WATCH: Suing the Tyrants – #SolutionsWatch
You’ve tried protesting, you’ve tried boycotting, what else is there to do? Well, how about filing a lawsuit?
Join James Corbett for this week’s edition of #SolutionsWatch where he weighs the pros and cons of suing the tyrants and considers the potential utility of Notices of Liability in holding government officials personally accountable for their behaviour.
Sources, shownotes and links – as well as audio versions and download options – can be found here. Previous episodes of #SolutionsWatch can be found here and here.
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“You’ve tried protesting, you’ve tried boycotting, what else is there to do?”
The founders of the US had an idea, one that history shows is necessary to throw off this level of tyranny, a level far worse than what they experienced. It wasn’t a lawsuit.
The View from Below;
“I work myself into the ground for the party. All they hear is a 78-year-old little old lady. The party has let me down.”
[Ms] Fieldhouse said she became frustrated with the way the party handled her complaint after she reported her concerns to Hart in January.
“I put my faith completely in the party … Nothing happened – I heard nothing … I am appalled,” she told the BBC.
Re: This fucking guy Malthus and doom mongering vs. wishful thinking denial of reality
While the human civilization is a complex, largely unpredictable system that can develop this way, that way, and some other fucking way, rational consideration commands certain conclusions.
The Earth and everything that’s on it is a closed finite system, with the exception of one thing – solar energy. That’s the only thing that comes from the outside and it happens to be what facilitates life.
Presently, the human species is benefiting from the discovery of fossil fuels, which are none other than solar energy accumulated over millennia. That’s what makes the current civilization in its structure possible, namely the cycle of extraction-processing-use-disposal of resources. There is a correlation between energy, resources, and consumption by a certain population size, and since we’re in a close system, there is a certain threshold beyond which consumption, which is correlated with population size, exceeds supply and the system goes into deficit.
So, if Malthus was basically positing this, which as far as I understand is exactly what he was positing, he was correct and that’s all there is to it.
We can debate where the limits of available resources, consumption, and population size are, but the fundamental issue remains unchanged.
Likewise, I’m sure that many a motherfucker might wanna use this issue to enrich themselves and fuck over others, but, once again, that doesn’t prejudice the issue itself. There are always motherfuckers intent on taking advantage of stuff that lends itself for that purpose, which can be anything.
Dismissing issues by designating them as malthusian is an idiotic fallacy that amounts to sticking your head in the fucking sand.
Robert Kennedy has been successful suing large corporations.
What else to do ?
Thanks. Beautiful song
Not so much tyrants as incompetent heirs of powerful technology. Micky Mouse’s nephews and nieces, their hands on a machine they can start but cannot control;:
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, by 18th century German scientist Wolfgang von Goethe.
The advice to give them notices of liability, to tell them NO, to tell them that ”what you are doing is harming me or harming others, and you will be personally responsible for it, if this continues” is a very good piece of advice.
I have used that practice successfully.
I know my rights, and I tell them what they are. Bureaucrats are just people; they are not above me, and they have no right to abuse me, to coerce me, to force me, or to take away my rights. They have tried to do all that, but as I have a voice and I can write, they weren’t successful – I was.
I don’t have to threaten them with anything. I just make it perfectly clear that they have a duty to obey and respect constitutional basic rights and universal human rights.
So I’ve done what Corbett says: ”throw the lawbook right back at them!”
Also do it collectively, and attract publicity.
whenever i read/hear fuck this, fuck that a side thought slips in saying this or that dont deserve a fuck; law enforcement people, politicians, shareholders dont deserve getting laid , so don’t fuck them, ignore them the best you can, but if they hurt, hurt back and hard ACAB
thank you off g and contributors, i will visit this pace less and less, the lessers internet and internetglued people around me, the better life feels, jiehaa!
Remember how the Reiner Fuellmich and Michael O’Bernicia court cases were going to bring down the Branch Covidians? How did that work out? Are any of them in jail?
