Sick, and Sick of It All

Edward Curtin

Sometimes it takes our bodies to return us to our souls.  And our little pains to remind us of the indescribable pain of the savage killing and dismemberment of innocent children and adults in Gaza and many other places by U.S. weapons produced in clean factories by people just doing their jobs and collecting their pay at “defense” contractors Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Pfizer, etc.

Abstraction is the name of the game as human bodies are torn to pieces “over there” and the obscene profits are transferred at the computer terminals day and night.

Living in a technological world of the internet divorces us from real life as it passes into inert, abstract, and dead screen existence. It should not be surprising that people grow sick and tired of the steady streams of “news” that fills their days and nights.

So much of the news is grotesque; propaganda abounds. Stories twisted right and left to tie minds into knots.  After a while, as Macbeth tells us, life seems like “a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets its hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

Being sick and out of it for a while allows one a different perspective on the world.  This is especially true for those of us who often write about politics and propaganda.

A recent illness has forced me to step away from my usual routine of following political events closely. Fleeting headlines have been all I’ve noted for the past two weeks. While lying around waiting for the illness to leave, I would drift in and out of reveries and memories that would float to semi-consciousness.

Feeling miserable prevented any focus or logical thinking, but not, I emphasize, thinking in a deeper, physical sense. But it also gave me a reprieve from noting the repetitive and atomizing nature of internet postings, as if one needs to be hammered over the head again and again to understand the world whose realities are much simpler than the endless scribblers and politicians are willing to admit.

Jonathan Crary, in a scathing critique of the digital world in Scorched Earth, puts it thus:

For the elites, the priority remains: keep people enclosed within the augmented unrealities of the internet complex, where experience is fragmented into a kaleidoscope of fleeting claims of importance, of never-ending admonitions on how to conduct our lives, manage our bodies, what to buy and who to admire or to fear.

I agree with Crary. During my sickness, I did manage to read a few brief pieces, an essay, a short story, and a poem.  Serendipitously, each confirmed the trend of my thinking over recent years as well as what my bodily discomfit was teaching me.

The first was an essay by the art critic John Berger about the abstract expressionist, avant-garde painter Jackson Pollock, titled “A Kind of Sharing.”  It struck me as very true.

Pollock came to prominence in the late 1940s and early 1950s. He was described as an “action” painter who poured paint on large canvases to create abstract designs that were lauded by the New York art world. Some have sold for hundreds of millions of dollars.

The description of Pollock as an untalented pourer, Berger says, is false, for Pollock was a very precise master of his art who was aware of how he was putting paint to canvas and of the effects of his abstractions. His work made no references to the outside world since such painting at that time was considered illustrative.  Berger says that Pollock’s paintings were violent in that “The body, the flesh, had been rejected and they were the consequence of this rejection.”

He argues that Pollock, who died in a drunken car crash in Easthampton, Long Island on August 11, 1956, was committing art suicide with his abstract paintings because he had rejected the ancient assumption of painting that the visible contained hidden secrets, that behind appearances there were presences.

For Pollock, there was nothing beyond the surfaces of his canvases.  This was because he was painting the nothingness he felt and wished to convey.  A nihilism that was both personal and abroad in the society.

Pollock’s story is a sad one, for he was praised and used by forces far more powerful than he.  Nelson Rockefeller, who was president of the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) that his mother had cofounded, called Pollock’s work “free enterprise paintings,” and the CIA, through its Congress for Cultural Freedom, secretly promoted it as a Cold War weapon against the Soviet Union’s socialist realism art, even as right-wing congressmen ripped Pollock as a perverse artist.

So in the name of openness, the CIA secretly promoted Pollock’s avant-gardism as real America art in a campaign of propaganda, while the right-wing bashed him as a perverted leftist. This sick double game became a template for future mind-control operations that are widespread today.

As was his habit, Berger brilliantly places Pollock’s work within social and political history, a description of a time very similar to today when the word “freedom” was bandied about.  Then it was the freedom of the Voice of America extolling the Cold War tale of freedom of the “Free World”; freedom for artists to be free of rhetoric, history, the past, and to jettison the tyranny of the object; freedom of the market amidst a strident yet incoherent sense of loss.  He writes:

At this moment, what was happening in the outside world? For a cultural climate is never separate from events. The United States had emerged from the war as the most powerful nation in the world. The first atom bomb had been dropped. The apocalypse of the Cold War had been placed on the agenda. McCarthy was inventing his traitors. The mood in the country that had suffered least from the war was defiant, violent, haunted. The play most apt to the period would have been Macbeth, and the ghosts were from Hiroshima.

Today’s ghosts are still from Hiroshima and Macbeth is still apposite, and the ghosts of all the many millions killed since then haunt us now if we can see them. Although their bodies have disappeared out the back door of the years – and continue to do so daily – true art is to realize their presence, to hear their cries and conjure up their images. 

While the word freedom is still bandied about in this new Cold War era where the sense of social lostness is even more intense than in Pollock’s time, it often comes from a nihilistic despondency similar to Pollock’s and those who used atomic weapons, a belief that appearances and surfaces are all and behind them there is nothing.  Nada, nada, nada.  A society that Roberto Calasso calls “an agnostic theocracy based on nihilism.” Berger concludes:

Jackson Pollock was driven by a despair which was partly his and partly that of the times that nourished him, to refuse this act of faith [that painting reveals a presence behind an appearance]: to insist, with all his brilliance as a painter, that there was nothing behind, that there was only that which was done to the canvas on the side facing us. This simple, terrible reversal, born of an individualism that was frenetic, constituted the suicide.

This short essay by Berger about Pollock’s denial of the human body struck me as my own body was temporarily failing me.  It seemed to contain lessons for the augmented realities of the internet and the new Cold War being waged for the control of our minds and hearts today.  Inducements to get lost in abstractions.

Then one day I picked up another book from the shelf to try to distract myself from my physical misery.  It was a collection of stories by John Fowles.  I read the opening novella – “The Ebony Tower” – haltingly over days.  It was brilliant and eerily led me to a place similar to that of Berger’s thoughts about Pollock.

Fowles explores art and the body against a dreamy background of a manor house in the French countryside.  As I read it lying on a couch, I fell in and out of oneiric reveries and sleep, induced by my body’s revolt against my mind. Trying to distract myself from my aches and pains, I again found myself ambushed by writing about corporality.

Both Berger and Fowles sensed the same thing: that modernity was conspiring to deny the body’s reality in favor of visual abstractions. That in doing so our essential humanity was being lost and the slaughters of innocent people were becoming abstractions.

Then the Internet came along to at first offer hope only to become an illusion of freedom increasingly controlled by media in the service of deep-state forces.  Soon the only way to write and distribute the truth will be retro – on paper and exchanged hand to hand. This no doubt sounds outlandish to those who have swallowed the digital mind games, but they will be surprised once they fully wake up.

Fowles’s story is about David, an art historian who goes to visit a famous, cranky old painter named Henry Breasely. The younger man is writing about the older and thinks it would be interesting to meet him, even though he thinks it isn’t necessary to write the article he has already composed in his mind.

The art historian, like many of his ilk, lives in his mind, in academic abstractions.  He is in a sense “pure mind,” in many ways a replica of TS Eliot’s neurotic J. Alfred Prufrock. The old painter lives in the physical world, where sex and the body and nature enclose his world, where paint is used to illuminate the physical reality of life, its sensuousness, not abstractions, where physical life and death infuse his work, including political realities.

Obviously not new to William Butler Yeats’ discovery as expressed in the conclusion to his poem “The Circus Animals’ Desertion”:

Those masterful images because complete
Grew in pure mind but out of what began?
A mound of refuse or the sweepings of a street,
Old kettles, old bottles, and a broken can,
Old iron, old bones, old rags, that raving slut
Who keeps the till. Now that my ladder’s gone
I must lie down where all the ladders start
In the foul rag and bone shop of the heart.

The old man fiercely defends the “foul rag and bone shop of the heart” against all abstractions and academic bullshit, which are the young man’s métier. He accuses the young critic of being afraid of the human body. When the critic responds, “Perhaps more interested in the mind than the genitals,” the caustic and funny painter says, “God help your bloody wife then.”

He accuses the younger man of being in the game of destruction and castration, of supporting abstractions at the expense of flesh and blood life.  “There are worse destroyers around than nonrepresentational art,” the critic says in his defense.  To which the painter roars, “You’d better tell that to Hiroshima. Or to someone who’s been napalmed.”

Back and forth they go, as a nubile art student, who is there to help the elderly artist, acts as a sort of interlocutor.  Her presence adds a sexual frisson throughout the story, a temptation to the milk-toast critic’s life of sad complacency.

The wild old man’s rants – he calls Jackson Pollock Jackson Bollock – are continually paraphrased by the girl. She says, “Art is a form of speech. Speech must be based on human needs, not abstract theories of grammar. Or anything but the spoken word. The real word…Ideas are inherently dangerous because they deny human facts. The only answer to fascism is the human fact.”

The old painter’s uncensored tongue brought tears of laughter to my eyes and a bit of relief to my aches and pains.  I was primarily taken aback by the weirdness of haphazardly reading a second piece that coincided with my deepest thoughts that had been intensified by my body’s revolt.  The narrator’s words struck me as especially true to our current situation:

What the old man still had was an umbilical chord to the past; a step back, he stood by Pisanello’s side. In spirit, anyway. While David was encapsulated in book knowledge, art as social institution, science, subject, matter for grants and committee discussion. That was the real kernel of his wildness. David and his generation, and all those to come, could only look back, through bars, like caged animals, born in captivity, at the old green freedom. That described exactly the experience of those last two days: the laboratory monkey allowed a glimpse of his lost true self.

The Internet life has made caged monkeys of us all.  We seem to think we are seeing the real world through its connectivity bars, but these cells that enclose us are controlled by our zoo keepers and they are not our friends. Their control of our cages keeps increasing; we just fail to see the multiplying bars.

They have created a world of illusions and abstractions serving the interests of global capitalism.  Insurgent voices still come through, but less and less as the elites expand their control.  As internet access has expanded, the world’s suffering has increased and economic inequality heightened.  That is an unacknowledged fact, and facts count.

Toward the end of my two-week stay in the land of sickness, I read this poem by the Palestinian poet Refaat Alareer, who was killed in Gaza by an IDF airstrike on December 6, 2023 along with his brother, nephew, sister, and three of her children. My sickness turned to rage.

