A very curious Crocus video

I have a few questions about this terrorist attack

Riley Waggaman

On Monday I had the privilege of speaking with Steve and Chris from AM WakeUp. Our 90-minute conversation focused on the terrorist attack at Moscow’s Crocus City Hall.

During our chat, Steve shared a video with me that was published by Zvezda, a TV network run by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The clip purportedly captured the moment when gunmen entered the building:

Let’s review the video together, for Science.

At the 0:00 mark, we see a man in blue camo with a dog standing near the entrance of the building. This is not a civilian. He’s either private security, OMON (the Russian equivalent of SWAT/paramilitary cop) or National Guard (Rosgvardia):

As people start to hustle away from the doors, this law enforcement officer just … walks away. He’s not giving instructions. He’s not consulting with colleagues on a walkie talkie. He’s strolling with his dog, who also looks rather disinterested:

The cop saunters past a group of people standing near a pillar. A woman in the group is already crouching on the ground. The cop keeps walking:

We start hearing clearly audible gunshots two seconds later, at the 0:14 mark. The camera pans to the entrance, then returns to the group standing near the pillar, who are now all on the ground. One of them has a camera.

0:20. Several gunshots are heard. The group of people near the pillar are on the ground as people continue to run/walk past them. The individual on the far left of the screen literally just walks past them. Whatever.

At the 0:16 mark a man in a yellow jacket enters the building. At least five shots have already been fired.

The man in the yellow jackets proceeds to slowly walk to the corner of the room, while the people behind the pillar create a barricade using tables.

The firing continues and a glass door shatters, but the man in the yellow jacket continues walking without looking behind him, or flinching, or showing even the slightest sign of distress or mild discomfort.

Watch 0:23-0:30. Who is this guy?

The camera then turns to a nearby escalator, where two men are standing near a different pillar. They are not crouching. They are not even looking in the direction of the gunshots. They’re just hanging out:

0:34. Having a nice chat. Sure why not?

The man on the right is holding something. A puppy? Maybe a camera?

At this point there’s been more than 15 seconds of near-continuous gunfire, a glass door has been shattered, a group of people are huddled behind a pillar directly in front of them, and these guys look bored. Just look at their body language. Look at them! Are they at a corporate Christmas party or a mass shooting? (Maybe both?)

Why are they completely ignoring the cameraman? Why is no one yelling? Why is no one saying anything? The barricade-people, the cameraman, the yellow jacket guy, the weirdos hanging out near the escalator…Not a single peep from anyone. And please just trust me, Russians routinely use liberal amounts of colorful language in far less stressful situations.

I just want to reiterate that bullets were presumably whizzing by these two guys as they stood around playing pocket-pool:

Tell me how this makes sense.

The cameraman—who has yet to utter a single word, and has been calmly walking around this whole time—gets on the escalator and takes a ride to the second floor. Does the cameraman run up the escalator? No, he does not run. Why would he run?

As more shots ring out he turns the camera to the first floor entrance. We see the barricade-people lying on the ground and the yellow jacket man just sitting there quietly in his corner.

0:56. On the escalator. Not in any hurry. Yellow jacket man just hanging out.

When the cameraman reaches the second floor, we see an individual standing near a door. Does the cameraman saying anything to this guy? No. Does this mysterious man say anything to the cameraman? Also no. Strange? Maybe.

Then the cameraman just starts walking around—emphasis on “walking”—and the clip ends.

Zvezda (which, again, is a media outlet operated by the Russian MoD) posted this video on Telegram with the caption:

‼️ A very detailed video of the moment of the attack on Crocus City Hall – this footage was published on the Internet. Already at the beginning of the video, people are walking at a fast pace, as soon as the terrorists approach and the shooting intensifies, everyone starts running in panic, someone is trying to build barricades.

Is that true, though? Did “everyone start running in panic”?

People respond in different ways to traumatic acts of violence or when they find themselves in potentially life-threatening situations. Your correspondent was once on the receiving end of a rather scary act of physical violence and so he’s speaking from experience when he types that you just never know how you are going to react in these kinds of situations. It’s absolutely possible that during this very horrible event, some peoples’ brains just … turned off.

Maybe this explains the group of people who started crouching two seconds before you could hear a gunshot, and then proceeded to create a “barricade” and wait for certain death—even though they had more than a minute to run away. I’m not even being sarcastic. Maybe these people suffered from deer-in-headlights syndrome.

I’m not really sure how you can explain the behavior of the yellow jacket guy, who did not react in any way, shape, or form to numerous gunshots, a glass door shattering, and then dudes with guns walking past him. But who knows? Maybe another case of brain-malfunction.

However, we begin to bend the laws of nature when after about 30 gunshots, you have guys like this just standing there—not even looking at what is happening and showing absolutely zero interest in the horror that is allegedly taking place around them:

Sorry, but no.

If I had to write a caption for this video, it would not be “as soon as the terrorists approach and the shooting intensifies, everyone starts running in panic”.

It would be: 2 + 2 = blueberry muffin.

Because this video is not tethered to anything even approaching reality. And you are expected to accept that. And if you don’t, you’re a very naughty boy/girl!

Why this mind-horror was conjured up and posted on the internet for you to watch, and what we’re really watching here, is a separate topic for another time.

But while we’re on the subject, the alleged author of this video claims that he was working as a videographer and that he thought the gunmen were part of a “performance”, because—as he claims—that’s something that the band Picnic would do. No, I’m not making this up. Turn on the auto-generated subtitles if you don’t believe me:

“At first I thought this was some kind of performance by Picnic [the band playing that evening]. They love to organize all sorts of such performances,” the videographer said.

Yeah…okay. Like I said, 2+2 = blueberry muffin. Why do you doubt your humble Novgorod village correspondent?

He then claims that once it was clear that it was “real”, he had no chance of escaping like everyone else who had more than a minute to walk/run away, and so he decided to take the escalator. Okay?

He also claims he was walking slowly and that the video is so “smooth” (his word) because he has “bad legs”. He attributed his calm demeanor to the fact that he served in the Soviet Army.

Again, just listen to his testimony if you don’t believe me. But this is exactly what this guy claims.

What the heck is going on, here? We report, you decide.

I have to go feed some village cows now.

More later. If you don’t hear from me in 24 hours, it means the guys hanging out next to the escalator all willy-nilly cut my ear off and made me eat it. Ha-ha. It’s a joke. Just relax. My poor little ear.

A sequel to this article is already up on Riley’s blog: Crocus Terror Attack- Question More.
Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.


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Categories: latest, Russia, terrorism
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Apr 13, 2024 9:51 AM

You are mistaken, this is not a OMON (the Russian equivalent of SWAT/paramilitary cop), but private security without weapons

Apr 10, 2024 1:45 PM

Way too much discharge from the weapons, blanks in my opinion (ex infantry).

