Killing a Few for the Benefit of Millions

Todd Hayen

Since when has this (the title of the article) become the mantra of civilized humanity? I grew up in a time when this thought would never enter your mind, even if it seemed practical in a given circumstance. Remember when you were a kid and you were asked the impossible question: If you had to kill one of your parents to save the other, which would you choose? Although most of us had a problem with this (I am certain some did not) it was the kind of question our little minds could not fathom.

Knowingly killing people for any reason other than self-defence is not a good thing. Although we seem to have been pushed into this inhuman belief system—that killing can be good—there are still times when it makes sense to do just that. Maybe that is true—that it “makes sense” to kill people for the “good of others” in certain situations. If you fed some of these particular scenarios into a computer, there isn’t much doubt that the computer would spit out the instruction: “kill some to save others.” If it is just about saving lives, it would more than likely say: “Kill 49% to save 51%” That’s just sensical, isn’t it? But is it human? No.

Then what is human? For one thing, being human often does not make a lot of “sense.” Here is an example of “not” being human:

Picture this: Three adults are stranded on a barren island and one of the adults is the mother of a newborn infant. Let’s say it is clear that these three adults would perish if they didn’t eat something, and there was nothing on the island to eat. So, they decide to sacrifice the baby and make a meal of it.

No true human would do such a thing: sacrifice one for the survival of three—particularly sacrifice a baby. They would choose to perish, all of them, before taking on such a task. Now, I’m sure some of you would argue with me here and say, “Who are you to say, ‘no true human would do such a thing’?” Ok, ok. It’s my article so I can say what I want! But if you are complaining, it is duly noted.

But do you get my point? Why is this? Who knows, but I can guess. It has something to do with a deep-seated knowing that physical life is not “all it is touted to be.” Back in the day when most people believed in God, and believed in the sanctity of spirit and soul, this was clear in most people’s heads and hearts. People were much more likely, at that time, to make decisions based on this awareness. Sure, lots of people (or so we are told) feared God and feared hell, so they were careful not to go against God’s rules in order not to make Him angry. And there certainly was not a lack of “inhuman” behaviour with the wanton torture, murder, and rape present. But I don’t believe that was the motivation behind the actions of the majority of people (although it seems today’s view of history wants us to think this).

I believe most people who believed in a higher power understood, in their heart of hearts, that putting the physical body, and the material world, in second position to spirit and soul, which held first position, was just the way it was. Not because of fear, but just because. I actually do not think it requires belief in some elaborate structure of God to be human. I think this “humanness” is innately present within us when we are born. We just “know what is right” and we act accordingly until something teaches us not to. We are born human until we are taught not to be human. And after looking at the world of today, it seems that “teaching” is all but complete. As we started to ponder such things, we began to create a description of “what this is” and the human conception of God was born. I am not saying humans invented God, I am saying we invented our limited description and definition of God.

Don’t get me wrong. The ancient days of god-fearing men and women were not the most humanistic of times. Far from it. The flesh was, for the most part, king then as well, maybe in some places and ways even more so than now. Although the humans of distant times certainly didn’t have much regard for the flesh considering how quick they were to desecrate it.

We have always dealt with this problem of indiscriminate killing, it is just today there are far more people than there used to be, and far greater human constructions that can kill than there used to be—atomic bombs for one, technology in various ways, and now, the manipulation of genetics. The “few to kill to save many” has turned into, the “millions to kill to save billions.” Or at least that is what they tell us, that is always their excuse and reasoning, “it is for the well-being of many, of all of us. It is a minimal sacrifice for the multitudes.” Obviously what they tell us has little relation to their true intentions.

I am always reminded (forgive me to my frequent readers) of the ants that build the bridge over the river for the other ants to cross to safety. These ants give their lives for the benefit of the colony, for they surely die in their noble pursuit. But they do it on their own accord. The queen ant doesn’t force them to the sacrifice. Ants also do not have free will (at least we don’t think they do) so who knows exactly why they do anything.

Can you see the paradox? To be human is indeed to sacrifice. We sacrifice our life to save the baby we choose not to eat (of course the baby perishes as well, but we don’t really know that until our last breath). So why can’t we sacrifice our lives to save many others we don’t even know, isn’t that what we really are doing when we save the baby? Ah, yes, but there is a keen difference—we do it voluntarily. If we are forced to sacrifice for others, either by physical force, emotional, pragmatic, or psychological coercion, then we are being tricked. This decision to sacrifice for others must be made voluntarily, as it is spoken to us from our own hearts. Only then will it “work” and only then will the decision be a human one. “I’ll go,” says the hero of the story when the house is burning down, “You stay here in safety, I will go and save the dog for little Jimmy.” If a gun was put to the hero’s head and he was told to face the flames of destiny or otherwise die on the spot with a bullet fired into his head, then the entire meaning is lost, even if we knew he would have gone anyway without the threat.

This coercion by others to save others with our sacrifice is also based on an assumption. The assumption is that it actually will save others. Rarely is this assumption correct. I, as were most of you reading this, was never convinced that if I took the vaccine it would have any impact, good or bad, on anyone else. There was never a certainty in my mind that “millions will die if we don’t all get vaccinated.” It was a very flimsy declaration and was never in any way convincing. I do wonder if it had been proven to me that my taking the vaccine would actually save others, if I would have taken it. Very likely I would have.

This finally brings me to the primary point of this article. Why is it that we no longer understand these details about being a human being? Why is it that we can be so easily manipulated into thinking that when an authority entity tells us that refusing a vaccine, for only one example, is selfish and “inhuman?” When any of us, or most I would suspect, would go back into the fire to save the dog for little Jimmy, if it was a completely voluntary decision? Why is it that most people do not believe that and denigrate the unvaccinated for being cowardly?

Vaccination status is only one example of this. How about our complacency with people in power (Bill Gates for example) deciding to medicate millions accepting with no ethical question at all that many will die as a result of his program? How about his bionic mosquito program? Or the self-spreading viral vaccine I wrote about a while ago? How about GMOs, 5G, just about all medications, Chem Trails, fluoride in the water, on and on and on? Sure, we used to have “informed consent” regarding a lot of these things, but not anymore. Do I give a mosquito informed consent when I allow it to bite me and suck my blood depositing the latest genetic sci-fi technology in my bloodstream? Thousands will die when these horror film abominations are released to the world. But, we are told, millions will live who otherwise would have perished. Don’t believe it for a second.

We have truly moved into an age where the agenda depends on our human awareness of right and wrong to be easily manipulated into accepting “what is best for all of us” as we march to our own certain death. And trust me, if it actually were about “what is best for all of us” we might have an argument, but it isn’t. It is what is best for them and whatever strange dystopia they are building. Are they lizards from outer space intent on destroying humans so they can take over the planet? They may as well be. Yes, they may as well be just that.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Apr 27, 2024 5:46 PM

If they were Globalists what’s the problem?

Apr 22, 2024 4:58 PM

To kill one for the sake of the billion is to sentence all to death.

Death becomes easier to accept with each victim. This is why the death penalty is above all else self-defeating.

Just like the flap of the butterfly’s wing, the act of killing anyone finds its way throughout the world.

Some believe it is just as “wrong” to kill in self-defense – perhaps necessary, but just as “wrong” morally as any other murder.

Apr 23, 2024 11:17 AM
Reply to  Howard

Yup. Stalin’s apocryphal ‘one death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic.’

P Munk
P Munk
Apr 22, 2024 2:12 PM

In defining the holistic principle of “liberty” and natural law, 19th century legist and philosopher Pierre Proudhon wrote, “exercise your right so far as it does not injure the right of others”. He would go on to investigate the morality of surrender and/or sacrifice of a single individual to spare the lives of the remaining inhabitants within a fortified town at the demand of an army preparing for siege; in terms of this definition of liberty.
He concludes, as is reasonable, that human sacrifice, even rationalized through democracy, is a crime against liberty, ergo an affront to both reason and morality.

