WATCH: Eat Ze Bugs or You’re Racist!
You know how #SolutionsWatch replaced #PropagandaWatch three years ago? Well, I found a piece of propaganda so crazy, so self-contradictory, so hilariously reaching, so weirdly self-deconstructing that it has to be heard to be believed. Feast your ears on this wet hot dumpster fire of nonsense served up by the very confused propaganda pushers over at NPR.
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I just watched this Corbett episode — very funny and sickening at the same time! His dissection of the show he is discussing (which I gather is now a regular feature on US National Public Radio?? Don’t know as I haven’t lived in the US for many years…) is an example of how propaganda works and how easily it is to tear it apart. Why listen to this unmitigated, internally contradictory nonsense anyway when you and I already know what it is and what its purpose is? Good question, but there is a reason. We do want to help convince others of what is going on behind the scenes, what motivates the “news” and “analysis” people hear, what the goal the Powers That Be are heading towards, don’t we? We want to get people to think and reason and not just to ignore and accept.
I hope James will do these Propaganda Watch episodes more often. Often with propaganda, you will recognize it as propaganda but I will only be aware of the surface level aspects of propaganda, as I don’t want to take the time, nor have the inclination to think it thru, so then, I am unaware of the more subtle manipulations going on.
I heard decades ago that 30% of protein consumed worldwide was insect. Lobster and shrimp are close relatives. This is not unusual. What is unusual is the broad marketing campaign, propaganda campaigns, executed by the ruling class. The WEF, their ultra rich megaphone, establishes the source of this insanity and from that we can extrapolate the real intent. Each day that passes, they bring us another phase of their program designed to freeze out the world’s 99% from self-governing and deep-freezing end-stage disaster-capitalism and the Los Ricos, it’s management class. The 360° WARs, the 50 US years of wealth extraction via downsizing, socialism for corporations and the FED vampire squid,have overseen unchanged socioeconomic racism and neoliberal neocolonialism. Their FAKE republics (no democracy or representation) exposed, failed states cannot be hidden. The cutting edge of ecocide is the ruling class’s fatal greed to take EVERYTHING, leaving NOTHING for the bottom 99% of the world’s population or Earth itself. It has made them more desperate than ever before. In desperation they try foisting off: insect soylent green, sexless humanity; oppressive FAKE anti-racism; neo-Cold War enemies everywhere justifying war economies of impoverished public services; WAR; FALSE binary “conservative” vs “liberal” good vs bad conflict as the FAKE problem solving, occupying the public’s mind; and on and on. Below is an example of the propaganda effects of pushing the FALSE binary “conservative” good guy myth amidst a correct overview of the totality of catastrophe that is 2024… Below is an example of one of the symptoms of their catastrophe, collapsing working age service worker human resources in the Western first world nations. Refugee surges into the first world, driven by Western War Empire evisceration in pursuit of exploitation, serves the ruling class in multiple ways. Profits for the 1%, poverty for foreign and… Read more »
maybe we should all start thinking about cockroach dairy farms since that “milk” is multiple times more richer than cow milk
Now here is a solution for the unemployed to get into
NPR = National Propaganda Radio
BBC – British Bullshit Corporation
This bugs thing is over hyped alt media contrived talking points.
Fearporn farmer meets deranged ranger.
If your shopping from a supermarket store. apart from the organic section.
Your eating worse than bugs.
When I visited the U.K, I was shocked on how the customers looked in Morrisons and Asda and tesco.
was something out of star trek meets star wars bar seen meet some horror films.
they wasnt even aware of the evil lighting or intense wifi in thoses place.
I needed a wash after visiting thoses places.
A new spin I saw is that insects are becoming popular as pet food.
Visiting supermarkets is a like being in a movie which is a cross between Invasion of the Body Snatchers, They Live and Idiocracy.
Isn’t it possible that the stupidity of it is the point? It’s a Trojan horse idea made palatable for the sleepers till they hear what these pesky con theorists think and these ideas start to make them go mmm. It’s got to be garbled to be disbelieved and to make the listeners realise they are listening to shills. In my opinion, all of the nonsense we’re currently being fed in the MSM- the hate incident nonsense/ the trans women in female prison nonsense- is to get people riled up enough to wake up from their stupor. In the meantime, some of the commenters on this site who rant and rave and make no sense are bots or paid shills. Pay no heed to them because they’re unworthy of a moment’s notice and it only encourages them.
So, if I understand you correctly: the people pushing the eat-ze-bugs narrative and trannyism are trying to wake us up? Really? Why would they want to do that?
Billions of people are eating meat, are vegetarians racists too?
A promised land flowing with milk and honey (Exodus 3:8) awaits us in the future.
Most insects are black, surely eating them is racist…
One of the best NWNWs this week – both the Canada and depopulation stories should be all over the MSM and the fact they aren’t speaks volumes (there’s been a tiny bit of coverage of the latter but that’s it – where are the live updates and the banner bars with alarming stats?… ).
Meanwhile, there’s nothing wrong with this…
…except who’s arguing it. There has to be a poison pill inside if it’s coming from The Atlantic – another attempt to sell a worldwide tax for instance.