Apr 8, 2024 6:50 PM

If people aren’t saying OMG 25 times in a row while recording with their mobile phone, it must be a false flag.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Apr 7, 2024 2:22 AM

The video was released by Russian intelligence for a reason. It was released to ensure that specific individuals have been identified and that they are obviously not of the dimwitted sort that have been hauled in front of the courtroom in Moscow. No. Someone wants the Ukrainians and the UK to know they know who and it’s just a matter of time now.

Perhaps it’s also a way as to flush them out when they start moving. Espionage is not for the faint of heart. When covert operations go rogue ( assuming Vickys clan had something to do with it) and they masquerade as terror attacks, things can go wrong, especially when these degenerates are involved.

Apr 1, 2024 9:16 AM

it is clearly just another example of what’s overtaken the whole western world ever since back in covid times, or even 9/11.
I don’t know good words for it. It’s something to do with ‘the truth is simply unbelievable because it is so totally opposite everything we KNOW’.
Isn’t it?
What are truths the western world has inescapably before them but refuse to absorb, accept?
Make up you own list.
Here’s an off-the-cuff:
EVERY Western govt is not fit for purpose.
The USA has been for decades the most evil power on the planet.
ALL the MSM are totally abject liars simply doing what govt or money tell them to do.
Big Pharma etc has no interest in your health, only money
Covid and all its allied features such as vaccines was/is a massive criminal scam.

okay? That’s just a taster, isn’t it?

Those people in that place just could not conceive of the horror that was happening.

But if a dirty drunk had come staggering through the doors they would all have galvanised into action immediately: for that would be a contingency, a threat, an enemy, they were schooled to expect and react to.

Mar 30, 2024 3:02 PM

Well, if those in attendance thought it was a prank by the rock group Picnic – wouldn’t that kind of explain why nobody seemed to be in panic mode? And wouldn’t it also explain the apparent casualness with which the shooter(s) began shooting: so as to make it appear that indeed it really was a prank?

Even if Mr. Waggaman is entirely wrong in his assessment, he at least deserves credit for including that one piece of the puzzle which could unravel his entire argument. Most would not.

Mar 30, 2024 2:15 PM

Thanks. Clear and incontrovertible video evidence of an actual shooting (glass shattering, ricocheting ammo etc). If there were any vestiges of doubt then that helps to remove them
Looks like the bystanders thought taking cover from the entrance would be sufficient.

And this will hopefully also help to avoid alternative sleuths peering through disabled victims’ windows to see if they’re secretly doing star-jumps when unobserved…

Mar 30, 2024 12:34 PM

Agree, it’s weird. Here’s another weird thing, a question nobody is asking.

Why did the Dali turn?

Who made that massive container ship turn so sharply into the bridge pillar, and why?

Mar 30, 2024 8:15 PM
Reply to  matt

Best explanaion for what appears to be a “sudden sharp turn” is that, after the first power failure and recovery those in command made the decision to apply full reverse power. his is suggested by the huge plume of black smoke out her stacks. Diesel engines tend to make large quantities of black smoke when labouring hard, as in a full throttl reverse situation. HOEVER, every marine propeller is designed to push water backward, and is designed to do that effiiently. Reverse the direction of the screw it does not work as efficiently, for one thing, but the relevalt “quirk” in this situation is that when turning in reverse a phenomenon known as “prop walk” will “kick” he stern sideways in proporion to the amount of power applied. Further the ship’s rudders now no longer work as well because in normal forward motion of the hull, the stram of water being pushed by the prop moves sternward and can be deflected to ine side or the other by the ship’s rudders. In reverse, this effect is lost. Every screw-driven vessel has her own peculiarities relating to prop walk, and before putting myself in a ticht situation with any vessel I will always seek open water and gt to know just how she will react.then, when in close quarters I have that behaviour in mind and can plan around ot and even use it to my advantage.
One more aspect of this whole mess: I do not know the state of the tide or currents in that area, nor do Iknow the sandard channel to ransit under that bridge. But it did seem quie obvious o me in he one video we’ve all seen that that ship’s course was far too close to and parallel with the bridge’s deck, and I would think the proper course would be to stand well off from the bridge iself and approach the centre passage at a righ angle to he bridge itself. WHY were they so close to and running parallel with the deck of the bridge, when the chalnnel is clearly perpendicular to the lay of the bridge deck? Get yourself lined up well away from the crowded and only passage underneath the centre span, then cross perpendicular to the deck of the bridge. Far too many details of this incd=ident just stink of somewhere between gross incompetence (vessel handling, condition of the ship’s systems, etc) and a deliberate plan to collide whilst presenting at least the first appearance of an “accident”.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Apr 7, 2024 2:28 AM
Reply to  Tionico

Did they not drop an anchor ? Did they perhaps start out under regular fuel and then change fuel tanks to the approved in part fuel – hence the engines may have ceased long enough to create a situation.

There are many situations. In this case occum’s razor is my bet.

Mar 30, 2024 6:04 AM

FYI, I’ve asked Larry Johnson on his blog what he thought of this, and he says that it’s monday-morning quarterbacking. Hmmm …..😟

Mar 30, 2024 4:51 AM

While this video that “appeared” on Internet from whatever unknown source is puzzling and for example could have come directly or indirectly from someone associated with Tajik terrorists perhaps justified calm walk of cameraman it explains nothing and cannot be used alone for correct interpretation of events as it could have been edited not to mention Deep Faked.

However other elements of this event seems puzzling or even contradictory as well. One of them is Russian Investigative Committee preliminary assertions of some kind ISIS involvement.

In contrast to Russian suggestions there is little doubt in my mind that terrorist attacks on Crocus City Center of Moscow suburb were not committed by ISIS-K Jihadists (mainly located in Afghanistan).

The manner of this terrorist attack excludes such possibility and points toward poorly trained and equipped Tajik mercenaries likely directly or indirectly recruited by Ukrainian Embassy in Tajikistan that was actively and openly recruiting volunteers for Ukrainian war since 2022 including Muslim extremists. Even extremely low payment of $5000 before and the same amount after proves poverty and desperation of those Tajik men. As far as we know none of them ever been to Russia before.

Interestingly since late 2022 Kiev regime changed its mercenaries recruiting policies from encouraging volunteers to enter Ukraine to be trained there toward training mercenaries at their home countries waiting to receive specific missions in Ukraine, Russia or third countries. In other words Kiev regime turned away from abroad recruitment of frontline mercenary soldiers toward training of mercenary special forces units for sabotage and terrorist acts embracing so called asymmetric warfare behind enemy lines as CIA and their protege Kiril Budanov demanded.

While there is remote possibility of some form of involvement of ISIS-K but definitely that did not included providing Jihadists to perform the attack because none of Tajiks terrorists intended or expected to become martyrs. 

None of them even tried to confront private security officers (armed and unarmed) and attacked civilians and as soon as police units arrived (in 15 minutes) they immediately fled in panic as they drove away, in the same car Renault they came, so recklessly without even being pursued. They ran over a family injuring a girl and only by that drew attention of law enforcement that ultimately led to their apprehension 85 miles from Ukraine border in Kursk region exactly where 48 hours prior AFU started making clandestine incursions and infiltration of RF state border perhaps readying to receive those terrorists.

