The CIA Does “Soulful Work”
Edward Curtin

The CIA is a perfect example of the kind of institution which is not answerable to the electorate. You'll need to create some of your own.
Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, a spate of books and articles extolling the word “soul” became the rage in the United States. Soul became the chic word. It popped up everywhere. Everything seemed to acquire soul – cars, toasters, underwear, cats’ pajamas, assorted crap, kitsch, etc. Soul sold styles from boots to bras to bibelots from The New York Times to O Magazine.
The vogue in soul talk spread to every domain as everyone was commodified and capital was financialized. While political, economic, and ecological reality spun out of regular people’s control and they felt unable to feel connected to a religious tradition that cut through the materialistic and war miasma, they were ravaged with a hunger to devour, to consume. It was soul propaganda, highbrow New Ageism at its finest, the religious equivalent of an old-fashioned Ralph Lauren interior. It was the era of consuming souls in a society that had become a spiritual void. At least for those who had become divorced from their bodies and tradition at its best. Fantasy started to rapidly replace reality.
The great popularizer of this new sense of soul and self (though no-self would be more accurate) was Thomas Moore, the author of the best-selling book – Care of the Soul, “a pathbreaking lifestyle handbook” and soon to be soul franchise (The Soul of Sex, Soul Therapy, The Soul of Christmas, etc.)
His works replaced the idea of an existential self with a precious, epicurean conception. “You have a soul, the tree in front of your house has a soul, but so too does the car parked under the tree,” he said, adding that things “have as much personality and independence as I do.” Ah, soul!
Not soul as I once learned in Catholic school: the essence of human freedom and consciousness in God united with the body.
Definitely not soul as the essence of a person bound by conscience to God and other human beings.
Not soul as in “For what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his soul.”
Not even soul as the dictionary defines it “the immortal essence of an individual life.”
Although I have seen this soul-talk used for decades now to sell all sorts of bullshit and thought I couldn’t be surprised by any more usage, I just stumbled on one that took my breath away. I read in Life Undercover, a memoir by RFK, Jr.’s presidential campaign manager, daughter-in-law, and former CIA spy under nonofficial cover in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and North Africa, Amaryllis Fox (Kennedy), that CIA work is “soulful work.”
I didn’t know this. I thought its job was to spy, kill, and foment chaos for its Wall St handlers (with certain exceptions being some analysts who gather information).
I recall former CIA Director Mike Pompeo saying, “I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. It’s – it was like – we had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment.” Or as my friend Doug Valentine, an expert on the CIA, puts it, the CIA is “Organized Crime,” not a bunch of soul-force workers out to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. He writes:
CIA and military intelligence units now operate out of a global network of bases, as well as secret jails and detention sites operated by complicit secret police interrogators. Their strategic intelligence networks in any nation are protected by corrupt warlords and politicians, the ‘friendly civilians’ who supply the death squads that in fact are their private militias, funded largely by drug smuggling and other criminal activities.
Yet Fox effusively thanks her CIA colleagues for their great work and for making her the woman she has become. “Your allegiance is to the flag, to the Constitution, to some higher power, be that God or Love,” she writes in gratitude.
For some reason, I don’t think the assassinated JFK or RFK would buy her love talk; rather, they may quote another eloquent Irish-American, the playwright Eugene O’Neill: “God damn you, stop shoving your rotten soul in my lap.”
The man Fox is trying to elect president of the U.S., Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., also wrote a memoir – American Values – that revolves around an indictment of the CIA for an endless series of crimes: “What are we going to do about the CIA?” he quotes his father saying to his aide Fred Dutton at the beginning of JFK’s presidency, before both Kennedys had yet to be killed by the soulful CIA. Kennedy, Jr. writes:
Critics warned that the ‘tail’ of the covert operations branch would inevitably wag the dog of intelligence gathering (espionage). And indeed , the clandestine services quickly subsumed the CIA’s espionage function as the Agency’s intelligence analysts increasingly provided justification for the CIA’s endless interventions.
Fifty-six years later his campaign manager Fox Kennedy – you can’t make this weirdness up – married to RFK, III, is touting the soulful work of the Agency. She replaced Dennis Kucinich, who was a strong a supporter of the Palestinians. Is Fox and RFK, Jr.’s relationship a matter of what the Boss says to Luke in the iconic movie Cool Hand Luke – “What we got here is failure to communicate” – or the kind of communication that takes place in elite circles behind closed doors?