It’s a bait and switch scam. Agenda 21 states clearly the average income of the 1st world has to be brought down to that of the 3rd world… We have to lower our income to about $10-$15 a day, while the billionaires and oligarchs get to keep their private jets, yachts and private property. It’s a “for thee, but not for me” scheme.
This fucking guy reminds me of dimwit commenter George who eagerly devours shit produced by the media and ceaselessly reports on what he’s polluted his brain with, bizarrely expecting others to give a fuck and engage in the same auto-indoctrination as he does.
The same way, this Corbet guy keeps regurgitating horseshit of the ‘eat ze bugs’ kind and the other usual suspects, calling it cunningly ‘solutions’. Unlike George, who is basically a random well-meaning dimwit unable to rid himself of the habit to open da papers in the morning and read what’s up, Corbet is very likely engaged in predictive programming – ramming this shit into people’s heads over and over and fucking over, until they accept it as reality. The other alternative is that it’s just business – he knows that people are masochistic imbeciles who revel in wallowing in ze bugs shit, so he delivers.
For fucks sakes, tell the guy to shove ze bugs up his ass already. Stop running at the mouth about all the various ways in which they’re after you and start thinking about what to do!
Well it’s interesting you take this view, Soccy Boy, since Corbett outlined your very own tactic I.e. you explode onto the stage with all cylinders firing with your “fuckin’ fuckin'” etc. You appear as a really super cool fantastic rad kinda guy….. but then you start to surreptitiously do a little crafty U turn and sneak in the “hmm but they’re right after all and we could do with depopulation!”
You’re a sneaky little troll, aren’t you.
It’s the Jonathan Pie manoeuvre.
He goes “off air” and blasts away with some truly tumescent invigorating rant …. which in no way contradicts the news he is supposedly lampooning. Indeed he is merely giving a snappier more hip and cred version of the same bollocks.
I don’t know who this fucking guy is and I don’t give a fuck. Why do you keep watching this shit if it makes you so hot under the collar, man?
Don’t you get that it’s not the point whether you agree with them or not, but that you follow their narrative, which keeps you from living your life the way you see fit? Or is it that you need a fucking controller if not slave driver to tell you how to live?
Frankly, if you want to depopulate yourself, I’ll be last one to give a fuck. Your prerogative.
If you weren’t the idiot you are, you wouldn’t worry about depopulation, but about the world’s carrying capacity, the correlation of the human population size and the size of the population of other species, the extent to which the human species is crowding out the other constituents of the natural wold, which happens to be our natural habitat, since humans are – surprise fucking surprise – part of nature, and shit like that.
Your hypothetically non-idiot self (that would apply if you weren’t the idiot you are) would also examine demographic trends, the availability of resources, and would come to some conclusions regarding all this stuff. The calculations are actually not that difficult to do, even though for twits of your kind who can barely add 2+2 together, it’s a gargantuan task.
Anyways, back to reality. Your idiot self doesn’t allow you to do any of the above, and you continue whining that they’re after you. Tough job but somebody has to do it, eh?
“….the world’s carrying capacity, the correlation of the human population size and the size of the population of other species, the extent to which ….” etc etc etc
And there it is!
Well, it is – whether your myopic self-absorbed self likes it or not. These are biological issues to which no species is immune, including the two-legged idiots that think themselves supreme and above the rest and above nature herself.
Better chill Socio, or you’ll blow a fuse.
Nature has been self regulating for millenia.
Humans are just flies in the ointment of evolution, soon to be flushed down the toilet of cosmic history.
I think he is trying to play god when he should be leaving things up to God.
The human population is already in decline and below replacement rate in the West, Eastern Europe is not far behind. Japan is in terminal decline, South Korea is getting there and Souh Asia is only a few decades away. Africa as a continent will be the last to follow suit.
On the basis that the highest consumers of resources (your pet concern) are falling in population, it should make one wonder why the controllers are in such a rush to speed to process along.
It is the same controllers and their minions who in the first place, through Bernaysian advertising techniques, created consumerism and materialism. All in order to profit from selling shit, that people didn’t even know they needed, deliberately designed with built-in obsolescence, in order to sell more of it later.
Fuck them and the horse they rode in on. It is a little late to lecture the masses on sustainability, anti-consumerism and the ‘benefits’ of neo-feudalism.
Let them lead by example; live in mud huts, drink polluted water and eat ze bugs. Or better still serve each other up as Soylent Green.
That’s a good point. They always bray on and on about how there are way too many people until the subject changes to immigration, when they suddenly start insisting that we have too few people to survive economically, which is why we have to let in more immigrants. (One gets the impression that what they really mean is that there are too many white people!)
That is more true. Natality is declining, especially in the Occident. People don’t fuck no more, they’re too busy cutting off their dicks/tits or stitching the same on, stuff like that.
The thing is that demographics is only one piece of the mosaic. It doesn’t necessarily means that if there are fewer people, resources will last longer. It’s about how the civilization is structured – how everything is driven by fossil fuels and how everything will fall apart if they’re not available at an increasing rate, which they won’t. In other words, you can’t just take one factor – declining birth rate – and draw far-reaching conclusions. That’s stupidly reductionist, and shit needs to be looked at in a holistic fashion.
