What if it’s all long-term conditioning?
Why we should learn to think in longer time-spans.
Axel BC Krauss

I wrote this commentary in response to Todd Hayen’s article “Did the Covid PsyOp fail?”, to which I would add a few remarks.
I agree with Hayen: something about the alleged failure of the “Covid PsyOp” feels strange. It “feels” fishy. But what could that be? I will explain this below.
I have written two books on this myself, “Corona – Krone der Technokratie?” (Corona – Crown of Technocracy?) and “Das globale Technat” (The Global Technate). In the latter, the title of which was inspired by Iain Davis‘ outstanding articles “Understanding Technocracy” and “Technocracy: The Operating System For The New International Rules-Based Order”, one of the points I made was that the lockdowns had no medical reason, but economic reasons: By paralysing the economic cycles, i.e. by artificially triggering a deflationary phase (which is characterised, among other things, by a decline in demand), inflationary overheating was prevented, which would have been caused by the monetary policy of the years since 2008 (the last major financial crisis). (For further information on this, please read Michael Bryant’s article “COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation”)
This policy, also known as “Quantitative Easing”, in conjunction with the deliberate zero interest rate policy – which in my opinion served as bait to lure more people into a spiral of debt – could have triggered a severe recession, or even hyperinflation at worst, on a global scale. The so-called “Covid Aids” gave the elite even more power over the economy and society.
Rising public and private debt naturally means a gain in power for them, because debt always and without exception also means a relationship of dependency between creditor and debtor. In other words: You can more easily dictate your conditions if someone depends on your credit supply.
If you want to find out more about the background, I highly recommend the article “Sustainable Debt Slavery” by Whitney Webb and Iain Davis.
What is certain is that German newspapers published articles on this potentially imminent recession or depression throughout 2019 – and with increasing frequency. These signs weren’t just on the wall, they were dancing Lambada on coke. Then – purely by chance, of course -, a “new type of virus” emerged, which conveniently allowed the press to only talk about the “Corona Recession” – and not mention the monetary policy causes at all anymore. That alone was telling enough – at least for me.
Anyway, instead of focusing only on the “medical” aspects of the “pandemic”, I think we should rather consider the possibility – as Hayen rightly suspects – that this “event” with all its already tragic consequences for so many people was “only” a first step in a longer, ongoing process.
It is probably no coincidence that the World Economic Forum has already spoken of the age of “Polycrises” into which humanity has now entered. By “Polycrisis” is meant: Climate, War, Terror and Pandemics.
We had the first Pandemic – “Corona”. We have a war (Ukraine), which in my estimation is NOT a “classical” or “conventional” geopolitical conflict, but allowed the elites – via a chain of sanctions and counter-sanctions – to further raise the cost of living (rising prices for fossile fuels like natural gas which have already been targeted by the so-called “Sustainable Development Goals“, aka “Agenda 2030” of the UN).
Shortly after the war began, German mainstream television networks coined the phrase – yes, in all seriousness – “Frieren gegen Putin” (“Freezing against Putin”). You gotta be kidding me.
We had a terror attack in Moscow, allegedly perpetrated by the “Intelligence State”. Sorry. What was I thinking? I meant the “Islamic State”, of course. Shortly after, German newspaper “Die Welt” (The World) warned about a possibly upcoming chain of “worldwide terror attacks” by the Intellige … Islamic State.
It’s just my very humble opinion, but I get the strange feeling that all of this is meant to keep the populaces “on their toes”, to make them live in constant fear, to occupy their minds and distract them from the fact that on the level of international treaties, i.e. UN-level, all three “Power Blocks” – Ozeania (USA), Eurasia (EU) and East Asia (BRICS) – are already making “ends meet” by signing contracts that will bind them legally to “global goals”…
I call this the “Multipolarity Hoax“.
When it comes to the much-discussed Covid Vaccines, I would like to suggest that we stop focusing solely on them and instead look at NEW vaccines that are currently being developed. Why is that? Because we have to consider the possibility that the ingredients administered with the Covid vaccinations will only trigger the desired overall effect in COMBINATION with future vaccinations.
Anyone who has ever done research in this area – especially with regard to vaccination trials in court – knows that it can be difficult under certain circumstances to attribute side effects or damage to the vaccination. This depends very much on the time that elapses between the vaccination and the occurrence of possible harmful effects. If I get vaccinated and just two or three days later, or even a few weeks later, such side effects occur, the matter is pretty clear. But if years pass between the vaccination and the possible consequential damages, it becomes much more difficult to prove this in a legal case. Because in the meantime, many other factors could have triggered these side effects.
My thesis is therefore: Instead of betting everything on one card, i.e. on ONE vaccination, it would be much more ingenious (in an evil way), if only for reasons of possible consequences under criminal law, to rely over many, many years on effects that only result from a combination of several different vaccinations. This would not only make it increasingly difficult, but almost impossible, to find the medical “needle in the haystack”.
I couldn’t agree more with Hayen when he warns of the possible long-term consequences.
Yes, it’s quite possible that the vaccinations will have after-effects that we don’t even know about yet. Some of these possible effects were described by a German author, Michael Nehls, PhD, MD, who habilitated in molecular biology, in his book “Das indoktrinierte Gehirn” (“The indoctrinated Brain”, not available in English yet). He writes about possible long-term effects of these “Covid-Vaccinations” on a very important process in the human brain called “Hippocampal Neurogenesis” which is essential for the development of a stable personality and, most of all, a healthy memory.
But as mentioned before, I don’t think that the Covid vaccines alone will “do the trick”.
In his article, Hayen wrote:
Yes, all this could still happen, but it seems there have been more false starts – starts that didn’t go anywhere. But if so, you would think they wouldn’t have put them out there just to not have them continue.”
Exactly. But how could this continue?
To further support Hayen’s argument, I would like to introduce readers to a quite astonishing quote from a book by Bertrand Russell. It was published in 1953 and was entitled “The Impact of Science on Society”.
This quote made me sit up like a Jack-in-the-box and take notice; I am convinced that we are guinea pigs in a long-term conditioning process.
In his book “The Impact of Science on Society” Bertrand Russell wrote (my emphases):
Fichte [german philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte, my remark] laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. But in his day this was an unattainable ideal: what he regarded as the best system in existence produced Karl Marx.”
Russel, The Impact of Science on Society, 1953, US-Library of Congress, Catalogue Number 68-54290, p. 50
As if those words alone wouldn’t be mindblowing enough (and already been confirmed by today’s state of public “education”, if you can call it that anymore, especially in Germany), please forgive me for pushing you over the edge now. Russell continues, but please believe me, any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental, it’s all just stupid conspiracy theories, folks (my emphases):
In future such failures are not likely to occur where there is dictatorship. Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”
Russel, The Impact of Science on Society, 1953, US-Library of Congress, Catalogue Number 68-54290, p. 50
Erm. Wait a minute. Diet? You mean, like “Eat Ze Bugs”? Like “Processed Foods”, delivered by companies which are owned by people who are members of think tanks like the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, like Bilderbergers, like Club of Rome and the sorts? Or by financial giants like Blackrock, which are also driving forces behind the “Agenda 2030” (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs), CBDCs (total financial control) and so on?
