What We Don’t Seem to Care About
Todd Hayen
When I say “we” in the title of this article, I don’t mean us shrews. I think most of us do care about these things I am going to write about. The “we” I speak of is the culture at large. Even though shrews may think and wonder about these things, we probably just scratch our heads about them.
In most cases, no one has taken surveys or written articles about such things. Some have, of course, but those forays into the effort to answer these questions are isolated to obscure research that most people never see.
Let me start with a silly one, but important nonetheless. Well, at least important to those of us who think this sort of thing is important! What percentage of men pee sitting on the toilet rather than standing up? And how has this number changed over the past three or four decades? Now, forgive me if you find this offensive, or irrelevant, I only bring it up here because, believe it or not, I read about this in some serious article I was perusing a few months back. I can’t remember details about the article, but I do remember this particular observation.
Why is this important? Well, maybe it isn’t, but it might be an indicator of things. An indicator that most people simply do not think is meaningful or anything purposeful. Now, I am not implying that men who pee sitting down have lost their masculinity, but I do believe the culture, or the agenda if you prefer, is behind a campaign focused on emasculation.
Men, who are largely unconscious these days (as most people in general are) will just slide into this campaign without giving it much thought. Their psychology will go along with that slide, and soon to follow are behavioural differences. Is sitting to pee part of that emasculating behaviour? The article I read seemed to think it was. I wonder what most of you think.
What about something a bit more serious? How about the sharp decline in free play among children? This phenomenon has indeed been written about and investigated, but most people just pawn it off as a “sign of the times.” Maybe it is, but the consequences are pretty daunting. Those of you out there with kids know just what I am talking about.
I cannot tell you the number of times I have read in comments, and in articles, how back in our day (us old folks) we played. And we certainly played freely. No one told us what to do from sun up to sun down when we would go out with our peer tribe and roam the neighbourhood. What a life that was. The stuff of our adventures my friends and I would just make up would rival any fantasy novel. It was nuts—and spectacular. Today? I doubt if much creativity and imagination goes on in most kid’s minds these days.
I also recently read an article about “screen time addiction.” I was rather blown away. The article told the story of some kid who was having horrible trouble in school. He was destructive, a recluse, unsocial, failing all his studies, and had no interest in just about anything kids his age have an interest in. A total zero. Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t think all kids who do not follow the line the majority of kids are following are messed up, but this case sounded a bit dicey. Sure enough, he spent nearly every waking moment staring at a screen.
The parents took him to some psychological specialist in “screen time issues” (I didn’t know such a thing existed) and almost immediately he started to improve. After a while, he was the epitome of the “perfect kid” (well, that sort of bothered me . . .) I have searched again for this article and can’t find it (odd, maybe it was a dream!) So, I am sorry I don’t have a link to share with you. If anyone runs across it, let me know.
There are many articles about the dangers of “screen time” and just as many pooh-poohing the dangers (usually from the big institutions). Funny how often you see that combo—a “limited hangout” sort of thing— “We’ll admit there is a concern, but it isn’t as bad as you think it is.” We see this sort of presentation everywhere, about nearly everything we are wondering about. “Yes, you are right there are some apprehensions, but experts say the concern is minimal.”
Yeah, right.
I have several teachers who come in for therapy, and what I hear that is going on in the schools is really frightening. Of course, I am not saying what I hear is representative of every school district everywhere in the world, but I think it does illustrate a general trend in the more “woke” areas of Western nations. Of course, we all know about the “trans story hour.” Again, I have no way of knowing how prevalent this is. But that is also one of the dangers regarding these things “we (sheep) don’t care about.”
It is very easy to dismiss this stuff with a comment like, “Well, that isn’t happening here.” Other school issues are just too numerous to mention. Certainly, those of you with kids know what they are. Us old folks and childless shrews may not know much about them. But it is very serious, very serious indeed.
The big things you and I know, and care, about—impending CBDCs, Social Credit scoring, 15-minute cities, UBIs, and Digital IDs. There are a slew of other similar horrors heading down the pike such as restrictions in international travel (ultimately all travel), upcoming pandemics, mandatory vaccinations, masking and social restrictions. These we know, but the sheep don’t, and if they do, they don’t care.
We are now inundated with the many thousands of seemingly insignificant things the general population does not care about, and even shrews may not think much about. These include the decimation of music, arts, literature, and cinema, being forced into a “rent/streaming only” mode of conveyance, as well as the destruction of the arts through AI.
The issues regarding diversity, equity and inclusion, are eating away at our individuality and creativity—indeed DEI is eating away at the very things it is touted as protecting. The attack of the family, sexuality, masculinity, and femininity is relentless. Chemtrails, fluoride, vaccines, the overuse of antibiotics, dangerous ubiquitous visits to the doctor, pointless pharmaceuticals, fast food, alcohol, rampant pornography, illicit drugs, “innocuous” weed, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and thousands more examples are indeed killing us softly. Most of these dangers people do not think about, nor care much about if they did. It’s all business as usual.
How many things can you cite in our daily lives that you can identify as intentional erosion? Transhumanism takes form in dozens and dozens of medical interventions. The indoctrination of fear is taking place in nearly every interface we have with the media, the news, music, art, literature, cinema and even in our daily intercourse with friends, family, and coworkers. The slow bleed out of our soul takes place daily with a complete and utter disregard for anything in life that has a spiritual or religious “angle.”
Tiny jabs, tiny cuts, tiny restrictions, tiny removals of freedom, individuality, creativity, and uniqueness are being dispensed day in and day out—and the consequences of these minor assaults add up. We surely, as a human race, will eventually die of a thousand cuts. More like several million if you ask me. But no one seems to care.
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First of all we have to get our right to edit our own comments in 15 min back from OffG’s sneaky censorship of our free, peaceful and innocent comments.
Before this battle for free speech is done we are not getting anywhere with our demand for huge more fundings for back to natural wilderness in the Scotland Highlands.
Everything – everything – that’s slowly destroying civilization can be summed up in one word: civilization. It’s an egg made to be broken. It cannot not be broken. Nothing – nothing – can hold it together forever.
People want their civilization – but, curiously, they do not want to be civilized. And how can they be when whatever is considered “civilized” changes every time the “ruling elites” move their bowels.
The best – and ultimately the ONLY – definition of civilization is: that which best suits those at the top of the hierarchy. You cannot have “civilization” without hierarchy; and you cannot have hierarchy without destroying “civilization.”
