Net Zero, the Digital Panopticon and the Future of Food 

Colin Todhunter

The food transition, the energy transition, net-zero ideology, programmable central bank digital currencies, the censorship of free speech and clampdowns on protest. What’s it all about? To understand these processes, we need to first locate what is essentially a social and economic reset within the context of a collapsing financial system.

Writer Ted Reece notes that the general rate of profit has trended downwards from an estimated 43% in the 1870s to 17% in the 2000s. By late 2019, many companies could not generate enough profit. Falling turnover, squeezed margins, limited cashflows and highly leveraged balance sheets were prevalent.

Professor Fabio Vighi of Cardiff University has described how closing down the global economy in early 2020 under the guise of fighting a supposedly new and novel pathogen allowed the US Federal Reserve to flood collapsing financial markets (COVID relief) with freshly printed money without causing hyperinflation. Lockdowns curtailed economic activity, thereby removing demand for the newly printed money (credit) in the physical economy and preventing ‘contagion’.

According to investigative journalist Michael Byrant, €1.5 trillion was needed to deal with the crisis in Europe alone. The financial collapse staring European central bankers in the face came to a head in 2019. The appearance of a ‘novel virus’ provided a convenient cover story.

The European Central Bank agreed to a €1.31 trillion bailout of banks followed by the EU agreeing to a €750 billion recovery fund for European states and corporations. This package of long-term, ultra-cheap credit to hundreds of banks was sold to the public as a necessary programme to cushion the impact of the pandemic on businesses and workers.

In response to a collapsing neoliberalism, we are now seeing the rollout of an authoritarian great reset — an agenda that intends to reshape the economy and change how we live.

Shift to authoritarianism

The new economy is to be dominated by a handful of tech giants, global conglomerates and e-commerce platforms, and new markets will also be created through the financialisation of nature, which is to be colonised, commodified and traded under the notion of protecting the environment.

In recent years, we have witnessed an overaccumulation of capital, and the creation of such markets will provide fresh investment opportunities (including dodgy carbon offsetting Ponzi schemes)  for the super-rich to park their wealth and prosper.

This great reset envisages a transformation of Western societies, resulting in permanent restrictions on fundamental liberties and mass surveillance. Being rolled out under the benign term of a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’, the World Economic Forum (WEF) says the public will eventually ‘rent’ everything they require (remember the WEF video ‘you will own nothing and be happy’?): stripping the right of ownership under the guise of a ‘green economy’ and underpinned by the rhetoric of ‘sustainable consumption’ and ‘climate emergency’.

Climate alarmism and the mantra of sustainability are about promoting money-making schemes. But they also serve another purpose: social control.

Neoliberalism has run its course, resulting in the impoverishment of large sections of the population. But to dampen dissent and lower expectations, the levels of personal freedom we have been used to will not be tolerated. This means that the wider population will be subjected to the discipline of an emerging surveillance state.

To push back against any dissent, ordinary people are being told that they must sacrifice personal liberty in order to protect public health, societal security (those terrible Russians, Islamic extremists or that Sunak-designated bogeyman George Galloway) or the climate. Unlike in the old normal of neoliberalism, an ideological shift is occurring whereby personal freedoms are increasingly depicted as being dangerous because they run counter to the collective good.

The real reason for this ideological shift is to ensure that the masses get used to lower living standards and accept them. Consider, for instance, the Bank of England’s chief economist Huw Pill saying that people should ‘accept’ being poorer. And then there is Rob Kapito of the world’s biggest asset management firm BlackRock, who says that a “very entitled” generation must deal with scarcity for the first time in their lives.

At the same time, to muddy the waters, the message is that lower living standards are the result of the conflict in Ukraine and supply shocks that both the war and ‘the virus’ have caused.

The net-zero carbon emissions agenda will help legitimise lower living standards (reducing your carbon footprint) while reinforcing the notion that our rights must be sacrificed for the greater good. You will own nothing, not because the rich and their neoliberal agenda made you poor but because you will be instructed to stop being irresponsible and must act to protect the planet.

Net-zero agenda

But what of this shift towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and the plan to slash our carbon footprints? Is it even feasible or necessary?

Gordon Hughes, a former World Bank economist and current professor of economics at the University of Edinburgh, says in a new report that current UK and European net-zero policies will likely lead to further economic ruin.

Apparently, the only viable way to raise the cash for sufficient new capital expenditure (on wind and solar infrastructure) would be a two decades-long reduction in private consumption of up to 10 per cent. Such a shock has never occurred in the last century outside war; even then, never for more than a decade.

But this agenda will also cause serious environmental degradation. So says Andrew Nikiforuk in the article The Rising Chorus of Renewable Energy Skeptics, which outlines how the green techno-dream is vastly destructive.

He lists the devastating environmental impacts of an even more mineral-intensive system based on renewables and warns:

“The whole process of replacing a declining system with a more complex mining-based enterprise is now supposed to take place with a fragile banking system, dysfunctional democracies, broken supply chains, critical mineral shortages and hostile geopolitics.”

All of this assumes that global warming is real and anthropogenic. Not everyone agrees. In the article Global warming and the confrontation between the West and the rest of the world, journalist Thierry Meyssan argues that net zero is based on political ideology rather than science. But to state such things has become heresy in the Western countries and shouted down with accusations of ‘climate science denial’.

Regardless of such concerns, the march towards net zero continues, and key to this is the United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development Goals.

Today, almost every business or corporate report, website or brochure includes a multitude of references to ‘carbon footprints’, ‘sustainability’, ‘net zero’ or ‘climate neutrality’ and how a company or organisation intends to achieve its sustainability targets. Green profiling, green bonds and green investments go hand in hand with displaying ‘green’ credentials and ambitions wherever and whenever possible.

It seems anyone and everyone in business is planting their corporate flag on the summit of sustainability. Take Sainsbury’s, for instance. It is one of the ‘big six’ food retail supermarkets in the UK and has a vision for the future of food that it published in 2019.

Here’s a quote from it:

“Personalised Optimisation is a trend that could see people chipped and connected like never before. A significant step on from wearable tech used today, the advent of personal microchips and neural laces has the potential to see all of our genetic, health and situational data recorded, stored and analysed by algorithms which could work out exactly what we need to support us at a particular time in our life. Retailers, such as Sainsbury’s could play a critical role to support this, arranging delivery of the needed food within thirty minutes — perhaps by drone.”

Tracked, traced and chipped — for your own benefit. Corporations accessing all of our personal data, right down to our DNA. The report is littered with references to sustainability and the climate or environment, and it is difficult not to get the impression that it is written so as to leave the reader awestruck by the technological possibilities.

However, the promotion of a brave new world of technological innovation that has nothing to say about power — who determines policies that have led to massive inequalities, poverty, malnutrition, food insecurity and hunger and who is responsible for the degradation of the environment in the first place — is nothing new.

The essence of power is conveniently glossed over, not least because those behind the prevailing food regime are also shaping the techno-utopian fairytale where everyone lives happily ever after eating bugs and synthetic food while living in a digital panopticon.

Fake green

The type of ‘green’ agenda being pushed is a multi-trillion market opportunity for lining the pockets of rich investors and subsidy-sucking green infrastructure firms and also part of a strategy required to secure compliance required for the ‘new normal’.

It is, furthermore, a type of green that plans to cover much of the countryside with wind farms and solar panels with most farmers no longer farming. A recipe for food insecurity.

Those investing in the ‘green’ agenda care first and foremost about profit. The supremely influential BlackRock invests in the current food system that is responsible for polluted waterways, degraded soils, the displacement of smallholder farmers, a spiralling public health crisis, malnutrition and much more.

It also invests in healthcare — an industry that thrives on the illnesses and conditions created by eating the substandard food that the current system produces. Did Larry Fink, the top man at BlackRock, suddenly develop a conscience and become an environmentalist who cares about the planet and ordinary people? Of course not.

Any serious deliberations on the future of food would surely consider issues like food sovereignty, the role of agroecology and the strengthening of family farms — the backbone of current global food production.

The aforementioned article by Andrew Nikiforuk concludes that, if we are really serious about our impacts on the environment, we must scale back our needs and simplify society.

In terms of food, the solution rests on a low-input approach that strengthens rural communities and local markets and prioritises smallholder farms and small independent enterprises and retailers, localised democratic food systems and a concept of food sovereignty based on self-sufficiency, agroecological principles and regenerative agriculture.

It would involve facilitating the right to culturally appropriate food that is nutritionally dense due to diverse cropping patterns and free from toxic chemicals while ensuring local ownership and stewardship of common resources like land, water, soil and seeds.

That’s where genuine environmentalism and the future of food begins.

Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal. You can read his free e-books Academia.edu or the e-book section on the Centre for Research on Globalization homepage.


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Mar 16, 2024 8:52 PM

The opinions of others are but dust in the wind.

We are mere sparks that for a fleeting moment glow and rise from the eternal fires of Life before falling as ash to the ground.

Mar 16, 2024 1:22 AM

She told me, I am not going to The Demo in London, wearing a Palestinian Flag, and Neither are you..Look at the State of You..you can hardly walk

Neither me, nor my friend knew what a Palestinian Flag looked like, and we certainly weren’t going dressed as Zionists..

comment image

Doly Garcia
Doly Garcia
Mar 14, 2024 8:20 PM

“Professor Fabio Vighi of Cardiff University has described how closing down the global economy in early 2020 under the guise of fighting a supposedly new and novel pathogen allowed the US Federal Reserve to flood collapsing financial markets (COVID relief) with freshly printed money without causing hyperinflation.”

The US Federal Reserve weren’t the ones that decided to do lockdowns. And covid was definitely new, because hospitals didn’t get flooded with patients needing oxygen before the pandemic or after it was over.

Mar 31, 2024 5:32 PM
Reply to  Doly Garcia

Hospitals were never flooded with patients during covid. You’d think by now people would have got over that early talking point.

Mar 14, 2024 1:58 PM

Climate alarmism and the mantra of sustainability are about promoting money-making schemes. But they also serve another purpose: social control.

