Rule by Criminals: When Dissidents Become Enemies of the State
John & Nisha Whitehead

“In these days of worldwide confusion, there is a dire need for men and women who will courageously do battle for truth<.”
Martin Luther King Jr
When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.
In the current governmental climate, obeying one’s conscience and speaking truth to the power of the police state can easily render you an “enemy of the state.”
The government’s list of so-called “enemies of the state” is growing by the day.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is merely one of the most visible victims of the police state’s war on dissidents and whistleblowers.
Five years ago, on April 11, 2019, police arrested Assange for daring to access and disclose military documents that portray the U.S. government and its endless wars abroad as reckless, irresponsible, immoral and responsible for thousands of civilian deaths.
Included among the leaked materials was gunsight video footage from two U.S. AH-64 Apache helicopters engaged in a series of air-to-ground attacks while American air crew laughed at some of the casualties. Among the casualties were two Reuters correspondents who were gunned down after their cameras were mistaken for weapons and a driver who stopped to help one of the journalists. The driver’s two children, who happened to be in the van at the time it was fired upon by U.S. forces, suffered serious injuries.
There is nothing defensible about crimes such as these perpetrated by the government.
When any government becomes almost indistinguishable from the evil it claims to be fighting—whether that evil takes the form of war, terrorism, torture, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, murder, violence, theft, pornography, scientific experimentations or some other diabolical means of inflicting pain, suffering and servitude on humanity—that government has lost its claim to legitimacy.
These are hard words, but hard times require straight-talking.
It is easy to remain silent in the face of evil.
What is harder—what we lack today and so desperately need—are those with moral courage who will risk their freedoms and lives in order to speak out against evil in its many forms.
Throughout history, individuals or groups of individuals have risen up to challenge the injustices of their age. Nazi Germany had its Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The gulags of the Soviet Union were challenged by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. America had its color-coded system of racial segregation and warmongering called out for what it was, blatant discrimination and profiteering, by Martin Luther King Jr.
And then there was Jesus Christ, an itinerant preacher and revolutionary activist, who not only died challenging the police state of his day—namely, the Roman Empire—but provided a blueprint for civil disobedience that would be followed by those, religious and otherwise, who came after him.
Indeed, it is fitting that we remember that Jesus Christ—the religious figure worshipped by Christians for his death on the cross and subsequent resurrection—paid the ultimate price for speaking out against the police state of his day.
A radical nonconformist who challenged authority at every turn, Jesus was a far cry from the watered-down, corporatized, simplified, gentrified, sissified vision of a meek creature holding a lamb that most modern churches peddle. In fact, he spent his adult life speaking truth to power, challenging the status quo of his day, and pushing back against the abuses of the Roman Empire.
Much like the American Empire today, the Roman Empire of Jesus’ day had all of the characteristics of a police state: secrecy, surveillance, a widespread police presence, a citizenry treated like suspects with little recourse against the police state, perpetual wars, a military empire, martial law, and political retribution against those who dared to challenge the power of the state.
For all the accolades poured out upon Jesus, little is said about the harsh realities of the police state in which he lived and its similarities to modern-day America, and yet they are striking.
Secrecy, surveillance and rule by the elite. As the chasm between the wealthy and poor grew wider in the Roman Empire, the ruling class and the wealthy class became synonymous, while the lower classes, increasingly deprived of their political freedoms, grew disinterested in the government and easily distracted by “bread and circuses.” Much like America today, with its lack of government transparency, overt domestic surveillance, and rule by the rich, the inner workings of the Roman Empire were shrouded in secrecy, while its leaders were constantly on the watch for any potential threats to its power. The resulting state-wide surveillance was primarily carried out by the military, which acted as investigators, enforcers, torturers, policemen, executioners and jailers. Today that role is fulfilled by the NSA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the increasingly militarized police forces across the country.
Widespread police presence. The Roman Empire used its military forces to maintain the “peace,” thereby establishing a police state that reached into all aspects of a citizen’s life. In this way, these military officers, used to address a broad range of routine problems and conflicts, enforced the will of the state. Today SWAT teams, comprised of local police and federal agents, are employed to carry out routine search warrants for minor crimes such as marijuana possession and credit card fraud.
Citizenry with little recourse against the police state. As the Roman Empire expanded, personal freedom and independence nearly vanished, as did any real sense of local governance and national consciousness. Similarly, in America today, citizens largely feel powerless, voiceless and unrepresented in the face of a power-hungry federal government. As states and localities are brought under direct control by federal agencies and regulations, a sense of learned helplessness grips the nation.
Perpetual wars and a military empire. Much like America today with its practice of policing the world, war and an over-arching militarist ethos provided the framework for the Roman Empire, which extended from the Italian peninsula to all over Southern, Western, and Eastern Europe, extending into North Africa and Western Asia as well. In addition to significant foreign threats, wars were waged against inchoate, unstructured and socially inferior foes.
Martial law. Eventually, Rome established a permanent military dictatorship that left the citizens at the mercy of an unreachable and oppressive totalitarian regime. In the absence of resources to establish civic police forces, the Romans relied increasingly on the military to intervene in all matters of conflict or upheaval in provinces, from small-scale scuffles to large-scale revolts. Not unlike police forces today, with their martial law training drills on American soil, militarized weapons and “shoot first, ask questions later” mindset, the Roman soldier had “the exercise of lethal force at his fingertips” with the potential of wreaking havoc on normal citizens’ lives.
A nation of suspects. Just as the American Empire looks upon its citizens as suspects to be tracked, surveilled and controlled, the Roman Empire looked upon all potential insubordinates, from the common thief to a full-fledged insurrectionist, as threats to its power. The insurrectionist was seen as directly challenging the Emperor. A “bandit,” or revolutionist, was seen as capable of overturning the empire, was always considered guilty and deserving of the most savage penalties, including capital punishment. Bandits were usually punished publicly and cruelly as a means of deterring others from challenging the power of the state. Jesus’ execution was one such public punishment.
Acts of civil disobedience by insurrectionists. Much like the Roman Empire, the American Empire has exhibited zero tolerance for dissidents such as Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning who exposed the police state’s seedy underbelly. Jesus was also branded a political revolutionary starting with his attack on the money chargers and traders at the Jewish temple, an act of civil disobedience at the site of the administrative headquarters of the Sanhedrin, the supreme Jewish council.
Military-style arrests in the dead of night. Jesus’ arrest account testifies to the fact that the Romans perceived Him as a revolutionary. Eerily similar to today’s SWAT team raids, Jesus was arrested in the middle of the night, in secret, by a large, heavily armed fleet of soldiers. Rather than merely asking for Jesus when they came to arrest him, his pursuers collaborated beforehand with Judas. Acting as a government informant, Judas concocted a kiss as a secret identification marker, hinting that a level of deception and trickery must be used to obtain this seemingly “dangerous revolutionist’s” cooperation.
Torture and capital punishment. In Jesus’ day, religious preachers, self-proclaimed prophets and nonviolent protesters were not summarily arrested and executed. Indeed, the high priests and Roman governors normally allowed a protest, particularly a small-scale one, to run its course. However, government authorities were quick to dispose of leaders and movements that appeared to threaten the Roman Empire. The charges leveled against Jesus—that he was a threat to the stability of the nation, opposed paying Roman taxes and claimed to be the rightful King—were purely political, not religious. To the Romans, any one of these charges was enough to merit death by crucifixion, which was usually reserved for slaves, non-Romans, radicals, revolutionaries and the worst criminals.
Jesus was presented to Pontius Pilate “as a disturber of the political peace,” a leader of a rebellion, a political threat, and most gravely—a claimant to kingship, a “king of the revolutionary type.” After Jesus is formally condemned by Pilate, he is sentenced to death by crucifixion, “the Roman means of executing criminals convicted of high treason.” The purpose of crucifixion was not so much to kill the criminal, as it was an immensely public statement intended to visually warn all those who would challenge the power of the Roman Empire. Hence, it was reserved solely for the most extreme political crimes: treason, rebellion, sedition, and banditry. After being ruthlessly whipped and mocked, Jesus was nailed to a cross.
Jesus—the revolutionary, the political dissident, and the nonviolent activist—lived and died in a police state. Any reflection on Jesus’ life and death within a police state must take into account several factors: Jesus spoke out strongly against such things as empires, controlling people, state violence and power politics. Jesus challenged the political and religious belief systems of his day. And worldly powers feared Jesus, not because he challenged them for control of thrones or government but because he undercut their claims of supremacy, and he dared to speak truth to power in a time when doing so could—and often did—cost a person his life.
Unfortunately, the radical Jesus, the political dissident who took aim at injustice and oppression, has been largely forgotten today, replaced by a congenial, smiling Jesus trotted out for religious holidays but otherwise rendered mute when it comes to matters of war, power and politics.