None of terrorists had any explosives or suicide vests on them which would have been sure way to earn martyrdom by killing infidels while committing suicide. They had just few bottles with gasoline to start a fire. 

None of them perhaps with one exception had any significant military or terrorist training.

According to close circuit security/surveillance video evidence those terrorists showed no significant tactical military training, did not know how to properly use AK-74 machine guns which led to often jamming, damage to weapons and large amounts of unused ammunition they had to leave behind before they fled. Out of 138 dead only about 20%+were shot the rest died from smoke inhalation as they locked themselves in rooms of burning center thinking they dealt with Jihadists instead of fleeing.

It is clear that Jihad or Holy War against Russia and hence martyrdom was not an objective of this terrorist act since Jihadists are never compensated before mission and in most cases payments come not to them directly but to their families while such events are celebrated and popularized among local communities from which jihadists originate. As far as we know none of them made martyrdom video with last message to their family and to inspire followers. None of that happened in regards to Tajik perpetrators to this act. At best facts suggest that they may have been ISIS sympathizers but not actual jihadist fighters.

There is another factor that puts in serious doubt ISIS-K involvement is not only the fact that claim of credit for Moscow massacre did not come from ISIS-K but from ISIL but also that ISIS-K did not declare holy war against Russia in contrast to ISIL (Dash) especially Chechen terrorist commanders who actually did declare Holy War many times starting over three decades ago ultimately prompting two Chechen wars and Putin intervention in Syria in 2015. 

Out of hundreds of ISIL terrorist attacks worldwide or Chechen attacks in Russia none of their modus operandi resembled attack in Crocus city center near Moscow. The fact that they dropped their guns and did not put a fight before they fled car and were later arrested in Kursk oblast but instead cowardly hid in forest completely eliminates jihad motive.

Those terrorists looked more like hired killers than Islamic Jihadists if so qui bono analysis provides good lead who may be responsible. And that definitely was not Putin just after winning 87% of vote on a ticket of protecting lives of his citizens from western funded Nazi Kiev regime’s aggression..

However if we combine that with continued terrorist attacks against civilians in Russian Federation border areas, assassination campaign against Russian political figures, pro Russian activists and officials in Donbas, Zaporozhie, Crimea and Kherson oblasts picture of Pentagon and CIA advocated Kiev regime asymmetric warfare emerges as coordinated campaign of terror forming another front of Ukrainian war.

Mar 30, 2024 7:15 PM
Reply to  Kalen

The Tajiks all lived in Russia. Moreover initially the Russians put out an APB for 4 different Tajiks except those ones turned up far away from Moscow: one in Samara, two in Tajikistan. So they grabbed random guys off the street.
It would be suicide for them to take part in this. I doubt they had anything to do with it. $5k split between 4 is nothing, even in Russia and even for poor Tajiks.
Has nobody noticed they were tortured into confessions.
There are a lot of people who don’t like Putin. Not liberals but hard core far right types. They seem a more likely suspect for the arson. The shooting videos are unconvincing. Comparing the shooting videos to the panic videos from random cell phones is enlightening because those don’t have any shooting.

But to cover up the arson and put put a partially false narrative you definitely need FSB complicity at some level.

Mar 31, 2024 7:22 PM
Reply to  Notbuyingit

Tajik Terrorists who as far as I know from investigative committee public statements were not Russian citizen. They had Tajik passports as confirmed by Tajik authorities that cooperate with Russians. They were guest workers but officially without job.

Those terrorists were surely beaten during arrest by police but not tortured. Such characterization is western propaganda. They confessed as they were presented with irrefutable evidences including video surveillance footage and forensic evidences collected at the scene.

They did not comply with orders during arrest as they were on drugs similar meth. Moreover, they were in car wreck (car overturned) just before they fled to the forest and some hid in trees only to be dragged down by force, some dropped from tree injuring themselves. They were beaten to lose grip of trees they held on to as they did not feel any pain.

Look at any arrests of drug addicts in U.S. to see how they looked. All beaten up to a pulp. Remember pictures of Rodney King beaten up by LAPD in 1992. None of LAPD officers involved were convicted of torture as there was no torture. The same thing happens regularity in US prisons against unruly inmates sometimes resulting in death. .

Even if one may consider beating during arrests as a torture technically it is not. The torture can only happen after full control over suspect was established. He is securely cuffed or shackled or locked and in the environment fully controlled by law enforcement agency like in jail setting.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 1, 2024 3:20 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Very sad but technically true.

Apr 1, 2024 7:22 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Getting rid of someone’s eye or an ear is something you do not consider torture? Are you a serial killer or something?

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 1, 2024 3:17 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Waggaman, to the best of my knowledge, has never done “cui bono” analysis. It’s above his pay grade.

Mar 29, 2024 9:44 PM

charlie heeby hebdo owned by the rothschilds
battaclan club murder on the dance floor video sophie muller shot at battaclan years later a big murder shoah owner khazharian ashkanazim big insurance claim like lucky larry of the talmud ritual 9 and 11
this new one the venue owners khazhars chabad like all these fakers who self identify as yahu.

the world is a problem reaction solution stage slave system init
everything sure seems to be synagogue of satan

Mar 29, 2024 7:25 PM

Mr. Waggaman took time off from milking his Novgorod cows to post another diatribe; this time he offers his immediate response to the tragic massacre of 140 people in Moscow.
He suggests to us that the Russian people, after their recent historic election results now need some kind of western false flag terror event to cement their support for their president and his ongoing demolition of Nato.. Really Riley?

Mar 29, 2024 7:48 PM
Reply to  sean

I reckon MI6 did it with support of the CIA Mossad and All The Rest of The Supposed “Intelligence” Agencies – Evil Bastards…

The Victims are Russian Kids – going to a Theatre to see a Show in Moscow

Just Like English Kids Going to see a show in London

Or American Kids Going to see a show in New York or Los Angeles

There is No Need for This no matter what Religious or Political Bollocks you May or may or not believe in.

It does not help whatever you think your cause is.

Except Now we Want To Kill You to Protect Our Children and Grandchildren from Your Evil.

James Robertson
James Robertson
Mar 29, 2024 8:00 PM
Reply to  sean

“Historic election results” Really? “Western style false flag” Really? You are a joke.

Jul 31, 2024 9:26 PM
Reply to  sean

Waggaman is the main reason I stopped visiting this crappy site. I found a link to this article on Facebook and was curious to see if his misinformed Russophobic cherry-picking BS still held sway with the editors. And it does! All his tired, well-rehearsed points appear on Meduza (Pussy Riot, western funded media) and have been comprehensively debunked, but they’re apparently good enough for Waggaman to sell to his handful of western readers who don’t know any better. Nice work if you can get it. And, well, Riley’s gotta eat, too, right?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 31, 2024 9:33 PM
Reply to  Frank

Frank, your comment is the type of non-specific fact-free generic abuse/denigration we don’t tolerate. Any further examples will likely be deleted.