If I Must Die

If I must die,
you must live
to tell my story
to sell my things
to buy a piece of cloth
and some strings,
(make it white with a long tail)
so that a child, somewhere in Gaza
while looking heaven in the eye
awaiting his dad who left in a blaze —
and bid no one farewell
not even to his flesh
not even to himself —
sees the kite, my kite you made, flying up above,
and thinks for a moment an angel is there
bringing back love.
If I must die
let it bring hope,
let it be a story.

Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.


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Mar 15, 2024 9:11 PM

We all shuffle off our mortal coils in much the same way we shuffle off the womb when we are born.

Nature constantly recycles.

Bunk Bunkaster
Bunk Bunkaster
Mar 14, 2024 10:13 PM

Get mad

Mar 13, 2024 5:38 PM

Is Off-G performing censorship now? The “PENDING” monster gobbled my argument posted Sunday, defending non-objective visual art, like Pollack’s giant drip paintings, as having value to Humanity. And definitely NOT CIA facilitated nihilism or the products of suicidal dysfunctionals. The CIA coopts any and everything it can leverage to their advantage, good and bad. Kandinsky, Malevich, Bauhaus, AX and the rest are phenomenological visual experimentation through trial and error. It is not the bogeyman of the CIA! Demand Off-G publish my comment and prove OFF-G is not what it condemns!

Mar 12, 2024 8:34 AM

Robot dolls are the answer!

It uses a familiar tactic – it takes what they want to happen (opposition to these things to decline) and proclaims with zero evidence that it is happening. The aside that a low-cost palliative for dementia is wanted is very revealing.

The pretense that they care about loneliness is sickening. They’ve atomised society and now seek to make money out of the articial “solution”. What bothers them about the lonely is that they might fall too much outside the surveillance grid.

On another topic, the Kate Middleton photograph story (the most important thing in the world yesterday according to the Fraud) looks like another brick in the “everything you see on the internet is probably deepfake” narrative they’ve been building up. Whether this is a reactive narrative designed to counter why convid fell apart or pro-active for some coming psyop (most probably connected to the US election) remains to be seen.

Mar 12, 2024 9:08 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Good catch on the KM “story”. Segueing into the fake elections.

There’s definitely been a psychological operation to manufacture a faux rift within the so-called “royal family” as a PR campaign. Creating another faux binary like America vs the UK.

It’s also been a failed attempt to artificially inflate the royal’s importance in the US, where literally no one cares about “royals”. The fake rift narrative is the establishment vs upstarts narrative and the whites vs blacks campaign, which are somewhat right vs left, supporting the artificial grift of the fake class system itself and the faux establishment power structures.

MI5-MI7 are definitely manufacturing the surgery and disappearance narrative and the obviously photoshopped pictures for some agenda.

They also love to flaunt the fakery in our face. Like they do by (S)electing actors and dementia patients as faux leaders. Lots of possible motives here.

Mar 13, 2024 7:43 AM
Reply to  Edwige

‘An epidemic of loneliness’
Gee, I wonder how that happened?
Fear and xenophobia promulgated by the MSM, slashed social services, smart devices, Big pHarmer drug dealers etc etc.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 11, 2024 8:36 PM

But we should never forget, never forget!
And what should we never forget?
How about the last four years?
I was dipping in once again to Simon Elmer’s excellent book The Road to Fascism which details the gobsmacking horrendous actual fascistic measures of those years. And I had the urge to cross reference with my former heroes, the World Socialist Web Site. In particular, the matter of the Canadian Freedom Convoy and the most brutal covert crackdown imaginable on genuine protestors i.e. the freezing of their bank accounts. And I found the most vile and revelatory article – one that really spills the rancid festering beans:
An astonishingly convoluted essay that desperately tries to evade what ought to be a logical statement of support for the Trudeau government were the WSWS honest enough to follow its own pandemic narrative. But these phony “Lefts” cannot do that since it would give their whole game away. Thus they have to pretend to be utterly opposed to Trudeau.
Thus the real – and only – force of opposition, the “Freedom Convoy” are painted in the darkest hues: They are of course “far-right” and they “menacingly occupied downtown Ottawa” etc. This demonised entity must be clearly allied with the ruling class and so we hear about the “support given the fascist-led Convoy by much of the ruling class and their efforts to fashion it into a far-right extra-parliamentary movement to push politics far to the right”.
And this is where the cowardly logic of these “Trotskyites” comes to the fore: they have to speak condescendingly about the draconian measures taken by Trudeau and yet their own position necessitates their support for Trudeau and those measures.
And then the invective against the convoy which is truly impressive: We hear this convoy was “an event without precedent in Canadian history”, though we are assured that “there was and is only negligible popular support for their noxious politics, the far-right elements who instigated and led the Convoy dominated the national political stage for the better part of a month, because a powerful faction of the ruling class promoted them”.
So what was it about this movement that was “noxious” and “far-right”?
“Much of the corporate media, the Conservative official opposition, and the hard-right premiers of Ontario, Alberta and Saskatchewan supported and fanned the far-right movement to bulldoze over opposition to the elimination of all anti-COVID public health measures and to destabilize, if not unseat, the minority Trudeau government. They promoted the Convoy as the voice of ordinary working Joes and other “patriotic Canadians” and demanded that Trudeau negotiate with its fascistic leaders.”
The bit about “destabilizing” and even “unseating” the Trudeau government is laughable. Even if it was true, why would this “Left” complain? No, the real crunch here is that “far-right movement to bulldoze over opposition to the elimination of all anti-COVID public health measures”.
Always pay attention to multiple negatives. It’s an indication of unease and a desire to bamboozle. Here we have a triple negative!
opposition to the elimination of all anti-COVID public health measures”
In short, when all this subterfuge is ironed out, the “far-right” are so defined by only one thing: they want to abandon this entire “fight against covid”. They are opposed to the lockdowns, the distancing, the masks, the vaccines.
After which, the WSWS simply turns everything on its head. The convoy was allegedly aided every step of the way by forces acting within the government and media establishment.
This leads to one of those dangerous moments of strain: the stance that the WSWS has taken forces it to portray Trudeau in a favourable light – even to expressing an affirmation to the freezing of the convoy’s bank accounts! The strain is palpable when we reach this:
“While invoking these draconian powers, Trudeau cynically claimed that he was acting to defend democracy.”
The expression “sitting on the fence” doesn’t do justice to this excruciating body popping display. By the logic of the WSWS, they must agree with Trudeau’s actions. But of course, that doesn’t do their credibility as gritty prole supporters any good. So they go off into automatic pilot “Left-speak”, blaming the hated government for doing what they themselves applaud.
This followed by another weird twist-a-round:
“No sooner was “law and order” restored than the Trudeau government greenlighted the provinces’ dismantling of whatever anti-COVID-19 mitigation measures remained—a key Convoy demand—and joined hands with the pro-Convoy Conservatives in proclaiming Canada’s unbreakable commitment to the US-NATO war on Russia.”
So…. Trudeau defeated the convoy … to achieve what the convoy wanted to achieve?     
This is undoubtedly the most damning “confession” to emerge from the “Left theatre”. The one heartening aspect is that, even though a year old, it is followed by only one tiny comment. 
It would be pointless to say that this “Left” is dead for they never existed. But, as Lennon, once sang, the dream is over.

Mar 11, 2024 10:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Odd, but predictable, given the behaviour of the middle class Left over the last four years George.

Type ‘Trudeau’ or ‘Truckers’ into some of the faux Left sites like the Scheer Report (Chris Hedges) or Caitlin Johnstone, and there seems to be a deafening silence.

They’ve swept it under the carpet of convenience.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 12, 2024 1:57 AM
Reply to  Johnny

It’s the difference between mole and dupe. The WSWS are led by moles who know exactly what they’re doing. Hence those contorted essays. Johnstone et al are dupes. They know something is wrong. The fact they keep quiet about it shows this. But they never go there. The upshot is that with the WSWS you know where you are. They’re a bunch of bastards. But the dupes are hopeless. They are the worst. And there’s millions of them. They’re like soldiers who wise up to the fact they’ve been misdirected to attacking a pile of dummies whilst the real enemy is breathing down their necks from behind. But they keep attacking the dummies!

Mar 12, 2024 4:30 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The fake opposition including NGOs get the task of useless initiatives to sap and distract people of good intent. Some credit Stalin with first expressing this strategy. The ultimate beneficiaries of funds from NED, OSF, BGMF, etc. would be revealing. I hope someone leaks their names.

Mar 12, 2024 6:33 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I can picture the smug Left holding crisis meetings at the beginning of the Scamdemic, getting their knickers in a knot, and deciding they must go with the ‘science’. The most vociferous and uncensored science anyway.

And there they fucked up. Royally.

Now they wallow in the limbo of knowing but not showing.

Let em eat fake.

Mar 11, 2024 5:47 PM

An excellent piece of writing; and one that truly shows how, due to the inundation of data into every pore of our body (i.e., literally; not figuratively) we have all become EVIL; EVIL in said sense that we have become displaced from reality and re-placed into an aether of abstraction, illusion, amorphousness, ephemerality – and, in today’s world, obsolescence (i.e., post-human)! That is all!! RGB-Y3 out!!!

Mar 12, 2024 9:17 AM

Echoes of Jean Baudrillard – The Transparency of Evil.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 11, 2024 4:38 PM

This shit came through my email feed today:


“Why It’s Toxic and Disrespectful to Deny America’s Fundamental Racism”

When certain words come around with increasing frequency then you know the executive class have been busy assembling new rhetorical strategies. In this case there are two such signal words: “toxic” and “deny”. The latter, along with its derivatives “denial” and “denialist”,  is indeed our new Witchfinder General smear, as absolute in its condemnation as the old “Blasphemer!” Meanwhile “toxic” is one of that family of demonic labels along with “Hate” which take up the same position as the old “Satanic” or indeed “demonic” itself.

“An Injustice” is apparently a “new intersectional publication geared towards voices, values and identities”. The title is feeble and recalls the cute calling card of the cartoon chicken Calimero. “Voices” and “values” are vagueness personified but “identities” is the giveaway. We are firmly ensconced in the vacuity of liberal narcissism.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Mar 11, 2024 1:11 PM

Wait until the sheep discover that all the inked paper they they have worked so hard to accumulate is actually worthless…

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 12, 2024 10:38 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Its not worthless, it just doesn’t spend as well, go as far, or worth as much. Its side effect of monetary inflation, which is a side effect of mismanaged gvt.

