Climate-Con and the Media-Censorship Complex – Part 1

Jesse Smith

The gauntlet has been cast by the media-censorship complex. Just prior to this year’s annual globalist confab in Davos, the World Economic Forum (WEF) announced that misinformation and disinformation are currently the greatest threats to humanity, with the release of its Global Risks Report 2024.

From a list of 34 risks, the WEF report identifies mis- and disinformation as the top threats to global stability over the next two years and the fifth most dangerous threats over the next 10 years. Of particular concern is false information that could affect elections, democratic processes, and social cohesion in various countries worldwide, as well as sentiment contradicting the “consensus” narrative about climate change.

Echoing these same concerns, the United Nations (UN), its strategic partner in advancing the climate-focused 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, has previously stated much of the same.

In Information Integrity on Digital Platforms, a June 2023 UN policy brief recommending a code of conduct for digital platforms, Secretary-General António Guterres stated:

The ability to dissem­inate large-scale disinformation to undermine scientifically established facts poses an exis­tential risk to humanity (A/75/982, para. 26) and endangers democratic institutions and funda­mental human rights. These risks have further in­tensified because of rapid advancements in tech­nology, such as generative artificial intelligence. Across the world, the United Nations is monitor­ing how mis- and disinformation and hate speech can threaten progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. It has become clear that business as usual is not an option.”

All the UN’s 2030 Agenda plans, activities, and expenditures are based on the belief that we face an existential climate crisis caused by human activity and dangerous greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2). This conviction is clearly outlined in a fact sheet produced by Verified, a joint initiative of the United Nations and Purpose, launched in 2020 to respond to mis- and disinformation about “intersecting crises like COVID-19 and climate change.” The document states unequivocally that:

  1. Climate change is happening.
  2. Climate change is caused by human activity.
  3. Scientists agree that humans are responsible for climate change.
  4. Every fraction of a degree of warming matters.
  5. The climate is changing faster than humans, plants, and animals can adapt.
  6. Climate change is a major threat to people’s health.
  7. Natural gas is a fossil fuel, not a clean source of energy.
  8. Clean energy technologies produce far less carbon pollution than fossil fuels.
  9. Entire countries already rely 100 percent on renewable electricity.
  10. Renewable energy will soon be the world’s top source of electricity.
  11. Renewable energy is cheaper than fossil fuels.
  12. Solar panels and wind turbines make good use of land.
  13. The transition to clean energy will create millions of jobs.

By stating that disinformation is undermining these supposed scientific facts, Guterres rests his entire argument on the premise that each of the above statements is absolutely, indisputably, and undeniably true. Like Guterres, all who espouse this climate narrative have no tolerance for any opinion, theory, or evidence that runs contrary to this dogged notion.

Verified is backed by powerful globalist NGOs including the Rockefeller Foundation and Omidyar Network. It has an extensive list of major media collaborators such as Al Jazeera, Clear Channel, Facebook, Reddit, Spotify, TikTok, and Twitter. Melissa Fleming, Verified co-founder and current UN Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, has made it known that social media is a huge threat to climate science and other UN initiatives and is particularly bothered by Twitter/X for allowing rampant disinformation.

It is clear from these reports that any dissent from the established climate narrative threatens the advancement of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Now, urgent calls to extinguish these threats have been issued so they can proceed with transforming the world unimpeded.

While many of the issues expressed in the Information Integrity report are legitimate and concerning, the UN via the World Health Organization (WHO) participates in disinformation by continuing to promote COVID-19 vaccines as safe and effective, when they have largely been proven to be ineffective and cause much harm. Their stance regarding climate change could also qualify as disinformation to the thousands of scientists who oppose this view but are being discredited as mere conspiracy theorists.

The following statement from the report underscores their frustration with “climate deniers” and the platforms they use to oppose the UN’s agenda:

…mis- and disinformation about the cli­mate emergency are delaying urgently needed action to ensure a liveable future for the planet. Climate mis- and disinformation can be under­stood as false or misleading content that un­dercuts the scientifically agreed basis for the existence of human-induced climate change, its causes and impacts. Coordinated campaigns are seeking to deny, minimize or distract from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scientific consensus and derail urgent action to meet the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement. A small but vocal minority of climate science de­nialists continue to reject the consensus po­sition and command an outsized presence on some digital platforms.”
(p. 12, emphasis added)

Globalists want conformity regarding climate change and will go to extreme lengths to marginalize, censor, and discredit dissenters. They talk a good game about enforcing universal freedom of expression, but on climate and other issues vital to their agenda, free speech is not tolerated. Though they readily acknowledge that controlling information may lead to greater levels of authoritarianism, surveillance, censorship, and the erosion of human rights, it seems they are willing to overlook these offenses to protect their precious climate agenda.

If they can successfully shut down debate about climate change, then soon any topic that threatens their aims will be off limits. The UN deems itself a protector of human rights but plays a major role in the media-censorship complex. Its attempts at crushing opposition to the climate narrative betrays their mission and reveals authoritarian tendencies.

Countering Digital Hate or Advocating Suppression?

recently released report issued by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) claims that new forms of climate denial have emerged. These new arguments don’t deny that the climate is changing and is caused by human activity, but instead contend that:

  • The impacts of global warming are beneficial or harmless.
  • Climate solutions won’t work.
  • Climate science and the climate movement are unreliable.

The basis for their report stems from use of “an AI based model called CARDS,” short for Computer-Assisted Recognition of Climate Change Denial and Skepticism. CARDS is designed to identify and categorize climate denialist claims in text. The researchers used CARDS to analyze YouTube video transcripts from 96 mostly right-wing, conservative leaning channels including prominent ones like BlazeTV, Jordan Peterson, and the Heartland Institute.

CCDH has a big gripe with social media companies they believe are not doing enough to stem the tide of rising climate denial. They want to eliminate the ability for any “climate denier” spreading “conspiracy theory statements” to financially benefit from their content, as evidenced in the following statements:

To support the global efforts to avert climate disaster, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and X should all demonetize and de-amplify New Denial content. Demonetizing climate denial removes the economic incentives underpinning its creation and protects advertisers from bankrolling harmful content. Moreover, de-amplifying climate denial limits its reach and visibility, allowing time for fact-checking and other protective measures to be applied where content is clearly contrary to the well-established scientific consensus on climate change”
p. 34; emphasis added

CCDH polling on social media usage tested respondents’ agreement with conspiracy theory statements, including the statement: “Humans are not the main cause of global temperature increases.” CCDH found that 43% of adults and 56% of teenagers who report high activity on social media expressed agreement with that statement. This link between social media usage and conspiracist belief illustrates why urgent action is needed to prioritize information integrity on digital platforms in climate policymaking”
p. 34; emphasis added

Their demonetization and censorship recommendations come even after admitting that the CARDS model is only up to 78% accurate, could not perform any fact checks on the claims made in the transcripts, and that lack of punctuation caused results to be skewed.

The CCDH is a sketchy, UK-based, advocacy group that has produced various reports inciting censorship against those they disagree with. Their efforts against “anti-vaxxers” culminated in several reports that led to the deplatforming, demonetizing, and discrediting of many individuals and organizations exposing pandemic-related fraud and COVID-19 vaccine falsehoods.

CCDH’s The New Climate Denial report has been promoted through mainstream outlets like CNN, MSN, Yahoo, and USA Today. It could impact the cited individuals and organizations the same way it affected those targeted in its Disinformation Dozen reports a few years ago. Though their stated mission is to “protect human rights and civil liberties online,” they practice the opposite by advocating the revocation of these rights for climate and vaccine narrative challengers.