Apr 21, 2024 9:32 PM

A few reflections: Let’s not glorify the past. I think we have a tendency “these days” to make the past sound better than it was. Selfish, self-centered, self-serving inhumane behavior has been around, and often prevalent, right through human history. The ability of the powerful to control has increased, and their methods have been “improved” strikes me as the key thing that has changed.
It was not just nefarious and worldly powers that pushed the agenda of compliance. During the height of the vaccine push here in NZ, I went to church and the local Bishop was visiting the parish — and in his sermon he commented that “all true Christians” (all those who love their neighbors as themselves) would be getting the vaccine. I got up and walked out. Why? The vaccine was dangerous to many (my nephew’s son died from it) , the vaccine didn’t work (which should have been clear to anyone with a brain within a few months of its introduction)…sure these were all important. But central to me was the coercive pressure designed to make people abandon not only their own rights, but to demand others give up theirs as well. Free will is an essential part of being human.
But, to my mind, the issue is even more complicated than that. So getting back to the message of the Bishop, as a Christian I do believe that we need to surrender the exercise of our free will to God. We do this day by day as we set aside selfish actions for the good of others. But their “good” is not a simple thing to determine. Long term good or short term good? Material good or spiritual good? What they think (or have been convinced by a manipulative and self-serving government, WHO, media etc) is their good — or what is really their good? This can be determined only with God’s guidance, and even then our decisions must be tentative because our own underlying self-focus remains however strong our faith is. We never achieve perfection in this life.
Plus, adding to the problem, we need to recognize and accept that our efforts to do good (in this complex sense just discussed) will often be rejected and even denounced. Oh, well. That’s life. Running into the burning building to save little Jimmy’s dog will be seen as crazy by many; I don’t share your optimism, Todd, that most of us would do it voluntarily.

Apr 21, 2024 8:15 PM

Fun. Listening to you ramble. I just finished writing on X about the goal of the United Nations. Some idiot that can’t understand the concept of what will happen when GMOs, Chemical Nitrogen fertilizers, and Glyphosate are banned we are fucked. Seems like the idea of starvation can’t sink in. Chimp Lady’s goals to cut the population to 450 million is too hard to follow. It is a tough concept, for sure. Incredulous. The idea that the UN wants 95% of us dead is a difficult concept. And that most world leaders are honoring the concepts put forth by the United Nations is so crazy. And when they blame it on climate….. It is even crazier. People don’t get it. It is too hard to believe that we are the existential threat and the UN wants us dead. 95% of us. Jane Goodall. May you die. Soon. You are evil.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Apr 23, 2024 6:43 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

So many pieces of the jigsaw are coming together now but the sheep still cannot see it.

Apr 21, 2024 5:26 PM

Please stop using the term “chemtrails” to describe what is obvious geo engineering. These techniques are called Solar Radiation Management, Strategic Aerosol Injection, Cloud Albedo Enhancement, or other terms for other techniques. Yes, I know you’re using a shorthand term by using “chemtrails” but surely you see how that is used by our owners as a pejorative term and not for any honest discussion. There are many patents on these processes out there for anyone with an internet connection to look up. Using such a dismissive term, even as a form of shorthand, plays right into the narrative that such things are merely crazy talk. They are not. Several countries have admittedly used these techniques to manipulate the weather, but once again, no one listens or wants to see the implications to those declarations either. As always, the use of such things is right out there for anyone to see, but no one looks, no one asks…

It’s just like using “conspiracy theory” to dismiss anything that doesn’t fit the owners’ “conventional” narratives. Sadly, most of it is not theory, at all, as your article today points out. And really, when one considers that most of our owners are diagnosable psychopaths, saying they are in essence the lizard brained attempting to take over this earth isn’t far off the mark, although that term is also used as a pejorative to point out more crazy talk, which it really isn’t. They aren’t aliens from outer space though, they’re home grown here on this planet, we need no help from aliens to allow the truly sick to take over and once and for all destroy everything, that should be fairly obvious by this late date.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Apr 21, 2024 5:37 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Point taken, and I will start to implement a transition to “geo engineering” from “chemtrails” although I would suspect that most people out there know this phenomenon as “chemtrails”…but anyway…I understand what you are saying, and I agree…we do have to start being very clear that geo engineering, Solar Radiation Management, Strategic Aerosol Injection, etc. are real things.

Apr 21, 2024 6:08 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

What’s this Owners notion !? NO ONE OWNS ME , nor should anyone think they are “owned” –

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 21, 2024 8:12 PM
Reply to  Ina

Reality. In all International Treaties, Conventions, Legal Terms, UN, you are owned by somebody; a government, a municipality, a company, a corporation, or “on an oligarch’s payroll.”
You receive your money from somewhere, you take usury loans from your bank, you move around on some unity’s property public or private, your owners.

P Munk
P Munk
Apr 22, 2024 6:15 PM
Reply to  Ina

The form of neo-slavery adopted by those who exert control over the economy through private central banking as accorded by our complicit public representatives regards all human resources as assets or liabilities, commodities or collateralized debt obligations.
The money you might earn, when deposited into a bank, is no longer yours, but a “loan” to the bank which then becomes their money. Your claim/lien to this loan is underwritten as a guarantee by your ‘benevolent’ government in a fixed amount as long as the bank and your government remain solvent.
Your government, in addition to taxing your existence, assumes power of attorney over your existence and your property by undertaking debt in your name and in the names of all fellow citizens from private, profiteering, lending institutions (domestic, transnational, and foreign government) relegating you to an indentured servant. Simply look at any “world debt clock” online to observe how much each citizen owes to support this debt. Such debt clocks however do not incorporate “unfunded liabilities” in the form of debt “promised” to the citizenry for social programs such as medicare and medicaid. The measure of unfunded liabilities surpasses national debt by several orders of magnitude.
Efforts undertaken recently, in terms of imposed surveillance and censorship, demonstrate precisely what your government and the “owner” class thinks of your misguided delusion of sovereignty.

The sooner people come to terms with this, the better chance we stand in emancipating ourselves.

Apr 23, 2024 7:39 PM
Reply to  P Munk

The debt clock is as real as the Doomsday clock which is based on fake nukes. It’s a propaganda scare tactic.

And we; living men and women aren’t the STRAW MAN LEGAL FICTION constructive and bond trusts the private governments own and unlawfully conflate with us. Since all central and retail banks are centrally controlled and owned just like all the private governments, they don’t owe each other (or their subsidiary corps) any debt. It’s all fiction.

The assets and holdings of the private governments, far outweigh the claimed debt.

Apr 23, 2024 11:23 AM
Reply to  Ina

‘They’ are all corporations. And ‘they’ own your ‘straw-person’, /your ‘name’ in CAPITAL LETTERS, and your birth (berth) certificate is their certificate of owner-ship under Admiralty Law, UCC. (Uniform Commercial Code)

Apr 23, 2024 7:58 PM
Reply to  ariel

Yes. Exactly. All governments and courts deny this of course, because it’s how they fund all the currencies.

They’ve no choice but to deny the fraud otherwise the scam would be up and people would stop obeying their faux governments and poli-SEE enforcers. They’d realize the monetary, trade, tax and legal system is all centrally controlled through the WTO, IMF, UN, WEF, BIS, World Bank, Crown Temple, the Holy See, Vatican and many other supranational orgs.

Apr 22, 2024 1:51 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

You see the irony in this talk about lizards. Lizards need hot weather to survive. They are more like polar bears. Polar bears make no distinction between seals and people.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 21, 2024 1:54 PM

Why are the elements of behavior said to make us “human” always limited to those which are seen as good, ennobling, or otherwise positive?

Hate, murder and rapine are just as much human as love, compassion and torture.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Apr 21, 2024 5:41 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Yes, agreed, and I have touched on this in several articles, such as “Humanity is Messy”…there is a utopian ideal regarding “loving, caring, humanity” that is not altogether accurate. However, I will say that although to be a physical human will always carry a shadow side, at this point in time, in psycho/spiritual evolution, there is far more shadow than not…so most of the focus is the elimination of a bit of shadow, evil, etc.