“Legal action” is a surefire way to be separated from one’s time and money. It’s like trying to get rich playing poker with a deck stacked by the other players. The only profession with a higher percentage of its practitioners in a certain fraternal organisation than the law is the circus – although the difference can be hard to spot sometimes.
Unless one is a multi-millionaire at a minimum or can crowd source other mugs to finance the case, it is a short cut to the poor house.
The Füllmich groupies still think their can man can pull something out of the hat. Whether he was set-up or not by his colleagues, it seems the whole charade was doomed to fail from the start.
A lot of people donated money to the cause in the hope that he would be a saviour. If he was set-up, one would think with his experience in corporate law and having won a major case against Volkswagen in the past, that he would have been more careful in vetting who was on his team and which procedures were followed with regard to donations.
One thing is for sure, CONVID was like firing the shot from Aurora (the shot started the Bolshevik revolution in Russia). It was the trigger that launched the revolution we have on our hands as we speak. The transformation toward technofeudalism, the shift from oil to …. (fill in the source of energy that will power the forthcoming era, if the fuckers can even come up with something). The even that marked the end of the industrial era and the beginning of what-the-fucking ever is coming.
A lot of people, some well-meaning, injudiciously got involved too deeply, put a target on their chest, and basically discounted themselves as useless for future use.
The judicious approach was to lay low, get to understand what the fuck is going on, and adopt a long-term strategy.
There was something weird about Fullmich. I thought he was a plant whose purpose was to give people the illusion that justice would be served through legal action, on which he never delivered. Maybe he was. Maybe he went rogue. Maybe he was legit and they thought that he has too much of a potential to cause trouble and got rid of him.
Be it as it may, he’s a case in point that waging a war on the enemy’s terms is not a good fucking idea (even though he held this court of public opinion in the end, which might be even worse, because it challenges their authority).
Pretty as a picture!
Fuellmich et al purposefully ignored the missing virus. Without a virus the faux governments have no case, no emergency. The faux takedown of Fuellmich after the
teamgang absconded with the money was laughable.The VW staged court case and Fuellmich’s other staged court cases likely resulted in fines never paid (as are all these types of cases). The first Nuremberg psyop was a complete joke. Within that context we can view Nuremberg 2.0 as yet another intel operation.
Whatever Fullmich’s role was, he must be credited for the fact that he ignored the allegedly missing virus. Only a complete idiot – there have been a few – would attempt to build a case on the alleged absence of the virus.
Not only the alleged absence of the virus does not rule out the existence of the virus, but just about nobody will give any credence to a claim to this effect, certainly not experts who would certainly be invited to testify if it came to some sort of judicial proceedings. Building a strategy on hallucinations of Stefan Lanka’s kind is stupid.
The rest of your rant, i.e. nothing exists, everything is faux, is the usual delusional horseshit.
If there is anyone of upstanding ethics and morality on the Corona Committee then the donations should be returned to the people who donated it.
If I was one of those silly sods who did donate, after this bad experience, I would not be donating again to anything similar.
Therefore, if it was a psy-op, it served a purpose in sowing distrust and demoralizing its supporters.
I tried Mojeek to find the Corbett link I posted in this thread but It did not appear. Yet with presearch it appeared as the 4th result.
By the way, I have noticed your subtle name change. You are now ‘plural’.
It’s a typo. When I type in the Comment box, it often adds a character while I’m typing.
Fixed the unwanted “s”
I got Corbett as the number one result typing Corbett dancing 9/11. Weird. Are you being censored by your country or ISP?
I got a number one result for that dancing video you mentioned, on mo-jeek.
Are you being c e n s o r e d possibly? ISP? Some countries are ce-ns-or-ing.
No, I’m not bring censored. I was more subtle in my search. Used “James Corbett Urban Moving Systems” as the search terms.
Presearch did well whereas Mojeek did not with those search terms.
No, I’m not bring censored. I was more subtle in my search. Used “James Corbett Urban Moving Systems” as the search terms.
