This Week in the New Normal #86

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Neuralink “Telepathy”
Elon Musk’s Neuralink AI company released a video this week of their first patient playing chess on a computer using an implant in his brain.
Livestreaming on X, quadriplegic Noland Arbaugh compared his new ability to move a mouse cursor by “imagining it moving” as “like using the force”.
Livestream of @Neuralink demonstrating “Telepathy” – controlling a computer and playing video games just by thinking
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 20, 2024
But the question of functionality was never the concern with such technology, doubtless it has applications for amputees or paraplegics. The question is what other applications do brain implants have, and are we ready for them?
For example, what implications does a neural implant connected to the outside world have for privacy? Could implants be used to block or limit certain behaviours? Are they vulnerable to “hacking” or could they be given kill switches like modern cars?
What does all of that mean for being human?
For much of the past century, our technology has expanded faster than our ability to understand it – reach exceeding grasp – and this is yet another example. We live in interesting times.
2. Kate Has Cancer?
Kate Middleton emerged from months of hiding this week to announce she has cancer, putting an end to increasingly complex speculation about her whereabouts…briefly.
In the short video, the Duchess claims to have been diagnosed with cancer and started chemotherapy. If true, that would make her the third member of the royal family to get cancer this year.
The video hasn’t silenced all the speculation about her well-being or whereabouts either, as it does very little to explain the total silence, doctored photos or other weirdnesses. Some doubters have even suggested the video might be a deep fake.
What’s the point of this story? Why are the royals getting sick and dropping dead? Is it about phasing them out, or something else?
Since Kate is only a relatively minor part of a centuries-old blood-sucking machine, does it matter at all? Is this story in the slightest bit important? Does it signify reality or is it just manufactured drama? Would they be acting so strangely if something really odd was happening? Or are they acting strangely to create the impression something odd is happening?
Who can tell?
Certainly, it’s getting more media attention than the roll-out of digital currency.
3. British Free Speech is Dead
Last weekend, Manchester United beat Liverpool in the quarter-final of the FA Cup. As you’d expect in a tense knock-out game between two storied rivals, the fans got over-excited.
One man – Michael Bernard Avery – was caught on video making gestures that seemed to be making fun of the Hillsborough disaster.
He has now been arrested and charged with a “public order violation”, for which he faces up to six months in prison and/or a weighty fine.
A handful of other fans are under investigation for what they call “tragedy chanting”, chanting slogans during the match calling Liverpool fans “murderers” and claiming they are “always the victim”.
All of this is distasteful and offensive, but should it really be illegal?
Isn’t the whole point of free speech that it protects our right to be callous, offensive, rude and ignorant?
After all, if being rude is a crime we are at the mercies of those who decide what “rude” means.
It’s not all bad…
I haven’t listened to or shared any Neil Oliver monologues in a while, but this one is one of his best on the toll our society is taking on our children, and costs of lockdown four years on.
Professor and author David Miller won his employment tribunal hearing against Bristol University this week, you can read about it in detail here.
Actor Gary Oldman turned 66 this week, and to celebrate this here’s a quote of his I saw yesterday:

Also, the eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that following our announcement of a “big update” to the site…everything looks the same. Working out the final touches has taken longer than we thought, but it’s coming. It happens when it happens.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention ISIS’s sudden turn on Russia or the ever-growing list of potential “cancer vaccines”.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Scott Ritter and George Galloway, names long written in the Book of the Righteous, discuss the Anglo Zionazi War of Terror against Russia and Palestine.
Bad Publicity for Abrams Tank
Bad publicity for Biden’s electoral judgment. The senile Democrat regime should have kept Abrams and Patriot Wunderwaffenen at home for sale on hyped-up specifications; or used them only against tiny, undeveloped countries like Serbia, Libya and Iraq instead, the senile Democrat leadership exposed their Wunder Waffenen to humiliating combat with a peer opponent. .
For the first time in history the Bird Flue has been found in whales in sub-Antarctica.
As this together with Clima Change can jeopardize the whole fauna and life around Antarctica and next the entire planet, WHO has suggested an emergency situation and a quick development of a new nanobot Mrna vaccine to the poor around Antarctica.
Thousands of B52 bombers will throw vaccines down in the deep blue sea for natural vaccination spread to avoid a global human catastrophe and disaster.
GOV.UK: Bird flu found in mammals in the sub-Antarctic for the first time
“How Spotify won
Taylor Swift, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell and Thom Yorke have all boycotted the streaming giant. Eventually, all of them gave up.”
Neil Young and Joni Mitchell – who both suffered from polio as children! (repeat ad nauseum!) – stood up against Evil Spotify with its “vaccine misinformation” and “baseless conspiracy theories about the Covid-19 vaccine”.