Woah. And injections? You mean, like “Covid Vaccinations”, for instance? And maybe many more to come in future pandemics (or against other illnesses) because this could very well be a long-term conditioning process? And injunctions? You mean, social distancing etc.?
Don’t get me wrong: I’m not telling you all this because I believe we don’t stand a chance. I’m not writing these lines to “demoralize” and depress you. Quite the opposite.
I’m just asking you NOT to fall for every single “event” that they’re serving us to occupy our minds and to distract us from their possible long-term goals.
In Germany right now, they’re serving the public the so-called “RKI-files” or “RKI-Protocols” (RKI stands for Robert Koch-Institut). Unfortunately, even large parts of German alternative media have fallen for it. I mean the sincere parts. Not the bought-and-paid-for disinformants, because it is a sad fact that 90% of the “most popular” names in German alt-media are controlled opposition, gatekeepers and limited hangouts.
These supposedly sensational, new “revelations” contain nothing – absolutely nothing – really “new”. They’ve just – thanks a lot, how merciful – released information that has been known for at least two years now.
But most of all, it seems to be one of the oldest tricks in the state’s book for psychological warfare: make the serfs and slaves believe that they should only accept information that has been “officially confirmed”.
“Officially confirmed” by the very same state that lied to and deceived them for years, by the way.
That ruined many of their businesses during the Reset- and Build Back Better-demic and is deliberately destroying German industry according to the “Degrowth”-agenda outlined by organizations like the “Club of Rome” decades ago. It really couldn’t be more obvious at this point, but well:
… education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished.”
If we are aware of the possibility that it may be a conditioning process that could span years, maybe even decades, we can learn to think how the elites do: not in the sense of daily doses of fear porn to keep us busy so that we never come to our senses, but to think in longer time spans.
This way, we could develop a sharper sense for long-term strategies.
I believe what we’re experiencing right now is a build-up to the “Managerial Revolution” that James Burnham talked about in his book of the same title, published in 1941. Burnham wrote that after the end of the Second World War, “many more wars” would have to be fought – until the “Manager Class” can take control of all production. Hm.
That sounds a lot like the “Global Public-Private Partnership” that the WEF has been proposing for some time now. A certain Eric Arthur Blair alias George Orwell adapted this idea for his dystopic novel “1984”, in which he described a world that is mainly divided between three great power blocks. Well, you know: USA, EU, BRICS. Sorry. Too much coffee this morning. I meant Oceania, Eurasia and East Asia, of course.
And don’t you forget: It’s all just purely coincidental.
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Excellent…what a wonderful article…thank you so much for this work!!
We are in a spiritual Matrix. I’m not saying I’m Neo, but I have found that when you truly stop seeing them as an authority, there is very little they can do to you.
Maybe I’ll write a treatise – it would take that to point out all the silly convoluted nonsense spouted in this article.
For now, all I’ll say is that one of our enterprising forum regulars should remind Herr Krauss that Bertrand Russel is a non-starter in this forum – strictly verboten.
Why would MIT – of “the science” (TM) – be so concerned with trying to convince people that rituals are a wonderful thing?…
The agenda of the “Hidden Hand” stretches over time and generations, continents, cultures and empires. The true power of the brotherhood of the cloak&daggers, is that it covers up the crimes of the scientists, the clerics, the politicians, the greed of the nwo-fascists and the financiers behind the curtain of what could very well be the 3020Agenda for the New World Cabal. They are the “Black Nobility”, the servants-merchants of Death, working for the dark evil angel of self indulgence and entitlement. But there are other too, like the Jesuïts, the secret service of the corrupted spiritual realms, challenging the highest autority of truth, purety, empathy. The force of darkness, destruction and death KNOWS it only has a small “Window of opportunity” and the question now is; how LONG will it take and how BAD will it get before humanity opens its All-Seeing-eyes to understand who the real enemy actually is…staring back at you in the mirror.
We live in a completely unhealthy, sociopathic, borderline, sick, feminized, under-average, mediocre Orwellian society full of contradictions, minefields, pitfalls and double binds that is pathological. Many break down as a result.
Aggression is “lived out” here as a substrate, i.e. vicariously through “games” or “horror movies”, but even an undisguised rebuttal can emotionally trigger a snowflake who needs a safe space from any reality.
This is a schizoid schizophrenic flea-air madhouse, no wonder people who are not supple and pliable inside, i.e. “adaptable”, go berserk. So we are forced to cloak our emotions in veiled phrases for the sake of sheer social survival.
I have gotten into the habit of cutting up a large sausage of anger into small slices and mercilessly smearing them on the recipients’ sandwiches in a continuous but seemingly uninvolved manner. Every sentence contains at least one personal insulting allusion.
“Game through” from level to level like Sun Tzu. In addition to fight or flight, there is a third alternative in the animal world, the play dead reflex. You simply play dumb: “My name is Hare, I don’t know anything!” https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mein_Name_ist_Hase
Someone who believes they can flush a cardboard box in its raw form down the toilet is making a logical error. If he hits someone in the face with his fist, it amounts to the same thing. It can mean your social ruin. Rather pay an anonymous middleman to slash tires on your behalf like a mafiosi.
Without a trace like a proxy server. You would therefore be better off practising patience and taking your revenge in set traps, not massive but refined. You have to tear the cardboard box neatly into small pieces, which is the only way to get it through the toilet and into the sewer.
If you cant do the revenge immediately but swear it will happen later, its only empty punches in the air. You are defeated.
The poodle solution laying dead is what the sheeple are doing, and they are ..so far .. doing fine.
A typical case of this matter: “It was so unnecessary he turned back”. Apparently the victim, like you, thought that immediate intervention was the best and only “competent” tactic. Too to think it over. https://www.rmx.news/crime/swedish-nationalists-call-for-declaration-of-war-on-gangs-after-father-shot-dead-in-front-of-son/
How do we cross predetermined boundaries without being (too) destructive? How do we enter “forbidden” territory without being guilty of trespassing? Dancing, playfully, intuitively! You have to climb over the tipping point from the cliff of the outer habitable world, ride there on Saturn’s rings beforehand, and then smear rancid honey in your opponent’s kisser with a thick, colorful brush and assure him, with all due respect, that this is now the latest absolute craze, hip and trendy.
Of course, this extraordinary moment is immediately captured with a high-resolution cam (which you just happen to have with you) to underline this immovable ceremony with diligent public relations work.
And then, when the crowd gathers to marvel at the “innovative work of art”, blend into the crowd unnoticed and sneak away like a thief in the night. Who did it, where is the culprit, catch him! The ultimate thrill is enhanced by cheekily sitting on the cliff after the crime and accusing the crowd: “Which one of you fools allowed this unprecedented disgrace to happen with your eyes open, an inexcusable affront to authority!”
A Course in Miracles is a course in mind training – but to the goal of changing our mind about our mind. For by conditioning is a mind set in a conflicted belief system where illusions of escape compound the ‘problem’ of authority’ By which true authorship is usurped by a tyrannous will set in protected fallacies.