Lol. Ok it was your search terms. Not direct enough!
I tried twice to reply to you with the search terms I used and both times went into pending. I was more subtle and used “James Corb3tt Urb@n Moving Systems”.
Substitute the symbol and number for letters.I am trying to test if it will pass pending this time.
Lol. I went pe-nding for the word ce-nsor. Irony of ironies. Writing about ce-nsor-ship while getting cen-sored here.
😆 That is WordPress for you.
My original replies had the word ‘c e n s o r e d’ in them, as in I am not being…..
Never realized that word would dump a comment into pending.
Exactly. But is “Israelis” kosher?
Or verboten?
Looks allowed… Previously cen-sored here.
Maybe what you said yesterday was super insightful. There seems to be a definite uptick in the JChrist vs Judaism agenda in the controlled op sphere everywhere. Like an intel memo to ramp up the Religious rhetoric.
Very kosher on presearch it seems.
The search brought up lots of links to that video. The first result was even from I am surprised that imdb lists it in their database !!
Lol. I meant here.
So many words here are totally cen-sored.
Ah…I got ya.
I have had long comments go into pending but couldn’t figure out which word(s) were responsible.
Plus, a couple got sucked into the black hole of WordPress, never to see the light of day again.
Totally… WP itself, is likely a huge data scraping intel data collecting operation. I know they eradicated and deleted many blogs for publishing certain forbidden topics during 2020.
I get the impression from looking at prophecy related stuff, numerology and astrology that various scripts can be run to fulfil the prophecies.
The issue is figuring which ones they are going with. It seems that a messianic script is in the running. There are various faces that can fulfil those roles. There will be more than one ‘messiah’ that they present us with. The first one(s) will then be discredited before the ‘real’ (final fake) one. Obvious ones are Trump and Putin. I also think we will see Prince Harry in one of these roles.
It seems Charles (with ‘cancer’) is in the process of being written out and possibly William too (Kate with ‘cancer’) which sets the stage for Harry.
We are the audience watching a theatrical production. When Shakespeare – or really Francis Bacon or a team of writers – said “all the world’s a stage” it wasn’t just a throw away line.
Totally with you on “all the world’s a stage” and the Breakspear (Shakespear) lineage.
Harry is so despised… there’s a team of PR writers and cyber warriors who’ve spent years building faux enmity in the Harry-Meghan vs The Royals psychodrama: To rescue the royal family from their bad press, German lineage and key role in the parasitical Cult of Saturn.
Neither Kate or Charles have cancer. They’re normalizing the huge spike in cancers appearing in the jabbed.
Did you see the (not renewed) series The Messiah? I feel that’s the archetype they’ll introduce and promote: An Arab or Italian. Someone who speaks several languages fluently. Perhaps one of the lesser known black nobility.
Not seen the Messiah TV series. Will watch it.
Agreed, Charles and Kate do not have cancer. I thought the story has the potential to serve various narratives, such as normalizing cancer and also for Charles to be “written out” of the story and William too, in order to “look after” Kate.
Harry, although not next in line to the throne could be placed in another role such as a global ambassador, to promote the NWO. His unpopularity (mainly in the UK) can be reversed – it just requires script-writing in the same way as a soap opera.
A rehabilitation in the eyes of the public, especially if the monarchy is discredited or disbanded entirely, since national monarchies will have no role in a global NWO. He has been deliberately distanced from it and would be safe from any fallout.
Both controlled opposition shills and liars.
March 2022: “Reiner Fuellmich Concludes Bogus Hearings, Starts “Crimes Against Humanity” Tour.”
“I’m an American, I’ll sue” — TV Movie quote, circa 1980.
Good advice. But first weed out those “safe pairs of hands” from the Judiciary. Because if the Government appoints the Judges then the honest man (eg, Dr.David Kirby RIP, or Julian Asssange) will lose his case.
“Thou shalt not deliver false judgment” — Old Testament.
