People do not want war
Sylvia Shawcross

Hatred is born of fear and raised by ignorance. And that ignorance sprouts its tender leaves long before it develops its thorns. We accepted the greenery bursting from the soil of indifference, exhaustion and spite because we didn’t know their names then and once we knew it was too late.
The indifferent, caught unawares by the passing pleasures and pain of worldly things; the exhausted, weary and hungry and broken by worldly demands; and the spiteful who lived for the days of greed and vengeance to extract their needs from the world—all ending up where they ended up. We know now, from history and the slow careful collection of the way things were, just where those places they ended up were.
But we are seemingly outside of history now that it is being quickly reformulated or eradicated—racing at Space-Age speed in a whirlwind without the same time to learn the lessons we once would learn to prevent or at least mitigate the bad things. Now we have to learn at a frantic pace for the sake of the future.
And we have not yet learned the lessons of the C*vid response as we should. Not at all. Because learning those lessons is harder than anything we could want to learn. But learn them we must. For the future. If that matters. For the children so that they might not go wild-eyed into the sunrises of their lives without the wisdom of the ages at their back. And it doesn’t matter if you believe or don’t believe the official narrative of the C*vid response or not. It does not matter a bit. The lessons are to be learned by us all so we might teach and prevent the bad or at least mitigate it if we can.
We must teach the children about hate. Because we are living in times of fear. That fear lies hidden inside all that we witness now. It is woven into the day-to-day as if the darkness of past events has been unravelled and rethreaded into our lives.
Perhaps we can pull at any given hanging bit of thread and it will unravel the world. The world as it has been made to be, full of that fear. Perhaps we can. Perhaps we can’t. It was once enough to know that it was there. In the day-to-day. But that is not enough now. To just know. The fears are now birthing hate and that hate will be our destiny. Unless. Always the unless.
We cannot teach if we have not learned the lessons ourselves. Honesty. Strength. Humility. In the time of deception, weakness and pride. It is a tall order. And we need to begin to understand what the fear response when C*vid hit did to us all, here at least in the Western world. And good heavens, did we have fear unlike anything at the time!
If we go back and remember. We were seeing pictures of people in China dropping dead on the street, howling as they were locked into their apartment buildings, lungs covered in ice-like structures, and in Italy churches and churchyards were filled with the dead. Huge passenger ships were brought to the harbour in New York City to act as supplemental hospitals. On the cruise ship Princess, most were expected to die. And we did not know if it was created in a lab or if we could catch it from handling paper money or any surface. We were a terrified mess. And paranoid. At least for a little while we were.
We pondered our own and human existence in an existential crisis unlike one we’ve lived to see before in our lifetime. What if the world of humans just died! An exhausting, depressing, horrible time was had by most. And we praised our brave heroes: the medical professions, the clerks in stores and businesses, the drivers and delivery people. We thought them brave and socially responsible like saints in the making.
And the governments responded. We were locked and masked up. Prohibited from so many things. There were harsh repercussions if we didn’t. Here in Quebec police would raid houses when neighbours reported more than the required number of people were having a get-together. They were called if people refused to wear a mask. Businesses and restaurants advertised how safe they were. If you didn’t wear a mask you weren’t welcome. You could walk your dog only at certain hours and could only stay within a certain perimeter. The police were there to ensure this.
People were separated from loved ones. The very old or fragile died alone in hospitals and nursing homes. The young were so isolated they were falling into mental health issues and suicidal thoughts. The old, the focus of the safety campaign were made guilty that all this was being done to “save grandma,” a choice they might not have made had they been given the choice.
Strange signs appeared telling us where to walk or stand and who could not walk or stand there. Those not complying were criminalized not just by the government but by their fellow humans. People alone in their cars wore masks—a visible sign of the kind of mental anguish this whole thing caused. Who would do that? If not someone made so afraid. Travel restricted. People were put into quarantine “camps” by law. Friends and families broke up. Fear reigned. And wherever there is fear, there is hate.
It was not like this in other countries. Other countries such as Sweden simply protected the fragile and frail and carried on. African countries without the resources did nothing and it was as if C*vid never even happened. They would fare far better than us ultimately. But that is neither here nor there, the real lessons came with the vaccine. That is where we learned the ultimate power of governments. And that is where the lessons lie for all of us, pro or con.
