Oppositional Defiance

Todd Hayen

Remember the bad kids in high school? The ones who didn’t make it onto the honour roll or the dean’s list? In my day they were the long-haired kids (the boys) who wore James Dean-style denim jackets and smoked in the bathrooms. I doubt if those kids in the ’70s even knew who James Dean was, but he wasn’t yet too old-fashioned.

Today a kid like that would be labelled having ODD—Oppositional Defiance Disorder—and would probably be put on some sort of medication to “calm him (or her) down.” I’m not sure if kids like that even exist today; they all have likely been hammered into a uniform puddle of compliance.

When I think of our current “movement”—those in opposition to the agenda—I often think of those kids. When I was in high school, I actually did not belong to that crowd, I was a quasi-goody two-shoes, not really belonging to any sort of social group. I wasn’t smart enough to be a nerd and wasn’t “oppositional” enough to be part of the bad boy group, although I did wear my hair long, did not wash it as often as I should have, and had lousy grades (I also could be found reading subversive library material such as the Communist Manifesto as I mentioned in an earlier article). I really didn’t like those outspoken “always angry” kids. They scared me, and in fact, I was often bullied by them—having my nerdy trumpet thrown into the bushes quite often while waiting for the bus, where I would have to crawl on my hands and knees to retrieve it. (Ok, ok, maybe I was a nerd!)

I was intrigued, however, by their oppositional freedom, and often did oppositional things myself, like my aforementioned literary interests (for which I got detention), as well as skipping school for a day to drive into Washington DC to hang out at the Mellon Art Gallery (yes, I really did that—and got detention for it as well). Maybe there was a little bit more direction in my oppositional ways.

Even though our current group may not have ever worn James Dean denim, or gotten kicked out of high school, I still think we were closer in spirit to those kids than we were to the prim and proper “Future Sheep of America” members.

I am making this comparison to kids’ social groups in high school because I think there are a lot of correlations. Can you imagine the “good kids” supporting a “bad kid” uprising? —the oppositional group demanding that the principal and vice principal, and most of the faculty, step down and allow chaos to reign? They would not support such a thing for a second. If they did, they would risk being seen by all their friends as members of the “bad group,” they would mess up their chances to go to college, and they may get detention for it—a horrible punishment handed down by the great authority of all authorities—the school principal.

The first thing you might think is, “Yeah, but those are immature kids, the principal and faculty are adults, they have to have authority over children they are trying to teach and shape into good citizens.” Yes, so true, but if so true, why are we, the masses, treated like children by the “authority” over us? First of all, the government is not authority, but they sure look like it, with their mandates, restrictions, and militaristic police force following these kings and queens around and arresting people who try to speak to them (the kings and queens). We are not children, but they sure treat us like we are. And quite honestly, we do (the sheep-types at least) identify with that projection quite readily.

So, what makes one of us—those in opposition to the agenda? If we don’t fit into the “bad kid” class, but also do not fit into the “nerd” class, or the socially elite class, where do we fit? Our group is possibly a mixture of a lot of groups, and at the same time, no group at all. Although many of these “bad kids” I am describing came from broken homes, were often bad students, and possibly seldom, if ever, read a book, they did have more of an independent nature. Think of the movie Rebel Without a Cause. That film (where my James Dean reference came from) is a classic. Those “bad kids” could not be described in any particular way, yet I bet if they were alive today, they would be included in our ranks. Think of S. E. Hinton’s The Outsiders—same deal regarding the greasers in that tale.

So, again, what is it? I think today’s adult “bad kid” has many similar attributes to the “bad kids” in these movies and from my past high school experience. Today we are indeed oppositional. I remember when the whole Covid “vaccine hesitancy” came about in 2021, there were calls to label the “anti-vaxxers” as oppositional defiant extremists of the community—fringe people. There was even talk that we were mentally ill and a danger to society at large. So “oppositional” seems to be an accurate label for us, but not in its typically negative connotation. I think the underground in France and Germany during the Nazi regime could be labelled “oppositional” as well as “defiant” but I think few people today, except maybe neo-Nazis, would consider these people as “bad.” What about the whole lot of those early American oppositional defiant ones who signed the Declaration of Independence in bold strokes?

I do find more old folks among us than young ones. That is probably attributable to our aged wisdom (seriously). Old people have seen a lot, and many of us remember a day before the brainwashing had seriously set in, as it is clear it has today. I also see that most of us I know are avid readers. I am very impressed with this observation, as I have found it very discouraging to discover that most of my clients in my psychotherapy practice do not read. Some of the older people do, but very few of the younger (20 to 35) do. I had one recent client, in his 40s, proudly announce he had never read a book in his life. He proclaimed this fact as if it were a badge of honour.