Judges serve at the pleasure of the oligarchy. One was told to step down, but may have hesitated. He got snuffed with a pillow of all things, at a “hunting lodge”.
Re suing the tyrants:
You don’t need to sue them in their courts of injustice as long as you know their injustice cannot touch anyone who knows the truth.
I.e., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V JULIAN PAUL ASSANGE is one corporate entity charging another corporate fictitious entity. Trustees control both entities. Julian Assange is not JULIAN PAUL ASSANGE and is in jail representing his fiction, by use of legalese trickery. Like all corrupt court officials and lawyers, his barrister has sworn an oath to the BAR, swearing this truth will never be exposed. All Police Charges and court Notifications are simply fraud.
I wonder what this whining about “corporate fictitious entity” is supposed to mean.
Is it about the fact that the legal personality of a natural or legal person is an abstract concept, that it doesn’t exist physically? Or is it something else?
Is this supposed to imply that anything intangible doesn’t exist? Is it that somebody doesn’t understand the words abstract, intangible? What’s up? I mean the whole fucking legal system is abstract, intangible, fictitious – minus, of course, the fucking prison in which you get tossed if you fuck around.
What exactly is “simply fraud” if you kill somebody and get charged with murder?
When you dont know a subject its best to keep your trap shut.
Sociolog is you, SOCIOLOG is not you. So think why all your important documents are in the name SOCIOLOG??? SOCIOLOG has a trustee, The Crown.
The Crown owns everything you think you own including you.
The Crowns problem as trustee is that they are responsible for you.
This does not apply under common law. So murder someone you go to jail. Find and keep treasure they will jail your fiction if you take responsibility if not they can go fk themselves.
There’s people (allegedly) that have appeared, stopped in front of the BAR, don’t step into the well, but throw over (surrender) a copy of their notarized birth certificate as proof of an appearance by the ALL CAPS NAME when called, to avoid a warrant being issued for “failure to appear”. Then walk out of the court, without hindrance.
Wikileaks was created and introduced by Cass Sunstein and the US government. Only years later, did they recruit an actor who would front their rat trap psyop and play the persecuted martyr role. He’s not in prison.
James “Waterfall of Verbiage” Corbett is a funny guy. I remember that while he was running off at the mouth as usual sometime in the early days of the Convid pandemic, when nobody quite understood what the fuck was going on, he questioned whether the virus existed at all, which was rather prescient. Likewise, he once said that people should refrain from following the media – (Hi George Mc, faithful devourer of BBC/Guardian shite, how goes it today, what’s in da papers?) – because even if you disagree, you follow their narrative and they lead you the way they want by preventing you from formulating and following your own perception of reality. Other than that, Waterfall is pretty much a total windbag, producing tons and tons of verbal shit the consequence whereof is zero, if not negative. Has any of you freaks tried to implement any of his alleged “solutions”? What sort of success have you achieved in doing so, where applicable? Suing the tyrants? Like in thereby owned courts? Has this fucking guy lost his mind? Or is he a shill? By suing the “tyrants”, you not only wage a war on a battlefield owned by the enemy, which makes it kinda fucking hard to win, but you also put a fucking target on your chest. Not to mention that the tyrants have a fucking army of lawyers and write the fucking laws on top of it, which makes such an effort not only futile, but suicidally idiotic on top of it. Incidentally, I know people who have sued the tyrants and even succeeded in having some rulings delivered in their favor. Totally inconsequential. Nobody gives a fuck. Anyway, I understand that producing the weekly “Solutions Watch” is a business and James the Waterfall of Verbal Shit needs to… Read more »
Hi Soccy, following your own claim again? Meaning this claim:
“Unlike your contemptuous self, I have more respect of human beings”
The respect just oozes from you. You’re so courteous and modest!
I have respect for human beings as a species, mahn. That doesn’t necessarily extend to every single motherfucker out there.
Hope that explains it for ya!
Anyways, what’s in da papers today, George?