I would also beg to differ in your assessment that “hate, murder, and rapine are just as much human as love, compassion, and torture.” I do not believe that. Maybe that is what we are seeing in today’s culture, but these things are not as intrinsic to humanity as the good things. We are born to be “good enough”…it is fear that pulls the shadow to act out.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 21, 2024 8:19 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Back to the Bible which always give us the correct answer: Love is the strongest force of the universe, we were put here and made in God’s profile.

Someone, a rebel against God, interfered and seduced the two first idiots on the planet.
So the true roots to be human is love, compassion, positive. The evil side is an anomaly.

Apr 21, 2024 11:52 AM

One thing that the Bill Gates Crew does not do is volunteer to be crash test dummies for their new miracle medications. Since their beliefs conclude that the population should be reduced by 50 to 90 percent, every human death, except their own, is just meeting a quota.
Technocraced is reducing the human condition to a balance sheet and most hums are considered nad loans.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 21, 2024 11:57 AM
Reply to  Weirdpeter

Why pick on Billy? Go after the doctor that wont take his own medicine. He made the wine, now make him drink it.

Apr 21, 2024 1:23 PM

They all belong to the same “We know what’s best for you” club. Some of them may even believe what they’re saying. Falsifying tests and hiding adverse reactions to their products are not the decisions made by the individual. The orders are hand down from our very own, Mount Olympus-WHO- UN – WEF to name a few.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 21, 2024 3:48 PM
Reply to  Weirdpeter

Truth in design, truth in advertising, separates them from us. Lawmakers, separate them from us, the weak link to progress, is politics.

Apr 21, 2024 10:03 AM

In the U.K the conservatives are now blaming the disabled (ones on benefit) for all the problems. its that time again.
U.K City of London is very very happy culling people mainly the sick (disabled) weak and old and poor . sad that alt media has taken until covid to figure that part out.
with respect I dont see a person on 250/350.000$ a year feeling the pinch.
I am based in the E.U and my Doctor hasnt a clue in how and why people have resorted in 1st World Counties to needing the E.U version of food banks.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Apr 21, 2024 9:58 AM

A collective “common enemy” now stalks mankind
“The psychopathic serial killers using their vast financial, political and media resources are inexorably putting into effect a homicidal global depopulation agenda.”

Don’t Let Them Numb You To What’s Happening In Gaza“We’re not SUPPOSED to be unaffected by this sort of thing. We’re not SUPPOSED to be able to find a state of psychological comfort with genocide. It’s not natural, and it’s not right. Man-made nightmares unleashed upon the waking earth are SUPPOSED to disturb us.”

Human values
Human values
Apr 21, 2024 9:51 AM

”Remember when you were a kid and you were asked the impossible question: If you had to kill one of your parents to save the other, which would you choose?”

That never happened where I live. People here don’t say such things. So when you say ”we”, you mean some US Americans, probably just some small portion of it.

As you have previously written, you used to torture small animals as a kid, and if the things you write here are accurate, children having to think such things, murder, then I just wonder what kind of psychopaths surrounded you when you were a child?

And why do you think such experiences would be common to humans?

You’re making a faulty generalization, a fallacy.

Human values
Human values
Apr 21, 2024 9:40 AM

Ants don’t drown easily. When they survive by building bridges, their lives are not sacrificed, quite the contrary.


Apr 21, 2024 9:44 AM
Reply to  Human values

That’s beautiful 😊

Apr 22, 2024 1:58 PM
Reply to  Human values

The other issue is the genetics. They are pretty much identical. Sacrificing yourself to save yourself.

Apr 21, 2024 9:31 AM

from what i remember the inuit elders would sacrifice themselves in bad times. so the children/parents could life.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 21, 2024 8:24 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

No. The Elders just went out in the nowhere to die, when they felt it was time and they were of too much burden and to no more use for the community. No sacrifice but death with dignity.

Apr 22, 2024 5:42 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Many peoples practised communally approved euthanasia. If it was not by the subject himself, others initiated it with his consent. Today, it is typically a grey area left as a burden on individual doctors.

Apr 22, 2024 9:51 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

generally, i was referring to famine.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 23, 2024 1:46 AM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Its ok ;-).

Apr 21, 2024 9:04 AM

Some reasons to question Eric Blair: both his parents were connected into the British Empire’s SE Asian drug trade; he was educated at Eton where Aldous Huxley was one of his teachers; both his wives have dubious backgrounds (many of the ideas in ‘1984’ seem to have come from a story one of them wrote back in 1934); he’s an admitted MI5 informant; despite working for the BBC for several years and being generally famous, there’s no film of him; the elite haven’t tried to bury his books but put them on the school syllabus and make them into expensive films (funding for ‘Animal Farm’ from the CIA according to Frances Stonor Saunders).

That’s quite a bit that points to a possible limited hangout – for those willing to probe a little deeper, try (with due caution and scepticism, obviously) Greg Hallett’s ‘Hitler was a British agent’. If Hitler’s sister-in-law was right and he really was in Britain 1912-13 then history starts to look very different….

Apr 23, 2024 8:08 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Yes, exactly spot on. All the alleged prophets and seers are merely Ordo ab Chao SCRIPT members, delivering Revelation of the Method for agendas put into place, more than a century ago.

Apr 21, 2024 7:57 AM

“Killing a Million for the Benefit of Billions”
This is an old dilemma, so the numbers have undergone inflation. I seem to remember something similar in the New Testament:

“It is fitting that one man should perish for the benefit of the many”.

Apr 21, 2024 7:55 AM

‘Killing a Few for the Benefit of Millions’

Well, it’s the other way around of course

‘Killing Millions for the Benefit of a Few’

It all boils down to this:

‘Imagine that you are creating a fabric of human destiny with the object of making men happy in the end, giving them peace and rest at last. Imagine that you are doing this but that it is essential and inevitable to torture to death only one tiny creature…in order to found that edifice on its unavenged tears. Would you consent to be the architect on those conditions? Tell me. Tell the truth.’

Fyodor Dostoevsky,

To which Madeleine Albright replied:

‘I think that is a very hard choice, but the price, we think, the price is worth it.’

How she could do it? – Easy. Just see people as unpeople. Just think about these animals you sometimes see on the freeway, in a truck, that are brought to their final destination and know that everyone is capable to be a slaughter as long as he feels he is not slaughtering fellow human beings. Even better is to not think at all, which can be done in the following way:

‘A man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he does not discern any truth either in himself or anywhere around him, and thus falls into disrespect towards himself and others.’

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Apr 21, 2024 8:06 AM
Reply to  Willem

While I enjoy a nice philosophical reflection just like the next bloke, the problem with philosophical ramblings is that they tend to regard shit from a single – surprise, surprise – philosophical angle.

In a reductionist as opposed to holistic fashion. Like without considering the physical world, the natural habitat, resources we need to survive.

You mention animals. Hmmm. Well, animals don’t have this problem. They take care of number one, of survival. They kill indiscriminately any motherfucker that’s in the way of that objective. Or die if the motherfucker happens to have bigger teeth or faster legs than they do.

Thus far, humans have prevailed over animals by outsmarting them, but they might just be to fucking clever for their own good. We’ll see who has the last laugh – actually, the chances are kinda high that we won’t.

Apr 21, 2024 8:56 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Kropotkin’s observations prove you wrong:


Mondragon is happening now:


BTW most animals don’t kill indiscriminately. Humans, on the other BLOODY hand _ _ _

Apr 21, 2024 9:41 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Kropotkin? Never heard of him.

“Resources are shared unconditionally” – yeah, if there are relatively plentiful resources, if there aren’t, we shall see. BTW, are you sharing your resources now? How exactly?

“BTW most animals don’t kill indiscriminately.”

Discuss that with a pissed off fucking grizzly next time you offer yourself as fodder out there in the wilderness.

You’re arguing from within the established system, from within the current circumstances. They won’t necessarily stay so forever.

Apr 21, 2024 10:20 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Kropotkin in the system?
Dig deeper comrade.

Mass murdering all those gun toting, trigger happy USians?
Pull the other one.