Please don’t lecture me about groups, labels, and this “divide and conquer” effort the agenda seems to be so set on. Unfortunately, we are indeed divided, but not so it is easier to hate one another, and not so we can establish boundaries between the “good guys” and the “bad guys.” If there is an enemy here among us, it isn’t the sheep, it is the agenda, and maybe the folks that make up the power structure pushing the agenda on the rest of us. Those of us below the line are brothers and sisters, sheep and shrew (follow this link to understand why I call our group “shrews.”

So, I do think the shrews, in general, are oppositionally defiant. The defiance part comes from most of our insistence we not comply with the mandates the agenda places upon us. We are willing to protest, to turn our their nose up to the establishment and say, “Hell no, I won’t go!” Even at great personal sacrifice. That said, I am not, however, one to believe that if you do not stand up fully to this tyranny at this stage in the game, that you are not on board. Most of us are a bit groggy when we first wake up after a long sleep. It takes a while to shake off the numbness and rub the sand from our eyes. If you are one such sleepy shrew, there is no better time than now to join the forces fully. Now is the time to stand up and claim profusely, and purposefully, “I am an oppositionally defiant shrew and proud of it!!”

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Categories: latest, opinion, Todd Hayen
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Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 27, 2024 1:00 PM

Thanks, Todd.
” … the underground in France and Germany during the Nazi regime  … “
Please do not forget the Italian Resistance movement, second to none in all of Europe.
Betrayed by the Anglo-Americans in November 1944 (The Alexander Proclamation) and repeatedly in the course of the past 70 or so years.

Mar 26, 2024 9:40 AM

Nice anecdotal story Todd! bad boy me first wagged school to hitch-hike to the next town to sell my wah-wah pedal to get money for weed! No one noticed my absence!

Mar 25, 2024 9:39 PM

It’s a question of personal morality, endeavouring to live by your own code of honour. Walk a mile in someone’s shoes before you start to turn their screws!

Mar 24, 2024 6:48 PM

The root of us shrews is anti-authoritarian and we retain the right of personal autonomy. The sheep, are obediants, children, that abandon their autonomy, to an “other”, an authority, a Parent. The third triangulating class and Humanity’s real problem is the “leader class” that sees themselves as qualified to assume authority, to decide for the all the “others”, to be the Parent of Humanity.

For me the root issue is human society adults or children? If children, society follows the leader class into their idiot, ideological proclivities that are now easily identified as profit-before-people ecocide. If we are an Adult society (what a question, huh?), we act as adult equals and jointly decide our collective futures to highest benefit and consent of all. The Child society, corralled by the Parent child “leaders”, thinking themselves “the only adult in the room”, has produced the current, readily-observable-each-day, a dystopia of abused children. Time to grow up and assume adulthood to collectively decide our future or perish under the tyranny of the child-leaders.

The child leader types try to make us believe we are just not competent enough to make decisions for ourselves and to prevent anarchy we must obey their radiating magnificence. I do not consent!

David McBain
David McBain
Mar 24, 2024 6:46 AM

Oppositionally defiant perhaps but the ones with the disorder are the ones that attack and slaughter innocent people.

Mar 24, 2024 11:18 AM
Reply to  David McBain

So… the resistance groups (OD) during the war were baddies!!!!!

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 24, 2024 4:11 AM

I was just listening to a current interview with Ed Dowd. If you don’t know who he is, you should. I see the global society as a long train. The engineers in the locomotive are intent on killing most of us, and completely enslaving the remainder. One cannot deeply research the scamdemic and the cancerous clotshot without reaching this conclusion. I see it as a train because they drag the rest of humanity behind them through deception and brute force coercion. If one wishes, for better or for worse, to keep his or her physical body intact and focused on this besotted dimension and planet, then oppositional defiance is the only rational decision. At this point it has little to nothing to do with any sort of cultural fads. It’s raw survival.

Pieter Gerlach
Pieter Gerlach
Mar 24, 2024 1:14 AM

Going way back in the alley I remember those days in the late 50’s, early 60’s when the “deviants” had D.A. (Duck’s Ass) haircuts, wore black leather jackets and engineer boots and were called hoods. They inspired fear or disgust in most students but I did my best to emulate them, at least in their mannerisms. One, named Pete Henesy took a particular liking to me and as he always had lots of money and regularly bought me lunch in the school cafeteria. It was given without obligation as I never felt at all beholden to him; just gratefull.