The type of ‘green’ agenda being pushed is a multi-trillion market opportunity for lining the pockets of rich investors and subsidy-sucking green infrastructure firms and also part of a strategy required to secure compliance required for the ‘new normal’.

It is, furthermore, a type of green that plans to cover much of the countryside with wind farms and solar panels with most farmers no longer farming. A recipe for food insecurity.

Those investing in the ‘green’ agenda care first and foremost about profit.

Can’t believe my eyes! 100% agreeing with Colin here.

Robert Italia
Robert Italia
Mar 14, 2024 12:51 PM

Smaller is better. Agreed. But the article doesn’t take into account (how could it?) true energy breakthroughs (not the current battery fad, solar, or wind nonsense) and subsequent products, which will further empower the individual over big government/corporations, which are always THE problem.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 14, 2024 1:47 AM

AI is the new moon landing project.

Mar 15, 2024 5:32 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

But, but… it’s impossible to land on a “new moon”– it’s invisible!

It would be the proverbial shot in the dark. 🤔 🌚

Mar 13, 2024 9:48 PM

The current system could conceivably carry on for centuries. It has done so in the past, merely moving the false and fictional manufactured debt from one artificial nation to another.

The current “collapse” is entirely orchestrated and artificial just like the faux financial crisis of 2008. As are all the major crashes in the markets starting in 1929. Examine Tulip Mania in the 17th century. These crises are first artificially inflated using social engineering, then purposefully deflated where the controllers make money at the expense of the majority.

Each bubble burst, shifts wealth and power away from the populace to the parasitic cryptocracy.

Orchestrated Crises (Order out of Chaos) forces unpopular, unethical and unlawful policies and agendas on populations in ways that benefit the cryptocracy, while retaining ever more power and wealth for them at the expense of the majority.

Governments aren’t even legitimate or lawful or public organizations so any agendas they run or instigate and all so called “laws” or by-laws, codes, mandates and regulations are all based on fraud and 5th generation warfare.

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 13, 2024 10:29 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Just like the lockdown “mandates” which were presented as laws that must be obeyed. They weren’t laws – they were recommendations made by the “authorities”. It is now clear (here in australia) that no punishment was imposed for those of us who ignored their mandates.

Mar 13, 2024 11:35 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Right. Governments are all private corporations. And as such, living men and women are not lawfully bound or obligated to obey their corporate codes, mandates, recommendations or regulations.

Not unless we are employees, agents or officers of those corporations, OR accept we are the straw man, legal fiction UPPER CAPS corporate entity (citizen, person, resident) created by our Cestui Que Vie Trusts, and Birth Certificates.

So fear tactics, occulted knowledge and fraud is continually used to gain compliance and obedience of the nescient populace who are unaware of their lawful status and standing, as superior to governments and courts.

Knowing what/who actually owns and controls the 5eyes government corporations and the other faux nation state “governments” is a good place to start.

Mar 14, 2024 5:37 AM
Reply to  Researcher

A good place to start is start using your brain.

Take for example such statement as “The current system could conceivably carry on for centuries.”

That’s complete bullshit. Just because something happened in the past doesn’t mean that the same will happen in the future. Demonstrated empirically by Karl Popper.

Much of what this idiot Researcher is whimpering about is more or less true, but the underlying problem – the fact that the availability of cheap energy resources is dwindling – is real. The cause of what she calls “collapse” are physical, not the abstract paranoid shit she’s pushing.

Are governments corporations? Who gives a flying fuck! How’s any of the birth certificate horseshit gonna solve anything? This is the same crap as the there-is-no-such-thing-as-virus idiots. Or the no-moon-landing stupidity. All of these are non-issues, totally irrelevant. They only put people who fall for this crap into a state of limbo, fantasizing about inconsequential bullshit.

So, a good place to start is to read something that makes sense and is actually substantiated, as opposed to paranoid hallucinatory drivel.


Mar 14, 2024 6:21 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

A message to the idiot who downvoted the above.

You’re a victim of cognitive dissonance that prevents you from looking at hard facts, which are very uncomfortable, and instead engaging in hallucinations that it’s all the fault of some malevolent entities, where the implicit, unspoken premise is that when people rise and get rid of them, everything will be hunky-dory once again and the road to paradise will be wide open.

No. Civilization is going through a transition and may collapse, disappear. It wouldn’t be the first fucking time. Rome disappeared too. So will the United States and the Atlantic Civilization. It might be happening. The reasons are physical – depletion of resources. The consequent implosion of abstract systems, such as finances, built at higher levels is only a manifestation of that.

Nobody’s happy about it, the wild binge of the past few hundred years has been fun, but it’s nearing the end. Only those able to adapt will survive.

Mar 14, 2024 3:49 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Sociolog I appreciate you holding the line against this pathetic, lost, current generation of dissidents who barely know their asses from a hole in the ground. That is also what I do. It’s not easy for us classicist, systems folks to accept that the dissident community got hoodwinked beyond recognition by psyop after psyop but that’s Elite full spectrum dominance for you, isn’t it? The bitter cultural fruits of 20 years of extend and pretend — when counting from the global peak conventional oil production — and including 5 years of the new normal (the Non-Public The Global Degrowth Agenda) since global peak total oil liquids in 2018. If a person doesn’t *really* know how to think then the Elites *will* turn their mind into a reactionary pretzel. You current CROP of lost dissidents, know this: you are being groomed for a purpose. Your pretzel logic is not yours, it is theirs, and it’s serving THEIR purposes, because the first art of war against you is deception. The Great Reset is a deception, a misdirection play which seeks to channel your revulsion to it. Ultimately they are preying on your chicken shit subconscious fear, loathing, and denial of the fact that what we’re actually and obviously witnessing is the early, STRUCTURAL collapse of industrial civilization. You can’t handle the truth because you’re weak and refuse to try and adapt like Sociolog says. You’re boiling frogs, bitching and moaning all the while instead of making something resilient of yourselves. You’re rolling over. Sociolog, as you know, every issue must be evaluated on its own merits. There are no ‘viruses.’ In order for you to justify their purported existence you have to explain how a non-metabolic body with a structure identical to signaling exosomes could possibly control a eukaryotic cell. Explain how… Read more »

Mar 14, 2024 4:55 PM
Reply to  reante

Glad to see that somebody is on the same page, albeit somewhere out there, who knows where. Regrettably, I know nobody personally with who I could even discuss any of this stuff, let alone agree on the issues at stake. I wonder if you have the same experience.

As far as virology, the fausse pandemic forced me, against my will, to look into this crap, quite actively. My conclusion is that I don’t give a shit whether viruses exist and cause disease. Makes no difference in my life. I know how to get better when I occasionally get sick. As far as using virus as a means of control, I don’t give a shit either. They can use a number of things, virus is only one of them. Fighting convid by claiming that viruses don’t exist was a particularly dumb strategy; it had just about zero chance to succeed. Waste of energy.

“Really” know how to think. My experience is that it’s not so much a problem of thinking per se, but the environment where you are. People who work in any corporate environment, any organization, in an office in the city are pretty much fucked. The crap they’re exposed to, normie coworkers, regulations – it’s too much and they more or less adopt whatever the conventions are. In contrast, I know people who work in the woods, alone, and they usually think very clearly and come to the right conclusions, with or without having access to information. My advantage is that I was always a black sheep, comes in handy these days.

Be well.

Mar 14, 2024 6:58 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

We have a lot in common. I also work the woods alone from people but alongside my LGDs and sheep and goats. The woods are mostly coppicewood mixed pasture now as a result of that work. I also clean toilets alone at the school. Janitors are commonly also uncommonly clear thinkers.

You give enough shit about the virus question (the VQ) to wrongly criticize the author, here, over it. So I see your walking back your level of concern as a way to mask your mistake. You and I are operating at a higher cognitive level regarding this civilization than almost everyone here because we understand the fundamentals of the civilization. I am being frank with you about your refusal to acknowledge your mistake because doing so is another way that we can operate at a higher level.

You’re correct that we are largely products of our environment. That is the general rule. But there are exceptions to every generalized rule. I was also a black sheep. An Ellulian wild-type. It’s gracious of you to acknowledge that natural advantage that we hold over others. Of course, it’s also not to be overemphasized.

Mar 15, 2024 12:18 PM
Reply to  reante

Yea olde Mutual Admiration Society hey?
Bit like being graced by Royalty at Off G.
We are humbled by your collective genii and foresight.
The world is at your commands.

Mar 15, 2024 1:18 PM
Reply to  Johnny

It’s not genius Johnny it’s just a relentless, daily dedication to honesty and work and fearlessness. Notice how you don’t want to disagree with me even though you do disagree with me. That’s a lack of of dedication to all three, yet Johnny only got one life to live.

Mar 18, 2024 9:54 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Sociopath Jaques and his Masonic tag team partner or alternate personality.

They minimize every crime and pretend there’s nobody behind the DEATH CULT they serve.

This is what they push:

  1. Ego, narcissism – me, me, me. Notice they talk about themselves and what they think, their beliefs, their wants, their desires, THEIR needs. How highly sophisticated and superior THEY ARE to everyone else here. Their egotism is outrageous.
  2. Moral Relativism, moral equivalence. They’ll push solipsism. Shut down any talk of natural law. They justify or minimize crimes against humanity by branding anyone who understands or wants to spread the concept of natural law as “crazy” “paranoid” “dissident” “delusional.”
  3. Social Darwinism, law of the jungle. Might is right. They push communism, collectivism that’s THE CULT agenda. Limiting what people can and can’t do, so continuing tyranny, but on THEIR TERMS. The absolute opposite of freedom.
  4. Eugenics. Epi-Eugenics: Since they believe that humanity should be controlled and culled like their CULT leaders do, they deny government programs of poisoning and culling the populace. They deny military geoengineering, poisoning the food or water. They deny Iatrogenisis. That’s why they try to shut down germ theory and poison injection discussion because it exposes centuries of planned democide (they also deny fabricated wars, starvation campaigns, fake financial crises) by their DEATH CULT leaders.