If you would like to critique the content of this article and point out any factual inaccuracies therein you are of course more than welcome to do so.

Mar 29, 2024 6:09 PM

The Carry On Terror team go east for an exotic sequel to The Manchester Bang.

Mar 29, 2024 9:55 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

manchester was real for real
israel is not real
manchester was real eye saw it on the bbc with my eyes wide shut
sabbatean frankist satanick circus comes to town the wandering yahu to pollute your well

well well.

many happy agents happy families travel around the global globohomo lands like a circus
a false flag circus of talmud actors working for the kosher nostra crime syndicate

shock and awe shock and awe gangs counter gangs and pseudo all actors
division a conversion of the sovereign to the private corporations everything is about the debt which equals enslavement

im just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round i really love to watch themgo

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 29, 2024 5:31 PM

WOW, the Putin loyalists are on a full court press here. Wait till they find out that RUSSIAN social media and even members of the DUMA are asking tough questions. But maybe all of those people are CIA agents too.  😂 

Crocus terror attack: Question more? Or is that a no-no? Edward Slavsquat, 3/28/24.


Mar 29, 2024 5:20 PM

Reminds me of the Manchester “bombing” this has false flag writ large

Mar 29, 2024 10:00 PM
Reply to  Neil

arriana not so grande whatever way you spell it is a boy a little delicate dude who can cry when tavistock trauma triggered

as camp freddie of queen said the shoah must go on

Fran Crowe
Fran Crowe
Mar 29, 2024 5:18 PM

I think the only way to understand what’s happening in the world currently is to think the opposite. Right is left, wrong is right, insane is normal.

Trying to make sense of anything is a waste of time, everything is controlled.

Mar 30, 2024 11:03 AM
Reply to  Fran Crowe

invert inversion
like masonic like the synagogue of satan

is baphomet a trans?
the breast do not look like a man

Gulag no 19735
Gulag no 19735
Apr 3, 2024 10:37 AM
Reply to  gorden

The Baphomet is alchemical. The balance and transformation of energies and matter as described in The Kybalion.
I thought you would have known, not everything is as it appears.
Or take the modern interpretation if you wish…

Mar 30, 2024 11:40 AM
Reply to  Fran Crowe

That’s what many mainland Chinese do: believe the opposite of what the state media say – quite Pavlovian, but can’t blame them.

Better get back to your own, calm intuition. No Internet needed, boo hoo for the Ministries of Trut.

Mar 29, 2024 5:12 PM

It looks like an exercise take pre-video with staff just standing peripherally because it was an outtake, not the “real” video live take. Maybe the live take failed, and this was all they had, so used it? All i can say is, of all the times in history where shootings and supposed “terrorist events” have the least likelihood of happening,.this is it. Only the managers want or need the wars and “terror” to keep the public pre-occupied away from peaceful self rule and relocalized economies, that are 21st C rational and would disempower the manager ruling class capitalist empires.

We now live in a 360° CIA-style playbook scripted by the PTB. Their SPECTACLE no longer has our attention as all scenarios have tipped over into the preposterous. When a magician does his tricks and the audience becomes entranced in identifying the trick, ‘where’s the ball’, the game is entertainment. This current game is the magician’s diversionary trick-or-treats of terror entertainment which we must completely disempower. We need to call them what they are, barbaric tricks.

Behind the global parent-to-children ruling class’s SPECTACLE are the gears of the FAKE republics which enable these rat’s catastrophic-for-the-99% decision making. Those gears of dysfunction should be our focus of attention, not the misdirection plays of their Magicians. .

Mar 29, 2024 3:21 PM

I like Riley Waggerman. For an American he writes exceedingly well, and has a wicked sense of humour, and almost certainly has lived in Russia for most of the last few years.

Its possible he could be correct here (The Russians Faked it All – sparkles from guns and people looking bored and stuff, not reacting at all (to be fair he includes this point of view in his argument)

Now, I am one of the first conspiracy theorists to admit, if I just happen to have access to the very earliest available photography, that some terrorist attacks are entirely faked (no one died) or partially faked – some people died, but crisis actors were used too…to confuse everyone who is the slightest bit interested..and doesn’t believe everything they see on the telly.

But Crocus Hall – is a Big Venue – Motorhead played there 10 years ago. It has about twice the Capacity of the Hammersmith Odeon (now Apollo) and looked to be in pretty good condition – not worth burning down for the insurance money, which the owners might not collect.

So I reckon most of the Russian Story is Real and True. Russians love their kids too.

If you are going to fake a terrorist attack, in London, Manchester or Paris, you do not burn the ENTIRE Place Down. That is way OTT – completely unnecessary at producing the desired effect which is to terrorise everyone, to put them in a state of fear to control them.

This kind of thing almost never happenned when I was a kid, apart from the cotton mills.

Mar 29, 2024 2:26 PM

Here in the states team wrong think has been discussing the likelihood of a black swan event. Could this be the actual black swan that starts the chain events which leads to the global elite’s desired human cull? Don’t know, but the nation state world order seems more like a really bad theater production anymore.

Mar 29, 2024 3:32 PM
Reply to  Marian

Marian, “the actual black swan that starts the chain events which leads to the global elite’s desired human cull?”

That started 3 years ago with the covid jabs. What we need is a black swan event to stop it, and put these extremely rich global elite on trial for war crimes against humanity.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 30, 2024 9:49 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

The scum who run/control this world should NOT be termed ‘elite’.

Kenneth Thorberg
Kenneth Thorberg
Mar 30, 2024 7:38 PM

True. “Parasites” is the right word for those …ehm cockroaches!!

Anthony Lambert
Anthony Lambert
Mar 29, 2024 1:48 PM

And this proves Russia did a false flag, does it? Really?

The problem is you do not know why the people you indicate did what. Speculation, implication, is always good for a blog piece, though.

As an experienced ‘journo’ you seem to be forgetting the obvious question you need to ask yourself. Who really benefits by this attack?

Russia, by staging a false flag? Er, no. Dead duck in the water, that one is. Sure, Russia is capable of staging a false flag, as most countries are, but yeah, nah.

Ukraine? Hmmm, again, while the Russians seem keen to blame Zelensky, simply staging a terrorist attack to achieve nothing but further missile strikes is not the best idea. Perhaps, they thought drawing NATO into the conflict could occur if the Russians sent a couple more extra missiles into Zelensky’s top drawer? Yeah, nah.

Israel is far and away the more likely suspect. They have a suspicious relationship with the real ISIS, never mind these dime store wannabees captured here, so it would be easy to achieve and set up quickly.

Secondly, they are under intense international pressure like never before. Sure, they will arrogantly ignore it as ever, but still it can cause some complications. Therefore, distracting the world’s attention from the calamitous mayhem in Gaza, even for a couple of weeks, and also having a dig at the Russians for helping Assad out and possibly assisting Syria retaking the Golan heights, is useful.