Life without a vaccine in Canada and elsewhere was made into a hell world for those who did not follow the party line. You would lose your job and status if you refused to be inoculated in many cases. You were threatened with legal suits, criminal charges, quarantine. If you protested enough, even without violence, such as the truckers protest of 2022, you could see your bank account frozen, be thrown into prison without a bail hearing for years, thrown into a mental asylum for forced treatment (as one priest discovered trying to feed the poor and comfort his congregation), lose your right to use social media or to speak out, have false stories made up about you to facilitate the crackdown.
In other words, you became a criminal.
Now, whether you believe that was the right thing to do or not is not the issue. Well, not the issue I’m trying to point out. The issue I’m trying to point out is how much do you trust your government? Because this is the power they have. They can lock you down. They can throw you in prison. They can quarantine you. They can label you and throw you to the wolves. They can close down your bank account. They can restrict your travel. They can ruin your relationships vicariously. They can come into your home. They can do this because fear reigns. Whether you follow or whether you don’t depends on you.
Whether you believe this was the right response or not, at least understand that all of these tactics and responses by governments are not essentially different than those of Stalin or Hitler or any other repressive regime historically at the time of crisis. And everything depends on whether the human rights that were violated are given back when the crisis is over. Governments, just by virtue of being governments can be very persuasive; particularly when they own the media listened to by the majority. How much then, do you trust your government?
Whether you agreed or disagreed human rights were violated during the C*vid response people watched these things happen to their fellow citizens. Most of them agreed. Most of them participated in condemnation of their fellow citizens. Just as they did in Germany and Russia and China during the totalitarian regimes. They believed their governments. So you’d better bloody know if your government is doing the right thing lest we repeat history. They have unbelievable power. Do not fall for a reason to hate. When our own prime minister spoke of the unvaccinated as deplorable sub-humans he didn’t know what to do with, what does that remind you of? Step outside what may be your own bias and look at it objectively.
Right now we are continuing to lose human rights such as freedom of speech. And when that goes, it all goes. Support or don’t support what is going on but it is imperative it is understood by one and all the ramifications that can come of it. It is no coincidence that at times like this, war arrives. A government is there to serve the people and people do not want war.
A government is obliged to take informed, honest and reasonable action for the sake of the people who elected them in a democracy. Did our government’s, and are our governments acting in a democracy or not? Were they fiscally responsible? Did they have our interests at heart? Do they? How much do you trust your government on all the things that make up a democracy?
Whether you agree or disagree on how the C*vid response happened, the precedent has been set and it is continuing into all the other arenas. The control is not going away. Do not fall for a reason to hate. Do not fall for any reason to hate your fellow citizens particularly. Change the course of history we seem to be on by refusing to let fear run the show. That is my hope. And that takes true soul-searching and courage. It is worth the effort.
Syvlia Shawcross is a writer based in Canada. You can read more of her work on her SubStack.
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‘It is a tall order. And we need to begin to understand what the fear response when C*vid hit did to us all, here at least in the Western world. And good heavens, did we have fear unlike anything at the time!’
Like often in my life, I did not fit the mould described by those that would wish to paint a unified picture.
I did not feel any fear, because I was already educated in biological technologies a generation previously. Although people think that science moves at lightning speed, when I go read 2020s ‘newly published biomedical research’, the technologies, the approaches, haven’t changed that much since my day in the 1990s, apart perhaps from DNA sequencing automation having gone up a couple of notches. The standard of research has in many respects gone down but the playing to the grant funding audience is still as strident as ever. Every word in most papers is calculating the effect that such words will have on those that fund research. It has been thus for 50 years and more.
I knew no-one who ‘died of Covid’, although I have known a few elderly folks who have passed away the past 4 years (both my parents on that list).
I never felt that I ever contracted Covid, I have simply had a few annoying colds the past four years. Just as I had for the previous 45 years.
I had already learned about propaganda through the 9/11 scam, the Iraq war scam, the Libyan bombing genocide, the Syrian war genocide. My first assumption about anything any politician said was: ‘assume it’s lies until evidence emerges that it’s the truth’.
I’d had a decade of ‘security services being interested in me’, so I know first hand the way that the mind controllers, the bullies, the predatory perverts behave.
What was new this time around? Well, certainly not the media propaganda. The Iraq war propaganda, the 9/11 propaganda was exactly the same. The politicians were exactly the same, being misinformed by ‘experts’ and following a pre-determined path, not the one most beneficial to those they are supposed to represent.
Neil Ferguson was entirely analogous to ‘Niger Uranium’ scammers. His lies being used to justify appalling actions and Matthew Hancock in the UK playing Colin Powell to perfection.
