A total eclipse of the smart
Sylvia Shawcross

We had our small respite from things as they are, languishing as we all mostly were here in the gloom of the moon as it traversed the sun. For a small few minutes we were insignificant, mere pinpricks of importance on the face of a planet in this immeasurable cosmos.
Our small worlds rendered foolish in the vastness.
We can be, if nothing else, grateful to science for understanding and predicting the eclipse and perhaps religion and folklore for its explanations because it must have been quite a ruckus for primitive tribes once upon a time. The not understanding drives us humans to understanding and explanation. Some of us. We don’t want the unpredictable.
We want to know why something is the way it is. It is in our nature. It is why, now presumably understanding the movement of celestial things, we can rest watching an eclipse with the quietened birds and the colours drifting to dark, saturated. Watching as it gradually returns to normal and not be afraid.
As if normal existed now.
It is a distance too far to bridge almost now… the path to normal. We are watching a changing world. To see it from both sides right now is an experience. The far left is convinced that the far right are totalitarianisms and the far right is utterly convinced that the far left are. It boggles the mind some days. How can both be true? But they can be. It is perhaps in this that we can find the long sought end to divisiveness among us all: Totalitarianism is totalitarianism. Both sides can agree. It is what it is, no matter what it is labelled.
Totalitarianism shifts its shadow over the light of all we humans have fought for throughout history: the right to freedom of a society and the individual and peace and the pursuit, albeit difficult sometimes, of happiness. But then there are those who live in a mechanized world where there is a black and white answer to everything and all things need to be controlled so that a prescribed outcome will happen.
Predictability is all they want and they can only achieve it through a kind of worship of power and a kind of blind obedience to a vision of a utopian future. For these groups, there are no greys nor discussion nor other options.
So many of the things the new ideologues want could never be achieved in a free democratic world and so that has to change. They can do it from the left or they can do it from the right but it is almost inevitable the way things are going. And when these things happen, people change. People change. Sometimes, most times, not for the better. The shadows drift at the edge of lives down through the generations. The broken hope. The famished trust. The bewildered pain. The misplaced anger. The children of the world’s history of atrocities will never feel safety again.
How many generations it will take to replace the fear is anybody’s guess. We still see 2,000 year old fear as if it were yesterday in the world today. It rages on the streets and fuels wars and shatters hope. We have not lived long enough perhaps. I do not know.
There are those who would suggest that we are not suffering here in the western worlds as others have and do. We, in our privilege are just whining at sacrifice. We do not walk 10 miles for water or starve or live with bombs and terror. Well, not yet anyway to any extent. We live instead more so, a kind of awful pain—the loss of innocence. The loss of naïveté. And with it the great burden of the loss of strivings of generations of humans who wanted what we almost achieved for the most part: freedom, democracy, respect, safety, privacy, trust. For any one in any country in all the world, it is all we would want. All we would strive for. Never perfect but moving ever forward.
It is a tremendous loss for us all. For those who sought to escape to what we were building and to those who experienced it. It is quite profound. It was our evolving legacy to the world. But losing it we are. We, the commoners. Not the leaders and their actions. For the ideologues know what they want—their benevolent utopia. And the people who are going against it are not whining about hardships as much as they are grieving what they held dear. For the hope of the world.
We, the people did not wage the wars nor exploit the poor nor ignore the inequities. We were simply living our lives with goodwill for the most part. We did not understand how betrayed we would be and have been. That was our naïveté. But perhaps, knowing that totalitarianism is something we could all experience (beyond the orchestrators who live so far above the fray) we could know how to respond differently this time. Maybe. We live in hope and try not to die in despair. And if we need a place to begin we need to recognize it.
I do not know what your leaders are saying but here in Canada I will quote our Prime Minister in an interview in Calgary this April in response to, among other things, the crippling 23% carbon tax:
There are so many exciting opportunities for people who are thinking about the future and I think the federal government’s role is to encourage people and incentivize people to think about the future and yes, make it more expensive for people who ‘don’t’ want to think about the future and ‘don’t’ want to prepare for the future.”
The future. His future. The globalist’s utopian future. If you don’t agree to the future we’ve visualized for you, you will suffer. This would NOT be an example of a leader of a democracy. Period. Sweeping democracy out from under us all is hardly the way to sell utopia. As much as you may disagree, it is hard for me to write critical pieces about people, but really, it is becoming very difficult to be quiet. Trudeau et al, you are selling us 15 minute cities, a technological hell world without privacy or freedom and expecting us to want to save the world. If it is a world we don’t want to live in, why would we? If the world is coming to an end, you’re all going to have to come up with something better than that.
Let’s start by stopping the support of wars shall we?
Oh here’s an earworm. It has the word eclipse in it:
The leaders are really convinced they’re doing the right thing…. They are hypnotized by their own voice, own ideology; so convinced that what they’re doing is bringing in utopia…. but it is dangerous because it lacks humility. They think they can control everything to a predicted outcome which is absurd in complex systems. They are willing to sacrifice 50% if not 100% of humans to make their ideological system real and that is the absurdness of this kind of thinking.”
Mattias Desmet (who advocates non-violent resistance)
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There’s a feeling I get
When I look to the WEF
‘Cause they say now more
Bugs should be eaten.
There’s a sign on the wall
‘Cause want to be sure
That they don’t feed
The unvaxxed heathen.
“On a different topic: I haven’t seen any wise and accurate posts from ‘Wardropper’, living supposedly in Iceland, for quite some time. I miss them… Is there any news about him? I know he had his years…”
You need to face up to a stark choice: do you want rid of Trudeau or are you prepared to have democracy expunged by a fake ‘democratic election’ rubberstamping the murdering fascist in power?
Trudeau, as a prime executive of the Covid19 genocide, is indubitably a coconspirator in mass murder.
He is the Chief Executive of the delegitimisation of protest, particularly against Canadian Truckers, who did nothing but express their fervently held views peacefully.