Ah “as a species”. That means theoretically. But you show not an ounce of compassion, courtesy, or – yes – respect, for the actual human beings you converse with here. Indeed, you have been unceasingly abusive and offensive. Furthermore, even in your glib rants about humanity in general, you have shown a Malthusian glee at the prospect of the (alleged) coming of the big die-off.
It might behoove you to worry more about your obsession with da papers than my allegedly Malthusian glee. FYI, I don’t even know who fucking Mathus is, well I do now, but I wouldn’t be caught dead reading his centuries old ramblings. Do you fucking read that shit? You do, don’t ya! Right after finish reading da papers, you delve into fucking Malthus, so as not to allow your brain to unbrainwash itself!
Do you read anything? Or are you too busy blowing off?
That’s none of your da-paper business.
All I can tell you is that I don’t read such fucking da papers as da fucking Guardian or da fucking BBC.
So you evade the question then.
Well, I thought I was telling to fuck off but if you wanna call it evading the question, that’s be my guest, George “Da Paper” Mc.
BTW, do you have anything to say on the subject of the judiciousness of taking legal action or you just wanna jerk off about what somebody reads?
Telling someone to fuck off IS evading the question. As is trying to change the subject. You’re a troll with nothing to say, save to try and reinforce what is in those papers you keep sneering at.
George “Da Papers” Mc, you wouldn’t know if somebody had something to say if your life depended on it. You’ve fucked up whatever might have been in your head, if applicable, too much by reading da papers.
Incidentally, what does it matter whether I’m a troll or not? Or if I have anything to say?
“Incidentally, what does it matter whether I’m a troll or not? Or if I have anything to say?”
I rest my case.
Good! Your job is to report what’s in da papers, anyways, a tough one, for sure, but somebody has to do it!
You may not of heard of Thomas Malthus until today, however our self-appointed “masters” have.
Their thinking and policies are based on his ramblings. Not bad for a man whose main work “An Essay on the Principle of Population” was written in 1798 and who died in 1834, yet whose pseudo-philosophy is so influential today.
He may have been the world’s first fear/doom porn merchant. Paul Erhlich did a good job of emulating him with his garbage predictions and doom-mongering.
And if you’re going to mock me as “faithful devourer of BBC/Guardian shite” who looks at “what’s in da papers”, bear in mind that the very site you are abusing here was started as a commentary on the media, specifically the Guardian. The clue is in the name: “Off-Guardian”.
So what’s in da papers today? What fast one are they about to pull?
I’m more concerned about the latest fast one you’re about to pull.
The problem wants to grow and manifest its self, this wont end well.
I stopped listening to our savior JC (what’s in a name eh), when he said that we could street dance ourselves out of the covid misery.
Corbett is a man, who is able to produce tons and tons of information on his own in Japan in a day what a normal guy (like me) would cost weeks. One wonders how he can do it.
I liked his 911 ‘conspiracy theory’ expose in less than 5 minutes (the man can be brief): and the sequel: Syria strikes. He also has some interesting info on the Rockefellers and Smedley Butler. That’s it. No idea why JC get’s a stage here every week, for years in a row now.
J.C (I often thought that funny) reached his peak with his seminal works “How Big Oli conquered the world” and “Why Big Oil conquered the world”. Along with “Who is Bill Gates?”
Since those works I rarely read or listen to his stuff.
With regard to 9/11 he did produce the following
Something as far as I am aware, that the likes of those who move in a simialr orbit ie. Ryan Christian and Whitney Webb have not touched with a 20 foot bargepole.
James is a bit of an enigma but I personally have not found a smoking gun. The odd thing as you pointed out is his ability to produce a lot of material as a one man band with some help from his sidekick whose name I forget.
Hi Willem, you said this before and I supported it. We were slapped by the admins then. Something must have changed.
That’s probably why they removed the stars.
Stars ?
Star Ratings on the articles. Ratings disappeared. Edit feature rarely functions. Comments truncated. Comments collapsed. Links not visible on collapsed comments.