I suspect the Russians also suspect Israel’s hand in this, but are keeping their powder dry, but in the meantime it is useful to blame Zelensky to justify increasing their attacks in Ukraine.

Mar 29, 2024 12:55 PM

Re: Scott Ritter, Larry Johnson, Pepe Escobar, Judge Nap, et al

What do you people think about them? Do they come across as strange to you as to me? Pushing this anti-US, pro-Russia narrative?

I don’t trust any of these fuckers.

Anthony Lambert
Anthony Lambert
Mar 29, 2024 1:52 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Most wise. However, listen to the different factions and decide which you feel is right.

Mar 29, 2024 2:16 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Pepe l: absolute idiot who name drops, talks a lot, says nothing you don’t already know and in the last week posted torture cartoons to his Telegram.

Judge Nap: ok, he asks short questions. But only ever has “selected guests”. I’m getting bored with his channel.

Scott: I respect him for the no WMD. I only find him useful when he’s talking about his own past experiences. On Russia he’s just a Putin fangirl and accepts all narratives at face value.
The world consists of Putin haters and fangirls. Impossible to find objective analysis.

Mar 30, 2024 2:45 AM
Reply to  Notbuyingit

That’s pretty much the way I see it too. Too much uncritical if not sycophantic admiration for Russia, Putin, and dismissal of everything else.

I’m not sure about the Judge. He seems legit in offering legal perspective and libertarian views, but the way he conducts interviews, I don’t know. He asks leading questions and basically the shows keep saying one thing over and over – Russia good, US bad. In many ways, that’s the reality, but things are more nuanced.

The same goes for all the other outlets – as you say, there’s no objective analysis.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 30, 2024 4:34 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

As Corbett described world events in an article about a year ago, there is the two dimensional and three dimensional points of view, one of his more interesting articles. On the two dimensional view of the events leading up to the Russo-Ukraine war going back to at least to 2005 (my opinion not Corbett’s), any non-psychopath who is familiar with the events will conclude that Russia has been reasonable and did whatever they could to avoid this war. Only a belief that any violence is unforgivable and any government structure is ipso facto evil can contradict this view. The Russian state should have allowed itself to be rolled over, broken up, enslaved, and have the Sabbatean oligarchs of the 1990’s break up of the USSR reinstated in their full glory. On a 3-D level, there is quite a bit of evidence that Russia and Putin are playing the light gray hero in a contrived drama leading to a one world neofeudal dystopia. Some pieces of evidence to that are:
Russian support of the climate change hoax
Russian coercion of a toxic “covid vaccine” as bad as Pfizer or Moderna
The Russian central bank as a member of BIS, the operational arm of the NWO takeover
The largest Russian private bank (Sberbank) being active with the WEF
The Anal Schwab’s statement that Putin was an early recruit to his Young Global Psychopath cadre which could explain his meteoric rise to power under the drunkard, Yeltsin.

Perhaps the truth lies in a melding of these two views.

The suggestion that this video was an out-take of a FF rehearsal has more than a little merit toward explaining its incongruities though not a slam dunk.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Apr 7, 2024 2:38 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Boris Yeltsin was anything but a drunkard. By stating such falsehoods, you’re exposing your ineptness at whats really going on and what has. I suggest you start at the very beginning.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 1, 2024 3:55 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Notbuyingit and Sociolog, welcome to the OG comments section!
You’re bound to find some fine insight. The humans who comment have good noses for trolls, bots, and Hyper-robotic repartee like yours. You can report this back to your programmers and algorithm analysts.
PS The authors are all humans with a wide spectrum of POVs. Contrarians are welcome.
See you again soon and maybe even five years from now …

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 29, 2024 3:05 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Me neither.

The army of alt-media talking heads promoting BRICS and more discreetly China’s Belt and Road Initiative has a large devout, almost religious, following.

I am truly astounded how the so-called awake saw through the global Operation Lockstep of the Plandemic only to fall back to their geo-political biases once the Ukraine “war” kicked off. The response was Pavlovian in nature.

Perhaps, “hopeium” is behind it, cheerleading for Putin and Trump as the new ‘messiahs’.

Interestingly, the alt-media talking heads who promote BRICS and constantly attack the West never seem to mention the maltreatment of their citizens by BRICS nations during the Plandemic years nor their usage of the jabs, nor jab deaths and injuries. It is as if, it was only a Western phenomenon.

The controllers really know how to play the public like a fiddle and elements of the alt-media perform well to keep us in our boxes, sowing ‘demoralization’ in the West, whilst offering the BRICS multipolar world (aka NWO) as the solution. Just because apparent Western hegemony and all its ills has resulted in so many problems does not mean the proposed solution of the controllers – the multipolar world – will be any better.

Mar 30, 2024 1:12 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

I keep a note for each and every fake opposition out there. Covid showed most of them, the “Ukrainian war” exposed the rest of them. The results are not great. I am not fool myself to believe that with so many people with psychological problems and/or no integrity we are going to defeat the lizards. But still I better know who is who.

Mar 30, 2024 2:55 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Something like that.

I’d agree with one thing, which most of these guys are either pushing or admiring; the fact that Russia has managed to reinvent itself after being on her knees following the collapse of the USSR. And that Putin has been instrumental in the process. And the fact that the West, the US in particular, will have to undergo a similar process, where Russia back then and the US today are in quite a different situation, the US being much worse off, largely because of very poorly educated population. It was the opposite in Russia. I mean not that there are not highly educated people in the US, but there are too many total idiots. In Russia, the general level of eduction is much higher overall.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 30, 2024 4:49 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Yes, the libertarian and non-psychotic conservative movements in the USA have such an intense hatred of the destruction of all the valid and positive aspects of the USA’s purported constitution republic, especially the Bill of Rights, that they will cut Putin unlimited slack. Reminds me of my SO who is suffering from severe TDS including her intense two minutes of hate twice a day. She is totally unable to connect any dots and regards MSNBC as her primary news source.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 29, 2024 3:11 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Controlled opposition. Ex-Intelligence military officers who repented their past and now suddenly are on average Joe’s side against the system.
They wouldnt be allowed to be there where they are if they werent paid. But as entertainment……..

Mar 30, 2024 2:59 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

AIn’t it strange that these fucking guys are giving so many interviews left and right? They’re on one alt channel after another. Each of them regurgitating essentially the same thing, ramming it into people’s heads.

LIkewise, what sort of (alt) journalism is that? Having the same guests all the time, asking them leading questions, not confronting anything they say ever, telling people what they wanna hear?

That’s on par or even worse than legacy media.

Mar 29, 2024 3:51 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Dunno about the rest, but never had much of a problem with Pepe Escobar. His book Globalistan is a wonderful analysis. He has always tread a fine line re his analysis of 9/11, but now, I think all sides respect, that as a Brazillian Journalist nearly 70 years old, he travels all over the world without fear, speaking to people at the highest levels to find out what’s going on, as best as he can.

Not many people are like that.


Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 29, 2024 5:36 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Ritter, Johnsom and Doug McGregor all come up here.
The Methods Section | Episode 5 || Rurik Skywalker and Edward Slavsquat. The Russia-Ukraine (not-) war: neither “side” is winning, and neither will win. So what is the Slav-on-Slav slaughter for? Far more than what the surfeit of “realist” geopolitical analyses tells us. Jesse Zurawell, 3/7/24.

lynette chaplin
lynette chaplin
Mar 29, 2024 9:38 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

they are simply telling informed truth

Mar 30, 2024 6:01 AM

Really? Have you listened to Scott Ritter’s sycophantic adoration of Russia and Putin?

Informed truth …? No fucking way.

Mar 30, 2024 5:12 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

“Do they come across as strange to you as to me?”

So you think these men of principle, who are willing to stand up and risk their careers for the sake of Truth and Justice are “strange, untrustworthy fuckers”?

Mar 30, 2024 11:16 AM
Reply to  NickM

I’m not at all convinced that these guys are “men of principle willing to stand up and risk their careers”. Too much strange shit about them. Yes, they are untrustworthy.

In fact, everybody is untrustworthy and nobody is trustworthy. If you want to resist being manipulated, you have to constantly question everything. Nobody is a bulletproof trustworthy source. Even if a person is, as you say, a man of principle, he can be deluded, deceived, act as a useful idiot, you name it. This is a complicated word and you gotta stay on guard.

I’d tend to say that you should be especially suspicious if you like what you’re hearing. The chances are pretty high that somebody’s fucking with you, leading you astray by your nose.

Mar 30, 2024 4:10 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

“I’m not at all convinced that these guys are “men of principle willing to stand up and risk their careers”.

If that is your opinion of men like Scott Ritter then I conclude your qualifications in Socialogy were obtained from the School of Main Stream Opinion.

Mar 30, 2024 7:27 PM
Reply to  NickM

Dickhead, I’m tired of your ad hominem remarks

Ritter totally lacks objectivity, he keeps singing sycophantic praises about Russia. Even if he were a man of principle, he’s not a reliable source of anything, apart from sycophantic praises about Russia.

Your choice if you like to devour the stuffs he keeps regurgitating.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 1, 2024 4:02 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

In fact, everybody is untrustworthy and nobody is trustworthy.”
Typical H.R. (Hyper-robotic (some call it A.I., haha)) tripe.
You go NickM! It’s not ad hominem, it’s ad machinem

Apr 4, 2024 5:02 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Scott Ritter is a bit of an enigma, repeatedly telling us that Israel was finished at least 3 months ago and were suffering big losses but they are still on their genocide mission. He also said Ukraine was done for, then Russia was running out of men to get killed and so it goes on. NATO was also finished but nothing happens to show any of this. I have stopped watching his fantasy blogs and do not get who he works for. He is an EX intelligence officer so where does he get all this from anyway.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Apr 7, 2024 2:42 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Trust? I doubt they give a shit if you trust them or not. It’s not about trust, it’s about obtaining a narrative that provides a difference of opinion. Look around. Who do you actually trust? I would suggest it’s more about having an in-depth understanding of events but the ultimate decision is left to you.

Make the most of it and stop assaulting and insulting people that are offering you just that. Otherwise you no better than the mainstream media and their bullshit one way narrative.

Mar 29, 2024 12:53 PM

Southfront carried posts with more video clips during the “attack”

One curious anomily shows the shooter entering some fire doors, he fires down the corridor, then turns to fire at the cameraman and behind one of the fire doors,

(Warning: Also shows graphic scenes of throat slashing where victim just lies there taking it then casually rolls over)

You have enough energy to roll over, but not enough to attempt to stop your throat being cut multiple times?
Firing directly at cameraman, who doesn’t flinch, continues to film like a pro.
no exit holes made by an AK47 round being fired at a wooden door.
position of victims in corridor look unnatural as if casually lying down
no exit wounds on any of the victims from all video footage available.


7th video down: the video shot comming down the escalator, no holes in seating, no exit wounds, nowhwere near enough blood for a couple aparently sprayed with AK rounds

8th video down: The video showing the window shatter, where aparently a whole group of 3 or 4 people huddled in the corner are sprayed with 31 x AK rounds from the first shooter, and 12 rounds from the second shooter, taking a total of 43 rounds, but continue moving about as if looking for something in a bag, the movement continues from all the “victims” after the two shooters stop firing, one “victim” in white clothes at the doors casually lays down with a child.

Here’s some Ak footage firing into balistic gel to indicate how real rounds work:

Do a picture search for “AK47 exit wound” and compare all the footage from Moscow.

Verdict: Dodgy AF.

Mar 31, 2024 12:51 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Don’t forget the “spark effect”. WTF were they using the AK47 musket version?
For example the 8th video:
Here it’s even more spectacular …

Southfront is an FSB associated publication

Mar 29, 2024 11:45 AM

It was Vlad what did it. Give it a rest Wagga.

Mar 29, 2024 10:28 AM

I read your articles on your blog and followed links in the comments. Good observations.
For now, I conclude this is a 2-part false flag:

the shooting part appears very staged

the fire is obviously not staged 

The most official version of events (Kremlin website) claims the 4 arrived at 19:54, entered the building at 19:58 and left at 20:11. 13 minutes. Around 40 are said to have been killed by the gunmen, over 100 by suffocation and fire related death. They have 4 guns and small backpacks with (depending on which version you believe): molotov cocktails, grenades, bottles of gasoline. All videos show the 4 either in the atrium or in the theatre. They are not on any upper floor because that’s where Picnic Video Guy goes to escape. The fire is on the highest floors and roof but gunmen are always downstairs.

The fire is not the job of amateurs “hired on telegram for $5k split between 4”.

They don’t even mention fire when they’re being tortured into “confessions” on camera. Unless gumen are Spidermen in disguise they did not do it. Cheap construction etc. doesn’t explain why the fire dept didn’t arrive in a few minutes and extinguish whatever small blaze they started in the theatre. It was not a firewood warehouse. This was a professional arson job or maybe a strike of some kind on the roof. Soldiers with drone guns were there the next day.

Two kinds of videos.  

1. A lot of panic videos from from cell phones inside the theatre. They seem real enough. They show neither gunmen nor fire, just chaos.

2. All “shooting” videos come from connected sources like the Picnic Video Guy and “ISIS” videos released by Rita Katz at SITE Intelligence. Both seem completely staged, the Rita Katz ones seem to be green screen. 

Picnic Video Guy which you analyzed appears staged and MAY be linked to someone within MoD. This video seems to be shot on site. If you shoot rock bands for a living don’t tell me you’re calmly walking around with your bad leg while there’s a terrorist attack going on. 

Video from above: https://twitter.com/jordanschumway/status/1773379677169635406

Gunman fires at a distance of less than 2 metres at a group huddled in the corner. They sit there and keep chatting. 