How The Media-Censorship Complex Plans to Tackle Climate Dissent

Two things are very clear from the recent reports issued by the WEF, UN, and CCDH. One, is that climate skepticism is on the rise. The second, is that they are threatened by the very existence of those who dare to refute their narrative. Many strategies to stem the tide of climate cynicism have already been employed with new ones currently being tested.

If one dares to publicly question the science regarding climate change, one or more of the following tactics may be used to impede the effort:

In addition to Verified and CCDH, other organizations utilizing these methods to silence opposers include:

Each of these organizations are fueled and funded by many of the entities responsible for advancing the climate agenda, especially as it relates to the UN SDGs. This globalized amalgamation of media watchdogs, fact checkers, and disinformation regulators is powered by billion-dollar corporations, democratic and undemocratic governments, influential foundations, and powerful NGOs. The list includes The White HouseU.S. State DepartmentU.S. Department of DefenseU.S. Department of Homeland SecurityFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)The National Science FoundationUnited NationsPoynter InstituteNational Endowment for DemocracyOpen Society FoundationsOmidyar NetworkRockefeller FoundationRockefeller Family FundBill & Melinda Gates FoundationGoogleMetaMicrosoft, and many more.

A plethora of legacy and social media companies also utilize the services provided by these organizations. A small sampling includes Associated Press, NPR, NBC News, Newsweek, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The Nation, The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, WhatsApp, Twitch, and LinkedIn. A look at Covering Climate Now’s list of partners provides an even broader view of the media’s enforcement of the climate agenda.

As if governments, corporations, and organizations weren’t enough, universities such as Columbia, Harvard, Oxford, and University of Southern California also perpetuate the climate propaganda by training journalists in their institutions.

By treating climate change as a national security threat, the U.S. Department of Defense and intelligence agencies have also been enlisted in the fight against mis- and disinformation.

In addition, individuals within both the left and right wings of the two-party paradigm collude to curtail free speech. It is a grave mistake to believe that calls for censorship from either side of the political spectrum are beneficial. They are both integral to perpetuating the media-censorship complex.

Why Has Climate Science Become Nondebatable?

If it wasn’t apparent before, it should now be crystal clear that there is a vast empire united against those questioning the climate narrative. They are determined to perpetuate the myth that there is universal consensus on the facts.

The truth is there is no real consensus on climate science. The UN and its network of public-private partnerships (PPP) just make it seem that way. In this regard, the UN climate stance is akin to Anthony Fauci’s claim that questioning him was like questioning science itself. Honest and open debate on the issue should be continued by allowing opponents opportunities to present their case without fear of censorship, harassment, exclusion, or cancellation. Instead, there is constant reinforcement of a fictional consensus while divergent opinions are labeled as dangerous conspiracies.

Climate consensus figures as high as 97 and even 99.9 percent have been touted by former US Presidents, researchers, and media outlets in the past. But is this claim true? If it were, then why would there be so much effort to silence a mere one to three percent who deviate from the scientific echo chamber? Would all these battles be worth the time, energy, and money being spent on just a few dissidents, as they claim?

Much of what qualifies as climate research is funded by institutions that have already bought into the doomsday mantra of impending man-made disaster. The industry is rigged to favor researchers who set out to prove “official” claims. Funding and publication are often withheld from those who do not toe this line. As a result, statistics are skewed to make it seem like there is universal consensus.

Past research has demonstrated claims of scientific consensus on climate change to be fraudulent. In a paper published in 2023, a team of researchers disproved the conclusions reached in a 2021 study claiming there was greater than 99% consensus on climate science in peer-reviewed scientific literature.

The claims were refuted by demonstrating that studies expressing neutral opinions were misclassified and papers communicating skepticism were ignored. This clear case of academic malfeasance is not the only example where scientists used falsified research and conspired to silence those contradicting the alleged consensus. Even if the 99% consensus assertions were valid, the notion of consensus-as-truth does not pass the test for authentic scientific validation. The majority can still be wrong.

A recent article posted by The Good Men Project, which “exposed” the climate deniers behind the recent farmer protests in Europe, proclaimed that “Scientific consensus on human-caused climate change is equivalent to that on evolution.” This statement came in response to a request from protest organizer James Melville for a national debate on climate and net zero policies. Never mind that evolution is not a proven fact. Equating climate change to evolution shows it is also unproven and can be argued against. Again, the majority can still be wrong!

Remember when Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson made claims that their COVID vaccines were all well over 90% effective in stopping transmission? As evidenced in the following video, those proclamations did not hold up very well, did they?

A massive army has been assembled to ensure that rival claims will not see the light of day for long. But why is it that the powers that be would rather falsify research, smear dissenters, and spend billions of dollars to silence critics rather than continuing to debate the issues?

An article written by Gregory Whitstone, Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition, presents a valid argument for continued scientific debate on climate change, stating:

You have likely heard that 97% of scientists agree on human-driven climate change. You may also have heard that those who don’t buy into the climate-apocalypse mantra are science-deniers. The truth is that a whole lot more than 3% of scientists are skeptical of the party line on climate. A whole lot more…

There are some scientific truths that are quantifiable and easily proven, and with which, I am confident, at least 97% of scientists agree. Here are two:

  • Carbon dioxide concentration has been increasing in recent years.
  • Temperatures, as measured by thermometers and satellites, have been generally increasing in fits and starts for more than 150 years.

What is impossible to quantify is the actual percentage of warming that is attributable to increased anthropogenic (human-caused) CO2. There is no scientific evidence or method that can determine how much of the warming we’ve had since 1900 that was directly caused by us.

We know that temperature has varied greatly over the millennia. We also know that for virtually all of that time, global warming and cooling were driven entirely by natural forces, which did not cease to operate at the beginning of the 20th century.

The claim that most modern warming is attributable to human activities is scientifically insupportable. The truth is that we do not know. We need to be able to separate what we do know from that which is only conjecture.

How can greenhouse gases, particularly CO2 be the sole agent causing rising temperatures when it is an essential element for all life forms? Given the growing world population, it seems that greater levels of CO2would lead to greater benefits. Plants need CO2 to thrive, yet the fight against it is accelerating.

Scientists have now stated that cow burps and farts and even human breathing are bad for the environment because they contribute to the emission of methane and nitrous oxide, both believed to contribute to global warming. This is beyond absurd!

We are on the slippery slope to a dystopian nightmare if the trend toward censorship and marginalization continues. There is no good reason why continued debate featuring those on all sides of the issue should not be occurring, unless of course there are other reasons for ramming this fear-based agenda down our throats.

We’ll examine the other reasons in Part 2 of this series.

Jesse Smith is an American journalist and editor of Truth Unmuted, a news and opinion website dedicated to challenging globalist plans and ideologies like technocracy, transhumanism, the Great Reset, and Agenda 2030. Jesse currently lives in Mexico and writes about current events through the lens of a Biblical worldview. His articles have been published on Global Research, Activist Post, and TruthTalk.UK.


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Tim Ellison
Tim Ellison
May 10, 2024 7:33 AM

There has been widespread Censorship by the MSM regarding real climate Science for years:

Apr 5, 2024 10:10 PM


Apr 5, 2024 4:30 PM

Ahahahahaha, you are so fucking stupid…hahahahaha

Apr 5, 2024 7:38 AM

MCC ? Funk ‘Dat for a game of Cricket, BatShitCrazyComplex …

Apr 5, 2024 7:25 AM

Con-census in science = religion / ideology + censorship, lawfare & inquisition.

