Gaza Selfie: Representing the Chosen People

Simon Elmer

“Encouraging and integrating aliyah is a strategic event for the State of Israel. Aliyah in the coming years will serve as an enormous growth engine for the Israeli economy and an engine of values — a renewal and refreshment of Zionism.”
Bezalel Smotrich, Israel Finance Minister, February 2024

There is a difference between the photographs published in the Western media during Israel’s 2014 assault on the Gaza Strip — which at the time was the most deadly in decades, killing over 2,300 Palestinians — and the far larger number of images, both photographs and digital footage, that have been coming out of Gaza since 7 October 2023. That’s partly because of the ubiquity of smartphones and social media today; but the images also serve a different geopolitical function.

What I’ve described previously as the ‘Bibilical’ representation of Palestinians in 2014 undoubtedly prepared the frame through which the peoples of the West initially viewed Israel’s attack on Gaza after the insurgency of 7 October; but the images and footage of the current crimes, which constitute a second Nakba, are very different. As I’ve also written previously, I don’t think we’ve ever seen what a military genocide looks like at such close quarters. In contrast, during Israel’s assault on Gaza in 2021, the social media accounts of Palestinian activists documenting the deaths and destruction were shut down, and I’d guess that the same media blackout could be imposed now. The US military exerted complete control over the media’s reporting during its invasion of Iraq in 2003, and I’d imagine so could the Israel Defence Forces if they wanted to, particularly given the openly Zionist stance of the owners of social media (Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, etc.).

It might appear odd, therefore, that Israel is not allowing food, water and medical supplies into Gaza — thereby creating a man-made famine on top of the crime of killing 41,500 Palestinians, injuring over 77,000 and displacing 2 million from a quarter of a million destroyed homes — but is allowing the murderous and destructive effects of their actions to be published on social media. This is worthy of consideration and some attempt at an explanation of why, which I will try to offer here.

It’s clear that Israel is expanding its limits ‘from the river to the sea’, as the ruling party, Likud, defined it in its 1977 election manifesto, within which Palestinians will live as something close to slave workers within an apartheid state. And the West has shown, conclusively by now, that it is happy with that arrangement — happier, even, than it was with the similar situation in South Africa between 1948 and 1994, which it occasionally felt obliged to sanction. That means greatly increasing the Jewish population too. As of 2023, nearly 30 per cent of Jews living in Israel were immigrants born in a different country, and that figure will need to rise considerably to combat the higher birth rates of Palestinians, which even the Israel Defence Forces can’t kill in sufficiently large numbers.

It’s particularly striking that so many photographs and so much footage has come out showing just how dehumanised the Jews of Israel have become under generations of Zionist indoctrination, and which has prepared them to perpetrate the crimes they are with an apparently clear conscience — indeed more than that: to commit those crimes as a demonstration of virtue. I’m thinking of the documentation of female Israeli soldiers posing in front of bound and blindfolded male Palestinian prisoners in the manner of the US marines at Abu Ghraib; of laughing male Israeli soldiers standing over bound female Palestinians forced to their knees, possibly prior to being raped; of laughing Israeli male soldiers posing with the under-clothing of the Palestinian women they’ve killed in the ruins of the homes they’ve destroyed; of Israeli soldiers recording themselves beating wounded Palestinian prisoners; of Israeli soldiers dedicating the mining and explosion of buildings in which Palestinians may still be living to their own children; of Israeli soldiers standing on the heads of bound Palestinian prisoners; of Israeli soliders smiling and posing before desecrated mosques covered with obscene graffiti; of female soldiers posing for a group ‘selfie’ in front of scenes of genocide; of the televised footage of Jewish children singing about wiping out Gaza and killing Palestinians; of Israeli Jews dancing ecstatically in celebration of the genocide in Gaza at music concerts; of Jewish settlers with US accents stealing the homes of Palestinian families in the occupied territories; of Israeli Jews forming a blockade of aid into Gaza; and even of US and UK Jews talking about collectively moving into developments on the ‘sea-front’ real-estate of Gaza even as the bodies of those who once lived there wait to be bulldozed by Israeli contractors.

Just as we’ve never seen what a military genocide looks like in such detail, we’ve also never seen how the perpetrators of genocide behave at such close quarters, or heard what they think. The photographs and footage coming out of the liquidation of the Gaza concentration camp are evidence of what is more than the cruelty of this self-elected ‘Chosen People’. They demonstrate, in addition, a psychopathic national psychology indifferent to the rest of humanity and what we think of the crimes being committed by the Israel Defence Forces. The fact these images have been made or recorded not by photojournalists looking to expose the brutality of warfare but by the soldiers themselves, who have no qualms in uploading them onto their personal social media accounts, corroborates their psychopathology.

This may be because Israeli Jews have become so dehumanised by the ideology of Zionism and the brutality of 75 years of occupation that they really aren’t aware of how this looks to the rest of us, or, at least, to those of us horrified by their evident joy in the suffering, humiliation and murder of Palestinians. But it’s also a product of the indoctrination of Jews since birth into the horrors of the Shoah, and the repeated admonition by Zionists that no-one but the State of Israel will stand up for Jews. In their eyes, this grants Israeli Jews the sacred right, which they have exercised with increasing fidelity for 76 years, to treat the Palestinians as they themselves were treated by the Germans — which is to say, as subhuman Untermenschen, stripped naked, blindfolded, beaten, herded like cattle into refugee camps in the desert or shipped abroad, their men carted off to prison, where they are tortured with impunity and killed at the slightest sign of resistance.

I also think that, as the West slides deeper into fascism at every level of society, from our governments, military, judiciary and police forces to financial institutions, the media and cultural and education industries, we’re seeing, in far greater focus, the boot that George Orwell predicted, in Nineteen Eighty-Four, would be stamping on the human face forever in the future that is now our present. He just never guessed it would bear the flag of Israel on its moulded rubber sole.

But I also think that the war crimes of Israel, which have been overwhelmingly condemned by the peoples of the world in weekly protests while being supported militarily, financially and politically by Western governments, has turned more people than ever before not only against the State of Israel but also against the Jewish diaspora. I fully expect the Prime Minister of Israel and leader of Likud, Benjamin Netanyahu, to use the war crimes of his government and military — most probably with a false-flag attack on a synagogue in New York — to draw more of that diaspora to Israel on the grounds that Jews are ‘no longer safe in the West’, as we’re constantly being told by the almost unanimously Zionist Western media interviewing Jewish celebrities in London and New York.