Yet for those who truly study the life and teachings of Jesus, the resounding theme is one of outright resistance to war, materialism and empire.
What a marked contrast to the advice being given to Americans by church leaders to “submit to your leaders and those in authority,” which in the American police state translates to complying, conforming, submitting, obeying orders, deferring to authority and generally doing whatever a government official tells you to do.
Telling Americans to blindly obey the government or put their faith in politics and vote for a political savior flies in the face of everything for which Jesus lived and died.
Will we follow the path of least resistance—turning a blind eye to the evils of our age and marching in lockstep with the police state—or will we be transformed nonconformists “dedicated to justice, peace, and brotherhood”?
As Martin Luther King Jr. reminds us in a powerful sermon delivered 70 years ago, “This command not to conform comes … [from] Jesus Christ, the world’s most dedicated nonconformist, whose ethical nonconformity still challenges the conscience of mankind.”
Ultimately, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, this is the contradiction that must be resolved if the radical Jesus—the one who stood up to the Roman Empire and was crucified as a warning to others not to challenge the powers-that-be—is to be an example for our modern age.
Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at Whitehead can be contacted at Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at
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Your image of Jesus is just as imaginary as any other image of Jesus. You fail to understand the spiritual nature of the Bible. You fail to understand it’s not history.
Your imaginary history is fiction. It never was.
Jesus is the Living Spirit, not some man of history.
The Roman emperor Constantine, who formed Christianity, making it a state religion, made Jesus an idol that’s still worshipped today.
There is absolutely no evidence of a historical Jesus, the man-god who suffered and died.
It was all made up. Much like covid. You must believe this story as true, documented history, as fact, or else you’ll suffer and die!
It’s a narrative backed up by images, drawings and beliefs.
Also, most experts agree with the narrative. And it’s backed up by the powers that be.
This belief in a narrative has been forced on humanity.
Violence, murder, lies, theft, all done in the name of this image, whether it’s the image of one man, or the image of an invisible virus.
Since society, particularly American society, is completely captured by a fabricated paradigm generated by the perpetual onslaught of media stimulus from the time we are born and all the way to the grave, how can you rely on anything at all? Everything that Americans believe, regardless of an individual’s position on the left/right scale, has been corrupted by intentional disinformation at the most basic foundation of reality. Think about the level of lies that has consumed, digested & nourished the masses. All the wars of recent history are universally accepted as righteous acts of Exceptionalism. Even the unpopular ones. We are fed incredible acts of accomplishment, like putting a man on the moon, and the masses never question it. We are told that highjacked airplanes attacked our Nation and it is completely accepted.
These are not acts of sleight of hand, these are massive aberrations of reality.
So, when we look at the little acts of fabricated narratives, we can be dismissive and skeptical, digging deeper and finding conflicting data that breaks down the narrative and feel oh so proud of ourselves because we’re not being suckered by The Man, right?
The Man has our number. He has for a long time.
Controlling opposition can be performed at a moon landing scale. Can you stretch your incredulity to the level of deceptive potential that The Man possesses?
When someone is thrown into jail for an impressive act of bravery by stepping up to The Man, we know about it because we are being informed of the incident by…The Man. Is my question starting to make sens? If the information well we accumulate data from is corrupted, why believe any of it?
If something inspires ‘hope’, then there is an almost certain chance that that something is artificially constructed to keep the pitchforks & torches idle in the closet. The Man is good, reeeeaal good. Never underestimate him.
Take the whole Julian Assange narrative for example.
Once again, his “imprisonment” is a narrative that is sold to us. I have to say that it is very convenient for him to essentially be inaccessible to not just the general public, but to those that might subject him to scrutiny. We are TOLD that he was trapped in an embassy. Smuggling him in and out would be a cakewalk and his absence for months would be unprovable. There are many comfortable places in the geographic vicinity, where, properly disguised, he could’ve gone unnoticed. Not a great sacrifice to make to keep hope alive for those that need heroes to exist. His fabricated martyrdom makes the Corruptosphere somewhat tolerable to those who are the greatest threat to it, the attentive members of society.
Yes, it is a theory, but it makes sense considering that Wikileaks hasn’t really changed anything substantial and his “imprisonment” only inflates it’s perceived viability.
Think about it, if he had never been in this “state-imposed exile”, he would have been held to the fire for withholding the supposed tons and tons of files he claims to possess (supposedly as leverage for an impasse with the authorities) a long time ago. His data dumps are only bequeathed to the public at HIS discretion. The material that he claims to withhold for the sake of protecting innocents is determined by HIM? How benevolent! Whatever. John Young dumps everything, withholds nothing because he knows that the point of suppressed information is to oppress, and NO ONE has the right to determine what is digestible for the public’s sensibilities. Young is on record stating that he smelled a rat when the two of them worked together early on, that there was a fundamental difference in philosophies on how information should be disseminated. Young wanted it free for its own sake, Assange wanted it for its power of publicity.
I don’t think it’s unreasonable to be suspicious of someone that hordes the tools of oppression. We have a nation that has been sold the ridiculous story of 9/11, selling a fabricated “imprisonment” is not much of a stretch.
Young & Natsios have been run through the wringer for so long, I can’t comprehend how they stay at it. Websites shut down, perpetual threatening letters from every alphabet agency (which they publish) every damn week, attempts by said agencies to get incriminating materials buried in “anonymous” submissions, etc, etc, etc.
They may be contained but they most likely are not controlled and most definitely not a fabricated resource.
I would say though that the proof is in the pudding.
The whole world knows about Wikileaks and NO ONE knows about Cryptome, even though Cryptome has been way more prolific in the range of data dumps in their arsenal.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If the MSM props you up, villain or hero, you’re a component of the Manufactured Paradigm®.
High profile suspects are directly handled by specially assigned personnel. They are almost never held in General Population and are contained in solitary confinement. Access is limited, the more politically sensitive, the more controlled the level of contact.
..and the easier to fake their actual incarceration.
And in the case of Tim McVeigh, fake their execution.
The point is, is that executing a psychological operation that establishes a manufactured martyr/hero only requires a very small number of collaborators, the “Victim/Hero” and the specialized team of “Oppressors” that sequester the subject from public view, which could be either a jail cell, an embassy, or in Snowden’s case, an entire country. The narrative is sold to the public via the media, who attain the juridical status of the subject from the authorities, whom the media gives the benefit of the doubt because falsifying the subject’s incarceration & prosecution would be ‘unthinkable’.
If this seems farcical or beyond the pale of reason, consider the outright insane levels of injustice that our system executes right out in the open with absolute no manner of recourse to correct it.
Do I have absolute proof that Assange’s exile was faked? No.
Do I have absolute proof that Manning’s incarceration was fabricated? No.
Do I have absolute proof that Snowden’s fugitive status is manufactured? No.
Do I have absolute proof that the US government consistently generates hokum that the majority of its citizens accept as fact? Positively.
Other than the man from Nazareth being criminalised not by the Romans but by those he was trying to help (who chose a thief and murderer to be freed rather than the stoic virtue ethicist) there is of course more….
The upper levels of the Roman Empire were constantly plotting against each other with assassinations, suicides and poisonings, exile etc being quite commonplace in their lust for political power…Which was only ever fleeting…
Perhaps the same thing is happening right now amongst those who also occupy the orifices of tax paid ‘power’…?
Oz Citizens Group Reveal the Cash Ban Snare
The main thrust that we are run by criminals is one I totally agree with. However, in his time Christ was up against Babylon and the synagogue of satan as well as the Roman Empire.
“True civilization is neither gas nor solar nor AI. True civilization works to diminish the traces of original sin” — Baudelaire
In the gospel accounts it was clearly the jewish leadership who wanted Jesus dead. Pilate tried to exonerate him seven times, then washed his hands. Prior to his interview with Pilate the jews attempted multiple times to manipulate Jesus into saying he was a political threat to Rome (ie “render unto Caeser”). That he was a threat to the Roman state was a jewish fabrication and Pilate knew it. In a last attempt to free him Pilate gave the mob the choice between a career criminal and Jesus. We know who the jewish mob chose. The execution of Jesus was clearly a case of the jews coercing the Roman state to do their dirty work. In return for killing Jesus the Jews agreed to recognise Roman sovereignty. This version, clearly outlined in the gospels would also fit in with the end of empire narrative described above, however the same players have been omitted from you version of events both times……
“however the same players have been omitted from you version of events both times……”
Thanks for pointing out that there elephant in the room.
“If you want to know who rules, look for the person who is never criticized” — Voltaire.
Voltaire never said that. There seems to be an entire industry devoted to making and promoting fake internet memes/quotes. Always check before you post!