He is not a fit and proper man to be a public representative in any country espousing freedom and you in Canada need to face up to that without pity, without indecision and without compromise.
Make up your mind whether it is Trudeau or you.
If you decide to sacrifice yourselves to spare Trudeau, in the vain hope that it will awaken consciences of those that follow you, that is your right in a democracy.
I don’t see any evidence of Christ sacrificing himself on a cross bring peace to subsequent generations, though. That’s 2000 years of evidence.
If you don’t think you have another choice, that again is a manifestation of your moral values.
Whatever you do, stay true to your own morals, but don’t complain if the world does not turn out as you had hoped by sticking to them…..either change your morals or accept your fate.
So what is democracy? Do you know what it means, what’s the big idea? Do you know what kind of power you are willing to put yourself and everyone else under? At least have the decency to know what words and ideas mean.
Here are some things for you to consider. If you have the courage. If you are not afraid of the no-government.
It’s high time thinking people got over this idea of democracy being the fairest or the best system. It’s not.
There is no actual need for government. An administration of sorts, to administer a few essentials. But not to govern.
That will only change when people grow up and stop wanting an ‘authority’ to run their lives, protect and provide for them.
Yes, exactly. There is no need for government, any of those -cracies, but just administration.
As explained in this short video:
Yes. Governments are worse than redundant they are a slavery mechanism and privately owned. Most people probably don’t want government, but are conditioned to believe through school indoctrination and 24/7 fake news cycle that it’s normal, natural and there’s no alternative. Fake “Entertainment” (mind control tools) and fake news provides endless dystopian fear narratives so the public perpetually live in an artificial state of fear and anxiety – “strategy of tension”.
In reality, governments are a human slavery system run by a cult of psychopaths who reward millions of clueless order following members to pen nonsense narratives like the one ATL.
Truer words….
Prosaic kitsch.
Oh well Mr. Koch, in a world where you can be anything, perhaps a small measure of kindness is in order. In this horrific situation of a world we’re in. I wish you well with your fault-finding. It is such a difficult thing to master in two words.
Democracy is still the best option of all the possible terrible options out there imho. But it is not stagnant. It involves tweaking and learning what not to do. Proportional representation, no more lobbying bullshit money stuff, people elected must prove themselves competent in the world at something and moral if that exists anymore. And collaborative rather than potshot nasty us against them. Somewhere a new democracy sticks its hand up at the back of the class.
Now this is the best argument against democracy you can think of.
If democracy is not stagnant it implicitly means that 50% plus one is a disputable majority. Democracy can only exist if it’s a fixed concept. How else are you going to change the rules in a democracy, by authoritarianism?
Democracy and morality are oxymorons, because any one-size-fits-most governance discards individual rights, moralities and ethics. Morality is in the eye of the beholder. It’s been said millions of times before; democracy is dictatorship by the majority, spray painted with a very thin film of moral superiority.
The argument that “it sucks but there is nothing better out there” is also void. There is something better: Anarchism in the strict sense of the word, where anyone’s freedom ends where another’s freedom begins.
Ah… I see, the anarchists are afoot. To each his/her/zem/zer own.
You can’t transfer rights you don’t have to government. Learn basic principles of natural law and logic before disseminating state-church lies.
No leaders, or at least, no required ones, yes, but I think voluntarism/voluntaryism is a much better and more accurate and refined term than anarchism as a reference now.
It avoids all the associations to Bakunin, Goldman, et al, the famous anarchists, who were ultimately part of a collectivist movement, having no regard for personal property, a concept not compatible with individual liberty, self-ownership.
”people elected must prove themselves competent in the world”
They proved themselves alright. All democratic states in the world with their elected democratic representatives voted for war on humanity because of flu.
In my democratic state, meaning where I have to live, the decision to declare war and use the emergency legislation to justify it was unanimous. All members of the parliament, all political parties agreed: let’s kill and oppress people and say it’s to save them.
How was that in your democratic Canada?
But you still think democracy is a good thing. But reality matters, you know. Have you considered observing the actual deeds of democracy? In ancient Athens, Socrates had to die because the majority said so. In modern democracies, exactly the same thing. So when we think about life and death, democracy is on the side of death.
If you give power to anyone over yourself and your life, or over society, all people, you’re just his slave or all people are his slaves.
Giving power to another person, or a group of people, means slavery. And slavery, as Pierre-Joseph Proudhon said, is murder.
All those democratic states have proven what they are. They showed their true nature.
And there’s nothing good in it.
Covid-19 was a wake-up call. When will you start to wake up?
After reading your thoughts and observation the past couple of years, I’m really surprised to read this comment.
What we can all certainly know by this time, if willing to accept the starkly obvious, is that any and all centralized institutional power is and always would be captured by those with the means to do so. This is a repeating and redundant fact over all of human history. Since we cannot individually opt-out of our association with that power, there’s no way to prevent that (opting out, withdrawing is, I’m guessing, the only way such power could be neutered) or prevent its inevitable total corruption, however it starts out. That will happen, and always happens. We know this.
There is verifiably no “tweaking” possible, or any way to require elected officials or unelected bureaucrats to act on what we’ve learned “not to do,” or ever hold anyone accountable. There are no mechanisms available to the governed that makes any of that possible. The freedoms we have historically had in ‘the West’ are Machiavellian ones: it’s just been much less trouble to allow certain freedoms in general than to attempt to monitor and oversee everything (changing now) or round everyone up, and people were needed for societal tasks, anyway, for labor, at least, so best leave them to their own devices for the most part (also changing now). But we know at this point that there is no insisting on our rights, no way to demand they be respected, for any one of us to enforce the freedom protections supposedly offered by any constitutional documents we think we live under.