‘Zere is no alternative to vaccines’ was entirely analagous to ‘Operation Shock N Awe’, a carpet bombing approach designed to cause appalling harm, rather than trying to minimise casualties/human illness.
Those that tried to negotiate peace before the Iraq war are just like those who suggested Ivermectin, Vitamin D, budesonide etc etc as better medical approaches than vaccines. Hounded, turned into pariahs, made enemies of the state.
There were companies and individuals that made billions from the Iraq war and its aftermath. Just like Pfizer, Moderna, BionTech etc during Covid.
Because Covid didn’t have a ‘bogey man’, it was timely to create Vladimir Putin as that man, equivalent in the eyes of non-thinking sheep to Saddam Hussein.
Who were the equivalents to Dr David Kelly? Mike Yeadon has not been bumped off, presumably because the PTB didn’t need to bump him off to get the vaccines into billions.
9/11 was entirely analagous to the new genocide in Gaza. A meticulously planned event designed to kill thousands and to benefit Zionists.
Lockdowns are something new, as compared to 20 years ago. A million took to the streets of London before the Iraq war, Governments do their best to outlaw such peaceful acts these days.
The attempts to try and control human spending via social controls, the attempts to deprivatise financial transactions through enforced digital currencies are both new. Desperate people do ever more despotic things…..
The single lesson that transforms a child into an adult is learning that people lie.
Trusting the words of human beings is the act of a helpless infant who would die without the nurturing care of adults.
In the real world, most people who make a lot of money do it not through expertise per se, rather through swindling.
It’s a lesson that children need to learn without giving up, because if they do, they can decide whether honesty is more important to them than wealth.
During bs19 loving people wanted me dead or something bad to happen.
my crime…..
not wearing a mask or saying no to the vaccine.
My fault the lockdown was continuing according to the same mind set.
Wonderful article. Thank you.I agree the hatred, fear, death, war mongering, belong to them. We the ‘divine spirit’ cannot fall for this again. History shines a bright light for us to see the future. Their chess board is being maneuvered into position for WW lll. The only way they can win is with our participation. Their simulation is already finished if we stay in this trance, this fake reality, their illusion of life. The illusion of life belong to us. This is the only proof of our existence…the only place where we can look ourself in the eyes. For together we form the human spirit, the most powerful force on earth…Love and nonviolence. They fear our awakening. Shine your light into the darkness.
The powerlessness of “our side” in this war is voluntary, in that we all seem to be waiting for a people’s revolt that can never happen because we’re the people and we’re waiting instead of revolting. “Their side” doesn’t even need to be smart or competent to exploit this paralysis. All they need to do is push hard enough to advance their front line, but not so hard that we break and turn violent. We’re going to lose everything this way, and their histories of this era will not record our quiet complaints.
The difference between our two armies is: they have a front line; we do not. We whine about lockdowns and CBDCs and the endless ratcheting creep of life-nullifying ideologies, but we don’t draw lines — even rhetorically — because our lives still seem a little too comfortable to sacrifice for this or any other cause. They’re not, though, this is not a comfortable existence. We’re anonymous but we are not safe.
What if we signed our real names to a bill of rights and intents, stating explicitly what our lines are and the consequences of crossing them, so that our oppressors know exactly who and how many are against them, and how hard they’ll fight? For example, “We will never recognize the existence of a public health emergency declared outside of a local community referendum; even then, we will never under any circumstances comply with personal medical mandates of any kind, or with lockdowns or externally imposed social restrictions. We will actively and proportionately defend our rights and the rights of others.”
Something like this could be inscribed immutably and uncensorably on the Bitcoin blockchain. Would any of you sign it?
No! We are busy fighting while you are scribing.
Idiotic shit stirring from The Guardian:
“Schools in England accused of closing down debate on Israel-Gaza conflict”
What the fuck are “schools” going to decide? And these “schools” even include PRIMARY schools!
If you look at it all, all of what is happening now started way back when in the school system. I’m realizing late how much power the educational system has. It really matters what they think and do. I don’t know what it matters they decide overall however or how much power that has.
I reasoned thus:
Its an British Empire tool. The way Britain subdued its colonies were in the native’s ground schools.
Changing gramma and language in their native tongue, brainwashing small children into believing whatever you like.
School children in Afghanistan had school books printed in NYC with pictures of knives and riffles teaching them to be Moslem salafi warriors resistance against the “Soviet occupation” of their land.
Its so successful so it became a manipulation tool even inside the anglo-sax own countries.
Ground SchoolsPrimary SchoolsI don’t trust governments of any country, since you were asking.
So we’ve all learned.