Apr 5, 2024 4:21 AM

When an organization like the US federal government or WEF declare misinformation et al to be dangerous threats, what they mean is threats to their own power. That should be obvious by now. We should be reading essays about the falseness of these organizations. We should be reading paeans to free speech.
If we face an existential threat, it is to our freedom, not the wanna-be-fascists.
The United Nations is proving itself to be infected with wanna-be-fascists. It may be time to jump ship.

Apr 4, 2024 2:00 PM

Re: Energy is available in abundance! Well, if you have a technology to draw energy from the ether in a way allowing replacing the fuels used to run the civilization today, let me hear what it is. I’m all ears and I bet so are countless others. I’m afraid, however, that looking to genocided cultures is a case of hallucinatory wishful thinking. Oil is very likely replenishable. There is no reason why the same mechanism that has allowed oil to form shouldn’t continue working. The problem is that more is extracted than (potentially) replenished. It doesn’t matter whether oil is fossil, abiotic, or whether it’s the piss of some creature inhabiting the inside the Earth There are NO MODERN ENERGY-GENERATING TECHNOLOGIES THAT WOULD FREE HUMANITY. What are they? There is enough to go around if permitted? Man, pull your head out of your bum. Take any city in the world and remove oil – the shit that drives trucks. People in the city would be dead in a week without oil that allows shit to be grown, processed, and delivered to them. Oil, natural gas, and coal literally is the free lunch. Can these be replaced? Maybe – but there is nothing currently available that would allow doing so. No form of energy capable of replacing fossil fuels, which also serve for producing plastic, FERTILIZER (!!!!), and other stuff. As to scarcity, you need to realize that there is a limited supply of resources, which is a basically a biological issue concerning the human species per se, and there is uneven distribution of whatever resources there are. Two completely different issues. Yes, the distribution of resources is unequal – some people get more, some less, some almost nothing. You, as a westerner, are one of those who get way more… Read more »

Apr 4, 2024 4:08 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Do you really think that if there is the possibility to harness ‘free’ energy, that this technology would be shared with mankind given the current setup? What happened to Tesla’s aspirations for free electricity? Going back further, there are numerous examples of ancient structures around the world, which would have required advanced knowledge of some kind of technology both in design and construction (using a source of unknown energy?) – why is there little academic research into these?

If current forms of energy/resources are not sustainable, why is there no emphasis on reducing consumption? In fact, the opposite is closer to the truth..the general population are incentivised to buy more crap and consume more energy (through technology) whilst vast amounts of resources and energy are ploughed into reshaping the energy infrastructure to save a bit of carbon floating off into the atmosphere

Apr 4, 2024 8:13 PM
Reply to  CBL

I was asking for specific examples of the referenced technologies, ways of drawing energy from the ether, and so on. Not for conjectures that this or that must be true/false because of something you are unable to explain. How will you, or Tesla, get free electricity? Pull it out of your ass? Are you implying that the physical laws, such as the laws of thermodynamics, are wrong? Why is there no emphasis on reducing consumption? Well, you might say that there is, that they’re trying. Not very effectively, but on the other hand it’s kinda difficult to turn the course of history within just a few years. My guess is that they’ve been kicking the can down the road for too long and now they know shit what to do. But once again, that’s a strawman fallacy. Focus on energy and resources per se, not on the perception of human behavior or efforts of various actors to do this or that. Where is the energy, what are the alleged miraculous technologies? What will happen to the civilization when fossils run out or EROEI declines? Etc.? BTW, this “free energy” stuff is bullshit anyway. Even if it were possible to draw fucking energy out of fucking thin air, you’d still need technology to do that and they could make money on the technology in a similar way as they make money on fossils – in a way they’re “free” too. Or are you suggesting that energy can be drawn from the ether for instance by sticking out your dick like a fucking antenna and charging yourself with the etheric energy l so as to emit a jet of something out of your ass which would make you fly (if you spread your arms wide enough)? What sort of fucking phantasmagorical hallucinations… Read more »

Apr 4, 2024 9:01 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Funny, you should probably patent that solution.

I don’t proclaim to be an expert in physics, but it’s pretty obvious that we don’t possess a full understanding of the laws of this world/reality.

However, what I am alluding to is that science/research is driven in certain directions by the people who have the power/money, and the incentives for such is questionable. How can a new technology or innovation be adopted when not agreed and funded by certain levels of the societal structure? As such, certain lines of enquiry are dismissed (likely intentionally).

I agree that there is a scarcity of resources, but don’t really understand your perspective regarding sustainability when you dismiss the primary drivers in depletion based upon the imposed mode of thinking. What is your solution?

Apr 4, 2024 10:07 PM
Reply to  CBL

We’ll never possess a full understanding of the world, whatever it might mean, but the way things are is as good as it gets right now. Hypothesizing, in a wishful-thinking hallucinatory fashion, that there MUST BE something else is delusional. Based on current knowledge, there is zilch and a lot of the current knowledge is relatively sound – it allows the world to function the way it does. The fact that you’re not an expert in physics is a bit of a problem if you voice opinions about a subject of which you know nothing. Applying convoluted logic and positing that things must be different because there are lots of assholes around who try to take advantage of others and create all sorts of societal structures is shooting way off the target. Considering the state of the art, the way things are is that fossil fuels that have allowed unprecedented progress in human history are starting to decline, and the civilization will not be able to function without them the same way it presently does. The Earth simply doesn’t have the carrying capacity to allow that. The solution is simple, but it’s one that people don’t want to hear. Especially not people around here; they go apeshit about malthusian this, that, and the other fucking thing. The solution is to slow down, downsize, simplify. Reduce or eliminate luxuries. Yes, it applies predominantly to the global northwest, where people live the most luxurious lives. Actually, it would behoove people to do that even if resources were abundant. Incidentally, there will continue to be differences in the distribution of resources. Probably quite substantial, at least in the foreseeable future. But that’s relative and is only marginally correlated to the absolute availability of resources and energy. The difference between the way I and… Read more »

Apr 4, 2024 10:44 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Fair enough, thanks for the explanation and can understand, to a certain extent, the direction you’re coming from. Yes, I agree that people should lower their expectations, and would probably be happier for it. However, the societal/cultural influence is real and overpowering and promotes the opposite, which ultimately is a disconnection from the actual lived natural world. At the same time, the net tightens on civil liberties as we are channeled into a digital control framework, which is likely the intended next phase of existence when the current system implodes. 

Apr 5, 2024 6:41 AM
Reply to  CBL

If you want to approach things from societal perspective, let’s consider the very purpose of life, la raison d’etre. Look at the state to which civilization has developed – we live to consume. To create yet another artificial urge that could be satiated by yet another useless doodad, yet another useless service. Yet another fake tit, dick, artificial vagina, you name it. We burn shit like crazy, haul our obese asses from place to place needlessly, poisoning shit left and right. Meanwhile, none of this untold horseshit makes anybody any happier. People are fucked up in the head, pop pills, take drugs, drink booze like crazy. We’re unable to live with our own selves, let alone with other species and our natural habitat. There is no spiritual footing whatsoever. Things are pretty fucked up, you know. Civil liberties? If I were the devil’s advocate, et j’en suis un, I’d say that people are fucking unchained. It’s not that people should be prohibited from doing some things – they shouldn’t allow themselves to even consider doing them in the first place. For example, I live in an old European city. Pretty much untouched by WWII, which means that the city center is full of narrow zigzaggy streets. Totally unsuitable for car traffic. Yet, motherfuckers drive their SUVs there, cars are all over the place. People are going apeshit about cars being banned from cities – well, I’d ban cars downtown like this second. Assholes should take public transport (which is excellent). Driving a fucking car is no civil liberty. Yeah, I don’t like the digital panopticon but .. If you’re an objective, well-meaning person (you come across like you might be one), you’re stuck between several rocks and several stones – the resources predicament, fucked up society, the droves of madly… Read more »

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 5, 2024 12:28 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Cold fusion, works fine in Moscow, not so much in Washington.