If you watch this presentation you’ll really see who Jaques and his ilk serve.

Mar 15, 2024 12:24 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

So the energy skeptik thinks we should outlaw greed.
May as well try to outlaw sex at the same time.

Mar 15, 2024 1:34 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Personal greed isn’t the problem. Structural greed — the institutionalizing of greed — is the problem, and it’s a cultural one. Structural greed mandates personal greed because shit rolls downhill. Natural Law outlaws structural greed but does not outlaw personal greed that’s independent of structural greed because natural law contains free will. But structural greed and the capture bonded personal greed downhill of it don’t give a rat’s ass about natural law. Greed also only has one life to live, albeit in Shadow.

Mar 13, 2024 6:09 PM

comment image

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 13, 2024 5:29 PM

Dearly beloved we are gathered here today …. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/global-religious-leaders-promote-climate-action-during-un-climate-conference-cop-27-301677245.html “Dozens of religious leaders, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists from Egypt, the USA, Israel, India, Spain and Great Britain gathered Sunday, November 13th .22 at the base of Parliament Hill in London and at the same time in Sharm el-Sheikh, Jerusalem, and other places around the world in an excited call to the leaders around the world to act for climate repentance and to act according to the ten universal principles on climate, this is in the midst of the UN conference being held in Sharm el -Sheikh.” Yes you read that right. “Climate repentance”! From our God Squad: “The abuse of nature and the exploitation of its resources are a sin against God the Creator and the gift of creation”. So to get us in the mood, we’re getting in the vicinity of where, “according to the Bible, the Ten Commandments were revealed to Moses”. “The event is being held at the initiative of Yosef Abramowitz – green energy entrepreneur, CEO of Gigawatt Global….” Do I hear a jingle jangle of lovely jubbly coins? Let’s hope Jesus doesn’t do a quick resurrection to overturn any tables! And now for “The Ten Principles for Climate Repentance” with my own Biblical exegesis: “(mini versions)”? God spare us! 1.    “We are stewards of this world” (Smooth talking bar stewards?) 2.    “Creation manifests divinity” (Is this meant to subliminally recall “manifest destiny”?) 3.    “Everything in life is interconnected” (We’re all in this together!) 4.    “Do no harm” (Vacuity personified!)  5.    “Look after tomorrow” (Didn’t Fleetwood Mac sing about that?)  6.    “Rise above ego for our world” (Contender for the liberal mistiness award) 7.    “Change our inner climate” (Oh that’s good! Cue New Age music) 8.    “Repent and return” (Neat economy! First an echo of the Old Testament and then the Zen… Read more »

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 13, 2024 8:36 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Dont over think this, they could easily be wrong.

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 13, 2024 10:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

What a load of improperganda and trash. By the way, shouldn’t the last one be reversed and read “Use heart, open mind”. But that would contradict the other nine ‘commandements’.

Moses and his tablet …… they had computers in those days? Good comments George.

Mar 14, 2024 5:05 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Shaving heads would discriminate against hair dressers, and violate some religious edicts on women.

Mar 13, 2024 2:17 PM

Fascism has arrived!
We are all Palestinians now.
The only people who will save the people are, The People!✌️🧡

Mar 13, 2024 11:06 AM

That Keir Starmer is just so cautious… he won’t commit to anything radical… unless it results in fewer people in this world:

Labour’s lack of radicalism will last as long as the first manufactured crisis – last time it was the “winter flu crisis” of 2000 that took the gloves off.

Not, of course, that the Conservatives or any other party are any better.

Mar 13, 2024 4:48 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Two cheeks of the same arse.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 13, 2024 10:44 AM

Possibly (but not really…) a bit O/T, but thought would provide here, anyway…

Former UK police officer, Mark Sexton, and Dr Mike Yeadon submit a second official complaint to the UK Met. Police re. the Crimes against Humanity being committed worldwide…
The 15-page document below includes a letter from Dr Yeadon to the Met. Police.

“Crime Number 01/62447/24 – New Criminal Complaint by former PO Mark Sexton against MHRA, Pfizer and UK Government – Round 2 begins”, at:


I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 13, 2024 10:54 AM

The police are servants of the ruling class, which is why the police threw the initial complaint out. The second complaint will also be thrown out. Searching for unicorns is mental illness.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 13, 2024 12:04 PM

Yes, I’m of course very aware of the truth of what you say, but thought I’d provide the link to the document anyway.

Mar 13, 2024 10:43 AM
Mar 13, 2024 9:00 AM

Jordan Henderson’s part seven on the Vaccine Evangelists. It’s a long read but worth it. Comprehensive eye opening, and should be saved for future reference:


Mar 13, 2024 8:47 AM

The fact that people will get poorer is a reality. The luxury driven by fossil fuels during the past few hundred years is now ending.

We’re witnessing not only the end of all sorts of abstract societal and economic concepts, such as capitalism, democracy (the joke present-day democracy has been), so on, but more importantly, the world is entering a new physical reality, where people won’t be able to live off cheap energy and basically do fuck all in terms of actual work to survive.

The green shit is delusional hallucinatory phantasmagoria, a vain effort by the elites to produce something to sustain the current binge, to give people something that looks like a solution, while figuring out how to come out of the transition that’s coming holding the longer end of the stick.

What can people do? Accept that the trend of things always getting better, life easier, gadgets more luxurious will not continue. The industrial era will end and people will go back to fucking caves. It will take some time and ways will probably be figured out to retain some of the technologies invented during the fossil fuel pulse, but as far as technological progress, what you see might be as good as it gets. Now is a good time to jettison past anachronistic concepts, be ready to adapt to whatever is coming, and try to squeeze through whatever cracks there might be, because the elites will for sure want to put the plebs on an extremely short leash to prevent the plebs from smashing them into pieces.

Mar 13, 2024 9:09 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Thorium reactors might stall the inevitable apocalypse for a few years:


Mar 13, 2024 9:37 AM
Reply to  Johnny

A few hundred years, more likely.

Mar 13, 2024 10:23 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Maybe, but as it stands now, there is no technology that would be able to replace fossil fuels so that civilization could keep going along the existing trajectory. Even if nuclear provided energy equal to the quantity we use today, it wouldn’t be able to replace the current system. Electricity can’t be stored as easily as gas and even if novel storage solutions were invented, electricity will do shit as far as fertilizer and other materials made from fossils.

It sure would behoove people to consider the end of the industrial age a very real possibility and start preparing for whatever is coming. Wishful-thinking hallucinations about abiotic oil or renewables ain’t it.

As far as personal freedom in conjunction with all this, the degree of freedom will depend on how people will be able to accept the physical reality. If they do and work on workable solutions, they’ll retain freedom. If they allow cognitive dissonance to get the better of them and they cling to gluttonous consumerism and fight for whatever’s left on top of it, some powers will step up and put them on a short leash, the latter being the more likely outcome, regrettably.

Mar 13, 2024 11:11 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Would you kindly publish my response to this comment? Why is it pending?

Mar 13, 2024 9:35 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

“The fact that people will get poorer is a reality. The luxury driven by fossil fuels during the past few hundred years is now ending.”

Firstly, fossil fuels are still abundant, and will continue to be so for a few hundred years.

Secondly, nuclear energy is even more abundant. Planet Earth is warmed by the volcanoes from its own nuclear core, and this planet rotates around an even bigger nuclear furnace: solar energy will continue to be abundant for billions of years.

Poverty is a social construct made by a few stealing from the common stock.

“These people aren’t poor; they just don’t have much money” — I Know Where I’m Going, 1945 film by Powell & Pressburger..

Mar 13, 2024 2:39 PM
Reply to  NickM

Whether fossil fuels are abundant is a question. Cheap oil (in terms of EROI) is certainly a thing of the past. Oil as such will probably last for a matter of decades, natural gas for circa hundred years. Coal I’m not sure. Nuclear energy is not abundant, stop hallucinating. First, you need nuke power stations, and they’re difficult to build and the construction process is long. Check out work done by Simon Michaux. He has exact calculations as to how many nuclear power plants would have to be built. Electricity, presumably generated by nuclear power stations, cannot replace fossil fuels in many applications. It sure can’t make fertilizer, which is vital for feeding the Earth’s population, given its current size. Planet Earth might be warmed from its own core, but it’s still fucking cold in the winter in Montreal! It might be even colder were it not for the nuclear core, but you probably wouldn’t know for you’d be an icicle or you wouldn’t exist in the first place. Solar energy captured in real time cannot replace fossil fuels. In whatever form – wind, photovoltaic, water cycle. Poverty has nothing to do with any of this. Poverty refers to uneven distribution of resources. We’re talking about the availability of resources per se. But since you mention it, you can bet that whatever resources there are, they’ll be distributed unevenly. That’s how it’s always been and that’s how will always be. It’s very unlikely that the human mind will change. Is it unfair? Probably. But being poor is relative. A poor motherfucker in the Occident still enjoys a way better life than some barefooted bastard out there in the sticks, in a country that happens to have something that the poor motherfucker’s country is pillaging over there and killing anybody who… Read more »

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 13, 2024 4:47 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

There have been numerous times over the last 100 years that peak oil has been predicted to be reached. Each time it was incorrect. Then it was natural gas running out and I am sure coal had been mentioned at some point, despite hundreds of years of supply still to be mined. The track record of the ‘experts’ is laughably bad, unless of course they were incentivised to lie.

Let’s face it, the likes of Paul Ehrlich – who has never been right about anything – and other Malthusians have been banging on about scarcity of natural resources and food for decades. They are the problem, in as much as they manufacture and desire scarcity to control populations. Abundance, is not a word in their lexicon, unless it applies to themselves and their families.

Mar 13, 2024 5:36 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

You might want to check out such people as Art Berman rather than engage in wishful-thinking fantasizing about how many hundreds of years of this or that there is to be mined. For mining, I suggest Simon Michaux. These guys operate with actual facts and figures, as opposed to dismissing what you don’t want to hear by branding it Malthusian.

Another interesting fella is William Rees.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 13, 2024 6:32 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Art Berman’s blog does look interesting.