I share my music with the world.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 21, 2024 10:53 AM
Reply to  Johnny

He’s proud of his ignorance! (Which goes naturally with arrogance.)

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 21, 2024 12:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And arrogance is the obstruction of wisdom, which I have made a crime, justice obstructing wisdom.

Apr 21, 2024 7:41 PM
Reply to  Johnny

You’re musician? What do you play?

Apr 22, 2024 12:13 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

If a musician is someone who can read music and/or make a living from music, then I am definitely not a musician.

But if a musician is someone who has written thousands of songs, recorded a few albums, played in a band, performed a few gigs and busked frequently, then yes, I am a musician.

Apr 22, 2024 6:47 AM
Reply to  Johnny

I get it, you don’t know, and probably don’t give shit, what lydian b7, plagal cadence, the pelog scale, or l’accord de la sixte napolitaine are, but you put together tunes and sing them on the street corner.

Good. But believe it or not, there are people who can do both of the aforementioned.

Anyway, in what general region do you busk?

What do you play?

Apr 22, 2024 7:02 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

As a real musician once referred to it: ‘I’m an MSG’.
(Not monosodium glutamate,
but Man Singing with Guitar). Like a hundred million other MSGers or WSGers.
I think he was having a laugh at our expense.

No matter, it gives me a great deal of joy.
And sometimes some money.

I play/busk up and down the East coast of Australia.

Apr 22, 2024 6:03 PM
Reply to  Johnny

That’s on the other fucking side of the planet, beats me how you people down there can walk upside down (just kiddin).

Anyways, if I wasn’t, among other things, a real musician I’d want to be a busker. I was one, a long time ago, and I occasionally sub in a busking band here in town, but the shit I like to play is too fucking complicated to appeal to the random passer-by.

Busking is the ultimate performing art. The fucking busker gotta attract the passer’s-by attention, establish a connection, and make them drop some coins in your hat. Not easy for sure. The absolute vast majority of the real musicians as per the above would fail miserably.

Apr 22, 2024 2:04 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Mostly, they kill men. Then they take the women and children.

Apr 21, 2024 9:05 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Humans killed all the animals dickhead.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Apr 21, 2024 10:04 AM
Reply to  Willem

A man who lies to himself, and believes his own lies becomes unable to recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for himself and for others. When he has no respect for anyone, he can no longer love, and, in order to divert himself, having no love in him, he yields to his impulses, indulges in the lowest forms of pleasure, and behaves in the end like an animal. And it all comes from lying – lying to others and to yourself.
Fyodor Dostoevsky

Apr 27, 2024 10:05 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

That’s my favorite Dostoevsky quote. I notice many here are just those types, unfortunately.

Apr 21, 2024 3:16 PM
Reply to  Willem

As a biomedical researcher I sometimes answered Yes to Dostoievsky’s (Grand Inquisitor’s?) question by “torturing a tiny creature”. I ran mice in an exercise wheel, then killed and dissected them. I knew other researchers who shocked certain pious people by dissecting cadavers. My mentor, Prof. Robert Harkness, loved animals and nature but was also a very skilled dissector: he did not so much cut up the cadaver as dismantle it into its component parts.

I do not know if my particular research was of any value but I am sure that the sum of all such research has made a mighty contribution to human knowledge and wellbeing.

As you know, Life on Earth has been considered as a mighty experiment run by Lab mice.

“Did He who made the Lamb make thee?” — Wm.Blake, The Tyger.

ps Clinton’s foreign secretary Albright did not pay any price. You can see that by the diamond necklace round her ugly fat neck. It was the parents of murdered Iraqi children who paid the price..

pps I note that Uncle $cam is still handing out good money to aid the slaughter women and children in the Middle East.

Apr 23, 2024 8:38 PM
Reply to  NickM

Ordo ab Chao members don’t trouble their tiny minds with the choices made by the soldiers who they consider cannon fodder or the millions of dead babies and fetuses from poison injections, abortions and Rx.

The parents and doctors (mostly unwittingly) sentenced those babies to death, so the controllers avoid karmic blowback by making it the soldier’s, parents, doctors or vaccine manufacturers’ decision, to become murderers.

The millions of dead babies from all the poison injections over the centuries makes any of the fictional civilian death totals in Iraq or Afghanistan pale in comparison. Iatrogenesis tops 1 million per year in the US.

China and Russia are clear winners in the democide stats.

The cryptocracy keep their hands free of karmic blowback by allowing others to do their dirty work. AllBright and Clinton controlled nothing and made no decisions. They’re PR personalities.

Apr 22, 2024 2:02 PM
Reply to  Willem

My mind went in the same direction.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Apr 21, 2024 7:45 AM

Richard Dawkins recent acknowledgement that he prefers to live in a Christian culture was interesting.
He doesn’t believe in God of course, just assumes all those moral teachings emanated from people.
The spiritually bankrupt think nothing of robbing and killing whilst there is still plenty, one can only imagine the anarchy when there is a shortage.
Virtue signaling played a big role in the Covid drama along with a corrupted media.
Satanic influence plays the biggest role in the insidious and evil agenda being planned and executed against us…
(And not a swear word in sight)

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 21, 2024 8:09 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Dawkins is an odd case. Apparently he wavered over the religious issue when a child, leaving the faith then returning then leaving. But you only have to look at the titles of his books (River out of Eden, Blind Watchmaker, Devil’s Chaplain etc.) to see he has a fixation with the religious impulse – though his rantings against God are a giveaway. I always thought that there’s a little voice in his head saying, “Richard, you’ve been a very naughty boy!”

Apr 21, 2024 9:05 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The older an atheist gets the closer they get to God.
Whatever ‘God’ is.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 21, 2024 10:51 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Good point. The Fearful Judge awaits us all!

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Apr 21, 2024 2:34 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There is NO ‘fearful judge’ awaiting anyone in the very real Afterlife. The actual spiritual fact/truth is that, in the Afterlife, we all have to undergo what’s termed a ‘Life Review’, and during that experience, we ‘judge’ ourselves; WE are our only ‘judge’: we review what we did (good and bad) in our most recent lifetime, and decide whether we achieved what we’d planned (before coming to Earth) to do, etc etc, and whether we (the eternal soul that we each are) did, overall, good or bad.

(I’ve not been posting for some time for am still experiencing quite severe ill-health. I came here today whilst experiencing a very minor period of respite. Have been suffering very badly, of late)

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 21, 2024 3:06 PM

We judge ourselves sounds fearful enough:

Apr 21, 2024 3:34 PM

Sorry to hear of your ill health. And glad to find that OffG offers a spot of innocent diversion in moments of respite from suffering.
Be well.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Apr 22, 2024 2:50 PM
Reply to  NickM

Thank you so much for your kind words, Nick.

Apr 22, 2024 7:05 AM

Sorry to hear that Christine.
I hope you make a speedy recovery.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Apr 22, 2024 3:09 PM
Reply to  Johnny

I much appreciate your kind wishes from ‘Down Under’, Johnny.

I wish that what I’m suffering was of the nature that would allow a ‘speedy recovery’, but unfortunately it’s not… it’s not cancer that I’m suffering, but is something that is life (on Earth)-threatening…
in fact, it will very probably be the cause of my eventual [wrongly-termed] ‘death’… During the first reading with a medium which I had, in 2001, when still living in London, my dad (who passed to the very real Spirit world in 1982, aged just 49) showed the medium (a President of the local Spiritualist Church) an image of what I many years later realised was an image of my eventual ‘death’. Yes, my dad was very cruel to me when he did that… it’s unfortunately the case that souls in the Spirit dimension think it’s totally okay to tell people on Earth about ‘deaths’ and illnesses. When of course that is NOT okay; it’s totally immoral, unethical.
Some time last year I read a book by an esteemed UK medium, and in the book she related how she’d told a friend that when people (in their spirit bodies) in the Spirit dimension tell people about theirs, or a relative’s, ‘death’ or illness, that they are being immensely immoral, unethical in the extreme. And that is exactly what they’re doing, when they do that. It’s such a cruel thing for them to do.