SITE Intelligence Groups aka ISIS/Amaq video from bodycam of “terrorist” shot at ground floor level looks like a greenscreen production. It’s the only one which shows in the background the vestibule door to the seating area completely ablaze with photoshopped flames. Implying the entire inside of the theatre was totally ablaze in 13 minutes which contradicts the many cellphone panic videos. 

A hilarious moment is when the gunman enters the little vestibule firing wildly in every direction including at his bodycam wearing colleague. It’s fortunate that he only had a sparkler gun. Experts say the sparks are because “old, poorly stored guns”. Ok, but a bullet should also come out. https://rumble.com/v4lf4fu-moscow-fakery.html

If people don’t know about SITE Intelligence Group based in Bethesda Maryland, they should. All “ISIS” videos come to MSM from them. They are notorious for having published an ISIS video before the event happened. https://ent.siteintelgroup.com/Articles/Jihadist-News/ Look up Rita Katz. A VIP. Very Interesting Person.

Whodunnit? Some combination of possibly ex Wagner or others disgruntled with Putin working with NATO alphabet agencies and/or Ukrainians?

It could involve Putin himself but I don’t think so. He seems rattled and is taking vengeance on his favourite target. 

Chechens, Dagestanis and Central Asian immigrants routinely face a lot of discrimination and harassment especially in western Russian metropoleis. There are many credible reports of them being sent to the front lines either by force if they’re found with expired papers or with the carrots of citizenship. The torture was beyond disgusting.

Moreover, Ritz Katz at SITE Intelligence has suddenly released a whole spate of threatening terrorist videos. At this very dangerous moment in world history who could possibly benefit from a new wave of Islamohobia which Putin himself is fuelling big time?

An important point is that the initial Russian APB was for 4 completely different Tajiks most of whom turned out to be alive and well far far away from Moscow. So they picked up a random 4 more and attacked genitals or removed an eye, an ear to get them to say whatever.

Having one teenage suspect, an unemployed barber, show up unconscious in a wheelchair having had his eye removed convinces whom exactly??? 

The Russian narrative is total BS not matter what happened and they’ve served up some tortured victims to satisfy their bloodlust and cover their asses.  

Mar 30, 2024 1:19 AM
Reply to  Notbuyingit

I have objections but this is excellent analisys.

Mar 30, 2024 6:01 AM
Reply to  Notbuyingit

The purveyors of democracy are coming up against the limitations of CGI. Of course, they can announce a ban on an inconsistent video on the grounds of respect for the families of the dead.

Cluthing at straws
Cluthing at straws
Mar 29, 2024 9:47 AM

Considering 9/11 was twenty three years ago, the CGI was really pretty good.

Personally, I thought it lacked a little something. Possibly a little polished for European tastes?

But you’ve got to admire the British for their sense of fun in making fake videos.

Head and shoulders above Johnny foreigner

I mean, that fucking narwhal tusk was a stroke of genius.

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 29, 2024 9:18 AM

Riley Waggaman (fake spook name) neglects to mention that Russia is a capitalist nation that likely uses GLADIO style staged terrorist attacks to oppress their citizens the same as every other Western capitalist nation. This is a Corbett style rabbit hole designed to whitewash the class war and waste everyone’s time and energy on minutiae.

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Mar 29, 2024 9:04 AM

Are you fu@£ing joking?!
No sane person can believe this is anything but another staged event ( details will never be known)
Remember lockdowns how every ‘terrorist’ paramilitary crime syndicate down to street thug dutifully obeyed the chief health officers directives ?? Universally, without exception and in a coordinated manner?
Remember how easily the regime had total control of everything and everyone for as long as they needed?
Are we just going to pretend we haven’t been shown that every institution above a 5 man membership is IN LOCKSTEP!
FFS! Give up in the real politics show it’s just a Netflix style entertainment event

Mar 29, 2024 8:30 AM

A more thorough article from a very tragic event which cost the lives of so many innocent men, women and children.


Mar 30, 2024 5:25 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

From your Link, it appears that more people were killed by flame and smoke than by those four machine guns. Criminal negligence on the part of the building’s owners:

““Most of the victims in Crocus died not at the hands of terrorists, but from the criminal negligence of the owners and regulatory authorities,” reported Mikhail Delyagin, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, on Sunday evening. “It is known that many people suffocated with carbon monoxide inside the building. There are already more victims of this kind than those killed by terrorist shooting. Nothing like this could happen in a certified building built according to modern standards for such objects. Why? Because all such buildings are equipped with an automatic ventilation system. These are windows or hatches that fire off automatically if the detector detects an increased level of carbon monoxide inside. Holes open in the roof – and the life-threatening gas goes into the sky. This system works, by the way, without electricity, on compressed air.”
“The way the Crocus burned down shows that cheap Chinese materials (glass wool, plastics, cable braid, etc.) were used in its decoration, which are prohibited for use in public buildings. The reason for the ban? Combustibility. In Europe, non-burning glass wool, plastics, etc. have been used for a long time. They are, of course, twice or three times more expensive than the Chinese equivalent. But they have one advantage: they do not burn in case of fire. And they don’t kill those who are inside.”
Delyagin has publicly accused Aras Agalarov, the wealthy founder of the Crocus shopping and development group, and his son Emin of failing “to formally commission this particular concert hall. As it became known, it is not listed as a properly designed capital construction object on the cadastral map of the Federal Register. Apparently, the amount of bribes needed to receive such a dangerous object exceeded all reasonable limits, and for Agalarov, taking into account the above-mentioned monstrous violations of standards, it was cheaper to extend the status of a building under construction than to put it into operation.” 
Bastrykin has announced “the investigation is checking the possibility of violation of safety requirements and the fire extinguishing system in the Crocus City Hall concert hall. For this purpose, remote controls, electronic components and control devices for the fire protection system of the concert hall were seized. They are aimed at researching and extracting information about the operating mode of fire safety systems at the time of the terrorist attack. The contents of the fire protection system server are being studied with the participation of experts. To establish the operability and timely operation of all fire safety systems, a fire technical examination has been appointed.” 

Mar 29, 2024 7:09 AM

Let’s try to see the bigger picture.

The world is in an inflection point. One era, the industrial age driven by fossil fuels, which produced the capitalist vs. socialist dichotomy, is coming, or has already come, to an end, and new system is being ushered in and cemented. Varoufakis calls this technofeudalism and he’s not far from the truth, including the fact that the system is already in place, including the fact that most motherfuckers no longer live in the real world, but instead inhabit various digital fiefdoms where a whole another set of rules apply than is the case in the real world, including laws, democracy, and all this shit.

Cuntries are to a large extent mirages, entities that exist on paper only, at least from the formal viewpoint. There still exist nations in the ethnic sense, to a lesser or larger extent, depending on the degree of local conservatism, but for instance the Amazon or Fuckbook or Twatter fiefdoms extend over the whole fucking globe.

Conceivably, oligarchs in various parts of the world want to secure the best possible position for the forthcoming age and they’re at the same time fighting the technofeudalists. How all this adds up together is anybody’s fucking guess, impossible to unravel.