“Irresponsible people are spreading lies that are costing people their lives. I stand in solidarity with Neil Young and the global scientific and medical communities on this issue,” said Mitchell.
Quite right, Joni, you stand up for those “global scientific and medical communities” as ordained by our marvellous free press!
But these two ever so soulfully concerned titans of modern culture have alas caved in since “music services Apple and Amazon have started serving the same disinformation podcast features I had opposed at Spotify”. Thus mourns Neil!
And Neil chickened out of “taking the logical next step: to remove his music from Spotify, Apple and Amazon altogether, in a bid to demonstrate to his vast fanbase how the streaming giants are wrecking the industry – on numerous levels”. Yes, a little merited cold feet there. Neil felt that perhaps there was a chance that his mighty oeuvre might not be missed as much as he would dearly have liked!
Not exactly Eddy Vedder, is he.
Philosopher Paul Virilio, has written quite a bit about ACCIDENT in contemporary civ. Technological economy creates things which they know are accidents waiting to happen. Like bigger airplanes make bigger disasters. As the 1% get evermore paranoic about losing out, their deployments get evermore remorselessly careless. Collateral damage as a proportion of risk assumed, multiplies through short-cutting (like Boeing’s been doing for decades) and relentlessly downsizing to increase profit while disenfranchising Commoners. [For instance: hospital beds per capita in US 1980 averaged 4.5/1,000. By 2013 west coast hospitals had HMO downsized to 1.7 beds per 1,000, creating the “capacity crises” of the LOCKDOWN period. Just recently, Eugene Oregon closed it’s only emergency hospital, downsizing Lane County to a 1 bed per 1,000 all time US low.]
Designing and operating a 21st Century TITANIC, an ACCIDENT waiting to happen, is what Humanity is living through. We Commoners have felt it for decades, but the physical evidence of incalculable carelessness should be a topic of discussion, with a Commoner’s solution: we decide.
Expanding scale for market dominance and more profit in a natural development in capitalism. It also keeps the little people aware of their proper place, whether as employees or customers.
There is nothing natural when wealth and authority accumulated through profitable trade pays for rigging conditions in favor of the accumulator to unnaturally accumulate more than is required for successful living. Unsubsidized, un-loopholed, un-monopolized trade is fine and has natural limits. Capitalism is a conflict (war) method of conquer by eliminating natural limits and natural competition into various forms of monopoly to artificially create scarcity and price acquisition solely to the conquerors. In the US capitalism and profit is religion and god, forced on society at the barrel of a gun.
Fully agree, except that the mention of US is superfluous here. Most people on the planet are victims.
The destruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Balitmore is a major blow to the US economy. Interesting that the captain of the ship is from Ukraine.
Payback for the Moscow theatre massacre organised by the usual western suspects?
NATO (ie US) has been trying, unsuccessfully, to destroy the Kerch Strait bridge in Crimea for over two years, Perhaps the US should have left the Crimean bridge and the nordstream alone.
Hoax calls to the Baltimore Coast Guard in the weeks before , which they themsekves stated would distract them from a real emergency,suggest the collision was deliberate. ….. But according to the Swiss Policy Research site analysis if the videos of the Crocus Concert Hall “attack”suggests that it may well have been a staged event … ….
The Swiss Policy Research website is, I believe, an intelligence service operation and not to be trusted.
Scott Creighton with some very convincing analysis.
“America Confessed to Crocus Terrorist Attack by Claiming it was ISIS-K”
I see systemic failures everyday in the news, in every sector. Cost cutting can only be profitable as long as the products and services remain reliable and sell-able. There is virtually nothing now reliable or of value that the ruling class produces, from their gov’t or their businesses. They are relying on magical thinking tech of all kinds rolled out in the 21st C. It’s all aimed at centralized, remote control systems. Every tech acronym in 2024 hides massive catastrophic failure, the cracks of which we see everywhere now. The Wars, AI, 5G, GE, G-vax, robot labor, drones and such is literally the sign and deliverance of their incompetent greed plandemic farce.
This’ll make them love A.I…. better beer!
Ask Science to stay away from beer. Especially AI.
Bye bye Odessa! Going back to Mama.
Nova Hazaria! Ave atque Vale.
LowKey, interviewed by Danny Haiphong, names some tentacles of the Billionaire Zionazi Capitalist Hydra: the ones that control EU$A diplomatic and military policy.
As NATZO, defeated in Ukraine, resorts to afeeble terrorist atroctity in Moscow, Russia strikes Franco-Polish NATZO forward base near Lwov in Polish Galizia. First sign that Putin’s little Special Military Operation in Ukraine is done. And so is Ukraine.
“I have not yet begun to fight” — Captain John Paul Jones Putin
The Great Terrorist Empire has only one option left: terrorism.