Thanks for the correction! Anon it shall be, henceforth for me.
just as a parasite that thrives in or on another organism, when public authorities are no longer at one with the people, as work independently of the people, then they, (as those that act under their authority) must be recognised as divorced (in name & deed) from the nation that they profess to represent. At such a time, any degree of affectionate embrace that associates them to a land or any therein, is permit to rule over it.
Sky News:
“It’s hard to imagine how the UK could be doing less to prepare for war
A former RAF intelligence officer and former adviser to the prime minister argues it is reasonable for the public to assume there are detailed plans for a future war. But the UK is far from ready.”
Oh perfectly reasonable!
It never changes.
Satanic POTU$As from Bush to Biden:
“Mankind fell once before, and was punished by gaining the knowledge of Good and Evil. Now it has fallen again, and our punishment is knowledge of Evil alone. Our new Dante will write his Inferno but have no concept of Purgatory nor Paradise.” — GK.Chesterton, Heretics, 1905.
We are not beaten yet, we are there under the surface.
Chesterton. Another Masonic shill. Ever the cult member.
Thanks for reminding us of the connection between the Magic Flute, the Masons, and the French Revolution. But I would like to know why you describe GKC as “another Masonic shill”. GKC was a Roman Catholic, and the most vociferous rant I ever heard against Masons came from an RC convert True, GKC was a fan of the French Revolution, and described himself as a Socialist even a sort of Communist (ie, Distributionist) but I do not remember him praising the Free Masons.
One cannot simply become a journalist and highly promoted author without being a high ranking member of the Order. The world isn’t a meritocracy.
Many of his works have Masonic references, cover imagery and even titles… The Blue Cross. The Napoleon of Notting Hill. The Sign of the Broken Sword. The Flying Stars etc.
Chesterton was friends with George Bernard Shaw, a eugenist and Freemason. Chesterton on Shaw wrote:
“He is something of a pagan,” said Chesterton, “and like many other pagans, he is a very fine man.”
That’s a very obvious clue to all masons who know that Paganism-Saturnism-Satanism is the true foundation of the Roman Cult-Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire.
“Pride”, they have hijacked this word to shame us all. The monkeys rule the zoo. By reunion, Erasure (who I technically supported in person for their album “Chorus” in Hamburg) don’t mean a return to the ethnical, but to the pathological.
‘Pride’… comes before a fall. And is one of the seven deadly sins for a reason.
Ok so you supported a gay band, and…..?
Seriously, if i felt i was being maligned by Those Clever Ones
who class me as a “sheeple” because i go along with The Crowd,
or because of ideas i espouse, i’d seek legal redress – or their
I’m sure i can have Those Clever Ones prosecuted for offending
my sensitive feelings by using any new Hate Laws…
So, My Advice ? “Stop it. or else, You Morons !!”
And Yes – It Can Happen Here (aka – ICHH)…
German-American H. L. Mencken already knew: “Democracy is the worship of jackals by jackasses.”
“All the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum. The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
“Democracy”: Demo (people) for those below, Cracy (power) for those above.
Whilst in court, challenging my former employers’ attack upon my integrity, I found this fascinating link to the legal insights into Jesus’ trial by US Judge Fogle.
IN looking again for the above link, there was a similar analysis by CA Hawley in 1916 (which I haven’t read yet to compare the two)
However, dear readers, we won the case, despite the ‘judge’s howling errors. (N.B. There were absolutely no sanctions against the employers’ barefaced lying in court, under oath).
“we won the case but N.B. There were absolutely no sanctions against the employers’ barefaced lying in court, under oath.”
Goes with TB.Liar not being hanged for treason but instead promoted to director in House of Rothschild: the highest rank ever bestowed on a retired British PM.
“Thou shalt not Lie” — The Good Book.
Meaning the House of Rothschild is full of small pieces of slimy shit (apology to TB but this is the impression we have from many puzzles during many years).
I thought the House had a higher intellectual level.
The fact that this self-important clown pretended to do a serious legal analysis of the brainwashing nonsense in the Bible is indicative of the lobotomy-like effects of preaching abrahamic religion to children…
Lol. Exactly. When you know what private association owns all the fake countries and courts and how it’s only achievable through mass fraud and deception, then you’ll see why BAR members are continually peddling hoaxes and psyops.
Very interesting:
“Two of the most enlightened systems of law that ever existed were prostituted to destroy the most innocent man who ever lived.”
“This story will never die, for from its truth forever springs the hope of all mankind to work for that system of government whereby we may live in peace and safety under the Rule of Law administered by men and women who reverence truth and love mercy.”
At this point, ALL American Christians are simply hypocrites. They need to own this thing with Trump imo, ALL of them, whether they support him or not. Can’t have it both ways, man. War on.
How can one be nonconformist by following Jesus (WWJD) in most of what passes for Chrisitainity?
When the majority are Luciferians, Satanists and neo-pagans then Christianity is need non-conformity.
Neo also never existed. Does that mean that we should not fight the Matrix?
In the materialist, secular West being a Christian is increasingly noncomformist. Also, Christians are persecuted around the world without the supposedly Christian West lifting a finger.
A good article apart from the constant Jesus references. When are so called/apparently ‘awake’ people going to actually wake up to the fact that their organised ‘religion’ (of ANY path), is one of the oldest, most persuasive and successful manipulative tools that the parasitic ‘elite’ use against us. Few things can manipulate and control us as well as religious ‘ differences’, and absolutely any ritualistic system of belief/faith that can influence entire populations should in my opinion be considered a stealth weapon of control.
Seems to me that if the self-professed elite are as full of bilious hatred towards Christianity as they obviously are then Christianity must be getting some things right.
The prohibition on human sacrifice is a good start.
The elite want to be gods and gods don’t have a bunch of “thou shalt not”s to put up with. They’ve been above all human laws all their lives and the idea of a rule-bound existence is intolerable to them. They’d rather reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.
BTW look out for what happens to those red heffers shipped from Texas to Israel this month – if they are sacrificed in a purification ritual, as some suggest, then the fact that they’ve been GMOed to be red looks like more morbid mockery.
Go back to sleep, sluggard. You want to live in a world which isn’t divisive? Go join the sheeple. The truth will always divide. It’s time to choose which side you’re on.
Ask yourself does God exist and then which if any figure was sent by God. The answer is always Jeshua. As Edwige says, the slave owners HATE Jeshua and you should have noticed this and it should tell you something.
Jeshua has the power to deliver people from sin. It happens all over the world every single day. He is the only one who can transform a murderer into a saint. Ask yourself why this is.
Divide & conquer is the first rule of empire, because it works!
Humanity is a practice, not just our species & the antidote to inhumanity. Humanity v inhumanity. We all choose a side, it’s a question of perception & matter of practice.
Whose side are you on?
Thanks for your reply, but you might want to consider the FACT that when you insult the PERSON rather than their opinion, you have by default lost the argument, take some quite time alone to consider this.
Sure, but there is one that separates them all. Only One gives a logic answer to the beginning and the end. One truth and many lies. One God and many pagans.
So what’s your profound explanation for anything to exist at all, and in particular, the existence of rational thought? Do I get a shrug of the shoulders? Random collisions of atoms? ‘T’was “ever thus”? What?? Seriously, what???
This whole shitshow is kabbalistic in origin, they don’t believe in random, nihilistic nonsense, that’s the religious belief which they sold to the profane (and often obtusely stupid) masses. I.e. they sold us atheism and programmed us to believe that nihilism is cool.
Gott Mit Uns
“I’m driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, ‘George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.’ And I did, and then God would tell me, ‘George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq,’ and I did.”
-The Prophet Dubya
Baby Bush and TB.Liar; two very publicly praying hypocrites:
“Charnel houses, whitewashed on the outside, rotting within” — New Testament.
You wrote: «…that government has lost its claim to legitimacy.»
Does a gouvernment bother if it loses such a claim?
Which government has ever had legitimacy ? Name just one.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his New Deal which lifted the U$A out of recession and helped Communist Russia to defeat Fascism.
Clement Attlee, both as wartime Deputy PM and peacetime Socialist government: the only time a country improved the health of its people while fighting a major war.
Vladimir Putin, currently re-elected with record majority for his 30 years of lifting Russia out of the Anglo Zio Capitalist mire into which his country had fallen by 1990.
Mao ze Dung and the Chinese Communist Party for defending their country against both the Japanese and the AZC, and transforming postwar China from a starving country to the richest, most powerful and most advanced in the world.
FW de Klerk and Nelson Mandela for recognizing the evils of Apartheid (pronounced, Apart-Hate) and saving South Africans from committing the sin of Genocide.that inevitably follows from a policy of Apartheid.
That’s 5 for a start.