Neither voting occasionally, nor writing to one’s ‘representatives’, lawsuits, petitioning, protests, et al, none of that has any effect on the basic policies and actions of governments enforcing the will and agenda of the ownership class, which we surely by now know exists, and in which all government officials either do the bidding of, or are marginalized, ruined or killed should they resist such capture.
The ‘democracy is the best of a bad lot argument’ needs to be completely abandoned, along with all lesser of two evils rationales. The simple, and currently absent, feature in human relations of disassociating with states, official corruption and unacceptable people and outcomes needs to be fully incorporated as normal in human society, because it’s reasonable and moral that it should be.
Some administration, as written elsewhere in these comments, is probably unavoidable, but ‘government’ and people’s mandatory association with it, is a completely failed concept.
Each one of us is as significant as God Sylvia.
When we are born our bodies are all we know, until we slowly ‘create/ perceive’ the world through our six senses.
And then, when we die, the world disappears from our senses (as far as we know) as if it never existed.
Everything else is speculation and/or projection of our minds.
Yes, each of us is as significant as can be. Human be-ings.
I hope the world disappears from our senses… can you imagine if it didn’t? Thank you dear Johnny
Wonderful song. Thank you. In the fake simulation they can do nothing new. Its all been done already, they are just slowly and methodically walking us through it. But since we don’t age. because nothing changes, because we have not time in our existence, we can disrupt all their plans with our non-participation, evading the march to destruction.One must identify from within first and foremost. The spirit within connects and touches all of us. We are related through spirit not blood. It dismisses gender, race ,religion and all other separations from each other. For together we form the human spirit the most powerful force on earth…the force of love and non-violence. When you shine your light of knowing onto their dark faces they will freeze in their time… for without us they do not exist.
Well said.
I escaped Canada two years ago, and don’t regret it. I could see what was coming, just as I could see it in California or New York. But I was born and raised in Florida so I went home. From what I could tell they were still free down there, and that was enough for me. Yes, the fight goes on. The extremists/ the ideologues will lose eventually. I might not live long enough to see it, but it will come. God bless you all. Love!
It confirms again the root of the tumor is the City of London, the British Empire.
London never forgave America the “All men are born free” in 1770 and today America is infiltrated in the top with British Agents and Rothschild’s influence, but the roots from 1770 still shines through here and there as you here confirm.
They’re working hard at creating artificial eclipses. Perhaps this latest one in the US was such an artificial one already?
(From Nov 2011)
In this paper we inform about the partial solar eclipse we created artificially. It aims at inviting those who are interested in the study of solar eclipses to set up their own laboratory to artificially create and study solar eclipses at any time of the day and at any convenient spot on the earth.
They just can’t leave anything alone, must interfere with all that’s good and natural.
Patent profits are driving the world to ruin.
The Future is the Present as a memory of the Past.
That is profound. Can i quote you?
You may.
Total Eclipse of the sun with the moon? What moon?
Petty childness
Good article title and by corollary, good choice of ‘earworm’.
Perusing recent news would seem to reveal a significant ramping up of the ‘Israel vs Iran’ rhetoric.
From the everything pre-planned by nefarious elites perspective, I would guess that this is just your bog-standard typical prelude to the ‘something more’? That proverbial propaganda that typically precedes the proverbially proverbial Storm? Or maybe just a bog-standard boosting of military budgets?? Who knows.
Anyways, our great friend Grandfather Time of course always ultimately reveals all truths; often putting play to overly-paranoid thoughts or overly optimistic ones. So we need not fret overmuch, even if we haven’t grasped everything along the way.
Though, to be somewhat critical of Time’s Time-tested methods, He can often be somewhat delayed in His Revelations of the true course of events. And hence prey to ‘those’ who would say that ‘they’ always intended it to happen the way it did (though maybe it didn’t actually happen the way they describe anyway).
Nevertheless, forewarned is, as always, forearmed and where the true (or not) prophet comes into the equation:
Iran and Israel ‘closer to war than ever’ as US predicts missile blitz in hours
“SOMETHING MORE” being the sacrifice of the RED HEIFER on the 18th April, followed by the trumpets heralding the collapse of the Al Aqsa Mosque that the ZIONISTS have been undermining for over two years, which will herald in ARMAGEDON.
I am hoping and praying it all backfires on the RATS.
The solution first requires abandoning the left/right, Republican/Democrat, Conservative/Liberal paradigm and calling a spade a spade – evil is simply evil. If human life is threatened, if personal sovereignty and inalienable rights and choice are violated, it is simply evil. Evil does not care what you call yourself, evil is simply evil.
Wow – Syl – You are back, I just love reading what your write from the frozen depths of Canada. It;s been raining a lot here, but is nice and warm today, so I have put my new germinated seeds from the heated tomato propagator in the sunshine (still inside our home) and we did have the central heating come on, before our cuddle – cos its still not very warm at night.
I am feeling very much better, and can’t stop laughing at the Daily Telegraph and UK Tory attacks on the Deputy Leader of UK Labour Party
She’s from Stockport as were my two brothers and two sisters. I come from Oldham.
Most Tories go to Boarding Schools, and haven’t seen a Girl open her Legs, which she apparently did in the House of Commons when bored during a speech about incels.
Totally Normal for Lancashire Girls, maybe not so much in Cheshire – which is Posher…Despite the bollocks I am sure they all love her in Westminster just playing Party Games.
Has any of them mentioned Mass Genocide – ongoing???
I did once cycle to the house of commons, but they wouldn’t let me in.
I am not a huge fan of Mr. Hellfire Club Benjamin Franklin. But he is reputed to have uttered a one-liner that has always resonated with me, namely, “Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting as to what’s for dinner.”
The vast majority of present-day dissidents, if the whiners about how things ain’t what they used to be can be called that, but even those who dissent genuinely, are making a fundamental error.
While they’re correct in opposing the powers that be, the elites, all sorts of slimy parasites in regard to their malevolent intent, their efforts to fuck over the rest, they’re wrong in rejecting the fundamental underlying physical reality that is at the root of the turmoil, or transition, that is currently taking place.