Progress, comfort, efficiency, specialisation, privilege, etc. contain the seed of their own destruction.
When virtue is lost, benevolence appears. When benevolence is lost, right conduct appears. When right conduct is lost, expedience appears, foretelling disorder. When cleverness and knowledge arise, great lies flourish”. -Lao Tzu
Probably off topic:
Now that we Scots have proudly embraced the new Hate Crime and Public Order Act (‘cause like we’re so fucking progressive!), we are about to heed selfless little Leonardo DiCaprio and rewild oor Scoattish moors!
So what does the fretfully concerned Hollywood star have to say? (Info relayed in The Independent):
“About 6,000 years ago, most of southern Scotland was covered by broadleaf woodland, interspersed with patches of rich scrub, heath, and bog. In stark contrast, the landscape today is nature-depleted hills, with highly degraded sheep-grazed areas (so called ‘sheep-wrecked’ landscapes) and blocks of non-native spruce plantations. With this campaign, Scotland could be a world leader in rewilding its landscapes, ensuring clean air and water, storing carbon, reducing flooding, restoring wildlife, and improving the lives of locals. Visit the link in bio to learn more.”
So these clearly unnatural sheep have been destroying truly natural Nature by depleting the hills of Nature! So what exactly is this natural Nature? What does it look like? “broadleaf woodland, interspersed with patches of rich scrub, heath, and bog …. ensuring clean air and water, storing carbon, reducing flooding, restoring wildlife, and improving the lives of locals.”
Yes I think we can cast a jaded eye over what follows that “ensuring”. After all, it’s pretty clear that Leonardo is more concerned with this splendidly stereotype enhancing “wildlife” than “improving the lives of locals”. (Frightfully uncouth denizens who just clutter up the place with their farming and get in the way of that splendid stag strutting.)
“It is not the first time DiCaprio has showed an interest in the Scottish environment, previously drawing in large crowds at Cop26 in Glasgow. At the time, he was a UN representative on climate change and interacted with Maryhill locals at a fringe event in the Engine Works on Lochburn Road.”
Was there ever a time when actors just …well fucking just acted instead of lecturing us all on The Way To Planetary Salvation, Vaccine Acceptance, Transgender Fluidity Cocoons etc.
“The Scottish Government previously said it was working to unlock the full potential of restoration projects. Ministers have been urged to commit to nature recovery across 30% of the country’s land and sea.”
The application of the new Hate Law shows us just how much our government cares about us. And note that “nature recovery” bit. This curious term is obviously dedicated to that restoration of the primeval moorlands sans farm animals.
“….environmental groups warned the (
cull) project would need to be significantly scaled up to meet the 30% target.”And a spokesperson adds,
“The fund has supported local businesses to boost nature tourism, helped landowners with pollinator projects to boost food production …”
But not sheep.
I don’t know about my fellow Scots but I’d be happy to lay down my life and the lives of everyone I know to allow Leonardo to don his swinging tartan, reveal his mighty bollocks to the wind and stroll across the magnificently empty mountains to the (recorded) strains of bagpipes blasting out “My Way”.
I believe that another American multibillionaire Bob Dylan owes about a third of the land here. And I’ll leave the last word to him:
“Well my heart’s in The Highlands at the break of day
Over the hills and far away
There’s a way to get there, and I’ll figure it out somehow
Well I’m already there in my mind and that’s good enough for now”
oh dear.
what ignorance. i will not attempt to educate you on such matters as ecology or landscape – even clearance – gasp (yes the SU were cleared 100 years bfore the Heilants) geo, as you clearly have some cognitive dissonance going on. Methinks feyther was a sheep farmer or gamekeeper? maybe an admin, lol.
Seriously, away and do some reading, not RSPB, farmers weekly or bog fantasy literature either, puleeaze.
what sort of scot be thee? a skot? or a royal regiment scot on secondment? care worker ma saffron ass pal, you have far too much time on your hands.
A lot of your posting is fair comment/influencing tbh, and I enjoy them, but don’t talk shite about the state of the land and what that anology is for “north britain”.
slag celebrities all you like, fair game and I do see your point (the bonnie glens have been a playground/genocide/agribusiness for the rich for a few centuries now), but refrain from spouting about about nature or what is/was natural.
“care worker ma saffron ass pal, you have far too much time on your hands.”
Now when did I last say that? You’ve been here a long time haven’t you. DunGroanin? Can it be you?
And I’ll refrain from spouting about about nature or what is/was natural when everyone else does likewise. But they won’t, will they. Nature (capital N) is the nearest thing we have now to a religion. “Nature wants …Nature demands …. Nature will not tolerate … Get down on your knees and beg forgiveness from Nature….”
And Nature has decreed that cows and sheep and pigs shall be no more! An lo! It was so! For their farts doth destroyeth the earth!
I have reposponded but the pending fiend has pounced as it did midway on another thread. I wonder if this is a new characteristic of OG’s new editor? Anyway, you can see my reply in October sometime.
dinnae be glaikit, my pending only lasts hours, unless something too inconvenient is exposed, then pending FOREVER, never seen again, especially on environmental matters.
new OG format is a bit pish – i’ve strange pop-ups “you have already voted for this comment”, “you cannot vote on this comment” . . . da fuk???
anyway, i await your, no doubt wordsome, reply ; )
(trees are natural, sheep farming ain’t. get jiggy. As for what is getting planted . . that’s another matter: the wee shiteyhole of Scotland will be called Sitkaland by 2050 the way things are going, still, fuck the woolly maggots, only grown for offspring foreign markets anyway, with a lower IRR than trees since the 80’s. Digest.)
That didn’t take too long. However, their publishing of Simon Elmer’s Gaza article has got pendingitis more than any yet seem.
THEY certainly don’t care:
‘Since these billionaires, in their rather crude equation of money=satisfaction, never developed genuine moral and aesthetic sensibility–let alone empathic solidarity with humanity–they have, toward the end, nothing enduring to compensate for their loss of vitality, sexual pleasure (virility), physical attractiveness, and so forth. They still do have, rather than the developed human qualities of compassion and magnanimity, the stunted passions of pride, vanity–and vengeance.
It is the age-old question of two, diverging paths: “to have”–or, “to be.”