So all MASONIC LYING SHILLS. Guess we know where you stand.
“we know where you stand.”
I hope so; because I try to follow this maxim from Solon of Athens, the Father of Democracy:
“It is a crime to hide your political opinion”.
There’s no such thing as “democracy”. It was always fraud. You cannot transfer rights you don’t have to “the state”.
You support statism which is tyranny, violence and debt enslavement.
I still believe in my government no matter what.
There were other great leaders, including Ho Chi Minh and Castro. And all the popular and progressive ones in the “developing world” eliminated by imperial brutality. Right up to John Magafuli in 2020.
The US Recession was probably a capitalist attempt to show the government who was in charge. FDR’s plan fell ran out of steam. Restarting it required the “war effort”: getting into the action of World War 2.
Agreed. My post was a brief attempt to counter a fashionable pessimistic cry from OffG readers that everything is rotten, rotten to the core.
“Dann ist es ALLES heuchelei” (Then is it ALL deception) — Tamino, The Magic Flute, Act 1 (a young man with a lot to learn and many trials to go through before he gets the girl and they find out who it is that “means to deceive the People”.)
Castro a great leader?
Ask the Cubans who live in Cuba what they really think of life there.
Also, ask the Cubans who have left Cuba for a life in Europe or USA. Average Cubans, not wealthy one, who moved and found work or set-up small businesses. They are much happy in the ‘decadent’ West for all its ills.
Cuba, does have a thriving biolechnology sector, one that is world class.
Unfortunately during the Plandemic they put it to ‘good use’, jabbing their population with their own home-grown toxic brew.
The following article proudly vaunts Cuba’s ‘achievements’
Magafuli, who you mentioned was a real hero. One who bucked the trend and exposed the fraudulent PCR tests for what they were and paid for it with his life.
Castro personally led a popular, successful, revolt against an American puppet regime; one which gave carte blanche dominion of the tourism sector to the mafia and the agriculture sector over to corporate-run slave plantations.
What happened afterwards was as a desperate reaction under perpetual state of emergency conditions to the nearly unilateral war of attrition declared against Cuba by a hostile neighbor (and complicit allies) only 90 miles off the coast; and one which maintained a toe-hold military base in Guantanamo.
If Castro had been corrupt, the U.S. would have cozied right on up to him; lavishing him with fortune beyond imagine. He could have sold out at any time but remained an enemy of the U.S. for the entirety of his life.
His refusal to kow tow to the U.S. unfortunately led to sanctions-imposed privation.
He should be remembered as a courageous revolutionary and a hero.
Its not surprising that Cubans who have managed to leave the country have done well, leading more prosperous lives than their countrymen back home… Cuba has been under war-time sanction for nearly 3/4 of a century.
Don’t concern yourself with such wilful ignorance. UN GA determined a few times (by vote) that the “sanctions” (brutal embargoes) are criminal.
Complete lies. Anyone who’s bothered to investigate already knows that Communism was 100% staged and controlled by the Holy See, Crown Temple bankers. We also know the corporations masquerading as governments are privately owned and centrally controlled and always have been. Always.
Castro was a CIA shill and Rockefeller-Rothschild plant just as Mao was a Yale, Skull and Bones, Rockefeller-Rothschild acolyte.
We see right through the obvious fraud of your Masonic Hegelian Dialectic psyop.
“There were other great leaders, including Ho Chi Minh and Castro.”
Fidel or Justin?
After the nuclear phase-out, Economics Minister Habeck takes on coal power. On Easter Monday, it was time for the big shutdown. The energy supply is now more secure, according to the Green Party.
15 coal-fired power plants were shut down by the German government on Easter Monday. Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) claimed afterwards that Germany’s energy supply was still secure and even more independent than before the war in Ukraine. The coal-fired power plants are therefore “now superfluous and can be taken off the grid for good”.
Another reason, according to Habeck, is that the prices for electricity and gas have fallen significantly and the expansion of renewable energies means that “the majority of electricity now comes from clean, climate-friendly sources”.
According to the Ampel’s original plans, the power generators were to be taken off the grid earlier. However, the energy crisis and the nuclear phase-out caused a rethink. In NRW and Brandenburg, a total of seven lignite-fired power plant units with a capacity of 3.1 gigawatts were shut down on Monday.
In addition, eight medium-sized and smaller hard coal plants with a total capacity of 1.3 gigawatts were taken off the grid for good, the Ministry of Economic Affairs announced. The expansion of renewable energies and the stabilization of the gas supply situation made continued operation “neither necessary nor economical”.
Anyone who believed that there was no German reunification has finally been proven wrong.
Green Lesbian Minister for family affairs.
Yes what do a Father and Mother + Grandma knows about how to take care of their children.
As usual, we should thank the Whiteheads for their cataloging of the sins of government. Their focus is on the US government, but those of us living elsewhere see many similarities. Here in NZ, the government isn’t (much) involved in overseas wars and empire building, but the rest of it is largely accurate as a description.
I will take issue, in part, with what they say about Jesus (which I will admit, was the interpretation of him I had in my younger days). But now I see him in a different light. Yes, indeed, he was a radical non-conformist. He utterly rejected the values of his day. But he attributed those values to the sinfulness of the human heart, the evil residing in each of us. Yes, he meant you and me, too. He did condemn those leading the people, but his focus was mainly on the Jewish “authorities,” the Quislings who ran and administered the puppet government and the religious leaders who went along to get along. He denounced them as hypocrites. Pilate and the Roman authorities didn’t initiate the drive to have Jesus executed — they didn’t see him as important enough to hunt down — the Jewish leaders did because he threatened their status, their comfort and their security. Jesus did call people out, to stand against these, but by allowing God to transform you and to conquer all evil by your example, and by the love you showed to others.
All that is NOT to suggest we shouldn’t stand up to what our governments today are doing!
Judas: “I am honest.”
German: “Yeah, and I’m the Easter bunny.”
Mercola was blacklisted as #1 author of medical misinformation– and his bank accounts were closed. I can’t resist quoting documented bits from just one article:
In 2009, reports of miscarriage following receipt of the pandemic H1N1 swine flu vaccine (pH1N1) started emerging. A 2017 study also found that women who had received a pH1N1-containing flu vaccine two years in a row were more likely to suffer miscarriage within the following 28 days
Of the 485 women who miscarried, 17 had been vaccinated twice in a row — once in the 28 days prior to vaccination and once in the previous year. For comparison, of the 485 women who had normal pregnancies, only four had been vaccinated two years in a row.
Current vaccine recommendations4,5,6 are endorsed by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)7,8 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and other medical trade associations.9,10 For shame!
Data on inflammatory and other biological responses to vaccination during pregnancy that could affect pregnancy and birth outcomes are still lacking.13
Research has shown that stimulating a woman’s immune system during midterm and later-term pregnancy significantly increases the risk that her baby will develop autism26 during childhood, and/or schizophrenia during the teenage years or early adulthood.27
During the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, researchers at the B.C. Centre for Disease Control originally thought seasonal flu shots from 2008 might offer extra protection against the new pandemic strain. They were puzzled to find instead, seasonal flu vaccination almost doubled the risk of infection with pandemic flu.
US has one of the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in the world. (Among 28 wealthy countries infant mortality is highest in the US)
The whole article is full of nuggets like this.; do read it!
Not only miscarriages. A lot of young girls at that time, are still disabled today from a swine flue vaxx.
I had thought the jab warfare on fertility focused on the “developing” world, and that drops in fertility in developed countries were largely due to choice, cost, etc. That was not so, as even the HPV jabs shows. In other words, the covid jab was nothing new.
What’s new is the NLPs. And the self assembling nano RFID in the shots and test swabs. There’s no contagion, no immune system and no need for poison injections. The whole point of all poison injections is to kill and sicken the slaves on the worldwide tax plantation.
Jesus’ primary political message was about the total erasure of the outrageously autistic Mosaic covenant and its replacement by a new, simple, human-comprehensible covenant. The former represented man’s relationship with God as beyond human understanding, expressible only through the obsessive observation of hundreds of nonsensical prohibitions and self-negating rituals. The latter represented man’s relationship with God as that of a child with a loving father.
The primary purpose of the political churches was to obscure this message — to reassert the eternal nature of all established laws, no matter the source, no matter how mindless. The absurd, bewildering nonsense of the Old Testament was violently reattached to the new covenant by people who hated us, ostensibly as a historical appendix, but in reality just to kick us all right back into the toilet we thought we’d just crawled out of.
The Old Testament is symbolic and full of metaphors.
If you have God in your heart you are with experience able to understand these universal metaphors, if not they are just as you say absurdities.
If you read Ecclesiastes it says something we all experience: Life is absurd and futile, because we die. We are build physically to revitalise ourselves and have an understanding of eternity, then why do we die in vain after poor 60-80 years struggle.