Sometimes sick people utter truths that lead to sardonic assent. They remind you of history that is so shameful you cringe. Fox and Pompeo also seem to live in separate realities, their psyches twisted by some deep evil force for which they both worked.
And here we are in another presidential election year. When you think about presidential politics, you have to laugh. I like to laugh, so I think about them from time to time. It’s always a bad joke, but that’s why they are funny. It makes no difference whether the president is Ford, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, Trump, Biden, or anyone who tries to square the oval office for their special sort of big change that never comes. Those who tell you with a straight face that the lesser of two (or more) evils is better than nothing have not studied history. They choose the evil of two lessers and wash their hands. They live on pipe dreams, as Eugene O’Neill put it in his play The Iceman Cometh:
To hell with the truth! As the history of the world proves, the truth has no bearing on anything. It’s irrelevant and immaterial, as the lawyers say. The lie of a pipe dream is what gives life to the whole misbegotten mad lot of us, drunk or sober.
I am reminded of advice I was given during the immoral and illegal Vietnam War when I had decided to apply for a discharge from the Marines as a conscientious objector. But if you don’t go to the war, people said to me with straight faces, some poor draftee will. The military needs good people.
To which I would often respond: Like the country needs good commanders-in-chief such as Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. It’s like what people say about buying a lottery ticket when your odds are 1 in 500,000,000 – someone has to win. Ha! Ha! Never reject the system is always the message.
Contemplating US history for the past fifty-five plus years confirms the continuity of government policy for war and economic policies that enrich the wealthy at the expense of the working class and massacre the innocent around the world. But we can pretend otherwise. For an egregious recent example, the three leading candidates in this year’s election – Biden, Trump, and RFK, Jr. – all stand firmly behind the Israeli genocide in Gaza that any human being with a soul would condemn.
That these men are controlled by the Israel Lobby is obvious, but we can pretend otherwise.
That this is corruption is obvious, but we can pretend otherwise.
We can pretend and pretend and pretend all we want because we are living in a pretend society.
What’s that old Rodney Dangerfield joke: the problem with happiness is that it can’t buy you money? Well, the problem with presidential politics is it can’t buy you the truth, but if you do it right it can fetch you money, a lot of corrupt money to help you rise to the pinnacle of a corrupt government. For the truth is that the CIA/NSA run U.S. foreign war policy and the presidents are figureheads, actors in a society that lost all connection to reality on November 22, 1963.
Scott Ritter has recently written the following about the CIA and its spearheading of the US war against Russia through Ukraine:
Now, amid such a tense environment, it appears the CIA has not only green-lighted an actual invasion of the Russian Federation, but more than likely was involved in its planning, preparation and execution.
Never in the history of the nuclear era has such danger of nuclear war been so manifest.
That the American people have allowed their government to create the conditions where foreign governments can determine their fate and the C.I.A. can carry out a secret war which could trigger a nuclear conflict, eviscerates the notion of democracy.
If this is soulful work, God help us.
Ask the 32,000 + dead Palestinians in Gaza whose voices cry out for justice while the top presidential contenders cheer on the Israeli/U.S. slaughter.
“The terrible truth is,” writes Douglass Valentine, “that a Cult of Death rules America and is hell-bent on world domination.”
And yes, presidential politics is a funny diversion from that reality. Eugene O’Neill could be humorous also. He played the Iceman theme to perfection, the Grim Reaper of two faces.
There was a tale circulating in the 1930s that a man came home and called upstairs to his wife, “Has the iceman come yet?” “No,” she replied, “but he’s breathing hard.”
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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It’s the relentless drive of the spooks and their masters that is even more exasperating than their psychopathy.
The satanic cabal and their minions are driven, and are programmed to be driven. This is why they keep prevailing over humanity- they are more insect-like or machine-like than human.
“…more insect-like or machine-like than human”, dare I say, more reptilian like. A term and theory I used to scoff at, until I had the veil lifted from my eyes, and realized the below has more truth in it than most will ever realize:
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”
And yes, that does happen to include a very ancient, technologically advanced, collectively psychopathic ET group that is humanoid-viper/reptilian in form and looks. And doesn’t the metaphor of a “dragon” suit them so well…an intelligent, crafty reptilian-snake like creature that flies high in the sky and which can shoot destructive fires… Check, check, and check, we just found the Ha Satan of the Bibles, the Viper Watcher/Belial of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the humanoid crocodillian figurines of the Babylonians, the dragons of the orient who bedded human women and created emperor lines (well, allegedly), etc, etc, etc. Wherever I look, I don’t just imagine dragons, but see them.