He regularly fell under the notice of teachers who took special delight in berating him when he would answer question with some arcane quote from literature or philosophy. I remember one incident were some sordid pedant said to him that some day when he called for a taxi he would find Pete in the driver’s seat. As I remember it had no effect on him and the implied insult rolled like water off a duck’s ass.

I have the feeling that Pete reached much greater heights than a taxi driver and high school teacher combined.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 23, 2024 10:10 PM

I tried to wrap my head around the message in the sentence:

“That said, I am not, however, one to believe that if you do not stand up fully to this tyranny at this stage in the game, that you are not on board.”

Mar 24, 2024 11:23 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I think “at this stage” is the operative word… those of us who have tried to illuminate the masses from Day 1 are tired of being vilified and many are now keeping their mouths closed

Mar 24, 2024 12:51 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Indeed. If you aren’t against it, you are part of the problem.

Mar 23, 2024 7:59 PM

as Robin Williams said about John Keating in Dead Poets society, “what attracted him to the role more than anything else was that he was the type of teacher he always wished he had. ”

for sure, being seated in a teacher train class of plodding monotony is masochism encouraging sadism, just as departing from it is more self-preservation than rebellion.

Big Al
Big Al
Mar 23, 2024 5:27 PM

Let your freak flags fly, man. The primary reason I grew my hair long was to show that defiance, to not conform. A small thing, but it pays off. I haven’t paid for a haircut in 15 years.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 25, 2024 5:56 AM
Reply to  Big Al

You have not contributed to our society and we will raise your taxes equally. You must pay.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 23, 2024 4:50 PM

Off topic:


A masterclass in belligerent bullshit bamboozlement. Whatever the Zionists are paying Murray, it ain’t enough!

Mar 23, 2024 4:43 PM

It isn’t just government and globalist agendas that need opposing – it is every agenda. Even the “good” ones.

Standing with or in any way alongside an agenda is NOT the same as taking a stand. Rather, it is absorbing someone else’s stand. Actually taking a stand means never having to say you didn’t even have to think about it. If you didn’t think about it, you didn’t stand up to it; you simply postured.

It’s pretty easy to tell the stand takers from the posturers. The posturers will not tolerate any deviation from the correct expressions of a given position. You are either with them or against them. Seeing both sides and, after proper evaluation, choosing which side has the better argument is blasphemy to the posturers. There ARE no two sides as far as posturers are concerned. End of story.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 23, 2024 4:00 PM

The “bad kids” of yesteryear are today’s normalized sociopaths and narcissists. The James Dean or Marlon Brando bad kid type was marketed not only to disaffected youth, but to youth as a whole, with the result that the type has been normalized for the mainstream. The “bad kid” type of today is not really a pro-social character, but rather, a vicious, nihilistic, selfish sociopath. The mainstream pseudo “bad kids” will settle for superficial trappings like tattoos or slang; the real bad kids — like Alec and his droogs –will smash your head into the concrete and laugh at you.

Mar 23, 2024 9:03 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

So, pray tell, what about all those “good kids” who follow all rules, no matter how arbitrary or flat out nonsensical many of those rules are? What about all those good, compliant, obedient kids who’ll force you to take a shot of something they know not one thing about, but tell you to do as you’re told simply because their rules say you must? As for the rebel brand being marketed to youth, you’re correct in that, but what is a real rebel today? Is the rebel today merely identified by how many tats they may sport, or is a true rebel something altogether different?

I’d be real careful using a sad old stereotype today about just who is good and who is a nihilistic, vicious sociopath if I were you. Those who rebelled as kids may just be the ones rebelling against the idiocy of the compliant rule followers we are surrounded by today. Rule followers who’d not only see many of those rebels interned somewhere, but rule followers who will lead us all into full blown totalitarianism. Oh yeah, we’re already there in so many ways, and just who helped us get here?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 24, 2024 12:15 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

So, pray tell, what about all those “good kids” who follow all rules, no matter how arbitrary or flat out nonsensical many of those rules are?

I’m not sure I’d call those kids “good;” rather, conformists, who desperately want to fit in, as kids do. Most of them want to be led, and they’ll want to be led when they’re adults too. Many of those “good kids” are playing along with the “bad kid” rebel role. Right now, most of them are going along with the marketing, and the marketing is designed to make them anti-social in varying ways, pathologically conformist in others.

what is a real rebel today?

Good question. I don’t believe that it’s normal for a society to indoctrinate its youth with a sense of rebellion; in fact, that’s perverse, but, that’s what we do, with parents willingly going along with it, trying to show their kids how “cool” they are. Image prevails. “Good kids” and “bad kids” alike play the role of the rebel, just as society and the corporate overlords intend.

