Death Duties
Suzie Halewood

“Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime”
Ernest Hemingway, 1946
This tax year, the so-called Ministry of Defence will be given £69BN of taxpayers’ money, to effectively subsidise the arms industry and fund more wars of aggression while offering little or nothing in the way of defence.
A further £116BN of taxpayers’ money will go to the banks, interest on money that never existed for wars that are not only unnecessary and illegal, but which neither benefit the UK taxpayer, nor those who have lost life and limb in any one of the smorgasbord of conflicts the UK has instigated since WWII.
War was outlawed in 1928 by the General Treaty for the Renunciation of War. Known as Kellogg-Briand Pact, the treaty was signed by sixty-three nations, including Britain & America who ratified the Pact condemning recourse to war and agreed to settle all disputes peacefully.
Yet in spite of this treaty and many others – from the Geneva Convention to Nuremberg and the UN Charter – still being in force, Britain has deployed its armed forces in combat missions 83 times in 47 countries since the end of the Second World War, with episodes ranging from brutal colonial wars and covert operations to efforts to prop up favoured governments. Attempts were also made to overthrow less favoured governments such as Guyana & Iran (1953), Egypt (1950s), Iraq (2003) and Libya (2011).
It isn’t as though HM Government doesn’t know when it’s breaking the law. Criterion 2c of the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing criteria clearly states that the government will ‘not grant a licence if there is a clear risk that the items might be used in the commission of a serious violation of international humanitarian law’. Yet the UK government did grant a licence to sell arms to the Saudis, while the Saudis continued bombing Yemen in violation of International Humanitarian Law.
Today, the UK government is committing the same offence Gaza, by licensing arms to Israel, a state currently subject to an ICJ ‘plausible genocide’ ruling where genocide includes killing members of the group, causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group and deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about the destruction of the group in whole or in part – such as the withholding of food, clean water and electricity.
More than 600 lawyers, academics and retired senior judges signed a 17-page letter calling for the UK government to end weapons sales to Israel, warning that serious action was needed to ‘avoid UK complicity in grave breaches of international law, including potential violations of the Genocide Convention’. Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden announced the UK government would be ‘holding Israel to high standards’ (a lower bar would be hard to envisage) adding ‘We will of course act in accordance with our obligations under law in respect of arms sales’.
What kind of person needs advice from 600 lawyers, academics and retired judges, plus 800 civil servants worldwide, in order to understand that it isn’t acceptable for a first world super-power with nuclear capabilities, to bomb a blockaded, starving nation, which has no army, air force, navy and no means of defence or escape? What personality-type needs a piece of paper to understand such actions are inhumane? Those whose moral bankruptcy is at rock-bottom, namely governments, arms manufacturers, private bankers, re-construction companies, money launderers, lobbyist MPs and the rest – all of whom have benefitted financially across the centuries from the deaths of millions.
Most people have a conscience. They don’t need a law telling them not to kill. No law is going to prevent those with the desire to kill, Dennis Nilsen, Harold Shipman, Fred West or the UK government.
Many are now refusing to pay tax on ethical grounds and are willing to accept the consequences of standing up to a morally bankrupt government protected by a mostly cowed judiciary. HM government and their courts may struggle to claim that those who refuse to pay tax on ethical grounds are in violation of the law, when their taxes are being used to fund activities which are themselves in violation of international and domestic law.
No government lacking the conscience to uphold international law, can be trusted to pen the legislation used to coerce taxpayers into funding government crimes, while claiming the failure of the taxpayer to fund such crimes…is against the law.
As yet there is no UK case law allowing the withholding taxes on ethical grounds, but there are many international humanitarian laws that have been ratified into UK law which make it clear that it is a criminal offence in Britain to give money to a person or organisation if there is a reasonable cause to suspect that it may be used for criminal purposes, such as funding terrorism, war or genocide.
The MOD’s own Manual of Military Law (1955) Part I, Chapter VI, Article 24 states:
If a person, who is bound to obey a duly constituted superior, receives from the superior an order to do some act or make some omission which is manifestly illegal, he is under a legal duty to refuse to carry out the order and if he does carry it out he will be criminally responsible for what he does in doing so…
Nuremberg Principles Part IV: The fact that a person acted to the order of his government or a superior, does not relieve him of responsibility under international law provided that a moral choice was in fact possible to him.