And so the intelligence agencies work for the human psychopathic plutocrats of the world (the heads of the international banks and heads of mega corporations), and in turn, the human psychopathic plutocrats work for their masters–an ancient evil that rather dislikes humans, but really likes/wants the earth.
Jeffrey Sachs February 12, 2024: How the CIA Destabilizes the World
Another soul sister recently joined the RFK presidential bandwagon, the former wife of the co-founder of Google. She’ll be his Vice-President if he gets into the Madhouse. An “ex”-CIA agent (one might have preferred the likes of Phillip Agee) and the ex of a capo de capo of the Digital half of the totalitarian Digital-Financial complex… Mmm. Has he been secretly vaccinated with M(RNA)anchurian candidacy?
….. and look who kennedy has ‘appointed’ as his vp … any more talk of this charleton, who is set up to split the vote in a two horse race between death star and dimwit and is a known heroin addict, as well as a sexual addict, proves to me the alt media is no more than a limited hangout
When Gloria Steinem was revealed as a CIA asset, once she stopped her lying denials and admitted it she claimed the CIA were “liberals” so it was okay to work for them. Most everyone assumed she was lying again or had been duped….
Half a century later and the USA reserves most of its animus for countries that aren’t feminist or LGBTQ enough. Perhaps she wasn’t so wrong after all.
I used to support until Kennedy openly condoned the genocide in Palestine, a far cry from his inaugural speech on making sure the war in Ukraine was brought to an end. Yes, all American politicians are controlled by Israeli monetary influence – just bought puppies with their legs in the air.
That’s two bad choices by RFK in one sentence.
Fine that he is willing to challenge accepted thinking. But he still needs to have some judgement of his own – he doesn’t. Worse that Trump. Worse that Biden’s handlers.
“Former CIA spy under nonofficial cover in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and North Africa, Amaryllis Fox (Kennedy), that CIA work is “soulful work.”
Is there such a thing as a “former” CIA spy? I thought it was sort of like the Mafia, once you’re “in” you’re there for life.
Thank you Mr. Curtin. That RFK Jr would place a CIA unit to replace Kucinich is outing himself for everyone to see. Throwing Palestinians under the bus was bad enough. But this, the cherry on top.
“Your allegiance is to the flag, to the Constitution, to some higher power, be that God or Love,”
War (conflict) is the operating system of capitalism (trade that uses a manipulated environment to eliminate competition and produce excess capital accumulation through scarcity and monopoly of supply). Capitalism is the Western God and Religion. The flag is an empty cloth symbolic signalling device. The Constitution is a Trojan Horse text which looks and sounds a Holy Grail to Commoners, keeping them occupied with demanding it’s actualization, but kept completely inoperative by the ruling class that made it, and ignores it’s universal application. And Love. OMG. If nothing else, as Kurt Vonnegut pointed out, Love is Respect. Respect means treating all “others” as adults of equality, truth and honesty in intent and act. You do not deceive, lie and kill to turn life into a game for dominating the “other”, if you respect Humanity.
These people, these leader types, in their capitalist civilization, deem themselves Parents over a Child Humanity, making all the systemically important social decisions. Because they
believe their children incapable, they assume the right to lie, cheat, steal, kill and war to rule (win) in any manner they see fit. This book along with any communication with or from the operating system, spews misinformation, lies, all manner of obfuscation as a matter of function. As far as I can tell, the CIA and all spy ops manifest opaque confusion as a fog of war on Humanity, to keep their fraudulence, operating without interference.
I’m glad RFK Jr exposed himself before the vote. We cannot have “leaders” who command decision making. Democracy requires input, design and consent of those who own their self-governing system. Go to any public meeting from school board to Congress and you will find zero decision making interaction with the public. You might get 2 minutes to speak at statues behind a tabled platform. But there is no debate, no feedback exchange, questioning or policy design that happens anywhere in public. All decisions are autocratically decided by these bigstuffs. THIS IS NOT DEMOCRACY. It is Hypocrisy. If we ever want relief from this system of elite war empire, we must find a way to self-organize and self-rule all policy and budget, and oversee it’s implementation as a boss over employees.