Last week Cia shil Carlson and this week another shill actor Neil Oliver.
haven’t you people not learnt yet??? about actors talking fake surface scratching manufactured scripted conspiratorial;…………………
He is a actor on a shill network run by billionaires shilling conservatives talking points shill be news (GBnews).
For the ones who dont no. Working on show, you get a runner or helper or 2. they will scan the internet (was newspapers back then and then message forum boards maybe even weird local rumors old wifes tales).
Your show would be screened and editted formatted by the boss, next level up will be a inhouse solicitor on retainer to make sure it is allowed.
Neil Oliver monologues is about as real as Rishi sunak being asked a vaccine question about as real as Trump and tr@nnie candyace owen being cutting edge.
What its aim is, is to keep you away from real conspiratorial journalists.
This horse shit is bigbrother meets joey essex surface level discovery channel conspiratorial with a Jesus looking beard.
Its fucking dreadful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Troll/bot shill drivel. tells about Stephen Spielberg’s speech re: Israel/Gaza at a USC Shoah Foundation Ceremony. Yes, the occasion sets up the expectations. The article fawns over the wonderful eloquence and “perfection” of Stephen’s speech, delivers a brief “balancing act” on how there are atrocities on both sides ….. and then spends so much time causing a stink with the unbelievable EVIL of Oct 7, that it has no time for any of that paltry stuff on the Gazan side. It then gives SS’s speech in the largest possible font!
Rightly so …
Trollop waiting for clients.
Just got to chop off limbs and sever spines and we’re in business!
Most people do not know how Musk’s neuralink works, they think it reads thoughts directly. Machines cannot perceive thoughts due to thoughts existing as a non-3 dimensional substance, i.e., thoughts are immaterial, made from a subquantum dimensional substance. The neuralink works by a very complex method of first recording your brain waves in a machine while you focus on specific thoughts. Then later that recording of your brain waves are used to determine what thought you are making so you can type on a computer while you are connected to the machine and concentrating on the specific thought that the machine recorded earlier. It doesn’t always work but when it works it enables people with disabilities to use their mind to control a computer.
James Lindsay has become a widely renowned speaker on the “dangers of identity politics” while theorizing its origin and purpose as Marxism. Which btw is not unique to him. But he also claims that Marxism and “wokeness” has its origin in “The Gnostic Heresy.” See a criticism of that weird ideology at Gnostic Gnonsense
Sounds like it’s all nonsense to me.
Last post on old style Off G, maybe..
Sorry, couldn’t see the whole record, Uncle Jim, no relation to Dale Gribble.
“Isn’t the whole point of free speech that it protects our right to be callous, offensive, rude and ignorant?”
No, free speech is only free speech to tell the truth. Calling somebody a murderer when they are not, is not a right.
But we have civil law for that … and also for shouting ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theater.
And just who is the arbiter of truth ?
“Truth is like Love. When it hits you, you know it.” — Albert Einstein.
Libelous statements is acts for our Courts of Justice. Per legal definition free speech is only for the truth.
But Western double and triple speak and low moral values makes it difficult.
I can’t understand why you bring up the cancer diagnosis of Kate Middleton here at all. Leave the woman alone, for heaven’s sake! Sure the mainstream and social media have been dwelling on her for weeks, and sure it is intended as a distraction from “real” issues (ie issues relevant to the rest of us). Duh! But I expect having cancer is “real” enough to her! And, for heaven’s sake, I don’t come to O-G to read more about her!
Cognitive dissonance springs to mind
I love to hear everything about Kate. Everything! Excuse me 😍 .
there is a possibility this whole affair could be used to extend and enhance more censorship going forward, worth keeping an eye out to see if there are any proposals for digital ID or say banning more ideas and content the state deems. The coverage has pivoted to shaming anyone who questions the narrative over this royal affair. Also worth keeping an eye on the pushing through amendments to the “investigatory powers act” ie. (snoopers charter)
It’s pretty hard to prove that it was actually the quadriplegic’s brain moving the mouse cursor, isn’t it?
It was pretty hard to believe in Ste Hawking.
We can save ourselves a lot of brain energy attempting to fathom what Neurolink et al might lead to by simply saying “Get Science Out of My Body – Period!”
Everything touted as life saving has its dark side – as they say “The procedure was a success; but the patient died.”
On 22 March 2024, at around 20:00 MSK (UTC+3), a coordinated terrorist attack occurred at the Crocus City Hall music venue in Krasnogorsk, Russia
Norway attack – 22.7.11
Woolwich attack (Lee Rigby) – 22.5.13
Brussels attack – 22.3.16
Munich attack 22.7.16
Westminster Bridge, London attack 22.3.17
Manchester attack 22.5.17
There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet and 22 paths of the Kaballah
The proposed Holocaust Temple due to be built next to the Houses of Parliament will be based upon the number 22: “The design includes 23 bronze fins creating 22 “gaps”, representing the 22 countries in which Jewish communities were destroyed.”