The puppet show that is parliament, a sorry shambles of empathically-challenged lobbyists and grifters passing themselves off as servants of the people yet unable to respect the will and wishes of the people – the majority of whom back an arms export ban to Israel – should surely be coming to an end sometime soon.
In the interim, the moral choice, surely, is to not sponsor genocide. Taxpayers can vote with their wallets, by refusing to fund an arms industry dependent on division and conflict, in a bid to prevent trillions more being invested to serve the interests of the few at the cost of the many.
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And for business
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Here is a French government subsidized joke: the Reporters Sans Frontiers. They publish their world index of free speech. Better call them Macron’s Pravda.
End 2022: ‘In response to a ruling issued by France’s Council of State at
RSF’s request, the French broadcasting regulator ARCOM ordered the
French satellite operator Eutelsat to stop transmitting three Russian
propaganda TV channels – a measure sought by RSF since September.’
Hmm… I never thought of voting with my wallet “by refusing to fund an arms industry dependent on division and conflict, in a bid to prevent trillions more being invested to serve the interests of the few at the cost of the many…”
At what point could I expect my refusal to pay be recognized and acknowledged..?
Try it – and find out.
‘Isms’ are the problem Suzie: Islamism, Socialism, Marxism, Leninism, Neoliberalism economics at home and Neoconservatism slavery in foreign policy, Catholicism, Reformationism, Zionism, Globalism et al ad nauseam. The common demand here is for total adherence to Truth as defined by the specific ‘ism’…the only problem being the impossibility of establishing primary source provenance as a ‘Thing’ of any value.
As a mathematition musing at times on the uncertainties of e=mc2, I magine you often feel invaded by soi-disant Eternal Life clowns like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and the infamous proprietor of the Gates Motel, Bill the pervy vaccinacious Serial Killer.
They’re all incapable of getting past physicality; but I did find your piece a welcome change from the New Normal.
“German-Murican” history
America or Britain take your pick you ain’t living in a democracy. As long as the Zionists control the American Congress there will be no escape from the perpetual lucrative war agenda. The MIC is now a Frankenstein monster making vast profits from death and destruction. As part of the unholy alliance with America under the guise of “defence” Britain is now complicit in the crime of Genocide. The spineless overpaid jellyfish sitting on the green benches in Westminster will do and say nothing to upset the corrupt UK Establishment and their sponsorship of the Zionist controlled Israeli government. The general population ? Do they care ? Will they sit up and take notice ? As WW3 starts between Iraq and Israel they just might but maybe not.
The 11th commandment (which universe cre-
ated exclusively for us in order to put our skill
to the test): You are allowed to do ANYTHING!
You just aren’t allowed to get CAUGHT doin it!
Its the Liar’s attempt to make Commandments.
Lies will always come to light sooner or later like dirt swept under a carpet, because our universe is created for truth only.
Mr. “Cosma” strives to conceal his Jewish iden-
tity, why is that? Is he trying to fool the world?
Anudda “Tina”
“Audrey Hamburg”
Her sister is married to a “Pennsylvania German” named Tom Niedenfuer, but to call her a “German-American” seems somewhat misleading. Her mother Ruth was born in Germany in 1938, but grew up in Shanghai, which suggests that she was a Jewish refugee child.
Who did Audrey’s (stage name?) maiden name “Hamburg” come from, her father or mother? Audrey is or was married to a Donal Berkowitz, presumably of Jewish origin. At least mother and daughters don’t seem to be interested in making a Jewish identity known in Wikipedia.
About as “German” as Helen Schneider or Jennifer Rush. IMDb “Lifetime Member” Jaguar24 categorizes Audrey as “100% Ethnically Jewish and Beautiful !”, it is not clear which sources he is referring to
Audrey herself wrote on Facebook: “Happy Passover! to all my Jewish friends and family.” However, it is also not clear whether she includes herself in this.
Love the “romantic” factor in German productions.