As to immigration, having been an immigrant my whole life, it would be hypocritical to oppose it. But … My view is that whatever culture immigrants bring, which BTW is a good thing, fresh blood is always good, must be only a certain fraction of what the culture is where they’re coming. They have to largely adopt the culture where they immigrate, ideally the good aspects of it, otherwise they’re mostly bringing whatever the problems are in the shithole where they came from.
Corbett’s predictive programming would work so much better if only he controlled the MSM, the educational system, the banks, the corporations, the governments and all the globalist institutions. I guess we’re lucky that people out there deliberately have to seek out his one lone website in order to get brainwashed by him. 😅
You don’t understand how it works.
The mass media captures the vast majority of the sheeple out there. The job of guys like Corbet and other ‘alt’ pundits is to capture and lead by the nose various marginal audiences that resist the mass media, but fail to realize that most of the ‘alt’ scene are designed to cater to their particular obsession is.
As I said, however, Corbet is not necessarily a shill. He might be feeding you his horseshit for pecuniary reasons.
So is Kit Knightly engaged in predictive programming, too? Which website should I visit to avoid any accidental brainwashing?
I don’t know. Anybody could be, whether intentionally or inadvertently.
Communication technologies have allowed information to be disseminated by every random motherfucker and you have to be the judge regarding the veracity and applicability of what you hear and read. It’s a fucking jungle out there.
Previously, info was distributed by the media based on what its controllers wanted you to hear and what they didn’t and how they wanted to spin it. It was all pretty much complete bullshit, but people lived in a sense of false security regarding what was being rammed into their skulls. Even before that, the same was happening in churches, where people went for their weekly dose of indoctrination.
No more. The Internet and communication doodads have upended that completely.
There is NO website or source you could go to to avoid the accidental brainwashing. You gotta use your brain and consider every piece of information based on its merit and be prepared to adjust. Likewise, you have to constantly question yourself for signs of cognitive dissonance. There are a lot of fucks out there intent on hijacking your mind and it’s not that hard to succumb to their techniques.
Real life. You should not have visited any site but only acquainted yourself with real life.
The Bible would be your guide to moral issues and metaphysical issues.
Cockroach pie and slug tarts on the silver service, waitered tables of the Psycho $uiturd$.
Fancy that.
Just check the menu at Davos to see who is supposed to eat the bugs.
Relative to the U.S. (because I’m a fucking American), there’s good news and bad news. The good news is more and more are disagreeing with the woke/green direction the far left and democratic party have engineered within our national culture, thru their puppet masters (fill in the blanks because I can’t say it here). The bad news is we’ll get Donald Trump as president, again, and nothing will change because the dude is a complete idiot. Which is why he’ll be president again.
I remember the 70’s commercials on TV, “Beef. It’s what’s for dinner”. Like the Wendy’s hamburger commercials with that old lady, “Where’s the Beef?” Iconic Americana. That lady became famous. American culture ain’t what it used to be, but I think it’s been ingrained to the point that the pushback will be quite interesting. Especially after Trump is gone because he’s fucking everything up.
I’m American, too. It’s depressing that the only choice we have is between a Zionist, an extreme Zionist, and a Chabad-Zionist. (I’ll let you all figure out which is which!)
They are all Jesuits and Freemasons anyway. So don’t worry. You never had a choice because the agendas are centrally controlled, military and planned decades in advance.
Whatever clown they select for you is part of the scripted circus sideshow.
Hovno, paranoid idiot. Stop hallucinating and shilling.
Nothing is planned decades in advance. You give too much credit to the alleged planner and too little credit to people. Things change all the time, you can’t plan shit for next week, let alone decades.
You’re a fucking shill par excellence, whether deliberately or out of sheer paranoia and unbridled stupidity. You keep painting this image that people are powerless puppets entirely controlled by a few puppeteers. They aren’t. If you feel like one, your prerogative, but stop projecting your aberration onto others.
Shove the scripted sideshow back up your ass already.
Meet ‘s Empathetic Voice Interface , EVI (L).
The WEF first grew The Woke, mostly made up of irrational, emotional art college grad women+BBQs but humans are an unreliable breed.
Computer’s are even more programmable than Homos, run 24/7/365, and eat less so more for the Leftover Fat cats. Xi Jinping is loving this as much as santa Klaus.
What about vegans!
Eat ze broccoli.
That’s fine 😉
Don’t get me wrong: I have nothing against people eating veggies if that’s what they want to do. In fact, I don’t even mind people actually eating bugs, so long as it’s completely voluntary. So eat whatever you want! I just won’t stand for others telling me not to eat meat, which is what the globalists are now openly doing. I hope all the vegans and vegetarians (do they still exist?) out there understand that I’m not against them or their rights. I’m just standing up for my own.
And the rights of animals who cannot speak for themselves?
“Deny deny deny….. but hey maybe it’s not such a bad idea …..”
Yes that sums it all up.