Photo from 2013, Donald Trump with the owners of the Moscow massacre site, Trump in the middle between Emin Agalarov (son) and Aras Agalarov (father), the Crocus City Hall concert venue name in the photograph

A lot of people dismiss numerology and Gematria as nonsense. However, the Luciferian doctrine followers believe in prophecy and mythology. It forms a part of their belief system, which is in reality a religion.
In addition, the use of astrology and numerology to signal events is part of the occult symbology. Certain dates and astrological transits are viewed as auspicious – good luck charms if you like – or they fulfil prophecies or mark anniversaries.
Just because we may not believe in it, does not mean they do not use it. There are way too many so-called ‘coincidences’ for these to be genuine coincidences.
It is interesting to note that the Crocus City Hall attack and Kate’s cancer announcement occured on “Skull and Bones day” (3/22 when written in American date format). 322 being the number associated with Yale’s Skull and Bones society.
These were both major news events which will have likely have far reaching consequences and are therefore important. Also, the date 22/3/24 can be broken down to (22×3) = 66 + (2+4) = 666.
Why did I omit the 20 from the year in the above calculation?
Because, in Moscow is a large projection onto a building of a candle with the date 22.03.24 shown underneath, commemorating the attack. The link to this will follow below on a separate comment to avoid this one going into pending.
The image taken from 21st Century Wire website
In fact, the image maybe photoshopped since I cannot find it anywhere else. Either way, whoever produced it formatted the date to exclude the ’20’ from the year.
As J.P.Morgan once said: “Millionaires do not use astrology. Billionaires do.”
Financial astrology when used with other technical indicators is an amazing tool to predict turning points in the markets.
Your to much of a conspiracy theorist on a site like this mentioning numerology and Gematria
even though the worlds biggest sect uses it constantly. (hebrew)
You again!
Numbers aside, have you looked at sparks, body placement and other irregularities, such as the resolution of the pics/vids?
Personally, I find it very hard to believe a KNIFE would produce sparks when cutting a person. But yeah sure, the numbers alone point to a “Moscow Con…
…-cert Hall falseflag”
Damnit lost a bunch o putinfriends already
Ps 22 also the crew size of the Dali, ship that crashed into Francis Scott Key Bridge. But NO, that name only has 21 letters (I know you wanted to check).
The usual propaganda to not go anywhere:
I see also Sadiq Khan is pledging not to increase ULEZ which indicates a) they know it’s hated and b) his re-election is in some trouble.
Good news:
FDA CAVES & Will Stop Lying About Ivermectin! w/ Dr. Mary Talley Bowden
And bad news (that must be overturned):
The Era of Informed Consent is Over
“US health authorities quietly removed Americans’ right to informed consent that was codified in the Nuremberg Code.”
The “Era of Informed Consent” link seems to be broken. I am pretty interested in the article… any help here?
Should work now. A2
During Con-19 my grown up children (some of whom are grrandparents) were amazed when I told them they had the right to ignore medical advice. A medic is like a lawyer: you pay for their advice and it becomes your property to use as you see fit.
” without informed consent when a clinical investigation poses no more than a minimal risk to the human subject”.
As I understand the text, they only talk about “clinical investigations“, not forced vaccines.
It means they can facilitate and force a test without consent, like the Police and their alcohol/blood test for suspected drunk car drivers. Its a grey area.
Remember in most countries the vaxx was still voluntary to my info even in China, unpleasant pressure and discomfort yes, but still voluntary.
I hear many sheeple talking about trust, I trusted Big Pharma, trusted the experts and the Authorities, my Government recommended it, I had children 😭 , but each person above 18 has legal responsibility for himself.
Then why talk about “rights” if you cant even take care of yourself, but rely on “informed consent” nannies.
If they with police back up insist on a PCR test I will offer them a drip of my finger tip blood instead. Enough.
Hat tip to your good selves here at Off G and the BTL contributors. Something I posted 4 years ago today, just popped up under Your Memories on fb. I wrote: “The so called Covid 19 virus has just been removed as an HCID (High Consequence Infectious Disease) as the mortality rate is nowhere high enough to qualify as such, in fact it’s no worse than ordinary Flu” Apparently I’d read it on here in the comments section, and shared the info with my fb contacts. Iirc the announcement was from PHE, I wonder what happened to them…cough cough ?
It never existed.
As far as LFC go, free speech is not dead. For example. Klopp gave a Stella speech comparing vaccination with drunk drivers. Fucking Gold, this shit doesn’t age well. As if one was not enough I hear another of him comparing vaccines to seat belts. There were others too, Alan Shearer, Jordon Henderson, Steve Gerrard, to name a few.