Oh okay,
Yeah, not as good/worse.
Who exactly is running off at the mouth, sorry, ‘fucking’ mouth?
Suing is just a legal delay tactic, as Just-us is (for the) top Class.
Once in a blue moon one might get lucky by getting a straight judge or a clear argument officially written down, but the MS Mediums will not report on that at all.
As long as bureaucrazies are dominated by people who think that their believes are way above discussion, they have other’s money and apparatus to have their Pyrrhic “victory”. They need to fill the pain of the latter, as they have hard skulls and sponge brains.
Western Left today believe they are 100% right. The woke religion, a revival communist church – so no counter arguments needed even.
Both left and right are equally obtuse and obstinate. Once you pick a side you are separated from the truth because you can’t see the Gnostic duality con and the Hegelian Dialectic.
Excellent idea.
Just before we go into a famine, we use all our last money to fill the pockets of lawyers in a lawsuit against the bad bad guys.
Dont forget the poster man walking up and down in front of the Court: “Stop war”.
Our money, down the shit chute:
‘The news of the Australian government’s wastage of billions of dollars worth of Covid vaccines comes as Australians are grappling with the soaring cost of living and the worst housing crisis on record, with over a quarter of a million Australians accessing homelessness services in 2022-2023.‘
More here:
This was a matter far more serious than profiteering. It was mass mayhem (extended or permanent disability or suffering) or mass murder.
Ironic, isn’t it?
Lawyers, who are one of the most ruthless and hungriest professions going after their brothers and sisters in blood, the government and/or corporations.
Gotta wonder: Would they really risk their precious careers in such a public display, or are they just playing mind games?
In Finland, Mika Vauhkala has sued the government of Finland and a major corporation Fazer for violations of human rights done with covidpass. Prime minister Sanna Marin was asked to testify, but the judge didn’t allow it. The trial is ongoing. Here’s some information about the case:
They say:
”This is a unique case from Europe where a citizen sues the highest body of gov and a billion Eur revenue company for discrimination.”
”As Mika says, he is looking for justification for what happened and to set up an example for the future.”
”The EU and WHO have launched recent plans to implement Covidpass aka Vaccinepass globally.”
”Now is the time to stand up and defend our basic human rights – otherwise medical tyranny may be even harder in the future.”
The mainstream media has been silent about this case.
But some people are not silenced, and if they were, what and who would that serve?
This isn’t just about the covidpass and having allowance to have breakfast. This is about much bigger things, and they are talked about in this event they had just recently.
This event is in English. This isn’t about just one country. This is global, and that’s why we have become international. And this is about human rights, respecting the truth and making the world better in fact.
This is what happens if you try and release truthful anonymised data and proof of government/health departments’ criminal actions.
YOU get dragged before the courts and YOU get financially, socially and personally ruined (in New Zealand):
Or if you hold public online forums with experts from across the world discussing the dangers of government action, as Rainer Fullmich did, you can get kidnapped out of a foreign country and dragged back to our domicile and put in jail for months while being prosecuted before the court.
Or if you leak information as a journalist showing criminal action by a government you get imprisoned for years, like Julian Assange.
These are lawyers and journalists who had funds, who had teams of professional supporters, who had visibility via online networks.
Do you think an individual can drag the nation’s chief ‘health’ officers or state premiers to court?
We know from experience that it can take 40, 60, even up to 200 years for governments to apologise for past wrongs/crimes.
It’s too fucking late for the victims now. Far too late.
Tokenism, writ large.
Hypocritical hubris, as the current underclass are used as scapegoats and slaves by the ruling class and their lickspittle MSM.
Too late for the victims; always has been;
“Time is no healer: the patient is no longer here” — TS Eliot.
Which does not invalidate the endless fight for Justice.
“Times change but one thing does not change:
The battle between Good and Evil does not change” — TS Eliot.
New World Order Agenda 21 Agenda 2030 EXPOSED (