Rob

There was pushback when the Japanese were interred. The Supreme Court had to rule this was legal, for a start. (It did…..another of its ‘eternal shame’ things because I can’t see for the life of me how interring Japanese origin — US citizens — could be lawful. But lawyers are at their core very pragmatic, they’re paid to make appropriate arguments and so they did.) Then there was the pushback at the personal level — while many people took internment at golden opportunity to pick up property for free or at fire sale prices others cared for abandoned farms and other property to get it back to its owners when they were eventually released.

Its easy to confuse propaganda with on the ground reality. Our propaganda writes history so history tends to erase dissent, to write it off as irrelevant or a fringe activity at best. You also need to bear in mind the level of pressure put on individuals who disagree. Examples in recent history is what happened to Dan Rather, a prominent news presenter who ran a report in 2004 about George Bush Jr’s military service. He got fired for this even though the substance of the report was true and wasn’t even ‘new’ news — the firing wasn’t so important as the lead up. Or the nailing of Jeremy Corbyn and other Labour party figures for ‘anti-semitism’ — again, look at the events surrounding the ouster, they’re more important than the actual event.

Vietnam was an outlier because it almost got away from ‘the powers that be’. Similar levels of pressure to conform and obey were leveled at dissenters but were eventually undermined by the media reporting from the front lines. The narrative, of the alien (communist) invaders undermining the legitimate government of the south is a fiction pushed today. It was a war of national liberation, a civil war, it was obvious from the start. But the word got out so this one got away and took a decade to get back (because once the government’s trust was undermined over Vietnam people started looking elsewhere for problems — and found plenty of them). This has now been fixed so now we only get one side of a narrative, the correct one, and I’m constantly reading the fallout from this in the media and — worse — the comment sections.

(Incidentally, lots of people thought that the wars against Native Americans were bad news. But greed trumps all, alas. So the myth of the “Wild West” is born, a fiction of the media. I/P follows the same playbook almost to the letter.)

Mar 10, 2024 1:54 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Good comments.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 9, 2024 2:57 PM
Reply to  Rob

Agreed…except, how do you know what I did during the Vietnam War? Do you know me personally? Were you there?

And, since you weren’t there during most of these events, how do you know the extent of the social outrage to any of them? Maybe, as you suggest, there was none, maybe there was more than there is today, maybe there was a lot but it has been thrown down the memory hole of history, or maybe there never has been “societal regulation”…

I am SUGGESTING there should be more now than there seems to be, and maybe at certain times in history in free countries, there was more, maybe I am completely wrong. Maybe humans have always been worms, not worthy of living because they are mean and ugly. Maybe…why don’t YOU write an article about that?

Mar 9, 2024 5:14 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Thought the same thing.

Mar 9, 2024 5:58 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Notice how the numbers of soldiers dying never appears much in the media or alt.

Vietnam War was hated due to the advertised numbers of deaths of USA soldiers.

MIC has learnt by that.

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Mar 10, 2024 1:06 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

I know that humans can act like worms at times but like it or not humans are the only ones that can solve humans problems. Problem is, they lack insight on understanding how. So they come up with “solutions” that make the problems worse. The wrong thing to do is nothing. You writing and others communicating about it is extremely helpful. Help IS possible. But crazy psychotic people can’t bear to see people helped. So they censor. And they alter communication for the worse. Don’t let it stop you. You are helping by communicating. Communication is much more powerful than bullets. Ideas are much more powerful than force.

Mar 11, 2024 5:25 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Rob’s post is a ‘red herring.’

Perhaps he is too young to have been taught ‘actual’ history…revisionist history taught now days in schools.
There were massive protests/ some riots against the Vietnam war for years. Perhaps he should study ‘Kent State’, or go interview a few guys who fled to Canada to avoid going to the ‘killing fields.’

I am 80 and I have a vivid memory of the Vietnam events as I lost several friends and family to that debacle.

Mar 14, 2024 8:32 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

I remember massive marches going on for years during the Vietnam Era, some I attended. We had somewhat of a similar broad-based protest activity against Wall St for awhile but there’s outrage without action now because of the deep fear programming that has been bombarding us since before the Plandemic.
As you wrote: “Due to this sort of conditioning, among many other techniques, we as a society have lost nearly all critical thinking” Reality check: was the critical thinking total score in US that high to begin with?

Big Al
Big Al
Mar 9, 2024 4:10 PM
Reply to  Rob

There was plenty of “social outrage” for all those, good grief. Certainly not the entire society, and like now, most people did accept it, but to say there was no social outrage is ridiculous.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 9, 2024 5:57 PM
Reply to  Big Al

I apologize if I made the impression that there was zero societal outrage. Of course many were and have been outrage. I am talking about the majority of a culture, it should be around 85% outrage with most of this stuff.

Big Al
Big Al
Mar 9, 2024 9:39 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

No apology necessary. Probably on me.

