WATCH: Guerrilla Marketing – #SolutionsWatch

James Corbett

Between fighting the online censors and fighting to break through the wall of noise distracting the average smartphone zombie, it’s getting harder and harder for activists and infowarriors to reach people online with real news and information.

So, what can people do in the real world to gain attention and get the word out about important events? From postcards to trash can fliers to good old fashioned homemade signs, join James for this week’s Solutions Watch as he explores the exciting world of guerrilla marketing.

Sources, shownotes and links – as well as audio versions and download options – can be found here. Previous episodes of #SolutionsWatch can be found here and here.
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Categories: Covid Positive, latest, video
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Mar 23, 2024 8:28 PM

The options for public communication outside the incrementally diminishing options of THE SYSTEM are infinite. All one has to do is to forget all previous preconceived notions about protocol and DO IT. As a longtime visual art activist, i can list some of the common ways i’ve found with hundreds more possible actions untried. For any public action that pops the info and behavior bubble of normies, expect to feel like an public annoyance. Adapting, understanding, fielding and exchanging with the inevitable peer’s questioning or condemning/destroying your efforts is just par for the course. Once over the initial embarrassment, your skin toughens and acceptance makes action easy. Plus there are people genuinely pleased and affected by the messaging. They will talk and discuss issues. Consciousness is a gradual process with epiphanies along the way to accelerate the process. In any event, communicating and popping the sleeper’s bubble, is a rewarding experience gathering momentum to a liberated Humanity. Protest signs are of course the initial entry. Public messaging, simple, on point, understandable, visually powerful. Postering. Handouts, fliers, post cards, business card sized flyers can be handed out, placed in public places, posted on street corners, placed in public transit ad spaces. Shopdropping was a mini-movement around the early 2000’s. Go into any retail establishment. Drop visuals or an art experience in retail packaging of your creation and drop them on the store’s rack or shelves, with or without price. Customers will buy them, counter staff are baffled, but transaction made and intimate communication with a member of the public has been made. A simple application of this strategy is to get cans of beans, wrap your own label, and place on shelf. More elaborate is to package an art object of some kind in a rack hanging bag with label. Send… Read more »

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 23, 2024 6:49 AM

Corbett is ok. He works.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 23, 2024 6:42 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

He’s a leading VPAC. [Virus Pusher Against Clotshots] Not working for truth.

Mar 23, 2024 6:39 AM

I forget who said, “Apart from the time when a child was cradled in a manger in Palesltine, no movement so powerful crept into the world so quietly as Science.”

Both Yeshuah and Socrates worked by talking directly, man to man, man to woman. Both were condemned to death by the votes of ordinary men and women.

The truth is like a tiny grain of mustard seed. It falls into the dust, lies buried, but rises and spreads, high and golden.

You can force people to believe lies, you can also force people to believe the truth. But the truth compels people whether they believe or not..

Mar 23, 2024 6:25 AM

Good morning. I’d love to post a bit of creative writing. But what about WW3?

Mar 23, 2024 6:19 AM

The King and Kate have Cancer?

ISIS attack Moscow on 3/22?

What are the chances?

Mar 23, 2024 6:11 AM

real news and information”

“Thou shalt not lie.” — Old Testament.

“Ye shalt know the truth and the truth shall set ye free” — New Testament.

The country that promotes a consummate liar to be Peace Envoy to the Middle East and Non-voting Director in House of Rothschild — the highest award ever bestowed on a British PM — shall never know the truth and never be free.

“To protect yourself from Con-artists, watch your morals” — Readers Digest..

Mar 23, 2024 5:52 AM

Another JC who isn’t your saviour.

Rubbish as usual.

Mar 23, 2024 11:14 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

I don’t know. I’ve learned a lot from both of them.

Big Al
Big Al
Mar 23, 2024 3:47 AM

Off topic, but I just have to say it, Trump supporters are becoming increasingly stupid. There should be an international team of sociologists studying this phenomenon for future benefits.

Bored now
Bored now
Mar 23, 2024 9:24 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Maybe so but are Biden supporters any smarter? What about those who think Kier Starmer will change UK politics for the better? I think its probably more accurate to say “Statists are becoming increasingly stupid.”

Mar 24, 2024 4:23 PM
Reply to  Bored now

Actually, Biden supporters are smarter than Trump supporters – because so many see through Biden’s hand wringing posturing on Israel’s genocide. The devil, though, is that they might go for RFK Jr as an alternative: the frying pan right to the fire, not even passing “Go.”

Sonny-Raye Hayes
Sonny-Raye Hayes
Mar 23, 2024 2:00 AM

If you are a sailor and have a sailboat, sails make a marvelous medium for messaging.
If you are an actor, so does street theater.

Mar 23, 2024 1:17 AM

Follow the money, also on total radio silence.

The reason that no SARS-CoV-2 virus was ever shown is not that it didn’t exist but that it will be clear proof of Fauci / CCP playing with bio weapons. Giving insurance companies scientific proof would trigger an avalanche of expensive court settlements world wide – not wanted.
Same scenario for CoV2 vaxx death: proofs would be Big Pharma & Big state killers.

Mar 22, 2024 10:45 PM

Fliers, signs and memes?
How about songs, poems, graffiti, random texts and footpath scrawls.

I’m ready. Got a shipload of original songs with subtle, and hopefully subliminal messages that I intersperse with my other songs when I’m busking or playing gigs.

Lenny tried:

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Mar 22, 2024 11:18 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Johnny, mate, em

King of the

Mar 23, 2024 4:49 AM

King of the _ _ _ _ chords?

I wish.

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 22, 2024 10:30 PM

To laugh or cry? QR codes? You have to be kidding. Now we know who the enemy is.

Mar 22, 2024 9:46 PM

Between fighting the online censors and fighting to break through the wall of noise distracting the average smartphone zombie, it’s getting harder and harder for activists and infowarriors to reach people online with real news and information.

Absolute bullshit,there has never been a better time with so much information and entertainment, disinformation.

Thoses screaming being censored, is a Marketing ploy to get you to engaged more.

Work£ wonder$.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Mar 22, 2024 9:07 PM

Everytime theres a problem its just an opportunity, pushes qr codes, fs, thot ss was friday nite, chat g, deep state was fun

Mar 22, 2024 8:05 PM

The fabled free market is essentially competitive compulsion to control common wealth by exploiting others, ‘free’ to sell labor power for wage slavery and pay for the right to live in a dog-eat-dog social system leading to our common ruin. The revolution will not be marketed.

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 22, 2024 9:05 PM
Reply to  niko

It may not even happen, except on the internet.