The only thing the proles need to learn is that they should remain tenacious in condemning the “COVID criminals” so that these psychopaths are eventually held accountable.
Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war, neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.
-Hermann Goering
So what do they do when they are dismantling all “nationhood” for global identity when it comes to calling on people’s patriotic duty? What would they use instead?
They will use Metaverse, the blur between reality and fantasy that they build up today.
Your Smart phone will dictate reality and thus your momentary mood.
Where’s the hope? We know we won’t give up the Smart phone. When we all should resort to flip phones. Really.
In heaven.
Its a controversial matter in West where so many are non-believers. Christianity is the only thing that makes sense.
It explains from where we come from, why we are here, where we are going, and the solution to an seemingly absurd life.
When we compare the scriptures to experiences in of real life, it fits in.
The Epistles says “For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few”.
The Milgram Test, many similar tests, says 80-90% dont have moral and psychological capacity to resist Authority’s order to even the worst atrocities.
Muhammed Ali, the best, multi-billionaire, I got everything but it gave me nothing, this life isnt real. God is superior.
The Ecclesiastes says, there is nothing new under the sun, all is in vain and futile. The injustice of death.
Bear your burden, live after God’s Commandments and enjoy life, is the only requirement for this life.
Soren Kierkegaard Philosopher, Einstein, Physician after many years of studying life and books, Christianity is the only thing that makes sense.
Finally, Which Chief in Command on earth did Bob Dylan made an agreement with? Christus.
Happy to see a great musician like Bo Dylan like the robber on the cross confess his belief in Christ, and hear him be invited into the light.
People who have entered, says it doesnt make life easier, but it gives you peace inside to have found the true and only logical meaning, and leave all the many open questions and pagan ideologies behind.
Just a little observation. I noticed that female writers, more often than not, start their contributions with a plethora of metaphors and allegories.
It’s an opinion piece, you’re not writing a novella.
Before you call me sexist: My wife alerted me to this phenomenon and she is always right.
Sylvia’s posts tend to be quite poetic. She’s quite a “fluffy” person. Hope she doesn’t mind me saying that!
yeah, agreed. As a songwriter/lyricist I appreciate that Sylvia is trying to capture/channel mood and metaphor before she knuckles down to the facts as she perceives them. It probably helps her focus.
You got it ariel. I think that is why. I’m starting a raccoon fluff thing in my head even as I write. 🙂
I am fluffy and proud of it. I want a fluffies parade.
I am married to an extremely fluffy wife. (Well, she was fluffy the last time I got close to her back in 1953.)
Thank you for the critique. Alas, it is the way I am and I ain’t changing much at this point. If you find it tedious or insufferable please don’t read my mutterings.
Typical Off-Guardian fodder – telling us what we already know, vacuuming away every trace of meaningful political analysis and blaming the victims by placing the onus for the endless class war against the proletariat, on the proletariat instead of on the parasite class – ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’.
Supposedly, ‘we’ are responsible for the geopolitical squabbles that feed weapons manufacturers’ shareholders, not the capitalist ruling class. This type of article is akin to a Eurovision entry: pretty blond girl plays a guitar and sings a song for peace outside the Gaza perimeter fence. That should do it.
This coming November approximately 150 million people in the U.S. will cast their vote for either Joe Biden or Donald Trump for president and for various other corrupted politicians. Why should the people not be held at least partially responsible for their own victim-hood and fully responsible for their lack of critical thinking?
We’re all victims of the class war. All of us are owned by the ruling class who decides what we can and cannot do. Billions are born into an exhausting rat race that’s defined by working long hours to avoid poverty – poverty that’s built into the system. We cannot even end our lives in a dignified manner, and at a time of our own choosing because the ruling class have blocked that exit too. And now the ruling class have switched on the ‘Ballot Box Macht Frei’ illuminated sign, to offer the slaves false hope.
because they have believed the constant propaganda ,trusted their goverment and really thought they were doing the right thing ,never in their wildest dreams did the people think that it was all lies to harm them
It seems to me that you’ve really missed the point Sylvia was making.
If you’re familiar with her writings, you’d know she certainly ‘gets it’, as in fully understanding this wretched unfolding agenda, and certainly isn’t victim blaming.
Of course those who saw the truth in sharp focus from the get go, may well snort as they read ‘we’, because they did not and are still not succumbing to the fear that morphs into hatred, but I think she’s deliberately using ‘we’, as opposed to ‘them/those people who didn’t see through the lies and propaganda’, as a technique to level, and not divide those of us in the prole class.