At this point, who in their right mind would want to be a politician, see the problem yet

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Mar 11, 2024 12:16 PM

Artist Mark Kostabi Vintage Footage from the 80s

Unfettered capitalism, aka unchecked power, was somehow passed off as good economic policy 50 years ago, but the wheels are literally coming off on the delusion of corporate self-regulation.

Kostabi embodied everything wrong with neoliberal profits-only-matter thinking. Yuval Harari thinks that AI should assume the creative role; he is yet another embodiment of neoliberal disfigurement which occurs when you remove soul from world vision.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Mar 11, 2024 11:43 AM

This week; the UK gov’s “Prevent” will deliver it’s up to date definition of “Islamism” and “Far-right ideology”

This will be really interesting.

Defining “Islamist” or “Islamism” and “Far-right ideology” will certainly make it easier to arrest people who fall into, what will be, very loose definitions which can be interpreted in any way they see fit but probably the most worrying aspect is the opportunity to bring in new legislation curtailing even further the right to express controversial views.

Interestingly, there is no mention of “Far-left ideology”


Mar 11, 2024 8:42 AM

The matrix is real. If you spend too long discussing, analysing, lamenting over the goings on of the matrix, the matrix may have you.
Gotta unplug. All of us. Only way we win.

Mar 11, 2024 2:37 AM

It’s 10:28 P.M. Sunday evening. How do I know this? Because the US and Daylight Savings Time tells me it is: it’s 10:28 P.M. and NOT 9:28 P.M. like it was yesterday evening.

My mission (if I choose to accept it) is to pretend it really is 10:28 P.M. and NOT 9:28 P.M. And why would I pretend? Because for the next 8 months it will be 10:28 P.M. at 9:28 P.M.

Societies jerk their citizens around all the time. So of course the Internet fits that paradigm. Everything social is designed to confuse and disorient people. Nothing anyone can do can stop that. But as long as one realizes it’s happening and why it’s happening, one is a little ahead of the game.

Mar 11, 2024 7:11 AM
Reply to  Howard

I suppose you are referring to the discrepancy between the objective 24 hour cycle of the Earth spinning around its axis with two equal 12 hours of day and night at Spring and Autumn “equinoxes” (Latin,equal night [to day]. As opposed to the subjective social construct of “daylight saving” so that office workers can knock off to enjoy an extra hour of sunshine in summer. Analogous to the objective biological difference between male and female Sexes on the one hand, and the subjective social construct of Gender.

It is our choice in large measure, to work and play within the natural objective time of our “sun and the other stars”; and to enjoy intercourse within the natural objective sex of our evolutionary “mating type”.

Mar 11, 2024 3:14 PM
Reply to  NickM

I agree we have no idea what “time” it really is. So we have to rely on what feels right to us. Normal Eastern Standard Time just “feels right” to me; Daylight Savings Time does not. Perhaps if someone lived on the International Date Line he or she (or they) would know exactly what time it is – because theoretically time would stand still.

I think though that our technocratic society pays no attention whatsoever to felt time – to how that society’s members actually experience time. I think we’ve made a serious mistake in only considering what our poor abused clocks have to tell us – abused because we force them to give us certain times and no other. Maybe our clocks should give us whatever time they decide is best?

Mar 14, 2024 7:01 AM
Reply to  Howard

Yes, there is an ever increasing tendency to dissociate humans from our natural environment.

“Who are you going to believe: us or your lying eyes? “

Mar 11, 2024 2:23 AM

If its really important, involves working 15 hours a day – every day…I found that I could almost completely ignore such a thing as a cold…or even flu…just keep going..try and freshen youself up for a really important interview…and try your best to look well, and get your brain to work and try and be sparkly when you are feeling like shit.

Then you go on holiday, and take the time to get ill…and do almost nothing cos you can’t take any more stress any more..

You just look at the clear sea, and clear your mind and your lovely wife and kids…are you OK….

Yeh, I think they will offer me the job

Mar 10, 2024 11:00 PM

Compare Jason Pollock to The Pollocks we caught, for 10 days with only food planned for my wife,me,son and his 2 kids..4 days Sailing in The Atlantic Ocean, after surviving a storm…which nearly killed us first

Or this…

comment image

susan mullen
susan mullen
Mar 10, 2024 10:43 PM

If you want to be mad at someone, I suggest starting with the world’s greatest terrorist operation, the US. Truman dropped not one but two nuclear bombs on civilian populations. Only one journalist was allowed to go and report on it. Churchill drooled over Truman after that, said how great it was that US and UK controlled nuclear weapons because they were the good guys. Then Globalist Truman enslaved US taxpayers in perpetuity to vast “post WWII” obligations by setting up military bases in Europe and elsewhere, tied us to funding various global groups, UN, etc. US must be broken up.

Mar 11, 2024 4:57 AM
Reply to  susan mullen

Overall, the 2 nukes were no big deal. In World War 2 alone, the death toll by other means far exceeded what the nukes did. From its inception, US did its best to invade and kill designated enemies. With changing technology, it has continued to destroy ever more people and lands for profit. In its entire history, it paused in mass murder for only a few years – though not in economic and subversive aggression. This is why Putin simply calls it Satanism. It would have been far worse for humanity if not for the counter-balance of USSR and Russia.

Mar 11, 2024 6:33 AM
Reply to  mgeo

‘the 2 nukes were no big deal’
Tell that to the victim’s families.

Mar 11, 2024 7:28 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Mgeo’s point is, that Truman’s score of dead by dropping two primitive atomic bombs (Little Boy and Fat Boy) was much smaller then his score of dead in Korea where he ordered the U$ Air Force to drop ordinary bombs “until there was nothing left to bomb”.

The real danger of nuclear weapons lay not in Little Boy and Fat Boy (mere kilotons) but in their megaton development of the future: ie, now.

Nuclear weapons of WW3 will score their dead by the Billion, not the mere Millions of WW1 and WW2.

That is why I think Hiroshima and Nagasaki was ‘no big deal’ — not even by the standards of Truman’s other crimes

Bunk Bunkaster
Bunk Bunkaster
Mar 14, 2024 10:24 PM
Reply to  NickM

Nuclear weapons of WW3 will score their dead by the Billion

Been hearing this all my life. What’s taking them so long to get on with it?

Mar 11, 2024 7:17 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Yes. I shudder to imagine the world if WW2 had been won by Truman, Churchill, Hitler and Hirohito instead of being won by Roosevelt, Stalin and Mao.

Mar 11, 2024 10:41 AM
Reply to  susan mullen

Better still, give it back to the native people. After all, most of the ‘juice’ has been squeezed out of it now.

Mar 10, 2024 10:38 PM

Ramadan and the Oscars.
An UNHOLY juxtaposition:


Mar 10, 2024 9:42 PM

Edward Curtin question…. will you still vote for RFK jr.??

Mar 11, 2024 4:51 AM
Reply to  mastershock

May as well vote for Kermit the frog, for all the difference it makes.

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Mar 13, 2024 10:46 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Hello Johnny,

While concluding his August 29, 2020 speech to the largest public protest (against COVID lockdowns) in Germany’s history in Berlin, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (NOT Donald Trump or Joseph Biden) said the following:

“Governments love pandemics. They love pandemics for the same reason
they love war … Because it gives them the ability to impose controls on the population that the population would otherwise never accept: To create
institutions and mechanisms for orchestrating and imposing obedience.”

Read the full speech transcript here:


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 10, 2024 8:59 PM

That poem by Refaat Alareer is so very sad. It sounds as if Refaat is speaking for the Palestinians and that they are already resigned to an early, violent death. Their only hope left is that they not be forgotten, that their deaths will mean something. Tragic.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 10, 2024 11:13 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

They are martyrs, their oppressors will meet karma.

Mar 10, 2024 7:46 PM

OMG. Not this misunderstanding of the game again! As a visual artist of almost 50 years making many “abstract” (i looked up the word “abstraction/abstract” for the first time and find the definitions like something Eskimos would use for “snow” but all going in different conflicting directions) works, “nonobjective”, or whatever word-depiction one wants to pin on formalist, non-pictorial, compositions of elements embodied in a physical object for observation. A cultural diversion for the purpose of thought, meditation, mirroring and pleasure.


If i am to abstract from what Ed is saying here, Humanity is being diverted from dealing with an existing abhorrent (true) reality, with “abstractions”. But pointing out the internet and the empty virtual reality diversion it creates, in parallel context to the work of Jackson Pollock is is not seeing the forest for the trees. The visual poetry, the visual music, the magical space, of non-pictorial works is not well suited to pictorial, representational works. The artists who made and make these works, may at first be conceptually motivated, but whose intent is to explore intellectual and experiential freedom from stifling convention and the preconceived contrivances a “system” used to control people’s mind/action. Quite the opposite of this portrayed point of view. Anyone who looks at a Pollock drip abstraction, in physical exhibition space, and sees nothing but paint on canvas is a dead soul. The space, the color, the vibration and humming metaphysics of his best pieces are lost on the civilization blindered captives in Plato’s Cave. Which is most of the Western world’s inhabitants.

I could go on about the magical nature of music (sound) comparable to the magical nature of color, placement, space, volume, size, movement, viewer imagination, of visual art (sight), and much more. But i’ll cut to the chase and say the real problem with humans in this 21st C is not abstractions, it is a false sense of what is real and important, experienced by a false dependency upon images, depictions. representations. As so clearly depicted by Plato’s Allegory of the Cave 2500 years ago, Marshall McLuhan’s “Gutenberg Galaxy” and “Understanding Media” of the 50’s, The Situationists of France’s 60’s, Levi Strauss, Baudrillard, many others, and even the Wachowskis film, “The Matrix” of ’99’, the existential problem of modern humanity is absorption into representation.

The internet is not an abstraction, it is not conceptual. If we saw it as conceptual, which the ruling elite surely do, it would have no power over us. It would just be a tool of use. The subconscious superiority of images over reality is the true pandemic. Platitudes and bait ‘n switch policy promises slathered in smiley faced depictions of homey, family certitude simulate a reality that never occurs. Palestinians have been suffering colonial exploitation for over a century. It became an ongoing genocide since before 1947, with Western/US facilitation, slathered with false binaries and all manner of Hopium covered evil. 75 years and Western residents can’t receive peace from promises? Who’s kidding who here? Promised peace and don’t get it? Get a clue. They never meant to get it for you, and never will, if we remain them in authority. The evils of this world are not the fault of philosophers or abstraction, they are the fault of a image zombified Humanity who can’t get a grip on what’s important, on what’s real, and drive OUR “civilization” to civilized reality. Until then, we are caged by electronic delusions of grandeur, proffered up by our 1% master class.