You know your milk teeth can replace themselves, new grow up. When you get wounded your skin heal itself. Saying we are build to something more than this shit life. Your hair grow all the time.
Thus you have to work to understand the Old Testament, behind every absurdity there is a meaning.
No, it’s the controllers-cabal with their astrotheology, gematria, symbolism and allegory. They mind control humanity with this nonsense.
It’s all garbage and it’s bad for you. It’s an ancient version of 24/7/365 fake news in the fake media.
Is it true or not true that we struggle 60-80 years to raise family build house work hard, and die in vain empty handed as when we got in here?
Nobody’s life is in vain. My life has meaning, purpose and that includes (but isn’t limited to) the continuation of my lineage, my son. I hope to leave him better off and more well equipped, emotionally morally, spiritually, fiscally than I was.
I’m afaid this type of brainwashing is set in during childhood, reinforced through trauma and cannot be undone with reasoning or any amount of education.
Not a single one of the jesus fans here is likely to ever understand how their “faith” laid the foundation for global slavery and the transhumanist NWO.
Agree. My comments are also for the readers, not just the commenters.
It’s possible, with some effort, to retrain/rewire our brains. But if all the readers see are these religious myths that the controllers have disseminated and they remain unchallenged, that’s a mind control reinforcement technique. Particularly used in the “alt media” space. The repetition of the lie permeates their subconscious and reinforces the brainwashing.
Jesus also said if you do not hate your own family, you cannot follow me. But the meaning of this is deeper than face value. The same applies to the OT. We are no longer put to death in this life for not keeping the sabbath, however we will die an eternal death if we keep sinning, because the wages of sin are death.
that’s pish – he said you have to love him more than even your family.
maybe you are confused where the book says “if you cannot love your fellow man, don’t chap my door,” (para).
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Luke 14: 26
You forgot Jesus message: Repent and believe in me by heart, and you shall be with me in paradise.
And that comment is more evidence that this type of brainwashing is incredibly resilient.
Reading the Gospels, it’s not the “Roman Police State” that I see Jesus taking issue with.
Thanks for your message to this world of what you see. Come back again and tell us what you see in a Donald Duck magazine. 😉
You can read the Gospels for yourself (I know you have). Jesus didn’t give a crap about the “Roman Police State.”
You are right. I misread you some. forgive my untimely remark. Jesus contact with the Romans in the Gospels seem superficial.
On the contrary the Romans didnt see Jesus as any enemy but as someone they couldnt condemn for any break of law, why they left it to the locals and washed their hands.
Thats why we have the popular phrase “The Doos killed Jesus”.
And next, these Doos was Khazar Doos, false Doos, real Doos, Pharisee Doos, Lubavitzer Doos, or wtf Doos were they?
No biggie. I figured you’d just misunderstood me.
The sadly missed Dave McGowan on Our Lord:
“Jesus was very likely a controlled Roman asset. Just as, nearly two thousand years later, the obviously controlled asset known as Jesse Jackson replaced the slain Martin Luther King, and the equally controlled asset known as Louis Farrakhan replaced the eliminated Malcolm X, so it was that Jesus was maneuvered into position to replace the executed John the Baptist, who had, I’m guessing, become a bit of a problem for the Roman overseers.
The message that the emergent messiah delivered to those living under the brutal hand of those Roman occupiers was, by any rational analysis, exactly the wrong one. It was a message brimming with advice about loving neighbors and turning cheeks … a message that constantly reinforced the notion that it was better to be poor and oppressed than wealthy and powerful, for the poor, you see, were going to spend all eternity in the glorious ‘Kingdom of Heaven,’ while the rich were going to burn in the fires of Hell (unless they were somehow able to steer their camels through the eye of a needle, or something like that).”
But if he was a Roman asset…why did the Romans kill him ?
Martyrs have always been useful to those in power.
Lizzy below answers with one possibility. But McGowan moots that Jesus wasn’t killed anyway. I don’t have a strong opinion on it. I just find Dave to be constantly thought provoking.
Satire yet brilliant
JC was control op.
Dave was brilliant and there are some interesting insights there but he fundamentally misunderstands Jesus’ teaching. No surprise, because so has “christianity” in general. Dave’s references the Pauline heresy. And Paul could most definitely have been 1st century Roman cointelpro
An important point included the obligation to pay taxes. Subsequently, a spokesperson claimed that the government must be obeyed in general.
What was the original of “forgive our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass..” What was the important word that got replaced?
We always said debts. That was the King James version.
“Ah, but it’s what he didn’t say!” This old saw best describes this piece by the Whiteheads.
They said of Jesus “the religious figure worshiped by Christians….” They left out the part about Jesus neither being nor wishing to be an object of worship: that honor belongs only to God according to Christian (or any other) theology. To worship a Jesus is to commit idolatry.
This is what they said. What they didn’t say was that it’s a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation regarding government – because there can be NO government that does not consider it criminal to expose its nefarious deeds.
Most especially, what they didn’t say was that it’s virtually impossible for a society to evolve which does not revolve around worship of something and a pyramid scheme with some at the top who will do anything to remain at the top.
Gotta have serve to somebody:
Jesus Christ is like a coat stand, on which everyone can hang their ideology according to their own identity. There’s a Jewish Christ, a gentile Christ, a pacifist Christ, a bellicose Christ, a socialist Christ, a capitalist Christ, and no doubt there’s a transgender Christ.
I see the Christ myth as the opposite of what is described in the article above: a Roman counterinsurgency psy-op that admonishes newly conquered peoples in the Roman empire to pay taxes (“render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar”) and turn the other cheek to the oppressor. In other words, Nietzsche’s slave morality.
To each their own.
Christianity was welcomed by kings everywhere because the ideology transformed the population into the most compliant of populaces.
aye, unfortunately that is where my faith brought me – a slave religion, forgetting they only have two cheeks (spare me the arse humour please), shut up and put up and be nice, until you die, then everything will be fine. mmmm
Nonetheless, Jesus was one cool dude, not to be disregarded.
There is NO transgender Christ, and there is NO gay Christ, and there is NO lesbian Christ. The is Christ and nothing else.
Pls all lgbt folks, behave.
“In the temple courts he [Jesus] found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle;
He scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those liberals who sold peace and freedom doves he said, ‘Get these the fock out of here!” It is that easy man. YOU can do the same if YOU wake up and act today, and you do not wait until tomorrow!
I think he actually said ” get the flock out of here!”
a typical type error of mine.
On Day 1 of the announced pandemic, I noticed that it was right after 2 things that happened in 2019:
1) Epstein’s lists became public knowledge
2) Scientific proof of Bldg 7 collapse reason published (at Univ of Alaska)
These 2 things put a LOT of highly powerful people on the prosecution stand with solid proof of crimes.
Something needs to be done to keep them hidden from prosecution, and they are using all their high connections and corporate might to do it (eg “misinformation” crack downs, crisis which require martial laws, etc)
Who would prosecute them and live to tell about it? The ruling class, by definition, does not get prosecuted for major crimes unless they are overthrown in a revolution and therefore are no longer the ruling class. Anything else is wishful thinking.
The initial problem for them is not that they are prosecutable, as they can generally avoid formal prosecution.
The problem for them is that their guilt is being exposed to too many people including academics who could testify as experts, and they may be acting on ddesperation.
You don’t know anything about the law. Nobody can be prosecuted, let alone will be. They have absolute immunity.
The stuff you read in the “media” (the mass brainwashing mind control tool) is 100% fake court cases, to make you believe the courts are legitimate. The Epstein and Maxwell case, both 100% fake.
Academics don’t care. They will not step out of their roles of conformity. It’s why they became academics in the first place. To be part of the system. To conform and teach others how to conform. How to be an obedient slave on the tax plantation.
Epstein’s list. List of what? Lol. Associates and fellow scammers in the network of government fraud and psyops? Who was in his black book? Politicians, models, royals, oligarchs and celebrities. He’s not even dead and he never spent a minute in jail.
You don’t know what’s prosecutable or who owns the courts and faux governments. The same cartel who own your government own ALL governments, all central banks, industry, professional associations and all courts. That’s WHY the kill shots and all who enabled the fraud, or the 9-11 building demolitions with the CGI planes, are legally indemnified.
Telephone your local court or government. Ask for their registered business name. Ask them where you can find the original articles of incorporation for the RBN and who the original or current share holders are of the incorporated entity; registered business name. And ask them where you would find out that information. See how far you get.
The ‘war’ on America (and the world) is the class war.