Its a study of human denial, if you can’t control the device through a patent, its not welcome in the western world. This is what has occurred.

So what’s the point of adding to the long list of western human denial syndrome, more walking bullshit?

Apr 5, 2024 6:51 AM

While it’s a question whether it works or not, there are other issues.

Can this technology (or other technologies) be scaled up? Can they eventually be produced without fossil fuels? Are there enough minerals on Earth to manufacture these units? Can these minerals be extracted and processed within a time frame allowing this technology to be put into use, if it can be scaled up at all? Can this shit replace the current fossil fuel-based human enterprise? Can the energy somehow be used to produce fertilizer? How are you gonna power trucks, airplanes?

The answer to many if not all of the above might be a no.

No matter how you slice it, even if new technologies are invented and phenomena discovered, the current makeup of the civilization is ripe for a change.

One thing boggles my mind – the general mood among people frequenting these pages is that they oppose capitalism. Most are more or less overt commies. Why are they so fervently against ridding the world of this consumerist bullshit?

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 5, 2024 2:19 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Why does everything need to be scaled up first, only to come crashing down b/c you didnt grow organically slowly and safely first, you jumped into the easy industrial solution and then fall into denial when the green water pollution problem doesn’t affect you.

You are like the old capitalist rabbit who has to see quick progress while they are still alive, rather than the young commie turtle who doesn’t mind waiting to see the progress as long as their safety is assured.

Apr 5, 2024 3:06 PM

You need to stop this ad hominem shit, like you are fucked up like this or that, while I’m not.

Capitalism and communism – and mind you, I’ve lived under both, unlike you, which makes me an authority – are abstract concepts that matter during something like one fucking microsecond in the history of the human species, which is what we happen to be talking about, since the stuff under discussion is about biological, physical, and ecological realities, not some shit that the current few generations of idiot humans have concocted thanks to happening upon easy energy. I don’t give a whole lot of fuck about capitalism or communism or any other fucking -isms. That’s garbage for bird-brain imbeciles unable to see beyond the tip of their nose. I look far beyond the horizon.

If you were able to setp back and look at the human endeavor from a distance, you’d see that we, humans, have entangled ourselves in an unsolvable predicament, that chiefly has to do with the excessive use of resources and the resulting overconsumption and overshoot, and that our gluttony, which by the way is a fucking mortal sin according to our own ideological footing, is catching up with us.

You, however, are not able do that because you’re prevented by your myopia, and, consequently, you keep whining about some capitalist o rcoommie bullshit. When I interact with intellectual gnomes like you, it’s like looking through the other end of a telescope.

Tragic! Ever heard the phrase broaden your fucking horizons?


Apr 6, 2024 8:45 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

If you’re not fucked up, I’m not sure what world you are living in!

Perhaps you’re the one that needs to take a step back? You appear to be trapped in the one-dimensional political/scientific ideology which permeates society, albeit from an insightful and likely well-informed perspective.

Apr 7, 2024 7:27 AM
Reply to  CBL

You’re exhibiting all signs of psychological projection. I’m not the one who’s trapped in one-dimensional thinking. Most other people are, probably including you, even though I know too little about you to determine that.

Most people think in a reductionist fashion. That happens to be a major problem with human perception of the world, as science considers phenomena separately without the correlation thereof to other phenomena. The same applies to politics, to everything. We think ourselves smart, but the truth is that we do shit in a rather random manner and keep dealing with unintended consequences, that is what we fucked up by our previous actions.

Anyway, I’m probably totally fucked up, you’re right about that, at least insofar as being not-fucked up – or is it unfucked up or possibly fucked down? hmmm…. – means being a fucking normative humanoid of the general dimwit variety.

Apr 5, 2024 12:40 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Three shitbags in a shit factory.

Apr 5, 2024 6:57 AM
Reply to  Marfanoid

There is a world of difference between a brilliant person who avails himself of the entirety of the lexis and uses for rhetorical effect words your nano-brain considers dirty on the one hand, and, on the other hand, a fucking moron of your kind who is obsessed with the aforesaid words for some bizarre reason, probably because his controller has told him that some words are prohibited and he obediently complies, while pissing toxic piss at people who use language without thus imposed constraints.

Hope this kinda explains it, you fucking moron.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Apr 3, 2024 8:32 AM

11/14/2011, Club of Rome Lifetime Achievement Award winner, former NJ Gov. Christie Whitman, EPA Chief under Bush #2, broke her leg while skiing during Davos meetings in 1999: 1/31/1999, “Gov. Whitman Breaks Leg Skiing,” AP, via CBSNews.com, “Gov. Christie Whitman was hospitalized Sunday after breaking a leg in a skiing accident in Switzerland, her spokesman said. Whitman was attending the World Economic Forum in Davos and was skiing in a conference-organized event in the middle of the day when she took a hard, twisting fall on an intermediate slope, spokesman Pete McDonough said.”…https://www.cbsnews.com/news/gov-whitman-breaks-leg-skiing/...In 1991, Club of Rome book, “First Global Revolution,” by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider, stated on page 75: “We came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill….The real enemy then is humanity itself.”…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 3, 2024 8:29 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

1/31/1999 = 33 and 666. Are you sending a message?

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 3, 2024 7:13 AM

Apologies as I’m off-topic but this is crucial for those of us in Australia. Australia’s Digital I.D. legislation bill has been passed by the senate. It now goes before the house of reps who meet, I think, on 14 May. Please, please everyone who can, write/call/visit your federal member as tell them to vote NO against this slave-making agenda.

I know its probably useless to tell our representatives to actually represent us,but we can at least try.

How members of the aussie senate just voted …..33 ayes, 26 noes

Apr 3, 2024 4:11 PM
Reply to  May Hem

33 … they don’t even hide their Freemasonic shilling. Loud and proud.

Apr 3, 2024 7:11 AM


“From a list of 34 risks, the WEF report identifies information as the top threat to global” financial $cams.

These dark creatures cannot bear the light.

Apr 3, 2024 1:35 AM

Since I no longer believe in the “moon landings”, I am curious to see whether I will soon no longer believe in the existence of a “nuclear bomb” either. I’m happy to be proven wrong at any time. But not by analyzing Kubrick’s Strangelove or Shining, Hollywood lies.

Apr 4, 2024 10:19 PM

wow…. many people think the USA is evil… they don’t know the half of it…

Apr 3, 2024 1:28 AM

About the strike on that bridge in Baltimore– this is brief & interesting:

It’s by John Leake, who claims some expertise.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 3, 2024 12:57 AM

And another thing

Scotland don’t speak, or here, now, funny

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 3, 2024 12:46 AM

This sort of rhetoric, is, forget what I was going to say

Apr 2, 2024 10:34 PM

Whether there’s a climate crisis or not is irrelevant to TPTB. They promote a climate threat for one reason and one reason only: as cover should the day arrive when the whole world understands what they’re doing to the Earth’s atmosphere. That way they can say they were spraying toxins all day and all night to protect us from overheating.