Just for the record I’m a lifelong LFC supporter, but not like I used to be. These fuckers have long since stolen the game and are now simply there to broadcast political messages to gullible star struck imbeciles.
We remember the 97 and for good reason. But imagine how much damage this man has caused with his “free speech”. Hundreds of thousands would have taken his advice.
And for those who may claim, he may not of known any better at the time. Well, I’m still waiting for the public apology.
Klopp has sold his soul to the regime long ago. So has his understudy, Thomas Tuchel.
The former clearly showed this when he brought this absurd goalkeeper to Liverpool who promptly served up two goals for S Ramos and Real in the Champions League. Scripted reality and corruption in plain view.
Tuchel managed through this ridiculous story about a Borussia Dortmund team bus being blown up. (Even back then it was blamed on a Russian.)
These are shills who will say whatever they are being paid to say. Football is in a very bad shape these days, sadly. I have stopped watching it.
Excellent piece on the comfortable “Biblicization” of the Gaza genocide as well as the particular appeal of this on what passes for the Left these days:
“….press photographs of the Gaza Strip turn the violence and horror of war into an aesthetic experience that allows the Western viewer, idly perusing their Sunday papers, to sympathise, to empathise, to experience the catharsis of strong emotion, but not to analyse, understand or criticise the geopolitical realities of Israel’s war crimes against the Palestinian people. The focus, accordingly, is on the mourners rather than the dead, and particularly on the women, whose Islamic robes and — to Western eyes — exaggerated gestures of despair, set against stone walls with all traces of modernity cropped or eliminated, transform the sites of war crimes — specifically, of collective punishment under international law — into scenes drawn from Hollywood films about Christ, Moses and Ancient Rome.
There’s a reason the Palestinian cause has such unconditional support from a Left indifferent to the immiseration of the working-classes in their own countries. The Western middle classes from whose ranks the Left is overwhelmingly drawn prefer the object of their indignation to be brown- or black-skinned, to live in a country as distant from theirs as possible, and to be victims always and to the exclusion of any other identity (businessman, politician, doctor, teacher, poet). This allows them to imaginatively identify vicariously with the suffering of Palestinians, while having no impact — beyond the catharsis of protest — on stopping it. Above all, the strength of this double catharsis — anger and empathy — allows the middle classes to absolve themselves from all responsibility or culpability for the actions of their governments or themselves, which is rather harder as they step over the bodies of the homeless and destitute on the way to their well-remunerated jobs. In its own way, this is as reductive of the political realities of Gaza, and the West’s military, financial and political support for the crimes of the apartheid State of Israel, as the polar representation, from the Right, of Palestinians as always and exclusively terrorists.”
Quite insidious.
RE: In its own way, this is as reductive of the political realities of Gaza, and the West’s military, financial and political support for the crimes of the apartheid State of Israel, as the polar representation, from the Right, of Palestinians as always and exclusively terrorists.”
Yes, they are mirror images.
The market rate for an Israeli hostage seems to be hovering around the 20 Palestinians-for-one-Israeli mark. The implication being that an Israeli life is worth considerably more than that of a Palestinian one.
Hamas has objected, suggesting that the going rate should be closer to 50 Palestinians-to-one-Israeli, Which at first glance seems to be a much better deal for them. Getting far more for your buck/rial/shekel. However it does imply (to an even greater extent) that a Palestinian life is worth less than an Israeli one.
So what should the going rate actually be. The Al-media [sic] consensus. One hostage for one hostage. One life for a life. A fixed international exchange rate? Are all lives really created equal, as one nation’s Masonic, Enlightenment influenced constitution states in its opening lines?
Ten righteous people could have saved the whole of Sodom & Gomorrah. An exchange rate of (likely) thousands to one. One wise man is better than a nest of fools. The life of a irredeemably wicked person is not of the same social value as that of a righteous one. Maybe all lives aren’t created equal.
Also, interested parties vary in their capacity to ‘mine’ new exchangeable hostages. Israel clearly has greater capacity on that front. A one-for-one exchange would therefore be unfair if doesn’t take into consideration the ‘means of production’. The rule of scarcity playing its role
Hostage deal could see 40 Israelis freed for 800 Palestinian prisoners
There is no ‘Israel’. There is a Western ruling class (RC) colonialist geopolitical outpost wrapped in a facade of religious identity called Israel that without continued Western support would not exist.
The Gaza Genocide is a RC attack, most likely working towards multiple different goals – to test global proletariat resistance, to test psychological warfare techniques on the public (we’re being shown atrocities on a daily basis), to perfect ruling class media techniques, to test weapons and military strategies. There is perhaps a plan to turn Gaza into the world’s first smart city concentration camp.
The RC doesn’t want a unified proletariat resistance so we see RC media conflate zionism with Judaism, to heighten religious based conflict. RC would prefer a religious war over a workers revolution.