More here:
Well, I guess “biohacking” sounds a lot better than “self-mutilation in the pursuit of an insane Luciferianism”:
The way they try to place having a corporate microchip implanted in the brain in the same ballpark as fasting is ridiculous but it’s an attempt to rationalise and normalise the former.
The constant use of the word “smart” is also particularly telling.
At root, it is quite a useful term because it reveals their underlying mechanistic assumption that the human body is merely a computer and not a very good one at that.
People dont realize how delicate the human body is, or if they did, they would not sport it into the trash so willingly and easily.
The Wall was released in 1979. 45 years ago. It was preceded by many pop art exploits that aimed to destroy myths, taboos, shake up conventions, prevent aged people soft in the head from pestering the young, so on so forth. So, people who were young back then, and presumably members of the subculture that expressed itself through such icons as Pink Floyd, are in their 60s, 70s, or even 80s today. That’s the generation that experienced such events as Woodstock and others.
Then you read somebody whining about a few drops of her husband’s piss on the fucking floor and a few specks of pubic hair. Fuckers getting offended because somebody uses “vernacular”.
What the fuck happened to you people? You got old or what?
I wonder if there is somebody out there, like a schoolboy from the Wall, who’s on the receiving end of that droplet-of-piss twit’s husband’s frustration with having married such a bitch. Quite fucking likely!
The protagonist in the wall, as you may remember, went nuts because of the system, and was only saved by a judge (a state person) who demanded that the wall had to be teared down. Some nice propaganda eh, someone who is not strong enough to fight the system, is saved by the system.
Still, I grant you that the propaganda at that time was more interesting to listen to (or read about) than the propaganda in our times. Apparently such high quality propaganda is not needed anymore. Poor Winston Smiths…
Some minute aspect of one particular work is not the point.
The point is succumbing to conventionalism, protectionism, staleness, become scared shitless of anything deemed out of the ordinary. Arguably, today’s normies are more conventional than their predecessors against whom they protested in their younger days.
Frank Zappa explained this phenomenon a long time ago in regard to the music industry. But it exists throughout society.
As Mr Lennon said:
‘As soon as you’re born, they make you feel small
By giving you no time instead of it all
‘Til the pain is so big you feel nothing at all
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school
They hate you if you’re clever and they despise a fool
‘Til you’re so fucking crazy you can’t follow their rules
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
When they’ve tortured and scared you for 20 odd years
Then they expect you to pick a career
When you can’t really function, you’re so full of fear
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you’re so clever and classless and free
But you’re still fucking peasants as far as I can see
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
There’s room at the top they are telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
If you want to be a hero, well, just follow me
If you want to be a hero, well, just follow me‘
Where the fucking lennons and zappas of today? Why is everybody such a fucking normie?
What we don’t seem to care about:
If only that were true!
If everybody cares about everything, nobody cares about anything. This is a capital ideal of manufacturing consent among the laboring masses of the machinery of production. Early on in the establishment of modern slavery to the “masters of mankind” Adam Smith’s pin factory foresaw humanity’s reduction to no more value than that of utilitarian equipment, forcibly emptied of personal passion and purpose.
Such psychological alienation becomes universalized as everything solid melts into air (Marx) within capitalism’s perpetual revolutionizing of social relations, colonizing human cultures with commercial and commodity relations which reduce us to extensions of the market rather than autonomous agents of our lives. Free, spontaneous, self-directed re-creation is replaced by entertainment industry and spectacle of consumer culture, which must constantly revolutionize the perceptual world to hold our attention to the programming, an addictive process feeding off the feeling of lives running on empty, or emptiness.
This destabilizing if not traumatic kind of cultural hegemony can be advantageous to ruling powers in making for masses that may be redirected on command by the programming. Suddenly, wars and rumors of war, by which ruling powers conduct bizzness as usual, fill thrill-starved minds with partiotic swill and lead-with-what-bleeds sensationalism. Or, in memory of OJ Simpson, reality TV can hold audiences captive to a show trial as if that’s all that’s happening.
What’s not happening across the matrix is any presence to reality of living beings, least of all ourselves perhaps. The Great Reset is out to banish us from the material world altogether by completely colonizing our consciousness and being. Paradigmatically begun with the global covid coup, we’re now in an endgame of industrial capitalism to socially engineer us as the perfect lab rats for a transhuman future where any experience and memory of personal presence to being has been wiped clean by the machine.
Central to revolutionizing social relations in favor of our humanity is finding means to reclaim our own time and space to care about our world, and one another, rooted in communities of resistance to the dominant culture of capital, and extending into mass movements to rise against the institutionalized enlsavement of people to profit and power.
Release your self from the tormented imaginings of future fears of loss.
All your possessions, including your body, are merely on loan from Nature, Fortune and Fate.
You will eventually lose everything you hold dear including those closest to you.
Ennoble yourself in the knowledge you are one with all Humanity.
Your human kindness will return you to the peace you have often felt within.
Then you will return to being atoms again.
Pishing sitting down/
You dont do that when yer pished ?
There’s a good reason why men don’t generally piss (or pish) when sitting down: it’s difficult to empty the bladder completely for a man when sitting. When he pisses while shitting, he’ll be back at the toilet shortly to finish pissing.