Mar 9, 2024 11:32 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Regarding outrage, this week my mother was moved from short-term nursing home care to long-term nursing home care (while in the same bed). The financial burden and bureaucratic ramifications are nightmarish. I commented to some Democrat friends that Obama had the opportunity to give us Medicare for All, but he caved to the insurance industry. Single Payer, done right, could have made my mother’s care a smooth transition that wouldn’t bankrupt my family. My friends replied, nearly in unison, that they LOVE Obama and shut me up like I was defiling god with my criticism. Outrage not allowed, nor even a debate. They’re just brainwashed.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 9, 2024 5:53 PM
Reply to  Rob

Where was the social outrage when the US government interned the Japanese in quarantine camps?

Why would there be? After all, Japan had just carried out a dastardly attack against us at Pearl Harbor. Rightly or wrongly, in majority White USA, a Japanese ethnic was going to be looked at askance. My uncle, of German heritage, had no interest in volunteering to fight in WW II. He awoke one morning to find his car splattered with yellow paint. Likewise, in WW I times, young men with pacifist considerations might be handed a white feather by a young lady, the motivation being to shame that “chicken” into signing up to fight. There’s some social regulation for ya!

Where was the social outrage when stupid fuckers like McCarthy were a part of the red scare?

Retrospectively, whatever you may think of the man and his style, McCarthy was justified in many of his suspicions.

Where was the social outrage when native Americans were slaughtered?

Why would there be? They were likewise slaughtering Americans settlers, and before there even was an America, each other. Social regulation dictates supporting ones own people and needs first.

Mar 9, 2024 9:11 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow


Human values
Human values
Mar 9, 2024 10:28 PM
Reply to  Rob


Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 10, 2024 3:02 AM
Reply to  Human values


Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 10, 2024 3:02 AM
Reply to  Rob

Do you have a point, or are you just going to virtue signal? Your glib presentism doesn’t make you virtuous, you know.

Mar 9, 2024 10:43 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Different from Gaza? How?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 10, 2024 3:27 AM
Reply to  ariel

I don’t get what you mean? I didn’t reference Gaza. Rob listed several past events and fulminated because too few at the time of those events were adequately outraged to his current day standards. I offered reasons why the people of the time were not likely to have been outraged; indeed, that it was perfectly natural and normal for them not to have been.

Gaza is a currently ongoing event. If my sympathies rest largely with one side, that doesn’t mean I don’t try to understand where the other side is coming from.

Mar 10, 2024 11:49 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

As I was challenged to go do a Sundance in South Dakota I of course went and took part, and so could experience at first hand the ongoing cultural and practical genocide still taking place in the good ol’ USA, and how the recipients feel about it. I asked a friend how it really was, down on the Res? She said ‘Alcohol, meth and despair.’
I have also been to the West Bank, though not Gaza, and saw torture and humiliation at first hand.
So my comment was to point out that the settler invasion of West Bank and Gaza was in NO WAY a unique phenomenon, and indeed the USA was founded on it. And if the residents fought back, wouldn’t you?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 10, 2024 9:13 PM
Reply to  ariel

For the most part, the residents and settlers of the USA didn’t see the conflict with the Indians as a moral issue, they saw it as a survival issue, which is a deeper, and more primitive morality: self preservation.

The Sioux were no strangers to this, having been driven from their homeland in Minnesota into the Dakotas, by a stronger tribe, the Ojibway; the Sioux, in their turn, displaced other peoples, and such was the case with pre-contact natives all across the American Continents.

As a child, my sympathies were almost entirely with the Indians; as an adult, I’ve learned to sympathize with my own ancestors, and can view them with respect and gratitude.

As for Gaza, I don’t see the founding of the USA is in any way comparable to the founding of Israel.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 10, 2024 9:23 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Sitting Bull had a point in all that blame game, that we can relate to up until today:

Mar 10, 2024 9:45 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

I’m not judging. The UK was invaded by the Romans, Vikings, the Saxons, the Danes, the Normans, and so on, all of whom stayed and became British, more or less. Half England was called ‘the Danelaw’ for hundreds of years..
The actual old British were driven to the western fringes

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 11, 2024 2:33 AM
Reply to  ariel

That’s the way of the world. I’ve got English, Scottish, Welsh, Danish, French ancestry. Much blood spilled among them.

Meanwhile, as an American I’m expected to abide by this:

Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:

  • Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
  • Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
  • Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.
  • Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust
  • Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
  • Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
  • Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
  • Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
  • Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
  • Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.

Defining Antisemitism, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, 10 March 2024

That’s an affront to me not only as an American, but as a human being. Absolutely, incredibly insulting.

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
Mar 15, 2024 3:15 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

“As for Gaza, I don’t see the founding of the USA is in any way comparable to the founding of Israel.” So, no similarities given settler colonisation and ethnic cleansing via the Nakba, which is ongoing in different forms?

Mar 14, 2024 8:37 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

McCarthy’s style?  😂  😂  😂 

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 10, 2024 8:29 PM
Reply to  Rob

I have listened to all the anti-Vietnam songs from that time. So dont say I didnt do something. https://youtu.be/Io17bEzCf38

Mar 14, 2024 8:44 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

I don’t havta go to YT. Now that you’ve mentioned them, they’ll all play in my head. ….4 dead in Ohio…