I am not engaging inwishful-thinking fantasizing” as you put it. Neither, am I interested as you are in the following: “it would behoove to everybody to start thinking about the year 2100 and beyond”


Because even without the technocratic economic and social meddling currently being undertaken by our dark overlords, the global economy and most certainly that of the West is about to enter a depression that will most likely make the 1930’s look like a tea-party in comparison.

The US stock market is on its last hurrah and the bear market is ready to commence anytime now. The economic depression will cause huge demand destruction that will see the oil price collapse after an initial inflationary spike. After the inflationary pressures subside, then it will be welcome to the deflationary spiral which will last for many years.

Just getting through the next ten years will be challenging enough, with so many obstacles and problems to confront.

I think we should focus our energies on shorter term concerns rather than the year 2100. These are no ordinary times and they are about to become more extraordinary.

Mar 13, 2024 8:46 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

You’re absolutely right about focusing on the immediate future. I don’t know if things will get played out the way you suggest, but the going will sure get tough. You can expect a lot of crap to go down. It’s a matter of surviving.

But people have to look to the future and figure out an existence on the other side of the transformation that’s coming and that will ultimately lead to energy/resource shortages or reduced availability that does not correspond to the current lifestyle and what people generally think the lifestyle will be in the future.

Generally speaking, my two cents is that people need to slow down, downsize, go local, and be ready to adapt.

On another level, people need to find another raison d’etre, other than consumerism. They need to redefine the purpose of life. As you say, the coming years will be difficult, and the soulless twits out there who do nothing but consume will have a hard time coping.

Mar 14, 2024 4:10 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Rolling Rock

Peak Oil happened 5 years ago. That massive whitespace in the objective chart at the link below is the engineered demand destruction of the fake plandemic whose primary purpose was to keep demand destruction ahead of terminal supply collapse for about 5 years. And now it’s been about five years. This year TSHTF.


Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 14, 2024 7:15 PM
Reply to  reante

I took a look at that article you mentioned.

The author quotes the IPCC in it and in her book, referring to CO2 emissions. This makes her impartiality suspect at best and her motivations questionable. She is parroting globalist doom porn.

The IPCC was Maurice Strong’s personal project and was set up under his instructions to look only at anthropogenic climate change. Any data or information from them is either outright disinformation or dubious.

Finally, the Repo Crisis of Sept 2019 was the timing catalyst to roll out the Plandemic. Thereby, allowing huge amounts of QE to take place using the Plademic cover story as the excuse, rather than the structural problems in the financial system as highlighted by the Repo Crisis. It had nothing to do with creating demand destruction in the oil market.

Mar 14, 2024 8:14 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Appreciate the response and twofold argumentation, RR. Your first argument, however, is logical fallacy (shoot the messenger or red herring, take your pick). Belief in anthropogenic climate forcing has nothing to do with belief in peak oil theory (fact). To argue against the existence of peak oil by evidencing that a believer in said theory also believes in another structurally irrelevant (to peak oil) theory is a clear case of logical fallacy as I’m sure you now recognize. Do you have a legitimate counterargument? Your second, repo crisis argument is absolutely a legitimate financial argument, in and of itself, for the timing of the rollout of the plandemic. In fact it’s the best financial argument. But what is finance rooted in? What is money? Money’s structural role in civilization is as a proxy for energy surpluses. You agree with that fundamental fact of civilization I’m sure. This fact, when presented dynamically, holds that the money supply is always closely tied to the volume of energy surpluses, because money is as we said a direct proxy of the specific surplus. So, a financial crisis in derivatives markets such as a rehypothecation crisis is exactly what we might expect to see 1.5 years post- Limits to Growth because energy surpluses are in structural decline for the first time since industrial civilization began and derivatives markets are the unstable, top-heavy base of the inverted pyramid scheme of notional proxy ‘money’ claims made possible by the regular M3 money supply proxy for energy surpluses. When increasing energy surpluses suddenly turn into terminal declines in energy surpluses, financial compaction occurs because the existing debt obligations were taken on with the belief that the energy surpluses would continue and the concomitantly loose/cheap credit conditions along with the surpluses. Repo crisis happens. Finance is but the oil… Read more »

Mar 14, 2024 8:38 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock


Mar 14, 2024 8:43 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

I replied to you RR but it appears to have been censored unless it’s in a spam folder in which case hopefully the moderator pulls it out and posts it.

Long story short, your criticism of the energy skeptic article is a logical fallacy and your financial argument regarding the repo crisis is but a subsidiary argument of energy collapse because finance (credit money supply) is just a proxy for energy surpluses. So your fingering it as a financial problem at root is the putting of the cart before the horse.


Mar 13, 2024 9:17 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Not interested in your intelligence operative asset shills, faux fossil fuel lies or any other absurd nonsense that was debunked decades ago. Agenda 21 is the Agenda for the entire 21st century. The agenda’s number one goal is to make the majority of owned humans (citizen slaves) poorer, less mobile, less independent and managed within a cyberspace faux reality, while retaining oligarchical trillionaire and billionaire, private jet and super-yacht owning status for the controllers who racketeer and profiteer from the privately owned corporations masquerading as governments and courts. Agenda 21, NASA future strategic issues/future warfare 2025, and multiple white papers, lay out all the UN plans NONE OF WHICH include de-industrialization in any way shape or form. Instead, the agendas all lay a path towards a complete takeover of all technology, IP, products, humans, animals, plants, food, water, land, sea, air, resources, manufacturing and all industry. NGOs and multiple privately owned government agencies in all countries, implement their faux sustainable development “goals” using various psychological operations (5th generation warfare) including fabricating faux climate crises, faux pandemics, faux economic crises, faux overpopulation claims, faux energy crises, coordinated faux military conflicts, and hoaxes like mass shoutings, hacking and terrorism. All the UN and government agendas are achieved through fraud, not necessity. The agendas were put into place to instigate a technocracy – the one that failed in 1930 – based on a social credit system, instead of a monetary system, functioning within a bio-fascist panopticon where every individual, their behavior and consumption can be monitored 24/7/365 through AI and controlled through algorithms, and SMART technologies. Transitioning to this new reality where carbon credits, CBDC and digital tokens are awarded (or usable) only based on compliance of arbitrary nonsense, corporations (stakeholders of the WEF) and government corporations can control all aspects of human… Read more »

Mar 13, 2024 9:38 PM
Reply to  Researcher

As usual, you’ve defecated quite an amount of verbiage, alas no cigar. We’re not discussing your paranoia right now. We’re talking about the availability of resources and the correlation thereof to prosperity and, by extension, the way of life as such.

Many, if not all, of the things you mention are probably in the plan; there is no doubt that the powers that be will try to put humanity under strict control and usurp whatever is left.

Forever whining about it, your paranoid style, will solve shit. you need to put your head around that. It’s now time to run for the hills, figuratively speaking, and look for solutions.

Mar 13, 2024 10:24 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Using multiple identities, writing unsupported nonsense and 100% lies to clog up the thread is your MO. No matter how many names you take, your 3rd rate drivel is instantly recognizable. Nobody needs solutions for fraud.

I’m here only to expose the fraud and the paid shills like you, pushing the frauds.

Mar 14, 2024 5:19 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Sure, what everybody needs is paranoid twits of your ilk running off at the mouth endlessly that they’re after us!

Mar 13, 2024 5:42 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Speaking about Art Berman and Peak Oil, here is an interesting article on that subject.


Mar 13, 2024 8:14 AM

The Fraud manages one of its once-in-a-blue-moon notices that there’s a population crisis:

One guess who it blames….

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 13, 2024 6:52 AM

Why does everyone keep saying ‘the WEF says so, therefore….’??

The WEF represents no-one other than parasitic spongers who expect to be bailed out when they get their bets wrong. It represents mass murderers who are now blackmailed into being WEF slaves by ‘protecting’ them so long as they prostitute themselves entirely (just look at Tony Blair….)

So long as people let the cabal called the WEF have media time, the WEF influence can remain.

As soon as the WEF is ‘cancelled’, blocked from the media, it will wither and die.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 13, 2024 4:29 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

The WEF has been waved like a red rag in front of the ‘awake’ and not by accident.

It is something for the less discerning alt-media consumers to point at and blame in far way Switzerland. It makes people feel powerless to stop the so-called WEF agenda, backed by their chosen transnational partners. In addition, as if in open mockery, they have given us, Uncle Klaus, a cartoon Bond villain character to boo and jeer at.

Meanwhile, at local council level across the world, the infiltrators and change agents using useful idiots within councils, diligently carry on implementing the real policies behind that of WEF, namely UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. The policies being enacted are global to local, globalist policies carried out locally. The public must get involved locally; to take back power by initiating the pushback close to home and stop wasting energy over Klaus and Co.

Mar 13, 2024 4:57 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Problem is the parasite class own the MSM.

Mar 13, 2024 6:31 AM

“One worker can supervise the production of 250,000 chickens in a battery run, but only a measly 25,000 on a free range.” — Peter Mayle, Bon Appetit.

That is the panopticon in a nutshell.

Mar 14, 2024 5:19 AM
Reply to  NickM

That is capitalism: (a) ever more profit and selective regulation (b) plummeting safety or benefit for the user.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 13, 2024 5:30 AM

The High Priests of The Holocaust are displeased with director Jonathan Glazer:

“US Holocaust survivors’ foundation calls Jonathan Glazer’s Oscars speech ‘morally indefensible’” (Graud)

It goes on:

“…..the foundation’s chairman David Schaecter, wrote: “You made a Holocaust movie and won an Oscar. And you are Jewish. Good for you. But it is disgraceful for you to presume to speak for the six million Jews, including one and a half million children, who were murdered solely because of their Jewish identity.””

The staggering presumption of this is so obvious that it’s difficult to avoid the feeling that we are SUPPOSED to hate Schaecter.

Once again, the media is stirring up two sides, neither of which it cares about.

Working ClassHero
Working ClassHero
Mar 13, 2024 4:17 AM

All I know is there is an old saying. “Don’t be penny wise and pound stupid”. In other words, start with the big problems first and then finally move onto the smaller details.