We are living in times of culmination of materialism . In a life without any meaning beyond consuming people’s primary aim becomes self-gratification. They just do not care. It so important for more people to get the virology fraud. That is about the only thing people can do as an aggregate to stop the agenda and the rollout of the digital tyranny. They control just about everything . The only control we still have is what we allow to be injected in us and our kids. “A change in the situation of mankind is only possible when man understands his biology and thus himself.” – take away from Ivan Illich. We have a culture of fear that gets manipulated. Creating fear is the instrument of power. If we can dissolve the fear we can get out of this crisis. Without educating people in the real biology we will not make waves. — The present natural science assumes, as a matter of course, that the physical material world, which we perceive with our senses, is the full, only true reality; that it carries its reason in itself and cannot be thought to be dependent on and produced by a spiritual world lying above the senses, since there is no such thing.” Since materialism does not recognise life, soul and spirit as real supersensible forces, it cannot understand living, ensouled and spiritualised organisms in the plant, animal and human world and treats them like lifeless mineral, inorganic matter.Monocausal relationships, however, only exist in the inorganic world. All mineral components of an organism, on the other hand, observably no longer follow inorganic laws, but completely different ones. Blindly applying monocausal laws of inorganic nature to an organism is a serious scientific offence. In the 19th century, this materialistic narrowness gave rise to the theory that bacilli and later also viruses were the causative agents of certain infectious diseases, since there must be a material cause for a materially perceptible disease. https://fassadenkratzer.wordpress.com/2022/02/18/warum-der-fehlende-virus-%20nachweis-naturwissenschaftler-nicht-irritiert-zur-ideologie-des-materialismus/ — Since 1858 , there was the belief that all life comes out of one cell . We are forced to think this way because the science says there is no soul , there is no consciousness , there is no spirit . We think there is no world outside of the meat farm, it is only this interaction of molecules and one is forced to a adapt a blueprint for life. We call that the genome .( Genetics was disproven 20 years ago, no-one can define a gene , DNA changes all the time and is different in every nuclei so it cannot be a blueprint for inheritance ) If we are inside the cellular theory that every defect is going out, is origination from one cell going into another you cannot even accept healing phases, you cannot see it. You canot see that you are a field . Every part of the body has its own function and its own awareness of its function. ( that seems to apply also to people of most religion as they also have been indoctrinated to believe in a material biology and that health comes through a needle ) We are a materialisation of a consciousness. .This gives you back the respect and the faith in life and in rge meaning if life that you are part of a big thing which has a meaning. If live in a materialistic thinking, Fredrick Nitsche showed it what it meant to him if try to imagine that life is completely meaningless but just an aggregation of matter that came together by accident if it going to… Read more »
And another nail in the coffin of virology and, more specifically contagion, is a new book out by DAN ROYTAS, “CAN YOU CATCH A COLD?” which includes around 200 citations from studies/experiments going back to the beginning of the contagion myth, trying to prove that it exists but failing at this.
Here’s a video intro to the author and the book:
I love chat xl
Dude, nu guys need their id checked at the door.
Fuck, we are her enjoying ourselves, trying to
Got to believe in pie-meal tit bit here
Don’t think about a box
Scratch your nuts/fanny
Like me, I’m sure many of you were upset by Billy wearing a blm hat.
I didn’t sell my records, about 120.
This war with Iran is the fakest war since Ukraine.
Israel initiated the slaughter in Gaza at the US’s insistence. The US wanted a pretext for war with Iran, and Iran is the only nation on earth with the guts to defense those defenseless people. The US waited for Iran to respond militarily. It was avery, very obvious lure, and Iran is not stupid; they didn’t take the bait.
As the months went by, it became clear that the US had grossly miscalculated the PR battle — it turns out the citizens of the West did not buy the argument that Israel “shares our values”; the photo of the gay IDF soldier holding a rainbow flag in front of the ruins of a Palestinian home was enraging, not endearing. The public was 100% in support of the truly innocent Gazans.
So the US bombed the Iranian embassy in Syria and blamed it on Israel, in hopes that this would force Iran’s hand. If they didn’t retaliate, they’d look weak and lose the support of their own population. But it was very, very obvious, and Iran didn’t take the bait. They chose to respond in a de-escalatory way, through simple piracy: by stopping an Israeli ship in the Strait of Hormuz, without a single loss of life.
The US, now out of options, is using the laziest false flag operation in history: there’s no operation at all! They simply announced: “Iran has launched a drone swarm toward Israel. It will fly under the cover of night, undetectable by eye or radar, and will be destroyed by anti-drone defense system. Don’t bother looking for evidence. And don’t blame us, Iran brought this on themselves, exactly like Gaza.”
If anybody buys this garbage, the world deserves what the US does to it.
Where is the “equal partners” in Kremlin and their “S-400” and the “S-300” Assad bought but never got, in this story?
I mean Russia must know their equal partners US/Israel would bomb the Iranian Embassy in Syria.
The main war against Iran is domestic subversion – though the mullahs are doing enough shred any legitimacy they have. Such subversion failed in HK and elsewhere. Tattooed Ukranian Nazis went to HK to help with the vandalism, as part of their field training.
Last night’s ‘missile attack’ on northern Israel may indeed be a false flag. Who can say? We live in a culture of lies.
Yeah, part of the goal of the “pandemic” was to harden the media as a propaganda tool. Prior to 2020, even the New York Times and the Guardian occasionally/accidentally went off-message. That weakness needed to be repaired before a world war could begin, otherwise the internet made it too easy to compare local propaganda with the enemy’s version to extract a fuzzy picture of whatever truth there was to perceive.
That’s no longer possible. If Western governments want us to believe that “IRAN ATTACKS!!!” when they didn’t, then that’s all we’ll read and hear, even from supposedly Iranian new sources.
The game theory is well enough understood at this point that Iran knows there’s no point in denying involvement in a false flag, since their denial will be muted regardless. The standard play is to accept credit in a way that subverts the enemy’s intent, which is exactly what they did. “Busted! Yes, we did it, we launched the missiles that didn’t kill anybody, and this is legal under UN law allowing retaliation against military targets for illegal attacks against non-military targets, and now we’re done unless Israel escalates.”
Nothing our governments tell us is true, or ever will be again. They don’t even care if we believe any of the lies, as the point isn’t to inform us, or even to control us — they have much more effective ways of doing that. They care only about lowering the probability of violent political instability, to keep the insurance premiums down.
Off topic, but breaking news all over the U.S. – “Iran has attacked Israel!” Drones are still in the air and could take hours before they arrive. Of course, since all my comments go into pending for hours, they’ll probably be there if this has been posted.
Thank you Todd for pointing out the most important creeping happenings!
Not caring or willful ignorance of epochal changes in society are absolutely necessary to maintain the system. (This isn’t new btw.) Of course, for the people being described in the article above, the institutions of indoctrination are a crucial part of this. People care about what they are told to care about.
What we don’t seem to care about
Where we live
Seen a curve
His story begins ca 1820 ?
Convenience and convenience only. Plus there is fines if you piss on the street which many real machos did before when they felt the need.
But there is advantages to sit down and pee.
Everybody especially our mothers, mother in laws, wives, claim we men piss everywhere BUT in the fokking toilet.
We piss on the floor, on the wall, on our pants, on our shoes, in our underwear, on the wood where women sit, on the toilet paper, in the washing bowl, on the towel, on the bartender, on our side fellow, EVERYWHERE except in the fokking toilet!
Convenience, you piss down in the toilet and if you have a dripper you can clean it here with toilet paper. Thats all. Its that simple man.