Mar 10, 2024 6:03 PM

Germany loves Depress Mud


A German Mix (mud Depression xtralarge)

Mar 10, 2024 6:09 PM
Reply to  Freddy

(Too) long ago: “When We Were Beautiful & Young”


Aha, an “anti-Israeli anti-fascist”. Makes total sense.


Back then, these guys were something of a novelty, although they sounded like drunken plumbers testing a new sewage system. Depeche Mode were a product of the throwaway society. “At Hansa Studio (Bowie, Iggy Pop), we stole the method of beating on lifeless scrap metal from Einstürzende Neubauten and incorporated these samples into our songs. That’s how we outgrew Kraftwerk, so to speak.” How intelligent is this “band”? A test


Mar 10, 2024 6:27 PM
Reply to  Freddy

You shouldn’t underestimate these people, even their producer speaks a kind of German.


Mar 10, 2024 4:42 PM

Thanks for a brilliant and poignant piece that relays the nature of the false reality in which we’ve allowed ourselves to be confined. The masses have truly been duped in an ultimate mind game, leading to their own enslavement and eventual destruction.

Mar 13, 2024 6:03 PM
Reply to  James

Only if we accept THEIR reality projected upon us as REALITY, can it affect us. And everything they project upon us is bullshit to confuse the hell out of us. Part of that confusion is spinning non-objective art as intrinsically evil, rather than just an art movement coopted and manipulated by the CIA to their propaganda ends. We need to identify the actual enemy, the ruling elite’s mediated perception of what’s actually happening in the world and our own perceptual proclivity to believe the lies they throw at us.

Mar 10, 2024 4:34 PM

So. Were you tested?

Wild old man Rants. That was Biden the other night. It was sickening.

I was sickened as well, last month. Twitter sickened me by “permanently” suspending my account. At the same time I was given an option to appeal. I wrote dozens of appeals. Not a single response. No due process. Nothing. They don’t like truths that conflict with the agenda.

Are you listening, Elon Musk? No doubt you have AI monitors that read everything written on the net. This is for you Elon Musk: Fuck you. Sometimes I wonder if you don’t live with an NSA employee in a mother’s basement somewhere……

Twitter is still Twitter. As was put by another OFF-G contributor, I was Exed by Ex.

XX. I digress.

Mar 10, 2024 9:37 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

XX =double crossed.
it is in the symbolism.
Tony stark incarnated who took 2 covid vaccines brought twitter.
and you mugs paid him 160£ to get verified, passport, bank, IP address the whole nines yards etc whilst screaming vaccine passports
for this bucket loads of ID and private information, you mugs get a blue tick to prove your online identity digital double. (credit score)

Mar 11, 2024 1:54 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

What precipitated your removal? What was “unacceptable” according to Twitter?

Mar 12, 2024 4:14 PM
Reply to  Martin

They never told me what the violation was. Just that I had. My last post was related to a photo of two men (presumably gay) in a hospital room. One was lying in bed shirtless (bonding) with a newborn baby on his chest. A second man was standing at the side of the bed.


I commented, “undermining the mental health of our country through enablement”

Not in the mindset for giving an, “Awe, isn’t that precious”.

Mar 12, 2024 6:54 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Perhaps you transgressed the ‘unwritten law’ as Monty Python/Eric Idle put it in the Piranha Brothers sketch, Dinsdale nailing his head to the floor, so you can never find out what you’re supposed to have done, ‘because it’s unwritten.’

Mar 13, 2024 12:32 PM
Reply to  ariel

Had a good laugh.

Mar 13, 2024 12:57 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

That was my intention. There is also a ‘piranha brothers part 2.

Mar 15, 2024 3:36 PM
Reply to  ariel

Miss the show. Could never get my wife to watch it. Nor my father-in-law.

Mar 10, 2024 4:22 PM

“You hate Russians!” Not at all, I don’t give a shit about them. I just want them to remove their stupid slant-eyed eaters from our screens, where are we actually here, in Beijing, Ulan Bator, Pyongyang, Ho Chi Minh City? Or what. Or just in Irkutsk or Novosibirsk? Stalin heirs with Lenin medals made of the cheapest tin around their necks. Enough of you already! Drunken, incompetent lot. Sitting there stubbornly on their scammed raw materials like the Arabs on their oil.

That’s all they “can”, have ever and ever will. No idea of anything at all. “Culture” is only present there due to Baltic influences. They should fuck off to their Eurasian lowlands, to the steppe that is their homeland. The yurt is their dwelling. They have borrowed everything else. Now they imagine they are “Europeans”. Ridiculous. They are supposed to milk horses and harvest their wheat with the sickle that became the main communist symbol. BOLSHEVIKS!

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 10, 2024 7:21 PM
Reply to  Freddy

Hi Freddy!
Im looking for a job. I write pretty good. I also have a speedy internet connection.
Maybe you could be kind enough to pint me in the direction where I can monetize my skills the way you do.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 10, 2024 11:29 PM
Reply to  Freddy
Mar 11, 2024 11:55 AM
Reply to  Freddy

Give Biden a ring. He could use a man like you with your impressive literally skills.

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 10, 2024 12:22 PM

When the cure is worse than the disease, you know you are in for a rough ride.

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Mar 10, 2024 11:23 AM

“…by U.S. weapons produced in clean factories by people just doing their jobs and collecting their pay at “defense” contractors Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Pfizer, etc….”

Imagine that Jackson Pollock (or Jackson Bollock) were still alive and the author of the previous sentence instead of Mr. Curtin, and the words were paints haphazardly splashed upon the canvas in Pollock’s nauseating style.

Those in the so-called “art industry” whose jobs require them to discern artists’ hidden messages (art critics etc.) for others would be spared the mentally torturous detective task, and easily, immediately identify the obvious, bright neon sign/message, blinking with near-blinding brilliance, on and off from face of the canvas:

“The deadly dangerous mRNA injections are military biological weapons created for the sole eugenics purpose of killing human beings and other purposes …
“The deadly dangerous mRNA injections are military biological weapons created for the sole eugenics purpose of killing human beings and other purposes …
“The deadly dangerous mRNA injections are military biological weapons created for the sole eugenics purpose of killing human beings and other purposes.”

The message inside Mr. Curtin’s abstract painting leads to the prosecutions of those who ordered the (ongoing) covert biological warfare operation conducted secretly across the Earth; the sober prosecutions are conducted in courtrooms across the world, drawing comparisons to the historic, immeasurably important post-World War II Nuremberg Trials.

After the ruthless power-and-control-crazed mass murderers were (rightly) found guilty and removed from society, all nations moved forward and signed on to an international treaty stipulating that possession of nuclear weapons is an international crime punishable by death, and the hideous creations – having the sole criminally insane purpose of killing millions of human beings – were finally, and forever, banished from the face of the Earth.

Sales of Leo Tolstoy’s nonfiction book, “What Is Art?”, described by Mohandes Gandhi as “Tolstoy’s masterpiece”, break all previous sales records in the nonfiction category.

Tolstoy wrote in What Is Art?: “Art is a human activity, whose purpose is the transmission of the highest and best feelings to which men have attained.”

And the world lived happily ever after.


underground poet
underground poet
Mar 10, 2024 12:24 PM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

With the exception of one temporarily miserable author.

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Mar 10, 2024 3:43 PM

Such a comment isn’t surprising at all, especially when coming from one whose all-time favorite author is Dr. Seuss.

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 10, 2024 8:00 PM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

He personally told you that did he?

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 10, 2024 6:52 PM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

Nurenburg Trials were show trials, with confessions attained through torture.

Why bother?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 10, 2024 11:35 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

You can always learn something or pick up something true in any theater.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 10, 2024 7:31 PM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

Didn’t know you were also an art critic … good on you.
Anyone interested in aesthetics needs to read to read Tolstoy’s essay … it’s a decent place to start. One could, perhaps maybe, want to also consult Clement Greenberg who was Pollock’s contemporary. And, believe it or not, useful art criticism continues to this day.
The subject is complex and not for the faint of heart. Any superficial examination will not do honor to the improvised critic.
(Disclosure; I’m fortunate enough to own a small (30×40) Pollock that my grandmama willed me. I would not trade it for all the Schwabs in Hell. Constant inspiration.)

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Mar 11, 2024 9:46 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

Hello Victor G.,

Thank you for taking the time to respond in a manner consisting of more than 10 words of incomprehensible gibberish, and also recommending Tolstoy’s powerhouse book, What Is Art?..

Many years ago, in my pre-computer and internet comment sections activity days, activism consisted of calling into AM radio talk shows. One time the guest was a fairly famous actor (whose name I can’t now recall) with a significant role in what was at the time one of the most viewed/popular fictional drama TV shows in America.

To my disappointment, the actor admitted on-air that he had never heard of Tolstoy’s book: What Is Art?, which in my mind simply had to be commonly known as essential reading for any self-described artist.

In addition to your recommending the book for those interested in aesthetics, I would recommend Tolstoy’s What Is Art? to any living, breathing human being seeking some form of true meaning in life.

Best regards. 

Mar 13, 2024 6:41 PM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

Tolstoy wrote the book in 1897 and presented a very biased, dogmatic “unrelenting moralism” and a rejection of aesthetics for their own sake that spurred the phenomenological visual experimentation that began about the same time. Objections to hedonism and metaphysical observation and experiment rejects half of being alive. I would argue the current fad expressed by Ed, that non-objective art is vapid nihilism sponsored by the CIA as anti-communist propaganda/faux liberalism, is actually a CIA counter-insurgency op promoting their greatest asset: 360° confusion.


Mar 11, 2024 3:42 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

Sure you do, upload a picture.

The subject isn’t complex.

Only Ordo ab Chao Members get promoted in the highly controlled art world, and all modern art is a tax haven, asset haven and an investment-racketeering scam.

Where else are all the rich lodge and “family” members gonna stash all their ill gotten cash?

They need Pollocks, a Rothko, a Warhol, Picabia or Picasso to hang on their walls as a status symbol. Albeit one as hollow and pointless as their Qlippothic lives.