This doesn’t mean, as some commentators have speculated, that the continued existence of the State of Israel is threatened by the consequences of its current war crimes. As Mao Tzedong said to a delegation of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation in 1965, Israel is the base for Western imperialism in the Middle East, and until the US Empire falls it will remain there. The recording of the crimes of the State of Israel against the Palestinian people, and their dissemination in such graphic detail across Western media otherwise dedicated to censoring information — with no comparable photographs and footage coming out of the Ukraine, for example — serves the goals of Zionism. This, as we are seeing incontrovertibly demonstrated for all the world to see, is to turn Palestine into an Israeli concentration camp in which the Jews are the guards.

As in an increasing number of wars waged in the age of the internet, including that in the Ukraine, the atrocities committed by the grinning ghouls of the Israel Defence Forces are an immigration advertisement for Jews worldwide. ‘Come to Eretz YisraelThe safest place to be Jewish!’ Zionists call this aliyah, or ‘ascent’, which is an indication of what they think of Gentiles.

Perhaps most worryingly for the rest of us, as happened with the Spanish Civil War, which history reduced to the opening act of World War Two, the genocide in the Gaza Strip is a crime of such enormity that only a Third World War can erase it from the memories of the politically amnesiac populations of the West, and in doing so protect those responsible for committing, collaborating with and calling for it — both Jews and Gentiles — from facing justice under international law.

Simon Elmer is the founder of Architests for Social Housing, and author of The Great Reset: Biopolitics for Stakeholder Capitalism. His recent books include The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State (2022), as well as two volumes of articles on the UK biosecurity state, Virtue and Terror and The New Normal, both published in 2023.


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Categories: Israel, Israel-Hamas, latest
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Apr 17, 2024 7:41 PM

I’ll just leave this here.

“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds
Have no fear for atomic energy
‘Cause none of them can stop the time
How long shall they kill our prophets
While we stand aside and look? Ooh!
Some say it’s just a part of it
We’ve got to fulfill the book”.

Was never a Bob Marley fan – or a Reggae fan, for that matter – however, the recent film biopic opened my eyes to a genre/person I had dismissed for most of my life.

Apr 17, 2024 5:32 AM

The Germanic Thing Place of the “Young Republicans” in Tampa has invited not only FPÖ-Vilimsky, but also “Professor Doctor” [sic!] Weyel to the racial fraternal assembly.


“Weyel is the son of an African-American GI and a cook from the Westerwald. One year after his birth, his father left the family and returned to Raleigh in North Carolina.”

Florida’s tropical climate visibly did the “AfD representative” good after he was arbitrarily forced to be exposed to the post-glacial climate of the sub-alpine lowlands.
comment image

Apr 16, 2024 3:39 PM

Judge Napolitani asks Scott Ritter to explain the Diplomatic finesse of Iran’s “Little slap on the face” to Israel’s Yahoo yobboes.


Iranian Prof.Marandi described Iran’s retaliation to Israel’s challenge as “A little slap on the face” which makes them quits. No Israeli was hurt, and only a few military targets were destroyed — including the military airbase from which Israel’s murderous F-35s flew their murderous provocation.

Ritter describes this airbase as “the most highly protected place on the planet: Patriot, Iron Dome, direct communication with U$ Starlink yet Iran aimed only 7 heavy missiles at that target, and 5 got through as though all that U$ AD were not there. Point made. But the next time Israel feels free to break International Law, Iran’s response will be 100 times worse. No target in Israel is safe. Israel’s boasted and illegal Samson Option is only a suicide option.

Back to the real point at issue, the real Casus Belli: the long overdue UN negotiations for creation of a Palestinian State, and reparations for the Gaza Genocide..

A discussion between two unusual voices from the U$A in this first quarter of the 21st century: a Judge who wants Justice and a Disarmament Negotiator who wants Peace. Well worth the long listen.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 16, 2024 9:58 AM

I have wondered if those circulated photos of Israeli “hostages” and were AI generated images. All of them looked like glossy examples of models posing in clothes catalogues. The family shots could have been taken from any Hollywood romantic comedy.

(I didn’t even realise that there are sites that allow you to generate your own AI images at the prompt of inserted words. I tried “soldier” and up came a rather austere black and white photo that recalled WW1. I daresay further qualifications can generate a plethora of styles and periods.)

Mr Y
Mr Y
Apr 16, 2024 9:38 AM

> … justice under international law.

Justice and international law in the same sentence – give me a bloody break!

Apr 17, 2024 7:18 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

The EU$A has forgotten Justice. Too many judges who are merely a “safe pair of hands” (RIP Dr.David Kelly). Too many “Humanitarian interventions”. Too many “Right to defend itself” genocides. And one too many breaches of Diplomatic Immunity.

Apr 16, 2024 8:00 AM

George asks Scott to explain what Iran’s “little slap on the face” to Uncle $cam’s spoilt brat of a nephew actually amounted to.


Ritter for President-!

Galloway for Prime Minister!

Apr 15, 2024 10:54 PM

Possibly a truism, but show me your view of Israel, and I’ll show you how you’ve lived. Difficult to find a contradiction.

One of those mirrors held up to humanity?

Boney M. – Rivers Of Babylon

Apr 16, 2024 10:31 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

In 2024, wouldn’t it rather be tell me your view of Israel and I’ll tell what you are?  😁 

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 17, 2024 3:41 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Apr 15, 2024 9:44 PM

“Does Israel have a memory of justice?” The answer to this burning question does not concern elites in a world of Jewish criminals who pose as their moral apologists. “In 2017, Ophuls referred to the film as, ‘The most personal and sincere [sic!] work I’ve ever done.'” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Memory_of_Justice


There is probably nothing more Jewish than having naked “Nazi descendants” debating “gas chambers” and “shower heads” in the sauna. And then this almost devilishly “corrosive” sound of Ophul’s voice. As always, the subtitles are poorly translated to the point of distorting the truth. Make sure that they are not doubled by switching them off on “CC”. https://fmoviesz.to/movie/the-memory-of-justice-20w24/1-1

Apr 17, 2024 1:06 AM
Reply to  Ernest

“Lord Shawcross” … what a snobbish, arrogant SOAB

“born in Giessen” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hartley_Shawcross

How damn lucky this pig was. https://de.zxc.wiki/wiki/Luftangriff_auf_Gie%C3%9Fen_am_6._Dezember_1944

Apr 17, 2024 2:37 AM
Reply to  Ernest



Unlike “Antony”, this name bearer is not Mexican, but Scottish. I only like one track which, despite its plaintive despair at not really being able to slip into his lover like his hand into a glove, at least offers an uplifting chord sequence.


Austria also produced a Quinn who, in keeping with his half-breed identity, got stuck halfway in Hamburg and, unlike James Last, was thus denied great success on the islands.