When in fact they’re spraying so as to ionize the atmosphere to better enable all the 5G and related emf gadgets to somehow control everybody on Earth. It won’t happen of course; but they think it will. Insanity is like that, isn’t it?

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 2, 2024 11:00 PM
Reply to  Howard

I don’t know either, it is my ruler, my god

Apr 2, 2024 10:24 PM

We need a new shit article quick I am m.issing the shitlogger Socialog of shitshowland.Where is that fuckhead .I think he must be working out a new theory in the shitter.Shit one out.Quick.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 2, 2024 10:59 PM
Reply to  Marfanoid

I know Mar, right !
How else are shit-brains like us meant to understand without daily distraction,

Anyway Researcher crushes nearly all here.

Massive lurkers say shit.

Apr 2, 2024 11:22 PM

Edwige for me.And Gordan of course.Who is this fuckhead manure licking gobshite.

Apr 2, 2024 11:23 PM
Reply to  Marfanoid

And so it goes.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 3, 2024 12:30 AM
Reply to  Marfanoid

How to compare Edwige to Gordan,

Lets have a heated debate.

Apr 3, 2024 12:48 AM
Reply to  Marfanoid

Jaques. And many other names.

Apr 3, 2024 12:50 AM


Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 3, 2024 1:52 AM
Reply to  Researcher

And Thank You,
Yes, As I mentioned earlier in the ‘chat’, I was heartened that you said ‘lol’ about Alan, he would love that !
What else, yes, excellent work carry on

Apr 3, 2024 12:46 AM
Reply to  Marfanoid

Lol. He’s comedy gold; if you enjoy comedy that reeks like urine, vomit, stale cigarettes, and beer soaked carpet in a dive bar.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 3, 2024 12:51 AM
Reply to  Marfanoid

He got exhausted and burst into flames, is my guess.

Jank Willie
Jank Willie
Apr 2, 2024 9:58 PM

We are systematically being genocided, at the systems-level. Climate change is just another of many fronts the jews have deployed to, like a snake, slowly choke us to death. The 2 quadrillion dollar derivative market, the unsustainable debts, outsourcing all of industry to communist countries, spic invasion here in the states, muslim invasion in EU states, jew monopolies over corporations, the criminal political system, etc. Look at the trajectory around you. It’s all a system of a down.

If your effective fighting this, welcome to zersetzung. Stasi is alive and well in the USA.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 2, 2024 8:57 PM

This reminds me of that Kurt Vonnegut, so it goes


and slow it goes

nice to have a chance to take time, have a think

if you like ‘cringe comedy’, that’s great

Listen to a podcast, maybe Alan Partridge.

Please do not reply with Alan quotes, he would not approve of this site.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 2, 2024 11:33 PM

Thanks Captain,

This got me on to, here is one you must have seen.

Apr 2, 2024 8:44 PM

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Apr 2, 2024 8:45 PM
Reply to  niko

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Apr 2, 2024 8:45 PM
Reply to  niko

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Apr 2, 2024 2:45 PM

We are on the slippery slope to a dystopian nightmare […]

Two of the root causes have to be our nations memberships to the Bank for International Settlements, and the United Nations.
These two memberships alone have resulted in governments becoming, by design, mere population managers for these parasites.

Apr 3, 2024 7:25 AM
Reply to  Sigurd

Like Sweden percsecuting Assange and joining NATZO, this is one more sign that Scandiwegians have crossed over to walk on the dark side. Must be their Viking blood stirring as the ice melts and they scent the prospect of fighting Russia for control of Arctic oil, gas and sea routes.

“From fire, famine and the Norsemen may the Good Lord deliver us” — Prayer from the Dark Ages.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 3, 2024 8:51 PM
Reply to  NickM

No Sir, its not an earthquake, its the sound of battle formations that makes them cross the line into Natzo.

Paul II
Paul II
Apr 2, 2024 1:58 PM

I am absolutely in favor of exporting 20,000 Jumbos (instead of “POCs”) to Berlin, and this directly to the grounds of the so-called Bundestag. There, the “green” Maoists can fertilize their cannabis plants with Jumbo dung instead of practicing “politics” for airheads. https://pravda-en.com/world/2024/04/02/403801.html

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 2, 2024 12:23 PM

It has been mentioned here that the CO2 Coalition is funded by the oil industry. The MSM certainly thinks so, for what is worth. They also state that Trump donors are funding it. If anything is going to taint an organisation and herd wavering climate disciples back into the fold, it is the mention of ‘Orange Man bad’. In the theatre that passes for reality, the reality TV star is the best friend of the controllers in the world of fake binaries. Anyway enough of that; the oil companies could be funding the CO2 Coalition and if so which ones? The smaller ones because it is in their interests or the oil barons behind ‘Big Oil’ which funds the controlled opposition including Extinction Rebellion? One thing is clear though, which is that the true oligarchs of the oil industry brought the climate change agenda into the public conciousness. Starting with David Rockefeller protege Maurice Strong who invented the environmental movement which morphed into the climate scam, since he certainly did not care about the environment. He made his millions in the Canadian oil business. Next up, there was Al Gore Jnr whose family fortune came from his father’s job USD 500k a year at Occidental Petroleum and the mass of stock (shares) he accumulated too. Gore Jnr went on to trade carbon and was touted as the world’s first carbon billionaire. John Kerry also made hundreds of millions of dollars trading carbon offsets. BP whose marketing slogan became “Beyond Petroleum” and Royal Dutch Shell are the giants of the oil industry and are at least part owned by the British and Dutch royal families respectively. Both companies are at the forefront of the so-called green revolution and renewables. Together, with the Rockefellers – who made their fortune from Standard Oil… Read more »

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Apr 2, 2024 7:26 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Exxon (part of the Rockefeller complex) censored a report made by its scientists in 1977 predicting that CO2 increases would cause a rise of 5 deg C in the average global temp. And funded efforts to debunk the entire idea. The oil industry was at the center of funding the debunking efforts. William O’Keefe, CEO of the CO2 Coalition, is former CEO of the American Petroleum Institute. This Coalition gets oodles of money from the Mercer Foundation and from Charles Koch, an oil billionaire. Enron money also involved, The Coalition grew out of the John C Marshall Institute, which was sponsored by Exxon.
About the 1977 Exxon study.

Big Al
Big Al
Apr 3, 2024 3:57 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

So what is your point Jeffrey? Do you believe CO2 increases caused by human activity are causing global climate change? And that the measures the WEF and others are proposing, such as carbon taxes, eating bugs, only the rich being able to fly, etc., are appropriate?

Apr 3, 2024 6:10 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Lol. That “report” was an obvious hoax. The Club of Rome was founded at David Rockefeller’s estate in 1968.

There’s no such thing as fossil fuel. Oil is abiotic. It’s been proven experimentally and geologically.

Surface temps directly correspond to solar activity cycles and oceanic cycles. Not human activity.

Numerous research papers link solar cycles to earths temp.

Koch and big oil moved into carbon credits and the green energy scam years ago.

NOAA deliberately omitted temp data to get their fake temp rise.

NOAA deliberately falsified data.

96% NOAA heat measurement stations corruptly placed to support climate hoax.