Many are attracted to it as inspirational – which it is, but also fundamentally frustrating as a thought system by which to extend a false sense of self-creation. New wine doesn’t fit the old paradigm.
The manipulations of others operate through our own ‘back doors’ that are in effect resonant attractors to a shared ‘learning’ – such as the game of victim & victimiser.
Uncovering our own ‘ego-in-act’, is then a recognition and release of blocks to a grounded and felt peace of being, that run as automatic or conditioned ‘defences’ against exposure fear of pain of loss – stamped by a past set in grievance, masked by appeals for sympathy, self-justifications & diversionary strategies of obfuscation and concealment.
The Course holds a mirror to the ‘dynamics’ & devices of an ego of mutually reinforcing self-delusions running as compellingly ‘real’ – yet only as a basis to nip the mindset in the bud from an awakening discernment rising from acceptance rather than abnegation of freedom & responsibility.
Therefore it is completely un-understandable to the ego framework – in which pain sickness, war and death are all ‘understood’ as certainties from which to draw an inheritance or authority within power struggle.
Of course its all conditioning – or to put it another way, what we think frames what we do and thus demonstrate or teach and thus learn. But having learned ‘attack’ as a basis for ‘salvation’ or survival and control, as a mask of love or care – albeit weak, frail and under constant stress, we cannot of ourselves see we attack our own peace and deny our own freedom in an ‘othered’ world.
Masking , distancing and attacking, framed in guilting or gaslighting controls, locks down to a death in life, lockstepping under tyrannous dictate.
But can Narcissus be induced to look up from a fascination (love) in horror and fixated addiction to the seeming ‘dynamics’ of conflict?
Only when Narcissus turns away from his reflection will he see he is but a refracted idea of himself.
Bertrand Russell dabbled in Eugenics and all kinds ludicrous combinations of ideas. While his philosophical writings are excellent, his social applications are all over the place. This merely reinforces that fact that no one person or group of persons, ideologues, “managers” should EVER make decisions about how society is organized. Only the people themselves can or should do this through a process of consensus of some form where the final decisions do not limit individual’s freedoms to self-determine their life decisions. This does not include allowing individuals to harm other individuals or society’s ability to do the same. Like the State, corporations and the rich do in varying combinations to the bottom 95% thru our capitalist republics acting as Great Parent, now.
What I see with the New Kings (billionaires) taking over is a secular version of “divine right” to rule. “I have all this money, which means I’m super smart; therefore, I should be in charge. It goes without saying.” And, of course, the simpletons fall in line with that. We’re even told, “If you didn’t want Bill Gates to rule the world, then why did you buy his product?” Well, I thought I was buying an upgrade on my typewriter, not casting a vote for King of the World.
Elias Howe invented the sewing machine, but no one said to him after that, “Now you are authorized to make all decisions for the medical care of the people of planet Earth.”
Here be trolls in abundance. Ergo, the article must be good. It is too.
“The indoctrinated Brain” is available in English. I am reading it now.
What if the masses are spawned self-conditioning and management-seeking? What then of JKF’s notion of what man “was born to be”?
I think this is a very good article that encapsulates and brings together the elements of the agenda.
One issue I have is with regards to the cull juice experiment and its success or failure.
It seems that with the intention to introduce vaccine passports there was a plan to make mandated Covid-1984 jabs (and or others too) an ongoing regular process. The author alludes to the Covid jabs being only one ingredient which will require different future jab ingredients to work. ie kill or harm.
The fact that the controllers failed to implement vaccine passports back in 2021/22 has thrown a spanner into the works of that part of the agenda, at least for now.
Countries such as Germany and Austria were going to fine the unjabbed on a rolling incremental basis and that did not happen despite the threats. If we all remember back to 2021, it was clear that the net was tightening to varying degrees, depending on the country. Non-food stores, places of employment, some health settings, hospitality venues, airlines, cruise ships and so forth excluded the unjabbed from participation in society.
It would have only been a matter of time before that extended to essential services such supermarkets, food stores, pharmacies, GP surgeries and hospitals.
However, in early 2022, the Ukraine ‘war’ seamlessly shifted focus from the Plandemic to the conflict. As if a light switch was flicked, all restrictions and the demonization of the unjabbed ceased. That suggested to me that the Convid episode was wavering and a new narrative was required.
Now, the question is having learned from their mistakes first time around, if and when, Plandemic 2.0 rolls into town, will there be a more draconian plan to exclude the ‘refuseniks’ from society?
Thanks for this, worth watching…..
Great take down of Trudeau ummm True-dough?
No, Turd-O.
Nightmares of the Elite
“These so-called leaders were actually all followers and they followed – accepted as infallible truths – the wrong bureaucratic guidance, and relied on questionable or incorrect data, which caused them to embrace mandates that caused irreparable and incalculable harm to society.
It’s often said that local schools and colleges are the most important institutions in society. These institutions bring people from all walks of life together and “educate” the people we’re told will be society’s future leaders.
But in the last four years the leaders of these institutions – at all colleges and all school systems – proved they are unworthy of holding these important leadership positions.“
We know that the educational system has been captured by the Grey Men. But all of us have had the experience of suffering through inept teachers with those few crackling gems that actually made an impact.
Isn’t consciousness itself just a long conditioning process? The current social engineers may try to micromanage our thoughts, but can they really?
We are so much more than what we are led to believe.
I am not fan of this MSM style which Off G has adopted. i.e authors citing Off G authors or critiquing Off G authors article in an asslicking manner then it being published as a look look look at how amazing we are..insatiable ego alt media.
The Mainstream media and this new alt media interviews other ;created; personality’s with the same mindset and beliefs and calls this a different view point.!!
There is more than enough good articles out there without needing more asslicking on articles that weren’t even that good in the first place. Now you cant rate the articles with the new set up. it will be more asslicking when infact the comment section commentators have made more sense in there observations and are usually 5 years in front off the curve in what is happening than most Off G authors and Mainstream news outlets and alt media ;created; personality’s can ever fathom.
Generally agree with you, just that I see the appraisal justified here. There are quite good profound articles in between the few Rutherford ‘society is bad bad’ articles.
But, as you say, we are lucky we have the geniuses here who fill up the comment section and our brains with their elderly roll chair wisdom.
I have a hard time going along with that: The covid hysteria, or rather its setup to it, is not at all unique. We had all the same shit with the swineflu “pandemic” in 2009:
Someone finds a virus of zoonotic origin (this time in Veracruz, Mexico) and sends it to an American & Canadian lab. The UK-based computer models guy (Neil Ferguson) predicts millions of deaths with his horribly badly programmed computer program. The black man with grey hair at the WHO (Tedros Ghebreyesus, although not yet Director-General at the time) names it “a pandemic of international concern”. Millions of doses of vaccines are manufactured (by far most expired and got destroyed). And above all: Lots of money was made (meaning, a lot of public money became private money).
It was roughly the same shit. With the corona/covid hysteria however, it caught a lot more wind due to a vastly improved marketing campaign. But otherwise, it was not that unique and thus to claim it was done for a financial situation that existed in 2019 is a bit of a weird argument to me.