Apr 17, 2024 3:11 AM
Reply to  Ernest

Schpeschell werrschon fietscherink “gaylord” Andy

Apr 15, 2024 9:07 PM

Just came across these words, spoken on different occasions by Bishop of London Arthur Winnington-Ingram at the time of WW1, and thought them timeless and relevant to religion generally (in that ‘Old Testament’ genocidal way), particularly in the present case of cleansing the holy land:

To kill them, not for the sake of killing, but to save the world; to kill the good as well as the bad; to kill the young men as well as the old; to kill those who have showed kindness to our wounded…

This nation has never done a more Christ-like thing than when it went to war in August 1914… the world has been redeemed again by the precious blood shed on the side of righteousness. 


Apr 16, 2024 12:39 AM
Reply to  niko

Self righteousness would be more accurate.
The Bishop and his ilk never had to stand in trenches next to their muddy, blood soaked, mutilated or dead mates.

Apr 16, 2024 8:17 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Yes, that’s part of the sick irony.

Apr 16, 2024 8:16 AM
Reply to  niko

Yes, Apart-hate and genocide were rife in the pre-WW1 British Empire. So was Anti-Judaism. To get hold of their gold and diamonds Britain invaded and conquered the Free Afrikaaner Republics of South Africa. Then to get hold of their oil, Britain invaded and conquered the Turkish provinces of Mesopotamia. Incidentally destroying Germany as an industrial competitor.

The only reason Britain founded A National Home for the Jews in Palestine was to get a war loan from Dear Lord Rothschild. But the racist mentality and anti-Jewish literature continued until Hitler created a huge wave of sympathy for the Jews.

That an Anglican Bishop should say “Britain never did a more Christ-like thing” than try to ruin Germany and take over the Turkish oilfields in 1918 was anticipated in these words of Christ:

“Not all who say, Lord! Lord! …”

Apr 15, 2024 6:28 PM

Israel would never have launched Operation Waterfront Renovation without the American imprimatur. The plan to completely relocate all (surviving) Palestinians from both Gaza and the West Bank was pre-approved by all stake-holders, and there is zero possibility of a genuine change-of-heart by any of them. The false-flag on October 7th was the point of no return. Israel’s existence is now dependent on the non-existence of Muslims in “Samaria and Judea”. They will use nukes if they have to; the alternative is annihilation.

The absurd hope was that the western world would somehow spontaneously align their values with the operation and hold their hands over their eyes during the era of Biblical atrocities — it worked with the “pandemic”, after all — but, unfortunately for all parties, that didn’t happen.

The contingency plan was always to finish the dirty business under the cover of war with Iran… which is what the US was in it for in the first place, so no complaints from Biden (excluding statements to the press: pre-scripted, timed-release, straight from the mission dossier). It no longer seems strange that the single-POV, regime-aligned western press showed both sides of the slaughter in Gaz, cameras lingering on the corpses of children. Israel thought it was the shepherd, herding the Gazans toward the gate to Egypt, but it just a sheepdog being herded into the sea, along with the sheep, by the US war machine.

Apr 16, 2024 6:09 AM
Reply to  Bloobock

Bonus: The global genocide by jab and by many other things don’t seem so monstrous now.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Apr 15, 2024 5:44 PM

So there’s a stock photo in the Guardian today headlining an article about how effective Iron Dome was. It was a desert scene with a super-high tech missile system with a happy little peasant boy riding past on his donkey. Its a neat picture, I’ve seen it before, and its pure propaganda. Think about it…..

Apr 16, 2024 8:20 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

For the truth about damage by Iran’s “little slap in the face” see this interview of Scott Ritter by George Galloway:


Apr 15, 2024 4:59 PM

Many thanks to Simon and to O-G for this item. I know it’s a false binary and that and we should be wary of getting carried away by the sight of human suffering, but these truly are extraordinary times. We have a genocide being perpetrated and broadcast proudly by its perpetrators, who seem to have lost any ability to imagine how others see them, while the world looks on and the West witters about its values.

Apr 15, 2024 4:34 PM
Apr 15, 2024 9:22 PM
peter mcloughlin
peter mcloughlin
Apr 15, 2024 1:58 PM

It is the Third World War that is coming, bringing with it even more atrocities and destruction than is happening now – a despairing image. There seems to be nothing that can focus minds. Except one thing perhaps, a syllogism: every empire/civilization in history has eventually faced the war it was trying to avoid; everyone wants to avoid WWIII; therefore, that is they fate that awaits the human race. Paradoxically, the only chance of avoiding that fate is to accept it. I explore this in my new e-pamphlet The Doomsday Syllogism. For anyone interested in the fate of mankind can find it at:

Apr 15, 2024 11:32 AM

If we accept that “jewishness” is neither a result of ethnicity nor religious belief (many jews being secular), and that this implies that “jewishness” is merely an identity, what are the implications of this of recognising other identities – i.e. the multitude of genders we are told exist?

Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of accepting that a man can be a women (or vice versa) merely by choosing to identify as such. If we reject this self-identification, are we rejecting jewish self-identification as well?

I find this whole business very confusing.

Apr 16, 2024 6:15 AM
Reply to  Simon

If someone wants to be locked up for life, should we respect his choice without his committing a major crime? It is already respectable for Medical Science to remove body parts including limbs.

Apr 15, 2024 10:01 AM

“On a different topic: I haven’t seen any wise and accurate posts from ‘Wardropper’, living supposedly in Iceland, for quite some time. I miss them… Is there any news about him? I know he had his years…”

Apr 15, 2024 1:10 PM
Reply to  sekstans

Við söknum þín Wardropper.

Apr 16, 2024 3:08 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Thank you, dear friends. Your encouraging words are much appreciated.
I’ve just been rather busy lately, dealing with everyday life – also of course trying to come to terms with the relentless barrage of propaganda dished out 24/7 by all the world’s media – here as much as anywhere else.

Retired though I am, it often feels like I’m still in a full-time job, with the same exciting but challenging concert work as before, except that I am no longer working for a boss or an institution, but just for music, and with musicians I actually want to work with.
I suspect that many musicians like me just don’t retire… Health good; no arthritis; keep going till you drop, sort of thing…

Politically speaking, I’ve been sorely tempted to become the sort of total hermit who lives on melted snow and lichens until he perishes, but I’ve noticed that many of the conversations I’ve had with people I know are actually showing much more cynicism towards “the authorities” than I would have expected a couple of years ago. I’m seriously beginning to enjoy talking to people again (and listening to them…)

Perhaps higher powers are helping more of us to wake up. I do hope so.
At any rate, in these apocalyptic times, it’s always good to be back in the OffG environment, where rational concepts get a good airing now and then.

See you soon.

Apr 16, 2024 10:38 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Good to hear from you! Best wishes.

Apr 15, 2024 9:43 AM

Yesterday 14 4 24, the evil axis of evil Iran attacked peace loving Isreal. 
The media showed photos and videos of Iranian people painted as savages dancing and singing celebrating in the streets driving around (without seatbelts! like mad max) with PRO palalstian and hamas flags.
The Iranian leader in the most grainiest poorest quality video ever looking like a character out of a Hollywood evil moslem terrorist film boosting about what he has done and will continuing doing..