I also received, 25+ years ago, a ‘dream’ (given to me twice, within a year). A ‘dream’ which contained merely an image. But a very frightening image: an image of someone ‘dying’ in the most horrific manner. When I was taken to the local hospital a year ago, and mentioned to the Casualty doctor the medical term for what I know I’m suffering, he said, “Oh, that would cause ———-“. The ‘——–‘ being the exact image which I was given (by someone in the Spirit dimension… very probably my dad) in the ‘dream’, twice, 25+ years ago. For it’s a fact that, whilst the majority of ‘dreams’ are merely what most people (spiritually unawakened people) merely assume that all dreams to be, some ‘dreams’ truly ARE factual communications from the very real Spirit world. Many people have received specific information in ‘dream’ relating to events in their future which have subsequently happened exactly as the ‘dream’ had foretold.

It was so cruel of my dad in the Spirit dimension to have shown the medium an image of how I will eventually ‘die’. Her response to what she saw in that image (she seeing it with her clairvoyant sight) was horrific… totally unethical.

I’m currently researching into the possibility of whether something called ‘energy healing’ might help me. I’m suffering very badly… only if I’m lucky do I get just a few hours of respite daily, and on most days I don’t even get that. It’s not pain that I’m suffering, but horrific spasms… affecting my back, neck/throat, and sometimes my upper chest.

Apr 23, 2024 9:08 PM

Anyone can potentially reverse any symptom/s. The mind is so powerful (proven with the nocebo effect) that the mere false diagnosis of an illness can manifest the illness and the corresponding symptoms.

If you’re interested in reversing your symptoms and beliefs, know this: Our cells and tissues are constantly repairing, regenerating and replacing themselves, meaning we can potentially grow an entirely brand new body within a few short years.

You should prove them (the medium and your father) wrong. Because I know it can be done with enough will, effort, hope and belief. People have reversed terminal illnesses. Even ALS and cancer.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Apr 27, 2024 3:22 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I’m so sorry, but I’ve only just (27th April) seen your post above, dated 23 April. My apologies!

Yes, you’re right. I’ve read a lot re. what you referred to, over my 29+ years of reading on the spirit truths etc.

Apr 27, 2024 10:00 PM

I’m not talking about energy medicine. That only alleviates energy blockages. To regenerate dysfunctional or damaged tissue into healthy tissue requires more than belief, knowledge or energy.

It requires a complete change of diet, lifestyle and removing as many toxins as possible from our food, water, air and home environment. Detox. Diet (organic whole foods only). Destress. Daily Movement. Filtered water. If you tackle all these, you can regenerate the healthy tissue. But if you don’t, nothing will change. The damaged cells will be replaced by similarly damaged cells instead of new healthy cells.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Apr 22, 2024 1:38 PM

Sorry to hear that you’re not well.

Best wishes to you.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Apr 22, 2024 3:09 PM

Thank you for your kind wishes!

Apr 21, 2024 3:27 PM
Reply to  Johnny
Apr 22, 2024 7:12 AM
Reply to  NickM

Thanks Nick.
That is beautiful.
Here’s one for you:

Apr 26, 2024 4:34 PM
Reply to  Johnny

This is only true of some atheists to the extent that the older they get the more evil the very concept of God gets.

Apr 21, 2024 3:25 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Thanks for that interesting snippet about the boyhood of Richard Dawkins, whose works I have never read because “the selfish gene” and his obstreperous God-bothering seemed to be merely the modern version of Bishop Wilberforce in the 1860 Evolution Debate at Oxford Home of Lost Causes.

Apr 21, 2024 7:04 AM

The author must be commended for refraining form invoking shrews and thus patting himself and the rest of the resident freaks here on the back, if not licking their ass, but, regrettably, he did not manage to restrain himself from infesting the text with references to fuckcination or kill gates.

The sophie’s-choice issue of sacrificing some for the benefit of many as well as placing the well-being of another before one’s own well-being is interesting. Particularly in light of the physical reality of humankind, which happens to be in overshoot, running on fossil fuels that will be exhausted in a matter of decades, which will result in a scenario where the survival of all might be impossible. There is a chance that people will come up with something that will partly replace the energy we’re getting from fossil fuels, but it won’t be like-for-like replacement, and even in the best case scenario, shit will simply become much harder to come by.

Apr 21, 2024 7:14 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Continued (sent prematurely by accident):

Will people become more and more savage as resources dwindle or will they be able to cooperate to ensure the survival of as many as possible? What would you be willing to give up to allow yer brother to survive? Are you doing it already? If not, why not?

The general worldview of commenters frequenting this forum is collectivist a.k.a. leftist, socialist, commie if you will. But have any of you done anything tangible in the collectivist sense? Have you shared your shit with others to ensure the equal distribution of resources? Or are you solely engaged in bitching that some assholes manage to usurp more?

Has there ever been a collectivist society operating on a voluntary principle? Probably not. People are take-care-of-number-one assholes who must be forced to be solidary.

Lots of food for thought.

Anyways, for starters, maybe fucking people could start practicing self-sacrifice by toning down their fucking gluttony, by consuming less, by refraining from exercising all the freedoms we have, especially when it’s to the detriment of others, other species, and the world.

Apr 21, 2024 8:11 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

You are assuming that all people have come to the same conclusions you have and are nevertheless are not acting accordingly. That’s not so.

Apr 21, 2024 10:10 PM
Reply to  Miky

This is either too deep for me to understand or total crock of shit.

No comprehendo meine friendo …

Apr 21, 2024 8:13 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Sixty years ago Maxwell Smart’s shoe phone was laughable.
Who’s laughing now?
Billions of the fuckers all over the planet. They’ve even become a pollution problem in their own right, physically and psychologically.

Technology has a sleazy habit of creating new markets for itself.
Nuclear powered cars/transport either fission or fusion must be just around the corner, literally.

Works for the MIC. Why not us?

Apr 21, 2024 8:21 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Well, there are thorium reactors about the size of a shipping container, nearly ready to be put into operation.

You think people will start killing one another to get one?

Apr 21, 2024 9:03 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

SMRs are already with us:


Watch em shrink, because the market demands it.

Apr 21, 2024 9:47 AM
Reply to  Johnny

“Market demands it”

Market Man, you’re a funny man. Market can demand whatever the fuck it wants, but if there’s not enough physical shit, for instance to build what the fucking market demands, it’s tough luck.

Are small reactors the answer to the energy transition? Is there enough materials on Earth to build enough of them? Can these materials be extracted and processed in time to make the transition work? Can these reactors reproduce themselves once the first generation, presumably built with fossil fuels, kicks the bucket and there are no more fossil fuels? Questions, questions.

What if only a limited number of reactors can be produced, meaning that some people will miss out? Will you share yours and starve part of the year for the benefit of yer bro?

Apr 21, 2024 10:27 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

You seem to have a fossil fuel fixation Socio.
We were warned oil was gonna run out fifty years ago.
Still waitin _ _ _ _ _

And when it does run out Capitalschism will fill the vacuum, because unlike Nature, Capitalschism FEARS a vacuum.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 21, 2024 12:07 PM
Reply to  Johnny

If he believed in a higher power, and that its their job to correct whatever, he might think better at night.

Apr 22, 2024 6:52 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Well, since it’s the one most important factor behind all this circus, it’s kinda worth consideration.

Other than that, one of the difference between me and most other people is that for some reason I see things on a time line that extends over centuries and millennia. As opposed to others, most of who can only think as far as their next piss. Fifty years is nothing and, yes, some of the past predictions were partly wrong, but that changes nothing about the fact that energy is the key. Taking it out of the equation and disregarding it completely is idiotic to say the least.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 22, 2024 11:49 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

And yet your (our) ability to be even in the here and now rests solely on the good or bad fortunes of another, who (the another) oddly enough gets targeted for removal by the same said people who get to be here b/c of them.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Apr 22, 2024 6:04 PM

Z toho vole nerozumim ani hovno. Tu voulais dire quoi exactement?