Not to mention the obvious: This was an international show, meaning what German newspapers were writing in 2019 is not that important in the big picture.
I wonder if the CIA realise what a wonderful job they did when they sought to sully the words “conspiracy” and “theorist”
You’re so right.
Yesterday, a copy of the updated (last month) edition of the excellent ‘Dissolving Illusions: disease, vaccines and the forgotten history’ book was delivered to my eldest niece and her husband (they both ‘work’ in the Medical Establishment, and are immensely gullible, brainwashed, naive). The book was a gift to them from me. I’d not told her the book was on its way (I’d gifted a copy of the original edition to other family members back in 2020; my brother’s wife, at that time, read some or all of it, and said to me “What an eye-opener!”. However, that did not stop her from gullibly falling for the lies from their TVs and thus rolling up her sleeves at least four times for the injections… she now has a serious illness, very probably caused by the injections [an autoimmune disease]).
But back to yesterday. My niece and her husband and young son had been out all day. I discovered (to my horror) that the courier had ‘delivered’ the parcel by putting it on top of their ‘wheelie bin’. So I phoned my sister (my niece’s mother) to ask whether she knew whether the book had been discovered. To cut a long story short, my sister told me that, whilst she and I were talking, my niece had texted her and claimed that “Christine has sent me a book about conspiracy theories”. I was so disgusted with my niece’s attitude (which was wholly due, of course, to her gullible, brainwashed, uninformed position).
I very quickly explained to my sister what the book actually was (she and her husband being just as gullible, brainwashed, naive, etc, as their two daughters. They’re all ‘normies’, no matter how much I try to enlighten them, to wake them up).
My niece has not responded to me directly (yet?) re. the book which I gifted yesterday to her and her husband. She told me a few months ago (re. my trying to wake them up…) that “This sort of communication is unacceptable!”, so I don’t hold out much hope of her attitude having changed.
Another brilliant masterstroke in the elite’s 5D chess-game?…
Or it is just what it appears to be – another insane anti-human project collapsing under the weight of its own hubris.
An interesting topic, worth deeper analysis. Too bad that after a promising intro, the author slipped in the usual “they’re after us” paranoid horseshit.
The time frame within which people consider issues and the time at which they actually live might be some of the most important factors in the perception of the world. It would be interesting to survey to what extent people live in the past, in the present, or in the future, and to what extent people are able to analyze shit from the perspective of different time frames.
Anyway, at the bottom of everything, we have this planet of ours on which various critters have existed for a while, together with all sorts of organic and inorganic shit. Our present civilization is only one of many there have been, all of which vanished because they fucked up whatever they were up to, in way that were probably not that different from how we’re fucking up things today.
The present civilization is running on fossil fuels that have permitted unprecedented exploitation of just about everything Earth has to offer. We’re devouring everything like crazy, like fucking grasshoppers that happen on an abundant source of fodder. The gluttony of our consumptive behavior is truly mind-boggling. A kinda unpleasant side effect of that is that we’re poisoning everything left and right. After all, that fucking cancer so many people suffer from gotta have some cause, n’est-ce pas. It’s pretty much guaranteed that this civilization will go down just like the ones that existed before. I guess it’s only a matter of time and how it happens, which might be the central issue in the goings-on in the world today because the process of going down seems to have kinda fucking started. That would be the long-term viewpoint.
Medium-term view of things might examine how shit has developed over the past few centuries, how physical realities and technological development have facilitated the establishment of the socioeconomic system that have existed thus far and how their projected development (read: overall decline) will affect the same. That chiefly concerns the systemic contradiction between the ever-increasing need for energy and resources to drive ongoing growth and the fact that energy and resources are available to a limited, finite extent, which makes infinite growth impossible, a fact exacerbated how the financial system, an abstract construct which we use to manipulate and control everything, has been utterly fucked up, corrupted, and perverted.
The short-term view consists of worrying about what some untold motherfucker released out of his cakehole and how it was interpreted by some other untold motherfuckers in the media. How yet other motherfuckers have interpreted it. So on so forth. Totally inconsequential stuff. This is what occupies the minds if most so-called intelligent people.
Then there is the way in which shit is perceived by the vast majority of the idiots out there, in terms of time that is, and that is what useless piece of shit I’m gonna buy next, what piece of shit I’m gonna stuff myself with, when is the time to take a piss/shit next, stuff like that.
Anyways, there is nothing inherently wrong with perceiving time, or one’s existence in time, from any of these viewpoints, after all not missing the time to take a shit is kinda important, isn’t it. You don’t wanna shit in your pants all the time. However, people should be able to consider the implications and, indeed, the inevitable ramifications of all of them.
Whether or not “they’re after us”, it’s pretty obvious YOU’RE after us, eh Soccy Boy!
You George are one of the idiots who can’t see beyond the tip of your nose. You thrive on devouring putrid manure shoveled down your throat by your controllers and endlessly reporting that the manure tastes like shit, but not being able to resist getting more and more of the stuff. Talk about fucking masochism.
As far as your perception of time, today’s subject matter, you’re stuck in the minuscule era in human history where the socioeconomic arrangement of us human critters was defined by the socialist/capitalist dichotomy. You’re so fucking stupid, or rather myopic (evidently as a result of intoxication by the aforementioned manure) that you can’t even see that that era ended some time ago already.
But you’re a nice, good-natured fella. Honestly. You’re just not too bright.
It’s called sleight of hand. The conman deflects your attention with one hand whilst the other is in your pocket.
Thus you, Soccy, divert the gaze of us mere mortals away from that “minuscule era in human history where the socioeconomic arrangement of us human critters was defined by the socialist/capitalist dichotomy” i.e. nothing less than present day reality – oh the insufferable smallness of it! And once you have liberated us from this microscopic little sewer you then direct us to that starry firmament and those vast epic shifts before which we are as naught. And you pronounce the Testament of Things to Come!
But here’s what I have found from my sojourn in this pathetic little petri dish of frightful mundanity:
When the media harp on and on about a certain proposition there are two things that are almost certainly true:
1. It’s shit.
2. It serves the vested interests.
The corollary is also true:
When the media ignore, slight, or attack a certain proposition,
1. It’s true.
2. It does not serve the vested interests and likely threatens them.
And the more emphasis the media put on a proposition, the less truth there is in it.
So let us take a little trip through time!
Back in the halcyon days of 2006, the splendidly suited figure of Al Gore strode forth to deliver “An Inconvenient Truth” – a most impressive tale of impending climate doom. And LO! – this gratifyingly apocalyptic meme was ever afterward proclaimed from the highest hills!
Now let’s fast forward to the present and what do we have? A whole new phenomenon. That in critical forums like OffG, there are occasional voices that appear and make a really big effort to sound hip and rad (lots of “fuckin’ fuckin’” usually goes down well). The new voice assures us that he is on our side! He loathes the media as much as we do.
Exciting stuff! We’ve found a new comrade!
But then after a little while, this rising star starts to make the most peculiar sounds. Even though he “hates those media bastards”, he starts to muse that perhaps … just perhaps … they are not altogether wrong! And before you know it, he’s agreeing with those bastards he formally excoriated!