Opps, broken link.
Interesting story by Dave Kiffer
What does one track have in common with the other?
If you like to gamble, you have picked the right spot to try.
Good luck matie, see you on the outside.
PS: Mr. Martinez is, as before, a monetarily unsuccessful wretch, but nevertheless a staunch advocate of capitalism. The fact that it is the economic system he favors that drives and accelerates population exchange is an insult to his unquestionably brilliant mind.
The young American says in one of his videos that he has German ancestors. Hopefully the “Germ” in his pseudonym is not a reference to this, because “Ger” in Latin Germanic means javelin (see also Seax for Saxons and Francisca for Franks). He is said to have become a father in the meantime. He chose Carl Hilger’s painting “Winter Pleasure” to decorate his channel. He is right that these are modern-day cults based on brainwashing.
Mr. Martinez, himself severely fragile in his racial identity and therefore tossed to and fro by shifting ideoligies in his reasoning, measures his own progress against that of a typical cult victim.
“UK law makes it clear that it’s a criminal offense in Britain to give money to a person or organization if there is a reasonable cause to
suspect that it may be used for criminal purposes, such as funding terrorism, war or genocide.”
Unfortunately, that law doesn’t apply to warprofiteers or bankster/gangsters.🤑
“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope.”
Smedley Butler
Almost every law exempts the government and its authorised agent. Now and then, the legislators who legitimise this get to raise their own allowances, be exempted from insider trading, etc. Democracy is just great – for the gangsters and thieves at the top.
Follow the money. Economist Prof. Michael Hudson explains the longstanding and intimate connection between Anglo-American Capitalism and Zio-Nazi Militarism:
“Israel is our unsinkable aircraft carrier in the oil-rich Middle East”.
The still living Kennedy guy says the same. It sounds logical: Israel and the Doos used as bitch and scapegoats for Zio-US/UK militarism.
I now find it impertinent and irresponsible to give the psychopathic sadistic bloodthirsty mass murderer / monster Netanyahu the belittling and trivializing pet name “Bibi”, as Anglin regularly does e.g.; he should actually be called Satanyahu or, if at all, “Evil Ben”, which would be much more in line with reality.
Vote for HM’s Loyal Opposition, that’ll solve it. Oh…
(More insidiously, they’re also pushing a cover story why Starmer keeps saying things like this – it’s because he’s trying to appeal to Tory voters! Even when it’s not the Tories they turn out to be the ones to blame – not Starmer being a controlled puppet. It’s the classic British elite trick of trying to appear reluctant to do something they’re orchestrating. Many people still don’t realise the UK had one of the most severe lockdowns because the government feigned reluctance towards its introduction).
As stated ad nauseum, the curfew (“lockdown”) was meant to save the NHS (for future privatisation?), not citizens.
As a oldie, Once you have seen one article of 100000000000 lawyers or Doctors etc promoted by mainstream and the alt, the alt ,which is a different variant of the mSm.
This keeps people in a state of hypnotizes and religious saviour 2nd coming hopium.
why else is 1000000000 academ
onics with fake accolades and titles writing 666 pages to the government important.?It is not.
what has ever come from theses Santa letters to the government by fake prestige accolades and titles ever achieved.???
The Nuremberg is about as real as Trump draining the swamp.
We can but try.
War resisters:
To paraphrase Chris Hedges:
‘War is a force [that gives THEM wet dreaming].
More here:
It’s probably safe to say that no nation has fucked up the world as much as the British and their offspring, the Americans. I can’t think of no other fuckers who’d be so aggressive and so intent on sticking their fucking noses into other people’s affairs.
One thing one has to give to the British/American combo. They’ve been extremely successful in pillaging the rest of the world. The French have tried and the Spaniards too, but their exploits are dwarfed by the sheer magnitude of the havoc wreaked by the English crowd.
The English mind is rather simple – it’s wired to get from Point A to Point B as efficiently as possible. This is especially true of the Americans who are generally stupid as fuck and most understand only one thing (don’t expect them to connect the dots – there are no English philosophers of note and if there are, they’re the exception proving the rule). Hence, they can sure fuck up things to the nth degree.