Mar 13, 2024 6:23 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

My defense of 100+ years of non-objective art was gobbled up by the Off-G “PENDING” monster. I’m a visual artist of 50 years and make both non-objective and representational visual art. The CIA may have coopted the Abstract Expressionists as a valid propaganda tool against Stalinist totalitarianism the called “communism”. But the CIA andthe SYSTEM coopts any and everything, good and bad, and spin them to their purposes. Non-objective art, from Kandinsky and Malevich to Pollock and Rothko to Leslie Vance and Sarah Morris, is phenomenological visual experimentation that is just a different universe of visual expression. I consider this argument, accusing non-objective art of nihilism, as actually a CIA counter-insurgency op to confuse the hell of their “opposition”, we who are seeking the everyday truth surrounding us.

Mar 11, 2024 7:46 AM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

I like Jackson Pollock’s swirly paintings; nevertheless they seem to me nothing more than a simple blow-up of 1 square inch from a Renoir painting.

Mar 10, 2024 10:19 AM

Carnal knowledge; the body is the soul.

“When we fully understand the brevity of life, its fleeting joys and unavoidable pains; when we accept the facts that all men and women are approaching an inevitable doom: the consciousness of it should make us more kindly and considerate of each other. This feeling should make men and women use their best efforts to help their fellow travelers on the road, to make the path brighter and easier as we journey on. It should bring a closer kinship, a better understanding, and a deeper sympathy for the wayfarers who must live a common life and die a common death.” (Clarence Darrow)

Mar 10, 2024 10:17 AM

About 3/4 years ago I was sent loads of videos of this RFK jr creature. children health defense. I called bullshit from the get go. 

I also recall Andrew Wakefield in 2015 another manufactured hero to the not so wise telling his devotees that he had this huge meeting with TRUMP about vaccines and to vote Trump as Trump will deal with it.

to quote RFK jr

Children health defense.

The Palestinian people are arguably the most pampered people by international aid organizations in the history of the world”


RFK jr
Never Again UK@Never_Again_UK_·Follow
Robert F Kennedy Jr dropping truth bombs in regards with the ridiculous claim of #Israel committing a genocide by #SouthAfrica and the show trial at the #ICJ


Where is the OFF Guardian’s exposure of RFK jr.??

Mar 10, 2024 12:17 PM
Reply to  mastershock

Mr. Kennedy seems to have gone horribly off-message since proclaiming his candidacy, no doubt he got the talking-to in no uncertain terms.

But Children’s Health Defense has done yeoman’s work on many fronts. People there have been fighting the vaxx fight for over 20 years. Long before cvid. Several of them have vaxxed injured children which got them into this fight to begin with.

I am sure I would be vaxxed to the hilt, with flu and pneumonia and all the rest, had I not started listening to Kennedy in April 2020, and joined Children’s Health Defense.

I am disheartened and terribly disappointed in his views and rhetoric in the past year, but such is life. I cannot believe he actually believes what he is saying vis a vis Israel and Palestinians, but there you go.

He certainly woke me up to pharma corruption and vaxx injury. I am forever grateful for that.

Mar 10, 2024 2:41 PM
Reply to  judith

His work defending children is exemplary. He may be a terrible painter, a dreadful car mechanic and a complete failure of a hairdresser. He may not be a good bet for president, who knows?

Mar 10, 2024 9:25 PM
Reply to  judith

I appreciate your reply..

Could you please provide me sources, and books that RFK jr educated himself on to come to his conclusions and also provided to his followers as sources of information he learnt from.
Please do provide me the books he suggests to his fans to read..?
do not reply his book he shilled to his fanbase which is handlers ghost writers wrote for him.

The reason I ask Judith is RFK jr is a thief / plagiarist.
He stole other peoples hard work / research and used his Rfk connections to and money grabbing donation scam CHD to steer the movement into the shambles joke it is now.

He is not a anti vaccer just like Andrew Bridgen is not a anti anything.

There staged crafted to steer a movement.

Mar 11, 2024 2:40 AM
Reply to  mastershock

Don’t know about his books.

He paid attention to vaccine injured families in 2003 and took up the gauntlet.
He didn’t have to.

To call the people at CHD scammers is ridiculous. They are parents who have been fighting pharma FOR YEARS before cvid.
They are still fighting.

I don’t have to defend RFK Jr.
You are entitled to your opinion. If you think he’s a fake I have no desire to change that.

I have not read any of his books beside “Fauci”. If he has stolen other people’s work perhaps they should make that apparent. They have plenty of opportunity. And plenty of folks that would listen.

Polly Tommey of CHD is doing more to show the world how cvid hospital protocols killed people than anyone anywhere. She has interviewed people for the past six months across the United States.

Not only the horrific stories of murder by ventilator, but the years and years of vaccine injury, including the recent covid shots.
Real people with real stories.

Lynn Redwood, Brian Hooker, Paul Thomas have been fighting pharma for many many years.
The whole staff is keeping the four year nightmare front and center.

Mar 11, 2024 7:51 AM
Reply to  judith

Yes, our attitude to Pronouncements from Public Persons should be as the Curate to his Egg:

“Oh no, Sir! This egg is not bad. Parts of it are excellent”. — Punch, Victorian Era.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 11, 2024 8:21 AM
Reply to  judith

I reckon Mr Kennedy was taken into “the smokey room”:

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 10, 2024 6:04 PM
Reply to  mastershock

However, to expose WHY RFKjr cannot speak truth to power is a simple consideration:
He lost his uncle, father and Jack (cousin, uncle?) to the Mossad interests. I would highly suspect there is a contract on RFKjr if he goes “off-script”.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, the Zio/Globo/Homos are now transparent in all their bloodthirsty deeds, and hold the WHOLE WORLD in contempt.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 10, 2024 7:40 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

He surely had a ten-minute interview late 2021 with a couple of men in black suits who gave him the news. Same thing happened to Tsipras not so long ago. Same thing happened to Giorgia Meloni.
The men in black suits are not USAmerican intelligence operatives

Mar 11, 2024 2:30 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

Yup. I think they let him have his say about Fauci and the vaxx, but the Presidency, and really draining the swamp, was going too far.

Mar 11, 2024 6:41 PM
Reply to  judith

This is the exact same lie people were saying about Obama in 2008. Then Bernie in 2016.

RFK jnr is a millionaire liar-lawyer and Crown Temple BAR member. His father and uncle were never even murdered. He’s married to an ACTRESS.

The Ordo ab Chao cult members are pocketing millions because perpetually outraged morons think rubber babies, crisis actors and manufactured Palestine death numbers are real. Checked and verified by literally NOBODY.

Countries are corporations.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 11, 2024 9:47 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I have watched some of those dead rubber baby videos and some are more convincingly fake than others. The quality and resolution in most is awful to get an enlarged look. The parents reactions are also not normal for someone traumatised by grief. Holding impromptu press conferences to make political statements, minutes after the death of a child, while holding their dead child like a prop, is inhumane. I do not recall these scenes happening in Iraq.

Some commentators are calling the whole thing entirely fake. The problem I have with calling everything fake from Gaza, is that as a propaganda tool, it works in favour of Israel.

If there is one big money siphoning grift going on with Israel and the Palestinians working together, then the current backlash against Israel is not good for their P.R.

There are plenty of videos of average Israelis mocking the Palestinians plight – it would be possible that they would be in the dark as to what is really going on but the IDF reservists would know that they are blowing up empty houses and not killing civilians.

Gazans would also know the truth. 2.5 million people in the know and not one has spilled the beans, even if through boasting about it on unsocial media. The truth does have a way of leaking out, as it did during the Scamdemic.

Mar 11, 2024 10:42 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

It’s true that most enlisted in any military – except for the top brass – have no clue how staged and orchestrated military operations are.

There’s obviously a world wide campaign to make Israel, NATO and the US look like the bad cop and Palestine, the Mid East and BRICS look like the good cop. They just need to divide people and they win, we lose.

Governments have faked terrorism for centuries, pretending countries are sovereign states by constantly creating the fog of war: Strategy of tension. War profiteering. Racketeering. Land Grabs. Fear campaigns.

But there’s no countries only corporations. And they’re all centrally controlled. So how can one country be more morally reprehensible than another?

Military actions like in Ukraine-Russia, Iraq-US-Afghanistan-Libya were coordinated, pre-planned. If you look at the population stats in Afghanistan and Iraq the death rate steadily declined over the last two decades. That couldn’t have happened in a real war with the civilian casualties claimed.

The faux authorities fabricate civilian death tolls the same way they did with covid: They portion a percentage of natural, all cause deaths and claim those are civilian/covid deaths.

In Gaza, they evacuate and bomb areas already marked for land grabs. The Palestinian authorities are coordinating with Israel. No question about it.

They have been doing this in Palestine for decades. Hamas itself is a creation of Israel.

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
Mar 17, 2024 6:10 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

No, they are the men in Guelph.

Mar 11, 2024 12:36 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

No contract on him. He wouldnt allowed on your Telescreens everywhere if he wasnt in there club from the get go.

No normal people EVER can run as independent and appear on CIA Carlson screaming there being censored and promoting his Fauci” book which is so banned that it is in Barnes and noble, Amazon, etc etc etc.

I do not think the Jooooolzs run things either, that is alt media nonsense.
Did the chosen lot get preference during covid..?

There a scape goat lone pasty gunman with immaculate passport left behind, so they can be used to play the victim and bring in the esus new world order 3rd temple cult Armageddon they all fantasize about.

Mar 11, 2024 11:01 PM
Reply to  mastershock

Yeah. I thought it was the Jooos for about a minute, but then I woke the F up and realized it was all the fake religions (Death Cults of Saturn) colluding, and using their 110 secret societies in the same way the fake governments share intel worldwide through their alphabet agencies and diplomatic corps.

Countries Corporations aren’t spying on each other or warring with each other, like in James Bond movies, but running hoaxes and psyops on their OWN citizen slaves and comparing notes.

Mar 10, 2024 7:32 PM
Reply to  mastershock

Mastershock, the world is more nuanced than your simplistic dismissal of Wakefield and Kennedy. Wakefield told a valuable segment of the truth at considerable cost to himself. Kennedy’s anti-vax work is irreplaceable. Obviously he’s catastrophically wrong in his long-held beliefs about CO2’s effect on the environment.

But your denial of the truths told by other men is a kind of lie too, no? Just tell the truth; don’t fancy it up to make it simple & absolutist; you only ruin your own credibility that way– and sometimes the mud splashes over to the truth you tell too.