So perhaps there’s another reason you mock me for swallowing all that putrid manure? When you hang around putrid manure you start to acquire a gift for smelling it. And I smell it off you!
I’m not on your side, idiot. I never side with idiots. You and other windbag whiners are on your own.
As to ‘not altogether wrong’, sure there aren’t. If you were the idiot of the fucking kind as per the above classification, you’d understand that the physical issues that underpin the human socioeconomic reality affect everybody. Sure, some are fabricated or the effect thereof is. Others are not. As I said above, you’re too stupid to discern which are which, so you reject everything outright.
Be that as it may, your acknowledgment of your propensity to wallow in putrid manure and thus acquired gift for smelling it is appreciated. What a fucking life you got, man!
Better to smell it than to shovel it.
By “not altogether wrong” I was adopting – for ironic effect – your sly way of appearing to distance yourself from those bastards whilst making it perfectly clear, in your usual flamboyant fulminating way, that you indeed agree with them all the way.
Your fundamental position is the usual Malthusian smugness that delights in the supposedly impending obliteration of all that human scum. All this hiding behind prevarications like:
“the physical issues that underpin the human socioeconomic reality affect everybody.”
“Sure, some are fabricated or the effect thereof is.”
“Others are not. As I said above, you’re too stupid to discern which are which, so you reject everything outright.”
DA DA DA DUH! (opening of Beethoven’s 5th)
Lines that added up to nothing. Maybe this is true. Maybe that’s true etc.
Hey but there’s one thing that is true! All those human insects are going to die horribly! Whilst you laugh mockingly from your aeon spanning mountain retreat. (Perhaps sharing a glass with Mr Gates?)
What got into you, twit? Why are you so fascinated with the occasional remark I make? Your developing a fucking obsession, you know?
The jig is up, Soccy Boy …someone had to call you out. Thanks, George!
We are all in the same shit soup soc. You think you are special?
I was shovelling Real Shit again today. It puts a different complexion on the intellectual version, and may provide some useful vegetables.
Jacques, Plinio, the others of that ilk … Soccy Boy has better translation apps than they did, that’s all. Wanna bet by the end of May he’s gone? Or perhaps just changed his handle?
He is here to spew his daily quota of expletives as a cheap thrill. Not that I read any of it.
Fossil fules are a myth. You know less than nothing about anything You are a quarter bright,indoctrinated droid maarinated in delusion. Yoiu actually serve as a living advertisement for all you oppose simply by being so repugnant on every level. Well done!
You failed to elucidate what is “myth” about fossil fuels. Whether it’s their origin, the deposits thereof, the rate of replenishment – if they replenish at all – in relation to the rate of extraction, the so-called peak oil, as originally defined, or any of the issues related to these fuels.
Whether you did so because you’re a stupid know-nothing fuck or because of some other reason I know not, but that changes nothing about the fact that the current civilization, or era in human history if you will, can be characterized as the Fossil Fuel Age. For it is, first and foremost, the fossil fuels that have facilitated the extraction and processing of other materials, without them humans would basically have big shit.
Fossil fuels are declining and will one day run out or become uneconomical to extract (energy required to extract them will be greater than energy thereby provided). Human critters are presently feverishly looking for ways to replace fossil fuels with something else; alas, heretofore available technologies offer nothing that could replace fossils while the functioning of the civilization is maintained as is.
The urgency of replacing fossils with something else is questionable; it is not exactly clear cut when fossils become so energy-intensive to extract that thereby driven human enterprise will collapse. But it cannot not happen. Anybody who thinks otherwise is delusional, certainly not me.
Anyway, are the prospects our civilization is facing something to write home about? Especially with so many denialist idiots like you around who, instead of planning for the future, call those who call for that repugnant? Certainly not.
Too bad. One would have thought that people have learned a thing or two. Guess not.
In closing, you’ve extrapolated from something I’ve written that I oppose something? What is it … I’m baffled. The only thing I kinda oppose is obdurate idiocy …
Cannot be bothered reading more of your catshit.Great new feature .
from Milton Mayer’s They Thought They Were Free:
What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security. …
This separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised…as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.
…Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, ‘regretted,’ that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these ‘little measures’…must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head.
…Many, many times since it all happened I have pondered that pair of great maxims, Principiis obsta and Finem respice—‘Resist the beginnings’ and ‘Consider the end.’ But one must foresee the end in order to resist, or even see, the beginnings. One must foresee the end clearly and certainly and how is this to be done, by ordinary men or even by extraordinary men? Things might have. And everyone counts on that might.
…Believe me, this is true. Each act, each occasion, is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join with you in resisting somehow. …
But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. …
And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. …The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. …
Suddenly it all comes down, all at once. You see what you are, what you have done, or, more accurately, what you haven’t done (for that was all that was required of most of us: that we do nothing). …You remember everything now, and your heart breaks. Too late. You are compromised beyond repair.
Great post. Thank you. I will also get the book you mentioned. Peace
A rehash of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Look, I think we can all agree that life in Germany is rapidly going to shit.
But fetishizing the elites as global masterminds is hilarious. These people just aren’t that smart. And they’re certainly not playing 5D chess. Two of the top British royals (and if they aren’t elites, then who is?) are now on their deathbeds due to turbo cancer, so yeah.
Who said the two royals have cancer?
That would be the media, which lies about everything else along with the establishment that fed them doctored photos knowing that they would be discovered as fakes. This allowed the build-up of the tension and suspense over weeks in the case of Kate. That has the hallmarks of an engineered crisis. A soap opera in the making.
I am not buying the story for one minute. They have access to the best healthcare, Charles has always been a proponent of alternative and natural therapies eg homeopathy.
It is well known in some circles that there are many treatments for cancer including the Gerson therapy, oxygenation, vitamin C, vitamin B17 (apricot kernels).
More likely is that the British Royal Family is undergoing a restructuring. One that will help usher in the New World Order. William or Harry will have a role to play in that. It is a narrative that can be scripted various ways using the cast ie the Royal Family to steer the public in a certain direction.
Were Charles, Kate or both to ‘die’, it could simply be a scripted death, no different to that of actors in flim, TV or the theatre – time to exit stage left. Of course, they could ‘recover’ too due to a “miracle” cure.
It has to be remembered that the British monarchy makes international headlines and can be used to achieve certain aims on a global scale but certainly in Europe and the Anglo ex-colonies.
Fuck them degenerate inbred fuckers. Who gives a shit.
I’m afraid that eating apricot kernels when you have a tumor is kinda late. I investigated that a while ago. If I remember correctly, apricot kernels (and apple seeds too) contain a substance that’s a combination of benzene and cyanide, both potent poisons but rather harmless in this combination. The way eating apricot kernels works (not the whole fucking thing, maybe powder sprinkled over your cake) is that if there are cancer cells traveling through your body, the stuff from the kernels eliminates it and prevents cancer from forming. Whether it works like that or not, who the fuck knows. Maybe. But you should, for instance, eat apples in their entirety, including the core and the seeds.