Anyway, is this article implying that all British citizens are complicit in the malicious, and allegedly illegal actions, their government is perpetrating? Should people be making citizen’s arrests and throwing politicians in jail or what?
All the pink countries on old maps can now be painted with Stars and Stripes, and blood of course.
May the dominators become dominoes and all, fall, down,
Outstandingly excellent article!
“UK government did grant a licence to sell arms to the Saudis, while the Saudis continued bombing Yemen in violation of International Humanitarian Law.Today, the UK government is committing the same offence Gaza, by licensing arms to Israel”
Follow the money; in this case, follow the hydrocarbon trail. Oil-rich (but depeleting) Saudi Arabia was not the only country to bomb oil-rich Yemen: so did oil-poor UK and oil-poor Israel. In fact, UK is still bombing oil-rich Yemen.
And why is oil-poor UK helping oil-poor Israel to bomb Gaza? Follow the money: Gaza has offshore gaz. And UK has Lord Rothschild, partner with Israel’s PM Natan Yahoo in a gas company Genie Energy. For 20 years the Yahoo has been sending the Israeli army into Gaza to force Hamas to sign its offshore gas rights to Genie Energy. This is the Yahoo’s last chance to top up his retirement funds before the Israeli police arrest him for misappropriation of public funds.
In ancient times all roads used to lead to Rome. In modern times all criminal roads lead to The City in London town. It is not coincidence that so many UK Ministers, on all sides of Parliament, are paid members of Friends of Israel
All respect for your good heart Miss Halewood, but you havent any clue about your own society.
“….Parliament, a sorry shambles of servants of the people yet unable to respect the will and wishes of the people. Taxpayers can vote with their wallets.” Cry me a river 😭 .
I know it is difficult to swallow, but war and mic is there because We The People want it, will it, wishes it, vote for it, walk for it, talk for it and We The People are willing to pay all our tax money to participate in it. The majority of The People simply love war! 😂 Women’s Hell Marches China Female Military Parade
The Parliament, The Politicians, The Bureaucracy are the mirror of ourselves
I’ve been wondering if more people, or enough people I should say, will finally realize WTF (what the fuck) when the U.S. DOD (Department of Defense) budget surpasses 1 trillion per year. It currently sits at $816 billion and has been on a steady trajectory since 9/11, after the “New Pearl Harbor” occurred as predicted by the neocons (i.e., zionists), in the Project for a New American Century, Rebuilding America’s Defenses blueprint for the Bush Administration. Of course, the new Pearl Harbor was needed to convince the stupid among us to go with the plan, which, of course again, included remaking the middle east in Israel’s name, i.e., Wes Clark (7 countries in 5 years – “and then, Iran). Clearly, they underestimated the timeframe, but the goal is still in play, as we’re seeing now.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s Trump or Biden (or whoever replaces Biden), both are fully on board with U.S. imperialism and the zionist plan for Greater Israel (although Trump doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground so he probably only knows they give and take money), the agenda has been long set and can’t be stopped, evidently. The zionists are hell bent and at this point, for the entire planet, what could possibly replace the global military/security/law enforcement industrial complex? Because just like Big Pharma, it’s not just the U.S. hooked like a two bit junkie on those sources of wealth.
It will probably reach 1 trillion about the time the U.S. national debt, currently at $34.65 Trillion, surpasses 45-50 trillion, the interest paid on that “national debt” surpasses 1 trillion, and we have our first trillionaires on Planet Earth. Maybe when they start talking in trillions while most are still trying to pay rent, more people will wake up.
Then again, the last national lottery exceeded 1.3 billion, so by then it might be up to 10-20 billion, and you could be the lucky winner. Keep hope alive, man.
My recommendation today is a multi-award-winning Lithuanian documentary made with German help, which was filmed in one of Europe’s last “primeval forests” on the Baltic coast and which manages to get by completely without a narrator. Very relaxing and close to nature.
what pixels?!?! these romans are crazy
After surviving 4 days in the RESUS Ward, and The Crypt (Storeroom) where they geve me a bleeper if I wanted any more water (my wife supplied secret supplies) which meant I went through quite a large number of piss bottles made of cardboard – which leaked…
I got upgraded. The best thing about this was that they had a really nice man or a really nice girl, who I stayed awake most of the night..just waiting for Fresh Cold Water…and then an hour later a Menu for Breakfast, Lunch and Tea.