Beyond doubt, religion is a disingenuous RC tool. Muslim nations have not come to Palestine’s defence. Leaders are more concerned with staying part of the global capitalist economic system than of defending Palestinians.
Israel may be a fluid concept in terms of its borders, but the idea of ‘Israel’ as a nation has been around since the conquest of Canaan by Joshua many many centuries ago.
Modern Israel had to kick out colonialism to even get started (cf the British blockades of the ports in the 1940s), so Israel-as-a-colonialist-project doesn’t really seem to wash imho. If there was a colonial helping hand then it was of the type “please get off my land and I hope you find somewhere else to live. Just not on my doorstep thank you very much.”
So Zionism was born in response to that suffering in other lands. By not being made welcome in the lands of Japheth. The alternative to Zionism being continual pogroms, Spanish Inquistions, and more future Holocausts. So why not a homeland of one’s own in the historical lands of Shem?
But yes, to a large extent, yes, modern ‘Israel’ only exists because of the helping hand of the US and its military might. A land where there had been a large influx of immigrants from Eastern Europe. Immigrants who’d followed a very similar dream to Zionism. The dream of a better homeland. The US as “the Golden Sanctuary”. The dream of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. The American dream. One of those few nations who’d opened their doors to those who wished to assimilate.
With regard to Muslim nations, they have been too busy squabbling among themselves to defend or open their doors to anyone. Shiites vs Sunnis vs ISIS vs Al Quaeda etc. Likely too much of their religion rather than too little of it. And to a large extent they’ve already been bought off. Egypt with the return of the Sinai Peninsula, Syria with the return of some of the Golan Heights etc. Looking out for their own interests by not getting too involved, I would suggest.
Gaslighting. Israel is an overtly brutal colony that serves the geopolitical interests of the United States. JFK jr himself stated that Israel is useful to the US and that it should be funded for that reason. Many Jews around the world oppose zionism and its manifestation.
RFK Jr. JFK Jr, his cousin, is, sadly, deceased.
“In 1939, Jabotinsky drew up a plan for an uprising of the Jews of Palestine against the British Empire, which he sent to the local section of the “Revisionist Zionists”, the Irgun. World War II postponed this project. Jabotinsky did not settle in Fascist Italy, but in the then-neutral United States, where one of his disciples joined him to become his private secretary. He was Benzion Netanyahu, father of Benjamin Netanyahu.
During the war, Vladimir Jabotinsky and Benzion Netanyahu were visited by a Chicago philosophy professor, Leo Strauss. He was also a Jewish fascist. He had been forced to leave Germany because of Nazi anti-Semitism, but remained a staunch fascist. Leo Strauss went on to become the standard-bearer for “neo-conservatives” in the USA. He created his own school of thought, assuring his few disciples after the Second World War that the only way for Jews to prevent another Shoah was to create their own dictatorship. His pupils included Paul Wolfowitz and Elliott Abrams, the man who today stands behind Benjamin Netanyahu and financed his “reform of institutions” this summer.”
Excerpt from article: The veil is being torn: the hidden truths of Jabotinsky and Netanyahu
Or maybe they just lack nuclear weapons … unlike the Zionists.
One byte of the Apple is not enough, they want the whole fucking orchard:
should it really be illegal? Isn’t the whole point of free speech that it protects our right to be callous, offensive, rude and ignorant?
The underlying purpose of libel, slander, woke culture, etc. is to protect the interests of oligarchs and special parasites.
This is Kate???
There’s lots of conspiracy talk about an “event” on 04/8 when a solar eclipse occurs in the US. This eclipse will happen 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks and 6 days after a 2017 eclipse and the path will complete a “X” that was started in 2017. It’s suggested a major earthquake or some kind of cyberattack/power outage will happen. We’ll see.
This post says there’s lots of predictive programming coming out now:
I’m waiting for the announcement that Kate and Charles have been cured of their cancer by the new miracle cancer vaccines. (Though vaccines used to serve as prophylactics against “infectious” disease).
OR; Kate dies (if she isn’t already toast) just before the release of such vaccines and serves as a sad cautionary tale to the importance of immunisation. A sacrifice, if you will.
They locked up the ‘lepers’, now they want their (our) money back:
The big hotel chains thought all their Christmases had come at once.
Insanity piled on insanity.
So what’s new?
Like gold dust through the hourglass so are the days of the 1%:
‘To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour‘
‘We are led to Believe a Lie
When we see not Thro the Eye
Which was Born in a Night to perish in a Night
When the Soul Slept in Beams of Light
God Appears & God is Light
To those poor Souls who dwell in Night
But does a Human Form Display
To those who Dwell in Realms of day‘
(William Blake 1757-1827).
“For much of the past century, our technology has expanded faster than our ability to understand it – reach exceeding grasp – and this is yet another example. We live in interesting times.”