I do not consent to capitalist FAKE republic, authoritarian war empire as my self-governing system.
This is the kind of comment I keep coming back here for- not the repetitive articles or to have to see the “comment policy” page every fucking time I try to comment.
Thanks Klaxon. Nice to hear what i write is appreciated. Cheers to the revolution!
Meanwhile, here’s Dr. Ramzy Baroud!:
Good comment, Sandy. I presume you are American? I was not aware that the word “hypocrisy” was in the dictionary of American English.
Thanks Victor! OMG, hypocrisy is the first wall of the adult world hit by observant childhood. Something wrong here, i said. That was 64 years ago and it’s only grown bigger by the year, like Pinocchio’s nose. 🙁
Yes. West Coast. Fifth gen SF Bay Area now in Oregon.
A lot of people would see this article by Curtin as cynicism. Nope – this is realism at its best – straight, no chaser.
“Contemplating US history for the past fifty-five plus years confirms the continuity of government policy for war and economic policies that enrich the wealthy at the expense of the working class and massacre the innocent around the world. But we can pretend otherwise. For an egregious recent example, the three leading candidates in this year’s election – Biden, Trump, and RFK, Jr. – all stand firmly behind the Israeli genocide in Gaza that any human being with a soul would condemn.”
Excellent article.
Junior must be kicking himself for his Pavlovian reaction: ie, for instantaneously slavering in answer to the Zionazi bell. If only RFK had consulted his CIA soulmate! No doubt she would have advised a gradual “distancing” between himself and these unexpectedly Vote-Losing associates, while continuing to maintain a soulful stare.
I do not like RFK Jr.
However, I cannot imagine that having had my uncle, my father, and my first cousin, murdered by Mossad would not make me very cautious about painting a target in the middle of my forehead. So, since he is no one, I give him a pass.
RFK Jr. 2024 objective is to safely garner attention so that his son Conor advances. 2028 Senator; 2023 president of the civil warring East Coast Federation of the Righteous.
That’s it! Ie, that RFK Jr.’s purpose in running is to advance his activist son Conor’s global political persona. Certainly, Don Trump, also late in life, ran for the same reason, ie to elevate Ivanka & Jared on the world stage. Ivanka’s husband Jared was de facto president for 4 yrs and has staffed Don’s “post presidency” with open borders globalists–the exact opposite of Don’s 2016 voters. I was desperately hoping RFK Jr would be the “anti-war” candidate, but was horrified to read that he was proud that his beloved son Conor enlisted to fight on the front lines in Ukraine in 2022. This means that both father and son are grossly uninformed about events in Ukraine and Russia over the past 30 years, that US elites have plundered both countries to death. In the case of Russia, US crimes against Russian humanity occurred in 1990s when Russia was newly independent. US elites robbed defenseless Russian citizens and left the country for dead. Putin saved Russia at the last minute. Kennedy father and son are just more blood-drenched neocons like John McCain–the exact opposite of what the world needs. As to the CIA/in law/campaign chief, it’s nauseating. I consider anyone who ever worked at the CIA to be mentally ill.
I doubt the Kennedys are “grossly uninformed” about Ukraine or any other geopolitical stuff. – more likely they are complete muppets of the NWO.
Is Conor the one who snuck off to fight in Ukraine? Is his wife Amaryllis Fox?
Mossad? You CIA?
My understanding is that there is a lot of communication and cooperation between those two groups, and quite often, they do do joint operations along with some other groups like MI6.
It’s real cute to pick a football team, but this is real life, and the game is rigged and the winners are all part of a larger club of plutocracy.
If I had this kind of wife I would be a little pessed about this response. I expect women to be angels.
But regarding WWIII nukes I am just saying, that no one makes all these nukes if they are not going to be used for something.
If you are making something fishy fishy at home, you have an intention to use it for a purpose yes?
All these nukes are not there for just in case for the human race or just for fun, and you know it.
And another thing.
I believe in my government, and if CIA has prepared a global nuke attack its because they do it for America, for the American people, and for our Constitution! For freedom.
Ciao Erik! Your sarcasm is subtle, maybe too much. Some folks might actually believe the asinine thing you post. Cheers!