Apr 22, 2024 2:18 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Not banking on fusion. I like to think that all of the suns in the Universe were once planets inhabited by intelligent life. The greed of having an energy Utopia overcame them.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 21, 2024 3:58 AM

It boils down to the eternal theme around Christ’s sacrifice. The first sin. Good and evil. Cain and Abel. Killing one clean innocent man in exchange for the entire mankind.

The Pharisees says, “its better to kill one innocent man so that we the many evil the sheeple can live”.
The Christ says, “If you believe in my words and me, if fear God and follow the Commandments, I will sacrifice myself for you”.
These two themes in the Bible makes sense.

The Pharisees are the vaxxed majority followers of Pol Pot, Hitler, Gates whomever feeds them, who will sacrifice the few anti-vaxx, Palestinians, Russians, Muslims, Doos, the weak, the elderly, to save their own cowardice majority.

If the vaxx refusers, xxxx by heart believe in Jesus words to serve each other, follow the commandments and fear our maker, then we prove we are worthy to be trusted a godly life on earth.

I read a nice little Indian proverb yesterday, dont recall where:

“The first peace, which is most important, is that which is found within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.”


If Black Elk said that, it must be true. He said it, the ol’ man.

Apr 21, 2024 3:48 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Glad you gave that attribution to Black Elk. I assumed that your Indian came from India because his quote sounds like Hindu philosophy. But there are no Elks in India. I now assume that Black Elk must be a Red Indian.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 21, 2024 8:34 PM
Reply to  NickM

Here is Black Elk in his young days. Red as hell.comment image

Apr 22, 2024 6:01 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Luminous eyes. The young man was obviously

“a seeker of wisdom and truth, with the mouth of impetuous youth”


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 23, 2024 1:29 AM
Reply to  NickM

Beautiful song. They could something before 1968 we dont have today.

In my profession it was said in the 1980’s, “The Civil Engineers before 1968 you could put down in Sahara Desert with a cement bag and a wallet of money, and they could build anything.

After 1968 they are only able to carry out their own narrow discipline; Electrical, Mechanical, Automation, Building, Static, Bridges, Tunnels, Road, m.m. The Financiers divide and conquer again again.

Same in music 1962: https://youtu.be/heyU4E3pcHc Take it easy boy boy.

Apr 21, 2024 1:59 AM

Speaking of killing, Australia’s Labor government proves it is as beholden to the Military Industrial Complex as any other government, Australian or foreign.

‘Not only will Australians be paying a bill up to and above A$368 billion for nuclear powered submarines it does not need; it will also be throwing A$100 billion into the coffers of the military industrial complex over the next decade to combat a needlessly inflated enemy. Forget diplomacy and funding the cause (and course) of peace – it’s all about the weapons and the Yellow Peril, baby.‘

Sick, suited Turds, all of them.
‘You reap what you sow’.

More here:

Apr 21, 2024 9:12 AM
Reply to  Johnny

When the US MIC propaganda on TV turns its focus on an increasingly distant past, it suggests current projects are in trouble. I don’t just imply the humiliation in Ukraine. They cannot get an aircraft carrier out of dock because lifts and catapults don’t work and cannot be fixed.

Good luck on those turkey submarines.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 21, 2024 10:59 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Pouring $billion down in a black hole, what does it mean?
Debt debt debt, an indebted nation in the pockets of International bankers usury loans again again. You are a slave Neo.

Apr 21, 2024 3:53 PM
Reply to  Johnny

“Spend Spend Spend” it makes the MIC rich.

Good luck to Ozzies picking a fight with China. That’s even more heroically stupid than Ukies picking a fight with Russia.

Apr 22, 2024 2:58 AM
Reply to  NickM

It’s weird.
Like the USians, Chinese investors own vast swathes of farmland and property in Australia and yet our government/s continue to badmouth them.

Are they just fucking with our heads?
Don’t answer that.
It’s a dumb question!

Apr 21, 2024 1:39 AM

When those ants self sacrifice they do it instinctively, just as tens of thousands of humans have done over the centuries, in war zones, famines, fires, floods, hurricanes, drownings, protests, etc.

Our first ‘instinct’ is Love, especially of those closest to us.
Many people have been saved by complete strangers and I don’t mean just rescue workers.

As a species we have a lot to be proud of. It’s a pity that ‘instinct’ of Love seems to diminish and disappear as one rises through the pecking order/s.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 21, 2024 11:01 AM
Reply to  Johnny

To be a cyborg gives more money than love  🤑 .

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Apr 21, 2024 1:28 AM

Here is a powerful discussion between Gary Null and Ken McCarthy. Mr. McCarthy runs the website – WhatNursesSaw.com – featuring testimonies from whistleblower nurses who were directly engaged in the medical murders inside hospitals during the (ongoing) COVID Crimes Against Humanity Deception:

The Progressive Commentary Hour 4.16.24 – Progressive Radio Network (prn.live)

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 21, 2024 12:21 AM

If killing is evil, then there is no justification for it, except in direct self-defence.
Any other reason is satanic moral relativism.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Apr 21, 2024 12:28 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas


Apr 21, 2024 7:27 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

That’s all very nice in a world of abundance. In a world of penury, morals might take on a different meaning.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 21, 2024 11:26 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

First up, the world does give us abundance! Scarcity is deliberately created by the controlling cabal.

Second, it’s precisely when we are in dire straights that we can easily distinguish the moral relativists from those with a steadfast hold on what is right vs what is morally wrong.

Apr 22, 2024 7:00 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The world DOES NOT give us abundance. Earth has given humans abundance in the form of fossil fuels, solar energy stored over millennia, which we’re now indiscriminately depleting for energy and fertilizer purposes. Once gone (in a matter of decades or so), we’re back to human labor (no like-for-like replacement is possible) and to what life was like in circa 1600s, minus knowledge amassed thanks to fossil fuels since then, which might make things a bit more comfortable.

Tax your wit a bit harder than usual and try to imagine a world without diesel and consequently trucks that deliver food to your supermarket. Without farming machinery, without fertilizer. How long do you think people in your city will last? A couple of weeks? Where will that abundance come from? Thin air? Hardly.

And in that scenario, when the trucks haven’t been running for a couple of weeks, if not moths, image what goes on in any random city. How many people will be have that steadfast hold on what’s morally right and wrong?

You’re arguing from within your extremely luxurious living conditions, somehow assuming that they will stay like that forever.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 22, 2024 11:53 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

@we’re back to human labor (no like-for-like replacement is possible) and to what life was like in circa 1600s,

And even if it were to occur, it would be so slow that no one would notice but instead adapt to the new environment like a good trans kid does today.

Big Al
Big Al
Apr 20, 2024 11:54 PM

Correction, “why is it some people can be so easily manipulated . . ?” I was going to say, “because they’re stupid”. But then I remembered that I got my kids vaccinated with the usual assortment growing up. So, I’ve done my time, i.e., being stupid. Anyone here who hasn’t done their time, my sincere congratulations, that would be amazing.

Why wasn’t I this time, i.e., with the fake Covid-19? I knew immediately because I had already crossed over to the other side and I knew where and how to read pertinent information. I had already made the government, and the rich, and the WEF, WHO, Tri-Lateral Commission, etc., etc., my enemies, entities I did not trust. Why was that? Reading. Paying attention. I didn’t learn all this shit by osmosis and I’m sure no one else here did either. All it takes is a little ability, a little interest, a little effort, and a quench for truth, freedom, and liberty, and you too can be a rebel with a cause.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 21, 2024 6:33 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Ignoring those with a blind faith in authority, even those with a modicum of curiosity, would use the excuse of not having any spare time to do their own research.

If only they could tear their eyes away from Faecesbook or Netflix for an hour, using a good search engine (not Goolag), they could have learnt enough to question the narratives.

Apr 21, 2024 10:29 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

That’s a classic RR.

Apr 21, 2024 6:41 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Good points Big Al.
I think it also takes a kind of curious and courageous humility in not accepting the rule of Authority and suffering the sarcasm and derision of those who have.

Apr 21, 2024 7:25 AM
Reply to  Big Al

One should be careful in dismissing the concept of vaccination as such because it has evidently been hijacked over the years and grossly abused during CONVID.