Proof NASA fraudulently adjusted their data to create fake rise.

We entered a new Maunder Minimum in 2020.

Apr 3, 2024 7:47 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

From your Link:

  1. “The Earth is warmer than at any other time in recent history.
  2. “This global warming can be attributed, with 99% certainty, to a man-made increase in the greenhouse effect, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels and changes in the way we use land.
  3. “This greenhouse effect is making extreme weather events like heat waves, storms, and droughts more frequent and intense.”

The last time I saw a prediction “with 99% certainty” it came from prestigious Princeton mathematicians and predicted that Killary Clinton would beat Donald Trumpeter in the POTU$ race.

“It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future” — Niels Bohr, physicist.

Apr 3, 2024 8:18 PM
Reply to  NickM

Yeah it’s so much easier to make predictions about the past. If you can get through the forest of lies, that is.

Apr 2, 2024 11:58 AM

Another supposedly alternative to the main stream news outlet discussing Climate without ever mentioning chem trails.!!
comment image

Apr 2, 2024 11:53 AM

The resurrection ritual like clock work……

(isnt the hernia the same place Jesus was pierced on the cross…?)

under the guise of exit stage (cloning) for Bibi:

Netanyahu in ‘excellent’ health after hernia surgery, hospital says

bibi was in hospital over the Easter weekend!! off course he was!!!


and not forgetting King cancer Charlie was out shaking hands with the subjects (resurrected on Easter Sunday Monday after hiding due to cancer!!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 3, 2024 8:56 PM
Reply to  davetherave

King Charles shake hands with the Eastern bunny?

Apr 2, 2024 10:55 AM

The eclipse this April the 8th happens on 4.8.24, 40284 days since the Federal Reserve was founded.

Apr 5, 2024 7:55 AM

3 the key to Tesla theory: remind us who inherited the wealth of his designs, from the basement of his Hotel ?

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Apr 2, 2024 9:28 AM

The ruling class are devising ways to prevent dissent.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 2, 2024 7:52 AM

Just remember kiddies, disinformation kills! — https://www.bcs.org/articles-opinion-and-research/disinformation-kills-now-what-are-we-going-to-do-about-it 11 Jan 2021 Disinformation kills. Now what are we going to do about it? Dr Alexi Drew, Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Policy Institute at King’s College, London advises BCS on policy and cyber security. In this opinion piece she writes that now is the time to have a grown up conversation about the sometimes destructive power of the internet. Trump’s use of social media has long been a cause for concern and the final straw came when he used it to encourage protesters in Washington, D.C., to march on Capitol Hill last week, sparking the storming of the building… But are these moves taken by the tech giants too little too late? And what about the concerns about disinformation, conspiracy theories and hate crimes that are frequently spread by social media? In this opinion piece Dr Alexi Drew, Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Policy Institute at King’s College, London and an expert on the role of social media in conflict escalation, she argues that now is a time for a grown-up conversation about how to curb the sometimes destructive power of the internet. The well is poisoned. The means by which a growing percentage of the world gathers information relevant to their daily lives is filled with ‘alternative facts’, misleading narratives, click bait, and intentional efforts to undermine public trust in institutions and agencies empowered with their protection. I am not exaggerating when I say that I, and others who study or analyse disinformation the world over, are sitting at home with the loudest and most perverse ‘I told you so’ echoing around their minds. What happened in Washington D.C did not come from nowhere; it was not an unpredictable outcome of unseen and unknowable forces. It is the result of an information… Read more »

Apr 2, 2024 7:06 AM

Is climate change bullshit?


How can such an undefinable thing as climate change not be a crock of shit? What is climate, what is change? That can be 1000+1 things.

Get that through your thick skulls and stop fighting the GIANT STRAWMAN. It’s the same fucking thing as COVID. You’re fighting the existence or effect of the virus, the kill shot, lockdowns, fuckccine injury, all sorts of inconsequential strawmen. While what matters was the economic effect of stopping the economy from turning, pouring cash into the system, ushering in a new socio-economic era – techno-feudalism or rather techno-slavery.

Meanwhile, people DO GET FUCKING SICK.

CLIMATE CHANGE is the same thing, idiots. The climate is changing, which is always the fucking case. Likewise, the human enterprise does have an adverse effect on nature, what we do is toxic to the nth degree.

The point, all of you denialist cretins, is, in the case of the flu (COVID), which certifiably does exist, have a sensible approach to disease, and in the case of the environment, or rather the adverse impact of human activity on the natural world (CLIMATE CHANGE), adopt a sustainable way of life.

Denying antropogenic effect on the environment because some motherfuckers try to use it to their advantage is analogous to idiotic claims that germs are good for you and that you should put streptococcus into wounds to make them heal faster.

Apr 2, 2024 9:23 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Sustainabull. You were spouting the same shite for months last year as Roserval Parkun, Kunda Sem Kunda Tam, Disgusted, Pottymouth, Zorgling etc. What’s an empty vessel do again ? 😀

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 2, 2024 11:41 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

So to dispense once again with the rampaging obfuscatory rhetoric,

We “denialist cretins” (interesting!), should adopt “a sensible approach to disease” – meaning the flu/ covid (which are apparently the same thing though I’m sure the severity can be changed by the rebranding).

And we are to adopt “a sustainable way of life” to cope with “the adverse impact of human activity on the natural world (CLIMATE CHANGE)”.

So….. there is no discernible difference between you and the media!

Apr 2, 2024 11:51 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Fuckhead, the media is telling you to adopt a sensible approach to disease? What fucking media? The media is telling you to get tested, fuckccinated, lockdowned, distanced. Sensible approach is to live a healthy lifestyle and stay in fucking bed if you do get sick.

Sustainable way of life means coming to terms that we’re living on a borrowed time, that our luxurious life is driven by finite resources, and working toward an existence that will allow surviving when the resources run out or become too difficult to get. The fucking media is telling you that? Don’t fucking think so!

It used to be that stupid people like you were quietly sitting in the corner, listened to what their more intelligent counterparts had to say, and tried to understand. As opposed to allowing your bird brain to interpret, through the lens of the biases your fucked up head harbors, what other people who can see further than the tip of their nose have to say.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 2, 2024 12:23 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Well let’s skip the covid meme since the media have gone relatively quiet on that but I daresay if they unleash that beast again we’ll be getting a lot of advice on what is “sensible”.

“Sustainable way of life means coming to terms that we’re living on a borrowed time, that our luxurious life is driven by finite resources, and working toward an existence that will allow surviving when the resources run out or become too difficult to get. The fucking media is telling you that? Don’t fucking think so!”

Well do fucking think so because that’s exactly what the media are telling us.

Apr 2, 2024 1:11 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You should know. You got your head stuck up the media’s asshole so fucking far up that it’s sticking out their throat.

Buzz off already, dumbo. Ever considered judging things based on their merit as opposed to based on what your (fucked up) perception of the messenger is? Obviously not.

Apr 2, 2024 3:39 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

I remember fucking Sociolog by the train tracks behind the Business Park. Grippiest asshole I ever fucked. He kept looking round at me saying “you like that, faggot?”. I tried to ignore him and kept on railing away while he jackpot no-handed seminal fluid onto the tracks there, and eventually I did manage to get my nut off. As soon as I had finished he hopped off, lay flat on his back and raised his legs up over his head so that he could drink the cum leaking out his ass. “You like watching that, queer boy?” he asked me. Once he’d slurped every last drop, he sprang up and punched me as hard as he could in the face. I was fine but it looked like he broke his hand. He ran off nursing his wrist and calling me a gaylord. That was the last time I fucked Sociolog in the ass behind the Business Park.    