I thought her point was very clear – that if we proles ALL resist the fear, stop trusting the liars and unite against the parasites, we will overcome the lies, warmongering, theft and usurpation of our sovereign power.
She doesn’t understand that being kind isn’t enough. You talk about ‘resistance’ as if it’s a pink cloud of feel-good vibes. Liking comments and attending protests won’t save us. The ruling class will inflict Gaza on us. They have no qualms about murdering millions of people who are out of sight and out of mind. We’re in a war.
I’m in complete agreement with you there, IEWC, and based on your comments on other OFFG articles, we are surely aligned in our views on topics covered.
I’m just puzzled why you consider the ‘need to overcome fear’ as a feel-good vibe.
Indeed the time is well past for The Resistance to cop out by signing petitions to our slavemasters and showing up at rallies that beg them to ‘return’ our rights!
What more evidence do we proles need to accept that war is being waged against us on multiple fronts?
Actually, true courage is doing the right thing, despite one’s fear.
I see the need for those in fear to get beyond it, as an absolute pre-requisite to growing in courage and facing the oppressors, and I thought that was all Sylvia was saying – I hope she chimes in and elaborates, because it seems you’ve misunderstood her (and also my comment in reply to yours).
Until we reality-prone, truth-seer, fearless types increase in number, we
are only making extremely limited and slow progress against the enemy. We NEED more support from our currently fearful, indifferent, cowardly co-proles, and that requires them to overcome their fear!
Yes, but individual non-compliance is the weakest form of resistance. The ruling class are most afraid of the proletariat becoming class conscious and aware of their commonality as workers as opposed to focusing on superficial differences. They’re scared of the proletariat becoming organised and ousting them and their collaborators, hence divide-and-rule strategies to keep people focused on superficial differences. *Organised* is the key word.
Unfortunately, most humans are selfish. Homeless people are ignored on the streets which is why homeless people exist – which in turn allows the ruling class to grow more powerful and to commit crimes against humanity with impunity. It could be said that the human race created the ruling class. The slave has Stockholm Syndrome.
Homelessness can be the most active and dangerous form of protest. It’s as close as passive non-compliance gets to active riot without justifying blatantly violent suppression, which is the reason fentanyl is distributed with such compassion and generosity in the encampments. Tent cities aren’t founded by junkies, they’re founded by people who want to live with other people rather than surrounded by them. It’s the FBI (et al) who turn them into junkies.
Again, I’m in complete agreement with all your above statements. So why the ‘but’ ?
Can you not see that Sylvia, and you and I in our comments, are making the same claim that we proles need to be united in sufficient numbers in order to push back successfully…. and for that to happen the currently fearful HAVE to overcome their fear and step up, and the indifferent/lazy have to be poked.
What seems to be happening is that those who’ve understood the agenda and seen the truth for (at least) the past 4+ years have become frustrated and impatient with our sleeping, scaredy cat co-proles.
So well said Lulu
Lulu, that is “exactly” what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to encourage courage. I’m trying to point out what deliberate fear-mongering can cause. I’m probably doing so feebly. But it is all I got.
You’re not doing it feebly, those who refuse to listen to what you write and take it as it is are the feeble here. There’s always one who wants someone else to write that ground breaking piece that will wake up all those who are still asleep, or to provide a detailed plan for just how we overthrow those who own us, and when that piece doesn’t accomplish what they think it should, they shit all over it. For fun. To show the rest of us just how enlightened and clever they are. They bleat on about revolution but offer no real way to accomplish that, and many of the things they write are directly contradictory to those grand ideas of revolution.
The biggest example of a failure in comprehension regarding this particular piece is that ditching the hate IS the revolution in many ways. That would truly be revolutionary. But they can’t quite grasp that concept yet, so instead of hating on one particular group, they hate on someone writing an article attempting to point out that hate. Haters gotta hate, and we are surrounded by them now. All trained up and ready to point that ire at whoever displeases them in the moment, but never really ready to give up their own hate. And should we find that surprising in a culture that was weaned on hate? Trained to keep that hate alive for someone, somewhere, most of our lives? I guess we really should pity those who can’t give up their hate, but damn that’s a hard one most days. And I’m not saying it’s easy to give up that hate either, particularly when the actions of so many certainly deserve it.
If they don’t like your writing they should not read it. If they think they can do better then for God’s sake do it, and quit whining about someone else’s efforts not being good enough.
As for that grand revolution, those screaming for that should take a good look in a mirror before they start judging others for not making that happen.