On one side of the fence, we have the medical profession, zillions of people highly educated in anatomy, biology, chemistry, and all the other medicine-related sciences who have been researching disease and looking for causes and cures for centuries. On the other side, we have a few mostly scientifically ignorant, but highly militant dissenters intent on dismissing and negating all of the foregoing based on a convoluted logic and just about zero knowledge of the aforementioned disciplines.

Was virus grossly misused in the so-called plandemic? Fuck yes. Ditto fuckcination. Does it mean that virology and the medical profession as a whole are bullshit? Ditto vaccination? Fuck no.

Apr 21, 2024 7:58 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

From 100 years ago.
Pre vaccines.
Pre BIG pHarmer:


Apr 21, 2024 8:17 AM
Reply to  Johnny

So, I’ve seen claims that bacteria, such as streptococcus, are good for healing wounds because they eat dead tissue and help speed up the healing process. Some idiots have even suggested that streptococcus should be put in wounds to facilitate that.

Why would then sanitation matter? Fucking bacteria are good for ya, aren’t they? They don’t cause no disease. The more, the fucking merrier! Why would you need to sanitize your city if streptococcus and all the rest of them fucking micro-bugs are your best buddies?

Doesn’t make too much fucking sense, does it.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Apr 21, 2024 8:01 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

zillions of people highly indoctrinated is all i see
both you and usher are a double act perpetuating the vaccine myth imho

Apr 21, 2024 8:13 AM
Reply to  dom irritant

Invoking what ‘you see’ is the fallacy of appeal to authority where you put yourself in the position of authority, alleging that your seeing or not seeing the subject matter has some relevance. It doesn’t. Let’s call a spade a space, your single sentence shrieks unmistakably indicate that you know fuck all about shit and that’s all there’s to it.

Indoctrination? Look who’s fucking talking. Don’t know about Usher, but I’m simply careful about succumbing to some unsubstantiated orthodoxy, which might be total horeseshit, and amplifying it on top of it.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 21, 2024 9:07 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

“Invoking what ‘you see’ is the fallacy of appeal to authority where you put yourself in the position of authority”
Shock horror! You agree with yourself!
“alleging that your seeing or not seeing the subject matter has some relevance. It doesn’t.”
What you see is worthless. What I see is everything.
“Let’s call a spade a space”
Submit to me!
“your single sentence shrieks unmistakably indicate that you know fuck all about shit and that’s all there’s to it.”
Pretty self-explanatory.
“Indoctrination? Look who’s fucking talking.”
Blah blah
“Don’t know about Usher, but I’m simply careful about succumbing to some unsubstantiated orthodoxy, which might be total horeseshit, and amplifying it on top of it.”
Which “might be”? Unexpected modesty for the sake of faking credibility as a “critical voice”.  

Apr 21, 2024 9:50 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Da Papers Man, didn’t I tell you that you don’t have to shit something out and append it to each of my wisdom-packed remarks?

You seem to have seamlessly switched from taxing your rather limited brainpower in interpreting what’s in da papers to interpreting what’s in Sociologue’s comments. You got nothing better to do or fucking what?


George Mc
George Mc
Apr 21, 2024 10:44 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Well it’s funny you mention that. I ought to resist your self-aggrandizement, but I am attracted to deconstructing it for the same reason I am attracted to similarly do with da papers (who I am beginning to think you are in alliance with considering that you pretend to be opposed to them but shovel the same shit anyway). I find it hard to resist responding to a screed so riddled with contradictions.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 21, 2024 12:10 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Misery loves company.

Apr 21, 2024 7:43 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Attracted you are, no shit! Buzzing around my head like a fucking mosquito!

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 21, 2024 8:27 AM
Reply to  dom irritant

That’s what I figured too.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 21, 2024 10:48 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“both you (sociolog) and usher are a double act”

I think so. They are moles to pretending to be oppositional but always siding with the authorities anyway, OffG did me a service in terminating one previous match between me and Soccy. I reckon the admins were hinting and I’ve got the message.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 21, 2024 10:50 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Pedantic point – since I can no longer modify messages: There should be no “to” between “mole” and “pretending”.

Apr 21, 2024 7:50 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Da Papers Man, you just replied to yourself fucking twice. Once would be too many!

Apr 21, 2024 6:04 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Considering just how many doctors went along with the whole covidiocy, you may want to reserve some of that reverence for the supposedly stringent education most doctors receive. As with most education today, it isn’t about teaching one to think or question, it’s about sticking to the consensus of the industry. Does that consensus require any logic or questioning, which are foundational to the practice of real science? Obviously not, it requires compliance to the “knowledge” passed down through its own experts, no matter how flimsy the logical foundations of that knowledge may be. Anyone who may question those flimsy premises a bit too much can look forward to ridicule, censure, disciplinary actions for stepping out of line, and possibly removal from the profession.

While many ordinary people may have zero knowledge of the aforementioned disciplines, many of us were able to see through the covid scam by merely questioning the supposed consensus of said disciplines, not to mention the relentless fear porn and all the contradictions. Where were those with a real education in those disciplines during that time? Did they question any of what went on? Did they ask what in hell happened to actual logic and reasoning? Not at all. Those with an education were pushing shots and waiting on the kickbacks from Pharma, never asking any questions and treating those who did ask with smug condescension while willfully ignoring any adverse events. Many of them were busy shaming those who refused to meekly comply, and some of them even went so far as to say those who dared question should be interned somewhere, or allowed to starve. So you’ll have to pardon some of us for not worshipping at the altar of the educated person in the white coat, who claims to possess deep knowledge of the aforementioned disciplines…

Apr 21, 2024 7:48 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

The point is that you’re wrongly assuming based on the convid scam that the entirety of medicine and the entirety of science is a crock of shit, which some nitwits happen to be claiming.

Some of the issues you mention are to some extent present and your observations correct, but the foregoing applies.

Moreover, there seems to be targeted effort to upend science and knowledge amassed over millennia per se, ostensibly to put people into a state of suspension, deprive them of intellectual footing, obscure reality, make everything relative.

Beware of that. Some might be pushing this intentionally, lots are acting as useful idiots propagating and amplifying this shit further.

Apr 22, 2024 6:00 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

In college and at work, doctors learn that
(a) any deviation from dogma will be punished, even if it benefits patients; the punishment may be getting barred from work
(b) any review of harm or blunder will defend or paper over the incident, provided the doctor followed the dogma.

Apr 22, 2024 7:09 AM
Reply to  mgeo

In defense of the medical profession, I’ll tell you this:
The alleged “dogma” is called lege artis, which refers to proceeding in accordance with the art of medicine. That is procedures doctors have developed through assiduous study and application of treatments over centuries, millennia.

Unlike what you implicitly allege, the vast number of doctors and medical professionals are good people dedicated to the bien-etre of their patients. Yes, they are subject to the same pressures as everyone else, and many succumb.

The convid scam grossly abused the medical profession and healthcare has been abused in numerous other ways too.

But idiots who because of that dismiss the medical profession, doctors, and healthcare in their entirety must be told to shut the fuck up and, since they’re so keen to mouth off about the speck of dust in other people’s eye, check their own asshole for the beam they got stuck in there.

Apr 21, 2024 9:18 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Requiring the masses to sign a waiver for liability before the jab was blatant crime.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 21, 2024 11:17 AM
Reply to  mgeo

It deserved a Nobel prize in business management.

Not only did they made the sheeple give up their DNA free of charge to private companies voluntary.
They also made the sheeple sign a waiver of liability for both all the jabs but also for all misuse of the sheeple’s blood and DNA…………LOL.

The sheeple sold everything, their soul, their body, their integrity, their freedom for a single piece of candy before they got a stick up in their brain barrier, and before they got injected with heroine ehh the corona and the flue jab antennas.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Apr 20, 2024 11:02 PM

People who are anti-vax tend to be too young to remember what it was like to live with outbreaks of serious diseases. When I was young polio was a problem, especially for children, and it had a serious impact on what we were allowed to do as children. The development of a vaccine was quite liberating.