Apr 2, 2024 4:47 PM

You probably spend too much time watching sick porn. I can imagine nothing else that would make you fantasize shit like this, man/woman (select the applicable based on how you feel today).

Apr 2, 2024 10:46 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

There’s a log in your path Socio.

You can do better.
Consult your thesaurus more often.

Apr 2, 2024 11:19 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Expletives become tedious and lose their impact with repetition.

Anyways, ;-} rants are the indicators of a neglected childhood, manifesting as attention seeking.

Just ask Todd.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 3, 2024 12:57 AM
Reply to  Johnny

He’s having trouble separating the fluff from the news, and the cost of resources verses time.

Apr 3, 2024 6:49 AM
Reply to  Johnny

The way cognitive dissonance peppered with obdurate stupidity prevents you from focusing on the subject matter is cute.

Anyway, the text at least deals somewhat laterally deal with some aspects of actually reality. You and the other losers are only hallucinating ad hominem shite.

Apr 3, 2024 10:24 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Be still, and know that l (the person reading these words) am god.

Forget laterally and go with REALITY.

Apr 2, 2024 7:30 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Tovarish? 😂

Apr 2, 2024 5:56 AM

These days of polycrisis propaganda, the next news cycle (rinse and repeat) is bound to bring up more doom and gloom as the greatest threat for us to fear. But maybe mis-dis-mal-information is the clincher when you count all the final solutions of the Great Reset requiring lies to become reality.  

Of course the Davos gang and other global crime bosses are not about to look in the mirror. The rule of the few over the many by manufactured consent keeps them too busy accusing others of what they’re doing, constantly applying false flag logic.

War’s the conventional go-to when it comes to population control, uniting people into a patriotic herd against a common enemy, their counterparts on the other side, or as WW1 propagandist George Creel put it, “one white hot mass instinct” for mass murder of our own kind. So it’s no surprise that war has been declared on covid and climate change, especially since what’s needed now in the new normal are invisible enemies that make us all guilty of breathing and taking up space with our carbon footprints (we’ve met the enemy and it’s us, etc.).

Truth always being the first casualty of war makes world war on humanity synonymous with psywar to create most anything as a clear and present danger to biosecurity on a prison planet. Maybe it’s a backhanded compliment to us being thinking if not rational animals that those whom the gods would destroy they must first make mad, but it never ceases to amaze the lengths to which this can be taken: this is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a fart. Like Voltaire said, those who can get you to believe absurdity can lead you to commit atrocity.

comment image

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Apr 2, 2024 5:31 AM

The real question is why those twelve lies of Guterres are not thrown in his face as ‘disinformation’; all the scientists promoting those lies are not defrocked and prevented from working as scientists any longer; and why the climate realists aren’t prepared to embrace the concept of punishment for these grifting, lying charlatans. Punishment should be extended to politicians, to civil servants, to the media (especially the BBC), and to schoolteachers for pushing absolute climate ignorance to the next generation.

Life is totally ridiculous when misinforming liars tell the world that anyone who disagrees with them must be cancelled for ‘propagating misinformation’.

les online
les online
Apr 2, 2024 3:21 AM

“It’s just a cover-story, that’s wot it tis !”
“It’s just Marketing, that’s wot it is !”

And you get a choice:
“Which side are you on:
Climate Denial-ism, or Climate Alarm-ism ?”
“it’s all binary -ism, that’s wot it is !”

Apr 2, 2024 3:08 AM

Looks like nobody told the Sakura trees about global warming! But what would they know?


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 2, 2024 7:45 AM
Reply to  toranon

That is exactly a sign that something is completely wrong with nature, as they should NOT blossom at this moment!

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Apr 2, 2024 2:38 AM

It’s like Nestle and Coca Cola telling you what’s good for you and your health. Sounds like someone(s) never understood the definition of Science and would be seriously caught off guard if you asked them to define it for you in a pinch. Definitely would be some stumbling there. Also, how many different definitions of PPP do we have to have? Well, we have Pandemic Potential Pathogens. When Gain of Function got into the Awareness and they didn’t want people to know about the labs, they started using PPP, for Pandemic Potential Pathogens. So then, when people started looking into that, it became the Paycheck Protection Program. Boy, did that change some algorithms. So do we now have someone who wants to take the shite brown color out of the Green Party and make it green again with People Peace and Planet? Or do we have to focus on the disgusting level of corruption that exists amongst the heavily funded (by real psychos) Public-Private-Partnerships, so that we constantly remain Piss Poor Public? I don’t know. I’m a perpetual skeptic when things don’t make any sense. I like the idea of Vote Pact dot Org in the U.S. Why? Because it is obvious that both major parties there are working for the same bosses, who congregate there in the land of the free, which needs to have its’ FREEDOM back. But I’m not working for those bosses and I won’t. We need to not just free Palestine, but free the people’s of Earth who are currently being accused of disinformation by REAL disinformation artists.

Apr 2, 2024 3:53 AM

Greed and ignorance corrupt almost everyone they come into contact with.
THE 20,000 year long plague.
There’s no cure.
Except Love.

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Apr 2, 2024 11:45 AM
Reply to  Johnny

I don’t disagree that there is the potential for that corruption, but I think people can rise above it. In addition to love as the only “cure”, wisdom and confront are good qualities too. Just so you know I didn’t fall for that vax “cure” b.s., and it has been a long, long, long time since I’ve trusted, or fallen for the b.s. of Big Phatma and the “regulatory agencies” . All they regulate is cash flow. And they give more death than life. However, it is a fact that they are messing around with some pretty anti-life shite in these labs, under the guise of “help”, and the cover of profit. So although I don’t want anyone crippled with fear and hysteria (except maybe the criminals pushing it on everyone else) I think it is wise to be alert. I know what Gulf War Illness came from. It wasnt “all in the head”.

Apr 3, 2024 8:37 PM

No vaxx, no tests no s(Ch)wab, no masks.

Apr 3, 2024 8:35 PM

Yes, ironic, isn’t it.
Vote, Don’t vote. Just don’t worry about it anyway. The result will be (p)re-arranged according to the Agenda.
the Donald is more fun than Stumblin’ Joe, but that’s not saying much. Operation War(p)speed, Missiles on Syria. Sucking up to Israel.
The TRUTH is significantly lacking.

Apr 2, 2024 2:06 AM

For climate scam exposures look no further than retired Los Alamos scientist Tony Heller’s channel on Youtube. He uses their own past published data to show an Emperor without cloths.

Follow the money. That is what these “scientists” do, and the bureaucrats, politicians and renewable energy businesses – the IPCC and COP xx crowd.

That money is mostly government subsidies, little private money. The combination of alpha educated childless women and alpha male sharks is pretty harmfull.

Apr 2, 2024 1:28 AM

Covid19 scam all over again. Same criminal agenda. Must be stopped.

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Apr 2, 2024 12:23 AM

1.Set up a fake NGO/think tank/ university department etc
2. Write a wish list disguised as threats to humanity/ rights/ mother earth etc
3. Campaign graft the wish list/report into suitable gov corp political party.
4.Set the narrative/fake opposition among the gen pop.
5.Pass the laws
6.Print the 💰

Apr 1, 2024 11:30 PM

Jesse writes ‘through the lens of a Biblical world view’.
Really ?