An example of this would be if you wanted to “save the planet” (if it ever needed your help) don’t worry about changing your light bulbs to LED’s, start with something bigger. Something like, instead of living in Buckingham Palace, a residence with 775 rooms, move into a smaller place with 2/4 bedrooms.

If one of us plebs is willing to downgrade their current lifestyle in order to prop up the largest consumers on the planet then feel free to do so. We all have the freedom to choose. Just know, you are not saving anything or anyone.

I believe we all have a natural instinct to know what is happening today. Some flat out reject it, whilst many others know, but fear it. One thing for sure is that the “new world” the ruling class has proposed is so unnatural that it will always be rejected by our very nature. As a result, it takes vast amount of resources to prop up this bullshit. Further, it’s propped up by the very same people it rapes and abuses. The “I’m just doing my job” crowd are both the victims and enforces. These people would do anything to fund their lively hood, anything.

Going forward don’t ever be afraid to call a Spade and Spade…

Mar 14, 2024 5:23 AM

The thrust of woke culture is to make us keep checking what the latest unmentionable Spade is, and to be afraid.

les online
les online
Mar 13, 2024 12:12 AM

‘However, not very much has been written about the psychopathic character,
and one of the reasons for this is that he seldom comes for therapy, since to
do so would put him in a one-down position. The psychopathic person reacts
to the threat of suppression with oppression; he counters the attempts to
crush him by becoming overbearing.’ (p25):

Stress and Character Structure. ..David Boadella pdf:

Mar 13, 2024 1:21 AM
Reply to  les online

The combination of psychopathy and ambition is deadly.

‘Ambition is a form of power, the desire for power over oneself and others, the power to do something better than anybody else. In ambition is a sense of comparison, and so the ambitious man is not a creative man, is never a happy man; in himself he is discontented.‘
(Jiddu Krishnamurti 1953).

I would insert the word ‘force’ or ‘authority’ for power.
The word power is often misused.
Power is neutral.
The power of the sun, the elements, water, gravity etc are not directed by anyone or anything. They just are what they are.

Mar 14, 2024 4:50 PM
Reply to  Johnny

You’re correct that power is neutral.

Ambition is similarly being misused by Krishnamurti because of his religious dogmatism. Ambition is also neutral. Ambition, in and of itself, is merely the striving for whatever personal potentiality it is that’s being strived for. The striving for greatness.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 12, 2024 11:32 PM

US Airman set himself on fire in front of Israel Embassy to show his anti-Semitic views on Doos. The guy was probably a self-hating Doo or a Nazi.

The US State Department will now take actions against the infiltration of Nazis in the US Army, who wants to erase Israel from the surface of the earth.


Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Mar 12, 2024 10:46 PM

Here’s a simple equation:
Net Zero = Zero Freedom

It’s the ruling elite primer on how the ghouls plan to establish neofeudal totalitarianism.

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 13, 2024 9:18 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

The antonym of ‘elite’ is ‘dregs’. Are you dregs? The *ruling class* are not elite and we are not dregs.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Mar 13, 2024 11:16 AM

That was a very literal interpretation of my comment. 😁

Mar 14, 2024 7:26 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Lol on that math, Charlotte.

Net Zero equals DIY. Living from scratch. Muscle power instead of exploiting energy slaves. Which is how we got here in the first place, right? True grit.

The party’s over darlin. Get on with it.


Mar 12, 2024 10:17 PM

Lots of solutions for your Lot here:


Grab your shovel and start digging.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 12, 2024 10:27 PM
Reply to  Johnny

David Holmgren does NOT contend that simply implementing permaculture can solve anything while the global system still operates as usual.

Mar 12, 2024 10:40 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Where did I say that?
By ‘your lot’ I was referring to backyards, front yards and/ or allotments.

The global system will have its way, until it collapses.

Soul saving, or well being, is a journey we must each take alone.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 13, 2024 12:37 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Well, OK, many of us in urban centers do not have such options. My building’s landlord won’t even let us put pots with veggies in them on the mostly paved backyard, the little open space is reserved by him for him, he has told us.

Mar 13, 2024 6:11 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

No community gardens in your area Jeffrey?
It’s a great way to meet like minded people and have a small plot with some veggies.
Do a search on the web.
You never know who you’ll meet.

Mar 14, 2024 7:35 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Under natural law the cream rises to the top, Jeffrey. Under natural law the cream stops at nothing in order to rise to the top. Isn’t that so?

Mar 14, 2024 7:32 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Indeed, Holmgren is a fine systems thinker and wiseman who chose to keep it real. Permaculture is a personal solution only. Beyond that truly local level only lies a predicament.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 12, 2024 11:36 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Gold? Did I hear somebody talk about digging gold?

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Mar 12, 2024 10:09 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-03-11. WorldHealth Organisation: morally bankrupt corrupt global unelected entity, andcriminal racketeering https://twitter.com/paulrprichard/status/1767302408751677823

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 12, 2024 10:08 PM

I appreciate that profitability is a complex calculation but what I know from small retail businesses here is that rents have skyrocketed over the past 20-30 years and have put an unsustainable dent in profitability.

Mar 14, 2024 5:30 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The regulations are rigged. Everywhere, those actually working to provide food sustainably and locally live and to mouth. To paraphrase a certain verse, those who have more will get even more. Operation Covid demonstrated that.

Mar 12, 2024 8:28 PM

My comments are not being sent offgaurdian.

Mar 12, 2024 7:57 PM

Remember these bankers only survive on your labour they need you,They need for you to work for them to create wealth for them so you can suffer and they can continue living off of you so they can fly off In jets go on yachts take 29 holidays a year while leaching on your labour.

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 12, 2024 11:40 PM
Reply to  Annie

The bank, much like the system, already has your money, they dont really need you, they just need to control your money

Working ClassHero
Working ClassHero
Mar 13, 2024 4:35 AM
Reply to  Annie

Further, the “save the planet” campaign is not really for saving anything. The ruling class don’t give a fuck for you, me or the planet.

What’s likely is the worlds resources are probably getting shorter in supply and they need whats left to prop up their lifestyle. This means YOU have to be more frugal to insure that some resources are left for their future inbred generations.

Anyone still working for these world corporations after what just happen over the last 3 years should go for a mental evaluation.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 13, 2024 8:57 PM

Scarcety has always been a lie.

They don’t need very many of us humans any more because they pretty much already own everything – and everyone (debt, anyone?) – and are working on owning every last bit of earth.

Mar 12, 2024 7:51 PM

I’ve been to a few establishments and they were surprised I had cash? This is the main thing the lunatics want abolished is cash .What if the atms went down what if shops card machines go down what if the whole system went down where’s you’re money how are you going to survive without untraceable cash.They could even do like China or what they did to the Canadians stop you transactions then what??

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 12, 2024 8:41 PM
Reply to  Annie

Invest some of your e-money in gold and silver bullion. Gold and silver is the only real money on this planet no matter what they tell you.

After the big stock crash in 1929 gold possession by ordinary people was banned and in 40 years American citizens could be jailed if they were caught in possession of gold.

But silver bullion has similar value. A 1 oz silver coin cost around $30, everyone can afford it, the price will raise 5-10% a year from now on, into your mattress to bad times.

Working ClassHero
Working ClassHero
Mar 13, 2024 4:39 AM
Reply to  Annie

It’s less likely anything will go down in the “Smart City”. People in rural areas are to be “unplugged”. Have you not read the 2030 memo. Banks, post offices are already being removed as we speak.

I would rather live in the woods with nothing, than live in a surveillance city.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 13, 2024 11:00 PM

Me too.

Mar 13, 2024 5:22 AM
Reply to  Annie

That was the point of the ConPloy intel organized operation. To test how easy it would be to freeze bank accounts, create a precedent and change the law. The law still hasn’t been rescinded. It can be renewed and expanded anytime in an “emergency”, like a run on the banks after a WEF cyber-polygon hacking exercise going live.

Mar 13, 2024 8:23 AM
Reply to  Annie

I was buying my organic veg and the lady in front in the queue insisted on paying in cash while launching into a use-it-or-lose-it speech. The woman on the till commented that she was seeing more of this. Maybe it’s “anecdata” but the message is spreading.

A reminder that the Bank of England report on CBDCs is due next year.

Mar 13, 2024 8:42 AM
Reply to  Edwige

It’s noticeable that not only many old people use cash but increasingly more younger people are using cash. Penny dropping?

Mar 13, 2024 3:36 PM
Reply to  Annie

I have been in supermarkets twice when the computers/cardreaders stopped working. As I don’t use cards except online, and always carry cash, no problem. But there was a procession of modern/up-to date/ ontrend angry disappointed people returning stuff to shelves.
So far it’s not too bad in the UK, except during the covid fakery, and ‘your money carries the disease’ type of shit. We’ll see what happens when and next.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 13, 2024 11:06 PM
Reply to  ariel

Not only this.
Gold and silver bullion and bars will have to be delivered to the nearest WHO office to be examined for virus spreading ;-).
Only your e-money will be accepted as free from bacteria, and you think I must be joking.  😁 

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 12, 2024 7:29 PM

And wasn’t the inauguration of the new assault on the public and manufacture of a new paradigm so obvious considering how it all sprang fully formed from the brow of that newly revealed unified media behemoth back in the upheaval of spring 2020? “The New Normal”, “We’re all in it together”. “People Before Profits” etc. Four decades of neoliberalism – not to mention the entire centuries old tradition of “ruggedly individualist” laissez faire capitalism completely vapourised instantaneously for an upsurge of “communist” sentiment ecstatically seized by the entire Left who practically orgasmed over their scarcely believable luck. You’d think the scarce believability of it might have been a giveaway … but no! They were on a roll! And that Leftist enthusiasm was programmed into the covid manoeuvre. Indeed, it had been well prepared as I found out with an odd conversation with a Leftist buddy who asked of covid, “Could this be the Big One?” What Big One, I asked. Well it seemed that there had been a strain of Leftist doom mongering that predicted a gratifyingly capitalist produced nemesis … such as a virus created through some strange alchemy from the internal workings of this exploitative system that cut all health corners and safety restraints. So it was a rehash of that old one about capitalism producing its own gravediggers. Only this time, the gravediggers were Satanic microbes. How could the Left resist? … though there was a vast problem with this. That capitalist media – the very one who had been so gleefully shoring up Adam Smith for decades – were now storming the barricades with Marxist slogans. And herein lies a frustrating blindness: the invisibility of the media screen. It truly is a wondrous thing to see: that so many simply fail to see that the ones… Read more »

Mar 12, 2024 7:44 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I couldn’t of of said it better what a fantastic piece you wrote 👏 today’s news is yesterday’s chip paper as they used to say it’ll always be something or nothing.