I’ve discussed this stuff with an oncologist friend of mine, and she said that they know lots of stuff that could eliminate cancer cells. The problem is getting them to the tumor and not killing the fucking patient in the process.
Eating apples in their entirety is correct. The seeds contain amygdalin (B17), as do bitter apricot kernel seeds. I missed off the word “seeds” in my original comment.
Perhaps the expression “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away” comes from the knowledge of the beneficial properties of the seeds.
Especially if you believe it! Ha!
The psychosomatic effect is probably what matters most. Plus, if you eat an apple, the chances are high that you don’t eat some other shit, which is certifiably worse for you.
Apples gotta come from your garden though. Or nature. Not the shit from supermarkets that get shipped from who knows what shithole where it was spray by who knows what toxic crap. Also, they say you shouldn’t eat fruits from trees along roads because they contain lead from days when it was added to gas, plus other bad stuff too.
B17? Did you get that from a song title? The seeds contain cyanide.
The amygdalin releases cyanide but only in cancer cells, since only those contain an enzyme that can metabolize the amygdalin. It does not harm healthy cells and tissues.
The propaganda surrounding the word cyanide is designed to put the public off trying apricot kernel seeds.
It is far more profitable to maintain the global USD 200 billion oncology (chemotherapy, radiotherapy and cancer surgery) business. One that is expected to rise to USD 375 billion by 2027.
The UK Cancer Act 1937 and similar legislation in other some other countries forbids the promotion of alternative treatments for cancer. The medical industrial complex that started with the Rockefeller grip on aliopathic medicine does not like competition, especially if cheap and easily available.
Do your own research as they say.
What ‘Rolling Rock’ says, below, is right. Amygdalin releases cyanide but only in cancer cells… does not harm non-cancerous cells and tissues. As he/she says, you should carry out your own research, and not merely take things at face-value.
Have a look at what king charlie is really up to. This is well worth watch …..
The Green King (Part 4) |episode 9 CANZUK
Thank you, I will do.
Totally agree with you there.
Fuck this image painted of a few scheming motherfuckers as being some plenipotentiary powers. People should give themselves more credit and grow some fucking balls. It’s not that hard to tell any random motherfucker who’s infringing on your freedoms to fuck the fuck off. Instead of forever whining of yet another way how they got you by the throat.
Because of
stupidity(suspected intimidation or infiltration?) of OG removing the article ratings. I am giving this article a 10/10 rating.Yes, what was wrong with the article rating ? Or at least a “like” button ? It feels like all the life around us when someone “knows better” and starts to change things that worked (of course, without asking).
“Like” button is useless without a “dislike” button
“They” suffer from the same problem, as the human pyramid toppers are also puppets of physically invisible forces. These forces are visible in the “astral” – vital, parallel dimension.
eGO is our GOd x 8 billion = a foam of little ego bubbles covering the globe. The Buffetts and Gates are as greedy as most plebs, only more muscular, bigger, harder egg heads.
The actual use of this present worldwide churning: to get more people wanting something better than this. The how and when will automatically pop up,after dropping one’s own ego / desires, even ‘circumstances’ will adapt.
“This way, we could develop a sharper sense for long-term strategies.”
Okey dokey, and that and a quarter will get me what? We already know what is on the “elite’s” drawing board, so I’m not sure what benefit “we” could gain from developing a “sharper” sense of their long term strategies. When shit gets heavy, I like to keep things simple, i.e., “the rich are getting richer and more powerful and everybody else can suck it”. After you’ve been around awhile, you’ve seen how things were, how they became, and how they are, and you have a better sense of how things will be. It’s not going to change, it’s only going to get worse. There ain’t no stopping this train by trying to guess what’s next, the only chance is to force change, and that can’t happen unless enough people organize to do it. I don’t think we’re very close to being able to do that for the right purpose. But then again, we seem to be getting closer.
Right. So what exactly will be the change you’re referring to? What will you change, how, and what is the desired state of affairs?
It’s easy to say what’s fucked up. People whine about it left and right. Formulating something different, something that works better is whole nother ball of wax. That’s what people gotta do.
“Formulating something different” is called change. And why try to do that unless it works better? Do you understand what the primary issue is?
The primary issue is that the socioeconomic system, particularly that in place in the West, of the era that ended in circa 2020 with the CONVID pandemic is no longer tenable due to multiple reasons.
A transition to a new one is under way. It’s not one most people will like, being imposed top-down, to the detriment of the masses. This ‘change’ is being perpetrated by the ‘elites’. They know what they want to accomplish.
You’re correct in wanting change, but we the people, have nothing to change things to, let alone the means to do it. At best, we want to go back to some point in the past. Impossible.
Unless people figure out what they want, they’re fucked. That’s the point. Thus far, we’re engaged in whining how fucked up things are from yet another angle and pointing the finger at yet another asshole who is to blame.
Disagree big time, the primary issue is freedom and liberty. There’s no change until we get that. Obviously, you aren’t on board with that.
You only have a limited degree of freedom and liberty, which I doubt you’d able to describe what it really means, thanks to relative economic freedom, economic surplus (largely obtained through, or maybe I should say impossible without, surplus energy and resources your country pillages in other parts of the world and slave labor provided by people who live there). Without that, you’d be slaving away just to survive, to produce enough shit to stuff to get by.
Your whining about freedom is ridiculous and repulsive. Even though there has been some attack against freedoms, the US and the West in general still remains the most free part of the world, including the economic dimension, the social dimension, and the physical dimension. And you’re getting all that freedom at the expense of some poor barefooted bastards who live in chains, figuratively, under the threat of being bombed by Uncle Fucking Sam if they dare disobey, something you don’t give a flying fuck about and if you happen to give a fuck, it’s a minuscule fuck that is of no fucking consequence.
So shut the fuck up about freedom and liberty. You whiners make me fucking sick.
for fucks sake, will you stop fucking swearing ya fukn cunt ; )
You’re really pathetic.
Outstanding work.
I see no evidence that the general population have changed their lives in even the most modest way since the revelation of the lockdowns.
There is no great awakening generally
My sincere impression is that the plan did fail, and even more so because they exposed themselves like never before.
They are desperate and and rushed the “plan” without even being prepared. Engineers are talking to each other about 9/11.
Were I one of the ‘them’, I would be happy that everything is going to plan.
‘They’ don’t need omnipotence or omniscience to prevail.
Of course the War in the Ukraine ‘is NOT a “classical” or “”conventional”
geopolitical conflict’ , which is why it was all very confusing to those who
tried to understand it’s unfolding with ideas of what they expected should
happen during War…
As for the elites allowing the War to happen ! Sherlock Holmes believed
he could see Moriarty’s hand in every crime being committed in London,
but his belief was just a Side Effect of his self ‘medication’ !! Let’s not read
the Hidden Hand of The Elite into Every Dastardly Deed – please !
The latest posting by The Thunderbolts Project “Jupiter’s Great Blue Spot Mystery” (11:04) is an interesting observation on the way What We Think can get in the way of Understanding What We Actually See:
We probably should all take a cue from the USofAs’ Pentagon (Pentagram inverted) and stop calling it, “the War in Ukraine”.