I have seen the above video for Gaddafie, Saddium, Castro, 
I even seen similar about Jean-Bédel Bokassa ( African evil military leader) , Vietnam War, Hitler and Staling.

The only thing is.. the video quality of the videos have got worse over the years not better with technology.
The same propaganda videos repeated.

The Iranian people needing saving from the evil dictator using chemical weapons against his own people.
(not water from taps, GM food, or chemtrails or 5G control grid) real chemical weapons like Macdonalds, Burger King, KFC, pizza hut, Rape camps. Beheaded children.

Something must be done……

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Apr 15, 2024 6:37 AM

Socialist poppycock and absolute guff simply put.

About time that terrorist idiots learn there are consequences for what you do.

The ridiculous claim of proportional response is one of the most idiotic that the left have thumb-sucked that are often used as a river crying tactic. The harshest response is always needed when responding to a cowardly barbaric terrorist attack.

The complete nonsense of the created numbers has been shown to be fake- How the Gaza fatality numbers are faked – https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/analysis-shows-gaza-fatality-numbers-faked-but-misses-key-point-which-makes-the-numbers-even-more-ludicrous/

Gaza is a milk cow to Hamas elites. Palestinian emotional milking machine. Lots of free money and that is why they are there.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Apr 15, 2024 8:39 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Do stop using the word ‘socialist” to talk about genocides.

If you deny the genocide the Israelis have committed, you need the death sentence.

If you deny that Israel has been murdering more Palestinians, Lebanese etc etc than they have murdered Israelis, since 1947, then you need the death sentence.

If you believe that the Israelis are superior to Palestinians, you need the death sentence.

Your words are those of a disgusting, inhuman pile of excrement and I hope that you meet the sort of fate that your scum of a personality undoubtedly deserves….

Apr 15, 2024 9:00 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

That’s a bit harsh.

Apr 16, 2024 12:56 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

by Israelis/Israel, I assume you to mean, those who call the shots, their supporters even, and not the entire population of the country.

If so, do you think it suitable to be a little more exacting, separate the wheat from the chaff etc.


Apr 16, 2024 5:47 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Rhys: don’t allow yourself to be dragged down to the troll’s level. You’re better than that. Their MO is to attempt to excuse the inexcusable. TC …

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Apr 16, 2024 12:53 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I was commenting on Elmer’s commentary who is a socialist. If that offends you tough. Get over it.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Apr 16, 2024 1:00 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

What an asshole you are. I don’t accept any terrorist org like Hamas or their acolytes. And if you do then you do, then you’re lower than a piece of Hamas excrement which must be the lowest form of anything. Maybe you enjoy hearing the excitement and cheers when they rape female corpses.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 15, 2024 10:03 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

To riff on that wretched Conservative Woman piece:

ONE of the most bizarre aspects of the Israel-Hamas conflict is the way the mainstream media have to constantly give the strident refrain about “Oct 7 Oct 7 Oct 7 ……………” all the way through. Because they know the blatantly obvious swathe of destruction that Israel is creating doesn’t even need figures to back it up. Everyone can see the damage and can logically assume that the death count will be vast. Those who manage to survive the initial blast are unlikely to survive the deprivation the blast causes.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Apr 17, 2024 7:19 AM
Reply to  George Mc

It is irrelevant as there are consequences for for your actions..
The terrorist barbarians are the occupiers of Gaza. Face the facts that they have not had an election since they rook over the territory. Which Israel abandoned after that. I was used by Hamas to launch an an attack on Israel.
Mahmoud Abbas, was last elected 19 years ago to a four-year term, and that the last time the Palestinians went to the polls, in 2006, they voted for Hamas. So is HAMAS rightfully there considering that Hamas overthrew Fatah and Mahmoud Abbas was essentially installed in a violent coupe, dragging dozens of Fatah members tied to trucks on the streets of Gaza, they butchered their own Palestinians publicly.

Hamas have hijacked the Palestinian people and have been brain washing them since then, using them for their own delusional purposes and the people of Hamas as pawns and shields. The fact that Hamas hides within the Gazan population, using them as human shields and thereby maximising the number of civilian deaths. The numbers a a fabrication by Hamas in any event. Why is that ignored by the media? That too is a war crime is it not?

Hamas attacked Israel on Oct 7th, not the other way around. Hamas made a big error in judgment and are now crying using the media to spin a narrative as if they are the victim. Hamas were the aggressor.

When have you ever heard that an army announces its intent to attack to reduce collateral civilian deaths? Israel protects civilians more effectively than anyone else in the history of warfare. It is the only nation that, through phone calls, text messages and voicemails, warns civilians of any planned assault in an effort save life, even though such forewarnings give Hamas a military advantage.
Israel has repeatedly warned before it attacks and have warned it will be going into Rafah is Hamas’ last major stronghold in the Gaza Strip. That is why Iran launched its rockets into Israel earlier this week. trying to delay Israel.

Hamas was created by Israel and Israel will destroy it. Hamas went rogue. That is their right to do so whether we like it or not.

Aug 14, 2024 10:59 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

what disgusting nonsense. who is doing the killing here exactly? “hamas attacked Israel”, no, it launched an act of resistance IN Israel, the occupying power, which as such logically cannot act in self defence. What are they supposed to do, meekly accept subsistance living in a concentration camp under conditions of constant abuse? Hamas is an irrelevance, a pretext to level and seize the area and kill off the natives, what else is Zionism after all? What do you think is the body count here and how exactly are the civilians, women and children at fault? you are cheering on genocide, hope you are proud of yourself.

Apr 16, 2024 3:25 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Some people really work at being deplorable.
You must be up there with the best of them…

Do you seriously think a starving or shredded child in any country relates to ‘socialism’ in any way, shape, or form…?

Try turning to page 2 of that book you once started to read, and try opening your other eye – it might let more light in…

Apr 16, 2024 6:32 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

The Israeli public is being fed more of the brutality to normalise it, though the Haredim are not buying any of it. Warning: These links may be grotesque.