The end of the fossil fuel age has started. That means that the juice that has driven the industrial era and facilitated today’s luxurious life will sooner or later run out, not be there. An effort is under way to replace fossil fuels with other sources of energy. How successful it will be remains to be seen. Calculations show that materials available on Earth and the time needed to extract and process them to make the transition to electricity possible, if it’s physically feasible in the first place, are simply insufficient. The plan we have now will not work.
That is a predicament that concerns every motherfucker out there, whether one of we the people or a member of the elitist cabal. It’s essentially a biological issue that is only laterally related to socioeconomic stuff or politics.
So, the freedom fighters are making two mistakes. First, they ignore the physical reality of the world – they reject it because the powers that be invoke it (sure, they often cook the numbers and pull all sorts of shit, but the reality is that there is a physical problem). Second, they fight all sorts of red herrings and strawmen, such as climate change, virus, inconsequential issues.
What people who mean well need to do, first and foremost, is figure out how to transition from fossil fuels, toward what that transition should be. Secondarily, they need to keep opposing motherfuckers who want to hijack the current inflection point for their benefit.
The sort of whining featured in this text is totally useless. Stop pitying yourself. Stop whimpering that they’re after you. Opposing the great fucking reset or whatever they’re trying to put in place is useless unless you have something better to offer. Within the meaning of the aforestated, that is.
Check out Nate Hagens. He is a pretty sensible fella.
Sorry to interrupt your non-whining whine (much more splendidly manful than us effete nostalgic whiners!) but I query this:
“The end of the fossil fuel age has started. … Calculations show that materials available on Earth and the time needed to extract and process them to make the transition to electricity possible….”
“Steam turbines are used to generate most of the world’s electricity, and they accounted for about 42% of U.S. electricity generation in 2022. Most steam turbines have a boiler where fuel is burned to produce hot water and steam in a heat exchanger, and the steam powers a turbine that drives a generator.”
Burning fuel to produce fuel? Bit of a Catch 22 there!
Airhead, electricity is basically produced in three ways – 1) moving a coil through magnetic field (dynamo/alternator) – alternate current, 2) chemical reaction (battery) – direct current, 3) friction (static electricity).
To make the fucking alternator spin, you need some source of energy, such as the steam turbine your dumb uneducated self is referring to. This is rudimentary physics. What the fuck did you do in school, FFS? You were reading the fucking papers, weren’t you, you fucking snake! Your ignorance is mind-boggling.
Why do we transform heat into electricity? Via steam? Because electricity is a highly convenient form of energy, especially for stationary purposes, not so much for vehicles (it’s fucking difficult to store).
Oh, there is also photovoltaic generation …
You really are something shitelse.
He’s a fossil fuel legend in his own mind.
What is your knowledge of physics, electricity, energy, eh? How far did you get in school? What sort of education do you people have?
I wonder!
Sandhurst, like you dear boy.
I got a CSE in it shit for manure brain shithead.
You probably missed the class when the teacher was explaining the word “redundant”. As in the nature of your statements … errr, scratch that … desperate shrieks, and quite likely your entire existence. The other alternative is that whatever the teacher said went right over your fucking head. Quite possible too!
Oh dear, the 77th trolls are out in force, calling names, and obfuscating the point
I know, and can do, every trade.
A Jack of all trades and master of some.
Did you miss my cold fusion moron
“He’s had one too many Boosters ?”…(anon)…
“The BS is strong in that one !”…(Luke’s Dad)…
“Airhead, electricity is basically produced in three ways –
1) moving a coil through magnetic field (dynamo/alternator) – alternate current,”
You need energy input to move the coil.
“2) chemical reaction (battery) – direct current,”
Batteries need to be charged i.e. you don’t get electricity out unless you can put electricity in.
“3) friction (static electricity).”
Rubbing! How do you create the rub? You need to input energy.
“To make the fucking alternator spin, you need some source of energy, such as the steam turbine your dumb uneducated self is referring to.”
As I was saying, you need fuel to power the turbine.
“Oh, there is also photovoltaic generation …”
Disadvantages of solar (photovoltaic) energy: Cost, weather-dependent, uses lots of space and storage is expensive. Also associated with pollution.
Not to worry though. You have inadvertently provided a solution. We can power the entire world’s energy through your very own inexhaustible supply of furious infantile rage. Just wire an absorbent material up to your mouth and you can let fly with the “fuckin’ fuckin’ fuckin’” from now till the end of time.
The world’s fuel problem solved!
You’ve just discovered that energy can’t be drawn out of thin air, or your asshole. Bravo!
What exactly is your point?
I have made that discovery but you clearly haven’t.
You, like others, might wanna give a shot to defining your pitiful existence in a way other than picking an enemy, whether real or conjured up by your nanoscopic brain, and pissing your toxic piss in his direction.
Anyways, realizing that energy comes from somewhere is a good start. You can now proceed to examining where energy comes from, how it’s stored and transformed, how much of it there is stored here on Earth, how much is available in real time, shit like that. Then you can compare that with how much energy is consumed and see about the ratio of use vs. availability.
If you’re not as dumb as you come across, or possibly with the help of somebody who is not as dumb as you are, you’ll discover that most energy humans use comes from the Sun, specifically from solar energy which has been accumulated over very long periods and which we’re now burning like there was no fucking tomorrow.
Pretty soon you’ll be thinking what you refer to as malthusian thoughts.
Unless, of course, cognitive dissonance or utter imbecility prevents you from undergoing the above process and thus unstupidifying yourself.
Give it a shot!
Apparently I am the one “picking an enemy”? From the moment you appeared on OffG, you have been ferociously blasting away in the most deliberately offensive terms at everyone who posts here.
Speaking of which, every one of your diatribes consists of about 90% juvenile invective which is handy since it means that your voluminous entries can be mostly filtered out.