Then the Top Quality turned up on Monday Morning and Eveyr Morming for the next 3 weeks – can we have a smaple of your blood…and they tested it every day…They instantly knew I had not been covid jabbed, and didn’t do drugs – maybe a slight trace of alcohol, paracetemol, but almost no nicotine. They said you have got two extremely rare bugs in your blood – we can see them on the electron microscope…are you feeling OK?? They never mentioned cancer or diabetes or anything horrible, and the doctors checked my breathing and heart every day..and I tried to do my morning exercises, and crap 2 hours before breakfast in a bedpan discreetly.
So maybe I became an interesting patient with two different weird bugs in my blood. I couldn’t do anything but trust the doctors and nurses, trying all the different antibiots in my blood mostly through Intavenous blood drip, but also one pill once.
I could tell by their smiles.
Thank You
An impertinent “citizen” seizes the opportunity to attack the system journo live. A pretty moronic act, but who knows these days whether it wasn’t actually a hired agent provocateur so that the press could stage themselves as victims, otherwise these people would have taken appropriate security precautions before the broadcast. If I were the intruder, I would have just shouted “It’s all lies, as usual!” and not held my face up to the cam.
100% agent provocateur. At 1:05, the moderator ends the interview, but already “knows” that the dude in the clip was a sympathizer of “right-wing extremist” Björn Höcke. Then goes on saying that the AfD is against freedom of press and makes it sound like there was some sort of assassination attempt and they have to protect their “journalist”.
Staged event.
In the coming days will be new laws drafted up and signed through calling the ear flicking a violent terrorist extremist act.
Your ingenious joke contains, like all good humor, (in this case unfortunately) accurate truth. I can already hear these jokers, the Orwellian new rulers, salivating: “You will all lose your laughter and it will get stuck in your throats!” A striking characteristic of totalitarianism is not only the censorship of “thought criminals”, but also its specific lack of humor. Since these people are completely incapable of any self-reflection and thus of any distance from themselves through self-irony, they do not recognize the pathetic and laughable nature of their own clownish cartoonish travesty.
“jokester” meant laughingstock
You only have to remember who the leading protagonists are in the Springer Group. The largest owners (apart from the infamous Springer widow) are “Kohlberg Kravis Roberts” (36%) and the unspeakable “translanticist” / Bilderberger Doepfner.
Pulling the strings. It certainly has the smell of fish all over it.
Springer is followed by Hubert Burda as the most influential Lugenpress loudspeaker. Wiki lists him, just like Axel Springer, in the category “German Zionists” (without tribal affiliation). In third place is another of these “widows” swimming in money, Liz Mohn, who, however, apart from a typical attempt at appropriation called “honorary doctorate from Tel Aviv University”, has less commitment to the eternal everlastig question of collective guilt. I have not researched who operates in 4th place (Leo Kirch, Bertelsmann, Holtzbrinck, Bauer or Funke conglomerates?).
Leo’s “Kirch Group” also plays in the premier league. He was even given a permanent place of honor in the artwork “Ludwig’s Legacy”.
“What kind of person needs advice from 600 lawyers, academics and retired judges, plus 800 civil servants worldwide, in order to understand that it isn’t acceptable for a first world super-power with nuclear capabilities, to bomb a blockaded, starving nation, which has no army, air force, navy and no means of defence or escape? What personality-type needs a piece of paper to understand such actions are inhumane?”
I’m getting the feeling that religion and other dogma, especially when fanatically adhered to and without evidence for its righteousness or truth, is what drives mental derangement in humans, as was typified by an Israeli soldier (proudly recorded on video) holding up a baby’s booty, grinning, after just having killed that baby.