Apr 15, 2024 6:21 AM

The genocide in Gaza has been deemed requisite by the Kakistocracy for the invocation of a number of agendas that are essential building blocks/catalyzers for the nwo to fully manifest itself in the near future; these include:

  1. access to the offshore oil and natural gas that’s been identified off the shores of Gaza;
  2. continuing balkanization of the middle east to enable the Kakistocracy to reduce the ability of the countries in this region to align and actuate a defense vs Israel et al.
  3. to incite the world’s – especially denizens in ME, Muslim/Arab world – vitriol and venom towards Israel; so that Armageddon can take place in near future.
  4. to continue creating, calibrating and centralizing the 5th/6th/7th/8th generation warfare weapons to the point wherein the ability for a person, no matter where they reside, to defend one’s personal freedoms & rights will be nigh impossible;
  5. to continue the agendas of the day (i.e., Agenda 2030/SDG; DEI; ESG; 4IR; BBB; TGR; Society 5.0; etc.) – and concomitant technologies and techne (i.e., smart cities/homes/gadgets; 6/7G; sensors; nano-particles; CBDC; digital ID’s; UBI; geo-fencing; etc.) – for the further evolution of the open-air, digital, panoptic prison.
  6. to continue the alchemical processing of humans – via another cataclysmic (‘black swan’) event that pits groups of humans, throughout the world vs one another – via the collation, categorization and polarization of peoples which is created subsequent to said event; for the eventual manifestation of the termination point for all of humanity to appear in the near future: post-humanism.
  7. the continuing merging, nay fusion of the fake with the real (which this conflict has catalyzed via fake videos; narratives; CGI; crisis actors; etc.) via the modern technologies of smart phones; social media; CGI; AI; cybernetics; etc. and modern media mediums s/a msm; alt news; conspiracy theorist; youtubers; live streams; etc.; etc.; so that, in the near future, these next-generation technologies will enable the full immersion of humans with 3-D mediums (i.e., Web 3.0) to manifest itself more or less seamlessly.

That is all! RGB-Y4 out!!

Apr 15, 2024 5:18 AM

Professor Marandi of Teheran University comments on the report by Anglo Zionazi Capitalist news media claiming 110% protection of the Apart-hate State by the combined Air Defenses of the Genocide State and its Anglo Allies (Unite $tates of America,,United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, and Royal Harrovian Kingdom of Jordan).


Apr 15, 2024 5:03 AM

Scott Ritter, UN Chief Weapons Inspector and U$ Nuclear Disarmament Negotiator from the good old days of the Peace Dividend at the end of the Cold War, and still in the Military Intel Loop, reveals some Zion-azi military targets hit by Iran’s hypersonic missiles.


[According to Anglo Zionazi news media, 199% of Iranian missiles were shot down by scrambling the U$ Air Force, the Royal Air Force, the Israeli Air Force, the Royal Jordanian Air Force and — Wait for It! Taraah! — Iron Dome aka Patriot. And while all the Kings Airmen and all the POTU$A`s Airmen were shooting at a huge decoy flock of slow moving drones (top speed 100mph) Iran’s supersonic missiles came in and simply whizzed past them and Iron Dome as though they weren’t there. — comment by NickM]

Apr 16, 2024 7:06 AM
Reply to  NickM

The Patriot launchers themselves got hit, but MSM mentioning that is bad for war business.

Apr 15, 2024 4:37 AM

In memory of Rachel Corrie, on the 20th anniversary of her crucifixion by a Zion-azi bulldozer.


Apr 16, 2024 7:07 AM
Reply to  NickM

Now, tanks are doing what the bulldozer did.

Apr 15, 2024 3:14 AM


Apr 15, 2024 3:14 AM

My Mum always told me, that I had a Guardian Angel looking after me..I kind of believed her, but I knew I hadn’t met her yet..and then, I said be brave…My Mum is Really nice..not OTT, when she realises I have really fallen in love with you..

We are walking up the Garden Path, to knock on the door for her to meet my My Mum…but she already knew…I told my My Mum. I am completely in love. I was so happy. She already knew

Apr 15, 2024 5:19 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Shut up you fool.

Apr 15, 2024 2:34 AM

After a second hair wash and bath trying to dye my hair Baby Blonde…she did say – not David Coverdale yet..and went to see Robert Plant…

Are you up to coming into London with me again…My wife wants me totally overcome my Sepsis, and be Really Fit again

Top Bird


les online
les online
Apr 15, 2024 2:29 AM

Modern day Hebrews have a lot to live up to…
Think about their Past, all the rapes, thefts and
slaughters their Ancestors carried out -and
recorded in their Holy Books titled “Revenge”,
and “Acquisitions” – the content of the Holy
Books the young (males) must study religiously…
There’s a whole lot of History they have to live up
to if future generations are to admire them for
maintaining their tribes Sacred Traditions…

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Apr 15, 2024 5:11 AM
Reply to  les online

They are not Hebrews. For the most part European Jews are descended from a mixture of the various peoples who have inhabited the Caucasus and southern Russia.

Apr 16, 2024 2:09 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

This appears to be the old Khazar Bloodlines trope popularised by Arthur Koestler but actually predating him. It is often deployed to imply or state that no Israeli Jew is in any way indigenous to the region whereas Palestinians have been there since whenever.

(Strahl himself is likely maybe 50% Corded Ware invader from around 2,800 BC, going by his N. European name: N Europe has more Steppe ancestry than S Europe, Sardinia having the most Neolithic Farmer.)

Whereas recent human aDNA (not so “a”, actually) human genetics show AFAIK that Ashkenazis (we are not addressing Sephardim here) show Levantine lineage along the male but not female line.

The idea being that Levantine males had wives from the Italian peninsula after 1,000 AD.

But then there is the idea that actually, the Eastern Med genes derive from Phoenician settlement in N Africa followed later by conversion of those people to Judaism.

https://www.unz.com/runz/prof-john-beaty-and-the-true-origin-of-the-jews/: “Sand spent a few pages discussing the possibility of Jewish converts from among Phoenicians and Carthaginians, but he failed to give the idea the importance it deserved, instead devoting many times more space to the far less plausible Khazar ancestry of the European Jews”.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Apr 17, 2024 8:13 AM
Reply to  Jenner

Strahl is ignoring all the background issues because it is complicated.
Unz of course has an agenda too, however he is very informative.

BTW you may have not read the whole article? Beaty bases his book relying on the Khazar Hypothesis which has been debunked. But thanks for the link. Most interesting.

That is beside the fact that the British involvement in the issue of the far east as well as Turkey has been going on for years and over a century. It was of course the British who created the Muslim Brotherhood.

Then don’t ignore the Gladio effect either exposed too by Colonel Roxane Towner-Watkins in discussions with Matthew J.L Ehret and Gordon McCormick– aka GhostofBasedPatrickHenry of Badlands media. There is a hidden hand in this saga of Israel and Palestine

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 15, 2024 2:13 AM

Basically, a fanatical, racist religious cult that somehow got their own country and because of wealth, power and control of institutions (political and media first and foremost) has gotten away with keeping millions of people in prison for decades. And now will get away with trying to wipe them completely out because of their sick, religious fantasies.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Apr 17, 2024 8:29 AM

Yes with the help on the Anglo-American empire. Jew have become the scapegoat for sure.

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Apr 15, 2024 2:00 AM

Excellent article! Especially the grand finale last paragraph. Where was justice? Where is it?