Old religion V Scientific religion ? Both with ve$ted intere$t$.

C’mon, let’s get real.
Truth. Here. Now.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 1, 2024 10:40 PM

Thierry Meyssan has documented the Clima and CO2 con with due references to public papers prepared for any Court willing to go against Goldman Sachs and the top level in the Democratic party. https://www.voltairenet.org/article208187.html .

Summary: Climate Exchange Plc was founded by a former director of Goldman Sachs Bank and US Vice President Albert Gore.
Its statutes were drafted by a then unknown lawyer, the future president of the United States, Barack Obama  [8]. In short, the fear of global warming allows a few powerful people and they alone to get rich.

The effects of CO2 on the climate are hypothetical and in any case marginal.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Apr 1, 2024 10:39 PM

Co2 is 0.04% of the earth’s atmosphere and man is responsible for 3% of the 0.04%

Climate change: see disinformation.

charles kint
charles kint
Apr 2, 2024 2:06 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

but I guess the 51 trillion that they want to rob from us to change these absurd numbers are “worth” it, don’t you agree?

Working ClassHero
Working ClassHero
Apr 1, 2024 10:17 PM


Dennis Meadows (Club of Rome). If this is what they openly say in an interview for the public domain, imagine what gets discussed behind closed doors, at “The Club”…

Apr 2, 2024 2:09 AM

The best thing about that video is the comments.

“Once you realize that YOU are the carbon they want to eliminate, it all makes sense.”

Working ClassHero
Working ClassHero
Apr 1, 2024 10:10 PM


Now one could say “How do you know this data is not fudged”. The short answer is we don’t, but until we are able to have adult debates then we can’t conclude. One thing is for sure, when authorities are jamming it down your throat and name calling/censoring if you challenge it, one can be certain it’s a scam for control and wealth for them.

Apr 1, 2024 9:51 PM

And so here in Scotland, the weather never changes, 250 rainy days a year, dreich Summers and maybe a little warmer winters. Never mind our Government warms the cockles of our hearts. We brave libertarians that we are, opening our doors to all our fellow men and women no matter from where, colour, creed, or religion. We treated them as equals and promoted them to the highest offices in the land, even though the counties from which they or their forefathers hailed were and are corrupt to the core. But then we view all that from our esteemed British Values doctrine. Not that the British establishment has any values. Our forefathers fought and died, as they thought for freedom against people just like ourselves. Not realising the real enemy was sitting in their counting houses in the City or in Wall Street or that protected enclave for the BIS in Switzerland, preparing a dystopia for all of us. ‘Let us promote nonsense and lies to remove all freedom and give ourselves total power over everyone’, was their cry. Climate COVID Terror Trans Drugs War Slavery Child abuse Removal of rights to think or speak the truth Destroy society and the family Take away parental authority The bankers are behind all of it and their scheme to promote thankful neo-Brits as puppets to do their bidding is as obvious as the nose on my face. Well, they can stick their ACTS up their arse. A person in legalese nonsense is a corporate entity so therefore the corrupt justice system has no jurisdiction over me. I am not a Mr or an ALL-CAPS fiction. Its time to bring our puppet governments to heel. They work for us the people not a few fringe groups promoted into the belief that creating a hate… Read more »

charles kint
charles kint
Apr 2, 2024 2:10 AM
Reply to  rickypop

maybe add the 1949 mission statement of the WHO to your list pure communism

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Apr 1, 2024 9:39 PM

Continuing the pattern on this page of presenting stuff sponsored by the oil industry as if it were objective science.

The CO2 coalition is the continuation of the George C Marshall Institute, a think tank focusing on defense and climate issues which closed in 2015. William O’Keefe, a chief executive officer of the Marshall Institute and former CEO of the American Petroleum Institute, continued as CEO of the CO2 Coalition. The CO2 Coalition gets funding from the likes of the Charles Koch Foundation (Koch is an oil industry billionaire) and the William Mercer Foundation.

And you present this as if a lie.
“Natural gas is a fossil fuel, not a clean source of energy.”

Have you any proof that it is NOT a fossil fuel?

Regarding human fingerprints on the warming, CO2 resulting from human emissions has a different ratio of heavy to light atoms than natural sources. Sorry, game over.

And to top it off, the writer believes in the totally unscientific “COVID” fraud story.

NONE of this validates elite plans regarding climate chaos. Those plans will do nothing about the problem. People like Just Collapse from Tasmania.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Apr 1, 2024 9:19 PM

From opening quote of their Reich above: “…that misinformation and disinformation are currently the greatest threats to humanity.”

They should know. But then they are chronic science-deniers.

Apr 1, 2024 9:17 PM

So they are no longer talking about viruses and global biosecurity because…?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 2, 2024 7:57 AM
Reply to  klaxon

Women’s rights will be promoted next in a new campaign as this is the real problem in this world.
Men who have suppressed women in 1000 years and exploited vulnerable children as their servants. Sitting on their fat wallet without giving anything to the global communist community.

Apr 1, 2024 8:41 PM

One does not deny that the climate has changed during the brief span of time since scientific measurement and analysis have produced data. While a pattern of changing climate over geological time is an legitimate observation, one does not deny that human activity has had some effect on the changing climate. But it’s absurd to assign blame to individual behavior and burps and farts. If human activity has caused measurable climate change, it is due to industrial production, shameful lack of environmental stewardship, and waste due to planned obsolescence in manufacturing. I am not responsible for those things. Where is the drive to address the real problems in the manufacturing sector? For the entitled WEF jerks to lay blame on the shoulders of individuals is ridiculous and should not be tolerated.

Apr 1, 2024 9:16 PM
Reply to  Praeludia

I deny that human activity has had some effect on the changing climate.

Apr 1, 2024 9:18 PM
Reply to  Praeludia

“One does not deny that human activity has had some effect on the changing climate”.
This one does.

Apr 3, 2024 8:43 PM
Reply to  bob


Apr 1, 2024 8:29 PM

Can they bring climate change into Easter eggs? Easy-peasy:
As for the toxic garbage that people might eat in these products, it’s hardly worth mentioning – so they don’t. “Is it good for me?” is of course the wrong question, “is it good for the planet?” is the question they want asked.

Apr 1, 2024 7:09 PM

US Capitalist (accumulation of excess capital to a few to empower them to accumulate more) civilization, a pyramid scheme culture, in it’s dying epoch deploys Disaster Capitalism in the attempt to keep the conflict & war operating system master over it’s bottom 95% serf classes. Crises upon crises to hide root problems and propose evermore eviscerating-for-serfs “solutions”. All of the solutions at this stage are martial law LOCKDOWNs. Quarantine assembly. Censorship of speech. Then AI termination of access to any and everything by remote control. The open air prison of Gaza and the prison camp detention reservations of Indigenous America is the model and target. The defacto version is remote control LOCKDOWN, where the prisoners also perform as prison guards against themselves. As long as human beings can’t see this Matrix Room Full of Mirrors, this FAKE No Exit ideology they’ve caged us in, Humanity will continue to sink itself.


Apr 1, 2024 6:24 PM

A good article. What a pity the author doesn’t seem to be able to join the dots to the ‘covid’ scam i.e. no vaccine is necessary for anything, let alone one that ‘prevents transmission’. Transmission of what?

Apr 2, 2024 7:09 AM
Reply to  miriamw

Transmission of
-. deliberately untreated critical illnesses
-. fake test positives.