The constant blathering about “alternative sources of energy” always turns out to be a con since these sources require that much abhorred fossil fuel to plug into. As for this solar energy lark – it limits us to depend on the weather. And speaking as a Scot, we have about as much daily sunlight up here to power an electric razor for five minutes.
But your true thoughts – and purpose – come out here:
“Pretty soon you’ll be thinking what you refer to as malthusian thoughts.”
Which are the only thoughts you ever have, Soccy. Or should I call you Bill? Or Klaus? Or Yuval?
You’re finally getting to the root of the problem.
The solar energy we are able to capture in real time is inadequate. Mind you, real-time solar energy is not only sunshine, but also wind and hydro (the latter is combined with gravity). As you (rather surprisingly) correctly mention, were solar energy be a thing, the intermittent and unpredictable nature of weather would require a large buffer, i.e. energy storage for period when the fucking Sun is not fucking shining or the fucking wind is not fucking blowing. There exists no technology capable of providing such a buffer. Check Simon Michaux’s calculations – very informative, might enlighten even your obdurately thick mind.
Bottom line – there is no way the present makup of the civilization can be maintained without fossil fuels or the discover of some magic fountain of energy (nothing is in sight). The only solution is slow down and downsize.
As repulsive as Bill, Klaus, and especially the fucking squealing Yuval are, there is some truth to what they say. Plus, a lot of people subscribe to a lot of what they say, and you might wanna take notice.
I gather that by mentioning your Scottish origin, you want to differentiate yourself from the inbred degenerate English crowd, which is I kinda appreciate.
You do know we have entered the biblical end times, and what that means?
It means one option is there are no answers for the problems of the human race, and as you approach the worst case scenario, it becomes survival of the fittest.
So rather than talk a good tangle about utter bullshit, what are you doing to prepare for the end, can you show us some of those accomplishments on your resume in between all the stinking lines.
FYI, unlike yours, my head wasn’t fucked up early on by the introduction of a prism through which you perceive reality in the form of stories from some book (that would be the Bible of yours), so kindly don’t bore me with these occultist references to biblical end times. Save this bullshit for other members of your sect.
There is only one way how you can prepare for whatever is coming, and that applies AT ALL TIMES. You gotta be ready to adapt, to let go of the past, embrace whatever comes, make do as best as you can.
Other than that, I don’t have any more free advice to give you. Gotta come up with something yourself.
I got plenty, dont need to come up with nothing to offer and then be exploited by the likes of you.
The Earth was made from the Sun, and we were made from the Earth.
My response is pending …. and I have just discovered that I can’t even edit a pending comment!
“That’s Progress !”…(anon)…
Good heavens Sociolog. don’t you think if I had the answer I’d be screaming it from the rooftops? There are many people screaming from rooftops right now but the trick is to figure out which ones are drunk, insane, or genius. Some even think they’re singing but they sound like a rhinoceros in heat. And right now I, as a common human being, do not see any genius. It is perhaps no argument that fossil fuels have to go, (although I’m not sure why Canada e.g. is bulking up its military to protect the Arctic if not for fossil fuel finds there,) but I will argue the pace of change to get to where we are going is not necessary and brutal and may not serve the interests, does not serve the interests of the vast majority of us. And where is the discussion on nuclear or have we had that already? Why hasn’t Elon created a nuclear power plant that circles the earth and is not prone to earthquakes or missiles? Or runs on something that isn’t a finite resource? Solar panels ain’t it. Thank you for your considered opinion. Now am I wrong in suggesting you aren’t proffering a solution either? Perhaps I’m wrong. I’ve not read everything yet. And also, it’s my party and I’ll whine if i want to.
Being a genius is not what matters most. What matters is being impervious to things like cognitive dissonance, having the ability to face reality, be inclined to call a spade a spade.
Even if nuclear power had the ability to replace fossil fuels, which it doesn’t, because nuclear power primarily produces heat and secondarily electricity, while fossil fuels are also used to produce fertilizer (hugely important to feed humankind) and all sorts of other things, such as plastic, there is no way enough nuclear plants, at least not of the conventional kind (there are some new technologies possibly coming online in the near future), could be built in time to make any difference. Thousands of these fucking things would have to be built, and that’s simply impossible.
Anyway, the solution is simple. But it’s one nobody wants to hear.
Gotta slow down and downsize. Gotta stop burning, stop consuming, stop growing, stop fucking with our natural habitat, which happens to be Earth – Mother Nature. People gotta let go of the mad consumerist behavior of the past century, the last several decades in particular.
Canada is doing the right thing in preserving its fossil deposits and not extracting them at the same time, despite the fact that people are calling for the opposite – like the ‘drill, baby, drill’ idiots. Whatever fossil deposits there are should be preserved for future use. It’s a precious resource that shouldn’t be wasted on hauling some motherfucker’s ass from Point A to Point B just for the fuck of it.
I’m not a fan of Turd-o – you could say that there is something wrong with anybody who doesn’t feel like punching this arrogant silver-spoon-up-his-ass motherfucker in the face – but he’s pretty much right in the above-referenced quote. If it was me, I would word the message differently, something like: “Look all you motherfuckers out there, we’re in deep shit. The industrial era is starting to come apart at the seams and unravel. The chances are high that we’ll soon run out of juice and then we’re up the creek. Gotta stop this consumerist shit now and think about the future for the sake of our kids and their survival.” I’d hit people in the face with the facts, as opposed to pulling the wool over their eyes with shit like climate change and so on. But at least he’s doing something. You, I’m afraid, are in denial. Or perhaps you’re completely ignorant of the underlying physical realities. J’ai aucune idee.
“I’m not a fan of Turd-o – you could say that there is something wrong with anybody who doesn’t feel like punching this arrogant silver-spoon-up-his-ass motherfucker in the face – but he’s pretty much right in the above-referenced quote.”
Yes I see a pattern here.