Thank you for that Lizzzy
I appreciate very much what you’re saying IEWC. Thank you for your thoughts. I am still having a difficult time trying to accept that there is this level of ruthlessness in the agenda. I’ve entertained the notion and understand why this is the focus for many who are looking at the situation. I might be one of them but I will never be one to say give up, nor will I be the one to tell people that fear of truth is okay. Fear is the enemy. In this piece I hoped to show both those pro and anti covid responses that we are all in it together and we all have to be fearless now. We do not have time to describe or squabble. If that makes sense. But what the hell do I know! Carry on.
Sorry if I’m stating the obvious: the evil entities running the world have been killing us softly as well as violently throughout recorded history but, more recently, it’s become blatant because (and I have evidence for believing this) they are being forced to expedite their plan for total control by people who don’t want said plan to succeed. Hence all the nonsensical news stories coming out, the clear AI fake photos, the barely credible coercion techniques (a brothel voucher for a Covid jab? Really?). Their corruption is being outed against their will and, if the plan works, it will bring them down. What is really strange is why, no matter how obvious it becomes, so many people fail to see it. Are these people non player characters in this game? We need to know.
I wish I knew Jos. I wish I knew.
This idea has been expressed a few years back. Judging by the crushing amount of lies and sheer constant propaganda we have been and are subjected to, I do not consider it impossible.
I’m afraid that’s right: the degree of ruthlessness in the agenda is well past the point at which (most of) our socialisation and programming, parental/school/peer group can believe or actually cope except by dividing up our awareness and unsuccessfully damming the unacceptable parts behind cracked walls through which an ever-increasing amount of horror oozes, despite our best efforts to control it.
Covid was/is a brilliant example, as is Gaza and the Ukraine war.
Not to mention ‘Net Zero’ and ‘climate change.’
So ‘Again’ the only song I finished in America Williams, Oregon, August 2015 considering that I wrote the second verse 7 and a half years before the ‘Special Military Operation started.
Some of us are just a bit more in touch with our sensitivity. We deal with it.
On the subject of raccoons, I was driving up the hill back from the nearby market town when I saw a raccoon on the edge of the bend. In Wales? Maybe an escapee? I saw plenty raccoons close up in South Dakota. Nowhere to pull up on the whole hill, so I couldn’t stop to check it out.
IEWC, it doesn’t matter who takes the blame… the proletariat or the privileged. What matters is what is happening and how to fix it and overcome the division and fear to do so. It is the proletariat that can learn and change. The privileged are locked into bubbles of their own making and they don’t much veer off course. And it is the proletariat that has the duty and sense and burden of knowing what responsibility is and can navigate difficult paths. If I appeal to the proletariat it is because I believe they are the solution.
So, you lose your status. Who gives a shit? Especially if the society from which your status is derived are a bunch of such shitheads? Fuck them. Be yourself instead of trying to be good sheeple and get assigned a societal status for your sheepleness.
As far as understanding convid, the propagandemic, the bigger picture is as follows:
There was NOTHING medical about convid. It was all pure, unadulterated horseshit. Mild flu, an annual occurrence. All the stuff associated with convid was a giant crock of shit. That includes the fuckccines, which are probably some totally useless concoction, where the adverse effects are likely due to impurities or simply the fact that some have an allergic reaction to shit being injected into their body.
A measure to avert an imminent financial collapse, a measure to facilitate the injection of cash into the system to give it a new, probably short-term, lease on life, to figure out something. To start imposing a new socioeconomic system. To usher in a new era. Etcetera.
People have to start seeing shit that’s transpiring through the lens of the present and especially the future, not through the prism of the past, or their perception of the past – hallucinatory statements such as “A government is obliged to take informed, honest and reasonable action for the sake of the people who elected them in a democracy” being a case in point. I mean, the government doesn’t give a fuck about democracy (what the fuck is democracy anyway?).
As heretical as it will sound, one might argue that as bad as convid was, things would have been worse if they were allowed to run their course. Politicians and the powers that be are shitheads alright, but they gotta keep the whole circus up and running somehow, and convid was one possible option. They’re now doing the same thing with the war, scaring shit out of people to give the economy a new impetus under the guise of the threat of Russian invasion.
At the bottom of all this shit is one thing – energy and resources.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram Found that 80% of the population do not have the psychological or moral resources to defy an Authority’s order, no matter how illegitimate this order is.
Only 20% have critical thinking capacity. This explains quite a lot!
Actually the experiments were done wrong and people knew it was bullshit…
I dont look at the actual experiment. I look at whether the experiment confirms observations done in real life.