Any decent Christian with a grain of compassion and empathy would condemn the Reserve Army of Labor dynamic that’s built into capitalism because it means that there are always more people than jobs by design, which in turn equals poverty, homelessness and death. It means that life for the majority is an exhausting rat race working to avoid death caused by poverty, until death.
In truth, decent people around the world who clutch their pearls over the state of the world: Christians, libertarians, conservatives, patriots, liberals, etc. never will condemn the Reserve Army of Labor because they know it prevents their maid/cleaner/staff from asking for better wages. They know that it makes their dollar go further in foreign countries that they plan to vacation in, or that they plan to relocate to. They understand how this stick keeps the prices of food and luxury items down, their concierge on their toes and their waiting staff obsequious. Deep down they know that the Reserve Army of Labor keeps the plebs in their place.
The brutality of capitalist exploitation is hidden from us. Martin Luther King Jr. reminds us that before we’ve finished our breakfast we’ve depended on half the world, but the inquiry stops there. We don’t think about anti-suicide nets outside factory windows or slave labour behind prison walls, or how an illegal immigrant cooked our restaurant meal. Sometimes the evidence of the human labor that sustains us is most poignantly realised when we see an indentation of a thumbnail print in a potato we’re preparing for dinner, or shockingly, an overt and desperate scream for help that manifests as a handwritten note concealed within a garment made by a machinist in a sweatshop in Bangladesh.
If Jesus had existed at all he would have called for a workers revolution to overthrow the parasitic ruling class. He would have endorsed getting rid of money altogether and living for the greater good.
The Guardian’s obsession with Otam Yottolenghi and food sits odd with eat ze bugs, doesnt’ it?.
They don’t want the walking dead to know they won’t be eating anything when they’re six feet under after the next scheduled kill grid radiation ramp up.
Naturally they promote some second rate, faux chef, homo, ADL mason, intel asset scum. Why can’t you see their thinly veiled irony?
Long before The Guardian was openly taken over by State Security (about 2013, during the Snowden/NSA story) I used to mock the faux leftists – I named one of them “Plenary Sessions” for his peddling of procedure over substance.
These folk have strangely vanished from The G… most of whose commentariat debate the merits of bruschetta over cheese-on-toast.
What happens during the Awf-Guardian pending? If a link contains spam or a harmful link, Cloudflare can detect it within seconds.
Is the content being parsed – for what content, and according to whose thought-police rule book?
I hear from fellow Awf-G loyalists that pending can take three days!
You know I flagged links to your blog, because I told you I did, and why. You’re always posting links to your paid-for content off topic, while also berating our content creators or making unfounded accusations against this site, like above. You’re obviously seeking clicks at our expense and demonstrating zero etiquette in the process.
So jog on with that. Lol If you wanted to make a case that we’re ‘thought-police’ you’d have strengthened that argument tenfold by not acting like a classless, resentful jerk. Ya know?
BTW, you are well aware of all the above, I’ve told you many times. This is just trolling at this point from you. I’ve had quite enough of it, actually. A2
Because the Marxist shills have either finally seen through the alphabet agency funded commie-communitarian claptrap, or somewhat subdued their Hegelian Dialectic screeds, or gone elsewhere where they can drone on endlessly about fictional viruses, fictional economies, fictional wars and fictional democracies.
Yet here you are, four years on, still hanging on by your fingernails to the same left vs right lie.
“minor crime like …….. and credit card fraud.”? Wow that is a surprise.
Let us show some respect for white-collar criminals, and not include them with the riff-raff.
Fuck dissent. Why? Dissent implies prior consent. Consent to what? To society, hierarchy, authority?
Fuck all of that.
The confident man has no need to dissent. The confident man does not consent in the first place, hence no need to dissent.
The confident man doesn’t give a fuck. They can kiss his ass.
If you dissent, you acknowledge that whomever you dissent against has authority over you. They have shit. You’re free being.
Fuck them. Don’t dissent – tell them to fuck off or else.
There’s three ways to go: grim analysis, sober stoicism or spirited resistance. (We don’t do cheerful nonchalance in these parts.)
It is a good time for dissent. The would-be rulers are losing the people; which is why they are resorting to force under the pretext of manufactured crises.
You can hear socio-economic analysis from conservatives that a decade ago would have come from a Marxist.
Unlike the Monty Python skit in Life of Brian, you don’t have to agree on every ideological point of a platform before moving forward with resistance (and those who indulge in political purity tests have proven themselves to be irrelevant).
This is an article in the spirit of resistance.
You forgot steadfast avoidance, something I’ve been practicing my whole life.
The unpleasant truth is that most people will always be conformists and as victorious as the ‘we are many, they are few’ sounds, it might materialize once in a while in the course of history, but the fuckers will quickly find a way to normalize things and establish conformism anew.
Squeezing through the cracks is the only way to go most of the time.
I don’t agree that it’s a good time to dissent now. You can’t get a critical mass of people now to bring about any change, regardless of what it might or should be. Certainly not in the West. People have no clue as to what’s going on and have zero resolve to give up anything – CONVID made that obvious. People were so unwilling to forgo their pleasures that they had themselves injected with some experimental shit. In the East, maybe.
Your comment remind about a piece I read. I think it was “silent wars, ……something”.
The Elite describe they wanna get rid of the middle class because their dont care for their fellowman, neither their children, only ego tripping trying to be “fine” as the rich and are not willing to give up the un-equal division of West using 90% of the resources and 10% for the rest.
Why they had to use unpleasant policy toward the lousy fat middle class in West to give up some of their privileges to raise the third world.
Whatever this is misinterpreted or something else, it makes some sense seeing the globes development at the moment. Russia, China, India rising. Africa also progressing, Latin better off materially.
And the fat lazy Western middle class going backward.
It’s obvious what your real purpose is here. To purposefully push the lies and obfuscate all truth.
There is no 10%. There are only owners and slaves. The owners own all the fake countries with their fake borders, and all institutions of control including the courts, the universities, the schools, the NGOs and the professional associations and unions. Not to mention all industry through the banks and financial institutions. You own nothing. No property. Not even yourself. Because the owners of the churches, governments banks, corporations and supranational orgs also claim ownership of all the slaves on earth and their souls. Your class myths are a divide and conquer method dreamed up by the owners. There is no East or West because all countries have the same owners.
Easier said than done.
Mouths to feed, bills to pay, status to maintain and, the heaviest weights of them all, the wherewithal and the courage to say ‘Fuck off’
Well, nobody said that life will be easy.
Mouths to feed and bills to say – problem.
Fuck status. The balls to do it your way are of course the biggest problem. That’s why I said the ‘confident’ man.
Anyway, the comfy life people live is paid for with loyalty to the masters. If you’re disloyal, they won’t chop your head off or toss you in jail (in most cases), but you won’t have access to all the goodies.
Be it as it may, dissent is nothing but a minor revolt aimed at getting some more bread crumbs the fucks sweep from the table.
Jacques/Plinio plus other handles is back! Nicely polished up, but those expletives are, as usual, irresistible
The funny thing about cogs in the system like you and whining losers of your ilk is that you go around touting your shrewdness, how you can see through things, how you resist the powers that be, how they’re not gonna get you.
Yet, you’re a nobody, a sheeple par excellence who shits himself when you see a word your controller has prohibited you from using (who the fuck knows why), an obedient normie who requires everybody else to be such a soulless fuck as you are yourself.
You’re the quintessence of conformism, obedience, sheepleness.
You know what? Fine, be whatever you wish. But laying into others for being different? Fuck you, doubly fuck you, triply fuck you. You don’t like something, ignore it. But don’t you fucking tell nobody what to do, you fuck, you! Explicitly or implicitly.
but you do sound like jaques me old hearty.
The problem isn’t so much in reality as it is in the minds of those who inhabit a society. They, as their society itself, consider “consent” the default position. To them you have given your consent to be ruled just by being born. To them, being born is tacitly consenting to obey the rules governing whatever society you’re born into.
The corollary problem, then, is not refusing to give your consent: it’s convincing society to give credence to your non-consent – which itself is a kind of “dissent.”
So it all boils down to the old numbers game: there’s one of you and millions of them.
You’re onto something there buddy, I hear you. Consent indeed is the default status.
Somehow, I’ve always been a black sheep, an enfant terrible, always resisted society. On some occasions, it was a major asset, on many others, it prevented me from achieving stuff, namely in situations where you have to howl with the wolves.
Your a cunt.
“Indeed, it is fitting that we remember that Jesus Christ—the religious figure worshipped by Christians for his death on the cross and subsequent resurrection—paid the ultimate price for speaking out against the police state of his day.”
On this Easter it is also fitting that we remember that Rabbi Yeshua, a humble itinerant preacher from provincial Galilee, refused incitement to join the Judean Nationalist Resistance against Imperial Rome.