If you actually agree with Trudeau – and Schwab and Harari and Gates – then just say it and drop the tedious distraction with ranting about how fuckin’ fuckin’ fuckin’ fucked up they are? You clearly have more admiration for them than for the fuckin’ fuckin’ worthless nullities posting here.
I do agree to some extent with some of what they say.
That being said, I do understand that a total idiot of your ilk would reject everything said by a person whom such a total idiot like you would classify as an enemy. You easily manipulated cretins form a camp of like-minded idiots and then accept and reject everything in line what your whisperer orders you.
Harari is one fucked up dude, but his projections of the future are a very distinct possibility. I might not like it, but I would be the same idiot as you if I rejected it out of hand without consideration.
Stop further fucking up your head by reading the fucking Guardian, George, read Sun Tzu instead.
Extrapolating from the fuckin’ fuckin’ fuckin’, what you just said comes down to this:
“Harari(‘s) …..projections of the future are a very distinct possibility.”
So you’re with Harari.
George, are you really as obdurately endlessly fucking stupid as you appear to be or are you fucking with people?
No need to prevaricate further Soccy. I read you loud and clear.
The question was whether you really are that stupid or whether you’re faking it. If the latter is the case, quite successfully, I must say.
Question: what do you do in regard to the following.
Klaus, Kill, and Yuval all take a shit, probably on a quotidien basis, and they all take a leak, roughly every hour or so. How do you deal with this predicament, namely how do you refrain from acting so as not to align yourself with all three of them malicious assholes? Do you not shit and piss at all? Do you piss and shit in your pants, to differentiate yourself from them, as they presumably use a toilet?
Likewise, it’s safe to assume that Just un Trou d’eau would oppose jumping out of a window and he would strongly advocate not doing it. What’s your take on that? Are you gonna hurl your useless body out? If not, you sure must be Turd-o devotee, you example par excellence of crystalline pure imbecilism.
You do emit the stench of the private side of the military, top of the denial heap and refuses to listen to reason.
Jeez you can certainly spin out the non-sequiturs.
Trudeau shits and pisses.
I shit and piss.
Therefore Trudeau is right about fossil fuel?
Trudeau wouldn’t jump out a window
I wouldn’t jump out a window.
Therefore Trudeau is right about fossil fuel?
Trudeau is to some extent right about fossil fuels, yes.
Certainly more than you. You’re so much in denial that you can’t formulate coherent thought, even though you probably wouldn’t be able to even if you weren’t in denial.
Your level of obdurate stupidity and close mindedness is beyond belief. Ditto the other idiots.
Your invective – which is all you have left – is so drearily cliche ridden that I suspect it’s software generated.
If you care to reread your drivel, not once you were actually able to say anything about the subject matter at issue. You did dig up a few bits about electricity but your education is obviously so lacking that you essentially understand just about zero in that regard.
You’re only obsessed with ‘proving’ that Sociolog is a Turd-o’s stooge, one of THEM who are after you poor little thing. Your useless as a third tit, man.
The “subject matter at issue” is cast in the same way as previous “subject matters at issue” i.e. the “great catastrophe”(covid, climate, diminishing fuel) or “great metamorphosis” (the transgender gaslighting). The media shovels out its requisite theme (the problem) to generate panic (reaction) to gain assent for a plan already made (solution). Once you accept the terms of the “problem”, you are trapped.
Which is where you come in Soccy. You are transparent. You start by issuing blustering invective at Gates et al. (though a little too stridently. A sensitive nose can already pick up that something is wrong. We don’t need to be told in effusive (and uninspired) vitriol that Gates et al are psychopaths .We already know.) But you do this to gain our confidence.
At the same time, you indicate – none too subtly and with an almost charming lack of self-awareness – that we ourselves are “whiners” thus insinuating that we are wrong and must be put right.
Then comes the trickiest manoeuvre: you unveil your “correction” with an understandable unease. With much prevarication and continual emphasis on how utterly evil Gates et al are, you hint that perhaps…. just perhaps…. Gates et al are not entirely wrong.
Thus your “solution” (to this questionable problem) turns out to be their solution.
And this solution – about massive downsizing – is one that (surprise surprise) means certain death for millions – particularly in the poor countries who will be denied the kind of basic technology taken for granted here. Though here too will be impacted with a massive “die-off”. Not that that bothers you because (once again: surprise surprise) you have exactly the same salivating Malthusian sadism as Gates et al.
So I suggest that in future posts you skip the increasingly tedious invective – which fools no-one – and just come out and say it: “Gates et al are right! You’re all going to die! And Gates and I will be watching you starve to death with an ecstatic smile!”
Whatever, you’re a lost case. For a while I thought that I could get through the thickness of your dumbness, but alas, no cigar. I was wrong. Your stupidity is impenetrable.
Sociopath’s promoting the Jesuit script – Art of War (SUN Tzu, fictional general) which reveals the exact methods used on humankind throughout the ages by the Vatican-Jesuits (originally Babylonian and Ptolemaic cults) to induce worldwide slavery using religions, laws, money, and legal fiction nation states (corporations), seemingly at war but centrally controlled and owned.
Despite your hallucinatory paranoia, wars are a real thing, your ignorance notwithstanding.
You don’t know absolute nothing about slavery, you infinitely spoiled brat.
Your whining is sickening.
an interesting exchange here.
sociofukfukfucker needs to stop being an arse, and seems to fail to comprehend hydro is a dynamo system – no fossil fuels required. so, Socio, wynd your abusive neck in.
But Socfuk is otherwise correct. Too many people who think the are oh so clever, seem to think we can ruin this world just as long as they have their convenience. Utterly fucked up, poorly informed SHITE.
And they cannot accept this reality being pointed out – triggers their precious precosiousness.
So, you all look foolish on this wee comment.
WTFU, consumerism is evil, pollution is real, biodiversity fucked upness is really happening and resources ARE finite and if you think otherwise . . .