When I was younger, I danced around the periphery of the punk “scene,” but never really embraced it. I admired the question everything and DYI aspects of it, and the superficial non-conformity, and of course, the raw energy of the music, but it was clear to me early on that it was just another form of conformity. It’s been disappointing, but not really surprising to see just how many of those punkers (and rockers in general) have turned out to be lame, conformist, status quo pushing, virtue signalling…I still enjoy the music, but moral paragons of virtue they ain’t, and punk has long since been commodified just as the hippies were before them, and to an extreme degree, hip-hop culture is now.

Mar 24, 2024 3:14 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Even worse was what happened to the (quite often genuine) rebels of the 60’s – more or less my generation (I graduated High School in 1962, so I actually pre-date the “hippies”) – once the mainstream gave them corporate titles and their very own parking spaces.

The one certainty in this entire gestalt of rebellion is that one would never know who is actually a rebel and who is only role-playing (“cosplay”). I never donned the “rebel” attire; I didn’t even attend Woodstock (I couldn’t leave Maryland: I was under indictment for refusing to be drafted). But I took the “rebel” message of the 60’s to heart and, at 80, still believe in it.

Jonathan K X
Jonathan K X
Mar 23, 2024 2:52 PM

I’m in complete agreement with the general sentiment here, but I feel compelled to point out that “oppositionally defiant shrew” is way too verbose to ever catch on as a widely used label to describe those who dare to rebel against the ubiquitous groupthink.

Mar 24, 2024 11:27 AM
Reply to  Jonathan K X

“Shrew” is a reference to Todd’s excellent Substack articles

Mar 23, 2024 1:46 PM

Thanks Dr Todd for recognising those of us banished to stare at the classroom corners.. for ‘being smart’! (Daring to question ‘authority’)
I wrote this poem in 2016, reflecting back on my skool daze ~little did I know then, that this ‘rebel’ would soon meet the Covid 1984 cause, which was consequently easy for me to say Hell No! to; after my being outcast from ‘the collective’ at a young age:

O.G.G. (O.D.D. hons)

Deficit trillions
Attentions disordered
Details in devils
All marching to orders
Drug by the masses
To stay in safe borders
Followers leading
Obedience common
Lowest relations
Formed in a column
Checks out of balance
Spend class in the corner
Regressive teaching
Doctored beyond borders
Natural reaction
Psychosis with honours

‘It is no manner of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society’ ~ J. Krishnamurti

Mar 23, 2024 10:39 PM

Krishnamurti woke me from my Christian slumber more than forty years ago.

Then l picked up a book called ‘Demanding the Impossible’ by Peter Marshall. It consists of short bios of some of the great anarchists: Kropotkin, Bakunin, Bookchin, Goodman etc.
l have never looked back.

Once ‘awake’ it’s almost impossible to go back to ‘sleep’.

Mar 24, 2024 11:20 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Yes Johnny, his book ‘Freedom From The Known’ and his lectures were a true liberation for me.
My studies of Bruce Lee actually led me to Krishnamurti, after learning of his influence on Bruce’s personal philosophy.
I think a big factor in why we are at where we are at currently (this in-between place) , is that in order for us to evolve smoothly out of the current ‘death cult’ society (literally in its death throes), we must let go of ‘the known’ and embrace ‘the unknown’. Seemingly most are not willing to do this, as they have been led to believe that ‘the known’ is the ‘safe place’ (even though it is actually stealing their vital essence and murdering them), and have been successfully conditioned to acquiesce against their commonsense, by the ‘authority’s’ mass fear propaganda and well established social conditioning.
Ironically, ‘the unknown’ is inevitable. Might as well embrace it, I feel, as if we continue to do what we’ve always done (play the game within the ‘authority’s parameters) we’ll continue to get what we’ve always got; enslavement, which is now manifesting as Total enslavement, and fuck that for a way to live.

Mar 25, 2024 11:02 AM

Thank you for your reply.
Krishnamurti was flawed, but aren’t we all?


Alpine Observer
Alpine Observer
Mar 23, 2024 1:29 PM

We seem to forget that most working people are mortgaged up to the eyeballs, perhaps maxed out on credit cards, they simply cannot afford to risk getting arrested in a protest, losing their jobs, because then they risk losing everything.

It’s very easy for us who have less, or nothing, to lose to then moan that other people are resisting enough.

I don’t know what the answer is, but I can’t see any kind revolution against the system for the foreseeable future. This is entirely by the design of the ‘Elites’, they’ve got us by the balls.