You will have to look further back than religion to find the cause of collective genocidal activity or individual bloodlust. Our cousins the chimpanzees have no known religion, but there is a video of some yobboes from a tribe of chimpanzees playing rugger with the corpse of a baby chimp from another tribe. Jane Goodall has described the complex relationship between an Individual chimp with murderous instincts and her victims.
“True civilization does not lie in our discovery of gas nor steam nor electric power: true civilization tries to diminish our traces of original sin” — Charles Baudelaire.
We’re not chimps, nor did we descend from them. Evolution is another lie.
We have two kind of people calling themselves humans.
One claim their roots are from big bang, chimps, cro-magnon, neanderthal, and now developed into digital monster.
Second claim to be created in God’s picture.
Religion explains the two races roots coming from Cain the violent chimp, and Abel the nice guy. But both with sin in their blood brain barrier from their parents.
Baudelaire’s claim makes sense by making reference to our inner ability of free will.
By free will we must repent our original sin to liberate true civilisation.
I dont know whether the animal world has the same theme. The bad and the good cop. Or its out of necessity, mistreatment, whatever.
And the democide record of (supposedly) secular regimes is?…
So let us be honest. The Zionist influence over governments, banking, media, major Corporations, and tech, cannot be questioned. You can call it anti-Semitic until you are blue in the face its the truth. Apart from Biden, 95% of that administration are Zionists. Who said to control money you care not who is in power? Just happened to be the biggest Zionist banker of them all.
The above piece portrays perfectly how a mega nuclear power is supported by other mega nuclear powers in its destruction of an open-air prison killing tens of thousands of innocents.
I listen daily to corrupt so-called journalists blaming Hamas (an Israeli set-up and funded regime). Hamas who know every time they fire an astra firework, Israel will imprison and kill more Palestinians. Without Hamas, Israel would never have an excuse to murder countless children. Hamas is exactly the tool Israel needs to continue its genocide. Hamas is a Mossad tool.
Zionazis were murdering Palestinian children long before Hamas was even a twinkle in some Israeli politician’s eye.
From an OffG post a year ago, six months before Hamas erupted in pentup rage:
Oct 11, 2023 8:30 PM
I [ie, Israel] violated 77 UN resolutions from 1951-1992, violated the Geneva Convention over and over again, destroyed 515 villages, made 0.7 million people stateless over-night, razed down churches and mosques, killed 2168 people in 51 days, used chemical weapons on civilians, carried out false flag attacks to lead my allies into war, attacked aid ships and killed peace envoys, forced natives of a land to become to become refugees in their own land and attacked anyone who came to provide humanitarian aid to them.
Support me, I am the victim.”
Well said!
All soldiers receive a good salary too, free meals, free clothing, insurance payment to their families if they die.
Free weekends twice a month. Striptease shows, entertainment shows, earphones to their heavy metal, free drugs.
Better than they could have got home in Bronx or Harlem…………………………LOL.
Whenever I hear talk of treaties and other rule-of-law rackets by which the rich negotiate real estate deals, I recall Red Cloud’s words regarding Native American experience:
They made us many promises, more than I can remember, but they kept only one; they promised to take our land, and they did.
Since war is essential to such property rights of the ruling class, it’s a template for all the other lies told to get away with murder. Orwellian oxymoronic legalese like the rules of war, following medieval tradition of just war theory, keeps getting cranked out like so many peace prizes for war criminals, fig leaves to hide in plain sight the lies we learn to live with, or not, in a social system of class rule rooted in institutionalized violence. The lords of war talk of crimes against humanity like the innocents they make a practice of exterminating.
The one war we need to fight is the class war.
(((class war)))
I would have thought that everyone would have figured out that these treaties and rules only apply to “them” and not “us”. We’re the good guys.
Recent conflicts have really made this obvious — despite the sea of propaganda what’s been noticeable to a relative few, people who were looking closely (and were too unimportant to spend the effort to marginalize), is now blatantly obvious to a sizeable percentage of humanity. Not that our governments care, of course. They (and their mouthpieces) are just dutifully surprised when they discover that people aren’t buying what they’re selling.