The de-Hamas-ification and demilitarization of the Gaza strip is revealing the hypocrisies and inconsistencies of all sides of the conflict. The same action being regarded as good in one context and yet bad in another.
The hypocrisy of Russia, since it is doing exactly the same as Israel in Ukraine (and yet is supporting Palestine, rather than Israel). And the hypocrisy of the US/West, since it condemns Putin over his actions in Ukraine, yet does not do the same for Israel’s near-identical actions.
So does ‘bad CIA’ imply ‘good FSB’ because Russia supports Palestine? Clearly not
If the CIA/FSB are the (soul?) ‘fiddlers under the roof’, then a support for ‘fiddlers on the roof’ and for ‘fiddlers of the roof’ would make perfect sense:
Fiddler on the Roof (1971) – Sunrise, Sunset [soundtrack]
Russia and Israel are the best of friends.
No they are not. Israel is really good friends with the international banks/banking systems (lots of old and continued ties), and the latter basically want to take over the governments of all nations on this earth. Why, because the heads of same are extremely, unbelievably wealthy psychopaths. And what is the wet dream of every clever, semi self controlled, wealthy psychopath? Complete control/domination. They get off on power, and complete control is the ultimate power.
Russia is one of the last few holdouts against that system and full takeover (along with Iran). They did borrow money post collapse of the Soviet Union, but since have paid it off and are trying to remain sovereign and independent of that system. They realize that is serfdom and slavery wrapped with a pretty red bow, and they want no part, whereas the US did fight the good fight for a little while (ala Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, etc), but eventually caved and caved hard (thanks Wilson et al). Ever since the US did, the world has fundamentally and irrevocably changed, and now the US is (and has been for awhile) the right hand henchman of those that head the old banks/banking system.
You both seem to be rather confused about things. Or maybe you’re just more of the countless assets that the alphabet soup agencies of the world have running around trying to sow confusion, division, deception? I hope they pay well for the price of souls and truth destruction. What’s the going rate nowadays? 5 or 6000 a month? A little more, a little less?
Russia and Ukraine is very different than Israel and Palestine/Hamas. Russia is primarily fighting Ukraine military which is backed by US and many other nations that are using Ukraine as proxy pawn chess piece in a larger war/agenda against Russia (and any other nation that chooses to remain independent of the international banking system after Russia repaid their borrowed debts post collapse of S.U.). Russia was told by the US etc al. that NATO would not encroach on their borders, and these have done nothing but the opposite since that, and I’m surprised that the Bear has put up with this much poking before finally striking back.
Meanwhile, in reality land, Israel isn’t just doing damage to Hamas, but in general to the Palestinian people wholesale, and it has ALWAYS been that way there, since you know, they started to bulldoze down homes, kick the people out, and claim the land as their own.
A very, very different situation.
Another excellent piece by Mr. Curtin. Look forward to these immensely. Definitely the best writer on this site – followed by Karen Hunt. Honest and truthful writing at its best.
Thank you.
Outstanding article. Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? – “Who guards the guards?”
A list of all the good that the CIA has done since its invention in 1945 till now on the back of an ancient postage stamp please.
Only presently because an equally evil empire has emerged (with their help ha ha!) that the CIA Mafia could be useful. Not the Russian mob dummies, but the CCP triad – the guys with the same ambitions and means as them – world domination. The globalist WEF crowd is not happy with Xi Jinping, that nationalist party pooper. Mao, Deng and Zemin were good fellas.
“Ah, soul…” I see what you did there, Edward 😁
Humans of CIA
Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. -George Orwell
‘That these men are controlled by the Israel Lobby is obvious, but we can pretend otherwise.’
Finally people on the Left are feeling able to say things like this.
Diana Johnstone’s recent articles in Consortium News have tried to break the myth that Israel has been a ‘US aircraft carrier’, or a ‘beachhead for US imperialism’ or such like. There simply is no evidence supporting this notion in terms of geopolitical actions, and heaps of evidence to the contrary that the Left have feared to mention (read even ?) due to the fear of the antisemitism label and all that that entails. Others (derided by the Left) have tried to make this point for decades.
Johnstone (and Curtin) barely scratch the surface to be honest.
The Israel lobby in US is US.
Shall we now again hear crybabies claiming the Doos oppressed me.
“As American I cant do anything other than the Doos are telling me, because I have been mistreated and suppressed by the Doos.