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 23, 2024 2:44 PM

Right, but people in general have an adult obligation to know themselves and their society.
This is my claim and blame against them.
If they on top refuse to know and even are proud of it, they become very dangerous to society and us.
If only they could say in private fora, “I know what is right and wrong and what happen,…..but my obligations and circumstances force me to join and jump. Then all could be forgiven.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Mar 23, 2024 5:00 PM

You don’t have to be arrested to have your livelihood threatened. Blacklists have been around for ever and they’re really effective because they’re intangible — you can’t fight what you can’t see. They can be nothing more organized than word getting around among HR or they can be more organized like the building trades “Consultative Association” in the UK.

The only hope — and its a slender one — is that once people get a taste of this kind of power they tend to overdo it. The biggie here is the House Un-American Activities Committee of the McCarthy era. It got too big, too bold and so crashed. Unfortunately not before ruining a whole bunch of people and intimidating a whole lot more (and so achi9eving its aims). (The Committee still exists, BTW.) (The key to dealing with this sort of thing is a vibrant, free, media — oh dear, I think that’s been dealt with except for the rumor mills online and it looks as these are well and truly in the crosshairs….)

Mar 24, 2024 7:46 AM

One of the answers is to educate yourself and others on the web of lies surrounding all that debt that has supposedly accrued to us, learn about your strawman and most importantly learn about Law as opposed to legal.
A lot of those kids who were oppositional were so because they did not give a damn about the social mores and rules, for whatever reason. You too will feel the same when you unravel the centuries of lies and deceit we have all been living under, doing our best to be ‘good’. There are no ‘elites’ I do wish people would stop using that term, words are powerful. There is only corruption and a predatory class that has been living high off the backs of debt slaves, brainwashed and beaten into submission.

Mar 23, 2024 1:07 PM

Humans have been domesticated, following authority through the centuries. The leadership in politics and business is always mostly sociopathic/narcissistic. (The real “bad boys” who pretend to be nerds, like Fauci etc)
COVID changed that. It was the first war against US.
Even if the dummies are still not admitting that they were bamboozled, they’re avoiding quackzines and other big pharma scams promoted by the system.
Something un-domesticated their subconscious.
They expected people to continue to take shots and fall in line, number 10 in the US, but they aren’t…
Even if they don’t read much or whatever, they’re instinctively avoiding the bullshit.
Same with climate change…
As much as people say they wanna save the planet 😂 they’re going to end up pushing back when the demands are put on them… It’s already started where they tried to push 15 minute cities…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 25, 2024 6:09 AM
Reply to  Rob

I wanna save the American people and our Constitution, PLUS the planet.

Mar 23, 2024 12:12 PM

It’s the girls. You are/were defined by the girls.

Natalie Wood looked pretty good at 17.

Wood defined Dean.

The simplistic base conflict of a father who is afraid to hug his beautiful daughter and another father who is brow beaten by a dreadful wife.

Then there is Mineo’s character. Abandoned to the care of a housekeeper/nanny.

Message in the movie: Mindless fathers are the root cause of all tragedies.

Best line: Don’t call me chicken. (Not referring to Michael J. Fox.)

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 23, 2024 4:26 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

You beat me to it. Surprised that you’re down-voted, because it’s so obvious, and because the same element of fatherlessness and weak men is so prevalent today, and damaging to both boys and girls, and ultimately, to society as a whole.


Here’s another.

Mar 23, 2024 6:09 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Yeah well…..

‘Too fast to live, too young to die.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 23, 2024 8:20 PM
Reply to  ariel

Haven’t heard that one for close to 50 years.

Mar 24, 2024 11:25 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Well we weren’t too young to die, were we.
Roger Daltrey didn’t die before he got old, either, nor Pete Townsend.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 25, 2024 6:16 AM
Reply to  ariel

Keith Richard 1943 is till here, on coke drinking a bottle of whiskey per day.
We have still many many unvaccinated years left ariel!

River Willow
River Willow
Mar 23, 2024 11:27 AM

The truth is many of those bad kids ended up in comfortable government jobs.

Mar 24, 2024 1:56 PM
Reply to  River Willow

I labelled them as the, “otherwise unemployable”. A place to get experience while producing nothing. Mostly the offspring of politicians. A progression of starting with the township then the county and from there the state or the city. And if you were educated, the Federal government. Each “progressive” move yielded an increase in pay. The Peter Principle of governmental hierarchy.