Sure. I’m guessing that it only remains to define who the nefarious ‘them’ are and then we’re done
well ‘them’ ‘they’ the hierarchy enslaving myself/yourself to put a name to them maybe, the wizards behind the curtain. homo-capensis.
i have visited this museum in paracas peru over a decade ago. i have been fascinated ever since i watched a me tube vid by brien foerster on the elongated skulls from paracas. i went to paracas to purposely check them.
something to chew on go to:
excuse the brain fog in writing the above i should have edited it. i am ehs and have a real problem with my eyes and face blowing up from travelling through airports and taking long haul flights which seems to trigger this and make it hard to see and focus
It’s not just the UK, is it?
UK or The British Empire, the Commonwealth, is the country who have started and fought most wars during mankind’s entire history, without comparison
All other countries pale in comparison with British Troops, and were innocent victims of Queen Elizabeth’s brutality, and Queen Victoria’s slapping everybody who got in her way.
Death is a Duty that makes equals of us all in the end.
A powerful statement Suzie. The £116 billion going to usurers shows who’s really in charge. I suppose that doesn’t include what the public pays in interest for using the money they rent us. That is 97% of the money in the economy. 97%, got that everyone? So we’re 97% owned by banksters and 3% by the government who then pay them another £116 billion a year. And we think voting means something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DO NOT CONSENT.
There is more to the racket of credit/loans: one-sided authority to vary rates or even recall the outstanding. Keep in mind, 80% of credit is for the transfer or alteration of existing assets, i.e., not given to the productive economy (Prof. Michael Hudson).
Then, there is stampeding the speculative markets and causing artificial shortages. And the insanity of globalism (undermining of national security). And bringing in of the worst industries. And kleptocracy (selling national resources to cronies). Wow! Capitalism is just great – for the thieves at the top.
Oh dear, yet another “Israel is bad. Hamas is good'” perspective.
Maybe view some actual footage of actual events on the actual ground where events actually happen? Might help with a more informed perspective.
(The 1st half being predominantly pro-Israel. The 2nd half pro-Palestine):
The Darkest Days. Israel-Gaza Six Months On (2024 Apr)
Not to detract in any way from the3 lowbrow downvoters (I’m guessing we all play their part in the big scheme of things) … BUT …
… I would try to remind them (and others) of Lilliputian attempts to tie down Gulliver. They were generally unsuccessful.
Which perhaps proves that a pertinent, hard-hitting reply makes a more efficient riposte than a cheap downvote? Just sayin’…
“a pertinent, hard-hitting reply”
Reply to a piece of cheap Zionazi propaganda? It’s not worth my spit.
Even worse, as Jimbo points out below, your Link is to a piece of cheap Zionazi propaganda from the Beeb,
To cover up his Dodgy Dossier, Tony B.Liar destroyed the BBC and recreated it in his own lying image. Then joined House of Rothschild as Non-voting Director; the highest rank ever bestowed on a retired British Prime Minister.
It’s always wise to go to the root of a problem
Oh just so wow! Vaga hasbara bot backs up its screed by linking the BBC: the British Bullshat Crims.
I think it is actually Gov are bad perspective. Mind you, Israel is the occupier of Palestine. If someone murdered your grandparents, stole their house and razed the village to the ground, I’m sure you’d just roll over, right?
Who watches or reads BBC News these days?
The BBC is a cancer in our society. Don’t give them any money.
I’m not sure, but it’s certainly not worth the time of sentient thinkers to do so.
And when you consider the callous cynical and psychopathic policies the UK and US have dealt out with regard to other nations, you realise that it is only an infinitesimal nudge that would have them turn around and deal out lethal “vaccinations”, mutilate the children and permit dangerous deviants into women’s toilets amongst their own populations.
Well, they have, haven’t they? Not really a question. It is to quote J. Edgar Hoover, ‘The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so Monstrous’……that he cannot believe it exists.’ (Be-lie-ve)
“What personality-type needs a piece of paper to understand such actions are inhumane? ”
The same people that came up with major religions. They acted like humanity was so evil that they needed to be controlled and told what to do.
The same paper obsessed people are the ones that run big pharma, the government, the judicial system, finance, etc.
The church didn’t die, it converted into a “scientific democracy”
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
-Frank Zappa
Act cool.