“Our investment in Ukraine” is way more appropriate and has been approved as terminology by the USofAs Department of (ahem, cough-cough) Defense.
The USofAs has been investing in death and destruction since 1776.
We’ve been conditioned for thousands of years.
Jiddu Krishnamurti travelled the world for thirty years trying to warn us.
We are putty in their bloody, grasping, greedy claws.
I have tried to raise my finger and warned everybody on this planet in holy 50 years since I walked out in the yard as a 3 year old little boy. I am still warning everybody! Bastards!!
Sharp splendid article. But same has been said so many times for many decades maybe more;
Semantic manipulation, Neuro-linguistic programming of a population, Applied Psychology, Creative Chaos, The Frankfurter school, Manufactured Consent, Perception Management, Milgram Test, Group Thinking, you name it.
To boil it down, Keep It Simple Stupid: The fight is between The “All men are born free” or the Empire’s Master/Slave society.
The Milgram Experiment: 80% of the population do not have the psychological or moral resources to defy an authority’s order, no matter
how illegitimate the order is. Only 20% have critical thinking capacity.
The Elite will make these 80% into zombies. They are already inside a blurred synthetic Metaverse via Smart Phone, Boosters, Digital Nomad, Power Points, Television, Big Brother Screens, IoT, Tech and can never get back to a normal human relation with the organic world again.
Only thing left is how do we the thinking 20% organise us in this mess?
Look at this guy, young, smart, building trust. 666
Well that comment of yours is surprisingly coherent and persuasive. Hope this approach continues, the nihilistic/comedic stuff is wearing thin.
It’s less than 20%; there’s no “we”; and the organised resistance has already happened!
I were just trying to be positive. Always look at the bright side of life.
Look/keep alert for the escape clause. There always has to be one.
Force majeure. You are right. The vaxxes were voluntary no matter what people say.
That’s where ‘informed consent’ comes in. But you have to want to be AND keep YOURSELF informed. Don’t re-lie on proven LIE-ARS.
!00% in. I use to say we men have not rights, only duties.
A duty to acquaint ourselves with the conditions of our universe and earth, and to steer our ship free of storms, underwater rocks and other dangers.
I prepared for the eventuality by not having a GP. Not having available medical records.
Into 2024 and still waiting for our “dissident” media to start writing about the effects of artificial elecromagnetic radiation on all forms of life, its role in climate-change and climate-control, how and global geopolitics. Easy to research.
Nobody mentions it here. No mainstream alt-media does.
Join many dots with data from here,
Will help understand why nobody from mainstream media or altmedia programmed dissidence talk about it.
Exactly. but it goes further: https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f.
Excellent intro article here: https://telestai.substack.com/p/sabrina-wallace
WBAN Wireless Body Area Network, MBAN, Medical Body Area Network, optogenetics, Li-Fi, etc. etc.
And this already in 2013:Jen https://outraged.substack.com/p/pfizer-partnering-with-ido-bachelet?publication_id=1087020&post_id=143153580&isFreemail=true&r=1sq9d8&triedRedirect=true
Just read the deepest Science have ever drilled was 12 km down from the earth surface to the magma. Then it got too hot for Science.
Considering the moon landing on 1 fuel tank full of diesel during the 2000 C hot Thermosphere, and the Cosmic radiation waves which can make cancer through 100 mm lead:
I would take these invisible nano-robot declarations, which can only be seen in a microscope, telescope,and x-ray stethoscope, from Mr. Bachelet and Pfizer with a little spoonful of salt. .
Telescope, wtf??!!! You are cute, Nielsen. Check the videos of Dr Nixon, Nixonlab on Substack; Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea, Matt Taylor. LAC Microscopy on Telegram, etc.
Then watch https://www.laquintacolumna.info/translations/analysis-on-covid-19-vaccines-performed-by-prof-lorena-diblasi-and-dr-marcela-sangorrin/
and tell me why Di Blasi says she found 50 of the 200 elements in the Periodic Table in the jabs. Arsenic, copper, manganese, etc. She went looking for why she had found rare earths too: they are used in quantum dots for neuromodulation.
(comment by Nielsen: ho, ho, ho, just because some Argentine chemist does what she calls mass spectrometry in her so -called lab (the Moon landings were fake too) don’t mean diddly-squat, )
But par for the course at Off-G, the preponderance of Humanities and Social Science commentary is noticeable.
NB: Nielsen, next time you need bloodwork, don’t just believe the path lab results, after all, your blood contaminants are “invisible” to the naked eye and hence, as you would say, needful of a spoonful of salt.
I am in fully control of my body and senses mr. jenner. When my body is feeling fine I dont take any shit from anybody on this earth.
The body signals are always clear and quick. You get fever, loose your breath, it hurts, your stomach/faeces are wrong, you are confused.
You body tells you all you need to know. But if you prefer to believe an expert and an x-ray photo rather than your own senses, be welcome.
Your physical body must confirm the findings and statements from Doris Day and Sophia Lorena before they begin to have any value!
And Doris Day and Sophia Lorena should have made these microscope x-ray nano bot micro lab science research BEFORE they and anybody else took the jabs and boosters!
NOT after when its too late.
Not true: when commenting on relevant articles it does happen. I have 2 EMFields AM10s 200 MHz to 8 GHz six inches from my right elbow as I write. It’s a permanent reality for some of us, especially the more EMF sensitives,, the Canaries in the coal mine.
“Is the COVID Psyop Over?’ … “What if It’s All Longterm Conditioning?”
The man to ask these questions might be neuroscientist Dr. James “The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future” Giordano, however the somewhat wide, negative publicity he’s received across the past >4 Years of criminally insane crime spree nightmare might have made him somewhat camera shy, in contrast to 2017:
TRADOC Mad Scientist 2017 Georgetown: Neurotechnology in National Defense w/ Dr. Giordano (youtube.com)
That’s their propaganda.
In reality they tried that shit before, and guess what… Now it doesn’t work the same if not causes more issues to them.
Who said, “The best way to win a war is not to fight it.”
The Chinese are in the middle of their 100 year Marathon and the Technocrats are using their blueprint.
Vax, Baby, Vax !!!
April 4, 2024
Stephen Colbert Becomes Emotional as He Remembers Longtime ‘Late Show’ Staff Member Who Died
Amy Cole worked alongside Stephen Colbert for 16 years before her death.
According to Obituary.com, Cole died “peacefully” on March 31, following a brief illness. She was 53.
The Vax-Scene – The [Six-Foot] Box Set
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
One wonders what we need Yuval Hariri for.
A lot of global VIP key figures are bearing this “human” turd around in a gold chair. They obviously need him.
Yes, but for him it’s just a gig. It also helps keep him out of the IDF for the moment.
“Isn’t it the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
-Maurice Strong, Founder of the UN Environmental Programme at the opening speech of the Rio Earth Summit in 1992
Drill, Baby, Drill and the Art of the Deal
As War in Ukraine Grinds On, U.S. Officials Focus on Black Sea
The war has major implications for the geopolitics of energy.