Mar 11, 2024 12:08 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Wakefield told a valuable segment of the truth at considerable cost to himself.

Bullshit, he was rewarded with a Billionaire model Elle the body. Normal people dont get them type of rewards unless there in there club.

Wakefield also did several world speaking tours which made millions and not including the donate and fund my lawyers scams they all pull in from the devotees.

Kennedy’s anti-vax work is irreplaceable. Obviously he’s catastrophically wrong in his long-held beliefs about CO2’s effect on the environment.

Kennedy’s anti-vax work is irreplaceable. LOL

1000’s of people have taken on big pharma but do not have the profile of JFK wannbie fantasy reincarnate does and most of the RFK jr court cases I very much doubt even existed.

He is a profiteer.

Obviously he’s catastrophically wrong in his long-held beliefs about CO2’s effect on the environment.

He is perfectly aligned to there agenda and Wetmarket escape fantasy virus / contiguous hollywood film scripts and pinning the blame on Fauci” the lone pasty fall guy the master mind behind the whole thing  💤 .

He is not anti vaccine and sells there agenda hard.

Children health defence but happy to see children killed in palast888n.

Carry on donating as it will be your children next.

If the psycho was to ever get in, he will do the opposite and worse like they all do.

Next your be telling us Him and Trump could do great things together.

TV MSM Military-Intelligence Complex alternative media fantasy to keep you believing in saviors.

Mar 10, 2024 9:03 AM

Another perspective on the ‘art’ world:

Hope you’re feeling better now Ed.
Your words shine a light in the darkness.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Mar 10, 2024 9:01 AM

Ah! Maybe you are correct in saying “of the savage killing and dismemberment of innocent children and adults in Gaza and many other places by U.S. weapons produced in clean factories by people just doing their jobs and collecting their pay at “defense” contractors Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Pfizer, etc”

However, do consider that this is a legitimate response to the Hamas 7 October attack originating from a territory under the control of Hamas. Note that In June 2007, Hamas took over the Gaza Strip from the Palestinian Authority. Hamas made a decision and are responsible for that risk as well the response by Israel, no matter how unpalatable it may be to you and others.
It is irrelevant to blame “Zionists”. Israel has a duty to protect its citizens and the are casualties in war, some are innocent and others are not.

Mar 10, 2024 10:19 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

I thought your comment was anti s.

Mar 10, 2024 1:12 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Israeli genocide in Gaza is a crime against humanity. Unforgiveable.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Mar 11, 2024 8:28 AM
Reply to  Grafter

You are appealing to popularity. The new popular cause is to hate Israel and rely on the Hamas numbers fed to you by Hamas
Tell us all, how many of the reported deaths in Gaza are those of Hamas fighters.

Mar 11, 2024 10:58 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Your moral values clearly lie in the gutter.

Mar 10, 2024 5:07 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

I would be curious what you consider a “legitimate response.” I would also be curious how an occupied territory can ever be truly “under the control” of whatever authority the occupier has permitted.

Further, does Israel’s “duty to protect its citizens” fit within a Palestinian enclave? In other words, does Hamas have a “duty to protect its citizens?” Or is that “duty to protect” a special privilege of the occupier?

Mar 10, 2024 5:39 PM
Reply to  Howard

Not to mention that the occupier helped create their enemy. Always forgotten by those who claim this is all about self defense. Akin to claiming the US had to protect itself against crazy Islamists armed with box cutters…..

Course, then there is the fact that that particular border area is one of THE most surveilled on the face of the earth, but all the guards that day were nowhere to be found. And where were they? They were off training for just such a scenario and just couldn’t get there fast enough to stop the real thing. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Nah, that’s just cray-cray talk….

Mar 11, 2024 9:47 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

“They [Israel’s border guards] were off training for just such a scenario and just couldn’t get there fast enough to stop the real thing.”

Reminds me of U$ Air Defense being ordered off by the Bush regime on 911 — “training for just such a scenario”.

Did not the Yahoo get his first standing ovation from both Houses of Congress on that very occasion? That must have given him ideas.

“They [Muslims] hate us for our freedoms” — George “Shrub” Bush, “The War on Terror”.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Mar 11, 2024 8:25 AM
Reply to  Howard

You read too much propaganda. The occupier is simply a Marxist propaganda term like calling Israel an apartheid state. Yet, it is well known that there are Arabs in the Knesset, and Arabs who hold Israeli citizenship are entitled to vote for the Israeli Knesset.

As I said Hamas was in control of Hamas, not Israel. Hamas decided to use Gaza as a launchpad for terror. 

What I can further add is that these Hamas supporters are a filthy sexually depraved Rapists and Necrophiliacs. 

If those are your kind of Heroes live with the consequences of your Hamas hero’s actions little Howie.

Mar 11, 2024 2:52 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

You do know, do you not, that the NY Times Hamas Rape article has been thoroughly debunked? Not sure where the Necrophilia comes from (could it possibly be from Israeli propaganda?)

But, really, it’s your lack of geographical acumen that’s most telling. Look on any map of the Levant and you’ll see a tiny sliver adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea – that would be Gaza. And there’s a fence separating it from the rest of Palestine (aka Israel). Plus, Israeli ships patrol the Sea off Gaza. So there’s no way for Palestinians to go anywhere without Israel’s permission. Hamas can say “Let my people go” all it wants; but only Israel can decide whether or not to permit it.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 10, 2024 6:16 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

So you are an anti-Semite, trumpeting the attempted genocide of the REAL Semites that Palestine is their existential homeland. A simple repealing of the Balfour Declaration for its fraudulent and illegal disclosures would rectify the situation magnificently the conflict would completely illuminate the nature of “Western Civiization”, which the Zio/Globo/Homos desperately need to keep hidden.

And if one is North American or European Jew chances are one is not even a Semite! One cannot be a Semite without any geographical or linquistic origin from Semitic lands. That makes one an IMPOSTER. But most importantly, that makes the Palestinians the REAL SEMITES.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Mar 11, 2024 8:23 AM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

You’re hallucinating fella.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 11, 2024 1:02 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Blame games and blame quarrels are not welcome at this stage.

Mar 11, 2024 7:58 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

“this is a legitimate response to the Hamas 7 ”

No way.

Firstly, as the military occupying power in Palestine, Israel does not have “the right to defend itself” against Palestinian freedom fighters.

Secondly, as good Jews, governed by the Old Testament Lex Talionis (“Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth) Jewish Israelis do not have the right to kill 50 Palestinian Gentiles for 1 Jewis Israeli.

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 10, 2024 8:59 AM

The name of the game is capitalism. That’s why people in the UK are fighting to receive essential medical treatment – because the NHS is being purposefully destroyed in order to promote private health care. The ruling class are global and unified now, they’re the Transnational Ruling Class who are testing out their genocide strategies on Gaza, to monitor the resistance or lack thereof. The capitalist ruling class have never been so powerful. We are half way to being their slaves already because most people are selfish and intellectually lazy. Once cash is switched off it’s game over.

Mar 10, 2024 9:44 AM

The drive to privatise nationalised industries under Thatcher has turned out to be a rip roaring disaster for everyone bar those in the “City” and their mates in so called asset management.
The public has ended up with far higher prices and p*ss poor service.
Yet again lying politicians promising the sky and delivering sewage.

When will voters finally realise that these people absolutely do not look after their constituents?

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 10, 2024 6:19 PM
Reply to  MattC

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that politicians have no accountability to be representative of the constituents that elected them. I would suspect that the UK has something similar in their law.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 10, 2024 9:47 AM

You’re so right when you say that most people are intellectually lazy. I’ve been trying to ‘wake up’ various members of my family for several decades (and those of my friends who are still ‘asleep’), and never more so than over the past four years.

An example of how intellectually lazy certain members of my family are, here in the UK…
just a few weeks ago, after I’d sent an email to some of them again trying to make them understand what’s really going on, worldwide, my eldest niece (35) replied via text with the words “This sort of communication is unacceptable! I’m [part of] your family! Families don’t talk about this sort of thing!”.

Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were speechless, after reading my niece’s words, above. I know that I most certainly was, when I read them!

For people that lacking in desire to know what’s really going on, the big stuff, the truths, there’s really no hope, is there…

My brother (58) had subjected me to vile verbal (well, via emails and texts, in the main…) ridicule and abuse when I began, in early 2020, to try to make them understand what was really being carried out, perpetrated. He called me all the names under the sun, including the (you guessed it…) “Hah, you’re a conspiracy theorist!”, and even had the audacity to claim that it was me who’d been “duped”! He continued with that sort of abuse for 2+ years, and is still a ‘normie’. They’re all so enamoured of their beloved TVs, and blindly believe all that they’re ‘told’, by them. They refuse to accept what I’ve told them many a time, ie, that the world’s mainstream media is owned and, therefore, controlled by the powers-that-should-not-be, they who run/control the world.

Mar 10, 2024 10:21 AM

For people that lacking in desire to know what’s really going on, the big stuff, the truths, there’s really no hope, is there…

Man with vaccine side-effect has message for unvaccinated

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 10, 2024 6:31 PM
Reply to  mastershock

In the flow of life one takes deliberate risks and overwhelmingly survives them. One does not engage in mass social “Russian Roulette” at the behest of the ruling BORG. Poor man got what he deserved, as it is telling that he wants others to experience his suffering so he doesn’t feel so alone.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 11, 2024 12:06 AM
Reply to  mastershock

As a previous cancer patient I urge people to get cancer, its so good.
You get free morphine, free meals, the nurses, medics, public servants and your family care for you, and you dont have to work while you are sick.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 11, 2024 12:56 AM
Reply to  mastershock

…and more, the guy was afraid to tell his side defects story because the UNVAXXED were censuring him and threatened to erase him from the surface of the secret societies of the unvaccinated.

Unvaxxed people wanted to kick him out of his job, faecebook, social media, and public buses, accusing him and other vaxxed for shedding and jumping corona spike protein all over the entire global unvaccinated population.