I’m reminded again of of George Carlin’s “Nobody seems yo notice; nobody seems to care.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atxbnLxd-ik
The “screen time addiction” topic prompts the usual anecdotal drive-by: since I’m approaching threescore and ten years of age, my diminished social circle includes more grandparents. Incidentally, my impression is that in our deteriorating economy, more and more grandparents volunteer, or are drafted, into regular child care, fka “babysitting”, for their adult children’s pre-teen offspring; I’m not sorry I never reproduced.
Anyway, I notice an equivocation, or doublethink, in my elderly interlocutors’ comments on the kids’ increasing immersion in computer-based technology (“screens”). It’s a peculiar iteration of a parental good cop/bad cop perspective. Maybe “soft cop/hard cop” is more accurate:
The “hard cop” appropriately bemoans the evils and dangers of juvenile device and Internet (social media) obsession. They speak of recurring instances where they righteously intervene upon discovering the kid(s) accessing some unwholesome site, and jawbone the parents to maximize blocking functions, and ensure that they know all of the kids’ passwords, and generally “keep on top” of their access to social media, gaming, commercial sites, etc.
They also brag about how they (the grandparents) successfully snoop on the kid(s) Internet activity, mostly to swoop down and nip questionable activity in the bud.
Yet in the next breath, they revert to Proud Grandparent mode and more or less praise their charges for being so adept at using their devices. One “Grammy” says that she dislikes tablets, to a point of actually refusing a proffered gift tablet. But she seems amazed and impressed that her 8 year-old grandson is a “whiz” on his tablet, and at least implies that it’s good that his fledgling skills may portend a successful future in our increasingly techology-dominated world.
Yeah, I get that this dual reaction is partly a reflection of the reality that technology is like Shiva– a “saver/destroyer” god who simultaneously can be both benign and malignant. But to me, it’s remarkable that the “Grammy”s don’t seem aware of the yin/yang interrelationship between becoming a “whiz” with computer-driven technology, and becoming a technology addict. 🤔
And the grandparents don’t seem to realize that the teeny screen so enchanting to their grand kids is programming them all the while they’re so skillfully manipulating it. Anyone who still has 17 brain cells left (I’ve counted them!) knows instinctively that manipulation is a two way street. And the tykes will NEVER be better at that game than Big Brother.
> Chemtrails, fluoride, vaccines…
Chemtrails restarted (South Devon)
Yesterday 12th April, 1.30pm, we were shocked…
What a great day! Bright blue sky, but unfortunately
not without that chemtrail grid again.
The permanent flights never stopped…
Soon the blue sky had disappeared.
At 8pm “clouds” became thick, but still more chemtrails were produced above them.
Today 13th April, 8.00am
Sky already covered with chemtrail grid, see photo below.
Blue gone an hour later.
every day amigo, real eyes.
update 19.30pm…
It amazes me how many people are oblivious to the actions taling place above their heads.
If only they would pry their eyes away from their Black Mirror scrying devices, by looking up instead of down.
The ‘X’s’ that regularly appear in the sky (as in the above photo) should be enough for people to at least question what is occuring.
I wonder if the ‘X marking the spot’ messaging in the sky is some form of predictive programming, placed there to be absorbed by the public on a subconcious level.
The ‘X (Twitter) app’, ‘X day’ where the second solar eclipse on 8 Apr crossed the path of the first from 2017 across the USA and ‘disease X’ being three examples of the promotion of X in the public consciousness.
There goes the solar neighborhood.
Yes, and here in Down Under Oz we’ve just had 6 months of grey skies all along the east coast (thousands of km!) during the spring / summer period just past. Totally unheard of. We’re famous for our blue skies.
The edit function doesn’t work, even after a few seconds!
Anyhow, I wanted to add that we did not, however, see the typical grid of aerial sprays, as seen in the above photo. It was just six months of almost daily rains and a grizzly grey cloudy sky. The may have used other weather modification methods here.
same where I live–on the Atlantic Coast in Northeast US. If the sky has the audacity to be blue it’s only for an hour or two before the spraying takes effect. Then it’s flat white sky/glary weird sun.
I just learned that the human eye needs to take in the color blue as in the sky or the ocean. It has a healing effect on the body. We hardly ever see blue these days.
Used to be when you live close to the ocean–weather would move fast–it would blow out to sea. Now we have day after day of rain and grey.
Thanks Todd. I find myself saying “F off” all the time now, perusing the media. I say F off to ubiquitous poisonous ideas, sleazy images, and nihilistic crap that bombards me as though this bombardment were normal. F that!
And I encourage parents everywhere saying the same! And learning to act on it. While their kids are still theirs.
My mother had an old fashioned cow bell. When it was time for dinner, she’d go out on the porch and ring it loud so we could hear it wherever we were. We’d ride our bikes home, without helmets on, because we didn’t have helmets back then, and no cops would stop us. Our friend’s dads would give us rides to games and other places and we’d sit in the back of the pickup trucks with our hair blowing in the wind, and no cops would stop us and give us tickets. Then in high school, during hunting season, there would be many trucks in the school parking lot, most with gun racks and 2-3 long guns displayed right there in the windows. We’d go to school and come out and the trucks and guns would still be there, and no cops (or SWAT teams) would come to kill us or take us away.
It does make you wonder, why could we do that then, but not now? But don’t you see, they’re only trying to keep us all safe. It’s for our own good.
In 2002-3 I was living in the Pyrenees Orientales in the south of France.and come boar hunting season, it’s pickups, rifles, random shots, fear crazed boar rushing through our camp. and lately dead, proudly displayed, spreadeagled on the bonnets (hoods) of aforementioned pick-up trucks.
Police what police? Only time we ever saw them they came to ask how old our kids were so they could send them to French schools. We lied, of course.
“they’re only trying”
Whining about “THEM” doing to you again? How about waking up and smelling the fucking coffee, eh?
They’re doing that because people demand it. Look the fuck around. People have grown just about totally unable to endure any sort of pain or discomfort and they require protection and/or instant cure if something happens. That extends to their kids. There is no requirement for kids to wear helmets while playing, yet dimwit parents put one of these fucking things on their kid’s head even if they’re just playing at home. Ditto medical treatment, everything. Why do you think fuckccination was so successful – sure there was a fair amount of coercion, but people are totally onboard and propagate this protectionist way of life. And if something does happen, the first thing you hear, how come the authorities didn’t do this or that to prevent it.