Who raped, killed, bombed themselves through the entire Dresden? Ordinary people obeying authority.
Who did the My Lai, Fallujah and other massacres on civilians, children, elderly and other villages with lunch break as if it was just another day in the office? Ordinary citizens obeying authority.
Who was obedient to the whole Covid plandemic eager to follow authority with -2-3-4 boosters and QR card? Ordinary citizens to max 70% of the population obeying authority.
Who are employed eager to follow orders in the biggest MIC the world has even seen? Ordinary citizens obeying authority.
Who volunteered to the East Front to kill Russians inside Russia for SS under WWII? Ordinary citizens obeying authority.
Excuse me, but reality shows the conclusions of the experiment correct, no matter how many comma and other tiny failures you may find in the report.
I don’t think that either of the two matters.
What matters is whether a person is collectivist or individualist in nature. The vast majority of people are collectivist, I’d say much more than 80%, but I don’t really give a shit. That’s their problem.
Individualists are rare.
The collectivist nature of people can be cutely observed in these comments. While most people are in opposition to the overall global collective or rather its unconditional acceptance of whatever is foisted on them, they flock here to form a collective of whiners about how fucked up things are and how kill gates et al are after them. They’ll excommunicate everybody who dares propose a different view.
You sound annoyed that they don’t collectively back you.
You need to realize that entropy manages just fine on her own and doesn’t need your idiotic comments to give her a helping hand.
Translation for your idiot self: If you’ve got nothing (of substance) to say, keep yer cakehole shut. Chez nous on dit que tu viens de rater une belle occasion de garder ton hostie de guelle fermee.
Umm … we’re all going to die and so it matters naught whether that happens now or later? Who knows?
I translated the French bit but it made more sense before.
Your problem is not that you’re a collectivist bolhsevik commie, but that you implicitly require everybody to be one too.
Why can’t you accept that people are different?
As to collectivist and individualist people, one is not necessarily better than the other. Except that collectivists inherently have to subscribe to hierarchy, because collectives embody a hierarchical structure and the concept of authority. In contrast, individualists don’t listen to no motherfucker.
All societies are collectivist by definition. The individual /collectivist issue is hot air.
And I already know you “don’t listen to no motherfucker” ’cause you’re such a superdude in your own little theatre.
Yes, I am such a superdude in my own little theater and I like it. What the fuck is it to you? Pissed off that your a cog in some big theater where the guy above you constantly shits on your head? Get your own little theater and be a superdude in there.
I used to think I was an individualist.
Then I won an award at work.
I was surprised how nice it felt.
It couldn’t happen to me because I don’t go to work. Never worked a day in a collectivist setting in my whole life.
What did you get? Hope it wasn’t just a commendation – if you felt nice about that, you’re a lost case!
‘You’d think that most of the world enjoyed working
That slavery was dignity not strife
I’m building a career on honest shirking
I’m going on holiday for the rest of my life.’
Ariel 1980s
Really? No input at all from history or community? I’m guessing that was when you created the heavens and the earth.
Actually, it was a years worth of free events, all fed and copiously watered including trips abroad.
Good for you, if you enjoyed that.
I’m just fine the way I’ve set up my life, I don’t really need any freebies from anyone. I have enough food and drink and I’ve traveled extensively – well, not really, not traveled – lived in different places. I wouldn’t trade that for my freedom.
I like to work. I find any work that contribute to civilisation interesting, even cleaning jobs.
But I am afraid to say it or tell it to people even at job interviews, because its so un-popular and un-cool among all leftists and their unions.
You’re even weirder than me.
It goes like this:
Job interview
HR officer: What do you think is your biggest weakness.
Mature man: The fact that I tell the truth.
HR officer: I don’t think it’s a weakness.
Mature man: I don’t give a fuck what you think.
HR Officer: Then why the fuck did you come to the interview in the first place you hypocritical cunt?
Because I expected to talk about a job, not about my fucking weaknesses, you fuckhead moron.
The HR Officer said it wasn’t a weakness. Your “Mature man” insists that it is. So it’s wonderful Mr Maturity who is pushing the weakness issue.
Its the old joke:
“Doctor, Doctor, I have a terrible personal problem I cant get friends”.
“Can you help me with that you fatty imbecile drug addict?”.
Good one because it is this way an average interview happen.
Most job interviews I have been to, ask for your personal weaknesses.
But are you carrying out your job with focus on your personal weaknesses?
The manager, his manager and the HR consultant and the applicant tell and list all their personal weaknesses and disabilities?