Apr 15, 2024 1:30 AM

Sure, many Jews think they are chosen people, and they have a monopoly on God – their Jahweh, BUT that is pretty similar to the Muslims with their Allah and us being mere kaffirs having to pay tax to exist around Them.
Historically Mohammed’s instructor has been the most successful world concuror, beating even Genzing Khan’s ear whisperer. Hitler’s dream visitor didn’t make it far due to strong occult opposition. Netanyahu’s Jahweh has trouble holding a few hunderd square miles in Judea.

What never ceases to amaze me is the easy with which woke Western middle class women fall for Islamic causes. Self hate and spiritual vacuum they have in common with many of their men, but their fate under Muslim rule is quite different; some form of SM (not Social Media)?? Jewish women on the other hand are in much better position culturally – jealousy?

Apr 15, 2024 12:41 AM

Off G should seriously consider publishing this piece:


Intellectual historian and psychoanalytical anthropologist, William Manson (an unfortunate surname) sums up the psychology of the Turds at the top perfectly.

Whether the ‘geriatric plutocrats’ live in Israel, the US, UK, Russia, China or on their private islands/enclaves, they are by far the biggest threat to humanity.

Begone Satan/s.

Apr 15, 2024 5:24 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Your Link to “The Irrational Greed of Geriatric Plutocrats” reminds me of a saying by Epicurus;

“Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is not enough” — Epikouros.

And don’t forget irrational behaviour by their rich brats: all those incompetent young nephews and nieces parachuted into top government positions.

Apr 15, 2024 8:33 AM
Reply to  Johnny

The other ‘Manson’ was born ‘Maddox’ – this sort of name-change suggests a muddying of the waters (and manufactured occult mockery) by the hidden hand.

Pol Pot wasn’t his real name either.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Apr 15, 2024 12:36 PM
Reply to  Johnny

“The man who rules you all is the biggest crook of the bunch. Cause he’s the one who has succeeded in crime. The criminals we lock up in jail are the ones who didn’t make it.“ 

– Alan Watts, The Myth of the Ceramic Construct

Apr 14, 2024 11:06 PM

Seems what we’re witnessing across the world is a festival of the predators. Undeclared world war is already underway since convid and consequent polycrisis became strategy of global capital’s class rule imposing great reset. Gaza is one launch point for Big Brother’s boot on a prison planet which multipolar technates of Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia are all variously pursuing, including in conflict with one another easily escalating into wider wars of military conquest. Such world war, recalling blocs of ruling class powers creating horrors of the last century, might very well serve as the ultimate trump to play in the geopolitics of creating the new world order, as it did for our prole predecessors suffering the consequences then.

Yes, Zionist Israel is backed by a fascist US, tail-wagging-the-dog questions aside, and both have been partners in crime against humanity that’s been around as long as Pox Americana became a plague upon the earth. So Zionist indoctrination of its nationalized population, themselves under advanced occupation with the plandemic, rests on a larger political-economic-military base of power which enables its exercise. This enabling of proxy power is most stark in the nuclear armament of the Zionist state, and all the more real as a threat when Pentagon planning proposes such doublethink as tactical nukes (like that used with Nord Stream 2?). In short, Israelis rising in revolt, or not, against their occupying state power may have a lot to do with what their US counterparts under occupation in the belly of the beast are doing.

As it is, in the absence of international solidarity among exploited classes of capital rule, the might-makes-right savagery of ruling classes is showing its fascist face more in the new normal’s revolutionary upheaval of social relations toward more totalitarian final solutions, Gaza again one front of worldwide depopulation agenda by multiple means. Like Zappa said, the curtain is being pulled back to reveal the brick wall at its back, or following Mao, power proceeds from the barrel of a gun. And like Gramsci said, all sorts of morbid symptoms appear in this interregnum.

So I think the self-projection of the dark times in which we’re living, in all its pathological pride, is summed up by these photo ops for genocide. Less an invitation to come settle in war-torn territory, it’s an open warning that the boot can come crashing down on any who deviate from the new abnormal. It’s open season on us all.

Apr 14, 2024 10:21 PM

I’ve noticed this pattern on certain forums / comment message boards.

There is human people discussing the evil of the lockdown and the effect it had on people.
Watching oldies die and weddings funerals and hospital visits etc all totally evil.
Masks and Qr codes, track n trace. Needing tests and vaccines to leave countries
how evil we all agree,

yet there is a proportion of the same people, the minute you mentioned what is happening in Gaza, this proportion of the same people a minutes ago saying the above will actually say things along the lines of it hsmas fault.
One commentators said have you not thought what it must be like the IDF in how there feeling.
it so scripted the cliche response you may as well be watching IDF news.
So it is either sleepy cell on theses forums comment boards all awaiting the nudge nudge wink wink.

or certain life is less than.

it doesn’t add up.

just like in the E.U and world wide there is no longer an anti war political party,
just a fake cease fire party when one doesn’t get sacked for suggesting it.

I really dont get how the humane can be so selective.

Apr 14, 2024 11:01 PM
Reply to  nima

It’s all by design. The usual divide to conquer tactic. When more people turn on or against one another, it serves the ultimate agenda. Sadly, some of the ‘truthers’ haven’t done their homework. It’s a steep learning curve and deep rabbit hole. When we are reminded, almost daily, of one people being the eternal victims, eventually some fall for the narrative. For example, how many times have we been reminded of the Bolsheviks (Stalin) having swallowed 60 million (?) of their/his own? Not once, since the west was allied with them during the war. Selective, indeed. How many people have delved into the Kalergi Plan? The more one learns, the more one questions…and the more one realises how much one doesn’t (yet) know.

Apr 14, 2024 11:20 PM
Reply to  Brigitte
Apr 15, 2024 5:28 AM
Reply to  nima

“there is no longer an anti war political party,
just a fake cease fire party”

A fake cease fire to drag out the agony of the victims.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 15, 2024 8:27 AM
Reply to  nima

Yeah and, not that I want to appear paranoid, I notice that, whilst the Gaza situation has been grinding on, OffG seem to be ignoring it, serving up pretty inconsequential pieces even to the extent of recycling an item on the inexplicably high profile Jordan Peterson. And when they do get round to Gaza, the pending patrol seems to accelerate.

Apr 14, 2024 9:31 PM

Israel’s lifetime is not coterminous with that of the American Empire. Israel is a desert fortress whose walls are made of borrowed gunsmoke; it exists only so long as those guns are firing outward, at the sand. What happens when the guns turn inward? What happens when the loan is called in? Israel will be stripped for collateral by its own fleeing people and the sands will swallow the skeletons and wrecks they couldn’t drag with them back to the lands of their birth.