Its very easy to take contemporary living conditions for granted — if most people have never known what its like to live in a world where you could easily be paralyzed by just going to school or could get a life threatening infection from a seemingly trivial cut then you start to forget that this can happen and assume precautions are just scaremongering. Unfortunately nobody told the pathogens that, and just as TB is starting to creep back other diseases will make a comeback.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 21, 2024 12:17 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

You are using the language of germ theory which has been amply proven to be non-existent, until otherwise proven, perhaps, in the future.


Apr 21, 2024 6:35 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The germ theory has NOT been proven non-existent. It has been sort of proven that the germ theory is not proven or that it is not the single explanation of disease. The germ theory not being proven claims are basically a crock of shit because only it is widely acknowledged that diseases are caused by multiple factors.

Germs can certifiably cause damage to the body. Not necessarily under ideal conditions, but when the body is in some way compromised.

Fucking people have become so fucking spoiled by antibiotics and other treatments, including nutrition, that they’ve forgot about so-called contagious diseases. My father’s two siblings died of diseases that would have been easily treated today, like within a week or so.

So, shut the fuck up already about the germ theory being non-existent.

Disease is a holistic issue and cannot be reduced to one single cause and in that regard the no-germ crowd people have a point. Likewise, the medical industry grossly abuses disease to extort money from people, sure. But the no-germs idiots who basically know fuck all about medicine, never been to a fucking lab, and try to upend all medical knowledge must be resolutely told to go fuck themselves.

It’s ridiculous how much credence is given to standup comedians of Stefan Lanka’s type. His shtick is standup comedy for fucks sakes, not fucking medicine.

Apr 21, 2024 1:06 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

You seem to be unaware of the epidemic of “flaccid paralysis” in India, an epidemic directly caused by the oral polio vaccine. The symptoms are identical to those of polio, but the pharmaceutical industry successfully lobbied to make it illegal to call the resulting syndrome “polio”. The incidence of flaccid paralysis is higher than that of wild polio, so it’s not even a matter of “paralyzing a few for the benefit of millions” — it’s just a liability thing. Can you imagine the size of the settlement they’d have to pay if they stopped administering the vaccine? That’d be tantamount to an admission of fault!

And this is a 21st century “vaccine”, so you’ll be forgiven if thinking people don’t take it on faith that the vaccines of the 1950s were far superior. Polio was already in decline by the time the first vaccine — which also caused polio! — was introduced. So was the practice of indiscriminate spraying of DDT which, coincidentally, began right around the same time as the polio epidemic.

Apr 21, 2024 6:36 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Something like that. The fact that the sickness industry are a bunch of exploitative motherfuckers notwithstanding.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Apr 21, 2024 7:38 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Anti vax people have probably had all the jabs but refused the Covid posion…and rightly so.

Apr 22, 2024 11:28 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Bushlit, my last vax jab was yellow fever required for India visa in 1972.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 23, 2024 12:13 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

I got all the children deceases except one; measles, red dogs, m.m.

Got one jab for small pox, next was the polio vaccine a sucker cube.
But when my parents discovered a lot of children got polio after taking the polio vaxx, they stopped this and all vaccinations for us children, good parents.
I miss both.

To give the covid vaxx the finger today is part of their heritage.

Apr 21, 2024 8:10 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“When I was young polio was a problem, especially for children. The development of a vaccine was quite liberating.”

Me too. I remember the Iron Lung, seeing children in Leg Irons, and The March of Dimes — the last great act of Liberation by FDR.

By the way, under the current crop of billionaire POTU$A psychopaths, it would not be called anything as commonplace as The March of Dimes; it would be called The War on Virus P24.

Apr 23, 2024 10:04 PM
Reply to  NickM
Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 21, 2024 11:19 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Your fellow children got polio because of the polio vaccine. You cheated yourself again into believe. You hoped…………………….LOL.

Apr 22, 2024 8:25 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

How convenient, that the development of a vaccine for a particular disease coincided with fewer cases.
Have you learned nothing. Problem, reaction, solution.

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 20, 2024 10:43 PM

comment image?fit=300%2C292&ssl=1

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 21, 2024 12:19 AM
Reply to  May Hem

It would be funny if it weren’t so damn serious.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra’s Explosive Court Testimony on COVID “Vaccines”(UPDATED)


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 21, 2024 10:19 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Thanks for the link. Its a really good one.

Lawrence Wolf
Lawrence Wolf
Apr 20, 2024 10:23 PM

I can only suggest you look this up: https://icedrive.net/s/7yu6GDu9htvWZ4YfGyV4ZTbQvZS6

to understanding what’s actually going on and what you can do about it.


John Goss
John Goss
Apr 20, 2024 11:16 PM
Reply to  Lawrence Wolf

Most of it, if not all of it, is undoubtedly true. One query, if, as the summary says, Satan and his followers reveal what they are planning to do, and the summary likewise reveals what they, the Satanists, are planning to do, how can we be sure those behind it are not part of Satan’s plan?

But I agree, it gives a good summary of what is going on.

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Apr 20, 2024 9:27 PM

Especially among the state enforcement officers
They have outsourced their personal responsibility for moral actions and so believe they have avoided the problem as though they are cocooned in a bubble of perfect neutral position management
Shocking how few of that group quit, protested or monkeywrenched the Covid plan vs health care workers for example.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 20, 2024 9:13 PM

For “the greater good” became the mantra during the Plandemic. Guilt tripping “Poundshop” psychological manipulation. It was the gospel of the totalitarians where “The Science” was the religion disseminated to the masses.

Interestingly, “the greater good” was never defined. It was just a nebulous concept. It clearly meant some making sacrifices for others but who was to make those sacrifices and who was to benefit was kept deliberately obscure.

The Branch Covidians saw themselves as the beneficiaries and those to be sacrificed were the ‘selfish’ ones who believed in bodily autonomy.

The reality turned out to be very different. The Covidians sacrificed themselves at the altar of Big ‘harma and the controllers and their chosen disciples reaped the benefits financially, economically and through the implementation of their plans.

In a world of inverted truth, the next time people hear the phrase “the greater good” trotted out, they should know to run the other way.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 20, 2024 9:45 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Do you believe there is such a thing as “the greater good?”

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 21, 2024 6:22 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

It depends who is making the decision.

Invariably, edicts for “the greater good” come from the elitists. Used by despotic regimes to pressure or demonize a minority (even a large one), supposedly, for the benefit of the majority. This can be abused by those in power using propaganda, misleading information and a lack of informed consent to sow discord and create division, as we saw during the Plandemic.

I prefer “the common good” which respects the rights and wishes of the individual while fostering community. ALL members of the community are considered and its members strive for a just and fair society. Decisions are not preordained from the top down.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 21, 2024 2:16 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Thanks for answering.

I appreciate the distinction you make between greater good and common good.

Apr 20, 2024 8:30 PM

His Jewish origin can no (longer) be taken into consideration in this case, because Mr. Cofnas leaned too far out of the window called “inclusion”, and therefore has to be excluded; he now represents a considerable eroding danger for the pseudo-scientific edifice of lies! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13327677/Cambridge-university-race-researcher-equality-lies-dropped-backlash-students.html

Apr 20, 2024 8:22 PM

The good thing is that their sci fi tech doesn’t work.
It’s really a cover to poison people (with nano lipids in the case of con-vid shots, aluminum in others)
I’m not worried about the mosquitoes. Whatever they can deposit is so small compared to the huge amount of crap in a jab.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Apr 20, 2024 9:35 PM
Reply to  Rob

That’s a good point about the mosquitoes.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 20, 2024 10:07 PM
Reply to  Rob

Drug addicted mosquito can give you a dirty needle, passed around in the world of mosquitoes, and once a rash begins, the nervous system ejects all sorts of stored up poisons and suddenly their is a head crisis. All b/c of a drug addicted mosquito.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 22, 2024 11:22 PM
Reply to  Rob

A single living AI nanobot of 1/1000000000 mm size with lipid 666 luciferase can change the DNA and poison a whole ocean. I wouldnt take that fact so easy as you.