This is pure bs and only done to see if the applicant can be used as bitch, scapegoat and/or be an useful idiot to the company.
You sell you merits needed to carry out a specified task and job, nothing else. This is the correct form.
Well, the last job interview I had was for some summer job I took when I was a kid. Probably a good thing I’ve haven’t done any since. Things are very likely more fucked up than I could imagine, and like this I can live in blissful ignorance … ha ha …
I agree with you on that observation, if not excommunicate then a frozen shoulder to get you into the depression. But its not that bad here. They are able to recognize if you have some due facts to tell.
The Guidestones says 500 mio individuals say 5%, whatever.
I have previous said The Elite and the Men who just wanted to be left Alone have the same problem: The Group think.
Never trust anyone whose name anagrams to ‘masterly malign’!
Right, competition for resources with, ………….wait for it……..insanity.
While I agree you have the right to express your interesting opinions using your preferred idiom, I think you might receive better acceptance of them if you invited us to an espresso bar to discuss them, rather than a gutter somewhere.
I don’t give a whole lot of fuck whether people who take it upon themselves to comment on my choice of words accept any of what I say or not.
You’d probably be the last person on Earth I’d invite to a bar or to a gutter. The rest of “you’s”, I know not. Who are they?
If someone says to me “I dont give a fuck for this and that” I dont give a fuck for what this person says. Thats just my opinion 😆 .
define war. most of us enjoy discord to an extend. it makes live exiting. watching reality tv fight ectr.
The biggest lesson I learned from the covid crap was that the media – all of it! – was made up entirely of bullshit. This was confirmed by the climate crap (with its planet bothering cow farts!), the transgender crap, the (gingerly attempted but soon aborted) UFO crap, the monkeypox crap (ditto), the desperate scramble of “prestigious” celebs to fellate the news dispensers etc. etc. etc.
So my ambition is pretty modest – but also pretty difficult! Namely to get people to ask questions about the media! That’s all I ask.If I can encourage even one person to say, “Hey wait a minute!” then I’ll be happy. Or at least happier.
And here’s the latest thigh slapper from something called
Relying no the now infallible rule that everything in the media can be taken as the opposite of the truth, we can comfortably assume that “Here’s Why It Matters” means that it doesn’t matter at all!
“Relying no” should be “Relying on”. Voracious OffG editor is in a bad mood today and won’t grant enough time to change!
The customary procedure is that the moment some line of deceit is required by the media overlords (responding as always to the parasite class) then hundreds of “separate” organisations will suddenly spring up. This is a procedure that can be extended indefinitely into the past.
Thus to engage public relations mode and enter that enviable starry eyed state, an enquiry into what is probably the most used search engine, i.e. the mighty google, brings up this:
“People also ask” (Hey that’s you and me!)
“What is Prevention com?” (Oh please tell us!)
For 70 years, the Prevention brand has been a leading provider of trustworthy health information, empowering readers with practical strategies to improve their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. With a problem-solving mission and inclusive approach, we recognize that everyone’s path to wellness is unique.”
There you go! The language of the corporate pep talk meeting!
If you start acting like “those pesky kids” from Scooby Doo and enquire a little further, the mighty Wiki says,
“Prevention is an American healthy-lifestyle magazine published by Hearst Corporation featuring articles about health conditions, wellness, food and nutrition, weight loss, fitness, and beauty.
Founded in 1950 by J. I. Rodale and published initially by Rodale, Inc., in Emmaus, Pennsylvania, Prevention grew out of J. I. Rodale’s interest in exploring the connection between human health and organic agriculture. The magazine launched with approximately 50,000 subscribers.
In 2018, Prevention was acquired by Hearst Magazines along with four other Rodale brands: Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Runner’s World, and Bicycling. Today, Prevention is published in both the United States and Australia.”
Now “the connection between human health and organic agriculture” is one of those “perfectly legitimate” avenues the sound of which would probably satisfy most who have come this far. (And there’s probably very few who would!) But in the light of convid, this is an issue that ought to suggest Lovecraftian echoes of sinister subterranean forces at work. After all, the connection between consumption and the state of mental/physical health doesn’t necessarily imply a sanguine approach. Especially considering the involvement of this infamous Hearst Corporation. It was the “Hearst publication Popular Mechanics” which “tried repeatedly tried to debunk the independent investigations into 9-11, with several hit pieces on the 9-11 truth movement.” (
‘Scientists may have discovered?’
Sheeesh!!! Pigs would fly like birds, had they but the wings.