This is formulaic pop science speak. “Technology” (which, as John Pilger noted, is just a fancy word for commercial innovation) doesn’t just “expand” all on its own. Nor is the “our” and the “we” merited.
The first thing to note about this “exciting development” is its utter – and indeed mocking – irrelevance to the current disaster with the dire accelerating slide into poverty and the genocides. Indeed, even if you actually went along with the wretched media juggernauts of pandemics and climate, this neuralink bollocks should have you wondering. Why are our designated geniuses pursuing this turkey?
Which beings us to the second thing: surely no-one is deceived by any of that Disney level cooing about helping amputees and paraplegics? We live under an order that would rather create more amputees and paraplegics than help them. This is of course the soft sell hiding the more sinister delving into the mind/machine meld. The juvenile Bill Gates vision is of a host of slaves instantly responding to the merest whims of the masters.
From recent mainstream articles, the Kate cancer conundrum has been spun as a case of this poor defenseless invalid being besieged by … wait for it … evil internet conspiracy loons. So the point of it all may indeed by another excuse to “close down lines of harmful disinformation”.
Correct. I’m fed up of ‘we’, ‘our’, etc. As the industrial revolution progressed, technological advances progress exclusively for the benefit of the ruling class, not for us.
Believe establish history beggars.
Establish history beggars believe
History believe beggars establish
Beggars believe establish history
Are you writing this on the internet – powered by electricity?
As NATO is celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Kosovo
war crimehumanitarian operation, did you know that Tony Blair apparently demanded airstrikes on civilian targets?
As far as I know Tony Blair from BBC, Television and The Sun, he could never have done that.
I dont believe it. I believe this is a conspiracy theory.
This is my opinion, and I also have the right to have my voice being heard as legal voter in a democracy!
ISIS=CIA=NATO=UKRAINE. I’m surprised they didn’t blame HOUTHI.
As follow-up to Gary Oldman:
As natural remedy:
There’s a tried and tested ‘glimmer’
Get yourself a ukulele, harmonica, guitar or, heaven forbid, a banjo!
And start singing:
probably because they are told by the media that the friend is a “conspiracy theorist” unfortunately a lot of people are wedded to the state and their conduits
The MSM diatribes of doom and disaster are designed to keep us on edge; malleable and compliant consumers.
A tried and tested formula that’s kept most of us under control since the Drainstream media first appeared.
“Hey Richard! What will we say to scare the shit out of them today?”
I’m surprised that I haven’t seen a million comments to the effect that it’s not surprising that the Royal Family seems to be suffering from an epidemic of cancer, since the Royal Family itself is a cancerous malignant tumor. 🤔
No matter.
God will save the King.
I am following Kate’s health closely every day.
One more observation. How many buildings in Russia have names in English like “Crocus City Hall”, shown prominently in numerous photos? ISIS pops up from a long oblivion? The end of Al Qaeda, a name invented by the FBI, immediately followed by ISIS to solve & confuse the US Syria invasion, smells like a CIA op, popup. And “US intelligence” warned of an attack in Russia, when they could not predict 911 or any shooting since in the US? Right. Just think how many times we see on US MSM, English language signs in foreign protest events. It all reeks, as usual.
I thought the same thing about “Crocus City Hall”. Russia??
Russia is fully globalised. Everything in the Russian society is build up to Globalization;
CEO, CFO titles, The Board, Swinger clubs, Threesomes, all new buildings are copied after the worst European architecture, QR codes, CBCD money, Facebook copy.
Ow off course the numerology and astrology and occult aware terrorists are back.
who follow Islam and during Ramadan they discussed to kill children in a school.
Equinox = 322 build to a full moon.
The only thing missing was a we hate israel and Russia flag and the fact they was not vaccinated and a left a immaculate passport saying they was from Palestine.
I think the issue here has always been Kate’s disappearing from the public eye. I doubt King Charles has anything much wrong with him, beyond what many men in their 70s suffer. Somehow her illness seems to be the really sensitive issue for the powers-that-be, hence the hysteria over the picture, which they clearly thought no one would see through or call out. I wish Charles a long reign and life as he seems a nice fellow.
This is a fractal of what happens when we, Humanity, allow a leader class to accumulate unlimited discretionary wealth and authority to decide what is produced, and how the world is to be run to their exclusive benefit. When this created catastrophe (an autonomous class of tyrants) has no resistance from opposing views influencing outcomes, the incrementally accelerating selfish, mean and stupid decisions pile up like a wall of sh*t waiting to explode. No manner of cover up can hide this abomination. But it is only we the bottom 95% that can halt it by pulling the plug on excess discretionary wealth and authority.
Yes, it is possible to define rational limits to personal and institutional wealth and authority without life threatening limits to personal freedom and liberty.