“The currency is coined by Caesar. Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar; and to God what belongs to God”.
That good rabbi from Galilee suffered a common fate of good men such as Socrates, MLK and others whom you mention: the way of the cross. He also predicted correctly that the sins of his fellow-ethnics would lead to destruction of the Temple.
“God does not ask for costly burnt offerings. He asks that you to come to Him with clean hands and a contrite heart” — Jeremiah.
“Christ is arisen. He has risen indeed” — Orthodox Easter greeting.
Thanks for that Jeremiah one. It is completely logical. It makes so much sense.
Imagine if one time; just ONE time…it wasn’t the [redacted].
Jesus, the most famous ANARCHIST in history.
Also a very perceptive spiritual seeker, teacher and role model to boot.
That is, an ‘enemy’ of the state.
(Hearing that Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead), the chief priests and Pharisees convened the Sanhedrin, complaining, “If we let Him go on like this, everyone will believe in Him, and then the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.”One among them, Caiaphus, the high priest for that year, said, “Do you not realize that it is better for us that one man die for the people than the whole Jewish nation perish?”…So from that day on they (the Jewish aristocracy) plotted to kill Him.—John 11: 45ff
Ernest Renan comments:
Such hysterical reasoning has been that of conservative parties from the commencement of all human society. The “party of order” has always been the same. Deeming the highest duty of government to be the prevention of popular disturbances, it believes it is performing an act of patriotism in preventing, by judicial murder of individuals, the tumultuous effusion of blood. Only thoughtful of their own future, these incompetent opportunists never dream that by declaring war against all innovations, their crushing of ideas destines them to one day triumph. The death of Jesus at the hands of the Jewish Sanhedrin (who also stoned his brother James to death) was one of the thousand illustrations of this policy. The movement Jesus directed was entirely spiritual, but it was still a movement. Hence the “party of order,” convinced that it was essential for humanity not to be disturbed, felt itself bound to prevent the new movement from spreading. Never was seen a more striking example of how much such conduct defeats its own object. Left alone, Jesus would have exhausted himself in a desperate struggle with the impossible. The unintelligent, hysterical hate of his enemies determined the success of his work, and sealed his divinity.
“Left alone, Jesus would have exhausted himself in a desperate struggle with the impossible.”
Two thousand years after His Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection, the followers of Jesus are still “in a desperate struggle with the impossible.”
“The bloody flesh our only food,
The dripping blood our only drink,
In spite of which we like to think
That we are sound substantial flesh and blood;
In spite of which, again, we call this Friday Good” — TS.Eliot.
Im still searching for the biblical explanation why we are here today in the exact same situation, as we were 2000 years ago.
The Ecclesiastes and “nothing new under the sun” must have played out its role, and then what…….? Waiting for the sun.
Why are we here?
Christianity was a successful psy-op…
Convinced everyone there was this guy who could walk on water,
turn water into wine, raise the dead, and so on…
No proofs needed…
Must be where ‘virologists’ got the idea ?
Difficult for a human, no doubt. But for God incarnate? Nope.
So then the question is do you believe in God, and how would you recognise Him if he appeared on earth.
There’s no “him”. The god myths are just recycled scripts from the generational Cult of Rome/Saturn. Organized religions are nothing more than fear and submission programs.
These fear and authority programs purposefully stultify humanity into submission to a fictional omnipotent being, preventing us from attaining the individual moral, intellectual and personal responsibility needed to achieve true spiritual and physical freedom.
The cryptocracy are well aware there’s no god/s, that’s how they know there’s no repercussions for their countless millennia of psychopathy and genocide. They inflict mass suffering through artificial scarcity and false authority.
There are immutable laws of the universe that are based on the hermetic principles and objective morality.
However, if those principles are hidden from the majority and instead they are indoctrinated, farmed, enslaved and taught obedience over freedom and individual rights, then that manifests an environment (a hell on earth) where man-made iniquity, deception, cruelty, abuse, trauma, corruption, fraud and greed flourish.
So you think there is no creator? Therefore you must believe in the absurdity of evolution.
Pray tell, whence came objective morality? It just happened, did it?
And please point me to any complex system that came about accidentally, by chance.
Everything points to design. To believe anything else at this point is absurd.
I simply submit to my creator, who I have recognised as the one true God.
You are good Researcher, albeit overly left brained.
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
John 10:27-28
No. The BuyBull was written by the Jesuits who ARE the cabal-cryptocracy. The other organized religions are just offshoots of the main cult.
I don’t have the answers in the affirmative. I can only know that the controllers consider themselves god, and they are in the sense they even control your beliefs, and have indoctrinated you to quote from scripts they wrote.
The belief that there has to be evolution or a God is the Hegelian Dialectic faux binary.
The answer is likely something else. Something not disseminated in the mainstream.
Er no, there are two options – we were created intentionally, or we were not.
You didn’t state intentionally or not, you offered BuyBull God or “evolution”. BuyBull god and evolution are disseminated by the controllers. Evidence and logic precludes both.
Third option – a combination of accident and intention. There’s other theories. I’m not claiming to know something that possibly can’t ever be known.
But I do know we have free will and can choose right or wrong behavior. That’s inherent and innate. It’s not from religion.
It was clear in my prior question I was asking did you believe we were created intentionally (by a Creator), or not (by chance).
I then went on to say I believe I have recognised the one true God.
Can you know the earth wasn’t created? Can you know that Jesus was not God incarnate? If you are intellectually honest, you cannot.
And yet you very confidently tell me it cannot be. But that’s just your belief my friend.
How can anyone know if we weren’t around for the alleged creation? We also can’t know if there even was a creation. Or if it’s always been this way.
But I can easily deduce what’s lies and who wrote those lies and why. I can easily figure out what’s fraud and mass delusion. The BuyBull is fraud and mass delusion written by men not god. It’s all astrotheology. Ancient myths and archetypes. Numerology and Gematria. Astrology and Sun worship. All just allegorical scripts used as mass mind control tools of the controllers.
Hence, the claim there’s a creator as described in the BuyBull is false. So, I don’t accept the Christian, Abrahamic, Gnostic or religious concept of a creator.
Objective morality is a simple concept. We are all thinking sentient beings. We all know the difference between right behavior and wrong behavior:
The Golden Rule. Do no harm. The principle of karma.
None of this is Christian or any other religion. It’s innate. Inherent. Immutable.
“objective morality” was previously just some sort of compensation for “harm done”, it never said “do no harm”, that’s just modern wishy-washful thinking.
does the wolf consider right from wrong, or just how empty it’s belly is?
You are describing Social Darwinism. Law of the Jungle. That’s what the controllers use while they tell everyone else to turn the other cheek or just “love”.
Natural law is based on the maxim of negative laws; do not steal, do not lie, do not kill, do not rape, do not defraud etc. We all know the difference between right and wrong because we can think and understand the consequences. Natural law regarding human behavior falls under the Hermetic principle of cause and effect.
Positive laws however, are the manmade codes, edicts and statutes (10 commandments) the Catholic Church and the other organized religions (all derived from the Death Cult of Saturn) forced upon humanity as a way to occult natural law then conflate it with their authority, so they could maintain complete control of humanity.
Saturnism/Satanism =
Egoism, SelfishnessMoral RelativismSocial DarwinismEugenics Spiritual Annihilation using the above 4 concepts.
give me an example of natural law, beyond us soft fucks that actually mean no harm (and where did that come from?). show me the lion lying with the lamb.
show me the lack of selfishness, generally, historically;
forget wolves and lions and lambs, show me this natural law conduct in humanity…..and i don’t belive we were all clawing each others een oot and that’s how we “progressed”, I belive people only ever progressed through not smashing skulls and rapine., i.e. cooperation and mutual benefit.
but i see no sense of it ever.
show me its mechanism and “natural” prolifigacy? show me how and where we actually see this in this real world we allegedly dwell within. Or is that just the demise?
i see it no-where, ever, just nasty self justification(or worse) or abscondence.
Morality comes from some other source, not an organic decency. Yes i may have contradicted myself there, hopefully you get my point.
darwinism? awa an bile yer heid, and don’t accuse me of it!!!
I’m not being contrite here, show me natural law decency in humanity – that doesn’t come from some sourcery of right/wrong. Show me where ancient cultures outrightly said “do not kill” (bible exempted, not bible thumping either) rather than “try to not kill, if you do you’ll be made compensate,”.
There’s no way that indigenous cultures could have ever lived together in tribes or groups and thrived without mutual cooperation and care.
The science of natural law.
so where is natural law? and i’m not looking at the “science” of some alleged natural law, it is more innate than sceince or law.
law is the wrong word perhaps? morality is better?
Natural laws are only called considered “laws” in the sense the principles don’t change. Universal law or karmic law or objective morality are other terms used.