Stop this “they’re after us” already. They might be to some extent, but most of the shit is our own doing.
Oh you are just hilarious, dude. Fucking laugh a minute. Don’t tell me what to do or I’ll shove it down your throat.
Would that be after you change your diaper or before?
Prototypical teenager in the basement. That was so stupid, it gave you away kiddo.
Yo shit head.I don’t even read the articles no more since you rose from the shit factory.I just look for you doing a shit. Shit on you and your shitpad.
The “THEM” are the narcissists in society and they are replicating at a worrying pace. Might be worth looking a little harder into your hall of mirrors.
You give too much credit to an alleged few controllers and too little credit to the masses. The ‘we are many, they are few’ actually does apply.
The protectionism referred to above largely stems from what the masses want. They want protection, more and more of it. They feel entitled to a harmless, luxurious life and they want the authorities to assure that. Sure, this protectionist ideology is spurred and piggybacked by various actors who profit from it, but this notion that the whole humankind is controlled by a few motherfuckers is ludicrous. It probably stems from your religious indoctrination, belief in an omnipotent entity that controls everything.
UN Agenda 21 ( for the 21st century) and Agenda 2030 are real. They are conspiracies, not conspiracy theories. In the process of implementation across the world using local governments (councils) to enact them. The global to local policy.
Sure there is an army of enablers – bureaucrats – backed by enforcers (police/military/judicial system) doing the donkey work, either wittingly or in many cases unwittingly, on behalf of the controllers but they did not wake up one morning and all have the same idea.
The policies came from a supranational level. Much can be traced back to the Club of Rome and the 1972 MIT report ‘The Limits to growth’ that the CoR commissioned. Along with Paul Erhlich’s doom laden book ‘The population bomb’ with its predictions that make Neil Ferguson and his modelling look like the musings of a prophet.
Based on your thinking the Plandemic and its lockstep implementation globally just happened organically. Nothing to see with regard to the ‘Lock step’ scenario laid out on page 18 of the Rockeller document ‘Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development’
However, whether the public demand protection or not, does not detract from the fact that there are controlling interests that are shaping humanity’s future from the top down. A process that has been in the making for at least decades, if not longer.
The two issues are not mutually exclusive.
Let me tell you something about the plandemic.
It existed largely in the media, in large cities, and by extension in people’s heads. The further away you go from cities or environments where people consume the media, the less pandemic there was.
In my real life, the plandemic had a zero effect on me. I never wore a respirator, I was never tested, I never did nothing. I got stopped by the police once when I was crisscrossing the country, which was officially prohibited. The cop winked at me and promptly let me go. The plandemic was a hoax, most people didn’t give a fuck.
Anyway, sure, there are fucks trying to manipulate the world, and there are fucks trying to manipulate the world the other way, and yet other fucks who are trying something else. But that doesn’t mean that they succeed. Regurgitating this shit about Agenda this or that is, perhaps inadvertent, shilling that reinforces people’s conviction that everything is controlled by a few motherfuckers who pull the string. It ain’t.
Be it as it may, the original comment was about something else – people’s protectionist attitude which certainly IS NOT imposed top-down, but the other way around.
Yup, no such thing as a globalist. Look the other waaaay!
For once I agree with you!
I support sarcasm, (unlike nu-troll).
‘Why could we do that then and not now.?
Analogue to digital,…..
Exactly. Dude there doesn’t get it. Exposing himself.
“Sure enough, he spent nearly every waking moment staring at a screen.”
So do I. Must kick the habit.
There’s no point in caring about voting.
It’s been rigged since the days of Kings and Queens:
Thanks Johnny. That article should be read by everyone!
Yes a proper reflection of the internal “awakening” should have external reality(ies).
We SHOULD see the practical end of attendance at spectator professional sports, the end of consumerism in lieu of culture e.g. festivals like Independence day/another national day abandoned, a diminished awareness of MSM next current thing, new lexicon entered into the common public encounter which re enforces mistrust or worse of the regime, no doubt many things I cannot imagine of which I see none but the needle returning to the start of the song
Rather than give focus through a frame of intentional evils against which to seek defence or means to overcome or escape, I would identify the patterns of thought, belief & intention by which such ‘entities’ operate as a pathological indicator of a ‘polluted’ terrain. In the sense that unhealed conflicts can and do polarise to masking identities or cover-stories under which to persist a conflicted predicate in a split mind that effectively operates as a mutually supported split of conflicted interests, set into social controls or indeed a socially masked ‘reality’ – of both allies and enemies or threats that shift with conditions that are not merely physical but psychic or mental contextual meaning. While the term ‘psychic’ is devalued – and that also is a cultural reflection to note – I lean away from psycho-logical – which has its own baggage and bias of using the mind to study itself, manipulate itself and correct or augment or update itself. the dissociative mindset is a reflection I see that undermines true embodiment of any cultural value by competing cultural constructs – or reductionism under the lab-technician’s modelling of ‘humans’ as bio-cultures or bio-data-assets. If we did not first ‘become the machine’ no such ‘entity’ could conceivably manifest in our ‘socially augmented reality experience’. Not that we THINK we are hackable or programmed conditioning of perception-responses while focusing in the tempt of ‘freedom’ grasped at and possessed in imaged ideal or idol or representation for an increasingly externalised sense of subjection & dependency. Who gets my drift here? For this is the drift of a phished mind, that having taken the bait, runs for its life. How many consider the ‘evolution’ or unfolding of consciousness from its own source-nature rather than (if at all) from an assumed objective framework of both physical & historical continuity – which inevitably partakes of mythic or narrative identifications? The intuitive recognition of life as a recognition of value-fulfilment as an exchange that extends or shares meaning beneath any superimposition of overlaid ‘meanings’ or indeed personal judgements. Is the present the product of the past? -period? Is future the anticipation or expectation of a past remade, resolved, fixed, escaped, overcome, or redefined as a means to vicariously have some illusion of such a power? What we are giving energy and attention to, is effectively shaping our current experience of the ‘reality’ we are learning and teaching as real or current. But this is to say we are for the most part unconscious of, or trained not to notice, how we bind attention to defences, strategies and habits of thought and reaction that have become internalised ‘structures’ of identity and belief – to such a degree as to often be set outside possibility of recognising as questionable. The limitation or encapsulation of Consciousness to the body sets the underpinnings of closed system thinking, in a condition of depleting returns, such as to dictate war (by all means) as the nature of nature or ‘truth’ beneath illusions of love – that are thus manipulated and used as a leverage for manipulating hope, fear, sympathy or disgust – as incentivising frameworks by which to ‘enforce the Good’. Love’s revelation is unspeakably intimate – such as to temporarily suspend the masking mind and world of time and distance. But not to destroy our freedom to create, explore, experience and grow – along the themes or lines of our own signature desires and creative endeavours. Perhaps we could call that ‘unfinished business’ – but not as an imposition of another will over our own. Opening perspective serves the undoing of the… Read more »
Thank the boomers for this. Geriatric teenagers are running the west so what can be expected? Everywhere I look I see signs of an insecure and immature people. It is found everywhere from grown men in short pants to grown women in in public in their underwear, to bicycles without fenders. They are taking over because we do not have enough grown ups left to protect us.