Agree. While many will rightly vilify those who OWN US ALL they refuse to see how that became so. Allowing these freaks to amass the kind of wealth they now have is exactly how we got here.
One scenario on the Royal “cancers”:
They want Charles to stand down because they know he’s too tarnished and they want William in to bolster the imminent Labour government and create a national renewal narrative to mask the rolling forward of the Great Reset. Charles can toddle off either to live incognito in this society (as it looks, for example, that David Bowie did) or live in the secret society they’ve got set up somewhere (the sea bed, polar regions or an undeclared land mass in the South Pacific are all possibles). They decided to use cancer as the reason because 1) people have been noticing how the elite don’t seem to get cancer and 2) it acts as a symbol of how the UK is rotting from within and needs this renewal they have planned. Camilla can soon join him if she’s “ill” as well.
Hang on though – two Royals “dying” of cancer might weaken public faith in allopathic medicine’s recipe for cancer treatment. This is where this third cancer fits in. Kate recovers and the wonders of science can be proclaimed. The source of the recovery may well be some new wonder treatment for cancer… like a MRNA vaccine.
This Royal Family cancer farrago has the potential to serve several different narratives.
However, for the time being, first and foremost, the sudden outbreak of cancer in the Royal Family helps to normalise cancer among the ‘plebs’ at a time when “turbo cancer” is now all the rage across nations with a high uptake of the jabs.
“It is not just us who get cancer” the public can squeal. “Even royalty do”, as they doff their caps to them and shed a tear.
It seems Charlie’s diagnosis was not getting enough sympathy or publicity but Kate’s story slowly developed over the weeks with tension and suspense has made world-wide headlines and not just in the ex-colonies. Across Europe; Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Italy and France, it too has been a media feedng frenzy.
A masterful piece of PR to build and publicise a narrative.
Cancer is normal because everybody gets it.
Irregular menstruation is normal because all women have it and they know what they are talking about.
War and torture is normal because it has been there since Adam and Eve and you better live with it.
Another scenario on dropping daily truth bombs, mixed with current news, is to believe nothing, infer control.
Bowie excellent divider, is alive, somewhere, good guesses, don’t you want to know in this life your real history ?
non-composite pic of earth?
Is the ice coming ?
Can’t get straight answers anywhere.
It’s terrorism. And there’s nothing new about targeting the children!
Rajendra Kumar Pachauri was the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from 2002 to 2015, during the fourth and fifth assessment cycles. Under his leadership the IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 and delivered the Fifth Assessment Report, the scientific foundation of the Paris Agreement.[1] He held the post from 2002 until his resignation in February 2015 after facing multiple allegations of sexual harassment. In March 2022, he was exonerated of the sexual harassment allegations (The Court of Additional Sessions Judge in Saket Court). [2] He was succeeded by Hoesung Lee. Pachauri assumed his responsibilities as the Chief Executive of The Energy and Resources Institute in 1981 and led the institute for more than three decades and demitted office as Executive Vice Chairman of TERI in 2016.[3] Pachauri, universally known as Patchy, was an internationally recognized voice on environmental and policy issues, and his leadership of the IPCC contributed to the issue of human-caused climate change becoming recognized as a matter of vital global concern.[1]
Terrorize the Children – Pachauri’s Strategy – Splattergate
Uploaded: 3 Oct 2010
By: Climategate2009
A series of outtakes from various Climate change propaganda videos is contrasted with a candid interview with IPCC/TERI Chairman Rajendra Pachauri in which he outlines the strategy of terrorizing Children.
Ever when children are used in propaganda videos it is clear that the main course is badly tainted.Case in point today: the begging for money for food in Gaza clips. Woke Westernized women fall in droves for this stuff, keeping eyes and ears closed for Hamas role in hijacking many food trucks. Just see the fat stacks of euros and dollars found in Gaza’s Al Shifa hospital between the ammo. The absence of Arab money makes clear that they know Hamas much better.
Many people only like free speech when they agree with it, when they dont they want the person locked up.
I, for one, question the functionality. I’m reminded of the many faked parapsychology experiments (telekinesis, mind-reading, et al.) that fooled whomsoever wanted to believe in them. Where is actual proof that a human being with a chip implanted in his/her brain only has to think of it and an on-screen cursor will be moved to move a virtual chess piece to the desired position by the power of
thoughtchip alone?Oh, and it’s a pity you mentioned ISIS’s sudden turn on Russia at all, if it was only to casually reinforce the US’s official line in less than a line and a link to Aljazeera.
But thanks for posting Neil Oliver’s latest rightous jeremiad!
The cravat doesn’t speak for me.
Implant? What is that? Stone age? That’s their way to deceive us.
I was wondering what happened to ISIS …
It’s like hearing that some old, forgotten band just suddenly put out a new album!
…I wonder if it’s the original ISIS or do they have a new lead singer?