Apr 14, 2024 9:50 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

Israel’s Sugardaddy is currently borrowing a trillion every 100 days.

What happens when that stops – as it eventually must?

Apr 14, 2024 10:10 PM
Reply to  clickkid

Then Saladin returns, and the Crusaders go wherever tourists go in September.

Apr 15, 2024 5:34 AM
Reply to  Bloobock

“Then Salah Al Din returns”.

And so does Christ. Remember, the Holy Land was a Holy Land to Jews and Christians before it became the Holy Land to Muslims as well.

The Three Peoples of the Book. All worshippers of God the Father, aka El
Ohim, aka Al Lah: the Merciful One, the Compassionate.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Apr 15, 2024 8:43 AM
Reply to  NickM

Reading a book doesn’t excuse thousands of years of rampaging murdering trying to prove how superior you are…..

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 16, 2024 12:37 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Especially when those and other ‘holy’ books are based on fake gods.

Apr 15, 2024 12:23 PM
Reply to  NickM

Declaring real estate to be “holy” does not confer legitimate property rights to any and all groups of people with a self-conferred religious identity. Islam had only existed for a few hundred years at the time of the Crusades; the ancestors of the Palestinians were Christians and Zoroastrians and Jews and a thousand other flavors of pagan.

Squatters’ rights are the only legitimate rights. Religions don’t own the land; people who have lived on the land since time immemorial are owned by the land. There are some Israeli Jews who belong there, but the vast majority are recent colonists from Europe with no connection to the land, surviving for the moment due to a coincidence of interests with the American Empire. These are tourists who will leave in a heartbeat when the going gets tough. The people who remain — who live in tents and slums and fight and die for generations because this is their land — are the only people with meaningful rights-of-residency.

And they don’t need a Book to tell them that.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 14, 2024 11:06 PM
Reply to  clickkid

The Great Reset. We, the people, always pay.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 14, 2024 8:11 PM

Thank you very much for publishing this piece, OG. Thanks to Simon Elmer.
The Truth will out. What a cost.
Here’s the key:
Israel is the base for Western imperialism in the Middle East, and until the US Empire falls it will remain there.
Patience humans of goodwill, The USofAs is done within 5 years …

Apr 14, 2024 7:55 PM

The conditioning of these brash soullessness soldiers can be seen in all occupying forces be it; American, British, French and I suspect quite soon German…. Most probably they see themselves as warriors, but I doubt there is much courage, honour or discipline in these people!

Apr 14, 2024 7:53 PM

I’m starting to think that excessively one-sided propaganda such as the above, may actually serve the ‘Zionist’ cause more than any pro-Zion piece could ever do. Every thinking person is more-or-less obliged to react against it.

When an author focuses entirely on the faults of their ‘enemy’ Israel and has a complete blind spot to any crimes of their own ‘side’ – the Hamas crimes of October 7th in this particular instance – then that surely must be a greater gift to the Israeli cause more than any “I love you Israel” banner could ever hope to achieve (however attractive the latter might be).

The blind-spotted enemy propagandist as your greatest friend? Maybe Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” needs to be updated for the 21st century…

“You can have any Dystopia you like, as long as it’s anti-Semitic”
~Henry Ford (updated Oct. 2023)

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 14, 2024 8:17 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Vagabard, old contributor, please list the “ the Hamas crimes of October 7th”.
For all of us, for the OG a community.
Crimes are crimes, murder is murder. Murder is murder.

Apr 15, 2024 9:47 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

I tried taking alternative horses to water but if it’s BBC-flavoured then they just don’t drink. Go figure. Pre-programming? Nevertheless, since you asked:.


Apr 15, 2024 9:54 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

Indeed, as pending is pending…

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 14, 2024 8:38 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

If Elmer serves the Zionist cause, it’s by granting too much credence to “the insurgency of 7 October”.

Apr 14, 2024 9:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There probably is some credence to the view that Netanyahu’s power structure is based on an exaggerated threat (as maybe all right-wing politics is?).

Nevertheless, events took place as they did, as anyone who’s seen original footage will know and shouldn’t be simply brushed under the carpet.

As if ‘reaction’ was all there ever was, with original ‘action’ denied.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 15, 2024 10:20 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Is this the pending retort I’ve been waiting for?
Well let’s see:
“There probably is some credence to the view that Netanyahu’s power structure is based on an exaggerated threat (as maybe all right-wing politics is?)”
I think by now we can ditch that crap about “right-wing politics”. “Right” and “Left” are just mind manipulating words. We can also wake up from this infantile notion that, when a new political leader appears, his name suddenly subsumes all history e.g. the American recession became “Obama’s recession” the moment Obama ascended the stage. This isn’t “Netanyahu’s power structure”. This is Israeli business as usual – just as “Obama’s recession” was American business as usual.
And “exaggerated threats” is not the term we should use. We should talk about totally fabricated threats. And they are now ubiquitous. Covid, climate, “transphobia”, the innumerable “deadly diseases” churned out etc.
“Nevertheless, events took place as they did (??!), as anyone who’s seen original footage (??!!) will know and shouldn’t be simply brushed under the carpet.”
“As if ‘reaction’ was all there ever was, with original ‘action’ denied.”
Once again – reversal of the burden of proof. And note that now ubiquitous witch hunter term “denied”. The “original action” doesn’t need to “be denied”. We are still waiting to find out what it was – and with credible evidence.
Though even if there is evidence of violence on Oct 7 we still need to ask why the Israel Defence didn’t prevent it. And also ask: precisely who is behind it?

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 15, 2024 10:20 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Pending again. Didn’t see that one coming!

Apr 14, 2024 9:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc


George Mc
George Mc
Apr 14, 2024 9:47 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

I’ve just been pended on another thread. May as well go on holiday in the mean time.

Apr 15, 2024 5:35 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Don’t put George Mc’s posts on pending, they’re usually the most reasoned views expressed on here

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 15, 2024 8:28 AM
Reply to  Shearwater

Why thank you. But as I said in a comment above, the pending process seems to have accelerated for everyone and I have a feeling it’s due to the topic of Gaza.

Apr 14, 2024 9:02 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Yeah, uh huh. And not a word about the crimes committed BY Israel against its own people though. Never mind that there’s more than enough evidence of such things as sacrifice of one’s own worthless eaters for the greater cause. And not like Israel is alone in that, is it?

Apr 14, 2024 9:13 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Good point, though I wouldn’t regard that as the true Israel. One that’s been usurped maybe

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 14, 2024 11:15 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Well said. And let’s not forget how much the Israeli elite “cared” for its own citizens when they proudly announced their people would be subjected to a large-scale Pfizer clinical trial with those C-injections.