Mar 23, 2024 11:23 AM

Tom Luongo of Gold, Goats, n Guns describes ‘the sheep’ as comfortable wolves, stating that whilst satiated and comfortable, people behave like sheep but once enough comfort and food is removed people become wolves and fight for what they need. I tend to agree with him. Once Control crosses a certain threshold and the comfortable wolves realise it, violent chaos will be unleashed

Mar 23, 2024 11:39 AM
Reply to  Mark

The ones I know are more like golden retrievers than wolves: purposefully in-bred over countless generations to be possessed, body and soul, by a life-ruining monomania. For golden retrievers, that monomania is fetching; all they want to do, from cradle to grave, is please their master by fetching an object that drops from the sky. The dog has no psychological theory of his own mania. He doesn’t know that the breeding program intended for him to be a capable assistant duck hunter — he only knows that he he feels good when he successfully retrieves the hot-pink rubber fling-toy, and he feels awful when he can’t find it.

Civilization bred humans to listen, above all other voices, to the voice of the collective as represented by the central authority figure. And breeding works; if it didn’t, golden retrievers would act like wolves and not like humiliated slaves. The problem with “shrews” is that the propaganda was never meant to work on us. We’re the random mutations — the wolves born in the shapes retrievers, who get no thrill from fetching and must be excluded from the mating pool lest the breed drift from its purpose.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 25, 2024 8:31 AM
Reply to  Bloobock

I thought we were humans. Specials. Divine. With intelligent ability to learn, and to repent, and fulfill a divine purpose here.
But according to your disappointing conclusions we are nothing more than breed retrievers with an minority anomaly called shrews.

I see another grouping, two types of humans:
One coming from an ape through mutations who are always looking down, the other coming from our Creator who are always looking up.
13 “.. for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and  narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

Retrievers comment image
Shrewscomment image

Mar 24, 2024 5:20 PM
Reply to  Mark

They know this. That’s why I have never believed they will allow things to descend to that point. So no famines, power outages etc beyond a few days. It would not serve them. They need to manage the disorder to achieve their outcomes.
Actually I think their aim is to engineer a situation where we welcome in the new order, or do not even notice it. In both cases, disruption is minimal or non existent.

Mar 23, 2024 10:49 AM

It might sound strange, but it was a spiritual teacher, Jiddu Krishnamurti, who first turned me into a ‘rebel’.
Krishnamurti’s talks on religion and the search for Truth woke me from a Christian slumber almost fifty years ago.

Then, in my late twenties, I read a book called ‘Demanding the Impossible’ by Peter Marshall, an English academic. It opened my eyes to the logic and natural justice of anarchism, and introduced me to many of the great anarchists. Rebels all.

Once you’ve been shaken ‘awake’ it’s almost impossible to go back to ‘sleep’ again.

Mar 24, 2024 3:53 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Good ol’ Krishnamurti was brought to the West, by the Kakistocracy, to do the exact opposite of what you intimate above, i.e., via his rhetoric and reasoning his followers would be less able to discern and dissect the malevolent machinations deployed by the Kak in the years to come. Hence, Krishnamurti – who eventually severed ties with the Theosophical circles that were responsible for his ascension in the West – and his concomitant works were an integral part of the whole New Age movement; and its subsequent deleterious affects that are still felt to this day. That is all! RGB-Y4 out!!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 25, 2024 8:41 AM

I couldnt read more than 2 pages of krisnamutti, enough. Maybe I missed some details later on. Some text attracts you, some text disgust you..

Mar 23, 2024 9:20 AM

Luciferians fetish-ise rebellion for its own sake and the elite have weaponised it both as a battering ram in a dissolve/recoagulate process and as a trap into which to lure the unwary to self-destruct. Like any good deception, it has some truth – some rebellion is essential but rebelling against the right things for the right reasons is even more crucial. Rebelling against God (or, if one prefers, nature) leads into the transhumanist, technocratic nightmare.

REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE is not an admirable film. Look up the behaviour of the director Nicholas Ray (not his real name) with his young cast. The point of the film is that the state can raise children much better than their parents. The social worker (a proxy for Ray himself) “gets” the kids unlike their parents who are invariably hopeless if they exist at all. No wonder one character is called Plato because this goes back to ‘The Republic’. One of the kids is played by the CIA’s very own Dennis Hopper. It wasn’t only James Dean who died in suspicious circumstances but Natalie Wood’s death is hugely dubious. There are also long-standing rumours of sexual assault against her by a major Hollywood figure with Kirk Douglas chief suspect.