By the way I am more of a man than the majority of males I see, yet when it comes to relieving myself I must sit or bad things happen–it is called aging.
At the top of the age old pyramid they tell me aging sucks, I replied I suggest you don’t do it.
I don’ t care if my husband or my male guests pee sitting, standing or hanging from the ceiling as long as the toilet and the bathroom floor stay clean and free from droplets or pubic hair.
My husband has taken to cleaning the bathroom years ago. Wonder why.
Because it is easier than listening to you gripe instead of just doing yourself..
Probably because he’s a pussywhipped loser. Do you two ever fuck? How do you deal with pubic hair in such a hypothetical situation? Is he required to get a clean shave prior to the act?
Geez, what’s wrong with a drop of pee or a pubic hair or two? Humans are animals just like all the other critters. Loosen up!
Hows that one glove workin out for ya, get ready to be run over by the bus.
3 shits on a shit helicopter manure.
What in the world is wrong with you? You never see any value in anything posted here, either articles or comments, so why do you read it? Can’t you do yourself and us a favor and find somewhere else to vent your nastiness? Sure, some remarks others make may seem trivial — so what? Maybe they are meant to show how deeper truths are revealed in everyday occurrences. Or maybe they are just meant to be funny. What are YOUR remarks meant to be? All they do is aggravate and annoy. It would be different if you commented once, just to say you disagree (or don’t understand) the point of an article — but you comment over and over again, making it difficult to even look at the comments section on O-G. Or, just maybe, is that your goal? To drive people away?
The turd’s a paid troll, mjh, assigned to OffG with the express purpose of driving people away through its attempts to “aggravate and annoy”.
Maybe you could try doing what I do, which is to take its posts as a source of amusement and an insight into the workings of a sick mind?
That’s a good strategy.
You might wanna give a thought, however, to whose mind is more sick – a person who pesters her partner over a few drops of piss over the course of his entire life or somebody who finds that baffling.
This is too deep of a question for a simple fella like me. I was just wondering why the commenter above is so obsessed with a few drops of piss and some pubic hair.
Urination is a vital bodily function, even you might not last long were you not able to take a leak. Surprise, surprise, urination produces urine a.k.a. piss. Why is somebody so obsessed about it? Baffling! Ditto pubic hair. Pubic hair is an integral part of one’s body, in this case the woman’s husband. Why is she so uptight about it? Because it grows in the crotch? Like the crotch is some unspeakable part of the body?
Why are you people so uptight?
By extension, why do you so doggedly pretend that issues you don’t wanna hear about don’t exist? Or viewpoints?
Pull your head from the sand and rid yourself of that ol’ cognitive dissonace, mahn. Instead of attacking good-willed others who are trying to tell you that you got blinders on for which reason you can’t see that you got blinders on.
I wasn’t going to broach the topic but, now that I’ve got a sister in arms, I will just say (with the caveat that I do not wish for men to be feminised!) that the droplet dispersion is a problem in a domestic toilet and I prefer male household members, visiting family and friends to sit down.
Men sit down when it comes to No.2, so what’s the problem?
Q: Ever wondered why public toilets have urinals with splash-backs on the side? A: So, that the man peeing next to the other man won’t get hit by the droplets! Capiche, you men out there who object?
Do you have a sign in your washroom “It is prohibited to urinate in the standing position” or “Men must sit down when urinating”? What’s penalty for failing to comply AND splashing a droplet of piss on the floor?
Nope. No snooping or forbidding in our household. Just open conversation and co-operation. But thanks for your input.
Conversation about in what position your husband should piss Fuck, what a household you got yourself!
Normal people understand that a drop of piss or menstrual blood for that matter sometimes happens, that’s how the fucking body works, they don’t go apeshit about it and don’t ‘cooperatively’ discuss it. They understand that their partner didn’t leave whatever it is there intentionally, clean it, and keep their fucking mouth shut about it.
BTW, the civilization really is in deep shit if people are getting obsessed with infinitely inconsequential stuff like this. Your horizons are like a fucking nanometer wide.
Sitting to pee will not catch on in Africa. This is not a racist comment.
I had a typical 60/70s up bringing which involved walking to school on my own from the age of 6 and being mostly out of the house when not at school. Typically my mum would shove us out the door in the morning and we were told not to get back til tea time, sometimes we did get into unsavoury situations but we navigated them and lived to tell the tale. This might sound frightening to most parents today but it remains a fact that child deaths happen mostly in the home either through accidents or at the hands of their carers. The biggest danger for us were cars but we had road crossing etiquette drummed into us from all directions, that’s another thing you don’t see those ads anymore well at least I don’t probably because kids don’t go out on their own anymore.
It’s a great shame. A lot of it is down to the car culture and the general loss of community trust. Other people would look out for us when I was a kid and would scold you if you were doing something naughty. Not to idealise all this but I worry for kids glued to screens with helicopter parents.
Frankly many parents now are idiots, they talk to their kids like they are idiots and thus their kids become idiots.
Charles Hugh Smith:
“What Orwell and Huxley got wrong is the limits of these nightmarishly effective systems of control.Full-spectrum technological totalitarianism can certainly enforce compliance with the desired behaviors and expressions of consent, but it can’t force individuals to have ambition or creativity, to marry for love and children, or possess values or beliefs beyond the superficial lip-syncing of compliance.