The humble me thinks that whatever the fuck is going on, the objective number one in the upcoming years or perhaps decades is to survive. One thing is for sure, the wild party of the pre-2020 era is gone, that was crazy shit, no matter what happens, the world gotta slow down and cool off. Consumerism and the human enterprise per se can’t expand indefinitely.

One has to be ready for anything and adapt. And stay away from shitheads who refuse to let go of the past, which already now is gone.

Anyway, is Russia conspiring with the West? I think a bona fide report to that effect has already been made in the sense that they’ve agreed not to cross certain red lines in the Ukie conflict. Who benefits from this ‘attack’, whether real or not? Potentially any of the actors. It keeps the wheels of the war turning, gives the fucking idiots out there something to fight about.

Mar 29, 2024 7:04 AM

MIC without borders ?

Mar 29, 2024 6:09 AM

Q: Why did Uncle $cam publicly warn President Putin about an imminent attack by ISIS?

A: To distract attention from the Ukrainian connection.

Both ISIS and Azov are proxy armies of the U$A.

Scott Ritter again:

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 29, 2024 6:00 PM
Reply to  NickM

everyone refuses to name “Mossad”.

Mar 30, 2024 5:02 AM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

As Lowkey said in a recent Link that I posted recently, the 3 Anglo Zionazi Capitalist spy agencies — MI6, CIA and Mossad — are so closely intertwined that it is unnecessary to distinguish them.

Mar 29, 2024 5:25 AM

Ariana Grande, Bataclan, Crocus City Hall.

Its as easy as A, B, C.

Or, its no piknik.

The fantasy continues….

Mar 29, 2024 4:01 AM

Why would Putin fake a terrorist attack in Moscow involving Muslims? No motive. For Ukrainians/ CIA etc. yes.

Who has a motive making a fake AI video about the Crocus event? Not Putin but your own taxpayer pounds/ dollars at work.

The first play was to attribute the whole attack on Muslims within 2 hours – very suspect – MH 17 wise.Didn’t get traction this round.

Mar 29, 2024 7:13 AM
Reply to  antonym

One explanation I’ve seen is that Muslim involvement would provide Russia and the US with an excuse to enter into negotiation – it would allow them to pretend that they’re joining forces to fight a common enemy, the terrorists.

That way, the US could get out of a lost war without losing face which the Russkies would probably welcome as well.

There are tons of other scenarios, fucked up to a lesser or greater degree, one could think of.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 29, 2024 7:36 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Kremlin has already declared they know US/UK and Ukraine is behind.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 29, 2024 6:02 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

And the Kremlin knows who is behind the U$A/UK/NATO/Ukraine.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Apr 7, 2024 2:49 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

You’ve obviously seen a lot. Tons of scenarios…. no doubt.

Mar 30, 2024 2:34 PM
Reply to  antonym

I am not sure Putin did it. Don’t forget the Wagner coup. It may have been a short farce but Russian pilots died. That makes it serious and means that there are people who don’t like Putin.

If only they had not tortured those men, maybe I’d have believed it.

I think Putin is totally rattled and offering up these Muslims to satisfy the ethnonationalists.
Muslims are harassed a lot all the time anyway. They have no way to defend themselves in Russia other than picking up and leaving.

Some teenaged kids, Muslims of Central Asian origin, were working at the theatre and behaved heroically in saving people from the fire. The fire at least seemed real.
So now, while Russia is harassing and torturing Muslims, they’re cynically giving this kid an award and writing flattering stories about him to show how multicultural they are.

Such hypocrisy. Torture is always illegal. And the FSB deliberately circulating the videos sickens me. Not to mention the condition of the men when they went in.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Apr 7, 2024 2:47 AM
Reply to  antonym

Muslim? What the hell are you talking about. That is a religion just like Judaism. Both have been hijacked by delusional degenerates. The Jews have their terrorists – the zionists and the ISIS-K or whatever their moniker is this time around, they all come from UK and US intelligence. Muslim faith has nothing to do with it.

Big Al
Big Al
Mar 29, 2024 2:39 AM

I don’t know man, that’s what I’d do. I’d stand behind a pillar 100 feet away and throw a couple 2 foot tables in front of me and pretend they couldn’t see me. Who wouldn’t? Don’t they teach that in false flag attack school? “Stand behind a pillar, they will never get you.”

But the dude in the yellow coat, that’s something. Got nerves of steel. On the other hand, he looked like an observer in a military exercise. Who wears a yellow coat to a mall anyway? THAT, right there, is the smoking (yellow) gun, ladies and gentlemen.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 29, 2024 12:50 AM

Just remember Kremlin copy everything West.
WEF, QR, AI, CEO/CFO/Oligarch system, Corona scam and jabs, Clima change, Green Wave, Swinger clubs, Threesomes, Rap music, Facebook, Office buildings, as they want to be equal partners.

les online
les online
Mar 28, 2024 9:55 PM

Wily, you have me intrigued, so stop with The Tease !
Tell Me – Who do You think was behind it, and Why ?
So Many Questions, you must have Suspicions ?

It’s Good Friday here in Sydney, Australia…I usually
suspend my dis-trust, give it a rest, on such Occasions,
but your teasing is addictive…

Mar 28, 2024 9:34 PM

I first came across this article/report in a link from the Swiss Policy Research site, ( previously Swiss Propaganda Research, which used to run the eye-opening/red-pilling Swiss Doctor reports on covid ), which has analysed the available videos and has concluded that the Crocus Hall events may have been staged, just like the Ariana Grande Concert “bombing” in Manchester, which Iain Davis wrote about recently on OffG. I don’t know what to think.

Mar 28, 2024 9:35 PM
Reply to  Amtrup
Mar 29, 2024 8:48 AM
Reply to  Amtrup

If you look through that link, you will note the accusation that Putin was stage managing some of these events. Further investigation, reveals that one journalist David Satter made a video stating that Putin allegedly staged , for example, the 1999 Moscow apartment bombings to consolidate his power base. However, it becomes interesting when you look at the background of David Satter and where he has studied/ worked and which MSM outlets he wrote articles for.


Mar 29, 2024 2:38 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

From your Link:

“David Satter is a fellow of the Foreign Policy Institute of Johns Hopkins University.”
Johns Hopkins was the main academic driving force for the Con-19 $cam. The apples do not fall far from the tree.

Mar 29, 2024 9:19 PM
Reply to  NickM

William Tell would have had a field day !

Matt Black
Matt Black
Mar 29, 2024 9:05 AM
Reply to  Amtrup

thank you, their odysee channel is where its at

Mar 29, 2024 2:32 PM
Reply to  Amtrup

“I don’t know what to think”

That’s a good start.

“It ain’t the things you don’t know that gets you into trouble, it’s the things you know for sure but which just ain’t so” — Artemus Ward.

For MI from a man who has proved his professional integrity by laying his career on the line, why not start with this link to Scott Ritter?