As for the Mellons, this is one of the central ‘robber baron’ families. Andrew Mellon is even worse than Rockefeller or Carnegie – at least they produced something whereas he was the banking arm of the ‘Gilded Era’. He was Secretary of the Treasury 1920-32 and more powerful than any of the Presidents in those years. The Mellon HItchcocks were all over the early OSS. Any “art” they promoted would be likely to be at best an investment and at worst social engineering

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 23, 2024 2:21 PM
Reply to  Edwige

RWAC was definitely a case of “You had to be there”. Since I wasn’t, it seemed ridiculous to me. As I recall, it opened with Jimmy Dean rolling around a road in a fetal posture and it goes downhill from there. Why are all these affluent brats so “troubled”? Turns out it’s because JD’s daddy wears a pinnie and Nat Wood’s daddy can’t bring himself to say he loves her. I also note that, unlike Jimmy and Nat, Sal Mineo at least had the decency to be an actual teenager at the time.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 23, 2024 3:47 PM
Reply to  George Mc

My bad. Wood was indeed 17 at the time. Dean was 24. Everyone looked more mature at an earlier age back then. But then maturity was respected. Nowadays, the aim is to look and behave like a kid (even a toddler) much longer – perhaps even for the whole of your life.

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 23, 2024 3:56 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I never understood the point of that, or letting the kids run the candy store either, just seemed like there wasnt much at the end of that tunnel.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 23, 2024 4:47 PM

The kids don’t run the candy store. The candy store is run by puppeteers who find infantile minds easier to control – hence the construction of the candy store in the first place.

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 23, 2024 8:29 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Candy store been around since like the 1500’s, its the denial of the consequences of letting the linear kids run the store while the adults make war in the room.

Mar 23, 2024 4:46 PM
Reply to  Edwige

No one calls it the “Mellon Gallery of Art,” at least not since the 1940s. It’s the National Gallery of Art, hiding it’s oligarchic roots.

Mar 23, 2024 9:10 AM

… every generation has its James Dean and rebellious type. But rebellious is just a brand. It took me some time to find out, but let’s face it.

I remember the cool kids who knew the right music, film, etc in my days and behaved like the music, film, etc. For instance the cool kids from my generation loved Radiohead and were talking about the lyrics and the meaning and all. ‘fitter happier’ is a good example that ends with

Fitter, healthier and more productive
A pig
In a cage
On antibiotics’

Oh, cool kids were not like that! Never were, never would be. It were always the uncool kids who behaved as mindless tools, not the cool kids!

And then 2020 came along, and all my former cool friends ended up standing in line waiting to get the wonder potion

So much for cool kids.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 23, 2024 9:22 AM
Reply to  Willem

Yup got it in one. Its the Edward Bernays trick: figure out what the masses want and then dress whatever shit you are selling in that flavour. They want rebellion? Then sell them “rebellion”!

Mar 23, 2024 8:32 PM
Reply to  Willem

Yeah, ‘Billy Idol’ is a classic case. They end up living in Beverly Hills, and riding around on Harleys and in stretch limos with tinted windows Well some of them, anyway.
‘Cool,’ i.e. ‘brand Cool’ is an ACT. And script-updated for each generation. Taylor Swift?.

Mar 23, 2024 8:46 PM
Reply to  ariel

By the time you have figured out whom you should rebel against, these days it may be a little too late.
I mean, Emanuel Rothschild Macron was advertised as an ‘outsider.’ They elected him, and look what happened.
Now he wants to start WW3 all by himself.
Time after time the people vote for geeks who figuratively bite off the people as chicken chickens heads.
Now over here we have a ‘what?’, a ‘farce of no choice’ between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer. WEF, Trilateral Commission. All in line with the WHO and WEF/pro-Israel/masonic madness.
Not too much different to across the pond.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 24, 2024 2:12 PM
Reply to  ariel

Mar 24, 2024 4:47 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Sic transit omnia gloria mundi.
Or as we used to say when the van wouldn’t start: ‘Sick Transit

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 23, 2024 8:52 AM

More gaslighting from Off-Guardian. Yes, I have every right to call out the ruling class’s divide-and-rule strategies because those strategies are being used against us right now to great effect. Both the genocidal ruling class and human beings are the problem.. perhaps both are a manifestation of each other? If the propensity to other and scapegoat wasn’t so deeply embedded within human DNA the ruling class wouldn’t be able to push the button again and again and again and again.

Unfortunately – most people possess the flaw. I recall the horror online when unvaccinated people were accused of being mentally ill and a danger to the public, and now those very same victims of ruling class dehumanisation are labelling trans people ‘mentality ill and a danger to society’.