The Doos gave me money and said I American should pull my pants down”.
doo doo comment
Fancy a laugh ? (Or putting your fist through your computer screen)
The article itself is entertaining. Wait till you click on the links !
Then there’s this:
I don’t think it’s ironic but I could be wrong.
Love the 1st link.
Real comedy gold.
Glad you enjoyed. I hadn’t noticed the comments after the articles before. They’re really very good.
Agreed, be interesting to see what the position is now of these people, how many have suffered side effects from the jab and if some are no longer posting (RIP).
One thing is for sure when it comes to conspiracy theories- the warnings about the dangers of the jabs were 100% accurate…
Thanks for these links. I needed a good laugh.
What a pile of psycho-babble. Smacks of desperation.
The link within the first article for “critical thinking” was a real winner !
Now here’s my contribution:
How to make conspiracies … go away!
First – and most importantly – surreptitiously assert the illegitimate presupposition:
Second, following on from the first:
Anyone who so much as suspects a conspiracy is a total fucking nut job!
Third – and this is where the fun begins – lay on the endless psychobabble! Those fucking nut jobs must be analysed in the most insulting terms: they are immature, cringing before “true reality” which scares them because it is always utterly chaotic and can only be faced by us macho grown-ups! Feel free to slap on the Freudian/ Jungian terminology. Talk about childhoods, repressions, sexual inadequacy etc. Have fun with it!
Congratulations! You have now turned all attention away from what is actually going on out there – which, of course is shielded by that nice word “chaos”. And when all those corporate bosses, politicians and media people say “Nothing to do with us!” they of course mean it!
Or at least that’s how it used to go. Ah but there is a definite air of uneasiness permeating the media channels now:
“Anyone who engages critically with the phenomenon of conspiracy theories soon encounters a conundrum. Actual conspiracies occur quite regularly.”
Gone are the days when it was all so easy to merely say the word “conspiracy” and have the punters run for cover. They’re such a cynical lot nowadays. So we must admit the C word now. But obviously we’ll need to do a bit of further qualification.
“Political assassinations, scandals and cover-ups, terrorist attacks and a lot of everyday government activity involves the collusion of multiple people in the attempt to bring about a desired outcome.”
Yup, these are conspiracies all right! And we must – grudgingly – admit to them!
“This poses a crucial question. How do we differentiate between genuine plots and conspiracies, and those that we usually associate with the term “conspiracy theory” – namely an erroneous or misguided way of thinking?”
Dangerous waters here. Since anyone with anything actually going on between his ears will realise that a distinction is being drawn that is, to say the least, fragile! We have admitted to actual conspiracies and therefore there must be legitimate conspiracy theories.
But … but … some of them are not legitimate and are reducible to “an erroneous or misguided way of thinking”.
“How do we know, for example, when questions about the origins of coronavirus are legitimate concerns and when they should be dismissed as a conspiracy theory?”
Do you feel the strain? Note that bit about “dismissed as a conspiracy theory?” We admitted there are actual conspiracies and therefore legitimate conspiracy theories … and yet we are now back to using “conspiracy theory” altogether as a pejorative!
And at this point must make a confession. As is my wont I went over the entire article piece by piece. Only to see it go on and on and on and on ….
It’s the gish gallop again. The strain of the dissimulation is evident all the way through as the writer makes illegitimate connections, draws straw men, repeats well-worn smear tactics etc.
After a while you get tired of wading through shit just to collect enough shit to show that it’s all shit.
The Bilderberg group are a good example of where we are. Now recognised for what they are, the group is accepted as being one of the cogs in the machine.
Today’s equivalent, or perhaps better described as its successor, Uncle Klaus’ little club, tells us exactly what they’re going to do and have the means, opportunity and motive for doing it,
However, any mention of WEF in an argument is the same as mentioning Herr Shiklgruber.
They make that snorting noise they like to make and minds are closed.
Obviously evidence based argument is a bit passé
Well said. I used to let all this bother me. But then I realized (and was shown) that all this corruption, b.s., collective toxicity, etc, will be wiped away in the blink of an eye in the near future.
The Earth is going through one of its magnetic pole shift cycles, and as we speak, the earth’s magnetic field is weakening at an ever faster rate. The Earth’s magnetic field is our only “shield” against strong Solar and cosmic energies.
As the E.M.F. gets weaker and weaker, it becomes more and more probable that even a decently strong Solar CME or combo phenomena, will take out the electrical grid systems.