But the guy said he was lucky and happy to see CNN,NYT, Times and BBC still hold on to free speech with a fixed grip.  😎 

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 10, 2024 10:22 AM

All roads lead to the ruling class. We are born into capitalism – now neoliberalism that is morphing into fascism, which may become a form of technology controlled slavery in the style of a Singapore smart city – without noticing it because all of our institutions, structures and culture passively endorses and supports this goldfish bowl universe that we cannot see. Gramsci alluded to the Cultural Hegemony, and this is true. The hostility that you’ve received from your friends and family is borne of fear. Using more accurate language such as ‘the ruling class’ instead of ‘the elites’ is useful because it fits into academic level analysis. I don’t know whether to be hopeful for the future or not, because crucial lessons from the Holocaust have not been learned.

Mar 10, 2024 3:29 PM

Yeah right, six million lampshades and bars of soap. Crucial lessons haven’t been learned… Have they.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 10, 2024 6:24 PM

Do you get Hasbara points in mentioning the Holocau$t?
Oh yeah, there were NO gas chambers.
Auschwitz: 1974=4 million; 1992=1.4 million; 2024=1.1 million.

Learn history, not read textbooks. It took me since 1982 to figure out that the Holohoax is a giant public relations scam.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 10, 2024 8:07 PM

The end point of capitalism is fascism …the two are the BDSM couple for all seasons.
Clever how you were able to incorporate the “Holocaust” into your comment. I might try it myself. It might get me out of perennial “pending” ’round here.

Mar 10, 2024 6:02 PM

Pre-covid, whenever I would tell one of my friends about what I had been reading, basically that the whole political party bit is theater to distract, that the corruption runs so deep and is not contained in one party or one country, lots of details about the 2008 financial crisis (which is what started me down this path in many ways), she at one point told me I needed to “shout it from the rooftops” and perhaps run for political office. I naturally rebutted the idea of running for any of that farce and at the time she agreed with that, finally. So many are loathe to admit that voting in the latest selection campaign accomplishes nothing, even at this late date.

But then the plague came along. Now she may listen a tad to my little rants, but I know those rants are not getting through. She is of course vaxxed, and I’m not sure she’s been boosted but we can no longer talk about that. I have another friend who is also vaxxed, who never tried to push that at all like the first friend did, and who is now going to have a procedure to remove a blood clot in her leg. I can talk to NEITHER of them about how worried I am, of course. From “shout it from the rooftops” to “shut the fuck up.”

There comes a time when you have to sort of give up Christine. I don’t mean never let a few facts slip out, that could eventually make them think so I’m not saying totally give up. But they have to come to this on their own. Like we did. And if we are really going to maybe, maybe, one day get through, at that point we of course can NEVER say “I tried to tell you” as that will shut down immediately any progress we might have made. This, for me, is the hardest part. I am not a very patient person, and it drives me to incredible anger that people who I know damned well KNOW better than to believe anything in the media simply refuse to admit it. They will acknowledge all the other corruption, but you can hear them saying to themselves “but they would never do that about this.” But I can’t control that. All I can really do is rant on to myself, and make comments here to try to let that anger go.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 10, 2024 7:08 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Speak the truth and watch them run!
Former acquaintances have become so intellectually and spiritually bunkered that no dialectic of any kind is allowed. It has become impossible to discuss anything of actual importance.

I read that Mass Formation is the cause of this self-annihilating behaviour: it becomes psychologically challenging for them to admit they were wrong, so gravitate to the herd mentality to feel “protected.”

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 11, 2024 11:18 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Yes, you’re right when you comment that there sometimes comes a time when you have to ‘sort of give up’, in trying to ‘wake up’ family members and friends.

As a P.S. to my post of yesterday, a little bit upscreen from here, a couple of weeks ago I sent my sister and her husband (the parents of my two nieces, the eldest of which was mentioned in my earlier post) several copies of the esteemed Dr Vernon Coleman’s latest book (a slim volume): one which contains a selection of his articles over the past few years which summarise what’s really been going on since early 2020. I asked my sister to give a copy of each to her two daughters and their respective husbands.

However… (I should have seen the following happening, really…)… she, my sister, a few days later told me that my two nieces refused to accept the book which had been intended to be a gift from me. That is a demonstration of just how much they do not want to know the real truths, that they’re choosing to not know what’s really going on… that they’re choosing to still ‘believe’ the lies and untruths being spewed out by the Mainstream Media.

Having heard of my nieces’ refusal to accept the books, I told my sister to donate them to a charity shop. Hopefully, they’ll be found there by people who do want the truth, and will appreciate the books.

Mar 11, 2024 3:03 PM

Christine, I think you’re in the midst of a losing battle with other members of your family. Families tend to limit their discussion of current events to friends, co-workers and others outside the family.

I think this may be an almost instinctive mode of operation because most people know deep down how fragile the familial bond actually is – and how easily it can be broken. And they don’t want to risk it.

Many people – I won’t say most – would likely have others for family members if they had been given a choice. For better or worse, all of us are stuck with the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, cousins, sons, daughters, nieces and nephews we were given. The lucky ones are able to effect a good rapport with some, or even all, these family members. Many, though, are not able to do that. So the choice is: be true to one’s beliefs, or keep the peace within the family.

Family members are usually the very last ones a person is able to “enlighten.”

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 11, 2024 3:45 PM
Reply to  Howard

In our earlier exchanges on this site, Howard, re. the very real spirit truths of existence, I may not have mentioned one of the hugely important of those (very real, no matter HOW much you choose to ‘disbelieve’ them!) spirit truths: and that is that, prior to coming to Earth (in each of our eternal soul’s many, many lifetimes…), we each plan/choose/decide/agree upon (with the other souls who will share the different lifetimes/incarnations with us, for karmic/spiritual reasons…) the souls who will be our parents, siblings (unless we choose to be an only child, in any given lifetime), spouses[s]/partner[s] (unless we choose to not have any partner[s], in any given lifetime), child[ren] (unless we choose, in any given lifetime, not to have biological children), niece[s]/nephew[s], friends, enemies, etc etc.
No matter HOW much you will ‘disbelieve’ the above, it IS, in fact, 100% definite factual truth. And one day (as I’ve said to you before!, the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’), you will discover that what I stated, above, was indeed the very real truth!

No-one’s relatives, etc, are ‘by mere chance’!! They are all very carefully planned/decided/chosen/agreed upon, by the souls involved. Prior to coming to Earth, for each lifetime/incarnation.

Mar 11, 2024 9:41 PM

Then what you’re saying is that your “spirit” deliberately chose family members with whom it will never agree. Why? What can it possibly accomplish? And why would you keep trying to enlighten people who through prior agreement refuse to be enlightened by you? It makes no sense.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 11, 2024 10:27 PM
Reply to  Howard

I hope that you will read all of this reply, Howard!

Despite your choice to refuse to accept what I’ve told you on this subject over the past couple of years, literally all that I’ve told you IS the 100% factual truth. Including the fact that we all truly do plan/choose/decide/agree upon, prior to coming to Earth, all the people who will play major parts in each of our many, many lifetimes.
Which obviously includes relatives, friends, colleagues, enemies [if people have any…], etc etc.

I’ve explained to you many a time that it is we, the person that we each are (in each lifetime…), who IS the spirit being!! Ie, the spirit being is not something separate from us, the person that we each are, right now. It is us, the person that we each are, currently!

There are spiritual and karmic reasons why we 100% definitely do, each and every one of us, choose/pre-plan our family members (as I related in my earlier post, above), before coming to Earth. And the fact is that 99% of those reasons are connected to previous lifetimes which we’ve each shared with the souls who are currently playing the roles of our current relatives and other important people in our lives. We each, as the eternal soul that we each are, plan, through a sequence of lifetimes, specific plans/goals, etc etc, to try to achieve (re. a number of aspects of life), and these plans/goals, etc, are planned/decided upon after discussion and agreement with the souls who will be playing the roles of our relatives and other important people in each of our lifetimes.

No matter HOW much you ‘disbelieve’ what I’ve stated, you will one day discover that I in fact was providing you with the 100% factual truths.

(I did not say that my relatives in this lifetime who refuse to ‘wake up’ re. [to give but one example of many] the events of the past four years had agreed with me, prior to coming to Earth, that they’d refused to ‘wake up’, re. the many big subjects in life. When we (my family members and I) return to the very real Spirit dimension of this multi-dimensional cosmos, I may (or may not) discover that they did plan, before coming here this time round, to not become enlightened re. the big stuff… that they chose, before birth, to fall for all the lies/propaganda. Whatever turns out to be the case, re. what I’ve said in this paragraph, will be learnt when they and I are back (in our spirit bodies) in the Spirit World/Spirit Dimension)

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 12, 2024 10:20 AM
Reply to  Howard

Here is a short P.S. to my reply to you of yesterday; I should have included the following in that comment.

I should have said that not only IS it one of the many known spirit truths of existence that we (each and every one of us) choose/plan/agree, prior to coming to Earth, the major people who will share that upcoming life, eg, our parents, siblings (or none; my sister’s husband is an only child, which means that he planned, before coming to Earth this time round, to be an only child), spouse[s]/partner[s], child[ren] (or none), friends, etc etc, but that there is (of course…) a multitude of documented evidences to demonstrate that the above is indeed the truth.

To give you but one example of countless examples… one of the very well-known reincarnation cases is that of an American called James Leininger. He is now in his 20s, but he is known for being one of the many people around the world who, when very young, had spontaneous memories (at his ordinary Earth-conscious level) of one of his (eternal soul’s) previous lifetimes (as a 2nd World War pilot who was shot down over Iwo Jima, Japan).
His parents wrote a book about it. And one of the items included in the book was that when their son, James, was telling them of his memories of the previous lifetime (his father carried out research, and all the statements given by his young son [aged 3-4 at the time] proved to be correct), he, the son, also told them that he remembered being in the Spirit World prior to coming to Earth, and that he also remembered that he’d chosen them to be his parents, for that lifetime; telling them that “I chose you for my parents for I knew that you would look after me well”.

One day (when he was just three or four years old), he said to his parents “I watched you [from the Spirit world] when you were on holiday in Hawaii, in that big pink hotel. I watched you when you went to a barbeque on the beach, there”.

Well, his parents were stunned. For the holiday to which their young son was referring was one which they’d spent in a famous pink hotel in Honolulu (can’t recall its name), and it was during that holiday that they conceived their son…
Thus his words to them, that he’d watched them, from the Spirit world, when they were on that holiday in Hawaii, proved that he had indeed been in the Spirit dimension prior to his birth, indeed prior to his conception… and that he had indeed chosen them to be his parents.