Sociopath doesn’t know anything about anything. There are eight ways to generate electricity: 1. Fuel combustion 2. Friction 3.Pressure. 4. Photoelectric conversion 5. Direct kinetic energy conversion 6. Electrochemical reaction. 7. Direct heat capture and 8. Heat harvesting.
And electricity CAN literally be made out of thin air because our entire world including us is electricity based, so energy is not the issue. We do not have an energy problem we have a freedom problem being ruled by psychopaths who go out of their way to commodify all of nature, pollute, destroy and decimate.
Energy consumption is controlled by governments, not industry or individuals.
And since all governments are privately owned and centrally controlled, and the energy industries are arms length corporations of the same cartel, one cartel are making all the decisions on energy rights and consumption on behalf of all of humanity when they have no right whatsoever. They don’t have a right to control anyone or anything. The supranational orgs like the UN and governments should not even exist.
So the real problem is one of slavery and the poisoning, culling and illegal taxing of humanity by a very small cult of psychopaths, of whom Sociopath *IS* a member. Once we figure out the slavery issue we can get back to the trivia of how we live our lives, in terms of individual responsibility, and what needs to be unilaterally de-commodified, including humans, industry and nature.
Fuel combustion, idiot, doesn’t generate electricity. Take some fucking Physics for Kindergarten. Combustion generates heat, the heat is used to heat up a medium (water => steam), the steam drives a turbine, thus converting the heat into rotary motion, which allows fucking coils to be moved through fucking magnetic field and generate fucking electricity through fucking induction.
The fact that there is electricity all around us, doesn’t mean that there is any surplus fucking electricity that could be used, for example, to charge your electric car and haul you ass around.
But you can always try to screw a light bulb into our asshole and see if you can illuminate it. Who knows, maybe you’re fucking right after all!
Your sheer ignorance of basic sciences is truly mind-boggling, but solace to you might be the fact that others are about as uninformed as your paranoid self.
I guess with the exception of rubberfuck hereinabove; he seems to know what the fuck he’s talking about.
Yes. Here’s something to think about:
Hydro, rubberfuck, is a solar/gravity system. The water cycle, which is what drives hydro, is driven by solar energy which makes fucking water evaporate, form fucking clouds, generate fucking winds through differences in temperatures that transport water in clouds around, until the fucking water finally comes fucking down in the form of rain, snow, or fucking hail, and eventually flows into fucking rivers on which dams are built to create water pressure that drives the fucking turbines that turn the fucking generators, thus producing fucking electricity.
Fossil fuels are essential in building fucking hydro facilities, but none are required in electricity generation itself. You got that right.
Hydro is relatively clean and ecological energy, but available in limited quantities, subject to suitable fucking geological formations. A lot of the ones that are suitable have probably already been used for this fucking purpose. Also, hydro entails flooding large areas, which translates into some problems.
Other that that, rubberfuck, I mostly agree
You are invoking LCA or whatever they call it now, which i excluded in terms of hydro.
Fair enough, but that’s a massive can of worms for the happy capitalist – can you imagine people actually applied that to every aspect of their consumer lives instead of virtue signalling e.g. about poor congolese kids as they tap away?? ffs, get me outa here.
nonetheless, stop your fucking fuck cuntish behaviour – OG has never been remotely correct about the environment+ perspective, but bashing eejits’ faces against the bole doesn’t work, unfortunately.
try and be a bit more polite. Mir.
Your problem is with the military, there is the waste that could have been saved for a better use, stop preaching and go kill a few military commanders, you’ll feel a lot better and should then stop badgering us with your ideology.
Let me tell you something, you pesky motherfucker. I will assume (disregard the following if I’m wrong) that you’re either American or British, a member of the two most aggressive nations in recent history whose armies have wreaked havoc all around the world, bombed the shit out of innocent people who simply didn’t want to be subjugated and have their resources stolen. Your armies did so at the order of politicians you have elected. And you have profited enormously from the spoils pillaged from those you have attacked and kept enslaved. You have had centuries of luxurious life thanks to that. So shut the fuck up already. If there’s anybody to blame, it’s you yourself.
My ideology? I don’t have one. Apart from calling a spade a spade.
Another thoughtful piece by a clearly enlightened soul, Ms. Shawlcross. I suspect you’re a very nice woman that I would probably like to live in voluntary community with, but probably too nice in your framing.
Regarding Desmet’s quote, there’s a mildness to the descriptions that is very common in professional commenting and analysis, and completely unwarranted, especially at this point, unnecessarily high-minded and benefit of the doubt giving.
There’s no reason to give the benefit of the doubt in suggesting that ‘leaders’ are convinced they’re doing the right thing, or that Trudeau’s aim is bringing about Utopia, and just being naive about how things will turn out (absurdly). Maybe, and more likely, he loves power and being a part of the group that’s dictating terms now.
He’s obviously a blatant scumbag, with as false an aspect, demeanor as I’ve EVER seen on a public figure. Clearly a liar, he reeks ill-will, and is probably a textbook example of a functional psychopath, the same for Klaus Schwab, and many do not agree to be governed by him or those like him, so there is no broad consent of the governed (if that matters in Canada).
Further, ‘democracy’ is not a verifiable path to freedom. This has to be admitted now. Democracy can easily lead to totalitarianism. It’s just a system to be captured by those who can, and always will, and, most people want to be told what to do, AND to boss other people around via ‘the group’, are both slavish and despotic in nature at same time, prizing individual liberty, personal responsibility and voluntary association not at all. And many now are hedonistic imbeciles that know and care nothing for history or the philosophies that underly our political systems.
I don’t want my fate determined by such people, or tied to them in any way. I want as little association with such people as I can manage, not argue and strive with them in perpetuity, and am certain there is no remedy coming from democracy, an occasional feeble vote at a ballot box for someone that either is already or will soon be captured by those that can, or will be neutered or killed by same if capture not possible.