Word for word the lizard brain bleat is identical and this is why the ruling class will win in the end. Our worst nightmares will become a reality because we are the problem. Look in the mirror and see the sweep of mirrors replicated into infinity. What a terrible joke.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 23, 2024 5:04 PM

Misanthrope – that is a characteristic you share with the ruling class.

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 23, 2024 5:27 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

It’s a short walk from – ‘Vaccine refuseniks are a threat to society’, to.. ‘Trans people are a threat to society’, to.. ‘[insert demographic] are a threat to society’, to.. ‘Immigrants are a threat to society’, to.. ‘Conspiracy theorists threaten the very fabric of our society’, to.. ‘Re-education camps are good for society’.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 23, 2024 6:49 PM

RE: “… because we are the problem…”

Hey, I didn’t write this, you did. This is a case blaming the victim rather than the predators.

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 23, 2024 9:41 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

People who dehumanise others will eventually end up being dehumanised themselves. Ruling class divide-and-rule strategies wouldn’t work if people weren’t selfish, ignorant bigots to begin with. Best summed up in Martin Niemöller’s poem ‘They came first for the…’. The cycle must be broken.

Mar 24, 2024 11:13 AM

I couldn’t agree more.

Big Al
Big Al
Mar 23, 2024 5:23 PM

I think you mean “mentally” ill. But actually, it IS the mentality that is the danger to societies, not necessarily the trans people themselves.

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 23, 2024 10:38 PM
Reply to  Big Al

The same dehumanising rhetoric that was directed at the unvaccinated and people who didn’t wear face masks – ‘They’re not bad people, it’s just their selfish mentality is a threat to society’, ad nauseam, see Noam Chomsky. Funny how some hippies turn into fascists.

Big Al
Big Al
Mar 24, 2024 3:19 AM

Hey man, are you trans, is that it? Whatever floats your boat, but you aren’t going to guilt me into accepting that crap. Shove it.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 25, 2024 9:42 AM

Seeing this discussion I recall Manning.
IEWC is right, we should not discriminate anybody. Even the weirds can be real heroes.comment image

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 23, 2024 10:30 PM

Actually, believing yourself to be a woman, when really a man or believing yourself to be a cat when really a human is a mentally deranged obscession.

The refusal to have unknown substances manufactured by proven fraudulent and/or eugenic corporations injected into your body is a sign of rational discernment and a healthy dose of skepticism, and does not warrant being termed mentally ill.

Mar 24, 2024 11:14 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 23, 2024 8:15 AM

But I think the moment the parasite class realised that the image of the rebel was popular, they have tried to “cash in” on that dissident glamour and have attempted to spin conformity as rebellion. Even with the covid vaccines, the story pumped out is that the ones refusing were Right Wing reactionary conservatives, whilst the jabbed were groovy Lefties. This followed on from the even more ludicrous notion that the government was itself somehow “rebellious” or had caved in to a vaccine pushing prole mass!

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 23, 2024 8:20 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And don’t forget the ultimate in “rebel glamour” secretly serving the vested interests: those self-consciously outrageous transgender clowns.

Mar 23, 2024 11:21 AM
Reply to  George Mc

As opposed to the very non-self-conscious, right in your face, heterosexual clowns.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 23, 2024 1:53 PM
Reply to  judith

I’m afraid the mysterious trans squad no longer admit gays:


George Mc
George Mc
Mar 23, 2024 2:09 PM
Reply to  George Mc
Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 23, 2024 2:53 PM
Reply to  George Mc

They are making norm into queer. Very very sneaky.

Mar 24, 2024 6:14 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The trans and their supporters who use the term TERF promote abuse and violence. They are not clowning around.

Mar 24, 2024 11:18 AM
Reply to  mgeo

I haven’t seen too many trannies throughout history promoting abuse and violence.
Hmmm. Let’s just take all the wars I’ve lived through since 1954.
Haven’t seen a tranny at the helm.
Operation Phoenix, 1960s assassinations, Iran Contra, Cambodia/Laos, Reign of Stalin, Lenin, Communist China, The Japanese atrocities, My Lai, 9/11, AZT, Covid.
I know I’m skipping A LOT, but, you get it.
Anyway, I’ll keep looking…..

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 25, 2024 10:16 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Every single person on this planet is unique. We are individuals….all.

Any attempt to one size fits all is racism. Israelis are different, Doos are different, Germans are different, you get it.
You can say “this particular trans organisation” promotes……………

Therefore it is easy to see the democrats or the liberals are the real racists, because they are the only ideology who promote special rights for different groups.
The Republican ideology roots are “all men are born equal”, and not all Republicans follow this ideology to the door.

The only fight, the social fight, crosses all races and nationalities.