When, not “if”, that happens, it will be back to square one. Humans will have to get back to nature, back to real community, back to intuition and inner spiritual attunement, just in order to survive (with no media/tv, no super organized government, no money, no electric based technology, etc, etc). But then, it will blossom into so much more. The most probable future is that humanity will handle this fairly well, and it will eventually lead to a golden age of collective attunement to greater Love and Source consciousness (it will take awhile still to get more fully there though, talking like a thousand years).
There will be interventions during and after by the Creative Forces (those that work for universal Love and who listen to the Source Consciousness within). But the main intervention is the collapse itself. This will give humanity a fighting chance, though of course what is left of the psychopathic plutocrats and their henchmen will try to take over during or right after the collapse (FEMA camps and the like will sing siren songs of food, shelter, and safety but will be places of enslavement and forced labor camps). But folks like you and I will get in their way when the time comes. Gone will be the days that we fight with words on a keyboard. Unfortunately, we will be forced to take up real arms, and some of our bodies will die, but thankfully we are much more than just bodies.
Anyways, it is always darkest right before the dawn. We are in that very dark period.
U R nothing more than a nefarious illusion trader, one who is embarked on a quest for spurious connections. Just like them 2000+ Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth loons.
There’s a foolproof, time honored method of spotting a conspiracy theory: it’s anything I don’t happen to believe. Works like a charm.
“Ask the 32,000 + dead Palestinians in Gaza whose voices cry out for justice”
Pleeease, that data comes directly from the Palestinian Health Ministry, who is the HAMAS Health Ministry. Lies coming from the liars themselves.. How has that been verified…. It hasn’t been verified, just accepted as correct because it comes from those who for over 19 years have not had an election. Such a nice bunch of democratic leaders.
My article rating for the post is minus 10.
“that data comes directly from the Palestinian Health Ministry, who is the HAMAS”
Hamas, as the legitimate government of Gaza, has a duty to report conservatively.
Likewise Edward Curtain, as a responsible author, is bound to report the conservative estimate by Hamas.
By the time this Palestinian Genocide by Israel’s Yahoo regime is stopped, the true figures — of dead, missing presumed dead, and dying from wounds and starvation — will turn out nearer 60,000 than 30,000.
You call HAMAS a Legitimate Government? Really? So, when did they last have an election? Such a democracy isn’t it?
Then ask yourself who created HAMAS… The very same Israel who you despise like the rest of your 26 thumbs downers and six thumbs uppers.
Let me make it a little easier for you. This may help you.
Its quite simple. GAZA is a Milk Cow for the Hamas Elite and in answer to the question on why the Arabs wont fund the Palestinians – Because the Arabs can see through the Palestinian emotional milking machine. Arabs are not stupid.
To answer your question why the Arabs won’t fund the Palestinians: maybe they do not wish a US false flag invasion. Not that the US would ever invade an oil rich Middle Eastern nation! (Well, not all of them at once anyway.) As you say: “Arabs are not stupid.”
Hamas was elected, and they were not created by Israel – you are just another brainswashed victim.
The Arabs won’t fund the Palestinians because they are cowards (like all followers of the Abrahamic slave “religions”) and also realists- they do not have the technology to protect themselves from US and Israeli bombs.
Clearly it all has to be verified by the ones who did the fact checking on covid, who proved beyond all doubt that cow farts will destroy the world, and who say that men are women and women are men even though there is no binary anyway.
Good luck with that!
33 000 officially and 66 000 unofficially, to be fully correct on the numbers.
Cozy, Scandalous
I met a refugee from Gaza Strip,
Who spoke to me with empty, staring eyes
Dumb words whose depth of pain I could not grip
With all the helping hands the world denies
While lapping up the lurid lies that slip
And roll so greasy off the practiced tongue
Of Zionists whose caged and wounded prey
Are told to flee and leave their dying young
To weep beside the corpses of their old
In darkened shattered former homes where they
Cannot refute the garbage we’ve been told
By glib Israeli liars trained to spread
A veil of darkness over crimes they’ve sold
As “Peaceful Co-Existence” — with the dead.
Oh so true! And that cursed Hamas won’t let anybody into Gaza to verify its figures!
Oh wait: it’s Israel that won’t let anybody into Gaza to verify the figures – and has kicked out everyone who could have verified them.
Never mind.