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 12, 2024 9:00 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Do you have any idea what it’s like to be a trans person in the UK? To be the ruling class’s punch bag – hated by the right, hated by the Left – blamed for everything in the world that is the ruling class’s fault and people readily oblige. When did trans people impose Covid lockdowns, close the hospitals, impose face masks, curfews and vaccine mandates? It wasn’t trans people who terrorised us with vaccine passports, it was the ruling class. And now the same ruling class are teaching everyone with a very short memory to dehumanise and blame trans people. The human race disgusts me.

Mar 12, 2024 6:30 PM

Do not believe in your shopkeepers do not believe your hairdressers do not believe your neighbours do not believe your doctors health care, But most importantly do not believe your governments. Believe in yourself.And God not religion God.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 12, 2024 6:24 PM

“All of this assumes that global warming is real and anthropogenic. Not everyone agrees. In the article Global warming and the Confrontation between the West and the Rest of the World. journalist Thierry Meyssan argues that net zero is based on political ideology rather than science.”

Thiery Meyssan has zero background in climate science. And there is an assumption that anyone who thinks global warming is real and anthropogenic supports net zero, which is absolute BS. Here is one example to the contrary.
Epic Tomorrows meets Just Collapse: Overshoot, #TalkCollapse & Insurgent Planning, Epic Tomorrows, December 2023.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 12, 2024 7:32 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

The earth circulate around the sun. This circulation cant be completely linear zero sum as leftists like you want.

Some periods the earth will come a little too close to the sun, and we have tropical clima of +40C.
Some periods the earth will come a little too far from the sun and we have ice ages of -40C.

The regulating planets secure the earth always stays within this frame. Thus there is only 1 rule for all living to this scenario: Adaption.
When it rains you take a raincoat on, when it freeze you take fur and snow glasses on. It is really that simple.

You can calmly trust Thiery Meyssan as he is short, precise and the very best within his kind, and your sawing distrust against him just reveal yourself as a very sad story.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 13, 2024 6:19 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

As i told your friend below, with a citation, over the last several decades the sun would have dictated a cooler earth, vs temps rising at record rates. Show us your data, vs trusting Meyssan on the basis of his politics.

If you disagree with the item i cited, present us with numbers which contradict what’s at the page, both the text and the videos, and what’s in the URL below. The scientific method requires data. It was used to debunk the official 9//1 story. And it has been used to debunk the entire science of virology which has been at the base of the op that’s been on-going since 3/11…. 2020, that is. Operation


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 13, 2024 10:58 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

You can see this interactive map Australia 100 weather years shows a non linear chaotic system without any patterns.
This is what we have known since ancient times that the weather is only predictable 1-2 weeks max.

Mar 13, 2024 6:35 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Nonsense, the sun is much closer and smaller than we are told by the system. And it revolves around the earth.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 13, 2024 2:33 PM
Reply to  Paul

The sun does not “revolve around the Earth”!!

And it is NOT “much closer and smaller than we are told…”.

Mar 16, 2024 6:00 AM

So you believe in the system’s version versus your own common sense? Ok love. By the way look at the rays coming through the clouds next time that happens and tell me the opposite is true. Which you could only do if you are stupid.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 13, 2024 10:49 PM
Reply to  Paul

When you come up with such a postulate, you should provide some evidence or link as ref. Otherwise your postulate is not well taken.

Mar 16, 2024 6:02 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

I have no evidence that covid was faked. The powers that be have loads of evidence it was real. What does that tell you. Don’t ask me for evidence. Go find out for yourself, gain real knowledge and stop looking for mere belief.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Mar 16, 2024 6:51 AM
Reply to  Paul

Both of your opening statements are false. There is a mass of evidence “covid” was faked and a total absence of any evidence that it was real. How can you possibly have missed both these facts while being a regular visitor here?

Mar 16, 2024 2:24 PM

Yes of course there is evidence it was faked. I said I have none. But you missed my real point, the evidence will not be seen by people who have already decided it is not true. Just like people still believe Covid was real despite the overwhelming evidence it was a hoax.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 19, 2024 5:07 AM
Reply to  Paul

You said the sun is smaller and run around the earth. You made a postulate and want ME to go out and find evidence for your silly postulate?

Mar 12, 2024 7:59 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

comment image

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 12, 2024 8:57 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

If this is true which I doubt it is, that means WE have to control the sun before it controls us, and before it begins to destroy our way of living. We can do it if we can dream it!


Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 12, 2024 10:24 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

LOL. Over the last several decades, the sun’s activity would have dictated global cooling, rather than the warming, which is happening at an unprecedented rate. Not the temps themselves, but how fast they are going up.


Mar 12, 2024 10:44 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

You can’t meaningfully speak of a couple of decades. There is a reason why most people who peddle the climate change agenda invariably show temps dating to the end of the Little Ice Age in 1850. If they showed things 10000 years back, we would see a different picture.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 13, 2024 12:46 AM
Reply to  vera

Here’s a picture going back far more than 10,000 years.

And i presented the last several decades as evidence that lowered sun outputs into the atmosphere have corresponded with increased temps, contradicting your claim about the sun being the key forcing factor.
Present us with numbers which contradict what’s at the page you responded to, both the text and the videos, and what’s in the following URL. The scientific method requires data. It was used to debunk the official 9//1 story. And it has been used to debunk the entire science of virology which has been at the base of the op that’s been on-going since 3/11…. 2020, that is. Operation “Pandemic.”


Mar 13, 2024 8:01 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

No. Show the graph going c. 8000 to the present. There were turtles then living in northern Scandinavia.
And you can check out how 120000 years ago, the temps were for a period far higher than these days, and nobody died out (that I know of).

Mar 13, 2024 3:41 AM
Reply to  vera

Here’s going forward a billion years in 2-minutes — a light-hearted, animated cartoon, gently illustrated.

Al Jarnow’s Cosmic Clock
2 minute animated video


Mar 13, 2024 8:11 PM
Reply to  Matt

Cute, but does not answer to what I was requesting. 🙂

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 13, 2024 10:45 PM
Reply to  vera

You cant always get what you want. You can get charts of decades, centuries, millions of years, but NOT 10 000 years back.

Its not because we hide something but because we will show it better.
We will always do the 10 000 years better. Therefore you cant get 10 000.

Mar 14, 2024 1:54 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Of course there are graphs going back over 8k. Just not popular among the fear mongers.

Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson
Mar 12, 2024 4:37 PM

You don’t get nutrient dense food due to diverse cropping patterns. To get a maximum nutrient density in food, regardless of the genetics of the plant, a high level of soil fertility is required. According to the late soil scientist, William Albrecht, PhD, the level of soil fertility is the ability of the soil to produce protein on which all life on this planet depends on. Any organic farmer growing hybrids, which are usually plants created to increase yields, does so at the expense of the ability of the plant to produce protein although carbohydrate content is increased. Any such farmer has no interest in producing high levels of nutrition.

Mar 12, 2024 6:04 PM
Reply to  Gary Wilson

What about this then?

“Soilization” of sand, a Chinese innovation.



I am asking because I’m curious what you think, not attacking your position.

Is it a total fraud?

Mar 12, 2024 7:36 PM
Reply to  Matt

Do you have a link for the plant cellulose binder? I want to look at the structure and the manufacturing process.

Mar 13, 2024 3:25 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Sorry, not that I know of, I searched my notes and those were the only two references.

Mar 13, 2024 4:35 AM
Reply to  Matt

I found it here. It’s sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) suspended in water, with a liquid fertilizer.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 12, 2024 10:02 PM
Reply to  Matt

Don’t know about the Chinese method but there was a man in India who reforested a piece of land that had become a dessert through clear felling by manually replanting a native forest year after year for decades until the endemic animal species began to repopulate that area.

Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson
Mar 13, 2024 1:50 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

It didn’t need to take so long.

Mar 13, 2024 6:04 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Any degraded or arid land – except after industrial pollution – can be made arable. From what I remember, you first plow in certain cut-up vegetation. Fallowing may follow. The initial crops strengthen the system – including microbes, worms, insects, birds, etc. China has done it on a stupendous scale. Indian farmers are using traditional methods for small-scale efforts.

Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson
Mar 13, 2024 1:49 AM
Reply to  Matt

Hi Matt:
I don’t think it’s a total fraud.In the video the wet amended soil looks more like a clay soil. Clay soils are usually easier to improve than sandy soils. People with sandy soils tend to amend them with clay and people with tight clay soils tend to amend them with sand. I have my own ideas on how to recover desert soils as long as they get some rain. See my reply below to Pete S regarding a short video I did in my garden regarding floods and droughts. There are five other videos on my home page.

Mar 13, 2024 3:23 AM
Reply to  Gary Wilson

Wow! Amazing, thoughtful, inspiring and impressive reply — and replies — I’m just returning to see if there was a respose. Really, quite something and it will take some time to examine and digest. Glad the record is here for reference. Thank you so much, and others whom I’ve not yet seen.

Mar 12, 2024 8:11 PM
Reply to  Gary Wilson

Yes. If this Quebec farmer (who only uses hand tools) can grow enough vegetables on 1.5 acres of fixed raised beds to feed his family and sell the rest of his produce, making six figures in profit yearly, then small scale organic farming is better than Big Ag on every level possible:

No synthetic pesticides, no pollution run off into rivers and creeks, no soil depletion, minimizing weeds through covered beds and close plantings, far higher nutritional value in the food, no GMOs and no hybrids. Small areas can produce max crop yields.

Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson
Mar 13, 2024 1:53 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Max crop yields should not be the goal. The goal should be maximum nutrition per acre. This can be done on a large scale just as well as on a small scale. It’s the soil fertility that matters.

Mar 13, 2024 2:09 AM
Reply to  Gary Wilson

But the max crop yields LIE is what the growers associations and farmers orgs (all tied to the UN) justified for pushing hybrids, GMOs, fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.

Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson
Mar 13, 2024 2:35 AM
Reply to  Researcher

You are right. When most people look a doughnut, they see the doughnut. I see the hole.
Max crop yields are done for money at the expense of nutrition. Albrecht- That the increasing yield per acre (dry matter) of different plant species in their ecological arrangement should mean that it is made up of more carbohydrate but of less and less protein, or less and less nitrogen (N), has been worked out to a mathematical refinement in the so-called Inverse Yield-Nitrogen Law of Nature, by O.W. Wilcox, published as a mimeographed tract in June 1956.
Hybridization has made this situation even worse.
I don’t think you can expect a farmer to produce a lower yield of a higher nutrition crop and take a monetary penalty for doing so. When it comes to nutrition, we have an uninformed public. More expensive high nutritional value food saves money as sickness care (which is so expensive) costs are dramatically reduced. Sadly, the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing.

Mar 13, 2024 3:01 AM
Reply to  Gary Wilson

Ironically, that’s likely WHY the lower nutrition farming practices were pushed along with processed food and GMOs. They sicken populations, leading to profits for the medical industrial complex and hospitals. It’s called racketeering.

Bayer-IGFarben are connected to Monsanto and all PhRMA. And the Knights Hospitaller-Knights of Malta are one arm of the cartel controlling the UN and its subsidiary network of professional associations, which control agriculture, food production, logistics and sales. It’s a worldwide racketeering scam, regardless of which sector one examines.

Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson
Mar 13, 2024 3:34 AM
Reply to  Researcher

We will continue to have the same problem until health becomes more important than wealth. I think you give too much credit to the so-called elites. Things just happened that way, IMO these so-called elites are not very bright, just greedy.

Mar 13, 2024 5:06 AM
Reply to  Gary Wilson

They want you to believe the disorder and chaos is accidental. But there’s no coincidences when it comes to money. They aren’t elite, they’re parasites. You see donut holes, I see bakeries, supermarkets, supply chains and trade agreements.

Mar 13, 2024 8:07 PM
Reply to  Gary Wilson

The incentive is all wrong. It’s disease that gets studied and rewarded, not health. The ancient Chines knew that problem already.

Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson
Mar 13, 2024 10:15 PM
Reply to  vera

Right Vera, we don’t have health care, we have sickness care. Clearly there is more money in sickness care than in trying to create healthy people. As William Albrecht said, “It’s not the overwhelming invader we must fear but the weakened condition of the victim.

Mar 14, 2024 2:04 PM
Reply to  Gary Wilson

The only system I know of where the incentive was right, was early 20th century America where you could join a friendly society (Rotaries, Moose, etc.). They had a doctor on retainer, you paid a small fee into the system, and the doctor treated you for free when you got sick.

John Michael Greer describes something like it in Retrotopia.

Pete S
Pete S
Mar 12, 2024 9:10 PM
Reply to  Gary Wilson

It’s not just about Soil minerals, though that is part of it, it’s also about soil biology, the soil food web. The greater diversity of soil microbes, the greater plant secondary metabolites. Plants can’t make their full range of secondary metabolites, including full protien synsthesis, without symbiotic microbes. One application of pesticide, even “organic” pesticides like Neem Oil, reduces the soil biosphere by 50%, coupled with over cultivation which destroys soil fungi, it’s a recipie to destroy soil fertility, and the nutrient density of the plants growing in it. While gathering data to caibrate thier bionutrient meter, Dan Kittridge, founder of the Bionutrient food association, tested 800 carrot samples from different growers, only 8 of the 800 came in the top 20% for nutrient density, and only 2 of those were “Organic”. The big problem with the food supply, which is part of the nutrient density jigsaw, is the ratio of Oemga-6 to Omega-3, Omega-6 turns on the inflamatory response, Omega-3 turns it off. Pre~1950 the ratio was 1:10 now it’s the other way around ~10:1. Omega-6 is in grains, now fed to most animals in feed lots (so milk and Dairy, and eggs) Omega-3 is sythesised from leafy plants, also the grass ruminants should be eating instead of grains (also in fish). For more details, and references, I highly recomend this book (free from this anti-copyright library) Also contains lots of books on regenerative farming/gardening/growing https://z-library.se/book/21812953/031cf9/what-your-food-ate-how-to-heal-our-land-and-reclaim-our-health.html You can find some Albrecht stuff too to download too, “The intelligent Gardener” and “The Ideal Soil” are based on Albrechts numbers if you want to get into remineralising your soil, it starts with a soil test, ~£100 maybe cheaper in the US from what I’ve seen. But as I’ve said, that’s only part of the equation, your soil needs the microbes, and… Read more »

Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson
Mar 13, 2024 1:42 AM
Reply to  Pete S

I address low soil fertility primarily from an energy point of view. I use paramagnetic rock as my main amendment. The local soil is a tight clay soil which does not allow much rainwater to soak in with most of the rainwater running off. That creates floods and droughts and soil erosion. The paramagnetic rock does not address the microbe, it addresses the terrain which creates the microbe. I have no need to add microbes. My soil creates them. I have a test done by Soil Foodweb Inc. in 1999. Robert Alger was the soil consultant that had the test done. As he described to me he simply threw some paramagnetic rock on a row of corn and a few weeks or so later sent two soil samples for testing, one from the treated row and one from an adjacent row. The conclusion from the test said that in this pair, the paramagnetic treatment appeared to have many beneficial effects on micribial life in the soil.
This is a demonstration I recorded on how my garden soil reacts to the addition of water. The wild lupine I am growing never needs to be watered in the summer.
By the way, I met Bob Alger at an Acres, U.S.A. conference. Elaine Ingham, who was a featured speaker at the conference, never came to the booth I had with Douglas Murray of Paw Paw, MI

Pete S
Pete S
Mar 13, 2024 11:03 AM
Reply to  Gary Wilson

Interesting, thanks. Have you done a texture jam jar test on your soil, and if so what was the clay content? I ask because I thought I had tight clay also, for over 10 yrs, then did the texture test only to discover I had sandy clay loam, one area had only 25% clay falling into the loamy sand catagory, tho it all looks like clay behaving in a simiar way to your soil unless I consistantly use use a mulch. Maybe I have higher rainfall here, I never see bare soil for long, even in high traffic areas.

The big thing in the Albrecht method is the ratio of Ca to Mg, too high Mg in the ratio makes tight soil, Ca has much bigger molecules so it forms a looser soil if it’s higher in the ratio. The test he pioneered (which was refering to) is called mehlich-3, it uses weak acids to mimic biological processes to find the actual mineral content of the soil so it can be amended to Albrechts “ideal”, the “imtelligent Gardener” book goes into much more detail, facinating stuff.

Dan Kittridge is also a big proponent of using paramagnetic mineral amendments tho he also follows the Albrecht method, to correct to the idea ratio by choosing which specific rock dusts to use, based on the initial soil test.

Mar 13, 2024 4:21 PM
Reply to  Pete S

I used to know a tall deranged American who used to utter ‘Rock Dust’ every few other words. I’m pretty sure we were in California at the time.

Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson
Mar 13, 2024 5:13 PM
Reply to  Pete S

No Pete, I have not done a texture jam jar test on my soil. I did have a garden before I started using the paramagnetic rock. One time after watering with a sprinkler for about an hour, I checked how far the water had penetrated. It was about half an inch.
Observation tells you about the soil. Rills in the clay caused by water running off tell you that you that you have poor soil fertility. As Albrecht explains for low soil fertility clay. when it rains the soil surface is disturbed. The larger particles settle first followed by smaller and smaller particles. This causes the surface to seal itself off thereby reducing the amount of water soaking in and increasing the amount of water running off. Think floods and droughts and soil erosion. All three are indicators of low soil fertility. I don’t think they know this in California.
I have seen a soil test on a farm where I get food. The farmer is a biodynamic farmer with probably the healthiest dairy cattle in Canada. His soil test showed that the magnesium is about twice what Albrecht suggests. Lab tests may be interesting, but it’s the biology that determines the success of the farming method.

Let's be Frank Joshua
Let's be Frank Joshua
Mar 15, 2024 3:58 AM
Reply to  Gary Wilson

You don’t get nutrient dense food due to diverse cropping patterns. To get a maximum nutrient density in food, regardless of the genetics of the plant, a high level of soil fertility is required.

That is acknowledged in the article. It includes an important link to regenerative agriculture, which notes the vital role of soil fertility.

Edward Bernaysauce
Edward Bernaysauce
Mar 12, 2024 4:07 PM

I’m ‘hangry’…

Mar 13, 2024 4:22 PM

‘No kidding?’