In this, all governments are the same.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Apr 15, 2024 12:48 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The exporting of genocide has already begun. No one should honor a criminal:

“Dr. Albert Bourla, chairman and CEO of Pfizer, accepts the WJC Theodor Herzl Award

The award, established in 2012, recognizes outstanding individuals who work to promote Herzl’s [Zionist] ideals through international support for Israel and enhanced understanding of Jewish history, culture and peoplehood. 

“The past 20 months has been without question the strangest time in our lives. The entire world just stopped.” Amb. Lauder said in honoring Dr. Bourla. “In an unbelievably short time, vaccines went to trial and were produced. Pfizer was at the forefront of this effort.” 

In his remarks, Dr. Bourla noted that Nov. 9 marks two “very different” anniversaries of personal significance. 

“As the son of Holocaust survivors, Nov. 9 has been synonymous with Kristallnacht,” he said. “But Nov. 9, 2020, is a day I will always remember” for another reason because on that day “Pfizer delivered news to the world that clinical trials demonstrated that our vaccine works” and that lives would be saved.”

Israel is exporting its genocide regime. Who will stop them?

“Pfizer LIED About Covid Jabs” – Watchdog Accuses Pfizer Of Promoting ‘Unlicensed Vaccine’

Anyone Who Wants The US To Attack Iran Is An Enemy Of Humanity

Elongated Muskrat
Elongated Muskrat
Apr 17, 2024 11:55 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

The real prize was making back all the billions Pfizer paid out in civil and criminal fines in the first quarter of 2021…

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 14, 2024 11:12 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

The land the Israelis are and have been committing their genocide on was unilaterally gifted to them upon pressure from the British Zionists at the time. That’s the initial crime, not the Oct 7 skirmish by Hamas units. Under international law, an occupied people have the right to violently oppose their captivity.

Also think of why Israel decided to bury the cars bombed out at the Oct 7 festival with the Israeli casualties from the bombing (by the Israelis) still inside? Was it to hide that evidence? One would have thought that a forensic investigation had to take place and the bodies given a dignified burial.

Apr 14, 2024 11:45 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Dunno, as far as I recall, the British did everything in their (waning post-Empire) power to prevent any potential wannabe Israelis from entering the land, for fear of inflaming Arab-Israeli conflicts. Any wannabe immigrants were sent to Cyprus instead for internment and reprogramming. But yes, of course, oppressed people should always oppose their oppressors; that’s a given.

Not sure about the second point (buried cars etc). Any pertinent links?

Apr 15, 2024 12:37 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Try Max Blumenthal and The Last American Vagabond. Much has been documented about the false flag.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 16, 2024 12:41 AM
Reply to  Brigitte

And I seem to remember even OG had an article where this was mentioned.

Apr 16, 2024 2:33 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

staged deception was invoked for this ff (via deep fakes; file footage; CGI; crisis actors; etc.) to work as effectively as it did; with, obviously, no need to clean up any resultant criminal ‘evidence’ since most of it was fake to begin with. RGB-Y4 out!!

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Apr 15, 2024 1:13 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Crimes of Oct 7? You mean like the “mass rapes” which Israeli media have debunked, and even the NY Times was forced into a retraction regarding?
See the second segment of this broadcast, it starts at 21:33.

Emily Durron
Emily Durron
Apr 14, 2024 7:50 PM

This doesn’t mean, as some commentators have speculated, that the continued existence of the State of Israel is threatened by the consequences of its current war crimes. As Mao Tzedong said to a delegation of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation in 1965, Israel is the base for Western imperialism in the Middle East, and until the US Empire falls it will remain there.

To speculate hopefully about the termination of the state of Israel is far beyond anything that is interesting to me, and, therefore, while Elmer can chug out his opinion pieces and publish them far and wide, anywhere he wants, go for it, I see no reason why anybody should listen.

By the way, I am fully in favour of OffG (and all other media) publishing things that are disagreeable, unpleasant and prejudiced. It is the right of all readers to make a contemptuous noise and move on.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 14, 2024 8:26 PM
Reply to  Emily Durron

Thanks for your opinion, Emily.
I’m fully in favor of Elmer’s hopeful speculations.
Do you actually believe their will be a just, equitable, and lasting peace on Earth in the presence of the USofAs and the zionist entity?

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 14, 2024 9:26 PM
Reply to  Emily Durron

“…is far beyond anything that is interesting to me… I see no reason why anybody should listen…..It is the right of all readers to make a contemptuous noise and move on.”

Yes it’s all so frightfully boring! So move along now. Nothing to see here.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Apr 15, 2024 5:17 AM
Reply to  Emily Durron

The state of Israel is an apartheid state. Urging the end of that apartheid system is no different than it was pre 1990 to urge that regarding South Africa (whose apartheid regime was helped by Israel;s government in its efforts to persist).

Apr 15, 2024 5:30 AM
Reply to  Emily Durron

The “state of Israel” should never have come into being: thus, its termination would be nothing but a huge benefit and relief for the majority of the world.

Apr 15, 2024 5:51 AM
Reply to  Emily Durron

More knowledgeable people than Elmer have speculated that the Twigh Light of the EU$A means the end of the modern Israel project; for instance, Scott Ritter. Unlike true Zionism, which is rooted in the Bible and hence in the hearts of people, modern Israel is a product of the Balfour Declaration: a political pact to divide the Oil-rich Middle East between Oil-hungry British Imporialism and Money-hungrey Khazar Capitalism.

“Israel is our unsinkable Landing Strip among the oil fields.” — Policy in the Hudson Institute circa 1960, reported by Prof.Michael Hudson in my recent post.

Apr 14, 2024 7:23 PM

And then there are the most defenseless and innocent of all — the children, photos which remain forever etched in the human psyche. Some things, however, cannot be uttered. Thank you for standing and speaking in profound truths. Humane beings weep.

Apr 15, 2024 1:39 AM
Reply to  Brigitte

Yes, the children, always abused by those in the wrong by being paraded in front of cameras for adult causes, Hamas that is – aka the Iranian Ayatollahs.
Woke Western women are the easy-naive target group.

Muslim women are seen as baby factories – cannon fodder, by that religion. That’s why having four wives is ok, or sex slaves – for men only!

Apr 15, 2024 3:44 AM
Reply to  antonym

The majority of men(and women) prefer delusion to truth. It soothes. It is easy to grasp. Above all, it fits more snugly than truth into a universe of false narratives.

Apr 15, 2024 5:55 AM
Reply to  antonym

Correction: “Jewish women are seen as baby factories – cannon fodder, by that religion.”

From an article called: “Israel’s secret weapon”.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 15, 2024 8:34 AM
Reply to  antonym

Well at least there are genuine atrocities being perpetrated on the Palestinians for “Hamas to parade”. The “atrocities” perpetrated on the Israelis amount to phony on-the-spot news reports with cameras shaking Star Trek style and 2 second clips of women with stained pants getting on trucks.