By Edward Hunt
November 14, 2023
US Senate Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation
Assessing the Department of State’s Strategy for Security in the Black Sea Region
Date: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023
[Video begins at: 17:35]
A Security Strategy for the Black Sea
By Atlantic Council Task Force on Black Sea Security
December 15, 2023
[See link for pdf]
Timeline (first & last entries)
– December 27, 2022: Announcement of task force on Black Sea Security.
– December 15, 2023: Release of the final report from the task force by the Atlantic Council and distribution across the network.
In light of increased instability in the Black Sea region following Russia’s unprovoked war on Ukraine, the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security‘s Transatlantic Security Initiative, in partnership with the National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA), convened a task force of Atlantic Council experts focused on discussing and developing actionable recommendations for enhancing the security and stability of the geopolitically vital Black Sea region. This report outlines the strategic setting, regional challenges and threats, key planning assumptions, risk and risk mitigation, and finally DIME (diplomatic, informational, military, and economic) based recommendations for enhancing security and stability in the Black Sea region.
I. The strategic goal
An unstable Black Sea region directly threatens the peace and prosperity of the North Atlantic community, a bedrock of US foreign policy since 1945. Russian aggression in the Black Sea region threatens the security of every Black Sea state and the Euro-Atlantic region as a whole, as well as global food security, international economic stability, and the viability of international legal frameworks. These represent key and important interests for the United States, as well as Europe. A comprehensive, long-term regional strategy to cope with this new reality is urgently needed. To be coherent, it must also be nested within a broader and viable transatlantic security architecture, anchored in NATO. For the transatlantic community and the littoral Black Sea states, a desirable end state is a stable region anchored in the Euro-Atlantic community, where the sovereignty of Black Sea states is respected, international trade and commerce can flourish, and political resilience is enhanced. Getting there will require leadership, cooperation, investment, and persistence. Hard choices and a measure of boldness will be required.
C. Energy dependence
Across the Black Sea region, as in Europe, Russia has used energy dependence as both a tool and a weapon to pressure and influence its neighbors. The war has weakened that weapon substantially. . . . Overall, the war in Ukraine has spurred energy independence from Russia across the region, except for Turkey. If exploited, Black Sea energy reserves have the potential to free the region from dependence on Russia altogether, making the Black Sea a major energy hub.
VIII. Conclusion
At the present time, tough sanctions and successful Ukrainian military operations have weakened Russia and offer opportunities for a new strategic approach to the region. That approach should be grounded in providing the assistance required to achieve a Ukraine whole and free; firming up NATO’s presence in Bulgaria and Romania; providing security assistance to Black Sea states to strengthen deterrence and defense; leveraging economic sanctions to remove Russian troops from Georgia and Transnistria; and early membership in NATO, the EU, OECD, and the Three Seas Initiative for those Black Sea states now outside the transatlantic community. If international organizations are unable to proceed with timely admissions, a US-led coalition could be formed to take on many of these tasks. Introducing NATO troops into the conflict is not required or desirable, as properly equipped and supplied Ukrainian forces are capable of restoring Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity. These steps will require muscular diplomacy, strong leadership, and firm resolve. The stakes are high, and go well beyond Ukraine—not only the European security space, but also the global, international order.
I would say that 2020 has been very much a success if you stop fixating on the covid ploy which kick started the whole thing off. Indeed, the “great pandemic” meme has been almost apathetically permitted to fade in an almost contemptuous way – as if the media is saying, “Well, most don’t believe it anyway, not that we will ever admit it was a fraud and indeed we may even bring it back with exactly the same ballyhoo as the first time round. But presently we’re keeping the covid mutt in the dog pen where you’ll hear him woof a bit till he starts barking on our command!”
Meanwhile the psychological depression has been profound. From my own experience – and in the spirit of that old Joni Mitchell line about “You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone” – the old buoyancy has departed. Folk no longer have the same blasé presumption that they’ll be all right in the end. Working practices have eventually scrambled back to a sense of some of the old complacency but the backbone seems to be gone.
And a lot of the old businesses have been permanently altered e.g. the local bakery which had a large and bustling sit-in section is now a hollowed out takeaway with a huge yawning empty hall.
Previous senses of loyalty to political persuasions have been permanently damaged and indeed obliterated in some cases (certainly mine!) And – to revisit the Joni song – I am surprised to find that, in the old days, for all my sneering at how dumb some folk were, I did indeed have a faith in the general intelligence of people. That has now gone. The media has been brilliantly manipulative in isolating everyone and “retraining” them to become either more gullible or more despairing. The various groups – all artificially manufactured (The Left, The Right, The Conservatives, The Socialists, The Libertarians, The Environmentalists etc.) – have all been used to split issues every which way until no-one trusts anyone else.
And the power elite think in long term paragraphs. My own generation (which, to be sure, have proven to be more shockingly gullible than I would have thought) will all be gone in perhaps three decades – or less. And what I’ve seen of the ones rising hasn’t made me feel hopeful. Thus e.g. the asinine and utterly incoherent shibboleths of the new trans religion may well take hold in enough idiots to render a powerful disintegrative force. The cyclically projected vaccine regimes may pass into a new yearly habit. Ze bugs may very well gradually intrude more and more. And the population will decrease. In a few decades, what remains may be unrecognisable. There may very well be a new hive community of timid shuffling sexless drones dwindling away.
And perhaps the few remaining will look at the glossy relays of late 20th century pop culture with a sense of awe.
Very good read! Thank you!
I really doubt that these shots were planned to combine with other future shots. It’s just a glorified garbage shot based on failed technology that didn’t work for gene therapy. Snake oil bullshit.
Anyway, how do the “mRNA” bits get to cells if the lipids don’t break down? Consider them as forever plastics that clog everything up.
The lipids clog shit up because they don’t break down. Cell death happens, clots happen. Spike is the result of cell death not the cause!
They used this tech because it failed badly and is useful for their plans which bit them in the ass (low uptake of boosters and few are getting the new “mRNA” shots)
From 2017, 3 years BEFORE covid.”
“For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients.”
I don’t believe anyone here doesn’t understand that “they” are in it for the long game.
Their ideals have slowly been coming to fruition and 2020 was the big global test that showed them that the masses could be easily controlled. And they will continue on their well-documented path by slowly squeezing the 90% with ever increasing restrictions until the plebs (those that remain after the cull) are in the 15 minute cities, owning nothing, being happy and at the utter mercy of the State.
However, they hadn’t given proper recognition to those with eyes, ears & minds open and on the power of the internet to spread the word and make increasing numbers question the narrative.
Together, we are many, they are few and they will meet resistance. The more they tighten the screw, the more resistance they will experience.
“Freedom, like love, come from places of strength. Dictatorship, like fear, come from a place of losing control. And power is like water, the more you grasp at it, the faster you lose it.”
Is the Great Reset Failing? When Great Narratives Fall Apart
Also read this to understand the financial backdrop to the plandemic https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/
Fabio Vighi really nails it all down I think.
He should have included August 7th 2019, Death of Kari Mullis the inventor of PCR ‘must not be used for diagnosis.’
Or Oppenheimer; American theoretical physicist, called father of the atomic bomb, “must not be used against populations”.