The above example is just one of countless documented accounts around the world of children (and on occasion, some adults retain conscious memories of having chosen, from Spirit, the souls who would be their parents, etc etc) who possess conscious memories of the Spirit dimension and of having planned/chosen/agreed for certain souls to be their parents,siblings, spouses/partners, children, etc etc.

The above IS the 100% factual truth (that we all plan/choose/agree, prior to coming to Earth, all the people who will play major roles in our upcoming lifetime), no matter how much materialist sceptics wish to ‘disbelieve’ it and all the other spiritual truths of existence.

Mar 12, 2024 3:34 PM

Christine, I’ve noted this before; but you tend to gloss it over. I’d like to re-state it specifically in terms of the genocide in Gaza.

These spirits are necessarily non-corporeal – otherwise they wouldn’t need to take a human “coat” to assume a corporeal form. And being non-corporeal, they would have no bundles of nerves to feel pain. Yet clearly the “coat” they inhabit DOES have bundles of nerves and CAN feel pain – even intense pain.

Children in Gaza, to give just one example, have had limbs amputated without anesthesia because the IDF will not allow medical supplies into Gaza.

What kind of monstrous demon compels a child to endure such suffering simply for its own amusement/entertainment – or whatever “purpose” that spirit/demon has concocted this time around?

These “spirits” are soulless devils masquerading as enlightened beings. The “coats” feel, suffer, then die and are discarded like so much refuse by these “spirits.”

I for one want absolutely no part of these “spirits” or their spirit world.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 12, 2024 4:36 PM
Reply to  Howard

Oh Howard, your closed-minded scepticism (re. the fact that we are, each and every one of us, a spirit being. Ie, an eternal soul. So when you write as you have, as per the last three paragraphs of your post above, you are demonstrating that you still are not willing to understand the fact that WE are those spirit beings that you are so very incorrectly vilifying.

The spirit beings that you are so very wrongly claiming to be ‘demons’, ‘soul-less devils’, are us, every single person on planet Earth (and animals, birds, etc, also are a spirit being covered by their physical body ‘coat’, just as we humans are).

You have it so, so wrong! Spirit beings (ie, the actual, real nature of all humans, animals, birds, etc) are NOT ‘parasites’ (a word which you used, in one of your posts on this subject sometime last year). You’re unfortunately misunderstanding the nature of the term [eternal] souls/spirit beings. And thus you’re using wholly incorrect terminology to write of them – ie, of us, the human beings etc on this planet (and on other planets in the cosmos, too).

In one of your earlier posts you also wrote what you wrote in your post above, “I want absolutely no part of these ‘spirits’ or their spirit world”.
Well, I’m sorry, Howard, but on the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’, you will indeed return (IN your very real spirit body: ie, the thing which is the actual Howard, in this, your eternal soul’s current lifetime) to the very real Spirit World: that Spirit World/Spirit Dimension being the ‘place’ from which we all originate!!! So you won’t have a choice to ‘refuse to have anything to do with ‘spirits’ or their spirit world’: on the eventual day on which you do what is wholly incorrectly termed ‘die’, you will find yourself back in that place from which the eternal soul being (that is currently Howard, living in the USA) that you are, originally came!!! You will not have a choice to ‘NOT return to the very real Spirit World’!! Literally everyone returns there (in their equally real spirit body), over and over and over again; ie, after each [wrongly-termed] ‘death’ at the end of each of our eternal soul’s many, many lifetimes/incarnations.

Mar 13, 2024 2:51 PM

You always manage to gloss over what I’m really saying. These things you refer to as “coats” possess all the organic equipment to permit those “spirits” to experience whatever it is they wish to experience this particular time around. Quite obviously, these “spirits” would be unable to experience anything without the “coats” they “wear.”

But somehow the fact that the “coats” ARE ALSO experiencing these often terrible things does not in any way concern, let alone bother, those whimsical, whacky, wonderful spirit beings, which apparently regard the physical form they require as meaningless appendages to be discarded when they reach their expiration date.

There is no way – NO WAY – you or anyone can obscure the essentially vile, parasitical nature of the relationship between “spirit” and “coat.”

How do you know there is not a process (something akin to the concept of Nirvana) by which as these spirits grow in enlightenment until they eventually refuse to partake of further incarnations because of the essentially erroneous nature of it?

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 13, 2024 3:51 PM
Reply to  Howard

I do wish that you would stop wrongly claiming that I ‘always manage to gloss over what I’m really saying’.
On every occasion when you make the comments that you do, I reply with factual statements. I rebut your false claims (the latter being due to your closed-minded materialistic standpoint).

The supreme irony is that, FAR from it being (as you claim) “Quite obviously, these ‘spirits’ would be unable to experience anything without the ‘coats’ they ‘wear'”, the truth is the exact opposite: ie, that NO-ONE (ie, no human, no animal, no bird, etc) would exist WITHOUT it being that they are a spirit being that is ‘covered by’ a physical body ‘coat’. And the latter, Howard, is the factually correct way round!! As you will one day discover.

The actual truth is literally the opposite of what you are merely thinking/assuming. It’s the proven fact that we all are the spirit body that is what literally animates our physical body that is what enables us to live on Earth and experience the things that we do!!

And NO, the spirit beings that we each are are most definitely NOT “vile, parasitical”. How can you misinterpret so badly the spiritual facts which I’ve disseminated here on Off-G over the past approx. two years??

I repeat: no-one on Earth (or anywhere else in the cosmos) would exist if they didn’t have their physical body ‘coat’ literally animated by the spirit body that literally IS the real (eternal, immortal) us.
A day will eventually arrive for you, Howard, when you will discover that all which “that Englishwoman, Christine, on Off-G” stated was the 100% factual truth.
And you will then have to face the unpalatable fact that it was you who were wrong, and not me. Ie, that ‘spirit beings’ (ie, the real us that we each are, here and now, on Earth!) were NOT ‘vile, parasitical, soul-less devils’ (the latter being some of the very false claims which you’ve made, re. we spirit beings). And that no-one would exist on Earth without the spirit body which is what literally animates our physical bodies.

Mar 13, 2024 3:24 PM

One additional reply to this comment. I would caution against reading too much into what a young child says. Barring outright fraud by the child’s parents, there is the almost universally ignored fact of a young child’s enormous capacity for learning – probably far greater than at any other time of their lives.

This child you mentioned could easily have overheard his parents talking about their Hawaiian vacation, etc. Let me give you an example from my own family experience. My sister would read a Little Golden Book to her three year old daughter every night at bedtime. My niece’s favorite was Goldilocks and the Three Bears. One night my niece took the book from my sister and read the entire story to her – even though she had not yet learned to read. As it turned out, she read the entire story – word for word – from memory and was only pretending to be reading the Little Golden Book, even turning page after page at the appropriate break in the story.

Children are absolutely the most fantastic beings on the planet.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 13, 2024 3:34 PM
Reply to  Howard

There are literally countless documented examples of very young children around the world (and large numbers of adults, too) who recount conscious memories of one or more previous lives which the soul that they are has lived.
It is NOT a case of ‘children fabricating/fantasing’, etc, and (in 99.9% of cases) it is NOT a case of the parent[s] fabricating the accounts. If you researched the subject (instead of reacting from your closed-minded materialist standpoint), you’d know that.

Mar 14, 2024 4:35 PM

The problem with research is researchers. They can have certain biases. This is as true for “pro” as it for “con” perspectives. The only research which can be pretty much depended on is that which arrives at its conclusion by first having eliminated every other possible conclusion – the proverbial “whatever’s left must be true” thesis.

Thus, for every researcher’s conclusion, it must be asked “Did he/she first examine other possible explanations before reaching the research’s conclusion?” Or did the researcher simply take what was told as a given?

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 14, 2024 5:20 PM
Reply to  Howard

I wonder whether you’ve read my reply to you of yesterday, 13 March, at 3.51pm (UK time), a little bit upscreen from here?

If you yourself carried out some scholarly research into this all-important subject, you’d be fully aware that the huge numbers of scientists,doctors, psychiatrists, etc etc, around the world who research this biggest of all truths DO ‘examine all other possible explanations’ before reaching their conclusion.
The multi-faceted evidences for everyone (including animals, birds, etc)’s survival (in their spirit body form) of the death of their physical body PROVE (and I do not use that word ‘prove’ either loosely or incorrectly) that survival is an absolute, incontrovertible fact.

Carry out some research into this subject, Howard (I realise that you will not…), and then you too would become one of the literally countless millions of properly-informed people on Earth who KNOW that the actual nature of ‘death’ is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its wholly illusory, face-value mere appearance.

And yes, there are incontrovertible evidences that reincarnation is also one of the many spiritual truths of existence.
The James Leininger case in the USA (which I mentioned to you in one of my posts to you a day or two ago, above) is merely one of countless numbers of excellent-quality cases documented worldwide. Many, many scientists are involved in the research into these ultimate subjects.

Mar 10, 2024 9:56 AM

This ‘essential medical treatment’ you speak of will, in the main, be entirely unnecessary and probably provoked by the very ‘treatment’ prescribed. Unless you have, say a broken bone or lacerated skin, I’d steer clear of any NHS institute or any other medical organisation practising allopathic medicine.

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 10, 2024 10:09 AM
Reply to  Tom

There’s truth to this, however some allopathic medicine is essential to avoid a painful undignified death. Capitalism won’t tolerate a different model of health care that aims to prevent sickness through healthy lifestyle and nutrition.

There are several brutal dynamics, such as the Reserve Army of Labour, control and the fact that the ruling class wants people dead before they reach pension age, that define contemporary Western medicine.

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 10, 2024 12:28 PM

Just say no to pain I say.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 10, 2024 6:25 PM

Enjoy your drugs.

Mar 11, 2024 5:23 AM

Once you are no longer “productive”, capitalism does not want any delay of death. The mass deaths of the elderly through Operation Covid certainly covered up the plundered welfare funds to some extent.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 11, 2024 2:37 AM

Yes, but the people most organized ostensibly pushing back on this agenda have bought into the right wing trope that what’s been happening is a communist plot! Even though none of the people or institutions driving it are in any way communist at all. It is interesting that the author used the term “new Cold War” several times.

I have come to the conclusion that the first Cold War was the deep state’s first big psy-op. The USSR were still burying their dead when Churchill made his famous “Iron curtain” speech (1946) warning of a communist plot to take over the world. The USSR then, and Russia now were only protecting their borders. It was not they that had hundreds or thousands of bases scattered all over the globe. But without the “existential threat” how could the permanent war economy be maintained?