Human association needs to become entirely voluntary. It’s the only path that hasn’t been tried, is morally correct, and does not have a totalitarian outcome baked into the cake.
So you’re pointing out that the naturally aware ones are here by deliberate choice, and thus have no reason to whine or whinge. Democracy (Demo(n)cracy cannot exist on this level of matrix reality. The truly informed consent is lacking, for starters, and often the ‘winning party’ has less than 50% of the actual low number of the voter turnout, and this is without any skulduggery. And as the current ha-ha ‘governments’ aka ‘mind-control’ are showing us, they just make promises they have no intention of keeping and keep printing money for more giant debts for which they make taxpayers lie-able.
All of that is complete lies and disinfo. Everything from your fake democracy that nobody ever fought for to the crap about normalcy. Nobody supports the wars except those who support the fake governments and fake laws. Your prose is flowery, phony and sickening like a synthetic plug in fragrance.
Desmet knows very well the fake leaders know exactly what they are doing because psychopaths in the ORDO AB CHAO CULT (Saturnism/Satanism) principles and beliefs are: 1. Egoism, Narcissism, Selfishness 2. Moral Relativism 3. Social Darwinism 4. Eugenics (Culling of the herd) 5. Destruction of Spirituality.
Ah yes, the utopian predictable world wanted by our would-be rulers:
Moms Across America tested fast food and the new “loaded” General Mills cereals. Found they’re loaded w heavy metals, glyphosate, and even contraceptives!
Seems those utopia-pursuers are would-be executioners.
Terrible thing for Trudeau to say. Missed it on X. I follow a few Canadians to keep up with Canada’s politics. And yes, X reinstated me. No announcement whatsoever. I suspect Elon is still dealing with dissidents in his organization.
GMAB! He’s one of them. Don’t be fooled by the left-right lies. Understand the point of these social media platforms (all militarily controlled) is to suck your energy, your time, your thoughts and even your intellect and IP, plus your aggregate data so they can make money from your activity and life-force.
All social media is an extension of governmental slavery, without the users ever being aware that these platforms are all part of an agenda to move people online and away from real life activities.
All the front men for the cryptocracy such as Musk, Zuckerberg, Fink, Gates, Trump et al are preserving an illusion and a closely guarded secret: The illusion that corporations are separate when they are not. The illusion that religions are separate when they are not. The illusion that political parties are separate when they are not. The illusion that laws and governments are separate when they are not.
X is 99% the dissemination of disinformation. I left twitter and other social media platforms in 2014 when I realized they were all a bait and switch scam run by the controllers and governments (UN) who are stealing user content and IP to generate more wealth, control and more power for themselves at the expense of the user. Soon, all these platforms will integrate with Government ID. And you’ll be stuck in the digital panopticon and social credit system. You can’t fight their system using their tools of enslavement. You’re enabling them.
“The system must promote the idea that its internal factions and ideologies are all radically different to each other. This is an illusion … The late-capitalist system must also promote the idea that all its peolpe are radically different to each other. This is also an illusion … These illusions are called diversity. Actual diversity is a threat of the first order to the system and must be stamped out wherever it occurs.”
Darren Allen, The Myth of Uniqueness, 33 Myths of the System
Thanks. I haven’t read that, but I will.
Elon’s grandfather Joshua Haldeman was the leader of the technocracy movement in Canada during the 1930’s.
Also,at the that time, in the pre-WWII years, the US version, Technocracy Inc. was thriving, along with the U.S Eugenics movement.
Elon is playing the role of good cop in the never ending theatre – the theatre for our minds. The opening up of X/Twitter to “free speech” is so that the controllers can harvest more data and gain more knowledge of humanity.
In order to gain a fuller understanding of human behaviour and psychology, it makes sense to encourage the previously deplatformed and cancelled to partake in the conversation. The algorithms and A.I function better with more inputs.
It will also allow X to become ‘the everything app’ if there is broader participation from society.
Castreau has already made it clear that Canadians are not going to tolerate those sorts of people.
It’s not about being smart or dumb. It is about who is fearful and who is not. Fear is the key to totalitarian systems. One crucial way to see thru propaganda is to ask this question: Is it trying to make me afraid?
Mandated and enforced participation is the key to totalitarianism. We must all belong to some or other state. We may not opt-out of that arrangement no matter how corrupt or harmful that state is, being told that we can only fight to change the system, and with futile actions like voting, demonstrating and litigating, none of which, verifiably, have any effect.
It’s a failed and irrational paradigm. It doesn’t work and it’s immoral, based on force, and the delegation of rights to a group entity that none of us individually have ourselves, and so cannot logically delegate at all.
The fear you speak of would be made greatly more impotent in a society of voluntary associations. Might be inconvenient, but I’m sure bright minds can figure out reasonable ways to get roads and bridges built, which, after 62 years I’ve concluded is the main tangible benefit we all get from the commons.
RE: Mandated and enforced participation
In a society, like pretty much all Western societies, that market themselves as “free” and “democratic” mandated and enforced participation only works if people see themselves as participating of their own free will. That is accomplished via media/government fear campaigns – not the fear of jackboots, but the fear of intangibles, like disease.
Or being excluded, and cancelled.
You’re right, propaganda plays its major role but…. my experience is that the vast majority of people want very much to be told what to do, what they can and cannot do, and they also, paradoxically, like to boss people around via the herd’s dictates, while also considering themselves free people, and they only need, previously, anyway, for the owners, the adults, to not be overtly dictatorial, and elections and marches make those people feel like they have done something, and have a say, though we surely know that almost none of us do.
It’s repugnant and hyper-irrational and cowardly, and very odd, but it would appear to be the case, and to be carved in stone for most people.
Those of us that see it will have to exit the system, create another based on natural law & natural rights, with a redefining of the concept of violence included. There’s no other road open, if that one even is.