Natural law is to adapt ourselves to the way our earth function and our human role in it..
To learn the basic principles.
Gravity, Water cycle, cold and heat limits and how to deal with them, man/woman/children/family and their roles, a.s.o.
maybe we are just witnessing the tragic regression of humans?
maybe once we were , for the most part, moral???
Yes. I think if we didn’t have psychopaths and sociopaths in charge, most people (not all) would behave in a more moral and ethical way.
Society as it stands today appears like a reflection of the controllers’ beliefs and ideals which are based on those 5 principles above.
And typically those indigenous tribes often warred with other tribes. “Us, us, us, and them, them, them..”
When the objective truth is interconnection between all, which is why quantum entanglement can be observed.
You mean the concept of separateness, as an illusion?
But objective morality does say do no harm. It is built into all of us, into every heart.
Humans aren’t the same as animals.
True, the best of us don’t always get it right, and the worst of us continually get it wrong. But that does not undo the truth.
The Bible points to all of this. No man’s education is complete until he has read it.
Yes, exactly ‘cause it’s from the exact same cartel: Cult of Rome/Cult of Saturn. Before that era, they masked themselves as the Babylonian and Ptolemaic civilizations. And many others, before those.
The astrotheological myths and the crucifix symbol are ancient.
Cross – a many million year symbol of solar gods from Hyperborea – Dr. Alexander Koltypin
A little funny the high priest got it so completely wrong: “Caiaphus, the high priest “it is better for us that one man die for the people than the whole Jewish nation perish”.
It was not better. On the contrary the whole Jewish nation and people has been on the run ever since, because of one man’s death.
Can this be projected to Jesus died for all of us, but we have been on the run ever since for this sin?
What Bible have you been reading?
(Hearing that Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead), the chief priests and Pharisees convened the Sanhedrin, complaining, “If we let Him go on like this, everyone will believe in Him, and then the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.” One among them, Caiaphus, the high priest for that year, said, “Do you not realize that it is better for us that one man die for the people than the whole Jewish nation perish?”…So from that day on they (the Jewish aristocracy) plotted to kill Him.—John 11: 45ff
Ernest Renan comments:
Such hysterical reasoning has been that of conservative parties from the commencement of all human society. The “party of order” has always been the same. Deeming the highest duty of government to be the prevention of popular disturbances, it believes it is performing an act of patriotism in preventing, by judicial murder of individuals, the tumultuous effusion of blood. Only thoughtful of their own future, these incompetent opportunists never dream that by declaring war against all innovations, their crushing of ideas destines them to one day triumph. The death of Jesus at the hands of the Jewish Sanhedrin (who also stoned his brother James to death) was one of the thousand illustrations of this policy. The movement Jesus directed was entirely spiritual, but it was still a movement. Hence the “party of order,” convinced that it was essential for humanity not to be disturbed, felt itself bound to prevent the new movement from spreading. Never was seen a more striking example of how much such conduct defeats its own object. Left alone, Jesus would have exhausted himself in a desperate struggle with the impossible. The unintelligent, hysterical hate of his enemies determined the success of his work, and sealed his divinity.
What is conveniently left out, is that the enforcers of the persecution and punishment were the local priesthood, not the Roman overlords. The Romans had no interests in the local religious squabble. The Christ killers were not the Romans.
Yes, but Jesus called them the sons of satan.
Jesus called the Priesthood for the sons of satan to be precise. This one was new to me. That Cain was a son by satan with eve, and we have two races here on earth.
It explains a lot but also complicates it all.
I’m not quite seeing the solution, yet.
We are not ‘ looking ‘ for a new messiah as some do, but for the return of that self same Jesus Christ you seem to know well enough in your article.
I’ve spent the last thirty years of my life immersed in Biblical Prophecy… what I believe and know to be true of future events does not agree with what nearly all the mainline Christian churches teach. That’s ok, they teach Jesuit hokum anyway for the most part and the Jesuits are the root of evil everywhere.
So here’s some ‘ help ‘ from Gods word itself to help a layman to understand scripture :
A. A ‘ woman ‘ in the prophetic is ALWAYS a Church. Either Gods remnant people or his adversary’s counterfeit church… it depends upon what they are doing or what’s being done to them.
B: the ‘ serpent / dragon ‘ is always Satan.
C: the counterfeit ‘woman/ church ‘ goes through cycles of power and authority , each is described and notable by whether or not she wears crowns .
D: the entire book of Revekation is written in an ancient Hebraic poetry form, a Chiastic Structure. Such a structure must be read in a specific fashion to interpret/ read it correctly. Anyone who doesn’t know this has interpreted it WRONG 100% of the time.
Regarding B., perhaps a happy coincidence, but The Testament of Amram, manuscript B. in the Dead Sea Scrolls is quite interesting as regards the Viper “Watcher” vs the Watcher of Light, Michael. “Watchers” to the Hebrews was akin to our concept of ET’s/Aliens, non human but often with human like attributes and/or form in some ways.
Long story shorter, I used to be highly skeptical of the whole reptilian ET theory, until I started to ask my inner guidance about it with beginners/open/blank state mind (longer story of how I got to that point). Surprisingly, around this same time, both a spiritually intune friend of mine, and my long time partner in (solving) crime/spouse started to get dream, meditation, and/or other messages about them. It was way too coincidental, and I hadn’t even talked to either of them about the topic.
In short, over some years, I gradually became rather convinced that there is indeed an ancient, collectively psychopathic ET group that has long been involved with Earth and humans, and has its eyes on the prize of earth, and are playing the long game. Turns out that some of the people from the past received guidance about them as well, and it seems Yeshua, Yohannan the Baptist, and others were also hip to this, as their favorite put down of the corrupt priest-rulers of their day, was to call them brood of vipers and the like. Course, they were very aware of the Dead Sea Scrolls and both highly intuitively aware besides.
What they are doing here? Well, Like attracts, begets, and resonates with Like, and at some point, humans became negative enough to attract them. But more materially and practically speaking, they covet this planet. Out of all the planets they have so far observed, earth most approximates their home planet that they destroyed in a very nasty global civil war quite a long time ago (unfortunately for their species, their “neo cons” won the war and forever altered their collective “evolution” towards consciousness devolution. Oh, back in the day, they had their own Jesus type figures and the like trying to turn the tide towards collective good, but when the psychopaths of the species blow up the planet from space killing all the good and decent hearted.. not much to work with after that point. Hence, forever after, and now, a species of collective psychopaths.
One might ask, what is keeping them from just wiping out humans and taking the earth for themselves? Well, there is a collective of positive ET’s that right now are holding our hands until we are big and smart enough to deal directly with them ourselves. This group has told them that they are not allowed to attack us until humans have a fighting chance. But certainly they are allowed to meddle in other ways and boy do they ever).
Riddle me this… Can you name a time in the last 100 years where we were NOT in a police state?
It seems like we forget that it’s always been bullshit, like remember the fascist red scare?
Remember the internment camps?
Remember native Americans being screwed over and over cause the Constitution didn’t consider them as humans?
What fairy tale land did you grow up in?
I remember Barney Fife, who was just a tad different from present day Robocop.
Right on.
Pining for an America that never was.
We could list it off pretty much all day starting from the 1500’s to present.
Maybe someone could whisper in the Whitehead’s ears a little ditty about the Haymarket Incident or Groveland or the Palmer Raids or…
Maybe someone could also hip the Whiteheads to the fact that Solzhenitsyn was a supporter of fascism. People sure do love to quote him without having a clue as to the real story of this venal character.
Yup. FWIW: years ago, I noticed that moderate mainstream progressive-liberal pundits often write about some dire, malignant national or geopolitical circumstance for ostensible “consciousness-raising” or hortatory purposes. That is, they discuss some intolerable trend or state of affairs in order to identify a problem and either explicitly or tacitly urge readers to attempt corrective action.
Unfortunately, the common denominator to these articles is that the author(s) frame it in an anticipatory way; the dreadful outcome to be resisted and avoided is always treated as if it is just over the horizon, when in reality whatever they’re on about has been the status quo for a long time.
To caricaturize this dubious perspective using a famous example from US history, the writers gallop about like Paul Revere, crying “The British are coming!” They seem indifferent or oblivious to the fact that they’re sounding this alarm years, even decades, after the War of Independence ended and the British have come and gone.
For instance, I’m sure that as the year progresses, we’ll be seeing articles from the well-meaning Whiteheads critiquing questionable electoral politics developments, then urging citizens to be vigilant and rigorously protest against the chicanery lest we jeopardize or abandon our proud tradition of holding free and fair democratic elections.
I don’t know why pundits so habitually raise a hue and cry over ships supposedly in peril that have long since sailed or sunk. 🤨