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Mar 12, 2024 3:54 PM

I think you’re mixing up two very different issues (and its not helping that opportunists will use anything to their advantage, clouding what should be crystal clear). The reason why profit rates have dropped isn’t that business isn’t inherently profitable but rather its found ways to drain gross profits before they become net and so available for shareholders, the government and so on. A properly managed global enterprise is a web of companies designed to dissipate profit and shunt what can’t be dissipated to locations where the tax burden is minimal. (Hence Apple is, strictly speaking, an Irish company.) Tracking down this web is very difficult. It also shifts the burden down the food chain, burdening smaller and medium enterprises disproportionately. (Its the same for individual taxpayers — “maximum feathers, minimum hiss”. The middle income people always get hit hardest because they’re worth soaking but they’re not rich enough to afford “tax efficiency” strategies.) Conservation has been known to be a necessity since the 19th century but as it interferes with quick profits this particular can has been kicked down the road innumerable times. We now appear to be running out of road. Now the emphasis is on trying to find ‘solutions’ that either don’t involve altering the status quo or (preferably) finding new avenues for profit. Both involve a certain amount of coercion since one of the most obvious ways to cover additional expenses is to take it out of the hides of the masses. This leads to complaints and problems with compliance which, if nothing else, leads to yet more enhanced business opportunities. (We know what the future looks like here — its been imagined by many as ‘dystopian sci-fi’ and the like……look at ‘Soylent Green’, for example — apart from the ending that delivers hope its probably… Read more »

Working ClassHero
Working ClassHero
Mar 13, 2024 4:57 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Lets not complicate it. The monopolies rule all markets, if they fail we bail them. If small business fail, hard shit. If a small company looks on the up, it’s bought (can’t have good intelligent competitors). It’s that simple. Let’s not pretend these ruling companies are run by geniuses like Elon Musk, Steve jobs, Etc. It’s all bollocks.

Further, even with all the unfair advantages these so called geniuses still manage to fuck it up over and over. Why, because they are not geniuses. Have you not ever questioned why it is all the litter from the ruling class are in positions of power. If it was not for their bloodline they would be cleaning my shit house.

Mar 12, 2024 2:45 PM

Food insecurity is a nice way of saying starving to death.

Working ClassHero
Working ClassHero
Mar 13, 2024 5:01 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Bring it on. Nothing wakes people up quicker than an empty stomach…

Mar 13, 2024 3:19 PM

I’m not in a hurry to wake up dead and be a working class zero.

Mar 12, 2024 2:09 PM

“In terms of food, the solution rests on a low-input approach that strengthens rural communities and local markets and prioritises smallholder farms and small independent enterprises and retailers, localised democratic food systems and a concept of food sovereignty based on self-sufficiency, agroecological principles and regenerative agriculture.”

If not for indusrial agricultural practices, 90% of the human race wouldn’t be here.

Colin Todhunter, you are directly contributing to the global genocide campaign by denigrating the practical value and utility of the exisring industrial food production and distribution system, and by encouraging its destruction, accelerating the likelihood of mass-starvation.

There is no “one size fits all” solution.

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 12, 2024 3:44 PM
Reply to  Matt

The class war. ‘food scarcity’ in a wealthy nation is a lie. The plebs are being put on rations to make them hungry and obedient. Hungry people work harder and will commit crimes against humanity for the ruling class.

Let's be Frank Joshua
Let's be Frank Joshua
Mar 12, 2024 4:55 PM
Reply to  Matt

Well done for churning out a tiresome industry talking point. Critics of GMOs, industrial food and so on are starving the poor. Rinse and repeat every time.

Let's be Frank Joshua
Let's be Frank Joshua
Mar 12, 2024 11:41 PM
Reply to  Matt

Well done for churning out a tiresome industry talking point that has been debunked time and again. ‘Critics of GMOs, industrial agriculture and so on are starving the poor.’ You went one better – a global genocide. Utter nonsense. Rinse and repeat every time.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Mar 12, 2024 12:41 PM

Best way to end it all is to end all the globalists..

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 12, 2024 2:28 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

By appeasement policy, the guillotine, pistols and riffles against F16s, hacking into Skynet, walking up and down with a poster in front of our bank, send signature lists for peace to politicians, sit down strikes?

We are with you all the way my dear Watson, but how?

Mar 12, 2024 8:32 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

We are many and they are few. Remove their ill gotten gains and all their side kicks.

Working ClassHero
Working ClassHero
Mar 13, 2024 5:03 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Say NO.

If you wore a mask, you are part of the problem. If you work for them, you are part of the problem. If you repeat their bullshit like it fact, you are part of the problem. If you are “just doing your job” you are part of the problem…

Mar 12, 2024 6:17 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

I’ve got a good idea… Let’s eat the bastards 😂

Mar 12, 2024 8:20 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Lol. It’s a vast network of faux hierarchies and faux authority. The whole world and all of the power structures were built by the “globalists” over generations, even millennia.

Their systems of control though, are all propped up by their fake laws and fake courts which protect the government racket scam corporations masquerading as sovereign nations and states.

What are you gonna do about all the order followers who will do anything for money? The mercenaries, armies and police? The politicians, mayors and government workers? They are all in on this scam and rely on it, whether wittingly or unwittingly.

Mar 12, 2024 12:37 PM

A corruption of thought underlies legal and financial corruption. Unless we recognise our stake in the ‘father of the lie’ we will persist in its mutating derivatives of false or forced ‘solutions’. This is not to say that we cannot address the errors in the evils of the day thereof, but that is where we need identity (and withdraw allegiance from) false routes & branch lines to nowhere running on false premises as if to gain function by following false profits. That frees us to live from a truth we do not manufacture by defining in terms of predictive control.
From here we choose where to stand within the world of our own unfolding in giving and receiving a consciously felt giving & receiving – for in this is true currency for justice of error correction, in place of vengeance worshipped for a ‘self-vindication’ that delivers us not from evil, nor healed to full flowing gratitude for joy in being.
Maximising love opens a qualitative undoing or healing of the optimal survival strategy running under gain of fiction. For which we have addictive and compulsive patterns of thought,perception & response by which to short-circuit communication as one who ‘already knows’ and has no need to ask.
And the dish ran away with the spoon!
Intoxicated or phished to mis-taken identity by our own thinking.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Mar 12, 2024 11:25 AM

Interesting that NYSE has withdrawn plans for introduction of NACs:



On the surface, it seems to be good news but why has it been cancelled/delayed?

I think they showed their hand too soon, buoyed up by the enthusiasm for net this and net that;

“IEG’s Eger said most of the criticism was based on misinformation about the Natural Asset Companies, or NACs.

“I think there were the misconceptions that NACs would lock away resources or force government controls onto private lands, and none of that is accurate,” he said, adding that few of the opponents bothered to contact IEG for any clarification.

“When you start with misinformation, those conspiracies can grow and we got caught up in it,” he said.

The use of the words “misinformation” and “conspiracies” is a dead giveaway – They got caught with their pants down !!

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 12, 2024 11:14 AM

Sick of this faux confusion: ‘What’s this all about?’. (Scratches head and looks up at the ceiling..)

It’s about the class war, in all of its infinite guises. Roads that are being dug up in the UK to make way for new cycle lanes are part of the same class war. The plan is to slowly restrict proletariat movement by car. Sick of the Illuminati coloured analysis of the WEF too. The WEF is merely an organising body for the transnational ruling class’s goals. To see the true face of the WEF look no further than the hundreds of companies and corporations who’ve signed up to the WEF. They *are* the WEF.

Anyone with eyes can see the transnational ruling class’s modus operandi in action, enabled by human stupidity and selfishness – the revolution has been contained to smartphones – a down vote or an up vote replaces the rifle. Again – the ruling class uses divide-and-rule strategies to prevent us from pondering the one single issue that defines our lives more than any other – class. See Modi’s divide-and-rule India that’s using religion to keep fighting amongst themselves. Is there any hope for humanity when people are willing to kill each other for sky gods? (Rhetorical.)

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 12, 2024 3:33 PM

kill each other for sky gods. Correction:
Kill each other for Skynet gods or Cloud gods. Fixed.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Mar 12, 2024 4:18 PM

The phone is by far the most effective tool for surveillance and control that’s ever been devised. So far. The beauty of it is that the user pays for it — they buy the unit and they pay to use it. It is what the late Dr. Gobbells regarded as the ideal propaganda medium — he hated direct propaganda, regarding it as crude and ineffective. He thought that the best propaganda was material that entertained, educated through values and — preferably — turned a profit.

One unfortunate effect of propaganda is that most people believe that Marx is something to do with Gulags, Marxism is hopelessly out of date and “it doesn’t work anyway”. You don’t have to stray from OffG to see people stating confidently that socialism is the cause of oppression, poverty and the root cause of all sorts of Really Bad Things. Obviously this is the old divide-and-rule…..

Mar 12, 2024 6:14 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Marxism in practice may not resemble anything Marx intended, but, please, tell us all, where has it worked? Any interpretation of it. Some exiled (now former) Yugoslavian engineers told me, sincerely, and I had no doubt they were reasonable and reliable people, things were pretty good under Tito, and they lived it, so, they should know. Other than that example, I’ve never met a citizen of any other ex-communist/socialist society sing its praises.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 13, 2024 5:21 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Socialism is a doormat for totalitarian regimes as Gulag, Concentration camps, military dictatorships. A wolf in sheep clothes. Just ask Yuri Bezmenov.
Its ideological roots is slavery, slave trade, and KKK obeying pagan gods.

Remember, Marx talk about “the masses”, the working class, the proletarian collectivism and the godless atheistic society = Sovjet Globalism and even today China.

The reason why West was and is admired is the connection to Christ principles and “All men are born free and equal by nature” and the subsequent advanced civilisation.

I have not fully read Marx but I know many people are lit by many of his correct society analyses: “Follow the money”, “Imperialism” and similar. But lived out it fails because its lack of spirit and soul (God).

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Mar 12, 2024 11:07 AM

One could consider the butterfly to be a parasite upon the caterpillar, withering it into morbidity.

Similarly, as more and more of the global population’s labour is diverted toward astronomically costly preparations for The Great Reset, so the population will be withered into morbidity.

And after?


Mar 12, 2024 10:57 AM

Big Brother won’t be just watching us. He’ll be haunting us.

That’s it!!
I’m volunteering for the first Mars expedition.
Do you think they’ll have any need for rusty old gardener/musician?

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 12, 2024 10:53 AM

To deny something b/c you cant financially control it, is a fools errand

Mar 12, 2024 12:41 PM

If we cant control directly it is othered or distanced to a realm of Other that we seek to manipulate or regain power over by variants of attack, denial & control.
But All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.
That is – a true wholeness of being underlies an a-tempt or wish to force a gain of fiction or grasp reality as possession and …control.

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 12, 2024 11:43 PM
Reply to  Binra

Cold fusion, control about it