The coercive structures of the Surveillance State and Surveillance Capitalism are intrinsically inauthentic, ersatz, hollow, demanding an entirely artificial and easily faked appearance of consent that mimics devotion to the principles and narratives being shoved down the throats of the populace.
These structures enforce what isn’t allowed and superficial compliance, but they can’t force what actually makes a society functional: the convictions, hopes and values that inspire individuals to marry, raise a family and pursue self-expression via achievement. What actually happens in societies controlled by the Surveillance State and Surveillance Capitalism is decay and decline, as young people abandon ambition, marriage and raising children by lying flat and letting it rot, expressions of young people in China that speak to youth everywhere where compliance is more important than individual liberty.”
Read the rest here:
I suspect ‘they’ don’t care whether our obedience is due to genuine consent or whether we are seething under a mask of approval. They just want obedience.
If the aim is depopulation, then surely decay and decline of the ‘masses’, turning them transiently into ‘useless eaters’ before their bloodlines are eliminated through lack of reproduction, is exactly what the pseudo-elites want?
After all, those rich boys do seem to have a habit of having four or more children, don’t they? You know, Bezos, Murdoch, Johnson, Blair, Rees-Mogg, Young etc etc??
The Muslims and the Africans aren’t taking any notice, they’re breeding like rabbits. It’s the white Europeans/US settlers that are being targeted….
“The big things you and I know, and care, about—impending CBDCs, Social Credit scoring, 15-minute cities, UBIs, and Digital IDs. There are a slew of other similar horrors heading down the pike such as restrictions in international travel (ultimately all travel), upcoming pandemics, mandatory vaccinations, masking and social restrictions. These we know, but the sheep don’t, and if they do, they don’t care.”
Unless they are already the victims of mind-control neurowarfare as described by neuroscientist James “The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future” Giordano, the sheep will listen closely to the following discussion about very big things, and then not only care, – but take strong action.
The elites are going to keep travelling. My sister is a consultant doctor, fully paid up security services criminal since the late 1980s and she is going to keep going to Eurasia. She’s been trying to tell me to travel in the UK, not abroad, and she is setting herself up for the mother of all exposes, when her complicity in the Covid19 genocide is compared to the Hippocratic oath.
Maybe the Doctors have moved to saying ‘we don’t need to obey that’, but in that case, ‘self-regulation’ of Doctors is now no longer sustainable.
The Doctors must answer to others and if they refuse, then they can be prosecuted for conspiracy to commit genocide. In their thousands. Consultants first.
Perhaps we could give it a name Todd:
‘The invasive insidiousness of modernity’.
Every age has had to suffer through the onslaught of new technologies and the mollycoddling of the owners of the technology by governments.
Fortunately, I think some parents are waking up and pushing back against the theft of childhood by the ghouls who rule.
We must question and mock the exploiters until the tide has turned.
Why not just silently disobey until someone tries to stop you. You know: if there’s a new lockdown, go outdoors on foot every day. If you’re told to wear masks, just don’t do it in the home, out of doors etc etc.
I didn’t obey a single lockdown edict, I walked 8 miles every day to and from my allotment and to buy my parents a paper. I only wore a mask if I had to take my mother somewhere by taxi (and only then because she couldn’t go alone).
It’s amazing how lax the imposition of lockdown was for those that took no notice.
What the ghouls relied upon was craven obedience and self-censorship.
If they didn’t get that, their edicts would last less than one day.
CBDCs, products placement which all alt do.
Social Credit scoring, = credit rating been in effect for 75years!! – likes/views and analytics,
15-minute cities, I find most who have moaned about immigrants seem to care about this fantasy of 15 minutes city’s ( contradiction ) like using the world wide web if your a nationalist or shopping in aldi.
UBIs, patroens / crypto coins donations
Digital IDs blue tic on twitter.
How true, how true.
Back to the eternal question. What to do about it?
One might be tempted to conclude that an author fascinated with the predicament whether men piss standing up or sitting down, or perhaps assuming some other position, is too fucked up to produce something meaningful, but the rest of the text can be used as a vehicle for extrapolating something out of it.
Now, what would that be? What can be extrapolated with such an assemblage of whining how everything is fucked up left and right?
Well, surprise surprise, precisely that: everything is fucked up.
This civilization, meaning especially the global Northwest, and all other parts of the world insofar as they have allowed themselves to be fucked up the Northwest, has exhausted itself, sa raison d’etre est disparue, its spiritual underpinnings have evaporated. The Northwest is on its way down the tubes, which will mercifully flush the putrid stench of its decadence, ridding Earth of its obdurate stupidity and soullessness.
One could yap about all the individual issues the author mentions till the cows come home, but resolve nothing. The common denominator is as explained above, and there are only two options – either the Northwest gets a giant kick in the ass, or the balls (select where you’d like to be kicked the shit out of) and great-reset itself (just kidding, you can call it great reinvent or whatever will prevent you from going into a fucking anaphylactic shock and endless croaking about anal schwab a kill gates) or it’s as good as gone.
OffG should do a Read less » to attach to all your endless drivel. 😀
Why do you need somebody to give you instructions as to what to do? Can’t you do Read Less of your own volition, without being prompted?
Oh, I forgot. You’re an underling par excellence, always obediently waiting for the authority to tell you what the fuck to do.
Grow some balls, loser.
Your wind bag is about to exit the stratosphere, where you may no longer be seen except by the nose bleed crowd.
Am I connecting yet?
Why do you call yourself poet, dickhead? And an underground one on top of it?
Nobody told you that the function of a poet, or an artist, is to instigate in people a reaction, make them aware of a different view of reality, present shit in a new light, explore the unknown, look beyond the horizon, expose the unthinkable taboos?
You’re a conventional normie par excellence, a soulless, brainless, empty vessel ejaculating offended single-sentence shrieks that somebody dares say something different.
Call yourself abovetheground normative asshole or something like that.
No need for them to do so. Soc has done it himself. When you see “Sociolog” you know what to expect. It just depends on whether you’re up to enduring it or not.
They were great days as a kids out from sunrise to sunset.
Now I have to wrestle the screen from my kids to get them to do something different, heaven forbid creative!
Sheep are still sheep and the shrews are still posting the impending doom and gloom.
Crime wave in the UK and an indolent police force are not a good mix.
The race replacement programme in the West is heading for a volatile ending.
The tyrant puppets of Satan will only be stopped by force…tick tock.
Thanks Todd.